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kanene-yaaay · 1 year ago
Oh, To Die By Your Hands
Kanene's notes: IT SEEMS SO SERIOUS WITH THAT TITLE KJUHYTFRGHUJK Nah, just your normal tickle fic with not so much normal characters. Fit and Pac have been living rent free in my mind since before Purgatory and after their date??? I am dead on the floor. Get a man who will declare his feelings for you in your native language for real for real.
Warnings: Lots of nibbles, tickly kisses and raspberries in this one. Switch!Fit and Switch!Pac. Around 6.500 words. Also! I tried to add the way that Pac calls Fit because of his accent written on the fic because I think it's lovely and cute. Hope it isn't too much confunsing or strange :D
“Thank you for coming, Pac. Ramón really likes when you sing him that lullaby.” His voice was rough but soft, just like his entire form and self when it came to his son, his beautiful baby boy. 
Pac smiled, also following his example and lowering his voice, closing the secured door of the kid’s room carefully before they both headed to the other room where they held their first date, a prep on his step. “It’s no problem, Fitch! Actually, I don’t know why he likes that one so much, it literally talks about how a Cuca, which is like… a kind of monster? I don’t know how to explain. But how she will grab, or better, uh, snatch the kid away because the parents are out working.”
A loud peal of laughter was pried from the mercenary’s lips, staring at the other with unbelief in his eyes. “Wait, wait, that is the actual meaning of the song?”
“Yeah, yeah! I don’t know why they made it so scary. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if someone sang it to me before putting me to bed.”
“Damn, brazilian lullabies are just at a hardcore level.”
“Teaches you to sleep with one eye open, right?”
“That is right, that is right.”
They shared smiles. Arriving at the place, the air was still light, but it wasn’t difficult to see the question itching Pac’s throat, wanting to jump out of his body. It was in the way that he walked closely by Fit side and how he kept sneaking glances at him, quickly deviating them to look around the room before going back to stare, keeping the cycle for a while. Each time his steps got closer and closer until their hands intertwined in a hold.
It made sense he would be like that, of course. Fit would be just the same if his boyfriend woke him up in the middle of the night asking him to come to his place to help to calm down his kid after a nightmare because he wasn’t able to. 
Still, he was glad that no questions were asked, not when Pac arrived - barely half a minute later after he sent his message, sleep and anxiety clinging like a shadow to his form - and not now, as the storm seemed to have passed.
Shame, however, kept flowing hot in his veins. He and Ramón had been alone since… always, really. They both had dealt with each other’s nightmares and night terrors more times than they could count. This one wasn’t supposed to be different. Shouldn’t be different. He should be there the moment his boy opened the door of his room with tears streaming down his face, sobs stubbornly escaping from his firmly pressed lips and hands open for a comforting hug that Fit should be able to give, a rare show of a child that his baby boy was, but refused to demonstrate most of time.
And yet…
Fit himself hadn’t been much better. Hadn’t been better for a long time, now. Because everytime he closed his eyes the threat from Madagio filled his mind and nightmares kept permeating his every night for the past two weeks, crowding his mind with horrifying scenarios that shouldn’t, but shook his core. 
Usually, he would just wake up, push all of it - the feelings, the fears, the screams begging for their life - deep down his chest and hope that it wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass.
Nevertheless to say, as all the things in life, it definitely did. 
Because that night, when Ramón looked at his face - and god knows what he saw there - he stopped right in his tracks and carefully signed his name. He had been crying, he had been crying and scared and tired and all Fit could think - because words simply didn’t come out, no matter how much he tried to spill, spit them to comfort his kid - is that he could kill him. So quickly. Easily, even, with a twist of his wrist, a swipe of his trident, a pull from his bomb stacks, he could kill him and suddenly he was frozen on the spot, unable to even get closer to his son. 
If Madagio had any power like the Federation, it could control him and destroy his most precious riches in a matter of seconds. It wouldn’t need to come to the island. It wouldn’t even need to pull Fit from it to make his life a living hell.
“There is something that we need to talk, Pac. Please take a seat.”
So, he called Pac. He deserved to know exactly what he was getting into (how many times would they have this kind of conversation?) and Ramón deserved a father who would actually get his shit together and get over it.
Pac gulped and looked at him slightly startled, knowing very well what the serious tune could mean, probably with a thousand of scenarios already running at light speed in his mind. “O-of course, Fitch.”
He then softly squeezed his hand - because there was no universe where Pac wouldn’t be perfect and strong and there but sometimes Fit seemed to forget that so he had to remind him - and let it go, sitting on the blue couch Fit recently added on the room and expectantly waiting for the other to do the same.
Which he promptly did - of course, because there wasn’t any universe where he would go and Fit wouldn’t immediately follow him. 
“Wine? What about wine? Do you want some wine?” The brazilian offered, pulling glasses from his well trusted backpack and a bottle from the refrigerator nearby. 
“Already wanting to take me to bed, Pac? Wow.” 
“No! Stop it.” Pac lightly shoved his arm, both chuckling for a bit before Fit sobered, taking a deep breath and a sip of the liquid. It was good stuff, probably from Aypierre’s vines. “Thought we were here to have a serious conversation, no?”
“We are.” 
Fit stopped, pondered how he would put it in words. It didn’t matter, there was no easy way to put it.
“Pac, would you kill me if it was necessary?”
The scientist sputtered, almost choking on the wine before turning in alarm to stare at the other, his gaze zig zagging across his body as if it would transform at any moment into an enemy, a monster in disguise pretending to be his boyfriend right in front of him. 
He didn’t doubt Pac’s abilities, even if Pac himself hardly believed in them. He was an extremely good fighter, going through monsters and battles with a calm demeanor and precise, strong attacks that ended the conflict as soon as possible. Fit was very skilled, himself. But he was sure that if Pac used one of his brilliant plans and his scythe, it would take a lot, but he would eventually come down.
But, for that, he needed to know if Pac would go through with the plan.
“Why, why that, Fitch? Did something happen? Are you feeling weird? Is it…” He got closer. Fit’s heart beated louder. If it was him… if it was him it wouldn’t be so bad. “Is it the Federation, again?”
“No. It’s… the other.”
Understanding downed in his expression. “Oh. Did he contact you again?”
Fit shook his head. “No. But it did say that it would hurt you if I tried to betray our contract and I am not planning to but, Pac, I need to know if you’ll do it. If I become a threat.”
Pac bit his lower lip, thoughtfully. Fit’s muscles relaxed, glad to know he was taking this as a serious worry, not just some unfounded fear.
“We will save you. Just like we did before, just like you did to me, Fitch. I, I will be there for you too, when you need and for as long as you need, if you’re gone we will bring you back.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I don’t, but, if I have to kill you, Fit… how will I tell this to Ramón? Or Sunny? WHo is going to be her bodyguard? And what about the morning crew? Are we supposed to just… stay?”
“You are all very strong and I am sure that-”
“No.” His voice was determined, sad. His hands gestured widely. “No, no, no. I am not leaving you behind, Fit. What about when I’m in danger, who will rescue me? Who will share the island’s fofoca with me? Or give me a refrigerator full of food on the first date? Or kill the eye workers when they attack or tease Tubbo when he goes on a date with Fred, or help us to take care of Sunny, or, or, or…” Fit held the other’s hands, squeezing it tight when he started to talk too fast, snapping Pac out of his thoughts, making him take a big breath. “No. You can’t go away, Fitche. Never. I won’t let them take you too.”
Yeah, that… that made sense. 
This was Pac, who the first thought when seeing his friend being drugged and controlled by the Federation was going under the same treatment so he could find a cure for it. The one who forgave Cellbit in a heartbeat when he told him he had changed. Who refused to kill him - even before the date, when Fit couldn’t even put in words his feelings for the other - during Purgatory. Who threw himself into mines and danger easily without thinking twice and would do all of it again an again if it meant keeping someone he cared about safe, even when the Federation kept taking his family one day after the other. He would do it in a heartbeat.
It made sense he didn’t want to lose another one. He was smart, strong, kind… Fit would trust him with his life into his hands in a blink of an eye.
“If I hurt Ramón, Pac. If ever get close to hurt any of the eggs…”
“I will lock you, Fit. And I, we! We will find a cure again. None of them will die and you don’t need to die either.”
“Do you promise?”
Pac nodded, composure and eyes kept firm in their place, holding him down and reminding him he was no longer on this alone. “I promise, Fit. And if your boss cat comes here to hurt them… Then we will kick his butt, right?”
Fit snorted, if it was anyone else, he would doubt, throw their words away as a senseless attempt to comfort him, without true meaning. His boss was god, some kind of entity with power enough to pull him out of a world of literal destruction and throw him into a dimension where all of it never existed. However, this was Pac. Both he and Mike have proven over and over again that there was no place, no rule, no limit that they weren't able to overcome and laugh at their face when the managed to overcome it.
Maybe… If it was him.
He could believe it. Besides, Pac did promise that he wouldn’t let him hurt the children. They were always the priority, afterall
“Yes, we will. Thank you, Pac.” He took a deep breath. Since he already started, he could as well… 
Talk. About stuff.
“Sometimes I… worry about, uh, what I can do.”
(Kill. Maim. Destroy. Break it down piece by piece until there is nothing left. Watch in the shadows and continue his way quietly through all the screams.)
Pac understood what he meant. “Oh. It’s fair. I think, it must be hard, when you think about it…” He then squeezed his hand before letting them go, starting to count on his own fingers. “But, I don’t think you should worry about it, Fitch. You can do a lot of awesome things, too! You’re a really good cooker, you can make very cool bombs and explosions, you’re good at hide and seek, at saving me when I am down. You are also very good at hiking and training, which makes sense, right? With how muscular and great you are, also-”
“Pac,” Fit voice’s took a firm tune, pulling Pac from his rambling and immediately catching his attention, wide black eyes turning at him attentively. “Pac, I was made for killing. All of this is just…”
(It doesn’t matter.)
Fit blinked once, twice, quite astonished at how nonchalant the scientist sounded. Stared at those beautiful, soft eyes that watched him with a playful light that somehow nothing on the Island had been able to destroy. Strong. “Sorry?”
“I don’t think you were made for killing, Fit. No one is only able to do one thing and everyone can change. Besides… it gave you a lot of skill, right? Surviving there. That is why you’re one of the best fighters on the island, Fit! The codes, the eye workers… even Cucorucho is no match for you. You’re so strong, fierce, cool, fit and,” Pac’s determined tune tripped a little bit as his words got faster and a tad more distracted, his eyes deviating from his stare, looking at his face, arms, torso… Fit would be lying if he said he didn’t like how it hovered for a little while on his chest and muscles, “and you’re good looking too! Awesome, ruthless, muscular, handsome...”
“Ahalright!” Fit cut him before his face melted from how hot it felt, the tip of his ears feeling like they were on fire. His voice seemingly broke Pac out of his mind and made him immediately attempt to hide his face on his hoodie, trying to jump away to hide and being stopped by the gentle hand still holding his, keeping him close. That didn’t prevent more embarrassed snickers from also filling the air. “Sorry, sorry, I got distracted.”
“Take it easy, big boy, take it easy.”
Fit only laughed harder when the teasy nickname made the other shout in protest, a light hit landing on his shoulder. It successfully distracted him enough so his head peaked again from the deepness of his blue hoodie, so Fit counted it as a win. Especially when a playful gleam took over Pac’s glare.
“Actually, Fitch, I think you were made for something.”
“Oh, you think so?”
Pac got closer, smiling, nodding in such an innocent way that could only mean trouble. 
“Yeah, for kisses.” He laid his head on his shoulder and Fit could feel goosebumps travel his entire body from the skin contact. His voice became lower, slower, certain. “Can I kiss you, Fit?”
Fit definitely didn’t bluescreen, half words and meaningless sounds leaving his mouth in a string of incoherency that lasted a couple of minutes before he finally managed to get himself together enough to shove an actual sentence, with a too high pitched tune, through his throat. “I-I mean, of course you can, Pac! If, ah, if you want to.”
Pac’s answer was a single kiss placed in his collarbone before the brazilian focused his administrations on his neck. Soft, warm lips leaving a trail of tingles and electricity whatever they touched. Fit could feel the care in each one and it felt… nice. 
Ok, actually, it was very, very tickly.
Fit closed his eyes and turned his face around, trying to hide the beginning of a smile that grew bigger with every light - so, so, so light - peck grazing his skin. Not wanting to actually ruin the sweet moment between them, especially after Pac got the courage to ask for what the mercenary had been wanting to do for a while.
(Cuddle and kiss his boyfriend. Oh god, when did he become such a softie?)
The problem with his hiding tactic is that it only left more spots in the open for Pac to attack and bash in attention, not leaving a single patch of skin alone without a caring goodbye kiss, unknowingly breaking piece by piece Fit’s barriers.
He twitched when his boyfriend got too close to the line of his jaw, the warmth racing up to the tip of his ears in a way he hoped that Pac didn’t realized. The one with blue hoodie and attentive eyes stopped in a hitched breath. Waited.
Fit got his racing heart and tickly tingles under control. He was not going to lose to a few accidental tickles. He was not.
He squeezed Pac’s and drew circles on the back of his hands, turning at him with a teasy smirk and crooked eyebrows.
“Oh, is it my turn now?”
Pac giggled and shook his head. “Wait, wait, I still got…”
Without finishing his sentence he dived and placed a light kiss right under his chin, successfully catching the other out of guard and making one of various locked snickers wheezily flee from his lips, quickly being followed by others when Fit tried to cover his smile, turning around once again.
“Oh, god, I am doing this wrong, aren’t I?” Pac pushed himself away and grumbled, starting to search in his pockets for his warpstone, increasing the other’s snickery fit. “Ok, ok, that is it.Thank you so much for calling, I had an incredible time so now I am going to throw myself off the Cristo Redentor and then go to bed, good night, Fit. Tell Ramón I loved him and tell Richas to take a shower, bye.”
“No, no, Pac. Calma, calma.” Fit held one of his wrists, pulling Pac back to his place on the sofa, chasing his black eyes when they kept running away from his while the scientist kept shaking his head from side to other in a dramatic despair. Fit ended up resting his other hand on his cheek, guiding his look back. “I would never laugh at my brazilian boyfriend.” He tried to not grin smugly when that melted the other’s pout in a shy smile “The kisses just tickled me, that is all.”
That immediately brought Pac’s attention. “Wait, Fit… you’re ticklish?”
“It seems like I am, but I am not sure. Not a lot of chances for bonding and laughing when fighting for your life in 2b2t.”
“Oh, I see.” Silence, Pac’s wrist wiggled out of his hold and suddenly there were warm hands flying to his neck, fingertips dancing on it, blunt nails and wiggly fingers tickling the sensitive spot softly. “So, you’re ticklish.”
Fit huffed a laugh at the strange feeling, instinctively scrunching up his neck all while he tried to not pry Pac’s hands away. Same hands that now spidered their way up to his ears, tracing them and giving each one a few scratches, Pac watching in awe as their tips became more and more colored with each passing second.
“Oh my god, Fit, your ears are so red! Are you blushing? That is really, reeeally cute, you know?”
 Fit’s shoulders began to shake slightly with the effort to keep all the giggles and laughter trapped inside, the task growing more and more difficult as Pac kept his exploring. Fingers tapping their way down to the mercenary’s ribcage, making his torso twitch from one side to another as they started skittering up and down, tracing senseless drawings and forms on the spot. Another fleeing snigger escaped from his firmly pressed lips. There was no way such light, barely even touching touch could tickle that much.
“You can laugh it out, Fit. I bet it will feel much better! Besides,” the gleam in his eyes got sharper and Pac didn’t really lower his voice, but something in his tune changed, a turning point that made a shiver run down Fit’s spine. It didn’t feel like something truly dangerous but alerts began flashing in his mind when the touch became just a tad firmer. 
Fit had to push down the squirms that threatened to push the other away. “You can’t just keep all that laughter only for yourself, now, that wouldn’t be fair. No, no, not fair at all. Keeping all those giggles and snickers hidden from me. Trapped inside. They deserve to be free, you know? So everyone can see how cute they are.”
But then Pac started digging and his barrier broke. Loud laughter immediately followed the hands vibrating in between his ribs, scribbling, looking for any special spot that would make Fit go insane. Not that he was very far from this, now, head being thrown backwards with how strong his crackles were, because nothing in the world could ever prepare him for the feeling that was being tickled, to have each nerve screaming but not in pain, to have each touch bring a new kind of electricity that traveled his torso and filled his heart with a warmth that made him want to jump out of the sofa and at the same time bring Pac closer.
A curious prodding in a spot in his highest ribs that was almost on his back and Fit slammed his body on the cushion, a snort being pried from his lips and quickly being followed by another and another when the fingers kept drilling and kneading on the spot non stop.
Then he heard it, low as a whisper. “Beautiful….” It came in an awed voice, and in between half lidded eyes Fit saw the one with black hair shake his head, as if getting himself together before slowing down the tickling, thumbs rubbing the remnant tickles as he stared at him. “Sorry, Fitch, I, caham, I got, uh, distracted. Are you okay?” He nodded, chuckles taking over his words and disappearing with any hope of saying something without descending in more of a waterfall of giggles. Still, he tried, the proud smile in Pac’s face erasing his embarrassment in how silly he sounded giddy like this. 
“I’m fine, just surprised that I am dating a tickle monster.”
The brazilian laughed, shaking his head and hiding his face on Fit’s shoulder. “Não, não, não (No, no, no). Mike is actually the tickle monster in our team. I just learned a lot from playing fights with him.” Pac trembled in an exaggerated shudder. “He is merciless.”
“Uh hum.” Pac hummed, thoughtful, before doing a little ‘pop’ sound, hands washing down to his sides, tapping senselessly there. “He had this kind of attack where he would be talking to you and suddenly he would start to tickle you and like, it would be really, really light so you didn’t actually, you know, like, died laughing? But at the same time it would be crazily ticklish! Following you around no matter how much you squirmed or snickered.”
“P-pac, come on…”
The other just hummed, still talking and hands still spidering in their resting position, taking turns in between drawing circles on his sides, feeling how his torso would shake with a new round of chuckles blossoming anew, and scratching the little dive of his hips to make them grow faster.
“Then he would try to keep a conversation going and complain like ‘are you even paying attention to what I’m saying, what’s going on?’ as if he didn’t know what was happening, can you believe?! And you couldn’t just… walk away or keep silly giggling non stop and not answer him, because you’re still in a conversation and that would be rude, right? So you’re just there, laughing and wiggling and it always drives me crazy!”
Fit nodded, knowing the feeling very well, in his opinion. His brain trying to pay attention to his words but getting totally distracted by his own attempts to not wiggle around so much because everytime his body trashed to one side, Pac would just dig his fingers on his sides and drum, which made him jump in the other direction only to receive the same treatment, creating a maddening cycle almost impossible to escape from. 
Once again, laughing began flooding the room, high pitches and wheezy giggles chasing around one or two squeals when a tentative squeeze grazed the spot before quickly jumping away, the unexpected playful attacks blending with the soft scribbles and somehow making him not being able to predict nor prepare for one or the other.
“And then, out of nowhere he would get bored and that is where it lies the danger, Fitch.” Pac’s voice took a turn to a lower tune, torn between a warning and a threat. His tickling came to a halt, fingertips just laying on his waist with occasional twitches. What was more strange, though, was how, even so, the janitor couldn’t stop the titters taking over his mind and body. He wondered if that was how he would finally die, undone and destroyed by his very lovely boyfriend. Pac snickered in mischief and amusement, breaking his mask for a couple of seconds before cleaning his throat and coming back to his persona, interlocutor voice back again.
“Because, when he stops it means that he is getting bored. You know that he is getting bored and he knows that you know that he is getting bored and that it is just a matter of time before he decided that is enough and something happens” he highlighted the word by spidering quickly across his ribs. His voice sounded like it was closer. “So you just stay there, quiet, waiting for the moment he will strike.”
Fit held his breath, eyes closed. His smile was so big that it traveled from one ear to the other. No more laughter was falling from his mouth, but his shoulders still bounced with the phantom tickles that freely pricked his skin and seemed to follow his every squirm. Pac’s hands felt warm - dangerous - where they touched and he was pretty sure that his entire face would melt at some point of this game.
He waited.
Waited. Nothing.
A kiss was pressed on his forehead.
He opened an eye, muscles immediately untensing and relaxing with the scene, even if adrenaline still ran without control in his veins, of Pac happily smiling, just a few centimeters from his face.
“Oi, Fitch.”
“Roi, Pa-ACK!”
Loud, uncontrollable and unstoppable laughter filled the room, Fit still tried to finish his sentence before giving up and succumbing to the snorts and wheezing that took over his laughter. Squeezes, drumming and prodding attacked his sides, kneading on the ticklish spot before scratching their way up to his ribs, burying themselves there and then keeping their way up to his armpits - poking and scribbling and making him lock his arms on his torso - until it got to his ears, changing the loud peals of booming laughter to a hysterical string of snickers only to make he go back to crackling when he attacked his sides again and again, alternating between each and every tickle spot so he couldn’t picture where he was going to tickle next. 
Fit could even swear that at some point he felt a squeeze in his knees that fished a chortle from his lips and an uncontrollable kick from his legs.
It lasted only a couple of minutes. All the electricity and tickly buzzing teased and made him laugh like nothing else mattered, loud and free even when, between his own amused giggling, Pac ceased his mean attack and watched with a giant grin as the other tried to regain his breath, a light blush dusting his face.
“You were saying, Fitch?”
Nonsense. That was exactly what Fit was about to say. Because his brain kind of became a mush after all that attack and the airy giggles that kept flowing from his throat didn’t exactly help him to gather his thoughts nor fade the hotness running still on his face.
“I, er, huh…” and there it was, the sentence got lost to jumpy snickers again. Fit brought a hand to hide them and try to gain at least save a bit of face, but a quick poke on his defenseless armpit made it go immediately down again. He glared without any real heat at his boyfriend, who lifted his arms in rendition.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m done for real, now.”
The silence was extended for a few pieces of time, stretching across them like a cat after a nap. 
Fit was the one who broke it.
“That is Mike’s…” He coughed, cleaning his throat “special tickle attack, then? I can see why you call him merciless.”
“Nah, actually that is my own technique. Mike prefers to catch a person out of guard and tickle while taunting them until they promise to make something for him.”
The surprised, amused huff of laughter that came out from the mercenary’s mouth didn’t have anything to do with wiggly fingers this time and Pac joined him. 
“You’re such a sneaky guy, Pac, you’re such a sneaky guy.”
“Thank you. Gotta learn from the best right? Maybe someday me and Ramón will team up and win the hide and seek against you.” 
“Hmm, you probably would. But maybe I can convince Richarlyson to help me?”
“It would be good. Richas is the best in hide and seek. He would really like to. Hey! We should set up a playdate with them in our Hide and Seek arena. We can even call Tubbo and Sunny, maybe even Philza with Chayanne and Tallulah, if they are awake. The more the merrier, right?”
Fit was sure that if he was shapeshifter like Tubbo, without even wanting to, his eyes would be heart shaped. It never ceases to amaze him how Pac could accept and love everyone - him - like they were and would always be a family to him. 
“But, so?” The brazilian wiggled his eyebrows, a smirk opening in his face. “How is it the experience of being tickled for the first time?”
Maddening. Tortuous. Able to make someone go crazy, he was sure. Surprisingly tiring and unexpectedly effective. Strange. Itchy. A lot. Hard to explain.
But also, it was extremely caring. Warm. Soft. Funny. Bonding. Weird. Extremely silly. He couldn’t stop his smile and thoughts about the gleam and shine in Pac’s eyes when he discovered a new spot or how - strangely enough - light and giddy he was feeling right now.
Besides, he never was self conscious about his laughter or anything but listening to Pac calling him… beautiful, in such an amazed voice… Well, his ego really couldn’t complain.
“It was fun.” He decided to go with that, a playful grin in his face, his hands holding Pac’s and intertwining their fingers. 
“Oh, I’m happy in hear that! Actually, I-”
“But…” Fit cut him, purposely deepening his voice in a tune that never failed to catch the other of guard, sending a cold shiver through his muscles. “I can think of something even more fun.”
“Y-yeah?” Pac’s blush deepened when he looked at the dangerous, sharp, determined shine in Fit’s eyes, his entire mind getting overcomed with a choir of excited screams, burning face at realizing how their intertwined hands was both a soft gesture and a restrain. 
Damn, he was really, really gay.
“Uh hm,” his tune now was almost like a purr of a predator watching his prey wobbly smile back and hold his hands tighter together, knowing very well his fate and still not even trying to escape from it. “It’s something that back on 2b2t we liked to call… revenge.”
With a swift move he pulled their hands and lead Pac to lose his equilibrium, falling backwards on his lap, one hand keeping his arms up and the other lifting his hoodie just the slightest bit, the actual perfect amount for him to immediately shove his face on his stomach and start blowing raspberry after raspberry, quick and ruthless.
“FITCHE!” The sound that came out of his mouth could barely be called a word, the high pitched shout being quickly taken over by a hysterical crackling that made his entire body shake with each laughter. 
His boyfriend just chuckled, lifting his head just enough that his next words would be audible to the other, each one buzzing on the ticklish skin and making tiny, tickly electric shocks dance freely across it. “Oh my, Pac, what a delicious belly you got right here. One of the richest, rarest delicacies I’ve ever seen.” 
“NONONO, FITCH!” He kicked and trashed, trying to roll away from his predicament but being firmly held in place by the other, which was kind of nice, since he wasn’t sure how to explain to Fit that he definitely wasn’t going to run away if he had the chance. 
Still, that didn’t stop the fast, airy and high giggles of painting every syllable of his pleas that began flowing like a stream from his lungs, becoming more and more intelligible with each protest. “Please, please, Fitch anything but that! I will do anything you want! Do you wanna know all Mike’s most ticklish spots? Eu posso te dizer! (I can tell you!) he has this place right under his knees that if you poke he starts making ‘wee’ sounds e é muito engraçado (it’s very funny) Fitche por favor, espera, espera, wait!”
“Sorry, Pac, nothing I can do. I just have to try a little. Raspberries are so delicious and I just… I just gotta, ya know? I just gotta try a little, the tiniest little bit.” He lowered his head once again, carefully and softly nibbling on the ticklish skin and doing a bunch of ‘oh nom nom nom’ sounds as he did so, smugly relishing in how louder Pac’s laughter sounded at this, random portuguese and english being mixed in a series of incoherent talking that he couldn't even hope to understand, even with the translator. 
The raspberries and nibbles began taking turns, dancing all across his stomach and sometimes even escaping to attack one lower rib or two in a way that usually drove Ramón crazy. It was kind of funny and endless endearing to realize that both of his boys were extremely weak for the same kind of tickle attack.
All the while Pac was simply dying. There was no other way to describe it. He was utterly and completely dying, losing every tread of.. everything that wasn’t thinking about how much it tickled and laughing both because Fit (Fit!!!!! His boyfriend Fit!!!!) was teasing and tickling him and also because as it seems he was the goofiest dork that ever existed in this world while doing that and somehow that made all the butterflies flying crazy on his belly and tickly electricity following his nerves one hundred times worse and ticklish and it was amazing.
Fit enjoyed a couple more minutes of the silly attack, fondly realizing how much more hysterical and loud the crackles got everytime he added more “hmmm” and “nom nom nom” sounds.
“There we go, big boy.” He lifted his head and got a glimpse of a gigantic, dazzling smile and a red face before Pac immediately hid it behind his hands, wheezes and snickers filling the room.
“Shuhuhut up!”
Fit grinned, but let go of the teasing and took pity on his brazilian boyfriend. He could quite understand why Pac seemed so happy in destroying him minutes ago. There was just a something that made his heart beat faster just in realizing that he was the reason why Pac was so happy and giggly.
Also, the way that the brazilian’s accent got stronger, especially while saying his name in between unstoppable, uncontrollable giggling… Fit thinks he could live with that, yeah.
“Oh my god, Fitche… and you call me merciless.”
The ex-mercenary chuckled. His eyes hovered over Pac’s face, making sure that he was still breathing and alive (he hadn’t taken too far, did he?) when suddenly his look got attracted to his neck, the memory of what started all of this popping like a flashing lamp in his mind.
“Pac…” It was the low voice again, lighter, but still there. Pac’s entire body froze still for a second and alarmed eyes turned to stare Fit, who seemed strangely fixated on his hoodie. “Is your neck ticklish?”
Pac 100% blamed the gay screaming in his head for his next words.
“YES!” The shout was as excited as it was loud, making both of them wince at it, Fit looking at the one with black hair with a faintly surprised, crooked eyebrows. “I mean, er, assim, uh, no!!! It’s actually not! NOt even a little bit! What even is ticklish, you know? I don’t even speak english, senhor Fitch eme ce, na verdade, essa é a minha primeira vez aqui na ilha, quem é você e… Não!” (sir Fit eme cee, actually, this is my first time here in the island, who are you and… No!)
The babbling was promptly cut when, once again, Fit chuckled in mischief and shoved his head on Pac’s neck. 
Butterfly kisses followed the line of his jaw, attacked that spot under his chin, tickled the place where the collarbone and the neck met, each patch of sensitive skin getting a kiss and a raspberry as a gift, making a series of snorts and high dazed giggles quickly follow the initial surprised shriek and jump around the entire room, Pac’s arms coming to rest on the other’s chest, partially pushing him away and partially holding him, legs kicking behind them with how much adrenaline and giddiness jumped across his muscles and filled his heart.
Pac hid his face on the crook of Fit’s neck, attempting to at least survive a few more seconds from dying of embarrassment, each snort and hysterical high pitched snicker sealing even more his fate and putting another nail in his coffin.
A few curious squeezes on his sides and a final, long raspberry and then Fit finally let him go, watching as the other got his breath again, forgetting for once to hide his blush and brilliant smile into his hoodie, looking completely lost in his own laughing fit. Adorable. 
Sometimes Fit wondered how could he be so lucky.
A loud click and a flashing light brought both of them out of their thoughts. Pac almost falling from the sofa when he turned around and saw Ramón quickly hid a camera behind his back while passing three copies of the pictures to Richas, who stopped making gagging noises to hide them on his protected backpack before the adults could take it.
“Richarlyson, Me dá essas fotos!” (Give me those pictures!) 
“Ramón, what are you doing awake? You should be sleeping. It’s late.”
Ramón had the sense to look at least a tad admonished, but the expression quickly disappeared when Richas began jumping on the same spot, wiggling from one side to another like he always did when he wanted to cause more mischief. The kids exchanged a look.
“Nenê (Baby), no. Don’t follow Richas’ example, he is a little demon.” 
The sandal that went flying across the room and hit the brazilian in the face - which actually led to him falling from the cushions - only further proved this fact. Still, Richas let out plenty of offended noises while getting his sandal back, showing off his tongue when Ramón shoved him and shook his head in disapproval. 
Fit tried his best to not laugh and sound serious. “Richas, do not hit your dad.”
“Don’t worry, Fitch.” Pac tapped his arm, getting up from the floor, tsking. “There is no other way, I guess. I’ll have to kill him. Yeah, it was fun to have a son for a while.”
The mercenary laughed, knowing very well how much of a weak heart Pac had for his little troublemaker. “Calma, calma, Pac. I think I have the solution. Since the kids are feeling so… energetic, we should probably tire them out before putting them back in bed, right?” 
He also got up and gave Pac a Look, pretending to not see Ramón pulling Richas’ sleeve and exchanging warning words to him, knowing very well what that playful, dangerous shine in his dad’s eyes meant.
Pac grinned, mirroring his own devilish expression. “I think you’re right, Fit.”
Richas once again wiggled around in energy, his dragon tail tapping on the floor while Ramón threw a flower at Pac (smart boy, Fit thought, winning the melting heart from the dad that would have more mercy, very smart) and jumped on the same place, smiling and nodding in excitement.
He then pulled Richas away, starting the chase. Pac immediately following behind with joyfuls “I’m gonna catch you!”.
Fit chuckled.
Maybe Pac was right. 
Maybe life - he - was more than just die and kill. 
Well… he rolled his shoulders and followed his family in their game, laughing excitedly. He would have to enjoy it while it lasted, then.
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theladybrownstarot · 8 months ago
Pick-A-Card : What messages your future spouse wants to give you ?
✵ Here's my masterlist for more !
✵ Make sure like/follow/reblogg/Comment for pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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❀˖° Pile 1 .
Come on pile 1 ! Let's see your fs's messages :
I wanna play hide and seek with you hihi !
I'm your naughty baby and you are my parent ~ come on baby me right now !
Every Day and night I just wanna see you secretly and then surprise you out of nowhere !
Will you love all that I wanna give to you ? I'm scared you will reject me .
I wanna put my hands on your waist from the back and kiss your neck like no one ever could ~
Don't worry love I'm always there for you and will be forever with you ♡
Let's go on a beach and run together holding our hands , enjoying together and kissing under water where there's no one .
I always think about you like you think about me my love , don't worry I didn't forget you .
I just wanna hug you so closely and tight that yours cheeks get red out of suffocation and then I kiss you on your cheeks and run away after my small lovely tortures.
I love seeing your angry face which is only for me and no one else .
❀˖° Pile 2 .
Come on pile 2 ! Let's see your fs's messages :
Your beauty is really mesmerizing ! Don't be insecure about yourself sweets
I will be there with you everytime and everywhere you need me .
Even though if we haven't met yet but still I can feel you .
My well wishes to you! Touchwood
Ouch ! I can't even lie to you why haha
I wanna sit next to you playing guitar and you singing a song inside starry nights ~
Our vibes rock together you know ! There's no one like us .
Let's go somewhere where there's only us and no one .
We will go to a gym and make and then flex our muscles and abs together.
You know after we will meet our life's gonna change forever like ever .
❀˖° Pile 3 .
Come on pile 3 ! Let's see your fs's messages :
When I'm with you I feel like my inner child is alive again .
I wanna dance with you everywhere I feel .
I love it alot when you scold me like I'm your baby.
I know you read lots of smuts ! what about me ? Did you think I won't know about it ?
Come on let's rob some fruits from our neighbors and then later I'm gonna steal yours also haha
I'm ticklish are you too??
Whenever you gonna argue with Me I'm gonna dance to end it up !
Madam/Sir , I'm at your service to annoy you!
If I'm gonna fall then I will make you fall too ! That's what we say together forever pinky promises .
You are my sun shine! I'm your moon light!
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©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing Or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
621 notes · View notes
poltergeist-coffee · 2 months ago
Pactoiles / Pacmanduo Knight AU
(Transcript under the cut)
Sorry apart of it got cut off in the video :((
Etoiles: Looking after you is my duty
Pac: is that the only reason you do it?
Etoiles: isn’t that reason enough?
Pac: if that’s the only reason there is
Etoiles: Your majesty-
Pac: Yeeees?
Etoiles: I’m… not ticklish
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princesslightgiggles · 10 months ago
Learning to be silly
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It was a sunny afternoon in Capeside, and Joey and Pacey were enjoying a rare day off together. They had decided to visit the park near the creek, a place where they could relax and escape the pressures of their everyday lives. The park was quiet, with only the sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.
They spread a blanket under a large oak tree, unpacking a picnic Joey had prepared. Pacey admired her thoughtfulness as he bit into a sandwich. He loved these moments with Joey, where everything seemed perfect and the world outside seemed to fade away.
After they finished eating, Joey lay back on the blanket, her head resting on Pacey's lap. He absentmindedly played with her hair, enjoying the peace and quiet. But Joey, had a playful glint in her eye. She had noticed something the other day when they had been fooling around in her living room and her hand accidentally brushed his ribs - Pacey was ticklish.
She had always found it hard to be truly silly with Pacey. It was something she associated more with Dawson, her childhood friend, who seemed to effortlessly bring out the lighter side of her. Pacey, with his rough upbringing and need to be seen as strong and reliable, often struggled to let go and be vulnerable. Joey wanted to change that, even if just for a moment.
"Pacey, I've been meaning to ask," Joey said, looking up at him with a mischievous smile. "Are you ticklish?"
Pacey's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of embarrassment crossing his face. "Joey, don't," he warned, his voice a mix of hesitation and apprehension.
But Joey was undeterred. She sat up, her fingers already moving towards his sides. "Come on, Pacey. It's just a bit of fun," she said, her tone playful.
Pacey tensed, his muscles tightening as her fingers made contact with his ribs. "Jo, seriously," he began, trying to maintain his composure. But Joey's fingers were relentless, and soon he was squirming, a reluctant laugh bubbling up from his chest.
"Pacey Witter, you are ticklish!" Joey declared triumphantly, her fingers dancing lightly over his ribs and sides. Pacey's laughter grew louder, his attempts to fend her off growing weaker as he gave in to the ticklish sensation.
"Okay, okay, you win!" Pacey gasped, trying to catch his breath. But Joey's curiosity was piqued, and she wasn't quite ready to stop. She moved her fingers lower, aiming for his feet.
"Not the feet, Joey, please!" Pacey begged, his voice high-pitched and desperate. But Joey couldn't resist. She gently ran her fingers over the soles of his feet, and Pacey's reaction was immediate and explosive.
He kicked reflexively, his laughter becoming frantic and uncontrollable. "Joey, no!” he cried, tears of laughter streaming down his face. His body twisted and turned, trying to escape her playful touch.
Joey paused for a moment, her eyes softening as she saw the desperation in his expression. She didn't want to push him too far. "Alright, alright," she said gently, easing her touch but not completely stopping.
She continued her gentle tickling, her fingers tracing delicate patterns over his arches and the tips of his toes. Pacey's laughter, though still desperate, took on a different quality. Amidst the unbearable ticklishness, there was a sense of fun and silliness.
Joey's eyes sparkled with affection as she watched him. "See? It’s not so bad," she whispered, her fingers slowing to a gentle caress.
Pacey took a deep breath, his laughter subsiding into soft chuckles. "You know, this seems like more of a Joey and Dawson thing," he admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
Joey’s expression softened. She reached up to stroke his cheek. "Pacey. It’s okay to let go and be silly sometimes. Especially with me."
He looked into her eyes, seeing only love and understanding. "I want to," he said quietly. "I just... don’t always know how."
Joey smiled gently. "We’ll figure it out together." She leaned in and kissed him softly, a promise in her touch.
Pacey nodded, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. They lay back on the blanket, Joey snuggling into his side. The warmth of her presence made him feel safe, like he could truly be himself.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Joey broke the quiet. "You know, I think you’re pretty good at being silly when you want to be," she teased, poking his side playfully.
Pacey chuckled, this time without any trace of embarrassment. "Well, I do have my moments," he replied, wrapping his arms around her.
They spent the rest of the afternoon in the park, talking, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, Pacey realised that with Joey, he could be both strong and silly, serious and playful. She accepted him in all his facets, and that made all the difference.
Back on the blanket, Joey sat up and stretched, looking at Pacey with a tender smile. "Ready to head back?"
Pacey nodded, getting to his feet and offering her a hand. "Yeah, let’s go home."
As they walked hand in hand, leaving the park behind, Pacey felt a renewed sense of hope. With Joey by his side, he knew he could face anything, embrace every part of himself, and find joy in the silliest of moments. And that, he realised, was what love was all about.
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sugars-fluffy-escapes · 3 years ago
That was a mistake
Dealers choice on with who
"That was a mistake."
Y/N's eyes widened at the voice that came from behind them. Perhaps it wasn't too wise to attempt to sneak up on a speedster, but they'd tried it anyway. Of course, their attempts were futile against the one and only Peter Maximoff, who had used his powers to move out of reach when he noticed Y/N trying to get the drop on him. "W-What was a mistake...?"
"Heh. Playing that card now that I've caught you? You never learn, disco ball."
Before they could react, they found themself on the couch, trapped in Peter's arms with their back against his chest, his legs locking around theirs. They contemplated using their own powers to try and level the playing field, but, before they could follow through on their plan, all ten of Peter's fingers began clawing at their belly.
Peter grinned, playfully shaking his silver hair on their neck and making them squeal, hands lightly gripping his wrists but not fighting the tickling in the slightest. "You're not slick~ I saw you in the reflection of the Pac-Man machine."
"Thihihihis ihihihisn't fahahaaaiiirrr!"
"Hey! It's nohot my fault you're this ticklish! It's not my fault you keep provoking me to tickle you either!"
Y/N squirmed and covered their mouth when Peter squeezed at their sides. They could have swore the jerk was using his speed to make his hands vibrate, and he knew damn well it tickled them more. "WHAHAHAT AHABOUHOUT YOUHOUHOUR GAHAHAAAAME!"
"I like this one better! You're just a cute lil' giggle machine~"
Dealer's choice: ler!Peter Maximoff 🥴 ANON THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN I LOVE THE CONCEPT!!! Thank you so so much for this sentence prompt!!! I hope you enjoy the drabble 🥺💖/p /gen
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cigarettesandcoffee · 4 years ago
🤍 + Lile & Luciano 👀
Who cooks meals for the other?
Luciano loves to cook, so I'm sure Lile comes home to surprise meals constantly. And he doesn't just cook a main dish, he cooks appetizers and dessert, the whole shabang.
Who spams the other with memes? 
Why do I feel like Lile is a secret meme lord, and Luciano would be the confused old man just nodding along to the youngins tomfoolery.
Who likes to tidy around the house?
Luciano is pretty neat and tidy. But I feel like Lile is a "season cleaner." Like spring comes and she cleans up the whole house. Or I could definitely see her nesting when she's pregnant.
Who likes to play pranks on the other?
I don't think they play pranks on each other so much as they tease each other about silly things like their age difference and Lile calling Luciano "daddy" to get a rise out of him both figuratively and literally.
Who asked the other to move in with them?
Luciano probably asked Lile to move into his home so he could be around her more often.
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?
Luciano loves to listen to classical music during a long car ride because it soothes him. Either that or he'd listen to old Italian operas to serenade Lile.
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?
Lile will probably discover that secretly Luciano is very ticklish and exploit it whenever she sees an opportunity
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?
I think they've both seen enough horrible things that they wouldn't be too afraid of horror movies. But Luciano would hold Lile if she was scared.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?
Luci has actually kept up with the times rather well throughout his immortality, I think he'd have to help Lile.
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?
They'd both be guilty of this, although I think Lile being the naughty submissive would be more guilty of trying to rile up Luci.
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?
Luciano probably wakes up first, he's an early riser, but he'd never wake Lile up, he'd just give her a little forehead kiss before he left bed.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?
Luci LOVES taking photos of his LIs. His phone is probably filled with random pictures of Lile just existing in her day to day life. His phone's background is probably a beautiful picture of her by a sunset or something.
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?
Not a matter of her forgetting her wallet, but Luciano probably wants to pay for Lile to spoil her because he feels she deserves it.
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?
Luci does snore a little bit
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?
Lile would beat Luciano's ass at video games, he doesn't play them at all. Except for like...Pac-Man.
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?
Luciano has an enlarged prostate, so he has to pee more often, so probably him.
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paradiselaketheblog · 2 years ago
aww wyeah
Cross out everything you’ve done:
I have/had piercings besides the ears.
I want piercings besides the ears.
I have a scar.
I tan easily.
I wish my hair was a different color.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have/want a tattoo.
I can be self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/had braces
I have more than two piercings
Disney movies still make me cry sometimes.
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
I’ve glued my hand to something.
I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose
I’ve had my pants rip in public.
I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.
I’ve gotten stitches.
I’ve broken or dislocated a bone.
I’ve had my tonsils removed.
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
I’ve had chicken pox
I’ve been to Florida.
I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometres in one day. kilometres omfg??
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been to California
I’ve been to Asia.
I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
I’ve been to Vanuatu or the Mystery Islands.
I’ve been to the Caribbean.
I’ve been to Europe.
I’ve gotten lost in my city.
I’ve seen a shooting star.
I’ve wished on a shooting star.
I’ve seen a meteor shower.
I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I’ve slapped someone.
I’ve kissed someone underwater.
I’ve chugged something.
I’ve crashed a car.
I’ve been skiing.
I’ve been in a school musical.
I’ve auditioned for something.
I’ve been on stage.
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
I’ve pranked someone.
I’ve ridden in a taxi.
Honesty / Crime
I’ve been threatened to be arrested.
I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t.
I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
I’ve snuck out.
I’ve lied about my whereabouts.
I’ve cheated while playing a game.
I’ve been in a fist fight.
I’m afraid of dying.
I hate funerals.
I’ve seen someone/something die.
Someone close to me has committed suicide.
I have attempted suicide.
I’ve thought about suicide before.
I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
I own over 5 rap CD’s.
I’m obsessed with anime/manga.
I collected comic books.
I own a lot of makeup.
I own something from Pac Sun.
I own something from The Gap.
I own something I got on E-Bay.
I own something from Abercrombie.
I thrive on compliments.
I thrive on hate.
I can sing low key.
I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news occasionally or always.
I don’t like to kill bugs.
I sing in the shower.
I’m a morning person.
I’m a sports fanatic.
I twirl my hair.
I care about grammar.
I love to spam friends. 
I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day.
I bake well.
I would wear pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I’ve not turned something in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room.
I’m really ticklish.
I like white chocolate.
I bite/used to bite my nails.
I’m good at remembering names.
I’m good at remembering dates.  
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
…used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic.
…called me fat.
…have said I’m skinny.
…have said I’m ugly.
…have said I’m pretty.
…have spread rumors about me.
…force me to eat.
…say I eat too much.
…say I eat too little.
I’ve lost weight quickly.
I’ve gained weight quickly.
I’m at my thinnest.
I’m at my biggest
I’ve lost weight and kept it off.
I’ve lost weight, but gained it back.
My weight affects my mood.
I diet.
I’m vegan/vegetarian.
I exercise.
I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve planned to run away from home before.
I’ve run away from home.
I have a sibling less than one year old.
I want kids in the future.
I’ve had kids.
I’ve lost a child.
I’m engaged.
I’m married.
I’m single.
I’ve gone on a blind date.
I have/had a friend with benefits.
I miss someone right now.
I have a fear of abandonment.
I’ve gotten divorced.
I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back probably.
Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’m a cuddler.
I’ve been kissed in the rain.
I’ve hugged a stranger.
I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times
I regularly drink.
I can’t swallow pills.
I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty.
I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point.
I have/had anxiety problems.
I shut others out when I’m upset.
I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset about something personal.
I have taken/take anti-depressants.
I’ve slept an entire day before.
I’ve plotted revenge.
0 notes
dolly-karger-wannabe · 6 years ago
bold what applies to you in 2019
I have/had piercings besides the ears. I have a scar. I tan easily. I wish my hair was a different colour. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have/want a tattoo. I can be self-conscious about my appearance. I have/had braces I have more than two piercings.
Disney movies still make me cry sometimes. I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. I’ve glued my hand to something. I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose I’ve had my pants rip in public. I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.
I’ve gotten stitches. I’ve broken or dislocated a bone. I’ve had my tonsils removed. I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. I’ve had chicken pox.
I’ve been to Florida. I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometres in one day. I’ve been on a plane. I’ve been to California. I’ve been to Asia. I’ve been to Niagara Falls. I’ve been to Vanuatu or the Mystery Islands. I’ve been to the Caribbean. I’ve been to Europe.
I’ve gotten lost in my city. I’ve seen a shooting star. I’ve wished on a shooting star. I’ve seen a meteor shower. I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I’ve slapped someone. I’ve kissed someone underwater. I’ve chugged something. I’ve crashed a car. I’ve been skiing. I’ve been in a musical. I’ve auditioned for something. I’ve been on stage. I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. I’ve pranked someone. I’ve ridden in a taxi.
Honesty / Crime
I’ve been threatened to be arrested. I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t. I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. I’ve snuck out. I’ve lied about my whereabouts. I’ve cheated while playing a game. I’ve been in a fist fight.
I’m afraid of dying. I hate funerals. I’ve seen someone/something die. Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. I have attempted suicide. I’ve thought about suicide before. I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
I own over 5 rap CD’s. I’m obsessed with anime/manga. I collected comic books. I own a lot of makeup. I own something from Pac Sun. I own something from The Gap. I own something I got on E-Bay. I own something from Abercrombie. I thrive on compliments. I thrive on hate.
I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. I open up to others easily. I watch the news occasionally or always. I don’t like to kill bugs. I sing in the shower. I’m a morning person. I’m a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair. I care about grammar. I love to spam friends. I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day. I bake well. My favourite colour is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, black, purple, or orange. I would wear pajamas to school. I like Martha Stewart. I laugh at my own jokes. I eat fast food weekly. I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room. I’m really ticklish. I like white chocolate. I bite/used to bite my nails. I’m good at remembering names. I’m good at remembering dates. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
..used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic. ..called me fat. ..have said I’m skinny. ..have said I’m ugly. ..have said I’m pretty. ..have spread rumors about me. ..force me to eat. ..say I eat too much. ..say I eat too little.
I’ve lost weight. I’ve gained weight. I’m at my thinnest. I’m at my biggest. I’ve lost weight and kept it off. I’ve lost weight, but gained it back. My weight affects my mood. I diet. I am/was a vegan/vegetarian. I exercise. I’ve fainted from exhaustion. I’ve been diagnosed with an eating dosorder
I’ve sworn at my parents. I’ve planned to run away from home before. I’ve run away from home. I have a sibling less than one year old. I want kids in the future. I’ve had kids. I’ve lost a child.
I’m engaged. I’m married. I’m single. I’ve gone on a blind date. I have/had a friend with benefits. I miss someone right now. I have a fear of abandonment. I’ve gotten divorced. I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back. I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. Someone’s told you they loved you when you didnt love them back. I’m a cuddler. I’ve been kissed in the rain. I’ve hugged a stranger. I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times
I regularly drink. I can’t swallow pills I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty. I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point. I have/had anxiety problems. I shut others out when I’m upset. I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset about something personal. I have taken/take anti-depressants. I’ve slept an entire day before. I’ve plotted revenge.
1 note · View note
surveyhoursss · 4 years ago
I am shorter than 5'4.
I think I'm ugly sometimes.
I tan easily.
I wish my hair was a different color.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have a tattoo.
I am self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/I've had braces. '
I wear glasses/contacts.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
I have more than 2 piercings.
I have piercings in places besides my ears.
I have freckles.
Family/Home Life
I've sworn at my parents.
I've run away from home.
I've been kicked out of the house.
My biological parents are together.
I have a sibling.
I want to have kids someday.
I've lost a child.
I'm in school
I have a job
I've fallen asleep at work/school.
I almost always do/did my homework.
I've missed a week or more of school.
I failed more than 1 class last year.
I've stolen something from my job.
I've been fired.
I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
I've peed from laughing.
I've snorted while laughing.
I've laughed so hard I've cried.
I've glued my hand to something.
I've had my pants rip in public.
I was born with a disease/impairment.
I've gotten stitches/staples.
I've broken a bone.
I've had my tonsils removed.
I've sat in a doctors office/emergency room with a friend.
I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
I had a serious surgery.
I've had chicken pox.
I've had measles
I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
I've been on a plane.
I've been to Canada.
I've been to Mexico.
I've been to Niagara Falls.
I've been to Japan.
I've celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
I've been to Europe.
I've been to Africa.
I've gotten lost in my city.
I've seen a shooting star.
I've wished on a shooting star
I've seen a meteor shower.
I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I've kicked a guy where it hurts.
I've been to a casino.
I've been skydiving.
I've gone skinny dipping
I've played spin the bottle.
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
I've crashed a car.
I've been skiing.
I've been in a play.
I've met someone in person from myspace.
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I've seen the Northern lights.
I've sat on a roof top at night.
I've played chicken.
I've played a prank on someone.
I've ridden in a taxi.
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I've eaten sushi.
I've been snowboarding.
I'm single.
I'm in a relationship.
I'm engaged.
I'm married.
I've gone on a blind date.
I've been the dumped more than the dumper.
I miss someone right now.
I have a fear of abandonment.
I've gotten divorced.
I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
I've kept something from a past relationship.
I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.
I've had a crush on a teacher.
I've been kissed in the rain.
I've hugged a stranger.
I have kissed a stranger.
I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
I've snuck out of my house.
I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I am keeping a secret from the world.
I've cheated while playing a game.
I've cheated on a test.
I've run a red light.
I've been suspended from school.
I've witnessed a crime.
I've been in a fist fight.
I've been arrested.
I've consumed alcohol.
I regularly drink.
I've passed out from drinking.
I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
I've smoked weed
I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
I've eaten shrooms.
I've popped E.
I've inhaled Nitrous.
I've done hard drugs.
I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.
I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorder.
I shut others out when I'm depressed.
I take anti-depressants.
I'm anorexic or bulimic.
I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
I've hurt myself on purpose.
I've woken up crying.
Death and Suicide
I'm afraid of dying.
I hate funerals.
I've seen someone dying.
Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
Someone close to me has committed suicide.
I've planned my own suicide.
I've attempted suicide.
I've written a eulogy for myself.
I own over 5 rap CDs.
I own an iPod or MP3 player.
I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
I own something from Pac Sun.
I collect comic books.
I own something from The Gap.
I own something I got on e-bay.
I own something from Abercrombie.
I can sing well.
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news.
I don't kill bugs.
I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
I curse regularly.
I sing in the shower.
I am a morning person.
I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
I'm a snob about grammar.
I am a sports fanatic.
I twirl my hair.
I have "x"s in my screen name.
I love being neat.
I love Spam.
I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day
I bake well.
My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue.
I've worn pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I know how to shoot a gun.
I am in love with love.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I believe in ghosts.
I am online 24/18, even as an away message.
I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
I am really ticklish.
I love white chocolate.
I bite my nails.
I play video games.
I'm good at remembering names.
I'm good at remembering dates.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
0 notes
nadjastersurveys · 4 years ago
Appearance I have/had piercings besides the ears. I want piercings besides the ears. I have many scars. I tan easily. I wish my hair was a different color. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have/want a tattoo. I can be self-conscious about my appearance. I have/had braces. I have more than two piercings.
Embarrassment Disney movies still make me cry. I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. I’ve glued my hand to something. I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose I’ve had my pants rip in public. I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.
Health I’ve gotten stitches. I’ve broken or dislocated a bone. I’ve had my tonsils removed. I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. I’ve had chicken pox.
Travel I’ve been to Florida. I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometers in one day. I’ve been on a plane. I’ve been to Colombia I’ve been to Cuba. I’ve been to Niagara Falls. I’ve been to Ottawa I’ve been to the Caribbean. I’ve been to Europe.
Experiences I’ve gotten lost in my city. I’ve seen a shooting star. I’ve wished on a shooting star. I’ve seen a meteor shower. I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I’ve slapped someone. I’ve kissed someone underwater. I’ve chugged something. I’ve crashed a car. I’ve been skiing. I’ve been in a musical. I’ve auditioned for something. I’ve been on stage. I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. I’ve pranked someone. I’ve ridden in a taxi.
Honesty / Crime I’ve been threatened to be arrested. I’ve broken a law. I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t. I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. I’ve sneaked out. I’ve lied about my whereabouts. I’ve cheated while playing a game. I’ve been in a fist fight.
Death I’m afraid of dying. I hate funerals. I’ve seen someone/something die. Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. I have attempted suicide. I’ve thought about suicide before. I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
Materialism I own over 5 rap CD’s. I’m obsessed with anime/manga. I collected comic books. I own a lot of makeup. I own something from Pac Sun. I own something from The Gap. I own something I got on E-Bay. I own something from Abercrombie. I thrive on compliments. I thrive on hate.
Random I can sing low key. I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. I open up to others easily. I watch the news occasionally or always. I don’t like to kill bugs. I sing in the shower. I’m a morning person.
I’m a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair. I care about grammar. I love spam. I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day. I bake well. My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, black, purple, or orange. I would wear pajamas to school. I like Martha Stewart. I laugh at my own jokes. I eat fast food weekly. I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room. I’m really ticklish. I like white chocolate. I bite my nails. I’m good at remembering names. I’m good at remembering dates. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
People ..used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic. ..called me fat. ..say I’m skinny. ..have said I’m ugly. ..have said I’m pretty. ..have spread rumors about me. ..force me to eat. ..say I eat too much. ..say I eat too little.
Eating I’ve lost weight. I’ve gained weight. I’m at my thinnest. I’m at my biggest. I’ve lost weight and kept it off. I’ve lost weight, but gained it back. My weight affects my mood. A lot. I diet. I’m vegan/vegetarian. I exercise. I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
Family I’ve sworn at my parents. I’ve planned to run away from home before. I’ve run away from home. My biological parents are together. I have a sibling less than one year old. I want kids. I’ve had kids. I’ve lost a child.
Relationships I’m engaged. I’m married. I’m a swinger. I’ve gone on a blind date. I have/had a friend with benefits. I miss someone right now. I have a fear of abandonment. I’ve gotten divorced. I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back (probably?) Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back. I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. I’ve kept something from a past relationship.
Sexuality I’m a cuddler. I’ve been kissed in the rain. I’ve hugged a stranger. I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times I regularly drink. I can’t swallow pills I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty. I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point. I have/had anxiety problems. I shut others out when I’m upset. I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset. I have taken/take anti-depressants. I’ve slept an entire day before. I’ve plotted revenge.
0 notes
caliboyjaeffrey · 8 years ago
Cherry Bomb (Taeyong x Reader)
Rating: M
(A/N) OOPS! I DID IT AGAIN!!!! I GAVE YOU A SMUT, I WROTE ANOTHER ONE...OH BABY, BABY! Anyway, here’s some yummy retro Taeyong smutty goodness. A little short and sweet, but definitely gets its point across if you know what mean :^)))))))))) Enjoy!
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It felt weird walking into an arcade, having not visited one since when you were younger. The welcoming sounds of heavily synthesized music, trigger clicks, and the smacking of big plastic buttons brought back a wave of nostalgia and made you smile as you peered over the shoulders of people playing. There were no kids in sight though, just people around your age who laughed and joked, drank, reminiscing in their childhood. You'd been coerced into going to a twenty one and older event at the local vintage arcade that had just opened down the street from your apartment. People were going bananas of the shiny restored arcade machines, vintage interior, and nostalgic music.
The sounds of city traffic were drowned out as you ventured in deeper, looking around for your pink haired boyfriend who had begged you to come along with him in the first place. He was an absolute nut for old arcade games, happily spending all the spare change he could find on Tetris and Pac-man. You thought it was cute, the way his eyes would get so serious when he played, the way he could hardly remember to breath because he was so focused. He brought you along because he really wanted to show you 'the artistic side of classic video games,' and you couldn't really say no after bursting out laughing and accidentally hurting his feelings. You wanted to make it up to him. Turning down another row of games, you found him standing at a machine that exchanged bills for coins, inserting a ten dollar note as soon as you snuck up on him. He jumped when you grabbed his sides, fingers ticklish, "Boo!" He gasped and whirled around, eyes landing on your mischievous gaze while his petal soft lips set into a pout, "_______...! You know I hate it when you do that-" You cut off his scolding, standing endearingly on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss, squishing his cheeks between your palms, "You always look so cute though." He rolled his eyes, but smiled softly regardless, looking down at your adorable outfit, which payed homage to the golden age of arcades, "You look cuter." He laced his hands around the small of your back as his quarters fell from the machine, the metal banging just a buzz as he returned your kiss. It was too quick and chaste, making you chase his lips as he turned around with a chuckle, collecting his coins, "That wasn't very nice of you." "What do you mean, sweetheart?," he grinned, taking your hand and leading you down a row of games. "My kisses aren't 'very nice'? Maybe I should just-" "Stop," you whined, tugging on his pin bedazzled jean jacket, unable to help yourself but grin at his teasing as well. It made you feel better knowing he wasn't upset at you anymore, you'd been worried the moment you saw him he would be in a bad mood. "Woah," he exclaimed, stopping short as he pivoted on his heel to inspect a machine. "I've never seen one of these in such good condition. I thought they were all trash at this point." You tilted your head at the arcade game, decorated in bright pinks and yellows with pixilated designs of exploding cherries. You read the title as Taeyong tested the joy sticks and buttons, "Cherry Bomb." It was really tucked away in the corner of the arcade, surprisingly not a soul in sight as it was hidden by other much flashier and tall machines. "Do you wanna play?," he asked over his shoulder, looking excited with wide eyes. "It's a two player game." "Sure," you answered, sidling up close to him, the machine not allowing much elbow room between two players. "How do you play?" "If I remember right, you basically drop 'cherry bombs' on the characters underneath," he explained, scanning the directions printed onto the machine where the controls were. "The person with the most points after five minutes wins." "Seems easy enough," you mused, smiling to yourself as you watched your puppy-like boyfriend from the corner of your eye. "Ready?," he asked, fifty cents jingling in the palm of his hand as he looked at you competitively, hand poised over the coin slot. "Yep," you nodded, amused by his usual seriousness when it came to games. Taeyong hated to lose, especially at something he really liked or was good at. With lightning fast hands, Taeyong inserted the coins and jumped back to the controls, leaning in with intense focus as the game counted down to the start. Just like that, the  arcade game started, catchy 8-bit music beeping happily as you dropped bomb after bomb on the tiny walking pixel people. You got good at it rather quickly, getting the hang of it and actually enjoying the simple game as you gained point after point. But as much as you thought you were doing good, Taeyong was better, racking up points easily as he bumped his hip playfully with yours. "Hey," you chided, grinning from ear to ear as you bumped him back. "Don't try and distract me." "That wasn't meant to distract you," he smirked, dark eyes never leaving the screen. "If I really wanted to distract you I would do something like this." You squeaked with surprise as you saw Taeyong's hand leave one of the buttons and slip up the back of your skirt, squeezing your ass over your panties. He laughed when he heard you, your face heating up as he continued to feel you up, snapping the band of your panties playfully as he stopped paying attention to the game. You glanced up at his score in disbelief, seeing how far ahead he was from you as you continued to play furiously, "Asshole." "Excuse me?," he asked, smirking like a cat as he leaned down and nuzzled into your neck. "Is that any way to speak to your boyfriend who is being so nice?" "Feeling me up in a public place wouldn't be on the top of my 'Why my Boyfriend is Nice' list," you retorted, eyebrows furrowing as you tried not to get distracted by his wandering hands and lips attached to your neck. "You're so mean to me," he pouted fakely, moving behind you so that his hips pressed you into the arcade machine from behind. If someone walked by, it would look like he was simply back hugging you, "You're breaking my heart, _________." "Taeyong," you whined, feeling his semi-hard cock press into your lower back as his other hand wandered to the front, pulling your skirt up. "Not here." "Why not?," he asked, hand not stopping as it slipped past the waistband of your panties. You gasped when he slid a finger into your folds, dipping in to feel how soaked you were. Smirking, he bent down with his lips close to your ear, voice low, "When you're this wet for me I don't think I can help myself." You let out a a weak moan at his words, pressing your back into his chest as he stroked your folds languidly, "Ah, wait." You released the controls and gripped the edge of the arcade machine when his finger found your clit, rubbing you in lazy circles as your thighs quivered. "Why'd you stop?," he asked, finger pulling away from your sensitive bundle of nerves. "Keep playing." As soon as your hands made contact with the joystick and the buttons, Taeyong continued to touch you, mouth whispering the worst of the worst as you tried to finish the game. The minutes were now seconds as the game counted down fifty seconds, but with the way Taeyong was rubbing your clit hard made your eyes roll to the back of your head. A surprise orgasm was sneaking up on your as your head lolled back against his shoulder, the knot in your stomach tightening as your hips rutted into his fingers when he slipped two in. "You're so good," he groaned, a hand teasing up your body to squeeze your breast. "Don't come until the game is done." "B-but, I'm about to-," you cried out softly, words incoherent as the pleasure of Taeyong's fingers left you a mewling mess. Words could no longer form from your tongue as you made weak sounds of pleasure, eyes practically crossing from the feeling of Taeyong finger fucking you. "Fifteen seconds," he murmured, biting down on your shoulder hard enough to make you cry out rather loudly, thankfully the music drowned you out. "When I finish counting down from ten, then you can come. Understand?" You could barely nod as his voice dropped an octave, "Ten." "Nine." "Eight." "Seven." "Taeyong, please! I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come-" "Six" "Five." "Four." "Three." "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, please...!" "Two." "One," he groaned, feeling your walls tighten around his fingers, your entire body stiffening as your orgasm ripped through your body. You couldn't even call out his name as a strangled moan left your throat, fingers squeezing the joystick of the arcade game so tightly your knuckles turned white. "Look at you," he moaned, cheek resting on you shoulder so he could watch your eyebrows knit together and tears pool in your eyes as the pleasure overtook your body. "Such a good girl." After what felt like ages, you felt your pulsating nerves relax and your walls unclench as Taeyong slipped his fingers out, bringing them to your mouth, "Would you look at that, you beat me." You saw the game chime your victory in a little 8-bit tune as your score was flashed up on the screen in bright pink colors, a new high score. You sucked on his fingers dutifully, swirling your tongue around them and savoring your taste as he smirked, "I think I want a rematch. If I can beat your high score, you gotta do something for me." Popping his fingers from your mouth, you dropped to the floor, eyes still hazy with lust as you tugged on his belt, "Why wait for round two when I can just give you your prize now?" As you worked on his belt, Taeyong wove his fingers through your hair, licking his lips as he murmured, "If you insist." You could still feel your release trickling down your inner thighs as you popped open the button and fly of his jeans, smirking, "Absolutely. Now," you ordered, pulling his throbbing cock from his jeans and lumping it experimentally in your hand. "Get to playing."
3K notes · View notes
nanalikessurveys · 5 years ago
Appearance I have/had piercings besides the ears. I want piercings besides the ears. I have many scars. I tan easily. I wish my hair was a different color. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have/want a tattoo. I can be self-conscious about my appearance. I have/had braces. I have more than two piercings.
Embarrassment Disney movies still make me cry. I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. I’ve glued my hand to something. I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose I’ve had my pants rip in public. I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.
Health I’ve gotten stitches. I’ve broken or dislocated a bone. I’ve had my tonsils removed. I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. I’ve had chicken pox.
Travel I’ve been to Florida. I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometers in one day. I’ve been on a plane. I’ve been to Colombia I’ve been to Cuba. I’ve been to Niagara Falls. I’ve been to Ottawa I’ve been to the Caribbean. I’ve been to Europe.
Experiences I’ve gotten lost in my city. I’ve seen a shooting star. I’ve wished on a shooting star. I’ve seen a meteor shower. I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I’ve slapped someone. I’ve kissed someone underwater. I’ve chugged something. I’ve crashed a car. I’ve been skiing. I’ve been in a musical. I’ve auditioned for something. I’ve been on stage. I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. I’ve pranked someone. I’ve ridden in a taxi.
Honesty / Crime I’ve been threatened to be arrested. I’ve broken a law. I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t. I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. I’ve sneaked out. I’ve lied about my whereabouts. I’ve cheated while playing a game. I’ve been in a fist fight.
Death I’m afraid of dying. I hate funerals. I’ve seen someone/something die. Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. I have attempted suicide. I’ve thought about suicide before. I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
Materialism I own over 5 rap CD’s. I’m obsessed with anime/manga. I collected comic books. I own a lot of makeup. I own something from Pac Sun. I own something from The Gap. I own something I got on E-Bay. I own something from Abercrombie. I thrive on compliments. I thrive on hate.
Random I can sing low key. I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. I open up to others easily. I watch the news occasionally or always. I don’t like to kill bugs. I sing in the shower. I’m a morning person.
I’m a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair. I care about grammar. I love spam. I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day. I bake well. My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, black, purple, or orange.  I would wear pajamas to school. I like Martha Stewart. I laugh at my own jokes. I eat fast food weekly. I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room. I’m really ticklish. I like white chocolate. I bite my nails. I’m good at remembering names. I’m good at remembering dates. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
People ..used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic. ..called me fat. ..say I’m skinny. ..have said I’m ugly. ..have said I’m pretty. ..have spread rumors about me. ..force me to eat. ..say I eat too much. ..say I eat too little.
Eating I’ve lost weight. I’ve gained weight. I’m at my thinnest. I’m at my biggest. I’ve lost weight and kept it off. I’ve lost weight, but gained it back. My weight affects my mood. A lot. I diet. I’m vegan/vegetarian. I exercise. I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
Family I’ve sworn at my parents. I’ve planned to run away from home before. I’ve run away from home. My biological parents are together. I have a sibling less than one year old. I want kids. I’ve had kids. I’ve lost a child.
Relationships I’m engaged. I’m married. I’m a swinger. I’ve gone on a blind date. I have/had a friend with benefits. I miss someone right now. I have a fear of abandonment. I’ve gotten divorced. I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back. I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. I’ve kept something from a past relationship.
Sexuality I’m a cuddler. I’ve been kissed in the rain. I’ve hugged a stranger. I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times I regularly drink. I can’t swallow pills I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty. I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point. I have/had anxiety problems. I shut others out when I’m upset. I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset. I have taken/take anti-depressants.  I’ve slept an entire day before. I’ve plotted revenge.
0 notes
and-im-only-human · 7 years ago
Cross out what you’ve done:
Appearance * I have/had piercings besides the ears. * I want piercings besides the ears. * I have a scar. * I tan easily. * My hair is a different color. * I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. * I have/want a tattoo. * I can be self-conscious about my appearance. * I have/had braces * I have more than two piercings.
Embarrassment * Disney movies still make me cry sometimes. * I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. * I’ve glued my hand to something. * I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose. * I’ve had my pants rip in public. * I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.
Health * I’ve gotten stitches. * I’ve broken or dislocated a bone. * I’ve had my tonsils removed. * I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. * I’ve had chicken pox.
Travel * I’ve been to Florida. * I’ve driven/ridden over 200 miles in one day. * I’ve been on a plane. * I’ve been to California. * I’ve been to Asia. * I’ve been to Niagara Falls. * I’ve been to Vanuatu or the Mystery Islands. * I’ve been to the Caribbean. * I’ve been to Europe.
Experiences * I’ve gotten lost in my city. * I’ve seen a shooting star. * I’ve wished on a shooting star. * I’ve seen a meteor shower. * I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. * I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. * I’ve slapped someone. * I’ve kissed someone underwater. * I’ve chugged something. * I’ve crashed a car. * I’ve been skiing. * I’ve been in a musical. * I’ve auditioned for something. * I’ve been on stage. * I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. * I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. * I’ve pranked someone. * I’ve ridden in a taxi.
Honesty / Crime * I’ve been threatened to be arrested. * I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t. * I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. * I’ve snuck out. * I’ve lied about my whereabouts. * I’ve cheated while playing a game. * I’ve been in a fist fight.
Death * I’m afraid of dying. * I hate funerals. * I’ve seen someone/something die. * Someone I know has attempted/committed suicide. * I have attempted suicide. * I’ve thought about suicide before. * I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
Materialism * I own over 5 rap CD’s. * I’m obsessed with anime/manga. * I collected comic books. * I own a lot of makeup. * I own something from Pac Sun. * I own something from The Gap. * I own something I got on E-Bay. * I own something from Abercrombie. * I thrive on compliments. * I thrive on hate.
Random * I can sing low key. * I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. * I open up to others easily. * I watch the news occasionally or always. * I don’t like to kill bugs. * I sing in the shower. * I’m a morning person. * I’m a sports fanatic. * I twirl my hair. * I care about grammar. * I love to spam friends. * I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day. * I bake well. * I would wear pajamas to school. * I like Martha Stewart. * I laugh at my own jokes. * I eat fast food weekly. * I’ve not turned something in and still got an A in a certain class. * I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room. * I’m really ticklish. * I like white chocolate. * I bite/used to bite my nails. * I’m good at remembering names. * I’m good at remembering dates.   * I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
People * ..used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic. * ..called me fat. * ..have said I’m skinny. * ..have said I’m ugly. * ..have said I’m pretty. * ..have spread rumors about me. * ..force me to eat. * ..say I eat too much. * ..say I eat too little.
Eating * I’ve lost weight quickly. * I’ve gained weight quickly. * I’m at my thinnest. * I’m at my biggest. * I’ve lost weight and kept it off. * I’ve lost weight, but gained it back. * My weight affects my mood. * I diet. * I’m vegan/vegetarian. * I exercise. Sometimes. * I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
Family * I’ve sworn at my parents. * I’ve planned to run away from home before. * I’ve run away from home. * I have a sibling less than one year old. * I want kids in the future. * I’ve had kids. * I’ve lost a child.
Relationships * I’ve gone on a blind date. * I have/had a friend with benefits. * I miss someone right now. * I have a fear of abandonment. * I’ve gotten divorced. * I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. * Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back. * I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. * I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. * I’m a cuddler. * I’ve been kissed in the rain. * I’ve hugged a stranger. * I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times * I regularly drink. * I can’t swallow pills. * I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty. * I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point. * I have/had anxiety problems. * I shut others out when I’m upset. * I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset about something personal. * I have taken/take anti-depressants. * I’ve slept an entire day before. * I’ve plotted revenge.
0 notes
skiasurveys · 8 years ago
cross out surveyyyy
Cross out those that apply
Appearance I have/had piercings besides the ears. I want piercings besides the ears. I have many scars. I tan easily. I wish my hair was a different color. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have/want a tattoo. I can be self-conscious about my appearance. I have/had braces. (retainers) I have more than two piercings. Embarrassment Disney movies still make me cry. I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. I’ve glued my hand to something. I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose I’ve had my pants rip in public. I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt. Health I’ve gotten stitches. I’ve broken or dislocated a bone. I’ve had my tonsils removed. I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. I’ve had chicken pox. Travel I’ve been to Florida. I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometers in one day. I’ve been on a plane. I’ve been to Colombia I’ve been to Cuba. I’ve been to Niagara Falls. I’ve been to Ottawa I’ve been to the Caribbean. I’ve been to Europe. Experiences I’ve gotten lost in my city. I’ve seen a shooting star. I’ve wished on a shooting star. I’ve seen a meteor shower. I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I’ve slapped someone. I’ve kissed someone underwater. I’ve chugged something. I’ve crashed a car. I’ve been skiing. I’ve been in a musical. I’ve auditioned for something. I’ve been on stage. I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. I’ve pranked someone. I’ve ridden in a taxi. Honesty / Crime I’ve been threatened to be arrested. I’ve broken a law. I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t. I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. I’ve sneaked out. I’ve lied about my whereabouts. I’ve cheated while playing a game. I’ve been in a fist fight.
Death I’m afraid of dying. I hate funerals. I’ve seen someone/something die. Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. I have attempted suicide. I’ve thought about suicide before. I’ve written a eulogy for myself. Materialism I own over 5 rap CD’s. I’m obsessed with anime/manga. I collected comic books. I own a lot of makeup. I own something from Pac Sun. I own something from The Gap. I own something I got on E-Bay. I own something from Abercrombie. I thrive on compliments. I thrive on hate. Random I can only sing low key. I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. I open up to others easily. I watch the news occasionally or always. I don’t like to kill bugs. I sing in the shower. I’m a morning person. I’m a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair. I care about grammar. I love spam. I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day. I bake well. My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, black, purple, or orange. I would wear pajamas to school. I like Martha Stewart. I laugh at my own jokes. I eat fast food weekly. I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room. I’m really ticklish. I like white chocolate. I bite my nails. I’m good at remembering names. I’m good at remembering dates.  I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
People ..used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic. ..called me fat.  ..have said that I’m skinny. ..have said that I’m ugly. ..have said that pretty. ..have spread rumors about me. ..force me to eat. ..say I eat too much. ..say I eat too little.
Eating I’ve lost weight. I’ve gained weight. I’m at my thinnest. I’m at my biggest. I’ve lost weight and kept it off. I’ve lost weight, but gained it back. fuck you medication! My weight affects my mood. A lot. I diet. I’m vegan/vegetarian. I exercise. I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
Family I’ve sworn at my parents. I’ve planned to run away from home before. I’ve run away from home. My biological parents are together. I have a sibling less than one year old. I want kids. I’ve had kids. I’ve lost a child.
Relationships I’m engaged. I’m married. I’m a swinger. I’ve gone on a blind date. I have/had a friend with benefits. I miss someone right now. I have a fear of abandonment. I’ve gotten divorced. I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back. I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. I’ve kept something from a past relationship. Sexuality I’m a cuddler. I’ve been kissed in the rain. I’ve hugged a stranger. I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times I regularly drink. I can’t swallow pills I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty. I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point. I have/had anxiety problems. I shut others out when I’m upset. I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset. I have taken/take anti-depressants. I’ve slept an entire day before. I’ve plotted revenge.
1 note · View note
kanene-yaaay · 1 year ago
Secrets and the Pros and Cons of Not Running Away
Kanene's notes: I will receive no constructive criticism on this, I saw a character that just keeps being destroyed over and over because he loves and cares too much and since mah bros on that island only SUFFER, I *WILL* take the matters onto my own hands and give them all the tickles and fluff thank you so much for understanding.
Anyway, the Happy Pills Arc is my absolute fave until now, and this animatic is my new obsession. It doesn't has anything to do with the fic, really, but I think it deserves more love drtyuiklkjhg.
Warnings: This is a tickle fanfic. It has hurt/comfort, fluff and some angsty thoughts, but nothing too dark. It happens after the Happy Pills stuff and doesn't follow the canon timeline. Ticklish!Forever and Ler!Philza, Ler!Bad, Ler!Pac, Ler!Mike, Ler!Richarlyson, Ler!Tallulah and Ler!Chayanne. It is 8,000 words long.
Forever woke up. 
His eyes hurt when they opened so he kept them closed for a few minutes more, watching the flash of memories run behind his eyelids in blurry movements and sounds. 
For the first time in a while his mind was silent, clear from all the effects of what the Federation did to him. His feelings no longer exploded crazy in his chest as they often did during the last few days, fighting to survive before the chemicals from the drugs washed them over and got suppressed by a blinding, fake happiness.
Their kids were gone. 
Richarlyson was gone. His son disappeared in thin air and there were no clues or hints that showed any single way to get them back or even know where they went. 
The island was in scrambles, empty. 
There were explosions and grieving and chaos everywhere. Every parent doing any and everything to cope with the fact that from day to night they’ve got what was the most important for them ripped right from their fingers. 
The N.I.N.H.O, his project (his responsibility) didn’t work out this time and they lost everything because of it.
Badboyhalo was losing his colors. Baghera disappeared. Cellbit straight out begged him to not leave him alone during all of this. Mike hadn’t been seen in a long time. Etoiles was trying to keep their hopes up. Everyone asked him what they should do, now. What would he do as their president. 
And what did he do? He fucking lost it. He let his feelings get over his head, exploded everything that he could put his eyes on, demolished his base with TNT and threatened Cucurucho, forced the Federation to do a throwback just so they would have an island to put their feet on. Made the Federation see him as a threat and force those pills on him.
He left everyone. His family. His friends.
(What more could he do?)
And everyone should've left him too.
And yet…
And yet Pac jumped head first to save him. Accepting to go under Cucurucho’s “treatment” so he could analyze the drugs and find a cure for it. No matter how much he was shaking in fear the entire time, how bad the Federation treated him before or how there was just no certainty that his plan would even work
And yet Philza saw under his mask of smile, past the point of his gun and right into the pain in his eyes in his lowest moment and said that everything would be fine, that he still trusted him, that he knew who he was and how much he cared about the eggs. He said they would find a way to solve things out.
And yet Cellbit didn’t let him go for a single second. He followed him no matter the instability, during those painful moments of consciousness, beyond the fake minutes of happiness and slipped past his traps just to go and pull him out of it. He shouted and hugged and taunted and broke and fought dirty and did what he could to bring him back.
And yet Bad still talked and answered him, even with how much he was hurting, even with the bombs and screams and the dismissing he came back over and over again with his chats and banters and discussions that so easily led Forever to the trap that would come to save his life.
Once again, there were tears in his eyes. 
They were too his family. Forever was the one who put himself under Cucurucho’s radar by going apeshit and bombarding the entire island and they were the ones who saved him from that white fucking bear. From himself. From the Happy Pills.
He cried.
(What else could he do?)
Agony and hope danced in harmony in his chest, sucking all his other senses to nothing and filling his soul with every emotion under the sun at the same time. It was overwhelming but good to be free to feel so easily. It was horrible that he knew how it was like to miss this freedom so much. It was empty to feel this despair all over again. It was good, no, essential to know he was not alone.
Almost hopeful, even.
And yet their children were gone.
And yet everyone was kind of lost.
And yet they needed someone solid, a strong leader to step in.
Forever didn’t feel strong.
(What would he do?)
He wiped his tears. Sat on the bed. Got up. Put back the flag on his shoulder. Took a deep breath, listening to the very known voices coming out of the infirmary that made his entire face change to a (this time genuine) happy, tired and relieved kind of smile.
The president of Quesadilla Island woke up.
(And he didn’t have any idea of how much everyone had been waiting to show him how much they were happy about it.)
It all started in very tiny ways, as most things did, easy to miss if you didn’t know where to look. 
The first time it happened Forever was at favela. He had just finished fixing the elevator from the Karaoke and was watching the sunset (Hi, Bobby) wash over the beach in a dance of colors at the top of the building, resting on the parapet. Pac was somewhere close, building more houses or getting in trouble with Fit, but, besides them, it was just him, his memories and Copacabana beach.
Forever laid his head in his arms, with a long sigh, closing his eyes and just letting the wind mess his hair and clear his thoughts, enjoying the brief moment of peace before he started thinking about more plans and projects to fill his day and mind with.
It was hard, though. When every block he put down or decoration he pulled up made the blonde turn around with a call in the tip of his tongue, words disappearing when he realized that there was no set of small footsteps following him and probably never would again because they were all gone and he was not and how could he ever even think about-
A shiver ran down his spine and made his thoughts come to a halt when he felt a light tickle in the back of his neck, making him have to move a hand out of his comfortable position to wipe the leaf or whatever out of his skin. 
His fingers made contact with nothing. Uh. Must’ve flown away already.
He was tired. Maybe he should take the rest of the day to clean his base. There were still holes from the mine traps that someone has been spreading across the island lately. Another problem for him to resolve. Looked like those were never going to end.
The tickle came back, following him even when he flinched away, with a puffed snicker falling from his tongue. His hand shot to scare whatever insect it was from his neck again but the touch was as nimble as it was soft, lightly and skillfully dancing away from his hold before it could catch him.
“Que porra.” (“The fuck.”) He tried again and again, going so far as slapping his entire arm behind him, hitting nothing.
The sensation disappeared for a brief while before running all the way across his spine, making him almost jump in the air and finally give up his comfortable position to spin around. “Que que é isso, cara!” (“What is this, man!”)
“Pfff- hahaha!”
Forever turned just in the right moment to see his short friend, with sky blue eyes shining with a playful light, pulling a black, crooked and beautiful wing behind his back, his laugh ringing across the building.
“Philza! Really?” 
“What? You wouldn’t have that problem if you wore a shirt, you know?” Forever’s shouted “WHAAAAT!” did nothing to alleviate his laughing fit, a snort not taking long to appear.
“You, you’re, you’re bullying me, man! I just came out of the hospital and you treat me like this. I can’t believe it!”
“You come here, you hit me, you don’t let me rest after I get out of a coma… I am an injured, man, you know that, Philza? You’re bullying an injured man.”
“I literally,” his tune tried and failed to sound at least a tidbit serious before he descended in more laughter. “I literally didn’t even hit you!” 
Forever continued as if he didn’t hear the protest of the other, turning around and gesticulating dramatically. “You’re a bully, Philza. You’re such a bully.”
“I am doing that to remind you to put on a shirt! You just came out of the hospital, you’re gonna catch a cold.”
“Nah, nah, nah, you’re mean. You’re just so mean to me. Like, I thought we were friends, you know? But I see the truth now.” He tsked. “That is just sad, Philza. That is really sad, man.”
“Oh my fucking god.” The punch he gave on Forever’s arms didn’t even hurt, only making the president snicker louder. “Shut the fuck up.”
Forever chuckled at how done the other sounded, watching him roll his eyes and shake his head with a big smile before taking (he wasn’t resting anymore so might as well just finish his work here) the chance and walking in between the tables and chairs until he got behind the balcony. In no time he began filling the storage with drinks and food. The high, upbeat joy of banting with his friend slowly calming down.
“Actually, I am going to put back my old black suit soon. I am just taking a break from wearing suits so much, you know?”
He didn’t have to explain what the break was really for and how his old presential clothes didn’t have anything to do with it, Philza understood. 
“Take that time off, Forever, you deserve it.” His tune was soft. 
Forever smiled, wishing he could show Phil how wrong he was. A“break” definitely wasn’t on the list of things that Forever deserved at all. That anarchist was way too kind.
“Thank you very much, my friend.” He closed the cabinet door, turning around (and away), facing the entire restaurant. 
Each chair, each color and decor had been carefully picked by small , gentle claws. The building had been chosen by hand and even the balcony was built lower than normal, made so that a small child could go behind it and pretend to be a barman, sing with the melodies and enjoy the view with their family and friends. 
Signs were still spreaded there, on the restaurant, the rooms, the favela, the N.I.N.H.O, the Spawn, their home and island… None of it had been built to be just for the adults and it all brought a longing pang in his chest. 
They’re gone. They’re gone and he was here laughing and resting and doing nothing to rescue them and how could he be so usele-
Another soft sweep of feathers right under his chin made him flinch away with a surprised, bitten giggle, successfully making his line of thoughts disintegrate for a second time. A half smile painted his face.
“Stop with that, man! It tickles.”
Philza tilted his head slightly to the side, eyes sharp in concentration, as if just realizing something. But at the sound of Forever’s voice he blinked and let his expression become a tad more relaxed, with worried tunes.
“You just seemed to be thinking a whole lot back there. What is in your mind?”
“Nothing really important. It doesn’t matter.”
“Well, I’ve got some bad news for you then, mate. Because it will matter to me. You can tell me anything, Forever.”
And for a moment the other considered not doing that. Teleporting away or brushing his worries with another topic or a joke. But that was Philza. 
Philza, one of the most protective parents who still trusted him with Tallulah when he was away. Philza, who didn’t care about the elections but voted for him anyway. Philza, who trusted him with such a conviction and an unyielding loyalty that Forever had no idea of what he could ever have done to deserve it.
(“You saved my children.” Philza would say if he could listen to him. “You went beyond and further to save everyone’s kids for free over and over so no parent would ever carry the grief of losing them again. You did it for Richarlyson, for Tallulah, for Bobby, for Pomme, for you, for us, for free. I’m not forgetting that easily and I’m not letting you forget too.”)
And that was enough.
He stared at the beach again, the words coming easier when he was not looking at the other.
“Talullah was the one who decorated the restaurant. We were having a Karaoke Night and when we got up here she had already put all those nice trees and pretty flowers…It looks really nice.”
Philza sighed, looking ten thousands of years older.
“Yeah, she has an amazing taste.” Then he walked and stayed right in front of Forever’s view, staring right at his eyes, serious. “We’re going to find them, ok? Richas, Talullah, Chayanne, Ramon… Every single one, we’re going to get them back. So don’t let yourself give up and stay focused.”
The president, his friend, nodded.
“We will get them back.” Forever agreed. “No matter what it costs.”
But Philza was a discreet fella, so things continued to be shown in tiny ways for a while. A poke when he got too distracted and his thoughts too dark, a scribble to get his attention, a sweep of feathers when he refused to stop working so much and listen to the reason. Forever pretended to be annoyed, but the fact that the other cared so much and in such a playful way kept fishing fond smiles and amused chuckles out of him and that he couldn’t ignore.
His cute secret was secure with him, and so things took a while before it began escalating, all because of a different afternoon…
It started with a jumpscare.
“PUTA MERDA!” (“HOLY SHIT!”) The loud shout quickly descended in a series of nervous giggles. The blond holding his chest and resting in a wall to not fall, muscles trembling with the sudden shot of adrenaline. 
It took a couple of minutes for him to get back his composure and glare at the demon that was still snickering gleefully at him, tail swooping around in delight as he jumped around. 
It took exactly one second. 
In a blink Forever was getting his soul back to his body and then in the other he was throwing himself at him and both were rolling on the floor in a mess of pushes and kicks. “Tu se acha engraçadão, hein? Tu se acha muito engraçadão. Palhaço! Tá palhaço demais, hein, Badboyhalo.” (“You think you’re so funny, yeah? You think you’re so funny. You clown! You’re being such a clown, huh, Badboyhalo.”)
Forever didn’t care that his wrestling was uncoordinated enough so most hits didn’t even land on his friend, different from Bad that actually got more than one or two kicks right before letting himself be lost in a mix of too joyfully complains of “unfair attack” and “dictator” to have any true heat in them. 
Their playful fight was kept for a few pieces of a while before they were too distracted by their own amusement to not let the other go and try to recompose themselves.
“Where! is! it!”
“What?” Forever asked, staring with confused eyes at the black demon who crossed his arms and squinted at him in what Forever could swear was an annoyed composure if it wasn’t the way his tail swayed around and his eyes glinted in glee. Whether it was for being so unclear and successfully confusing the blond or for the original reason he appeared there in the first place it wasn’t clear. 
For a moment his eyes unfocused from the form of the other and watched the wall full of kind, heartwarming messages that he asked for everyone still awake at that night to write so he could make BadboyHalo a surprise. Suddenly all the pieces came together in his mind and formed such a cute picture that Forever couldn’t help but let out a delighted chuckle, lips curling in an amused, teasing smirk. “Ooooh, I see what you’re talking about now, Badboy.”
That chuckles almost became a crackle when the only response he received was a petulant huff and a hand extended in his direction, fingers twitching impatiently. Forever took out his backpack, rummaging through it until he found the compartment where he kept all his flowers, carefully pushing Richa’s favorite one aside so he could pull another one. His fingers clasped around a stem and soon a light purple grazed his sight. “Here. Your daily flower. It’s for until you get better, right?”
“Oh, nice, thank you.” Bad’s voice tinted with a softer tune, carefully gathering the gift and putting it on his own backpack, in a special place, together with the others, before his tune became agitated again, feet tapping on the floor with energy. “But that is NOT what I am talking about.” He got closer and repeatedly began slapping his arm, following the president when he shouted and started running around the enclosed space, jumping in attempts to escape from the sudden attack. “WHERE IS IT! GIVE ME, IT’S MINE!”
“What! What more do you want from me!” When no answer was given besides more chasing and (friendly) hitting, the blonde got the warpstone with an exaggerated sigh. 
“You know, Badboyhalo,” when Forever said his entire name, it wasn’t exactly sing-songing, but it had a little beat painted with amusement and tease, when the demons haven’t been able to successfully annoy him out of his mind, of course. “I really need to go, man, and since you don’t have anything to say to me… tsk, that is so sad, man, I was really feeling quite… generous today”
“No!” The demon tried to grab his shoulder, but the blonde dodged swiftly, still pretending to be looking busy and thinking hard about his next location. “Forever. Do not. You’re not running away. I know what you’re doing!” Forever smiled. 
Being friends with Cellbit, you learned a thing or two. Like how to disappear in the middle of a conversation, but, especially, how to do that in the most annoying way possible. “No, no, no, I’m not running away at all, Bad, I am actually…”
However, that was the thing: Bad was also Cellbit’s friend, and so realized the exact moment that glint filled the president’s brown eyes what was about to happen. His hand flew in another attempt of a grab, missing once again his shoulder when the other, a bit later than last time, dodged, which allowed his reflex to kick in and his hand changed the trajectory and lay on the brazilian’s side, squeezing.
None of them was prepared for the squeal that this action fished.
For a second, a blissful second, everything froze and both stared at each other. 
That is how Forever saw the exact second the demon’s eyes squinted and a playful flame alighted in them.
In a blink his other hand also flew to his waist and began attacking both sides with no mercy. Forever had no chance to even try to stop the barking loud laughter that exploded from him, immediately letting go of the warpstone to clue on Bad’s wrists, trying to push them away by sheer reflex even before his brain could process what was happening. 
“Nonono, stop that! BA-ad!”
Bad couldn’t help but giggle, half adoring and half malefically, at the way the laughter made most of his words get almost intelligible. Besides, Bad thinks he could grow accustomed to having his name being snickered in such an adoring - together with that cute smile and shiny eyes - way more often, really.
His fingers poked and prodded with skill and curiosity, looking for any sensitive spot that could create a new fun sound and concentrating there for a few maddening seconds and plenty of digging before looking for the next one. There was a very nice one juuust above his lowest rib that made the barking laughter become a string of snickers that seemed to grow higher and faster by the seconds. It almost made Bad forget his main job now as his friend and rival the second (actually, even before that, if he was being honest, but honesty was overrated) he discovered that little fun secret about their dear tyrant:
Tease him out of his mind.
“Huh? Stop what, Foreverrr?” “That! You’re ti-” Bad closed his hands in fists and pressed his knuckles on his ribs and rubbed as if his life depended on it, cutting the rest of the sentence with success and filling the room with much more shrieks than before. “What was that?” 
Forever couldn’t answer, his legs were failing and it made him get close to a fall if it wasn’t for the demon adjusting his hold on him and slowly lowering him to the ground, fingers still dancing in each and every rib, scratching and scribbling happily.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear what you’re saying, some muffinhead is laughing their heart out near here. Perhaps they heard a very good joke. Hmmm, what do you think Forever?”
Forever snorted, eyes almost closed with how much he was laughing, tears beginning to collect in the corner of his eyes. A few portuguese words got tangled with his crackling. Bad nodded seriously and slowed his tickle attack, not wanting to go too far.
“Uh hm, no, I get what you’re putting down here. We just need to ignore the laughter and keep up our nice conversation. I think that is a great idea!” He snuggled his hands cozily under Forever’s armpits, lightly wiggling and poking, which resulted in the laughter becoming a new dance of a calmer, but still high with adrenaline and mirth, string of snickers that made the blonde’s shoulders bounce in joy. “What were you saying before?” 
“Stop tickling me!” “What!” Bad gasped in offense. “How can you even accuse me like that! What the fudge, I thought we were friends. But, no, I see. I came aaaaall the way over here, did nothing wrong and you just treat me like that.” He gave a fake sniff.  “You’re hurting my feelings, Forever.” “Mentiroso!” (Liar!) It was quite difficult to see with tears and squinted eyes, especially when Bad’s hoodie always kept his expressions hidden, however, it was even harder to miss how those shiny eyes glinted with mischief and fondness and his smirk went from one ear to another. 
It was quite the sweet sight. Forever had to push his face away before it made him blush vomit. 
(For a second, he could almost swear that the blue that covered the other’s figure dimmed a little for a piece of time.)
“You’re such a liar.”
“Oh why, thank you.”
Bad freed his hands and softly attacked the back of the elf’s ears, still too lost in the lovely sound of his delightful giggles, crackles and snickers to actually let him go. That was the true sound of Forever’s happiness, not that forced, explosive laughter created by those pills. 
Besides, Forever also wasn’t pushing him away.
Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the only one missing that freeing sound. Maybe Forever also longed for those moments of playful fights between them, of pushing the buttons and teasing and caring and always, always being there, for the better or the worse.
Eventually, the president held his hands and stopped the attack, left over giggles still pouring from his lips like a waterfall. 
Their eyes met.
Forever’s smile got relaxed and small before growing bigger. 
Bad just hummed, tail starting to sway fastly from side to side.
“So, Badboyhalo…”
Forever’s grip got more firm. 
Bad’s pull got equally stronger. 
They kept smiling.
“Are you… uh.” His voice lost the undertone of playfulness, brown eyes focusing with true curiosity for a moment. “Coceguento? How is it in english? Tickly?”
“Oh, it’s ticklish. For example, you are very ticklish, Forever.”
“Hehehe,” he snorted, and his curiosity was satisfied. “Yeah, yeah, I got it. But what about you, Badboyhalo? Are you… ticklish?” The word came slowly and playfully, tinted with a nice accent.
Bad’s tail opened his backpack, rummaging in search for a very specific item.
“Hmmm… no, actually. I’m not.”
The blonde’s smile got more dangerous. “I don’t know… I don’t believe in you, man.” He found it. 
“Then why don’t you try to find out?” 
Forever pulled him closer and with a swift move the enderpearl that had been in his bag was thrown to the other side of the room, successfully freeing the demon from his hold. Not a second later, though, Forever was jumping on his feet, ready for another chase.
Lots of laughter filled the afternoon, that day.
After that, the avian wasn’t the only one who now randomly poked, prodded and attacked the outgoing brazilian when he wasn’t expecting, anymore. Even though Badboyhalo’s attacks were much more out of the blue, following him in those lonely afternoons when he was distracted in his adventures or too lost in a project to realize the other invaded his base in the middle of a sleepless night. 
But, you see, the difference between Philza and Bad and knowing that Forever is actually pretty ticklish is a very single detail: Bad is a fucking gossiper who loved to set chaos just to see where it would go. 
And, therefore, the main reason why Forever was so screwed right now.
“Que isso, moço, tá fugindo da gente por que?” (What is this, bro? Why are you running away from us?) 
Forever didn’t even have to turn around to see Mike’s giant smug grin. It was almost palpable in his tune. But if anyone could have any doubt about its existence, they just needed to listen to his crackles as both him and Pac chased their friend through the Spawn, leaving a very amused Bad and  Bagi, who shouted a “Boa sorte aí, Forevinho!” (Good luck, Forevinho!) in the wind behind.
“Pois é, a gente só quer um abraço apertado do nosso presida da galera! Cadê o espírito da Favela Six?” (That’s right. We just want a tight hug from our favorite president! Where’s the Favela’s six spirit?) Pac, however, questioned with a genuine tune, almost naive like as he followed the other closely, getting closer and closer by the seconds. For a moment he almost tricked the president into thinking that he was the merciful one, then he remembered about that one tickle fight he, Mike and Tubbo had in the Favela.
Let’s just say it was just a very quick thought, really.
“Favela six é o caralho, ceis querem é me roubar. Eu já disse que não vai ter Armazém da Galera nenhum! Isso é ataque à autoridade, hein!” (Favela Six my ass, you just want to rob me. I already said that there won’t be any Free Storage! This is an attack on authority!)
“A gente só quer o que é nosso por direito, Forevin.” (We just want what is faithfully ours, Forevin.)
The blonde didn’t even have a chance to answer before an arm grabbed his shoulder and pushed, disbalancing him enough so Pac was able to sneak behind him and lock him in a hug, snickering gleefully in his ear.
“Que isso, cara, achava que tu era compromissado! Vou falar pro Fit, hein!” (The hell, man! I thought you were compromised! I’m going to tell Fit!) Forever’s struggles only grew stronger when he saw Mike getting closer, wiggling his hands in the form of claws as he stopped running and instead began to approach slowly, chuckles falling freely from his lips and making shivers run across his spine and giggles to pile in his chest. 
He tried again to free himself from the hug, showing no success. Pac’s hold was firm as a mountain.
“E desde quando que tu tá malhando? Tá todo mamadíssimo aí, né, eu tô sabendo.” (And since when you’re ripped? You’re all ‘mamadíssimo’ now. I see what’s going on.)
Pac let out an amused, with drops of shyness, snort. “Pois é, né, moço. Sabe como é né… Tô indo na academia do Fit bastante esses tempos e tudo mais, aí dá nisso.” (That is right, bro. You know how it is… I’m visiting Fit's Gym a lot these last days and that is what happens.) His tune lost a bit of the light and became more serious, cracked in the corners. “Também, né, a gente nunca sabe quando vai precisar. Eu não quero que quando chegue a hora…” (Also, we don’t know when we’re gonna need it. I don’t want that, when the time comes…)
Forever knew exactly what he was talking about, the same cloudy thoughts that filled everyone’s mind in the island the second he warned that the kids had ran away because a danger greater than everything they’ve seen before was coming, the Federation choosing to announce the train station’s opening in just a few days also did not help their nerves.
He looked at Pac’s shadows under his eyes, suddenly remembering that his friend also went under the Happy Pills Treatment, the horrible withdrawal, the exhaustion of recovery, all to save him. 
His struggles became just a little, a little less strong, heart melting and hurting like it did for every single member of their dysfunctional family since they arrived in that boat.
The scientists deserved to have their own silly fun, even if the fun was destroying their friend and president in a mess full of giggling pieces.
And so Forever let out a loud laughter, wiggling his eyebrows and giving him a knowing smirk. “Tu tá praticando bastante exercício com o Fit é? Aham, hehehe, tô sabendo.” (Doing a lot of exercise with Fit, yeah? Uh hm. Hehehe, I see.)
“FOREVER!” This time the snort that came out from Forever’s mouth was more of a result of Pac's unfairly squeezing his belly non stop instead of a reaction to the affronted shout, the one with blue hoodie not throwing any other remark or getting lost in any dark thought. The blonde counted that as a win for him. 
“Tá bem engraçadinho, mas você não vai conseguir me distrair. Sabe, o Badboy me falou algo muito interessante sobre você que ele descobriu mês passado…” (You think you’re being funny, huh. But you’re not going to distract me. You know, Badboy told me something very interesting about you that he discovered last month…)
Mike finally got right in front of him and Forever immediately started kicking in his direction to keep those offending fingers away from his torso at the same time that he continued to attempt to pry Pac’s hands - that somehow seemed to sense the exact spots he was the most sensitive and concentrate all their pinches, scribbles and tickly efforts on them over and over again - until the attack forced Forever to press his lips on his shoulder to contain the blossoming laughter and embarrassing squeals that tried to escape from his mouth.
His efforts to not let any sound out, however, were demolished when, in his distraction, Mike grabbed his ankle and grinned like a shark that finally got his prey. 
“Eu preferia uma mãozinha, mas já que é isso que você tá oferecendo…” (I’d rather you gave me a hand, but since you’re offering…) And, locking the leg in a headlock,  his fingers began dancing across his sole, walking around his arch and giving some special attention to the extremely ticklish space right under his toes, skillfully dodging any kicks that this move resulted in and breaking Forever’s barriers instantly.
Forever’s booming laughter filled the air in a free dance of joy, mirth and a warmth that filled his heart when he remembered just how long had it been since all of them could just get together and goof around a bit, no kidnappings or imminent dangers in their minds for a blissful pieces of time.
“Soooo, guys, I think I’m heading out, now.” Forever kept jumping on the trampoline, restless energy running on his veins after talking to Phil about his journey in the Nether. The virus hadn’t spread a lot those last days, but the conversation was hard, not only because of how, primarily, exhausting it was to go through all of it, but because for some reason something in him made he almost feel compelled to shut his mouth and not say a single word about the infection to anyone else.
They played and gave each other a few remarks and pokes of fun when Philza asked for Forever to take off his shirt in the bunker, careful touches analyzing the skin around the ébano substance glued on his back and in the nape of his head. Even so, it made the blonde want to hide away the result of his journey. Forever never have been ashamed of his body. He used to walk around shirtless, on the good old, first days on the island, afterall. But if he was being honest... he was afraid about that infection, and Philza didn’t seem very relieved about it either.
It was a literal mark about how he had failed in absolutely every single sense and chance he had out there. In finding any clue, in getting their kids back, in saving Walter Bob or even himself. In the end, he was not able to do any of this.
That is the President of Quesadilla Island, everyone.
(“We’re going to talk with Cucurucho and demand answers about what the fuck is this.”
Forever gave a humorless chuckle, happy that the children were outside playing so they weren’t here to witness how defeated he sounded for a second before adjusting himself to a playful grin that didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, Philza, he is very good at this. Giving us answers, right?”
“We have to try. If someone knows about this it is the Federation.”  Philza brushed the other’s sarcastic ‘há!’ easily and moved until he was right in front of the brazilian, capturing his eyes in a firm stare. “And if they don’t have anything, we’re going to find our own answers.”
Forever nodded, not really believing.
“You worry too much, my friend.”
“Exactly. I already told you but I will repeat it until it gets through your thick skull: I always will worry and I’m not leaving you side, mate.”
For a moment words escaped from his tongue, a mix of feelings of ‘safe’, ‘happy’ and ‘embarrassment’ filled his chest before he got a hold of his senses. 
“Alright, alright, alright.” 
This time, when he smiled there was a light back into his brown, tired eyes. 
“You know, Philza, you really need to get over me, man. The line continues, I’m already moving forward and you still try to romance me, it’s- what is the word? Oh, embarrassing, hehehe”
The avian took advantage of his position to hit the other upside his head, a surprise snort being fished from his lips. 
“Oho, shut the fuck up. You’re the one who is still on this!”)
And yeah, maybe he was just making a strategic retreat after showing vulnerability, but who could blame him, really? No one, that’s who. He would be out before they did try.
“Come on, Richas, vamo de Megabase.” (Let’s go to Megabase) He called, getting out of the trampoline when the boy kept painting and paid him no mind. Tallulah, however, stopped writing on a book to go to him, Chayanne turned to look from his place next to the grill nearby, already testing a new recipe.
The girl placed a sign and stared at him with attentive eyes, lips firmly pressed in a shadow of disappointment. ‘You already going?’
(God. He really missed the sound of little steps and signs being placed. They missed it all so much.)
Forever internally winced. He really didn’t spend a lot of time with Chay and Talullah since they’re back, letting them enjoy more time with Phil and just making quick check ins once in a while. He also took the last days to spend as much time as he could with Richas, afterall.
“Yeah... sorry, Talullah, but me and Richas still have to finish our project, right Richas?”
Still no answer from the younger one, too concentrated in every stroke to pay the conversation any mind.
Forever chuckled, sensing a chance for some mischief. Cleaning his throat, he lifted his voice from the usual soft tune he always used with Tallulah to a more taunting tune, making it louder so Richas could listen perfectly well.
“Ohhh, but maybe you can go and help me to make it, right, Talullah? You’re such a nice, helpful egg who listens to your parents when they call you, just like Chayanne. Richarlyson could take some examples from his older siblings more, tsk.” The president had to hold the snickers when he saw the red cow head stop and slowly, threateningly slowly, turn around to face him, Richas letting go of the brush to squint their eyes at him. Talullah and Chayanne rolled their eyes, amused, already used to the playful banters between father and son. “But ahh, he just never listens. Oooh, I have an idea! While Tallulah helps me with the decoration, Chayanne, you can go too and make your delicious barbecue there to keep us- AH!”
The surprised shout was a direct result for when the younger launched himself at his father in protest and began roughhousing immediately, both descending in growls and portuguese for a few couple of minutes before Forever laid a satisfied Richas on the floor, who immediately placed a sign.
‘Pai, stop. I’m making Pepito’s birthday present, let me finish it >:0 we can go Mebase later :D’
“Ok, ok, I get it, I get it. You like Pepito more than your own father. Yeah, yeah, no Richas, no, I get it.” He began fake sniffing and making crying noises, leading to a Richas kicking his leg in a clear message of ‘stop the dramatics’ before going back to the canvas. “Ok, ok, warn me when you finish your drawing then, we can stay a little more.”
The three kids danced in excitement.
He is not sure how exactly he had ended up in this position.
Talullah and Chayanne were secure and cozy his arms, half because of a poke of fun at Philza that started with a joke ten minutes ago and they just kept it running and half as a parting hug that was stiffly (but still very carefully) answered by Chayanne and warmly by Tallulah. Forever enthusiastically squeezed and hugged them even tighter. A bit jealous of how Philza could shield them both with his wings during their own hugs and how he could only wish that his arms would be strong enough to defend them when the time comes.
“OK, now it’s for real. Richas, let’s go!”
But, when Richarlyson appeared in front of him, paints and canva already put inside his backpack, his smile had a different tint in it and, between his curls, Forever could recognize the flame that always appeared when that kid’s inner demon - not his terrifying artistic alter ego, though, the general demon that lives inside every rascal kid - woke in search of chaos.
He immediately became wary.
‘Chay, Talluh, can I tell you a secret about Pai Forever? 0-0’
Both siblings immediately nodded.
“Ohh, gossip. I like, I like.” Philza snorted at the affronted look in Forever’s face. 
“Vai contar nada, vai contar nada, seu muleque atentado! Nem sei o que tu vai falar, mas não vai falar não. Que que é isso, Richarlyson, tá se virando contra o seu próprio pai?” (You’re telling nothing, you’re telling nothing, you absolute brat. I don’t even know what you’re about to say but you’re telling nothing. What is it, Richarlyson, are you turning against your own dad?)
During the entire scold Richas kept jumping around in circles with the utmost, simple delight, wiggling his body and tail in sync in front of Forever, as if daring him to let go of the other two eggs to go and actually catch him, like a cat looking deep into your eyes before throwing the cup right off your table.
He put a sign on the ground.
‘Pai Forever is absurdly, awfully, very, very, ticklish. And it’s so funny because he always agrees to give us anything when we tickle attack him at home.'
His kid, his beautiful, beautiful baby boy that he would explode the entire island for and go through the literal hell all over again if it meant that he would be finally safe, only looked at him in a confused expression - as if the lil shit just couldn’t tell why his dear pai was running away from him as he tried to get closer - and began following his steps as Forever tried to put distance between them, holding Chayanne and Talullah the farthest away from his torso that he could while the two squirmed trying to escape and attack.
In the end his back ended up hitting the tree and, without being able to get his items to flee, he had nowhere to go.
“Wait, wait, wait, don-” A chortle escaped the very exact moment Richas began drilling on his sides, making Forever want to bounce up and down with the sudden tickly energy that shot through his entire body, leaving his mouth with a big, dazzling smile and his arms to fall in an attempt to protect himself from the tickling, which inevitably brought the other children close and sealed his fate.
Tallulah was bold, briefly looking at his face for any sign of discomfort before carefully shoving her claws under his armpit, scratching the ticklish skin with ease, but for the loud shriek that this resulted one could think that she just unlocked a full, unmerciful on a tickle attack.
Chayanne took a bit longer, giving his surroundings and sky a wary look, as if a monster would appear the very second he lowered his guard, only to end up finding his father’s gaze, who was watching at them with a soft expression and nodding encouragingly. The little (way to young) warrior relaxed and also took the job of scribbling, encircling and digging (just the tiniest bit, he had to be mindful about his claws after all) the other armpit, fish just more squeals and plenty of gleeful laughter with that.
Forever felt like he was about to jump out of his skin, his body going crazy at the ‘it tickles, it tickles so so much!’ feeling while his brain was still caught in the need to not move around too much to not hurt any kid with his squirms. All of which ended up with the blonde doing a weird little dance around the spot that brought plenty of giggles and amused snickers from the young ones.
Now, the similarity between Philza and Bad is that, while he wasn’t exactly the one who created it, Philza was more than inclined and wouldn’t necessarily refuse to add to a chaotic situation it if the chance came, if he felt like it.
That is why he stepped close, winking at them. “I think it’s better if you just agree to their terms, Forever.”
“I-I” the adult tried to bite back another giggling fit, but their tickles were so goddamn light and maddening- “I don’t even snk know what thehey want!”
“Just agree to give them anything then.”
Forever shook his head. He knew his son enough to understand how much of a pain in the ass that decision could become.
“Needing more convincing? Well, kids, you saw it.”
“Filho da puta-” (Son of a bitch-), and Forever threw his head backwards in more laughter, more squeaks, more half squirms.
Now, Philza may not know Portuguese. However, six months sharing an island with 7 brazilians and plenty of reasons to swear taught him well what some words meant. He snorted, half amused and half affronted.  
“Do NOT swear in front of the children.” Then, a wicked grin was formed in his expression.“You know what? I think the eggs need a little help.”
Forever’s eyes got wide when he saw the avian stepping close, cracking his fingers, making an electric shiver run across his spine and spread through his nerves, making his fingertips tingle with adrenaline and anticipation. 
His legs tensed in preparation for the chase, unfortunately, his son knew him too well.
In a blink Richarlyson threw himself on his legs and hugged them, successfully stopping him from even trying to escape. And those extra pieces of time were all that Philza needed. As fast as he was to defend and attack, he positioned himself right in front of the president, firmly pressing his shoulder to the tree and not really, truly, preventing him from escaping, but successfully securing him in place, in the same time.
“Ok, kids, what I know for a fact is that his neck is a very bad spot…” He demonstrated it by lightly tracing and wiggling his nails on said place, all of the dragon hybrids watching attentively as the action made Forever lose himself in a sea of snickers and yelps, a stronger reaction only coming out when two more tiny hands got mixed in the fun when Chayanne and Talullah tried mirroring their dad.
“But a spot that could make him cave…” Philza hummed before turning to the young one with a red mushroom cow head. “What do you think, Richarlyson? His hips or the back of his ribs?”
Richas looked at his dad. 
At how dark have been the circles under his eyes since he came back, at how he kept chatting with the islanders but never truly talking to them, how he always kept running off to another project or meeting, always saying that Richas was his son and his best friend and the only one he could trust when they got caught up in the middle of the night building and decorating his base.
He saw how, until now, he hadn’t run away. Through the teases, the attacks and tickles, he stayed.
And so, he smirked. 
Placed a sign.
“Geez, I’m never getting into a tickle fight with you, mate.” Even so, the avian reflected his smirk right back at him and both turned to look at Chayanne and Talullah, who nodded in understanding and placed their claws on the back of his ribs. 
“Nononono! Wait!” Philza placed his free hand on his hips, thumb pressing the spot right above the bone, the palm resting on the back of his spine. Forever’s speech became more high pitched and much faster, with nervous, delirious chuckles already spilling and spinning in the air. “None of you said what you wanted from me! That is not justo, uh, just, huh, fair! Calma aí, come on, wait, wait, wait!”
They did not, in fact, wait.
For a second, once again, everything else in the world disappeared. There were no code monsters, no Federation, no Purgatory or anything else but the warm, electric feeling of fingers and claws prodding, pinching and scratching that took over his entire senses, making his laughter ring free in a song composed of yelps, shrieks, squeals and snickers that filled the air. There was nothing else but the fun, the joy and the warmth of a careful touch and silly taunting smiles that his heart melt with care over and over again.
In the end, after more laughter, plenty of teasing and lots of snorts, they finally agreed to ask him to visit them again after a couple of days for a nice picnic. A request which, in between leftover chuckles, plenty complains and a few gleeful tears, Forever agreed, a plan of vengeance already forming in his brain.
#Ler!Philza#Ler!Tallulah#Ler!Bad#Ler!Richarlyson#qsmp tickling#Ler!Chayanne#Ticklish!Forever#Ler!Pac#Ler!Mike#I loved the idea of Philza using his feathers for evil tickly purposes ok like PLEASE it has so much potential!!!#Also I didn't add a tickle scenario with Cellbit and Forever and yeah I am sad too but I couldn't imagine it so :(#Very sad face the divorced keep losing :(#cheer up tickles#I don't think Tallulah and Chayanne were too true to their character here but I tried. I only started watching Phil's pov recently :")#Phil and Forever at every second around each other: he is so not over me like god that is so embarrasing how much he still wants me geez#Bad and Forever actively annoying each other gives me so much happiness like <3 <3 <3 yeah yeah get insufferable plssss#Look I am all but a simply person who LOVES hurt/comfort and an entire arc that showed us one of my faves characters going thro hell and-#-being SAVED by his friends and family who literally refused to let him lost himself no matter how much he was forced to push them away?#HECK YEAH#Look look I still lay awake in my bed thinking about Phil saying 'Forever. I know you would've never agreed to that if it wasn't for a-#-good reason' and Forever laughing and saying 'That is the funny part Philza. I never agreed to anything!!'#And he saying that he promised to Chay that he would protect Tallulah no matter what and then he starts laughing 'Isn't that funny Phil?'#AUGH#And don't even get me STARTED about his and Cellbit's screaming match in the end OWWW HOW CAN THEY BE SO GOOD AT RP FUCK MEEEE#Also yeah I am actively ignoring what is happening in canon rn while still adding the virus to my fic like we give them the ol razzle dazzl#qsmp tickles#Kanene's fanfic#Kanene's fic
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cptsdofficial · 8 years ago
1-170 : * )
 Ask me! I'll answer honestly jesus fucking hell here we go
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? tbh i’m pretty ok with my height maybe like one (1) inch taller2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) i want a sphynx cat shgdhg3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i like all kinds of styles’ Aesthetic but mine is wearing the same ten t shirts over and over4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Ocarina of Time5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Jacob, dying and going to sleep6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? emotionally unstable7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? i Hate candy corn its Disgusting8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] melancholic have u seen my blog9: Are you ticklish? yea10: Are you allergic to anything? I’m allergic to Nut11: What’s your sexuality? people who give me attention12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? coffee13: Are you a cat or dog person? i like both but! probably more dog14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? vampire15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? youtube is a sin16: How tall are you? 5′8?17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? i chose my name lol bye18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] too much lol19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? idk not really but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20: Do you like space or the ocean more? space!21: Are you religious? no22: Pet peeves? being alive
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? nocturnal
24: Favorite constellation? don’t have one25: Favorite star? don’t have one26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? no?27: Any phobias or fears? bugs28: Do you think global warming is real? who am i trump29: Do you believe in reincarnation? idk i don’t really Believe in it that much but i don’t believe against it30: Favorite movie? Totoro probably
31: Do you get scared easily? pretty much32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? idk a few34: What is a color that calms you? green or purple35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? i wanna visit Japan36: Where were you born? Indiana37: What is your eye color? brown38: Introvert or extrovert? introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? not really but i still read them40: Hugs or kisses? neither lol
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? god42: Who is someone you love deeply? jacob43: Any piercings you want? no44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? on other people yeah, i kinda want tattoos45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? smoke what lol i’m kidding yeah46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! no47: What is a sound you really hate? me talking48: A sound you really love? cronch49: Can you do a backflip? who am i sportacus50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Samira Wiley!52: Favorite movie? whys this on here twice bye53: How are you feeling right now? like i still have 120 questions to go54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? what it is55: When did you feel happiest? with @cruelknives56: Something that calms you down? I’ve never once been calm in my life57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] lol58: What does your URL mean? it means i’m a borderline and i’m also an ass59: What three words describe you the most? Bad Awful Theworst 60: Do you believe in evolution? it doesn’t matter if u believe in it or not it’s still tru lol61: What makes you unfollow a blog? everything62: What makes you follow a blog? bad content63: Favorite kind of person: Jacob64: Favorite animal(s): idk but i have rats65: Name three of your favorite blogs. mine66: Favorite emoticon: i’m on desktop but the sparkle or the bee67: Favorite meme: all memes are bad68: What is your MBTI personality type? infp!69: What is your star sign? cancer71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? the same ones72: Post a selfie or two? http://generallyqueer.tumblr.com/tagged/my-face73: Do you have platform shoes? no 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? my head hurts75: Can you do a front flip? no76: Do you like birds? yea77: Do you like to swim? i used to but now dysphoria78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist: me lol80: Some thing you wish did exist: money in my wallet81: Piercings you have? only my ears82: Something you really enjoy doing: sleeping83: Favorite person to talk to: Jacob84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? bad85: How many followers do you have? on this blog, 19986: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? hwo is this someone healthy87: Do your socks always match? my socks haven’t matched in eight years88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? idk buut i’m not gonna try89: What are your birthstones? pearl and alexandrite!90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? frog91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? i.. don’t kno somebody tell me my aesthetic flower92: A store you hate? all of them93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? is that a challenge94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly cause my brain is enough95: Do you like to wear camo? never in my life96: Winter or summer? neither97: How long can you hold your breath for? don’t know not gonna try98: Least favorite person? me lol  jake99: Someone you look up to: death himself100: A store you love? idk pac sun
101: Favorite type of shoes high tops102: Where do you live? florida103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? no104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? rose quartz probably!105: Do you drink milk? yea106: Do you like bugs? No!107: Do you like spiders? No!!!!108: Something you get paranoid about? being alive lol109: Can you draw: technically yes110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? idk111: A question you hate being asked? to describe myself112: Ever been bitten by a spider? idk113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? yea114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? cloudy115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: mothman116: Favorite cloud type: idk117: What color do you wish the sky was? idk118: Do you have freckles? no119: Favorite thing about a person: gives me attention120: Fruits or vegetables? fruit121: Something you want to do right now: stop answering these122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? sky123: Sweet or sour foods? sweet124: Bright or dim lights? dim125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? me126: Something you hate about Tumblr: www.tumblr.com127: Something you love about Tumblr: validation128: What do you think about the least? idk129: What would you want written on your tombstone? it was lit fam130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? myself131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? my entire appearance 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? rarely133: Computer or TV? computer134: Do you like roller coasters? yea135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? not that often136: Are your ears lobed or attached? lobed137: Do you believe in karma? kind of138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? -1 but also 11139: What nicknames do you have/have had? who140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? not really141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? no142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? lol i influence people143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? giving144: What makes you angry waking up every day145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? tbh who knows I lean towards mostly nb people and male-aligned ppl i think?? but i’m probably also aro so?? god147: Are you androgynous? I try148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: eyelashes149: Favorite thing about your personality: my 2 personality disorders150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. no one
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? dinosuars so i could get destroyed by that meteor152: Do you like BuzzFeed? no154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? no cause i don’t really touch people lol155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? no156: What embarrasses you? being alive157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: being alive158: Biggest lie you have ever told: i convinced my mom i was stabbed when i was seven159: How many people are you following? 205160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 1,400161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 9162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 195163: Last time you cried and why: today because my rat was mad at me164: Do you have long or short hair? short165: Longest your hair has ever been: like down to my ass it was bad166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? I mean, i have opinions on religion as a whole (i’m not religious myself) but really idc, i just respect everyone’s beliefs167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? tbh? not really168: Do you like to wear makeup? no169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yea
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