regrese12 · 3 months
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Khorne Bezerkers and Iron Warriors alliance by Thibault Ollier
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
South African police say evidence gathered so far leads them to believe the killing of popular rapper AKA was an assassination.
KwaZulu-Natal police chief Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi said the gunman had approached AKA from behind and shot him at close range in the side of the head.
A second gunman then started firing to deter onlookers from responding to the "hit", he added.
One of these rounds killed AKA's friend, celebrity chef Tibz Motsoane.
The shooting occurred outside a restaurant in the coastal city of Durban on Friday night.
While police work to establish a full picture of what happened to AKA, whose real name was Kiernan Forbes, his father has asked people to stop speculating on social media.
Tony Forbes says the family are focusing on giving their son "a dignified send-off", and he has thanked the many well-wishers whose support is "making it easier to cope".
He has also paid tribute to Motsoane, saying he was "like a brother" to AKA.
No arrests have yet been made.
But police say they know the identities of the "two shooters", and are still checking the identities of all of those at the scene in Durban that night.
Investigators are now using the suspects' data to piece together their communication and movements in the run-up to the killings, Gen Mkhwanazi has told the Newzroom Africa TV channel.
"We know that the aim was to first kill AKA, and the second suspect could have killed any other [person] because they fired a couple of shots - so anybody who was on the way could have been hit," he says.
AKA is to be buried on Saturday and a public memorial service will be held on Friday afternoon at the Sandton convention centre in the main city, Johannesburg, his father says.
He began his musical career as part of the rap group Entity before he launched his solo career, winning several awards in South Africa for his music.
He was also celebrated internationally, with several nominations for a Black Entertainment Television (BET) Award in the US and an MTV Europe Music Award.
Hours before his death, the 35-year-old posted on social media about his upcoming album, Mass Country, which is set for release later this month.
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azaleassgc · 7 months
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L’art de l’interview est un exercice assez délicat pour peu que l’on n’en fasse pas souvent. On s’en était bien sortis avec Egoless, un peu moins bien avec Las et Mikael malgré la gentillesse extrême des deux, et très bien avec Darren de Unity Through Sound, même à distance. Alors quand SKS et Tibz de « The Quiet Office » nous ont annoncé que nous pourrions interviewer Mala lors de la soirée « Outlook Edition » en Juillet dernier à Toulouse… l’enthousiasme laissa vite place au stress. Monsieur Mala, M-A-L-A : DMZ, Deep Medi, Anti War Dub, tout ça tout ça… On a décidé de rester simple au final dans nos questions : mettant bien l’accent sur le fait que nous n’étions en aucun cas des journalistes, mais seulement des fans se posant des questions sur le mouvement Dubstep et sur la musique. Au final on a passé un excellent moment, encore merci à lui d’avoir pris le temps de nous répondre. Et surtout merci à The Quiet Office pour ce si bon souvenir. J’ai pété ma montre sur Goblin, et on a pris Two Faced sur le son du Bikini, on peut mourir en paix.
AZA : Que pense-tu de la culture Dubstep en France ?
MALA : J’ai eu la chance de voyager dans beaucoup de pays au cours de ma carrière. J’en ai visité plus de 67, et encore je ne suis pas bien certain du nombre exact. Il y a des pays où je ne suis allé qu’une fois, d’autres deux, d’autres où je reviens souvent et certains… où je n’arrive même pas à m’en souvenir. Je viens souvent en France, une à deux fois par an je pense. Selon mon expérience personnelle et sans vouloir représenter qui que ce soit: l’Espagne, la France et l’Italie se ressemblent beaucoup dans la manière qu’ils ont eu d’assimiler ce mouvement que les gens ont baptisé « Dubstep ». Il y a un public qui résonne à cette même-fréquence, mais on dirait que cela n’a jamais réellement grossi. Le nombre de personnes soutenant ce mouvement reste le même, d’années en années en fait. C’est ma troisième fois à Toulouse, quant à Paris je ne me souviens pas du nombre exact de visites… j’ai également joué au Worldwide Festival à Sète et oui, parfois tu croises les mêmes têtes, mais souvent des nouvelles !
Donc je ne pense pas que la scène soit en train de mourir ici ou de stagner: il y a quand même du mouvement mais on dirait que ça ne touche pas un public plus large. Je ne suis pas en train de dire que la France est un environnement bien ou mauvais pour venir jouer, vous l’avez bien vu ce soir à Toulouse c’était génial : le système son était excellent et surtout le public… tellement d’énergie (rires) ! J’essaye de ne pas comparer les pays dans lesquels je joue: je profite juste de ce qu’ils sont, mais pour Toulouse je dois bien avouer qu’il y a une sacrée vibration !
AZA : Tu as joué « Way Mi Defend » de Kahn ce soir : était-ce un VIP ou la version d’Ishan Sound ?
M : C’était la version d’Ishan Sound, effectivement !
AZA : Au niveau de ton passé musical, d’où viens-tu ? Qu’est-ce qui t’as motivé à faire de la musique ?
M : Tout ce qui a forgé mon état d’esprit et ma personnalité vient du Hardcore/Jungle des années 93-94. J’ai réellement été bluffé par ça en écoutant les radios pirates de l’époque. Au fond de moi-même, je suis un Junglist, tout vient de la Jungle. En écouter est ce qui m’a poussé à m’investir dans la musique. Je me revois gamin, pendant Nöel quitter le repas pour m’enfermer dans ma chambre: allumer la radio, régler la fréquence et entendre ce fameux « Tchhh Tch Tchh Tchh « . (se met à imiter le amen break en rigolant) Tu vois ce que je veux dire ? Ce breakbeat totalement fou. Je me disais : « Mais qu’est ce que c’est que ce bordel ? » C’est vraiment là où j’ai commencé à explorer le son et ça m’a emmené vers tellement de directions. Voilà mon passé musical: la Jungle, les radios pirates et la culture indépendante.
« Tu joues ton dubplate au concert alors que tu l’as pressé le jour même, tu écoutes et tu testes. Puis le lendemain, tu repars au studio modifier le morceau, car peut-être que le snare était trop fort mais la basse pas assez épaisse par exemple… »
AZA : Le label DMZ fête ses 12 ans cette année et la dernière sortie date de 2013. Beaucoup sont inquiets notamment à cause de l’inflation du prix des vinyles ces dernières années ce qui rend impossible l’acquisition du catalogue DMZ pour les « nouveaux venus ». Alors voici un peu la question que tout le monde se pose : existe-t’il un avenir pour Digital Mystikz ou c’est une aventure définitivement bouclée ?
M : Avec le recul, je me rend compte que tout ceci n’a jamais été une histoire « d’appartenance » simplement parce-que j’ai fait parti de cette création. Les gens disent certaines choses sur comment cette aventure les a affectés. Pour moi il est très important de comprendre que DMZ ne m’appartient pas. Tu ne peux revendiquer cette « appartenance » simplement parce-que tu as été impliqué dans cette création ou simplement parce-que le retour que tu as eu par rapport à ta participation fut intense. Au final c’est un peu l’histoire de la vie. Tout est un un cycle : donner, prendre, donner, prendre… c’est un mouvement continu. DMZ n’appartient au final ni à Loefah, ni a Coki, ni a Pokes, ni à moi-même. DMZ appartient à tous les producteurs de cette époque, à tous les djs, à tous les journalistes, tous les photographes, à tous ceux qui sont venus aux concerts… Pour moi DMZ représente toutes ces personnes là. J’ai toujours vu cette aventure comme une cour de récré géante où les gens explorent et expérimentent. Pas seulement de manière classique où les artistes viennent jouer leurs morceaux, mais plus dans la manière de construire cette musique en réaction au système-son de nos soirées. Tu joues ton dubplate au concert alors que tu l’as pressé le jour même, tu écoutes et tu testes. Puis le lendemain, tu repars au studio modifier le son, car peut-être que le snare était trop fort mais la basse pas assez épaisse par exemple… vous voyez ce que je veux dire?
Et dans tout ce que je viens d’expliquer je n’ai pas encore parler des ingénieurs du son qui s’occupent du mastering, du pressage… On a Jason ici au studio Transition, tout le monde passe par lui à un moment pour presser des dubplates. (ndlr: Jason Goz travaille dans le studio Transition de pressage/mastering de dubplate à Londres, il est l’un des ingénieurs du son les plus demandés et connu dans le Dubstep). Tout le monde a joué son rôle dans cette histoire! Donc quand tu me demandes quel sera le futur de DMZ je ne peux réellement y répondre étant donné que je n’ai jamais contrôlé cette destinée. Je ne faisais que parti d’un tout, et je serai toujours reconnaissant d’y avoir participé. Nous avons construit DMZ en étant un petit groupe d’amis très proches. Nous avions une direction commune en tant que groupe mais individuellement, nous avions aussi des directions propres, c’est la vie, c’est naturel. Donc essayer de m’approprier tout ça reviendrait à ne pas comprendre mon rôle dans DMZ, ou bien dans le mouvement Dubstep. Je me sens très chanceux de vivre cette aventure jour après jour et ça ne me concerne pas seulement moi, mais tout le reste.
« Le Fatman de Truth me rend toujours aussi fou à chaque fois que je le joue. Je ne fais jamais semblant quand je joue un morceau, alors au fond ça n’a pas d’importance si la personne est un inconnu de 19 ans ou qu’elle en ait 40 et soit très populaire. »
AZA : Tu as sorti en 2017 deux morceaux de Bukez Finezt sur Deep Medi et annoncé un ep pour Egoless (entre autres) en 2018. Ces deux producteurs ont fait leurs preuves depuis déjà des années mais appartiennent à cette « nouvelle génération de producteurs » dans la scène. Est-ce que l’on peut s’attendre à plus de surprises de la part de producteurs de cette génération sur Deep Medi ?
M : J’ai toujours joué et sorti de la musique sur Deep Medi de la même manière en fait. Par « même manière » j’entends que la musique est plus forte que tout le reste. Outre le son, il y a aussi un aspect important: c’est la relation qui se construit avec l’artiste dans le temps. Mais c’est la musique qui reste ma priorité. Il y a des producteurs avec lesquels je travaille depuis maintenant plusieurs années, comme Dre et Tris de Truth. J’ai rencontré ces gars-là en 2007. Ça fait 10 ans qu’on se connait, maintenant ! On a partagé tellement de choses ensemble dans beaucoup de pays différents et dans tellement de concerts… Ce sont des gars adorables et de très bons techniciens. Je pense que le cas de Truth est un bon exemple pour répondre à ta question. En fait, ils étaient déjà prêts à jouer leur musique et à la sortir sur des labels avant même que je les rencontre! Ils faisaient leur truc en Nouvelle-Zélande depuis longtemps déjà. Le plus important est d’être ouvert d’esprit. Puis surtout ouvert aux opportunités et être prêts à découvrir de nouvelles musiques. Je me dois d’aimer la musique que je joue, sinon pourquoi est-ce que je la jouerai ? Certains morceaux restent plus d’un an en dubplate dans mon sac. Le Fatman de Truth me rend toujours aussi fou à chaque fois que je le joue. Je ne fais jamais semblant quand je joue un morceau, alors au fond ça n’a pas d’importance si la personne est un inconnu de 19 ans ou qu’elle en ait 40 et soit très populaire. Ce sera toujours la musique qui primera avant tout. Dans un sens, c’est une nouvelle connexion qui se crée, et vous allez de l’avant avec cette nouvelle connexion à chaque fois!
Certains artistes avec lesquels je travaille sont très prolifiques et dans tellement de styles différents. Donc dans un certain sens, c’est impossible de prétendre que ces artistes là te sont « exclusifs » et t’appartiennent simplement parce que tu sors certains de leurs morceaux sur ton label. Il faut vraiment que les gens comprennent que les artistes ont besoin aussi de leur liberté. Les relations évoluent également, c’est pourquoi Truth ont leur propre label maintenant et continuent d’en sortir sur d’autres. Et malgré tout ça ils représentent totalement Deep Medi du début à la fin. Je vois ça comme une véritable bénédiction, on est vraiment dans l’optique de sortir que de la bonne musique. Certains vont dire de Bukez Finezt « qu’Il fait de la musique grinçante », « qu’il fait du brostep », « qu’il fait ceci ou cela… » et oui: il en fait. Mais est-ce que tu as écouté l’autre surface de sa musique ? Moi, oui. Bukez Finezt… mon dieu je l’adore. D’un point de vue créatif il est sur une autre planète, très prolifique et vous pouvez écouter son excellent mixage dans tout ce qu’il fait. Et tout comme Egoless il ne joue que des sets « live » en concerts, et ils sont parmi les meilleurs à mon sens. De vrais scientifiques du Dub, comme on en fait plus. Donc pour répondre à ta question : cela n’a pas d’importance que tu sois un nouveau ou non pour que je sorte ton morceau sur Deep Medi, si je le ressens et que ça me plait alors j’agirai.
AZA : La prochaine question concerne le fameux « Topper Top » ! 2, 3 rewinds ce soir, 6 ou 7 aux dix ans de Deep Medi l’an dernier à Brixton… C’est clairement l’un des morceaux phares de l’année, que l’on aime ou pas. Il doit bien y avoir une histoire derrière tout ça non ? Surtout que le catalogue Deep Medi est très discret en terme de genre « Grime » pur et dur.
M : Encore une fois je ne peux que parler selon mon point de vue. Si vous voulez en savoir plus il faudra demander à Spyro, Teddy, Lady Chann, Killa P et aux autres ! J’ai entendu ce morceau pour la première fois il y a deux ans sur une boat-party Deep Medi à l’Outlook Festival. On jouait tous ensemble : deux morceaux chacun tous à la suite et c’est Kahn qui a joué ce dubplate. 4 pull-up plus tard : le public était fou et je lui ai demandé « Qu’est ce que c’est que ça ?? » J’ai de suite pensé que c’était une production de lui, mais non ce fut Sir Spyro. J’ai donc cherché un moyen de rentrer en contact avec lui car je ne le connaissais pas du tout ! Par chance, j’ai découvert que son agent bossait pour la même boite que le mien. C’est comme ça que j’ai essayé de joindre Spyro. Je me suis d’abord présenté à son agent et j’ai simplement demandé si je pouvais récupérer le fichier du morceau pour le presser en dubplate. Quelques heures plus tard, je recevais le fichier et l’après-midi même je le pressais. Depuis je l’ai joué autant que je pouvais tellement j’adore ce morceau. C’est drôle car mon agent Steph connaissant son agent depuis longtemps, donc la connexion était déjà présente d’une certaine manière. Trois semaines plus tard, nous avons décidé ensemble d’en faire une sortie sur Deep Medi. Et voilà. Spyro est quelqu’un d’adorable, je suis fier de cette histoire car nous nous sommes rencontrés par le biais de la musique, de SA musique. Encore une fois, voilà pourquoi je me concentre exclusivement sur la musique.
AZA : Tu presses encore des dubplates ? Toujours avec Jason ?
M : J’en presse bien sur, quasiment tout le temps. Et oui, toujours avec Jason. Je suis très curieux d’apprendre comment différents ingénieurs du son travaille. J’en ai testé beaucoup. Par exemple il y a 5 ans, j’ai pressé un dubplate avec un ingénieur du son de New-York qui travaillait beaucoup avec des rappeurs, il était notamment connu pour avoir bossé sur certains albums de Jay-Z. J’étais donc curieux de voir comment il allait le presser, à cause de qui il était, d’où il venait et de ce qu’il faisait. Le morceau sonnait très bien, mais il n’était pas calibré comme nous le jouons sur les sound-systems.
AZA : Quelles étaient les différences ?
M : Pour moi, tout venait de la relation Kick/Basse. Le kick du morceau résonnait beaucoup plus que la basse. On aurait dit que la basse ne dirigeait presque plus le son. J’aime que la basse guide réellement le tout, même si le kick doit avoir suffisamment de punch pour passer à travers la basse correctement. Quand tu écoutes ce que nous faisons, tu peux te rendre compte assez facilement que les kicks et la basse sont traités quasiment au même niveau. Parfois la basse sera intense, mais le kick arrivera à passer à travers, il y a tout un jeu là dessus. Dans tous les cas, je ne féliciterai jamais assez Jason pour tout le travail qu’il fait. Au final on a beaucoup d’ingénieurs différents maintenant, et c’est important car certains sons résonnent différemment et même mieux avec différents ingénieurs.
AZA : En parlant de Dubplates, il y en a énormément qui trainent sur le net de toi. Certains les collectionne et beaucoup d’entre eux sont incroyables : compte-tu les sortir un jour ?
M : Probablement jamais. Pour être honnête avec toi, je ne les écoute même plus maintenant.
Making an interview can be such an horrible thing if we never practice. We’ve been doing great with Egoless, a little bit less with Las & Mikael despite their extreme sweetness and really well with Darren from Unity Through Sound. But when SKS and Tibz from The Quiet Office confirmed us that we were about to interview Mala after his set at Outlook Edition in Toulouse last July… enthousiasm suddenly gave way to stress. The M-A-L-A : Anti War Dub, DMZ, Deep Medi, Dubstep… you know the legend. Someone we truly respect for so many years right now. So… we decided to stay simple in the way to approach this moment. We’ve been clear to him that we weren’t journalists, only fanboyz who had questions about Dubstep and the music. Finally everything went really well, thanks again to him for took some time to do this with us. And special thanks to The Quiet Office and their Outlook Edition this night, so much memories : I’ve broke my watch on Goblin, and we’ve heard Two Faced on the Bikini‘s famous soundsystem. We can die in peace, now.
AZA: What do you think about Dubstep culture in France?
MALA: I’ve been very fortunate to travel to many countries in my career. I think about 67. Some places I’ve been just once, some places is twice, some places I’ve been back so many time … I can’t remember. France is one of those places I can’t remember how many times I’ve been here to play. I usually come once or twice a year. And it’s interesting, ’cause from my experience and I can’t talk for everybody you know, I’m not trying to represent anything here, but Spain, France and Italy are very similar. In the way that they’ve embraced this movement of music that people call « Dubstep ». Because there is an audience that resonates with this frequency, but it seems like it’s never really grown. The size has always remained the same. This is my third time to Toulouse, I’ve been to Paris, I can’t remember how many times I’ve been to Paris, I’ve playing in Sete at Worldwide Festival and yes, sometimes you see the same faces but also see a lot of new faces, so it’s not like it’s dying or not evolving, there is movement but it never seems to grow to a larger audience. But it doesn’t mean that it makes it less or good environment to play music because you know tonight was incredible, the sound system was on point, the audience man you know… so much energy! I try not to compare places, and just enjoying for what it is. But for Toulouse it was a good vibe, man!
AZA: You played « Way Mi Defend » tonight, it was a VIP or Ishan version?
M: Ishan’s, man.
AZA: Musically, where do you come from ? What makes you want to make music?
M: The year and the style of music that really blew my mind was heard through pirate radio stations, in 93-94 it was Hardcore/Jungle, I’m a junglist it’s was a junglist ting’. Listening to this inspired me want to involved in music. I remember for christmas going to my bedroom, plugged in my stereo and moving the frequency dial and hearing some » tchhh tchh tchh tchh » you know what i’m saying? mad breakbeats. I was like… what’s that? From those days I began to explore the sound and it just took me in so many directions. It was jungle music man, pirate stations, it was the underground.
« You can play your dubplate in the dance the same day you cut them, then that same night after the dance you go back to the studio to make some edits… maybe you heard the snare was too loud in the dance… or the bassline wasn’t tight enough… »
AZA: DMZ is twelve years old now and still nothing released since 2013. For a newcomer to DMZ music, it can be really difficult to buy some of those plates because of the high prices of the market. So, everyone is wondering : Is there a future for DMZ?
M: When I look back at everything here, it’s never been about ownership, just because something is created and you’re involved or just because the feedback that is received as a result of you sharing something that you’ve been part of creating. People say certain things about how it affected them. For me it’s always important to understand that it’s not mine to own. It’s just part of life you know? it’s the cycle : to give, to take, to give, to take… it’s a movement. DMZ wasn’t just mine, loefah, coki and pokes it was about all the other producers, it was all the djs, it was all the mc’s, the journalists, the photographers, the audience, it was everybody that came together because to me when I look back DMZ was like a playground for people to explore : not just producers playing tunes but the way we were tuning the sound system, you know… you can play your dubplate in the dance the same day you cut them, then that same night after the dance you go back to the studio to make some edits.. maybe you heard the snare was too loud in the dance…or the bassline wasn’t tight enough… you know what I’m saying? In all of what I’ve just said I didn’t talk about the mastering and engineer… we’ve got Jason (at Transition) everyone cut dubplates with jason at one point. Everyone played their part! So for me when you ask me that question about DMZ in the future it’s like I was never controlling the destiny anyway… I am just thankful to have been part of something. DMZ started as a group of close friends. We had a common direction as a group and individually we had our own direction, this is life, it’s natural. So to take complete ownership of it, to me is completely misunderstanding my role in the development of DMZ, or Dubstep. It’s not about me, but about everything else. I feel very grateful and lucky to have had those experience and share those things.
« Truth’s tune ‘Fatman’ still sends me crazy every time I play it. That’s not pretend, it’s because I love this! It doesn’t matter if a producer is just 19 years old and undiscovered or someone who’s 40 years old and established. »
AZA: In 2017 you’ve released a Bukez Finezt ep and you’ve communicate on a future Egoless ep. Those two producers are now well established in the scene for many years but we can put them in an « Upcoming Talents » case in a way. Will we see more « Upcoming Talents » on Deep Medi’s catalog in the future?
M : The way I’ve always done this… I mean the way I play and release music is the music. The music has to speak louder than everything else. After the music and in time a relationship develops with the producers. Some producers i’ve worked with for many years now.. like Dre and Tris from Truth. I met Truth in 2007 you know what I’m saying. 10 years! We’ve shared many experiences, in many countries at many shows. Amazing guys and great producers. Actually Truth is a good example cause they were making music before I met them. They were doing their thing in New Zealand.. what’s important is to be open.. open to opportunity and ready to discover new music I love. I have to love the music i play… or how else could i play it! Some tunes last a whole year on dubplate.. Truth’s tune ‘Fatman’ still sends me crazy every time I play it. That’s not pretend, it’s because I love this! It doesn’t matter if a producers is just 19 years old and undiscovered or someone who’s 40 years old and established. Its always the music. It’s like a new connection, and you begin moving forward with this new connection. Some producers i work with make so much music and different styles of music! it’s actually impossible to release all the music on the label and be « exclusive » – you have to understand producers need freedom. Different relationship always evolve, Truth are a great example again… They have their own label, they record for other labels and at the same time they fully represent Deep Medi This is a blessing, it’s all about all this good music getting out here! Some people are saying about Bukez Finezt: » He makes tear out music », « He made this », « He made that! » And, yeah he has, does and can… But actually have you listened to the same of his other side…? Bukez Finezt he’s.. he’s… oh my days! Obviously you can hear his mix downs, incredible. The creatively what he’s doing is great he’s on a different world. And like Egoless he plays only live sets and he’s hands down one of the best out there right now. He’s like a dub scientist. So to answer your question, it doesn’t matter where you come from, if i feel it, i feel it and i’ll have to act.
AZA: Next question is about ‘Topper Top’, 2 rewinds tonight… maybe 3! 7 or 8 in Medi 10… So this is the question : is there a story behind this tune? What is this story?
M: Well I can only tell it to my point of view. If you wanna know more you’ll have to ask Spryo, Teddy Bruckshot, Killa P and Lady Chann. We were at outlook in a deep medi boat party two years ago and the medi fam were playing back to back, two tracks each… and Kahn dropped this tune and it got 4 pull ups, everyone was going mad!! I said to Kahn : » What is that!!!? » So it’s Kahn’s fault! I thought the tune was by him, but he said it was a Spyro tune! So I tried to find a link to Spyro cause I didn’t know him and I found out that his agent works for the same agency then my agent. So I send his agent a contact in order to introduce myself and I if it was possible to have the track for cutting it. A few hours later, the track came back so I cut the dub and I’ve started playing it everywhere I could! And it’s funny because my label manager Steph, she had actually been speaking with Spyro’s booking agent for a long period of time so there was already a connection. Three weeks later we were in talks about releasing it. Spyro is a lovely guy, we’ve met each other by the music, by his music. Again, this is why I try to focus on the music.
AZA: You still cut dubs? In the same place?
M: Yes I do, always. And with Jason, yes. I am curious to know how different engineers work…to i’ve tried many.. a few years back I cut a dub with a mastering engineer in New York, he mastered many Hip-hop rappers albums including Jay-Z’s.. I was curious to see how he cut. It sounded great but it wasn’t cut like how we play it on sound system.
AZA: And what were the differences?
M: For me the main difference was the kick drum and baseline relationship. The kick was cutting through a lot more. Felt like the baseline has less drive overall as a result. I the basslines to drive.. but the kick still has got to punch through. Anyway, big up Jason Transition… dubs always sound on point!!! I’ve worked with a lot of engineers, a lot of different pressing plants, because different sound sometimes work better with different engineers.
AZA: Speaking of dub plates, there is a great thing which appeared with time on the web : it’s collection of dub plates rips. Some of yours are indredible : will you release some of your dub plates one day?
M: No, I probably don’t. To be honest with you I rarely listen to them anymore now.
0 notes
sistamagza · 8 months
Speculations Regarding Nadia Nakai's Supposed Affair with AKA's Friend Debunked
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/speculations-regarding-nadia-nakais-supposed-affair-with-akas-friend-debunked/
Speculations Regarding Nadia Nakai's Supposed Affair with AKA's Friend Debunked
Speculations Regarding Nadia Nakai’s Supposed Affair with AKA’s Friend Debunked. Joel Booysen, the owner of a nightclub in Cape Town, has refuted claims of a romantic involvement with rapper Nadia Nakai. Social media erupted over the weekend after a video of the two partying went viral, sparking rumors of a romantic connection. Booysen, the 28-year-old son of alleged gang boss Jerome “Donkie” Booysen, dismissed the speculations, asserting that people are fabricating stories.
The rumors gained traction when Nakai posted a short clip on her Instagram Stories. Nakai, also known as “Bragga” on stage, was previously in a relationship with the late hip hop star Kiernan “AKA” Forbes, who was tragically murdered along with his friend, celebrity chef Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane, in Durban last February.
Family❤️ @nadianakai #nadianakai #joelbooysen
♬ one of the girls – a🐙
Booysen clarified that he and Nakai are simply friends and that she was hired to make a guest appearance and entertain at his nightclub in town. In a statement on his social media accounts, he emphasized their platonic relationship, stating, “Me and Nadia are just friends. We were at my nightclub in town, and she hosted at my place the night. She took the video with no bad intentions, but people went and added their own story. Me and she are like brother and sister; nothing more.”
Booysen also mentioned his friendship with AKA and highlighted that he is currently in a relationship. He addressed the existence of a fake TikTok account using his name, which has negatively impacted his reputation.
Booysen urged the public to be aware that any TikTok content under his name is fraudulent, emphasizing that he has never had a TikTok account. He expressed concern about the account misleading people by soliciting money and engaging in inappropriate conversations with women.
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fuzzywitchbeard · 1 year
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The mother of late Tebello 'Tibz' Motsoane, who was shot alongside his friend and rapper AKA in Durban, has passed away. Ryhab Niniwe Motsoane (77) died last week on 5 October and was buried over the weekend. Tibz was her only child.  
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mansheb · 1 year
Bheki Cele Confirms Breakthrough in AKA and Tibz Murder Case: Gun Found, Suspects and Cars Identified
New Post has been published on https://www.celebgossip.co.za/celeb-gossip-news/40273-bheki-cele-confirms-breakthrough-in-aka-and-tibz-murder-case-gun-found-suspects-and-cars-identified.html
Bheki Cele Confirms Breakthrough in AKA and Tibz Murder Case: Gun Found, Suspects and Cars Identified
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South African Police Make Progress in AKA and Tibz Murder Case, Believes Resolution is Near The South African Police Service has expressed confidence in their ongoing investigation into the murder of rapper Kiernan "AKA" Forbes and his friend Tebello "Tibz" Motsoane, who were tragically gunned down outside a Durban restaurant on February 10, 2023. Recent […] Read more on Bheki Cele Confirms Breakthrough in AKA and Tibz Murder Case: Gun Found, Suspects and Cars Identified
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bat-yenny · 2 years
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sunzambian · 2 years
KZN police ‘very confident’ they will find AKA killers
KwaZulu-Natal police are confident they will find the shooters responsible for the murder of award-winning artist Kiernan “AKA” Forbes. READ MORE:
KwaZulu-Natal police are confident they will find the shooters responsible for the murder of award-winning artist Kiernan “AKA” Forbes. AKA was murdered two weeks ago when he was shot at close range by a gunman on Florida Road, Durban. AKA’s close friend, Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane, was also gunned down during the suspected hit in which police believe AKA was the target. “The matter is…
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hardynwa · 2 years
Singer AKA to be buried on February 18
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The family of late South African rapper, Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, better known by his stage name, AKA, has announced details of his funeral and memorial details. AKA will be laid to rest in a private provincial funeral on Saturday, February 18 and his memorial service will take place on Friday, February 17 at the Sandton Convention Centre at 3pm. The family made the announcement today, February 14, 2023, via his Instagram and Twitter pages. Read below? ?Memorial and funeral details of Kiernan ?AKA? Jarryd Forbes ?We as the Forbes family would like to acknowledge the outpouring of love we have received over the past few days,? the statement reads. ?Kiernan wasn?t just loved by us as a family, but by the nation, as we?ve seen from loved ones, friends, industry colleagues, media tributes, and the MEGACY. ?It is our wish to celebrate the life of Kiernan with those he touched and impacted through his gift of music … We?d also like to acknowledge our extended family, the Mohosanas, for their unwavering support during this time, as Bongani Mahosana will be in absentia at the memorial and funeral due to observing cultural protocol.? Meanwhile, the memorial service of AKA?s friend, Tebello ?Tibz? Motsoane, will be held at Sacred Heart College in Observatory, Johannesburg, on 16 February at 5pm. Motsoane, who was killed alongside AKA, will be laid to rest at a private funeral on 18 February. ?The Motsoane family are deeply moved by the national outpouring of love and support over the past few days,? a statement reads. ?Financial contributions are welcomed by the family at this time.? Read the full article
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mabriga · 2 years
The memorial for the South African gamechanger, entertainment entrepreneur, seasoned chef and celebrated author Tebello’ Tibz’ Motsoane will take place at a special send-off ceremony on Thursday, 16th February 2023 at Sacred Heart College in Observatory, Johannesburg.Close friends, family and selected media will gather for the special tribute which will be live-streamed.His funeral will take…
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regrese12 · 1 year
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oppscennetwork · 2 years
AKA: Top South African rapper shot dead with friend
AKA, one of South Africa’s most famous rappers, was shot dead outside a restaurant in the seaside city of Durban. Kiernan Forbes was killed along with his close friend, the chef and entrepreneur Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane. The pair are thought to have been on their way to a nightclub for a performance as part of Forbes’ birthday celebrations when they were shot. The motive of the killing is being…
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cryptosecrets · 2 years
South African rapper AKA shot dead in Durban | Gun Violence News
Kiernan Forbes, 35, was killed with his close friend, Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane, as they were walking towards their car. One of South Africa’s leading rap artists, popularly known as AKA, has been shot dead in the coastal city of Durban, along with a friend, his family said on Saturday. Kiernan Forbes was killed with his close friend, chef and entrepreneur Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane as they were…
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cryptoking009 · 2 years
South African rapper AKA shot dead in Durban | Gun Violence News
Kiernan Forbes, 35, was killed with his close friend, Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane, as they were walking towards their car. One of South Africa’s leading rap artists, popularly known as AKA, has been shot dead in the coastal city of Durban, along with a friend, his family said on Saturday. Kiernan Forbes was killed with his close friend, chef and entrepreneur Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane as they were…
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sistamagza · 8 months
Speculations Regarding Nadia Nakai's Supposed Affair with AKA's Friend Debunked
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/speculations-regarding-nadia-nakais-supposed-affair-with-akas-friend-debunked/
Speculations Regarding Nadia Nakai's Supposed Affair with AKA's Friend Debunked
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Speculations Regarding Nadia Nakai’s Supposed Affair with AKA’s Friend Debunked. Joel Booysen, the owner of a nightclub in Cape Town, has refuted claims of a romantic involvement with rapper Nadia Nakai. Social media erupted over the weekend after a video of the two partying went viral, sparking rumors of a romantic connection. Booysen, the 28-year-old son of alleged gang boss Jerome “Donkie” Booysen, dismissed the speculations, asserting that people are fabricating stories.
The rumors gained traction when Nakai posted a short clip on her Instagram Stories. Nakai, also known as “Bragga” on stage, was previously in a relationship with the late hip hop star Kiernan “AKA” Forbes, who was tragically murdered along with his friend, celebrity chef Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane, in Durban last February.
Family❤️ @nadianakai #nadianakai #joelbooysen
♬ one of the girls – a🐙
Booysen clarified that he and Nakai are simply friends and that she was hired to make a guest appearance and entertain at his nightclub in town. In a statement on his social media accounts, he emphasized their platonic relationship, stating, “Me and Nadia are just friends. We were at my nightclub in town, and she hosted at my place the night. She took the video with no bad intentions, but people went and added their own story. Me and she are like brother and sister; nothing more.”
Booysen also mentioned his friendship with AKA and highlighted that he is currently in a relationship. He addressed the existence of a fake TikTok account using his name, which has negatively impacted his reputation.
Booysen urged the public to be aware that any TikTok content under his name is fraudulent, emphasizing that he has never had a TikTok account. He expressed concern about the account misleading people by soliciting money and engaging in inappropriate conversations with women.
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