#Thunder's story hits me the most personally though
bonefall · 3 months
as someone who has not read DOTC (and treasures my sanity too much to read it) i cannot fathom how people read clear sky as a hero, hes even written with the descriptions the erins love to give their villains! prowling, sneaking up behind people to say ominous lines, standing partially in darkness, having an utterly pathetic lackey kissing his ass at all times, even the territory expansion thing was like, explicitly bad when tigerstar did it in arc 1. i'm convinced these people havent actually read this arc??
It's because, I CANNOT make this up, he says sorry after he kills 3 people and causes the death of like a dozen at this big Murder Party he throws. A bunch of ghosts say he was just scared, Gray Wing swoons that he simply needs to learn how to delegate, and then Clear Sky says "haha woops :P"
After that, everyone who ever says, "Hey, I don't trust the physically abusive dictator or his intentions" is treated like an unreasonable idiot, a simple personality conflict, or an active villain. Thunder literally gets revictimized and undergoes emotional abuse a SECOND time and Gray Wing gets a scene screaming at him to get the fuck over it.
These WOULD be interesting characters if this was intentional, if the writers had gotten their heads out of Gray Wing's brother-loving ass to realize that Clear Sky is not redeemable. Gray is denying reality and letting people get hurt so he can cling to a beloved memory, and it doesn't matter if it was accurate then, because he's KILLING PEOPLE NOW.
But the arc is bullheaded in its simplicity: Clear Sky was not born bad, so he is not fundamentally bad. Unlike Slash and One Eye, evil through and through.
It's painful. Incredibly painful arc.
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morallyinept · 7 months
COWBOY CHRISTMAS - A Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) Christmas One Shot
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Summary: Your husband Jack takes you out on a snowy Christmas Eve horse ride around the ranch, then helps you thaw out after.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Daniels x Wife!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub.)
Word Count: 5k
Scoville Smut Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ "You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/triggers - Established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/fingering.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Husband Jack hits differently and I'm here for it. Horsey speak researched because I'm not a horsey person. Neigh. I hope you enjoy spending Christmas with Jack. 🎄
Tagging @ladybess-a03 as Jack is her husband 🤠🖤
Enjoy & Happy Holidays! 🎄🖤
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“Now, you hold on tight to them reins there, sugar. Don’t want ol’ Thunder here gallopin’ off into the breach.” Jacks says to you with a wink. 
You watch as he buttons up his denim jacket; a woolly sheepskin lines the collar inside around his neck. “Hoo, it’s a chilly one this mornin’!” He exclaims in that Southern twang making sweet, unbashed love to his vocal chords.
“Remind me why I let you talk me into this?” You say, feeling the cold rake it’s sharp fingernails down your spine. 
“'Cause I can talk you into anythin'." He grins. "Besides, you’re gonna love it.” He assures. 
“I love our warm bed more.” You mutter, trying not to smirk. 
You grip tight on the leather reins with your gloved hands as the horse snuffles gently; the cool air wisps out of his large, wet nostrils in gossamer tendrils, floating into the air.
The snow is fresh and crisp on the ground; the Ranch is covered in billowy marshmallows heaped on the roof like someone let the powdered sugar pour overnight. The whole scene looks as though a snow globe has been shaken up and long since settled with the coarse glitter of it all glimmering under the pallor of the winter sun; a pale blue orb lingering in the sky.
A Christmas Eve morning horse ride with your husband Jack sounded appealing when he suggested it, but now that you’re the one in the driver’s seat so to speak, you're not so sure, as your stomach tosses about with the anxiousness of it all. 
It’s not that you’re not a keen rider, it’s just that Jack’s array of Appaloosas and Mustangs from the rodeo show - that’s been a lucrative business for you both, if not but a hectic one - can always seem to sense your trepidation, and do everything they can to keep you from venturing near them, let alone mounting them. 
But Jack’s a determined son of a gun to get you used to it, and a few lessons with a deep brown Lusitano named Thunder, seem to be paying off, as the two of you bond the more time you spend with the stallion.
Thunder stands at a regal sixteen hands, his physique a perfect blend of strength and elegance. His coat is a rich chestnut, gleaming under the dappled sunlight like polished mahogany. He's probably the most handsome thing you've ever laid eyes on, aside from your husband, of course.
Jack had assured you that Thunder’s physique, combined with his gentle demeanour and keen intelligence, made him not just a stunning horse, but also an ideal companion for you.
And that smooth talking cowboy hadn’t been wrong yet. 
Jack hoists himself up, grunting with a steely puff as he settles on the double saddle behind you. Not brave enough yet to go it alone in the snow, Jack rides tandem with you this morning.
The front of his Stetson knocks gently against the back of your head as he adjusts, and the horse pads his front hooves in anticipation to get going. 
“Easy, Thunder,” he soothes as he reaches around and checks the reins. “You good to go, sweet thing?” Jack asks you. 
“What are you going to hold on to?” You query as he lets go of the reins, turning to glance at him over your shoulder warily.
You’ve seen Jack ride plenty of times, to the point he trusts his stallions and mares implicitly. There's some magical fluidity between them as you watch from the sidelines of the paddock when they practise together.
Although each time he rides free and un-reined, you can’t help but grimace and worry, especially when he shows off in the rodeo ring.
“Why, your gorgeous self, of course!” You feel him pinch your hips playfully and then his arms wrap around your waist. He pats your belly softly. 
“I got you, nice n' tight.” The wetness of his lips are cold as they squish against your cheek where he kisses you affectionately. You giggle as his fuzzy moustache tickles against your skin.
“Now, you’re the one in control, remember. Just like I taught you. Pull back gently if you want him to slow down.”
“Okay.” You nod, taking in a deep breath and sounding much more confident than you actually feel. And Jack picks up on it and rubs your arms down. 
“You’ve got nothin’ to worry about, sugar. He’s infatuated with you.” Jack reassures. He holds you tighter and runs his nose against the side of your face. “And he ain’t the only one.” he murmurs. 
“You keep doing that and we’re never getting out of this damn paddock,” you groan as he nips against your lobe, tonguing it slyly.
Despite the cold, you suddenly feel the warmth creeping up under your jacket trying to strangle you. 
He chuckles and pulls back, sitting himself upright and placing his hands together around your waist again. 
“Let’s skedaddle.” He instructs.
You breathe out, clicking your tongue twice and squeeze your legs gently against the underside of Thunder. He immediately trots forward languidly.
“There you go, nice n' easy there. See, he ain’t so buck wild after all, is he now?” Jack says.  
“No, he’s a good boy,” you say, leaning forward and patting Thunder’s head as he strides forward out the paddock. “A good boy that’s going to go nice and slow, okay?” You whisper, imploring the horse. 
Thunder simply snorts in response.
You settle into it; a gentle trot across the acres of the Ranch on this wintery morning. You can feel the cold biting against your face as you tuck your chin into your scarf to ward off the nip.
The scene is magical; treetops covered in plumes of glittery white, and every sound seems more muted somehow, wrapped up in a bundle of snow that acts as a cosy insulator. 
The soft pads of Thunder’s hooves against the cold ground, and Jack's breathing just behind your ear, are the only sounds you can hear around the exquisite peace.
And you lose yourself to it, closing your eyes and resting back against Jack’s chest as you relax into the ride together. 
“You doin’ alright there?” Jack asks, and you feel his gloved hands rubbing back and forth against your stomach creating fluttery wings to beat and flap around inside of it. 
“Mmm,” you reply. “This is just beautiful.” You confirm feeling more taken with it all. “This was a great idea.” 
“I’m mighty glad you feel that way, darlin’. We gotta get you out ridin’ some more.” Jack suggests.
“I do plenty of riding, cowboy.” You toss a hot smirk at him over your shoulder.
“Christ. Ain’t that the truth.” He chuckles.
You feel his hands squeeze your hips again and his breaths are felt warming in the crook of your neck.
“Wanna kick it up a notch?”
“Go faster?” You peep with alarm. 
“Sure, you can handle it.”
“But the snow, isn’t that dangerous?”
Jack scoffs. “Snow’s fresh, darlin’. No ice.”
“Gotta trust in your horse.”
You make an uncertain noise in the back of your throat.
“Ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to you.” Jack reassures and your uncertainty begins to waver as you feel yourself melt in the sincerity of his eyes.
“Okay.” You nod, smiling. 
“That’s my girl. Go on, now. Squeeze your calves against him. That’s it, you’re doin’ real good.” Jack praises as Thunder ups his paces to a gentle canter, full of brio and a little faster than his previous meandering.
He bows and nods his large head, whinnying. 
“Oh see, he likes that. Our boy here was bred for speed.” Jack pats the back of the stallion’s neck and Thunder snuffles in response. 
You can feel your fingers gripping tighter on the reins, your body tensing up. 
“You trust me, sugar?” You hear Jack pollute in your ear.
You turn to look at him incredulously.
“He wants to run. Gotta give it to him.” 
“Oh God.” You wince. 
You steady yourself as Thunder nickers and snuffles again. Jack takes your hand and weaves it around Thunder’s mane. A trick he does himself whilst on the rodeo to be sure to stay on if the horse should suddenly veer off.
Your gloved fingers hold tightly through the silken hair whilst your other hand grips on the reins as tight as you can. 
“He’ll take care of you. We both will.” Jack takes a hold of the reins with you, his arms either side. “Hold on tight, darlin’.” 
You steady yourself, holding on tightly as he instructs and bracing yourself. 
“Hup! Hup!” You hear Jack instruct Thunder with a sharp command, and the horse bolts forward.
He attacks the gallop at full speed, like he's running for his life. Like he was born to do nothing else other then run.
“Shit, Jack!” You gasp, as he takes full control. 
The sounds of Thunder’s hooves are louder and feel like they crack and echo across the sky. Your body is forced into a galloping rhythm; your butt bashing up and down against the saddle as you try to find some comfort with it.
You rise up, remembering to anchor yourself in the stirrups, leaning forward like your body is floating as Thunder moves under you.
You can feel Jack’s body against yours, moving with you. He has both hands on the reins, but has manoeuvred so you're safe inside his arms too.
“See why I named him Thunder now?!” Jack muses as he bears down on the reins and the horse’s speed increases furthermore. 
You can feel Thunder’s muscles bunch and release. You can feel and hear his hooves hit the ground in heavy thuds that ricochet through your skeleton, and see the hypnotic, rhythmic motion of his head, which you’re following with your hands.
It’s exhilarating. 
The cold wind whips through your bones, despite the jacket and scarf’s protection. You hear Jack holler and chuckle behind you.
“Alright now!” He cheers triumphantly as Thunder takes a sharp turn, effortlessly, and you cling on for dear life grounding down on your teeth and steadying yourself with your stirrups. 
“Oh my God!” You wail as the exhilaration begins to twist that fear into utter elation. 
Your teeth feel the cold as you can’t contain the wild smile opening up your lips as you giggle and holler alongside Jack; his enthusiasm and passion for the ride infecting you.
The wind is blowing so hard that you really can’t see or hear very clearly and Thunder’s ears twitch up as you holler an enthusiastic woo! Into the air. It feels like you're flying as the wind streams tears from your eyes. 
Thunder’s hooves beat frantically against the snow and the ride through the acres soon comes to an end as Jack instructs you to slow Thunder to a steady trot once more.
You can sense Thunder’s reluctance, he would run forever if he could, but you pull on the reins and announce for him to slow and he does. 
“Woah, easy. Easy…” you soothe as he tries to resist, but eventually settles back into that steady canter as you all catch your collective breath.
You wipe your eyes with the back of your woolly hand and Jack smiles at you. 
“That was amazing,” you admit, your body shaking, not just from the cold now.
“I knew you’d love it.” He replies, grinning. “Your husband knows you better than you think.” 
“Sometimes,” you tease.
“Sometimes?” He scoffs and stamps another kiss on your cold cheek. 
Once in the paddock, Jack jumps off and helps you down. You lunge for him, planting a heavy kiss on his lips and slip your tongue into his hot, wet mouth. 
“What’s got you so hot n’ bothered, hmm?” He murmurs against your lips. 
“Adrenaline.” You shrug giggling, as you stroke the back of Jack's nape where his brown curls gather under his suede Stetson.   
His hands sweep through your hair, messy from being wind-whipped and he studies your face with chocolate mocha eyes. You shiver as he pulls you to him. 
“Fuck, sugar.” He groans as you press your mouth to his again; your kiss mutating into something desperate and untamed.
You both stumble backwards and Jack loses his footing and pulls you down with him in the muddy slush around the paddock.
“Ah shit,” he groans, chuckling. 
You squeal as you feel the cold and wet instantly soak into your jeans. Scrambling, you try to get up, but slip further into the mud as Jack gives up and howls loudly at your plight.
He’s rewarded with a glop of mud thrown at his chest.
“Need a hand there, darlin’?” Once he’s contained himself enough, he helps you up and you both head back to the Ranch to warm up. 
“Go on n’ get yourself inside. I’ll wrangle Thunder back into the stable. Reckon it might snow again soon.” He glances up at the sky, the sun long since besmirched by clouds of grey.
“Don’t take too long, handsome” you smirk.
“Lickety-split.” Jack breathes into your mouth as you kiss him again. 
You look at the state of you both, covered in freezing mud, and Jack has some splashed up on his forehead, and you can’t help but laugh at the state of you both, despite shivering.
“Why don’t you run us a bath?” Jack suggests with dark eyes, and you nod as if under a captive spell.
You leave your muddy boots on the porch and head inside. The warmth hits you immediately and you shimmy yourself out of your wet jacket, blowing into your hands that feel like icicles, despite the gloves. 
You pace up the stairs, wading somewhat as your jeans stick to you, to the bathroom and fill the large jacuzzi-style tub with hot water, stripping as you notice snowflakes starting to billow lightly outside. 
“Missed your calling as a weatherman, Jack.” You snicker to yourself.
You toss in a fragrant bath bomb and light some incense filling the bathroom with heady notes of sandalwood, patchouli, and exotic florals; the swirling tendrils evoking a sense of tranquillity as your skin starts to perspire.
You step into the sizzling, enveloping water that seems to wrap its arms around you with the inviting warmth as you succumb to it wholly.
You breathe out slowly, moaning in relief as you slide your shoulders under the water, the temperature burning you slightly and relishing the feel of it.
You swill the water around; lavishing yourself in the foamy remnants of the bath bomb. You eventually lay still in the water and breathe in and out a few times, keeping your eyes closed.
Your cold, aching muscles from the ride find some sedated bliss in those first few moments; like someone has slowly squeezed the angst and stress out of you like juicing an orange.
You close your eyes and relax, feeling the weight start to drop from you.
The invigorating peace is interrupted by the bathroom door slowly creaking open and footsteps pad in lightly on the tiled floor. 
You turn your head, smiling at Jack as he unbuttons his plaid shirt and drops it to his feet.
You sit up, watching him, and try not to obscenely salivate over your husband as he unbuckles his belt with a slow, deliberate simmer at you, but it's hard not to. He’ll always have that effect on you when he gets naked.
Your eyes roam over tan, sculpted arms, a svelte waist and long legs smattered with dark hairs, before you settle in on the thick, hardening cock between his legs. 
“Scooch on forward, sugar,” he says softly with a wink, standing at the side of the tub; that semi hard-on already taking shape and protruding out from his lean, muscular body.
He steps in and sits down in the water behind you; his long legs running parallel either side of you.
“Couldn’t resist,” you hum. 
“You gettin’ started without me, hmm?” Jack queries as he pulls you back into his chest, wrapping his arms over your stomach again.
You feel him plant kisses into your crown as you nuzzle into him. 
“Scrub my back for me?” You question coyly over your shoulder, and flutter your eyelashes at him.
The steam in the bathroom makes the mirror frost over with condensation and the air seems to vibrate around you both and stick to your clammy skin.
You sit upright; the water making your back glisten at him and he licks his lips as he regards you.
“Well, how can I resist such a tempting offer?” Jack smiles and reaches for the soap on the side of the bath behind him, lathering it up in his big hands. 
You feel his hands massaging into your shoulders; his fingers kneading away all the tension and the slippery feel of the soap foaming on your back, squelching through his thick digits.
“Mmm,” you sigh as he works his thumbs down either side of your spinal cord.
“That feel good, hmm?” Jack husks from behind you, squeezing and manipulating the muscles under your skin. He knows it’s good - knows it will drive you wild.
“Real good…” You utter, eyes closed and lost inside of his hypnotic rhythms and magic hands. 
You can hear him breathe in your ear and feel him plant lascivious kisses down the side of your damp face. The faint scratch of his shaven jaw runs prickly against your skin; the soft fuzz of his moustache counteracting it begins to tickle again.  
It begins to wake your nipples up; sending goosebumps to bloom around your areolas pulling them tight and tingly.
He runs his fingers down your back and up under your arms sitting forward himself, and slathers the soapy lather in his hands across your collarbone and down towards your breasts.
Your breath hitches as his roaming fingers tease your nipples, pulling and rolling them gently, and you sink back into his chest once more as he massages. He runs the open palms of his hands all over them; cupping, squeezing, fondling.
“That’s so nice,” you groan as he kisses the side of your temple. 
“I told you, I know you well.” You can hear him grin, a graze inside your ear.
His wet, soapy fingers continue to work their way down your torso, gliding across your navel before he gives it a gentle squeeze and strokes gently.
“What’re we gonna name this lil’ dill pickle in here, hmm?” Jack asks, and you glance down at your tummy, still flat, but in a few months time it’ll be swollen and rotund as the baby grows.
“Depends what he looks like when he comes out. Hopefully not like a dill pickle. I hate pickles.” You say, crinkling your nose.
You hear Jack snort behind you into your hair. “Hates pickles. I married me a mad one.”
“You knew what you were getting yourself into, cowboy.” You chuckle.
“Mmhm. He?” He queries.
“Feels like a he.” You say, placing your hands on top of Jack’s. The light of your wedding band shimmering in the wet. “What do you think?”
“I think,” Jack breathes in, his lips grazing your skin behind your ear “as long as it’s healthy, darlin’, it don’t matter. Gonna love it all the same.”
You smile, reaching up behind you to stroke his face. You feel him peck your fingers.  
“When he's out, I’ll put another one in there.” He confirms.
“Woah, hold your horses,” you say.
“You just try n’ stop me, sugar. Got yourself a virile man. Gonna have a whole bunch of lil’ rodeo riders gallopin’ about the joint.” Jack pinches your hips gently and you giggle when he hits a ticklish spot as he gruffs another chuckle in your ear.
He feels you flinch and the top of your buttocks push against his cock that has long since hardened completely under the water.
“Besides, I'm waitin’ for these to grow nice n’ big, too,” Jack smirks.
Jack kisses down the side of your face once more; his lips searching yours out and finally making contact with them as you twist yourself in the water to reach them.
His tongue darts into your mouth as he squeezes onto your right breast, and a satisfied grunt escapes into your mouth from him.
You splash water at him as he growls playfully into you, moaning as you kiss him again. 
It makes all the hairs of your body stand tall to order, hearing him moan like that - moan for you. Warming you as you inhale them in; oxygen to your lungs.
Filling you deep with sweet images of him teaching your child - or several of them - to ride horses and take care of them. The thought of Jack’s paternal instincts rile you up even further.
Although it doesn’t take much with the hormones either.
His kiss is hungry; swallowing you up and you raise your wet hands to finger inside of his hair, weaving through it gently at first, but becoming fiercer with tugs as he reacts to it.
You wonder what else it’ll be that you’ll crave this much as your pregnancy advances, because you're constantly craving your husband inside you, night and day it seems.
And neither of you are complaining about it.     
He follows the track of bubbles down your body with his hand, slides down over your torso and abdomen until his fingers reach forward and disappear between the middle of your legs inside the bubbly pool. 
You gasp, breaking the kiss as you feel them instantly finding your clit and shudder as he swipes across it with the pads of his tips. They tease between your soapy folds. His middle finger starts tapping and rubbing against your hub, making you gasp into his mouth.  
“Suck, darlin’... just like that.” 
His other hand grips gently around under your face, stroking your jawline as his digits run over your lips when he breaks the kiss.
Hooded brown eyes regard you before inserting his index and middle finger into your mouth.
You suck on them gently, and run your tongue over them as his other fingers thrum heavier on your clit under the water, causing it to swill around you as you fidget, grinding against his fingers as he slowly teases you with them.
He can still feel the viscous slickness of you around them, feeling silkier in the water. 
“You feel that, sugar? What you’re doin’ to me? Got my cock all big n' hard for you.” His fingers move off your clit and begin to take a walk inside of you, and you gasp again in delight.
Jack marvels with mud coloured eyes as you lap at his fingers, imagining they’re his cock. They taste slightly salty like it; rough and calloused skin being soothed by your tongue.
He groans into your ear nipping at your lobe, as you feel him pressing against your lower back and getting harder by the second. 
“Mmm, Jack…” His name escapes out of your mouth, dripping in honey and all things sweet.
The fingers you’ve been sucking on run across your throat and he kisses you more forcefully as he slides his digits in and out of your pussy, gaining momentum.
Your part your legs wider so he can delve in further to you, arching back up against him as the sensation of tingles flood outwards from your core all over your body and skin, crackling outwards like fuzzed lightning.
“Fuck!” You pant as he works you up and pushes you closer and closer to the edge until you finally leap off.
An electrifying sensation courses through you, sparking an intoxicating blend of satisfaction and euphoria as you gasp out.
“Fuck, darlin’, that’s it.” Jack encourages as the heel of his palm grinds heavily against your clit as he fingers you through your pulsing orgasm.
Your thighs jolt and shudder as he strokes gentler now, teasing circles around your sensitive bud after withdrawing his slick soaked fingers.
You twist around in the bath completely to face him. You want him; want him hard and are going to take him - hard. 
“Fuck,” you moan, taking him in. 
He lays back in the tub, knees open wide with plumes of suds, and cock resting heavy and thick against his stomach.
It makes you salivate to see him like this; so fucking gorgeous and wet, and all yours. 
“See somethin’ you like?” He smirks. 
You run your drenched hands over his cock, nodding. Feeling how he pulses and the veins throb around your grip as you jerk him slowly.
“Show me again how well you can ride, sugar.” Jack challenges, as you grin.
You straddle him, sliding up and down against him; your lips teasing him as you rub against his hard, thick length. 
“Gimme that pussy, darlin’.” 
“You want it, cowboy?” You utter as you slip back and forth over him.
“Oh, you know I want it.” He hisses through his teeth as you rub your cunt up and down his length, groaning as it still tingles on your clit. “Always want this fuckin’ gorgeous pussy.” 
You sit down on his thick cock that’s poking out of the water at you, inviting you onto its swollen, wet head. The water sloshes around you both as he grabs at your hips and grinds you down onto his throbbing dick.
“Fuck,” he grits as he fills you. 
You balance your weight on your arms, holding onto the edges of the tub, sliding up and down him; bouncing that pussy of yours off of his cock. 
“C’mon, sugar. Ride me. Ride your cowboy.” Jack tempts. 
Jack thrusts his hips upwards to meet you halfway as you thud back down on him, making you both cry out.
“Fuck, like that!” He hollers, the water now splashing over the sides of the tub onto the floor with your intense determination to get off.
“That feel good, darlin'? Lemme see you. Eyes on me, sweet thing. Christ, look at you... So fuckin’ gorgeous on my dick. That's it now, work it... Like that. Aw, hell yeah, like that…” he croons, panting.
He can feel himself becoming more and more frantic with you and you love it. You grip onto his hands, anchoring yourself as he bucks underneath you; lifting his hips as you ride him deeper and faster.
“Jack! Fuck!”
You’re wailing as your head snaps back, suds flicking up the tiles, and the water in the tub is nothing more than a swirling whirlpool around you both.
You can feel the brewing of your orgasm; the tightening inside your stomach and the deep pull of your cunt cinching around him.
It’s a delicious feeling as you unwind yourself completely. The air in the bathroom carrying a heavy, languid heat, wrapping you in a heady cocoon of sensual bliss.
Jack gorges on the vision of you, sitting atop him; breasts shiny with the soapy water dripping down them, jiggling up and down. Panting and groaning for him as your body runs slick with water and bubbles. 
The blooming feeling, like a sunlit daydream, unfolds with gentle intensity that bathes you in a soft, golden glow as it builds from within.
A velvet touch of warmth that lingers dreamily through the marrow of your bones, leaving you submerged in a haze of dizzy serenity, where time slows and the world takes on a muted hue around the fuzzed edges of your vision, condensating your eyes as you enjoy the deep thrusting inside you. 
“Darlin’. Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He groans. He can feel himself beginning to lose it, grunting and getting ready to fill you up.
You let go of his hands and slap them down on his chest, riding him ragged over the final hurdle; cunt tightening and pumping his cock.
He can just about bear it as your position means he’s gone that little bit further inside you still, and your walls are rubbing deliciously against him.
“Ah shee-it!” Jack curses out with a snarl pulled around his beautiful lips. “Gonna fill you up, sugar. You’re close now… I can feel it. Want you comin’ all over my cock as I fill you, okay?” He drawls in that thick, Kentucky squall.
Nodding, you go faster; twerking on his dick and feeling the build up inside you reach epic proportions - your own release imminent. You want this; crave this from him, as you let yourself let go. 
“Come for me, Jack!”
“Fuck, yeah!” 
He shudders against you, cursing out and biting his bottom lip as he begins exploding inside you. Veins in his neck twitching and bulging as he howls. 
You slump forward onto him, kissing his wet, smooth chest delicately. The water finally comes to a still as you lay in the hot suds with him. 
You combust around him; calling his name out over and over; your rocking takes on a slow and steady pace until its eventual stop as you both shiver and judder from the come down.
Your body tingles all over and legs feel like wobbly jelly.
“Fuck me...” Jack sighs contentedly, grabbing a hold of your ass and squeezing it gently between the wavy, foamy froth.
“I just did.” You titter and he chuckles. 
“And then some.” He tilts your chin up to him and plants a lingering sensual kiss on your lips. 
“Jesus Christ, I love you, darlin’.” He wraps you tightly in his drenched arms. “You n’ that lil' dill pickle in there.”
You smile contentedly. “We love you too, cowboy.”
A little while later, you’re both dressed in warm clothes by the fireplace, as Jack sips from a glass of honey coloured whiskey.
You’re both exchanging cosy, satisfied smiles as you both wrap the gifts in coordinated teamwork, that you’ve picked out together for the staff that work at the Ranch. 
You crease the folds of the metallic paper, and he tears off the tape strips holding them out to you on a lone finger. He holds the ribbon in place, whilst you tie it into a bow over his digits.
He writes out the cards in a messy scrawl, whilst you place some food down in front of him, and he leans up to kiss you, patting and rubbing your tummy gently.
He lifts up the chunky knit of your sweater to reveal your soft, clean skin. You run your hands through his deep chocolate locks as he beams up at you.
“Happy Christmas, sugar.”
“Happy Christmas, Jack.”
You watch, smiling fondly, as he then runs his nose against your belly, inhaling the perfume of you, and you giggle at the tickle of his moustache.
Jack gazes up at you before pressing his soft, pursed lips below your belly button. A lingering little smooch sinking into the layers of your skin. 
“Happy Christmas, lil' dill pickle.” Jack says.
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cyberfreaky · 1 year
— writing prompt: jake & reader have an argument over how he treats lo’ak.
— notes: this is set during atwow, widowed!jake & fem!metkayina. reader and jake don’t have an established relationship, they have a close dynamic lmaowjdiens
sngel = garbage
part two.
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there was an eerie silence that had fallen in your marui pod. the discomfort was made worse with the way jake aggressively sharpened his blade, crouched down in the corner with a face of annoyance. you hadn’t dared to say anything in fear of potentially setting him off into a storm of rage — though it seemed that even the drop of a needle could throw him over the edge.
you’d secretly witnessed jake yelling at lo’ak earlier on for something so insignificant. you had seen how the younger boy’s expression was filled with such profound sadness, barely able to keep eye contact with his father while being scolded harshly. you felt hopeless in the moment, and even more so as the hours had passed.
you were aware that jake was dealing with the trials and tribulations of being a single parent, he had already told you the story about the unfortunate death of his mate. but this did not excuse his behaviour — especially since this was not the first instance of him raising his voice unfairly at lo’ak.
“what is it?”
the sound of jake’s thunderous voice broke you from your trance. you hesitantly look up and notice him glaring balefully at you, his demeanour adding to the existing tension between you both. “don’t know what you’re talking about.” you shrugged.
“don’t make me ask again.” jake seethed, dropping his equipment to the ground.
your dark brows knitted with confusion. was he threatening you? you quickly climbed to your feet and tilted your head to the side questionably. “or what?”
jake was almost taken aback by your stance. he followed suite and stood up, taking a few steps forward as he continued to stare at you with darkened eyes. “don’t get smart, kid. m’not in the mood.”
“you really wanna know what’s on my mind?” you challenged him.
“it’s what i asked, wasn’t it?”
at this point, jake was towering over you. his enraged gaze never faltered, it burned deeper into your soul as he looked down upon you — impatiently awaiting your answer. you were not intimidated by his presence one bit, in fact, his attempt to scare you into a confession was pointless. his ego was a trait of his you truly despised, and it was fuelling the slow burning resentment you were beginning to feel towards him.
“stop treating your son like sngel.” you spat, meeting his stare with an equally malefic glare. “you should never yell at your child like that.”
jake’s jaw clenched at your words. he was struggling to adhere to the fact that you had the audacity to even speak about how he spoke to his children. could it be the complexities of your ‘relationship’ had somehow opened up a door to allow you to critique his parenting? had he somehow given you leeway to make such a ludicrous comment? he was aware you had a mouth on you — but he didn’t think you’d outright cross personal boundaries.
“you have no place to say how i parent my kid.”
you looked at him baffled. jake was so oblivious to his own poor behaviour, you began to question why you even bothered to say anything. “you’re right, it’s not my place.” you stormed past him and grabbed his tools from the ground, throwing them angrily to jake’s feet. “take your stuff and get out.”
he laughed with disbelief, placing a frustrated hand to his temple. “ya’ gonna throw me out? even though you’re the one who started this?” he collected his things from the floor, shaking his head in discontent. “i don’t need this shit from you.”
“then leave!” you point towards the entrance of your pod. “go scream at your kids again, jake. show them what a great father you are!”
for a moment, you noticed the fury in his face contort into an empty look of hurt. it was as if your venomous tone had pierced through his chest, hitting him in the most painful spot imaginable. jake could only stare at you blankly before silently exiting, the numbness that settled into his body made him unable to conjure up any kind of argument. the fact that you had implied he was a terrible father was enough to break him — the one thing he prided himself in had been tainted.
you held your composure as you watched him leave, despite the rush of guilt that was rapidly emerging into your tummy. the remaining of your night was spent regretting everything you had said to him.
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— all rights reserved ©️ cyberfreaky (2023) do not repost, translate or copy my work without given permission.
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scuttling · 1 year
Frayed Ends
Fandom: Supernatural Pairings: Dean Winchester/Female Reader Word Count: 1,527 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Unprotected sex, Mentions of impending death Summary: It's the end of the world again; where better to find comfort than Dean Winchester's arms? A/N: Sometimes Dean's just too pretty to ignore.
Keep reading below or link to AO3!
Staring out the window of the battered old motel, looking into the darkening sky, you try to count the number of life-or-death situations you’ve been in in the last year. You’ve been mortally wounded in battle, only to be healed by angelic figures that don’t quite live up to expectations; possessed by demons who are surprisingly more forthcoming than their winged counterparts; ripped to shreds by creatures with claws and fangs, things that are both as terrifying as the stories say and so much more complicated than most people know. 
A loud crack of thunder booms, lightning splits the sky, and a warm hand presses firmly against the middle of your back. None of those things make you jump, not anymore.
“So,” Dean begins, reaching out to hand you a tumbler of whiskey—the good stuff, a high-dollar, top-shelf single malt. “Last night on Earth.” 
You take the glass from him and peer into into it, through the rich brown liquid, before sipping the liquor, letting it burn smoothly, slowly; it seems like an oxymoron, but precisely what you need now, in the eleventh hour, when it feels like the world is about to fall to ashes at your feet. Again.
“That line work for you often?” you ask, half-teasing, and you down the rest of the alcohol. A shrug of his shoulders and a cocked half-smile tells you all you need to know. "Right, of course. Apocalyptic situation plus a rugged, handsome man who did his very best to prevent our impending doom... I imagine it isn't ever hard for you to get laid, but it's gotta be damn near impossible to be turned down under conditions like these." 
He empties his own glass with a smack of his lips, leaning his shoulder against the wall beside you, and smiles gently. It’s different from his usual grin, because it changes the look of his eyes, touching only the corners and making it appear as though it would physically hurt him to keep it up much longer.
He’s not being a creep, hitting on you when you’re vulnerable—you know because you know him, have been traveling the road off and on with him and Sam and occasionally Cas for over a year now. This is about desperation, a vain attempt to cling to something as your doomsday clock ticks down to zero, to connect with another person one more time before you reach the proverbial end of the road.
"You tell me,” he finally says, voice as rough and broken as you’d expect. You look away from his face abruptly, this open, emotional version of the man you’ve been kicking ass and trading sarcastic quips with making your stomach turn. He’s a good guy, no doubt about that, and he doesn’t deserve the life he’s been saddled with, or all the pain and misery that comes with it. He lived for his family, Sam, and now they are apart—no more angel teleportation, no more gas stations, no more cell service—and the end is so near you can see it in the darkening swirl of his green eyes, the tightness of his jaw.  
Apparently the booze hasn’t slowed down your motor functions any, because you’re turning to press a hand to his chest before the thought has fully formed in your mind. 
"I'd be honored, Dean Winchester," you breathe, pushing a hand softly through his hair; he inhales, lips parted and eyes flicking curiously over your face, before leaning down for a careful, gentle kiss. 
Both of his arms wrap around you, embracing you warmly, and you slip your tongue into his mouth, giving yourself over to his strong arms and stubble without a second thought. It isn’t exactly a hardship, sleeping with the brave, honorable, beautiful hunter, and if it makes him feel even a fraction better about the whole dying bloody thing, how can you refuse? 
"Thank you." It’s a sandpaper whisper pressed lightly against your lips, and one of his hands moves to cradle your head as the kiss deepens. He tastes bittersweet, a blend of mint and whiskey, and is far more tender than you would have imagined, taking soft sips of your bottom lip between toe-curling, passionate kisses. You push the light-colored flannel off of his shoulders, pleased with the muted groan he expels against your neck, and wrap your arms around his back like you can’t get close enough, can’t get enough of him. 
He lifts you easily, of course, like you’re as weightless as you’re starting to feel, brings you to the bed and covers your body with his, hands ghosting over your throat and your face, down your arms, over your chest, your sides. The kisses grow rougher, needier, deeper on both your parts, and when you pull the soft, worn t-shirt over his head you press your fingertips into his skin, drag him closer, body begging for more. 
“Dean… yes,” you sigh as he nips at your neck, your earlobe, his teeth sharp but careful. You move your hands over his stomach, his chest, the back of his head, pulling him to your mouth for more slow, wet kisses like you’ll find the solution to all of your problems inside him—or maybe that you want him to find it inside you. It’s a heady, dizzy feeling, and he feels it too, moaning into the kiss when you shift up to your knees, pulling your own t-shirt over your head. 
“I need you,” he rasps, looking over your body, with all of its scars and bruises, like it’s a map of all the places you’ve been together. You unhook your bra, let it fall away, and then unbuckle his belt, help him strip down before removing the rest of your clothes too. 
You feel a flush of heat when you’re both bare, not nervousness or shyness, but something you don’t have a name for, not yet; you probably never will, now so close to the end, so you just bask in the feeling that he’s all yours, that in your last moments you will be as connected as two people can be. That even if you die in vain, you won’t be dying alone. 
You’d ask about protection right about now, but don’t see the point, considering the circumstances; instead, you climb into his lap and weave your fingers into his hair, kiss him so thoroughly he has to know you’re doing this because you want to and not just because he’d asked. Your nails graze over his shoulders, into his hair, murmur his name, and his soft lips become hard and unyielding as he kisses you breathless, like he wants it to mean something.
He lays you back against the bed, still made up from the day, and you let him, pulling your knees up so he can settle in close to you, so you can feel his body tense beneath your hands and he presses into you, fills you completely. “Fuck,” he grinds out, and his mouth finds yours again, his kisses softer, sweeter as he starts to move. 
For the first time, you’re glad it’s pretty much just the two of you left in this desolate town; neither of you are quiet as you fuck, gasping and moaning and whining puffs of breath into the air between you. The sounds of your sex echo in the room—the groan of the bed frame, the sticky wetness soaking your thighs, Dean’s mouth as it runs about your beauty and your pussy and how heavenly you feel. 
The room is so hot, your skin slick with sweat, his too, and he takes your hands in his and presses them up over your head, against the bed, holding you down with the force of his body as you both chase the feeling that you’re close to something big.
“Oh god, more, Dean, please,” you plead, hitching your legs up higher, tightening them around him as he thrusts quicker, deep and smooth. “You’re so good, so good, Dean.” 
“You have to come for me. You have–” He lifts one of his hands away from your pinned wrists and strokes your cheek with it, brushing his thumb over your lips. His eyes are lighter now, honeyed, but still flooded with emotion as he combines tenderness with roughness and brings you so close to climax you can feel it pulsing beneath your skin. “You’re glowing,” he chokes out before his orgasm rips through him, strong enough to make him shake above you, and he leans in for a kiss that turns into your own climax, something powerful that makes you ache down to your bones. 
You whimper against his shoulder as he slows, and he releases your arms, pulls them around him so you embrace as you pant through it together. You feel both completely spent and filled with buzzing energy, and when he looks down at you his expression is… awed. There’s no way to mistake that face for anything else. 
“Holy shit. I think that worked,” he says, almost astonished, and then his phone vibrates on the bedside table and you turn simultaneously to look over at the glowing screen.
A/N: Didn't mean for this fic to mean anything or to lead to anything more, but it kind of did, so who knows?
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kafus · 7 months
what's your personal story with lumineon? i'm really happy to see empoleon, cradily, and fidough here since they're some of my own favorites! - 🦢
ogh ty for asking, i forget if i've shared this before but even if i have i'm doing it again LOL
even though FRLG was my first pokemon game, for a variety of reasons, i consider sinnoh/gen 4 to be my true childhood pokemon games. despite this, my childhood memory is extremely spotty (i am almost 24 years old + i have a severe dissociative disorder, i don't remember shit ever LOL) and so my memories of actually playing gen 4 are very few and far between. but lumineon is involved in two of the ones i still manage to hold onto
in pokemon diamond, i actually completed the natdex as a child, which was an arduous process that took me a Really long time, i don't know how long. i unfortunately no longer have this save file. gen 4 was obviously the dawn of wifi features and i always wanted to complete my dex in FRLG but i couldn't because i didn't have the hardware/games to trade with myself and i didn't have friends (in fact i was bullied pretty severely for liking pokemon, i had to change schools) so when i could use the GTS and trade with people online i got VERY excited about dex completion, and just like, interacting with people. i managed the task with a mix of breeding eevees and evolving them into eeveelutions as trading chips on the GTS and using my mom's yahoo account without her permission to ask for trades from people on fucking Yahoo Answers lol (sorry mom SDJKSD)
i don't actually remember doing most of this, i was just able to put it back together with context clues from my pearl file that survived and things i am just vaguely aware happened but don't actually have Sensory Memory of. BUT what i do remember is that one night i realized i was finally almost done and somehow the finneon line is the one line of pokemon i never got. they were the Final Dex Entries i needed. i did everything in a really weird order and wasn't prioritizing the sinnoh regional dex lol
so i went and caught a finneon and grinded it to evolve it into lumineon. i think the reason i remember this is because i was so close to being done, i was way more impatient with grinding than usual, and then just like. the sheer pride and relief i felt when that finneon evolved and then scrolling through the complete dex list is like nothing i had ever felt before gonna be honest. high point of my childhood
even back then i formed an attachment to lumineon in this moment and i used that lumineon for other stuff in sinnoh. i don't remember how i found this out, but one of the first competitive doubles strategies i ever learned was that thunder always hits in rain, and i knew that my lumineon had rain dance through level-up and i had a luxray with thunder, and i was Obsessed with pokemon battle revolution, so i have a brief memory of spamming thunder with my luxray after setting up the rain with lumineon and being really proud of myself for that (even though there's way more optimal ways to do this that i'm aware of now LOL, cut me some slack i was 8 years old)
this is a really long explanation cause i wanted to really emphasize WHY this meant so much to me as a kid but tldr lumineon was the last remaining pokemon left for me to get the dex entry for in sinnoh as a kid and it was a culmination of a lot of months of work and then i went on to use that lumineon in battles and yeah shoutout to lumineon
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new-sandrafilter · 2 years
Technikart Magazine interview translation with Timothee Chalamet and Taylor Russell for 'Bones and All' (x)
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At 26, Timothée Chalamet is on top of the world. He is shooting in the most exciting films of the moment, he is making the social networks go wild and redefining the codes of masculinity. In the midst of promoting the poisonous and sublime Bones and All, which won two awards in Venice, we met him in London, along with the revelation of the film, Taylor Russell.
Warner's publicist and agents had warned us, Timothée Chalamet is incredibly cool, an ultra-talented, simple and modest young man. A star! While the shooting of the sequel to Dune is taking place between Budapest, Abu Dhabi, Jordan and Italy, Timothée is in London for a promo day for Bones and all, where it is about crazy love and... cannibals, a black diamond signed by Luca Guadagnino, that Timothée produced.
In Luca Guadagnino's new film, Timothée Chalamet plays an "Eater", a cannibal who devours his victims completely, "bones and all"... For his role, he has created a rebel redneck look, with an improbable mullet haircut, dyed hair and ripped jeans. With the revelation Taylor Russell, he crosses the desert landscapes of the heart of rural America, in search of prey and especially love.
In London, the interview takes place in the company of the Canadian Taylor Russell, discovered in the series Falling Skies, then in the nanar Escape Game. When he sees me with my Marvin Gaye T-shirt, Timothy lets out a thunderous "Oh man, what a cool T-shirt!" and starts singing at the top of his lungs "What's going ooooon...". Here we go!
More than a cannibal movie, can we think of Bones and all as a crazy love story?
Timothée : It seems obvious to me that the two main characters live from day to day, they break the law, they are wildly in love, they have no money: so yes, it looks like crazy love. It's even beyond crazy, passionate love; they are safe with each other, they trust each other completely, they support each other, they are real, it's pure love, very mature.
How does your generation look at crazy love, love without judgment? And do you think there is a demand among young viewers for this kind of stories?
Taylor: This generation is really smart and they want sincere, authentic, original work.
Is it hard to play the crazy love?
Taylor: Timmy knows Luca well from Call Me By Your Name, as well as the producers. They are like family, and I was the newcomer. Timmy made me feel comfortable right away, like I was part of this great family. It's very important on a shoot to feel accepted, loved. Timmy was a rock for me. He is a generous actor, but he is also and above all a generous person, with a very big heart. Qualities that you don't find all the time, I think...
The film takes place in the 1980s, in a world without Internet, but it speaks of today's youth, isolated, abused, abandoned or mistreated by adults, of youth in search of care, kindness and love.
Timothée: I hadn't thought of that, but it's interesting. I'll speak for myself. The Covid epidemic has hit our generation hard, it has isolated it socially. But there's also global warming, global conflicts, inflation, nutrition problems... I feel like young people are watching this old world die. They are isolated. As you said, Bones and all captures the essence of all of this, even though it is strangely a cannibal film. I really agree with you, there is something absolutely contemporary in this quest of the two characters in the 1980s, in this urgency to live despite everything.
How was the shooting?
Taylor: We shot in Ohio, Kentucky, Nebraska... We shot for 48 days, in April 2021.
Do you like horror movies?
Timothée: To be perfectly honest, ....
The interview can be read here (it's in French)
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braveclementine · 11 days
Chapter 19/20
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Warnings: None (anyone can read this story)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. I do not condone any copying of this.
𝓣𝓗𝓔 men called Loki and Thor were coming today.
I was curled up in the corner with a stuffed animal, cuddling it. It was white like me, with several different black spots on it. Bucky called it a panda bear. I thought it just looked like an oreo with eyes.
It didn't taste like an oreo though.
Not that I was supposed to know what oreos tasted like anyways.
But it was Sams fault for leaving them out.
Even though half of them freaked and took me down to Bruce to see if I was going to die from chocolate poisoning.
But I didn't.
So I think I should be allowed to eat more.
Bruce wasn't here at the moment, not wanting to greet Loki when he came in. Apparently Loki had done bad things to Bruce, so they weren't on good terms.
Actually, none of them seemed to be on good terms with this Loki person. Wanda and Vision had taken Billy and Tommy away too, far across the country and once Pepper found out, she said she wasn't coming back to Stark Tower with Morgan until Loki was gone.
So I assumed that Loki was a bad person.
Bucky and Steve sat together at the table while they waited. They were in a heated discussion about cake. I liked cake, especially with vanilla icing.
I wasn't allowed to eat it though.
Tony on the other hand was sitting next to me, petting me. He seemed extremely stressed about the whole Loki situation so I gave him lots of kisses to try and cheer him up. It seemed to work for the most part.
Nat on the other hand, looked utterly bored. She was sitting up on the table, cleaning the dirt from under her nails with a blade.
Road was standing near Tony, arms crossed over his chest. He wasn't talking to anyone, just staring out the window.
Meanwhile, Fury was on the far other side of the room with a woman named Maria. I hissed at him whenever he came within ten feet of me.
He never came within ten feet of me.
Sam and Clint were having a loud conversation about pop tarts, and whether we had enough in the Tower for Thor. I wondered what a pop tart was and if I could eat it.
I was hungry.
"Can I have food?" I asked Tony, rolling over onto my back.
Tony smiled, rubbing my belly. "You're adorable Blizzard."
"No, I'm hungry." I whined, rolling back onto my stomach to bat at his legs. "Give me food!"
Suddenly, there was a loud crash of loud noise and I looked up just in time to see a roaring rainbow rushing down from the sky.
But the loud noise also made me run under the table and slink down.
"Aww, come here Blizz." Tony said softly, reaching under the table to pull me out. "It's just thunder." He looked up at Road, "Did he do it on the lawn again?"
"Nope, he used the helipad like you asked him to." Road replied, turning away from the window.
It didn't take long for two men to walk through the doors. Everyone straightened up, standing if they had been sitting- including Tony who left me on the floor by his feet.
I pounced back on the oreo, rolling around with it, before I settled down to get a good look at the men.
One had brown, spiky hair, looking like he was trying to copy that one vampires hairdo from that one TV show. . . Elijah, I think? He was very buff, with large arms and two different coloured eyes. He had a larger axe hammer thing in one hand and was wearing silver armor with a red cape.
He grinned widely, and said, "Hello again my friends!"
"Hello Thor." Nat said sweetly. "Welcome back."
I turned my attention to the second man, who looked extremely uncomfortable. He had long black hair that was curly. His eyes were blue and shimmery. His face was pale and smooth, much unlike his brothers, which had the trimmings of a beard. He was tall and thin, and any muscles he might have were hidden under his green clothing.
It was as though I had been hit with a lightning bolt.
I got to my feet, slowly padding over to where the man in green- Loki- was standing.
"Blizzard come here." Tony called quickly, but I didn't listen.
I padded straight up to the God of Mischief, and batted his shoes.
"Pick me up." I demanded.
Loki bent down, picking me up in his hands.
We stared at each other curiously before his eyes shifted down to my paws. Specifically the back paw where my only black mark was. His eyes widened, staring back at me.
"Y/N. . . " He whispered so softly I could barely hear him so I knew the others could not.
"Daddy." I cried.
He set me back down on the floor, squatting down with me. I put my paws on his knee. "Help me!"
"Blizzard, come here girl." Bucky pleaded. He sounded nervous and I wondered why. Why were they so scared of him?
I remembered everything now. My entire life. Every moment.
Loki stood back up and turned to Thor, "Give me your cloak."
Thor raised an eyebrow- I remembered him too now- but swung the red cloak over to Loki.
Loki put a hand over me and I could feel the magic tingling in my bones. I could feel it changing me, helping me grow, until I was no longer a kitten, but a human.
"What the fuck?" Bucky, Steve, and Tony all asked together.
I sat there with my E/C eyes still on my father. My long H/C hair flowed down my shoulders, covering my entire back and my father bent down, wrapping my naked body in my Uncle's cloak.
I could feel the strange tattoos on my arms tingling and everything now made sense. If I looked down, I could see the crown shaped birthmark on my hip. The one that had looked almost like a black tattoo on my paw.
"Holy shit." Bucky cursed again.
I turned to face them, keeping close to my father, afraid of their reactions.
Bucky's face was the one I saw first. His blue eyes were wide, his face slack with shock. He had taken a few steps towards me from when I had padded over to my father as a kitten. Steve was next, still frozen where he had been before, his blue eyes full of suspicion and uncertainty.
Tony looked completely taken aback, having sat down in a chair, a hand covering his mouth as he rested his elbow on his leg.
"Can someone just explain what happened?" Sam finally asked.
Loki glared at all of them, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "This is Y/N Lokidottir. And if the name doesn't give it away, she is my daughter."
"I didn't know you had a daughter." Nat said. "Thor never told us-"
"She went missing a long time ago." Thor interrupted. He gave me a loving glance. "Before New York, before all of that. Before you even knew of us."
"Then. . . how. . . what. . ." Tony seemed absolutely shocked.
"I was kidnapped during one of the invasions." I whispered. Bucky and Steve both jerked upon hearing my voice, their hands flying to where the last soulmate tattoo was. "There was a witch with them, who turned me into a cat and hid me in her pocket. When Odin banished her to Midgard, I was taken with her. I stayed with her for many years but then there was a problem. She erased my memories and the next thing I remember is ending up in Mr. Peters house."
"Which Witch?" Thor asked.
"I think her name was Agatha." I said softly.
"Well." Fury drawled from the back of the room. "I would hate to say I told you so. . . who am I kidding? I told you so."
"I'm not a spy." I said, but I couldn't even be angry about it.
"Maybe not." Fury said while Loki's arms tightened around me, "But I did say that any cat with supernatural powers was not really a cat."
I gave a nod of assent. Perhaps that was true.
"Well!" My father sounded more cheerful than before. "I suppose my er- visit will have to be cut short then." He looked at my Uncle Thor. "Mother will want to see her especially."
"Yes, of course!" Thor said boisterously. He was just as loud as I remembered, but I was only glad that I was back with my family again."
"Wait!" Bucky said hurriedly. "She can't leave yet!"
My heart twisted painfully.
"Why not?" Loki asked angrily.
"She's our soulmate, you can't just take her away from us." Steve said.
"Ah." Loki said with distaste. "She will not be joining your soulmate stuff. In-"
"You can't make that decision for her."
"He's not." Thor said with obvious regret. "It is our law. Gods cannot be soulmates with humans. Our lifespans far out live yours and it would only lead to pain and suffering on Y/Ns part when you die in twenty or thirty or forty years and she lives for a thousand or two more."
"It is against our law to do so." Loki added. "Doing so would banish her from Asgard for life."
"We have waited for her for forever." Bucky said. I think he was trying to sound angry, but all he did was sound hurt and that hurt me too.
"It will be fine." Loki spat. "You do not need her. You already have two mewling quim on the side already."
Bucky's mouth dropped like he had been slapped, while Steve sat down in his chair, looking mortified. Both of them realizing a lot of things at that moment. Tony glared furiously at the two of them, and then glared at Nat who was blushing just slightly.
"Father." I whispered. That wasn't fair. Now that I had my memories, I had taken a fair share of lovers into my bed as well. It was technically against the law in Asgard to shag outside of marriage, but no one listened to it. It had become a useless law.
"No Y/N. I cannot see you get hurt like that."
I took a deep breath and said, "Steve and Bucky are also immortal Father. It is different with them."
Thor and Loki looked at each other.
"We will have to speak to our father." Thor said, sounding troubled. "Perhaps it would be safer for you to stay here at the moment."
Loki looked disappointed, but nodded as well.
"Someone get her some clothes." He snapped at the others, before he and Thor drew me away into a corner.
"Are you sure this is what you want sweetheart?" Loki asked softly.
"Yes dad." I whispered. "I have found that I already love them. I think it would hurt more to not be with them. And they really are immortal so that should make a difference in the law."
"I will speak to Odin about it." Loki said, sounding troubled as well by this idea. "Hopefully mother will help persuade as well. I love you."
"I love you too." I mumbled, hugging him tightly. He kissed the top of my head.
"Here Blizz- Y/N." Sam said, holding out some clothes.
"Thanks birdbrain." I said softly.
He grinned, "You've been hanging around Tony to much."
Loki put up screens to block the others out while he and Thor turned so that I could get dressed. It did take me a moment to figure out how to wear clothes, and when I was done, I recognized one of Tony's AC/DC shirts and Bucky's Slytherin detailed sweatpants.
Loki pursed his lips when he saw the clothing. "I will bring you proper Asgardian clothing when Thor and I return."
I hugged Thor too and it took a while for the both of them to actually leave, as we did not want to part, so soon after finding each other again.
I suddenly felt rather self conscious when I was left with them by myself.
"Can we talk alone?" Bucky asked awkwardly.
I nodded and the three of us left the room. 
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Oh! I've got another one “you’re so cute when you’re half asleep.” Ha, from Ardyn, who else. I'm so in love with characters sharing cute little moments in the morning...like.. It's probably one of my favorite tropes
@sillylittlevulpine Hey, me too! Those kind of moments really hit the feels, don't they? Here ya go and happy Ardyn day!
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Ardyn sighed through his nose while his eyes adjusted to the first rays of the sun coming over the large mountains of Niflheim. He could feel the morning air gently flow downwind, casting its cold touch upon his skin that was exposed. The dewy smell that permeated the woods was relaxing, and nearly coaxed Ardyn into going back to sleep. Had it not been for the rough texture of the tree his back was upon, he would've done just that.
A shiver went down Ardyn's spine as his tired gaze looked around. Now that his consciousness was more aroused, he was at first startled as to why he had been slumbering outside. That's when he registered the weight that was on his chest, making his breath uneven. His amber eyes glanced downward, watching Y/N sleep against his chest, their body curled up underneath his large coat. 
Memories from the night began to play in Ardyn’s head. He remembered the scourge flaring inside of his chest back at his chambers in Gralea. How his body felt so hot to the touch that he needed to step outside. The million souls and their stories that dwelled within Ardyn clamored for attention, piling upon each other like grains of sand attempting to make a hill. The scourge cursed him with a sensory overload that would’ve made most men crumble into ash. 
Though Ardyn remained standing, his reality was bending in and out of time. One moment, he  was at his residence. He blinked. Now he was on the streets of the capitol, barely a soul strode by him. Ardyn blinked. He was before a crowd of thousands, strung up before the public while from afar a high priest of the gods proclaimed him sinful. He blinked. Ardyn was running. He felt a terrible wave of panic slam into his nerves. His heart thundered in his chest, and he blinked again, and again. Each time a new set of characters and worlds greeted him. Little frightened Ardyn, but when the scourge gained enough momentum to try and break free from its prison, the darkness came with vengeance; trying to psych him out to where he’d give up control. 
That’s when at some point in his manic running, did Ardyn bump into Y/N, his personal help. The only person outside of Verstael and the emperor that truly knew what he was, that knew he couldn’t afford to be seen in public daemonified. Y/N dropped whatever errand they were on, and spent half the night trying to wrangle him. Ardyn recalled it had been an tense affair both physically and emotionally. He was surprised that he didn’t murder them. 
Somehow both of them stumbled into the woods along Niflheim’s outer rim. Ardyn’s body finally gave out, and he fell to his knees underneath the tree where he would eventually sleep. He screamed and yelled. His hands ripping grass apart and his fingers dug into the ground while he pounded the earth. Rage covered the deep sadness that was lurking closeby as another onslaught of memories from 2,000 years ago plummeted into his skull. He couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t see the future or the past, but a mess of everything and nothing. 
Ardyn snarled obscenities and threats at Y/N when they caught up to him. He attempted to shove them away, and push Y/N back when they ventured too close. Nonetheless, they persisted approaching him. Ardyn found himself squirming under Y/N’s touch, trying to rip away from them.  Exhausted pleads of ‘no’ burst from his mouth, until he succumbed and fell against Y/N. 
Carefully, Y/N dragged Ardyn to the base of the large tree and propped him up. They didn’t say a word to him while Ardyn closed his eyes and attempted to take back control of the scourge. The silence lasted for hours, until Y/N asked if he was alright after his breathing became even once again. From there, conversations about the mundane took place. Neither of them wanting to address the elephant that had just stampeded and destroyed the room. 
There was a mutual understanding that spoke through both Ardyn’s and Y/N’s eyes while they acknowledged the other; a wordless promise that both of them would be safe. The conversation evolved into musings, and then into intimate ponderings. Ardyn wasn’t sure when, but at some point Y/N complained about being cold and he took off his coat and handed it over. The rest was history. 
In the present, Ardyn leaned his head against Y/N’s while his right hand tiredly stroked through their hair. He normally wasn’t one to indulge in touch, finding the sentimentality to be a nuisance especially when he couldn’t afford connecting with anybody due to his fate. However, Ardyn felt he owed Y/N this acknowledgement; letting them know he valued what they had done but without saying a word. 
Ardyn felt Y/N begin to stir in their sleep. Their head tilted upward, eyes squinting open to barely make out his complexion.
“Hello.” Y/N croaked. 
“Good morning.”  A smile tugged Ardyn’s lips though his eyes remained neutral and wearied. 
“Heavy night last night?” Y/N teased.
“It was quite eventful. I think I’ve had my share of fun for a while. Wouldn’t you agree?” 
“Hmm hmm,” Y/N nodded then made a face at him. “I’m never chasing you down again if you have a panic attack.” 
Ardyn snorted, knowing his experience was anything but that. He was humored nevertheless. He let out a content sigh while his amber eyes combed over Y/N’s face. A mischievous smirk played his lips. 
“That’s a shame, because I’ve discovered something about you that I admire.” 
“What’s that?” Y/N yawned. 
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep.” 
“I’m getting up now.” 
“You do that.” Ardyn grinned, chuckling while Y/N’s expression remained unimpressed with his sincere comment. He loved pressing their buttons, seeing where he could get them to crack. As Y/N’s body left his, Ardyn couldn’t help but furrow his brows. He’d never admit it aloud but he was already missing the contact. 
Y/N, now sitting criss cross beside him glanced over his face. “Are you okay?” 
“No,” Ardyn murmured. He nervously glanced between Y/N and his chest before leaning forward and away from the tree. He closed his eyes briefly, trying to keep himself grounded. 
“But I will be,” Ardyn turned his head to Y/N. “And you?” 
A contemplative look crossed Y/N’s features then they smiled, shaking their head as a playful huff left them. “I’m going to need a lot of therapy after last night if I’m being honest.” 
“I don’t mind footing the bill on your behalf,” Ardyn mused. His eyes lit up hearing Y/N laugh. “It’s not everyday one contends with the Adagium and his woes. You didn’t sign up for that when you came under my charge.” 
Y/N smiled sadly at his latter remark. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad I found you before it got worse.” 
“I could’ve killed you.” 
“But you didn’t.” 
Ardyn’s eyes locked with Y/N’s then. Like last night, there was the wordless promise: that he was safe with them as much as they were safe with him. The concern and care Y/N had shown throughout this ordeal reminded Ardyn of someone he once knew. A person who went above and beyond for others to their own detriment. Such contemplation was sure to set a dangerous precidence, but Ardyn was too tired to care. 
“What are you looking at?” Y/N asked curiously. Their gaze shyly averting every so often as Ardyn’s eyes never left them. 
“Myself,” Ardyn said softly. “Once upon a time…” 
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emjayart · 1 year
Love Between Fairy and Devil
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i know this Drama was aired back in 2022, but one thing about me is that i'd rather wait until the drama is completely aired than to wait in agony for the next episode to come and translated (that thing is no joke); i've done watching this show last month and boy was i cursed after this, i saw the cover and title on Netflix and i was like "eeehhh probably just a typical Cdrama, nothing special about it" but then i started to have doubts about my own judgement and decided to watch. oh boy i was wrong.
First, let me give my respect to the screen writers who spent 3 YEARS in writing the scripts, their efforts and hard work paid nicely <3, so does for all the visual effects team, choreograph team, etc for bringing this drama came to life so beautifully.
You can smell the strong chemistry between two leads. great casts!! standing ovation for Wang He Di for his performance!!!
ever since i started to fell in love with Cdrama i have never saw "what great power looks like" you know what i mean? like Ye Hua in TMOPB he was considered the brightest and all that, but the show did not give me any chance to actually witness his power at it's peak, same case with my beloved Hanguan Jun (though i still love him), Wei Ying (almost at a peak if it's not for him to deal with the power biting his butt back).
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DongFang QingCang (dfqc) showed up with style, arrogance, domineering, invincible, confidence, that air that makes everybody even the heavenly emperor tucked their tails between their legs when he arrived at that Waterfall Hall to safe xiao lanhua, he summoned lightning and darken the sky, his voice like thunder; even when he was fighting with ChangHeng and his buddy Rong Hao. that HELLFIRE is hella sexy!! I NEVER BEEN THAT HYPED when i see a villain is about to destroy, the music, the visual effect, choreograph for DFQC is superb!! one swing of that man sends ChangHeng the God of War got beaten up like a dough, he was left unscathed, no drop of blood, stand so proudly in front of his opponents, WORTHY OF HIS TITLE, RESPECT AND FEARED. "the only person who can defeat DongFang QingCang is himself" he can easily kill xiao lanhua, but he didn't, yet he opened to the new experience.
i want to talk a lot about this complex character and his development throughout the journey which thumbs up to the Production House to be able to put his whole development as a character fantastically though i hate why you guys left us like that for the last 6 episodes, you can you that 4 more episodes to give us more!!
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the are soooooo many scenes that i love, so many comedy in this drama, body swap, but the peak of the comedy is in Human Realm, when ChangHeng & DongFang QingCang became sworn brothers lmao, when DongFang QingCang crawled through dog hole (I'm dead) and so much much.
but the one that hit me the most is when DongFang QingCang mourned for xiao LanHua, guys let me tell you, i watch that episode around 10 pm and watch i think one more episode before i decided i can't take it anymore, i was bawling for hours i'm not even kidding, the fact the DongFang QingCang can't accept her death so he would rather stay in his dream if it means to be with her broke me into pieces. no Cdrama has ever done that to me, not even Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (sorry Ye Hua and Bai Qian), i had that emotional breakdown for almost a week, i lost control over my emotional because of this show lol that i'm afraid to go out fearing i would have a breakdown in public. the effect are too strong on my emotions.
this drama is 11 out of 10!
as i said before, the only downside of the drama is how they did the story for the last 2 or 3 episode, too rushed, i wanted to see Goddess Xi Yun's devotion on nurturing DongFang QingCang's crescent moon spirit! i was so frustrated on how they end things, i want Season 2 of this drama mainly because i wanna see how great GLAZED FIRE is and i want to see that stupid heavenly emperor put to justice because honestly he does not deserved the crown!!!! never.
let's discuss in the comment on what you like and dislike and if i miss-mention something :)
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crapmagak · 2 years
Engage Drip Marketing: Clan
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Whelp, looks like we’re getting characters every Thursday and Friday. It may not seem like a lot, but we have around 17 weeks until this game comes out, so potentially over thirty characters will be revealed. Not only that, but there will probably be surprise recruits that won’t be spoiled by drip marketing.
Today, we finally learn the name of the male twin… Kind of. These are ultimately shaky translations of the japanese name. Still, gotta call him something, and Clan seems to be the most common interpretation I’m seeing.
Translations of the first tweet goes...
Clan is a 33rd generation "Dragon Guardian", protecting the Divine Dragon in the Holy Land of Lithos. He defends Alear together with Vander. Is the twin brother of Flan, and was beside Alear when they woke up. A gentle boy, he takes care of Alear as part of his job but is also a fan of them.
The personality tweet goes…
Clan's self-introduction. A young boy with a kind air about him. His hair is braided on the opposite side of Flan's.
The dialogue is…
Clan: "Sorry, I was so shocked earlier that I didn't even introduce myself... I'm a 33rd generation Dragon Guardian, Clan. Pleased to meet you."
Note: All of these translations were kindly done by twitter user SatsumaFS
So, all in all, Clan seems to be what was on the box. Such things are to be expected from a character featured heavily in the trailer. Still, nice, soft boy characters are always pretty appealing. Him being in the 33rd generation of Dragon Guardians is interesting though, I guess because when Engage comes out it’ll be around 33 years since the first game. This also confirms that Vander is only a generation above the rest of the cast making him a dilf rather than a gilf. This is important information. Trust me.
Another thing I’d like to get into is that in the trailers, we can see that Clan has an engage form with Micaiah. He’s shown with it in a chapter where the playable characters are level 9, and the enemies are level 11. Pretty soon, all things considered. So, there will likely be a map or two where Clan has a lot of story relevance. I’m curious to see how that all ends up shaking out.
Now, as for his class tweet and clip…
Clan's starting class is Mage. Fires magic using tomes, good for hitting enemies that are far away or armored.
It’s confirmed Clan is a basic mage, but it’s neet to get one so early. I am curious about how mages will shake out in these games. Tomes have no class advantage, so it seems we’re relying on the classic “only five classes have magic resistance worth a damn” balancing act. But, considering Clan also has a wind tome in his inventory, I’m curious. Will mages be like in the gba games, where anima magic scales from Fire < Thunder < Elfire and so on. Or will it be like awakening where fire, wind, and thunder tomes each have their own divisions of and ranks? In awakening, fire magic felt kind of useless, not as fast or good at taking out flying units like wind, nor as strong and crit happy like thunder. Still, I guess that’s something that's yet to be seen.
Also, I think the mage’s crit animations are definitely benefiting from the new crit format. In the past, their crit animations have always been a bit lackluster compared to those with weapons. The reasons are obvious, the action and motion lies in the spells themselves, and you can’t make a new crit animation for every spell. Getting a close up shot of the mage, seeing them surround themselves in spectral pages, really manages to sell them charging power, though. Perhaps when we see sages and sorcerers, we’ll get to see them do stuff like float as they charge too.
As for the map itself, we have a lot to chew on. It’s pretty big in comparison to the others, and it’s one we saw briefly in the first trailer, when Framme was showing off her martial arts moves. Now that we see the map, we have a bit more context.
First, Clan is level 4 at the start, and characters like Chloe and Louis are already in the starting positions, meaning this map likely takes place right after the windmill chapter that was heavily showcased in the trailer. The area seems to be a castle of sorts, perhaps even the one showcased on the map. We see blue banners along the walls, with five petaled flowers depicted. From a story perspective, it’s likely that Elusian forces have captured the Firenesse castle, and it’s up to our heroes to recapture it. Still, I’m rather surprised we’re already doing something like this so soon.
The map itself is divided into three sections. We have the main stairs at the bottom, where our heroes start. In the upper left, we have a path leading to a treasure vault. To the upper right, we have a throne room. It seems that door keys, chests, and breakable walls will return in Engage, and this is the chapter where they’re introduced. There's also some conscious enemy placement, like having a group of fighters next to a group of myrmidons, so the player has to be careful with their spear fighters. All in all, seems like a fun time.
As for story predictions, it’s likely that after Lythos is invaded, our heroes are transported to Firenesse, and in a vision, the little girl who’s obviously the divine dragon gives Alear their quest (find the twelve rings, stop the fell dragon). Our heroes then run into Alfred and Celine, along with their likely retainers. Then they come across a group of corrupted attacking a village, and two Firenesse soldiers (Chloe and Louis) need their help. Once the chapter’s over, our heroes learn that the Elusians are invading, and our heroes head out to recapture the capital.
Again, I’m kind of surprised at such a fast plot progression. Hopefully this means we’re in for a dense story, and not a short one.
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Opening this weekend:
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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves--This movie includes more than one dungeon, and more than one dragon. Thus the title is truthful, at any rate.
Once or twice back in college--twice, if memory serves--I played Dungeons & Dragons with some of my fellow theater students. It was sort of fun, as I recall. The first time, an obnoxious kid we didn't know named Dan--not a theatre major--had somehow been invited, who seemed to think himself a great ladies' man. He named his warrior character "Dahn" and spent most of the evening drinking a lot and hitting on the young women there. When we played again a week or so later, Dan was not invited, and the Dungeon Master mildly informed us that "Dahn disagreed with something that ate him."
This was in the early '80s.  I recount this story only to make it clear how limited my familiarity is with the classic role-playing fantasy game developed in the mid-'70s and now owned by Wizards of the Coast (a subsidiary of Hasbro). I've never played D&D or any similar game since, though I have friends and family who are enthusiasts. Even at the time, I didn't really grasp how the dice rolls and "damage points" and other such jargon determined the flow of the game; I just enjoyed the socializing and improvisational creativity.
So for all I know, this new movie version, directed by Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley from a script they concocted with Michael Gilio and Chris McKay, is a rich and faithful fleshing-out of tropes from the game. Or, for all I know, it's just a sword-and-sorcery fantasy with the franchise's name hung on it. I can't say, nor need any general audience member care; either way, it's highly entertaining.
Chris Pine is a lute-strumming troubadour living in a Ren-Faire-ish realm of racial and gender diversity. A washed-up member of a heroic order, he leads a band of thieves including a warrior (Michelle Rodriguez); a sorcerer (Justice Smith) of low self-esteem and questionable prowess, and a horned and tailed elfin person (Sophia Lillis) who can shape-shift into various other creatures, including a brawny monster owl.
They're on a quest to obtain some sort of magical thingy that will allow them to enter a magic vault from which they want to steal some other magical thingy. This will allow the troubadour to resurrect his murdered wife. Along the way the band is helped by a noble but humorlessly literal paladin (Regé-Jean Page from Bridgerton).
This synopsis does the movie little justice, however. D&DHAT isn't heavy. Despite all the thundering hordes and clanking armor and clashing steel and roiling brimstone and mystical spells and hideous ogres and such, the flavor is less like a Tolkien epic than like a Hope-Crosby Road comedy. The guiding joke is that the characters, notwithstanding their fairy tale attire, speak and interact in a contemporary American idiom, like people on a sitcom. There's an extended schtick, involving questioning of the dead, that's almost worthy of the Marx Brothers.
Your own tastes will determine if this approach makes the movie a blast or an outrage. For me, it not only made it less ponderous, but more emotionally satisfying. The actors generate an ensemble playfulness and a sense of affection. Pine retains his raffish agreeability, and he and Rodriguez are particularly convincing as longtime, patiently enduring friends.
But once again, the best reason to see the film, even if this sort of fantasy isn't your usual tankard of mead, is Hugh Grant. He plays the rotten mountebank who betrayed Pine and friends back in the day. Since then, with the alliance of a sinister sorceress (Daisy Head), this fraud has ascended to the throne of the kingdom; it's his vault the gang wants to loot, and he's also, intolerably, been serving as the surrogate father to Pine's daughter (Chloe Coleman).
Between this movie, the recent Operation Fortune, and 2017's Paddington 2, Grant has quite a line these days in cheery, good-natured comic villains. The scenes he steals here are the most honorable theft in the movie.
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not-me-bye · 2 years
Cherry x reader
A/n: im sorry if this sucks bare with me 🙌🏻  this story will be about when you and kaoru first met and etc.. enjoy hopefully
It was a cool, cloudy day when you were out and about. You decided to go on a walk around town and to shop for awhile. Meanwhile you stopped because there was some event going on and many people where crowded around and some were even cheering.
Realizing you have nothing better to do you decide to go investigate and see what was going on. You managed after some struggling and shoving some people aside, so you could make your way to the front near the ropes that restrict people from passing. You finally saw a guy with, in your opinion, beautiful pink hair. He was finishing up and the announcer commented “brilliant ai calligraphy piece".
You didn't know much about calligraphy but it looked very pretty, so you clapped since you arrived just as the mysterious good looking pink haired guy finished up. The announcer praised him some more and finally said his name but just his last name. "Mr.Sakurayashiki", meanwhile you were trying to think if you had met him before and could remember if you knew his first name but you realized you never had met someone with that last name before and didn't remember him at all so you gave up.
Everyone started to leave heading home and the hot pink haired guy finished talking to the announcer, so you decided to go talk to him and tell him what a good job he did, (even though you had arrived when he was practically finished). You walked up to him to greet him "hey, I just wanted to tell you your piece was amazing, even though I got here when it was almost over, I still think it was really pretty and you did an amazing job" you said, slightly awkward since you weren't always the most sociable person.
Kaoru was lost in thought you caught him off guard and you looked familiar, also unbeknownst to you, he had actually saw you when he had finished his ai calligraphy. He had briefly stared at you, he wasn't exactly sure why but his attention was just kinda drawn to you. He also realized a little to late that he was staring at you and not answering you back like he thought he was. So Kaoru cleared his throat and awkwardly said "thank you, you are very kind... I- my name is kaoru,".
When he finally spoke he kinda startled you since he was quiet for so long but nevertheless you happily held out your hand " I'm y/n and you have a really pretty name", you don't know why but he did seem familiar, at least his appearance anyway.
He got flustered slightly and took your hand shaking it, "thank you and you have a pretty name too", he smiled. Just as he was about to ask you something, thunder boomed and it began to rain..not even rain more like down pour. “I know a place not to far from here follow me” says Kaoru . So you both ran to the restaurant and made it in and were both pretty soaked. The name of the restaurant was... Sia la luce
The owner came out or maybe a employee you weren't sure because you never went here before but you did however recognize him, it was that Joe from S , that big muscled ladies man. Joe noticed you immediately and Joe being Joe yelled out "hey (your s name) how have you been doing". Dammit you thought, he is such a moron. "What is wrong with you Kojiro do NOT say that name in public", you griped. Kaoru paused, it hit him at that moment, that's where you were from.
Joe disappeared back into his kitchen and came out with two towels for you two, he handed you your towel and threw kaorus towel at his head. "You damn gorilla", kaoru hissed. Now even though it took kaoru till now to find out who you were, you realized beforehand who he was, the infamous Cherry blossom and by far, in your opinion, the hottest S skater.
"How do you know the gorilla", kaoru asked. "I've met him before at S and a few times out of S , and every time he tries to hit on me but fails", you laugh.
Joe just grumbles towards your comment, something about how you were just stubborn but you were to busy talking to Kaoru and watching him become confused about why he hadn't heard about you from Joe or ever actually met you outside of S.
Joe decided to tease kaoru when you guys went and sat down about how he was all flustered and not all calm and collect like he usually is, pissing of Kaoru further. “Do you want to try one of my new desserts”? “Don't worry it's on the house", he winked. "She isn't into you, you fool" kaoru starts "unless you are", he gets quieter with that last part. "No I'm not", you smile.
Kaoru notices that some of your wet h/c hair was slightly near your eyes and brushes it away, you guys are so close to each other, where if one you leaned in you could kiss the other. "You are very pretty y/n", he says slightly blushing. "Thank you, you are very pretty too kaoru and to get this off my chest you have beautiful hair" you smile proud at how straightforward you just were. He just smiles and thanks you, even though he seems calm right now he is freaking out on the inside, he doesn't get it how can someone be so cute. He's was doing good keeping his cool but then joe comes out and interrupts your intimate moment.
Joe sets the cake he was carrying down and asks if you are going to S tomorrow night, to which you reply yes, meanwhile kaoru is loosing his patience and decides to tell joe to “get lost” and “she's not interested”, (lmao poor joe). You decide to break the Tension aka their bickering by asking kaoru if he is going to S tomorrow. Hoping that will do it, he begins to calm down sort of. "Yeah I'll be their", before anything else can interrupt kaoru decides it's now or never " y/n would you like to go out to dinner with me before S, we could head to S together afterwards if you want”, kaoru asks while fidgeting. " That would be nice, i would love too kaoru", you say slightly flustered with a smile.
This excitement kaoru feels right now, is something he hasnt felt in a long time. Now both of you are beyond excited about tomorrow. "Here type in your number so we can talk beforehand"You hand him your phone. Kaoru happily complies and hands you back your phone. After a nice conversation with kaoru and finishing off your dessert meanwhile pouting joe is watching from his kitchen. You eventually leave to head home, already planning on what to wear for your date tomorrow. Meanwhile Kaoru stays longer at joes restaurant lost in thought with the same question about what he should wear.
I hope this wasn't to bad if it was I'm sorry.
I’m slowly trying to improve my writing skills but this shit is hard 😭
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faux-ee · 2 years
i have this story idea where nikolai served fyodor poisoned tea and fyodor was able to detect it and nikolai was like 'that's what i like about you, you're able to detect the poison' AND I'D LOVE TO SEE YOUR VERSION OF IT WJDJWKDJ
fam im sorry this took me so long but i love ur idea so much and ended up creating this dumpster fire of a one-shot; please enjoy!
Also sorry that i replaced tea with wine 😭 I just thought that since they were Russians I want to see them drink like Russian men. Like, smashing glasses and yelling huzzah and killing bears, you know. I apologize for my shameless adherence to dumb stereotypes.
content warning: choking, implied sexual content
On one of those seemingly endless nights, Fyodor was, as usual, resigned to writing incessantly along to the insistent rapping of snowflakes against the windowpane. He was bored, he realized; bored of making plans that would always be realized, of set paths and decided tracks. Yet he had no choice - he had an ability that assigned him the work of god, and who was he to defy the hands fate had dealt him with?
A crack suddenly sounded from the door behind him; he turned his head slightly to inspect, and saw that the person who stumbled through was no other than Nikolai Gogol, with, most unexpectedly, a goblet dangling in his loose fist, the glass of which tainted a deep magenta by the content within. His eyes, though, were still lit with a foxy glint. Fyodor could not recollect of any other time Nikolai had resorted to drinking. The clown hated anything that messed with his brain, hated to lose sense of himself under the influence of any substance, and lived himself to be, ironically, quite the stoic. His Kolya was like this: he was a vortex of the most contradictory qualities, struggling to stay true to his strange, fascinating character, with that permanent, mocking smile crested onto his sharp features.
And so Fyodor watched his companion quietly, watching how those heterochromic eyes greedily, piously drank him in, fervent as a maniac’s rambling prayer. This was one of the rare moments Nikolai had allowed himself the loss of control; his cheeks were flushed, hair tousled, saturated eyes reminiscent of the autumn sky. He was donned with a sort of childish wretchedness, as if he had despaired of the world before he had even seen the whole of it.
Nikolai raised his cup to level with Fyodor’s lips, fingers trembling as he mindlessly muttered, Fedya, Fedya. All it took was one look for Fyodor to realize that the wine was definitely poisoned. He was at once hit with a mixture of worry and amusement; worry that Nikolai might have taken poison himself on a whim with the intent to die, and amused that his lethal partner would be so naive as to believe that Fyodor - the god incarnate, the messiah - could be easily taken out by poisoned wine.
He took the goblet from Nikolai’s grasp, and downed it in one go, creasing his brows at the potent taste. Fyodor then reached out and laid an icy palm against the side of Nikolai’s neck, taking note of the sudden cleansing of that intoxicated fog from the clown’s wide eyes. As soon as Gogol was awaken from his alcoholic stupor, his face displayed a rushed film-like progression of emotions: first consternation, then terror, and finally a look of remorse with which the glow in his pupils snuffed out. Nikolai struggled against Fyodor’s hold like a wounded deer in capture, and yet his dear friend only tightened his hold, cold fingers pressing relentlessly upon his trachea.
“Kolya, pray tell, what should I do with you?” Fyodor said with a bitter smile; with how fast and thunderously blood was rushing through his veins, for the first time, he almost felt human. Driven by a morbid sense of curiosity, he pressed in further, just to see what would happen. Nikolai’s pupils were blown wide; from inside his throat squeezed out a breathless pant.
Fyodor loosened his grip ever so slightly, staring incredulously at the scene in front of him. He would’ve clapped for Kolya, he thought; he would’ve applauded him for his audacity to welcome such a painful death, as if his troubled heart found solace in his world’s magnificent end.
Nikolai let out a dry laugh. “Even if you kill me now, I would be doomed to never achieve the freedom I crave.” His voice resounded in the all-encompassing, terrifying silence. “You made me feel such things, Fedya, feelings I could neither ignore nor escape from. I…I hate you. I have no idea what to do.” He then dropped into a woeful mutter, as if thinking out loud. “I should…dig you a grave. That is the only way.”
He then smiled a twisted smile, large droplets of tears sliding off his cheeks, so sudden and natural they felt dishonest, as if some meaningless animalistic reflex. He casted an apprehensive glance at Fyodor again, one of immense trust and adoration. Their hearts beat against each other, singing in tandem a frivolous ballad of flesh and blood.
“The words you just said about hating me, please say them again.” There came a gentle whisper against the fragile of Nikolai’s earshell. He drew a few more ragged breaths, helplessly grabbing onto the front of Fyodor’s shirt like a drowning man. “My dear Kolya.”
“I hate you,” Nikolai obeyed him, raising his voice out of sheer stubbornness, “I hate you, I hate you so!”
Fyodor raised his hand again, a passive gesture that meant no harm, and let it fall to rest upon Nikolai’s trembling lips. The chirps of his canary were gradually muffled. Tenderly, he led Nikolai into a soothing embrace, dropping light kisses against the wetness of his fluttering eyelashes. With the same tender devotion, he guided Nikolai to the side of his bed, their bodies still a tangled mess. Look up, Kolya, he said to his unsuccessful assassin, who complied with his request, docile as a lamb. Nikolai’s fearless gaze wandered the ceiling in disrepair: the half still intact was covered with dappled egg paint, depicting a star-crossed couple frolicking through hellish flames. The other half, which housed a framed skylight encaging several large shards of glass, had let through a cold, bright collection of stars into the clown’s eyes, which were slowly being robbed of their focus by an ecstasy of heaven. For a moment they were content being rebellious angels who, in a night drenched in death and lust, willingly condemned themselves to the earth.
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northernscruffycat · 2 years
Hi, sorry for the random ask, but just wondering if you’ve seen the new Thor movie? And if you did, did you enjoy it? :) I just saw it and liked it enough, but not as much as the last one!
Hey there! Never apologise for sending random asks, because there's nothing I love more than being prompted to give my opinions on movies and stuff. :D Yes, I saw Love & Thunder with some friends when it first came out and I really enjoyed it! I'm very easy to please when it comes to the Thor movies and had a great time with this one, even if for a story about a guy called the God Butcherer, it somehow felt lower stakes than some of the others? But that didn't stop me from liking it. I liked all of the main cast and their quest to save the kids. Jane was really good in this one! I never disliked her before, but it really took until this movie for them to get me to actually care about Jane & Thor's relationship and then... the ending happened sob. It's funny, because at the start of this movie, when they were showing how Jane & Thor grew apart, the flashback moments between them were so endearing I was just like "Why did we not get to see any of this between them until we're hearing about it after the fact??" But I digress. I'd already seen the spoilers that Zeus was in this movie and obviously as a Greek Myth enjoyer, I liked seeing all the references and also seeing Thor get to kill Zeus lol. Ending credits spoiler - but I somehow avoided seeing anything about Hercules, so that was a surprise to me. I'd seen Hercules in a few Thor comics, so I'd wondered if he'd show up eventually. It's funny, because my my Hades Games fanfics I have an OC version of Heracles, who my friend told me he headcanons Hemsworth's Thor as being the voice of, to the point where we literally just write him a bit like Thor now. So when Hercules showed up in the movie it was kinda weird to see a "Heracles" who isn't just the same as Thor haha. But I'm derailing now! The ending surprised me, because (spoiler) when Jane was dying, I thought that the God Butcherer would use his wish to save her after seeing how much Jane & Thor love each other. But nope! He still brought back his dead daughter and I'm incredibly here for wholesome single dad Thor, so I liked that. :') The one part that was kind of a shame for me was that a Thor movie just doesn't feel quite right for me personally without Loki being in it. Though I was screaming when they stripped Thor and he had all those tributes to Loki tattooed on his back. I hope that we get to see them both together again in something down the line. Also, I thought that the advertising for the film made a misstep to pimp it out as being a "Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy" movie. I can see why they did it, since GotG gets people into seats. But those guys were barely even in the movie for the first ten minutes and I think if they'd advertised it more honestly as being a rom-com adventure they could've better hit that audience of middle-aged women who love Thor (like me haha). Anyway, I'm glad it wasn't what the ads made it seem like, because while I do like most of the GotG, I really, really hate Starlord, so it was good not to have to put up with him for long. I did like the part where Karen Gillan got to yell at Chris Pratt tho :D Oh yeah, one more thing. Again, I'm easily amused, but I did get a chuckle out of the running gag of Stormbreaker constantly getting jealous that Thor was going to cheat on it lmao SO YES I LIKED IT A LOT and will keep going to see more Thor movies even if I don't keep up with most of the rest of the MCU. I think at this point I'm happy to accept that there's just a few MCU characters I like and will show up for, but I'm not concerned about most of it.
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sorabyul · 2 years
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yet another concert that i claim to be one of my favourites, but i truly mean it. the rose joins day6, seventeen, epik high as my top concert experiences of all time ♡
i went into the rose's concert with low expectations. i know they're talented, but i always thought that the majority of their songs fell outside of my personal taste. tbh this concert was going to be more for my best friend than for me, but the concert truly lived up to its name — healing together is what we achieved tonight.
concert-wise, the rose is also just so solid?? like weirdly enough, their studio albums do not do their music justice. they're voices are even better live and their instrumentals resonate, like i-feel-it-deep-within-my-chest-until-it-can-heal-my-heart level resonate. i always end up walking away from concerts with more favourites than when i started and tonight was definitely the case.
but there was so much that i learned tonight about the rose, and i'm so thankful for it:
woosung is (arguably) the least musically inclined — i always thought that, given his solo career, he was the most musically talented, and the other members were there to support and build upon his musicality but i was very wrong. don't get me wrong, his performance quality and voice are still unreal but all the other members can sing?? and they play multiple instruments?? they are so well-rounded, it's enough to make me fall in love with them!!
dojoon is so fucking cute i cannot deal — his english is so good and he was so cute in how he interacted and joked around with the crowd. he's such a happy soul on stage and dare i say he may be my favourite member now??
i didn't know they've been making music together for 7 years — they are such close knit friends and you can definitely tell! like yeah, bands are stationary but they moved and danced and jammed each other whenever the opportunity arose. from jaehyeong and dojoon crossing the stage to each other, to them hugging and supporting each other, to how dojoon made jaeheyong and hajoon sing, like ahhhh!! it's so refreshing to see groups actually be true friends in the korean music scene ♡
another standout moment that i will never forget for the rest of the life was "seesaw".
woosung and dojoon, who are most fluent in english, started off by explaining the meaning behind this album and how/what healing (through music) means to them. then, jaehyeong took the mic and you could tell that he was really nervous because he's likely a) not used to being in the spotlight (as the bassist) and b) his english isn't as fluent as the main vocalists.
but he started explaining how he wrote seesaw as a way for him to open up because he's not that kind of person to begin with, but he wanted to heal with his members and to share that experience with the world.
then, they showed this video (which was filmed in korean) that showcased the meaning of the song a bit more, specifically with each member talking about how they wanted to support jaehyeong.
so he starts singing, and it's magical because it's just piano and strings in the background. and the vibe just hit right, so everyone had their lights going. by the time woosung and dojoon take over the vocals, jaehyeong was just watching the crowd and i'm not joking when i say that my eyes did not leave him.
i can only imagine how surreal it was for him — to be in a foreign country, to bare your soul to faceless strangers, to have your story told in a perfect harmony of lyrics and music, to see twinkling lights make your hard work sparkle that much more, to be supported and support others at the same time.
something inside of me moved when he turned back to start crying because i just know that it was something he'll never forget. after the song ended, everyone cycled through unified, thunderous cheers of "we love you", "jaehyeong", and "괜찮아" (it's okay) for him. i'm honored to have been a part of an act of pure love, and i hope he knows that, even though we don't speak his language, we heard him.
i'm really, really glad that i went. i feel like a different person than i was this morning, and if that's not a healing, beautiful thing then i don't know what is.
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fluideli123 · 4 months
[Original Ask Post]
🦈Tell us the name of your/one of your WIP(s)
While my inspiration has been low these past few years (2021 doesn't feel like 2-3 years ago) and I've been bouncing through different fandoms, there are SO many WIPs that have sprouted up, half formed. Some are short stories such as Alberto (Luca) learning the violin and working through his trauma through the art of music, fics about Macaque and MK (Lego Monkie Kid) and how their relationship is the most profound. To long fics of diving into Sonic Prime's world-building through deeper lore and shit gets explained across multiverses as to why the franchise's multiverses are as they are. Not to mention the original stories such as The Fox and Eagle.
But one I'd like to share is my one and only (started) fic idea for the video-game series God Of War that is placed between GOW 2018 and GOW: Ragnarök. It would follow the side quest of the Ring Of Andvari that would follow how Sindri and Atreus lost the ring between games, as mentioned during a battle with a Soul Eater in Vanaheim within GOW: Ragnarök.
The title is "All That is Gold Does not Glitter" which is not only a connection to my other obsession's poem (Lord of the Rings) but also to a saying that means in one way or another that "something may not be as good or as valuable as it first appears." Which ties into why Sindri and Atreus lose the ring, what causes these events to unfold in the first place and how they connect to how Atreus had found the ring in GOW 2018.
I obviously am not a complex writer who researches lore and connects things a lot, what do you mean./s
Anyway, just because I can, I'll share what I wrote last October. Enjoy!
When Atreus had planned all of this from a small, fresh idea that bloomed in the back of his mind. He had never once planned on battling a soul eater in the middle of the night while a dwarf shouts weak encouragement from somewhere hidden between realms. Because no matter how much he adores Sindri to death-- and he really, really does --now was not the time to have the dwarf nauseous from nerves while Atreus concentrates on trying not to get incarcerated.
In fact, Sindri was not the best person to be at his side when swiftly dodging a cascade of fire shards with only enough time to leap behind a pillar to protect him from the following searing heat of a beam of pure, concentrated flame.
Even though he'd get a glare and a lecture of a lifetime from his father, he was definitely missing his combat support.
The ring shouts heatedly at him from its place in Atreus' small pack, and it's enough for the kid to growl and shoot a few arrows into the soul eater's opened chest to release the frustration into something useful. "I know, I know, now shut up! You got me into this!"
"Well, technically-"
"Not now, Sindri!"
"Yup, got it!"
Atreus rolls away from the pillar and past the crumbling walls, fire licking at his heels before pressing his back firmly against the chilled, chiseled wall. The Soul Eater's thundering footsteps shake the world around him as it stalks closer, trying to set eyes on the boy's soul once more.
"Why did I ever trust you?" The boy bites into the frosty night air, the heat of battle keeping him from shivering his furs right off as a particularly nasty bellow of air hits him, sending snowflakes clashing onto his bare face and hands like needles.
The ring doesn't answer, its aura darkening in anger and guilt. Atreus can't bring himself to care all too much as he sucks in grounding breaths. Allowing the sharp shards of freezing Fimbulwinter air to soothe his racing heart.
It was supposed to be simple.
This was all supposed to be for his father. A father who would now be sorely disappointed in him.
Atreus hits the back of his head against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut.
It wasn't entirely unusual for Atreus to spend his early morning slowly digging through old gear and equipment from his and his father's journey to Jotunheim. But it wasn't entirely something he did often, either. In fact, it was something he hadn't done at all in the way he was now until now. 
Was it unusual for Atreus to be doing it in general? No, not really, if you think about all the times he has looked through their things for the usual training session and favor from Brok and Sindri. But was it weird he was looking through it for nostalgia's sake after months and months of never having it cross his mind? Yeah, probably. 
But, while his father worked outside and Mimir sat at his designated table reading through tales, Atreus went on to indulge himself anyway. 
It still felt so weird that it had been so long since he and his father sat atop that mountain, raised Mother's ashes into the sky, watched her settle against the peaks of her land, and danced across the remains of her people and the place she once called home. And from that day onward, they found new people to take place in their lives, new voices, new stories, new everything. 
He didn't know how Father felt about it, but it was like Mother brought them all together. She wanted more people for Atreus to learn from and grow from. It felt like their family had grown, and his mother had planned all of it, planned it all for them, so they wouldn't be lonely. Because really, Atreus definitely didn't feel lonely anymore. Not in the way he once was.
The bag that once held his mother's ashes was still rough against his fingers, the fibers well taken care of, the rope barely frayed as the young archer ran the pads of his fingers across it.
It feels as though the first memory he should recall would be his father collecting her ashes in it, even the sight of it hanging off his hip as they made their way across familiar grounds to enter ones he could have never dreamed of. 
But, no, the first memory to appear leaves him smiling, fondness, pride, and determination warming him from the inside out as he remembers the moment his father held her out to him, entrusting her with him, charging him with so much more without a single word despite everything he'd done to leave his father angry and disappointed. It was a step in the right direction, one Atreus takes strength from. 
His father trusts him, and he will make sure that he continues to make him proud, just as much as Atreus tries to make his mother proud with everything he is.
Atreus brings the tattered bag to his forehead, closing his eyes and muttering quiet phrases, a greeting, and a promise before settling it carefully out of the way as he dips his arm deep into the fits of armor and ruins. 
He looks through each thing carefully, soaking in the reminders and memories, careful not to lose the ruins under his bed and between cracks of wood where some of the smallest could disappear when the tips of his fingers find something peculiar. 
Atreus stretches to reach for it between his father's beautifully crafted furs and metal, tongue sticking out as he fiddles with the thing, exclaiming in victory once he's finally grabbed it. 
"What'd you find laddy?" 
Atreus beams down at the little ring in the palm of his hand, shifting it around with a finger as he leans back to answer Mimir, "Nothing! Just looking through father's things!"
"Your father's things, eh? Sure he wants you to go snoopin'?" 
"Oh, don't worry about it, Mimir. I'm just looking!"
"Sure sounds like it."
Atreus can't help but roll his eyes at Mimir's sarcasm, grinning at the sound of the head's quiet chuckle. 
Before the boy can continue, the door opens, and the young tween quickly tosses the ruins back into the chest, closing it shut as he stuffs the ring into his pack, whirling around to meet his father's amber eyes.
"Let me guess, training?"
A grunt is Atreus' only response, and it's the only one he needs as he plucks his bow and quiver from off the wall and rushes toward the direction of deer. 
As Atreus leads the way through the freezing woods, Kratos' gaze is a sturdy reminder. 
He will make him proud.
“Mimir, can you tell me Andveri's story again?” Atreus settles against the wall facing the head, crossing his arms and lightly kicking at the ground.
”Of course laddy,“ The head looks towards the young boy. “But why the sudden interest?”
(Atreus tries to get the ring to talk to him again, gets Sindri in on it, they go on an adventure that the ring takes them, one Atreus wants to go through to get something for his father, it goes unexpectedly and with the ring getting lost)
Kratos quickens his pace down the forest's worn down trail to the obstacle in their path, skillfully lifting the boulder up and around them without dropping their hunt as Atreus continues to jog forward, scanning the frosty forest area, glancing back over to Mimir when the coast is clear.
The former-counciler let's out a curious hum and a amused snort, “Well, I'd be glad to laddy, but I must wonder, why the sudden ask? You know your father wants you focused and I'm sure I can scrounge up a better story you haven't heard yet, little brother.”
Atreus pointedly looks at the visiable runics worn upon his father's armor and weaponry. ”Well, ever since we helped Brok find his hammer and Father's kept him for when he's useful, I've been wondering about him?“ Atreus falls back at his father's side as they crawl under a freshly fallen collection of trees and rock.
”You've been thinkin' about 'im for that long?“
”Well, no, not really,“ Kratos glances Atreus' way, and the boy doesn't miss the warning in his eyes as they leave the tunnel and lightly dash for the snowy banks. ”I was just looking through my things and found my old armor from when we went on that adventure for mom, and than I remembered him.“
”Discuss this later,” Kratos grunts, sending another look his son's way. Atreus nods, sighing.
”Yes, father.“
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