#Throwing Up
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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weaver-z · 1 year
The people making Spider-Punk playlists on Spotify need to be in JAIL. HE WOULD NOT FUCKING LISTEN TO MELANIE MARTINEZ. You are SICK people.
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felassan · 26 days
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Ghilan'nain's face watches her Siege of Weisshaupt from a storm in the sky.
On DA Day 2023 BioWare said:
"To the far west, three Grey Wardens patrol the Anderfels. Tremors have been causing disturbances of late. Their cause is unknown. Upon the distant horizon, a storm of ominous intent brews and darkens the skies."
they were being literal about the storm of ominous intent darkening the skies.
The storm in this concept art of Weisshaupt is a Ghilstorm.
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birdy-babe · 2 months
This set of dialogue happening right now with the context of Blitzø’s love life/stolitz
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It’s really on the nose isn’t it??
“You can’t brute force it”
“I’ve never been good at this shit”
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
I need someone to wordlessly hand kunikidas notebook to dazai and watch him crumple
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pawnyao · 5 months
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Ugh… she pictures Ginny his size because she never met her…
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nunafilms · 3 months
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I no longer have anything to hide.
✩ The Double ─ Episode 34 (墨雨云间)
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stinkyfartgirl · 5 months
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George Harrison (1974)
warm colors suit him <3
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ozonegrrrl · 6 months
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hal9000fanboy · 7 months
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born to be used (mspaint, 2024)
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loveshotzz · 1 year
I decided to do something nice for myself after my promotion and commissioned one of my favorite artists on here @dance-on-the-bones to draw my favorite boys from The Foxy Lounge 🥹💕 Thank you for bringing my boys to life, this is even better than anything I could have imagined.
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Whatta Man Masterlist
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sgwrk · 28 days
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never posted this here from twitter. from sylvixweek2020 on twitter. good times!!!!!
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Stressed and Sick on Set
Summary: Reader has a migraine and gets sick on set. Luckily Scarlett, Lizzie and her twin sisters are there to help you out.
TWs: migraine, vomiting, hiding illness, stress, mentions of family issues, mentions / implied themes of death
Words: 2.9k
A/n Idk where this came from but here it is … enjoy x
With the chaos that was currently your life it was no surprise or at least it shouldn’t have been when you were hit with the mother of all migraines.
To say people had been asking a lot of you lately was a gross understatement. Aside from filming your family had been a mess as of late. The whole family was expected back home for Christmas as your grandmother was sick and so the plan was for everyone to get together one last time.
However, between acting and uni work you were already stretched pretty thin. Your parents had been breathing down your neck to book a flight and despite wanting to see some of your cousins you knew family gatherings were a recipe for disaster. And with a sombre reason for the get together it would most likely be a mess of alcohol and tears which wasn’t something you were sure you could even deal with at this point.
Luckily the migraine hadn’t hit until you were finished in hair and makeup because the idea of anyone touching your face and hair with the amount of pain you were in right now might just push you over the edge.
The light blinded you as you stepped out of the hair and makeup trailer. Shielding your eyes you fumbled with clumsy fingers to put on your sunglasses.
Sighing softy as the sunlight was reduced you continued you way to set. You nodded as you passed a few stagehands and crew members. Finally, you made it to set. Lizzie and Scarlett were stood near their chairs talking with two blondes who you couldn’t quite see with the other two stood in front of them.
Joining the small group Scarlett wrapped a hand around your shoulders and pulled you into her side making your head spin.
“Speak of the devil.” Lizzie said. “Y/n, you’ve met my sisters before but if you can't tell them apart this one is Mary-Kate and that ones Ashley.” Lizzie said poking her sister's side.
“Hi Y/n.” Mary-Kate said with a smile and Ashley mimicked her statement.
“Hi.” You said softly. The noise of the set was getting to you and despite your sunglasses the fluorescent lights overhead seemed worse than the sun had been.
“Whats with the shades Y/n/n?” Scarlett asked.
“‘M just too cool for you.” You said burying your face into her neck in an attempt to hide from the lights. The adults laughed and your cheeks heated up with the tips of your ears turning pink also.
The four of them stood and chatted while you stayed relatively quiet only really speaking when spoken to. Your head was pounding, and the lights seemed to be out to get you. The hum of electricity and buzz of the stage crew flitting around setting up for the next scene was starting to make you nauseous.
Lizzie and Scarlett took note of your quiet demeanour and exchanged a look over your head. Your head was still resting in the crook of Scarlett’s neck as you tried your best to look and act normally.
A small part of you craved their motherly attention but you knew if you admitted to being sick, they would have you out of commission for a few days at least as per the contract. And if you were down with some sickness even if it was a migraine Lizzie and Scarlett would be by your side the whole time and as much as you loved them, you didn’t want to put everyone behind schedule due to your inability to handle your day to day life coupled with the demands of work.
However, as you heard the director call for places to be taken you wanted to reconsider.
Scarlett and Lizzie had already been shooting scenes this morning and now you were to join them they seemed happier.
Mary-Kate and Ashley sat down in Scarlett and Lizzie’s chairs to watch. Both twins had taken note of your sullen and quiet temperament also and were tasked by Lizzie with keeping an eye on you.
As you took your place you had forgotten your sunglasses which were still over your eyes. The director finished organising everything and before he called action he took notice of your unusual attire.
“L/n as much as I love the look, the sunglasses need to go kiddo.” He called and you buried a wince under your façade as you knew removing them would make everything ten times worse. But you had to if you wanted to keep up the pretence of wellness.
Taking a deep breath, you eased the sunglasses off your face and blinked in the harsh light. Your nausea increased and you swallowed down the thick feeling in your mouth, wishing you had some water to help.
A stagehand took your sunglasses and handed them to Ashley who has stood to get them for you before she returned to her seat.
Scarlett and Lizzie were observing you closely as they begun to cotton on to your less than perfect act of being ok.
Your eyes were still adjusting to the blaring lights, and you were trying to keep the nausea at bay. You truly felt awful. Your head pounded and there was a slight dizziness that came with each step you took. Your mouth was dry, and your stomach turned with each breath you took.
Doing your best to remain upright and keep your breakfast where it was you took slow measured breaths until you felt at least one percent better.
Schooling your features you did your best to get into character despite your condition.
The director called for quiet, and the set fell dead silent. The cameras began rolling and Scarlett and Lizzie delivered their lines perfectly. Doing your best to stay mentally present you did your best to give your lines. You nailed the first few scenes and you were beginning to think maybe you could get away with it all.
As you were internally celebrating your small victory you watched from the sidelines as Lizzie and Scarlett performed another of their scenes without your character.
Your stomach was still turning and the feeling of nausea which had begun to ebb hit you hard.
Feeling quite sick and dizzy you glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention to you. The stage crew was busy running the scene and it seemed you were in the clear.
As the scene progressed the director was shooting a particular scene with harsh lighting. Still unsure where your sunglasses were, you felt the sick feeling in your stomach get ten times worse as they began amping up the lighting. They had background noise playing and coupled with the lighting you recognised your body’s signals to having enough.
Checking once more that nobody was paying any attention to you, you slipped away to the bathrooms. Know you were going to be sick was a terrible feeling and despite your best to keep it all down you knew you wouldn’t be able to much longer.
You hurried down the halls to the girl's bathroom and slipped inside. Forgetting to lock the door to the stall you sat next to the toilet and leant against the wall taking slow deep breaths in a last-ditch attempt to keep your breakfast.
As you sat on the floor still in costume and breathing slowly you heard the door to the bathroom open again. You recognised the voice of Mary-Kate echo around the stalls.
“Y/n? Are you in here?“ she asked, and you made a small noise before your stomach turned again and you leant over the bowl. As the first wave of sickness hit and you vomited you felt someone take your hair up and off your shoulders.
A soft hand rubbed circles on your back as you finished, spitting the gross taste out. Your head was pounding, and you felt truly gross.
“Shh your ok.” Mary-Kate said as you let out a small whine the pain in your head making everything worse as you clutched your temples. “Is it your head?” She asked softly and you managed a small nod.
You felt her slip something onto your face and you let out a small sigh as you recognised your sunglasses being put in their rightful place.
After a second you leant back against the wall.
“Done?” She asked kindly and you seesawed your hand back and forth to tell her you truly had no idea. Mary-Kate nodded and took a seat beside you on the floor. Luckily, they kept the bathrooms on set rather clean.
Mary-Kate hesitated for a second before gently pulling you into her side where you melted into her. Your head resting on her shoulder she gently played with your hair, and it felt nice despite the pounding in your skull.
“Your ok.” She said softly as she slipped her phone from her pocket. You let your eyes drift shut as you tired to remove yourself from it all.
You distantly heard Mary-Kate talking to someone and you couldn’t find it in your sick-self to pay any attention to her words.
You began to drift off the exhaustion of it all making you feel beyond tired.
Meanwhile Mary-Kate had dialled her twin to let her know what was going on. The twins had taken note of your absence as soon as you left and while Ashley went to check your trailer Mary-Kate had come to check the bathroom. They knew something was going on and they took their promise to Lizzie to look after you quite seriously.
Mary-Kate kept her voice down as she informed her sister of your status.
“Did you find her?” Ashley asked into the phone.
“Yeah, she’s not doing too good.” Mary-Kate replied.
“How so?” Her twin asked.
“I found her throwing up in the bathroom, I think she has a migraine.”
“Poor thing.” Ashley replied.
Mary-Kate hummed her agreement, her nails still gently massaging your scalp as you dozed lightly in her lap. “Can you get Lizzie in here when she’s done with her scene. And tell the director y/n’s sick and won’t be back for filming for a few days.”
“Sure thing. Which bathroom are you guys in?” Ashley responded.
“Main one on set. I don’t think she could have made it much further to be honest she not doing too good.” Mary-Kate whispered well aware you were pretty out of it.
“Alright. I’ll do that and Lizzie will be there soon, no doubt with Scarlett in tow.” Ashley said.
“Thanks Ash I’m gonna stay here with this one.” Mary-Kate said.
“You think she can move somewhere more comfortable?” Ashley asked.
Mary-Kate glanced down at your pale face despite the makeup. “I don’t think so just yet.” She said.
“Alright, love you sis. Keep her safe and we’ll be there soon.” Ashley said.
“Love you too.” Mary-Kate said, and they bid each other goodbye before hanging up.
As Mary-Kate shifted slightly to try and get more comfortable on the hard floor you let out a small whine as your head spun. Mary-Kate shushed you gently as she adjusted you to be better situated in her lap. You curled into her, your face now smushed into her chest as you clung to her like a small child.
“Your ok. It’s alright.” She assured you as you whined softly. The pain making it hard to think straight also made you act much more childish. “Lizzie will be here soon honey.” Mary-Kate said as she ran her nails up and down your back lightly as you were lulled back to a soft sleep.
It couldn’t have been even ten minutes later that the door to the bathroom burst open and a worried looking Lizzie appeared trailed closely behind by Scarlett who looked slighter calmer but still worried.
Unfortunately, the bang of the door made you jump and only made your head hurt more. As the spike of pain stabbed through your temples your stomach revolted once more.
Feeling hazy from the pain you gagged, still half laid in Mary-Kate’s lap. She was quick to sit you upright and position you in front of the toilet. You whimpered as you tried to fight it off.
You heard shuffling and low voices behind you as the person behind you switched places. A soft hand rubbed between your shoulder blades as another scooped the hair off the back of your neck and out of the way. It was Lizzie’s soft voice in your ear whispering reassurances as you heaved.
Nothing but bile came up and you had tears burning in your eyes from the effort. Your head was swimming. Distantly you heard Mary-Kate and Scarlett talking softly outside the stall. There was also a third voice in their conversation, and you assumed Ashley had followed the other two in.
Feeling exhausted you flopped back into Lizzie who was crouched behind you. Not expected you to put all your weight on her she fell on her butt and pulled you into her lap.
“Shhh honey, we’re here baby.” Lizzie whispered feeling your forehead with her cold hand. It brought you unexpected relief and you nuzzled into her palm, head resting on her chest behind you.
Your eyes fluttered shut feeling exhausted, sick and in pain.
After a moment you felt Lizzie readjust behind you as she pulled you into her lap properly, her body now leant against the wall behind her.
Scarlett looked into the stall and frowned slightly at the sight of you half asleep on the bathroom floor.
“How is she?” Scarlett asked softly.
“I think she’s done for now but she’s beyond tired.” Lizzie whispered back. “Where are the twins?”
“They went to set up our trailer for her. She’s not staying alone in her trailer when she’s this sick.” Scarlett said.
“‘M not sick.” You mumbled half listening and lifting your head slightly from Lizzie’s chest.
“Shh go to sleep silly girl, we’re here sweetie.” Scarlett shushed you gently and you rested you head back down once more prompting Lizzie to stroke her hands through your hair with a featherlight touch so as not to cause you any pain. You hummed exhaustedly as you drifted off again to state halfway between sleep and wakefulness.
Scarlett took a seat on the floor beside Lizzie as the two of them sat talking quietly while you dozed.
After another ten minutes the door to the bathroom opened softly to reveal Ashley.
“We set up Lizzie’s trailer for her. Mary-Kate went to try and find some Panadol for y/n/n. Is she good to relocate?” Ashley asked softly.
“I think so.” Lizzie said while Scarlett gently scooped you out of Lizzie’s lap and into her arms as she stood. Ashley came over and gently adjusted the sunglasses on your face.
“I got a sick bag from a medic incase she gets sick on the way back to your trailer and there’s a few extras in your trailer waiting for her.” Ashley said.
“Thank you so much.” Lizzie said as the four of you left the bathroom. Luckily you stayed asleep still throughly exhausted from the effort of being sick and in pain.
It was a short trip back and even despite having sunglasses on scarlet used a hand to shield your eyes from the sun. You were being held across Scarlett’s front with your head resting in the crook of her elbow. At some point Ashley had slid a pair of noise cancelling headphones over your ears to help block out the noise as they passed through the bustling set.
The director had given them all a few days off knowing that Scarlett and Lizzie wouldn’t be willing to act if you were sick and left alone, them much rather being by your side looking after you.
When they made it to your trailer Lizzie opened the door for Scarlett and they all headed inside with you still in Scarlett’s arms.
The trailer had been set up perfectly. Blackout curtains blocked out most of the light but there was enough to see after letting their eyes adjust for a second. There were three sick bags on the bedside table along with a pack of Panadol rapid and a glass of water. The bed had been set up with blankets and pillows, looking perfect for a long day of cuddles.
Scarlett gently set you down on the bed and Lizzie laid down next to you as you immediately sought her out. Curling into her side and returning to a still and restful sleep Scarlett exchanged a few short words with Ashley, thanking her for everything before the twin left to find her other half.
Scarlett joined Lizzie on the bed, and you curled up between them.
“She’s so precious.” Lizzie said softly running her hands through your hair lightly so as not to wake you.
“Well always protect her.” Scarlett said.
“Of course. She’s, our kid.” Lizzie said.
“Do you think she’d ever want to make it official?” Scarlett asked.
“Like adoption?” Lizzie said looking excited at the idea.
“Yeah. I know her parents are … not what she needs.” Scarlett said.
“I think I’d love that. When she’s better we’ll have to ask her what she thinks.” Lizzie said looking down at you with nothing but love in her eyes. She pressed a soft kiss to your temple and traced a finger down your cheek. “I love you my babygirl.”
“We both do.” Scarlett echoed.
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@barbarasstar @charlie56
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tofupixel · 7 months
want to make an animation but really dont want to have to animate it
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terminalkisser · 27 days
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virtues had human spirits - ones that kept them alive. ones that kept them at the bottom of the pecking order among holiness
the facade of natural order had faltered enough for sisyphus to have had ears to hear, husks and sinners and imperfects alike. those who were overlooked. "come," he called to the heavenly hosts, in a voice that reminded the virtues of their weariness
"i will fight for your freedom if you do the same for ours". the sun demanded the same ferocity and ruthlessness that their lord functioned in terms of. worked in absolutes. he was aware of how angels were servants of god the same way he was 
it was almost enough to sway the armies of heaven. almost
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