#Threatening to kill you or making a death pact is ok but telling them to go back and rest is crossing the line LMAO
lelalyo · 1 year
You know, for a bunch of people who regularly threaten to turn you into space sashimi at slightest hint of your colour being off, they sure do get their feelings hurt when you tell them to go back to camp.
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
Humans are weird: D&D Part 4
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
Alien DM: The paladins finally catch you in the woods; their anger towards you for stealing their relic will only be soothed by your death. Human Druid: I turn into a deer. Alien: But you are in clear line of sight, they will know it is you. Human Druid: I know. *rolls* Alien DM: Okay, so you have successfully turned into a deer, but the paladins know it is you. Alien DM: They draw their swords and move close to you. Human Druid: They can’t touch me. Alien DM: ….why is that? Human Druid: Because it is illegal for anyone but the lord of the land to touch deer. Human Druid: And because I am in the form of a deer the paladins cannot touch me in anyway or else they are breaking the law, which in turn means they can’t be paladins anymore. Alien DM: You son of a- -------------------------------
Alien DM: The final battle is won, but as the cheers die down you find your lord is wounded. Human Cleric: I wish to cast a spell on him for his injuries. *Rolls die* Alien DM: Okay, it looks like you passed. Alien DM: What spell are you casting? Human Cleric: Touch of evil. Alien DM: In his current state that might kill him, how will that help them? Human Cleric: I never said it would. Alien DM: But you’re a cleric! Human Cleric: And I never said which god I prayed to. Human Cleric: Payback time for all those damn fetch quests. ----------------------------- *At a busy inn* Human Rogue: *Comes back with drinks for group* Alien Wizard: What’s the occasion? Human Rogue: My way of thanking you for teaching me some magic. Human Paladin: What magic did you learn? Human Rogue: True Polymorph. Alien Wizard: You never did say why you wanted to learn that. Human: Oh yeah; it was to turn my victims into gold coins. *Pause* Human Paladin: And why did you want to turn- *Commotion at the bar as a stack of dead bodies suddenly appears behind the counter* *Patrons start screaming and calling for the guards* Human Rogue: To frame people for my crimes. ----------------------------- Alien Warrior: Why are humans so eager to make pacts with godlike entities for power? Alien Warrior: Could you not go to a school and learn it? Human Warlock: The ego of a supernatural being is nothing compared to the ego of someone learning magic. Human Warlock: Any time a student open their mouths it sounds like a room full of chainsaws. ------------------------------ Human DM: After your lengthy investigation you have confirmed that there is indeed a vampire in the town, but you still do not know who. Alien Wizard: There are too many people for us to check one by one. Alien Artificer: If we have the cleric bless some of the town water, then anytime the vampire drank the water to keep up their act they would become hurt. Human cleric: I can do that. *Next day* Human DM: As you awake from your sleep at the local inn you find that everyone in the town has died. Alien Wizard: The vampire new we were on to them! Human DM: Actually the cleric’s blessing was for their dark god, which in turn poisoned everyone that drank the water. Alien Artificer: Why would you do that!? Human Cleric: Again, you did not ask which god I pray to. Human cleric: I make warlocks look like bitches with the offerings I’m handing up to my god. -------------------------------- Alien DM: The orc warchief emerges from his tent, the skulls of his victims hanging from his belt clinking together with each stride he- Human Rogue: I throw a flask at him! Alien DM: You sure you don’t want to wait to hear what he says? Human Rogue: No. Alien DM: Ok, what’s in the flask? Human Rogue: Slime. Alien DM: Like, grease? Human Rogue: No, an actual slime monster. Human Rogue: I scooped one up in the last cave encounter. Alien DM: You’re telling me you’ve been holding on to a creature that melts living beings with deadly acid inside a flask on your person for the last three days? Human Rogue: Best life threatening investment I’ve ever made. ----------------------------------- Alien Artificer: Here cleric, I made you some armor. Human cleric: Why thank you. *Dons armor* Alien Artificer: AHA! Alien Artificer: You just put on my special magical armor which forbids you from committing any evil acts from now on! Human cleric: So you won’t release me unless I do what you say? Alien Artificer: Exactly! Alien Artificer: What do you have to say now? Human Cleric: Oh paladin! Human Paladin: *Walks over* Human Cleric: *Points are Artificer* This artificer has trapped me in this magic suit of armor for practicing my faith and won’t let me out unless I follow their commands. Human Paladin: You vile scum! *Draws sword* Alien Artificer: *Looks at Cleric* You sly son of a bitch. --------------------------- Bandit: Give us your money bag or we’ll gut you. Human Wizard: You saw that I can shoot lightning from my fingers and you want to mug me with a rusty knife? Bandit: Last chance. Alien Rogue: Oh no, they are too powerful. *Hands bag over* Here, take it; just don’t hurt us. Human Wizard: What the fuck man? Bandit: *Takes bag* Wise move. Bandit: *Opens it and reaches in for contents* Bandit: *Immediately eaten by bag* Human Wizard: You gave them the bag of devouring didn’t you? Alien Rogue: Indeed I did, and it was most enjoyable. Alien Rogue: I have learned why you humans enjoy being rogues so much now. Human Wizard: I am both joyful and scared of what your future now holds for you.
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Ok, Heathers Anon, love what you did but unfortunately you got some things wrong and I am a MASSIVE Heathers fan, so here’s Heathers: A Fangirl’s Story. (This is the musical btw).
So, girl, Veronica Sawyer, is in Senior Year. Everyone she’s known forever is now a dick and that makes her sad, but mainly Kurt and Ram (football team). She has a best friend, Martha, who is fat and is bullied for being fat. But mainly there’s the Heathers, the queens of the school. Heather D (green) Heather M (yellow) and the almighty Heather C (red). They accept Veronica into their clique, safe from bullying, when Veronica forges a hall pass to get them out of trouble. They first have to make Veronica hot, though, of course. This is all in the opening song Beautiful. Then, shady hottie JD gets in a fight with football jerks and completely trashes them. Veronica is in love [Fight For Me]. New Scene, Heather C wants Veronica to forge a note from Ram to Martha, saying he still likes her (they dated a while ago) and he wants her to come to his homecoming party. Veronica doesn’t want to, so Heather C with help from co. gaslights her into doing it [Candy Store]. New Scene, Veronica is buying stuff for the homecoming party, which she’s going to with the Heathers, and JD is in the store. He talks about his mom’s death and how he blocks out bad thoughts with slushies and brain freeze [Freeze Your Brain]. New Scene, Veronica’s at the party and experiencing how different people treat her now she’s hot. She’s actually really enjoying herself, but then Martha turns up, which the Heathers find hilarious and stupid [Big Fun]. They take a pig pinata and put lookalikes of Martha’s glasses and hair on it, blindfold Martha and try to trick her into smashing it. Veronica stops them before Martha can take off the blindfold or smash the pinata, and convinces Martha to go home before things get worse. Then, the very drunk Veronica vomits on Heather C, causing her to threaten to kill Veronica in the morning. Veronica goes and has sex with JD (breaking into his house in the mean time) because what else would you do when you’re nearly dead [Dead Girl Walking]? Then in the morning, without the blurred effects of alcohol, she realises what’s coming her way and desperately makes her way over to Heather C’s house with JD in tow, in the hopes of apologising to her. Heather commands her to make her a hangover cure and she’ll think about not killing her. JD “jokingly” pours drain cleaner into a covered mug and suggests giving it to Heather, but Veronica shuts the idea down immediately. But Veronica accidentally picks up that mug instead of the hangover cure, and Heather is dead. JD convinces Veronica to forge a suicide note so that they don’t go to jail, and Veronica paints Heather as a woman who’s always misjudged due to her looks. A teacher, Ms Fleming, gets the kids to read the note and tries to stop suicide from bringing everyone down [The Me Inside Of Me]. New Scene, Heather M phones Veronica and tells her to come to the cemetery, worried. Veronica comes and Heather explains that Ram and Kurt got really drunk and one went off with Heather D while the other one kept trying to touch Heather M (can’t remember who did what). But the one with Heather M said they’d stop with Veronica turned up. Heather D comes back and locks herself in the car with Heather M. The football dicks try to have sex with Veronica, who slips away while they sing Blue. But the next day, the footballers and the remaining Heathers claim that some pretty sexual stuff happened between Veronica and the dudes (not sure what level of explicit you’re ok with on your blog). By this point, Heather D is wearing Heather C’s iconic reed scrunchie and has assumed the position as Top Dog in the school. JD’s hella pissed and convinces Veronica to lure Kurt and Ram to the cemetery, where they will be shot with “Ich Luge” bullets, which will stun them and look like a suicide pact. Veronica forges a note stating that the two died because they had to hide their gay love, but Kurt and Ram don’t wake up and Veronica realises they were shot with actual bullets and are dead [Our Love Is God]. End of Act One.
THIS IS JUST ACT ONE?! I appreciate you filtering the explicit stuff. I try to keep the blog the same rating as the shows, minus the swears.
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crystalrose555 · 3 years
Slap me, I dare you! pt. 3
My Asks are open :)
 “Marley, hey, are you ok?” Luke called out as he waved his hand in front of her face.
“Ah, sorry Luke, I’m fine, really.” She answered softly with a smile.
“You don’t seem like it.” Luke frowned as leaned against her.
She knew that the young angel was right, if she was alright, she would have trapped those arrogant demons in a block of ice. Instead, she froze up at the sight of demonic flames, cowering like a common animal. The last half hour barely registered as she sat in the emptied Hell’s Kitchen with Luke by her side. She took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly, centering herself once more. However, she didn’t have a moment to regain her composure as Simeon and Solomon ran into the cafeteria.
“Luke, where have you been?” Simeon asked as Luke ran to his embrace and hugged him tightly.
Solomon sniffed the air for a moment.
“Why do I smell ash with a dash of sulfur? What were you doing with demonic flames, Luke?” He claimed while crossing his arms.
“Umm, we may have gotten into a fight with a bunch of demons.” Luke claimed nervously.
Luke twitched as he sensed Simeon’s anger radiating from his standard smile.
“So, where are they?” He asked pleasantly.
“I have no idea, Beel dragged them off somewhere.” Luke answered as he tried to calm his companion.
Marley took a deep breath before standing up from her seat.
“It was my fault, I let it get too far. I’m sorry for getting Luke involved, Simeon.”
Simeon’s angered expression remained, causing Luke to jump in once more.
“It’s not Marley’s fault! They wanted her fur and I jumped in on my own. Right, Marley?” Luke confessed.
Marley folded and rubbed her arms before offering a small smile.
“Yeah, I would’ve been in real trouble if he didn’t. Luke’s my hero.” She ended with an earnest grin.
Simeon’s hardened expression softened upon looking at Marley’s shrunken demeanor. He turned his attention back to Luke and gave him an approving gaze.
“I’m proud of you, Luke, but in the future, make sure you call someone before things get out of hand, alright?” He asked with a smile.
Luke gave a compliant nod to Simeon while Marley looked away from the corner of her eyes. Seeing this, Solomon scratched the back of his head and motioned to get Simeon’s attention. After sharing a moment of eye contact, Simeon patted Luke on the shoulder.
“Luke, how about we go get Marley something to drink? I’m not sure if I’ve gotten a handle of that vending machine yet.” He asked.
With a nod, an enthusiastic Luke let his mentor out of the room, leaving Marley and Solomon on their own. 
“So, do you want to talk about it?” Solomon offered as he stood closer to the sadden woman.
“We just did, I got cornered by a bunch of demons and almost got Luke hurt, remember?” She claimed sharply.
“You know what I’m talking about. Come on, it’s just you and me, so let’s talk honestly.”
Marley paused to let the sorcerer's words sink in. 
“...I never thought in a million years that I would back down like I did.”
“So what made you do it then?”
Marley tightened her grip as she rubbed her arms up and down.
“...He was going to burn me and because of me, he was going to burn Luke. I’m so ashamed of myself.”
Solomon closed the distance between him and the shaken Marley.
“You shouldn’t be ashamed, you were afraid. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about showing fear in a stressful situation.” Solomon responded as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
However, Marley pulled away sharply while freezing the air and chapping his hand slightly.
“Showing fear is a death sentence!” She cracked out in a surprising shill voice, her eyes tearing up.
The quiet of the room continued as Marley trembled in front of the sorcerer. The nearby window began to frost over as she sniffled to herself. Icicles began to form and hang from the chairs and tables while the room took on a blue hue.
“...I’ve never frozen up before, I’ve never trembled before. Why do I only feel this here?” She asked quietly as tears threatened to freeze on her cheeks along with everything in Hell’s Kitchen.
Solomon bit his tongue and pulled Marley into a tight embrace. Instinctively, Marley burrowed into Solomon’s chest while squeezing herself as tightly as possible. She let her frustration out as the temperature nose-dived and coated the floor around them in a layer of ice and frost.
“Y-Yeah?” She sniffled out.
“C-can you turn d-down the ice a b-bit?” Solomon chattered out as his breath froze into a white cloud.
Marley looked up to see the trembling man whose complexion was starting to match his hair. Despite freezing in his boots, Solomon kept his friendly smile that vibrated with the chattering of his teeth. 
“Not yet, magic man.” She managed to chuckle out from her own sniffling.
“C-come on, it’s f-freezing and I only have t-this jacket.”
“No.” She giggled.
“M-Marley, please...” He whined.
“Solomon, that coffee was for Marley, not you!” Luke protested with a huff as Solomon snatched the cup from him.
“It’s alright, Luke, he needs it more than she does right now.” Simeon chuckled under his breath.
“I’m glad that turning into a popsicle can entertain so many people.” he sulked as he sipped the coffee gingerly.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Marley smiled widely with tired eyes.
Luke looked around the room to see the ice Marley made evaporating to nothing and tilted his head in response as Simeon joined him.
“Wow, not even a drop of water from all that ice. How can it just disappear like that?” Luke asked.
“It’s because it’s made without the use of a catalyst.” Simeon answered.
“And the sheer volume and quality of ice is a sign of powerful casting. I’ve been meaning to ask, who's your teacher, Marley?” Solomon asked between sips of his drink.
Marley scratched the back of her head, her fingers gathering her fluffy hair in her grip.
“He’s more of a father than anything else. Vali Unn took care of me and tried to keep me out of trouble. So he gave me this really old tome to keep me busy so I wouldn’t scamper off. And before I knew it, I could do what he does but-.” 
She then turned her gaze to the defrosting cafeteria with a slightly concerned look.
“-I wasn’t able to do something this severe so quickly before I came to Devildom.”
“So, you’re saying your casting became more powerful? Did you make a pact the last time you were here?” 
Marley squinted her eyes at the sorcerer with an unsure gaze.
“Umm, what’s a pact?” She asked, scratching her neck.
Solomon sighed.
“And that answered my question. Looks like you are going to need extra lessons, Marley.”
“Wait, just because I don’t know what a pact is, you’re going to give me homework? Who are you, Lucifer?” She protested.
“Well, if you want to get a better handle on your new level of power, then this is the best option. I teach you what I know and in return, you can tell me more about selkies and yourself. Sounds fair, Mochi?~” Solomon teased in between his cold-induced sniffles.
Marley crossed her arms in annoyance.
“I take it that you got a pact thing with Asmo based on how you’re twisting my arm.”
“Good conclusion, but I’m afraid this is all me~” Solomon smiled.
Marley groaned as she dragged her feet down the empty hallway. She managed to talk a great deal to her purgatory hall pals but it didn’t keep them from going to their next class. Alone again, she wandered and wandered, wondering to herself what to do next. She folded her arms and looked out the window, staring at the courtyard garden bathed in the moonlight. 
“Maybe I should just go home again.” She sighed to herself.
“Please don’t leave.”
Before Marley could react, she was lifted and held in a tight embrace. She struggled with the vice and turned with a growl in her throat and fire in her eyes. However, the flame softened upon seeing the sixth born looking pitiful at her.
“I took care of those demons that attacked you. So please don’t run away from us.” Beel whimpered softly.
Marley’s eyes widened before softening to a pitied gaze. With a few grunts, she twisted herself in Beel’s hug so she could look at his face. However, he refused to make eye contact, his eyelids trembled while holding back his emotions. 
“Run away? Beel, don’t be silly. I didn’t run away, I went home. I’m not some lost puppy you guys found, you know?” Marley chuckled as she gently stroked his cheek, easing his sniffling.
“I know but after everything that happened...and Belphie...”
“...Beel, is that why I haven’t seen you two since Lucifer dragged me back here?”
Beel remained silent as his shoulders slumped downward.
“...I’m not going to lie to you, Belphie isn’t exactly on my best friend list after what happened. But I can bring myself to hate him completely.”
“But you do hate me.” Belphie answered as he appeared from the corner of their eyes.
He mirrored Beel and looked away sorrowfully since he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes. The hall grew colder and colder as the twins sucked out the warmth with their melancholy and guilt. Marley, on the other hand, gave a huff before wiggling to turn in Belphie’s direction.
“Listen, I’ve already had two emotional moments today and I don’t have the energy for another one. So I’m going to be blunt about this.”
Belphie twitched hard as Beel turned his gaze to his brother.
“Belphie, you’re not the first person to try and kill me and I doubt you’ll be the last. You’re definitely the first person to set me on fire and I have to admit that shook me to the core. I nearly lost my pelt and nerve, both of which I hold very dear to me.”
“But I’m trying to understand all of this. My new pelt, new feelings and my new connection with all of you. I haven’t forgotten what Lilith means to everyone, especially to you two. So, let’s take things one step at a time.”
“So, Belphie, thank you for saving me and Luke. Thanks to both of you.”
Belphie gave a small smile before erasing it from his face upon hearing Marley’s deep sigh.
“But I take it that it wasn’t enough.” Belphie claimed quietly.
“Listen, cowboy, that’s not how I keep score, but, trust me, we’re gonna have a talk about all of this. Especially since something’s not adding up.”
“Like what?”
Marley folded her arms while still being held up by a slightly nervous Beel.
“Well for starters, Luke and I were attacked at the beginning of classes. So, Belphie, what were you doing at the time?”
“I was taking a nap, so I was skipping my class.”
“Uh huh, then it was awfully convenient that you would come right when we needed you the most.”
“I guess I was just lucky.”
“Especially considering that RAD is so huge and at that point Luke and I didn’t scream for help. And you managed to show right when the fireball showed up. Lucky huh?” Marley huffed out with her nostrils flaring.
Belphie turned his gaze away from the calculating sealskin.
“And not to mention how convenient it was that Beel so happened to pop up right when you were going to get into a fight. I mean what are the chances, huh boys?” Marley claimed loudly as she turned her gaze to a reluctant Beel.
The twins remained silent as they felt the judging gaze of the stout woman being held in the air like a stuffed animal. Despite her small stature, Marley’s glare seemed to pierce with a heavy yet familiar weight. The seconds of silence ticked away like hours before Marley sighed once more.
“Judging from that nice bit of silence, I take it you two planned that little stunt. I doubt you would have a bunch of demons to attack me so my guess is you were both tailing me until you can swoop in and save me. Am I right, boys?”
The twins’ faces wrinkled, worried that all their efforts only pushed her away instead of earning her forgiveness, and unfortunately their worries worsened as Marley nearly exploded in laughter. Marley tried to keep her serious face but deep down she was trying to hold back her laughter. There she was with ancient demons, among the most powerful demons in Devildom and human history, who had the same planning prowess of a bunch of grade schoolers. They froze in place as Marley tried to contain her humor with a series of stifles and snorts. 
“M-Marley?” Beel whimpered out while Belphie refused to look directly at her.
“Ok, ok, I’m good now.” She snorted out while trying to calm herself down.
Marley just motioned for a nervous Belphie to come closer only for her to lock him in a headlock.
“H-Hey, are you trying to kill me!?” He protested in a panic.
“Quit crying, cowboy! I’m in a good mood!” She giggled with glee.
“So you’re not mad at us?” Beel asked.
“How can I be mad right now? You two prove that some things never change. No matter where you are, twins will always be plotting some sort of mischief.” She blurted out with a snort, thinking about her own twins back at home.
Regardless of her context, Belphie and Beel found themselves at ease finally as they became loose and relaxed in her warmth. The three embraced tenderly as their breathing synced up in the silence. However, Marley still had a question on her mind.
“Yes, Marley?”
“You didn’t eat those guys after you dragged them away, did you?”
“No, they didn’t look tasty, so I took them to Lucifer’s office.”
“...Yeeeeaaah, you probably should have just ate them.” She whispered quietly, slightly pitying her former assailants.
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lukeios · 4 years
The plot holes of Eldarya
Hello wonderful people of Eldarya fandom! Along with some other players we have prepared a little something for you: The list of all the plot holes in the first season of Eldarya. 
The list has over 2000 words in total. I am so, so proud of us and I would love to give special thanks to @aokane-eldarya who wrote probably over 1/3 of this by herself! Everyone who participated is tagged, so make sure you check out their blogs! 
And of course, before we start: this is not an attack on Beemoov - it’s merely a critic of their writers. More under the cut. 
- Chrome surviving Leiftan's attack. Leiftan isn't an amateur killer and wouldn't let him stay alive.
- Game said Leiftan never kills children and yet the next episode he tries to kill Chrome.
- Chrome saying he contacted Leiftan, event though the other episode informed us he "summoned" him. 
- A plot hole between Valkyon's spin-off and the game. In the spin-off, he dreams about his mother even though in the game he couldn't have seen her at that point. 
- During the Leiftan & Erika vs Lance fight in the last chapter, Lance acts like he thinks Erika is just a simple human, yet in chapter 26 he fainted precisely because he discovered she was an aengel and thought he knew why Leiftan wanted her.
- Leiftan “sacrifices” to tell Valkyon about Lance’s weakness (a neck injury). None of this is mentioned in the last battle nor ever again. Why did Leiftan sacrifice for then? What was the point of making him betray his pact with Lance and risk his life if that info doesn’t matter? 
- Leiftan threatens Lance to kill him, as well as all the other members of his race, if he hurts Erika: not only does he do nothing when Lance kidnaps Erika (while we have the proof in episode 30 that Leiftan is still able to subdue Lance), but Valkyon is the only other dragon in existence.
- By extension, he didn't react as expected (if we refer to his personality) to the story of the potion.
- Leiftan who is the demon of the crystal: he was able to act normally while having a part of his mind threatening the Oracle, which is absurd (nonrespect of the principle of the cost of use of magic ). During his imprisonment, Miiko talks about the fact that the corruption stopped suddenly and Leif explains that he stopped because Erika suffered from it. If Leiftan had had the power to stop the corruption caused by the Naytili crystal (and therefore, by someone other than him), he would have done it immediately since he knew from the start why she was suffering. In any case, it was not Leiftan who stopped corruption, it was the use of the Fenghuang flute.
- Leiftan tells Erika that he did it all for her. But the fact is that he started acting before Erika arrived on Eldarya and she doesn't think it's strange. 
- In the spin-off, Leiftan says he will respect that Erika doesn't follow him, suggesting that he will pursue his goal. In the end, as soon as Erika holds it against him, he decides to abandon his projects and accept his "mistakes". The funny thing is that it's been weeks, even months that we know what Erika thinks, he could have given up before.
- Episode 30, the "Lance VS Erika and Leiftan" confrontation. The writing suggests that Lance doesn't know Erika's race, which is wrong. It will also be noted that Lance didn't think of using the dragon spell that had allowed him to imprison Leiftan the time he came to destroy the crystal.
- In episode 15, the history teacher tells us that the daemons refused to sacrifice themselves.
- Then thanks to Fafnir, we learn that, in reality, Lilith and her supporters were for the sacrifice, Dagon and his supporters were against; they killed each other.
- Episode 30, Erika says that she and Leif must sacrifice themselves because their ancestors refused to sacrifice themselves.
- It will also be noted that hundreds of dragons sacrificed themselves for the Blue Sacrifice, but that it lacked just the equivalent of a daemon / aengel for the vegetables to be nutritious.
- Erika who doesn't remember that Dagon was one of the daemons invoked by Naytili
- Leiftan had a redemption. When he died, there was a white feather. Leiftan should have fought with his angelic aspect and not only with his demonic aspect.
- Depending on the situation, the terms aengel and daemon are used either to denote the same thing or to denote two different things.
- Lance refers to Erika and Leiftan by saying "the aengel and the daemon", even when Erika says to her "I am a daemon".
- Ezarel fights with a foil, a training weapon that cannot hurt. He uses it as thrusting and cutting weapon whereas it is only a thrusting weapon.
- The Guard sends civilians to unprotected villages; Lance just had to go there to use them as leverage.
- Lance, who is experienced, attacks by arriving by sea, a disadvantageous position because exposed, to arrive on a beach in a basin with only one narrow exit, with then the optic of crossing a meadow also exposed. The Guard decided it would be funnier if it got stuck on the beach itself.
- Lance is ready to negotiate: he agrees to allow the Guard to evacuate the faerys on Earth (The same faerys he wants to destroy). The famous faerys which are not there because evacuated in the villages. It will also be noted that suddenly the total population of Eldarya is reduced to only the inhabitants of the Guard.
- Lance donated ingredients for two gates: two gates to evacuate hundreds of people. I thought it was too expensive per person.
- Lance sent Enthraa, a mermaid who can't get out of the water, to kill Erika and Miiko ; Erika and Miiko thought it would be a good idea to be within the range of Enthraa.
- In episode 30, the hamadryads meet around the ancient tree of Yvoni. The same tree that had burned and the remains of which had been removed.
- One day, Leiftan and Lance released a monster who swallowed all the knowledge of the library. We still don't know why.
- Everyone knows that the dragons have sacrificed themselves. Even Lance. It was while reading books in the library that his hatred developed, suggesting that there is information that we don't have about the Blue Sacrifice. We still don't know this info: Lance just seems to blame the faeries for letting the dragons sacrifice themselves, nothing else.
- How did Lance and Leiftan become partners? We don't know. Why does Leif say that without him Lance is nothing? We don't know.
- How did Ykhar know that Leiftan was a traitor? Where did the hostage go?
- Ykhar and Chrome who tell an experienced killer that they are going to report him.
- Chrome who says that Leiftan manipulated him to join him whereas, in a previous episode, Leiftan reminds Chrome that it was he who called him.
- Some members of the Guard speak several languages, but no one can read the instructions on a package of pasta. And since Erika seems to have no idea where the language is located, it must be a package of alien pasta.
- Ewelein was to give us a gift. We are still waiting.
- The faerys had recent humans books, like Twilight. Ykhar didn't know what television was: yet, her favorite book was Barjavel's " The Night of Time", in which we talk about television.
- Oluhua said that it was not possible to use Leiftan's blood to transfuse Feng Zifu, without explaining why. She was not on Leiftan's list of traitors, so we still don't know what Oluhua knows.
- Miiko announces to us that there is a ritual acting as a lie detector. She must have forgotten its existence when she had to find the traitors of the Guard.
- Erika learned to understand the familiars. She quickly forgot about it.
- Erika is described as a high school student in the CGU. In the story, she is around 23-24 years old since she finished her studies.
- the Guard claimed to be able to detect dragons. Lance and Valkyon are proof that this is not true.
-  Nevra, as a vampire, is able to smell blood from a small cut. Her sister was unable to smell the blood in Ykhar’s room.
- (Death TW) Ykhar's death and her body looking pale after 2-3 days in the room. Total disregard for research. The body should be in stage 2 of decomposition.  
- The clothing and armors. Dressing a warrior into an armor that shows stomach - the most vulnerable part of the body - is somehow inappropriate, even for a fantasy setting. If they had other clothing used for battles OR the game would be pure fanservice - it would be ok.
- For some reason Lance's sword from The winter illustration seems like too much. It looks too broad, like a piece of a metal wall. It doesn't seem like it would be useful in a fight - it seems way too hard to use that thing than it would be necessary. Mind you - if something like this is happening in a fantasy setting, an explanation is mandatory. Is the sword extremely light? Is it made of a material that is changing shape? This point isn't exactly only about the sword. Beemoov keeps on throwing things at us without a proper explanation and if the explanation is even present, it's not explored enough. 
- Our pet is killed in episode 30. Does it change anything in the page section of pets? Is the exploration frozen? I don't think so. 
- Stealing food from Earth for many years without a way to preserve it. Not making a connection with any humans because "they are evil".
- Miiko told the MC there are humans in Eldarya who are searching for her. Where did they go?
- The potion fiasco. What happened to all the photos of the MC? Aren't her parents wondering "who is this girl who looks like us?" in the albums?   (according to an anon, the potion was able to erase any proof of her existence on Earth. No photos were left. Thanks, Anon! )
-They can make very powerful potions that literally erase somebody from the memory of everyone who had known them in a different realm but still cannot make a “potion” to preserve the crops they steal. 
- Ez's crimes were mentioned once and never again. This information seemed too important to just be left alone.
- How at the beginning of the game, they mentioned us several times Erika’s special eye color (purple with golden light) and how this was an important clue to know what kind of faelienne she is. It’s never mentioned again even after we found out she’s an aengel. Apparently it wasn’t that relevant.
- How the guard has a portal to Earth near the HQ facilities but Erika never seemed interested in it to go and see it for herself since she arrived at Eldarya, especially since she was determined to know everything about the portals when she still had hope of going back to her world during the first episodes.
- When Lance kidnapped Erika, she finds out Enthraa is a traitor and that she’s working for him. After she’s rescued and goes back to the HQ, she doesn’t say this to the other members. They found out about it only when Enthraa ambushed Erika and Miiko in later episodes and gets killed.
- How food was rationed and limited at the beginning of the game, but in later episodes this doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore.
- How Lance said he found out about the sacrifice of the dragons in the library archives, but during Erika’s history classes in the HQ they said there weren’t any records about the blue sacrifice and all they knew was passed down through generations through oral traditions and tales. If that’s true, then Lance and Valkyon would have known about it since they were kids with adults telling them about the stories of the creation of Eldarya.
- What happened to Marie Anne after she was captured and purified of the faerie blood? She’s not mentioned again after that.
- Humans in Eldarya were mentioned once, and that’s it.
- How Erika is characterized as a very kind and empathic person but didn’t seem affected when she found out Ykhar was killed.
- How Leiftan was the one who killed Ykhar since he was with Erika and the other guard members in Memoria the whole time.
- Alajea’s fear of water is not a thing anymore.
- Why Erika took Valkyon leaving with Lance as a betrayal, she was right there when that happened and saw that he did it to protect her. 
- Miko told us dragon’s ingrédients were necessary to open portals, but later she finally said those weren’t really “dragon” stuff but they called it like this because, you know, everything there is a mess.
- Humans were supposed to be a threat on Eldarya (Miiko mentioned secret societies like Illuminatis, Templars or Freemasons but we’ve never heard about them anymore)
- There is no real food in Eldarya and the Guard has to open portals to Earth to steal foodstuffs for Eels survival. They don’t know how to cook and eat raw pasta in the firsts episodes but a few episodes later they throw tea-parties where Karuto & Erika bakes crepes and cakes. 
- In episode 20, Leiftan says he's been waiting for Erika for years. Except that he does not seem to know who she is, nor her species or where she comes from, how she came here, nor her connection to the Oracle...
- When we’re in Ashkore PoV he said his ancestors killed the daemons
- Once upon a time we had to choose a “job” (infirmary, library, and I don’t remember the third one), but we never hear about it in the next episodes.
- On the illustration where Leiftan saves Erika from falling off the cliff, his wings are white, he’s got only 2 and his horns have disappeared 
- In episode 30 Lance calls Erika “the human” though he knows she’s an aengel
- What about the war ? Lance killed his brother, Erika and Leiftan sacrificed themselves and then what ? Did Lance just leave after all the time he tried to destroy Eldarya ?
- “In episode 29 Miiko (I think it was her) says that they will have enough water for everyone because they filter rainwater but in episode 19 someone has said that it barely rains in Eldarya...”
- Three enemies of Eldarya (Triades, Illuminati, and Templars) are mentioned but never make any appearance. It is said the Templars are trying to get MC to rescue her. Where are they?
- Until episode 20 the Guard was looking for the pieces of the crystal, that were scattered on Eldarya. That was never mentioned again. Crystal became irrelevant.
- Who taught Naytili to corrupt the crystals? Leiftan and Lance were very interested in learning that skill, but it was never touched again.
- Mary Anne is still rooting in prison. It's like she disappeared.
- Erica cannot decide if she is an aengel or a human with the blood of an aengel
- Episode 15, we never learned the consequences of telling or not telling the Guard, that Ashkore was stealing food in the HQ. 
- Ashkore doesn’t kill Huang Hua because Erica likes her, and yet he wants to kill her few episodes later. 
- Episode 26. We can kind of flirt with Lance. There is some tension on the cliff (if you pick right choices) and he protects us from the heat of the volcano. The episodes afterward completely forgot about those choices - it’s like Episode 26 never happened. 
- The episode in which Gardienne becomes a mermaid to go back from the Kappa Island to the HQ: She almost drowns and her S/O saves her and carries her up the stairs to the infirmary effortlessly and princess-style. When Colaïa was the one in the dungeon and Karen, Alajéa and Gardienne tried to bring her to the sea again, they said she was SO heavy because her tail is pure muscle, and between THREE people they had a lot of trouble carrying her.
Well, that was pretty long! Thank you for reading all of those! Have a nice weekend guys and stay healthy <3 
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luvreyn · 5 years
My Manhwa List (2019) pt. 4
And the list continues ~
The Reason Why Raelina Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion
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Poisoned to death by her own betrothed?! Eunha didn’t wake up in a novel’s story just to get killed off again as an unfortunate extra! To change her story she needs a cover… 6 months pretending to be the fake fiancée of the novel's male protagonist, Duke Noah Wynknight. But will this cold-hearted, angel-faced demon of a man really help her avoid another ill-fated ending?!
this is like my second discovered manhwa so it’s very high on my list
plot = 6/5 the plot twists are awesome hail the author
noah freaking wynknight
mc is smart and capable and knows how to use guns she is no damsel in distress my friends
mc knows and uses her knowledge efficiently
art style - 6/5
the king is awesome
the villain is unexpected bcuz ohmygahd i didnt see that one coming
noah being in love 
the reasons and logic are all justified and reasonable
very lovable characters that you would understand
has the right amount of angst/comedy/romance/drama 
facial expressions are on point they are memeable 
in conclusion: read this because this is one of the best manhwa ever like ever i mean who havent read this gem you’re missing out if you havent
My Life as an Internet Novel
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Every novel has the usual cast: a gorgeous heroine, handsome boys vying for her attention, and a homely best friend at the heroine’s side. Dani, an ordinary student and avid reader of internet novels, is all too familiar with these tropes. But she never imagined that one day she’d wake up at the center of one herself! Her new fictional world is complete with a beautiful best friend named Yeoryung, and four impossibly good-looking boys who all happen to be in her class.  Dani is determined to stay out of the way and not get involved in the twists and turns of the plot. But is she really just the sidekick -- or is Dani actually the leading lady? Anything is possible in the world of a novel!
the mc’s reasons and fears are justified and reasonable 
the characters are all lovable 
plot = 5/5 very diff from iseka-ish stories that just went with the flow of their new life this mc’s reactions are realistic and shouldn’t be invalidated 
art style is decent
yeoryong loving her bff and prioritising her is love
the characters are complex and have their own personality
yeoryeong x dan - i
the bff’s bro is handsome
the male characters are all handsome and cute and understanding
spoiler: they believed in their friend and that’s pure friendship 
their friendship are goals i just want to cry because they didnt invalidate the feelings and fear of the mc 
yeoryeong x eun ji ho
dan - i x chun young
Lady Beast 
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An arranged marriage that ends in a body swap?! The quiet Princess Elissa has lived a miserable life thus far. To get away from it all she agrees to marry the war tyrant, Duke Ginger of Landall Kingdom. But by some evil curse, the new couple wakes up in each other's bodies! Between royal functions to attend and getting used to their physical changes, can they keep their cool long enough to find a way to switch back? Or will they be stuck like this forever?!
red haired characters are awesome
plot = 4/5 the body switching concept is put nicely and are nicely done 
art style = 4/5 
reactions are funny
ml is husband material
ml teasing the mc 
number question: why are they swapping bodies no one knows
light read so read it you want to just have a good time 
The Contract Concubine
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As the deadliest assassin in the Seong Empire, Yeseo is stumped by very few jobs that come her way. But when Emperor Ahon hires her to find the spy hiding in his palace, she must also play the part of his new airheaded concubine as a cover. It takes all her patience to keep up her lovey-dovey act with Ahon during the day, and all her smarts to sniff out the enemy at night. If only she could wrap up this job quickly and collect her handsome reward-- but with so many suspicious officials and the tangled web of alliances inside the court, it's hard to tell who the true culprit could be. Can Yeseo catch this mysterious spy before she loses her sanity and blows her own cover?
what can i say, i just love stories that has politics and history
funny and fantastic
it has a lot to offer 
art style = 5/5
plot = 4/5 
i think this has dark themes but surprisingly it’s a light read for me bcuz of the pov of yesuh
who is the traitor who is the spy
the white silver fox dude reminds me of gin ichimaru
ahhon x yesuh
Daughter of the Archmage
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Mabel’s been mocked her whole life for her nonexistent magical ability, but when she finally meets her true father, it’s the all-powerful archmage, Raquiel! Forced by an imperial pact to let her go long ago, he can now welcome her into his home, with his half-wolf butler, three nymph sisters, a fox halfling, and a kind disciple to watch over her. But dark secrets from his past threaten to catch up with them. Will his magic be enough to protect her? Could she even come into a power all her own?
if you love wmmap, you’re gonna love this
plot = 3.5/5
art style = 4/5
ngl rykell is one of the top candidates for best daddy award
rykell doesnt hate his daughter ok 
sweet and adorable father-daughter moments
maybelle deserves the world
this is a warm and light read if you just want to enjoy reading 
p.s the scanlation team is dropping this because the author said so BUT there’s going to be an official english translation next year (i think jan 2020?) 
a lot of questions that’s going to make you want more
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fairydust-stuff · 5 years
Top Ten reasons to like Claude
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Ok, here's the thing I dislike Claude as a person he's slimy, manipulative, emotionally abusive, acts like a perverted creep and he killed Alois then stomped on his poor little heart. That being said he's a great antagonist he's so good in fact it seems the writers had to make him Ciel’s stupid stalker later on in the season and make him too easily defeated by Sebastian dispite the fact, Claude nearly killed him in their first  fight. Also i now I've said this before but i hate when people hate on Claude but then praise Sebastian. They both manipulated and planned the death of children. Claude smashed Alois's head open, but Sebastian stabbed Ciel once he realized serving him isn't beneficial to him anymore. If you prefer Sebastian fine, but stop acting like Sebastian is a pure selfless saint who never does anything wrong. So let's take a look at Claude's less badly written attributes
1 Hobbies Come how many demons can do origami, tap dance and sew. Claude has actual hobbies besides being a butler and their kind of interesting and cool. Honestly i wish we knew how he learned to make origami or how he learned how to do a Spanish Flamengo and who else thinks get getting Alois and Claude as dance partners would of been epic!
2. Goofball For all his stiff upper lip, extreme formality and annoyance and disgust at Alois's immaturity and antics. Claude can be a real goofball he does that weird thing with his glasses to entertain Alois in the OVA. He starts a food fight with Sebastian while they're preparing food for the masters. Then he even dancing around taunting Sebastian going " He saw you! He saw you!" I may dislike Claude x Alois as a romantic pairing, but i have to admit whenever I see flashes of this slightly more silly side of Claude, i can see how Alois might of fallen for him.
3. Patience I've got to admire how easily Claude puts up with everything in comparison to Sebastian. No matter what weird antics or shenanigans Alois gets up to. Claude just goes about his business as usual, even when Alois literary stretches his face into a smile. He continues to not only put up with it but to keep talking. He makes Alois try hard to even get the slightest reaction from him and honestly props to him for that, because as much as I love Alois it must be trying to actually live with someone who goes through constant mood swings, and you have to fight just so you can dress them every morning.
4 Rivalry with Sebastian These two are so petty toward each other two demons got into a food fight, i repeat a food fight! When they're not trying to out demon each other, they're trying to out butler each other. Its hysterical to watch! Claude’s always the one to throw the first taunt and piss the usually arrogant Sebastian off. Anyone who gets that kind of reaction out of Sebastian i can't help but like. Also Claude nearly sliced off Sebastian's head and trapped him in his web in the first half of the season. For the first time in a fight in Black Butler there's actually a stake. Sebastian is matched by an equally powerful and cunning opponent this should of been a bigger plot point then it was. In fact, I wanted to see more of their fights just because they were so childish and Sebastian wasn't guaranteed a win without working for it for once.
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5. Manipulative In a antagonist this is key and up until the end when he gets over confident. Claude skillfully played everyone on the chess board. He had Alois snared in his web codependent on him and cut off from everyone else both in the house and in London. According to an old writer roleplay Claude treated Alois like he mattered slowly reeling him in. He also tricked Sebastion by pretending to make a deal with him, that Alois would be sacrificed and they'd fight over ciel. When he wanted to eat them both the whole time. The smirk of smug triumph on Claude's face when he says " I'm afraid my rose decayed." implying he made the deal with a dying rose to make their demon pact not stick. He made Ciel think Alois's memories were his by shoving Alois's soul into his body and using a metal asylum to mess up Ciel's brain. Turned the kid against Sebastian and got him to order Sebastian to never see him again. Honestly he would of won if it wasn't for Hannah. So i have to admire his plan it was actually good as far as evil plans go.
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6. Claude is a screw up This may be a weird thing to like but i honestly find Sebastian too good at everything sometimes. Claude who leaves sauce on the plate, doesn't know how to comfort Alois without being creepy, who gets over confident and tells Alois the truth in the maze, when a lie would have helped him more, underestimates Hannah even though she threatened him over Alois's safety is just less perfect and i like that because perfect characters are boring and it's not interesting to see them go up against anyone.
7. Relationship with Alois This twisted dynamic kind of draws me in in fact i don't think we got enough interactions between these two or explored their obsessive relationship. Yana describes Alois feelings for Claude as "addiction" implying a toxic inability to quite Claude. The interesting thing is Claude seems just as addicted to him. At the end of the show Sebastian points out the smell that intoxicated Claude was Alois soul not Ciel’s. That and the OVA Spider's Intention and season 2 flashback suggest Claude finds Alois facinateing " The soul who dances in fire” Claude describes him as. And furthermore Claude is drawn not to Alois’s cruelty like you’d expect from a demon grooming a sinner but his passion. Even when Alois’s is shown crying over the butterfly he acidently killed Claude is fixated on him like he’s something, Claude can't quite figure out. At one point when Alois uses the truth of Luka death to deceive the priest and Alaster. Claude looks visibly surprised and when Alois decides to take Ciel from Sebastian to make the other demon suffer. Claude calls him “ magnificent” and there is a subtext of the two them scheming together rather than Claude just taking orders. There seems to be a kind of twisted intimacy there between predator and prey with these two and their roles constantly swap.
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8. His catchphrase People claim he stole it but that's ridiculous Sebastian says " I'm one hell of a Butler." Claude says "that's what makes a Trancy Butler." there's a huge difference. Actually I prefer Claude's catchphrase because it's never exactly the same. " Sugar into salt one moment" and Red into Blue the next." at least Claude keeps it interesting and it's never straightforward its almost a riddle that the viewer has to figure out his meaning.
9. Loyal in the end I'm still mad at him and annoyed all can give Alois is he was a worthy meal after all. I don't think it makes up for him screwing with Alois's head for all those years. However I can't help but notice even when he seemed to hate Alois, Claude never denied being a Trancy Butler it was part of his catchphrase. Actually as much as some fans swoon over how close Sebastian and Ciel are, Sebastion has never once defined himself as the Phantomhive Butler. His catchphrase puts the emphasis on how awesome he is while Claudes is a bit braggy as well, its implies to serve Alois to be a Trancy Butler is an honor. In fact Claude even dies saying " A stray dog into an Earl. " he even with his last breath still remains and is proud to call himself Alois's Butler.
10. Hints of discontentment . Claude mentions that he wanted excitement, something to ease the humdrum of a very long empty life with no purpose but devouring souls. This makes since as it hints Claude’s pursuit of Ciel had less to do with the boy himself and more to do with the fact he wanted danger, flash and a challenge even if it ended in his demise. In the end Claude acknowledges Alois brought excitement into his long boring life which was something he did not expect. This line implies Claude was as bored and apathetic as Hannah used to be and was looking to feel something as a demon through devouring and the thrill of the hunt because it never occured to Claude to try any other way. He's basically a demon haveing a mid life crisis, how can i not enjoy that?
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fluffmugger · 5 years
introspectivenavelgazer said: I’m curious about your thoughts OH HOLD ON BB I GOT OPINIONS. ITS BAD. 
sabacc said: ah, the disturbing things bingo movie oh no. nononoo. Make no mistake. This was not a “nooope” situation.  There was precisely one moment in a teaser that actually triggered me, and that was so fucking poorly done in the end product I ACTUALLY ENDED UP LAUGHING. I’m  not exaggerating, check the post. First time I saw that it pulled a very hard visceral cord, and when the Kersh scene came up in the movie, I was huddled up in my chair, hoodie on, ear blocking ready to ride out that wave of programmed fear.   Instead, I fucking laughed because the whole thing was so fucking ridiculous. What was a deft, vicious piece of editing got completely fucking wrecked.  And that’s pretty much what happened to the story, that film was a hot mess of absolute bullshit.  It not only completely fucked up the overarching themes of the original story, it made no fcking narrative sense in and of itself as a movie verse Lo, there be spoilers...
While some parts I can understand for expediency - such as sidelining Audra and shifting Bill’s obsessive run to IT being based on a local child that he ultimately fails to save, why the fuck have Audra in it in the first place? A five second appearance so ...wha, you can make a running joke on Bill sucking at writing endings that’s just an endless sledge against King? What was the fucking point of that?     Likewise the inclusion of Silver, stripped down to a single cameo that only got vaguely saved because it put him in the place where he could meet aforementioned kid (now living in Bill’s old house in a most contrived of plot points but I will allow it because it works) and form an emotional connection. The whole reason for them standing to face IT is shifted from the pact they formed - the childhood vow they could never break - to Beverley instead somehow magically seeing the future while trapped in the deadlights, and realising that if they didn’t finish IT once and for all, even after the cycle they would all eventually take their own lives like Stan did, unable to live with the taint.  While this could be a interesting take in and of itself - if you do not face the demons of your childhood, they will destroy you one way or another - it completely shifts the core motivation to one of self interest.    Initially the Losers (especially Bill) did actually take on IT from a position of self interest (and young Bill actually has a moment of self agony over it, is he only leading  his friends into a deadly crusade because he wants vengeance for Georgie? Does he have that right? Is he nothing but a “selfish little shit waving a tin sword”), but it became so much more, and these children became monster slayers.   It’s the hero’s journey.   And shifting that makes it a corruption, not into a subversion.   It was also so damned messily handled - it could have been interesting , the idealism of childhood shifting to pragmatism of adulthood, but it was reduced to a handwave threat, and they didn’t need to be threatened.  The original story had a whole intertwined creep that was fucking beautiful, this veneer of adults in control of their own lives and destiny being stripped away in thin layers, with the Losers gradually beginning to dimly perceive they are simply parts  of some great cosmic machinery and their illusions of control and indeed  their entire lives are all just that - illusions. The undermining of reality and stripping of power were great Adult Fears that played fucking beautifully in the book.  The silent unspoken Imposter Syndrome, hinted at, but never directly addressed, that all their successes were simply due to being touched by IT.  In the movie? Oh man we’re all gonna kill ourselves if we don’t fix this and it means ...nothing to the characters. Seriously. They all still walk anyway.  And   way too much fucking time is wasted on characters abruptly deciding to leave only to Not At The Last Second.   It’s just a big fat clumsy mess.
They completely chunked out Bowers taking Mike out of the final battle, yet still included him in the film - Why? what was the fucking purpose?  They also intimated that IT was responsible for killing his father - ironically the one fucking murder Bowers did commit -   and adult Bowers was delightfully played, but he served  no fucking purpose whatsoever. Not to drop them to the lesser number of power (5 as opposed to 7), not to drive them into the sewers, what was the fucking purpose of having him there? He shows up, doesn’t even break Eddie’s arm (so there’s your other purpose of resetting the gameboard to the positions of the last confrontation) gets stabbed, gets killed, and they go on la de da.
Michael’s story is absolutely fucked into unrecognisability.  I’ve already ranted about killing off his parents - it’s a dumb fucking decision and I will never fucking excuse it. William Hanlon is a key player in the books, inadvertently preparing his son for his role of watchman.  This is completely lost to the most basic of fucking racial stereotypes.   Holy shit they actually refer to his parents as fucking crack heads  at one point (although this is later revealed to be a fake out by Pennywise), but what does it serve?   While you can argue that removing him is what destabilises Mikes character THERE IS NO FUCKING REASON TO HAVE AN UNSTABLE MIKE.   In the sequel, Mike is clinging to sanity by less than the skin of his teeth, drugging Bill against his will at one point, actively leading everyone into danger with a false promise of victory and generally acting like a desperate fucking madman. Why take a dignified black character and turn him into an unstable Kassandra?  You don’t need a fucking unstable Kassandra, the very nature of what IT is, and its horrific, aeons-long parasitic relationship with Derry is so fucking unbelievable in and of itself it does that for you.   
Likewise Eddie’s adult career  is suddenly changed to being a ...investment? insurance? boring person thing? what the shit? Why not have him own the goddamn largest fleet private chauffeurs? Why change? that one tied back into his navigation skills at least, and there’s serious coin in that shit.   And fucking hell do not get me started on fucking Myra fucking hell if you want to touch a complex and fucked up relationship like that, you don’t handwave it. His entire rampant hypochondria is shifted to  something closer to ...smart arse with some small neuroses?  Ok, but you’re telling me this..why? what is the purpose of this?
Completely out of left field, Richie is heavily intimated to be Queer. Ok.     But they then go on to jam in additional homophobia (and this is on top of Mellon’s death that to be fucking honest is shot way too fucking far on the side of “lookit the smartmouth gay get stomped”)  and Pennywise threatening to reveal Richies Great Secret to the point I literally leaned over and asked His Lordship “The script writer does know this is set in the fucking 21st century, right?”   It could have been a fascinating side story of a man whose trauma keeps himself in a cage even when he doesn’t have to, but it’s not. It’s a hot mess of what the fuck let’s throw a gay (but not too obviously gay we’ll do it so we can claim he’s not so it still sells in china and we have plausible deniability hide your queers, hide your queers!)  in just so we can kill the object of his affection.  YOU DON’T NEED TO AMP UP THE ANGST OVER EDDIES DEATH. WE ALL KNOW ITS COMING. AND IT HURTS.    You know what woulda been ground breaking? You’ve laid the groundwork with Beverley already, have Richie in the deadlights as he is, have Eddie do his Big Damn Hero Save, and then have richie see what’s coming and shove eddie out of the way.  Having Richie die instead of Eddie? Holy crap, no one would have seen that coming. It would have blown up fucking everyone, film, telemovie and book fans alike.   (Also holy shit adult richie, far from being the smart, funny man we all know is a wanker. His comments at the chinese dinner party have none of the genuine humour of the book or even the  Curry adaptation, he comes across as a mean spirited bullying dickhead that you’d all go to the toilet at the same time and climb out the window to avoid. In a kid it’s funny. Kids have no filters. From an adult, it’s fucking poison)  
We also have all these elements of childhood coming back, but there is no purpose to them in the film.  In the book, it’s the wheel turning, the gameboard sliding back to where it was last time they faced IT, a very real embodiment of unfinished business and an inability to escape your childhood - a fact the characters are very well aware of and in varying ways horrified by their own regressions -  but in the film it’s just leaving the audience wondering why are they doing that? why’s that there. what the fuck man. why have bill stutter? So you connect the adults to the kids by using the broadest fucking flanderised tropes possible?  It doesn’t even stand on its own two feet, it relies on way too much back knowledge from other sources. And it reeks as it they bolted on large chunks of some other horror movie script that was presented to the studio and changed the names.  There’s no psychological implications, there’s no deftness, hell there’s no fucking chemistry with any of the fucking actors.  It’s reduced to a jumpscare gore fest. It doesn't even compare to the first half.  It got so bad that by the second act I was literally pointing at the screen and BAM right on cue, there was the jumpscare. That’s how fucking predictable it is.   The CGI was shithouse (I actually burst out laughing during the Paul Bunyan scene as well as the Kersh one it was so fucking bad) the ending is..my god they literally prance around him screaming “fucking clown” until he shrinks, they pluck his heart and crush it. Fuck me, the Curry adaptation had its problems but the savage, ritualistic destruction of IT as they all fell to their knees around and tore it apart with their bare hands had fucking balls at least.  And BTW, it’s only the caverns and the house on neibolt street that get destroyed, the rest of the town is just fuckin’ dandy and it’s like DUDE THE TOWN WAS LITERALLY BUILT ON IT. DERRY CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT IT.  IT’S A PARALLEL FOR THE HORRIFIC CANKER  AT THE HEART OF EVERY “LOVELY” AMERICAN SMALL TOWN. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH.  and then, THEN they end it with a letter from Stan. See, Stan didn’t kill himself because in one brief, horrific instant he remembered everything, and even as a child knew he couldn’t face it again and bailed, no... he knew he was going to buckle and killed himself so..he wouldn’t die they wouldn’t all die what. the fuck. was the purpose. of THAT.
In short, it was a phoned in, badly written, badly edited piece of shit, completely purposeless and not even worthy of its predecessor. 
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bionic-bat-archive · 7 years
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Lee Gwang-Min is the founder of the international special operations division U.M.B.R.A. A team of experts that track and eradicate international and extraterrestrial threats.  
However, Lee Gwang-Min has one secret, one that he has carried for over a thousand years...
The only person who knows it is the person that helped him Transcend, however, the risk of exposure looms over him as well as the price of immortality...
Ancient History: 
Wang So is the 4th Prince (and later monarch) of Goryeo. At a young age, King Taejo Wang Geon sent him to be adopted in order to maintain peace amid the political chaos. His life was spent brutally learning the ways of warfare and earned the reputation of a “Bloodthirsty Prince” and “Kumiho”.
Those rumors of his ruthlessness grew upon the arrival of a mysterious foreign Queen known as “The Wolf Queen.” Many believe The Wolf Queen is an evil spirit sent to destroy Goryeo and that Wang So made a pact with her in exchange for power on the battlefield. 
Some believe that power came at the cost of his soul.
Others- those that are closest to the royal family and the Kings- believe that the royal line has ties to the heavens.
What is truth or lies remains unknown as many fear to find out…
This character is the modern version of 4th Prince Wang So (Emporer Gwangjong) 
FC: Lee Jun Ki
S/O:  Straight
R/S: Ask me!
Morgan, 25, she/her, has 10+ years writing experience. Loves to chat, write and RP. Mega geeky and very friendly!
I am mostly para/novel type of a writer. I don’t really do one liners with some exceptions. I prefer writers that are good with grammar and punctuation (I’m not perfect at this, but, I try ^_^).
If English is not your first language, I can make an exception, just please put in the effort.
(feel free to like this if interested and I’ll come to you!)
reblogs are appreciated!
Base image is used with permission by: @allaboutjoongi
Thank you!!
ps: if you want to RP but don’t know how to feel free to message me and I can teach you! it’s easy!
MUN AND MUSES ARE ALL 21+. DUE TO MATURE SUBJECT MATTER, I WILL ONLY INTERACT WITH MUNS/MUSES THAT ARE 21+ Internationally (18+ U.S.) unless underage muses have been pre-plotted.
ALL IC ASKS MUST STATE WHO THE ASK IS ADDRESSED TO. If you have no preference then put in “*”.
No Godmodding
I will (try) to schedule all replies to post automatically at 12 A.M. MST every Monday. (However, I might reply more frequently/slower depending on how I feel)
This is both an IC and OOC blog (because I don’t give enough fucks to make a blog for personal shit.)
I am selective about who I will thread with and might drop threads if I feel uninspired to write them. THIS IS NOTHING PERSONAL AND SHOULD NOT DISCOURAGE YOU FROM TALKING TO ME IN FUTURE OR SENDING ASKS!
I prefer to only thread when I have a plot and storyline.
If you don’t have a plot or story in mind (and we can’t come up with one together) feel free to send me an IC Ask and/or meme instead.
I’m always willing to try and plot but I CANNOT PROMISE MY MUSES WILL COOPERATE.
I can rarely wing it but I will try if need be.
(seriously, chat with me I love to talk. 🌸 ),
No slice of life
No high school/college AUs.
No domestic-base AUs.
My brain can’t handle mundane non-fantasy scenarios.
I will ONLY ship if the characters have chemistry!
I am always open to different types of relationships: friends, enemies, etc…
I WILL NOT sugar coat my muses behavior!
My muses have the right to attack and/or try to kill yours if they feel threatened (or in some cases) if the muse goes against cultural/period norms.
Some of my muses have 800+ years of military/espionage experience, and supernatural abilities. I will play them based on common sense. (Example: If your muse is a 30-year-old Marine, or 100-year-old vampire and tries to attack one of my 800+-year-old muses, odds are you won’t win. Not god moddy, just realistic.)
Thrillers, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical, Crime/Thriller/Espionage.
I don’t tag my stuff that being said I WILL ONLY TAG TRIGGERS UPON REQUEST.
I will not RP graphic torture (implied and some graphic things are OK) or anything “mature” involving characters under 21.
I will NEVER RP anything involving animal death/cruelty/abuse or mature subject matter with characters under 21. (18 U.S.)
I prefer interacting with the muns OOC and building a solid means of communication. That being said, I also have anxiety and don’t do well with reclusive/sporadically active muns.
If I’m interested in a plot and our muses click I can become a bit attached with the writer especially if we hit it off well, and like a lot of activity and chatting.
That’s not to say I’m pushy/annoying about it (I know we all have lives) just PLEASE give me an idea of your activity before hand. My anxiety disorder and I will thank you.
That being said, if you prefer to keep some distance, that’s fine, but please have the courtesy to let me know about your boundaries. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.
Last thing, no ooc drama, don’t waste my time. If you send hate I’ll either reply IC or just ignore it all together. So do yourself a favor and unfollow me if you have an issue with my blog.
If you read to the end, please send a 🌸 (Sakura if mobile) as soon as either I or you approach for RPs. This will tell me if you read the rules or not.
12 notes · View notes
bionic-bat-archive · 7 years
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Wang So is the 4th Prince (and later monarch) of Goryeo. At a young age, King Taejo Wang Geon sent him to be adopted in order to maintain peace amid the political chaos. His life was spent brutally learning the ways of warfare and earned the reputation of a “Bloodthirsty Prince.”
Those rumors of his ruthlessness grew upon the arrival of a mysterious foreign Queen known as “The Wolf Queen.” Many believe The Wolf Queen is an evil spirit sent to destroy Goryeo and that Wang So made a pact with her in exchange for power on the battlefield. Some believe that power came at the cost of his soul.
What is truth or lies remains unknown as many fear to find out...
(Feel free to like this if interested and I'll come to you!)
FC: Lee Jun Ki
S/O:  Straight
R/S: Ask me!
While his FC, personality and minor aspects of his history resemble the Kdrama counterpart, HE IS 100% MY OWN.
(AU-kdrama version will only be portrayed upon request)
Morgan, 25, she/her, has 10+ years writing experience. Loves to chat, write and RP. Mega geeky and very friendly!
I am mostly para/novel type of a writer. I don’t really do one liners with some exceptions. I prefer writers that are good with grammar and punctuation (I’m not perfect at this, but, I try ^_^).
If English is not your first language, I can make an exception, just please put in the effort.
(feel free to like this if interested and I'll come to you!)
reblogs are appreciated
ps: if you want to RP but don’t know how to feel free to message me and I can teach you! it’s easy!
MUN AND MUSES ARE ALL 21+. DUE TO MATURE SUBJECT MATTER, I WILL ONLY INTERACT WITH MUNS/MUSES THAT ARE 21+ Internationally (18+ U.S.) unless underage muses have been pre-plotted.
ALL IC ASKS MUST STATE WHO THE ASK IS ADDRESSED TO. If you have no preference then put in “*”.
No Godmodding
I will (try) to schedule all replies to post automatically at 12 A.M. MST every Monday. (However, I might reply more frequently/slower depending on how I feel)
This is both an IC and OOC blog (because I don’t give enough fucks to make a blog for personal shit.)
I am selective about who I will thread with and might drop threads if I feel uninspired to write them. THIS IS NOTHING PERSONAL AND SHOULD NOT DISCOURAGE YOU FROM TALKING TO ME IN FUTURE OR SENDING ASKS!
I prefer to only thread when I have a plot and storyline.
If you don’t have a plot or story in mind (and we can’t come up with one together) feel free to send me an IC Ask and/or meme instead.
I’m always willing to try and plot but I CANNOT PROMISE MY MUSES WILL COOPERATE.
I can rarely wing it but I will try if need be.
(seriously, chat with me I love to talk. 🌸 ),
No slice of life
No high school/college AUs.
No domestic-base AUs.
My brain can’t handle mundane non-fantasy scenarios.
I will ONLY ship if the characters have chemistry!
I am always open to different types of relationships: friends, enemies, etc...
I WILL NOT sugar coat my muses behavior!
My muses have the right to attack and/or try to kill yours if they feel threatened (or in some cases) if the muse goes against cultural/period norms.
Some of my muses have 800+ years of military/espionage experience, and supernatural abilities. I will play them based on common sense. (Example: If your muse is a 30-year-old Marine, or 100-year-old vampire and tries to attack one of my 800+-year-old muses, odds are you won't win. Not god moddy, just realistic.)
Thrillers, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical, Crime/Thriller/Espionage.
I don’t tag my stuff that being said I WILL ONLY TAG TRIGGERS UPON REQUEST.
I will not RP graphic torture (implied and some graphic things are OK) or anything “mature” involving characters under 21.
I will NEVER RP anything involving animal death/cruelty/abuse or mature subject matter with characters under 21. (18 U.S.)
I prefer interacting with the muns OOC and building a solid means of communication. That being said, I also have anxiety and don’t do well with reclusive/sporadically active muns.
If I’m interested in a plot and our muses click I can become a bit attached with the writer especially if we hit it off well, and like a lot of activity and chatting.
That’s not to say I’m pushy/annoying about it (I know we all have lives) just PLEASE give me an idea of your activity before hand. My anxiety disorder and I will thank you.
That being said, if you prefer to keep some distance, that’s fine, but please have the courtesy to let me know about your boundaries. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.
Last thing, no ooc drama, don’t waste my time. If you send hate I’ll either reply IC or just ignore it all together. So do yourself a favor and unfollow me if you have an issue with my blog.
If you read to the end, please send a 🌸 (Sakura if mobile) as soon as either I or you approach for RPs. This will tell me if you read the rules or not.
25 notes · View notes