#Though this one was a bit tougher to work with because of the nature of the lighting
solarmorrigan · 2 years
See, just because Steve lets Eddie and the kids play D&D at his house now doesn't mean he's really interested in the game, just the same as even though El and Max sometimes tag along, they're really there to hang out, not play. They each bring their own things to do, and one night El brings a ball of yarn and a shiny little metal hook and a vaguely rectangular yarn-thing that she focuses very hard on while the boys shout in the background.
Steve has no idea what she's doing; he'd say she's knitting, except he's almost certain that involves some kind of sticks, not a hook. But since he's not really doing anything himself, he sits down next to her and asks what she's up to.
"Joyce has been teaching me how to crochet. She says it will help with my hand-eye coordination." El holds up her project with a proud smile. "I am starting with a scarf."
It's not the world's most attractive scarf, but it's not like Steve could do better. He's still not entirely sure what crocheting is, to be perfectly honest. "Is that different from knitting?" he asks.
El nods gravely. "It is," she says, and takes to showing him how she loops the yarn over the hook and pulls it through the stitches in her scarf and adds a few more inches to the row she's working on.
When Steve's attention doesn't completely wane during her demonstration, she pulls a second ball of yarn out of her bag and presents it to Steve.
"Oh, I don't–" Steve tries to demur, but El is determined, and Steve has seen entire dimensions pale in the face of her determination.
This is how he finds himself crocheting a little chain of stitches with just his fingers, the same way Joyce had apparently started El off. El beams at him and returns to her own project, occasionally checking on his progress. The chain is a few feet long by the time everyone needs to be driven home, and Steve decides it actually hadn't been a bad way to pass the time. Kind of relaxing.
The next time everyone is over, El sits down with her scarf, and after a short while, Steve sits down next to her. He compliments how much longer the scarf has gotten (and it does seem like the shape has evened out a bit as she's been going along). She smiles and pulls another ball of yarn out of her bag. This time, she has an extra hook and seems intent on showing Steve what to do with it.
Almost involuntarily, Steve's attention flashes to the group clustered around the table, hesitating to take the yarn from El, and she frowns.
"Joyce says these types of skills are important for everyone to have," El says firmly, and, well– Steve's not really going to argue.
He learns how to crochet a chain with the hook. It feels odd in his hands at first—the shape too small, the metal a little too slick, the yarn not wrapping naturally around his fingers the way it does El's—but he gets the hang of it. When El is pleased with his progress, she shows him the stitch she's been using: a simple single crochet. It's tougher than it looks, and Steve understands immediately why El's scarf is so uneven; neither of them have ever done anything like this before.
Still, he doesn't hate it.
In fact, he really kind of enjoys it.
He enjoys it enough that he asks El to show him more the next time she's over. She's still new herself and is really only working with pretty much the same couple of stitches, but she proudly teaches him what she knows, and Steve picks it up as fast as she's able to lay it down.
Steve goes out and buys his own supplies, no longer content with mooching off of El's. He hadn't realized there were so many different kinds of yarn, and resigns himself to awkwardly asking one of the craft store employees what type might be best for beginners.
The employee—a woman about his mother’s age with a much warmer smile and far less judgement in her eyes—explains with great enthusiasm what all those different types of yarn might be used for, and how the size of the hook affects the outcome of the project, and shows him so many different pattern books his head spins. He realizes that she probably upsells him on a lot of shit, but he leaves with a few different sizes of hooks, some new yarn, and more excitement for a hobby than he's felt probably since high school.
El and Robin are the only ones who know about his new hobby, of course. It's not really that he's ashamed to tell the others, he just knows how teenage boys work and he's not keen on giving a bunch of fifteen-year-olds another reason to bully him. Maybe in a few months. In the meantime, he crochets at home while he's listening to the radio or watching TV, and he crochets at work during down times. Robin finds his newfound hobby morbidly fascinating, but vehemently denies any and all offers to teach her.
("I will find a way to damage myself with that hook and I think we both know that," she says. "It's just kind of wild to see you with a grandma hobby."
Steve threatens to tell El she called it that, and Robin shortly finds a new label for it.)
Fall rolls around and the air acquires a chill sometime in mid-October. Steve's been making practice scarves for a little while now (largely because he really only knows how to make rectangles at this point, but he doesn’t have the attention span for a whole blanket just yet), and he even considers wearing his least heinous attempt despite the fact he's never really wanted for good winter clothes. Then he notices Eddie.
Most of their little group has begun dressing appropriately for the weather, but Eddie doesn't do much more than add a pair of fingerless black gloves and maybe a heavier leather jacket to his ensemble. Steve's not even sure it's because he can't afford it – he's pretty sure it's because Eddie is committed to his aesthetic. Nancy had tried to force an extra scarf on him one day after a little cold snap, when they'd woken to frost on the ground (the scarf is blue, patterned with white snowflakes; it's actually Mike’s, but Mike is also refusing to wear it and Steve suspects Nancy doesn’t want to hold it, but also doesn’t want to get in trouble for letting Mike lose it), but Eddie had declined, insisting it doesn't match his vibe.
Steve can respect this. He himself has a certain aesthetic going on. However, he can also see that Eddie is definitely cold, and that just won't do.
He picks through the scarves and other various wooly things he's accumulated so far, but decides none of them would suit Eddie and, besides that, none of them are really warm enough. If he's going to make Eddie a scarf, it ought to be a good one.
So Steve sucks it up and heads into Melvald's one day when he knows Joyce will be on shift, hoping she won't be too busy for a quick chat.
When he catches her, Steve explains that El had shown him the basics of crocheting but that his ambitions have outgrown his skills and maybe if she isn't too busy sometime, Joyce would be willing to show him a little more?
Joyce, because she’s a saint, says she would be delighted, and invites Steve to come over on their next shared day off.
When he gets there, she tries to ask him who he's making the scarf for, and the best he manages is, "...someone."
Joyce bites down on a smile. "Someone?"
"It's a surprise," Steve finally declares.
"For everyone?"
Joyce bravely manages to not laugh at Steve and instead asks him what kind of scarf he thinks Someone would like.
Steve decides that it needs to be thick, but it should also be soft. It should also be textured, because Ed– because Someone really likes fiddling with things. He can't get too ambitious with colors or patterns, but he decides that black and grey stripes will be perfectly suitable.
(He doesn't kid himself into thinking that by the time their brainstorming session is over, Joyce hasn't figured out exactly who he's talking about, but she's kind enough not to say it out loud.)
Steve's always been good with repetition and patterns—it's probably one of the reasons he’d found crocheting so relaxing in the first place—and he picks up the new stitches with ease under Joyce's deft instruction. She sends him home with the practice piece he'd made with some of her scrap yarn, and after a quick stopover at the craft store on his way home (he briefly gets stuck between shades of grey, but eventually decides on the silvery one over the steely one), he's ready to begin.
He expects making the scarf to be tougher, but once he gets into the rhythm of it, he sails right through. It takes him less than a week (albeit devoting a few solid hours to it every day, possibly more on his days off) to end up with what is, if he may say so himself, a pretty fine scarf.
The challenge comes in actually giving it to Eddie.
Christmas would be an excellent excuse for presenting it to him, except that's a little over a month away, and Steve doesn't want Eddie to go cold until then. Instead, he takes to keeping the scarf in his glove compartment just in case the perfect occasion for giving Eddie a scarf arises.
And much to Steve's surprise, one actually does.
It's right after the first real snow, and Steve has insisted on driving to pick Eddie up so they can hang out (Steve has nightmares about Eddie's driving when road conditions are optimal, never mind when the roads may be icy). He can see Eddie shivering under his jacket, blowing warm air into his cupped hands (Steve wonders if he could learn how to crochet gloves at some point, too. Ones with full fingers), so he ever-so-casually gestures to the glove box and tells Eddie, "Hey, if you're cold, I've got an extra scarf in there."
He's possibly not as casual as he hopes he is (or maybe Eddie just sees through him, like he always seems to), because Eddie gives him a look. "You do, huh?"
Steve concentrates very hard on the road in order to avoid Eddie's eyes. It doesn't stop him from hearing the little laugh Eddie lets out before popping open the glove compartment.
"Oh," Eddie says quietly as he pulls the scarf out, likely having been expecting another castoff piece of outerwear. "This is... actually really nice."
For a moment, Steve can't help but glance over to see the way Eddie is fingering the crocheted ridges of the scarf, running a thumb over the bright silver stripes picked out of the black, and he immediately looks back up at the road.
"Yeah. You should– you can, uh. Keep it. If you want," he says, and wonders what happened to the days when he was smooth.
"No, man, this is, like, for real nice. I couldn't take this," Eddie says, though he's still holding the scarf in his lap.
Steve draws a breath in. "I mean, I was kind of hoping you would, since it's for you."
They have unfortunately arrived at Steve's house at this point, and there will be no avoiding the conversation now.
"Yeah," Steve says. "I, uh. Made it for you. So you should take it. Don't let my hard work go to waste, yeah?"
"You're shitting me," Eddie unfolds the scarf and holds it up in delighted scrutiny. "You made this?"
(Distantly, Steve appreciates that the emphasis isn't on "you made this?" Like Eddie doesn't immediately doubt he's capable, only that he's holding a handmade item at all.)
"Yeah. No big deal." Steve shrugs.
"You made this for me." Eddie looks at Steve, and it sounds like that had been meant as a question, though it comes out in flat uncertainty.
"Yeah. Just noticed you were cold, but you won't wear anything that doesn't match your aesthetic," Steve tries to tease, wiggling his fingers at Eddie's outfit, but Eddie doesn't say anything in return.
He doesn't say anything for just long enough that Steve gets insecure all over again, reaching hesitantly for the scarf.
"But, I mean, if that's weird, or whatever, you don't have to-"
"Nope. Fuck off, I'm wearing this forever." Eddie loops the scarf quickly around his neck and squeezes the ends in his hands. "Jesus, this is soft."
Steve grins. "I'm not sure it'll last forever, but I can make you another after than one wears out."
"You'd better," Eddie says, and he's grinning too. "So, what, you knit?"
Steve points a very serious finger into Eddie's face. "Crochet. There's a difference," he says sternly.
Then, because he can't help it, he bops the end of Eddie's nose before getting out of the car, leaving Eddie to scramble out behind him, laughing and calling him a dork as he goes.
(The kids, incidentally, don't tease Steve nearly as much as he'd thought they would when they find out.
This is possibly because they're more mature than he gave them credit for, but more likely it’s because El is standing beside him and daring them to say anything unfavorable about their shared hobby.
Mostly they just let it slide, though Dustin demands to know why Eddie got a scarf and he didn't. Then Lucas wants one, too, because Mike and Max have already received various bits of outerwear from El, and he's not about to be left out. And then Robin, of course, will want to know why Steve hasn’t made her anything, once she finds out that he’s making things for the kids.
Steve resigns himself to a busy winter spent under a pile of yarn.
It's not really a hardship.)
[Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue | Ao3]
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dduane · 2 years
What inspired you to write Young Wizards? A relative, a dream you had? Did the story come to you as you were writing it, or was it hammered from bits and pieces of thoughts made plain on text? Were there parts you struggled with, parts that came easier than others? (Have you already answered these questions in an interview you can link to?)
What inspired me to write So You Want To Be A Wizard?
Partly humor. Partly rage. (More about both under the cut...)
The subject's come up in interviews every now and then, but let's tl:dr; it here.
The humor: Often enough while I was nursing, and seeing the bizarre things people would do to their own bodies, I wished out loud to various fellow health-care professionals that human beings came with some kind of instruction manual or new user’s management guide. Now, I'd known the "So You Want To Be A…" series of (US-published) career books from my childhood. One day when I was thinking about them—possibly while trying to figure out what the title of such an instruction-and-advice manual might be—the word "…Wizard" plugged itself onto the end of the title template.
Instead of a simple instruction manual for people, I gradually found myself considering what a wizard's manual would look like. Where would it come from? Who would it have come from? Might it, itself, be an entirely bigger manual than the one I'd been joking about—but one containing the full instructions and background material you'd need for (maybe) understanding life and the world, but (definitely) doing magic? A book as big or as small as you needed for the work in hand, and full of the answers to questions you never thought you'd get answers to? ...
From that basic concept, the wider concept of wizardly culture built itself up over the next couple of years. ...Naturally I'd read Le Guin's "Earthsea" books years before, and I'd noted (but decided to pass on) the concept of a school-for-wizards. While it was interesting enough, it'd already been done by a writer far more skilled. What interested me more was a DIY-ish approach, where you learn by yourself, do things that interest you, and join up with other like-minded practitioners when the mood moves you or circumstances require.
Anyway, now comes the rage. While all this was percolating in the background, I was finishing up a YA series by another writer. When I hit the end of it, I was profoundly upset by the events of the series’s closure. They seemed to me to have treated strong and resilient young characters as helpless creatures without agency, subjecting them “for their own good” to an amnesic end-state they absolutely didn’t deserve. I got mad about this. I dove into the writing of the first Young Wizards book with the intention of treating my young characters a whole lot better—since if there was anything I knew about kids from my nursing, it was that a lot of them were tougher than many of the adults around them.
Once I was started, the writing went straightforwardly from book’s beginning to book’s end (because as I was already a screenwriter, and screenwriters outline, the novel was naturally outlined too). The writing took about six months, as right then I was also writing for Scooby and Scrappy-Doo to pay the rent. I turned in the book and didn’t think much more about what might happen next (though I knew there was quite a lot more story to tell) until I ran into Madeleine L’Engle at some event of my publisher’s. She took me aside and said, “I read your last one. I liked it a lot! When’s the next?”
That was when I realized I had a problem... so I got busy.  :) ...And I’ve been busy with the Young Wizards universe ever since. I’m busy with that universe right now, though it may not look like it. And I expect to be busy with it for years to come.
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amethystfairy1 · 4 months
Heya! This may be a bit of a long ramble, so take as much time as you need for this! (Or just don't read it, I think I just need this off my chest)
I absolutely love TTSBC, and I've heard about OC's in the world, and I kinda went wild with my personal Minecraft OC.
However, before we get into them, I do not believe that Allay hybrids have ever been mentioned in TTSBC? I, a self-proclaimed allay lover, kinda thought of some ideas?
I guess I'm mainly sending this to you for inspiration(?), or to see if it all checks out in the world. That, or I just like rambling, I don't know.
But allays! In Minecraft, they're small, carry around your things, reproduce using amethyst (hehe) and music, and they're all around very cute! They're often found trapped by pillagers, stuck in cages most likely. They flit about like little fairies (oh my goodness)
Soooo, how would Allays fit into TTSBC? Well, I think that, as a species, they'd remain in the under city. With their blue skin, pure white eyes, and wings that don't fold into one's back properly (more in the next section) it'd be hard to glamour over. Also, I kind of headcanon allay hybrids with tails, long with a frayed/hooked end, which would also be somewhat hard to hide.
Their wings sort of stick out of their backs. They don't have actual muscles in the wings like avians, they are mainly controlled using one muscle connecting it to the back. They flit from exuding straight from the back, to the side, laying more flat against the back instead of each other, but they don't fold into themselves, if that makes sense.
Still, allay hybrids don't necessarily have the best time, especially in lower levels! See, while Allays in Minecraft don't give off light, they are still super luminous! You'll see them a mile away! They're also sky blue, the closest thing to the sky down there, which is an incredibly dangerous combo (not as dangerous as golden glowing things, but that's besides the point.) I don't know where else to put this, but they're also smaller than average, maybe 4'10", 5' at the highest?
They also heal very quickly, (2 hearts a second!) so that could also play a role in how they're used. With their relative strength (they can pick up whatever you give them), it could be that, especially in lower levels, they'd often be forced to work in hard conditions with very little consequence on the people employing them. They are passive mobs, so I think of them as glass cannons, somewhat. Strong, but easy to overwhelm. I also like to think their blood has healing properties (more about that later...), so that could be something interesting...
In higher levels, if they're more respected, they'd probably work with health facilities. I think they'd mainly flit about rooms, working as caretakers. Though, I think that any kind of job that requires moving a lot of stuff easily or anywhere they'd flit about is probably a good place for them to work. Restocking shelves, providing organization, etc.
However, because Allays reproduce/replicate (asexual reproduction?) using amethyst shards, I like to think that they naturally reside in rocky amethyst geodes in Minecraft, but were taken by pillagers. Similarly, Allays prefer darker, rockier, moister environments. For some, maybe a few glowberries would be best for them. Maybe the redstone lights of the higher levels is not the best for the allays, preferring the dark. Due to their luminosity, they may even be able to see in the dark, which the lights may overstimulate. Also, because of the amethyst shards, I think their makeup is more similar to a crystal than anything like regular flesh.
Rather, I think injuries tend to "chip" away, or, should the flesh be squishy, be tougher and more similar to the glowy, liquid filled balls that you could probably find in the dollar section of a Target, or similar to nanotape. Because crystals need to be heated and then cooled to be solid, they likely run very warm. However, should they need to, they can focus a little bit of glamour into their environment to cool themselves or warm themselves up if need be. If they bleed, often times, the blood with crystalize once being oxygenated, the outside world being cooler than their body, and would likely heal the wound bleeding easily. Should anyone need any healing from Allay blood, they would either need fresh Allay blood, or blood that has been warmed to prevent it from crystalizing immediately. A bit of a play on "healing crystals". Do you think that Scar'd purchase one if he ever went under?
I think if they got their arm chopped off, the wound would immediately close. Using limited glamour and a LOT of time, perhaps they could cool their environment slightly enough to move blood more outward from their wound to slowly build their arm back.
Let's talk about mating rituals now! I think gift giving is a big one, especially since they love collecting stuff. Gems or cool rocks would probably be the main one. Spending quality time with their mate with some music also probably sounds nice, too. Because of their crystaline biology, I like to think that their vocalizations sound like windchimes.
I don't know if these work completely, considered how fast I came up with this, so do let me know how you'd change things up if you want.
This is a long one, but I hoped you enjoyed? If you did bring up Allays, then WHOOPS, this is a whole lotta nothing, so please ignore if you'd like.
Still, drink water, eat and sleep well, and remember to take breaks!
Ok first of all they sound so pretty? Like SO pretty? I love the idea of them using gemstones in their courting rituals because that is such a lovely concept? Just so beautiful to imagine? And that they're all little fairy-like people, such cuties! And you totally built in the darkness of the under-city considering how folks like that would be used for their specific abilities, especially their fragility combined with their strength being above average. And the glamor heat regulation! That's such a nice detail! I wonder if they would be able to share that sort of regulation with others? And if thats their glamor ability or maybe they're like voidwalkers wherein they use glamor for survival necessity but have a glamor ability on top of that?
I love long thoughts like this! Please send them my way, it always makes me so very happy to see people getting creative and feeling inspired by my AU! Thank you for sharing! 💖💖💖
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reveluving · 11 months
i can be the one that takes you there ; commander taylor x reader
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summary: it's just you and the commander tonight.
warnings: mentions of s~mut (minors DNI!), loads of kisses & a bit of fluff!
a/n: listening to virgo's groove got me imagining a fic with a certain commander because of have you seen that man? yes. please enjoy & don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» curious about my writing? come & check out my main m.list!
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'And though his heart soared over your darling token of appreciation, you could tell he also sought for more.' ;
You love Skye, Leah, and Sam like your very own, which is why you and Nathaniel took advantage of the house when they decided to stay over at the Shannons’ for the night—a well-needed adult time without the risk of scarring young minds. There was a mischievous twinkle in his sharp blue eyes before he carried you effortlessly to the bedroom, his rare, hearty laugh drowning out your whiny protests.
Imagine the Commander’s house being a mix of the command base and the Shannons’ house. His house would have an upper level, where your shared bedroom is, almost resembling the circular hut of the command base but would obviously be closed off and built with the usual, tougher reinforcements rather than just wood. A perfect combo of cream, red mahogany and the warm sunset hue that naturally sets the mood. Or dimming the lights when the both of you are feeling extra kinky, and tonight was no exception.
Sleep slips are his absolute kryptonite. Terra Nova has just the right amount of cool, especially in the night. You could be wearing anything and Nathaniel would still be getting ideas that could make a celibate run for their life. His other favourite look on you for nights like these would have to be a black bra and briefs combo, plus an untied robe just hanging over your shoulder. Whichever it may be, it would leave nothing to the imagination. 
He's taken off most of his clothes, sitting on the edge of the bed before pulling you to him to straddle his lap. He's a big man, and his thighs were no exception. Encompassing them would mean your legs would practically spread for his convenience.
Staring into each other’s eyes. You love it when he brushes his thumb across the plush of your lips the same way he adores the way you cradle his face. Rough and calloused, yet, careful as he felt you up. Your touches, on the other hand, were naturally soft, and so was your gaze. Though he had the upper hand, chuckling deeply as you look away out of shyness, he was a sucker for your hands. The passion was palpable, thick, begging for one of you to take the leap.
In fact, you did; by kissing his knuckles. The man is not so much into PDA for obvious reasons, but that doesn’t mean the colony don’t know that he is in fact, an absolute gentleman. There is not a single resident who has never seen him kiss the back of your hand or press his lips to your temple before breaking the embrace to kickstart the day. The only ones brave enough to tease him of his chivalrous side are the group of elderly ladies working at the market. Despite the glare he always has on his face, he takes it with stride, for you yourself have a soft spot for the ladies.
So, what better to repay him for unabashedly showing his love than by doing the same for him?
And though his heart soared over your darling token of appreciation, you could tell he also sought for more.
So, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against his face. His scruffy beard tickled and almost prickled your soft skin as he playfully rocked his head between the valley of your breasts. One arm encircled your waist while the other slid up your body before pinching your nipples through the fabric, only to slip under them to roll the buds between his fingers.
He returned the favour by trailing kisses along your neck and shoulders. His guttural groan sent shivers down your spine as he licked a stripe up your throat, his facial hair only added to the sensation. You felt his smirk against your skin as he heard your breathy moan. His groans dissolved into a growl as you massaged your nails across his scalp. He put his whole emotions into rubbing his hands, up and down your sides, prompting you to stare up at the ceiling, silently cursing the stars.
Then, in the heat of the moment, the two of you would either kiss like there was no tomorrow or press your lips against one another in the softest way possible. One of his hands moved up the nape of your neck before settling his palm on the back of your head, deepening the kiss as his tongue slid against yours. 
Your eyes were just as lidded as his, drunk and dazed, though you had a small smile, contrasting his parted lips as his chest heaved a little. His nose barely brushed against yours as your breaths mingled.
You slowly pushed him by his chest so he'd lay on his back, bending over with him. The mere feeling of your forefinger nail on his torso is enough for him to adhere to your wants without question. 
Straddling him, you splayed your fingers on his chest, dragging your nails down his chiselled body. You take good care of your hands; skin as smooth as silk and nails that could rile him up. Nails that almost seemed like they were perfectly manicured at a salon. Not too long, given your position at the laboratory, but enough to always have Nathaniel imagining them digging into his back as he’d bounce you on his lap or force you on your back to savour your warm, tight pussy at an angle that would make you scream, gasp, all the noises that would get him going.
His thoughts would linger on how in the midst of reaching your high, he’d purposely thrust into that one spot, hoping to feel your nails nearly break the skin of his back—envisioning his wants, no, needs as if he doesn’t fuck you often.
Kissing his scars and dragging your tongue across his old wounds while maintaining eye contact and feeling him buck his hips against your tummy. Ugh. You swelled with pride at the sight of his muscles flexing as it took everything in him not to grip your hair and drag you back up so your face would be mere inches away from his.
You pushed his boxers down just far enough that you could see fine hair that trailed from his navel. You savoured the way he twitched, breath hitching as you lightly ran your fingers over his happy trail before sitting up to do a little ‘show’ for him. 
He was seconds away from turning you over, to hold your head against the mattress when you offered him everything of you. He didn’t know whether to focus on the blissful smile or when your hands travelled up and down your body. Throwing your head back with a flourish and a blissful smile on your face. Displaying your goddess of a body for him and him alone. His beautiful goddess was bestowed upon him, in this new world, the new age in Terra Nova. 
Your giggles were one of many sounds he wanted to hear as he gripped your thighs, rolling himself against yours before dragging you back down, chest to chest for another heated kiss. 
“My turn.” He whispered against your lips.
Sensation after sensation and you weren’t in the best part yet.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» I get my SLang fix off of @underratedcharactersimagines; THIS IS FOR YOU, KHAT (been a fan for years now! but babe, your search bar is broken broken lol. isly tho, your writing is just 🤌🏼) ;; gorgeous red rose divider by @firefly-graphics ❤️
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aardvark-123 · 4 months
~Fallout 4 Companions React to a Pair of Hunter™ Original Red Wellington Boots~
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Ada would be delighted to have some high-quality rubber to cut up and use in various projects. A marksman's stock, stealth lining for armour, a generator and some power pylons... Oh, the possibilities!
Cait would be mildly amused. "Well, aren't those cute?" she'd chuckle, and then go and do something else.
Codsworth would be quite chuffed. "By George, is that a genuine pair of Wellingtons, made by the Hunter Boot Company of Edinburgh?!" he'd exclaim. "How splendid to see genuine British craftsmanship still thriving in this day and age! Why, it was nearly impossible to acquire Hunter footwear in the years before the war, thanks to the Chinese government shutting down all their factories..."
"Ah, tres bon! It is most important to 'ave ze protective footwear if zere is contaminated water around," Curie would remark. If she was in her Miss Nanny form, that would be all. In her synth form, on the other hand, she'd ignore them because she's already wearing protective shoes. (Yes, those combat boots included with her Flannel Shirt and Jeans™ are actually chemical-resistant, heat-resistant, suitable for agriculture, industrial work, laboratories, bird-watching and professional kitchens.)
Paladin Danse wouldn't care about the boots at all. Not one bit. However, he'd be very concerned about the Commonwealth gaining access to Vulcanised Rubber. The thought of raiders or civilians learning to heat up naturally-occurring latex until it becomes a firmer, tougher material would keep him awake at night.
Deacon would smile mysteriously and tuck the boots away in his bag. "One step closer to my Wonder Woman costume," he'd declare, already thinking of where to find gold paint and a craft knife.
Dogmeat would use the £135.99 pair of wellies as chew toys unless you stopped him.
Porter Gage would laugh at the wellies. "Looks like something one of the Pack would wear!" he'd guffaw. This belies the fact that Gage would absolutely wear them if they were yellow.
"Look at those stupid things! You wouldn't catch me in anything that garish," Glory would laugh. "But let me know if you find a pair of Chore™ Adjustable Tall Boots by the Original Muck Boot Company, okay? Black or camo, not pink."
Hancock would be mildly amused. "Well, aren't those cute?" he'd chuckle, and then go and do something else.
MacCready would be reminded briefly of the mole costumes they used to have in Little Lamplight, and how, after two hundred years of wear on generations' worth of feet, the boots always leaked. Then his mind would start racing, thinking of all the historians and eccentric collectors he knew, and who would pay the most for a genuine, mint condition pair of pre-war wellingtons. Sydney and Emaline, maybe? Or Sierra? They're red, so he could probably convince her they were Nuka-Cola boots...
Nick would be kinda ticked. "Well, aren't those fancy?" he'd chuckle, and then mosey along to his other business.
Old Longfellow would be quite underwhelmed. "Too short," he'd sigh. "They're better than nothing, but they won't keep the waves out for long."
Piper would be absolutely delighted. "Look at them! They go so well with my coat!" she'd laugh, dancing around with the wellies on her feet. "Nat's going to be so jealous... Wait, but what if this encourages her to wear shiny red boots in a reckless manner?! I-I can't be a bad influence on my little sister! Should I give them to Ellie instead, or...?"
Preston wouldn't really know what to make of the boots. "Er, those are quite nice," he'd say noncommittally. "Not really my colour, though. Er, is there any reason you're showing me these? It's so random... Oh, yes! Speaking of things that are red, we've had reports of a Yao Guai stalking around near Oberland Station..."
"Ah... Thin red buckets!" Strong would declare. "Too fancy compared to normal buckets. Strong can't carry much Milk of Human Kindness in these," he'd add before tossing the boots over his shoulder. They'd land in some unseen location with a crash of breaking glass and the anguished screech of a cat.
Z6-88 wouldn't react. He wouldn't betray the slightest thought or emotion regarding the wellingtons. If, on the other hand, you were wearing them, he'd peer down at your red rubber-clad feet for just long enough to unnerve you, and then speak. "You are aware that the Institute makes its own rubber boots," he'd declare. "Far superior to those antiques. Unless, of course, you enjoy blisters and chafed calves."
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naoke666 · 2 years
Explaining Iruma and Kirio's relationship
Hey there! In case you have been struggling to understand what exactly the relationship between these two characters is, I have decided to write down this helpful guide to dispel any confusion you might have. 
Before writing this essay, I have carefully consulted with the manga's author, Osamu Nishi herself, and therefore everything I describe here is absolutely true and canon. This guide is 100% objective and explains the exact author’s intent towards the relationship between them.
Hopefully you will find this post useful. Let's begin!
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...Kirio was Iruma's first crush.
At the point in story where they meet, Iruma has just learned the joy of achieving a goal, thanks to Amelie. However, that initial goal was simply "ranking up", a goal suggested by someone else but not something devised by Iruma. Now that he has learned how fun overcoming challenges is, Iruma is perfectly ready to start learning about what kind of ambition he has. Cue Kirio!
This gentle-looking demon with a weird accent vaguely says something about improving the lives of weak ones and making the Netherworld a fairer place, and it strikes gold. Doing good things for others? Creating a solution for inequality? This stuff resonates with Iruma deeply. Since Iruma's destiny is to become a demon king it only makes sense that these ideals would appeal to him. He imagines a date with Kirio where they are making cool magical tech to help disadvantaged demons together and for the first time in his life experiences inspiration.
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There is one more thing that makes Kirio stand out in Iruma's eyes. Although he has already spent a bit of time in the Netherworld and is slowly getting used to it, Iruma is still a little uncomfortable with many of its customs. The folks here are all fun, but they are also a little too intense in their own ways. And that makes sense - they are demons after all. Something like kidnapping juniors and torturing them into joining your after-school club is not uncommon here. Iruma also has to deal with the constant anxiety about being found out as a human and getting eaten. He can never quite let his guard down, even around his friends.
Kirio, though - he is so round and sweet and harmless! He does not force or torture anyone into joining his batra, he is not intense at all, and he is actually sort of a push over too. His gentle demeanour and soft-spokenness appeal to Iruma not only because they are so relatable but also because they provide him with much needed break from the demons' over-the-top (although still fun!) nature.
During their first talk Iruma carefully lets his guard down - shares that he does not have that much mana either - and is met with pure acceptance, kindness, and a marriage proposal.
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You might have noticed that I have slightly adjusted the text in a few of the previous manga panels. If you didn’t, that’s okay too. The changes are quite subtle, so they may be a little tough to spot. They are not done with the intention to alter the original dialogue but just to help convey author’s real intention.
It is no surprise that (in anime) Kirio becomes the first person who Iruma feels safe enough with to share that he is human.
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On the one hand, Iruma feels safe with Kirio but on the other hand he feels inspired and uplifted by him too. It's only natural for a crush to develop in these conditions.
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Iruma is consistently giddy and excited to spend time with Kirio. Once his feelings reach their peak, Iruma proposes to Kirio too.
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In his passionate speech Iruma talks about how great it would be to try and strive for something as seemingly impossible as Battler Party Prize. Once someone who could only live from moment to moment, Iruma is for the first time excited to work towards a tougher, but more fulfilling objective. He wants everyone to realize how great Kirio’s Battler is - Kirio’s ambition becomes Iruma’s ambition too (or what he perceives that ambition to be).
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Kirio appears in Iruma's life at the best moment. On the one hand, Iruma is slowly starting to figure out how fun it is to strive for goals, but needs to understand what he specifically wants; on the other hand he is still a little overwhelmed by the Netherworld and needs someone he could be a little less guarded around. Someone a little less demonic than all these demons around Iruma, but still a demon. And Kirio seems like the perfect undemon-like demon so far.
...Which is why Kirio revealing his true face is that shocking.
Kirio is introduced through the contrast to all the overly demonic characters, but his motivation makes him, in fact, the most demon-like demon that we have encountered so far. The Battler Arc is a little special compared to the rest of the arcs - and that is because it was originally intened as the series’ end, in case the manga was to get axed (https://media.comicspace.jp/archives/18287).
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Nishi: You used to say. You said that you wanted to make it so exciting that it would be okay if the series ended here.
Editor: Yes, we talked about making the fourth volume of Kirio's story as if it were the final volume, so the climactic episode of the division showcase was written over a period of two weeks. Even in the first series of the anime, the producers often talked about how they wanted the resolution with Kirio to be practically the last episode.
(thank you deepl)
And I believe that because this arc was supposed to be the last, it could pull off the kind of things that all the following arcs can’t. One of them is taking a carefully built-up image of the Netherworld and then turning it completely upside down. Most of the series' jokes are built on the same idea: the demon world is almost like the human world, but turned up a notch, since it’s a demon world after all. For example - and ordinary school, but they have torture classes in here! Cause they are demons! Ha-ha! Despite this extremeness though, the Netherworld slowly grows on the reader, becomes cozy; the demons’ intensity becomes part of their charm. 
But revealing a character with motivation this vile and perverted ruins that wholesome image. This is supposed to be comedy! This is supposed to be a heart-warming found family show! How can a character like that exist in this world?! Yet, it doesn’t go against the world-building either. It’s almost like Nishi is smiling at us, asking “Hey, why are you so surprised? I told you, they are demons after all”. And all we can do is nod, as we realise how dangerous this world really is, and how much we do not know about it yet. It’s chilling, it’s shocking, it completely subverts everything we know about the story so far, it’s so surprisingly pitch-dark.
...And so Iruma realizes, that even though he loves Kirio very much, it would be a healthier choice to just stay friends!
Thus, instead of helping Kirio reach his ambition as he planned at first, Iruma destroys Kirio's ambition instead. He gently friendzones him by blasting through his barrier maze and plans with resolve and Yodth-level magic power.
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In the aftermath of it all anyone else would feel betrayed by Kirio, be angry with him; alternatively, someone else might enter a deep denial about his true nature, try to justify his actions. But Iruma does neither of these. He is just not that kind of person. As we have learned during the climax of the battler arc, he does not see the point in wallowing in despair and anger; he prefers to move forward and take action. He also hates to see people get hurt and fundamentally disagrees with Kirio’s actions. And thus, Iruma stays true to himself - instead of being heartbroken and angry, instead of justifying Kirio, he simply accepts that his first love turned out to be a pervert terrorist. And he also acknowledges that despite everything, these feelings were real and special, and that he has grown a lot thanks to this person.
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Iruma eventually moves on - to new experiences, new life, new people. He is not stuck in those memories, and in fact he doesn't think about Kirio too often. Yet, Kirio has a soft spot in Iruma's heart. Iruma still keeps a tag with his name on the club member list, and he has also expresses hope of meeting Kirio one day again.
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Iruma is not waiting for Kirio because he is in denial about how terrible he is, or because he hopes to fix him. There are many ways to hint that Iruma is making a mistake by waiting for Kirio, and yet nothing like that is present. Desire to have it all, following his own ambition instead of being swept by somebody else's - all these important lessons Iruma has learned during his time with Kirio. Iruma is waiting for Kirio because he chooses to treasure the time they have spent together and because, if it's possible, Iruma would love to rekindle their connection. And although Kirio did not end up making for a great partner, he could very well make for a great friend maybe :)
...Iruma is Kirio's first crush.
Last time Kirio had a friend was in pre-elementary school, and that didn't go too well. Most people at school don't acknowledge his existence (because he wilfully conceals his presence with detection-warding glasses), and those who do notice him just bully and make fun of him (and they are completely correct).
So, it's a bit of a change in pace when this blue Kirby springs into his life.
We don't have as much insight into Kirio's thoughts yet (for obvious reasons), but we can probably assume that Iruma doesn't spark Kirio's interest as quickly as Kirio did Iruma's. While Iruma is busy crushing hard, Kirio simply enjoys his (and eventually the rest of Irutrio’s) company.
Still, it seems like he warms up to them. Knowing Kirio’s true nature, it’s easy to assume that he wasn’t honest when expressing how much fun he is having with everyone. But Kirio is not devoid of virtue! According to an interview from Animedia’s April 2021 issue Kirio never lies! He is a very honest guy! I guess...? ...Unless one means “only lies by omission”...? 
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Kirio never lies.
KIRIO is often interpreted as a "traitor" to Iruma and his friends, but in fact, he is a character who has never lied. He considers Azu and Clara to be his good friends and lovely juniors, and he also really enjoys the activities of the Magical Tool Investigators. Even so, I couldn't help but want to see Azu and Clara hurt and Iruma in despair. It's a completely different feeling. He is a troubled guy. (Nishi)
So, Kirio is having fun with his new friends, and he is genuinely thankful to Iruma for making all this happen. And the fact that he gets to hurt his new friends and see their despair later? Absolute cherry on top. Instead of pretending to befriend them to manipulate them into his evil schemes he ACTUALLY befriends them and ALSO manipulates them into his evil schemes! Isn’t that nice.
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Perhaps through a combination of gratitude and genuine friendship as well as exctimenet about his potential despair, Kirio slowly begins developing deeper feelings for Iruma too. Not a full blown crush by any means, but certainly the beginning of something. After Iruma gives a pationate speech about winning the Battler Party prize and marriage proposal, Kirio is visibly touched.
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“Awwww, that guy is so sweet. Going to such length for me and my Battler... I am extra excited about making him cry now :)”
Hey, who wouldn’t feel at least a little fluttered when someone so obviously admires them and is inpired to share their ambition? 
So imagine Kirio’s shock when Iruma turns him down. What did poor Kirio even do to deserve this?! Oh, that’s right. Terrorism. 
Clearly, Iruma’s rejection is a great punch in the guts for Kirio. But, there is something else happening too. After being rejected so hard AND after having his years long in making plan being thwarted like that, Kirio realizes...
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...he is deeply, madly in love now.
There is something I want to point out with Kirio here. As much as Kirio is frustrated with Iruma afterwards for ruining his plans, it’s important to note that he does not hate him - in fact, Kirio develops deep fascination with Iruma as a result. Every time Iruma reveals the strength of his ambition, Kirio reacts quite strongly: first time during their talk in Kirio’s secret room, which gives start to Kirio’s “we are matching” mantra, and second time during the arc’s climax. It is true that to him Iruma presents a worthy challenge, perhaps something Kirio hasn’t encountered before. However, Iruma doesn’t pick Kirio’s interest just because he didn’t despair. It’s because he didn’t despair due to the strength of his ambition. 
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Kirio concludes that in the end they are not “matching” at all, because Iruma’s ambition is that much stronger. In the future, however, Kirio gets a ring explicitly made to “match” Iruma’s, perhaps indicating his desire to match with Iruma after all, including the strength of his ambition. 
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How tragic - to develop feelings for someone who has just stopped being in love with you and rejected you! Kirio struggles with accepting his feelings at first. Yet he can’t help but save Iruma from falling to his death. Despite ruining his plans and being his natural enemy, Iruma has a soft spot in Kirio’s heart as well. Kirio understands - someone like this is extremely special, and he can’t afford to lose Iruma. 
...Not to say that if Iruma falls to his death right now Kirio will forever lose his chance of making him cry and destroying his life! There is no way he is missing out on THAT. 
Kirio’s perspective on Iruma changes forever; his life gets divided into two parts, before and after being defeated by Iruma. He promises to meet him again one day and literally disappears into the mist (goes to jail).
Perhaps the best way to summarize how Kirio feels about Iruma now is by quoting the anime’s director, Makoto Moriaki, from the interview she gave after season 1 finished airing (https://cho-animedia.jp/article/2020/02/29/17226.html):
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-Who do you think is the character most healed by Iruma?
Perhaps it is KIRIWO. Kirio wants to see Iruma's despairing face, but I think it is because Iruma is someone he feels a great attraction to. I think it's the flip side of love. Kirio would not be interested in seeing the despair of a person he thinks is unimportant. And yet, the fact that Kirio wants to see Iruma's face of despair shows how much he loves Iruma. Perhaps he loves Iruma the most deeply. It is very interesting to watch with that in mind. There is a danger of loving in a world that others cannot imagine.
Kirio’s priorities shift: if he used to be more or less aligned with Baal’s objectives and vision before, but now it seems like Iruma has become a lot higher in his pyramid of needs.
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Moreover, he is developing quite some possessive tendencies. He can’t bear hearing that someone else saw Iruma’s despair - noone else dares to bully Iruma except for Kirio himself. 
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It is entirely possible that the interests of Baal’s organisation and Kirio’s own interest in Iruma might contradict each other one day.
While Iruma is moving on, living his life to the fullest, making new friends and working towards his dreams, Kirio is wallowing in the past, not being able to let go of his feelings. It is worth noting that he at least attempts to be healthy about his crush by continuing to pursue his own objectives and hobbies, such as terrorism. And yet Iruma consumes his thoughts, consumes his being. 
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In this piece, Kirio’s drool represents his longing for Iruma, his desire to reconnect with his natural opposite, the yang to his yin, to feel complete. Also that he is an absolutely despicable person and that there is no way anyone can stan this guy, much less ship him with Iruma (/pos).
...It’s tough to imagine what the future of these two holds. It would be interesting to see how Kirio reacts upon finding out that Iruma holds no grudge at him and is in fact ready to reconnect. Kirio likely expects Iruma to be disgusted by him after he has revealed his true nature. Yet Iruma could become the only other person, aside from Baal, to accept Kirio for who he is, while discouraging his degeneracy.
It would also be interesting to see how Iruma would react upon finding out that Kirio knows that he is human, excited to chew on his guts and get off to his despair. 
After almost a year of not seeing each other they obviously have a lot to discuss. Will Kirio reignite the sparks of lost passion and turn Iruma into his lover after all? Will he get distracted and eat him up before he can do that? Will Iruma eat him up in self-defence instead? And what is Kirio planning to do with that dress?
No matter how it goes, I am sure that whatever development their love life will take once they meet again, it will be exciting and heart-throbbing regardless with only a little bit of pain and horror!
TL;DR: Iruma wanted to date Kirio but decided to stay friends when Kirio turned out to be #problematic. Kirio, on the other hand, only fell for Iruma after the rejection and is now walloving in his feelings and longing for him, while Iruma is moving on. Iruma still treasures the time they spent together and feels nostalgic for his first love. We are yet to learn whether meeting Iruma will eventually result in Kirio unlearning his toxic behaviours or whether it will enhance them and take away any chances Kirio has at getting a date with Iruma after all. 
I hope that you have found this guide useful, and thank you so much for reading!
P.S. this post is a big fat /hj
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xcom tallulah? what horrors has my girl been through?
(also her hybrid traits if you have ideas for them, because ooo glowy chayanne i want to draw more eggs)
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@becauseplot I am very amused the both of you are asking the same. And absolutely no you are not being too much it's just getting to dinner time here (please feel free to keep sending me eggs or even characters I love this)
Also by living target practice I mean living target practice.
And yes, glowy Chayanne!!! Tallulah's I'm still working out :/ She does however have little non-functional allay wings, however. And bits of her skin have dark purpley-blue, insect-shell like "armour". It is tougher than natural skin, but not by a lot, and it doesn't heal quite the same - there's a piece on her shoulder which clearly has crack-shatter from being shot with a bullet, looking a bit like if you shoot glass. Also very bright yellow eyes. it's not all her skin with the insectoid plating - not even most of it - but she has it. Whereas for Chayanne just all his skin is purple and his hair white (though he absolutely is with A1 on team steal hair dye. Unfortunately the ship has a lot of pink and not much yellow or black. Makes sad faces at his godfather until Tubbo makes him some, once he learns that's a thing he can do)
Right now Tallulah... Hopefully shorter than Chayanne, but we'll see...
TW once again for child abuse, injured child, child sickness, and child murder! Also Tilín and Flippa are here a bit.
Tallulah is one of the younger eggs. She's from the same batch as Pomme, but problems with her... let's call it incubation mean that while she was supposed to be finished before Pomme, she was actually released after.
Which. Was only the start of the problems. Having clearly had problems developing, she was immediately subjected to a great many tests. Her hearing problems were therefore detected within hours of her 'birth', and should have been sufficient to have her immediately glooped down back into raw parts - just like what happens to kidnapped humans. When they tried to drag her to the reprocessor, however, it became apparent that she had full communication telepathy with one of the other eggs - narrowed down over the next few days to Chayanne. As she realised what was happening she screamed along the psionic bonds between the eggs, and it was very obvious to the psionically sensitive aliens handling her that she also got a reply. This... made her much more useful. If at creation she had full telepathy with one egg, then maybe she could be trained for more. She was for one of the lower Elders, anyway, if she could get short-range telepathy then what need had she of ears?
Training was hard. Psionic training involves heavy mental discipline and is incredibly physically taxing. Lots of meditation and fasting, but for periods longer than a child should be meditating messing her up somewhat - especially with punishments for not sitting still or asking for food. She developed some abilities, but not the ones they wanted from her.
It also made her asthma, missed during the initial checks, suddenly much more obvious with the increase in physical stuff. This was... more of a problem. Already imperfect with her hearing, the asthma was a step too far.
But she was also older, now, more expensive to melt down and, well, the Hunter got through his targets quickly. And once he'd killed an egg, he'd give them the corpse and then they could melt them down anyway! The Hunter, one of the Elder's darling Chosen Children, would be happier, and they'd get the corpse to melt down soon enough. This way, everyone is happy! Except Tallulah and all the eggs connected to her, but they aren't real people to the Feds so who cares.
So Tallulah is given to him.
Now. There are 10 eggs which are considered full successes - Dapper, Ramón, Leo, A1, and 6 who are not canon eggs and are dead-because-of-possession. Trump could also be considered successful, but because his Elder died before he was old enough to be possessed, he's treated as a corpse. For every successful egg, there are 10-20 failures. A lot of these are noticed as defective early, and turned back into gloop. Some are cut open and used to determine what went wrong - especially when a whole batch fails, or most of one. The majority, though... The majority are given to the Hunter.
See, the Hunter isn't like the Warlock or the Assassin. He isn't training Eggs, he's using them to train himself. He does not consider non-living targets suitable practice, as even a good robot just does not react like a person.
See, the Hunter is, well, a hunter. He releases the eggs are released into a carefully managed environment, and every so often he goes and hunts them down. Stalks them, snipes them, scares them and makes them run to practice hitting moving targets from absurd ranges. Snipes them in their sleep, and so forth. Some sneaky eggs survive a little while, but he finds them eventually.
So, Tallulah is thrown into the next delivery for him. There's a couple of other eggs there. None of them last very long.
When they are released, Tallulah has the sense to run. She immediately hides herself, and waits to find out what is going on.
She discovers pretty quickly when she sees some of her nearby siblings die.
Her asthma does not let her run much, but she is very good at hiding - much better than most. There's bugs in the environment - a little bit of forest blocked off on all sides by thick glass - which she learns to eat. There's a stream for water, though going to it is dangerous - the Hunter when he hunts knows to find them there, and he does not give warnings when he is about.
Somehow, she lasts a week.
And then two weeks.
And then she finds more eggs. These two have been there longer than her, carved out hidey holes well hidden all over the map. They are the best of friends, and each other's only friends - Tilín, and Juanaflippa. Those two had been sent together, and managed to evade him for months. Flippa wants to steal his gun and shoot him back; Tilín would rather use it to shoot the glass and escape. While nervous around a new egg they take a liking to Tallulah, and the three team up.
It's hard - it's so hard - now Tallulah is watching not only for herself, but for all three of them. Chayanne does his best to help, but he isn't there, and he only knows what Tallulah tells him and very strong emotions - he talks her through panic attacks, encourages her to keep running, lets her know if the Hunter is visiting the Assassin and so she and hers have a little bit safe.
Flippa is their ringleader, the loudest and brashest of the three. Tilín is a little snarky, but extremely anxious. Tallulah... she isn't sure where she fits in. But she is there.
Food is both harder and easier with three - the other two have worked out which berries are edible, and Tallulah knows all about the bugs. Flippa won't eat bugs, says they are her friends, but the three manage. They just about manage.
Starved of psionic energy none of them grow, and all of them are sick, but they survive.
They nearly don't.
One night, Flippa and Tallulah go down to the river to get water. It's usually safer, usually better to go at night. Sometimes the Hunter goes hunting in the dark, but he tends to stick to the light - night vision is not his problem.
Not that night, though - that night he hunts in the dark.
There's a trap set at the river. Flippa triggers it. With Chayanne talking her through it Tallulah gets Flippa out, but by then the Hunter is coming for them.
Both girls run. They run and keep running, doing their very best to escape. It's not possible, not usually and not with Flippa's injuries from the trap, but they try. They run and they run, and then the Hunter shoots at them. It's dark, and it's late, and their buckets are abandoned and they have no water, but they're small and it's dark and the Hunter is a long way away.
He shoots, and misses, and misses, and misses and-
And Tallulah never knows why she moves like she does, only that she has a terrible fear, and throws herself behind Flippa.
A bullet, aimed right at the shorter Flippa's head, hits Tallulah in the shoulder. She screams as it hits the carapace she has in place of skin there, cracks shattering outwards across the whole of it. It is agony, it is horror, she hears Flippa and Chayanne overlap - Chayanne inside her head and so louder - both screaming. She's grabbed, and pulled and somehow, somehow they get away.
They get back to Tilín, hidden away deep and dark in their current cave. He heard shots and hid himself even more than usual, tucked far away and barely visible.
None of them get much sleep after that. Tilín does his best to patch them back together, digging the bullet out of Tallulah's shoulder - it was a just bullet, thankfully, not weird tech, but it still goes deep enough to damage the muscle beneath. They don't have water, and bandages are only a concept they know about because of Chayanne. Flippa's ankle has giant metal teeth marks in it from the bear trap, the bone beneath broken. It's still easier to treat, however, than shattered carapace. It does clot, but Tallulah does not molt, not like a real bug. Instead it grows more like bone than true insect carapace, alongside her.
It doesn't heal like it, though - just clots, and the waxy layer extends over that clotting. It remains an obvious weak point, but also proof of survival; once with adults who care she makes sure to pad it, protect it from further damage, and then covers the entire area with long sleeves and high necklines.
But that is not yet - not even Chayanne has been rescued at that point. It is another year or so before help comes - Chayanne wanted to ask his parents to go for her sooner, but he didn't know where she was either, and once they did find the Hunter's base... he knew it was already top priority, they just couldn't do it.
And he apologised to Tallulah every night for failing to ask, promising that she's strong, and she'll be okay.
By that point the bushes have mostly been destroyed, the Hunter back to trying to bait them out. The bugs are also sleeping - Flippa takes the hit hardest, but both Tilín and Tallulah are also sick.
And then, one day, the glass breaks.
Sick and in pain and terrified the trio still sneak out. Tallulah watches their backs while Flippa steals weapons and Tilín pretends to know the way.
Flippa has a gun, and she intends to use it.
From Chayanne they know about how the Chosen respawn, and even how to get into their chambers; the three put their sneaking skills to use, breaking in.
Flippa tries to set up a shot, Tallulah and Tilín pretend they have confidence in her - she's seen the Hunter do this a lot, after all.
And then there are adults, one grabbing Flippa and taking the gun away. The three are terrified, expect trouble, but Tallulah recognises one - Philza - from Chayanne. She calms the others down a bit, already sick herself.
The after she doesn't remember, just waking up in a strange place, with a man playing a guitar at her bedside. He says his name is Wilbur, Philza - his dad - asked him to watch her while he works. Flippa and Tilín are already up, about and causing trouble, and Chayanne has been forced to get some sleep. He tells her she was very sick, but that she's safe and she's okay now.
And Tallulah... She wants to believe him.
She looks at his guitar, and thinks of Chayanne's happiness with his parents, and with bad hands writes if he will be her papa. Wilbur... Hesitates, says he wouldn't be good at this, that he's not reliable and she deserves better than him.
But he's gentle, and he's kind, and Tallulah is starving for something she does not know, but knows he can give her.
Her dejection seems to convince him, but he makes her promise to wait a few days before bonding to him.
She does, and finds she still wants him, and Wilbur relents.
She is haunted, but she is loved, and is that not what matters in the end?
Much later, when they are sure it is safe for one person to have multiple eggs - proven by Cellbit and Memory - she will also take Philza as a parent. But not until after the war, when Wilbur returns to traveling. It's not safe to take her with, but she'll get sick without a parent, and Philza is looking after her anyway, so... It makes sense, in the end.
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Here's another Character sheet, this time for the alternate universe counterpart of Ray/Rei Watanabe. (the fox) This time, I decided that I'm going to explain why some of the metrics are the way they are.
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(also I said fuck it and used a headshot from a previous art rather than make a new one)
*Name: Fang is the personal name given by the scientists who created him. They wanted something tough sounding since he's a creature that's made to be used as a soldier.
*Nicknames: In his human form, he takes on the name 'Ryan Feng'. His designation in the laboratory is Project 22, since he's the 22nd successful animal creation of the genetics lab.
*Species/Race: I forgot to add that Fang is technically Japanese like Ray, because the human contribution to his genetic makeup was from a Japanese woman who offered herself as a test subject. She didn't survive to meet her very strange progeny.
*Age: 21 as of 2024, so he was created in 2003.
*Gender: Male, biologically and identifies as such.
*Alignment: His alignment is a result of being a creature made for war and survival. His morals are entirely based around himself and his own survival. Even the friends he's made along the way are almost only kept around for how useful they can be. Fang is not above stealing, killing, and extorting from the innocent if necessary.
*Class/Job: When he and his partner Bone (coming soon) arrived in the nuclear remains of Pittsburg, now dubbed Anarchy City by the residents, the then current mayor was a gang leader who had very little control over his own city, as it was taken over by rival gangs. He entrusts the strange animal duo who recently arrived in town to assassinate each gang leader and their members to free the city. In return...the mayor retires and hands over the city to people who are more capable than he is.
*Perception and Communication: For a fox hybrid, his senses aren't that great. His selfish nature means that his communication skills are quite stunted, as he has no patience for other opinions and feelings outside of his own.
*Persuasion: He's alright when it comes to making good points in an argument. However, he prefers that people see things his way, always, and isn't above threatening people to do that.
*Mediation: He's a terrible mediator. He'll force to arguing people to sit down and shut up with a gun to their faces rather than hear anyone out.
*Literacy and Creativity: Not as well read as Ray, and more willing to use the fastest solution to a problem rather than a creative one, but it's still there somewhat. He can quote Shakespeare and solve complex problems, but he doesn't apply it much in real life.
*Cooking: No knowledge of it aside from the fact that burning something = safer to eat.
*Tech Savvy: Not as savvy as Ray, but can still fix machines and understand a bit about their inner workings so he can get things running when necessary.
*Combat: Oh goodness, the combat. Fang's literally engineered as a living weapon, and trained extensively in the compound he was created in for all 21 years of his life. Hand to hand combat is an instant GG for anyone against him, and his aim with guns is impeccable. Don't piss him off. Seriously though, don't piss him off. When sufficiently angry, he can go into a Berserker state where despite his small size, he can effectively crush skulls and tear off limbs. Woe to anyone who happens to look at him wrong when he's in this state.
*Survival: Ah, this. Fang was also trained to survive well in the post-apocalyptic Earth he was born into. Aside from wilderness and technology skills that have been drilled into his mind from birth, he's been modified to have a strong gut, tougher skin to resist radiation, and a resistance to his body heat increasing or decreasing.
*Stealth: Small size allows him to sneak around and reduce sound emitted by his footsteps. Fang will resort to using blades over guns if the situation demands it.
*Street Smarts: His extensive training in the compound and his selfish attitude make him extremely ready for the chaotic streets of Anarchy City, and the post apocalyptic United States in general.
*Seduction: Being a genetic hybrid who may or may not be aro-ace, his sexual sense is completely fucked. He doesn't see anything as "sexy", he can't reproduce, and doesn't like being touched.
*Luck: Not sure how to explain this one, he has been known to get lucky in different situations, despite his karma probably being in the toilet for all the bad stuff he may have done.
*Handling Animals: His fox appearance gets him attacked or ignored by most animals, and most animals are significantly more savage after the apocalypse of 1983.
*Pacifying Children: "Holy shit, can you stop FUCKIN CRYING FOR ONE MINUTE!? FUCK!"
*Strength: Very high on account of his Berserker Mode.
Height: '5 "02.
*Dexterity: In retrospect this should be higher since he's good with guns and hand to hand combat, so he's gotta be decent.
*Health: Strong for his species and size, but he's been trained to be an efficient dodger since he can only take so many hits.
*Energy: Very energetic.
*Beauty: Not sure what to say here, he's an anthropomorphic fox, whose sense of fashion is basically a tattered biker jacket.
*Style: That being said, the glasses and jacket combo are kinda fire.
*Hygiene: Because he cares so little about the opinions of others, he only practices this when it's for the sake of his health. Otherwise, he doesn't care how much he smells like wet dog.
*Intelligence: While his brain was modified to retain high amounts of information just like Ray, he tends to rely more on impulsive instincts, so it's going to be a bit lower.
*Happiness: With Fang knowing that his only purpose was to be a weapon, he isn't fully sure about his existence and place in the grand scheme of things. His paranoia about potential enemies around the corner and the constant background anxiety of everyone living in a post-apocalyptic world also really add up over time.
*Spirituality: He was raised without religion.
*Confidence: He KNOWS that he's a good fighter, and enjoys being an unempathetic bastard. This has raised his confidence/ego to surprisingly high levels.
*Humor: Was raised around super serious scientists who were only concerned with his daily stats. That tends to leave one feeling very alien when it comes to comedy. Unless if you count laughing at your enemies struggle. Then he does have a sense of humor.
*Anxiety: Again, in hindsight this should've been higher. It doesn't openly bother him, but he keeps it bottled up inside.
*Patience: NONE. Absolutely nothing. Fang will tell people to shut up and get to the point, he'll ignore sob stories, and as demonstrated earlier, he hates the sound of children.
*Passion: If he wants something badly, he'll get it. Though he can lose interest if it's too difficult in getting.
*Charisma: Fang gets his way through violence, threats, and insults. Nothing charismatic about him.
*Empathy: As a result of his genetic makeup and training, he cares almost non-existent amounts for the welfare of others. Except maybe Bone.
*Generosity: He keeps an iron grip on anything valuable, but to be fair that's most people in the fucked world he lives in.
*Wealth: The very little monetary value that exists in Anarchy City is controlled by the duo.
*Aggression: As mentioned before, his personality gets him far in this dog-eat-dog deathworld, so it's pretty damn high.
*Libido: Once again, being an infertile hybrid and possibly being an aro ace (not saying that aro ace ppl don't have libidos, I'm saying that nothing can actually get him interested), he has no drive.
I'll explain more a bit later, post is getting long and I'm getting paranoid that I'll lose progress, so I'll cut it here. Feel free to ask questions.
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vellaphoria · 10 months
Hi! For the writer's ask game: 25, 27, and 29 :) Also, I reread Midnight Elegy recently and it's even better then I remembered!
Hello!! :D as;lkdjfa;skldjls I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to reread it! I had such a good time writing that one. Thank you for the incredibly kind words! <3
Answers below the cut:
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on? Gethsemane in Winter, probably For context, at one point I wrote a DickTim Earth-3 series because there was a very specific interpretation of the concept that I desperately wanted to read but that didn't exist. So I set out to write it myself, knowing that it probably wouldn't get too much attention, given the number of (accurate) warning tags I slapped on it. I worked hard on it and am proud of the result, but there's still a bit of wistfulness about it because of the nature of incredibly niche things.
Though if anyone is curious enough to look at the part of the map labeled here be dragons, then the series is A Fact or a Weapon, which comes from a wonderfully haunting (and apt, for the fic) line from the poem "We are Hard" by Margaret Atwood:
A truth should exist, it should not be used like this. If I love you
is that a fact or a weapon?
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
My most favorite part is writing descriptions! I tend to be a visual thinker, so I spend a fair amount of time thinking about where things are in a scene, how they would look, and how to describe things in a way that builds the sort of atmosphere I'm going for.
My least favorite part is writing transitions between scenes. I tend to over-write them and draw things out that aren't important to the plot (one reason why everything I write spirals out of control lol). Sometimes it's hard for me to know when it's best to put a scene break in vs. when to do an actual transition via text.
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
I tend to go chapter by chapter for multi-chapter fics. My first goal is to get the thing written, so I try not to commit to serious revisions unless there's some sort of overarching problem with what I've got.
Revisions start once I have a mostly finished rough draft of a chapter. At that point, I read through it to make sure that I'm not missing anything and then send it to my beta reader so that they can give me a general vibe check (i.e. does it make sense, does it flow right, is the tone consistent/does it work for the fic, spelling and grammar, etc.). They also do a lot of cheerleading which really gets me through a lot of the tougher parts of writing <3 After I have the beta-approved version, I do another pass through for spelling and grammar and probably tweak some things. If it's a chapter, then it probably sits for a bit while I work on other parts of the fic. If it's a oneshot, then I format it for Ao3 and finalize the title and tags that I'm using before posting.
There's also a secret step where sometimes I don't like what I have, so I tear it up and recycle the parts into other things lol (questions are from this list)
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sonicasura · 2 months
Land Of The Rising Sun
Jet knew he was stating the obvious by saying this but....
Rockin' Rockbombs is the Circle Of Temper harsh!!!
Jet really just had to say it because between the heat, magma columms rising up, the heat, rocks that like to fly off the mountain, the heat, the lack of flora which meant very little grass and trees.
Did Jet mention the heat?
Jet now understood why Monsters called the denizens of this Circle, those tempered by temper, because only Monsters that lived here had grown accustomed to the sweltering heat, the rough lands, and overall harsh nature that this Circle was known for.
Though now the Monsters that lived in the Circle Of Temper were now forced to move, all because of that Bastard Aamon. When the resources for the Circles were taken away and the Circle Of Temper Lower Echelon mining mandate was put into action. It crippled the denizens and made living here all the more tougher. The denizens couldn't thrive under these conditions and soon so much work had gone to waste.
This eventually led to Dragglenook future being made into one of uncertainty.
Jet: BAWK, Enough of these downer thoughts, I got a mission and it's to find The Big Boss Man himself.
Jet along with the rest of the Ace Aviators were told the covert mission they were to accomplish, to find Psaro or any leads on his location. A special job for the Aviators given to only the Aviators, because of there mobility and speed being the best of Diabolic Halls Forces.
Another 2 hours passed before Jet took a break at Dragglenook. Though when Jet got there he saw everyone gathered in the Town square. Curious to see what was going Jet walked up too the Mayor Of Dragglenook to get the details.
Jet: CAW, excuse me, Mayor Gnorbert what's everyone gathered here for?
Gnorbert: Hmm, a Hawk Man? Oh Jet! Sorry there lad minds been a all over the place lately.
Jet: It's fine Gnorbert, CAW! Didn't mean to throw you for a loop. I'm just curious as to what all the Hub-Bub is about?
Gnorbert: Well you see...
One conversation later
Jet: Wow there Gnorbert, planin' on traveling to whole new place with the Village! CAW! Quite the game plan you got there.
Gnorbert: Yup, it was tough decision too leave our home, but we just can't get back to our previous glory. Don't get me wrong lad, we all appreaciate what the Generals are doing, but the Circle Of Temper just can't seem to recover, we all came to the conculsion that a fresh start is best.
Jet: CAW, Ya I understand, no one will fault you or the townspeople for moving away from Temper. It will be sad for Dragglenook to not be here anymore, but keep in mind no matter where you go. The Generals of Diabolic Hall will be there to help and protect you.
Gnorbert: Thanks lad, actually were about to start you want to stay and see the new lands.
Jet was about to say no, when something hit him.
Could this new land they were travelin' too have any hints for there Master Psaro's location? The small chance that it did, was too big to just pass up, so he agreed to the offer. Jet watched the ritual take place, Gnorbert put the Charcoal Travelite, that Dr. Helix Helix kindly made for them, in the center of the Village. Enacting the power of the Travelite, the Village began to shake a bit for a couple minutes, before finally stopping. The denizens all stood there confused for awhile before someone spoke up.
Bomboulder: Did it work? Are we at our new home?
Hammerhood: We should go look outside and see, come on guys!
Everyone rushed to the entrance, too see there knew home. The sight that greeted them was lush forest in a mountainess area.
Heedee Voodoo: It worked!!! IT REALLY WORKED!!!
Choppy Hopper: This place looks fantastic!!! C'mon everyone, let's go explore the new wilds!!!
Everyone dashed off to explore the area that they would be living in.
Jet: Well this seems like a nice new home. While I would like to explore, I have a mission.
Jet took off to the skies to start exploring the area for any clues that could give them a hint to there Master wereabouts
It definitely take a bit for New Dragglenook to be fully established but the area they ended up is good for many reasons. One is that Psaro made a barrier of sorts around the whole area to keep any dangerous kaiju away. The only ones the monsters are most likely to find are the smaller harmless variety. (It took a while for them to realize this was Psaro's magic.)
Second reason is the various resources nearby from vegetation to even a large lake so stockpiling on food will be quite easy. (Crops do take a bit of time to grow after all.) Finally it's a good distance away from human civilization. Kafka's house is the only thing nearby as he wanted to make sure Psaro didn't have to worry about people spotting him if he decides to play in monster form.
Galdandy's Squadron will not only map the area but also bring back interesting schematics, information or stuff they find in this new world that could help improve the living qualities. A big cultural boon is about to unfold for sure. Quite the important one too as it will help keep the Lower Echelons afloat until their key issues can be solved.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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Today was a really productive day and I actually slept pretty well last night. So I am still very tired but it's not as overwhelming.
I woke up this morning as James was leaving for work. I would stay in bed a bit longer.
I got up and got dress pretty quick. I was excited to wear this silly t-shirt. And my hair has dried really nice and I just feel cute and good.
I left here at 8. I had to run back in to get my sunglasses. But then I was off. And it was a really easy drive. I had My Chemical Romance going. It was a beautiful day.
I got to hunt valley at 830. One of the boys came over right away and asked if it was okay to eat in the car and I'm like. Do you see how dirty this car is?? I would eat some of my breakfast sandwich but I was mostly just happy to wait.
Once we had everyone in the car we were off. A quick ride over to camp. And when we got there Heather was just getting there too.
I would finish my breakfast and check in with Heather about who was doing what. There was a lot of painting to do. Callie would take charge of the latrine painting. I was wrong and it was actually the girls latrine and not the boys. I think the boys latrine is creepier but she disagreed. She would still take charge though and after we stopped at the art building for supplies they were off.
I took the rest of the crew down to nature. They were painting the new outdoor chalkboards and creating hopscotch. It would take a bit of cleaning before they could paint but they would all do a great job.
While they were doing that I would work on the nature building. Checking on the animals and setting up a new tank. Possibly to bring Crabcake to camp. Possibly just for some toads. Unsure. But it was a nice focused project.
I would go to the eyrie and collect supplies. Walk down to homestead to check in with Aaron. I truly hope he can handle being specialty staff because while I think he's going to do great with the animal care aspect. I am worried about the classes and teaching and that part. Because he just keeps bringing up lessons?? I wrote them? Just use mine. Especially if you think that there's so much to do and you don't have time to write lessons. I already wrote them! Just expand on what I've given you. That was the whole plan. And now I'm frustrated because I'm worried that the office might completely change their minds because of choices and behaviors that we are seeing (suggesting we shoot the fox with a bow and arrow?) but I am also just hoping he proves everyone wrong and does an amazing job. All I want is for every one to do an amazing job. And thus everyone have an amazing summer.
I would get so many steps in today just walking back and forth from the office to art to woodlands to homestead and around. At one point while I was at the chickee I saw the new kitchen staff walking down and I ran over to chat with them. I told them about the menu I created and they were really excited to hear about it and when I brought it to them later on they were so nice about it and said it would be really helpful. Plus they have one chef who is gluten free and another who is vegan so I truly hope that this summer is a lot better food wise.
I would have my little lunch at the office. The soup James packed was really good. And I got to start reading the graphic novel I just got in the mail.
This is a retelling of interview with a vampire from Claudia's perspective. And I don't know if you know this about me but I love the whole interview with a vampire universe. But I absolutely hate Anne Rice. I had had an ongoing feud with her and stopped consuming her work. But she's dead now so I can go back to enjoying the stories again. Another win for the lentzwiler household.
I would also chat with Callie and she told me she's picking up Daisy from the airport tonight. So I was wrong yesterday, I actually met Josephine! I would meet her again today. She seems really nice. I hope Daisy is also very nice!
The afternoon was a little tougher on me. I was both overwhelmed by stuff to do and lacking motivation to do any stuff. I would do some organizing at the chickee. I started building supply boxes and lists for the hands on programs. I would take a few breaks. Hanging in my hammock. Talking to the people who were still organizing string outside the art building. It was fun and nice. It was a very good day.
I would make one more stop at the office to talk to Heather. Tony was half sleeping with his head on my desk. We were all very tired. It wasn't to hot out but it's going to be. 90s here in out. Horrible. Today was so beautiful. But the sun was getting to me and I was ready to go home. I had a little upset stomach but mostly I was fine and working hard to stay hydrated.
I had an okay drive home. There was a bit of traffic. Which was annoying but it was fine. I got home at 5 and got a good parking space and was just happy to be home.
I was super excited to see James. They were listening to music and didn't know I was home and we were dancing at each other and just so happy to see each other. It was great.
I would bring Crabcake outside to get some sun. The Internet says he's not eating enough because he's cold. I am hoping that the heat from the summer will help. And I want to get a better basking stone for his tank.
James would make us dinner. It is so nice to be outside and I love this swing. It was such a good purchase. And I think the pompoms are such a good touch. They are just held on with pins right now but maybe I'll actually sew them down. Unsure. I might keep them pinned but get other colors and change them out sometimes.
James had a package for me and it had some things I purchased. Art tools. Things for camp. And a very silly teddy bear and a new bumper sticker. I was very excited to get a package.
Now we are just laying out here. Having fun. James is watching sports. Sweetp is watching the world. We just moved Crabcake inside for the evening. I feel very happy.
I'm going to take a shower soon. And perm my eyelashes. New new kit came in the mail today too. And then it is time to sleep.
Tomorrow I am hoping to get a lot of stuff done. I hope it is a good day. I hope you all have a good day. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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alolanrain · 1 year
🅱️lease more of the A/B/O headcanons, I am BEGGING you
and you shall receive, though I'm still on my old people shtick. I also focused a lot on the fangs this time around. slightly nsfw so I'm putting it under a read more.
Lt. Surge- oh fuck me, am I right?
\ is actually a Beta but EVERYONE assumes he's an Alpha. he's got the trade mark anger and cockiness of one but in reality he's just a veteran happy to whoop some kids ass's and get paid for it.
\ very big dad energy to his Gym Trainers and will get all growly if their hurt or sick. though they don't get sick as often as they get hurt by the electric types around the gym.
\ his instinct are stronger then the normal person's so he's totally bit a Pokémon back when he was younger and now his mouth is filled with electrical burns/wounds. if he sticks his tongue out it looks like an Ariados web of raised wounds. he's not a fan of crunching down on hard things and it sucks because he was an ice muncher, still is in his heart but now he has to actually suck on the cubs - it helps keeps his patience in check sometimes because his mouth would be full and he can't speak.
Koga - I hate you yet I also adore you, in a way
\ an Omega but acts like an Alpha but a lot of the older league members know because of the Slick Incident of 94.
\ prefers to be chased by possible bed partners instead of being the chaser, but there's a few people he'd chase for if given the chance.
\ really REALLY tiny fangs, even for an Omega and got made fun of it during childhood and early adult hood. so now he has these teeth cap things that make it seem his canines are longer.
Clair - hello, hello
\ Alpha but acts more like a Beta and even submissive like an Omega behind close doors. it's almost natural for her since she grew up in Lance's shadow and was expected to present as a Beta at most.
\ she prefers more dominate Omega's as bed partners and would sometimes actively seek out Omega's that were taller then her. gender doesn't matter to her as long as the partner is just more dominant. in the end those people actually become her friends a lot of times afterwards and it's nice.
\ very long and skinny fangs and her parents kept taking her to the doctor in the Blackthorne City to figure out what the hell is wrong with her. nothing way, the teeth just naturally grew like that.
Lance - ya old ginger fuck
\ Omega and hates it. became both Johto and Kanto's champion just to prove his parents wrong after calling him worthless.
\ chunky semi short fangs and he teethed a lot while growing up and still continues to teeth to this day. the E4 of both regions have gotten him plenty of those chewing stims as little gifts during the holidays or when he's super stressful near the ending of the League's seasons. his favorite are the crystal shape ones that are a bit more tougher then the usual squishy rubber.
\ likes to fight his bed partners and be pressed into the bed, genuinely doesn't want the control in the end and it feels nice to him when it's stripped away. this means he's very particular about his partners and also wants someone bigger then him, though if their really strong then body size doesn't matter.
Brawly - lemme see those gains-PFT
\ above average Alpha for the Hoenn region, it helps that he's training almost every day and is on top of what his body needs food wise and focusing on what's missing like calcium or other vitamins.
\ very spry and energetic and acts like a puppy, this leads to Wallace and Steven in keeping an eye on him during league parties and gala's Brawly attends because he can get worked up really fast.
\ unlike most Hoenn Alpha's that seek their pleasure, Brawly almost exclusively gives. he doesn't mind receiving but prefers his partners to be the canter of the attention for most of the night.
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halorocks1214 · 1 year
one detail that has stuck with me since the beginning of splatoon 3 was the explanation my friend gave me as to WHY mr. grizz was suddenly mr. "nice boss around the block" instead of the raging asshole (affectionate) he was in 2
apparently the translation team had decided to go for a more direct translation, and in the japanese version of the game, mr. grizz is genuinely a much nicer fellow than his american counterpart: but why was that the case? my friend told me why, but i did some research to confirm his findings
in the japanese language, there are two words that play into the country's work culture: "Seizensetsu (性善説)" and "Kenson (謙遜)"
Seizensetsu (性善説): A belief that human nature is good and people are naturally inclined toward virtue. Conversely, the negative elements of society tend to corrupt people. To prevent this from happening, people need to work relentlessly and do their best to maintain their virtue.
Kenson (謙遜): The act of demonstrating your self-sacrifice and accepting your lower status, even when you believe you should be praised highly by others for your achievements. This is something you must never voice or draw attention to. This torture-like modesty is considered a virtue, especially among the elite classes. They are the ones expected to be role models within Japanese society.
to summarize an already overly long post (sorry), the general idea is that bosses worry that if they give their workers praise, it could lead them to become complacent and to do less of a good job at their work, which is why "tougher" bosses are seen as good examples (and to an extent, "nice" bosses are seen as hiding something). another side is that their workers are so used to not getting praise that when they DO get it, they don't know how to respond and it makes everything awkward, so why not avoid it altogether?
so that's why there's such a character shift between 2!grizz and 3!grizz: in 2, the translators worked to make him more of a "bad boss" by american standards while in 3 they figured going for the one-to-one translation would be better. something something "back in my day mr. grizz would tell me to kill myself if i only brought in 100 eggs" something (no personal opinion on this one way or the other, it is what it is etc.)
i'm rambling a bit much here, but i wanted to explain my thought process about this splatfest. my friends and i genuinely picked big man because of the theme, but the second choice was always going to be frye. we all thought shiver would be the worst "leader" because they held grudges easily and tended to be rude and full of themself, just look at how they treated their shark in the story mode!
(i still love them a lot don't get me wrong but yeah, not exactly a shining example of a "good" leader)
going into splatfest though, i thought about mr. grizz. i thought about how a "makes sure to point out all your flaws" characteristic was seen as valuable and respectable in workplaces. i thought about how a few splatfests had already been swayed by the japanese playerbase (it is a japanese-based game, after all) and-
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yeah, i thought it would be skewed, but i will admit i was completely shocked at just HOW skewed it ended up being
now, could i be reading too much into this? most likely yeah. this IS a kid's game, and i highly doubt a lot of kids are worried about proper workplace culture, but i got to share cool mr. grizz lore, so i consider this a good post anyway <3
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ryker-writes · 1 year
I saw your match-up event, and congratulations on 2.1K!!! You deserve the love, and I'm thrilled to see you're getting it! I'm sorry that I couldn't send this ask as @it-happened-one-fic, but Tumblr wouldn't let me.
I've never actually done a match-up before, though I have taken some match-up quizzes. I hope I did this right and gave you enough information!
I'm introverted by nature and can be rather shy (it's probably mild social anxiety, but that's okay). If it helps, my Myer-Briggs is INFP. I tend to say whatever is on my mind, which can lead to some odd comments (i.e. random fun facts) and a lot of people describe me as random.
Likes: It's hard to decide what to put here... I'm constantly listening to music, and I enjoy cooking, especially baking. I adore terrariums and have several mushroom-themed things (no, it's not because of Jade; I've always adored mushrooms and thought they were cute). I enjoy looking at art and researching random interests such as mythology, folklore, and even history. And finally, I'm  interested in psychology, as evidenced by my chosen major.
Dislikes: I am terrified of snakes, and I genuinely cannot handle olives (it's one of the few foods I can't handle). I don't really care for crowds or loud noises (sensitive hearing). If I had to choose, I'd probably pick cold over hot.
Hobbies: I have quite a few hobbies, actually! (At least I do when college allows.) I embroider, do flower arrangements, play piano, write stuff, read (I love reading XD), color, and I do game a little (Genshin and twst are about it though).
Personality/Physical Preferences: I don't actually have very many physical preferences. I mean, their being attractive would be nice, but their personality is more important, so in terms of physical preferences, all I can really say is that I would like someone healthy. Personality-wise, I have stronger opinons XD. I would like someone who would make a good father. I would like to find someone who is reliable so that I don't have to handle everything. They don't have to do anything by any means either, but I do want some I can rely on in difficult moments. I would also like it if they were a little more on the perceptive side. I tend not to talk about my feelings very often, so someone who could notice when I'm down without me having to spell it out would be quite nice. Finally, and perhaps most condemningly, it is important that I find someone who is fairly tough. I can be incredibly blunt sometimes, and though I do not intend to hurt feelings, it can happen. Especially when there is something that needs to be pointed out to someone for their own good. As such, it would be for the best if I found someone who is on the tougher side and will realize that even though I may be harsh at times, I typically say such things out of love.
My Love Language(s): (I had to ask my mom and sister about this one because I honestly wasn't sure XD.)  In terms of the love language I use (I guess my giving love language??), I'm a very physically affectionate person. I can hug someone for a very long period of time without tiring of it, and I am a cuddlebug. Furthermore, I can be held or do the holding (though I admit I do like a trade-off XD). As for receiving, it's a bit harder to say. However, if I had to make a guess as to what my preferred one is, I would say quality time. I think it's very important to spend time with those we love and care about, and it is only through quality time that you can really get to know a person.
That ended up rather long, but I hope that was enough information, and again, congratulations!!!!!
Ahhhh Happy late birthday again! And thank you so much!
"Welshoot my dear! I'm honored to be your first matchmaker! Not to worry, you gave me plenty to work with! I'm confident in my answer. Of course, I am a little bias since I know you personally, but I like to think that it works beyond my bias.
You may already know, but I'm talking about Jade!"
Listen I know I am biased in this for choosing Jade but he actually works very well with you! Like with your personality likes, preferences, and everything!
he absolutely loves your shy and introverted nature!
not gonna lie, he will probably tease you about it and he hopes that you don't take all his teasing in a negative way because he does it a lot
he also loves your randomness! He's not bothered by it at all (he deals with Floyd) and it's one of the big reasons he loves you
never knowing what you're going to say next is exciting for him!
Jade is used to making terrariums and going out to look for mushrooms on his own, so you going with means so much to him
it's some of his favorite things to do with you
I literally cannot express with words how much he loves it
those terrariums he made with you are his favorite ones because it's something the two of you made together
Jade himself finds psychology and human minds fascinating so he'll happily listen to anything you have to say about it and store that information in his brain
he takes note of all your dislikes and take care to avoid them
you will never taste a dish with olives as long as he's around
your hobbies are so cool and pretty! Jade loves them and treasures anything you create
pls play piano for him he loves to hear it
Jade also checks off most of your preferances!
I'm just saying...Jade would be a great father but that's a story for another day
Reliable? Perceptive? Tough? Yup that's Jade
he's very observant especially when it comes to you, so you bet he can tell when you're feeling upset
he may not always directly ask you about it though
he'll probably try doing what he can to make things easier on you or figure out what is wrong on his own before asking
Jade has thick skin and can take whatever you say
as for love languages, Jade himself isn't very physically affectionate
but he's never going to turn your affection down!
he just doesn't initiate it most of the time
but he's got you covered when it comes to quality time
Jade loves to spend time with you and it's another reason why he loves making terrariums and searching for mushrooms so much
he just can't get enough time with you tbh
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Would you say that Male Omegas in Knights and Pawns are treated in a somewhat “classically” feminine way/are feminized? Like, having doors held open for them, getting help when stepping from a car. Being called “Mama” by their Pups, or having their Alphas be the “Head” of their households, and having the Alpha partner dominate in the bedroom. Also being the stay at home parent, and not being the breadwinner even if they would like to. And going to school but not college (even, again, if they wanted to). (The opposite would of course be Female Alphas being treated in a more traditionally masculine way!) Does all this behavior/treatment depend on the Omega, Society, their marriage, or just the way their brought up from puppyhood?
They're not brought up a certain way from puppyhood, that's an interesting distinction to me, they're brought up a certain way from mid adolescence - or that is when you get a secondary gender turbo course. I'm not quite sure how an Alpha girl should present as an Alpha only as a teenager, they probably have a dick? But then how would anyone immediately know they're female? (Given that ultrasounds are a very recent invention?) Are all girls born kinda intersex and do they finish forming their genitals much later? And yes, I say omegas are feminised but only much later, unless of course, they're suspected to be omegas from the start. I think that Anthony was brought up to be much tougher than Luna, because he could be a father one day, like his Mama. (And I feel he hates it and would be so relieved to finally allowed to be 'proper' omega, more than Daniel ever felt necessary himself!) If Daniel had had children with Kumiko he would be Daddy to such a child. If male omegas remarry and father children they can be both mommy and daddy to their children depending on which children they physically gave birth to, and which children they impregnate others with.
If Daniel were married to a female Alpha, she'd be the breadwinner and the Dominant one (we've seen how that looks in Cobra Kai anyway). Though Terry is a somewhat extreme case. And again, in omegas and Alphas much of these gender roles are innate.
Omegas do work some jobs but I think they'd feel having to be the breadwinner a terrible burden, generally. But they are more naturally caregiving than I, a pretty cis woman, could ever be.
I prefer not to analyse my gender stance in abo too much. I feel that gender roles are incredibly politicised, and I feel that is so dangerous. Yet, I also feel that my personal feelings of what it means to be female are shifting a lot closer to some right wing traditionalist's wet dream even though I was raised to specifically reject that way of life, and I also don't fit into it fully. (And I don't want anyone forced into anything, however I may 'feel' the world!) So I like to play around with it a lot to see what is nature, what is nurture, what is, well, me being me, through characters. I feel that Daniel LaRusso has an extremely feminine 'energy', whatever that means, that is also a bit fluid compared to whomever he interacts with, while still unmistakably being male. Amanda is clearly a woman, but she has a bit of a masculine energy about her. But then, in abo, I find it interesting to have her as an omega who doesn't fit any of those secondary gender roles and a voice, at least in my brain, going wtf at a lot I dream up for omegas.
So I like to put them in scenarios, let them play out, and go "oh?"
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
hi bestie!!!!
I thought it was really interesting how you mentioned that iced lavender lattes are the only overlap you and Doc have as she’s not very you-coded! Which made me wonder out of all the characters you’ve written, which one feels the most you / you relate to their character & thought processes the most?
I’ve been getting clowned by my friends when I try to explain Lavender to them because Doc and I are lowkey the same person 😂😂 especially in your character description of the OCs hahaha
and it’s so funny because they don’t have any Pedro / TLOU context so they’ll be like 🤨🤨🤨 and I have to be like “LOOK LISTEN- hear me out 😭” LMAO
Overall very silly goofy but I will defend Joel & Doc until the very end 🫶
I adore your work so much thank you for writing it!! Looking forward to the rest of Yearling! ❤️❤️❤️
OMG Hi Bestie!
This is such an interesting question!
Firstly, I LOVE that you see yourself in Doc. I adore her and I think her and Joel are perfect for each other. Her gentle and caring nature makes her one of my favorite characters, I love her so much.
To answer your question, I both thought about it myself and also shopped out some of the answer lol
The character of mine I see myself most in is the one I’ve posted least about on this site but I’ve spent the most time with - Tenny from my book series. She’s way cooler and hotter and more badass than me but a lot of who she is at her core overlaps with me. Not totally, she’s far from a self insert, but she’s the one who shares the most with me.
All of my FMCs have SOME stuff that comes from me? I feel like Doc’s intense need to be loved and her willingness to put up with A LOT to feel like she matters to someone comes from me. But Doc is a lot softer and kinder than me and a lot more emotionally vulnerable. She’s also very skilled in ways that I could never be!
I’ve got Doll’s independent streak and a lot of her snark. I’m not nearly as strong as she is or as capable, though. I do have a lot of her protective qualities, too. I tried to beat up a boy who was 5 inches taller than me in high school because he talked one of my best friends into losing her virginity to him and then dumped her the next morning. (Got very mad when he wouldn’t hit me back btw)
I say all this fully aware that I don’t see myself very well? So I also asked my TLOU bestie who is the only person on the planet who has read Ace, Lavender and Beskar Doll (God bless him) and my husband, who is currently reading Beskar Doll.
Bestie said that Tenny, from my book series, is the most like me largely because of her general “I’m handling this myself” attitude. He also says I’m a bit bratty like Doll but not to her extent and that Doc is too much of a pacifist to really align with me (direct quote: If someone threatened one of your baby chicks... Doc would hesitate and mull over her hypocratic oath, and when she snaps out of her thoughts she’d see you’d already taken action and fucking tackled the perpetrator.)
The husband says he thinks Doll is somewhat like me but more who I wish I was than who I really am (not sure I agree with this, mostly on the “who I wish I was” point.) But he thinks the independence and her deep dedication to her friends is a lot like me, as is her perfectionist streak. He also says her desire to be a part of something while feeling outside of it is like me. Bonus, I love kids and am great with kids (“yeah doll with Grogu? Exactly like you.”)
As for Bambi? Basically not like me at ALL. She’s way scrappier than me, way tougher, way more of a loner. Her drive to live is also insane, I’d never do what she does to survive, I just would have no desire to. I think the only overlap with her is, if someone tells Bambi she can’t or shouldn’t do something she’s going to do it even harder on principle. She’s been fascinating to write because her headspace is so different from mine!
Anyway, I know this was super long! I hope you found it interesting! Thank you so much for reading and asking and being here. It’s so lovely to me that you see yourself in Doc and like her enough that you talk about her with your friends!
Love you!!
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