#Though one of those might exist already I need to check-
im-a-chunky-potato · 7 months
That urge to make a new rp ask blog has returned...
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Yandere Elite Serial Killer
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Thinking about the rich hunting the poor plot of thousands of movies
Popular and inexplicably vain it’s a surprise he goes to your college at all
But because of his status and immense popularity you never quite got close to him
Only knowing about him because of gossip 
His existence doesn’t matter to you until the college plans to take everyone on a cross-country trip
That happens to be sponsored by an anonymous donor 
You somehow end up in a travel group with him and his most loyal groupies
You didn’t even know you were in the same class
But when the school asks for a payment he generously pays for all expenses
“If all it takes is a bit of pocket change to have these nerds do my homework, then I’ll pay for it!”
He scoffs in your face if you try to refuse 
having the principal tear your check in front of your face if you try to pay yourself
But you pack your bags prepared to get on the plane booked for the class only for one of the nicer groupies to stop you
“Uh, where do you think you're going?”
“To the plane?”
“Our plane is on the tarmac. We’re not getting packed in like a bunch of sardines.”
“But I already bought the ti-”
“Look nerd stop complaining before he leaves you.”
When you do get on of course it’s a shock to have an attendant nicely handle your bag 
Of course, you fidget as you watch the groupies casually sit in specific padded chairs
As though those were their designated spots 
You’re watching them so intensely you miss the grey eyes watching you
“Huh? Me?”
“Where do you want to sit?”
“Uhm I’ll just sit over here.”
You randomly pick the spot farthest from them 
He scoffs again and snaps his fingers
“No, you won’t you’ll sit over here.”
The seat he’s pointing at is right beside him…
But a girl is already sitting there
You hesitate looking nervously at the girl who’s engrossed in her phone
Wille exasperatedly sighs before turning in his seat to kick the girl off it
It looked like it hurt
But no one reacts…at first
Before one of the groupies chimes in
“Move Piggie! It’s obvious Wille doesn’t want you here!”
The other’s laugh while ‘piggie’ slowly gets up moving her things she gives you a hard glare before moving to the row over
With Wille impatiently snapping his fingers you sit in the seat
Now being weirdly included in the conversation
Though it’s completely out of your realm of understanding they are seemingly including you
You don’t get the chance to ask  why he wanted you here but you couldn’t complain
When an attendant served you a hearty meal that happened to fit all of your likes and dislikes
You are made to hold someone’s bag or do the other’s assignments issued for the class but you can’t complain
Especially when ‘piggie’ is the one who keeps getting pushed around
Once the plane lands it’s constantly like this 
In museums, restaurants, and lectures 
The pattern continues and as expected you feel incredibly indebted to Wille
So of course you’ll look past the slightly demeaning tasks he sends you on
Or when the groupies need the opinion of a ‘commoner’ you answer
It’s never as bad as it is for ‘piggie’ 
Who ends up paying for some of the other groupies’ shopping sprees 
Or when someone deems their outfit ruined or out of style it’s ‘piggie’ who has to buy something new
You feel awful 
But you’re sure if you spoke up they’d absolutely leave you in this foreign country all alone
So you’ll try in another way
“Hey, I uh filled out an extra assignment if you’d like it?”
For once you might see them accept and start coming to you to talk
It’s nice 
To speak to someone more sympathetic to your situation
But things don’t really kick off until the last day 
And you by association are invited to the intense partying of your group who invite others from your college
There Wille demands that everyone in your group come to his vacation home where his family is 
To work off the hangovers and keep the party going he says 
He says it’ll be another week before you all head back to the college
Whether you drink or not you don’t mind the small extension on your trip 
after all, all of your expenses are paid for
So without being able to refuse you join the group  
a butler welcomes you as soon as the chauffeur drops you all off at the castle-like vacation home mansion
Unexpectedly there and looking at watching you all gawk are Wille’s family
His father, his mother, his older sister, and his younger brother
They all are just like him with long wavy hair and cattish grey eyes that seem to see all
They welcome the group but they’re honestly quite cold
You don’t mind all that much though
They’re polite enough for the first three days
But then as the end of the week approaches it just gets stranger
Not just for you but for the others as well
“H-h-hey did any of you guys notice Wille’s little brother has a lot of stuffed pets?”
“Well, did you see how that old man was looking at me? Creepy!”
Finally on the sixth day 
more accurately at midnight, the hunting really begins
Faced with Wille himself smiling wider than you could have ever imagined right along with his family with their own twisted faces
“You won’t believe how many social climbers cling to us like leeches! In our world. They have their protections and safeguards that stop us from bashing their brains in. But you–we could do that and so much more because no one cares about you. No one!”
It’s alarming, to say the least 
The dirt under your nails
The cries of the others
Wille continues
“But it's nice to imagine right? So we’re going to play a little game! You all get until midnight tomorrow to escape our property. If you do you get to keep your little worthless life. As a bonus, we’ll reward you an extra million for all the trouble! So, everyone ready to play?”
Screams are heard 
And a gunshot goes off
Someone else breaks down again
“Good energy, you have until sunrise.”
Like frightened deer you scatter
Part 2
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theninthdoor · 10 months
pac || yes or no, and a message from Spirit
☁️ think of a question you need a Yes/No answer for, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! this should give you a general idea of what the energy surrounding this matter is + what Spirit wants you to know and/or do. ☁️ take only what resonates and leave the rest! if you feel like the pile you've initially picked doesn't really apply to the situation you're thinking of, it's OK to pick another one. ☁️ remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to or to make a pile/answer fit you situation, ok? ☁️ enjoy, my friends!
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🍀 pile 1 || cards: five of pentacles, seven of cups rx, balance, magic.
Your answer, my dear pile 1, is No. Spirit wants you to know that there is something much better for you out there, and that you shouldn't keep yourself stuck to only this option (or the very few you've been considering). I can feel your sadness and frustration, but please trust that your Spirit Team is doing their best to help you navigate through & overcome this period, alright? Don't rush into a decision just because you want to get this over with. As soon as this moment of transition is over, you might realize that what you thought you wanted, isn't all that great after all; or, alternatively, that you were willing to settle for something that isn't in alignment with your greatest good and/or true desires. It might also happen that, if you give it time, Spirit could give you the green light to pursue this option - that's only for a few of you, though. For the majority, I see that this really isn't the best bet anyway.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): a white cat; Kat/Cat/Catherine/Katherine/Catarina; white socks and ballerina shoes; 29; dark blue walls; just painted or got your nails done by someone else; Andre/Andrew/Andres; low temperatures; slavic countries; pisces.]
🍀 pile 2 || cards: king of wands, page of pentacles, illumination, growth.
Goodness… this pile has such a strong and assertive energy, that there is no way you guys are still doubting yourselves! It's a clear Yes, my sweet pile 2. You already know what to do, where to go, what to leave behind and what to take with you on the journey ahead. You've seen the light already, and chances are that you are have already made some moves towards your goal, so just keep going! Don't be impulsive, though; always make sure to stay grounded and realistic. If you haven't made any moves, however, someone else might've OR the Universe has been preparing the stage for this to happen. You might soon realize that things just seem to be falling into place all around, and you're all of a sudden full with good luck. Finally, I feel like some of you might also need to hear this: stay informed! Do all of the research you think is necessary, and stay up date with all of the new details/updates regarding this matter.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): 1st year as a college student; taking the subway every day now; swimming as a hobby; dark green hoodie; Jen/Jennifer/Jerome; G initial; Grace or "with grace"; 19; a item of jewelry that you never take off, likely a necklace; Church; eating your meals in a rush or on the go; soccer/football.]
🍀 pile 3 || cards: ace of wands rx, eight of pentacles rx, love, flow.
Not yet. Something needs to be done or finished before you get that much desired green light from Spirit. If you felt pulled towards Pile 1 as well, feel free to check that out, by the way! - for some, those messages may also apply. Your energy isn't heavy, even though I still get a big sense of frustration here. Now, after struggling so much with this reality, you know that you are either not ready for such a change OR to receive this "thing" and be able to handle it. I feel like you guys have been doing a lot of inner-work lately, and have been putting a lot of effort into matters of self-worth, self-confidence, and so on; and this realization may have come from that. My dear pile 3, you are on the right path, alright? You just need to stay focused on yourself for now, so you can later receive all of the blessings you have been waiting & praying for.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): fidgeting with your fingers 24/7; daily warm, soft hugs from a family member or best friend; 29, again; 00; white bomber jacket; always making sure you have your gloves with you; a spike in humidity; geography or biology; lab coats; lost and/or got a new transit pass, passport or ID; significant earth placements.]
🍀 pile 4 || cards: eight of pentacles, the lovers, fear, abundance.
Some of you may have had to leave people, or even home, behind to pursue a dream, or may be considering it (and, by the way, it doesn't have to be literal or physical). You're afraid that you'll be alone and/or that those you're leaving behind will not miss you. However, Spirit wants you to know that none of that is true, and that things will turn out much better than you could've ever expected. You have big plans for your life but also a big heart; and instead of having these two parts of yourself work together as they should, they are fighting against each other. Sometimes, in order to achieve something major, we must make some sacrifices, you know, pile 4? And that might sound scary, yes, but when you are living through it, you'll see that it actually isn't. We make sacrifices every day without even realizing it… for example, when we sacrifice an extra hour of sleep to spend some more time texting that special someone; or when we sacrifice our precious feet just to show off our new favorite, yet insanely painful, pair of shoes. If you're on the other end of it, however, and you're the one being "left behind", make sure to use this time to work on your goals instead of focusing all of your energy on how much you miss that something or someone. So, your answer is neither a Yes nor a No, because I feel like most of you guys are wording your question wrong?? Just know that this is a time for you to prosper, my dear pile 4, and that you should move forward with your goals.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): spending a lot of time alone, sitting in the parking lot; your car's a mess; fidgeting with your earrings or rings; rubbing your eye until it hurts; Sanders/Sandra/Salome/Soumaya; north african countries; south east asian countries; stuffed teddy bear; 57; dad's or grandpa's birthday.]
decks used || Tarot of the New Vision & Prism Oracle
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 months
Fragments Pt. 3/3
Homelander / GN! Reader
Summary: Before he'd be able to meet you again, Homelander has a realization.
Warnings: None.
A/N: Let's be fr he would not fucking say that, but let's pretend he's self-aware. Not proofread and pretty messy.
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“I care not for his sanity. I care for his happiness. I care for his soul. Let him be mad if mad is what he needs.” - Queen Charlotte (Bridgerton)
Homelander fit seamlessly into his old life - or rather role.
There wasn't any time to process what had happened, since a throughoutly investigation was quickly followed by bland boring routine again.
Vought almost immediately released a statement concerning Homelanders abscence, something about a secret mission that required him to be undercover. They're even planning to make a movie about this fake bullshit already, unbelievable.
The physical examination that followed was the worst part, at least if you asked him. He loathed hospitals for obvious reasons, their bright white enterior reminding him just a tad bit too much of the Bad Room. Yet in the end they were unable to find any residue of the drug, poison or whatever depowered him in his system.
And while yes, the threat of an unknown enemy having the basis to one day potentially render all supes human again sure was concerning - but the fact that the short time Homelander spent without his powers was the happiest he's ever been left a bitter aftertaste.
You on the other hand had been released after a brief interrogation and background-check. Even now they still worried you might leak top-secret information to the public, but they feared Homelander's fury even more - and he made it absolutely clear that anyone daring to lay just a finger on you would meet a terrifying end.
Both of you had never spoken a word about what else happened between you back in the arctic, but that was none of their business either way.
After all, you were no one.
Your whole existence was insignificant compared to his greatness, there's no way you could ever become a threat to him. Simply live your measly little life and stay out of his one...
...easier said than done when you've practically ingrained yourself into his heart, still consuming his every waking moment.
For the people at Vought somehow a quiet Homelander was even more unsettling than his usual, duplicitous benignity.
They are used to randomly fall victim to his whims, constantly being on edge around him. Basically anything could happen at any time, to anyone and without even so much as a warning.
But as of late...
"Homelander?" Maeve was the only one bold enough to wave in front of his face, making him break the reminiscing. "You there?"
"Hmm?" The man looked around, seeing all eyes on him - business as usual. Ashley was standing in front of the Seven, yet whatever she was babbling about went on deaf ears with her superior.
It was like this ever since his return, this nagging feeling as if he was only physically present. He heard people talk and go about their day but everything was so far away...most of the time he just dozed off into the distance, eyes staring right through until he lost focus of his surroundings.
One corner of his mouth begins to twitch, feeling even more irritated by those oppressing trifles than ever before. He takes a moment to collect himself, hands folded neatly on the table. "Do what you want, I couldn't care less" was his firm answer, even though he didn't know the question - or if he was even asked one. "Excuse me."
"The fuck is his deal lately?" A-Train dared adressing the elephant in the room, albeit still being in super-hearing range, pointing over his shoulder to the door their leader had just rushed out of.
The Deep shrugged, tension leaving his shoulders now that Homelander's overwhelming presence was gone. "Beats me. Let's just hope it stays this way for a while."
He would make a quick getaway, his firm, aggravated steps audible before the man itself came into one's field of view. Anyone who had the misfortune to run into him in this state lowered their heads in hope they wouldn't meet an untimely end just for him to let off some steam.
There's a stench of fear lingering in the air, in every corner of this damn building.
"Vermin" he clenched his jaw as he turned around the corner, slamming the door to his penthouse with so much force that the frame breaks. "Every single one of them."
Ordinary humans were so pathetic-fucking weak, and yet they dictated simply everything. It shouldn't be this way! They should worship the ground he walked - or floated - on, build monuments in his name, but instead what?!
The masses idolized him of course, but that fact came at the extend of his own dignity. He had to perform in order to put on this perfect disguise, always smile and say his lines like a damn puppet...with Vought pulling all of the strings.
Was that really the only thing he was good for? So many abilities, all this potential and yet there he was, doing nothing substantial.
Right now he had everything: The greatest power in the world, wealth he could never fully spent even if he tried and influence beyond one's imagination - and yet he felt as empty as never before.
What a fucking joke.
Employees at Vought knew about his true wicked nature, so he had to rely on fear to control them. It was all he ever knew and felt comfortable with, after all...
...until you came along and willingly chose him. You had peeked into a part of himself he swore to never let anyone too close to - and embraced it. Saw him at his lowest, hell, even got hurt in the process and chose to stay at his side nevertheless.
Even though you missed the whole picture among fragments of himself, he was sure you'd be the only one worthy to know his story.
What he had with you may have been make-believe, but still way realer than anything about his corrupted existence.
Was his heart really nothing but a bottomless pit that could never stop aching?
Homelander's suit had always been like a metaphorical armor - functioning against inconsensual touches of fans as well as sort of a disguise, so people would always only see the hero and never the broken shell of a man beneath it.
But now it felt as if the fabric was burning into his skin, eating away what's left of him. Feeling as if suffocating, he curses beneath heavy breaths as he tossed it away.
It wasn't even the same suit you had repaired for him back then - and right now he painfully regretted having Ashley get rid of it.
There was still the oversized shirt he had worn when he left you, though your scent was only faintly lingering now, even to his keen nose. Well hidden under his pillow to lull him to sleep, he now puts it on as he feverishly tried to imagine the sensation of your warm embrace encoating him like a safety west.
That night, he was woken by an eerie realistic dream. No nightmare for a change, no - and yet it was leaving him just as exasperated.
A memory, about that one time you had convinced him to travel to that small village near your ecological research station. Apparently a bunch of savages were holding a festival to celebrate the returning of daylight, and opposite to his expectations it was actually quite enjoyable - mostly thanks to your presence, of course.
He could still hear echoes of your laughter spinning in his head, goosebumps rising where you had touched him as you danced in the cold streets. Snowflakes were entangled in your hair, making it shimmer ever so slightly as you took his hands, trying to steady yourself on the ice. Your breath was visible as white mist, holding onto him for dear life.
Just when he had mustered up the courage to bend down to your height, maybe steal a kiss or two, even if it was only at the crown of your head, both of you lost balance and fell right on your asses.
Homelander heard his own boisterous laughter mixing with yours, remembered how absolutely flabbergasted he was when you suddenly tackle hugged and started kissing him senseless.
"Shit. Shit!"
"Yeah, sure is." Oh for fuck's sake, not this again. But the voices kept returning, it's not like he had a say in the matter of his own mental illness. He never really has a say in anything, not even regarding his own life. "What are you so upset about?"
Well, it's not like he'd be able to fall back asleep anytime soon either way, so he followed the sound of his own voice back to the great mirror across the room.
"You're new" he states the obvious, seeing a reflection that doesn't resemble his current state at all. The man in the mirror was unkempt, with a scruffy beard and greyed strands standing out from his blonde scalp...
...and yet he seemed as happy as Homelander could only hope to one day comprehend. "Did we really look this shitty back in the Arctic?"
"Well, there's not exactly a stylist in the middle of nowhere" his counterpart shrugged, smugly adding "And Y/N liked it."
Homelander exaggeratedly rolled with his eyes, but the verbal jab had hit his weak spot. "You're just a farce, a cheap excuse of me, the real deal!"
"Nope" his amnesic alter ego scoffed at the insult, his smile never faltering. "I'm everything you always wished to be! What you could still become" he adds, his remark yet another fatal blow to Homelander's fragile ego. "You've got all the means to find her, so what's holding you back?"
"Because this is beneath me!" he roars so loudly, it's good that his apartment is big enough that no one could eavesdrop. "Why the fuck would I miss playing house with some nobody?"
However John is not accepting this bullshit for an answer, waving a scolding index finger. "Nah-ah, the real reason. Say. It."
With more force than necessary, Homelander scatters the mirror - would be too easy if that'd make them shut up, though.
"You know we don't just disappear." Several copies of himself are now talking, a medley of misery from each shard, reopening gaping wounds that never had the chance to heal.
"You think Y/N was just nice out of basic human decency. You think the kiss and everything else only happened because of the isolation before you came to that doorstep."
"You're afraid you won't live up to the John Y/N met. The ideal version of yourself that doesn't exist."
"That Y/N will find out what a freak you really are and runs away scared and disgusted, just like they all do eventually."
"You'll get bored of this at some point. Why bother?"
"Y/N will break under the pressure of this burden. It'd be selfish to do this. You can't expect this from anybody."
"Maybe you're even afraid of her coming in harms way because you know exactly what you're capable of."
"You already managed to destroy her life even without being your true self, just imagine what could happen. Stay away, at least for Y/N's sake."
"This whole farce just weakened you, and will continue to do so. We should just get rid of-"
"Shut. Up!" Homelander warns the last one, menacingly calm. "Don't you dare implying I could ever hurt Y/N. I-I'd rather fly myself into the fucking sun!"
"Oh boo-hoo. Someone gives you breadcrumbs of affection and you wag your tail like a dog in heat" the more depraved materialization of himself mocks, "Fucking pathetic, as always. Did you forget that people only exist for our fickle amusement?!"
"Don't listen to them, John." The only shard still attached to the wall was what he'd like to believe is his good aspects. "Listen to me: This is the one and only chance to get what you've always craved for - a real, loving home. Try it, at least. Remember Y/N's words - you deserve happiness."
There was no use in trying to catch up with sleeping. In fact it took all of his patience to wait the few hours until sunrise to wait for this confrontation...
...not with you, however.
Of course Madelyn would come to work this early. Typical. But Homelander was already expecting her - not waiting in front of her door to avoid seeming desperate, but a safe distance away, his glare seeping through the walls.
As soon as she appeared at the tower, he let himself into her office like so many times before. She was pouring herself a cup of coffee, and at the sight of him adds some liquor to it. Hard to believe she was bothered because of something important. "This early? Seriously?"
"You know what's funny?" he didn't really acknowledge her question as he jumped onto the sofa, picking up a decorative snow globe to fidget with. "I thought the enemy had somehow deactivated my transponder...but a quick visit at the tech department later, I found out it worked just fine. This whole time."
Madelyn quirked a brow at the hero, tentatively leaning forwards over her desk. Showing some cleavage usually never failed to soothe his nerves, but not today. "If you want to imply that we're the ones behind all this, I can assure you tha-"
"No" he raised a warning hand, softly shaking the snow globe before putting it down again. "Nonono, I'm sure if you had the means to threaten me, you would've long since done it by now."
Homelander then leapt to his feet, strolling through the room filled with countless photographs of himself - but right now, it was like looking at a person he doesn't recognize anymore.
"Here's another interesting thing I found out: Not even a full week after my disappearance, you made the pathetic attempt to replace me with Black Noir. It wasn't until the public and your sponsors demanded answers to my whereabouts that you gave in and started actively searching for me. Isn't that correct?"
"Hey, I've been gone so long, I need to make up for all our missed conversations, don't I?" he huffed bitterly, viewing a snapshot of him and her without being able to feel anything but nauseous. "I've lived among...inferior people for the first time in my life. No fans, no people of Vought, just...Y/N and I. Living the life I only ever knew from textbooks or scripts. And it made me have a realization, wanna hear?"
The vice president closed her eyes in negative anticipation, taking in a deep breath but not being able to bring out a single word before being interjected again. Homelander knew her ways of manipulation and the effect he could have on her if he let her talk too much.
This time it was his turn, and he'd be heard.
The woman in front of of him crosses her arms in defense, giving an approving hum as she knew denying him was never an option.
"Let me tell you my theory first, you're gonna love this: So a boy of sixteen years is finally released from the laboratory he was raised in. Despite all the horrible things he had to endure there, he wanted to use his powers for good, so no one has to suffer like he did. He knows nothing about the real world, let alone care about profit or any of that bullshit. And then he meets this aspiring woman who sees her chance to be influental through him. Can you follow me until now?"
She nods and nothing more, her expression unreadable. "Good, very good. So the boy is now kept around the most rotten, selfish and greedy people on the planet. He was never inheritly evil, he simply adapted to his environment, as clueless as he was thinking this is how the world operates. And at the time any of you realized you had created a monster it was too late. You regretted it - but not out of moral concerns, no. Simply because you knew you couldn't possibly control him forever."
The silence was so loud that it was deafening, automatically answering everything.
"Even if that person was your most valuable asset, your figurehead, you'd be damned if you didn't use the lucky coincidence of him disappearing, no questions asked. Right? Right?!"
Madelyn Stillwell was a lot, but not a liar - at least not in the easy definition. She knew how to twist words, to withheld information just enough to get through with whatever she wanted. But she'd never lie so openly, so blatantly. Especially if it served no purpose, like right now that there was no use anyway. "We'd be damned if we didn't."
"So then why do you keep acting like any of this is right?" He looks deep into her, quite literally for his abilities wouldn't tolerate deceit. "Look, we've located you and the dot was moving. We knew you were alive. I do care about you, Jo-"
"Don't call me by that name. You don't deserve it." His jaw tightens into an almost-snarl, slapping Stillwell's hand away at her disgusting attempt to distract him through seduction. "Don't you dare touching me, and don't fucking lie to me again! Ive been lied to all my life...I'm so, so sick of this shit!"
Homelander's eyes turned from cold coal into glistening embers, threatening to destroy everything in their path shall the answer not be to his satisfaction. "Say. It!" he orders, his hands slamming on the table punctuating every word.
"Goddamnit, I'm afraid of you!"
"...what?" His voice was barely audible, laced with a hurt that surprised him - since deep down he knew the truth for a long time already.
"I'm afraid of you" she repeats, voice shaky at first but then practically yelling as if she knew it could be her last words. "I am fucking afraid of you, John! We all are! Everyone was relieved when you were finally gone, because no money is worth being subjected to you!"
"You- Vought...destroyed me for fucking nothing" he practically whines, his face running through various expressions at once as the last remains of his sanity crumbled. "I was robbed of any chance at normalcry and then tossed away like a broken weapon, and you seriously expected me to not return for a vengeance?!"
Countless possibilities rushed through his brain, one atrocious act more vile than the other - about how he could make the responsible pay the price for their wrongdoings, with Madelyn being the first one...
...but all his fury vanished when for the fraction of a second, his mind wandered back to you, who was still out there somewhere.
Maybe it was not too late for him after all.
All his life Homelander was comfortable trapping himself in a cage that was never locked, fearing whatever awaited outside could be even worse - but you, without even trying, had given him the hope to set himself free.
"Thanks for finally being honest with me." John shakes his head as if to cast all his violent impulses off, musing "I allowed you to use me because I never knew anything else...but that stops right now."
He breaks one of the windows with ease, grossed out by past memories when she dares taking ahold of his wrist. "Wha- where do you think you're going?" She looks sickishly pale, dreading that this would be the day he would go on a murderous rampage all those decades of madness had inevitably caused.
"I'm the Homelander, and I can do whatever the fuck I want." He rose into the air, not biding her another last look. "If anyone of Vought even tries to come near me again, I swear to god I'll end every single one of you."
Being in the US for the first time since your childhood made you realize: Damn, you didn't miss this shit a bit. Nostalgia is a real phenomenom, as it seems.
And even in this small town your...is it right to call him 'ex'? Anyways, his face is plastered on every square centimeter you'd fix your eyes on. Posters, screens, even goddamn groceries!
Hard to heal from something you couldn't even label, especially when basically everything reminds you of the love your heart still holds for John - or rather an illusion of a man that never actually existed.
You currently sat in front of your laptop, several tabs opened that made you feel pathetically nosy - but hey, there was hope that harvesting information about the real Homelander would help you overcome those silly, irrational emotions.
Then it should be good for you that everything you found out about him was freaking disappointing.
Vought...you were sure you had heard that name before. Typical monopolist corporate with a finger in every pie, unethical practices and too much influence on politics. It was as obvious as it was enraging, and yet no one cared enough to act against them - not that you were any better. To their defense, supes can be pretty scary so you get the sentiment of not wanting any beef with their bosses...especially after seeing John go apeshit in the past.
But as they all did, Vought still cared about their public image, and so they did a lot of charity to appear ethical. Not that it actually helped to cover any of their crimes up - this was more like an unofficial etiquette, a rule to behave like they're actually the good guys.
A few years ago you had applied for sponsoring your cause, and of course they denied the request. Vought couldn't give two shits about the environment, and if you didn't know any better they'd even go so far as destroying it themselves if the cause - profit, in this case - justifies the means.
Interesting enough, shortly after your return to society an official letter of the company magically appeared at your new address: A pledge of secrecy in return for money, summed up.
No thank you, metaphorically selling your soul to the devil wasn't your kind of thing.
A walking incarnate product, you thought as you closed the interview. No civil life, always performing. And that fabricated all-american backstory...ugh.
And about Homelander...
All videos you sporadically saw of him were kind of unsettling. His eyes were just as empty as his words, movements robotic and fake as if he had only learned to mimick normal behavior. Seeing him like this made you wonder if he even had a soul, or if Vought had sucked all humanity out of him decades ago.
How comes no one seems to notice...or do people simply don't want to acknowledge the truth about their heroes and the ones that lead them?
You sound like a dang conspiracy-theorist for someone that just got dumped by a supe in the most humiliating way possible. It's possibly just a coping mechanism to cover up the hurt caused by the indeniable truth: Someone like you was inadequate to the infamous Homelander in every single way.
The display of your old laptop almost snapped as you closed it in sadness and frustration, turning your attention to building that stubborn IKEA shelf again.
Wanting to regain an objective view on the situation at hand, you remind yourself that the two of you led fundamentally different lives that could never work out together. You hate modern civilization, you hate being the center of attention, you hate events and big cities...
...but you don't hate him. And maybe with him, for him, you could have endured.
Funny, isn't it? You've been alone ever since the death of your parents, keeping to yourself even while pursuing your education. Never able to form any close bonds, even if you tried. Ironically, you were exactly as lonely as him - not made to be among others just the same.
"Still a horrible taste for furniture, I see."
That familiar voice made your blood run cold, collecting yourself impossible as the blue-reddish silhouette belonging to it came into your field of view just seconds after.
All questions and accusations died on your tongue when you reminded yourself just who was standing in your living room right now. Homelander could find you no matter where, and literally tear away the roof of your house without anyone ever daring to object.
"You look great" he cannot help but notice, but you grimace as you see your own reflection in the window: grey sweatpants, a messy bun and an old T-shirt of his. Sure.
"Well, in case you forgot: I'm still in tremendous debt, so I'm not exactly drowning in luxury" you scoff, face fixated on the clash of wood and screws. John narrows his eyes in confusion, stating "Vought was supposed to recompensate you."
"Financially? Well, not without a catch." For a moment he thinks loudly, talking about 'ripping Ashley's head off', which made you finally turn to look at him. "Metaphorically" he added, raising his hands in a placating manner.
"Oh, yeah...Ashley." The name only forcedly escaped your throat, which did not go unnoticed by Homelander. "Your girlfriend and I had a long talk back then. She explained your outburst was caused by PTSD. So no worries."
"My wha-" John made a dramatical gagging sound, crinkling his nose at you. His fists were on his hips, expression grim ike always when he was about to rant about something, making your lips twitch as you resisted smiling at the adorable sight. "Gosh, no. Ew. She's everything but that."
You had almost forgotten how cute he could be when one pushed his buttons - good to know it's still this way. "So, what brings you here all of a sudden?"
"Well, I-" He opened and closed his mouth several times in an attempt to come up with something, anything, but it sure took him a while. "Y-You didn't publish anything."
"I searched for your article. You've been talking about it nonstop back then." He dared stepping closer, making himself as small as humanly possible. "Actually I hoped to be mentioned and showered in praise as your assistant."
"Huh?" You narrow your eyes at him, and his tension is barely veiled. Great, just great Mr. Charming.
Okay, that one made you laugh. You had almost forgotten how refreshing those little exchanges were. "Well well well...I had to start from scratch after a certain someone wrecked my laboratory." He nervously rubs the back of his head, unintelligibly chuckling "Right...sorry about that."
"It's alright" you dismiss the guilt in his voice with a cheerful remark, "I'm teaching at a university temporarily, until I got enough money for another try." He knew. All this time he never lost track of you, craving to walk this path together with you but too cowardly to ask for your permission to join. "Seriously, Homel-"
"John" he corrects you, showing no ill intend. "Please, just call me John." Oh, how he missed the way his name sounded in your voice: Neither shallow, nor demanding or afraid - just John, no strings attached.
"Oh. Oh. Okay, John. But..." you intertwine your fingers to keep them from trembling, biting the inside of your cheek. "Really, you don't owe me anythi-"
"I owe you every-fucking-thing!" John blurts out, his insistance showing as he softly grabbed your shoulders. "Y/N, you helped me despite gaining nothing from it. If that isn't heroic, I don't know what is. I mean, without you I'd be a fucking icicle right now."
How often did he say this corny trademark quote 'You are the real hero(es)' before? This is the first time that it felt genuine - after all, you had saved him in more ways than just one.
You cackle shortly, more out of attachment to the man than his joke actually being funny. But the longer his hands remained stubbornly on your body, the harder it became to act like acquaintances merely sharing a crazy story that's long in the past.
"But you can't give me what I want..." You don't know what moved you to speak from the heart, but after all that had happened you deserved to drown in some self-pity. John's forehead wrinkled in an attempt to make sense out of you, insisting "C'mon, let me indulge you a little. For old time's sake."
Nothing to lose after already having everything taken away from you, right?
"It's my fault, honestly" you try to keep it together, but you knew there was no hiding your choked sobs from his senses either way. "I fell for something fake. And I know, I know it's stupid, but-"
"Not everything was fake" you rudely got interrupted again, but the content of his rambling made you forgive him easily. "My feelings weren't."
It took you a while to have John's confession actually dawn on you, releasing a breath you didn't even realize you were holding. "Your...what?"
"Took me long enough to realize" he snickered as he pulled you into a long-due hug, pressing a wet kiss into your hair out of habit. "I've tried to continue my old life, I really did. But fuck it...this whole time all my thoughts revolved around you."
He could barely hear over the sound of his own fastened heartbeat, but clearly your pulse was racing as well - not out of fear, that much he could tell.
And yet as much as the shared sentiment partially relieved you, there was something else laying heavy on your chest.
"I- don't know what to say, John" you try to wring yourself out of his embrace, but he stubbornly narrows the space between you, making you gasp in surprise.
Homelander was not someone taking no for an answer, used to always get what he wants no matter how. And people not acting like he anticipated was like hitting the bulls eye of his fragile psyche.
He'd be damned to just accept his loss after everything he put at risk.
"Hey big guy...look at me."
Your voice alone made him snap out of a downward-spiral that usually was an unstoppable force, always ending in tragedy. As he met your eyes he detected the plea in them, a vulnerability he had yet to allow himself.
"I have very strong feelings for you, John." Good. Then where's the fucking problem?! "But I've spent a lot of time thinking about" you pause, awkwardly gesticulating between the two of you. "This. You and me, us...John, you were talking in your sleep a lot back then. If you were not busy screaming your lungs out, I mean. About burning, drowning or being cut up alive..."
Your eyes begin to water at the memory, clawing a fistful of blue fabric from his suit. "Just...tell me the truth, and not that fancy propaganda bullshit. If we continue this, then I want to know you inside and out."
"What if..." John's voice cracks, only notices he'd been crying as he feelsbthe salt of his own tears prickle on his lips. He fucking hates this weakness, this sickness of his, especially if he cannot hide behind a facade. "What if the truth if so much more horribe than you could ever imagine?" His hands squeeze yours now, as if he fears you'd disappear if he let go off of this emotional anchor you had become.
John was about to pull back, bracing himself for the rejection. His only solace was the thought that it's probably the best for you.
If you'd know this relationship would eventually turn you into the moral support of a malignant narcissist and subsequent homicidal maniac, there was no way on earth you'd still voluntarily be a part of his life.
"Then I guess we've got to figure it out."
Whatever the extend of his pain, you are aware it's going to put a huge toll onto you as well. He most likely can't live normally, let alone love.
You cradle his face in your hands and he subconsciously leans into the touch, whining at his own neediness. "I can't say that my love is going to erase your hurt, but I can promise to be at your side through all of it."
"That's about the best fucking thing someone has ever said to me" he half-cries, half-laughs when you finally pull the man on his collar down to your height, sealing your promise with a kiss.
"And now get out of that costume" you tease, pinching one of the pads on his chest. "Looks even more hilarious now that I know you're not all that muscular underneath."
"Well, to my defense, other clothes aren't really fit for breaking sonic speed." He twirls you around skillfully, embracing you from behind as close as humanly possible. "And besides, that makes me the perfect candidate for a long-distance relationship, don't you think? You stay in this boring chaff, hell even the end of the world if you want to, and I could still visit you everyday. Or I'll just kidnap you to wherever you want."
Seems like he had already planned it all out. Not the most concerning action of his, though. Almost sweet, if you want to see it this way.
Won't be the last time, surely.
"But what do you want?" The question was so simple, so downright basic that not knowing the answer left him empty inside. His wishes? Does he even have any dreams or aspirations?
There was never a 'John' - the boy with this name died in that lab so Homelander could rise. For so long he had existed for the sole purpose of others that he completely forgot he was in charge of his own fate...
He leans to kiss you again, more tender this time as he savours the way your tears mix with his."I want to enjoy this until I can give you a proper answer one day."
...until you opened his eyes, through sheer kindness and willpower.
Maybe humans aren't so weak after all.
Finally, he smiles. It's the kind of smile that reaches up to his ears, making his whole face crinkly. One that matches with his eyes, genuine and radiant just like back when you first met.
"There you are...welcome home, John."
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yuriisclumsy · 21 days
HELLO !! I SEE THAT YOU WRITE FOR CALE HENITUSE :d you've got good taste that man makes me feral i love that unbelievable idiot :D
Whadoyyathink about Cale being with someone who's weaker than him but she's kinda useful (one of pookie's powers is to boost someone's abilities, it generally doesn't matter if the one she's aiding doesn't have magical powers, they just have to be good at something like for example, painting and swordsmanship—she can enhance their ability and knowledge temporarily).
She's a mage that's dying the more she exploits her mana. She tried to not use too much, but in a reality where she and everyone suddenly got thrusted into war? She couldn't help but use, use, use.
None of em knew her degrading lifespan until one day she just told em casually when the gang asks wtf is wrong w u why do you look like u r boutta die and why do you keep passing out sometimes
If this is too much feel free to ignore, though thank you for reading :D
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Will you stay by my side forever?
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1,443
[Authors Note]: This thing took me so long to make because I couldn't figure out what setting to write it on. Besides getting a bit tired of only writing for Cale back when I was consistent with the requests. But, hi! I'm back! At least just for this one. This request is back from May 💀. I still have two more, one from June, the other from July. So I might come back and do those. Do people want a part 4 for Love's Dance?
»»►Ouuu, what a fun scenario.
»»►Apologies in advance if it’s a bit weird, haven’t read or written for Cale in a while, so I might have lost my touch.
»»►Warning (I never really do these, but I thought it would be appropriate): could be inaccurate to the Henituse War Arc because I have yet to read it.
»»►Also, the POV is different on this one.
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Powerful beings, capable of destroying us all if they wanted to.
One thing they weren’t meant for was to let humans ride them and control them like animals. They had far greater intelligence than any being in existence. 
So why should they submit to us?
The skies are filled with erratic bat-winged lizards; their flames and roars were scattered all over the field.
This was a war.
Dragons…What pesky creatures. I already have one to deal with, I don’t need more.
“Choi Han!”
“Yes, Master Cale?” said man came within seconds and kneeled in front of him.
“I need you to scout out the area in the east for me,” I commanded.
“On it,” and with that, he left as fast as he came.
I already know how all of this will pan out, but a little safety never hurt no one…
“Master Cale!”
“Hmm?��� I turned to see one of the city guards running in a hurry towards me. “What is it? Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I-it’s lady [Name]! S-hes…” the guard gasped for air from the run.
“Easy, calm down… Now tell me, what’s wrong with [Name]?” I patted him in the back.
Recuperating the lost oxygen, the guard went serious and looked at me. “Lady [Name] has lost a great deal of blood and fainted..! S-she just started to cough and— M-master Cale–? Where are you going?!” The Guard shouted at me, but all noise was shut down by my mind.
That instinct to check on those you care about kicked in the moment I heard the word blood being uttered.
I ran.
Ran, and ran, until I was able to see the camp where she had been stationed at by me. A camp far from the battlefield, but close enough for me to constantly check-up on her.
How could a thing like this happen to me? I had just checked on you a few hours ago, so why? Why are you suddenly bleeding?
The men there stood aside as I ran past them. They understood not to be on my way with the expression I wore on my face.
“Where is she?!” I yelled to the men crowding a tent. I already knew my answer when they looked at me  and then at the inside with sad expressions.
I burst in and scanned the area to look for the woman I ran miles to see. I paused. There, on a bed on the far corner of the shelter, was her. [Name]. Medics surrounded her with yet more sad faces.
I walked slowly towards them, not wanting to know if what I had in my mind were to be true. “Is she alright?” I asked when I was a mere few feet away from the bed.
The head doctor looked at me with furrowed brows and sighed. He then gave me a smile when he saw my eyes, filled with worry.
“She is fine,” he said. I let the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “But she has lost a great deal of blood. I need her to stay in bed for a few days, and another more of pure rest until I see her health back up again.”
“I see… Thank you.”
“No need, it’s my job,” the doctor looked at the other two, who I believe to be his apprentices, and gestured to them to exit with him. “I’ll leave you alone with her,” he patted my shoulder as he left.
I stood there for a bit, before I went and sat on the bed right next to hers. I stared at her face; the face that made my heart jump from excitement wherever I saw a smile; the face that l would look at and made me feel better instantly; the face that made me fall deeply in love with her.
“...Cale?” a voice rang in my ears which made me snap out of my trance. My eyes meet with hers.
“[Name]...you’re awake,” I let out simply. She smiled at me, relieving me from the aching I had in my heart moments prior. “Are you feeling better?”
She nodded. Her eyes were filled with a love I can’t put in words, stared at mine. “I’m… I’m sorry,” she said sadly.
My eyebrows knitted in confusion. “What are you sorry for? None of this is your fault.”
“...” she stayed silent. She turned her head to the other side, blocking my view of her expression. I knew this move of her’s. She did this whenever she was hiding something. And then I realized something. I hadn’t asked what the cause of the blood was.
“[Name]...” I called to her, “..this wasn’t your fault…was it?”
“...I’m sorry,” she apologized and let out a low sob. “I didn’t want for any of you to find out this way….”
I was in disbelief. What possibly could she have done to cause such blood loss other than a stab wound…had she...?
“[Name], tell me… You didn’t cut yourself, have you?”
She quickly looked at me, “no, of course not, I would never do something as bad as hurting myself!” She reassured me.
That’s good…but that doesn’t answer how she had lost a lot of blood.
“Then…why were you bleeding?”
“...That’s..a long story.”
“I have all day,” I crossed my legs and rested my head on the palm of my hand.
She sighted thinking I would give up on the subject, but I’m far too stubborn to give up. “I lost a lot of blood because…”
“Because of my ability…” she finally said.
“Your ability..? The ability to enhance abilities?” I asked in thought.
“How exactly does your ability work then?”
“Well, you know that I can upgrade someone's abilities, yes?” I nod, and she continues, “but what I didn’t tell you was the toll it comes with.”
“Toll? Wait, have you been hurting yourself while using your ability?” I accuse her.
“No! Well…yeah, but exactly how you think…” that wasn't very convincing. “Whenever I use my power, it takes energy from my body. The more I use it, the weaker I get.”
“Please don’t be mad at me…” she pleaded with puppy eyes.
“...I’m not mad.”
“I feel like you are.”
“Well, I’m not,” I straightened my back, “but I will have you permanently stop using that power of yours.”
“What!?” She sat up at lighting speed, and groaned out of pain.
“Don’t sit up so quickly,” I got up and held her back.
“Y-you can’t just…prohibit me from using my power! How else would I be useful to you? How would I earn money!?”
I didn’t say anything. Then an idea came to mind. My ears were burning at the thought.
Taking courage, I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat at the word I was about to say.
“...I’m firing you,” I said.
“...Huh?” She looked heartbroken. Oh, how I can’t see you like that. “no…No, no. Please, let me work for you. Please, Cale!” She grabbed my arms in an attempt to make me rethink my decision.
“No, my choice is final,” she was at the brink of crying. “Instead… I want you to stay by my side.”
“What..do you mean?” Her eyes gawk at me with tear drops threatening to spill out.
“Let me rephrase myself so you can understand,” I cleared my throat, “I would like for you to be mine.”
We stared into each others eyes. She shed a tear from before, but not out of frustration, or grief of a lost job, but out of love and affection. She chuckled.
“Is this your way of courting me?”
“Is it bad?”
“No! No, it’s…interesting,” she lowered her head to laugh at my proposal.
“So?” I placed my index finger under her shin and tilted her head to look at me. “Are you going to accept?”
“Hahaha… Yes. I accept,” she gave me the happiest smile I had seen from her.
And in that moment, I knew I was the happiest man alive.
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @lablog5, @htshbtcp, @purposefulwhale, @leylnnn, @ixchelhernandez4, @minteaspoon. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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weezerblue · 22 days
friends, best friends
A/N the scrapped version of this might come out soon
ALSO : im going back and posting old drafts, unfinished or otherwise bc i have like 40 so enjoy those ; this is an alternative ver of something else i did but my memories of most of the drafts are kinda non-existent like i don't remember writing most of the stuff i wrote during this time (sorry if this is bad)
description steve takes you out on a date after school and gives you the night of your life.
includes aftercare, soft dom steve, nicknames like baby, princess and, cutie, and typical first date stuff
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"baby, wake up we gotta go"
his voice startles you, so you wake and grab his wrist to check the time.
"it's already 12:30! how long was I sleeping for?"
he gets up, yawns and grabs your bag for you.
"do you wanna go out later? that one restaurant you always talk about is open and since we're like- official and all now"
you're taken by surprise that he actually wants to be serious about this.
"yes please" you say eagerly, and take his hand as he leads you down the hallway and into your class.
"baby, isn't your class over there"
"yeah, so what?" he shrugs, opening the door for you and taking a random seat and tapping the desk next to him, gesturing for you to sit dangerously close to him.
the end of the day approaches, not without receiving a lot of teasing from steve, leaning over to trace small circles across your thighs with his fingers, looking over at you occasionally.
he opens the door for you again, going around the back of the school because it was closer to his car.
you both get seated. and you can already sense the dirty thoughts that are about to come to your mind. there's something about the way steve looks at you, holds your hand, or gently touches your thigh that makes you unbearably horny.
"what's on your mind, princess?"
he shifts his focus to you.
"um- nothing i just, i was thinking of something"
"mind sharin' that something with me, sweetness?" he chuckles.
you rub your thighs together. then you just decide, screw it, he probably knows anyways so there's no point in lying.
"i'm, uh- i'm horny"
you hide your face with your hands, steve's arm still wrapped around you.
"ohhhh so that's what it was, i thought so but I didn't wanna assume. ya should've told me earlier though, could've taken care of you in the car on the way here."
he pulls you closer to him, kissing your neck.
"steve." you look up at him, embarrassed by his teasing. it's one thing to do it in private or in school, but you were in the middle of what felt like the busiest restaurant in the world.
"alright, alright, i'll wait till we finish our food, then it's back to my place deal?"
you nod, and then before you know it, the waiter comes back.
"let me know if you guys need anything else! i'll be right over there"
they point to the bar and exit the booth section.
steve quickly finishes his food, pushing his plate to the other side, then looking at you while you finished the last of your food.
after you were both done, steve got the check.
"alright, you got everything?"
grabbing your drink, you get up and head towards the door, he follows quickly behind you.
upon arriving at his house, you look up at him.
"um, steve?" you look down at the floor, trying really hard to not focus on how hot he looks in the dimmed lights.
"can you- um"
he's looking directly at you now, expecting you to continue the sentence.
"i need you." you barely manage to get out after stuttering over your words a billion times.
he sits down on the bed, as do you.
"i could use my fingers again, or would you prefer my mouth this time? whichever one you want is more than fine with me"
crossing your legs, you blink at him a few times, thinking he'd just understand what you wanted.
"baby, i can't do anything if you don't tell me what you want"
"i want you to fuck me" steve hasn't ever gone all the way with you, sure he's seen you naked and pleasured you before but you hadn't ever gone further than that.
"you sure? you don't have to cutie, i'm happy with just eating you out again"
he rubs his thumb over your cheek, making you smile.
"no, i really want it."
you bring his hand away from your face and hold it, making eye contact with him.
"shit baby, okay lemme go get the camera"
it was a little thing he liked to do, taking photos of you after he'd just fucked you so good you could barely breathe.
he kept all the pictures in a box under his bed, and obviously they had accumulated over time, causing the box to be filled to the brim.
he came back, placing the camera on the nightstand for later.
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shuenkio · 5 months
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Pov: Tsundere 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Enhypen ᯓᡣ𐭩
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Genre: Fluffy
Pov: Tsundere enhypen
Paring: Enha X male!reader
Do not copy my works (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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Heeseung: In the third pov, he's the type of secret admirer, who's possessive, very jealous, and wants you to look at him only. whenever a guy or girl is near you, he's always at the crime scene, standing towering behind you, giving your friends a free dead stare, watching you closely while you are talking to your bff, And you don't even know about his presence in your shadow. He likes to walk you home even when you don't need him to and often gives you a strange signal every time. When you ask him, did he has a feeling toward you he just replies with a simple "Nope" However his actions speak in a different language as away the next day after you ask him. "No one can have you when I'm still breathing yeobo :) "
Jay: The principal's son is a walking fire in the school. He's cocky, flirty, hot temper and loves bully to those who are bad talk about him, only an appropriate is a pass. As soon as you transfer to this school, you draw his attention very quickly, because as the bully he is, he already got bored with the same victims and decided to give you some warm love instead. On the other hand, he's walking to his trap, he realizes that the moment you greet him with a short "hello" his heart almost gets shattered by your soothing voice. Your energy just brings him inside out, even though you're a guy but just by your existence alone, cast an unknown spell on him. Which makes him look awkward-cack-handed handed everytime he sees your face. "S-shut up! You failed the experiment who said I like some poor thing like you...or did i? "
Jake: The nerd guy who likes sports might be talkative to his friends but for you, it's different. Sometimes he likes to give you a hard time while sometimes he gives you a butterfly in your stomach. So confused yet so adorable. Over time, when it's a sports exam day, your p.e teacher assigns you to his team since you're bad at sports. Luckily you know how to play basketball too but not very good at it that much. It's the last match of the basketball game, sweaty, hot, and exhausted but you still keep your head on. This is the only chance to prove to Jake that you're useful too. The ball then passes to you, and you quickly run to the other team's goal, aiming for the net, with a piece of blessed luck you make it but during that time you're knocked by the other team member accidentally. You fall to the ground, slightly nosebleed, before blacking out on the spot. Jake saw you're blackout on the floor, immediately ran to you before lifting you in a bridal style, and sprinted to the nurse's office. later on, when you're awake with a band-aid on your face, you see Jake sitting beside you, watching you sleep. You're about to ask him what happened but he cuts you with "Do not try to impress me again like that, you're weak and y'know it. Just show your face every day is e-enough >:( "
Sunghoon: Laterally he enemies with you, all you do is breathe, still he got those headaches whenever you stand in his shadow. Try to act all cool and mysterious every day so you'd think he doesn't want to talk to you and avoid it at all costs. However deep down, he's watching your every move, secretly taking care of you, giving you the answers during the exam on purpose, nevertheless, you never knew he was doing it on purpose, he's more than happy that you never found out about his suspicious behavior. One day when walking back home, you got bullied by some bunch of bullies, boy didn't spare more time before jumping on them one by one, leaving them on the ground, blacked out. You were scared, bleeding and scratching your face. He then leans closer on his knee to check on you. You asked, your voice is shaking. "Wh-what are you doing here?" - "Shhh everything is okay now, let me take you home!" He ruffles your hair gently before giving you a piggyback to take you home.
Sunoo: This boy is so bad at acting all tough and mean, you know he's just doing it because you thought he wanted to look cool. However, he's still didn't treat you the same as his friend. He hates it when you're in a group project with him, talking to his friends, Don't fear him, and treat him as one of your friends when he does it opposite which somehow makes him feel slightly guilty. This action of his got the best of him when you're not in the class he'd put a snack under your desk almost every single day because he was scared to talk to you, too scared to say sorry and wanna be your friend or even more than a friend? During one fine evening, he asked you to meet him at the school's garden for some serious discussion about a project you both needed to do, it's sound not like a joke to you so you went right away. Once you arrived, you asked him what was wrong. He turns to face you with his tears streaming down his cheeks. He got on his knee and asked for your forgiveness out of a sudden. "Please M/n, I can't take it anymore, let's be friends again no-- I want MORE THAN A FRIEND THIS TIME, I LIKE YOU ALL ALONG-- why don't you know about it?"
Jungwon: A really hot temper one, can't say if both of you are friends or not because sometimes he's sweet and sometimes he's harsh as hell. Randomly staring at you in class non-stop which makes you very uncomfortable. One time during lunch break, when you were going to buy the strawberry milk, it was out of stock the moment you were about to buy it. you've been craving for those the whole day but now it's out? Ruin your lunch mood for real. He saw you wanted that strawberry milk so bad, he decided to walk to you and give you by himself and leave the canteen unspoken any words. Give you a dumbfounded moment. Your friends started to tease you after this scene happened from this day. As the day went on, he started to act more nice and lovely to you, as if he never shouted at you back then. You were stressing out that it could burn your brain until you chose to ask him the moment you saw him somewhere. "Why did I act all nice to you? Are you dumb or an idiot? Do you think I put zero effort before I make you mine?"
Ni-ki: Can't describe this boy how much he hated you the moment you walked into the classroom and introduced yourself. What's worse is the teacher assigned you to sit next to him, he just wants to murder someone on the spot but he can't do anything about it. Time is walking, he hated you but now, after spending some time observing you, he realizes you're just a shy person, everything you do is so soft and gentle, making him wanna swallow you and hide you inside his pocket. It's a pepero day, the day everyone exchanges the chocolate-coated cookie sticks with their friends or loved ones. The whole school is full of students who exchange chocolate together, even the teachers do this. Ni-ki get this opportunity to tell you his true feelings today after he developed a crush on you for a long time, so he decided to give you one while you talking to your friend. "Aww the bad boy give me a pepero, what's makes you want to do this?" You asked while giggling in a good way ofc. He stays silent for a second before finally speaking his mind. "Be my boyfriend dumbass, I can't stand seeing everyone having a crush on you from now on"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
Please do not copy my works (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)
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rosemarydisaster · 3 months
The Batfam and cooking
Alfred: we have so much canon info about this one. He takes pride in meeting the demands of his grandkids, but the kids sometimes just pretend to like it for his peace of mind.
Bruce: No. And I don't mean in the meme way. He's more than capable of sustaining himself and following instructions. He also chooses to subsist on those "nutritional milkshakes". Like to him is not a matter of learning how to cook, he's a chemist measuring his exact nutritional needs in a cup. It's disgusting and he shouldn't be allowed near the blender.
Barbara Gordon: not the best, not the worst. She has cooked, she will cook again. She's also not trying to make anything too fancy. She prefers take out mainly because she has (and will again in the future) burnt her food to a crisp because she got distracted with oracle stuff. A quick check while the potatoes are in the oven is a very dangerous thing.
Dick Grayson: he would love to be that guy that takes Instagramable pictures of his food. Sometimes he manages to do just that, but that's not sustainable for him. He has a few fancy recipes he likes to bring out to impress people or to feel like a responsible adult. Most of the time he's sauteing random vegetables with some rice and chicken and calling it a day. It's good, healthy and filling but is not much in the great scheme of things. I feel like he'd make really good salads too for some reason.
Cassandra Cain: she's not very good at being people. Cooking is part of that, a survival skill and not much more. She really appreciates nice food but doesn't see the point in learning herself when her time is better spent elsewhere. I can see her breaking into the other's houses to join them for dinner because she forgot to make her own.
Jason Todd: this man cooks. I don't care if the whole "Alfred's favorite" thing is a bit fanon, it's fun fanon. I think that since he is aware of how they lie to Alfred sometimes, he'd be an even better cook. He's the kind of guy to make any recipe work first try, even if he keeps workshopping it until it's perfect. He's also very neat and cleans after himself. Cooking helps him wind down after a hard night. If he messes up though he might cry.
Stephanie Brown: she took the whole "cooking is like science" and decided to be a mad scientist. Her cooking works for her because she has crazy tastes. Like she'd make a salami and Nutella sandwich and consider it her Magnum opus. She loves baking too just so she can fuck around and find out. Steph usually leaves the mess there until she needs the space to cook again. Not because she's dirty it's just that she gets so caught up in trying the final product she forgets about it. She stresses the fuck out of Jason.
Tim Drake: he's more of an utilitarian, closer to Cass. He learned a few simple recipes when he was a kid and that's all he needs. Through the years he's had to add a couple more to make it more balanced and fit his needs (first with the increase of physical activity and then the asplenia). He has a very healthy but very limited diet. He refuses to add anything else because there's no need. He already knows how to cook the things he needs and likes well, thank u very much.
Duke Thomas: this man can cook. It takes him a while to get into it, but he has great instinct for it. He's more of a "vibes only" kind of cook, which makes him an awful baker but Alfred has the sweets covered anyways. Part of his process includes picking the spices from the back of the rack that Alfred pretends don't exist. He's creative but not in as much of a messy way as Steph. And unlike her, he does have functioning taste buds so sometimes he ends up a victim of his own hubris. Most times it works out for him.
Damian Wayne Al Gul: he helps his siblings whenever he mooches food from them (because Alfred is the only one that tolerates idle hands in the kitchen). He loves Jason's cooking but he has more fun with Duke and Steph. They allow his input and suggestions which makes him feel like he's contributing. He prefers Duke though, because his success rate is higher.
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ao3cassandraic · 1 year
What does Aziraphale know and when does he know it? Part 2, The Chinwag
Prologue and Part 1, for those who need them.
The chinwag is written and shot in two timeframes: as it's happening, and as Aziraphale retells it to Crowley. That's a fair wodge of extra production expense, compared to just having Aziraphale retell the story. There's got to be a reason for it (beyond additional Derek Jacobi, which is never bad).
I think the reason is so that we-the-viewers can check the congruence between actual events and Aziraphale's retelling, also between Aziraphale's emotional reactions to the Metatron and the emotions he pours out to Crowley. (Remember, Aziraphale is a lying liar who lies!) Also, as some meta-ists have already pointed out, to leave the possibility open that we are not getting the whole story in either frame -- there's likely some interaction that we aren't shown and that Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley about.
But why wouldn't Aziraphale tell Crowley everything? Hold that thought (though if you've read through my metas, you already know my answer).
The chronology of the chinwag is very tangled in-show (we first see the very end of it!) so I'm going to disentangle it here, as best I can.
Aziraphale tells Crowley, "[The Metatron] said that Gabriel obviously hadn't worked out... and he asked who I thought should take over in Heaven..." Then we cut to the actual chinwag. Aziraphale looks a bit how-is-this-my-problem-exactly, and gives the obvious bureaucratic corporate yes-person (well, yes-angel) answer: Michael.
And the Metatron calls him silly for it. The Metatron has just insulted Gabriel, Michael, and Aziraphale in practically the same breath; if Aziraphale had had any doubts about contempt being fundamental to the Metatron's personality, they've been blown away now.
The Metatron: "... there's only one candidate who makes even the slightest bit of sense." Aziraphale's reaction shot: polite interest in his face, but his hands appear clasped together under the table -- he's stressed and he's hiding things. "And that's you."
And we don't get Aziraphale's actual reaction to this -- we cut back to Aziraphale telling Crowley. I know what I think Aziraphale's actual reaction, and how he expressed it, were -- and I don't think for an instant they were the same -- but by all means consider for yourself. The show wants you to. Also consider whether either of those is the same as the excitement he projects toward Crowley. My cards on the table, and a sneak peek of the next post in this series: I don't think so. I think Aziraphale retelling this story is Aziraphalean kayfabe. The Metatron wants and expects him to be excited, so he's acting excited.
We then cut back to the Metatron's actual words: "Well, yes, you're a leader, you're honest, you don't just tell people what they want to hear; it's why Gabriel came to you in the first place, I imagine."
There is not one word of this that is not bullshit. Starting from the end, Aziraphale knows why Jimbriel came to him, because he asked and the utterly guileless Jimbriel told him. It had nothing to do with leadership or honesty; it was because Jimbriel had a strong, if vague, impression that Aziraphale was the one being who could and would improve Jimbriel's situation. (Other metas from other meta-ists discuss why Jimbriel might feel this way.) The rest of the Metatron's line is manipulative generic corporate-style flattery having zero intersection with the phalanx-refusing, frequently-deceitful, go-along-to-get-along angel we all know and love.
So is Aziraphale buying the Metatron's love-bombing? I mean, it's wholly plausible that an angel would buy it, just out of sheer emotional desperation; Heaven's angels -- those who even remain after the Great War and the mass Fall -- are pitifully love- and approval-starved. Aziraphale himself has barely gotten a kind word from Heaven in his entire existence, and he's had plenty of reprimands. Gabriel didn't get a single gift in six thousand years. Lonely, obliging, bottom-of-the-hierarchy Muriel practically plotzes at the least slightest hint of approval from anyone ever.
There's only one angel on Earth or in Heaven who knows genuine, sustained love and support, though, now that Gabriel is gone -- and it's Aziraphale. I look at Aziraphale's face after the Metatron drops that love bomb, and I see no hint of joy or warmth or Muriel-like gratitude. He's not buying it. Aziraphale knows what love is, and this ain't it. (Crowley rescues Aziraphale once again, and he's not even there! I love this.)
What Aziraphale knows at this point:
The Metatron wants him back in Heaven.
Given the Metatron's habitual contempt for everyone around him, and given the blatant lies with which he expresses respect for Aziraphale, the Metatron must be lying about that respect. So whatever his reasons for wanting Aziraphale in Heaven, they're not his stated reasons about Aziraphale being suited to the job.
The Metatron is really buttering him up! "Second-in-command after me" is a pretty solid bribe! A lot bigger than a coffee! And the Metatron doesn't butter anybody else up! So the Metatron has clearly (and likely correctly) determined that ordering Aziraphale around doesn't work -- Aziraphale has a history of defying blatant orders, both openly and by working-to-rule. (The Metatron may or may not know the full details of the Arrangement, but of course it is another example.)
The Metatron is neither omniscient nor infallible. He doesn't know why Jimbriel went to Aziraphale. He doesn't know what line of patter will serve as a suitable love bomb. He can likely be fooled.
What Aziraphale likely wants to know at this point:
What. The fuck. Does the fucking Metatron. Actually want from him.
What. The fuck. Is the fucking Metatron. Actually up to. Because the Metatron has gone a long way out of his way -- en-corporating, coming to Earth, grabbing a coffee, saving Aziraphale from Michael, holding Muriel in reserve, separating Aziraphale from Crowley, pouring poison into Aziraphale's ear (Hamlet allusion, anyone?) -- to further whatever his aims are.
The Metatron, next: "There are huge plans afoot, enormous projects, and I will need you to run them. You are just the angel for the job."
Aziraphale's face, in the next shot, is still full of worry. That's a partial answer to the questions in his mind, but far from a complete one. So he plays to keep the Metatron talking, hoping that will make things clearer. "I… I don't want to go back to Heaven. Where would I get my coffee?" (He doesn't want coffee on a regular basis. He's a tea drinker! This is a prevarication. There is no trust at this table.)
The Metatron, rather than answering, raises his bribe. "You know, as supreme archangel, you would be able to decide whom to work with. I've been looking back over a number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon Crowley. Now, if you wanted to work with him again, that might be considered irregular, but it would certainly be within your jurisdiction to restore your friend, Crowley, to full angelic status."
I quoted the whole thing because whew, it's crucial and it's layered.
What Aziraphale now knows:
The Metatron sure doesn't look to be taking no for an answer.
The Metatron knows something -- how much isn't clear, but likely something fairly significant -- about the Ineffable Husbands' shenanigans through the ages. He's been studying them. (Which I find chilling, honestly, but I'm a privacy wonk so I would.)
The Metatron knows Aziraphale and Crowley are friends, important to one another; he up and said so.
The Metatron might not mind if Aziraphale got some of his own back from the other archangels. "Deciding whom to work with" in a corporate bureaucracy often means deciding whom to fire, after all. This, too, might be part of the bribe.
The Metatron is somewhat willing to let Crowley return to Heaven. Only as an angel, though, no more bee!demon. He doesn't seem enthusiastic at the prospect, however, or he'd have offered this tidbit already.
What Aziraphale likely wants to know:
The two questions he still has. They have not been answered.
What. The actual fuck. Are these plans and projects? Are they real or are they get-Aziraphale-out-of-the-way make-work?
Is the offer for Crowley on the level? (Nothing else has been so far!) Or is the Metatron's raise not bribery, but blackmail?
As for how Aziraphale responds to this: No joy, warmth, or pleasure, none. His eyes shift quickly when the Metatron first says Crowley's name, and if anything he looks even more worried for a moment. And again, we aren't allowed to see Aziraphale's actual reaction to the raised bribe offer.
If I'm Aziraphale, being railroaded into this return to Heaven by this extremely powerful and worrisomely sketchy being, I sure would want my right-hand demon at my, er, right hand. I'm just saying.
The temporally-last chunk of the chinwag is the Metatron bringing this weird unsavory job offer to a corporately-scripted close: "Well, you don't have to answer immediately. Take all the time you need." Aziraphale plays for additional information, again, by echoing Gabriel's stunned reaction, "I don't know what to say." Note that this is not an eager yes, or any kind of yes at all! Not even the possibility of Crowley being an angel again has managed to wring assent out of Aziraphale! He's the actual opposite of all in on this!
But the Metatron refuses to give any additional information, leaving Aziraphale with a lot of unanswered questions. And he gives Aziraphale an explicit direct order, which is decidedly peremptory of him, considering. "Well then, go and tell your friend the good news."
We see Aziraphale respond to this with his very best go-along-to-get-along faces. He then crosses the street toward the bookshop; his back is turned to the Metatron at last, so he can let out a bit more of whatever he's feeling. What does he do? He takes a deep breath, flashes the Metatron one more brief placating smile, physically pulls himself together, and walks stiffly across the street with another pulling-himself-together gasp for breath in the middle.
This is not a joyous angel returning to his right-hand demon with joyous news. This is an angel with a lot of unanswered questions who's worried sick and unable to let down his guard fully.
Notice, by the way, that the Metatron then goes and has his little insultingly condescending interaction with Muriel, and then he turns back toward the bookshop and stands there. Like Furfur's zombies peering into the magic shop in 1941, he's watching Aziraphale and Crowley from a distance through the bookshop windows. Can he read lips? Who knows. But he's watching.
Next up: The Fiasco.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook - what we see is what we get
When we get to see it.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there though.
Was sitting today BTS songs just playing in the background while I'm working on my post. All this shit just happening around us, around JK and JM (yes, JM is part of it, he's also affected by it all), and The truth untold comes up.
This version:
One of, if not their best performance imo. The emotion just pouring out of them.
This song. It kills me every single time. Brings me to tears every single time. JM turned away from JK singing "and I still want you" in every performance. Well, other than their last 3 in Seoul, changed by them, performed by them, ending facing each other JM singing "but I still want you". Defiant.
All about the need to wear that mask to hide your true self for fear you might not be loved for who you truly are, that you might be seen as ugly, a monster. And the two of them, changing the staging, turning to each other, looking into each other's eyes, while changing the "and" to "but I still want you"... do people understand this? The enormity of this moment?
And then this song comes up, this performance:
This was on day 2, while on day 3 we had this:
Omg, my YT logarithm is trying to kill me today.
And got me thinking about this moment we got on day 3 as well.
This love, people, this chemistry, us not seeing it as often for the lack of BTS ot7 content doesn't mean is gone. It's very much still there. We just aren't as lucky to be able to see them in that one frame as often or even at all. But when we do, there is no denying it. Even if it's for the shortest of moments.
We saw it in 2020 (have people forgot memories 2020 for god sake?)
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We saw it in 2021
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So much more, so little image allowance... But you can find it all in my masterlist.
We saw it throughout 2022 in their Seoul and LV PTD concerts.
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And in JITB even if briefly,
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And in Busan and Run BTS episodes.
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And we even got a little touch of it in 2023, when there was no way of keeping them out of the frame, like in Jhope's enlistment BTB, D-Day in Seoul and even when not being in one frame, in those lives we got to enjoy when the one joined the other in their comments and even without the other even making that kind of appearance.
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Letter, goddamnit.
Oh and then we had JM literally flying across the world to be with JK for his Solo debut (if only GMA concert wasn't cancelled, damn it), and them dipping off for their 4 day private trip in CT.
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It's sad how short people's memories are. Really. I am reading all sorts of fanfictions being put forward as "this is what happened with Jikook over the years", stating facts that are not facts, creating non existent drama, because people love the drama.
This is a loving couple in a long term relationship. You know, that boring kind. The stable, loving, filled with respect and no drama. The one where one supports their partner when they are struggling. One where just being with each other is fulfilling (cough JK coming to JM's room in LA just to be with him in the same room for hours cough).
Funny how people are talking about them breaking up 2020-21 during the pandemic when JK literally had a slip of the tongue spilling the beans they live together, they are one household, in Run BTS episode 142 they were each gifted a knife. JK all proud and piping up "we got 2"...
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JM just sitting there all quiet, smirk on his face.
Stories about breakups. Stories about sexually experimenting but no actual emotional commitment. All while ignoring the constants. Those things that are just there, all the time, whenever we do get to see them:
That electrical chemistry between those two.
The way they look at each other constant over the years.
The way they talk to each other constant over the years.
The way they touch each other constant over the years.
The way they talk about each other.
The way their interactions are so different from the others or their own with the others.
The way the others are around them, their reaction to Jikook.
All still there!!!
I wrote this post yesterday before JK's Radiohead appearance and his TikTok post-delete.
I guess now would be a good time to repeat what the wise @ourwinterspring (yes, I'm mentioning you again, lol) once said (well a couple of days ago, that is):
Rumors are created by haters
accepted by fools
and spread by idiots
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hordraomin · 1 year
Krita tutorial the way I know it.
Basics: What is where.
Specific advice on specific tools.
Basics: What is where.
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Upon opening the program this is what you're met with. First of all, must comment: The layout is HEAVILY editable so you can just drag menus anywhere you want, even leave them floating amidst the sheet you're drawing on.
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You can create custom art templates, I have two o'mine here as both have my signature background color.
As well, you can edit the custom document settings, as in what size you want it, what resolution, even the initial content of the image. As well you can create from clipboard: Just copy some image from your browser and Krita will recognize it (useful for making meme edits lol).
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Now, once you have your file, I will show you what is where.
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Brushes are easy to edit and there are tons of free bundles to download online. I myself only got one bundle, Jackpack (bit hard to find now due to original source being lost, it is still available but bit tricky to come by).
There. Are. Tons.
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Some of these are my custom brushes for calligraphy in neography, you might even guess which ones. You can edit existing brushes, make new ones from the ones you've edited without changing the original, and all sorts of stuff (more below in the third chapter).
There are numerous packages of brushes once you enter Krita, but only one/two are available when you first open it. To unlock them all, click here:
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And make sure all bundles are dark gray in color (example of both dark and light below).
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Now Tools Options: those will pop up depending on what tool you're using.
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Symmetry: Fun stuff. You can drag the lines depending on how you need them and then center them back to the center of the screen if needed.
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Gradients and Textures also have their tools options, you can play with those to get the feeling what they can do (more in third chapter).
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The Filters tab is useful too. Blurring, motion blurring, color mapping, artistic filters and all that: Quite fun.
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Krita allows you to customize your workspace freely. Floating menus, tabs, anything you want. It has quite many drivers at that-
To access the workspace templates, go to Window and choose Workspace.
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Krita allows for copy-pasting any image onto the sheet. Though, for me it sometimes crashes if I accidentally copy-paste text into it without choosing the Text tool first.
The software allows for both raster and vector work. It is basically Photoshop sharpened to be used by artists primarily.
There are some interesting mechanics regarding the Eraser (default bind E).
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You can use it with any brush, allowing for textured erasure/quick work. Good for sketching.
You can use it on gradients (given there's a transparent point on the gradient preset).
There's a Multibrush tool:
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People say Krita is good for animation but my brain can't wrap around it yet honestly @~@.
The keybinds:
B - Brush tool.
E - Erase tool option.
M - Mirror (useful for checking accuracy from a new angle).
Ctrl - Color pick (when used with brush or other color-using tools).
Shift+L.Mouse+drag - Changes the size of the brush by dragging left and right.
Ctrl+E - Merge layer with the one below.
Ctrl+G - Group selected layers.
Ctrl+A - Select whole sheet.
Ctrl+Shift+A - Deselect everything.
F - Bucket tool.
G - Gradient tool.
Ctrl+S - Save document.
Ctrl+Shift+S - Save As document.
Ctrl+N - New document.
Ctrl+O - Open document (will be seen in a new tab on top of the sheet).
Ctrl+C - Copy selected layer or selection.
Ctrl+X - Cut selected layer or selection.
Ctrl+V - Paste copied/cut layer or selection.
Q - Multibrush tool.
R.Mouse - Interesting thing: Opens up a quick selector for brushes and colors you've already used in the piece.
1 - Zoom 100%.
2 - Zoom to fit the piece vertically.
3 - Zoom to fit the piece horizontally.
4, 5, 6 - Turn 15 degrees (4 and 6) or undo the turning whatsoever (5).
Ctrl+I - Negative filter applied to layer.
Ctrl+U - Color editing on the layer.
Ctrl+Y - Soft proofing mode (for color mistakes and stuff like that, mostly annoying for me tbh).
Ctrl+T - Transform selection/layer.
Ctrl+R - Square select tool.
Ctrl+J - Lasso select tool.
Honestly you can just hover your mouse over tools and see their shortcut binds, as well. Or edit them in Settings.
Specific advice on specific tools.
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Brush editor is a great tool for making custom brushes, and it even has a sratchpad to test them out. Lots of settings, but no need to be afraid; Most of them you might never use on purpose.
Use Brush Smoothing for great and pretty lines in lining pieces or making calligraphy.
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The four icons to the right top are:
Mirror gradient.
Arrange by lightness value.
Arrange by color value.
Space the stops evenly.
Click the gradient to add a new stop. The three things to the left are:
Make the stop use Primary Color.
Make the stop use Secondary Color.
Make the stop use a fixed color.
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moth-bells · 8 months
Hi so, I dont know whenever I'm gonna be able to write or draw anything I like for my cryptids au, so I'm going to give you all literally all the lore and if I ever get to it, its already here.
It also doesnt always make perfect sense but I think that gives it charm and I'm not gonna run around in circles trying to make it perfect Gonna try and make this generally in timeline of events order
The earth is formed. From the dust of star dust rises two figures
They have no names and they were never born, forming from things they do not understand, yet know all too well
They are always at one another's side
They are both everything and nothing to one another
They witness eons together
Watching little specks shift and change and grow
They watch life and ease life along with hands that do what is needed without thought behind how it happens
They have purpose yet none here, witnesses
The duo watch as the earth fills with life only for it all to nearly vanish
They watch life persevere despite that
Those first peculiar humans, though without that name yet, come to be. So small and fragile, yet the two can see potential with these ones
They travel the globe, checking in on different places, seeing how the people so similar are slowly changing. They find it fascinating, though they feel this with other animals
One day, they realize many of these people that they've visited, perhaps assisted at times, and occasionally revisited, have places of worship
Neither of them understand, but they gather that these humans seem to look at them as higher than them. Gods.
Are they? They arent living in the same way as other beings. They cant die. They dont age and were never born.
If not gods, what are they then?
They dont know.
They do eventually move on, but one day, an unknown amount of years later, they return to one of these villages
The people, they do rejoice for their deities have graced them again
The duo decided to linger here longer than before.
One day, theres murmurs of malcontent floating
The two have witnessed battles, but stayed out of them.
They had never watched wars begin, the quiet wisps of smoke that would soon become flames
Now these two, unnatural as they are, were not infinitely strong.
Yes, they were stronger than many of these small humans, who were much smaller than them
But, if there were many humans against one of them, there was only so much that they could do
The humans, separated into factions, decided that one of the duo were a true god while the other was something evil and wrong.
Such is the way of humanity
The two realized they might have stayed too long now, deciding it was time to leave
It was too late for that now.
These two beings, nameless, named and renamed by many, but never calling each other by any.
Two who had been together since they were glints in an existence less universe
Were separated
Humans from either side took their 'rightful' god. Determined to use their worship against the other side.
The two beings were able to take some of them, desperately trying to not be taken away from the other.
They were not gods, though, not in the way these humans thought.
What they were was unknowable, but they still were not ever powerful.
With enough force, they were dragged away by the people who once looked at them equally
The one yellow as pollen was taken into a deep cavernous temple, locked into the darkness, with nothing within it. No escape. The entrance to this prison was sealed with a boulder.
He screamed for them to release him, but his words, something only his other understood, fell on deaf ears.
He pushed and clawed at the rock, but it was too heavy
These people believed their worship of isolation and fasting was pure and accepted by their god.
The other was left to a fate less horrendous, but equally lonely.
Tossed down into a pit, deep with only a manmade covering to hide it.
He as well demanded to be freed, but none of that was to come
These humans worshipped the sky at night that this being reminded them of, that being the only thing that he could see from his prison, though there was also a reminder in the daylight of who he was missing
The humans dropped food of animals down to him.
They werent able to starve to death, nor did they need to eat in the way animals and living things did, but it would give them extra energy if they needed it. No, they took in the rays of the star above them.
So, with the one in the pit, he received more that enough to keep him mobile.
The one in the cave, however...
centuries passed. Thousands and thousands of years
And they who have been here since before time itself, before knowing that of light and space and earth and death
They changed
Slowly, over time, of desperation and madness, and forces they themselves would never truly understand
They changed.
The cavern, where slowly less and less voices of prayer came, lost to a memory
Where eyes as blue as the sky became milky white
Where his mind grew blank with bleakness and its voice lost all form of words
Body became sharp and thin and twisted
Claws and teeth long and sharp.
In the pit, staring up at day and night as blood, and bodies of animal sacrifice fell upon him
One day, he accepted them, hoping for the strength needed to climb free
Eventually, it forgot why it was even down there.
And then the food stopped coming.
It had spent years and years, copying the shrieks and cries of a wounded animal, luring certain animals to the wide spaced grate above
It never felt hunger but it ached for the blood and rush that the meal provided
Its body became more wild, more dangerous
For some years its back ached until there was a weak flap of wings
W i n g s.
The other was still trapped for sometime, having long forgotten what it was. What it was missing. Neither could remember but they could feel it
It would be sheer luck that some unfortunate children, merely teenagers, would come to that stone that their ancestors had made and laid there, not just a myth among them now.
That a god lay in the cave, dangerous and angry, locked away when it tried to turn against the people that worshiped it...or so they say the story goes
It would be their misfortune as they struggled to move the circular rock, that light from the evening setting sun would start to peek through inside
And something would come leaping out at them.
They fled from the monster, leaving one screaming to their fate to the creature so starved.
After, once its frenzy ended, it luckily took off into the forest surrounding it, away from the pain of the sun on its wide white eyes
It was fate, it would seem that they would find one another again
So changed by time and humanities unknowing cruelties
More animal than whatever they may have been to begin with
The winged one had found it one day, though not knowing fully why it was pulled toward it
The blind one, having changed even more in these years of freedom, lashed out at the new arrival
This, in turn, made the winged one defend itself.
They fought, clicking and screeching at one another until the teeth were dug into fur
Something clicked in this mindless mind that this thing was the same as itself.
They backed away from one another
Slowly, they reapproached...they chirred and cooed and inspected one another. One with sight the other with smell.
And they laid down together for the first time in forever
They wandered for some years, avoiding the creatures they felt compelled to hide from.
Until one day..
A small little voice spoke up at the blind one, not screaming or attacking with things that hurt
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lifblogs · 7 months
Better Late Than Dead
Fandom: The Bad Batch Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Pairing: Tech/Phee Word Count: 1268 Summary: Tech arrives on Pabu for the first time since he was rescued from Dr. Hemlock, and put his mind back together (mostly). A special someone is there waiting for him. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Disclaimer, I have PCS (Post-Concussion Syndrome) so this story could be a mess, it could be great. I don't know, but I tried, and I had fun. First story I've written since I hit my head. I am sooooo nervous about it for some reason. This fandom seems like nothing but kind, though. If you read it, thank you. READ ON AO3
Tech paused getting off the ramp. Once he stepped off onto Pabu he would no longer just be on the Marauder with his family. He would exist in a public space, with people who… might not understand, who would see him differently. He was different.
There were some stares from the crowd, but he couldn’t track all of them, faces blurring and disappearing as he watched. But maybe those eyes were still on him.
Subconsciously, he touched the back of his head, feeling the metal plate there that replaced part of his skull, felt the lines where his scalp had split, where either through injury or one of his many surgeries his brain had been exposed. His new and enhanced left eye (replacing the gouged one from Plan 99) searched the space before him frantically, but he tried to take in what the right saw first: bright, blue skies with white, puffy clouds; a calm ocean for kilometers on end; happy people in colorful clothing—survivors, every one of them. How could such a place exist when he’d been through such horrors in Hemlock’s dark labs? Now it was like this beautiful place only half-existed.
The beauty was what his right eye saw. The left one… He hadn’t had a chance to reprogram it yet. Most of what he saw through it was a dizzying array of heat signatures, structural integrities, and the best places to shoot a target. According to his eye, everyone was a target. This was all superimposed over his regular vision from his right eye. The confusing signals to his brain usually left him with the feeling as if his eyes were being scooped out (half a phantom pain and reminiscent of his real horrors), and it would throb up into his head. With the metal plate added in, he had more headaches than he could manage on most days.
Still feeling anxiety churning in his gut; cold, clammy fear gripping the back of his neck and stripping him bare, he held up his new datapad. Tech decided to do a quick check of his metabolic system, and the absorption levels of his various injected pain meds, and their half-lives. This was done through a chip implanted at the base of his skull. Unfortunately that had required an extra surgery, seeing as that hadn’t fit in the area where he’d needed his skull repaired.
His datapad beeped quietly, and a yellow bar showed up near the top. He’d need to re-inject his left hip soon.
Tech glanced up, the real galaxy around him becoming too real. Coming towards the ramp with a hesitant smile and shining eyes was Phee.
His heart suddenly seemed too big, blood somehow beating hard all across his torso, even as it crawled up his throat. Phee. He really had thought of her, even remembered one instance of Hemlock torturing him for mentioning her name. He shuddered, his mechanical left leg shifting in a way that seemed too obvious and inhuman to him.
Tech wasn’t the same.
Am I even Tech?
No, no. You’ve… you’ve been over this already. Done the work. I. Am. Tech.
And he had thought about Phee in what he had thought would be his last moments. He’d surprisingly had the time to think about a lot of people.
He’d thought about his last-minute realization, and he’d mourned what could have been. And now… there she was. Here he was. Pabu. Safety. Phee.
Tech took a deep breath, tried to swallow back his fear, and stepped down the ramp, all too aware of how he looked now. Feeling clumsy with this changed body, he struggled to put his datapad back on his belt. One last thing to put between this moment and the next, the inevitable.
Phee met him at the bottom of the ramp, letting him step off. For a moment the voices around them dimmed, but neither of them spoke.
Oh no, she’s horrified. She’s disgusted. She’s—
“You look different.”
Blunt, as always.
“I think I like it.”
“You… do?” Tech asked, caught off guard as he usually was with her. (How could anyone script conversations with a flirtatious, bold pirate?)
She shrugged. Was she… crying?
Some of his vision blurred. His eye malfunctioning? No. His right one. He was crying.
Hesitantly, she touched his shoulder. Tech jumped a little, but let her warm, assuring touch stay there. He wondered what that hand felt like—strong, calloused.
“It’s you, isn’t it?”
Was this him? All these differences, and injuries, and modifications?
Well, he was still Tech, so he supposed that made the plate in his skull him, the chip, the cybernetic leg, and eye. Still… Tech. Just different. A new Tech.
“I suppose.” He was surprised to hear himself speak.
“Then of course I like it! But I have a bone to pick with you.”
Tech almost backed away, startled, as her finger prodded against his chest.
What bone?
“Seven months?!” she went on, voice raised and rough. “I don’t see you for seven months?! And all I could get out of Mr. Face Tattoo was that you were ‘indisposed.’”
“Sorry I’m… late,” he got out, as if that somehow summed up everything that had changed his life, that had even affected hers.
That’s when a sob left Phee, and her tears spilled, and she cupped Tech’s scarred face in her hand. It was calloused, just like he’d thought it’d be. Something about her touch was reassuring and invigorating all at once.
And it was kind.
Tech hadn’t realized how much he’d needed someone outside his family to support him until that moment. It left him weak in his right knee, and he might have trembled.
Phee sobbed again, and then got out with a smile bright enough to rival the stars, “But still—better late than dead, I always say.”
Tech held her hand against his face for a second, marveling at the feeling, her words. Then he wasn’t sure who pulled who into an embrace, but suddenly she was flush against him, her heart beating fast, chest moving with her sobs, a wild scent of ocean salt, island fruit, and some kind of warm spice surrounding him. With his chin tucked against her shoulder, and her head resting against his he learned her hair was a softness he’d never felt before.
“Though of course you had to lose one brown eye on me,” she joked. He was surprised when it didn’t hurt, not from her.
“I’ll try not to lose the other one.”
“You’d better. What am I supposed to call you now? ‘Brown Eye’ doesn’t sound romantic.”
“We could… make it romantic,” he ventured, voice a soft murmur against her.
Phee laughed, and pulled back, patting his cheek. “Honey, I’m not sure you know what romance is.”
For the first time since Plan 99, months and months ago, Tech laughed—something he’d thought he would never be capable of again. And, he thought, maybe he’d like to do it again. With Phee.
“I’m smart,” he assured her, watching as she wiped away her tears, wishing he could do it for her. He went on, surprising himself, “I’m sure I can learn.”
Phee took his hand in hers, and Tech was startled by how much he enjoyed that her hand was smaller than his.
“Well, come on then,” she said, starting to drag him along, towards society as a whole new person. “You’re gonna have a lot of studying to do.”
Tech smiled, somehow, as he followed her, leaving just a little bit of that dark lab behind him.
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Shenanigans EXTRA (1/2) - A trip to another universe!
Summary: Y/N, Katsuki, Izuku and Shouto goes on an adventure to another universe. Having of each is already enough but two?! Things get weird really quickly.
Warnings: Swear words, sex jokes, horny thoughts
Helpful note:
To make it easier I tried to play around with names to make it obvious who’s who, so…
Izuku - Normal Izuku
Deku, Midoriya - Other world’s Izuku
Katsuki - Normal Katsuki
Bakugou - Other world’s Katsuki
I hope that helps!
If you want to start at the beginning, CLICK HERE for the first chapter!
If you want to read the Alternative Universe Arc alone, CLICK HERE! (It can be read without knowing the full story! It’s only 3 chapters!)
Check out all my works HERE! 💥
A few months ago in another universe.
Bakugou Katsuki. University student. Hobbies: Drums, nerdy things, Marvel and All Might movies. Secretly collects Pokémon and Yu-gi-Oh cards. Loves Funko Pops. Top student. Drummer in a cool, edgy band. Definitely not a hero but apparently he is one in another universe. Because that shit exist. Yeah. Shocker.
How does he know that? Because he met the love of his life when the gate between the two worlds had suddenly opened. She fell from the sky. Literally. He swears he wasn’t on any substances when this had happened. He does drink quite a lot, don’t judge him, he’s a fucking UNI student, but drugs aren’t his thing. He also have two bozos, Deku and Shouto, who can vouch for him if you don’t believe him. They were also completely sober, even though with those two, Bakugou is never sure. They look high 24/7.
So long story short, this random, absolutely gorgeous lady fell from the sky, she knew them by their names and she also told Bakugou that his other self hates her guts and he got so angry he started crying out of pure frustration, promising this gorgeous girl that he’ll find her in his world and fucking marry her on the spot because Bakugou was head over heels for her the second her lovely butt touched the ground.
Bakugou did not a give a fuck about love before but now he does. Oh hell, he really fucking does. This lady was only with them for 24 fucking hours but it’s been months now and he still can’t forget about her. But here’s the problem; this lady wasn’t Japanese. She was a fucking foreigner living in Japan. Which means, Bakugou had to work his ass off while doing UNI full time to have enough money to fly to her country for a whole month. It was terrible. He had no life, no time for anything, he was tired 24/7 and even though he just landed on this foreign land and he should be excited about it, he just want to fucking sleep for a week, which he won’t, because he only has 4 fucking weeks to find this bloody woman and make her fall for him. No time to sleep here.
“Kacchan, you won’t woo her with a face of a serial killer, you do need to sleep.”
He hates when his best friend is right.
So he sleeps. For one whole day. That will hopefully be enough to rid him of his Gucci bags.
He’s out of the bed by 7AM the next day, fueled by a weird feeling which makes him believe that Y/N is close by - Which would be ridiculous. Meeting her on the first day? Absolutely not possible. Life isn’t that kind and Bakugou doesn’t believe that faith has the power to connect two people out of the blue even though he literally fell in love after a foreigner fell from the sky for him and is literally spending all his money to find her right now. He’s a fucking hypocrite, isn’t he? Yeah, whatever. He believes in faith in a way, he believes that you can feel when you are on the right path, you can feel when you meet the right people, but faith opening the right doors to find the right path is nothing but a fairytale. Again, says the guy whose girlfriend fell from the sky.
With that said, Bakugou leaves the house in his fanciest clothing which only makes him look like half a nerd and not a full one. Should’ve gotten contacts though. His glasses are really fucking nerdy. He can only hope that Y/N likes nerds because otherwise, this mission is a failure from the start.
He decides to take it easy and get some breakfast instead of searching like an idiot. The other world’s Y/N gave him some potential addressees he needs to check but he can’t do this shit with an empty stomach, so he runs into the nearest coffee shop to get some pastries and a big jug of black coffee but some bozo decides to run into him, trying to get through the door first, even though there is enough space for the both of them inside.
“Oi, careful!” Bakugou reprimands after realizing that the girl he just bumped into is much more fragile than him. Because he’s a fucking gentleman. You heard it right, a GENTLEMAN.
Okay. No fucking way. This is a fucking joke.
“Fuck’s sake, this is the shittiest day of my life!” Y/N tries to squeeze past mumbling back in English for some reason, but there is no way Bakugou will let her run away.
“It’s 8 in the fucking morning, silly.”
Oh god. He sounds so lovesick. And his accent is so shitty. The Y/N of the other works spoke perfect Japanese so he must say he’s a little bit uhm… surprised. But at least she speaks English. That’s… helpful.
“The fuck are you so happy for? Did you win the lottery?” Y/N tries to acts nonchalant but her cheeks are dusted red.
“Yeah, I think I just did.” He admits with the silliest smile on his face.
… there goes Katsuki’s plans to be cool. Nevermind.
“Well, you have a weird way of flirting. I’m intrigued.” She answers back. They are literally standing in the doorway, blocking the exit but no one dares to speak about it. What a chill country. Maybe he should move here after retirement.
“Well, it’s far more believable than saying that I’ve met your twin from another universe a few months ago and I was kinda looking for you for several months now.”
“Is it weird that… I can kinda believe that?” Y/N looks into Bakugou’s eyes and that’s when Bakugou completely loses it. His face becomes a mess of emotions, there is adoration, wonder, a weird kind of anxiety he’s never felt before, his urgent need for coffee long forgotten.
“Can we share a table, then?” Bakugou tries his best to sound confident, but his voice wavers when Y/N looks at him with eyes full of rejection.
“Not unless you can help me with my Japanese homework. I have an exam in two days.” She sighs, finally moving away from the door, leaving the lovelorn Bakugou alone in the doorway.
“Well, luckily for you, I’m Japanese.” Katsuki answers in his own mother language, trying his best to not smirk menacingly, but he probably does it anyway.
“Study date with a stranger?” Y/N fucking winks and that’s when Bakugou descends into another world, thankfully, not literally.
“Oh my god, you two, get a table.” The bartender rolls her eyes and it’s weirdly sounds like “get a room.”
Bakugou and Y/N has a study date. By the end of the day - yes, they’ve been at it the whole day, eating pastries for breakfast, lunch and dinner - Y/N looks like she’s about to pass out, but she has a content smile on her face as she looks at her notebook filled with random notes from Bakugou himself.
Bakugou isn’t the most patient person when it comes to studying so needless to say he did end up yelling at the poor girl quite a few times but instead of the usual resentment he got nothing but cute giggles as a reaction. Bakugou is already head over heels for this version of Y/N. She’s fierce but cute, she can handle his temper perfectly and they just… click. It really feels like they were meant to be.
“Any chance you are the type of nerd who’s great at everything? I also need to catch up on math and English.”
“Same place, same time tomorrow?” Bakugou smirks and Y/N smirks back at him.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.” Bakugou leaves a cheeky kiss in Y/N’s hair and runs towards the door, trying his best to hide his red face from the crowd.
“How do you know my full name?!”
Bakugou doesn’t need to think about an answer for this one.
Bakugou helps Y/N with her studies every day for the whole month. It’s around the second week when Y/N admits she’s been looking for opportunities to study in Japan. She doesn’t need to say anything else for Bakugou to know there is something more behind that decision than Y/N’s dreams to see Tokyo; the way they are cuddled up on Bakugou’s floor surrounded by random notes is more than enough for him to know that he’s not the only one feeling this weird connection between them.
Y/N kisses him on the lips when they say goodbye at the airport. Bakugou sells half of his clothes to make space for her stuff in his closet after he gets home.
Now back to the hero world.
“Are we all ready?” You yell loudly to gain everyone’s attention.
“Let’s go!” Yells Katsuki, exhilarated.
“Yes.” Typical Todoroki. He doesn’t even look excited.
“What if we get stuck there? Are you sure you are capable of doing this, Y/N? There must be a limit to your powers, what if something goes wrong and we will be stuck in a weird in-between or in the quantum realm like in that cool superhero film? What if by the time we manage to come back all out friends are dead?! Oh my god….”
Do you even need to say who that was? Probably not.
“Well, have fun.” A grumpy voice comes from the background. “Don’t worry about me being left out. Honestly, no biggie, I’ll just cry myself to sleep, alone in my room while my friends are having a pajama party in a cool universe…”
You would love to be able to bring Eijirou with you as well, but someone needs to run the agency.
“Shut the fuck up you stupid red monkey, I told you I’ll stay back the next time!”
You sigh and decide to just go for it before poor Izuku’s brain explodes from all the unnecessary worry.
Everyone screams. Then they scream some more when they start to fall into eternal nothingness.
You think about the University those guys go to. About the green grass and the benches surrounding the small clearing right next to the University, you think about Midoriya’s eyeliner, their unproblematic smiles and suddenly, a small spot of light appears right under your foot, the spot getting bigger and bigger as you fall and fall and fall until your butts hit the pretty green grass.
“Fucking hell, babe, that was a shitty landing!”
“Sorry, princess, I’ll get you a massive bed for the next time, okay?”
“Fuck you.”
“You wish.”
“Guys, I’m… me is looking at us?! Okay, I’m officially freaking out. Oh my god, I’m wearing an eyeliner. I think I’m going to pass out. Guys, I’m passing out. Oh my…”
“Pay up, halfie.”
“I’m not mad, just disappointed.” Shouto pulls out a note from his pocket and hands it to Katsuki.
“Y/N!” A really gay-looking, lanky nerd jumps on your back and hangs there like a monkey. You decide to show off your new strength by catching the guy’s thighs and give him a piggy back ride.
“Oi, put your filthy arms away from my woman, you nerdy little shit! Also, your other self just passed out on the floor!”
“Oh my god, that’s me?!” Midoriya jumps off your back and goes towards Izuku to take a better look. Todoroki (the other one.) runs back to their bench to grab a bottle of water and sits down next to your Izuku, absolutely ignoring his other self for the sake of your world’s Izuku.
Well, now… it’s really hard not to laugh.
Picture this. There is a passed out Izuku on the ground, surrounded by two worried Todorokis, one lean and nerdy and one looking like a greek god. Then there is this world’s Midoriya, slim and wearing the colors of the rainbow, shamelessly touching Izuku’s massive arms with pure wonder, at least until he looks up to the Greek God Shouto; he stares at the guy with hungry eyes, looking him up and down, and he just says.
“I would let you ruin my favorite underwear in a heart beat.”
Katsuki hollers.
“Oh my god, this guy is Deku? THIS?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Also, you just let your boyfriend salivate over another guy right in front of your face?” Katsuki looks at the other Todoroki who only shrugs at that.
“Well, technically, he is me. So he’s salivating over me just with more muscles.”
That’s fair.
“Hi, I’m Todoroki Shouto. Nice to meet you.” Shouto shakes Todoroki’s hand. Katsuki is about to pass out from all the laughing, still laying on the floor.
“Uhm, hi. I’m also… Todoroki Shouto.”
Awkward silence. Katsuki is dead.
“Okay, while I really enjoy your shenanigans, let’s move to somewhere private before someone gets a heart attack from seeing this shit.” You giggle. Shouto is about to take his boyfriend into his arms when Todoroki stops him.
“I’ll take him.” He takes a deep breath while Midoriya snickers in the background. Needless to say he can’t even lift the guy off the ground. “Nevermind. You can… take him.” He moves away awkwardly, back to his partner’s side who looks at him with nothing but pity in his eyes.
“We will start working out from tomorrow.” Midoriya gives Todoroki a shoulder pat.
Todoroki doesn’t say anything just nods.
Shouto takes Izuku’s body in his arms without even flinching.
“I think I peed a little a bit.”
“Oh my god, Deku.”
“You are so cute.”
Those are Izuku’s first words after he finally decides to wake up properly, now in Todoroki’s room. This world’s Todoroki blushes like a maniac.
“How long am I going to be ignored? Huh?” Katsuki decides to throw an actual hissy fit, hand on his hips and everything. “What about me?! I look fucking hot too! Don’t ignore me!”
“Yeah, where is the other Kacchan?” Izuku asks the million dollar question.
“Yeah, where is my other boo? I wanna kiss his stupid face for making me realize this guy isn’t just an asshole.”
It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. Without this world’s Bakugou you wouldn’t be here right now. You must thank him properly.
“Oi, don’t ignore me!”
“Kacchan, don’t worry, you look gorgeous, honeybun!” Midoriya decides to save the day. “I love the undercut and damn, that waist!”
“Finally, thank you!” Katsuki mutters with a red face. “Fucking ignoring me, I can’t believe this shit…” He mumbles in the most adorable way and you can’t help but cuddle into him, your eyes full of adoration.
“I love you, you gremlin.”
“Asshole.” He mutters back but he kisses your forehead anyway.
“SURPRISE BITCHES!” Todoroki’s door opens and that’s when it’s your time to loose your shit; seeing this world’s Bakugou again is already enough for your heart to act up but there is another person next to him, none other than yourself. “No fucking shit! No way! Y/N!” Bakugou is right in your personal space, hugging the shit out of you while your other self gawks at the whole scene.
“So that comment before wasn’t a poor attempt at flirting?! Katsuki?! What the fuck is going on?!” Your other self stares at you for several seconds before she finally speaks again. “Damn, I’m hot! Damn, you are hot! The fuck are these people?!”
You are just about to answer your own (?) question when Bakugou makes a move towards your boyfriend, extremely pissed all of a sudden.
“You fucking asshole!” Bakugou attempts to hit Katsuki but needless to say, he dodges it and literally just grabs the guy’s shirt and yanks him up and far away from him, like he weights nothing. “Oi, let me fucking hit you! You broke Y/N’s heart, you absolute moron, you are the e stupidest fucking blonde in the whole wide universe! I’m ashamed of you! Shame! Shame! Shame”
“You know Kacchan is mad when he starts quoting Game of Thrones.” Rainbow Deku adds helpfully.
“Stop fiddling and calm the fuck down! I’m doing my best to not fucking hit you myself for cuddling my girlfriend back then! I was so mad I couldn’t sleep for three days after that!”
“Oh?” Finally, Bakugou stops moving around and just looks at himself (?) with a questioning look.
“Yeah, oh, you fucking idiot, do you think I actually hated her guts back then? I was stupid, but I’ve learnt my lesson so stop fucking trying to kill me with your chicken arms!”
“So, you two…”
“Yeah. I fucking love her. Of course I fucking do. We just moved in together.” Katsuki finally puts Bakugou down, blushing like a school kid.
“We also have a pet pigeon, Steven… wait no. Stephanie.” You put your arm around Katsuki’s torso and pull him close. He leaves a tiny kiss on your forehead again.
“We also have two grand kids. Stephanie just had babies.” You look up at your boyfriend like you are talking about your actual grandchildren and not just about some random pigeons who decided to live on your balcony. Katsuki looks back at you with so much fondness in his eyes it kinda makes you tear up.
“Oh my god, get a room.” Deku smirks at your boyfriend, who smirks back.
“If there is a spare room we can use, I’m happy to oblige.”
“You can use Izuku’s room, it’s free!” Todoroki says right away and Bakugou slaps his own face out of embarrassment.
“Honeybun, you just told them to go and fuck in my room.” Deku puts his hand on Todoroki’s shoulder who gets as red as a lobster when he realizes his mistake.
“Why is human language so hard?”
“Don’t worry, you are not alone.” Shouto goes over to himself with an understanding look. “I’m also terrible at understanding these things. I get in trouble all the time. Or I just get laughed at. Just smile like you’ve meant it as a joke and then they’ll think you are just funny. Don’t ask me why, I don’t understand either, but that’s what I was told to do.”
“Okay, why don’t we sit the fuck down? I’m starting to get dizzy from seeing two of the same people. I need a moment of silence to get my head around this shit.” Your other self speaks up and honestly….
… Last Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Sorry for being so late with this, I finished this chapter ages ago then I forgot that I need to post it? 😂 I was also busy writing the two upcoming series, one Bakugou x Reader and one Kirishima x Reader (different reader) spin-off for this series! Please please please give them a read when they come out! I’m so excited for them!
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- I hope it wasn’t too hard to understand who’s who, I really tried my best!
-I’ll try to post the last chapter of this one as soon as I can, I’m almost done with it! I will post the Kirishima one first though, so you guys can have a little peek into what’s coming! 💜
- Thank you for all your support during this series, your comments give me a reason to live 💜
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai @porusuniverse
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daystarvoyage · 1 month
I often see fans demonize some characters like Belos,The Blights, Camila, into far worse versions of themselves like fans portraying Camila as abusive since she wants Luz go to Reality Check Camp to correct her behavior and certain people interpret that of her sending her to a conversation therapy camp or the Blights while they are bad parents for sure they are sometimes depicted as physically abusive or homophobic despite that sort of thing not existing in the boiling isles and Finally Belos gets made into a bigot who is sexist,racist, homophobic because he a white Christian male despite not making any insults for Luz being a woman or POC while his stance of sexual orientation or gender identity is unknown the fact he didn’t insult Luz for being a woman or POC is remarkable progressive for a Man who is born in the 1600’s also He FICTIONAL and we already have enough of those people in real life what do you think?
I do say this, people need to start separating the art from the artist and fantasy from reality,
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this type of writing and fictional perspective, a lot of viewers and fans sit through, its been done throughout animation, Even in real life affecting how we see our adult figures.
hope i say this, the best way i can cause the show did the adults and supporting characters dirty with its ill pacing in storytelling and character exposure
The Fans Of their favorite media love to exaggerate disliked characters (be it villains or unpopular ones) cause of how there perceived physically or in writing in the creator's eyes. We get this at the start of the first episode introducing Camila (whos a great mother who I relate to cause, I also was on the spectrum being raised by a single mom) I feel I look at her as a character who carries a burden with her being a single mother) yet relatable cause she does her best to take care of her daughter on earth cause she to is a single mother protecting her daughter from the harsh reality cause its not all huckydorey (like the ending of the show),when she wants luz to conform. the way fans see luz assomeone needing protecting, might villanize camila firsthand(DEMONIZING ADULT MOMENT BY FANDOM) as a cheerful person luz is, fans forget that she's also impressionable, impulsive, don't think far on consequneces and needy, might gloss over the fact she needs proper mannerisms (to get by in the world at times), cause shes young & fits the viewers mold of perception, that no one should be punished cause of sexuality, it might show she doesn't need help. Let's be clear the fans are gonna gloss the fact shes a troublemaker who brings harmful items to school WHICH fans should be concerned, i mean neurodivergent character doesn't mean good personality,
2. The blight situation I swear they did Odalia dirty with this GRRR & how talented and amazing Rachel MacFarlane is (Her VA voicing hayley from American Dad.)
She also over exaggerated for being ( DEMONIZED BY FANDOM cause SHE's an ADULT) to being just an abusive mother, but however others will see it is a character who was a dark and humorous character at least & she has great writing tools to be & alador was just a plot device to make amity look good even the twins, & get rid of odalia even though her had his hand in amity's abuse, which I feel no one in the blight fam is not innocent (neither was amity, also which the twins didn't get fleshed out more & used as plot device for lumity, Which fans at times gloss over. Fans will over-exaggerate that Odalia was physically abusive to the kids but NEVER WAS! cause that's a negative perception on the fandom that (We have a adult hater situation nowadays of how this new age of Gen Z & alpha kids are raised,
i also wrote a post on the matter btw
The Belos Treatment (we al know how the creator treated him, such good potential DOwn the Drain.)
Bruh or GiIIIRRRRLL, I commend the Belos fans for being on their own ship supporting and adding more to his BG in fanfic & art
Belos was an intriguing villain who rivaled not only Frollo, the horned king, & Prof. Screweyes. This man also has a perception amongst the fans who followed the creator's way of how he was written (basically the new Chloe bourgeois treatment from miraculous.) He was only a character who was hell-bent on piping witches out and saving his humankind NOT BEING Racist Homophobic, or BIgoted, However, Chloe made racist & prejudiced remarks To Marinette in the cooking episode,(BUT BELOS DIDNT!) So he's an equal villain Who is all about equal rights means equal fights (falls under the neutral evil cause of how he was depicted into a person of tragedy upbringing to now a one-sided character (getting tired of how creators write villains in a one-sided manner.) oh and some people need proper knowledge of the 1600s cause belos was born in that era and I heard someone saying he was born in 1700s which I feel the show does suffer from anachronisms.
And don't get me started of how the fans go about Darius cause that has angry black man written all over it, along Manny being ONLY relevant in Luz's dire moment not being explored more,
hope i put down a lot of tea & crumpets for everyone hope you also can look at my video essay on my YouTube.
hope you enjoy comment and subscribe for more.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Hi I really love your work and was thinking if you could write a jay halstead x read where he’s sleeping and she’s supposed to be sleeping but instead she’s playing on her phone and then it dies so she starts to cry cuz she’s on her week and he wakes up fines the whole thing adorable and gives her his phone if’s that’s not something you can do I understand but thank you
Jay Halstead- Can’t Sleep
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Thank you for the request. I hope you like it!
Periods suck. Not only do I have horrendous cramps, but I can't sleep because of them. I look over at my husband, Jay, who is fast asleep, slightly snoring. He's basically bragging that he's asleep and I'm not, but he works hard so I want to let him sleep. Luckily my job means I can choose my hours and I can work from home. I pick up my phone from the bedside table and first check Facebook, boring, Twitter, boring, Instagram, nope nothing on there. Sighing I go on to the internet and start looking at clothes, shoes, bags, anything really.
In no time at all I end up with over $100 worth of clothes in my basket, oops.
After spending to much money, I go onto my word app to continue writing my book. I'm half way through a chapter when my phone dies
"No" I whisper "no" I groan throwing my head back. Tears prick my eyes. I know I have auto save on but I was on a role and I'm still not tired. I sniffle as I try to stay quiet, but Jay starts to stir
"Baby? What's wrong?" he voice rough from just waking up
"It's stupid" I pout as Jay sits up
"Never stupid, talk to me"
"Well I can't sleep, my tummy hurts and now my phones died. I was half way through the 6th chapter and I was on a roll now I can't finish it. My charger is downstairs and I can't be bothered to get out of bed" I cry. I hear Jay chuckle a little then I feel a kiss placed against my forehead
"Your adorable you know"
"So I'm cute because I'm in pain and I might have lost my work"
"No of course that's not my your cute. Here" Jay leans over to his bedside table then hands me his phone "use mine. Log on to your word account and carry on writing"
"No buts. I'm not working tomorrow so I won't need it"
"You know your the best husband a woman could dream of"
"And your the best wife. Let's dry those tears shall we" the tears start to fall again not because of my phone dying, but because of how sweet and caring Jay is. I take his phone and download the app I need and log in. Yes, my work saved!
Jay lays back down in bed and placing a hand on my tummy, rubbing it slightly to help ease my cramps
"I hate periods" I mutter
"I know. I'll pop out tomorrow and get you some pain killers and some ice cream"
"Thank you. I love you Jay"
"I love you too"
Only 10 minutes later Jays hand stops rubbing my tummy and his small snores started again. He's fast asleep. I look down at him and smile before continuing my book.
The time is now 3am and I start to feel sleepy. Placing Jays phone down on my side table I snuggle down into the bed and in Jays arms. He shifts a little letting me get comfortable before he places an arm over me, him now being the big spoon. I fall asleep immediately.
The following morning I wake up to an empty bed, it’s still warm though so Jay must have only just woken up. I slowly get out of bed groaning as my period pains already start to hurt. I look at the bedside table and see that both my phone and Jays phone have gone. I make my way down stairs and see Jay sat on the couch on his phone
“Morning baby”
“Morning” I yawn sitting next to him still feeling rather sleepy
“I put your phone on charge and I got the hot water bottle out ready for when you woke up. I’ll run and get some pain killers in a bit
“How did I get so lucky?” Ask generally wondering how a man like Jay exists
“How far did you get with your book?”
“I finished chapter 6 and planned chapter 7”
“I’m proud of you, you know” Jay pulls me into him and we sit like this for a while. Just holding on to one another, feeling nothing but complete love.
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