#Though UDGs is ultra thought out too just also a rewrite of the story so not really al lthat intresting
kakusu-shipping · 4 years
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Ah yes, Danganronpa self-inserts with wildly elaborate stories I made specifically so I can date an average of two characters per game. Exactly what everyone wanted to see at 3:30 on a Tuesday morning.
I am Emile and I know the people. Here’s the stories I spent way too long a time on:
The Ultimate Collector V1
In Universe Name: Ryuji Nosuke
Game: DR Trigger Happy Havoc
Ships with Hifumi Yamada + Monokuma
Ryuji and his younger brother, Jiro, spent their lives collecting anything and everything they ever found interesting. All of their money went to their collection. When Hope’s Peak went scouting for The Ultimate Collector, a choice had to be made between the two boys.
The school ultimately went with the older, more out going of the twins, Ryuji.
Ryuji spent much of his time in school listening in on other’s conversations, collecting information and secrets. He only trusted this collection to a fellow collector, his classmate Hifumi Yamada. He and Hifumi got along great, they spent hours talking about only the things that interested them, mostly anime and collectable figures, and the importance of a clean display case.
During the killing game, Ryuji became enamored with the walking, talking teddy bear Monokuma, and as the ultimate collector does, made it his life mission to add the toy to his collection. He’d do anything Monokuma asked of him, even commit murder.
The Ultimate Collector V2
In Universe Name: Jiro Nosuke
Game: Super DR2 (Island Life only)
Ships with Teruteru Hanamura + The Ultimate Imposter
Jiro and his older brother, Ryuji, spent their lives collecting anything and everything they ever found interesting. All of their money went to their collection. When Hope’s Peak went scouting for The Ultimate Collector, a choice had to be made between the two boys.
The school ultimately went with the younger, more reserves of the twins, Jiro.
During Island Life, Jiro found it difficult to collect friendship fragments, or get close to anyone. He was always quiet, preferred objects over real people most the time. However, due to his picky eating habits, he was forced to speak to at least one person on the Island, Teruteru.
Jiro spent much of his free time in the kitchen of the restaurant. He’d sit curled in a corner, quietly waiting for a special meal made just for him. Teruteru would typically carry the conversations during these times together. Jiro enjoyed listening to the chef, especially when his real accent would slip out.
Eventually, Jiro was sent out on a scouting mission to find flowers deep in the island’s forest, alone. Questionable judgment on Hajime’s part, as Jiro tended to get lost when left on his own. Which is exactly what happened. Twogami, being the only one to so far explore the forest, went out on a rescue mission for Jiro, and eventually returned with the smaller boy in their arms.
This is where Jiro was hit with the big old emotions truck. Not really sure how to handle them, he told the only person he considered a friend, Teruteru, what was happening. Teru was, surprisingly, a little heart broken, as he’d come to form a real crush on his silent kitchen lurker.
Of course, being the real friend Teruteru was, he encouraged Jiro to go after his crush. And he did. Jiro began to spend free times out of the kitchen, and around Twogami, learning about them bit by bit until he eventually discovered who they really were.
The Ultimate Collector V3
In universe name: Jiro Nosuke
Game: Ultra Despair Girls (only if Ultimate collector V1 exists)
Ships with Toko Fukawa
Ryuji and his younger brother, Jiro, spent their lives collecting anything and everything they ever found interesting. All of their money went to their collection. When Hope’s Peak went scouting for The Ultimate Collector, a choice had to be made between the two boys.
The school ultimately went with the older, more out going of the twins, Ryuji.
Jiro wasn’t really sure how he came to live in an apartment by himself. Living in it wasn’t exactly the right wording, more like... cadged in it.
Not that it was all bad. Other than his older brother, Jiro didn’t have any real friends or connections outside of the house, so living bared in an apartment building where a mysterious person brings him top of the line meals daily wasn’t that big a deal.
The biggest deal was that he didn’t have any of his stuff.
(This is basically UDG only I, Jiro, take the place of Komaru. The only difference is none of the kids die because I, with Toko’s help, manage to save them from their execution and slowly gain their trust)
The Ultimate Softball Pro V1
In Universe Name: Hibiki Imai (Nicknamed Biki)
Game: DRv3 (In mention only)
Ships with Ryoma Hoshi
Biki didn’t really like Softball, he preferred Baseball. But not every school would be as Trans-inclusive as Hope’s Peak, so Hibiki played Softball. It really turned out to be a good thing, as Hope’s Peak already HAD an Ultimate Baseball Pro.
At Hope’s Peak, Biki kept mostly to himself, gently throwing a ball up and catching it during class. And despite his amazing arm, and typically solid catch, everyone slips up some times. Luckily, the ultimate tennis pro, Ryoma Hoshi, happened to sit next to Hibiki, and caught the ball just in time to keep Biki out of trouble with the teacher.
The two sports pros started hanging out, tossing a baseball back and forth as the wandered the school grounds. Neither of them had much to do, it’s not like they played on sports teams, despite their titles.
Eventually, Biki learned or Ryoma’s past, his trauma and the loss he suffered. In return, Ryoma learned of the struggled Biki faced, and the very similar trauma he went though involving his sport as well. The only difference was Biki didn’t serve time for his mistakes.
They bonded over this almost exact past, and built each other back up from their guilt and grief.
During the killing game, Ryoma is not only given his own Kubz pad, but one with the wrong recording on it. He is reminded of Hibiki though the Kubz Pad flashback light properties, and is filled of the will to live on to one day see Biki again.
The Ultimate Softball Pro V2
In universe name: Hibiki Imai (Nicknamed Biki)
Game: DRv3
Ships with Gonta Gokuhara
In an alternate universe where Biki did end up in the killing game, he is completely unaware of his relationship with Ryoma until he receives his Kubz pad. And while Ryoma got his own motive as well, he was not given the recording with Hibiki in it, and is instead told he has no one.
Biki kept the relationship with Ryoma to himself, figuring Ryoma may not know and wanting to talk about it when they had a moment to themselves. You can imagine his despair when Ryoma was dropped into the piranha tank.
Gonta, already being on top of the tank, was the one to stop Hibiki from jumping in after Ryoma. He kept the Softball Pro restrained as the tank was broken and the water was drained. His explanation for his relationship with Ryoma came out after everyone else saw Ryoma’s motive video.
After the trial, Hibiki fell into despair. He stopped coming to breakfast, and barely left his room. Gonta was the one to bring him food and continuously check up on him, like a true gentleman.
Hibiki only really started to liven back up after chapter 3′s trial, and starts coming out of his room more. He remained close to Gonta during these times, however, and continued to rely on him for support.
This just added to the fuel for Gonta in chapter 4, as what Kochichi said, that knowing the truth would just push everyone into Despair, hit even harder for Gonta, having been so close to Biki during his struggle to get over loosing Ryoma.
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