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Dance with Me Under the Moonlight
A tale of two wolves, Kaarina and @galenscylis‘ Thorindor, and their dance on a full moon night.
The nighttime air of Frostfall, as always, was cold. It was a piercing, discomforting cold. Though it did not freeze through bone like a Skyrim winter, it was far more intolerable. It made each step heavy and loud, blaring against the silence of the woods. What should have been a short jaunt home for Thorindor became arduous in the cold, within his eyesight yet still so far away.
The long walk allowed his mind to race. There was no cause for concern, he repeated to himself once more, almost believing it this time. He looked to the moons, seeing only that they were obscured by treetops. He didn’t need to see either to know that tonight was a full moon. His gaze returned to the ground, more uneasy than before, reminded that his own control of his wolf blood meant nothing anymore.
Yes, it was a cruel twist of fate that he found himself with another depending on him. Even more cruel that she would come to share his curse and endure the bloodlust that arrives with every full moon. And shared it was, that his own mastery of the blood aided her none, for even though he tried the entire winter, it seemed that attunement with one’s wolf spirit cannot be taught. Despite his best efforts, Kaarina was defenseless against herself on nights like this, and would remain so for a long time.
And so he finally arrived at his humble lodging and resigned himself to his post, sitting on a stump outside for the night. As the minutes ticked by, he eased into the routine. It wasn’t their first full moon together, they made it this far without incident, hadn’t they? On his walk to the road and back to warn away travelers, he saw no one. No hunters would find them, no passersby would be killed. Even then that was only a precaution, with Kaarina locked inside the cabin, bestial senses dulled by the indoors, no prey, her feral rage rendered impotent.
Yet it was not the worst that he dreaded. He knew very well that the night would pass without incident. However, he would be forced once more to hear her agony fighting the transformation, the gnashing and the pounding as her rage manifests and her bestial blood beginning to boil, her ensuing battle against walls and a chained door that would never give way, until she falls exhausted with defeat and awaits the friendly sunrise. He never grew accustomed to the guilt of keeping a loved one caged like an animal, nor the bitterness that all those years ago, he had no one to do the same for him before it was too late.
Thorindor remained like this for what seemed like eons, and did not notice the silence until the moons had crawled their way above the treetops and struck his eye. The night was half over, and he still hadn’t heard a single sound in the night. Were all his fears for nothing? Perhaps she made strides in controlling her powers after all, in under a year no less. He focused his hearing once more, his lycan blood heightening his reception some even in human form. Still silence. As he was flooded with pride, he had to resist the urge to call out to her. Perhaps she was in intense focus, fending off the call of the moons throughout the whole night. A disturbance could be fatal.
He needed only to hear her breathing to tell for sure, so he silently hopped up near the door, and as he pressed his ear against the wood, he heard it. More silence. A rush of confusion hit him. He should have been able to hear the faintest sigh from here, so he pushed his ear closer, and fell inward. The door gave way and swung on its hinges, dropping him to the wooden floor below. As Thorindor crashed into the ground and saw the broken link in the chain, the sudden realization sent his heart into a spiral of despair. His pity was short lived as he heard the howl, clearly a response to the clamor he just made. She was still near, and she was coming.
As he prepared himself, he quickly banished the thought of transforming to defend himself. Despite his prowess, succumbing to the beast blood on a night like this was just asking for a catastrophe. Weighing his only other option, drawing the sword from his back did not inspire much confidence in him. He tried to recall his knowledge of fighting against swordsmen as a beast, but it revealed nothing to him. He had never lost to one before. He could hear his partner sprinting towards him, each footstep signifying one less moment to think of a strategy. Should he aim to sever a tendon? Concuss her head and hope she sleeps? Simply lock himself inside the cabin and pray she doesn’t stray too far? He had no time to dwell on how bad these ideas were as the rabid, snarling beast, his girlfriend, was now one leap from sinking her claws into his face.
All human strategy left his mind and his own bestial instinct took over. He gracefully spun to his left, feeling the wind from her outstretched claw buffet his hanging locks of hair back across his head. He turned to face her, now hearing her howl from feet away, no doubt infuriated by his elusive maneuver. Thorindor circled his predator as if she was his prey, it was the only thing that felt right to his lupine instinct. As expected, she circled him too, the pair forming a halo in the undergrowth of the forest clearing. Hesitant to press the attack, he waited, and waited, and waited too long. He was caught off-guard as three razor claws dug cleanly through his right pectoral. His bestial mind reacted in time, but his elven body could not, the two still not in tune. Wincing with every step, he narrowly escaped the next flurry, bounding further and further backwards, graciously escaping further injury. Kaarina stopped to howl in frustration once more, allowing a hobbled Thorindor to resume circling his predator from a further distance than before.
A wry smile flashed across his face as he understood what he had to do. He had her full, unwavering attention, something he always delighted in, so why should it be any different now? She came all this way to be alone with him in the woods, it was the least he could do. She wasn’t going anywhere and they had nothing but time before the night was out. He would simply have to dance with his beloved until morning.
As their circle broke once more and Kaarina lunged forward, Thorindor feather-stepped past her and spun around on his heel, the two crossing each other gracefully to continue their dosado about the perimeter. Indeed, it was a waltz for the ages. The lovers twirled and twisted for hours, host to some expertly performed moves only seen at Imperial balls, and some closer encounters, dirty dancing that shed as much blood as it did sweat. The dance continued as the moons climbed directly above, shining down upon their frolicking, and on and on until they disappeared below the horizon.
And even as the sun returned, as Thorindor reclined upon the earth, his bleeding already stopped, he was repeating the steps in his mind, reminiscing the sweet movements and technical steps, almost sorry that it was over so soon. The dance was not meant to last forever, as he was so tenderly reminded by his exhausted partner who lay unconscious against his chest. He shifted his attention back to Kaarina, inspecting her body. Not a scratch, same as last time he checked. His chest swelled with satisfaction so strongly that Kaarina stirred, and sleepily fluttered her eyes open after a restless sleep. She became aware of her head resting against her man’s chest, although how she found herself awake many a time before, was unexpected in this moment. She should have woken alone in the cabin. She noticed her nakedness, that they were outside, and as she jumped up, she noticed the dried blood coating Thorindor’s torso. His smile didn’t falter a bit as he then got to his feet, only adding to her confusion.
“What on earth happened?”
“We had the time of our lives.”
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mrsnakestone · 7 years
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Some screenshots with more of @galenscylis characters. This time its Thorindor, Feyrenziah and Efanen. Doing more alt outfits for followers in my game. I got alot of armor mods ill never use, and lots of followers in my game. So I figured ill give followers new armor!
Thorindor, Feyrenziah and Efanen belongs to @galenscylis
Yarti belongs to @yarti
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444names · 2 years
warhammer wood elves names + brythonic deities + french and + tolkienesque forenames + theological angels + the entire gnomish dictionary
Abatthien Abatthios Adrauglúk Adrey Aeglindui Aeros Ahris Ahristine Aiwen Aland Alatárion Alaurené Aldar Aldir Alemma Alette Alexand Amantius Ambardil Amrototh Anata Ancalitien Anclaur Andon Anduil Andur Anfauglúk Angélie Annos Anáriel Arach Arachiel Arahasiah Arahil Arahmeel Arann Aratanas Aravania Aravorond Ardamariel Ardan Areth Argette Arles Arnen Arveduinne Arvegildë Arvelyë Arverinna Arveriën Arvernhel Arwaen Asfalatar Attonne Aufang Aufannick Ausirion Ausiris Avent Aventius Azrae Baldariel Baldori Baraphieu Baravid Barien Belendur Beleth Beliam Belle Bellian Beremiel Beremien Berendil Berent Berreth Berúthieu Bregomo Bregon Brung Calette Calexand Calmir Camnartine Camphang Cariel Carin Castamil Celegollo Celembelie Celemir Celenwë Celle Cello Cemenelyë Cemeris Ceorlas Cernus Christe Christelmo Christor Cimbul Ciryahervé Claure Cloth Clémen Cocidie Colluin Collum Conde Condir Condo Condor Coraladros Cottodaert Coven Curufingon Cyrianor Cédrice Cédril Daerius Daeth Damillenne Damir Dange Dernuriel Didie Dodaeth Domir Drahirgil Egalain Eilie Eilla Eldir Elegol Elemiel Elendis Elephon Elfhil Elron Elvegil Emenelyne Enelynna Eorgette Eorgon Erahalsyth Erahildë Eregrine Erendur Erkenbrant Estellenus Estelum Estredhelm Eärent Eärnunnon Eärwendil Fabriadon Fagundacil Findil Finrodda Finvaire Fortine Francamue Frant Fíriechris Gadros Galangel Galise Gamiel Gamlaitë Ganextio Gaétanael George Ghislaeth Ghislaetir Gilgine Gimil Gimloth Gimlothor Ginie Glórindir Golfin Gristellal Guilie Guiliones Gwathaldir Gwathôn Gwine Gérariel Hadoc Hahardan Haharn Halbertra Halda Halice Halin Halsyth Hamsiel Hardan Hardane Hasiah Heliette Hengel Herubien Herumavi Huetia Huetios Hugus Iaravaniel Ilmacile Ilúvatan Imbariel Imiel Imilzôr Imrahir Imrathak Imroth Indil Ingolodh Intal Inthus Inzilas Iovane Irimullos Iscurufin Isilde Isroth Isucien Jacque Janie Jeanfranus Jeannos Jennataran Jenne Jerapher Julin Juline Justindis Karie Kerub Keviève Khama Kingol Kúvie Laeth Lagorinne Lalacarus Laudia Lauréliel Leling Lendur Leucelle Linglir Lothor Lucalion Luchus Ludovictor Lurendir Léodrette Magaliah Magorite Mahtar Maiaro Mainel Malagduf Malagon Mandrie Maraniel Marcio Mariel Maril Marin Marinthus Marumahtar Maruth Mathiel Matthie Matthios Matthir Mattârik Maugline Meldamilia Meleine Melieth Mertoc Michariel Micherubim Minique Morgantia Morgon Mulus Muzgast Myriadorin Myril Mélie Méliques Míriel Nadil Naharut Nahasiah Nanamiah Narfinvain Nathôn Nerdan Nerine Neton Nette Nimlota Nodette Norin Noriniques Olóred Orlim Ornemarc Orond Othiel Othir Otroline Pahadorlas Pahael Palan Palatobius Palik Pascalien Patranas Patrole Patron Paulie Pelenus Pengel Perions Phaël Phiel Pierry Primbor Prindeliam Prine Raymonessa Razôn Rendine Rentirion Roborn Rudine Régisèle Régorlas Rémiel Sabelendur Saman Samarut Samuelia Sandir Sandreth Sanon Sanor Saruth Scalimon Segudine Selanori Serad Seraphan Seraphie Seraphqiel Serin Seris Shalbarac Simil Simona Simondil Singol Sirildë Sméagon Snowmand Snowmandré Solan Strice Sucetitien Sylviel Sébast Sévelyë Súrin Tatis Tatric Telcharn Temelegory Thengolas Thieu Thirgil Thomara Thorindor Thrandur Tilin Turaa Tzach Ufthael Ulfaniel Ulfanien Ungolodh Urwende Vaine Valach Valaniel Valatus Valauriel Valérice Vania Vanimloth Vardui Vehuetia Vetatistia Viduman Vinca Vincine Vindor Vindë Virgine Visucelle Vitia Voseph Vosephor Wille Yssellions Yvetatis Yveterion Yvonna Yávie Zachaël Zaphiel Zephariam Zimrahmeel Zimrassiel Zimrod Zophe Élianos Élodh Élodi Éomunkar Ériel Ériette Évelenwë
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thorindor · 12 years
thorindor>starkfortony changed url for hobbit season  mix of thorin & thorondor 
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mrsnakestone · 7 years
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/tesg/ husbando’s group shot 2k17 - aka “I heard my GPU screaming in horror”.
Long list of jerks who probably took 5 years off my GPU:
Snakestone belongs to me @mrsnakestone
Faust belongs to @nuttyboy812
Aylen belongs to @theknifeearedone
Ak’Chazar belongs to @josiencatraso
Haar belongs to @mrhaar
Ada belongs to, well Ada, who doesnt have a tumblr.
Mebent belongs to @guardly
Nordguard belongs to, well Nordguard, who doesnt have a tumblr.
Pama belongs to @heikotheimperial
Tony Ra’zhir belongs to Eiries, but I dont know if he has a tumblr so ill link Honeys @architeuthisinfitialis​ 
Brimcon belongs to Brimcon (dont know his tumblr)
Bohan belongs to @grinningreen
The paladin is SerKnight, who belongs to SerKnight. No known tumblr.
Veit belongs to @veitizion
Hoboknight belongs to Hoboknight, no known tumblr.
Midras belongs to @0traveler0
Mastrius belongs to @snowygranius
Varen belongs to @reverendknots
Thorindor belongs to @galenscylis
Heceril belongs to Fyuri, I dont know his tumblr
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