#Thorin x reader request
shirefantasies · 2 months
The Hobbit Characters Meeting Your First Child Together (Wife!Reader)
Part 2 of this post! Time to find out who has daughters or sons first 😁 also requested by anon, but it was already drafted hehe~
Warnings: Blood mentions, birth complications in some (happy endings for all!)
Knitting was a bit of a struggle those days, you reflected as your elbows ached from bending to keep your needles above the curve of your belly. Balin sat in the armchair at your side, a hand idly drawing circles upon your thigh. Thus, he felt your sudden jerk, rose with you when you all but threw your needles and their work to the side table. "What is it?" He asked. "The chair," you cried out, "It's ruined!" Moisture seeped into the seat of it, a dark stain upon maroon velvet. "We can most likely get that out," Balin comforted you, a hand on yours, "But what is it?" "My water," you answered lowly, dread of realization creeping in on you. "What water?" "My water," you repeated urgently, dragging your husband by the arm, "I am going into labor!"
The only thing that got you through your labor was chuckling at Balin's attempts to hide his nerves, which somehow seemed greater than yours. Likely due to the way your body went into a near-primal focus, your every thought channeled not even into pushing your child out, but simply keeping them safe. Safe indeed, for soon a very loud cry pierced your ears. "Mahal," Oin remarked, dark eyes widening as he extended your newly-wrapped babe to you, "He's a strong one!" "He?" You asked. "He is strong!" Balin cried out, pulling you into his chest from where he stood, one hand reaching for your son, who immediately gripped his finger tight. "Oh, he is indeed!" "We did it," you sobbed into your husband's chest. "You did," Balin corrected, "I can't imagine how you endured all that." "All for him," you replied, gazing down at your son, whose eyes squinted open and blinked. Brown, just like his father's.
"Get out of the way! My wife is giving birth! Our child's coming!" All but shoving the crowds as he burst through with you in his arms, one hand wrapped less loosely about you so he could fling it out at offending pedestrians, Dwalin carried you down Erebor's halls all the way to Oin's. "It- It takes a long time, you know! The baby isn't coming right now," you stuttered out, jostled by your husband's brisk pace. "I'll not take my chances," Dwalin replied as he disappeared with you into the doorway.
"Stars above, why'd ya wait so long?" "Huh?" Your head snapped up from the bed you'd been draped onto, the world fading sharply back to focus amidst the pain. "You either took yer sweet time or else this is an unusually fast labor." Dwalin grinned down at you. "Now is not the time," you shot back, gritting your teeth. In the end, the agonies of labor were over for you in four hours' time. "Unusual all the way around," Oin remarked, settling the mewling babe in your arms, "You two've got yourselves a little girl." "'N she's going to look just like you, too," Dwalin told you, reaching a tattooed hand out to stroke your daughter's cheek and nuzzling against your head.
Thorin knew by the way you gripped his arm, swiveled his head to meet your eyes and see your faint nod. Register the fear in your eyes and cup your cheek gently. He was prepared, bringing you a blanket to hold beneath you when your water began to seep through your skirt. Your husband led you by the hand as you waddled with the blanket between your legs all the way to Thorin’s most trusted healer, his old journey’s companion.
“You can do this. I have seen firsthand how much you can endure. You were made to do this, my love.” “I know,” you whined, unconcerned how pitiful you sounded for despite being a queen, at that moment you were a woman in pain. Pain that had gone on for hours, burning and tearing through your body. “The head is stuck,” Oin told you. “No,” you breathed. “I’m afraid I may have to widen the opening. Looking up to meet Thorin’s eyes, you simply tightened your grip on his hand, squeezing your eyes shut tight when the healer took up a small blade and letting out a cry of agony as he cut. Finally, though, blessedly, a weight lifted as your little one came free with a sound of confusion. Panting, you gave your husband a weak smile, sitting up a bit further and wincing at the pain, enduring to hold your newborn. “My son. Our son. A new prince is born to Erebor,” Thorin whispered, leaning down to connect your foreheads, warmth pooling even amidst the sweat glistening there, “I cannot take away your pain, but I will do anything in my power to be the best king, husband, and father you both could ask.” “You already are,” you told him, laying your hand over his, which was joined with your son’s.
"It's time, isn't it?" "How did you know what I was about to say?" You asked him, head cocked. "Because I've seen the signs a thousand times," Oin reminds you, "Now come on. Go get yourself comfortable. I've got everything ready." Patting your shoulder and kissing your cheek, he guides you to your bed and leaves the room, only to return with his supplies. "I'll go put the kettles on." "Why two?" "One to keep me clean 'n one for your tea." Oin had, in fact, told you about the tea he made patients to help with their pain. You nodded. "Of course. I trust my healer." The affection in your husband's eyes matched your own gaze as he disappeared through the door one more time.
"Yer doin' great." "I don't feel like I am," you cried. "Shh, I know," Oin soothed, making his way back up to your head to kiss you, "It'll all be over soon, though. Promise. In fact, can you give me one more push?” For all the frustration you may have felt, your husband was both delivering your little one and reassuring you. He was doing amazing for your baby and you could do the same. Whimpering and straining, you pushed until a cry pierced the room. “You did it! A wee thing, too. Oh, oh, love, it’s a girl! We had a girl!” Daughters were all too rare among dwarvenkind. Eyes widening and lips parting, you leaned over to let Oin wipe the sweat from your brow with one newly-cleaned hand after he handed over your daughter. Tears poured from his eyes as he rested his hand over yours that held your daughter’s. “I’ve seen this a thousand times, and yet this is like never before. Thank you for this gift.” Whispering your name, he guided you gently by the chin into a kiss of pure love and gratitude.
“Are you alright?” Your husband’s voice was like a buzz beneath the ring of your ears, lightheadedness overtaking you until you felt a hand take yours and heard a louder, firmer call of your name. No anger colored it, just concern that had you finally swinging your head Gloin’s way. Soon as your eyes met his, you nodded faintly and smiled before the spots dancing in your vision won.
When you awoke, your brother-in-law was checking your pulse, nodding as you started. “She’s doin’ better,” Oin told Gloin, “Get back up there, she’s going to start pushing.” Shuffling back up from his brother’s side to yours, your husband took your hand, gently smoothing your hair and dabbing cold sweat off your brow with his sleeve. “I’m ready whenever you are,” he told you, and off you went into another haze of pain and encouragement and anticipation. Oin’s cry of victory actually alerted you both to the birth before the baby made a sound, emerging into the air with a small whine of confusion and near annoyance that had you and Gloin chuckling. The baby started crying as Oin checked him over, fussing in your arms as Gloin leaned down to rest his forehead over his new addition’s. “I’m a da. I’ve finally got a son of my own,” he whispered, tears welling in his eyes.
“Bifur!” Plodding footsteps filled your vision as your husband tore into the room, almost careening into your dresser. Entering the room, his dark eyes widened as he caught side of you folded over, your water leaking onto your shared bed. “The blankets,” you panted, “I’m sorry…” Waving a hand and shaking his head, Bifur dismissed you, removing his gloves to caress your cheek and feel your forehead before he lowered you down and gestured for you to wait. Squeezing your hand when you nodded in agreement, he disappeared out the door in search of Oin.
Gasps sounded at your feet as Oin motioned for Bifur to join him and rake up a tool. Muscle memory kept the feeling and warmth of your husband’s hand in yours alive for another moment, but you all but forgot it in the panic of Oin tracing a circle around his neck. The cord was wrapped. Spears of ice pierced your heart as you watched your husband frantically aid the healer, eyes stone in focus and motions deliberate. After what felt like hours, you saw both their chests rest in exhales. “He’s alright,” Oin told you, “Your son will be just fine.” Crying out, you reached out your arms, embracing your husband and then sobbing into the blanket that held your new addition. You could tell by his wisps of black hair, the shape of his nose, that he was going to look just like his father. “Our miracle,” you sobbed to Bifur and Oin, “You are true heroes. Thank you. Our son will have no shortage of great dwarves to look up to.”
“Bofur, my labor is beginning.” “Your what?” Wincing, you shuffled forward to clutch your husband by the collar. “Your child is coming, so I suggest you get some help unless you’d like to have a fun adventure with our rug later.” Swallowing, Bofur nodded. “Right. On my way.”
“And I’ll never forget the day I met you. When I saw you I thought ‘There’s simply no way she could be real’. Goodness me, if I’m not thinking the very same right now.” Bofur’s hand never left yours and his mouth never stopped moving, even if you were in no state to respond. Contorting with the pain, you cried out as your body gave its all, spending yourself for one last push. “See what I mean? Oin just caught the wee bairn. You’re all done! Just pushed a whole baby out all by yourself. Plain amazing’s what it is.” “And a girl no less!” Oin chimed in, slashing the cord as your daughter began to cry. “Hear that, love? A little dwarrowdam!” Smiling at your husband, you felt a tear slide down and mingle with the sweat glistening upon your cheek. Oin placed her in your arms and Bofur bent over to meet her blinking eyes. “Hello there! It’s me, yer da! I’m the one who’s going to buy you everything you want, alright?” “Not even five minutes old and she already has you wrapped around her finger,” you teased. “Damn right.” Bofur kissed her head, then yours.
“Bombur.” “I’m on it.” Your sweet husband needed only a word to rush off across your home, fetching you a pot and holding it beneath you. “What’s this for?” “The water,” he answered, nodding down to where your skirt soaked through. “Oh,” you accepted one of the cold steel handles, “right. That works.” “You ready? I’ll get yer bag too.” “Ready as I’ll ever be,” you answer with a smile.
Taking a cloth, your husband wiped the sweat off your forehead gently, patting your cheek affectionately. “Still doing alright?” “Best I can,” you grunted. “Everything look good down there? Well, good as it can,” Bombur amended with a glance down to his old companion, who nodded. Bombur had been asking questions and checking in the whole times, not to mention keeping you as clean and comfortable as could be. Rather that annoy you, it made you smile to see how much he cared. You had a healer, yes, but a nurse also. “Almost here,” he said, “just a few more pushes, eh?” Exhaling sharply, you focused all your might, forcing your muscles harder than you thought possible until a wail pierced the room. “You’ve done it,” Oin congratulated you, crossing the room with a little bundle in hand. Reaching out, Bombur wrapped his hands gently around the little one, lowering your baby down to let you uncover her head, which already had whisps of red hair. "She's beautiful." "'Course she is," Bombur replied, nuzzling into your cheek, "Came out o' you, didn't she?"
"Love, are you alright?" "Yes." You paused, crumpling and wincing beneath the crash of more pain. "Wait, no. That is to say I've never felt this before. I think my labor has started." No more words were necessary; flitting about your home, Dori fetched blankets and a skin of water and all manner of other supplies. "Will Oin not have all we need?" "Can't be too sure," your husband replied, striding to your side and smoothing your hair before he caressed your face, blue eyes staring into yours, "I want you to be safe, you know. I love you." And what could you say? You loved him, too, for all his quirks and for that big beautiful heart.
"Is that normal? That's not normal, is it?" Oin had drawn you a warm bath, lowering you into the water and checking your progress. "What's he doing all this for?" "To relax her," the healer replied to your nervous husband with a shake of his head, "And yes, this happens. 's just a slow labor is all. Some of 'em rush on out and others take their time. I suspect your wee bairn is just in no hurry." No hurry indeed. For all your pains of labor, it was almost 20 hours to the minute before your bath ran red and plaintive cries of confusion drifted into the air, Dori's fretting and even apologizing to you for putting you in this position turning to gripping your hand and all but leaping in anticipation. "You did it," he congratulated you quietly, embracing you without care of the water, sweat, and Mahal knew what else soaked you. "You sure did," Oin agreed, smiling as you accepted your little one, whose face was still red from crying, "She's here." "A daughter," Dori whispered, "A little girl! All my dreams are coming true and it's all thanks to you. How could I ever thank you? You'll never want for anything, neither of you, not love or warmth or all the pretty things you'd ever want."
Nori’s arms were snaked around your middle when you jerked forward, pushing his hands away. “For goodness sakes, you could’ve just said you didn’t want to-” “No,” you waved a hand frantically, feeling the gush of liquid trickling out, “My water just broke, Nori. It is time.” “Right now?” “Sorry if it’s inconvenient for you,” you sassed. At that, your husband smiled faintly and shook his head. “Not at all. In fact," he quipped, "I was a bit bored.”
“Push!” “What does it look like I’m doing?” Now your ire is focused on Oin, bringing many a snicker forth from Nori. At least until you crush his hand with a steel grip, crying out and falling limply against the sheets on which you lie. “That felt like something. Am I done?” “Almost,” the healer replied, his head popping over the curve of your heaving body, “The other head’s coming out now.” Double-taking between Oin and you, Nori bursts out, “The other head?” “Congratulations,” Oin agrees roughly, hands glistening with blood as he cuts a cord, “You’re a strong one, my friend- you made two at once!” At that, he bursts into a raucous laugh, gingerly transferring each of your sons into Nori’s arms. Bringing them closer, your husband grins like a dwarf showing off his most precious gems. “Look at that, love, two for the price o’ one. Our handsome little lads.”
Ori had been asking you every day at just about any hint of discomfort if the baby was coming, jumping up before you could tell him no, just a hard kick or your back troubling you again. Thus, the same he had done that day, so caught in the fray of his actions that he failed to think about why you weren't stopping him. At least, that was, until you finally met his eyes with a nod and a nervous smile that sent him pitching sideways. Only, of course, to promptly catch himself and, wide-eyed, take your hand and lead the way.
"You sure you want 'im in here?" Oin asked you, peering up with a teasing glint in his eye. "He looks more afraid than you do!" "He is my husband," you replied indignantly, tightening your grip on Ori's hand, "And I am quite certain I would faint too if I saw the head half-stuck right now." "Oh, beyond half," the healer told you, "Couple good pushes and I daresay you'll be done." Hearing Ori's gasp of excitement had your eyes shining with even more determination than the older dwarf's words, and focusing all your might you pushed and pushed until you felt a weight lifted, your body relaxing. "He's out! A little lad, too!" "Hear that?" Ori turned to you, gathering you up into his arms. "We've got a son! Our son is here!" "'N he's a gentle thing," Oin told you, laying him in your arms, "Didn't even fight me." "He's sweet," you gushed at the sight of your son nuzzling into your bare skin and leaning up to kiss your husband's cheek, "Just like his da."
“I think I’m in labor.” “You think?” Blue eyes wide and golden brows raised, Fili stares incredulously at you. “I feel it. I feel the pain. But where is my water?” Glancing back up, you see your husband inhale sharply, exhale and steady his expression. Truly a king in the making. “Oin will know,” he tells you, urgently but calmly, “Let us go.” Nodding and taking a deep breath of your own, you take his hand and make your way.
Labor indeed. All the other signs matched and soon- or far sooner than you had hoped- you are pushing, Fili’s hand firmly clasping yours and his head resting atop your own, braids dangling over you as you pant and work. From your feet, you see the healer’s eyes widen and lips part, rounding in surprise. “Is something wrong?” “No, no,” Oin shakes his head, “This is simply a marvel. Your heir coming in a veiled birth.” Frowning, you immediately ask him what he means. “See for yourself,” he replies, showing you the reason your water had not broken. The baby had emerged still inside the birth sac. “Does that harm them?” Fili asked. “Not at all. This is just a very rare sight. You may not want to watch this part.” Fili took both of your hands in his, leaning his forehead against yours as Oin extricated and cleaned the little one. “A veiled babe and a girl. What are the odds?” Accepting your daughter, you grinned up at Fili. “We have a princess!” “Our little queen in the making,” your husband agreed, caressing your daughter’s cheek as a rear rolled down his, “A true miracle.”
Poor Kili- you had been sitting on his lap when the break happened. Venturing your name with the utmost caution-and fear of your hormones- your husband asked, “Do you, by chance, need help getting to the lavatory?” Shaking your head even as it was hidden in your hands, you told him, “No. Kili, that was my water. The babies.” “Now?” “Now,” you agreed with a nod. Shooting up from his seat and all but yanking you into his arms, he lifted you bridal-style. “Kili, you’ll get wet!” “Already am. May as well give the babies as much time with Oin as possible.”
As much time ad possible being a near-record-speed delivery of three and a half hours. “Impatient little buggers,”Oin teased, tossing aside a red-stained cloth, “But strong little fighters. The sister kicked especially hard!” Chuckling, he lowered the aforementioned girl twin into your husband’s arms, handing you your son. They squirmed considerably less when you held them, both of you loosening your upper garments to hold them against skin. “She gets it from her mother, no doubt,” Kili teased with a wink as if he wasn’t crying, “But the good looks? That’ll be us both. This is all so beautiful. This is the most beautiful thing beyond anyone's imagining. Thank you for being the one to share this with me.”
"Are you sure I can't get you anything?" "Yes, Bilbo," you chuckled despite the pain coursing through your body, "All I need right now is to have you with me." "And Matilda," your husband named your neighbor and midwife who was on her way. "And Matilda," you agreed with a faint nod, "Now come here. Please." "Of course, dear," Bilbo agreed, shuffling across the room so quickly you could hear every hard step clattering off the boards.
"Is she going to be alright?" "Yes, she's still doing great," Matilda replied with an equal mix of amusement and exasperation at your husband, who leaned over to speak to her and immediately balked at the sight of your body dilated, a head beginning to emerge. "I- I feel a bit faint." "Try being me," you shot back as he returned to your side fully. "You're right," he nodded, fingers curling even tighter around yours for the last pushes. After what felt like ages, Matilda finally called up "Cutting the cord!" Her voice barely rose above the cries. "Hear that?" "I do," you answered Bilbo with a nod, tears welling up in your eyes. "You should be proud," Matilda told you, cleaning up your babe and handing her off to the pair of you, as both of you extended hands simultaneously, "She's beautiful." Bilbo lowered her to where you lie, pushing back the folds of her blanket so her skin could touch yours. Wispy hair curled atop your newborn daughter's head. "I never thought anything could be so beautiful, but here we are," your husband told you, voice barely above an awed whisper, "My girls."
"Thranduil." Your husband smirked at the way you panted his name, glancing upward only for that very expression to melt into horror at your buckling knees. Rushing to grasp your hand, he simply says, "It is time, is it not?" Nodding, you allow him to lead you all the way to the healing chambers, breathing heavily and wincing with each crashing wave of pain.
Despite his wide eyes, your husband keeps calm and speaks well the entire birth. "Focus on what is above you," he distracts, golden voice soothing as ever, "What do you see?" "Branches," you breathe, huffing with the force of your latest push, "Lights." "Remember the festival of starlight?" "I daresay that was when we conceived," you grunt, "Remind me to write an edict discontinuing it." At that, Thranduil simply chuckles deeply and winces at the way your voice breaks into tears. "Good," your midwife encourages you, "One more push, My Queen. One more. That is it. Find your strength." Your face contorts in frustration, but you comply, body wracked with one final stab before lying still. "Well?" Thranduil immediately asks. "Is the child healthy?" "Small, but breathing very well. A lovely little princess, My Lord." "My little princess," he all but gasps, head swiveling back your way, "Our daughter is here." A weight falls into his arms, and leaning down Thranduil reveals your little gift to you. Eyes still closed, your daughter wails and reaches for the air with delicate little hands. "Our beautiful woodland princess."
"Feren." "Yes, my love?" "Feren," you breathe with greater insistence in your loss for words, "I think it is happening." "Right now?" "Yes," you sit up in bed, throwing the blankets off your lap and inhaling sharply. Luckily, you have no need to tell your husband twice; he all but bounds across the bedroom to retrieve your things and find a robe to wrap you in, one hand guiding you up and to the side of the bed. "Breathe, breathe. One moment; I will fetch help." At first, you were reluctant to release his hand, but finally you nodded and let him go. When he returned, a midwife rushed to your side where you squatted and your husband to the other, where he took your hand and immediately winced at your vicelike grip.
Both you and Feren were red in the face and streaked with tears before you heard the wail; your husband from the pain of his hand and of hearing and seeing your body, voice, and expression all rent in agony. Every head in the room turned to face the sound, though, pain almost forgotten. With a soft white cloth that quickly reddened, your midwife cleaned the skin of your newborn. Who was, by the looks of it... "A son! My darling, a son is born to us! Our little boy is here." "Let me see," you cried out, reaching your hands for the elfling extended to you and lowering him to the bared skin of your chest. He was beautiful. "Perfect," you sobbed, "He is perfect." "Just like you," Feren adds with a kiss to your forehead.
The moment you crumpled, Bard took one look at you and nodded solemnly. “One moment,” he told you, rushing back into the house and calling requests to the girls. Through a wave of pain you saw Tilda hand her father the bag you’d packed as he made his way back to your side. You felt your hand clutched tightly again. “We make for the midwife’s.” At that, all you could do was nod. Luckily for you, she lived close enough that you needn’t take a barge, though the increasing difficulty of hurried walking and weaving through crowds of fisherman and sellers almost had you wishing you did. Your husband called to them to move, his wife was in labor, and luckily many of them began to part at that. All too soon another wave of pain came and Bard hoisted you into his arms, carrying you over the raised threshold of the wooden house that was your midwife’s home.
Hours. Hours it took, hours that wracked your body and soul as your mind was kept knit only by the grace and care of your husband. The midwife's care as well, of course, but all memory beyond the veil of pain went to the feeling of his hand around yours. Bard's grip, warm and solid right up until the moment cries filled the room. "It's a girl," the older woman breathed from at your feet, "A healthy little girl." "A daughter! Oh," Bard told you, bringing your baby closer, "The girls will be thrilled. And look, see how she looks just like you." Looking down, you pushed aside the blanket from your newborn daughter's head, seeing soft strands of hair the same color as yours. "As I had hoped," your husband added.
“Three babies. Remind me again why it had to be three babies.” “My people commonly-” “I know, I know!” One arm slung over your shoulders and one tightly gripping your waist, Beorn led you from the garden back into the house. “Do you care to lay or to squat?” “Squat,” you panted. Acquiescing your request, your husband releases you at the bedpost once your hands leave his to grip the wood. “Let me boil some water. I will be right back.” Sometimes you wished he would be less serious. This was not one of those times. Calm washed over you at the sheer capability Beorn displayed, the confidence so present or so well affected. Taking a deep breath as a contraction hit, you attempted to mirror his manner.
“There was one. How do you feel?” “Lighter,” you groaned in between pushes. “Glad to see you have yet to lose your sense of humor. That one was a boy, my heart. Our firstborn son has arrived.” “A son,” you breathed, wincing as another massive contraction came. “Yes, yes, that is it.” A second cry filled the room, this one a bit quieter than your son’s. “And a daughter. Only one more. Whether you know it, you have the strength.” Finally a third set of cries filled the room, these the loudest by far. “Another son. Two boys and a girl.” Smiling, Beorn gently lowered one of your sons into your arms, the other babes swaddled in each of his. “This one looks like you,” you remarked, smiling at your husband though you did not bother peeling your eyes from your new baby yet. His eyes were well occupied with your daughter anyhow. “And I can tell this one will have her mother’s eyes. Much more beyond that, we can hope. …Hope. For my people after so long.” Eyes falling shut, Beorn let tears of joy and relief flow from his eyes before bringing you and his other son into one massive embrace.
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plussizefantasia · 8 months
Unsure Hearts
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Read Part One Here: Fluttering Hearts
Warnings: Reader gets grabbed, alcohol, I think that's it tbh
an: heyyyy... sorry I was MIA, lots of stuff going on I'll post an update about it soon. In the meantime enjoy part two of the Kili x reader fic from Flufftober. I think this will be a five-part fic including an epilogue and the next two parts are already underway. I've also got some requests ready to be edited and posted soon. Thank you for bearing with me, much love <3
Kili Durin x Human!Soulmate!reader
Word Count: 1.8K
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Thorin was getting worried, Kili had become somewhat of a ghost story over the past month. He had assumed that his nephew was simply doing his duty. Kili had volunteered to be the envoy between Dale and Erebor for the discussions of armament and training. However, that treaty was signed a week ago, and said envoy position was no longer needed. So why in all of Arda was Kili still going to Dale every day? The young prince left as soon as he was finished with his daily tasks and didn’t return to the mountain until well after the sun had set. Thorin was not worried for his nephew's safety, after all, Kili was an excellent warrior and could take care of himself, no, Thorin was worried for Kili’s heart. 
Fili had also noticed his brother’s absence but the blonde prince had always been a bit more perceptive than his surly uncle. Fili had noticed that Kili was missing, but he also noticed that every time he returned to the mountain it was with the most dopey grin that he had ever seen. A grin that he recognized, for it had also graced his face a few months ago when he met his beloved Alma. Fili would bet his beard on it, Kili was in love.
You on the other hand were getting more and more annoyed each time the brown-haired dwarf walked through the front door. He was charming sure, and polite. But he stared. At you. The whole time he was there. And he was there a lot. His attempts to engage you in conversation were far and few between, the few times he was able to grab your attention away from the bustling building he became tongue-tied the moment your eyes landed on his.
Kili didn’t understand why he couldn’t say more than a few words to you without choking on his words. Your eyes had to hold some kind of spell within them. They enchanted him and left him bewitched every time he caught their gaze. It left him frustrated, he had never had this much trouble with women before, why were you so different? Deep down he knew though, you weren’t just any woman. He was afraid though, afraid that naming what you were to him out loud would make it real. And when it is real, it can hurt you. 
There weren’t very many stories on One’s where the love didn’t end up requited, either because it just simply never happened. Dwarves were incredibly stubborn creatures after all, and it was entirely possible that they just wore down their other half until some sort of connection formed. It was also possible that those unfortunate few who weren’t able to woo their other half died of broken hearts. The former was unlikely as Kili kept having to remind himself, he couldn’t die of a broken heart. Right?
He was determined tonight though, to find out definitively if the sparks he felt for you were just interest in the handsome woman from Bree, or if you truly were the other half of his soul. To do that though he would need to say more than a few words to you. The problem with that was that you seemed exceptionally busy tonight.
Busy you were, Brant had told you last night that he was going to be leaving today to go to visit family for some type of emergency. 
“If the place is still standing when I get back, we’ll talk more about it becoming yours someday.” He had said. You were hoping that that ‘someday’ was sooner rather than later. Brant was getting up there in years. Just last week he had hurt himself trying to lift one of the barrels of ale that had been shipped in from the Iron Hills. You had been taking on more and more of his old tasks and to be completely honest, it felt like you did the job of an owner anyway, just without all the benefits.
You weren’t going to let the man down though, even if it did mean rushing back and forth all night trying to keep up with demand all by yourself.
“Another! Y/N,” was yelled in front the back of the room. Roland was a boisterous man who got along with everyone, he was only a year or two older than you and was currently on his eighth pint of the night. He had a large countenance and seemed to fill up whatever space he occupied, he was handsome but the more and more he drank the less his looks mattered. Usually, this is the point in the night where he starts bordering more on unruly rather than fun-loving. Nevertheless, he was a paying customer and as long as he could still walk on his own out the doors, you weren’t going to say no to his money.
You grabbed another pint glass and poured one for him, balancing it and several other drinks on a tray. You steeled yourself with a deep breath before running back out into the fray. 
Walking close to the stool he was sat on you leaned slightly over him and placed his pint down on the counter beside him. He was engrossed in the conversation between the large group of men, something about the best way to skin a buck, you weren’t really listening. As you grabbed his empty glass to take back to the kitchen to be washed, his large hand encircled your wrist none too gently.
“A pint is a wonderful thing, but it is even more delicious when served by a beautiful lady,” He whispered into your ear. You grit your teeth and roughly pull your hand back. 
“Now, Roland, what have we said about touching things that don’t belong to you? Huh? Touch the wrong thing and you might just lose your hand.” You spit back at him. Cutting your eyes up at the mounted swords that rest above the fireplace only a few steps from where the two of you are. “I’d hate to have to clean those swords, they are sharp.” You look back into his eyes, satisfied with the fear that you see within them. You stand back up and place your tray back upon your shoulder. 
“Anything else I can get you gents?” You question the other men scattered about the space. Silence reigned over the air for a few moments. 
“Alrighty then.” 
A pint here, a glass of wine there, and two hot meals delivered later, your tray was empty and everyone in the place seemed momentarily satisfied. 
 Letting out a breath you lean up against the counter.
“What did you say to him?” A somewhat familiar voice pipes up beside you. You turn your head towards the voice. It's the dwarf prince, and you are once again struck with just how handsome he is. You are also struck with the familiar feeling of annoyance, of course, he picked now to talk to you. Just when you had finally afforded yourself a break.
“Hmm?” You raise a singular eyebrow at him. “Who?”
“That large and very drunk man in the back, I couldn’t hear what you said but I could see the look on his face. It was similar to my brother’s when our mother would scold him for forgetting his manners.”
“That’s not too far off actually, Roland over there got a little too comfortable and touched something that didn’t belong to him, I had to remind him of the rules.”
“And what exactly did he touch that was so forbidden?” The prince smirks and laughs.
You smirk back and lift a glass to your lips before uttering one single word, “Me.”
All of the laughter drained from Kili’s face, “He touched you?” His voice had gotten much lower, his eyes darkened right before you.
 You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to stop you right there Your Highness, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t need some man, no matter how handsome he is coming to defend my honor every time I’m even remotely slighted. The trail of bodies will get far too long.” You stare into his eyes as you speak, putting all the righteous fury you’ve got stored inside into each word. 
Seconds tick by before he opens his mouth to speak again.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“I think that we have bigger problems if that is the only thing you got from that.” You took another sip.
“No, no, no I got the point, you don’t need a big strong man to come to your rescue. Lucky for you, I am not big.”
The laugh that sprung from the back of your throat caught you off guard, you slap a hand over your mouth in an impossible effort to catch it and shove it back inside. He was funny, he had never been funny before.
Kili liked your laugh even though it was closer to a snort than an actual laugh, and he would be foolish to ignore the way his heart picked up at the thought that he was the one who made you laugh.
“You- I- I have never heard of a dwarf who makes fun of themselves, in my limited experience your lot are very prideful.”
“Not as prideful as some other races, I should think.”
“No, you’re not nearly as prideful as the pointy-eared bastards who hole themselves up in that accursed forest.” Your words held a healthy amount of rage as well as teasing.
“I sense that there is a story there somewhere.” Kili raised an eyebrow, mimicking your face from earlier. He was desperately trying not to think about the fact that this was the longest conversation the two of you had had up to date.
“One that I’m going to need a lot more liquid courage before divulging, I’m afraid.”
“We can make that happen.” Kili wiggled his eyebrows and pointed at the bottles of liquor behind the bar that separated the two of you.
At that very moment, a shout from the rowdy bunch of men in the back rang out, calling for another round.
“Duty calls your highness, but perhaps I will tell you that story… another time.” You winked at him and grabbed for your tray again, beginning to load it up once more. If that is how conversations with the dwarf prince went all the time, you wouldn’t mind having them more often.  
You walked away before Kili could come up with a response, but he was more certain than he ever had been that your heart called to his. Why else would the very sight of you walking away feel like his heart was leaving too?
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Read Part 3 here: Troubled Hearts
tags: @bunnybabe-babydoll @kokochanel111 @shiinata-library @oneiratxxia10
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fizzyxcustard · 10 months
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Requested by @lathalea with the prompt “Because I care for you more than you know.” 
Pre-Quest of Erebor, when Thorin was still a young Prince. 
I hope you don’t mind this being more of a drabble. I also won't tag anyone as this is short.
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You were drained, your back ached, and all you could think of was a warm bath and your bed. Being a maid in the kingdom of Erebor meant that you were constantly on your feet; making beds, cleaning furniture, taking clothing to the wash rooms. And that was only the royal wing. In particular you catered to Prince Thorin’s needs. 
You stumbled back into your bed chamber, your whole body screaming in fatigue. But upon entering, you noticed that your bed had been made. Normally your sheets would have been tossed aside and left that way until you returned. There was a candle burning on the small table at the end of your bed and you could make out a figure, their outline quite bold in the murky room. 
“Hello?” you said, stepping toward the figure. 
“Dinner will not be too long. A bath is being drawn for you as we speak.” It was the Prince’s voice. That deep voice always sent shivers of arousal through your very core. 
“Have you done this, my Prince?” you asked. 
Thorin chuckled in response. “Please go and relax in the bath and I will go and check that dinner is on its way.” 
“Why have you done all this for me?” you asked, a lump rising in your throat. You stepped closer to the table, now being able to see his handsome features highlighted by the flickering candle. 
“Because I care for you more than you know.” 
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lathalea · 3 months
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Yes, it is finally happening!
💎 HUGE 💎
Follower Celebration
… is here!
Remember the poll from last week? The results are here! You have spoken!
Thank you everyone for participating! 💙🙏
💎 What happens now?
Per your request,
I’m going to write ficlets for you, my lovely followers!
And I can’t wait! 🤩
💎 It’s time for the Prompt Game!
💎 To take part in the celebration, you have to be my follower before it starts!
💎 For the Prompt Game, I will have around 10 slots open. Maybe a few less, maybe a few more (it depends on boring real life stuff, sorry, I’ll try to do my best!).
💎 The participants will be picked on the "first come, first serve" basis.
💎 I’m going to write ficlets (300-500 words) based on Tolkien’s Middle Earth and the characters created by JRRT.
💎 Pick your favorite pairing, the prompt you’ve been dreaming of (or 1-2 prompt numbers from the list below), any additional details you want me to include (like your OC, quote, vibes…), and send me an ask! No anons please 🙏
💎 I will be happy to write about things like: canon x canon, canon x oc, canon x reader, oc x oc, oc x reader, textual ghosts, G-E rated romance (to request E-rated stuff, you have to be an adult), angst, gen fics, fluff, GIME, crack fics, Middle Earth locations, headcanons, imagines, worldbuilding… and much more.
💎 I’m not in the right headspace to write about things like: incest, rape, death, explicit descriptions of injuries/childbirth, themes/characters I’m not too familiar with.
💎 If you’re one of the lucky participants but I’m unable to fulfill your request because of some its content, don’t worry! You won’t lose your spot! I’ll ask you to submit a new fic request.
💎 Any questions? You know where to find me!
If you’ve just ran out of fic ideas or there’s something here that speaks to you, please add one or two prompt numbers to your ask:
1. “I lost my way. Twice.”
2. Regency AU
3. "It was an... accident?"
4. Pirate AU
5. “You did this for me?”
6. Neighbor AU
7. “We could just stay like this, cuddling all night, if that is what you wish."
8. Forbidden Love AU
9. “Whose wedding is this?” “Ours.”
10. Soulmate AU
11. “Tell me what you see.”
12. Library AU
13. “Where am I?”
14. Best Friends AU / Friends to Lovers AU (you pick)
15. “Is anything you say to me true?”
16. Modern AU
17. “The stars are bright tonight, aren't they?" "Not as bright as you…”
18. Stranded AU
19. “This quest is yours alone.”
20. Room Mate AU
21. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
22. Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
23. “Make a wish.”
24. Amnesia AU
25. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
26. Hurt/Comfort AU
27. “What does your heart tell you?”
28. Meet-awful AU (funny!)
29. “How did you get here and what are you doing in my bed?!”
30. An AU of your choice
31. Surprise me, Lathalea! 🤩
🎉 Let the Prompt Game begin!🎉
Good luck everyone! 💙
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koisuko · 6 months
The winner of the pole, The Hobbit series! Time for some fluffy bilbo action. Bilbo is so adorable, gotta protect him at all costs❣️
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Tw: none, fluff, gn reader, use of “you”, aimed to be platonic but can be whatever you’d like
An early nights rest, that’s all you wanted. On top of the nightmares, a grueling several days constantly walking and fending for your lives, all for the sake of bringing the king back to his mountain. You signed up for it, you suppose, but you certainly didn’t sign up for the heavy snores and coughs of Bombur blissfully unaware of the moths he was inhaling.
The constant tossing and turning was futile, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips as you finally flip on your back. You stare up at the stars, sinking ever so slightly into the bed roll beneath you, the fabric providing just a little bit of cushioning from the cold hard ground. Yet another night where sleep seems to escape you, slipping from your grasp like an empty promise. As you squint up at the sky, you could almost see the nightmares taking shape. The darkness of your half lidded eyes harbored flashing images of orc raids and troll kidnappings, it made you shudder at the core.
The images seem to vanish with a huff of frustration sounding beside you, breaking you from your fear ridden trance. Your gaze lands on the company burglar, Bilbo Baggins, sat beside the fire, on a stump of a long forgotten willow tree. You couldn’t quite make out what he was doing, his back facing you and posture hunched. You were too curious to ignore it, and much too restless to even try and sleep now. With a stretch, you stand from your bedroll, quietly approaching as to not wake the others. The closer you got, the more you picked up on the brittle sound of something being cut with a crude knife. You also caught a glimpse of flashing reflections from the flames dancing on the metallic surface. Now, you stood just behind him, peaking over his shoulder to reveal a pair of shaky hands attempting to whittle what looked like a small animal.
“Can’t sleep?” You whispered, watching him jump and nearly drop the items in hand. You giggled at how jumpy he tends to be, watching his eyes go from big, doe like orbs and back to normal again. “Not at the moment,” he replied, patting the seat beside him, to which you obliged. “What’s on your mind Bilbo?” You didn’t look at him, instead, looking to the stars once again. “Home sick, I suppose,” he paused for just a moment, staring down at the wood in his hands. You could see him caress the texture of the bark, skimming over it with his thumb whilst deep in thought. “I feel like I was wrong to come along,” he kept his head low as he spoke, “I don’t belong here.” You halted your fixation on the stars to shoot him a look of confusion. Your brows knit together, letting the words hang in the air for a moment in silence. “Bilbo, you belong more than you believe,” you placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before dropping it back to your side. “We all need you,” you give him a gentle smile, watching him mirror it as his own. “You really think so?” He asked, his voice became a little more confident, and a light tint of red spread on his cheeks. You nod, “I know so.”
You sat together in a peaceful quiet for a moment, soaking in the heat of the fire to fend off the chills of the night air. A thought popped into your mind, remembering the task he had previously been doing. “You whittle?” You asked, jerking your head to the knife and wood he held. He looked down, as if forgetting he was even holding anything before gently pressing the blade to the surface of the wood. “Learning to, although it’s a lot harder than I believed it would be,” he twisted the wood in his hand, probably envisioning the completed artwork. “What were you aiming to make?” You questioned, your head tilted slightly to portray your curiosity. He shrugged, averting his gaze to the bright flames of the campfire, “A sheep, it reminds me of home.” He smiled at the thought, taking a deep breath of the crisp night air. “There are plenty in the Shire, perhaps you can see them someday,” he looked to you for a reaction, grazing over the features of your face before looking back down at the fire. “That sounds pleasant,” you felt your eyes grow heavy from just the thought of the Shire, the friendly halflings and bountiful sheep population combined with the smell of freshly grown crops. He nodded in agreement, looking back to the stars ahead, “I hope to show you after all of this.”
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harrypoppinss · 1 year
Ahoy!! I saw that your requests are open so if it's possible I would love to have one with Fili!!
With the promp ‘I’ll trade you a kiss for a hug.’
In which they are just friends at first ;)
Thansk so much!! I love your stuff
- Jack
Of course!!! I love the idea of that prompt, especially a friends to lovers type situation!! Also I just got back after a long break, so feel free to send in requests!
⚠️I didn’t proof read this, I apologize for any misspellings⚠️
I’ll trade you a kiss for a hug
Fili Durin x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint, some cursing
You had been recruited to Thorins company because of you skills that you obtained in the course of your life, of course, Thorin was reluctant to let you tag along because neither him nor any of the other dwarves knew who you were, and what that set of skills was. But after some explanation from Gandalf, along with a few encouraging words from the old wizard; he agreed.
Thats how you ended up here, leaning back against a fallen log as you skimmed through an old book that Gandalf had kindly allowed you to borrow. A few feet away the company was gathered around a growing fire placed upon a pile of sticks and logs. It had been about 5 months since the say you joined, and to say you didn’t expect to be hunted down by an angry orc was an understatement.
Because of this, it has made the journey much more dangerous and fear inducing, but it also got your adrenaline pumping. When you first set off, you were more reserved from the company of dwarves, but very quickly one in particular approached you and struck up a conversation. That Dwarf was named Fili Durin, the nephew of Thorin Oakenshield and heir to the throne under the mountain of Erebor.
Fili was a kind and funny dwarf. He quickly wedged his way into your heart in more ways than one. But unbeknownst to you, you had done the same to him. It was very rare that a dwarf fell in love with someone of another species, but they always believed in true love or finding your ‘one’ so he was just fine with it. He was not one to shy away from flirting either, especially because he wanted to enjoy everything he could before he was eventually betrothed to another dwarf from a high kingdom.
From the fire that was glowing in the wake of dusk, Fili had his eyes on you every couple seconds. Kili, obviously had noticed this and gave him brother a nudge with his elbow, encouraging him to go over to you. Even after becoming one of your best friends (and your crush) he was still nervous to talk to you sometimes, and he truthfully believed it was because he loved you. So to stop his brother from jabbing elbow into his side, he slapped Kilis’ arm before glancing at you once more as he stood up.
Thorin noticed this, but didn’t question his eldest nephew at the moment. Fili cleared his throat as he walked up to you, making your eyes pull away from the words infront of you as you glanced up at him from your sitting position. “Yes Fili?” You asked, folding the corner of the page as you closed the book and laid it on the ground beneath you.
“Walk with me?” He asked you, before he outstretched his hand for you, a gesture he always did when you were sitting or laying down. It wasn’t unusual for you two to go on small walks around the makeshift campsite that you were inhabiting that night. So you nodded, placing your hand in his as he helped you up, allowing you to brush your legs off as he waited patiently.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.” You said as he grinned softly, the corners of his mouth moving made his braided mustache dance softly as the two of you started walking out of camp. Back at the fire, Thorin was watching. He knew that look in Filis’ eyes, and if you were his one then be would support the two of you.
“So.. why did you ask me to walk with you this time?” You asked as the camp faded in the background as the two of you walked along a creek side that was surrounded by breathtaking trees, as the setting sun gleamed through the leaves and branches. Fili didn’t answer right away, he just glanced at you. After a moment of silence he slowed down, before turning his head to look at you.
“I’ve been.. meaning to do something that I should have done long ago,” he said. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you also slowed, giving him your undivided attention. “Yes?” You asked. Fili was nervous, it was practically radiating off him at the moment. “Please don’t take me for a fool,” he said, before he began the confession that he rehearsed over a million times in his head.
“I am not sure if your feelings are aligned with mine. I.. am very fond of you” he said, his eyes darting everywhere but your gaze as you proceeded what he said. Slowly, a grin formed on your lips as you reached out, taking his hand in yours. His eyes practically shot to yours as he waited anxiously for your response. “You could never be a fool for that, because believe it or not, I’m also very fond of you.”
“Thank fuck,” he muttered under his breath as his hand returned the grip on yours as his lips matched the grin on your lips. “What now?” You asked, your voice softer than before. “I’ll trade you a kiss for a hug.” Fili retorted, making a small blush dust your cheeks as you rolled your eyes before your hands gripped onto his coat that he was wearing as you tugged him towards yourself, your lips meeting eachothers as he smiled into the kiss. His hands came up to cup your face as he felt his heart fluttering. His thumbs caressed your cheekbones as he pulled away reluctantly from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours as his eyes poured into yours.
“How about another kiss for a hug?” You said, making another grin stretch across his lips as he immediately closed the gap between the two of you.
I had sooo much fun writing this!! I hope I got it right! Thank you again so much for the request❤️
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The hobbit x reader
Bilbo x child reader
Bilbo bagging was known as a play boy in the shire, not just to hobbit lads and lasses.
So when it comes to the dwarfs and Gandalf arrive to Rivendell, they are surprised by Elrond knowing his name, but only meeting him for the fist time in person?
Imagine even more to there suppries to a Gorgon (snake hair) child running to Bilbo yelling father!
Bilbos daughter has been studying with lord Elrond for a year.
Bonus if you put (y/n) asks if Thorin is your new mommy, que the dwarfs laughing.
Thorin x Bilbo
father!Bilbo x child!reader
You didn't precise the gender of the child so I used They \ them. (gn! reader).
waning: My bad writing, this is my first request so I hope you like it.
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In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. The name of the Hobbit was Bilbo Baggins.
Bilbo Baggins was a very known hobbit beyond the Shine. He used to be a "playboy" in his "youth", as he liked to call it, but now he had stopped after that God offered him one of the most magnificent gifts in all his life.
Now he was offered a second gift, but this time he was relucted in taking it, but he eventually come around as he saw a small possibility of seeing his baby, his child.
As you may have guessed, Bilbo's first gift was for a child. A child not like the others. They were everything to him, the only person who brought out the best of him.
He could remember every detail about them, every first thing, their first step, their first word, he was there to see it. Unfortunately, he may not watch them grow, as The ugly orc hunted them down, and even with the brown wizard driving them away, they still got caught, forcing them to fight.
"Where are you leading us?" Thorin asked his eyes burning with anger, yet the grey wizard didn't respond, he just turned to him with a scowl planted on his face before he continue moving, and as much as Thorin wanted to argue with the Gandalf, he knew they didn't have time, either they follow him or they die.
They fought their way or rather the Drwaf did, to a cave where they followed a mysterious path, Leading them to a beautiful place, full of immense buildings connected to each other, and everything about it screamed majestically. It was nothing compared to what Bilbo had seen in his life.
"Valley of Imladris, in the common time, it's known but another name" Gandalf exclaimed his face full of joy at the familiar place.
"Rivendell" Bilbo continued for the grey wizard. He felt a sense of relief and happiness for different reasons from Gandalf. He couldn't believe he was standing a few feet away from the place, where…
"Here lies the last and only house of east of the sea" Gandalf interrupted Bilbo's thoughts, explaining to everyone (Biblo) the brief history of the place.
"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy" thorin spitted, his face showing every little bit of hate he had towards the Elvens.
"You have no enemies here Thorin Ocanshild" Gandalf's face turned to a scroll again at Thron, who he felt disappointed for letting his hate cloud his mind.
"the only ill will to fear in this valley is what you bring yourself" Gandalf continued eying the young prince in front of him. While Bilbo stood there, on Gandalf's side, his hand moving in the air. He couldn't help the smile that grow on his face, and he shyly tilted his head in an attempt to hide it until it disappear, yet it never did, not when they walked to the entrance, not even when the Lord addressed him, with knowing eyes.
"Mrs Baggins" Loard unacknowledged the Hobbit's presence, who just nodded his head. Which resulted in suspicious looks sent his way, especially from the grey wizard, who was more than sure that the two never meet.
"I didn't know you were an acquaintance of mister Baggins, Lord Elrond" Gandalf questioned, raising an eyebrow, giving Baggins a quick glance over his shoulder. The Lord only smiled in response.
They all enter and Bilbo didn't even notice, his eyes were busy searching for something or someone. He was absent-minded, that he didn't even notice the grumpy Drawf, passing the map to Lord Elrond, who gave it one look before ordering his man to bring his apprentice, and before Thorin could protest, Gandalf shut him out with a stern look.
"Papa!" Their head snapped toward the voice, to see a child, not like the other. A few feet away was a child running toward them, before throwing themselves on the hobbit who catch them quickly like a reflection.
"(Y/N)" He lifted you up, smiling with watery eyes at your happy expression that he longed for.
Oh, how much did he miss you.
"Who is that?" One of the dwarfs asked, cutting the small father-child reunion.
"This is my child, (Y/N)" Bilbo pointed at the child beside him, who smiled at the company before saluting them in the Eleven way.
"Greetings to Thorin II "Oakenshield son of Thráin II, king under the mountain and his company. I'm (Y/N) daughter of Bilbo Baggins, apprentice of Lord Elnord " You stood high earning a proud look out from Lord Elrond.
"Wait you have a child!!!" the dwarves' jaws dropped, except Thorin whose brain was connecting the dots. He understood now, why Bilbo Baggins' eyes lit up, why he was so eager to enter the palace, and why the Elef seem to know he was.
Biblo turns away hiding from the company glares. How dare he not tell us, that's what they all were thinking about, while you just stood there smiling so brightly like the sun, they had to close their eyes.
"But you look so much different than each other?" Kili voiced thorin question, which earned him a deep blush of embarrassment from Bilbo not like they could see it.
You look at your father, noticing the red on the tip of his ears making you giggle. You knew your father so you decided to explain.
"My father used to be..what was the name.." Your eyes turn to the right side "Ah…a playboy…My father used to be a playboy, he was known as beyond the shire, in all the lads and lasses." The dwarfs again turn to the shy Hobbit as he hides his face this time with his hands, as he remembers something.
"I'm Gorgon(child with snake hair) just like a mother" You elucidated when you notice the looks of disbelief in their eyes.
"That explains a lot" They nodded to each other, before turning back to Bilbo.
The hurt on Thorin was evident, and you notice it, as he glared at your father. Like he was ready to kill him. At first, it scared you until you notice the jealousy, and that is when it hit you. Thorin was in love with your father, and think that he's married. but does your father reciprocate this feeling?
Yes, he does! He was giving an apologetic smile to Thorin, who scoffed, and you saw an opportunity so you took it.
You tugged your father's sleeve before asking "Is he, my new mama?" You turn to Thorin when your father just kept looking at you with wide eyes "Are you my new mama?" Thorin'eyes almost popped out of his skull. He starts stuttering before he turned to the laughing dwarf with a glare that could shut up anyone, but they couldn't stop.
It was too hilarious, seeing flustered Thorin. Rare sight!
"(Y/N)!" Bilbo run to your side, "What?" you blinked innocently, "You luve him, he luves you and you are my pap so he is my new mama" You explained in a matter-of-fact tone, just causing the dwarves to laugh more and more, some were even on the floor, crying!
Even Lord Elnord and Gandalf were laughing, their heart out at the two flustered males.
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catyo90 · 2 years
25. Trying to seduce one another
Could you do this with kili x female reader where kili keeps trying to seduce reader but she finds his attempts absolutely hilarious and he is hopeless at it and he eventually gives up and she's like what we're you even trying to do and he's like seduce you if that wasn't obvious cue more laughing from reader but then she admits that his attempts were unnecessary because she's already in love him ?
Kili x F!Reader: The Art of Seduction...
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  (Hope this meets your idea. This was a sweet idea to mess with though this is new to me in a sense. LOL)
 Kili still remembered the first time you met. He'd been having an argument of some sorts with his brother when he caught sight of you from across the training area causing him to become enthralled by your beauty.  He remembered how Fili once he caught sight of you with a small groups of other girls walked over with him and pushed him forward causing him to blush. 
Your initial impression was that he was possibly an idiot.  A cute idiot. However, as time passed, you found yourself taking quite a liking to him.  He was actually very thoughtful, brave, and dedicated to his duties, though he wouldn't openly admit it.
What you don't remember is when you finally realized you were in love with him. It seemed that one day you had simply woken up, gotten breakfast, and were waiting, when you found yourself desperately hoping that he'd drop by and visit you before he left with his brother to hunt.  Then, you sort of had an epiphany and realized that you'd been feeling that way for weeks on end. Wasn’t any wonder why?  The man was absolutely charming, amusing, skilled with a blade and even more with a bow.
Too bad he never thought that was how you felt. He always seemed to be on edge around you or at least nervous but you never thought much about it until that day.
    He'd been getting ready in his room, putting on his armor with the skill that he’d been building up for years, when he'd heard what sounded like someone knocking on the door but no words were said. Confused, he'd finished dressing and poked his head out, Startled, you'd backed up, when you watched him raise an arm to the doorway with a smile looking down at you and said hello in a deep voice. Instead though it came out a bit broken and awkward, You couldn’t help but giggle and told him he should hurry to get some breakfast before going off for the hunt with his brother.
“So...that was you big idea brother? Just to pose and say hey?”
“Well it works when Uncle Thorin does it...I thought maybe it would work on her.”
“That trick only works for Uncle because of his voice. Your hopeless little brother. I don’t see why you can’t just tell her how you feel.”
“Because I don’t wanna mess it up Fili...If I were to tell her I would want it to be perfect. Besides she deserves to be wooed.”
Fili sighed as he focused preparing for the hunt. Kili though couldn’t help but wonder what to try next when they returned but his mind was drawing a complete blank. Maybe he would do better by just asking you if you would be his. On the way to the gate Kili looked up to see you waiting. A sight he truly was always happy to see, a sight you could look at all his days. Both of them walked over to you seeing you read to join them and smiled as Fili noticed you with a pair of warm ale
“You both needed something to warm you up before we head off for the afternoon.”
“Well, don’t give this one too much he could never handle his drink.” Fili said smacking Kili on the back with a smile. Kili chuckled it off and looked at you.
“You know Y/n there are more ways to stay warm...” He said taking a gulp of the ale and looked down offering the goblet back to you.
“You could always keep me warm.” He said with a wink but you couldn’t help but smile as Fili started laughing. Kili looked so confused as he watched you bring a hand to his mouth wiping off the foam mustache he gained from drinking the ale so fast. He was about to speak.
    "Kili," someone said on the path out into the woods, looking ahead to see his uncle and Dwalin with their bows at their side with a doe flung on Dwalins back. Thorin seemed a bit puzzled and a bit irritated as he looked at both him and Fili.  
"Fili," he said, sounding as though he were gently scolding them pair as if they were children, 
"I thought I'd sent word for you two to scout out the wilds an hour ago.  What are you still doing here?  Surely not bothering y/n and distracting her from her own duties?"      They both shook their heads quickly, eyes flitting down and then back up to their uncle  
"N-no!  Us?  Of course not!  We were just . . . leaving and we were wishing each other good luck  out there, you know?” Fili said quickly trying to hide the goblet of ale behind his back. 
“It's been awfully dangerous with all sorts of nasty goblins and orcs and what not.  A little boost in morale never did anyone harm." Kili said smiling rubbing the back of his head.     Thorin and Dwalin both watched the two to of them for a second in silence.  "Right . . ." Thorin said, slowly drawing out the word, showing his clear skepticism.  
"Well, I'm sure she appreciates it very much.  Now, go do as I've told you, and let her finish getting ready."  He then directed his attention to you. 
"Y/n, head into the wilds to find any signs of survivors from past missions, undamaged supplies, and any more useful ingredients for the healers. Alright?"
"Yes, your highness" you said, nodding your head respectfully.     Thorin nodded in return brining a gentle hand to your shoulder in respect, looking satisfied that at least one of his recruits was serious about their work.  
"Good.  Then I'll leave you to it."  With that, he turned around, pausing to look at Kili and Fili in silence once more and seemed to get the hint and cleared his throat.
"R-right!  I'll just be going on along now."  But Kili turned to you, leaning in slightly close, and he found it difficult not to let a blush overtake him as he caught scent of your sweet fragrance. He wondered if you’d been using something new to wash with, it smelled of honey and ginger making him smile to himself.
 “Y/n” he whispered urgently.  " Maybe you can meet me when you return later this evening behind the tumbled pillar up the stairs next to where the gardens are. Don't tell anyone we're meeting there.  Just say that you're tired and are feeling unwell and are going to return home,-”     "Kili!" Thorin exclaimed, causing him to flinch.     "Alright!  I'm going!  You don't have to sick anyone on me, look!  I'm walking away from the nice lady!" he said, putting up his hands as he backed away before turning and booking it as Fili sighed and smirked toward you at his brothers antics, leaving you to stare off after him in confusion and wonder.
- You had rounded a bend on the trail, around a thick copse of swamp trees and boulders, leaving you to hang back and survey the path behind you again for any signs of being followed.  You were still looking when you heard a snap of some branches ahead of you. When suddenly you heard a familiar voice from above.  "Hey there, Y/n  Nice weather we're having tonight, don't you think?"
"Oh yes, it's incredible.  You should get a load of it from down here."
You couldn’t help but smile as he jumped down from the few boulders and joined next to you. He simply smiled as you as brought your bow over your shoulder as you looked around.
“Where’s Fili?”
“He scouted a few deer nearby, seemed to be alright with me checking up on you.”
“Well luckily no worries on my end. Perhaps we should head back.”     On the walk back, Kili had taken up walking close beside you, and matched your pace.  He was silent now, and you found that surprising.  Normally he was a regular chatter box, but now he was quiet.  Glancing over at him you found his expression to be...nervous?  
While you were distracted by your thoughts, you failed to notice him hesitantly reached out and put a hand on your upper arm.  You looked to him, snapping out of your reverie, and blinked, perking up.  "Hmm?"    "Uh, Y/n?  I...I need to tell you something," he sighed.    "Oh?"  You looked a bit nervously at him, brows furrowing.  Was something wrong?     "Yes," he murmured, and slowed, you too slowed your walk and tilted your head a bit.     "Okay, well, what is it then?"     He took a deep breath.  "Right.  What is it, indeed.  Um, hh-"  He took in a breath, a hand moving to the back of his head.  "How...how do you say these things?" he wondered aloud.  "Y/n" he said after a moment, shyly looking to you.  You nodded, showing him that you were listening still.  He blinked a few more times and took another breath.  "Um, today...I...uh, actually, for awhile now, I . . . I've wanted to tell you . . . something.  Something important." He said as he took one of your hands in his and gently squeezed it. "Yeah?" "Yeah.  You see, I...”
Suddenly the ground began to shake as you both saw that a large herd of deer charged past the two of you and caused you both to hide behind one of the bigger oak trees causing both of you to catch your breath. You both saw and heard Fili running past both of you yelling out to both of you shooting after one of the deer's.
“Sorry about that guys...Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You looked up at him once the herd had passed by and looked up at him to see that he had covered you with his body in a protective stance.
“Y/n...Are you alright.”
You nodded as you noticed all the loose leaves on him had gotten stuck in his hair. He looked down at you and saw you smiling for a moment before laughing hard at the sight and sighed as he brought a hand up to hair in slight annoyance.
“Oh for Mahals sake I give up.” Shaking off the leaves from his hair. As he groaned to himself crossing his arms.
“Wait...wait Kili. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh. What were you trying to do?”
“Seduce you Y/n. I’ve been trying for days now but you never seem to catch on...I mean all I wanted to do was to show how much I love you.”
You were completely speechless.  You almost couldn't process anything that you just heard--it was all too good to be true!  This man, this wonderful, amazing, god of a man actually felt for you the way you felt for him. Kili seemed to be put off by your silent awe, and winced a little.  
"I... said something wrong, didn't I?"  He sighed, looking cross with himself.  "I am so stupid.  What right have I to honestly believe that someone like you would actually feel anything for someone like me?"     He started to turn away when, before you could think about what you were doing, you grabbed his arm and pulled him toward you.  His eyes went wide and he was about to ask what you were doing, when you surprised the both of you by kissing him on the lips.  He went rigid, turning brighter red than before, now matching your own blazing blush, and slowly let his eyes close.  Tilting his head, he put a hand behind your neck, keeping you close to him as you both shared a delightful moment of blissful affection.     When you both broke the kiss for air, you found him gazing into your eyes softly, smiling gently.  
"Y/n.  How long have you been wanting to do that?"
You laughed breathlessly.  "Probably as long as you."
He chuckled back, You glanced up at him again, and found him gazing back at you, eyes half-lidded.  
"Y/n/ I suppose I'm right to assume that you . . . "    "That I feel the same?  Yes. You are."  You grinned, voice lowered.  "I love you, Kili. I always have.
He smiled as he brought his forehead to yours taking a deep breath as you looked up at him and asked.
“I guess none of the failed seductions were really required huh? “ You said with a smirk
    "Yes," he admitted, embarrassed.  "And only now have I realized how stupid that was of me.”
    You were overtaken by another fit of laughter and shook your head. You started to walk away from him and turned around and smiled
 "You adorable, handsome fool." you said winking to him as you walked ahead.     "Hey." he called from behind you.  "You're leaving out ruggedly good-looking and luckier than every other dwarf alive to be loved by you!" he said running after you as you laughed as he followed after you into the sunset. Into another day together. 
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greenandsorrow · 17 days
Hi you beautiful people ♥️
That's just a random update no one asked for!
Firstly, I want to express my gratitude towards you, because I just hit 2000 followers 🥹‼️💖
Thank you so much for sticking around and reading my work! Whether it's your kind words, a tip, a reblog or anything, you make my heart melt.
My goals for September are to finish the multi chaps that are currently in progress and also post the reqs I got in August! (They contain hotd, hazbin, blade runner, IT, omori and the hobbit stuff)
After successfully posting all that, I'll probably focus on my anticipated "what once was" fic -the secret history x oc multi chap-!!!
You can always ask me any questions you have and/or request to be added to any fandom's/ fic's taglist!
With love, Ophelia ♥️
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Hey ! 🌻
I really love your writings and I saw that you take requests ? 👉🏻👈 What would your headcanons be about each Thorin's company members taking care of you if you were injured during a quest while trying to defend them?
Heck yeah! Thanks for your patience as I go through the many I got 🥰 I love this request!
Warnings: minor blood/injury mentions, suggestive jokes
Thorin’s Company Taking Care of Your Injuries
✧ Sadness overtakes his dark eyes, but he knows you- you’ll pull through.
✧ Gives Oin his space to work, waiting instead where you’ll be lain afterward as he’s asked permission to help clean you up afterward. If he wasn’t so level-headed, in fact, he’d have demanded it.
✧ Can’t help but ask you what you were thinking pulling a daring move like that, but you just give him a weak smile and tell him he’s worth taking an arrow for.
✧ Pulls you into his embrace, kissing the top of your head and telling you he thinks you’re much more worth it, but thank you from the bottom of his old heart.
✧ His touch is the second gentlest beyond the healer’s, so you have as little complaint as you could at how often he changes your bandages and sits you up to make sure you are clean.
✧ The most stubborn. Confident you’re fine, he shakes his head at you for being reckless as he lays you down in your healer’s tent. He knows you’re a fighter- too much of a fighter, if this is any indication.
✧ Gets right in there and helps bandage you, completely unafraid of a little blood. Or a lot of blood. Nothing he hasn’t seen before.
✧ Sits beside you with his arms crossed, asking what possessed you to do that. Softens considerably when you tell him you barely thought, your love for him took over.
✧ Cue Oin walking in on his comrade passionately locking lips with his patient like life was ending that very moment.
✧ Comes across dry with his care to you, but it’s because he’s struggling to forgive himself and doesn’t know how to say it. “Don’t do that, you’re bleeding. I said stay down. Take it up with Oin, not me.”
✧ Will be the one to carry you all the way to the healer’s bed no matter what it takes, no matter what injuries he himself sustained.
✧ Lays you down so gently, cradling your head in his hand as he searches for any light in your eyes. When you smile faintly up at him he pulls your head against his chest.
✧ Gives you space, lets Oin work on you, but the moment you’re back in bed he’s at your side with your hand in his, all but snapping at anyone who tries to take him away from you.
✧ Curses his own lack of attention that led you hear, forcing you to shake your head and tell him no, you did what you did out of love and care for him.
✧ Does everything in his power to help you in return, keeping your wounds clean and checking your temperature and staying knelt there as long as he must, telling you how much he loves you again and again.
✧ Would have been the one to do it anyway, but believe me when I say he will not let a single other soul touch you. You’re under his care and his care alone.
✧ Talks to you even if you’re unconscious, shaking his head and tutting and asking why you’d do that even as he smiles and thanks and blesses you.
✧ For nearly the first time, he finds his hands shaking as he works. If you’re awake and feeling up to teasing him about it, he just uses the moment to reiterate how much he cares for you… and tell you to hold still with a quick but firm kiss.
✧ Pulls out all the stops for your treatment, even using scarcer ingredients he’d hoarded for a long time if he thinks they’ll help.
✧ Rewards all your good behavior, whether it’s taking medicine or gritting through the pain of having things set or bandaged, with a peck on the lips.
✧ Oscillating between cheering with pride over your amazing moves and pacing with the stress of knowing you’re hurt.
✧ Tells you how strong you are and how you’ll be back and your feet in no time!
✧ Worst thing for it, though, is just to be laying around just thinking about the pain, so he brings his games in to distract you and keep himself busy when you fall asleep.
✧ Reminds you what a perfect team you two are, for you may have taken an orc’s slash for him, but he ended up taking it down just for you.
✧ Tells you to squeeze his hand if you feel any pain. Regrets that immediately when you practically crush the life out of it, but he’ll never give that fact away for anything!
✧ Visibly distraught, knowing how one wound can change a life. Probably demands to watch Oin the entire time.
✧ Needs a hug the moment you’re done just to feel you in his arms and reassure himself, and you cannot deny the comfort it brings you, too.
✧ If you’re the type to pick at your wounds or bandages, know that Bifur will be right there to wordlessly smack your hand away and give you a chastising look.
✧ He becomes clingier, though, in your time of infirm, not only staying by your side but always connected in some way, whether it’s a hand on yours or stroking your head or even him taking you into his arms and resting his head atop yours.
✧ Insists on some very odd herbal remedies that Oin unfortunately backs him up on, nodding and giving a gleeful grin when you reluctantly agree.
✧ Refuses to let go of your hand unless Oin physically has to move or handle it for your treatment.
✧ Holds your face in his hands, telling you you’re the bravest most wonderful fool he’s ever met, punctuating every compliment with a kiss.
✧ Sneaks you a flask, saying taking a few sips will surely ease the pain you feel!
✧ Sings you lullabies to help you get your healing rest. Even if you aren’t trying to rest he’ll sing you comforting songs or even silly little uplifting ones complete with even the most ridiculous dance moves. Laughter is the best medicine, after all!
✧ It’s as if he knows what you need before you do. You’ll think of something that might ease your recovery and moments later there is Bofur offering it to you, saying he was thinking you might need it.
✧ Paces back and forth outside Oin’s tent in a panic, practically flying into the flaps the moment he is allowed.
✧ Both his hands go to yours, holding it as he asks if you are all right.
✧ Starts to yank you into a hug the moment you day yes, stopping only at Oin’s reminder that that may not be the best idea right now.
✧ Brings you bowls of the best broth he could make, feeding you spoonful by gentle spoonful.
✧ Holds you in his arms and kisses you so softly as if you could somehow break beneath his loving touch.
✧ The last thing you hear as your tired eyelids flutter shut is Dori scolding you for jumping right into danger.
✧ He picks up again when you awake, but the moment you smile at him he’s lost, pulling you into a kiss with a hand on either side of your face.
✧ Tucks you in your blankets the coziest you have ever been, asking if there is anything else he can bring- anything in the world and it’s yours.
✧ Can be heard arguing with Oin about his methods, especially if they dare hurt you or are more experimental. Healing hurts sometimes, but bless him, he wishes he could take every single ounce of pain from you.
✧ May dodge a bit from the blood your wound oozes, but he certainly isn’t afraid to listen to you describe your pain or what you need in any detail.
✧ You’ll wake up to him practically pouncing you onto the bed asking what you were thinking pulling a stunt like that.
✧ Kisses you again and again, uncaring of who might be watching.
✧ He has…very creative ways he suggests as attempts to ease the pain depending on the nature of your injury. And, of course, if you’re up for them.
✧ If not, a few rounds of cards’ll keep you busy just the same, and he’ll admit it’s a lot less effort.
✧ Sleight of hand skills come in handy sometimes! He can entertain you with magic tricks, deftly change your bandages with you barely noticing, steal some of Bofur’s whiskey for you to share…
✧ Constantly asking if you’re going to be alright, which would annoy your company healer if it weren’t so blasted sweet.
✧ Tries to jump in and help, forcing Oin to remind him that he never has set a bone before, has he? He, in fact, has not.
✧ The moment you’re released, you bet he’s right at your side doing everything else under the sun he can. Covering you up with blankets, bringing you water or food and feeding it to you, fetching water and a cloth to keep you cool and clean.
✧ “Don’t scare me like that,” he all but whines your name, “besides, I almost had it!” “Keyword there being almost,” you shoot back with a half-smile, half-wince. “Alright, fair. Thank you. Really.”
✧ Brags about how amazing you are and how there’ll be all kinds of stories about you. You snort and refute this, to which he replies, grinning and holding up his book: “There will be, too. I’m writing them.”
✧ Wild horses could hardly drag him from your side.
✧ Hovers over Oin the entire time the older dwarf sees to you, even going so far as holding onto things he’ll probably need and handing them to him like an assistant.
✧ Sets up his bedding adjacent to yours in case either of you falls asleep, and of course so you can cuddle him. Oh, all right, he wants to cuddle you too, you got it out of him!
✧ “You’re wonderful.” Kiss. “Brave.” Kiss. “Mad.” Kiss. “Quite the terror to those orcs, even if the one did catch you in the end. Saw some heads fly thanks to you, love.” A much longer, more appreciative kiss.
✧ Can’t sleep? Don’t fret, Fili is there to share stories of his family, of adventures with Kili, their mother, maybe even something funny about Thorin his uncle wouldn’t particularly appreciate him telling you…
✧ Carries you to bed himself. Every night if need be, he’ll be there for you or even throughout the day to support you and help you walk.
✧ When you’re being worked on, he wants to look away, but he keeps his eyes on you throughout every moment, your hand firmly in his.
✧ Definitely jokes about kissing your wounds better. Teasingly makes to lift up your clothes ‘to see the scar’.
✧ Runs for Oin the moment you express any pain; he knows the feeling, after all, and as he tells you he cannot help the guilt he feels at indirectly causing this, even if you insist it was your choice.
✧ Holds you close, resting your foreheads together as he thanks you for loving him enough to put yourself in this state. “I would do the same for you, you know.”
✧ Deeply insistent that you eat and drink to maintain your strength, even if he has to feed you himself.
✧ Exasperated beyond anything if you tell him you’re fine or try to get up. Gives you the look. You know the look.
✧ If you have bloody bandages, he will help you change them, just looking away and trying not to gag most of the time.
✧ Piles a near-comical amount of blankets on you, forcing you to remind him he needs to keep at least one for himself. Bilbo refuses, thus you invite him into your sickbed with you. He only accepts because you’re ailing and that overrides the impropriety of it all.
✧ Seeing you in pain is so hard, but the one thing that helps Bilbo get through it is realizing it’s emboldened him to tell you just how much you mean to him. It’s a little awkward to get it out, but as he holds your hand and looks into your eyes it is nothing but worth it.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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madammars · 3 months
So I'm on vacation until Tuesday, so I'm opening requests until then. Anything to do with LOTR or the Hobbit except for smut is welcome!
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fizzyxcustard · 10 months
Stranded (Drabble)
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Another fic that I should have worked on a LONG time ago, and has been sat in my inbox for nearly two years. Requested by @lathalea with the arranged marriage trope mashed up with being stranded due to weather, with our favourite Dwarf King. 
I'm only tagging @littlesweetdressmaker (at her specific request)
I know this is probably longer than a drabble, but it's just intended to be a very short piece and that's why I'm not tagging anyone, unless they specifically request.
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The wind whirled outside, shaking the roof of the small hut where you and Thorin had taken refuge. The snow was now so deep that you could barely open the door, so you were grateful that Thorin had already chopped some branches from a nearby tree, as the snow got heavier, for you to use as firewood. 
The storm had hit suddenly, out of the blue, only a week before your wedding. Thorin was still confused as to why you had volunteered to go with him on a private meeting. The meeting was due to take place the following day with his cousin, Dain. Thorin hoped that Roac would come to their aid shortly, and be able to send a message on to Dain, confirming that Thorin would not be in attendance. 
“Once the snow has cleared, I will be returning to Erebor with you, to not only attend your wedding, but make sure you get home safely,” Thorin ordered. “The meeting with Dain can be re-arranged.” 
“I feel guilty for being the reason that your meeting will be cancelled,” you said softly. Your gaze scanned the floor, locking on your boots. In truth, you wanted to be away from Erebor as long as possible, as it meant you would remain unmarried. Your father had arranged for the marriage a few years ago. But now you had returned to Erebor from the Blue Mountains after Thorin had been victorious at the Battle of Five Armies, your father had renewed the arrangement. 
“You seem pensive,” Thorin said, rubbing his hands together over the small open fire. The hut was fairly well stocked with blankets, but other items were scarce. His silver-blue gaze drifted over you, and he noticed you shiver. 
Thorin grabbed a blanket and curled it around your shoulders. 
You could smell his earthy scent and the penetration of his gaze made you swallow hard and your heart race. He was so breathtakingly beautiful and had always seemed so unaware of that fact. 
The two of you looked at each other for a few seconds, and slowly, Thorin moved towards you. 
You took a sharp intake of breath just as his lips pressed to yours. Heat rose, and in those moments, all you cared about was him. In fact, for the last year, all your world had been was him. But he had never known. 
As your kiss ended, he curled his hand around your flushed cheek. Tears began to well in his eyes as he knew that you were betrothed to someone else and would never be his. 
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plussizefantasia · 4 months
300 Follower Celebration
Welcome all to Fantasia’s Galaxy Quest 300 Follower Celebration
For the next full week 6/1-6/8, I’ll be accepting requests about any of the following:
Saturn: A blurb about any of the pairings I’ve ever written! Just specify which pairing (if it’s from a one-shot let me know which one) and let me know what you want to see!
Jupiter: A snippet into any of the WIPs that I have listed at the bottom of this post.
Venus: Combine any of my prompts with any of the characters I write for from my updated character list! 
Mars: Jukebox blurb, send my any song and any pairing and I’ll write a little blurb.
Pluto: get to know a little more about me (ask me anything and I’ll answer to the best of my abilities. 
Thank you all so much for 300 (give or take) followers! I never thought that people would be interested in my stories so to have a little group of people who do mean the world to me! Because I’m doing the celebration this week I’ll be pausing uploading some of the series work but I will continue with the last part of Bucky x Black! cat reader and the last two parts of the Fluttering Hearts series with Kili!
My Current WIPs
 Lights Out: Tony Stark x daughter! Reader: when y/n gets into a fight it’s up to her dad to discipline her but it's hard when he’s just so damn proud.
Man Glitter: Lumberjack! Steve Rogers x reader: You bring Steve his lunch because he left it at home. When you show up at the mill you're caught off guard by just how sexy your man really is. 
It’s More than Fuel: Thorin Oakenshield x Cook!reader: What’s a girl to do when the food she’s making for her king keeps getting sent back untouched? Confront him of course. 
Baby Ford: Eliot Spencer x Ford!reader: when Nate’s baby sister rolls into town she throws the whole team off their game, and Eliot hates it.
It’s All Fake: Bucky x reader: Movie/date night is usually a good time, but you can’t enjoy it when the spicy scenes are way easy to pick apart, Bucky wants to show you that some of this stuff can be done.
I’ll Cry if I want to: Anthony Bridgerton x reader: a continuation of Don’t Cry Over Spilled Lemonade
Part 6 of Bucky x BlackCat!reader
Parts 4 and 5 of the Fluttering Hearts series: Kili x Reader
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faeriichaii · 9 months
Requests are open <3
I'm kinda desperate but idk I would like to get some requests so if anybody would like to request smth I definitely am up for it :)
Idk I didn't mention many fandoms I write for but I know quiet a few? But only mentioned lotr, hobbit and harry potter for the moment because they kinda just came to my mind haha
I basically write anything (: and I am happy to always try out new things! So just hmu if you want to, if not that's also ok!! No pressure <3 I'm just a bit bored and kind of out of ideas so I just need some inspiration haha
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ironmandeficiency · 2 years
requests are open! ask away
requests have been opened again! i’m gonna do things a little different this time around just to see how it goes. below are lists of soulmate au’s, dialogue prompts, & physical affection prompts. you can send me a max of TWO of them for a request (ie “soulmate goose + giggly cuddles with character” or however you want). it’s open for any character i’ve written for thus far, so go ham y’all 🥰✨✌🏻
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soulmate au’s!
soulmate goose of enforcement — a goose will herd you around until finding your soulmate. your soulmate also has a goose doing the same thing. there is no telling whether your goose will be tame or a menace
you and your soulmate have the same hair color — if one dyes their hair, their soulmate’s hair color will change with it
when you or your soulmate lose something, it reappears with the other one (can’t lose things on purpose)
you can choose to take away your soulmate’s pain when they’re injured — if they get a paper cut or smth considerably worse, you can choose whether to take that pain for yourself or not
everyone has a sun and moon tattoo that glow, depending on whether it’s day or night where your soulmate is
when your soulmate is sick, so are you (and vice versa)
soulmates share talents — if either of you are good at something, the other one doesn’t even have to learn it to be good at it
soulmates can’t share talents — oh, your soulmate can draw really well? congrats, you’re now the worst person ever to have on a pictionary team
soulmates are forced to literally finish each other’s sentences when around each other
the voice in your head (your subconscious) is your soulmate’s — can simply be their voice OR their personality too
one runs cold while the other runs hot, and find the in-between when they’re touching
soulmates can fluently speak each other’s native languages without trying to learn it
you can only see shades of your soulmate’s favorite color until you meet (favorite colors are subject to change)
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dialogue prompts!
“do you want me to kill that guy for you? because he seems like a real dick and i would totally kill that guy for you.”
“so apparently i had a problem”
“that could gone a lot worse” “it could have gone better too, dumbass”
“well fuck me running”
“your table manners leave much to be desired” “…there are no tables in the middle of the woods?”
“give me back my ___ or so help me i will throw every single one of those scones into the fire!” “you wouldn’t dare!” “try me”
“should i be scared of how many songs you like that involve women murdering their spouses?” “do you have a reason to be?”
🎶do doo do do🎶 “FUCK!”
*after something huge happens* “well, at least no one got hurt” *person saying this immediately gets hurt, probably in a stupid way*
“bless your heart”
“any crystal is a protection crystal if you throw it hard enough”
“i picked a whole bouquet of whoopsie daisies”
“do not speak of this to anyone” *promptly tells absolutely everyone who will listen*
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physical affection prompts!
forehead kisses
tickle fights
tight hugs with gentle swaying
excited running start hugs that involve spinning someone around in circles
a protective hand to the chest to keep someone out of danger
an affectionate but annoyed slap to the back of the head
play wrestling
resting their chin on someone’s head or shoulder
gentle (or not so gentle) headbutt
running their fingers through someone’s hair
lacing fingers together after a high five as a joke but it’s been twenty minutes and they won’t let go of each other
curling up together to share a blanket
protecting each other during a food fight
tagging a few friends to spread the word! @evergreennwilloww @fromthedeskoftheraven @absurdthirst @ohnopoe @micheleamidalajedi @getdookuedon @a-dorin @engineeredfiction @max--phillips @oonajaeadira @pettyprocrastination @keldabe-kriff @clonewarslover55 @flightlessangelwings @fizzyxcustard @lordoftherazzles
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catyo90 · 1 year
Thorin x F!Reader: Always...
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-(Second Fic for the Thorin and/or Elendil saving Reader: Anonymous Ask.)- Set after BOTFA
The day you feel in love with Thorin was not just the day you first met but also the day he saved your life.
You were outside the gates of the Blue Mountains walking along the forest following the nearby roads to join the other maidens at the creeks below where some were gathering herbs and some simply gathering water for their homes. Even some mothers had brought their children who you saw playing in the water. You smirked to yourself as you playfully splashed the children who laughed with glee as you too were splashed. 
“Ah Y/n thats not fair!”
“Then you better try harder.”
You suddenly were attacked by the small children landing in the water much to your joy as you laughed as they pretended to be mighty fighters. You laughed alongside them as you stood up from the water seeing their mother sigh with exhaustion as the kids ran off to play.
You smirked to yourself as you stepped into the water looking for any gems that could have broken off in the mines deep below. A few times you were lucky to find rubies and even emeralds though in truth you were hoping to find something different. 
You saw a few maidens gather beside you smiling at the feel of the warm morning sun and cool breeze as a few others were returned home for the day. The sound of horse hoofs walking nearby caused almost everyone to halt in their task. You all looked up to see it was a small patrol of dwarf warriors walking past returning home from a long venture. Each and everyone clearly tired from such a long trip and the fighting as well. A few dwarf maidens walked up the small hill offering food and drink to those they knew and even complete strangers. 
You saw a few smile to you and offer a nod of respect. You smiled waving back until your attention was brought to one of the warriors who had actually dismounted from his horse walked just a little bit up ahead knelt down at the water washing away dirt and blood from his hands. He was quite handsome, his hair was as black as obsidian with a few strands of silver, as he washed his face you saw his sharp features were quite elegant and with a neatly trimmed beard to match. You had to admit you were awestruck by him as he looked around and saw on of his fellow warriors that was a much younger than himself with blonde hair walked by him offering a rag. You saw as the man took it that his eyes had glanced at you for a moment,  making yourself a bit flushed. He wiped away the water from his face before adjusting his hair making you blush at the action. You saw him chuckle to himself for a moment as the dwarf next to him spoke, though his eyes did look at you once again, you decided to focus on your search. 
As you walked down the water reaching to the further end you had noticed a small sapphire gem in the water that had been smoothed out by the water. You pulled it out of the water and smiled to yourself, that was until you noticed you were right in front of the handsome dwarf. You didn’t know what to say, here you were standing in front of this dwarf who seemingly took your breath away from his mere looks and you were standing almost soaked looking a bit messy. 
“I...uh...I apologize. I did not mean to interrupt your rest.”
“Don’t worry lass.”  By Mahal even his voice was beautiful to match. He saw him holding out a hand. You looked at the stone and offered it to him. He seemed quite intrigued by it as he looked up at you as he pulled out a small pipe before giving it back. You noticed two younger dwarves, one brunette and one blonde, sit next to him both more clearly exhausted as one of them laid down breathing heavily.
“Thank Mahal we’re back. Another day on the road and I would start losing my mind.” the brunette one said as the blonde threw a small pack toward him making him grunt from the impact.
“You already have brother.” The blonde turned to you and bowed his head respectfully 
“Fili at your service. I see you’ve met my uncle.”
“You uncle?” 
“Aye, he’s our mothers brother.” The brunette said jumping up onto his feet smiling at you.
“Kili, at your service.”
You smiled at both of them about to introduce yourself before their uncle spoke. 
“Quite rare for a gem hunter to be so far from the mines. Even more rare to meet a female one.”
“The mines are too loud for my senses to handle...not to mention the ogling from the young lads who would wish to court me. I’d rather be comfortable doing what I love than miserable.”  
He chuckled once more as he lit the pipe-weed and pat the ground next to him offering you to join him. You were slightly taken back from him asking you to sit beside him, you saw many of the other dwarf maidens watching with intrigue and wonder. Not to mention Kili and Fili looked even more shocked but quickly stopped when their uncle gave them as look. You looked back at him and smiled as you sat beside him. 
“May I know you name lass?’ He asked offering you a canteen with what smelt like mead.
“Y/n L/n of Dunland. What of you?” You took a sip of the drink, the taste of honey lingering on your lips.
“Thorin Oakenshield of Erebor.”
You coughed for a few moments almost spitting out the mead you had just drunk causing Kili and Fili to chuckle slightly, you realized the dwarves you were sitting beside were no ordinary ones. They were all dwarf princes, you had heard the tales of how Thorin faced the armies in Moria and the sacking from the horrid worm Smaug. Yet here he was sitting beside you talking to you as an equal. You must have been silent for a tad too long as you saw him look up at you with a questioning look.
“I didn’t realize...”
You then stopped yourself before continuing. He looked at you once more but this time with a small smirk.
“I shouldn’t say such things...not when you need all your rest.”
He was not a prince or a warrior at this moment. He was simply a tired man wanting a little bit of peace, probably best not to announce royalty out in the open. He smiled as he watched you move closer to the water looking once more for the small gems. Kili and Fili smiled at each other as they watched. Thorin sighed to himself enjoying the sounds of the water and birds. You turned around to see he was clearly tired and decided to let him rest as you continued down the creek. He opened his eyes for a moment watching as you returned to the creek, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. For it was one he would never wish to forget.
Your hair was slightly a mess the hems of your work clothes were almost entirely soaked as your bare feet kicked up the water every so often. The sun hitting your figure made him enthralled by your beauty even as you tripped over yourself falling back in the creek causing your hair to get soaked. You looked at him and started laughing as you flipped your hair over enjoying the cool water. Kili walked over to help you only to have his brother trip him into the water.
You gasped surprised for a moment before laughing as Kili grabbed Fili into the water as well. You then heard Thorin laugh with you as he stood up putting out the pipeweed and walked over to you offering you a hand. You smiled at him as you took it letting him help you to stand. You couldn’t help but laugh a little at the whole thing. You could feel how sturdy he was against you. Just the feeling of him being so close made your heart race a tad bit faster.
You looked up to see his eyes were fixed on you as you felt his arm still holding onto you making sure you were alright. There was a gentleness to him that you in truth didn’t think you would find in someone like him. Looking up at him you couldn’t help but become lost in the beauty of his face. He was truly very handsome, it was as if Mahal himself sculpted him. But it was his eyes that ensnared you completely, they were the brightest blue that you had ever seen, it was like looking into the ocean itself. You noticed he was a bit closer to you now as he was about to speak. That is until the sound of the gates horn could be heard over the hill back to their home.
“The evening bell...” you saw the others around you preparing themselves to return for the night. It was for many of the people's own safety but warriors and fighters were the only ones permitted at night to wonder, though never alone. Kili and Fili were putting their bows and arrows to be prepared for the night. You saw Thorin looking at you and for a moment could feel his hand clinging a tad tighter as if he was committed to holding you close as not to lose you.
“Kili, Fili...Will you be alright for the night?”
You looked at Kili and noticed that he was a bit perplexed until you saw Fili pushing his brother ahead of him to go untie Thorin's horse and their own as well.
“Of course. What about you uncle?”
All he did was nod to them before returning his attention to you once more. Kili was about to speak before once more being brought away by his brother who simply smiled taking the horses away. Silence.
Looking up at him you had realized he let go of your hand at some point. He seemed to look upon you like a miner when they find a gem for the first time.
“Forgive me. My nephews and I were tasked to watch for the night. If you would not mind I can accompany you back to the gate.”
“You could...”
“Well, you would be by yourself for the night. I can’t allow that...after all. I can help you.” You showed on your belt a hidden blade under your robes showing that you could fight back. He simply sighed as he thought to himself for a moment. He couldn’t help but like the idea of you joining him but he knew that at night it was far more dangerous. He was about to protest against the idea until he noticed you were smiling at him.
“No matter what... you're stuck with me now,” you said smiling to yourself walking a few steps ahead before turning around to look at him. He merely sighed as he started grabbing his stuff off the ground. You smiled knowing he secretly liked the idea of your company. You looked down the path waiting for him to gather everything he needed. Suddenly you felt warm as you felt fur around your neck, you noticed it was Thorin's cloak. You looked up at him and smiled at him. 
“Thank you...”
“You're welcome. Stay close to me alright."
You nodded as he led the way down the dirt pass leading to a small watch tower where you could see a few other dwarves. You knew that was the range of the safety of the blue mountain. From then you both would be on your own until you reached the next tower.
The night grew colder as you clung to the furred cloak thankful to have it but you couldn't help but wonder how Thorin was able to handle sure chilling nights. Then again he was probably just used to it, traveling as often as he did it would be of no surprise. You brought your hands to your mouth trying to warm them up when you saw Thorin turn around and walked up to you offering both his own hands. The moment your fingers touched you could sense how warm he was. You couldn't help but grip them a bit tighter from the feel of them. They were the hands of a warrior, rough with a few old scars but warm and gentle.
"You are very warm. I guess I should be twice as thankful now."
"It's alright. My sister gets easily chilled as well. Many times I and my brother would help her warm up. Even once just wrapping her in multiple blankets for the day...though we probably shouldn't have on her birthday."
He chuckled to himself which made you smile and laugh with him.
Suddenly from the dense woods was a snap of a few branches. Both of your attentions were brought away from the other. He drew his blade in hand standing in front of you. You drew your blade before looking everywhere you thought something might appear. You whispered.
"I see nothing, perhaps it was a deer."
"No...it's bigger than a deer. Can you smell that"
The smell hit your nose and you immediately felt sick. The smell of blood was in the wind. The crunch of what you could only think to be bone was heard. The lowest of growls could be heard as two large yellow eyes bore at both of you. It was a warg and a massive one at that. It could easily kill any prey it wished.
You saw its mouth covered in blood as its teeth bared at both of you. Before you could have time to react the beast came running at both of you causing you both to quickly dodge out of the way of the ferocious beast. It managed to collect its bearings bringing its attention to you as it caused you to back away, you felt your legs and hands shaking as the beast drew closer, you held your blade up and as the beast tried to claw at you, you managed to cut into the beast's paw causing it to howl in pain as Thorin managed to sneak up behind it and cut at its hind legs. The beast let out an angered roar as it kicked its hindlegs up smacking Thorin in the chest causing him to be thrown into a nearby tree. 
The beast almost seemed to smile as it brought its head around to him as it walked closer and closer with each minute. You quickly rushed to the side of the beast impaling it in the side with your own blade making the beast pull back causing the sword to leave your hand. You stood between it and Thorin as you saw it trying to pull the sword out with its mouth tossing it aside back toward you, you gasped when you saw the blade coming back toward you and jumped out of the way. You tumbled on the ground suddenly feeling a sharp pain in you leg. The sword had managed to cut you, not mortally wounded but the pain was almost too much to handle. You were in pain clutching your leg as you tried your best to stand back up to reach Thorin who was struggling to stand himself.
The sudden pressure from the creature's large paw pushing onto your leg made you struggle against it trying to push it away as its mouth drew closer to your head trying to bite off anything it could. You thought this was the end until the beast's head fell to the side of yours its eyes rolling back. It was dead. 
You saw Thorin standing over you and the now-dead creature with his sword in its head. You were shocked for a moment but the weight of the creature off of you made you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you...that was...” You stopped when you felt him hugging you tight. You were about to speak but his attention was immediately brought to your leg as he looked over it.
“I’m alright, it stings but I’ll live.”
“Can you walk?”
“I’m not sure but what about you. It hit you pretty hard in the chest.”
“I can handle it...Come on, we’re not that far from the watchtower ahead.”
You saw him pull his blade out of the warg's body as you did so as well with your own blade wiping away your own blood from the blade. You winced in pain when you tried to walk with him.
“Don’t push yourself, lass. I got you.”
He said as he carefully picked you up in his arms. You couldn’t help but blush from the gesture as you clung to his tunic smiling at the warmth from his hands and how gentle he was with handling you. You noticed he was walking carefully with every step looking down at you every so often making sure you were alright.
After some time you both managed to see the tower and luckily didn’t run into any other wargs. Thorin managed to kick the door open seeing that the others had already left. He looked around to see a firepit in the center with some chairs around and nearby a few sleeping cots, he gently placed you on one of the cots looking once more at your leg, the wound luckily wasn’t too deep. 
“You rest. I’ll grab some wrappings and get you something to eat.” He said placing a somewhat soft pillow under your head and leg.
“Thorin, I’m alright. You don't need to worry about me.”
“Hush now....” He merely said moving some of the hair away from your face before turning around to the door and closing it and locking it. Quickly he brought his attention to the firepit where he put a few more logs on the fire. He looked over and grabbed a few wrappings for your leg. You looked down to see that the wound was not too terribly deep but clearly sore and painful. He gently raised your leg up cleaning off the blood with warm water.
“Your lucky, not many survive such an attack from a warg.”
“Lucky still that I have you to care for me.”
Thorins hands stopped for a moment as he registered what you had said with a chuckle to respond with. He couldn’t help but smile to you as he gently cleaned the wound, it was a bit painful but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“Well...even so you should be more careful.”
You winced a little from the wrappings making contact with the wound. 
“Guess my own sword had it out for me...’ you said looking down seeing he had tied the ends of the wrapping together.
The sudden flash of lightning followed by the clash of thunder made you jump a tad as the outside grew darker with each second. Thorin walked over to the door and opened it to see a storm on the rise and most likely would last all night.
“We’ll stay here...We can’t move in the pitch dark and im not moving you while your injured.” He said closing the door before walking back to your side before kneeling down one more to check you leg. The look on his face made you smile, it was one of concern but also caring, you had only just met him and here he was acting not like a prince or a king, but a kind and nurturing man, no more no less. You brought a hand to his causing him to look up at you.
“Thank you Thorin. Truly.”
He eyes grew slightly wider as he hand clutched onto yours for a few moments. As he sat up next to you being careful not to hurt you, the sight of a scar along the upper part of his chest was slightly visible. The scar was one you knew all too well from the stories of those who fought in the Battle of the Five Armies. He had been on the receiving end of the dreaded orc Azog. You gently moved the tunic collar out of the way seeing him watch you carefully and allowing you to see the wound. It had managed to heal as best it could, but the flared skin made you look at him with pain. 
“This is not the only scar you gained that day is it?”
He chuckled to himself when he moved the hair from his face to the side showing a faded scar across his forehead into his hairline, along with a few much smaller scars along his face, almost barely visible. It truly was a miracle he survived that battle, for many were not so lucky.
“So many...”
“That is the life of warrior, Y/n...one that is hard but worth it. One that I would not change for anything.”
He said nodding to you as you brought a hand to your head feeling the exhaustion from the warg encounter and the pain from your leg making you feel tired. He stood up quickly wrapping a gentle hand behind your head and back laying you down carefully against the furs. 
“Rest Y/n...rest now. When you wake I’ll be right here.”
You merely nodded as your eyes grew heavy, but not before you clung to his hand with yours. 
The feeling of his hand holding your was the last sense you felt before sleep slowly over took you. He smiled to himself as he looked down at your hand and brought it to his lips with a gentle kiss. The only thing he knew was at that moment, for the rest of his days on middle earth. He would be grateful to any valar that allowed him to let him stay beside you, to always protect you.
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