#Thor: so. do you want kids in the future?
worstloki · 2 years
Scary story: loki getting THOR'S helmet tattooed on his body.
Scarier story: soulmark AU
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missmarveledsblog · 11 days
Odd one out ( logan howlett x reader)
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summary : logan's adjusting to new life , new friends only thing he can't put his finger on is wade's friend Y/n , he knows she hiding something and he right but he is so wrong too
warnings : fluffy , goofy , no major deadpool and wolverine spoilers , violence , wade wilson , grumpy logan , grammatical errors (sorry in advance )
Adjusting  to a whole new world , universe where everything was the same but different .  Knowing someone and yet learning to know them all over again , like he was re familiarizing himself with ghosts from his past in one place and creating a new future in another. Adjusting to the one fucker who had him here in the first place was hard too , wade wilson was a strange one , hard to tell where the smart sarcastic ball of undiagnosed ADHD  started and ended . yet he had this wonderful and strange group of people around him , they all stuck out and fit in somehow , not that he would admit it out loud ever . (“ i knew it he loves me!” wade wink to the reader) .  but the dickward (“ harsh” the merc gasped.)  well he grew on him.  He wasn’t too bad not all the time those few seconds of silence truly when logan howlett  actually would consider him a friend then his mouth started it usually nonsensical rambles and well he changed his mind again . 
The friends he didn’t mind being around the lot they all had their own quirks , their own little nicknames or insults for wade and they all took logan in no matter what even when wade explain their whole adventure even the dark past that followed logan around even to this day . one friend he couldn’t get a read on , one for some reason stood out more than the others was Y/N  or as wade tended to call her princess sparkle maybe it had to do with the midnight black glitter case she had her laptop in . the other made sense in a way all either mutants or coming from some sort of background, but well Y/N was different . apparently, when she was a kid she used to drink her apple juice while sitting in the corner of the notorious sister margarets helping mercs of all kinds find their targets for a fee of course . Her bond with wade was helping him locate some chick or atleast logan was sure it was giving francis was the name but in that whole thing she was the one that helped wade find them all using that laptop ln the black sparkle case . Giving she was youngster of the group and just well ordinary no powers the others we’re protective but something about her well logan couldn’t put his finger on it and it was driving him nuts what was her secret .  
“ you know if you keep staring at her peanut well your going to give off a certain i got candy and white van sort of vibe” logan could feel wade once again too close giving the asshole breathe was in his ear . 
“ it’s not like that , she hiding something i mean she not so social , closed off a little and well she barely talks about herself” logan scoffed yet his eyes never once left her form . 
“ ok baby girl you probably know this phrase given you're so old you were there when they invented it but pot meet kettle”  the merc gestured between the two . “ he is butt nuts into her it’s so obvious right?” he looked to the reader . 
“ who are tal… nevermind i am not into her i don’t trust here plus she too young for me” he rationalized . 
“ she’s an old soul i mean not american civil war old but get what i’m throwing down” wade winked .
 “ hey i’m heading out i wanna grab books and coffee before the shop closes” she called rushing out before anyone could offer to walk with her. Logan didn’t even say anything just followed after.
“ he totally wants her right” wades looking at you reader. 
“ wade who you taking to?” 
“ the… nevermind hey did i ever tell you  about my future prince , king god of thunder buddy thor” he asked heading toward his friend . 
She hated it , lying to her friends not telling them she wasn’t as smart as they thought she was or how the sight of wades new roommate topless made her brain not function therefore caused her life to be now in danger. She been looking into her past , more so the men who had left her with no childhood nor a family resulting her sneaking into a seedy bar and helping hitmen and vigilantes find their targets .  she wanted to make sure they weren’t still doing it and when she began to see multiple account of money she could use to well give back to the world well she got herself caught. She wanted to tell wade but she didn’t want to bother him too much it wasn’t even a year after his whole TVA  incident and well saving the world so she decided she could handle it alone which that wasn’t the lie , she totally could it was just dealing with it in silence. Plus giving the said hot roommate hatred for her , she didn’t want to give that man any more ammo against her. It was a mystery to why he hated her so much , at first she thought maybe he knew a version of her in his universe that done him dirty but he was quite easily able to tell her she wasn’t anything thing to him , he didn’t know her there which was only good part of that place. Thankfully she grew up the way she did or else it would of hurt a lot more than it did , ok it still stung but she got used to it . she love their group like a family so instead of being interrogated or scared away by logan she avoided him kept her space from the man , ignore how he looked like he was going to rip her apart and not in the 50 shades of gray more like national geographic lions and a giselle sort of way . 
She was so lost in her thought she didn’t notice logan following her or the group of agent sprawled out ready to pounce. Scanning the shelves for the next read she felt the metal barrel pushing at her side . 
“Act natural or else” the voice smiled so she did she couldn’t cause a scene or react too many civilians and a lot of them were children.
She shrugged and let the man follow at her side as she stood at the counter pulling out the metal reusable cup . 
“ the regular you know three pumps of caramel” she winked . “ oh this is my cousin franny” she smiled as the man looked at her before smiling to the barista . 
“ oh free book today with each coffee so enjoy”  the barista smiled handing her the scalding cup but she bit her tongue and kept walking “ somebody call wade” she whispered back at the staff. 
Logan stood grinning , he  had his moment of being right seeing her all smiles with a clearly shady prick , he was about to confront her for his big gotcha moment only he stalled when he heard them as if they were saying it to him . 
“ in position we got her , subject will be brought back to containment “ that threw him off well that was til she walked out with the man throwing the coffee she had  in his face and a gun he didn’t notice before falling to the ground as she told the civilians to get somewhere safe. First time in his life or a decade he stood shocked at scene before him . agent clearly not the good guys with this octopus looking things on their tactical gear rushing towards her.  One man went to grab her only for him to fall to the ground convulsing and yet  logan couldn’t see the taser she clearly had to off used .  his jaw dropped as her skin began to glow almost a whitish blue all over her body and what looked like sparks floating around her. Not once did she looked scared or even phased  at the situation , she took them on one by one almost like a dance in her movement as she sent them to the ground . when they did get a hit on her like the mere touch sent them to the ground convulsing . he honestly stood conflicted he knew he was way off but also who the hell was this girl really . he wanted to help but she didn’t need it even when they ganged up on her she  held her own . when last man  fell she returned back to normal  skin back to color , the sparks disappeared like a mist and she leaned over slightly panting . 
“ call the authorities tell them to get shield here or fbi” she stood only for one to sneak out and hit her head hard sending her to the ground unconscious . thats when he snapped into action how dare that man touch her like that , what a cheap shot too  logan knocked man out ignoring the lady who yelled she called the cops and he brought her back to wades. 
The moment he walked into the apartment with her in his arms out cold the room went silent .  he growled at  shatterstar and colossus making them instantly move from the couch as he placed her gently on it.  Vanessa ran to check her over as logan explained what  happened . 
“ she was fucking glowing like a night light or some shit …. You don’t look surprised so you already knew , why did no one tell me ” he looked to see not one of them looked shocked to know she was a mutant. they all nodded giving him a sympathetic smile.
“ why do you think i call her princess sparkles , the coffee place rang” wade called heading to his room before returning . “ you saving her ass like a knight in tight yellow spandex , i knew you liked her kitten” he winked as he placed the adventure time comforter over her sleeping form .
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Old Scars, New Blood 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she'll never be wanted, not only by the man she's crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: I could blame yall for talking me into it but we know it's all my fault.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The sharp zip cuts through the air. Lloyd hauls the long black bag up and checks his watch. He struts over to you and shoves the heavy luggage at you, letting it go before you can wrap your arms around it. You nearly topple from the weight.
You grunt and hug it tightly, the long duffle isn't exactly a vacation's worth Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts. You can feel the long metal barrels as cases of ammo dig into your arms. You manage to get a hand on the handle and swing it after several tries onto your shoulder.
He's already halfway out the door. You trail after him, nearly stumbling to keep up. He's so tall you often find yourself running after him like a stray dog. So tall and handsome and--
Shut up! That's not what you should be thinking about.
Your phone vibrates and you struggle to pull it out of your pocket. You sigh as Lloyd continues along without notice, whistling casually as he approaches the stairs. Shit.
As he begins down the stairs, you stop at the top, leaning with the pull of the bag. You try to reply to the text as he makes quick progress to the bottom. 
He whistles up at you and snaps his fingers. You pop your head up and amble down the steps, barely catching yourself against the railing as you slip. When you get to the bottom, he's standing at the door, huffing impatiently.
"What's goin' on, kid?"
Kid. That's what he's always called you. Even though you're not that much younger than him. It's never sweetheart or honey like the pretty ones. Just kid.
"Plane's delayed. There's headwinds--"
"Christ's sake," he snarls.
"Sorry, sir, the pilot's trying--"
"Boring," he chops his hand through the air to silence you, "let's go."
He stands by the closed doors. You try not to let his impatience bother you. You can't blame him. He has an important mission. There's no time to be waiting on a cloud cover.
You open the right door and he steps through, tramping down the stone stairs to the mosaic walkway. Once more you're on your toes as you scurry after him. You watch how his jacket stretches between his shoulder blades. His sleeves hug his arm tightly, showing off his hard work and muscle. You shake your head, stop. Ten years. You know better.
You're out of breath as you get the idling car. Jackson, the driver nods but is similarly ignored as he opens the door for Lloyd. You go to the trunk as it pops and you put the gun bag inside.
You get in the other side as Lloyd splays his legs out and unlocks his phone with his thumb. You keep your cell clutched tight and tap it nervously. He doesn't handle roadblocks well, he's the type to demand and get. Something he hired you to make sure of.
"Well, extra time, I guess," he mutters as he swipes across the screen.
The car rolls up the long drive as you check your messages again. Still no updates. You cross one leg over the other as Lloyd's loafer nearly touches your oxford shoe.
"Hmmmm, can't decide on this one," he grumbles and tilts his screen toward you, "what do you think, kid?" He wiggles it at you as you look at the woman on the screen, "tits are nice but the tattoo screams Hep C."
You nearly gasp but just raise your eyebrows instead. He's always looking for a reaction. Your cheeks set alight and you twiddle your fingers around your own phone.
"Well, sir, I… she's pretty."
"Relax, you won't be invited to threesome," he scoffs and leans back, swiping left, "that's what this is for. Variety."
You don't say a word as you bring your hand to the side of your neck, feeling the heat of your skin. It's not just that it's him saying it, it's that gnawing feeling of inadequacy. The mystery of the unknown makes you self-conscious and wary of saying the wrong thing. The same way when you talk to your sister and she tells you about her husband. Well, you don't hear from her much these days.
"I'll send you their info. You can make a few calls before we get back," he snickers, "get everything ready for me."
"Uh, sure, sir, but uh… like I said before, that's not exactly part of my job."
"Don't tell me what your job is," he barks as he blacks his phone, "goddamn, you're always such a tight ass. Usually I'm all for a tight hole but you really know how to squeeze a man by his balls."
"I'm sorry, sir–"
"Another fucking 'sorry, sir' and I'm gonna snap. I can't do eight hours on a flight with you pouting like that."
"Understood, won't happen again," you dip your head down, "sorry, s–"
You clap your hand over your mouth. The words are so habitual they start to fall out before you realise, and yet another urge to say them. Just stop talking. You peek at Lloyd with wide eyes and drop your hand.
"You're a fucking downer, kid," he sits forward, "Jackie, pull the fuck over."
"Yes, sir," the driver replies from the little speaker under the barrier between the front and back seat. "You, get the fuck out."
You're surprised by his sudden flare of anger. There's not much about him that truly shocks you anymore but as irritable as he can be, this is unusual. His agitation has boiled to molten hot in a matter of minutes.
"You can walk back and start getting shit ready. I mean, we'll see if you can since you can't get the goddamn plane on the ground," he growls as the car pulls onto the gravel wing of the road. "You're getting fucking soft, kid."
"Sir, I didn't–"
"You did. You fucking killed my boner so get out," he shoos you with his finger and unlocks his phone again, "buh bye."
You hesitate. You slowly move to the door and let yourself out. You're buzzing in disbelief. He can be a jerk, you're used to that, but this all seems so abrupt. You can only assume there's something else bothering him.
You shut the door as you stand on the side of the road. You hear Lloyd's deep timbre muffled inside the car before it pulls away. You stare after it, crossing your arms as you sniff and the sun glares along the edge of your vision.
You slowly turn and face the horizon. You're not that far. Maybe twenty minutes. Well, the single silver lining. You can't help your disappointment. You look forward to missions. It's an excuse to be with Lloyd. A reason for him to put up with you.
You set off, trodding along without urgency. There's nothing at the compound for you. It's not like you go on every mission but it's the unexpected change that gets you. More so, his temper. You see it aimed at others more than yourself.
Your phone buzzes again. The plane's landed. That's good news. As you continue your trek, you dial out to Lloyd's phone and put the speaker to your ear. No answer. Several more tries have a similar result, the last call clicking dead right away.
You send a text and it bounces back as undeliverable. You don't get it, your signal is strong. It's a military grade phone. You slide your phone away and try not to let your anxiety get the best of you.
He wouldn't block your number, would he? 
You're not special, that much is clear, but you've stuck around so long that you just can't see it ending over one slip-up. Sure, Lloyd has screamed agents out of the compound, he's even stranded them in hostile grounds, but they weren't there as long as you've been.
You drag your feet as you approach the gate. You let yourself in with the code and ignore the gazes of agents as you cross the yard and go back inside.
All this and for what?
If Lloyd fires you, you've spent ten years pent up in places like this, doing his grunt work. The tail end of your twenties and much of your thirties traded for imagined cues and empty hopes. You accepted long ago that Lloyd would never see you, just the woman he called 'kid', but the thought of losing even that makes you want to cry. You can accept that you're not as good as the models he fucks around with, but you can't accept not being there at all.
You're overreacting. You always do this. It's always the end of the world.
Lloyd will come back and everything will go back to normal. You're the only one who gets his coffee right and knows that he hates mushrooms but loves Salisbury steak. He needs you, just not like you want him to.
Radio silence. You don't hear from him and any message you try to send is unanswered. He's on a mission, he's in blackout mode, yet you can't help but be paranoid.
Without him to order you around, you're not quite sure what to do with yourself. It's sad but that's just who you are. You're not the one doing, you're the one listening to those who do. 
The first day is the worst of it. On the second, you're not as addled and a bit relieved not to be hidden in some safe house waiting for a signal or listening to Lloyd make sick jokes. Still, you'd rather be with him.
The second night, you expect some sort of word from him. Still nothing. 
You lay in bed, restless. You don't dream about him anymore, you don't close your eyes and think about what it'd be like to be beautiful or interesting, you know it will never happen. But you worry about him. That you'll never be rid of.
The third morning, a Saturday, you go down to make your coffee. Other agents mill about as the tech crew speak into their headsets and type furiously. Something’s going on.
You near the doorway and listen in, trying to discern the chaos. There's cams to switch cameras and directions given, coordinates read out and warnings about oncoming targets. It's the usual, the same chatter you listen to over the comms when Lloyd's out in the field. Now you can only hear one side.
As the tempo builds, there's another furor. The chime that signals the censor at the front gate. Rico storms out of comms central as you flatten yourself to the wall and wait to trail him until he's past the stairs.
"What the fuck is going on?" He waves an agent in black close, "who the fuck is here?"
The agent puts his fingers to his earpiece, "we have sights."
"I asked who it was, not if you can make a shot," Rico shoves the man and stomps to the front doors, shoving them open before him. "Tell them to go the fuck away."
An agent runs up the driveway, puffing as he holds his gun securely in front of him. He stops as Rico gets to the bottom of the stairs 
"Sir, sir, it's… it's Valhalla."
"Val-what?" Rico snips.
"Valhalla!" The man repeats louder.
"Shit. Fuck." Rico continues in a rampant flurry of Spanish, "they're early."
"Sir," the agent bows his head as another appears before him.
You frown and watch from the doorway, trying to stay out of sight as you eavesdrop. 
Hm. Valhalla. You know the name, rather well, but only through correspondence. A code name. For a faceless man and his deep pockets. You hadn't heard it recently though. You thought that whole thing fizzled out.
"Fuck, Hansen, take your fucking time," Rico mutters between his Spanish diatribes, "let them in. Full search." You hear him clop back up the stairs before he blusters inside, "I need men. Now!"
He turns and sees you cradling your coffee with a dumb look. He sneers and rolls his eyes, "perfect. You'll do. We need rooms. We have guests."
"What?" You squint. 
"You're a woman, you should know how to make them at home."
"You're not my boss," you grimace and drink your coffee.
"Don't get smart with me just because that idiot keeps sniffing at his heels. Go and do something useful for once," he claps at you.
You don't move. You take orders from one person. Otherwise, you stay out of the way.
"Fuck!" He hollers and twists on his heel again.
He marches into the next room and you slowly near the front doors, still ajar as they gape out at the golden day. You come outside and descend the steps, standing just by the plinthed flower vase at the bottom. You watch the gates roll apart, letting in the convoy lined outside.
There are four cars in total. All ivory and gleaming. They hardly seem like military vehicles.
You don't get it. You pull out your phone and scroll through your emails. The last message you got from Valhalla was months ago and it left you at a stalemate between them and your indomitable boss.
The first car pulls up and stops, the other fanning out behind it. Agents circle, keeping a broad perimeter as they watch with similar intrigue. Rico appears again, muttering to himself as he holsters a gun.
You look back to the grated bumper of the luxury SUV. The engine rolls over as you find yourself holding your breath. This is it, the vaunted Valhalla. You keep your mug close to your chest as the car door opens and your jaw nearly hits the floor.
It's a man more gorgeous than anyone you've ever seen before. Well, maybe not everyone but damn close. His golden hair is braided down his back and a few wavy strands hang loose around his face. His sky blue eyes shine in the sunlight as he smiles, the expression lining his face immaculately. You gulp and force your mouth shut.
There's a brief lull before anyone reacts. Rico is the first to snap into action. He clamours down and offers a hand, "Valhalla, hello, Rico. Hansen is in the field but I will be your host."
"Ah, Rico," Valhalla repeats with a keen lilt, "you'll do for the time being."
His blue eyes scan the facade of the compound. It appears nothing more than a remote and overpriced mansion. The man takes a deep breath as if tasting the air and pauses as his gaze falls upon you. His brows twitch but he does not react otherwise.
He turns back to Rico and claps his back, "well, we traveled far, we require food and sleep and if you can spare it, lots of alcohol."
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curawrites · 7 months
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Hiccup x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, no happy ending
Note: rewatched Race to the Edge and got obsessed and wanted to write angst 💚
Ever since the beginning you and Hiccup had been friends, best friends.
You had done everything together, you were the weird kids, the ones that never fit in, the ones that worked the forge during the nightly dragon attacks.
Being so close together had the adults in your life asking when the wedding would be. It had always made Hiccup chuckle uncomfortably while you stood beside him bashfully with pink ears.
You had really hoped that would be your future. It was childish to think but you were only a teen who thought things would never change.
Inevitably things did change. It happened so fast, one night you and Hiccup were handling the forge together as usual and then suddenly he was training to fight dragons.
You watched him get consumed with his training and whatever he was doing in the woods. You were completely unaware of the injured nightfury your best friend was training.
You were shocked when it was revealed that Hiccup had tamed such a dragon and that he knew where the dragon nest was.
Watching him get disowned hurt, you knew how much he wanted to prove himself to his father. You wanted to go after him, to comfort him like you had always done but you couldn’t and you knew you shouldn’t when Astrid was by his side. You knew how much the boy liked her, and even though it hurt you, you let them have their moment.
You watched as Hiccup had more moments with the other teens, helping them train the dragons, bonding with them. You were glad that he was finally fitting in.
His happiness brought you joy and at that age that’s all that mattered to you even if it meant being left behind.
You hadn’t been there to watch him become a hero but when the tribe came back you felt it. All of Berk was talking about his and Toothless’s sacrifice. In that moment you felt even more admiration for the boy.
You tried to be by Hiccup’s side when he was out, but it was difficult trying to squeeze in some time when five others also wanted to see him.
You felt a shift as soon as he woke up. When he was surrounded by the residents of Berk. When Astrid gave him a kiss and his gang rejoiced over his recovery.
You knew then that he would never be the same, he was no longer you Hiccup.
As the years passed you sunk into the shadows, watching Hiccup live his best life with his friends, riding dragons, going on adventures and exploring.
You yearned to be apart of them, for Hiccup to talk to you again, and help you train a dragon and bring you into the gang. But it never happened, he was to consumed with his new life to notice who he left behind.
When he left for the edge at 18 that’s when you realized your prior friendship was never going to be rekindled. The reality hit you hard, it was jarring. It made you truly process the grief of losing your best friend.
It made your spiral into a dark place, a void of black tar that wouldn’t let you go no matter how hard you tried to claw your way out. Eventually you let the tar consume you, let yourself believe in all of the horrible things you thought about yourself.
Months were spent rotting in your hut, crying, refusing to look at yourself in a mirror, and sleeping all day.
Once the sadness faded away all you felt was rage. How could he just forget you? You had been by his side for 15 years for Thor’s sake! How dare he abandon you to be with the “cool” kids!
Your rage fuelled you to better yourself out of spite. So you began training, releasing all of the anger and hurt with every strike of your sword against your opponent’s.
You learned a lot about yourself during that period of time. You couldn’t handle an axe or a bow but you were sure damn good with a spear and swords, you learned to be resilient and strong, you gained more intellect and strategy. It rebuilt a lot of your confidence and your self esteem.
After a while you began getting bored, you had fought pretty much everyone you could on Berk and you felt caged, you didn’t like being confined to the small island anymore.
So you left. By boat. In the opposite direction Hiccup had left for the edge, and began exploring.
You knew that at some point you would need your own dragon if you wanted to continue exploring, travelling by boat was becoming very inconvenient.
An opportunity came up a couple of months into your exploration journey. A particular village had kept being pestered and ransacked by a rowdy monstrous nightmare.
So you agreed to help the village get rid of it by trying to train it. How hard could it be right? Just throw some fish at it and put your hand out and bam! Tamed dragon!
Oh how wrong you were. The process was rough to say the least, the monstrous nightmare had refused the fish and smacked you out of its sight. So you tried to gradually invade it personal space, and it worked for a few days. Until you pushed your luck and tried to rush the process, earning you a deep long gash, starting at your mid thigh up to a four inches under your arm.
The wound was gushing blood, and you were losing your consciousness fast. You thought this was the end, it was honestly humiliating. You inhaled what you thought was your last breath and closed your eyes.
Eventually you woke up to a blinding light. Was this Valhalla? As your vision cleared you recognized the inside of the village’s huts and sighed. You were glad you were alive, as you sat up you hissed in pain. You shut your eyes tightly and clutched your bandaged side as you inhaled and exhaled deeply.
Suddenly you were nudged to lay back down. You opened your eyes, expecting to see one of the villagers but you were met with the guilty face of the monstrous nightmare.
It was a very inconvenient way to train a dragon but hey you managed. Now you had a very rowdy, loving and protective, royal blue monstrous nightmare by your side.
You named her Azule and as a repayment for your stay with the village healer you have the village your boat. Not like you really needed it anymore.
With that you resumed exploring and helping villages out with dragon problems. Thankfully these went much more successfully than the first.
While you weren’t fighting dragon hunters like some people, you still made some friends and acquaintances, and more importantly you had fun.
You felt alive again. Soaring the sky’s and camping out with your new companion brought you a new kind of happiness and fulfillment.
As fun as it was eventually it was time to return to Berk. You had spent a wonderful year where you had grown and gained new experiences and knowledge. You learned to overcome hard times, how to build relationships, how to work with others, and most importantly you learned how to be content with yourself.
You had left Berk as a hurt, reckless, immature girl but you returned as a healed and mature woman.
After being gone for so long, you knew your hut needed some much needed fixing. You didn’t want your home to remind you of your dark times, you wanted a fresh slate.
You got rid of practically everything and got new furniture.You made room for Azule, giving her, her own bed and little space in your hut. You repaired what needed to be fixed after a year of neglect and added some add ons as well. Outside you added a clothes line, a hammock, a sitting area, and a feeding station for Azule.
You decorated your home with tapestries, crystals and other knickknacks you got on your adventures. You transformed your space into the ultimate comfort.
You were finally content. Even a little happy. You had moved on, and felt like you were finally on the right path.
Hiccup and his friends eventually came back from the edge.
You had lived your separate lives and you continued to, your paths never crossing again.
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After being blasted by the great big enemy of all multiverse (no we are not saying their name you spoiler trolls) the amazing Deadpool was dying in front of all the avengers/xmen/fantastic four/the marvels/black panther unit(put here whoever you wish to see there)/etc team and before the very eyes of one handsome naturally blonde nordic god. Thor had tears in his perfect sky blue eyes looking in complete despair.
"Please, no, dont die on me, Wade"
On the dirt floor Wade reached out a hand and touched the sculpited-how-is-this-guy-even-real face.
"Dont forget me…"
Not distante from there Logan and Jane whatched the scene. "Your boyfriend is dying, shouldnt you be there?"
"Hes not… hes not dying, he cant die, just watch, he does it all time". Logan said trying to keep himself from go there. So they waited and the hand fell down and the life went out on Wades eyes. Thor cried even hard. It was that emotional breaking your heart scene.
"Just wait." Logan said. "At any minute, he'll be back." "You sure about that?"
Around them the others(put here whoever you wish to see crying in the big screen)started to cry too. It was another lost for them and at that time they couldnt take any other fall, also I must remember you all that Wade is a hero, he saved an universe with his boyfriend and taught us that gay love is unstoppable and Madonna is eternal if you already didnt know that.
The crying was ending and the enemies were coming again(in fact they never stopped it was just that sentimental scene in the middle of action thing) but Wade didnt wake up.
"What the fuck?" Logan said and couldnt help but to run there. "Its enough, bub, just end it, okay? You got it, your scene or whatever you said, you know why Thor was crying and all that bullshit."
Some of the others shared confused looks and Thor looked at him as if he was crazy. Then a blast hit the ground close to them and they all got in action again. It was the end of all time after all! But Logan kept there and he kneelt next to the motionless body. "Wade, its not funny anymore."
Nothing. "Fuck." Logan cried, tears rolling his hairy face, and he pushed Thor out the way. "Dont do this to me, dont leave me here alone, you know I dont know all this fucking people and I dont want to know them, Im doing this because of you and your… our family. Please, Wade. I… I cant do this without you."
"Because you love me." The annoying voice said.
"You are a bastard." And Logan was so relieaved.
"A bastard you love. And I'm not even gonna ask for a real confession or a kis…"
And Logan's lips were on his. And all Marvel heros and villains stopped to look at that. When Logan let go of him, Wade was looking in complete shock.
"There you have it, happy?"
"Wh…what? You just killed all poolverine fandom and started a big war with the homophobes in internet also I think my mind just stopped working."
"I have no idea what you talking about but can we get back to the fight now?"
"Yeah, I mean yes."
"So what are you waiting to stand-up?"
"You know what I'm waiting"
"You kidding me?"
Deadpool crossed his arms like a petulant kid and Wolverine puffed. "FINE" He said and picked Wade up bridal style while around they many blasts echoed. Over Logan shoulder Wade smiled. "This is for all the boys, girls, nonbinary kids, that are hidden afraid they cant be themselves and love who they love. Go for it, babe!"
"I dont know who you are talking to but I like what you said." Logan said putting him on the ground and holding him by the waist. "Really? Good. Lets save this fucking universe and go home."
Logan smiled. "I like this idea."
And they made their fight pose starting to killing people by their way.
"I cant wait to get my hands all of you and put my…"
And the fight went on…
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Bucky telling you he wants to get you pregnant.
Or better yet, you tell bucky you want him to get you pregnant, but you're at a public event or Steve's house for a get together and it riles him up
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Filled Mission
Bucky Barnes x female reader
warnings: none; fluff; some terrible puns (I mean it! lots of terrible puns); mentioned breeding kink; but nothing explicit happens; baby fever; established relationship;
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Warmth unfurled in Bucky's chest like flower petals opening under the caress of sunlight, as he watched you across the room with the tiny bundle nestled in your arms.
Morgan (still often referred to as Baby Stark) was having quite a day being passed from one loving arms to the others, but she seemed to enjoy the attention and all the cooing. The only moment she fussed a bit was when Thor picked her up, as gently as he could, and began loudly praising the health and strength of a tiny Stark.
Bucky wasn't rushing to get his turn holding her, but he did enjoy watching as you rocked her back and forth, your face glowing with a smile so soft, so bright, he felt like falling in love with you all over again.
When Steve - this punk out of all the people - all but demanded his turn with the baby, you gave him Morgan with a laugh.
Bucky merely glanced at his best friend's comically widened eyes turning soft as the infant was placed in his arms; Bucky's focus shifted to you and your giddy steps towards him.
Smile didn't leave your face as you bounced in front of him, hands fisting the fabric of Bucky's t-shirt.
"I want a baby!" You announced.
"Sure." Bucky nodded, grinning.
Having kids was a topic you've talked about before, both of you deciding starting a family of your own is something you desired. In the future.
Not far future, perhaps, but undisclosed for now.
So Bucky had no problem agreeing with something that, in a sense, was already agreed upon. He loved the idea of having kids with you. Definitely loved the idea of seeing you swell with it.
"No. I want a baby now." Your grip on his shirt tightened and you leaned even closer to him.
"Kinda hard to achieve, considering it's gonna bake in your belly for a few months," Bucky chuckled, amused with your pouty expression.
You let go of his t-shirt and sneaked your arms around Bucky's neck, pulling yourself on tiptoes to brush your lips across his jawline.
"I thought the only thing that is hard for the Winter Soldier is his dick."
You smirked triumphantly, feeling it twitch against your belly at your needy, breathless tone.
Bucky's metal hand slid onto your ass, his fingers squeezing your flesh hard. He peered over your shoulder, making sure no one's attention drifted from the baby to where the two of you were standing off to the side.
"Here I thought the only one ever getting me in trouble would be Steve," Bucky groaned into your ear.
"What's getting you in trouble is the fact your pants are still zipped up and you're not filling me to the brim." You nearly whined, scraping your teeth along Bucky's chin; your hips rubbing against him.
He cursed under his breath. In Russian.
Both of his hands clenched on your hips, stopping your motion, while his hot breath skimmed your temple.
Bucky pulled back slightly, his eyebrows raised in surprise, though his eyes were already darkened to that lustful haze you knew meant absolute wrecking.
"You've sniffed on too much baby hormones," he laughed quietly.
"Well, level them down with some of your big vitamin D." You teased his lips with the tip of your tongue.
"Come on, Bucky. I want it. I really want it. Want you to do it to me. Knock me up."
Bucky's laugh transformed into a deep, raspy hum. His gaze, as it slid from your eyes to your mouth and down between your bodies, heated up your blood, pooling arousal in the pit of your abdomen.
It was as if time froze for a long moment, stretching silent seconds in which you burned under Bucky's gaze.
Then suddenly your world flipped upside down.
Bucky was insanely fast. You registered being over his shoulder when he was already halfway to the elevator.
He put you back on your feet when the elevator's door closed, though he kept his arm wrapped tightly around you, his other hand roaming over your thigh and upward your side. His breath was ragged, sinking in hot puffs into the skin of your neck as he nipped along the column of your throat.
Your own hands didn't stay still, sneaking under Bucky's shirt and exploring hot, soft skin over the hard muscles.
"Mhm, we better get home fast," you murmured, hooking your fingers in the belt loops of Bucky's jeans.
"Home?" Bucky's hand gripped the back of your neck. "Doll, you're getting bred the second the elevator hits the underground parking floor."
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thinking1bee · 4 months
You Haven't Failed Part 2
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Tags: Spidey!Reader, Venom!Reader, So Much Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover @ara-a-bird
You stopped to grab Chinese food on your way back to the compound. Waiting in Fury’s office was Osborn, and you told him directly that there was nothing to find in his lab. His face visibly paled, and you heard his heart rate pick up as his eyes widened minutely. He swallowed thickly, jumbled, and insensible words falling from his mouth, but when he failed to say anything coherent, he quieted. Waves of unease rolled from him, and Fury looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
“What was in that lab, Norman?” Fury demanded. Norman only shook his head and left in a hurry, his legs taking him out of the office faster than even you could comprehend.
The moment he was gone, you set the food down, removed your mask, and looked at Fury. “What the hell was that about?”
He shrugged as he rubbed his forehead. “The hell if I know. I don’t understand these rich motherfuckers.”
You snorted before you removed a takeout container and a plastic fork from the bag. You placed both in front of him. He looked at it before he looked at you.
“What’s this?”
“Food, Nick,” you said pointedly as you closed the bag and gathered it in your arms. “You should try having something other than tequila. Your stomach and liver will thank you.”
He gave you a grateful smile and cracked open the carton to fork noodles and veggies into his mouth. “Have a good night, kid.”
You gave him a smile before retreating back into your shared room, which was more like a little apartment. Everyone had a space like yours to ensure privacy while there were shared spaces for team activities. You had a room a little farther away from the rest of the team, but it was fine. At first you hated it, but in time, you liked the privacy. It’d become a quick haven when you and Wanda first moved in together. Now, you both were thinking of getting a house. She wanted the backyard space to expand her garden. She appreciated the gardening space Thor made for her on the balcony, but she wanted to grow her own fruits and veggies, and there just wasn’t enough space on what little she had. She always said that she wanted to create something that didn’t revolve around the magic she wielded. Wanda could easily will one into existence, but she wanted to physically create one. She wanted the hard work and the sweat, and more importantly, she wanted it all with you. You loved her so much that you would give her the world. Anything that she wanted, you would ensure it happened. It’d been months of searching, but finally, Wanda found something that she fell in love with. A modest home in a place called Westview. You visited the neighborhood together, and you knew that this would be the home in which you would grow old with her. You saw a garden, a golden retriever, and maybe even some kids once you got there. Wanda always wanted to have them. She even told you the names that she picked out. Billy and Tommy. She was that sure that she would have boys, and you smiled all the same and told her that you couldn’t wait to experience this future with her. For now, that dream was on hold. You both still had a lot of work to do with the Avengers. There was still a galaxy and a universe to clean up from Thanos and his war. You had all the time in the world to be with her.
You could hear Wanda inside, and you smiled as the metal door to the room slid open. She turned to look at you, and placed the lighter in her hands down as she approached you. She gave you a tight hug.
“Hey, детка,” she greeted you, her nose buried into your neck as she breathed you in. She had on a shirt and jeans, and her suit was disposed of long ago after coming home from a long day at work. You were going to respond when she suddenly leaned away. Her nose was scrunched in disgust as she slightly turned her head from your direction. “Sorry, but you stink.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that left you, your chest shaking as delight filled you with warmth. “Oh, yeah,” you agreed. “The long day coupled with all the swinging I had to do? I’m not surprised that I smell like a boy’s locker room.”
Wanda took the bag of food away, set it on the counter, and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek. You smiled and hummed, your eyes closing briefly when you felt the warmth of her soft skin against you.
“Give me 15 minutes. I’ll be right back.”
“Of course.”
When you returned, you were wearing a shirt and shorts. Your hair was damp and tied into a messy bun. Wanda saw the steam wafting from the bathroom, the scent of the floral soap you used filling the hallway. Wanda changed into one of your oversized shirts while you showered, and based on how wavy her hair was at the moment, she must have taken a shower sometime before you got home. She was waiting for you at the dinner table. The lighting in the room was dimmed, and resting on the table, besides the food, were a few lit candles. You gave her an endearing smile, the gesture so simple and yet, the love in your heart swelling all the same at how much effort she put into it. You came to her side of the tiny table and gave her a deep kiss on the lips. She hummed into it, her lips moving against yours before you pulled away and sat down.
“Thank you for this,” you said to her genuinely and she blushed.
“Of course. How was your day?”
“Busy. I had a bank robbery to clean up and something to do at Oscorp.”
“Oscorp? What happened?” she asked. You told her about the destroyed lab and how it was empty. Whatever threat was in there is now long gone. You were sure that Fury would team you up with Peter to do a sweep of New York tomorrow.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asked as you explained. You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Wanda ate a potsticker while you ate some rice and sesame seed chicken. “How was your mission?”
She’d been gone on a mission that lasted a few days. It involved infiltrating a HYDRA base in Moscow. It was a routine B&E with a little bit of theft of their data. The agents were defeated, the hostages were released, and all the collected information was sent to Fury, who would in turn, send it to SHIELD. 
“The States have spoiled me,” she commented with a smile, her accent wrapping around her words. “I forgot how cold it was out there.”
Being from Sokovia, Wanda wasn’t a stranger to frigid temperatures, but it’d been a while since she was home. With it being winter on that side of the world, you suspected that it would be icy.
“Did you go home?” you asked her.
“Yes and no. I visited Pietro.”
Her brother. He died years ago, way before the conflict with Thanos happened. Wanda had him buried at home so that his final resting place would be with their deceased parents. You reached across the table and took her hand in yours.
“Are you okay?”
Wanda nodded, squeezed your hand tenderly, and gave you a genuine but sad smile. It still hurt her, after all these years, and you knew that it would continue to be a weight in her heart for the rest of her life. You would support her for as long as she wanted you.
“I will want you forever and ever, детка,” she murmured.
You raised your eyebrows and chuckled. Though you knew about her mind reading powers, it still surprised you to have her up there. You didn’t mind. There was nothing there that you wanted to hide from her.
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to pry. Your thoughts are so loud though.”
“It’s okay.”
And it was. Wanda never read someone’s mind unless she had their consent, or the circumstances were dire. It felt like a huge invasion of privacy to her because she wouldn’t want someone in her head seeing things that were personal. However, you reassured her over and over that for you, it was okay. It felt intimate and nice to have her there. She was so in tune with you, after all these years, that sometimes you would have conversations with her without even moving your lips. Occasionally, it helped in arguments when you couldn’t voice what was on your mind, so she would look instead, and she would still know what was going on with you when you couldn’t verbalize it. Even now, she could hear how much you loved her even without you breathing a word.
When dinner was done, you cleaned up while Wanda threw out the trash. You turned to do the dishes really quick, and as you dipped your hands into the soapy water, you felt arms encircle around your waist from behind. A warm body pressed against your back while lips kissed the back of your neck. You giggled, the kiss tickling you as Wanda’s hands splayed across your stomach.
“Are you okay?”
She nodded. “I just really missed you.”
“I missed you as well.”
You rinsed the dishes and placed them on the drying rack before turning around in her hold. Green eyes met yours and you leaned down to give her a passionate kiss. You really did miss the warmth of her body against you, and the kiss was more of a way to get reacquainted with her after days of being apart. But that kiss turned into another and another, your breath intermingling with hers when she gently nibbled your bottom lip. You affectionately walked her backwards until her body pressed against the cool metal of the stove. She breathed into you, her kisses getting sloppy as her body began to warm under your wandering touch. Eventually, your kisses dipped lower to her neck, your tongue and lips sucking marks into her flesh that peppered her skin just like her freckles. Soft, breathy moans left her as she began to pull up your shirt and expose your abs. A different kind of need inside of you was making itself known, and you grunted when you easily picked her up in your hold. You were hot, sweltering. It was the kind of heat that only Wanda could assuage, and that heat continued to increase as she loosely wrapped her arms around your neck and her legs around your hips. Your fingers tenderly dug into the soft flesh of her thighs, and you pulled her closer against your body. You groaned when Wanda grabbed you by the chin to place a soul stealing kiss on your lips. When she pulled back, she bit your bottom lip a little harder, and you gasped at the pain before Wanda chased it away with tender swipes of her tongue.
“Can we-?” you went to ask but Wanda was already nodding.
“Now,” she answered in a husky voice.
You could have easily walked her down the hall to the bed and laid her down without breaking the kiss at all, but Wanda was a tad bit impatient. You felt her remove an arm from around your neck. Then, there was a flash of red that you could see even behind closed eyelids. A wave of vertigo engulfed you when the floor suddenly wasn’t there, but it was only for a second when you felt the soft sheets of the bed beneath your back. When you opened your eyes, you immediately noticed that Wanda was naked, and so were you. The heat of her core against yours was an addicting fire, one where you wanted to be burned more than anything.
“I could have walked us, baby.”
She smiled, her teeth nibbling her bottom lip as she leaned over you. “There’s a time for romance, and there’s a time where I want you screaming for me, детка.”
You blushed, the visual of her words painted a picture of her using a strap on you. You could see her moving furiously between your legs, her strokes hard and fast, and you would be coming over and over beneath her until she was satisfied. Wanda saw your thoughts, and the smile she gave you was so sinful that your heart stopped dead in your chest. She said nothing as her eyes met yours. She pressed her lips against your neck before she made a slow descent on your body, her movements hurried and calculated at the same time. She paid extra attention to all your sensitive spots, the ones that had you fisting the bed with anticipation and lust. Wanda flashed you a smile as you squirmed beneath her, and as her lips aligned with your core, you watched as her eyes began to glow red. Magic wrapped around your hands before your arms shot up. The cool wood of the headboard chilled your palms as your hands pressed against it. They were glued there, the red pulsating around your heated skin as Wanda kissed your inner thighs and wrapped her arms around you to keep your hips pressed against the bed. She didn’t tease you any longer, her hunger for you growing too strong to fight against. The smell of your arousal made her mouth water. Even in the dark room, Wanda could see you glistening, your desire coating you thickly. With a groan, she surged forward to bury her tongue into your core.
Part 3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! I love your work so much! (つ≧▽≦)つ
I’ve only been a ror fan just recently and I’m absolutely in love with Hades, Poseidon, Beelzebub, and Thor. Can i please request a scenario with them and reader are both participants of ragnarok and were each other’s opponents. The reader is absolutely strong and can keep up with them. However, in the middle the match they suddenly hear two small voice of a small girl and boy yelling ‘Don’t hurt mama!’ And then they run up to the reader hugging her protectively. Funny thing is the the girl and boy resembles them and the reader. The kids then glared at them saying that their papa is being a meanie to their mama. Turns out the two kids were their future kids together with reader. Sorry if it’s long |ω・)
thank you (=^・ω・^=)
-Your fight with (God) had quickly turned into being the most entertaining match of the tournament.
-Nobody had thought that a woman, going against one of the strongest in Valhalla, would be able to go toe-to-toe with him, able to match his power with your own.
-You grinned as you heard both gods and humans cheering for the both of you, not wanting this amazing fight to ever end.
-You blocked one of his attacks with your own weapon, a simple long poled spear, easily able to kick him back, but you got to cocky, not seeing his foot until the last moment as he swung out and kicked you head over heels, blowing you back.
-You tumbled until you came to a stop, a small scowl on your face that you had gotten kicked until the crowds cheers turned into calls of worry as Heimdall shouted for the match to stop.
-You froze as your legs were suddenly hugged, looking down to see two children, a boy and a girl, who looked like the perfect blend between you and (God).
-You were confused as to who these children were as Heimdall and (God) approached quickly, but seeing your confusion told them you didn’t know who these kids were either.
-The boy then shouted at (God), “Don’t hurt mama!”
-You turned white in shock, a squeak leaving your lips as you blinked owlishly down at him, you didn’t have any children, you’re pretty sure you would know if you did!
-The girl, who had watery eyes, clutching your shirt, “Don’t be mean to her papa!”
-(God) then froze, hearing this child call him papa as the whole stadium was quickly roaring with cheers, thinking the two of you were a secret couple and a pair of twins on top of it!!
-The fight was immediately ended, ending in a draw as the four of you returned backstage, the children holding on to your hands, glaring at (God).
-(God) was calm as you all sat down, telling them that the two of you weren’t a couple, and that neither of you had kids.
-Instead of being upset, they just beamed brightly at you both, shocking you once again as they told you that they were from the future and wanted to come and see the fight between the two of you as you had always told them, in their timeline, that was where you fell in love with each other!
-Hades- Was stunned, meeting your eyes, seeing you were just as shocked before your daughter spoke up, “Mama I wanna see you two fall in love!” she spoke as if it was a simple process as your face turned cherry red, looking like a pure maiden and no longer like the fierce warrior he had been fighting only moments ago. Hades smiled at you, he knew you were beautiful, strong as well, you were a perfect woman in his eyes. Your son pointed a finger at Hades, “You better be nice to mama!” Hades chuckled, holding up his hand, promising them both. As they faded away, they both hugged and kissed you both, causing a warmth to swell inside of you, sad to see them go. Once the two of you were alone, Hades held out his hand, asking you to go on a date, not wanting to rush into things.
-Poseidon- Held his daughter while you held your son who was glaring at Poseidon for hurting you, and your daughter was quick to give him puppy eyes, “You don’t hate mama do you, papa? I don’t want you to hurt her anymore!” Poseidon felt like a dick, as an arrow slamming into his heart in guilt for making her cry while your son moved to hug you around your neck, “I’ll protect you mama! Since papa is useless at it!” you could see the sparks flying between your future son and Poseidon, before your daughter was quick to join him on your lap, hugging you close, “I’ll help too!!” As they disappeared slowly, returning to their own time, they said goodbye to the both of you, making Poseidon promise not to hurt you again which he did think was rather amusing. Unlike other women, you didn’t annoy him, as you were smart and strong, being beautiful was just a bonus in his eyes. He smiled down at his children, putting a hand on their heads, giving them his word before they vanished. He turned his attention to you, a soft, rare smile on his face which made you flush, “When should the wedding be?” your reaction, hiding your face in your hands, like a pure maiden, made him actually laugh, wanting to marry you even faster.
-Beelzebub- Was asking all sorts of complicating questions, about how were they able to travel through time, making their eyes spin comically before they both slid off his lap and ran to you, “Mama!! Papa is being weird again!!” Beelzebub pouted lightly, hearing that they thought he was weird as you smiled lightly, hugging them both close, calming them down. Beelzebub, watching you console the children made his heart pound in his chest, it was so beautiful, to see you like that, smiling down at your children, making them smile as well. When they started to vanish, they held each other’s hands and ran to huge Beelzebub after hugging you, pecking your cheek, and they did the same for him, beaming up at him, “Bye papa!” and, “We love you!” he felt such joy, such happiness at their words, holding his chest over his heart, smiling down at them as you approached, wishing them well. Once they were gone, he instantly stood, turning to you to take one of your hands in our own, “Let’s get to work right away making our children!” a pillow to the kisser was a quick way to get him calmed down, as he looked up at you from the floor, seeing your embarrassment, you were so cute. It made his affection for you grow.
-Thor- It was amusing, watching your two children looking up at Thor, sitting on either side of him, interrogating him, asking why he had been so cruel to you. His panicked face was a bit amusing as you came over, sitting next to your daughter, “We were both fighting each other, little one, I hit him plenty of times.” Your son pouted, his hands on his hips, “Papa’s tough! He can handle it! Papa shouldn’t hit mama!” Thor did feel a bit like a bad guy, which brought a small smile to your lips, seeing him in anguish over upsetting his children. You children were quick to crawl into your lap as they started to disappear, pecking your cheeks and hugging you tightly, which made you smile so warmly, Thor couldn’t help but just stare, you looked so beautiful. Once they were gone, you looked away from him, a bit bashfully, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear but before either of you could speak Loki ran in, “Where’s my niece and nephew that you’ve kept secret from me!!” it was a bit of a hassle explaining things to Loki afterwards who instantly pouted, “Then hop to it! Get to work on making those cute kids so I can meet them!!” your bright red face made them both smile, seeing how adorable you looked.
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You want me to talk about Verity Willis? I'll fucking talk about Verity Willis.
Spoilers for Agent of Asgard, maybe some other comics beyond that. Let's crack into it because I love Verity.
They're soulmates. The God of Lies and the Human Lie-Detector? Are you kidding? They were made for each other! They were meant to find each other, they were meant to oppose each other. If they aren't soulmates, they're (I'm not a Homestuck person, so I don't know what the opposite of soulmates are) meant to be rivals. But, to steal a phrase from Merlin, they are two sides of the same coin, essentially.
What the universe did not anticipate, however, is that Verity's ace. I don't make the rules; Verity is ace. And so, not a love interest. However, that doesn't mean they're not soulmates. They are, have been, always will be, in any life, in any world, in every iteration of Loki and every variant of Verity Willis, in every dimension, in every universe, queer-platonic soulmates. They're best friends. They're not "just friends". They're best friends.
You want me to talk about Verity? I'll fucking talk about Verity.
Even when shit hits the fan, even when Loki has been off doing god knows what shit for months on fucking end, and drives her insane to the point that she's like "I don't know if I can do this anymore, Loki," and he's like, "I'm sorry, I'll try to be better," she still sticks around and she still wants to be by his side.
And that's love, bitch! It may not be romantic love, it may not be sexual love, they may not be love interests. But that's love, bitch. He loves her. She loves him. They were made to be a match. Just not a romantic one. Just not a sexual one.
And in that moment of reckoning, that final moment when Loki is grappling with himself, and waffling between remaining in the void with the other versions of himself or going back to his brother's heartbreak and anger and Asgard's distrust and the All-Mother's betrayal and the chains of the future or die and not return. Or to transcend, undergo ego-death. To change, to transform, to do something that's ultimately going to be very painful and very hard, and what might not end up doing what he thinks it's going to do for him in the end. In that moment, she calls him. And he is on an alternate plane of existence, his phone should not even work, should not even exist. He is talking to previous iterations of himself and grappling with his own ego, he's not in a physical plane, he shouldn't even have his phone. But she calls him, to tell him she's on his side, still, after everything. She was there, when he told Thor what he did, she was already on the outs with him, before he told Thor what he did. She left.
But she's calling him, across planes. A love that transcends logic, that transcends planes, that transcends the existence or lack thereof of cellular towers. The human lie-detector, whose name literally means truth, calls the long-hated, long-condemned God of Lies, to tell him she's on his side, and that it's not the end.
Now, for my personal thought, I think she saves his life. I think there's a part of him, however small or large, that is not planning to come back from this, that is not planning to undergo this metamorphosis, that is like "What the fuck is the point? No one thinks I can change. Why the fuck should I change for them? Why the fuck should I change for me? Why the fuck should I even try? Why the fuck should I come back after I've changed, even if I manage it?"
But that one phone call from his best friend, from his fucking queerplatonic soulmate, saves my boi's life. And I don't think it's the first time she saves his life, nor am I convinced it will be the last. And she has no idea. Not a clue. She's got this lingering sense that he's about to do something stupid while they're on the phone, and she's like "Don't do something stupid." But I don't think she really knows that she saves his life.
And then he undergoes ego-death, and she is the first person he goes to. We don't know how much time passes between when he comes back from ego-death, figures out there's an incursion (I think that's what the event was. It might have been Ragnarok again), and goes to her. He could've gone to her and then been like, 'Oh shit, there's an incursion, I guess I'd better save her now.' Or if he knows there's an incursion and decides to save her first. We don't know, but we do know that they go to her first. And I think that's telling. Yes, Thor is mad at them; yes, the All-Mother betrayed them; yes, there's a sadistic future version of themself in their apartment right now (maybe), so there's not a lot of options. But they have options, and they go to her first.
Because they love her. And she loves them. Because they're best friends. And soulmates. And they were made for each other.
Literally. I mean, the future Loki created her for AoA Loki, more or less. He didn't plan on her eating the ring as a baby, but that's basically what happened.
You want me to talk about Verity Willis? I'll fucking talk about Verity Willis. Verity Willis is the shit. And I'm waiting for her to come back. Because she needs to. Because Loki needs her to. Because all this nonsense about being cursed and unloved and unwanted? Verity nips that shit in the bud. And Verity would stand there in front of Naglfar, and be like, 'Yeah, I know you think you're telling the truth, dipshit, but just you think it's true does not mean that it's true.'
And I think Loki needs to hear that. So they can stop feeling sorry for themself and start doing some shit.
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bewitchedleague · 2 years
How does Kratos, Thor and Odin love you.
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a/n; in this, we dive into their feelings they hold dearly inside of them for you, and possibly - the repercussion of them. stay safe, and enjoy. - witch
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    Staring. Even if you're both in a crowded area, Kratos can't help but check for your figure since he needs to make sure you're secure and that nothing is making you feel overwhelmed or uneasy. He is constantly moving to provide for you, even when there isn't really anything to do. As a result, he can appear out of nowhere with a cup of water for you or a new pelt coat that he fashioned himself after making a lot of mistakes. Always strives to motivate you to perform better; may come out as harsh while doing so, but has your best interests at heart. Has a temper but always tries to listen to you before speaking out since he is aware that if you two are arguing over something, he can be intimidating. He never raises his voice towards you and makes an effort to avoid sounding overly demanding or unpleasant. It's simply the way he is, but he goes above and beyond to ensure that he isn't frightening you in any way. A hug as you part ways, a kiss in the dark, holding each other in the dark before going to bed, and other expressions of affection come and go just as quickly.
- Possibly too severe. Too sincere. Will frequently damage your feelings by telling the truth, and if you don't let him know, it will take some time for him to figure it out on his own.
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    Always takes your side, pays attention to your needs, and listens to what you have to say about a situation. despite the fact that you are capable of taking care of yourself, always worries when you are by yourself because he has a soft spot for you and is frightened that it might be used against him in the future. Thor constantly showers you with love while you're alone, but he may occasionally be cold toward you when you're among other people because he doesn't want anyone to know how he really feels about you. However, Heimdall persists in making fun of him about it, so that everyone else knows. Likes to drink modestly with you and will try any form of alcohol you might enjoy. He prefers the sweeter alcohols, but will try any others you might find enjoyable. Ask Thor about it, and he won't know; the food and drink you like the most will just happen to be by your bedside when you wake up.
- On the other hand, if it impacted you or your safety, would occasionally act impulsively and search for your solution. Very unyielding when it comes to choices or beliefs he holds dear to his heart.
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    The kingdoms are yours to use as you like, a pricey love. It could be jewelry, clothes, amulets, or really anything. Odin was always so kind with you; you would never have imagined he was capable of such gentleness. Without even mentioning the wonderful, sweet words that would come out of his mouth, he would hold your chin while complimenting you on how beautiful you looked and arrange your hair. You could always count on him to say the right thing to you at the right time to quickly soothe your anger, sadness, or anxiety. Being important to the Allfather meant that he would always send you on missions with at least one other person who he knew to be very strong and capable of defending you in case anything went wrong. He gives you a soft kiss that is unlike the typical Odin you encounter every day, keeps this side hidden so that only you can see it, and makes a pledge not to abandon you. You were untouchable. And that's how he wanted to keep it.
- Tells white lies frequently, but only for your benefit. He doesn't want you to know what his kids think of you in reality. has expectations for you that occasionally might be disappointed, but he never tells you about them.
Do not copy or translate my works.
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themessedupsonata · 2 years
Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You know Loki, your Husband, since you were kids and you both are extremely happy together. Then why do you still feel that something is wrong?
word count: 9.2 k (I'm sorry)
warnings: ANGST, Fluff, slight mentions of sex, a tiny bit of cursing, a couple of arguments between Loki and the reader and a slight mention of misogyny (not by Loki)
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You were on cloud nine.
You and Loki had just got married. He was driving a brand new Hudson Hornet with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your knee, making you feel all warm inside.
God, you loved him so much.
When the car pulled up, you finally saw your new home, and it was perfect. Loki knew you wanted a big house with a big yard, so the dog and (you were still trying to convince Loki that this was a great idea) your future kids could have a place to play.
He opened the car door for you and held out your hand. You grabbed it and the second your feet hit the ground, Loki carried you bridal style, making you giggle. He used his magic to open the door and you two entered the house. He got you back on your feet again, and you both started exploring the living room, which had an open concept to the kitchen and the decor was cosy and luxurious at the same time. You were so happy that you jumped into your loving husband's arms and kissed him, and he immediately kissed you back.
"I love you, Y/n/n" He called you by your childhood nickname, which made you blush, and he pulled you in for another kiss just because he could. You were finally his wife, and he's never been happier.   ***
Frigga was teaching Loki magic in the study hall. The young Asgardian prince always had a spectacular gift for magic, and he was also very intelligent. Loki was decent at fighting but not as good as the heir to the throne, Thor. His older brother was extremely powerful, but he lacked Loki's brilliant mind or even any interest in the Asgardian arts of magic. Thus, from a very young age, everyone saw Thor as the future king of Asgard and the Nine Realms, a born fighter and 'The Golden Child', as Loki liked to call him. Loki was just the weird, introverted prince that a lot of people liked to pretend didn't exist.
Loki and his mother heard a knock on the door and Frigga answered with a simple 'Come in' and you appeared.
You were wearing a simple pink dress with purple accents, and your hair was tied up in typical Asgard braids.
Your mother, Halldis, was Frigga's best friend. Halldis and her husband were given the title of Lady and Lord of the royal court when Frigga became queen. They've lived in the palace ever since Lady Halldis got pregnant with you.
"Hello, sweetie. How may I help you?" the queen asked gently.
You gave her a sweet smile.
"Hi, Aunt Frigga. Thor and I were playing in the royal garden, and we wanted to know when Loki was going to finish his classes so he could play with us."
Loki immediately frowned.
He would rather die than admit it, but he always thought you were beautiful and sweet and Loki would love to be friends with you, especially when you always seemed so excited about interacting with him.
But you liked Thor better; just like everyone else. You were just feeling sorry for him, that's all. You probably didn't even like him. Nobody liked him, why would you? "I don't want to play your pathetic childish games, Y/n. Go away!" he exclaimed.
Loki saw your smile slide quickly into an expression of hurt disappointment and your eyes glistened with tears, even though you refused to let them fall.
The dark-haired prince had a bit of a mess of memories from then on. He could never be sure if you actually looked down at your feet while whispering something about how sorry you were for upsetting him or whether or not Frigga had given him a long speech about how extremely rude his behaviour was and that he was grounded for the next 20 years. The one thing he was sure would haunt him forever was that you, sunshine in person, were crying at that very moment because of him.
"Do we really need to do this, darling?" Loki whimpered as you applied lipstick to your lips.
You chuckled as you looked in the mirror to see the reflection of your husband who was with a grumpy face.
"Yes, my love, we do. Wanda and Vision are lovely people and they invited us to dinner tonight, so we will." You answered.
"But I hate people. Except you, everyone else just... pisses me off and bores me the hell out."
You rolled your eyes and stood up, walking over and stopping in front of him to tie his tie.
"Stop being so dramatic, Lo. We're going to have fun, I promise. But if you feel uncomfortable, just 'If'," You gave him a death stare. "We will come back home right away, okay?" He nodded, and you stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.
Loki knocked on the door and instead of being greeted by Wanda or Vision, you were both greeted by Agnes.
"Oh! Y/n, Loki! You both are right on time! Come in, come in!"
The two of you looked at each other before you simply walked into the house, following the raven-haired woman and Loki, in turn, followed you like a lost puppy.
Apparently, today Vision's boss - and Loki's too - and his wife came to visit your friend and her husband. You were about to comment to Loki that you two had better go home when Agnes discreetly commented (So Mr and Mrs Heart would not notice anything wrong) that Wanda needed as much help as possible in the kitchen. Loki swore under his breath but you chose to ignore him and followed Agnes into the kitchen. 
Upon entering the kitchen, Wanda immediately tried to disguise the floating plates and bowls while you and Agnes politely pretended to didn't see anything.
"Oh, Y/n! I'm so glad you came!" The redhead exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. She pulled away from you to explain her situation. "I completely forgot about dinner with the Heart's today. Please help me; I have absolutely nothing prepared!"
Meanwhile, Loki was sitting next to Vision and facing Mrs Heart. He didn't like his boss very much (Loki complained about Mister Heart every Wednesday night to you while you two did skincare together and he painted your toenails) But even though he didn't like the man, he was still his boss; and people were very easy to fall for Loki Laufeyson's charm and smooth talk. He knew exactly what to say and when to say it to get people in his good graces. He was irresistible. That's how he won you over.
Well… At least that was the story he told you.
The young prince was at Bifrost hall belonged to Heimdall, planning a massacre of the Midgardian city that Thor was sheltering in when he heard your voice calling his name, more furious than he had ever heard in his life.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?! Thor was banished from Asgard and you should be doing your best to help him and bring him back, but no! You're planning a coup d'état and I don't doubt that you're trying to kill my best friend!" you both were face to face now. Your breath was heavy and hot on his face. Even in low heels, you had to stand on tiptoe to face him in the eye. Loki's hands were clasped behind his back, his posture was straight, oozing confidence and superiority, and his facial expression was neutral. It was his way of disguising how much his heart was racing and how much his mind was screaming at him to just end the distance between the two of you. He wanted nothing more than to taste you on his tong-.
"I know you've never seen me this way, Loki, but I consider you my friend. You may never have confided in me, but I know you feel left out by Thor and I know you wanted to be king and I'm genuinely sorry, okay? You never deserved to be second. You're worth so much and I'm sorry you were never recognized as you deserve. Please, Loki. Thor has his flaws, but he loves you and he doesn't deserve it. Please…"
Before you could continue speaking, Loki subtly nodded and Heimdall sighed in frustration before drawing his sword to open the Bifrost Bridge and send you to join Thor in Midgard. Loki only had a few milliseconds to stare at the panic in your eyes as you realized what he was doing before you disappeared right before his eyes.
It was better this way, he tried to convince himself. You preferred Thor; always preferred. It was only right that you should be sent to him. Not to mention he didn't deserve all that empty flattery from you. You just wanted to save Thor and you were using your smooth talk to try to convince him to help his brother. But he couldn't deny that, deep down, he fervently wanted your words to be true.
Dinner went well. It had its unforeseen, but nothing too extreme. At some point, you felt your head spinning and you could have sworn that, suddenly, dinner had turned into a bizarre déjà vu, but your husband just kissed your knuckles and said you were just tired when you told him about it as you lay in your shared bed. He kissed you good night and you rested your head on his chest, quickly falling asleep.
You woke up with the feeling of several kisses being deposited on your neck. It tickled and you started to laugh. Your laugh was contagious and before you knew it, Loki was laughing with you. When you both calmed down, he buried his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"Good morning my queen." Your husband murmured against your skin. Your hands began to caress his scalp and he sighed contentedly.
"You remember today is the talent show, right?" You asked.
"Of course, I remember, sweetheart. Would you like to practice one last time so you feel more confident?" Loki wasn't happy about participating in the show at all, but he knew it was pointless to argue with you. Not to mention that he knew it was important to you and that you got upset when he refused to do something with you or when he did things grudgingly. He needed to be the best husband in the world for you.
"I don't see the need. We're doing this for charity and fun. We don't have to be the best." You explained to him.
Normally, Loki was extremely competitive. However, he didn't even want to go to that show in the first place. If you were happy, so was he.
You both got out of bed. He always insisted on getting up after you and not in a thousand years would you have guessed he did that just so he could admire your ass. After putting a robe over your nightgown, you went downstairs to prepare breakfast.
Loki hated cooking. But even so, he always made a point of helping you in the kitchen. He always insisted that just because you were a housewife didn't mean he didn't have to help you too. You melted every time he said it because he meant every single word. You had so many neighbours who were mothers and housewives who spent the whole day doing their best for the family without any help and didn't receive a single affection or gratitude from the husband who spent the whole day 'Working too hard' as if those women work meant less. You loved to take care of your home, but you still loved it when your husband insisted on doing all the dishes because "Your cooking was great, my queen. It's the least I can do" or when he made the bed, set the table and did the laundry without you asking. Every time you thanked him, he would tell you to stop being ridiculous, as he was doing the bare minimum as a husband. You really couldn't have wished for a better partner.
Loki always said you made the best pancakes in the world. You thought they were good, but not the best in the world. You were grateful anyway.
"Darling, it's already 10:00 am! I need to go to the planning committee and you need to attend the neighbourhood watch meeting" You commented after checking the time on the kitchen clock.
You didn't let Loki join you in the shower (which he thought was absurd) and within 15 minutes you were both ready. He kissed you on the forehead and you both went your separate ways.
Wanda and Agnes arrived a few seconds before you. Wanda hugged you and Agnes followed suit. You didn't quite know what to feel about the brunette woman. But if your friend liked her, Agnes was probably an amazing person. Deep down.
Dottie was every bit as perfectionist and arrogant as Agnes had described, but there wasn't much you could do about it. You were sitting between Wanda and Agnes, so you can hear the conversation between Wanda and a girl named Geraldine. She seemed to be very kind, and it's always nice to make new friends, right?
"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, but my name is Y/n, Wanda's friend. Nice to meet you!" You said, extending your hand friendly for her to shake.
Apparently, Geraldine hadn't noticed you before, because as soon as she did, she looked like she'd seen a ghost. Her jaw dropped and she was frozen for a few seconds before she pulled herself together and answered you.
"H-hi! I'm Geraldine. N-nice to meet you!" She finally shook your hand after getting completely lost in her own words.
You couldn't follow anything else for the rest of the meeting. Maybe you made a bad impression on Geraldine and you couldn't understand why. But you decided to put that aside. Not everyone was required to like you and there was nothing wrong with that.
The meeting had already started 20 minutes before Vision showed up. Loki rolled his eyes. The two of them interacted frequently because their wives were friends and Loki had no problem with their friendship. But Loki was as new in town as Vision and yet Vision always seemed so… out of place. It was always obvious that he was desperately trying to fit in while anyone would swear Loki has lived in Westview all his life. So much so that he was a member and Vision was unaware that it was a members-only meeting.
To be fair, Vision wouldn't have been interested in being a member if he knew that the "Meetings" were a great front for a kind of men's club where everyone ate and "talked about" the most talked about topics in town concerning the lives of others. Gossip, basically. But people said that "Gentlemen don't gossip". Midgardians were very strange.
Loki had to restrain himself from laughing as he watched Vision's dilemma over having food offered to him. Nobody in that town had noticed that Vision was a robot. But who was Loki to judge? It's not like he and his wife don't have their own secrets buried in their backyards.
There was nothing Loki could do to stop Vision from chewing the gum Herb had offered him, even though he knew the chance of something bad happening was extremely high. Everything related to Wanda Maximoff was chaos.
He was obviously right.
The gum got stuck between the inner gears of Vision and now he looked as drunk as a skunk. Fortunately, no one but Loki seemed to notice Vision's sudden strange behaviour. Loki looked at that ugly Strucker watch (which he only wore because it was a gift from you) and realized he was late for the damn talent show. He let the group of men know about the show and they all left the library. When there were exactly three blocks left for the place of the show, Loki realized that Vision wasn't walking with them, but the Asgardian kept walking, after all, that wasn't his problem.
Vision was acting very strangely (Correction: More than usual). In several moments he almost revealed who he and his wife really were, but Wanda managed to be creative enough to convince everyone that all the wonders of the show were just cheap tricks (And she still managed to amuse the audience and got a standing ovation). As soon as they finished their presentation, it was your turn to perform alongside Loki.
It's not that you sang badly, but Loki had a beautiful voice that he always refused to show the world. After spending three weeks begging him daily to sing, he eventually relented.
Geraldine positioned the two of you on the stage (She still wasn't looking you in the eye) and you sat down at the piano to play the song while Loki sang. Loki's only condition for singing in front of all of Westview was that he would be the one choosing the song. To your relief, he chose L-O-V-E, one of your favourite songs. Everyone was shocked when they realized that Loki Laufeyson was going to sing. Little did they know that unfortunately for Loki, he would hang the stars in the sky if you asked him to. You smiled encouragingly at him before starting to play on the piano that Wanda had discreetly created because she had destroyed the original. As you'd expect, everyone was enthralled by Loki's voice and you both got a standing ovation. You jumped into Loki's arms and hugged him. He returned the hug immediately, not caring who was watching.
''I'm so proud of you, Lo! you were fantastic up there on stage! – You said excitedly. Loki kissed your temple and dragged you to sit on his lap on the couch.
''You were amazing too, my queen. But I still can't believe I submitted to that.''
You rolled your eyes before leaning in to kiss him, but he stopped you.
''Y/n/n, wait. Are you…feeling it too?'' He asked, frowning slightly.
It was only then that you noticed a delicious tingle that spread over every inch of your skin, tickling. You immediately took to noticing your living room, your clothes, and your husband. Everything was… taking on colour.
That was undoubtedly one of the most wonderful moments of your life. Seeing something you were so familiar with turn into something so beautiful and surreal was just magical. Your husband got even more handsome (Something you didn't even know was possible) and his beautiful eyes, which you now knew were green, were looking at you as if you were the most perfect thing to ever walk the planet earth. You could already feel your cheeks starting to heat up when suddenly you felt… A kick?
Loki was still holding you, so he felt it too. You both glanced at your belly at the same time only to realize that you now had a baby bump.
You were pregnant.
*** Those damned Chitauris spread out like worms through a Midgardian city that you would have found divine in other circumstances. After stabbing three Chitauris at once with your sword, you watched Loki get blown up by one of Agent Barton's arrows with a satisfied smile. He landed on the roof of Stark Tower and you and Agent Romanoff made your ways to the roof intending to get to the God of Mischief, but the Hulk attacked him before either of you had the chance. The scene of that huge green creature slamming Loki to the ground several times as if he weighed nothing would forever be one of his favourite moments.
Dr. Selvig was still dazed on the ground beside the portal. He explained that Loki's sceptre would be able to close the portal and he and Agent Romanoff agreed that it would be best if you held it since you were an Asgardian. You were almost able to close the portal using the golden sceptre when Stark's voice protested through the listening devices, stating that it was necessary to get rid of one more bomb. To your horror, he entered the portal passage with the large explosive object.
You didn't know Tony Stark very well, but you knew he was a well-meaning and intelligent man, and you felt saddened by his death, even though you knew that thanks to his sacrifice the Chitauris were dead. Rogers asked you to close the portal. You hesitated for a second, but Agent Romanoff put her hand on your shoulder and gave you a sad smile in an attempt to comfort you. From what you observed in the redheaded woman, she was very closed off and extremely cold and rational, so seeing her trying to make things easier and more comfortable for you meant a lot. You closed your eyes to gain courage and the portal was finally closed. By some miracle, huge red and gold armour appeared falling from the skies and you felt strangely glad that a man you barely knew was all right.
Later that day, the other Avengers said goodbye to you and Thor, who needed to get Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard. And at the same time that you missed home, you had a bad feeling that very soon everything you knew and loved would undergo drastic changes. Despite all the nightmares Loki caused and the optimism of all Midgardians that everything would be all right now, you couldn't silence the little voice in your head that warned you that this was just the beginning of something much worse to come.
Loki was dead.
For real this time.
In his first supposed death, you weren't there in his ''Final Moments'' and you were still blinded by rage at his betrayal, but now that he had sacrificed himself to save Thor and you were beside him when Loki breathed his last, you could feel your heart (which was already broken by the tragic death of the woman you saw as a second mother) shattering into a million pieces. You'd been stabbed before and you were sure the blade piercing your skin had hurt less than watching your childhood friend die.
When you were sure that you had already reached the apex of pain, Thor Odinson, the great God of thunder, heir to Asgard and the nine Realms threw his arms around your waist, buried his face in the crook of your neck and cried like a little kid. You would have given up anything to take away all the sadness and pain that big man who was actually a cinnamon roll was feeling. Your best friend had lost his brother and you would have gladly switched places with Loki if that made Thor happy.
But the only thing you could do at the moment was hug him tight and pray that his blond hair would dry your own tears of pain.
Doctor Nielson said you and the baby were healthy.
Of course, that information wasn't enough and the poor middle-aged gentleman was bombarded with dozens of questions from your husband who was more overprotective than ever now that you were carrying his child.
You and Loki had already decorated the baby's room, and right now Loki was reading the third parenting book for the month. Wanda had told you that Vision was acting the same way and that they were even exchanging and indicating books to each other.
Being pregnant at the same time as your best friend is just magical.
You were about to go shower when Loki came running up to you with his phone in his hand and a face that was full of animation. You've never grabbed a phone so fast in your life and a few seconds later, you're sure you'd be bouncing if you didn't have a baby inside you.
Wanda had twins. Billy and Tommy.
Loki took the two of you to Wanda's house and the first thing he saw was your friends looking exhausted because the twins wouldn't stop crying. They thanked you both immensely for your and Loki's help (Loki was slightly compelled to do this, but the important thing is that he helped).
A few hours later, Agnes knocked on the door and the four of you started chatting. When the five of you went to check on the twins, they had aged a good five years, but you chose not to question it.
The next day, your water broke.
After that, it all went so fast. You and Loki opted for hospital delivery, so he quickly grabbed the maternity bag and put you both in the car. The nurses were extremely kind and careful with you, and even though Loki called Wanda and Vision as soon as you two arrived at the hospital, your baby was already in your arms.
It was a girl.
She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, even though she looked just like any other baby a few minutes old. Her little face was puffy and red, she was screaming and crying like crazy and she was so tiny, but you already loved her more than anything in this world.
When you looked at your husband, he was completely transfixed looking at your daughter. You'd seen him give that look of pure adoration just for you, but now he looked at that little pink package like all of a sudden the world made sense because she was in it.
Loki was too scared to hold her because he was afraid of letting the baby girl fall, but you helped him and he immediately started crying.
He sat next to you on the gurney and kissed your temple tenderly and looked into your eyes with so much emotion that you felt dizzy.
"I love you so much, Y/n Laufeyson. Every day I think about how you are the strongest, most wonderful woman I've ever known and I can never express how grateful I am to be able to be with you and... Now you've given me my little girl and I never thought it was humanly possible that my love for you could triple.'' He kissed you passionately before looking down at his daughter.
''Welcome to the world, my Astrid.''
*** ''So what you're saying is that my brother and Wanda Maximoff are in a world where Vision and Y/n are alive?'' Thor questioned Darcy.
The two hadn't spoken for a long time and technically he shouldn't be in a confidential area where SWORD was working, but the scientist thought Thor deserved to know what was happening.
''Jimmy described it as 'A sitcom starring two Avengers.' But apparently, Loki and Y/n are supporting characters. Not only that, apparently all the other 'Characters' are real people who seem to be under some mind control to act as if the fact that Vision and Y/n are alive and living married lives in the suburbs is something perfectly normal.'' Thor didn't have the heart to voice it, but he felt that Loki was definitely not under mind control. Thor wasn't blind, he knew his brother was in love with Y/n since they were kids and he knew Loki was suffering a lot from her death, but he would never expect anything like... this.
''As Wanda seems to be the 'Protagonist', we're trying to contact her to understand what's going on, but she hasn't responded to the radio, Agent Franklin has disappeared and our drone has been turned into a toy helicopter. They even censored the broadcast! It's like whoever is controlling this will do anything to keep these people captive.''
Thor had seen young Wanda's powers in action and knew she was very powerful. He also knew grief all too well. By then he has already greeted it like an old friend, so he knew what the pain of losing someone loved could do to a person's mind. He was sure that those responsible for this mess and Westview's captivity were Wanda or his brother. Maybe it was even both. But he knew that neither Wanda nor Loki wanted to be 'saved'.
Thor knew you were strong and powerful. You were an Avenger and a member of the Asgard army who had saved Thor's ass many times before and he knew you were an amazing team on the battlefield. Unfortunately, before he was a warrior, he was your childhood best friend, who always took advantage of the fact that you don't have siblings to claim the big brother role. He said it was a family matter, but you know he was just scared because Hela had destroyed the Mjölnir and since he didn't know how powerful she was, he sent you to help Heimdall protect the people of Asgard to make sure you wouldn't get hurt. Thor said that he and Loki (yes, the bastard was alive) would take care of Hela. You had your doubts.
You and Heimdall taking care of everything well. You two had already annihilated several of Hela's 'Soldiers' and were now protecting the Asgardians in a secret fortress hidden in the forest. You were helping an elderly lady relax when Heimdall made everyone's blood (including yours) run cold.
"She's here.''
Quickly you and the guardian worked hard to get the people of Asgard to evacuate through the back of the fortress towards Bifrost. You were almost there when you came across Hela's huge beast. Immediately, everyone retreated, but on the other side of the bridge was an enemy army. Even with a giant spaceship providing cover when shooting the beast, you, Heimdall and other Asgardians were forced to fight back. Suddenly, something fell out of the ship and… Wait a minute, was that Bruce Banner?!?! Someone tugged at your shirt sleeve. You looked down only to find a toddler pointing at something that, despite being partially covered in fog, was definitely huge.
"Your saviour is here!''
You were never so happy to see that stupid man in your entire life.
When the three of you got back home, you begged Loki to let you buy a puppy. It would be great for Astrid's development, you argued, of course, Loki was reluctant because he knew your own selfish motives, although you were right about dogs having a positive impact on babies' lives, so a few days later he showed up at the house with the cutest Corgi puppy you've ever seen. You two named him Argos and he and Astrid immediately fell in love with each other.
It didn't take long for Astrid to grow up. She was a very sweet little girl who looked exactly like you. The only thing she had inherited from her father was his mesmerizing green eyes. She was also best friends with Billy and Tommy, the three children spent hours just playing in the backyard with Argos every day.
Today, when Astrid went to play at the boys' house, they had adopted a puppy named Sparky. Loki preferred to stay at home to build a playground for Astrid, and the kids were already making thousands of plans to play in the backyard of your house with Argos and Sparky who would definitely be friends. When you asked Wanda where Vision was, she said he was at work. Today was Saturday, but you preferred not to comment on anything.
The twins freaked out, and Wanda had to explain how couples sometimes fall out before her kids thought Vision was tired of them.
You didn't know that Wanda and Vision were fighting, but you chose not to get involved. Instead, you asked Wanda if she'd like you to take the kids to the community pool. She quickly accepted and ten minutes later you and the kids were leaving Wanda home alone so she could put the gourd back in place. That was all the help you could offer her for now.
It was Halloween. Astrid wanted to dress up as Wednesday Addams, which you thought was weird, as the two of them couldn't have more opposite personalities, but you agreed. To match, you had Loki dress up as Gomez and you dressed up as Morticia. Your husband pretended he thought you all looked ridiculous, but you knew he loved it. Loki didn't want to go on patrol today, he preferred to 'Enjoy his girls'. All you can do is roll your eyes, leave more kibble in the pot for Argos, and take your little family to meet Wanda and the twins.
When you finally found them, you were introduced to Pietro, Wanda's brother. He tried to flirt with you, but a single deadly stare from Loki directed at him made the silver-haired man immediately shut up.
Billy, Tommy, Astrid and Pietro were causing real chaos around the neighbourhood, which drove you and Wanda crazy, but Loki said that mischief was always welcome on Halloween and had no problem letting his daughter terrorize the neighbours next door with her friends.
You and Wanda forced the children (Pietro included) to return all the stolen sweets. That took a few hours, but once they were done, Tommy used his super speed to take Astrid and Billy to get more candy (The right way this time), leaving You, Loki, Wanda and Pietro alone.
The four of you ate and talked as you made your way to the area where a Halloween pumpkin display was being held. Everything was going well until Pietro started commenting about how 'Thanks to Wanda' people were happier and that despite everything, they were having a good and peaceful life. You didn't notice when Loki and Wanda exchanged side-eye glances for a full three milliseconds before Loki got up so fast you were sure he got dizzy and dragged you away from the Maximoff twins claiming he wanted to buy toffee apples for you both.
You were so confused by his (and Pietro's) sudden bizarre behaviour that it took you approximately 30 seconds to react. When you finally snapped out of your befuddled state, you dug your feet into the ground and faced your husband.
"Loki, what the hell was that? What do you mean by buying toffee apples? You hate toffee apples. And I know Pietro is kind of weird but he seemed very sane at the tim-" You were interrupted.
"That was nothing Y/n, you're imagining things. Pietro Maximoff is a lunatic, we both know that.
"Something tells me you don't believe a single word you're saying yourself. I don't know what he means but I feel like you do." You confronted him.
Honestly, you never noticed anything strange around you. Your life and that of your neighbours appeared to be completely normal. But Pietro said something that bothered you. Of course, you had problems, but they were many... Simple. Just minor inconveniences that more seemed to be happening to give some sense of normalcy. People always said that some things were too good to be true.
Maybe Pietro wasn't a lunatic after all.
But you knew Loki long enough to know you weren't going to win that argument. So you let him lead you by the hand to the toffee apples stand and pretended not to notice how hard he was trying to look like he was genuinely enjoying the candy and that he was not wanting to throw up.
You had been decorated as the best warrior in Asgard countless times. You had protected Gods. You were a heroine adored by billions of people and had already survived so many adventures that you could have easily written a bestselling book about yourself (That's what the most epic books of all time were called according to Stark). And yet, how could you be so… useless?
You had lost your beloved home and on the same day you had to watch the brutal extermination of almost half of your people and you could barely defend them. You barely made it out alive, for Odin's sake!
All Thanos' fault. That titan son of a bitch you would have sold your soul just for the chance to execute and watch his scaphism. You knew he had an army of titans. You knew all the stories about how Thanos was considered practically invincible. But even so, you couldn't help hating yourself for not being enough and for letting your people down.
But by the time Thanos demanded Loki hand over the Tesseract or he'd kill Thor, you knew Loki well enough to know he'd try one last thing. But you no longer thought your life was worth much. All your instinct for self-preservation has long since disappeared.
If you had to die to protect the princes of your kingdom, that's exactly what you would do.
When the Titan pinned Thor and killed Heimdall right after defeating the Hulk, you did the first thing that popped into your head. You snatched the hypercube from Loki's hand at lightning speed and ran towards Thanos
''Here. Take the Tesseract and do whatever you want with it, just go away and leave us alone. I beg you.'' You looked pathetic like that. One of the most powerful elements in the galaxy was in your hands, and yet you were on your knees, weeping and begging for a monster to spare the rest of your people. Thanos looked at you like for a few seconds before taking the Tesseract.
''I have heard much about you, daughter of Halldis. You are known as a hero. You were wise to accept the fate of this galaxy and collaborate with the greater good.'' He said before taking his army with him and leaving you surrounded by corpses and wounded people. Thor and Loki were alive. You were useful for something.
But why did you feel so… selfish? Of course, you weren't a sociopath, but still, for a few seconds, Thanos saw you as an equal.
Hero, they called you.
But at that moment you knew you were a fraud. You felt a genuine disgust with yourself and stopped believing in the mercy of the gods. If they really were merciful, they would have let you die in that carnage.
The life of any Asgardian seemed worth a thousand times more than yours. You just didn't deserve to live.
Loki had left Astrid at Wanda's house to play with the twins. Astrid was always playing with the twins, so you wouldn't suspect a thing. Of course, it wasn't morally right of Loki to dilute sleeping pills in the milk on the cereal he gave you this morning. But in his defence, he was going through something he never thought he would.
He was freaking out.
Loki Laufeyson had never felt that in all his thousands of years of life.
He always had things planned out and always made sure everything went exactly as he had so meticulously envisioned. Of course, not even the most detailed man in the world could control every situation every time. But even when things didn't go as Loki had planned, he always managed to stay calm and most of the time he had a plan b. When he didn't have a plan b, he quickly found a way to save his ass. Cunning as a fox, you once remarked.
The problem is that Loki was always a completely rational person who never got into a situation without weighing all the pros and cons before giving a second thought to make sure it was worth it.
You were the first impulsive decision he made. He was crying hysterically as he felt his heart being torn apart and the next minute he was driving in a car with you holding his hand. He didn't think about what could go wrong, he was so distracted in his bubble of happiness with you that he completely forgot that something could go off the rails at any second.
And that's exactly what happened.
All the decorations in the house were changing every five seconds. Loki's magic and yours were out of control and the Asgardian God was beginning to sense that everything was about to fall apart. But he couldn't bear it, he just couldn't.
Not again.
So he had to do something that he always tried to avoid as much as possible, but unfortunately, it was his only alternative. He needed to talk to Wanda.
*** How the hell did he end up here?
He was at Wanda's house when one of those nosy agents Wanda had kicked out showed up. Wanda was starting to lose control, so Agnes took the redhead to her house. Loki still needed to speak with Wanda, so he followed the two women. The hostess made him and Wanda sit down on the sofa and then Loki slowly came to his senses. Why the hell did Agnes have so many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in her living room while a children's cartoon was playing on TV?
Now that Loki had stopped to notice things, he really felt something was missing when he walked into Wan's house...
"Maximoff, where is my daughter?" he asked, staring at the woman with daggers in his eyes.
She was still a little flustered, so it took her a few seconds before she processed his words and shook her head.
''Oh… I-I…''
Loki immediately made a dagger materialize in his hand and placed the blade against Wanda's throat.
''I'll just repeat it one more time, Maximoff. Where…" He didn't have time to finish his threat because Agnes came back into the room.
''Mr. Laufeyson, there's no need for violence, for God's sake! Astrid and the boys are probably just playing in the basement.'' Agnes butted in before Loki committed murder. The man immediately grabbed Wanda by the collar (he wouldn't let her go until he was sure his little girl was okay) and dragged her down the basement stairs in search of the children.
Loki didn't know what he expected to find in that basement; but finding multiple vines-covered columns, elaborately macabre-looking stained-glass windows, and dozens of dark magic elements were definitely not on his list.
And then suddenly, the brunette woman Loki had never liked had locked the door with her… Magic.
''The name is Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you.''
''I still can't believe you of all people learned to cook. A voice behind you commented.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile.
As ironic as it seems, Loki was the one who helped you out of your self-hatred state after Thanos' victory and since then the two of you have put your differences aside and decided to try to help what's left of the world as much as possible. Thor named Valkyrie king of new Asgard and you became the Goddess of Fidelity.
You never felt you deserved the title.
Loki was the royal advisor and was doing an excellent job restoring Asgard alongside the new king. You and he spent all the Sundays with Thor to cheer him up and take care of his mental health. You helped Steve through every therapy session because you knew how difficult it was for him to try to maintain Sam's legacy like that. You and Loki also babysat Morgan one night a month so Pepper and Tony could go on dates, and even though he pretended to hate babysitting, you knew Loki was crazy about the little girl.
You two lived in the Avengers tower with Natasha to monitor the state of the galaxy in monthly meetings with Denvers, the raccoon, Rhodes and Okoye. Since the three of you lived alone and the last time Nat or Loki entered a kitchen they set the place on fire while trying to cook an egg, you were practically forced to learn how to cook. After five years of practice, you've become quite the cook.
At the moment you were making lasagna because Nat had been tired lately and that was her favourite dish.
''If I hadn't learned, the three of us would have starved to death years ago.'' You joked. So-so.
''Despite all the difficulties living in this nightmare causes, I feel strangely happy,'' Loki commented.
You both knew it was wrong. Billions of people had lost their families and friends, including you and Loki. But the two of you couldn't help but enjoy the chaotic routine you had built up together. He was far better company than you could ever dream of.
''After you're done with dinner, we could binge-watch Modern Family,'' he suggested.
''Loki we binge-watched Modern Family six times!'' You complained.
After putting the lasagna in the oven, you turned to face your friend, only to realize he was closer than you thought.
In the last few years that he's been by your side, you can get to know the real Loki. Not the man you've spent the last few years seeing as someone deserving only hatred or pity. He had changed a lot after the Snap, and you finally got to see what a caring, smart, funny, gentlemanly and occasionally kind man he was. And well, up close, you couldn't deny how handsome he was. His eyes looked at you adoringly and suddenly the air was very hot and the atmosphere had changed. He lowered his eyes to your lips and…
God, he was going to kiss you.
The man who has spent his entire life avoiding and infuriating you would kiss you and your stomach couldn't be more full of butterflies. Your heart was beating wildly in anticipation and you'd never wanted anything as badly as you wanted to feel his lips against yours.
But just as he was about to finally close the tortuous distance between you both, Natasha called you into the room to see to some business urgently. You and Loki reluctantly obey the redhead only to find her and Steve looking at the security camera footage. The shock was written on both of their faces and as you and Loki looked at the footage, you too were shocked as well.
Scott Lang was alive?!?!
Apparently, Wanda was wrong about the state of Westview's population. They were definitely not doing well in suburban life designed to be perfect. He hated to admit it, but Wanda needed to set them free, there was nothing Loki could do.
You wouldn't want any of this if you were alive.
He was also right about everything ending in chaos. You had woken up and gone to the square looking for him and despite wanting desperately to take you in his arms and assure you that everything was going to be okay, he was tired of lying to you. Agatha Harkness fought against the Scarlet Witch (Apparently the legend was very real and he felt stupid for not realizing the truth about Wanda Maximoff before) and Agatha was defeated.
Wanda took Loki's hand and pulled him away from his and Wanda's family so they could have some privacy.
''I-I'm sorry.'' The most powerful woman in the universe looked so small and vulnerable in front of him. Loki would never know what came over him, but he let her cry into his chest as he stroked her back.
''I'm also... sorry, Maximoff.''
Wanda and Loki weren't friends and probably never would be. But they carried the pain of a difficult past and having lost their lovers and with it their prospects for happiness in the future. He hated to admit it, but he would always feel a deep connection with Wanda and he knew she felt the same.
Wanda went to her house to enjoy her last moments with her family and Loki did the same. Astrid was sitting on his shoulders and you were holding his hand the whole way home. When he looked at you, you gave him a sad and reassuring smile at the same time and every time you did he could feel his eyes burning, his body desperate to curl up in the fetal position and cry.
You arrived home and while you sang an Asgardian lullaby to Astrid, who was hugging Argos, the little girl was falling asleep with her face buried in her father's chest. She might be young, but she could feel that this would be the end, but she needed to enjoy the last moments with her family the same way every other moment was spent: With a smile on her face.
You four deserved this.
When she and Argos were finally asleep, Loki settled her on the bed and kissed her on the cheek. He pretended not to notice the tear left on his daughter's face right after you kissed her.
You two went to your room and lay down on the bed so you could cuddle and simply feel the warmth of each other's bodies. So that the hearts of two lovers would beat in the same rhythm. You stayed that way for three minutes, three hours or three years; Loki could never tell. But then you cupped his face and kissed him. You kissed him with all the pure love you felt for him. It was a kiss so painfully sweet he wanted to cry for the twentieth time that day. You rested your head on his chest so his heartbeat lulled you to sleep. When Loki realized you were unconscious, he wanted to sleep too. All he wanted was to spend the rest of his life in your arms, in that bed. But he did not allow himself to fall asleep.
Loki knew you wouldn't be there when he woke up.
You thought you were used to the pain of losing people you loved. That your heart was already so broken that if someone else important to you died, it wouldn't hurt so much anymore.
When Barton came back alone and with that look in his eyes like he'd just seen his whole world destroyed, you knew Natasha was gone.
You cried for hours, shedding so many tears you could almost feel your body drying out. Natasha had suffered so much in her life and yet she knew how to be kind and give her all to help others. She always supported you and managed to comfort you when no one noticed you were not okay in the first place. One of the strongest and most wonderful women in the world had died as she had lived: Doing the impossible and beyond to save people who didn't even care about her.
And that's why all of you were here. On the battlefield in the most epic fight you've ever been on a mission to destroy Thanos and his army. Natasha had sacrificed her own life so that you all could save the world and none of you could let her die in vain.
That's how you ended up the same way you did five years ago. Kneeling at Thanos' feet as he won, as it was always meant to be.
''I am Inevitable'' He smiled sickly as he felt total victory as he snapped his fingers to finally get rid of humanity forever. Some things were just… Meant to be. Like Thanos' success in his mission. The universe was always in his favour for him to be succeeded.
But not today.
Excruciating physical pain shot through your body as you felt your right arm burn from the overwhelming amount of power coursing through your veins from the stones in your hand. You definitely wouldn't survive this.
But you had decided a long time ago that you didn't deserve to live.
''And I… Am…,'' You were making a superhuman effort to speak, but you ignored the pain and finished uttering your last words. It was time to finally find your way to Valhalla and find your parents. Aunt Frigga. Heimdall. Your Asgardian people.
''... The Goddess of Fidelity''. You snapped your fingers and then everything went dark.
Thor knew he had no right to interfere, but he couldn't help but rage as he saw the looks of scorn and disgust directed at his brother and Wanda Maximoff that the residents of Westview and the S.W.O.R.D agents were sending their way. Of course, the two were wrong to enslave an entire city, but they had just lost everything. Why couldn't people understand that by willingly destroying the barrier, Loki and Wanda had given up their last chance to be happy? Why couldn't they stop feeling sorry for themselves for a second to try and reflect that those two were grieving and desperately trying to deal with this horrible feeling that no one deserved to go through?
They were all so arrogant. As if they wouldn't use Wanda's powers to bring loved ones back if they had the opportunity.
But the God of Thunder swallowed his anger and went after Loki.
He was so busy with his own grief over losing his dearest friend that he completely forgot that he wasn't the only one grieving. Now Loki was even more broken than before and there was nothing Thor could do but try to comfort him.
While you were alive, you fought tirelessly for him and Loki to have a true brotherly relationship by loving each other unconditionally. And damn him if he let anything you've fought for in your life go to waste.
Thor found Loki sitting on a bench in a small square near Westview. He was admiring the setting sun with an unreadable expression on his face.
''There's nothing I can do, brother. Nothing in this world can bring her back. I… I just want you to know that I understand your pain and that I will be here with you for as long as it takes if it helps you feel better.'' Thor finally spoke after sitting down beside his brother and staying in silence for several minutes. He never needed to comfort people who were grieving before. Despite knowing it wasn't enough, the blond God was trying his best.
And Loki knew it.
He knew that Thor meant every word and that he would indeed be sitting beside him in silence, watching the sunset for the rest of eternity if that would make Loki feel any better. When he looked away from the west into Thor's baby blue eyes, Loki began to cry.
The Loki of a few decades ago would rather die than allow himself to be in such a vulnerable position in front of Thor. But this Loki could only feel gratitude for having a brother who loved him till the moon and back and would help him deal with his pain and his hysterical crying without the slightest bit of judgment. That he would let Loki stay in his embrace forever while trying to ease his pain, even if Thor himself was miserable.
He still hadn't made up his mind if he regretted going after Wanda the instant he heard about Westview. If he regretted asking for a happy life with Y/n to the redhead who accepted the proposal immediately because she understood Loki's pain and because you had been very sweet to her when you rescued her in Sokovia and she never had a chance to thank you or become your friend.
The only thing Loki was sure of was that his heart would never heal and that his biggest regret was spending more than a millennium being hopelessly in love with you and never telling you.
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teddypines · 6 months
Picture day, Cat One-shot
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Third person pov.
It was a quiet afternoon in the compound. Cat was asleep on one of the chairs in the common room. She was just a purrfect little loaf of cat. 
As Cat was sleeping, Clint tried to sneak up to the cat. He has been trying to get a good picture of her for weeks. But every time he came close to getting one, Cat moved away. It was like Cat didn't want her picture taken.
Clint slowly walked to the chair, and the camera was ready to take the picture. He moved closer and closer to Cat. It looked like he would finally get the picture he wanted. 
"Finally a good picture of our precious fur ball," Clint thought to himself as he was ready to take that picture.
Just as Clint was pressing the button, Thor walked into the common room. Loudly announcing his presence. This scared the poor Cat, who ran away. Leaving Clint with a blurred photograph of the precious cat.
"Damn it, Thor! You ruined my picture of Cat." Clint said as he turned to him. Thor just looked at Clint and said, "Sorry.". Thor then walked to the kitchen in search of Poptarts. Clint sighed and left the common room.
On his way out, Clint started thinking of a new plan to get a picture of Cat. 
Cat was hiding in the lab. She didn't want her picture taking. The camera always scared her. She doesn't know why, but it scared her so much. Cat knows that i would make Clint happy if he got her picture. She was just too scared to let him take it.
Tony looked up from his work as he saw the cat walking in. "Hey there, Cupcake." he greeted her. Cat answered him with a sad meow and walked over to Tony. "What's wrong, Cupcake?" Tony asked. "You know she can't answer that question, right?" Bruce responded.
"Just let me talk to the cat, Bruce! I also know for a fact that you talk to her too." Tony answered back. Bruce sighed and rolled his eyes in defeat and went back to his work. 
Tony tried talking to Cat, but that obviously didn’t work, so he asked FRIDAY to get Loki or Wanda to come to the lab. After about 5 minutes, both Wanda and Loki walked in.
"What do you want, Stark?" Loki asked. "Good to see you too Reindeergames. I need one of you to translate for me." Tony said to them. He picked Cat up and placed he on the workbench. "Alright, Cupcake, why are you sad?" He questions Cat. Cat meowed in response, but before Wanda could translate. Clint ran into the lab.
"Guy's, have you seen Cat?? I have been looking for her, but I can't find her anywhere." 
"Yeah, she's right here. She was just about to tell us something." Wanda said. "Alright, go on. I'll wait." Wanda turned back to Cat, and Cat repeated what she said earlier. "Cat said that Clint wants to take a picture of her, and she wants to make Clint happy but is too scared of the camera to let him take a picture." Wanda told everyone. 
Everyone was quiet for a bit before loki said, "Wel Clint, why do you want a picture of Cat?" Loki asked. "So I can show Cat to the kids when I get home." He answered. 
"You can just bring them to the compound if you want them to see Cat."  Bruce commented from across the room. Clint looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. Everyone else just laughed at Bruce's comment. 
"We could always ask a professional to take her picture." Tony suggested. He looked at Cat to see what she thought of the idea, Cat meowed a few times and looked happy. Loki translated this time, telling everyone that Cat was willing to try it. Tony immediately booked an appointment with a professional animal photographer. 
  《 time skip. 2 days into the future 》
Today, the professional photographer came to the compound. Everything seemed to be going well until Cat came running from outside scared and trying to hide behind Bucky. 
Bucky was trying to comfort Cat when Terry, the photographer, came inside. "Is Cat here? She ran away when the automatic flash light went off." 
"It's alright doll the camera won't hurt you." Bucky tried to get Cat out of hiding. Cat looked from behind Bucky at the camera. She meowed at it and Terry. "She will only come out if the flash monster stays away." Loki told Terry.  "Oh, yeah, I can turn the automatic flash off. That should make her less afraid " 
"Wait, you can turn the flashlight off?!" Cint asked, confused. "Yeah, you didn't know that?" Terry sat even more confused. "No. No, I did not know that." Clint admitted. "So I spent a lot of money on this just to learn that you had to turn off the flashlight!" Tony said, a bit irritated. "Sorry Tony, I didn't know." 
After that, the photoshoot went really well, Terry made a lot of cute photos, and Tony, of course, purchased every single one of them. So everyone in the compound could see the cute cat. 
At the end of the day, Cat was lying on Clint's lap. She meowed at him and looked happy. She wasn't afraid anymore, and Clint finally got the picture he wanted. Both happy and tired, they fell asleep on the couch. 
A/N: Hi, thanks for reading my story. :) This is my first story, and im kind of new to this, so feedback is welcome. Just don't be too harsh. 
If the characters are off character, i'm sorry about that. Also, English is not my first language, so mind the grammar errors. The story is on wattpad too, but not as clean.
Art/picture is from Google, credits go to whoever made it.
Okay, that was it, bye.
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Old Scars, New Blood 4
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she’ll never be wanted, not only by the man she’s crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: Still sick but going to have to work.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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With meal prep complete, you return to Lloyd’s office to find it empty. The remnants of his earlier spill remain speckled over the desk and floor. You clean it up, leaving a lemony fresh scent in your stead. While you’re at it, you tidy up the bookshelves.
You hesitate on your way to the door. You glance over your shoulder as something tickles in your head. You still don’t get why Lloyd didn’t tell you about Valhalla. For months, he hid that from you. You think about that day in the car and being left on the side of the road. Maybe he’s been planning to cut ties with you for a while.
You stare at the large iMac. It would be wrong to snoop. Even if it isn’t his redeeming quality, you’ve always been honest with Lloyd. You’re just confused. He’s never anything less than straightforward so if he’s going to fire you, why hasn’t he just pulled the trigger?
Maybe… you know too much. That sends a shiver through you. It may actually end with shots fired.
“There she is,” Lloyd interrupts your inner turmoil and you whip around to face him. He’s freshly showered and styled. You can smell the specialty oil he puts in his mustache, “the fuck are you doing in here?”
“Cleaning,” you reply quickly.
“Looks pretty fucking spotless,” he tosses keys at you and you flinch, catching them against your chest, “I need a ride.”
“Um, I can get Jackie–”
“He drives like an old man,” he retorts, spinning on his heel as he snaps his fingers, “chop, chop, kid.”
You swallow your agitation. Usually, you’re better at it. Today you just find him grating. Maybe you’re just a bit sore about him leaving you on the highway. Well, get over it, he’s not apologising.
You follow him with the keys in your hand. He’s several paces ahead of you as you scurry to keep up. His stride is tense as he opens and closes his fists.
As you come outside, you hear a whistle. Lloyd peers over and scuffs to halt as he faces Thor. The large blond bounds over, a shirt with only one button done up displaying most of his chest. He looks over Lloyd’s shoulder and his cheek dimples.
“Running away?”
“Business,” Lloyd says flatly, “I’ll be back.”
“What about my business?” Thor challenges. Lloyd doesn’t respond. “Relax,” he slaps Lloyd’s arm, “I’m ragging on you. Tonight, we will share some of your scotch, eh? Get you nice and loose.”
“Mm,” Lloyd grumbles, “we’ll see.”
“The little one prefers wine, I think,” Thor points over Lloyd’s shoulder, “oh, and she has quite the sweet tooth, eh? You must know that.”
“Whatever. She’s the assistant. Her job is to worry about what I like,” Lloyd sneers, “don’t wait up.”
He turns back towards the car and you send an apologetic smile past him. Thor smirks and winks, flicking his tongue out lasciviously. You blanch and swiftly follow Lloyd.
You still don’t believe what he said in the kitchen. Not only that he said it but that he meant it. You’re certain it’s all just a part of this pissing match between the men. Thor keeps stepping onto Lloyd’s territory, he’ll keep going till he gets bit. You don’t how much longer Lloyd can hold out.
Lloyd’s in the passenger’s seat of the SUV before you even get to the door. You open it and swing yourself in. You hate how big all these vehicles are. You shove the keys in the slot and turn the engine. You shift in the seat and slide your phone out of your pocket, placing it in the cup holder.
You check the time then the mirrors. It’s not unusual for Lloyd to head out later in the day but you didn’t have anything on the agenda. You know better than to ask questions. That’s what he liked about you, if he likes anything about you.
“Would you just fucking drive?” Lloyd growls.
You wince and shift into gear. You look behind you then ahead of you. Thor watches you as you ease into reverse. Or maybe he’s watching Lloyd…
You roll the wheel and turn towards the gate. Lloyd takes out his phone and slumps in the seat as he scrolls and taps. You steer through the gate and pull out onto the road. You don’t even know if you should ask where to go.
“Head northeast,” he says.
Right. You take his direction and turn onto the ramp onto the highway. He grumbles at his phone but says nothing else until you have to get into the exit lane. What is he up to?
You head into the city and he directs you through the main row where much of the nightlife thrives. You’ve been there many times before. He isn’t shy about his nocturnal activities. He commands you past his typical spot.
When he points you into the lot behind a Hilton, you frown. Is he that desperate to get away from Thor? You don’t say a word as you idle by the back wall.
“Right,” he doesn’t look up from his phone as he undoes his seat belt, “I’ll be a while.”
You look over at him confused. What does he mean?
“I’m sure you can keep yourself entertained,” he pokes his tongue out as he smirks at his phone. You catch the glimpse of a chat, a picture sent of a woman in a thong. You cringe and grip the wheel.
“I’ll just go back to the compound–”
“You’ll stay the fuck here,” he tears his eyes from the cell and jabs his finger at you, “you need to remember who the fuck you work for, kid.”
You say nothing as he opens the door and drops out of the SUV. You know this side of Lloyd. His ego is bruised. It happens after rough missions or when an agent gets mouthy. It’s worse now since he can’t do much about his problem. 
He slams the door behind him and you watch him march towards the entrance. You sigh and roll down the windows before you shut off the engine. There’s no use in wasting gas for who knows how long. You’re certain if you get bored, you’ll have enough time to get a coffee down the block.
You grab your phone and shuffle through several apps. You can’t focus on any of the time-eating games you keep for when you’re restless. You have nothing else to distract you. Your sister hasn’t answered the text you sent her a week ago and Lloyd is busy.
You open up your downloaded series and turn on the same show you’ve seen a dozen times before. Still, you’re not paying attention. You don’t think Lloyd is here for business. It really shouldn’t matter to you but it feels extra humiliating to have to wait outside while he does…whatever.
You turn off the show and let the car go silent. You adjust the seat to recline and close your eyes. You’re exhausted. All the chaos has got the best of you. 
Your phone vibes before you can get cozy. It’s Lloyd. You tap the preview so it expands.
‘Need lube. Ten minutes.’
You scoff. Is he serious? Your heart shrivels up as your stomach turns. He’s punishing you. Not because you did anything but because he can’t punish Thor. You’re so so tired.
You grip the wheel and stare at the phone. You wonder if he knows? Is this why he’s doing this? All these years, talking about his escapades, you just assumed it was his usual crassness. He talks like that with everyone. If he’s not boasting about killing, it’s fucking.
Either way, he knows what he’s doing. This is low. You are low.
You open up maps and search for a shop nearby. You fix the seat and pull out, driving numbly as you follow the automated voice directing you through the street. You park without paying attention and get out, nearly stumbling from the height of the SUV’s lift.
You stroll inside the shop with its blackened windows and enter with your head down. Your eyes scan furtively as you search for your goal. The task is made more difficult as the flesh toned silicon and shameless displays set you on fire.
“Hello, hon, can I help you find something?” The man behind the counter asks.
“Er,” you cross your arms, “lube.”
“Alrighty, are we looking for flavoured? Water-based? Oil?”
You blanch as he rounds the counter and strides towards a rack. You shrug and trail after him. You see a black bottle with cherries on it.
“That’s fine,” you pluck one off the shelf and quickly retreat to the counter. “Credit.”
You bring up your card on your phone and tap. The man behind the counter tries to break the tension but you’re not listening. You shove the receipt in your pocket and swipe up the bottle and leave.
Back in the truck, you have to hold back from screaming. What are you doing? You don’t need this shit. Why do you keep bending over backwards for Lloyd when you don’t have a chance? Why have you wasted a decade hoping for nothing?
Because, you don’t have any other options.
You turn the car on and roll out of the lot. You make your way back to the hotel in a haze. You check your phone. He sent the room number and nothing else. You walk into the hotel, ignoring the front desk clerk, and wait for the elevator. You step onto it and watch the doors shut.
You get off and follow the signs to the exact door plaque. You knock with your knuckles, your hand fisted around the bottle. You hear giggling. It’s more than one woman. Footsteps approach the other side.
A woman in an open robe opens the door. She has dark wavy hair and smeared lipstick. Lloyd growls in the background as you glimpse his naked ass.
“Hurry up, sugar tits,” he calls, “I’m starting to chafe.”
You shove the bottle at the woman and drop it. You don’t wait to see if she catches it. You spin on your heel and you’re gone. Your eyes fill with hot tears. Tears like acid. Tears of stupidity.
When you get back to the car, you keel over the steering wheel and heave. You don’t hate Lloyd. You hate yourself. You need to cut it out but somehow, you just can’t. He’s the worst person you know and yet, you want him so badly.
As the sky darkens, you get out of the SUV to stretch your legs. You pace around and check the time. You don’t want to get back in the car. Instead, you wander down the street to the coffee kiosk you drove by earlier. You get an Americano and drag your feet back up the pavement.
You stand outside the SUV and sip from the cup. You chew the paper brim anxiously and look at your phone. Another car door opens and closes.
“Candy?” A man approaches.
You look up, the glow of your face making the stranger nothing more than a dark shadow, “not me,” you back up and press your phone to your chest.
“Oh, sorry,” he puts his hands up, “thought you were someone else.”
You shake your head as he turns and wanders off. You’re not entirely sure how he mistook you for a prostitute. That is what he thought, isn’t it? Candy? Sounds pretty tasty.
You get back in the SUV and lock the doors. You put your phone in the cup holder and it flashes. A message. You don’t bother reading it. You tap your fingers on the console and close your eyes, sipping from the warm cup.
A knock on the other window startles you. You turn on the light and see Lloyd peering in. He winks and tugs on the handle. You hit the locks and sit up.
He gets in and lets out a sigh, “ahh, I feel good.”
You don’t say a word as you slip your cup into the empty holder beside your phone. You start the car and press the gas. As you come to the exit, Lloyd yawns and stretches his arm between the seats, gripping yours above your shoulder.
“I’m fucking starving, let’s hit a burger joint,” he says as he rubs his stomach, “you don’t think I would be with how much I ate.”
He cackles and you bite down. You don’t understand it. He repulses you and yet there’s that sharp pang in your chest.
“You see the tits on Kasia? Fucking pert–”
You veer onto the next street and he hits the door with the motion, “hey, be fucking careful.” He shifts in his seat as he touches his crotch, “I’m tender.”
You sniff and pull into the drive through. You stop by the menu, “what do you want?”
“Get me some of that honey chicken and some rings. Extra honey sauce for the rings. Oh, and a sprite.”
“Sure,” you answer as you drive up to the speaker. You recite his order and the fuzzy response tells you to drive up to the window.
“What’s up? You’re not hungry?”
“I’m fine,” you insist.
“Aw, you on another diet,” he taunts, “bone broth?”
“No,” you answer flatly.
“I’m not sharing my rings,” he says.
“I don’t want any,” you insist.
“You’re fucking testy,” he accuses as you pay.
“I’m tired,” you utter and roll up to the pick-up.
“You’re tired? Fuck, my back is aching from all that thrusting.”
“Would you stop?” You snap before you can stop yourself, “I don’t want to hear about your dick anymore.”
He snorts and sits up straight, “excuse me, kid?”
“I don’t care,” you reach over and give a blunt thanks to the drive-thru worker as you take the paper bag. “Why don’t you shut up and eat?"
You shove the bag in his lap then take the cup and move your phone to plant it firmly in the holder. You follow through the lane and back onto the street. The silence is still and stolid around you.
“If you wanted to join in, you just had to say–”
“No,” you snip. You know he’s not serious, he’s teasing you. You’re a joke to him. “No, I don’t want that.” You grip the wheel tight and bite down until your jaw hurts, “I don’t want you.”
He inhales and blows it out heavily through his nose. The bag crinkles as he opens it and reaches inside, unleashing the smell of chicken that makes your stomach rage. You ignore the discomfort and focus on the road.
“Learn to take a fucking joke, kid,” he snickers, “maybe then, you’ll catch a dick or two.”
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justsomerandomfanfic · 8 months
Brilliant - Scott Lang X Female (Daughter) Reader
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Title: Brilliant
Scott Lang X Female (Daughter) Reader
Additional Characters: Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Wanda (Mentioned), Thor, Hope, Cassie (Mentioned), Hank Pym (Mentioned), and Tony Stark
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 2,893
Warnings: Reader has a huge love for ants, ants facts, Tony being Tony, alcohol mentioned, Reader's super smart, Reader's mentioned to be a kid in homeschooled college, slight family angst, brief mention of Reader punching a kid, sarcastic reader, banter, and family fluff
The best word to describe your life was 'chaos.' Chaos was your life. But not for a while, in the beginning, your mother and father; Hope and Scott, said that you were a good baby and toddler. Yes, you cried and threw some tantrums like any other child would, but it wasn't until you were around six that Hope and Scott realized how very similar you were to your grandfather, Hank Pym. It started off small, noticing a few things here and there, but it wasn't until your seventh birthday that they both knew that you were going to be just like Hank.
Looking back, it was a bright, sunny day. It was warm out, not too cold and not too warm; perfect weather for a birthday. Your first-grade friends were playing in the backyard, swinging on your swingset, and some playing tag with each other, but you were nowhere to be found.
Scott had panicked slightly when he checked around the backyard, while also trying to entertain three kids with a magic card trick. His eyes filtered around the backyard, until he spotted you, in the corner, staring at the ground. Scott found it a bit odd, thinking that you were just a bit shy and didn't want to play with your class friends... So he let it slip his mind. 
But, Scott knew something was up once you blew your candles out. 
"Good job, honey! What did you wish for?" Hope, your mother asked, as you just started at the cake before you.
"I want an ant farm."
From then on, it seemed like your ant fascination skyrocketed. It became such a big part of your daily routine that Hope and Scott weren't sure what to do with you anymore. It was literally taking over most of your life as the years went on. You began only wanting things that were related to ants. Posters, books, an actual ant farm, and more. You had even started up a lemonade stand to get money to buy more books about ants. Hope and Scott thought it was cute that you were making lemonade for the people of New York who would occasionally walk by the house; Hope thought that it was a great experience to help you in the future with any jobs you might get. 
However, Hope and Scott began to notice that instead of getting regular kids' books about facts on ants, like 'Ten Fun Facts about Ants,' or ‘Annie and her Friend Ant,' you were going to bookstores, and leaving with 'Ants of North America; A Guide to the Genera,' and 'Identification Guide to the Ant Genera of the World.' Along with you, at the age of six and seven, reading college-level books and novels, you had become mighty close with your grandfather Hank.
You obviously loved spending time with him, since he would tell you about ants and the history and evolution of the world. That didn't stop you from getting lost every single day; that and the fact that you liked to pretend you were an explorer and explore new places, sometimes even in Central Park; hoping you could one day find a new ant species.
At the age of ten, you had become a spitting image, personality-wise, of your grandfather. You were as witty and sarcastic as you were incredibly wise beyond your years. Incredibly wise to the point that Hope and Scott thought it was best to take you out of grade school and set you up with college classes at home, where Hope could teach you. And it was totally not also because you punched a kid in the face after he said that Ant-Man was the worst Avenger. 
Along with your new college schedule at home - where you learn about geology, calculus, quantum mechanics, and so on - you did end up with a lot of free time, which allowed you to go to "work" with your father. Which was where you had met most, if not all, of the Avengers. 
Scott held your hand as you went up and up in the Stark Tower elevator. He let out a big sigh, becoming a bit nervous, as he glanced down at you. "You're going to behave, right?" 
You simply looked up at him, one of your favorite ant books in your free hand. "Of course. Why wouldn't I behave?" You asked, sarcasm lacing your words, before looking back at the book.
"Yeah, well, I just don't want you to bombard them with ant facts," Scott responded, before shaking his head slightly and looking forward again.
"That will be inevitable, Dad," You replied, looking forward as well, "I can't just not speak about the things that I enjoy in life. Ants bring me such joy that is beyond words, and I want everyone to know about my passions."
"Well... I guess just don't go overboard then," The elevator doors began to open, "I do love that you have something that makes you happy but I don't want you to tire them out. We have to make a good impression on them. You know I haven't met some of them yet - out of the battlefield, I mean." Scott spoke, letting out a sigh.
"You have to try and make a good impression. I don't have to try, I'm always going to succeed." You replied, before stepping off the lift and walking towards the common room, with Scott trailing behind you.
As you entered the common room, about seven sets of eyes landed on you. Some in shock, or so on, before they trailed up to see Scott.
"Hey, guys! Uh, this is my daughter. Y/N, say hello!"
"Say hello." You replied with a short roll of your eyes before you walked over to the first nearby person. Offering your hand with great conviction, "My name is Y/N Lang, I prefer Y/N Pym, but please, call me Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you." At your words, Scott felt his heart fall to the pit of his stomach. It was nice that you were indeed so close to your grandfather, but for a long time, Scott had felt a strain on his and your relationship for the longest time. 
The redhead blinked, slightly shocked before shaking your hand with a smile, "Pleasures all mine, Y/N. My name is Natasha, but you may call me Nat."
"That sounds satisfactory. Did you know that there are over twenty-thousand different types of species of ants in the world?" You asked as Natasha dropped your hand, staring up at her expectedly.
Natasha's eyes widened slightly as she shook her head, "No, I didn't know that. But that sounds fascinating."
“Wow,” Bruce spoke up, “She’s just like Pym.”
"It obviously is. Now, if you'll excuse me." You replied before moving along to the next person. Staring up at the man, you offered your hand, "I'm Y/N. But you must have already known that. Since you are around fifty-seven inches away from Ms. Nat. So, I believe that I do not have to repeat myself. Did you know that ants do not have ears?"
Steve gave you a small smile, shaking his head, "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Steve. Uh, and I did not know that. That's very cool."
And so, you went along, speaking to Bruce, then to Wanda, and then to Thor. 
And then he came in.
"Hey! Thumbelina! Didn't know you were visiting." Tony walked in, pausing once his eyes landed on you, "And you brought your kid, that's fun." He spoke, walking over and offering you his hand. "Hey there, kid, I'm Tony. You may know me for my amazing persona as Iron Man. You know, saving the world and all."
You just stared up at him, glancing at his hand with a frown, "You can never trust a Stark."
Letting out a laugh, Tony withdrew his hand, gesturing to you as he looked at Scott. "Well, Lang, your daughter's a smart kid alright."
"Yes, she is. Very smart." Scott chuckled, placing his hands on your shoulders before you swerved out of his grasp, glaring quick daggers at him before you turned your gaze back at Tony. 
"That is correct. I am rather intelligent. But, it is only my grandfather and I that are intelligent." You remarked, giving Tony a slight smirk.
Tony laughed, "You're mighty sure of yourself there, aren't you? I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I have my own millionaire business, created my own suits, and am the lead Avenger. I am rather smart too."
"So you tell me, Mr. Stark. Are you sure you're worthy of that title? As lead Avenger, I mean." You asked sarcastically.
"Of course," Tony answered with no hesitation. "If anyone is deserving of being called leader of anything, it's me."
With a small snort, you folded your arms across your chest, nodding. Setting down your ant book on the coffee table beside you - with that, Scott knew you meant business - staring up at the man. "After all, when I can watch the news when I am not studying, by my previous calculations, you only pull twenty-two percent of your weight in most of your battles in the past seven years. That puts you closer to the bottom than any other Avenger."
"So," Tony retorted quickly, a grin still on his face, "You're what? Nine? How would you be able to make those calculations?"
"I have a photographic memory." You answered, "I've remembered everything I've read and seen ever since I was four."
"Well," Tony began, crossing his arms, "Who would you recommend should be the leader then?"
"Me." You answered, "If not myself, then my grandfather. Since we are incredibly intelligent, and no one's smarter than us. We could easily plan out an entire takedown for whatever crisis hits New York next."
There was silence between you as you waited for the man to respond. Tony then took a breath, "Well, Scott, you have a truly impressive kid here. She has quite a sharp tongue." He paused, looking back down at you. "You do remind me of Pym. Same brains and smarts. Same little attitude." He chuckled lightly, turning towards you. 
For a moment, you just stood in place. "I don't have an attitude, I have knowledge, and that knowledge is based on science, math, and ants." You began, staring up at Tony Stark as your father winced for the oncoming storm, "And about your prior comments about how smart I am. If you think I'm going to spend seven months learning Yale and Harvard level material just so you could tell me how smart I am, then you are sadly mistaken." You retorted, unfolding your arms from over your chest and narrowing your eyes. "I don't need you to tell me I'm smart. I know I am."
"Well," Tony began, a satisfied grin on his face, "Lang, your child is brilliant. I don't really care much for some children, but she's alright." He then gestured to the bar behind him, "Just don't let her near my lab or the drinks. She could cause chaos." He looked back down at you, "It was fun meeting you, kid." And with that, Tony left the room, but not before stopping by the said bar for a quick drink.
"Y/N, I told you to behave... Not- Not challenge Tony." Scott looked down at you as you grabbed your book.
"I think she was amazing." Natasha spoke, her back leaning against the cushions of the couch, "She stood up for herself and put Tony in his place. Maybe even hurt his ego a bit."
"I agree with Nat," Thor said, "Little Lady Y/N handled herself well."
The rest of the Avengers nodded along with their friend. And Scott let out a small sigh, "Well, I have to file some of that paperwork for Fury real quick. Are you guys alright with watching her?"
"Absolutely, Scott." Steve spoke with a grin, "She can tell us all about ants."
With those words said, you grin brightly, looking up at Captain America, "Finally, someone who understands me and lets me talk." 
Scott frowned before watching you speak so openly and animatedly with his coworkers before leaving for work. Scott wanted to be closer to you, but ever since you were six, it felt like there was a strain. A tension. One he couldn't break through with his easygoing personality and easygoing attitude. It was hard to try and get close to you. You seemed so far away, always talking about ants - which he too, liked - or talked about Hank. 
Scott felt like he wasn't important in your life to you. You openly showed your love for your mother, and for Hank, and Cassie. But for Scott, you hardly hugged him, barely acknowledged his presence when he was present, and never smiled at him when he entered the house after coming home from work. For years, he had dreamed of coming home from work and his children running up to him and hugging him. But when Peanut, or Cassie, would run into his arms, you would not. He loved you, and Scott knew that you must have loved him. 
After an hour, Scott found himself back in the elevator, going back up to grab you and head home to make dinner. It had been a long day, and he just wanted to go home. As the elevator doors opened, he thought he'd find you as he left you; animatedly talking about your favorite interests and ants. Though, when the elevator doors opened, he was surprised at how happy you seemed to be. You had all the Avengers in the room - Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Thor - all walking in a line, all holding random objects in their hands as they walked around the large room, following each other… Like ants. You stood on top of the coffee table, commanding the five of them around, similarly how an ant would. 
"Alright, honey, let's get home. I have to make dinner tonight." Scott spoke, walking over to you and helping you jump off the table. “We could watch ‘A Bug’s Life,’ huh?”
"Fine, but I want to come back. I am not done commanding my new ant army." You replied before turning to the five Avengers, "Thank you for playing with me."
As the Avengers began to say their goodbyes to you and your father, you took your book in one hand and his in the other, walking to the elevator. Once in, you dropped your hands from his, making him frown slightly but he shaky grinned down at you as he spoke. "I hope you had fun."
Looking up at him, you gave him a deadpanned look, “It was horrible, Dad. I hated it.” At his shocked look, you scoffed, "Of course, it was fun." You answered, "It was... Nice to have someone play with me."
Scott found himself nodding, "I, uh, I'm sorry I don't spend as much time with you. I wish I could. But I understand that I'm probably not the funniest dad or person to be around."
"It's not that you're not fun, Dad." You spoke, looking up at him, "I just like to spend my time with people who understand ants and in turn, me. Like grandpa."
Scott blinked, "Oh..." He trailed. "You- I- I know I don't take too much time into your interest, but I want to try. For you. I do like ants. It just can be… Tiring to hear so much about ants all the time." He then let out a sigh as the elevator doors opened and the two of you walked out, "I feel like there's some kind of strain between us."
Pausing, you stopped at the large glass doors of the Stark Tower, looking up at your father, you spoke, "I do wish you would listen to me sometimes. Hear my facts, take interest. But, I can understand that for some people, I can be a bit overwhelming with my overflowing facts. So, if I ever go overboard, you can tell me." You spoke, "It won't hurt my feelings if you tell me that I am overwhelming you with information. I can understand. I know that some people, unlike myself and grandpa, can only handle so much about ants. I would like to spend more time with you, Dad. And I do enjoy the time I do get to spend with you, Cassie, and Mom. I truly love you all. But, as I am going to learn how to manage how much I speak about ants in particular, I would like to advise that you take time to better yourself as well." You finished, turning to head out the door.
"Better myself?" Scott spoke, though unable to stop smiling at your words, "What do you suggest I better myself on?" He was finally getting somewhere.
As you stood outside of the tower, looking out at the city and the people around you, you reached up and took your father's hand before speaking, "Your magic tricks, Dad. You've been doing the same four for months. I have already memorized them. You need more material."
Scoot could only laugh, his heart swelling as the two of you walked home, "Brilliant. Okay, yeah, I can do that."
Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
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themoonandtheprincess · 5 months
More Chase/Kaz headcanons
•Kaz is very much into alternative music, albeit more popular bands like Fall Out Boy and Rise Against. Spike is into it too but leaning more metalcore and screamo.
°It freaks Adam the fuck out when he goes down to the lab and finds Spike jamming out to some Ice Nine Kills while training.
°Although Adam and Kaz do find it funny because in "Communion of the Cursed" one of their lyrics is literally "Get on your knees and prove your worth."
°Speaking of Spike, Chase learns to control him a lot better when they're older so he doesn't come out as much anymore, but that leaves the times Spike does come out into full blown tantrums.
°Chase would never admit it out loud but that part of him does need attention too and really only comes out when Spike doesn't feel like he's getting enough.
°Kaz has learned that the only way to get through to Spike is to talk calmly to him and as he would to Chase. Which he just sees Spike as a part of his boyfriend, no different.
•Adam is big into country music but he's not elitist about it. In fact, he would love the "This ain't Texas" Beyoncé song.
•There isn't an Elite Force for long. Mighty Med eventually gets rebuilt and Kaz realizes he can't save the heroes if he's being one.
°It might stem from insecurity about not being sure he can 100 percent control his powers or that he's just more comfortable doing the background work.
°Either way, it's all a group decision to split the Elite Force, although Skylar with join Bree on missions sometimes.
°Kaz would be lying if he didn't admit he missed being a part of a team, but being part of Mighty Med soon became a team to him and even a family.
•Somehow, I'm not sure how, they are connected to the Henry Danger universe.
•Kaz "proposed" to Chase with a RingPop like all cringe babygays.
•Their actual wedding had A-list superheroes and company owners, much to Chase chagrin who wanted a small wedding.
•But Kaz made it up to him by flying him across the city and to the Bionic Island.
°Which, it was the thought that counts because Chase is terrified of heights.
•So I don't know if this is obvious, buy the Davenport kids aren't robots. They're humans just with bionic abilities. So I'm guessing in the way I'm seeing things their chips are sorta like a prosthetic if that make sense. I don't know. Feel free to correct me.
°If we're going by that sense of logic, then having bionic chips for super speed or what have you would become more common in the future, albeit for rich people.
°It definitely would make Chase insecure that there are more bionic people but also feel more welcomed into the world then standing on the outside. As for Adam and Bree too.
°But these newer bionics have upgraded systems and overall better functioning for them. They don't glitch as often, rarely with this new tech rolling out, and it embrasses all three of them when they glitch in public because of how old their chips are getting.
°Speaking of glitching, although Kaz isn't an engineer, anytime any one of the glitches he will take them back to the mansion to help Davenport and combine engineering with his medical knowledge. And as they get older it only gets worse.
°Once on a mission, all three of them simultaneously glitched and Kaz could hear it on his radio to them. He immediately called an ambulance to Mighty Med. Although Skylar yelled at him for not just flying over there.
•Kaz is CONVINCED Tony Stark once came in for his reactor messing up.
•When they're in their early 20's, Kaz shoots up taller than Chase to around Adam's height but he likes to joke he's secretly Elastic-Man and be any height he wants.
•Kaz refuses to take a side on the DC/Marvel debate although he will talk for HOURS about how the MCU is deteriorating.
•Skylar and Bree have some pretty sick cosplays of Vision and Wanda though while Kaz goes as Captain America and Chase goes as Bucky Barnes.
°Leo goes as Loki and tries to convince Adam to go as Thor but he goes as Groot instead. And of course, Donald goes a millionaire Playboy Tony Stark.
•Kaz is, of course, everyone's personal heater but he can not stand any of the eighty blankets Chase keeps around him to sleep.
°So they made a deal, only, like, two blankets but to keep them on Chase's side, that way Kaz can still be his personal heater.
•Kaz hates summer but he loves the pool... just not what it does to his powers. (Not to mention it takes an hour or two to come back.)
•Once, to piss Kaz off on his birthday, Chase individually wrapped each page of a comic book.
°But it was better than the time he used actual comic book pages as wrapping paper.
•Chase and Adam have autism while Kaz has ADHD.
•All three of the Davenkids can NOT sleep in darkness. Probably because they grew up sleeping in capsule, but neither can Kaz or Skylar. Kaz because obviously his powers are fire ability and it would scare him shitless if he woke up randomly in the middle of the night and couldn't summon a flame. And Skylar because it's just how she grew up on her planet.
°Chase figured out a way he wouldn't need to sleep in his capsule anymore but still sometimes does one for familiarity, two for when he's mad at Kaz.
•Also, all Davenkids have done animal therapy at least once (including Leo) and actually got it integrated into Mighty Med. That's how most of the superheroes ended up with their animal sidekicks.
•As he gets older Kaz accepts he's not going to be on the frontlines as a superhero but begins to get comfortable with that as he becomes more concerned with being a doctor.
•Kaz sometimes gets full on Will Solace from Percy Jackson mode. "Doctor's orders" and literally having to drag Chase away from his projects to go to sleep.
Let me know if you guys want more of these!
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loki-who-remains · 11 months
My grumpy ass has seen too much attack on Sylvie after ep4 despite having proper filtering and blocked blogs and decided to write this instead of studying for my exams. I’m sorry to probably disappoint, though: I am not solely a sylki or a lokius shipper. Both exist for me and make sense to me without excluding each other.
I think one thing people kinda forget when they aggressively discard Loki’s factual, canonical relationship with either Mobius or Sylvie is that complex characters tend to have complex relationships. You can be friends with more than one person and/or you can be in love with more than one. Also, the intensity of a connection can be different depending on how long/deep people happen to know each other. It doesn’t automatically mean that one connection is more valuable than the other. Everything matters, everything affects and shapes a person’s growth.
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Loki clearly fell in love with Sylvie, or more like with an expectation or an impression of her. It happened too fast, and he had no time to process if he can trust her, or what it is she wants, or is it even mutual. He just decided that he deeply cares for her and hence is devoted to her. She was a bit more perceptive and used it to her advantage. Mortal humans fall in love all the time just like him. It happens earlier or later in life, or never to some.
Sylvie and Loki are variants of the same person. Sylvie feels like a Loki from the first Thor, desperate and lonely and angry. He probably falls for her because he recognises this similarity but he doesn’t take into account that he himself already changed. But well, symbolically he learns to respect and accept himself, his past and present selves, his wrong doings, learns to analyse and grow from there into something new.
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And where Sylvie rejects him, Mobius accepts him. With Mobius he learns to respect and care for others. His partnership with Mobius goes from the good old back-stabbing through betrayal and hurting each other to a deeper connection. They share thoughts and learn to understand each other’s motivations. Loki is humbled by the fact that infinity stones are paper weights but even more by the fact that he himself is essentially just a little dude who wants to have friends, to have fun and do something meaningful. His past doesn’t define him or lock him out of any other probable futures.
He learns to be a friend. It is first of all a friendship, and as it deepens they love and care for each other even more. Maybe it’s something that never worked out with Thor, to be equal and to be seen.
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In season 2 Loki reevaluates his own priorities. Sylvie still matters to him but he lifts his expectations and just lets her be, tries to understand her and love her as she is. To love this way, without asking anything back, is actually a very powerful thing. It changes you. He probably sees her better now and understands too.
He puts more significance into his reciprocated connections, he learns to combine self-love with the love for others. It might be my specific perception, but I don’t think that platonic love is somehow worse or better than romantic love. They don’t cancel each other. We learn from a small age that love is this and that, and it always ends with kisses, kids and weddings, but in fact it’s not. I’m not saying that dreaming about this kind of love is wrong. I’m saying that it’s not the only possible option. If Mobius and Loki are never engaged in physical intimacy it doesn’t render their unique connection meaningless or less valuable. It is still clearly love, there’s still devotion.
What’s more, both Sylvie and Mobius understand how important it is for Loki to have that connection with the other. They don’t communicate directly that much though, and it’s really a shame.
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That’s how Sylvie lashes out on Mobius and he is puzzled and upset by it. Probably she knows about his life, so she points out that protecting the timelines is not personal enough for him. She’s right though; maybe not so much about Mobius but about the TVA on the whole. Btw Loki is being part of it right now and he behaves the same way as Mobius. It’s just that Mobius is the one who is used to light things up. The moment isn’t right though, and he doesn’t read the room.
But the thing is, because it’s not personal, he’s able to stay afloat, be there in the moment and not be distracted by something out there. Mobius is aware that he might be weakened by what he sees and doesn’t want to risk the entire operation because of that. (Maybe he’s wrong and if Sylvie shows him his life he’ll be able to stay put like B-15, but again, he doesn’t want to risk)
I think that both connections being equally meaningful to Loki will make his further choices difficult and the consequences heavy. Mobius’s and Sylvie’s, and Loki’s lives could depend on that. Just imagine if he’s made to choose between them, to sacrifice one for the other. Or to experience all this love, remember all of it and look at them and see they don’t recognise him anymore on any timeline. Or have to choose to never be in their lives to save them both or hide them both from Kang.
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