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#this is us#thisisus#thisisusedit#this is us edit#tv#tvedit#kevin pearson#randall pearson#justin hartley#sterling brown#gifs
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#JonHuertas #JavierEsposito #Espo #Castle #MiguelRivas #ThisIsUs #UnitedStatesAirForce #GenerationKill #SabrinatheTeenageWitch #actor #portrait #pencildrawing
Full vid: https://youtu.be/Q9H7Kg-io3E Shorts: https://youtu.be/kWpKZixlJZM
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milo ventimiglia and his new girlfriend jarah mariano at the italian event Rome June 4th 2023.

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how well we will be remembered?
there will come a time that we are more gone than we are more present.
yet in this big canvas called life, we are sure to leave a stroke of beauty - the mark of our existence.
the rest is to ponder, how well we will be remembered?
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Must-Watch Series for Breast Cancer Survivors
Re-visiting The Big C After I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2023 I made a list of documentaries, movies, and series to watch that might give me comfort, insight, and inspiration as I went through the journey, along with all the medical reading that was recommended for my particular diagnosis. It’s in my nature to research, understand, and plan my way out of things myself. But…
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can this be us ...
*Is hold*
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Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Inspiring Journey
Chrissy Metz's journey isn't just about losing weight—it's about gaining confidence, embracing self-love, and conquering challenges. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and holistic well-being. Whether you’re on your own path to wellness or simply seeking motivation, Chrissy's experience reminds us all that true transformation goes beyond the scale.
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Today Live! I’ve chased Cathy Moriarty for years. Years! We’ve been Facebook friends, exchanging Likes and comments and messages, and the other day, a phone call, and yet, somehow, she already feels like an old friend. Perhaps because we’re both Bronx girls? Maybe it’s a false sense of knowing from her work? All I know is I can’t wait to sit down and chat face-to-virtual face. I’ve loved that gorgeous punim since Raging Bull and continued loving in Neighbors, Soapdish, Kindergarten Cop, The Mambo Kings, Tales From the Crypt, for which she earned a Cable Ace Award for Best Actress in Dramatic Series. Cathy went on to co-star with John Goodman in Matinee, starred opposite Debra Winger and Billy Crystal in Forget Paris, starred in Casper with Bill Pullman and Eric Idle, and opposite Andrew Dice Clay in the CBS series, Bless This House, there was Digging to China, Cop Land, Hugo Pool, Gloria, Analyze That, and multiple appearances on Law & Order: Special Victim’s Unit, as well as appearing in I’m Dying Up Here, and This is Us and that’s just scratching he surface!
Plus, I just found out Cathy owns Mulberry Street Pizza, our go-to pie. Thus, my current diet! Best in LA!
I’m so excited to chat with Cathy!
Cathy Moriarty on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
Wednesday, 8/7/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET
Streaming Live on my Facebook
WednesDaily by Toni Vincent & @peter_and_paul_ Cartoons
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I'm watching This Is Us 6x13 "Day of the Wedding"
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NEW BLOGPOST!!! ooooooiiii! here is part two of my ‚Faves & Discoveries 2023‘, focusing on the best films and series I watched in the past year. spoiler alert: it involves a lot of celebrity crushes and crying. find the blogpost here: https://bit.ly/3vxoc5o
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@anxietyproblem @funnyordie @worldheritagepostorganization @equipebrasil @rollingstone
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Remembering Ron Cephas Jones – ‘This Is Us’ Pays Tribute
Read more:👇
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Ron Cephas Jones "This is US" Start is dead at 66 years
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Kendime yeni bir “Bizimkiler” dizisi buldum

“What if we’re all in the painting… everywhere? And what if we’re in the painting before we’re born? What if we’re in it after we die? And these colors that we keep adding, they just keep getting added on top of one another, ’til eventually we’re not even different colors anymore. We’re just… one thing. One painting. My dad, he’s not with us anymore. He’s not alive… but he’s with us. He’s with me every day. It all just sort of fits somehow, even if you don’t understand how yet. People will die in our lives – – people that we love. In the future. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now. I mean, it’s kind of beautiful, right, if you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can’t see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn’t mean they’re not still in the painting. I think maybe that’s the point of the whole thing. There’s no dying. There’s no ‘You’ or ‘Me’ or ‘Them.’ It’s just ‘Us.’ And this sloppy, wild, colorful, magical thing that has no beginning, has no end, it’s right here. I think it’s us.”
Yazmak ve önermek için geç kalmış olabilirim; ancak etrafımda hâlâ bu diziden habersiz olanlar görüyorum, üzülüyorum. Oysa ülkemizin güzide kanallarından FOX TV bile Türkçe’ye ve Türkiye’ye adapte etti, izleyicilerle buluşturdu. Nasıl oldu bilemiyorum, tanıtımlarını gördüğümde epey burun kıvırdım ama önyargılı olmamak lazım. Sonuçta benim burun kıvırışım kitabını okuduğum bir hikayenin senaryolaşıp sinemaya uyarlanması için de verdiğim olağan bir tepki. Kıllık yapmak bedava olunca böyle oluyor.
Efenim söz konusu dizi; This is Us. 2016 yılında NBC’de başladığı yayın hayatına pıtı pıtı devam ediyor kendisi. Şu aralar 4. sezonu bitti bitecek. Başrollerde geçmişin küçük yılıdızlarından Mandy Moore, Gillmore Girls’te Rory’nin serseri aşkını canlandırıp hepimize bir iç çektiren (hepimize çektirmiştir herhalde, di’ mi?) Milo Ventimiglia, Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz ve Justin Hartley var. Şahsen ben uzun zamandır böyle tatlı, böyle gerçek bir şey -şey diyorum çünkü film ya da dizi ayırt etmeksizin böyle- izlememiştim. Pek de anlatasım yok aslında; zira ben hikâyeyi hiç ama hiç okumadan diziyi izlemeye başlamıştım, haliyle karşıma çıkan, beni sanırım bu yüzden biraz daha fazla büyüledi. Ancak diyebilirim ki tam bir aile hikâyesi. Ve hepimizin öğreneceği o kadar çok şey var ki… Meselâ dizinin en sevilen karakterlerinden Jack’in bir yandan muhteşem hatta gerçek olamayacak kadar mükemmel bir insan olduğunu izlerken, aslında onun da zaafları, hataları olduğunu görebiliyoruz. Ya da aynı evde, aynı anne ve baba tarafından büyütülen üç kardeşin birbirinden ne kadar farklı olabildiğini, aralarındaki çekişmeleri, çocukluk travmalarını büyüdüklerinde hâlâ nasıl yanlarında taşıdıklarını… Bana hayat, yaşamak, aile olmak, dost olmak ile ilgili o kadar çok şey gösteriyor ki… Bu yüzden de anne-baba olan, daha doğrusu aile olan ve olmayı düşünen herkesin izlemesi gerek gibi geliyor. Her bölümde insan ayrı bir detay, ayrı bir incelik görüp alıp verdiği nefese daha çok kıymet veriyor, etrafına daha bir farklı bakıyor. İlk iki bölüm biraz yavaş gelebilir, ama biraz sabrederseniz Pearson Ailesi’ne konuk olup Big Three ile tanışabilirsiniz. Ve bence bundan kesinlikle pişman olmayacaksınız. Şuraya diziden birkaç tane tatlı laf koyalım da romantizme azıcık doyalım:
“I don’t need anniversaries to see you. I see you every day. You are my daily meteor shower.”

“You know when I was a little boy I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Adults always ask little kids that. I never had a good answer. Not until I was 28. Until the day that I met you. That’s when I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be the man that made you happy.”

(23 Kasım 2019)
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