#This year 💪
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imma-bunni · 5 months ago
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Bunnies on rooftops 2.0 ♡♡ This is a redraw of the very first Untamed fanart I ever drew! ♡♡♡
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missinglaterals · 2 years ago
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🐻 butch bear (she/him) 🐻
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turtletoads · 2 months ago
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heyyyy *leans on old halo art i never posted*
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appleciderjulie · 4 days ago
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a creature feature. featuring. the creature.
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ref pic (from insertdisc5’s bsky)
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soy-s4uce · 7 months ago
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“I’m not him.”
“..I know.”
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thebeefsteaktomato · 9 months ago
After 8 months (and a lot of procrastination) I finally finished this billy animation!!
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classy-thief · 1 year ago
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🌺 a lil something to help me get over my art block
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kokodrawings · 1 year ago
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Artober day 1: Kurama's Jinchurikis
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insufferablemod · 11 months ago
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first fanart redraw for 4/13
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800db-cloud · 3 months ago
Do you have any headcanon on Polite Spy?
(your art are amazing btw, I love the shape and coloring, really funky)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! i actually got a few requests to see my Polite, so I wanted to dish him out as soon as i could >:)
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dozens of posts about ryuunosuke having ptsd about the cupboard and kazuma's outline on the floor, but no one likes to talk about how susato found kazuma's body and had to get on another boat alone to return to her 'dying' father's side after holmes collapsed in a pool of his own blood at her feet.
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wombywoo · 1 year ago
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artvsartist2023 ✨
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crystallizsch · 5 months ago
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that one time at the beginning of this october when i injured (exaggerating) my finger in the shower somehow
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saturnaous · 1 year ago
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I finished fmab lastnight and cried so hard I gave myself a headache. so here's a sketch of me figuring out how to draw Alphonse teehee
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artsyannierose · 30 days ago
Do you think it’s in-character for Sonic to like Amy back? I’m curious because some may think it’s not. I’d love to know your thoughts!
short answer: absolutely BUT whether it’s in-character depends on the way his feelings are portrayed.
long answer: Have you ever wondered why everyone has their own personal love language? In this essay I will-
let’s take a step back and just overview sonic’s character a little bit:
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(amy got him those…btw…)
Essentially, at his core, Sonic is a character who values his freedom and the freedom of others at his very core. His main drive to keep moving is motivated by his love for adventure and that thrill of adventure. Romance is never and will never be his top priority, it’ll always be adventure, so y’all gotta understand that first. But his friends come to a close second.
And that’s where the line between romance and friendship starts to blur a little bit. What do I mean by that?
Well let’s look at his relationship with Amy purely as a platonic relationship: Sonic and Amy are the best of friends.
Argue with the wall if you don’t agree idgaf
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They hang out quite a bit more than Sonic does with other characters, and Amy is the closest non-sibling relationship that Sonic has. Tails is his little brother; yes they’re close and yes they hang out a lot, but again it’s a very sibling-like bond. That’s not necessarily a bad thing and I’m not dismissing it—I really, REALLY appreciate Tails and Sonic’s relationship. It’s very cute and a very mutual thing in my opinion. A lot of people might say that Sonic only inspires Tails while Tails provides gadgets and brainpower for Sonic, but that’s just not true. FOR ONE SONIC’S CANON IQ LEVEL IS LIKE 178 IF IIRC HE’S SMART GUYS. HE DOES NOT NEED TAILS TO BE HIS BRAIN. HE MADE HIS OWN FRICKING PLANE. But Tails is the person he can always rely on and pretty much talk to about anything. PRETTY much. But there’s also that small underlying role model that Sonic should be for Tails to some extent, because he is Tails’ older brother.
Knuckles is #2 out of Sonic’s closest friends, and his main role is being a rival/challenge to sonic without being a threat to him. They’re still extremely close friends who would die for each other after all. They bicker and Sonic does love to tease knuckles quite a bit since knux is so quick to get angry. But they still respect each other and know that they can rely on each other. Also lowkey they’re kinda the not-so-friendly homie relationship; if tails and sonic are wholesome homies, knux and sonic are the “we beat each other up /aff” homies
and then we have Amy. Sonic’s closest female friend. genuinely argue with the wall if you can’t see that. SONIC DOES NOT HATE AMY HE VALUES HER AS A FRIEND AND CLOSE COMRADE sorry i hate people who say sonic can’t stand amy are you guys THAT media illiterate
So Amy is the closest thing that Sonic has to a friend who is a complete equal to Sonic, and let me explain why I say that AMY is his equal, and not someone like Metal Sonic or Shadow.
First off, Amy is not in any way a rival to Sonic. Sure she’s been paired against him multiple times in Team Sonic vs Team Rose, but it’s all on friendly terms and sillies. Second, she’s the one of the ONLY character who shares the exact same thirst for adventure that Sonic does. Heck i’m pretty sure one of her opening lines in Sonic Adventure was something along the lines of “it’s so boring when Sonic’s not around.” She doesn‘t care much for a normal, mundane lifestyle anymore than Sonic does. yes she’s a little more grounded than Sonic is in general and likes doing stationary things like baking and gardening, but she still gets bored easily. Her idea of fun can consist of picking flowers or decimating badniks (i love her sm)
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Lastly there’s no strings attached to her love for Sonic, she just loves him for who he is and who he inspires her to be. Her favorite thing about him is his free spirit, which heaven forbid she ever tie down. The second she expressed that to Sonic, he was IMMEDIATELY became much more comfortable around her, because he understood where she was coming from and what her true intentions were. After that he started hanging out with her way more often and he was also really comfortable with her in general (i’m talking specifically about the idw comics here). He can talk to her about just about any problem because she understands; she’s been with him much longer than most others. Bro she was introduced before Knuckles, technically speaking…and she’s gone through the same experiences and adventures that he has. The only thing that Tails has different from Amy in terms of being able to talk about problems is that in the past I feel like Sonic has wanted to protect Tails from certain things (though this seems to have changed in Frontiers with Tails’ whole thing being more independent and growing up) but he really doesn’t have to do that with Amy because he doesn’t have the same older sibling urges if ykwim.
tldr: amy’s sonic’s bestie that is most like him who’s also on equal footing with him
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(rip tails in the bg)
Okay then, now let’s talk rOmAnCE
Sonic’s history in the romance department has been….messy to say the least. Always baffles me because Amy has been right there the whole time…
And it seems to me that each time Sonic is depicted in a steady, strong relationship, at least some part of his core character is sacrificed for that. I feel like this is especially evident in the Archie Comics, like, you mean to tell me Sonic willingly accepts becoming king and staying tied to a kingdom?? Like that’s not inherently wrong but that’s definitely not game Sonic—that is Archie Sonic AND THATS FINE. its just a different iteration of Sonic, like how movie Sonic is drastically different from game Sonic
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yeah this?? i hate this. a lot. why was he such a ladies’ man in the pre-reboot archie comics 😭 ALSO DONT TELL HIM TO SLOW DOWN STOP THAT
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this? this is adorable and feels like sonic⬆️
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this?? sorry i cant take it seriously
im not talking about sonelise tyvm
And that’s why I don’t even like the idea of sonic really settling down with amy perse idk if that’s a hot take 🫣
he needs someone who’s willing to basically either drop everything and travel wherever he goes or be willing to tag along whenever needed even if they’re busy, and amy does that pretty well
Amy doesn’t mind following Sonic to the ends of the earth and to hell and back if needed. which sonic team knew exactly what they were doing crafting her character to fit sonic’s its literally a match made in heaven aksjfnhehgfrlsfnegraojvr
Anyways’s the big question:
Is it in character for Sonic to like Amy?
Well why don’t we look at a few examples where his feelings are either strongly hinted at or outright shown
Ima start with Frontiers cause it’s the most recent mainline content we have
I hope we all know about the (scrapped?) open-world voicelines…
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”Wish we were sharing an umbrella Amy…”
…sir?? sonic?? sonic the hedgehog?????? WOULD YOU LIKE TO REPEAT THAT-
sonic is originally japanese. sharing an umbrella in japan means you’re a couple. i rest my case.
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do i. even have to elaborate.
thanks sonic for being so dense for 3 decades😒
so essentially that indicates that he HAS made up his mind now? and it’s pretty obvious as to what considering the way he treated her pretty much the entirety of Frontiers
mostly the thing with frontiers sonic is that all of this is to himeslf, like a soliloquy…more on that in a sec
We could talk about the IDW comics but most of that is a little too subtle for me to call really “returning the feelings” and im lowkey too lazy to go find the panels im thinking of so maybe i’ll do that some other time
however i’ll just leave this:
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casual familiarity how i adore you (HE JUST GRABS HER NO SECOND THOUGHTS IM CRYING)
you think i was gonna make a long essay post on sonamy and not talk about sonic x?? did you?? DID YA???
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BIG INHALE OKAY SO i think the major takeaways from this are
This is a private moment
Amy matters a LOT to Sonic
Sonic’s not one for words but rather actions
One, yeah, this is something that is special to Amy and Sonic, to the point where even the audience doesn’t know what he said to her because its muted (stellar choice in my opinion because it adds a lot more weight to them) but its pretty obvious that he either said “Aishiteru, Emi” or “Daisuki, Emi”, both of which mean “i love you Amy” on a pretty deep level. But the point is that its between them and between them only. Even later in season 3 when Amy talks about it, she’s deliberately cut off before she can repeat what Sonic said to her that day. Obviously this isn’t supposed to be public knowledge
Two, the context is that Sonic has literally been stuck on another planet for quite some time, and most people either gave up on him ever returning or thought he was dead. But not Amy. And guess what? The first place he goes to—he literally BEELINES there as Super Sonic—is straight to Amy’s house. He wanted to see her first and likely reassure him that he was okay because he knew that she’d be worried sick. Also I think he just missed her in general…
Three, he knows what a white (or lavender idc) rose means and deliberately chose that flower to give to her upon his return. And again with the muted words, his actions speak louder to us as an audience than a simple “i looooove you amyyy” and this is generally a common theme with Sonic, especially in Sonic X (probably the most accurate representation of Sonic outside the games).
btw this can be taken as platonic but man do i want to yap about it:
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amy KNOWS sonic can’t swim and even in her barely conscious state she tells him to basically leave her for dead. HIS SAFETY IS STILL HER TOP PRIORITY. but does sonic listen? nahhh. there were literally hundreds of other people perfectly capable of rescuing amy but noooo he went in and dove after her because HIS top priority was HER safety
again, actions speak louder than words
also the whole thing how he didn’t just restring the bracelet she made him, no, her tied a new string to the original ones and went and got more shells?? that are found next to his biggest fear??? yeah that speaks volumes about how much he treasures that lil gift of hers
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lastly its kind of small but i really appreciate how he just lets her hug him and reciprocates too? it’s very adorable
so more sonamy huggies for the soul <3
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and actually sonic doesn’t really do physical intimacy that isn’t teasing, like remember when TAILS’ GIRLFRIEND JUST D I E D AND HE DIDNT HUG HIM (i have a bone to pick with sonic here)..
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idk sonic is generally a not very emotional character; he can’t cry, he doesn’t get angry, he can’t blush, all these mandates indicating he keeps his emotions to himself
the largest range of emotions we see in sonic are whenever he’s with amy; confusion, fear, embarassment, flusteredness, etc.
most other iterations of sonic are some sort of au or canon divergent so i wont talk about those buuut lmk if i missed something im sure i did
what have we learned? (i sound like a teacher)
Sonic values freedom over everything
amy doesn’t want to take away Sonic’s freedom, she wants to join him
Sonic doesn’t mind Amy’s affection as long as she’s not overwhelming
sonic is pretty private when it comes to his feelings or intimate moments with amy or anything else really
and i have one final thing that i want to bring up to drive my point home that some people may not take as canon but hey it exists
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well there you go! that’s sonic’s characterization. yes he likes amy but isn’t showy about it. that’s essentially what i’ve been building up to.
he’s not gonna go yell to the world that he loves his girlfriend sososososo much but like in private? hell yeah (though rn its more like they both know that amy loves sonic, duh, but they also both know that sonic likes amy and they’re just chilling with it, not quite dating but two friends that know they like each other)
And me personally? i like to see them as top notch battle couple with an hair tearing amount of romantic tension lol cause yeah thats my jammm
oh and then theres boom sonamy with the most amount of sexual tension ive ever seen between cartoon hedgehogs
So to answer your question directly: yes it’s in character for sonic to like amy as long as it’s mostly a private thing between him and her <3
my lang teacher wishes i could write with this much passion on my argumentative essays
ok bye thanks for coming to my ted talk have an absopositively splenderrific day 🙈
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ppan-kyu · 1 year ago
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