#This week at Bungie
puppyboyprincess · 1 year
This is the most important info in the TWAB
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hiddency · 2 years
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aboutbeverages · 1 year
I guess this can be done! Bungie making my artifact suggestion a reality.
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theclaravita · 2 years
Live with my TWAB reading!
It's another week, and that means another post from the Architects! Let's see what's going on This Week At Bungie!
Check it out below! ;)
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pstabs · 2 years
Crucible TWAB Thoughts
The communication that the Destiny 2 PvP community wanted is finally here! Below are my reactions as I read the TWAB. I love the underlines for "FAIR MATCHES". Because fair, to me, is not me getting farmed by ppl who think their crucible experience (aka winning) is more important than my crucible experience. I like this. Shows what Bungie intends each playlist to be so hopefully they can execute on this for all players.
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I'm interested in the Quick Play 6v6 for sure & I like that it's clash & control! Also interested in the new Comp! I will not play the weekly rotator unless it's for a seasonal challenge & I'm not interested in crucible labs because I am not interested in modes without SBMM
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Trials is a maybe for me leaning towards a probably not. The rewards will have to be worth it. IB this season & last has been horrible for players like me. I will try it and see. The SBMM in it has me interested despite many of my friends hating it. IB is always better w/friends
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Oooo a new Crucible seal. You have my attention! Shaxx focusing. Nice. Earn then focus is fair IMO IRON BANNER FORTRESS SOUNDS FUCKING AWESOME!!!! Iron Banner armor. Why do hunters get the cool shit and Warlocks get shafted? Man our armor sucks compared to hunters.
OMG I think Bungie saw my high tweet with how I solved SBMM because shit...this sure sounds like what my high brain was trying to say.
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Quickplay gets its own quitter penalty tracker. Good. Removal of the flawless pool. Interesting roll back. Not sure I like this but then again, the card resetters are the reason I'm currently not interested in Trials. So we shall see how this goes.
I love this description of Ranked for Comp. I hope I get to spend a bunch of time there. We'll see how grindy the seasonal PvE is. But I'm interested for sure!!
TBH, I'm interested in what my actual rank is. I know it's gonna be low but I wanna know!
Will the ranks be account wide or by character? I play significantly better on my warlock than on my titan. I LOVE THIS!!
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OMG and Rose is back. Great TWAB! Great changes! I am going to avoid reading shit on Twitter because I don't want the negative Nancy PvP ppl to shit all over what I am excited for!
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artemyiss · 2 months
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Geppetto, your boy is tangled in strings again . .
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hyakunana · 4 months
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Until the End and Beyond
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screebyy · 10 months
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[boy problems by carly rae jepsen plays in the distance]
i. really enjoyed the radio message this week
ID: a 2 panel comic featuring Crow and Petra Venj from Destiny. Panel 1: Crow is sitting cross-legged on a purple couch. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a white bird on it, in the same pattern as his in-game cloak, and dark gray shorts. There is a reddish-purple blanket draped around his shoulders. He is holding a tub of chocolate ice cream in his left hand and is lifting a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth with his right hand. He is crying and has a comically sad expression as he looks up at his ghost Glint, who is floating to the left and looks sad. Crow says: "What if Jolyon doesn't want to talk to me though? What if he doesn't like me anymore? Wah." There are multiple frowny faces surrounding him in speech bubbles. Panel 2: A black cellphone has been thrown from off screen and hit Crow in the face with a "bonk" sound effect. Crow is in the middle of tumbling over on the couch from the impact, spilling his ice cream. Glint looks alarmed. A cartoonish cutout of Petra's face is shouting angrily from off-screen: "Just call him, idiot. And stop eating all my ice cream."
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destiny-aesthetics · 11 days
I didn't cheat I was working on something, but damn does it work lol
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kaiserouo · 10 months
(thinking about titan)
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l3rking · 1 year
So the State of the Game came out today and...there’s not too much to really talk about. 
It’s clear this wasn’t planned when LF launched (at least not this soon) and was written as a response to recent backlash (some necessary, most not). There were quite a few interesting things. Some meh. A couple disappointments. All in all I don’t think we really learned anything we didn’t already know. 
Hand Cannon buff next season is substantial
New Crucible map and modes
Stability improvements
Matchmaking improvements 
And probably the biggie imo: the future of Gambit
It’s an unpopular mode. We know that. It’s had poor community sentiment around it for years now. No amount of work short of a full overhaul will solve that. No amount of maps, or top tier weapons, or matchmaking adjustments are going to bring everyone back in. So they’re cutting their losses. It’ll still get its shader and new seasonal weapon and an old map but that’s it. Am I disappointed? Sure. Am I surprised. No. Not at all. Am I angry? Absolutely not. Bungie isn’t some deity. They’re people doing the best they can and usually their best is brilliant. They just don’t have the resources and NONE of us are in any position to argue that point. We just don’t know enough about the internal affairs of Bungie and no one except their employees ever will. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision to let Gambit down gently like that but it’s what they believed was best for the game rn. Who am I to argue?
Either way, I’m looking forward to next season. The new Crucible modes Relic and Checkmate sound like a lot of fun (I was a huge D2Y1 PvP fan) and the tease of some new exotic reworks is enough to get me interested in some new buildcrafting. This might as well have been another TWID for me. 
You’re going to  see people outrage over it. Disappointed in the Gambit news. Disappointed in the lack of information. And a lot were going to be disappointed no matter what Joe said. He could’ve promised every player all expansions for free and you’ll see rage bate at the top of r/DTG with a gajillion upvotes. It’s just the way this community is as exhausting as that can be. 
Either way, once the Final Shape hypetrain starts, we’re all going to forget about this and be excited again. 
Reminder: If you’re feeling burnt out. Step away. From the game. From online spaces. From even thinking about it. It’ll do wonder for you. And if you decide to stay away, that’s fine. I hope you find a hobby that gets you excited like D2 used to. If you decide to come back, I’ll see you in the tower next season.  
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ilumel · 5 months
y’all ever start audibly sobbing
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Btw Bungie replied to someone asking about the structure of quests on Reddit. You know who sometimes quests are kinda weird and require you to load into another zone, even when the NPC is standing right there anyway? Especially apparent in Defiance, with a quest having you speak to Mara at the Farm and then requiring you to go to the HELM to hear her on the holoprojector.
Well, Bungie knows that sucks! They already have feedback on it from internal testing, but apparently the issue that forces them to do it that way is something more complicated to solve. Here's the Reddit thread (linked to Bungie's reply).
Really cool insight into some details about development as well as some important information about how feedback works. A lot of the time people think that when something is broken or works badly, that Bungie simply didn't notice it or doesn't have internal testers. But they do, and sometimes the feedback they get is impossible to implement in time.
This is a really nice little piece of info that is refreshing to see and helps explain certain issues to players. People tend to always assume the worst (like "Bungie doesn't have testers") so hearing it in this way is really important.
Full reply:
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Full transcript below:
Hi. I understand that you’re annoyed that some quests like this make you go multiple places, but there are logistical reasons why this happens. Sometimes it’s how the quest was built as part of the overall gameplay loop and its incredibly hard after the fact to change it, such as in Season of the Forge where you had to visit Ada multiple times.
And other times it’s due to time or budgetary constraints. Full vendor performances take up much more time and budget to create than an upper torso performance in the holoprojector or just a voice recording.
In your example about going to the Farm then the HELM and back to the Farm, that’s intended as part of the gameplay loop since both locations are important to the story, but the main reason is because certain performances are hooked up at each holoprojector and we can’t put them all in the same place without other issues occurring.
We actually have many gameplay specialists who play through the content prior to release, many many times, and then provide feedback to us about their experience. However, sometimes we’re unable to act on that feedback for various reasons, such as production schedules. More than likely the feedback you’re giving today was pointed out months ago. Could we have done things better? Absolutely, and that’s feedback we’ll be looking at for future seasons.
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aboutbeverages · 2 years
It's finally happened.
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exotic-inquiry · 4 months
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My most beloved boi<33 he’s so pretty
Guess who chose to forgo sleep and play 8 hrs of destiny straight just so I could record this seasons cutscenes before the game goes down for maintenance? what a way to spend my day off.. I have regrets, although knowing me this was inevitable.
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hyakunana · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Rasputin!!
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