#i and many others would be fine with every season and expac being delayed to implement these fixes
thefirstknife · 1 year
Btw Bungie replied to someone asking about the structure of quests on Reddit. You know who sometimes quests are kinda weird and require you to load into another zone, even when the NPC is standing right there anyway? Especially apparent in Defiance, with a quest having you speak to Mara at the Farm and then requiring you to go to the HELM to hear her on the holoprojector.
Well, Bungie knows that sucks! They already have feedback on it from internal testing, but apparently the issue that forces them to do it that way is something more complicated to solve. Here's the Reddit thread (linked to Bungie's reply).
Really cool insight into some details about development as well as some important information about how feedback works. A lot of the time people think that when something is broken or works badly, that Bungie simply didn't notice it or doesn't have internal testers. But they do, and sometimes the feedback they get is impossible to implement in time.
This is a really nice little piece of info that is refreshing to see and helps explain certain issues to players. People tend to always assume the worst (like "Bungie doesn't have testers") so hearing it in this way is really important.
Full reply:
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Full transcript below:
Hi. I understand that you’re annoyed that some quests like this make you go multiple places, but there are logistical reasons why this happens. Sometimes it’s how the quest was built as part of the overall gameplay loop and its incredibly hard after the fact to change it, such as in Season of the Forge where you had to visit Ada multiple times.
And other times it’s due to time or budgetary constraints. Full vendor performances take up much more time and budget to create than an upper torso performance in the holoprojector or just a voice recording.
In your example about going to the Farm then the HELM and back to the Farm, that’s intended as part of the gameplay loop since both locations are important to the story, but the main reason is because certain performances are hooked up at each holoprojector and we can’t put them all in the same place without other issues occurring.
We actually have many gameplay specialists who play through the content prior to release, many many times, and then provide feedback to us about their experience. However, sometimes we’re unable to act on that feedback for various reasons, such as production schedules. More than likely the feedback you’re giving today was pointed out months ago. Could we have done things better? Absolutely, and that’s feedback we’ll be looking at for future seasons.
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