#This was funnier in my head lmao
thelesbiandeli · 6 months
“Yeah, I really like Team Starkid,”
“Oh, me too! What’s your favourite show?”
“The one where Lauren Lopez has the fire.”
“Firebringer! Yeah, I love that one too-”
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fruitymations · 1 year
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whipped-bean · 1 year
Spawn ideas :P
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first one is just some poses, second is an animation idea of how he actually spawns in, i feel like he hasnt really battled in a while, so the spawners you shoot out of in the splatlands are new to him.
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im giving them the weapons they have in their tableturf decks btw! Spyke has a dynamo and murch has the goo tuber :D
extra stuff below :>
i have some biology hcs for him and murch, the basics are that urchins and most other sea life are made from ink, and have no bones, like inklings and octolings, their hair/shells are basically their swim form (they can crawl up into it and roll around) but i think in some ways murch is an exception, since in splat 3 his hair lays down, unlike how in splat 2 it was styled as an imitation of spyke's hair, but when an urchin is splatted, the body dissolves and the shell rolls away, in game i think it would act similarly to the crab tank in its roll/swim form, climbing up walls and unable to submerge, also dealing damage to anything it rolls over.
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vocaloid-enthusiast · 1 month
I'm not like other girls
I've been to a mental hospital twice
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cardboardsans · 6 months
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astrallar · 1 year
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"the WHAT"
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zivazivc · 7 months
do you think freesia and jd would ever get back together? or will they stay sort-of friends?
I'm not going to lie, I kinda like the idea of them starting to date again and seeing where it takes them. 🙈 freesia sneaked into my heart for some reason (she kind of started this new trend of mine where i make ocs that were created to be dicks and then me just getting protective of them and trying to reason out their awful behavior kasjsdj)
also their ship already has a #1 hater and #1 supporter, both of which are doing it for the wrong reasons...
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sgt-tombstone · 21 days
Soap, texting: they stole my blood, LT
Ghost: they what?
Soap: they stole my fucking blood 😡
Ghost: did you have to get bloodwork done?
Soap: nae, they took my blood and they won’t give it back 😤
Ghost: fuckin hell Soap, stop being a menace at medical
Soap: aye you’re one to talk
Ghost: not another word sergeant
Gaz: you guys realize this is a group chat… right?
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largerfries · 11 months
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i dont even know
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captainbee66 · 6 months
Hermitcraft is like a nudist colony to me
Just hear me out okay
DSMP? Everyone had netherite armor, or at least diamond armor, and it was always the best enchantments possible
QSMP? I cannot express how armored up everyone there is. The children are wearing enough armor to kill a grown man
LifeSteal? I don't watch it but I only see screenshots of buffed Netherite
But Hermitcraft? Hermitcraft? Naked. 80% don't wear ANY armor, it's no wonder they die SO much. I think ive seen someone in netherite 2 times.
Bdubs why do you only wear chainmail pants. Rendog why are you in gold armor.
Like seriously, it's such a culture shock going from an anarchy-adjacent server to "Nudist colony of peace loving friends with a community made economy and also mailbox pipe bomb"
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arthursfuckinghat · 8 months
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Manspread, malewife, girlboss
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qcomicsy · 10 months
AITA for firing my 18 year old from his job?
I (M33) have my son (M18) working for me nonsalaried in the family business since he was 10 years old. We had our share of arguments (regarding the job and other personal matters) and he started to live with his friends in another city ever since he moved out for college. He has his own job there too (with his roommates), but since it's a city away, his college, other job and personal life has making lack on the job I gave him lately, (even though he should be absolutely capable of assuming both responsibilities).
So last month when he showed up late to the job again, I told him that this job is serious, that it's a war out there, and I need my second lieutenant, anything less than total devotion is a waste of time and fired him off the job. After that, he told me he was leaving, I asked him to give his uniform back, and we haven't spoken with each other ever since.
I thought (and still do) that was the most logical conclusion to make but ever since my fight with him, a close family member (M??) (that helped me raise him) said I was out of line and I have “impossible standards” regarding my children, at pretty much the same week a friend of work called me asking if I didn't go too far this time (he knows about the altercation because my son visited him to ask advice about the matter). Also, the same family member who I mentioned previously refuses to talk to me without any snark or bitter remark as some form of “punishment” ever since my fight with my son.
My son hasn't called yet about the matter and I won't call him either.
On an unrelated note, I also just adopted another child (M12) and put him to work in the place my eldest had in the family business, and he's (my eldest) been acting extremely upset over that even though he tries not to show it. I don't understand why, since he couldn't do the job and my youngest wanted it. It just felt logical to put another person to do it.
TLDR: My son was unable to be a reliable person to keep the unpaid work I gave him ever since he was a child because of his other job, college and personal life in another city so I fired him and put my other new adopted son in his place and now work colleagues and family members has been implying I'm an asshole for it
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teratosfavouritesnack · 4 months
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Imagine a meet cute with a minotaur while you're grocery shopping.
You're in the skincare and beauty products aisle, a bottle of Mino's Magic and one of Kram's Jam in your hands, your eyes scrolling over the ingredients of the two skin lotions - both containing the miracle-working minotaur's milk, which apparently has anti-aging and moisturising properties that work particularly well on human skin. You've never tried any before, but you'd be down to give it a try if only you knew which one to go for...
"Oh, I wouldn't recommend that one."
You're startled by the sound of a grave but warm voice coming from behind you and you look up only to have your sight completely blocked by a furry muscular chest. It takes a moment for you to crane up your neck enough to meet the amused gaze of the biggest minotaur you've ever had the pleasure to lay your eyes onto. He's also incredibly handsome-
"Mino's Magic." he nods at the bottle in your right hand, smirking at your confused and flushed face. "It's got chemicals in it. I wouldn't recommend it."
"Oh. Oh! Okay... Uhm-" You do your best to tear your eyes off of him and focus back on the bottles in your hands. You somehow manage to keep your cool despite your quickened heartbeat. "W-what about this one?"
You hear him huff as if in mock before he steps closer, your shoulder bumping in his side as he leans in to point to the ingredients section of the second lotion, his thick finger brushing against your hand.
"See? It only has 40% of the good stuff. The rest is horseshit. Quite literally."
You blink at him. "What?"
The minotaur barks a laugh, his body so close to yours that you can feel his abdomen tense and shake against your shoulder.
"Kram's got six sons, none pure-breed. Their mother is a weremare. Hence the horseshit."
You chuckle awkwardly in response, placing both the bottles back on the shelf.
"I guess I should have looked better into these products before thinking of buying anything..."
The minotaur gives you a long assessing look, his eyes twinkling in amusement and genuine curiosity.
"It's your first time?"
"Do you mind if I give you an advice?"
"I don't mind..."
"Nothing you find on these shelves will ever be 100% pure and reliable, that's why you should only buy homemade lotions made by a minotaur you know and trust. "
"That makes sense but unfortunately I don't know any minotaur..."
His lips instantly curl up in a bigger grin and his chest seems to puff out in pride as he extends his huge calloused hand your way.
"I'm Gust. Short for Gustokis."
You blink back at him, momentarily taken aback by his sudden introduction. Your hand reaches out for his instinctively, and you blurt out your answer quickly after, almost tripping over your words.
"I-I'm Y/N-!"
"Well, Y/N..." His eyes narrow and crinkle as he smirks, his huge hand envelops yours in a warm and firm hold. "Now you know me."
He leans down towards you, his snout almost touching your face and making your breath hitch. "And I'm ready to show you how trustworthy I am. How about a chat over a coffee?"
🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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amazingdeadfish · 10 days
Day Seven: Love Language
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noraaaaargh · 8 months
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just saying......
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nordenhelm · 3 months
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for @cowboydeluxe
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