#This one is very Kohga centered
ridreamir · 1 year
Yiga, Assemble! Oh wait this is a semi-serious story ([-})=* (Yiga/Forgotten Noble Reader)
Continuation of:
I'd like to think that Kohga has no recollection of who you are, but decided to help anyway because he couldn't pass you by. They're all literal murderers and criminals, mind you, but even with thousands of years of outdated moral codes to abide by, he's not always the best at doing the whole 'what would Ganon do' thing. Ironic, since he's the head honcho of their little family of murder-y evil worshipping freaks.
The tragic part of that is that you do remember. That doesn't explain how he's lived for over 100 years or if he was even alive back then now that the timeline has changed, but you suppose his longevity could potentially be attributed to some long-held secret of his family, provided their origin as ex-sheikah.
Yes, he is literally a century-old man-child. No, seems to have not matured one bit.
...and all the sudden you're sitting on the prototype of a car as he tinkers on the wheels, or exchanging small talk that's gone from distant and cold to something possibly... pleasant. It's a startling realization to find that you've come to actually 'tolerate' your captivity. You know very little about him, about them all really, but you've caught small glimpses of who they might be, and that shatters your already broken perception of reality even more.
This man, who lights up at even the smallest of breakthroughs. This man who draws in the sand his ideas for schematics and muses about what the future might look like, as if he actually believes that future might happen. This man who delves deep into the abyss without a hint of fear for the benefit of the people he cares about. At some uncertain point, to your deeply unsettling discomfort, that started to include you, too.
And....You were... Hopeless. For so many years. Wandering, aimless, uncertain of your purpose or why you were even there.
You were always forgotten, even before. You'd been forsaken by more than just the royal family, by more than the citizens of that accursed Kingdom of Hyrule, by more than the one person you thought you could consider a friend, a true friend.
Your life as it was before had meant nothing, and it ended without even a pitiful struggle at the hands of the very people who now kept you as one of their own...
Your last life spent as the discarded member of the royal family was ended at the behest of the Yiga. That likely meant that he himself had been the one to deliver the order to strike you down.
Stumbling upon the cobble roads of Castle Town, a paper bag filled with apples and trinkets... Your voice calling after him as you ran to catch up to him, waiting for him to spin around--
You both must've realized by now that you could have attempted to escape at any point, and yet you for some reason hadn't. Would he let you go? Would they spare your life this time? Were you ever really free to come and go in your own kingdom?
They were tragically misguided people.
...who came from broken families after your lineage had failed to protect them for eons.
..and in the end,
Not your death, nor the countless others, none of them meant anything. Not anything in the face of it all. At some point, realizing the fatal hubris of that wretched royal family, you came upon another startling realization.
Could you could have done something, had you not been so useless.
Had you found a place amongst the royal family, had you possessed grand powers like that of the crown princess Zelda, could the fathers and the grandfathers of these boys not been sent to die? Could that Calamity that you were no longer alive to witness have been halted had the country had one more leg to stand on? Could you have stepped up had you not been so weak by nature?
Could you have meant anything, after a life of living as if you weren't even there? Well, it seemed it really was true after all. Because now there was no one in this world who even knew you were there.
Dark eyes, that glinted faintly red if caught just right in the light of the setting sun. A curious look sent toward you from above the stone wall upon which he sat. A hand reaching out, waiting to pull you up.
"Jeez! That was one scary look you had just now. If looks could kill, I'd tell ya!" You snapped out of your thoughts, just to find a rag in your hand.... huh?
Oh, you were polishing dug-up Zonai relics. That made some sense. What didn't make sense was--
"Alright, you've been making weird faces for long enough." A hand reached out from over your shoulder and snatched the cloth from your hand. "Did you maybe wanna talk about it- Whoa, hey!!-" You jolted away and nearly knocked over the shelf of gadgets had it not been for his hands grabbing you and the symbol of his magic stabilizing it before it fell onto the both of you.
"Hey! Hey!!!-- What was that about?! You could've been smushed!! Splat!!!" He spun you around and shook you frantically, but you looked up at his stupid-masked face without fully processing the situation. "I didn't bring you in here to knock over all my stuff!!!"
He then stopped his panicked assault, but not without gripping your shoulders tighter and leaning closer, putting his face right in yours. That eye symbol stared at you, and in your state of mind you weren't sure what expression dashed upon your face as you focused on it.
But he did catch whatever expression you held and fell silent, casting his head down as he gently pulled his grip away.
"Well, whatever." He muttered, sounding more bitter than anything. "That's enough for today. Go do something somewhere else."
Wordlessly he pointed to the door, and as you came to your senses you looked down at your hands and then back at him. You didn't catch it, but as you turned to leave his raised hand faltered a little, before falling to his side.
Left alone, he couldn't hear your footsteps as you continued down the hall, and suddenly the room was heavy with silence.
Then, he clutched his fist and turned back to the workbench he'd been sitting at before. He shouldn't have kicked you out like he did. He should have just sat you down and had you rest for a moment. And as he felt his hands, he held them out before flipping them over and staring at his open palms. "Haah." He sighed, ungracefully plopping back down.
"...." "....rrg!" Aaah!!" He stomped his feet and threw his fists up in the air. He then threw his head down and crossed his arms, groaning against his work desk.
He didn't even do anything, but when you looked at him like that...
"Rrrrrg!!! I didn't even do anything!!!" He continued to bang his fists and stomp his feet before slumping down flat against the blueprints he'd been working on. "...I didn't even do anything, so why..." Why do I feel so guilty when I look at you?
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sunfloraas · 1 year
real talk what’s your favorite design feature? Like when you see this specific part on a character you’re immediately like “aw hell yeah”
Oooh this is an interesting one! Expect a long post sorryyyyy
when it comes to character design, I tend to be attracted to a few things: overall flow, contribution to cast/environment, historical reference, and functionality.
I think one of the most effective ways to reach an audience is to start with an existing concept and expand on it. Morph it, and make it your own, while also referencing existing things too! This works with completely original ocs too—what’s their style? Does it already exist? Look it up!
I also love masked characters who dont take off their masks (i yawn at modern anime for wasting this) as well as characters who are big and intimidating but goofy (Zant, Kohga from zelda). Actually I love like every Zelda design!!! Im very attracted to faces that look like birds too haha. I love weird body shapes and clothes that serve further function or work functionally.
However, this is so hard because my favorite character designs are also Togetic and Bisharp and Escavalier, etc. so it doesnt have to be human. It can have good flow! A good concept! Something that goes beyond just a human form.
I’m going to give an example—and one of my favorite franchises as far as design is Naruto. Naruto has gorgeously cohesive design, simplicity, and reference as well. The characters say what they are without needing to say it. Take Kankuro for example: as a puppetmaster ninja, his design alludes both to Kabuki theater makeup AND kuroko design. Both the puppetmaster and the center stage. It is so, genuinely good.
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randomnameless · 9 months
Scrolling through some old posts on a whim and found this, in response to an anon pointing out how stupid it was for Claude to not know about poverty in Almyra:
To be fair, that's also something I ranted about in Birthrout when Ryoma went all "i never knew people in Nohr were starving" because there's no way a crown prince and future heir of a nation doesn't know basic things about his immediate neighbours -
While you went on to point out that it's worse in Three Houses' case because it's a prince not knowing about basic details of his own nation instead of a prince not knowing about basic details of his neighbouring nation, i'd like to add that it's even more justified in Fates' case due to one of the biggest and most consistent issues with Hoshido being it's isolationism and lack of care for the issues of other countries, made even worse by the fact that it's general populace despises Nohrians due to the war:
Azura, in her C-Support with Corrin in Revelation: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others. It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered. So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
Shura, chapter 19 of Birthright: The day Kohga fell to Mokushu, almost all of my people were slaughtered. I was a child... Chased from my homeland and separated from the other survivors. Even as a refugee, I was denied entry to Hoshido. So I wound up in Nohr. I was exiled and alone. My only choice was to steal or die. You can guess what I chose. I've been here ever since, searching for others like me and trying to stay afloat...
Azura, in a line that was removed during localization and changed into her being the only person to suffer suspicion from the general populace, Chapter 9 of Conquest: But ever since the war started, everyone has changed. After you, a Hoshido princess, defected to Nohr… Anyone who had even a little involvement with the enemy could not be trusted, and a movement to eliminate them began. And the brunt of it… Was directed at me, because I was born in Nohr.
With all that in mind, i actually find it pretty reasonable for Ryoma to not know about Nohr's food shortage; he was born and raised in a country that's, at best, willfully ignorant and uncaring of the issues other countries face and, at worst, actively murderous towards anyone with even the slightest involvement with the enemy nation it's at war with. While his own prejudice against Nohr doesn't go quite that far, it's very consistent throughout Conquest that he doesn't think very highly of it either, calling it's ways treacherous, automatically assuming they tricked Corrin just because she chose to go back to Nohr, and assuming that Corrin was lying to him and trying to trick him to win their duel due to what they were taught while in Nohr (using fateswartable's translations here since Treehouse massively exaggerated Ryoma's grudge against Nohr):
Ryoma, Chapter 6 of Conquest: Like hell I’d give up…! I have to make Kamui come to her senses. Anyway it was you, the Nohr royal family, that seduced her, right!?
Xander: Bullshit…We did no such thing. Kamui, of her own free will, chose us.
Ryoma: Damn…! I know your way of doing things. You always use dirty tricks to torment the people of Hoshido! Defeat me fair and square in a fight and then you can speak of victory!
Corrin, boss convo in chapter 25 of CQ while Ryoma still wrongly believes that they killed Hinoka: Ryouma- please stop fighting! I want to speak with you! There’s more to what happened to Hinoka, so please listen, brother!
Ryoma: Hou…Are you trying to catch me off guard? By seeing the face of the sister that killed Hinoka? Nohr’s ways are treacherous…but it’s a shame. No matter what you say, my heart shall remain steadfast. I can no longer think of you as my little sister! Draw your sword!!! Kamui!!!!!!
Given his own initial prejudice against Nohr, coupled with the isolationist culture of Hoshido, i find it reasonable for him to only bother learning about important military strongholds in Nohr and not bother investigating what life's like for the peasants there, especially since he doesn't hold the country in high regard at the start of Birthright and only softens up to it and vows to help it with it's resource problem once he finds out that most of the people there are starving, meaning he wouldn't have bothered spending any more time researching Nohr than was helpful for the war effort.
I hope my 2014 -5 ramblings weren't completely nonsensical, I haven't revisited them in a while lol
I still think Ryoma, who's not a random but the crown Prince, should at least have known a bit, even if his country is marked by extreme prejudice and isolationism, about Nohr - especially since Nohr is the country who has tried to invade them since Garon (or Gooron?) was king, and they're fighting since, well, forever.
But taking his prejudice into account, and Ryoma's own faults (he's very impulsive, not unlike his own son?), it sort of makes sense, even if I still think that's not an optimal situation for the next heir to only have the "bcs they're evil/norhians it's in their nature" answer to the usual question "why are Nohrians attacking us".
Granted, 2014-2015 was part of my Jugdral period, where both games took care to have their Lord be explained why the frick they are fighting - it's mostly important regarding Leif, who gets told by August that if Thracians are bandits and targeted the Mansterian lands, it's because they are starving and cannot import food from the North bcs Leif's forefathers and the Mansterians nobles don't want to share food.
So Leif's journey from "Thracian Hyenas!" to "Gods why are those people starving why aren't we trading food with them" to being the King of the unified peninsula, aka both Thracians and Mansterians, felt a regular, normal journey.
Ryoma being blocked at the "Nohrian hyenas" step felt a bit underwhelming in comparison, especially since, unlike Leif, he supposedly received all the education befitting a heir and hasn't been on the run for 10 years.
But ultimately everything boils down to "different games, different situations", and more over, different characters. Ryoma is biased, arrogant and impulsive - and there's no FE8!Seth, FE5!August, hell, even FE13!Fredo to tell him to stop and start being a King or acting as the leader of a State.
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gloryseized · 9 months
"i've got your back." For AOC Link!
Meme Tag -- @mightiestbanana
This felt like a very strange dream, and if it wasn't for the stranger things that had happened recently, Link would have pinched himself to try to wake himself up as soon as he heard the Yiga's voice. And perhaps the stranger thing is that Link's thankful for the help.
A small smile tugged on the corner of his lips as he nodded a quick thanks in response to Kohga's comment before his eyes whipped back up the hulking form of Vah Naboris, going on a rampage for some reason. The last thing Link had seen of this Divine Beast was it powering down as Urbosa left it to do some work with Zelda, but that was before the strange miasma began to permeate the land, arcs of power suddenly surging away from the Castle and the guardians acting odd.
But it was only a small surge of power, and only one arc seemed to land anywhere interesting--this particular Divine Beast. So with a sandstorm surging around its legs, Link found himself paired with Master Kohga to bring this thing down. Pointer and middle fingers cross around each other, pointing towards each other before spreading apart. << Ready? >> He signs, although he doesn't have time to wait for an answer, one of the great legs stomping into the ground.
Rolling away, teeth gritted as he came back to his feet, he scowled up at the creature. He had to get up to the control center somehow, he wasn't sure how he could deactivate it otherwise. But an idea occurred to him suddenly, eyes locking on the Yiga. Fisted hand started by his shoulder before he pointed up at the Divine Beast. He then tapped himself on the chest. << Throw me! >> he demanded.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
doing some more zelda. my goal today is to fight kohga but i can't resist grabbing a few more korok seeds while i'm here. farosh flies SO close here, it's really tempting to go up and get another dragon part, but i don't wanna lose focus again...
the other reason i wanna get the korok seeds is that there's a hudson sign along the path. i think i have only 9 left! it would be nice to get them all.
also, i'm sort of working ym way down towards the labyrinth - i only have one left, so it'd be nice to do all those too. but UGH, more hands...maybe today, but maybe i'll save it for after pikmin lol
love and light. i really hate having mineru along. i hate to turn her off because i like all the help i can get in fights but like...she gets in my way in fights! she's constantly trying to be close to me so i can hop on her back, but the problem is if i accidentally activate sidon or riju or whoever it's nbd, it's just annoying, but if i accidentally activate mineru i'm up on a fucking mech when i was in the middle of trying to flurry rush or whatever, i hate itbut she's gotta go. sorry mineru :(
ok, the three big things i wanted (aside from all shrines, which will not be possible) were kohga, the labyrinth, and the hudson signs.
i have 7 signs remaining...not too many, and 4 are very close to each other out near hyrule ridge/satori mountain, but the others are in the highlands and blegh. also i'd be crossing some hands to get there
i spoiled myself for kohga by looking up a walkthru. apparently he has FOUR locations?? jumping around everywhere smh lol. if i go the long way i get a lot of depths exploration in, and if i go the short way i get to see what became of the old yiga hideout. also it helps since i'm pressed for time
meanwhile, i know there's hands in this labyrinth, but i'm pretty close to it relatively speaking and i could snag some seeds on the way from the mountain between me and it........
sigh. labyrinth it is
yo wait wasn't this mountain SNOWY in the last game?? now it's all hot and deserty.......that's so wild lol
h!! i found an underpants guy
oh, no, wait, this is an endurance contest minigame thing! im gonna see if i can cheat with food lol
LMAOOO i dont even need food. i can wear my trusty ruby rod
oh boy this is gonna take forever. im BOOOOORED
i wish the view from up here was better. at least then i'd have something to do
FINALLY. jesus christ
oh my god ANOTHER ONE IN THE DAY.......come ON
luckily i have a frost talus heart on one of my weapons lol
taking so long my controllers fell asleep lol
oh boy okay Here I Am at the spooky maze of hands
annoying as he is, calip is a pretty tough cookie. i mean he makes it all the way through all three of these mazes, and the only reason he can't solve the riddles at the center is because he doesn't have a zonaite arm
uh oh i made it to the middle. hand time...?
ruler of BOARS this time!! oh man, like, ganondorf! like obviously but wow
huh this area doesnt seem to be where the hands on the map are...maybe i dodged them by not walking on top of the maze...?
now the big question is how tf do i get up there...
i'm not doing that hot air balloon shit again. i'm gonna warp to a nearby island and take my bike lol
havent ridden the bike in ages. missed it! so pleased at how far it can get without needing a recharge now
fucking DISASTER strikes. so there's one of those tiny zonai relief islands way out there between me and the maze. decided to go to that. landed. DROPPED the bike. managed to cast recall on it but i didnt cancel in time so it flew up into the air and dropped back down. and off the side AGAIN. in my haste to get it, i stepped on the middle of the island which fell out from under me. so i wasted that entire fucking trip
landed on a shrine next to a molduga. might as well lol
wait...i found the piece of the island that fell down...could i ride it back up...?
BOOOOO i can't BUT at least i can grab my pic lol
i'm still mad that idk how to fight molduga in this game lol. last time arrows worked, but not this time...? maybe i need bomb arrows, but i'm running really low...
oh yeah it was bomb arrows lol
did a korok since it was right here. i guess i'll also go ahead and jump in the quicksand holes...rip my bike
this is why i never get anything done lol
oh bad theres redeads down here
i saw a video where someone got close to a redead and nothing happened. do they truly not jump you in this game...?
i regret this already. this is so tedious. i'm gonna have to manually discover every fucking entrance
oh no wait thank FUCK if you just walk over the sand piles it counts
ok. gonna see if i can bike straight up to the labyrinth
MISTAKE. this is gonna take forever. shoulda just started over from that island again
wasnt watching my energy, fell halfway. used a BUNCH of charges to top up and then fell off the bike entirely. today is a comedy of errors
im just gonna make a new bike at the old island. this is so stupid and such a huge waste of resources. that one island, which i tried so hard to complete my first time there so i wouldnt have to GO BACK......
FINALLY amde it
oooh it's that low grav shit...
oh my FUCKING god that was delightful
ok, so this shrine at the maze, it looks like a rauru's blessing shrine but it has fire fruit trees. which i thot was weird but whatever. but THEN when i tried to go up the stairs they like fucking slide down and revealed a puzzle. this game is fucking with me!!!
genuinely had no idea that could happen. i wish i had been able to be surprised by more of it
the shrine is called "unlit blessing" but i wasn't paying attention and they got me >:)
all right...finally, down i go..........
good news is i checked and no hands.
NO FUCKING WAY LOL i caught a star piece on the way down!!!!!!
god i fucking LOVE. the music in these joints
damn i think i just heard a dragon lol am i on farosh's path? but i can't get out to check til i kill this flux guy. bet i couldn't catch her rn anyways but i'd love to see her
got his ass.
and FINALLY got my phantom ganon armor fr!!!
all i need to do is snag this lightroot and then i can finally do something else with my day lol
luckily i ascended and popped up right under it
i don't see farosh...
OH MY GOD THERE SHE IS...SO COOL.........................
oh my god there;s something else big flying in the dark......GLEEOK?
COLGERA!!!!! OH MY GOD...so cool so cool so cool
i literally can't fight colgera rn. i don't even really have time to farm this dragon. i'm gonna grab one piece and take a break, i have stuff to do - i can get the second piece when i come back!!!
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
Hyrule Brochure: A Potential for BotW’s Future
Hyrule’s map in BotW is pretty sparse as far as cities go. Yes, it’s got more than any other Zelda game, but it also has like, 90% of its map being pure dead space.
So I decided to play around and make what I imagine Hyrule would look like, as far as cities go, if it were allowed to properly rebuild and not get totally wrecked by Ganon again.
Credit to Eragon2589 on DeviantArt for the free-to-use map icons. I love these little buttons so much.
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So, these are the canon towns we get in BotW; Hateno, Lurelin, Tarrey, Zora’s Domain, Goron City, Korok Forest, Rito Village, Yiga Hideout, and Gerudo Town. I’m counting Yiga Hideout as a town because if the Yiga were a little nicer, it WOULD be marked one.
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Adding the various stables on makes the place look MUCH less empty, but still; what can we do with this?
Well, I’ve spent the last several days locating all the significant ruins and landmarks, with one or two extra things thrown in, that I think would make this place much more populated.
Maps are free to use if you want them, btw. Have fun!
As a general rule of thumb, I want to make the towers and stables their own cities. The towers are a good landmark and beacon of safety, and the stables have all the building blocks to start building up a village.
If I’m particularly inspired, I’ll give some background on what the town is/does!
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Starting off with the Rito! Their village has grown into a town, and the stable at its foothill is its own village now. I called it “fledgeling” because that’s where the Rito and Hylians would intermingle most, so the Rito aren’t exactly flying around here.
Beacon City is built around Tabantha Tower; the Rito have turned it into a sort of lighthouse, reflecting light off into the distance to help guide nighttime fliers home. Because of this, it’s a very popular stop for mail carriers, and where they go, development and cultural mixing follows.
Kaysa Town is built around Great Fairy Kaysa’s fountain; it’s a popular tourist attraction, and she gets plenty of offerings, so win-win!
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For the Gorons, we’ve only got two more cities: Silversmith Village and Din’s Spire. Silversmith is built around the culture in the southern mines, and it has down-the-road access to the Goron Hot Springs. Din’s Spire is less of a town and more of a landmark, due to the sheer cliffs all around it, but the huge (and notably not in the burning death zone) hot spring lake makes it a popular rest stop for people on their way through.
I decided not to rebuild the northern mines; they’re pretty busted up and lava soaked, so my assumption is that they were abandoned either due to hazards or due to the ore being stripped out.
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Korok Forest wouldn’t change much, besides the Royal Family declaring it a protected area. The Koroks don’t seem to have much interest in expansion, and they, as far as I know, don’t live in houses.
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Gerudo Territory is MUCH more expansive than the others so far, and with good reason.
Gerudo Town itself is now Gerudo City, and the Kara Kara Bazaar has grown into a town. Canyon Stable has developed a village (mostly full of Gerudo husbands so they don’t have to travel a million miles just to see their families).
The Gerudo have control of one of the towers in their region, and the town built around it is Overlook Town. It mostly serves as a training grounds for young Gerudo warriors.
The City of the Seven developed when the Seven Heroine statues were recovered and restored; the town around them was built to honor them, and then it got a LOT of foot traffic from those wanting to see the legendary statues.
Tera Town rose up much in the same way Kaysa Town did up in Rito territory, centered around the Great Fairy Fountain.
Mesa Village and West Gerudo Town are both smaller Gerudo settlements; West Gerudo sprung up out of access to snowmelt from the Gerudo Highlands, and Mesa Village, because of its relative safety from Molduga and access to oasis water.
Finally, Gerudo Valley, in reference to Ocarina of Time. This town is a Gerudo-only zone, and is more a fortress than a town. It exists both to keep an eye on the Yiga and to gain control of the mountain pass, making people go through Canyon Village to get to Gerudo instead of avoiding Gerudo customs.
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Speaking of the Yiga, they’ve taken two new spots for themselves; Gerudo Tower, which they’ve renamed Kohga Tower in honor of their late Master, and Banana Labyrinth, which serves as their highest security area. Imagine if you’d had to go through the LABYRINTH to get the Thunder Helm back.
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Up next we’ve got the Zora. Truthfully, their territory spans as long as Zora river and WELL into the ocean, but these are the only cities that, technically, a Hylian with adequate gear can enter.
Mipha’s Landing is an above-water city built expressly for doing trade. It got its name from the late Mipha; since the tower reaches up into the sky, it was hoped that someday, her spirit would sit atop it for a rest and see all that her people had been able to do thanks to her sacrifice.
Lakebed Village is in Lake Hylia, and it’s actually a slowly-repopulating Lakebed Temple, from Twilight Princess. Meanwhile, Great Bay City is a port town above water and an aquatic metropolis below, full of music and dance and exotic wares.
And finally, Hylians.
Hoo boy.
I’ve split this up region by region but
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THIS is how many living spots they’ve got.
Silver stars indicate military towns. Red stars indicate military outposts.
I USE THE TERM MILITARY VERY LOOSELY HERE. Hyrule, since it doesn’t interact with its neighbors, only has the Yiga and the various monsters to fight against. Anything labeled “military” means that it’s staffed by royal employ, meaning knights and Sheikah and the like.
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Let’s start with Akkala. The northeast labyrinth has been converted into an emergency bunker, in case Calamity strikes and people need a safe place to hide. Not only is it difficult to break into, it also has a completely empty lower level that’s PERFECT for long-term seige.
City Tempest got its name for being near-constantly wracked by storms. Despite this, though, it remains a popular vacation spot for people who don’t mind a little rain; the Skull Lake and the giant flowers are worth it.
Valley Town rose up out of both East Akkala Stable and Robbie’s workshop. It doesn’t get too much foot traffic, but it doesn’t really need to.
Midna Village, I built where the ruins of Shadow Hamlet are. I figured it was a fitting name, and the area is almost constantly covered in the shadow of Death Mountain.
Four Brothers’ Base is a knight outpost that’s up extremely high, spanning huge bridges between the four Tingle isles.
Then Parapa Palace, in reference to Zelda II: Adventure of Link, was built in place of the Akkala Citadel and functions as a mini Hyrule Castle + Castle Town. In real life, monarchs would have several palaces to go between, kind of like how well-off people nowadays would have a summer home. So, I followed that trend! This is Zel’s summer palace.
And you guys know what Tarrey Town is. Although interestingly, as it expands, it goes vertical into the stone column it was built on.
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Onto Central Hyrule.
Camp Rauru is training camp and lodging for new knights. Rebonae Village and Kasuto City were made out of the Wetland and Riverside stables respectively, though Kasuto (also an Adventure of Link reference) gets substantially more foot traffic due to being on the way from Castle Town to Dueling Peaks.
Outset Town got its name, lore-wise, from the fact that it’s the first bit of land Link from BotW visited after leaving the Great Plateau, and meta-wise, because it’s the starting point for Wind Waker Link.
Aquame City surrounds the Coliseum, which is how it grew to be so popular. The grand stage holds sparring matches and various other shows regularly, and it’s a pleasant boat trip from Castle Town to get there.
Saria Town was built out of the old exchange ruins, and it’s in walking distance of the ruined Sage Temple—which, at this point in time, would have been rebuilt—and its existence is both an AoL reference and an OoT one (but mostly AoL, I’ve kind of fallen in love with its map).
New Mabe is where you can find the new Lon Lon Ranch! The ruins there are actually called the Mabe Town Ruins in game, and they’re right by the Ranch Ruins!
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Eldin’s pretty sparse as far as Hylian towns go. It’s got Gut Check Camp, where Sheikah train for endurance and elemental resistance, and Windfall Town, a place that sees a LOT of gemstones pass through, freshly mined. That includes rupee ore, mind you!
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Faron Province is a little more spaced out, due to the nature of the region. Lurelin’s grown since BotW, becoming a trading bay; meanwhile Cora Lake’s Sheikah Tower has expanded into Parache Town, and the Highland Stable has become Malanya Village. Both of those locations are VERY fond of horses, and they’re a bit competitive, especially during archery season.
Ordona Hamlet is a tiny village tucked away into the middle of Faron. It came about due to the Lakeside Stable, and it’s named that because I am STILL salty that the Zeldevs didn’t put an Ordon Village reference in the game.
Eventide Outpost is more of a testing ground for boats than anything particularly significant, population-wise. The even tides that gave the isle its name make it an ideal location to work out the kinks in new watercraft (and occasionally, the lieutenant in charge of that base demonstrates how to launch a raft into the sky with octo balloons).
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Hebra’s the most militarized area of Hyrule, and ideally, it functions as a reserve of men and tech in case Calamity rises again. If there’s anything that BotW’s era learned, it’s to never underprepare for Gann’s return.
Fort Lomei is a converted base, just like the Banana Labyrinth is to the Yiga. This one, though, is patrolled diligently by knights who use daily-changing codes, and it’s impossible to navigate without the locals’ help.
Fort Pikida is situated in that weird stone cavern-y area, and it’s a supply stach and Hebran monster patrol site. It’s the soldiers there’s job to make sure that the Lynels that like to roam the region don’t get too close to residential areas.
Hia Miu Outpost is a training spot for knights sent to the Hebra region; any new soldier to the area has to prove they can handle themselves by going into the Hia Miu shrine and taking on the Major Test of Strength Trial. (Fun fact, did you know that the X-test-of-strength trials reset themselves every blood moon?)
Snowpeak Fortress exists both because it makes a fantastic secondary base for the Hyrulean royals to plan, and because i am once again salty about the lack of Twilight Princess in this game.
Sturnida Resort is built around hot springs! It’s a nice spot for people living around Rito Town and Fledgling Village to take a vacation without having to trek all the way across the country to do it.
Snowfield City came from Snowfield Stable, and it’s the Windfall of Hebra; it sees a LOT of people coming in and out of the region, and the view of the northern lights you can get from there? You’d be hard-pressed to find a Hylian that didn’t have it on their bucket list.
New Tabantha was built on the ruined spot of the original Tabantha Village; you can visit there in-game! It’s a quiet town that raises highland sheep for a living, and its team won the Hebran Triathlon three whole years in a row.
Then, the Tanagar Restricted Zone. If you’ve ever been there, you know EXACTLY why it’s restricted.
Most of the Guardians inside have been dealt with, but the ruined temple remains a hazard testing ground for new tech. It’s off limits to everyone but those with the HIGHEST clearance; I’m talking a direct letter from Zelda herself.
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The Thyphlo Secret Camp is exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a place for Hyrulean lieutenants to meet for top-secret missions, and it’s one of those places that you need to be SERIOUSLY high rank to even KNOW about.
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Over on the edge of Lanayru, we’ve got New Goponga, built where the old Goponga ruins are, and the Crenel Garrison. The Garrison was built to take care of the Lizalfos problems in the waterways, keeping it safe for Hylians and Zora travelers alike. Goponga, on the other hand, is what Lurelin was in game; nice, friendly, and centered around fishery.
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In Necluda, we’ve got New Deya where old Deya was ruined (I think BotW Link was born in old Deya!), Watchtower Village built around the lakeside of the Dueling Peaks tower, and then Dueling Peaks City, a HUGE trade hub that was once the Dueling Peaks stable.
Kakariko Village is now a Town, Hateno has grown into a full blown trade harbor, and a tiny village has started to form around the Hateno Tower, making Firly Overlook.
But what I most love is the City of Hylanay.
Back in the game, it was the ruins of the Lanayru Promenade. So I had the promenade rebuilt, then people moved in around it, and now, Hylanay’s basically Hyrulean Venice! I want to visit it.
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On the Great Plateau, we’ve got Aboda Town, named after Spirit Tracks’ Aboda Village in reference to the starting point in each game. This Town has access to the original Temple of Time, but because of the nature of the isolated plateau, it doesn’t see a lot of new faces often.
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Over around Thundra, we’ve got Tanagar Village overlooking the canyon, built out of the old Tabantha Stable. The village actually builds downwards into the canyon; people have windows carved right out of the cliff face!
Thundra Village is built into the rocky slopes surrounding Thundra Plateau and the Ridgeland Tower. Their houses are built in the shelter of the giant mushroom things that grow so well in the area, and they’re famous for their signature dish of escargot.
The Serenne Exchange is up north, encompassing both the old Serenne Stable and the Maritta exchange ruins. You can buy practically ANYTHING there; if ever there was a supermarket in Hyrule, it would be right there.
The Royal Lab was rebuilt out of its ruins post Calamity, and it’s directed by Purah, who still hasn’t cured her immortality yet. It’s not uncommon to hear explosions as you pass by that place.
And then Camp Rutile is a small observational outpost, meant to keep track of the activity on Satori Mountain. Supposedly, the mountain’s health reflects the state of the rest of the kingdom, so the researchers assigned there are tasked with monitoring it EXTREMELY closely.
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And Hyrule Castle. It’s Hyrule Castle.
Now completely bolted into the ground! :D
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If we put all these locations together, we get a very nice, very well populated Hyrule, with LOTS to see. This is how I would design the future of BotW’s Hyrule.
Thanks for reading!
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Master Kohga stuffs himself with bananas and gets his belly rubbed by his minions.
Master Kohga was beloved among his underlings. But there were members within the Yiga Clan who adored their master not just for his strength but for his looks as well. Many referred to him as utterly dreamy. And those who did tended to be referring to Kohga's most prominent feature.
His big poochy tummy.
The way it swayed with his every bold movement or jiggled beneath the tight red restraints of all Yiga Clan uniforms would make anyones knees weak.
It was certainly the case for a clan member named Haru whose mind wandered when he heard his master call out to him. And with how groggy Kohga sounded when he called for his minion Haru was quick to deduce his master sounded very overstuffed. He could only imagine how bloated that wonderful belly was going to be when he reached his masters chambers.
"Y-You wished to see me Master Ko-"
The young Yiga Clansmans stammering was interrupted by a raucous burp that bellowed from just behind those doors. slowly Haru opened the heavy door and what he saw caused him to blush so brightly that not even his Yiga mask could hide his blush.
Master Kohga was sprawled on his bed groaning with a pile of banana peels just at the foot of his bed. The end result of which left Kohga so bloated that he looked as if he had a mini boulder hidden beneath that skin tight red suit of his. Kohga lazily and pointlessly tried to settle his giant tummy by rubbing as much of it as he could reach but his belly was so massive he could barely reach any of it.
The master lazily looked past his giant girth and saw his minion at the doorway still as a statue and felt his eyes beneath his mask peering at that enormous belly of his.
"Unnngh...are you gonna gawk all day or are you gonna do your job...? Urf..." Master Kohga groggily called out to Haru then huffed breathlessly.
Haru quickly made his way to his masters side and heard that huge stomach churning harder and noisier than the brewing pots in one of their elixir chambers. His face only grew redder and redder when Kohga brought a fist to his masked mouth and gave a huge closed-mouth burp that actually pushed his mask out slightly and rumbled even louder than his giant belly did. Then Kohga gave another deep closed mouth burp after that and a lower one right after.
It was all music to Haru's ears.
"...Wh-What would you like me to do master?"
A thick groan emanated from Kohga's belly as soon as he heard the question to Kohga's obvious inquiry. The utterly bloated ninja master rolled his eyes beneath his Yiga eye mask and slapped his hand down over the side of his chunky belly as hard as he could. It sloshed immensely beneath his palm and caused his prominent girth to ripple heavily, similar to a like-like.
The slap also caused a huge gas bubble to work its way up Kohga's throat in time for his response.
As if Master Kohga couldn't be any hotter for Haru watching him slap his fat belly as hard as he could and burp out his demand nearly made Haru faint on the spot.
But if he did someone else would take his job and he wasn't going to let anyone else have the pleasure. So the young ninja hopped onto Kohga's bed and sat before that giant tummy and very quickly started rubbing it. Both Haru and Master Kohga shuddered at the exact same time his lean fingers began to run across that huge mound of spandex-clad blubber. Kohga's tummy was so fat that Haru's hands actually sank a little into his blubber when he rubbed. And there was so much belly to rub that Haru had to practically lean against the belly as though he were hugging a big beanbag chair.
Kohga groaned pleasurably and rolled his head back with a pleased sigh. He let his arms drop to his sides while the young Yiga Clansmen rubbed all over his vast belly with eager attentiveness. The heavy ninja master curled his toes in his boots when he felt Haru's fingers really clutch at his belly fat and knead into it like a baker would a giant mountain of dough.
"Unnnnnf...no one rubs this thing better than you I swear..." Master Kohga praised through his euphoric bliss and punctuated his praise by patting the side of his belly heartily making it wobble with each pat he gave.
"It is my honor master," Haru said with a respectful bow of his head that did absolutely nothing to mask his clear arousal which only made Kohga snicker drunkenly and made his giant tummy jiggle with his amused chortles.
Haru leaned himself right up against Kohga's huge plushy stomach and sank into the thick fat across Kohga's stomach. He almost shuddered at the realization of sinking slightly into his masters wonderful belly. His face was concealed by his mask same as Kohga but his body language said it all. Haru was in heaven.
The skinny little ninja rigorously rubbed the giant belly of the big fat ninja master. If kohga's eyes were visible they'd be rolling to the back of his head. In fact the way he panted made it almost look like his tongue would be hanging out of his mouth if not concealed by his mask. That's how good Haru's rubs were getting the way his palms were groping every inch of that wonderfully huge ball of fat hanging from his torso.
Haru reached over and kneaded his hand into the lower center of Kohga's fatty tummy. It was so thick and blubbery that his hand sank even deeper into Kohga's belly fat than any other part of his stomach. But it was also where Haru could feel Master Kohga's rather deep belly button. And because he was all too eager to indulge he pushed his fingers into Kohga's navel making them sink into Kogha's belly fat and belly button at the same time.
Master Kohga moaned heavily from having his navel fondled by his underling. The way Haru was kneading into the center of his tummy was growing more rigorous. Haru really pushed into that thick layer of fat which made that giant churning tummy gurgle even louder than ever.
Though Haru may have been kneading into Kohga's navel too hard because he pushed down enough that a huge gas bubble wormed its way up Kohga's chest. A thick burbling erupted from his throat and rose higher and higher until the fat ninjas cheeks puffed out underneath his Yiga Master mask. Then he threw his head back and released the loudest burp Haru had ever heard. One which blared all throughout Kohga's quarters and made his fat tummy ripple for several seconds.
Master Kohga sighed heavily in relief. "Gaaaaahhh...that felt good," he moaned and gave his immensely fat belly a few hearty slaps which made it ripple and slosh like it was full of jelly. He looked over his massive tummy and saw Haru leaning there stunned still. Kohga snickered which made his tummy jiggle some more. He could practically see the steam radiating from the Yiga footsoldiers masked face.
To rile his minion up even further Kohga grabbed the sides of his gelatinous tummy and jiggled it around right before Haru's eyes.
"Boy listen to this thing. All those bananas really do a number on me don't they," Master Kohga teased.
The sight of his fat master shaking his huge blubbery tummy around nearly gave Haru a heart attack. He couldn't help shove his hands right into that giant paunch eager to feel more of that fat in his hands and even more eager to hear Kohga burp again.
His efforts were swiftly rewarded by Kohga releasing an explosive burp which reeked of the sweet stench of digested bananas. Kohga's belly rippled like it was a waterbed both from the release and from the sudden shove Haru's hands gave his middle.
"You're incredible Master Kohga..." Haru said fondly while he reached up and eagerly slapped the side of Kohga's belly which made it wobble with each hearty slap he gave.
The slaps also dislodged another enormous throaty burp from the bloated ninja master as well. It was followed by another harsh burp right after that.
It was like all of Haru's fetish-fueled fantasies had come to life all at once. His beloved Master Kohga was sprawled and overstuffed on his bed even fatter than Haru had ever imagined seeing him. And the surplus of bananas that Kohga gorged on made his tummy so incredibly gassy and noisy that Haru was squeezing and slapping out one incredibly powerful burp after another.
Haru couldn't describe the way Kohga's tummy felt in his hands. The thick doughiness he felt when he let his hands sink into Kohga's belly fat. Or the way it rippled in his hand each time Kohga allowed him to slap it so heartily. He would fondle and play with Kohga's belly all night long if the master would allow it.
But Master Kohga for his part simply snickered and kicked back so Haru could keep kneading into his tummy. He was so fat that the rougher treatment of his tummy didn't bring any discomfort. In fact he found he quite enjoyed the feeling of his tummy rippling and quivering with each smack Haru gave it and the tender and firm kneading he gave. Though it was exhausting for the fat ninja to be burping so much. Haru's every press and slap successfully dislodged one tonsil quivering burp after another.
So in order to satiate his thirsty little minion Master Kohga sat up as best as that massive ball of fat weighing him down would allow him. Then Kohga wrapped his burly arms around Haru and hugged him as hard as he could right against his big blubbery belly. Haru's body sank into the masters tummy fat which also made a rush of gas that was still brewing in his stomach force its way up Kohga's throat.
This time instead of throwing his head back Master Kohga burped as loud and as long as he could right in Haru's face.
Even with his mask covering his face and Haru's mask covering his own face the sheer force of that burp blasted over Haru to nearly blow his mask clean off. Kohga's banana breath wafted over Haru as he sat there against Kohga's belly utterly stunned. It wasn't the most pleasant way to enjoy the aroma of bananas but it was still somehow intoxicating for Haru. Though that might have had something to do with the source.
Master Kohga sighed over Haru and smacked his lips beneath his mask. "Ahhhh much better," he said teasingly and gave his tummy a light smack which unintentionally made the bloated ninja master give a deep closed-mouth burp that he blew to the side.
"...M-Master...c-could you...?"
One didn't need to be able to see Kohga's face to sense him rolling his eyes at how shamelessly thirsty some of his underlings could get. "Fine but my throat's starting to hurt so ease up after this okay?"
His arms tightened around Haru. Kohga squeezed his minion against his bulbous belly once more which made the overweight clan leader let rip another big closed-mouth burp that Haru could hear very plainly rumbling in Kohga's spandex-clad cheeks. Then an even bigger one followed that Kohga almost let out altogether.
Kohga grunted then instead of blowing the gas away blew it all over Haru's mask-clad face.
"Ungh. There. Happy?"
All Haru could do was nod absentmindedly.
Kohga grinned and released Haru from his grip. "Good!" He said and lazily flopped backwards which caused his immensely stuffed tummy to slosh around from the heavy thud of his back hitting his mattress. "You can keep rubbing then. Keep it up and I'll try'n give you a few more burps for your troubles. Sound fair?"
Haru had already been rubbing for who knows how long. And yet he was already right back to firmly massaging that ample tummy with the same eagerness as a child about to go to a toy store. "Master you are truly the most generous and wonderful leader our clan has ever known..."
Master Kohga snickered some more at the easy praise which made his tummy jiggle again. "Tell me something I don't know."
Then he was off to basking in more belly rubs from a deliciously loyal little follower.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Master Kohga Age of Calamity Trailer Analysis
I’m a speedy boi time for some thoughts on today’s new trailer
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Ok first off THIS SHOT. Very important. Look at the Sheikah Slate filter. Last trailer I was able to write it off as some thematic choice since Robbie and Purah were Ancient Sheikah Scientists, but THIS trailer does not have that same connection. Couple this with this screenshot [credit to @rachelsmusicallife​ thanks for pointing this out to me!]
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I’m under the impression that these cutscenes might be part of an overarching theme of reliving memories through the Sheikah Slate. Kinda fleshed out out theory on how this might be related to eggbot here.
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“Hehehehe... Look. What. You. Did...”
The camera motion here is handheld (yes I know it’s not literally handheld but it has that feel) with Master Kohga here literally holding the camera. I’m assuming because this scene is from the direct POV of another character, perhaps Link. Which would make sense, since he is apparently accusing us of doing something. The lighting is also super weird, we’re in the Yiga Hideout (the area with the large pit where we fight Kohga in botw) but the sun is just setting with a shroud on the area. Although, I can’t exactly place the time of day because I’ve been through the hideout my fair share and no time of the day really lines up with this scene (because of the snowy Gerudo Highlands in the background, so the glistening of the sun is different) 
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This is by the Great Plateau. I’m thinking near the Outpost Ruins considering this isn’t Gatepost Town since they Great Plateau’s entrance is not in view. In fact, I could probably specifically place this right....HERE
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Flag poles, juts in the Plateau walls, road directly perpendicular to the Plateau. If my three years of staring at the Botw world is correct, [please Nintendo it’s the only thing I’m good at] then I’d say they’re at the Outpost Ruins. The only thing is that the houses seen here are mainly wood, while the ruins have clear stone walls
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Well...I don’t mind.
This is not Master Kohga. Different voice actor, new character design, new villain! I’m assuming he’s some sort of second in command or captain, given he duel wields Windcleavers. Also not how he doesn’t have a scar on his mask in this scene
Further note, look at that chimney!!! I love that chimney, I haven’t seen that chimney before... it’s in a style that I can only really place in Castle Town, but the location is clearly not there, so best assumption is that this is another prominent Hylian Village. The Hateno style archway at the bottom right seems to support so. The house shingles definitely mean this isn’t an outpost or military ruin...[this weekend I’d love to hope into the game myself and place it exactly] the background cliffs mean this isn’t Gatepost Town either. The rock formations look like a turn by Scout’s Hill, of the western breach by the Outskirts Stable...I wouldn’t put the Rauru Settlements out of the question either. All in all, I’m hesitant to connect this scene with the other scene because one clearly has a dirt path, and the other a stony road. Plus the house shingles are different
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Ok I can pretty much place this scene exactly. At least the bottom one, the top one is a separate scene that doesn’t flow into the other one (you can just tell by the framing and continuity) 
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You can see the Great Plateau entrance, the line of sight is at an angle, placing this backflipping Yiga man somewhere here. Only inconsistency would be the trees, but perhaps it’s just grown over after a hundred years, you can even see a building in the middle of this forest in center left of the map.
Link is chasing Backflip Benny over here through to the exit of town, (you can see the town entrance/exit archway on the bottom right, similar to the one seen in the chimney pic) AND you can see that Backflip Benny also has a fresh cut on his mask, presumable gained after fighting Link, which is why he teleports away at the end. 
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So that places these two shots definitely after whatever conversation happened on the roof. Yay for timelines! 
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The stupendous Chief of the Yiga Clan! Master Kohga!
This takes place at some ruins of some sort. The rocks on the top right actually look Edlin or Akkala, but that might just be the lighting. The stony slabs and etches actually remind be of Zonai, but that doesn’t really seem right...I’ve never seen those designs before I don’t think...you can see from the way the stone slabs are angled that they lead to a circular pattern. It could be the circular pit at the Yiga Hideout, but that area is just sand, not stone. The smooth, plain style of these ruins is actually more in line with Gerudo Ruins so that might actually be the case; we know the Yiga have a history of taking Gerudo Ruins as their own (The Yiga Hideout is canonically an old Gerudo architectural dig)
I’ll also note that this scene has the same lighting as the first shot, and the last two shots which we’ll see later. 
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*maniacal laughter* Oo? TWO new characters I see???? O????? 
This is definitely the Yiga hideout, you can tell from the wall design, plus the lanterns, and the general comfort of Master Kohga and Backflip Benny in the background. But, elephant in the room...who are YOU dear sir? 
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I’ll talk more about them later, but just keep that Calamity glowing thing in their hand in mind for later.
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He’s gonna kill you all...to DEATH! 
This is Master Kohga speaking again, if you couldn’t tell from his....very dramatic and in character dialogue. Maybe this game will actually make me like him now alsdfkjsdlk
Obvious is obvious, this is the Yiga Hideout again, similar lighting to the first opening shot, I’m thinking this might be sometimes before it though, considering he has his minions around. Maybe Link fights off the goons, which prompts him to ask “Look what you did” but we can’t know for sure. 
Also there’s grass? So maybe that other shot isn’t the hideout. Also a spotlight???!? Jazz hands?!?!? Leave it to Kohga to defy the fourth wall huh.
Also I haven’t mentioned this yet but NEW MUSIC it’s so good aughghug I can’t wait.
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And...we end on another Sheikah Slate fade out on this mysterious new character. Eyeliner says: Avatar Kyoshi
Ok but seriously I have THOUGHTS!! So firstly, they’re obviously working with the Yiga Clan, perhaps they’re the reason why the Yiga are in the Gerudo to begin with considering they have the Gerudo symbol on their cape. [Cause am I the only one that thought it was weird that the disgraced Sheikah people are living in Gerudo, and not like...closer to Kakariko, or their suposedl arch nemesis of the Royal Hylian family?] Also note that this scene most definitly takes place in the Lost Woods. Perhaps they need something with the Master Sword...or are ambushing someone...hmm..
Based on that rock formation in the background I’m thinking somewhere in one of these three general areas but I really need to just pick up my switch sometimes soon and find it exact...so bare with me it’s only from memory but I’m pretty sure of myself when it comes to locations
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My money’s on this being the true mastermind and antagonist, notice how their eye circlet is the same of that of the Calamity goop eye 
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This person has...yellow? Brown? Hazel eyes? And light hair with a braid? I don’t think they’re Sheikah, but definetly not Gerudo either. So that leaves them to be some Hylian. A Hylian with an evil Ancient Core. 
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[It’s definitly some form of Giant Ancient Core. But there’s runes on the side of it that I have yet to translate]
Thinking on their idenity for another second, you’ll notice that they wear a black robe, but their cape with the Gerudo crest is actually torn and tattered. So, perhaps they were disgraced? A runaway? Or perhaps it’s a disguise, perhaps a spy playing both roles on either side of the war? 
There’s an old theory that the fortune teller who initally told King Rhoam of the prophecy was actually part of the Yiga Clan. Seeing as, their actions led the King to dig up the Guardians, and cement the deaths of thousands of people. So, putting points in order here
Evil Magic dude
Works for the Yiga
Has connected to people in power 
Has an evil Ancient Core
Could it be that this mastermind fully knew that the Guardians would eventually be corrupted? Could they be the “fortune teller” that encouraged the King to excavate the Sheikah Technology? Sheikah Technology, that would be an insult to the Yiga Clan considering their people were banished for creating them in the first place? Hmmm....
Final NOTE! Remember that one scene in the other HWAOC trailer with Zelda holding a mysterious object? 
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Hmm...Sheikah Scientists, weird egg robot, and now an evil Ancient Core...you may also remember Daruk mentioning in dialogue that something was wrong with Rudania...and cutscenes from Urbosa and Revali might point to the Yiga being close to the Divine Beasts...lots to chew on. I’m thinking the plot of this game will heaviliy revolve on the idea that there was some sort of plan that led to Ganon corrupting the Guardians and Divine Beasts, but we’ll see!
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pocketseizure · 3 years
Master Kohga’s Super-Secret Bananatastic Healing Magic
Sooga has been injured, so Master Kohga performs a healing ritual with a banana… and a happy ending.
This is shameless smut about masks, concealment, and one naughty banana.
( Also on AO3 )
… … … … …
There are many things that the dark and dusky red of the Yiga Clan garb can conceal, but true discretion lies within the heart of the warrior.
Sooga had no one but himself to blame for the injury he had sustained during a recent battle with the princess’s chosen knight, who was becoming more skilled and deadly with each passing day. The boy had cut a long gash into his upper thigh, leaving a deep scar and lingering pain. Sooga told no one and attempted to dress the wound himself with various salves and elixirs concocted from rare flowers and exotic eastern lizards. These medicines were rendered even more potent by the purity of the snowmelt running through the cool darkness of the caves carved into the desert canyon, but the injury stubbornly refused to heal.
To Sooga’s shame, he stumbled slightly after standing through the duration of a meeting between Master Kohga and his most trusted blademasters. Sooga prided himself on his stamina, and he hoped his misstep would pass unnoticed.
Nothing escaped the sharp gaze of the Yiga Clan’s leader, however.
“Sooga,” his master said lightly before he could leave. “It seems you are not well.”
“It’s nothing more than a scratch. It will heal with time,” Sooga assured him.
“Time is the one thing that’s not on our side. Neither the princess nor the prophet play by the rules that bind us mortals, however crafty we might be.” Kohga shook his head. “There’s nothing else to be done. I must reveal one of the most powerful secret spells passed down by my ancestors.”
“Lay down and let me look at your leg,” Kohga ordered as he gestured to the raised platform at the center of the room. Its surface was padded with rush mats, a furnishing that was common in Kakariko but a luxury in the desert. It seemed like sacrilege to dirty the cut reeds with his body, but Sooga did as he was instructed.
Kohga set aside his mask and removed a banana from one of the offering trays. He removed his gloves proceeded to peel the meaty fruit with his naked fingers.
Sooga knew he was in trouble. The Yiga Clan uniform could conceal many things, but not from the trained eyes of Master Kohga. He would have to be careful to maintain control over himself.
“The banana is a symbol of the masculine energy we revere,” Kohga said softly. “It represents the golden light of ambition and the charging boar of desire. This is the wisdom passed down to all initiates to our clan, but few people know that the fruit also has powerful healing properties. Allow me to demonstrate.”
Kohga deftly flicked his wrist to produce a short knife, which he used to slice Sooga’s trousers open at the seam. The air was cold on Sooga’s skin, but another part of him was starting to grow uncomfortably warm.
Kohga enclosed the tip of the banana within the seam his lips as he traced the puckered skin of the scar on Sooga’s leg.
Sooga struggled to repress the response of his body to the touch of his master’s fingers.
��Relax,” Kohga said. He began to apply the pulp of the banana onto the injury like a salve with an intense look of concentration on his face. The sensation was soothing, but Sooga felt anything but calm. He was shamed by his burgeoning arousal and grateful for his mask, which shielded the blush spreading across his face from his master’s eyes.
“You go to such lengths to protect me,” Kohga continued as he massaged Sooga’s thigh. “You should allow me to take care of you for once. A wound like this requires time to heal. It will only get worse if you insist on pushing yourself so hard.”
Was it just Sooga’s imagination, or did his master put a slight emphasis on “hard”?
Kohga’s fingers were far too close to his cock, which gave a slight twitch in anticipation. The fabric of his pants had bunched around his waist in heavy folds, but soon there would be no concealing his arousal.
“You have my gratitude for your attention, Master, but your concern is unnecessary,” Sooga managed to respond, at pains to keep his voice neutral. “We both have urgent matters to attend to.”
Kohga smiled. “But we haven’t yet completed the ritual. We’ve barely even gotten started.”
Kohga slipped the banana higher up Sooga’s thigh. Then, to Sooga’s immense surprise, he leaned forward and followed the trail with his tongue.
Sooga groaned with pleasure as his cock jerked again. He couldn’t help it, but he was still filled with shame. He immediately pulled away and moved to stand, but Kohga gently pushed him back down.
“We must follow the ritual through to its conclusion.” Kohga looked up, and Sooga could swear that their eyes met through his mask. “Unless you’d prefer not to?” Kohga nudged the banana even higher up Sooga’s leg. “Tell me what you want.”
Sooga was beginning to suspect that this was no ritual, and that there was no magic save for how supernaturally hard his cock had become as it strained against the fabric of his trousers. It was just like Kohga to sidestep his way into such an intimate situation, a quality that Sooga very much admired.
“I want you to finish the ritual, Master,” he said.
“Then relax,” Kohga ordered before lowering his head once more. As his former sparring partner massaged and licked the scar running along his inner thigh, Sooga’s mind wandered back to their days of training. He had always admired the iron strength of the muscles masked by Kohga’s curves, and many were the nights he sought comfort by imagining his body in his hands.
Sooga was so lost in sensation and fantasy that he only noticed that the loose fabric of his torn pants had been pulled away when he felt the cold air on his overheated skin. It was no longer possible to deny his arousal, which rose from his waist in a thick pillar. All he could do was lie still as Kohga slid the smooth flesh of the banana along the throbbing length of his cock.
Sooga’s body convulsed in a shiver of pleasure, causing Kohga to smile with satisfaction. “Your scar isn’t hurting so much anymore, is it?” He flicked his tongue against the tip of the banana. Sooga had become so sensitive that he could almost feel the gesture directly on his skin.
Sooga’s cock pulsed with need as Kohga continued to rub the banana against him, but the sensation was too gentle – the slight pressure only teased his body, which was taut with desire and demanded release.
“Master,” he gasped, “is there more to the ritual?”
“Would you like there to be more?”
“Yes, Master. Please.”
“I thought you would never ask.”
Kohga set the banana aside and took Sooga’s naked cock greedily into his mouth. A rush of pleasure pulsed through his nerves with every caress of Kohga’s tongue. He could not restrain himself as he bucked his hips to thrust himself into the warm wetness between Kohga’s lips.
Kohga welcomed his enthusiasm and applied his tongue with purpose, calculating each movement of his mouth to bring Sooga to greater heights of pleasure. Sooga had honed his body to perfection, but he was not prepared for this onslaught of sensation.
“Master, I’m…” The rest of Sooga’s words were lost in a low moan as Kohga added his hand, creating a delicious friction. Kohga’s clever fingers tugged at his skin and slid along his length, pausing occasionally to tease his swollen and sensitive tip. His hand was a hot ring that gripped his member with an intense tightness, even as the flicks of his tongue were maddeningly gentle.
The need to come spread along Sooga’s nerves like molten lava until he could no longer bear the pressure. His cock was impossibly hard, arching in a thick curve that would have put a banana to shame. He bucked his hips in a final thrust and achieved his release, his breath and seed spilling out of him in a delirious rush.
Sooga could feel Kohga’s smile against his skin as he accepted the fruit of his climax into his mouth. His body trembled as the waves of pleasure crested and receded.
Kohga remained beside him, stroking the dense block of muscle on his injured thigh. As Sooga watched, the satisfied look on his face turned pensive.
“You shouldn’t have to bear a wound like this,” Kohga said. “We’ve worked for far too long without rest.”
“Our goal is almost at hand.”
“I wonder. Sometimes I’m not sure what our goal is anymore.”
Sooga didn’t respond. He’d entertained doubts of his own, but this seemed like an inappropriate time to voice his concerns. His head was filled with a lingering sense of sweetness, as well as the demands of a desire that had only just been kindled.
Kohga seemed to sense his hesitation. “It probably wouldn’t hurt to spend more time stretching instead of having these meetings,” he remarked.
Sooga lifted his mask. “Is there a ritual for stretching, Master?”
“Why yes, in fact,” Kohga replied with a grin. “As it happens, I’m just now recalling an esoteric technique passed down by my mother’s grandmother’s paternal uncle’s second cousin. I’m given to understand that it’s extremely effective, but there’s a secret to its efficacy – it requires two bananas.”
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Urbosa parried another of Sooga’s swords, and attempted to electrocute him once again with the contact. Unfortunately, the most he did was grimace at the force, as it mostly dissipated by the time it came to his rubber grips. He mentally thanked the work of an old lover, somewhere in a castle greenhouse.
Daruk had trapped Kohga in a bear hug, and was attempting to disorient him by rolling around with his protection, the Yiga Master was trying his very best to stab the Goron's impenetrable hide. 
Zelda was holding her bag of Sheikah parts over her head, waiting to inflict blunt force trauma on anyone that came too close. Of course, it wasn’t entirely necessary as Impa’s clones surrounded her every side. Impa herself was dueling it out with Zavis, kodachi on broadsword; gold on dark purple. 
“I bet you were just jealous!” Impa sneered, easily parrying another of Zavis’ attacks. “You think that being a Yiga Clan member is gonna give you all the attention, all the praise. Well I won’t let you get the satisfaction! When I’m done, you’ll be lucky to walk again, much less tarish all our family’s hardwork!” She lunged, aiming for the exposed shoulder, but the boy quickly ducked, and attempted to sweep the legs. She jumped back, and he groaned.
“Of course I was jealous! My mom spent more time training you with all your fancy skills than she ever did making me a meal!” He quickly flung a dagger, aiming to disarm. Impa just barely dodged, feeling only the brush of wind as the dagger flew by her.
In the center room, Link and Mipha were doing their best facing off against Arcadius, as Revali attempted to attack the floating Astor from the ground.
“Why don’t you fly up here, Master Revali? I’m sure that armour has been weighing you down all day…” The prophet chuckled to himself.
Revali only grimaced. He prepared another set of bomb arrows, igniting them with the piece of flint that sat on his bow’s rest, and loosed. 
Astor sighed, waving a hand, as another mass of malice was summoned forth, consuming the arrows and the muffled explosion. 
Mipha just barely caught Arcadius’ sword with her trident, just second before it made contact with Link’s arm.
“Link…” Mipha said, solemnly, but sternly, “We don’t have time. I think...I think we should—”
“NO!” Link yelled, crossing swords with his father again. “We’ll find another way, we have too!”
“I know it’s very difficult to ask...but…” Mipha looked around the room. “If we don’t end the fight before our armour gives out, we’ll all be defeated.”
She flicked her trident, trying to stave into the captain’s defence. “We need to actually—”
“We can’t hurt him, please!”
“Just enough so he can’t fight—”
“He’s not even reacting to pain!”
“I can try to heal him after—”
“But you don’t know that!”
Link shielded another attack and parried, his father’s side was open for the first time the whole battle, but he didn’t take it.
“Link, please!”
The knight shook his head. “I can’t. I-I can’t do it. Everything was for...everything I tried to do was for…” Another hiss through his teeth, as his father swung, cutting the surface of his leg. “Shit...I’m sorry...I don’t think I’m strong enough to do it.”
The Hollow Arcadius flew back as Mipha swept him away, using his momentum to push him towards the opposite wall. There was a crash as he collided with old crates and wooden barrels, but he rose with ease. Walking back towards them. 
Link stood his ground, adjusting his sword grip, but made no further movement. Mipha just looked between him and the Hollow, unsure if she had the will to stab him too fatally in front of Link. 
Arcadius walked, then faster, then faster, until he was fully sprinting back towards them, malice sword in hand. Mipha steeled herself, expression unreadable as she prepared.
Metal on metal. The scrape of swords interlocking. Link blinked just in time to catch a glimpse of Assivus Hartell, sprinting from behind them and catching Arcadius’ sword, mere seconds before colliding on Link’s face.
“Asivus?!” Mipha cried. The man said nothing, as he watched Arcadius slide backwards from the momentum. He looked around, from Mipha, to Link, to Revali.
“Where is Zavis?”
Link just opened and closed his mouth, before shouting, “Look out!” 
Arcadius ran forward, swinging for Assivus’ right side. 
He immediately moved his sword to parry it, and the Hollow captain was sent sliding back again. Still looking at Link, Assivus asked again. “Where?!”
“H-How did you—”
“I don’t need the greatest sword skills in the world if I can see every attack as it comes.” He pointed to his malice-like eyes. “Why do you think I’m using these bad boys?”
“But how did you get—” 
The captain came back again, and Assivus just rolled his eyes. He fully turned to face his brother. “You know Link, I think I lack the same sentiments as you. I’m fully able to make Larc hurt a little.”
“Uncle Siv—!”
The man ran to meet Arcadius’ attack, kicking him in the leg before he had a chance to jab. 
Zavis suddenly craned his neck, catching a glimpse of the fight in the center of the room. 
“Oh no…”
Assivus perked his head up, then turned to lock eyes with Zavis immediately.
“There you are.”
He charged. 
Astor quickly flicked a hand, to which Assivus immediately slid on the floor to dodge the attack, not even bother to look at him.
The prophet suddenly called out. “Zavis. Assivus is coming for you. I recommend you leave quickly, I shall hold him off.”
Zavis could only switch better Astor and the fast approaching Asivus before nodding. Quickly shoving his hands in his pocket, he took out a back of talismans, and teleported into the far hallway. 
Assivus gave chasing, ready to head into the dark hallway, but was blocked by two figures. 
Hollow Arcadius stood in the way, sword at the ready, and expression—non-existent. Sooga stood by the captain’s side, having temporarily slipped out of Urbosa’s stalemate.
“What do you think you’re doing, Hartell.”
“Well what does it look like? I’m here to get revenge.”
Sooga swiped his swords, sending a beam of red energy towards Assivus’ face. This only made him laugh out loud as he easily stepped to the side before the action was even completed. 
“Your son is a real piece of work you know? I had given up so long on caring, on giving a shit. He’s truly something special for bringing it outta me.” Assivus sprinted towards him, to which Arcadius mirrored the action.
As the clatter of swords continued, Sooga shook his head, reading a dagger to throw at his face. “Just who do you think you are, fool?”
Assivus once again easily moved out of the captain’s grasp, even going as far as to cut his shoulder. He looked up at Sooga while rocking on his heels.
“Well haven’t you heard of me before?” 
Assivus raised his arms, playfully, twirling his sword in one hand. As if he had all the time in the world. Which of course, he did.
“I’m the goddamn Assivus Asunder.”
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Please give me poly kogha, sooga and s/o going on a misson when its really a suprise birthday party for sooga that both kogha and s/o planned out cuz both of them are dorks and love there man, can be nsfw or sfe, i just want more of them, also aoc should be getring sooga as a playable charactor this year in augest so I'm very excited
FINALLY some zelda asks in this bitch, thank you Demi. Also, if I can complain about something for a second- I’m not into the actual gameplay for aoc? Even on easy it’s annoying, and takes FOREVER to do a level. I missed botw, i could save anytime on any bitch. Call me crazy, but I would've preferred some turn based combat.
“You sure you can handle this?”
“If my master wishes for it, I can handle anything.”
The Yiga clan had gotten intel on where the chosen one would be residing in for the night. It was but some little inn, one he hadn’t quite heard about. It was new, if he had to guess. Either way, it was some small place but a bit away from the Hateno village. A quiet place for the quiet prey. He looked towards you, and signed for you to go around the back, just in case he tried to escape from your attacks. While you were but a foot soldier, you were more than capable to handle the hero, at least till he got there. You grinned behind your mask, obeying his command. You knew that was exactly how he was going to handle this. You snug towards the back, using the trees as cover. You made sure he didn’t see you, before entering from the rather well hidden cellar level. Everyone was there, hiding in the darkness. You nudged one of the members.
“He’s keeping watch outside. Is our ‘Link’ ready?”
“Yep, he’s on the way, we even got him a horse to make it look legit.”
“And the cake?”
“Standing and waiting. We’re all set.”
You all waited until ‘Link’ walked in, slowly, with Kohga following right behind him. As silent, and as careful as ever, your Sooga. He carefully snuck up behind Link, and quicker than a flash, he had him on his back, on the floor. His weapon raised above their helms, but right before the weapon could pierce him between his eyes, the lights suddenly came on, and everyone jumped out of their respective hiding places.
Sooga looked around, totally confused. He looked at the blonde boy underneath him.
“If this is some foolery, champion, I will not-”
“Sooga, dude, it’s me!”
With a flash, Link turned into another footclan soldier, giving a wild wave from between Sooga’s fat thighs. Sooga got off of him, helping him to his feet, and finally getting a good look at the place. Streamers, confetti, balloons, and a cake just as big as he was in the center of the room.
“All of this is for?....”
You grinned as you wrapped an arm around his hip.
“Your birthday, duh! Did you think we’d forget?”
“So….you all faked a mission, to celebrate MY birthday? Why didn’t you just celebrate it?”
“We really wanted to surprise you! Plus, we knew you wouldn’t willingly want to make it all about you. Sucks now, because we MADE it about you.”
Despite the masks, you could tell Sooga was smiling. He bonked his mask against yours in a sign of appreciation, before looking at the cake.
“I….suppose I HAVE to celebrate it now, especially with a cake that size. I take it this was you and master Kohga’s idea?”
“I figured. Speaking of, where is the mast-”
The top of the cake suddenly flung off, and of course, there was Kohga. Covered in cake. And lots, and LOTS of whipped cream. Everyone whooped and hollered (you included) as Sooga just stood there, barely a foot away from his sweet soaked sweetheart. Kohga motioned wildly to himself, and you could tell Sooga was so tempted to laugh.
“Ah! Ah?! Come on, this is the BEST surprise I could think of. ME!!”
Sooga leaned over, swiped at some frosting, and smeared it over your mask, softly chuckling.
“This is ridiculous. I love it, thank you. Even though this was clearly just a ploy for you to be in a cake.”
“Correction, this was an excuse for you two to fuck me while I’m COVERED in cake.”
“....Looking forward to it, Master.”
“Can we eat the cake BEFORE we eat the ass though?”
Sooga nodded. As much as your personalities conflicted, he wouldn't trade either of you for all the bananas in the world.
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the-botw-fam · 3 years
Nine thousand years after the first Calamity, Hyrule is prospering. War has not broken out in decades, even centuries, and the kingdom is as wealthy as ever. Although almost every generation yields a new hero who pulls the sword that seals the darkness, they are rarely needed by Hyrule for any reason other than to show a false façade of preparation for Calamity. Similarly, the descendants of Hylia are still born with her sacred power, but few awaken it, and even fewer are required to use it. Nowadays, the knight with the ancient sword is appointed as the princess’ personal guard out of tradition more than anything else, and neither is expected to do anything more than the “heroes” before them.
The worst thing Hyrule has seen in recent history occurred over a century ago, when multiple noble hylian families vanished without a trace. Rumors spread about assassinations and scandals, but very few, if any, knew the truth of what happened. The noble families had been the primary benefactors of Hyrule’s military, and without their funding, the army crumbled. Hyrule’s defense never even remotely recovered and remains woefully sparse to this day. Luckily, Hyrule has not seen any wars since then. The effects of this tragedy are slowly becoming more apparent, however, as monster populations begin to rise with no one to stop them.
Hyrule is currently divided into multiple different factions, each bearing a different amount of political power. The most powerful faction of all is the hylians, or Hylia’s chosen people. Born with a natural aptitude for magic, hylians have both the greatest population and wealth of any group inhabiting the continent. They tend to remain in Central Hyrule, but various settlements are scattered across the map. The royal family is comprised of nobles and the descendants of the goddess Hylia herself. The hylians are currently ruled by King Norian Daltus Hyrule and Queen Idira Rochelle Hyrule, as well as their daughter Princess Zelda Laurel Hyrule.
The group with the second most political power is the zora, an amphibious race who originates from the Lanayru region. While they are not as naturally inclined towards magic as the hylians are, the zora are very spiritual, and receive many blessings from the goddesses because of this. They worship the goddess Nayru in particular. Zora are also known as Hyrule’s historians, thanks to both their extensive records of Hyrule’s history and their exceptionally long lifespans. They maintain a close alliance with the hylians, and are not the enemies of any other faction in particular. The zora royal family currently consists of Queen Orela, the primary leader of the zora, and her two children, Princess Miso and Prince Raph.
With almost the same amount of power as the zora, the gorons are the race that has been in Hyrule for the longest, with some accounts stating that they populated Hyrule before the hylians themselves. They are easily the second richest group in Hyrule, second only to the much larger faction of the hylians. They achieve this wealth by selling the multitude of gemstones and precious metals found on Death Mountain, their home. Of all the groups on the map, the gorons have suffered the least from the recent spike in monster populations, since even monsters find it difficult to live on the volcano. They often assist the hylians in dealing with the beasts that roam Central Hyrule. The gorons do not have a single ruler, and are instead led by a council of elders.
The rito have existed in Hyrule for centuries, but historical records show that they are the newest race to inhabit the land. One of the smallest groups by population, the rito are primarily found in the Tabantha region, with their main settlement being Rito Village. They are known across the map for their unparalleled skill in archery, and their proficiency in flight is coveted in many occupations. Most messengers are rito due to their ability to fly over long distances in a much shorter time than it would take for a hylian messenger to walk or even ride a horse. The rito are led by the elder Vayli.
One of the more reclusive factions would be the gerudo, who have been excluded from greater Hyrulean affairs throughout history. While there are no legal barriers keeping them from being equal to every other tribe, prejudice against them still exists, primarily from the hylians. Gerudo males are even shunned by other gerudo, despite only being born once every century. The gerudo have been impacted the most by the collapse in defense systems across Hyrule, as monster populations in the desert have boomed. Renowned for being a tribe of proud and powerful warriors, the gerudo refused to ask for help from other groups, and were actually very successful in repelling the monster attacks with few losses from the gerudo soldiers. However, a molduga attack in the past couple of years that ended in a loss of a civilian life prompted the gerudo to form an alliance with the yiga clan, another group that had a poor relationship with the hylians. They are being led by Chief Averu.
The sheikah are both the smallest formally recognized faction and the one with the least political power. Found almost exclusively in Kakariko Village, the sheikah have a long history of serving the Hyrulean royal family in the shadows, but now exist semi-autonomously in public. The sheikah are also the most technologically advanced tribe, but most of their technology was buried thousands of years ago for an unknown purpose. Now, they are only left with sophisticated armor and weaponry design, even if none of it is made of the materials of ancient technology. What little of their old tech that remains unburied is currently in the hands of the yiga, an offshoot from the sheikah tribe. While the sheikah are led by an elder, they are primarily ruled by the hylian royal family.
Considered to be more of a “cult” than a formal faction, the yiga clan is a group of Hyruleans who worship Ganon as opposed to Hylia. Originally a group of sheikah who deviated from the rest of their tribe, the yiga now accept members from all races, even if they remain primarily sheikah. Many hylians and sheikah consider them to be traitors to the crown for rejecting their founding goddess, but the clan is mostly harmless (if a bit peculiar), so no one is willing to waste the resources on getting rid of them. The clan bases a lot of their actions on ways to spite the hylian royal family, such as digging up the ancient technology that had been buried under their orders, and thus have alienated themselves from all factions of Hyrule who want to avoid a conflict with the greatest political power. They wandered Hyrule without a true home for centuries, until a very recent alliance with the gerudo earned them a safe haven at the edge of the desert in exchange for lending their warriors to fend off monsters. They are led by a relatively reclusive figure known as Master Kohga.
The final and most mysterious group living within Hyrule is, or was, the zonai. Very little is known about them, as they vanished from Hyrule thousands of years ago with very few records of their existence. Now, all that remains of them are various ruins that can be found all across the map, but are centered in the Faron region.
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
Somebody Different (3/???)
Beginning, Previous, Next (To Be Released)
Summary: Decisions must be made, a life hangs in the balance, Time and Twilight scramble to keep broken pieces together.
Note: Sort of a filler chapter but very important nonetheless. Angst of most kinds can be found here. Tread carefully. And by that I mean enjoy.
Epona huffs through her nostrils, her body pumps beneath his legs as he lets go of her reigns and aims an arrow made of light at the stomach of the terrible beast snarling above him, trying to find and probably smash him into the ground as a new dish called "the Hero's pancake". He takes a steadying breath and lets the arrow fly, and it's thanks to months of practice that he hits his target dead center.
Calamity Ganon screams and rears its head up, snarling, almost desperately trying to shift so it can get a better look at the one who will defeat it.
Link thanks whatever gods there are—he's still learning—for Epona. The beautiful horse knows how to hold her own in battle, and he hardly even had to steer her towards safety, she did it herself. He rubs her neck and she whinnies. This could be it, he thinks. He could fail here, and he could die here. It's all been leading up to these moments, and it could all have been for nothing…
He shakes his head. No. He can do this. If he dies… Epona will die. Zelda will die. Purah, Impa, Paya, Beetle, everyone, all of Hyrule and the unknown lands to the north and west, all the uncharted seas to the South and east, all of it will be doomed.
He cannot fall here.
Though, true to the theme of his life, everything suddenly goes downhill. A leg of the beast above him moves suddenly and too quickly for him to avoid. Epona stumbles below him and he barely has time to wince at the pitiful noise she makes before he's thrown clear off from her back. He rolls for a long time, limbs flailing and skin rubbing raw to the point of blood each time he makes contact with the ground. His head spins and it takes him a moment to recognize that he's no longer rolling.
Groaning, he curls his hand around the grass and dirt below him and forces his head up, ignoring every pang of pain trying to coax him back down.
In front of him is the beast, smoke steaming from the corners of it's lips, the sky runs a blood red and darkness seems to be closing in. However, he doesn't need Zelda to call out to him that there's a last weakness, that not all is lost. Looking up at the head of Calamity Ganon, he can see light wanting to burst through in a giant, long crack. A single eye opens in that light, wildly looking around as if confused why it's there, why it's exposed.
He has to get to that. How? How does he get all the way up there?! Revali's Gale isn't strong enough to lift him that high, there has to be another way-
The beast in front of his roars and Link quickly rushes to his feet, pushing all pain to the back of his mind to deal with later. It's charging up, a deep purple beginning to glow at the back of its mouth. Before Link can do anything, the beam of malice he has managed to avoid up till this point is firing right at him.
And then he wakes with a start.
His chest is pounding and he's too hot and too cold at the same time. The other man, the one who calls himself "Legend" is still against the tree, resting somewhat fitfully if the wrinkles between his eyebrows are anything to go off from. Link sighs and leans back against his own tree, pulling his Hylian Cloak closer to him to ward away the chill of night. The campfire cracks, still strong, letting Link know he hasn't exactly been asleep long.
What happened… after Calamity Ganon fired at him? He can't remember anything past that, and it tears him apart. Did he defeat it like Legend has said? Did he fall? Was the whole battle actually fabricated? He used to think losing all of his memories was the worst thing that could happen to him, yet it seems the Resurrection Shrine has called his bluff and took half of his memories away.
Now he has three separate lives he must put together, one of a boy raised to be a knight, one of a memoryless knight training to be a hero, and one of a hero with seemingly no purpose anymore. Three versions of himself. If anyone is allowed to have an existential crisis, Link thinks he's probably the most entitled to one right about now.
Cricket's sing as he tries to calm his mind and heart. It's late, and he needs to sleep… but after a few minutes of trying he recognizes how impossible that is and instead reaches towards the Sheikah Slate connected to his hip. He turns it on and with practiced movements he flicks the screen towards the hundreds of photos he has stored onto the device. He started taking pictures of everything after he found out how important Zelda's pictures were to his memory. He's always been paranoid about forgetting everything again, so he thought that if there's a chance he forgets he'll be able to easily track down his memories.
If only it were that simple. It seems with each new beginning he has, the more difficult circumstances will make it for him.
He flicks his fingers through his very short second life until he comes upon the last photo he actually remembers taking. The beast. Calamity Ganon. He thought, at the time, that Zelda would be shaking her head in exasperation as he jumped of Epona to quickly snap a picture of the beast hell bent on destroying Hyrule. For the memories, you know?
It takes him a second to work up the courage to slide his finger across the screen to come across the next photo, and when he does his breath is taken away.
She's beautiful. He already knew this of course, but he's only ever seen her in blurry memories with half the information stuffed inside them. Seeing her like this, smiling at him with the endless expanse of world behind her… it fills him with so much joy... and so much sadness that he doesn't remember taking it, doesn't remember seeing her in person.
The next photo is a picture of them posing together in front of a silent princess. The next one is of her chasing a frog, and the next is her arm nearly being pulled out from her socket as she shakes Sidon's hand.
There's plenty of pictures like this, documenting a life after success, until the first strange photo pops up. It's simple yet so out of place. It's a picture of a bowl of soup that he figured out and perfected the recipe of just a few months into his journey. There's a child holding the bowl in his hands, bits of carrots and creamy soup dripping from the corners of his mouth as he smiles widely, as if it's been a very long time since he's had a good meal.
He studies this picture for a moment, trying to find familiarity with the person he's seeing, until he gives up with a huff and flicks to the next confusing image. This one strikes something in him… it's of a man, probably just a few years older than Link himself, tattooed on the face and clad in a wolf pelt. Link's posed in this one, his arm slung around the man's shoulder, making him lean down awkwardly as he's forced to bend unnaturally towards Link's shorter height. Link's smiling widely, and the man is frowning in surprise as if the photo was of complete surprise, like Link decided at the spur of the moment that he should have a picture with this man and took it before the other could complain.
The reason this photo stands out to him is because it tugs something in his gut, something that screams he should recognize this but for the life of him he can't place it. It reminds him of the time he came out of the resurrection chamber… the first time he came out of it. Alone, not a single memory to his name, hell, he didn't even have a name, at least not one he was sure about. It reminds him of when he first laid his hands on the Sheikah Slate, when that strange feeling of familiarity washed over him yet he had no recollection of actually seeing it before.
It's exactly like that, now that he thinks about it. The Sheikah Slate was the first thing he interacted with, this man was the one who pulled him out the second time.
More pictures, more faces, some striking more feelings than others but each as mind boggling as the one before. A small one with strange colored clothes and a bright smile that hides many secrets. A soft, middle sized one with a kind gaze and welcoming arms. A taller one who reminds Link just a bit of Revali, but his smile isn't as arrogant, it's the grin of a great leader. One that looks to be the eldest, a single eye hiding so much pain and wisdom but his expression is genuine and open. Another who looks like he laughs more than anything else, who looks like he's seen many mountains and many monsters, whose friendly stance and welcoming expressions screams that he's never let a single bad moment take away his hope.
Then there's Legend, he's only in a few pictures, he's probably mastered the art of avoiding the camera, but in the photos he's in there's always this glint of… happiness he's trying to hide behind layers and layers of unreadable expressions. He's happy, but he's trying to not let anyone know about it.
Well, that's what it looks like at least. Link likes to think he's good at reading people; when it comes to the Yiga clan, he really has to be.
He studies a few more pictures, flips back to look at them again, and all the while a brick begins to settle deeper and deeper into his stomach.
He shot a bomb at these people.
Sure, he had just woken up, the last thing in his mind was a powerful monster about to kill him, but he doesn't intentionally ever hurt people, even the Yiga. The only human whose death he's responsible for is Master Kohga, and he will make sure he goes the rest of his life without the death of another human on his conscious.
The more time that passes from the moment he woke up again, the more he regrets freaking out and using a drastic measure like taking a hostage. Maybe he should have stayed and talked with them... he hopes they're all okay… however, he also has to keep reminding himself that there's no way that he can know for sure that Legend's story is true… the one he was told piece by piece through the day, the story that each of these other faces are past incarnations of himself and that they're working together to fight an unseen threat larger than what any of them has ever faced before.
The pictures cannot be taken at face value. He already knows the Yiga can adopt the look of any person, so it's possible that each of these photos, even the ones with Zelda, are doctored.
He exits the gallery before the brick in his gut can grow any larger. Instead, he turns to where the map of Hyrule should be. Instead, it's all static. Nothing, not even any border lines that suggest there's a tower or some sort of way to get information of the land he's lost in.
He sighs and sets aside the slate, finding it useless for everything except making him anxious. He sets his eyes on Legend and stares for a second.
He has a decision to make, leave this mysterious man behind and make his escape to figure out where he is, or slow himself down, take Legend with him, and have a source of information. Questionable information but information nonetheless.
He'll decide in the morning…
"Will he be okay?" Wind asks and Time looks up from where he's nursing his bruised back. Twilight meets his eyes as he's wrapping Four's's head, both avoiding the youngest's questioning glance.
Time, instead turns to rest his gaze on Warrior, the only one in their group who's still unconscious, laying out on the forest floor with Twilight's pelt used as a pillow. Hyrule sits against a tree nearby with his legs pulled against his chest and his forehead resting against his knees, not bothering to look or talk to anyone.
At this point, Wind could be talking about either one of them.
What does Time say? Yes! Warrior will be completely fine, what's a few broken bones and a major concussion? He'll one hundred percent be okay even though they already used up all the red potions they had to cure the worst of everyone's injuries. Yes, they'll all be okay even though all of their travel bags were lost in the world switch. Everything is completely, without a doubt, a-okay even through Wild's gone hostile and took one of their own hostage.
Thankfully, he doesn't have to answer. Sky does for him.
"He's Warrior, he's never down long," Sky replies, brushing dust and dirt off from his Sailcloth. He sounds confident, even looks somehow confident despite how he's covered in dust and bandages, but Time catches the unnerved glance Sky sends towards the unconscious member of their team.
Twilight pats Four's shoulder and stands up from his position, his eyes darting around the forest they all now find themselves in. "We need to find our stuff," he says, "It shouldn't be far. They'll be more supplies for Warrior there."
Time nods, and regrets it instantly when his head pounds with the motion. He winces and brings his hand to his temple and rubs. "You can't go alone," he grinds out. Twilight gives him an unimpressed glare and before he can argue with Time about him being the one to go with him, he glances over to where Hyrule is still moping.
Understanding flashes in Twilight's eyes. Hyrule, after helping Twilight wake everyone up and drag the group to the surface, has fallen into some sort of depression and has been silent and still for way too long. A Hyrule that isn't bursting with life, kindness, and exaggerated movements hardly isn't Hyrule at all.
Time smiles in satisfaction when Twilight nods and walks over to where Hyrule sits, he taps Hyrule on the shoulder. "C'mon, you up for joining me?"
Hyrule stays silent, not acknowledging Twilight in the slightest. Sky moves forward and opens his mouth, as if he's about to offer to go in Hyrule's place, but one look from Time he seems to understand what Time and Twilight are trying to do.
When a few seconds pass and a reaction from Hyrule is still lacking, Twilight clicks his tongue and gently places his hand around Hyrule's bicep. Hyrule let's out a growl of frustration as Twilight slowly drags him to his feet. Hyrule lifts his face, cheeks red, and steadies his stance as Twilight wraps his arm around his shoulders and starts to guide him away.
"You can mope later," Twilight says, smiling, though his eyes betray worry, "for now, help me search the forest."
Hyrule simply nods and Time has to look away because he can't stand how expressionless the boy looks. Something is eating at Hyrule, and if it's left alone it will begin to eat at the rest of the group, and with Warrior as wounded as he is, with Wild gone rogue, with Legend MIA, bad moral is the last thing they need.
Instead of watching them go, Time leaves Hyrule in Twilight's capable hands so he can take care of the rest of their broken family.
"Whose hungry?"
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 16
When he came to, it was not without a splitting headache. He couldn’t even bring himself to open his eyes, but as his mind slowly came into focus, he listened to the sounds around him. It was very quiet, but not silent. From above him, there was the distinct hum of a light fixture. The air on his skin was cool. Damp, even. He shivered slightly, then opened his eyes. He was staring down at his feet, and he noticed then how stiff his neck felt. He wiggled his fingers, and his wrists ached. His gaze moved to his arms and noticed then that they were strapped down, along with his ankles. He lifted his head, fighting against the vertigo for a moment, and looked around the room.
It was dimly lit, very large, and very empty. He sat in one corner of the room, directly across from the door, but he was hardly centered in the room. He had half expected a single light bulb to be dangling above him in the center of the room. Wasn’t that how villains liked to torture their captives in the movies? Why should he be an exception to that cliche?
He knew, without a doubt in his mind, that he was likely somewhere in the Yiga hideout, where ever that was. Unless, of course, they prefered to keep their captives in other locations, to keep the secret hidden, of course. Yes, that seemed very likely. But one thing was for sure; the Yiga Clan had him, Mipha, and Aryll in their clutches, and that was very, very bad news.
He cursed silently. Damn it, Kit and Revali were right all along. He shouldn’t have doubted them for a second. He shouldn’t have listened to his father. Why didn’t he just take care of them ten years ago? There were so many thoughts rushing through his head, but the one that kept coming back was whether or not Dorian had anything to do with the situation he was in. He swore on Hylia he would kill the traitor himself as soon as he got the chance. And the entire Yiga Clan, too, while he was at it.
The door opened then, bringing him out of his thoughts. His chin jolted up and his gaze fell on a man that could have only been Kohga himself, leader of the Yiga Clan. Kohga stood in the doorway, grinning stupidly as he met Link’s gaze.
“My, my,” he said as he stepped into the room and toward Link. “It took longer than I planned, but I finally have Hyrule's Chosen Hero in my hideout. I'll try not to gush, but,” He leaned in close to Link's face, “I'm such a fan.” He grinned, then stepped away and crossed the room towards the table where various tools were laid out.
“I should tell you,” he said as his fingers ran along the table and the tools. “A lot of people died to protect you. You'd have no way to know that, of course, so I felt it only right to tell you.” He turned to regard Link over his shoulder, but Link kept his eyes on the ground, though listening intently.
“Your father included,” he continued. He selected a large, sharp looking knife and turned it in the light, inspecting it. “All the torturing in the world wouldn't get him to talk. But it didn't matter; I would find you one way or another, and low and behold, I did.” He turned with the knife in hand, smiling wickedly. “King Roham has a way with keeping those details a secret, though, doesn't he? Killed in action, I'm sure he said. How conveniently vague.” He laughed lightly. “And you were none the wiser. Seems interesting that all these secrets would be kept from you, doesn't it?” He rubbed his chin, then shook his head. “Makes me wonder; are they trying to protect you? Or perhaps there's... something else they're trying to protect?”
Link continued to stare at his feet, avoiding his gaze. Surely he was just trying to get into his head, but it was working. His mind was racing, trying to decipher all the Yiga Clan leader was telling him. Had Impa and Roham really been keeping things from him? And for what purpose? It didn't matter in that moment, though. Mipha and Aryll were missing, and he was stuck in that damned chair, waiting for Kohga to choose his weapon.
“I had such joy seeing your father come to his end, after all these years,” he continued. “And I will have even greater pleasure ending your life. I'll make it just as slow and painful as it was for your father. In fact.” He turned around, putting the knife down and instead picking up a long syringe. “Let's get right to it. I'm anxious to see how this will work with you, the boy with the spirit of the hero.”
He approached Link, bending down to get into his face once more. He held the syringe before him, grinning. “A little something I've put together. Are you curious about it?” He didn't wait for Link to answer. “Of course you are. And I will tell you. I'm quite proud of this. And you'll be interested to know what is happening to you.” He straightened and moved to Link's side, prepping his equipment. “It has worked quite well on our other... subjects. In fact, we'll be using this on Ganondorf himself as well. A little dark magic, so to speak.” With the needle filled, he flicked the tip. “We've had great success using this in,” he raised his brows excitedly, “raising the dead, so to speak. We're preparing an entire army of undeads, pumped full of this little dark magic. With you, we suspect it will darken that little Triforce inside of you. This will allow us to not only raise Ganondorf from his seal, but once we get our hands on Zelda as well, the Triforce will become complete, and without the purity of its power, allow Ganondorf to use its full power without it shattering.”
He pressed the needle into Link's arm. Link stiffened, but unable to move, he could do nothing to prevent anything from happening to him. He waited with clenched teeth until the needle was finally removed, and almost immediately, the room began to spin.
“It will take a few doses of this before it really starts to take effect,” he continued, moving back towards the table. “You may even be feeling it right now as it flows through your body.” He looked over as Link slouched in the chair and smiled. “You will have a variety of reactions to it,” he said. “Sickness, nightmares, hallucinations. In high doses, it will kill you. But not to worry; I've perfected it for our purposes with you. You'll only want to die. But once you completely succumb to the power, Hyrule's Hero will be dead, and you will begin your new life, fighting for Ganondorf.”
“You think this plan of yours will work?” Link muttered. He gasped as a sickening pain washed through him.
Kohga laughed. “Don't be a fool,” he said. “The tough guy front will get you nowhere, now. You and your friends and all of Hyrule are finished.” He made his way towards the door. “I'll be back in a couple of hours for another dose.” He smiled. “We'll have such a good time together.” And with that, he closed the door behind him, leaving Link alone to his thoughts in the dark room.
Link’s eyes darted around as they adjusted to the darkness, though he still couldn’t see worth a damn. He desperately replayed Kohga’s cliched monologue in his head. He had watched enough movies to know that Kohga - the villain of his own story - was likely fucking with him, but he couldn’t help but to believe every word of it. And the more he thought about it, the more it all made sense. Even his father had said so himself; the Yiga Clan had been, as he put it, ‘a thorn in their side for years.’ He didn’t doubt for a second that his father under exaggerated that a great deal. And then there was the speculation his friends had about Dorian and the beef between the Sheikah and his father. There were secrets between the two men who once called themselves close friends. Could it be that Dorian had something to do with the Yiga Clan? But Zelda was so quick to shut down that suspicion as well, after his father had apparently died in a tragic attack.
Perhaps, then, it was so much more. It became clear to Link, now, how deep the war was. So deep, in fact, that even though Ganondorf had been defeated, the threat still remained. For years, Hyrule battled silently, behind his - the hero’s - back, without his knowledge, sending in their own soldiers to their deaths. Soldiers like his father. A man who was thrust so deep into the secrecy of war, that he died at the very hands of the people they were trying to defeat. He died to protect the only secret he held so dearly to him; the whereabouts of the man whom the Yiga could use against Hyrule. Link’s whereabouts.
No. He didn’t merely die. He was murdered. Murdered by people who had once sworn to protect the royal family and all of Hyrule. Murdered by traitors. Link let the rage was through him as he shouted into the empty room. He struggled against the restraints, but unless he had Daruk’s strength, there was no way he would be able to break out. But then again, it was likely that they were well prepared for anything Hyrule’s Champions could throw at them. Perhaps even Daruk would have been rendered useless in the restraints. They didn’t stand a damn chance against the Yiga Clan.
Still, Link continued to struggle desperately. He had to get out of there. He had to save Aryll and Mipha. He had to kill Kohga and destroy the Yiga Clan. He wanted nothing more than the taste of revenge for everything they had done. But as he struggled, he found himself growing unexplainably more and more exhausted by the second. His head felt clouded and darkness crept in at the corners of his vision, quickly disorienting him. Nausea moved through him as his head started to spin. His body shivered, yet sweat dripped off of him. And then, he lost consciousness all together.
He blinked in the bright light, letting his eyes adjust. He stood in the doorway into the kitchen. The room seemed inexplicably bright for a moment, but then it settled to something more bearable. Link could hear the faint sound of a woman humming a familiar tune. His eyes moved to the blonde woman that stood at the counter, her back turned to him, and his breath caught in his throat. Sensing his presence, the woman turned, her piercing blue gaze meeting his, and she smiled.
Her voice was kind and comforting when she spoke “Hey,” she said. “Are you just gonna stand there?” She let out a light giggle, her head cocking to the side slightly.
Link ran to her. His mother wrapped her arms around him, then moved her fingers to brush through his hair as he buried his face against her.
“You can’t stay here,” she said softly.
He knew this all too well, but he did not move away from her. She hugged him tighter as he cried against her.
“I’m sorry, Link,” she said. Her voice sounded distant. “I never wanted this for you.”
He wanted to tell her he understood. That he didn’t blame her. Or his father. There was so much he wanted to say to her, but he couldn’t find his voice. He pulled away and watched as his mother seemed to fade away right before his eyes.
“I love you,” she said. “Don’t give up.”
Link reached desperately for her, but as he did so, he felt a strange snap in his body, in his mind, as if shutting off his connection with her completely, plunging him in darkness.
Link gasped for breath. The world was still dark, and it took him a moment before he realized he was still secured in the Yiga Clan hideout. He struggled against the restraints, but still, he could not break free of them. He ceased struggling for a moment, his breathing heavy as he fought to catch his breath. His lashes were wet and he quickly blinked away his leftover tears.
At that moment, the door opened and light pooled through. Kohga stood in the doorway with a look of absolute pleasure on his face. He stepped into the room, watching Link with an eager grin, and the dim lights turned on with a faint buzzing sound. He stopped before Link and looked down at him.
“It won’t be long before you can no longer discern your dreams from reality,” he said. “And both will only get worse with time. You will soon beg for death, and I will happily oblige.” He moved to the table to retrieve another syringe. “I guess that makes me rather kind, doesn’t it?” he said. “The Chosen Hero will die and begin his new life. It’s really quiet poetic.”
The syringe plunged into his skin, but this time, Link hardly noticed it. He didn’t move as he accepted his fate. He could practically feel the dark energy pulsing through him, and once more, it caused his head to spin sickeningly. His fingers curled into his palms as the pain rushed through him, cutting deep into his skin and causing his hands to bleed.
“This will be our routine for the next few days,” Kohga said as he stepped away. “Settle in. It’s gonna be a wild ride.” He dropped the empty syringe carelessly onto the table, and without another word, left Link alone.
Once more, Link fell into unconsciousness, more quickly than he had the first time.
When he came to, he seemed to still be within the walls of the Yiga Clan hideout. However, he was no longer restrained. He sat up on the cold, hard floor and looked around him. Several dark cloaked figures circled around him. He got to his feet cautiously, prepared to defend himself, but they did not move. From among them, only one man stepped forward and out of the shadows.
Rusl approached his son, holding his gaze on him as he grabbed his left wrist and pulled Link towards him. He inspected his hand for a moment, and the Triforce began to pulse. However, it was not the same soft, golden light that it once emit. It was dark and wicked, and Link could feel the power of it pull through his body, as if threatening to leave him.
Rusl smiled. He let go when Link pulled his wrist out of his father’s grip. Link sneered up at him, his heart racing.
“Why are you doing this?”
“The Triforce belongs to Demise,” his father said, his voice strong. “It has since the dawn of time. We’re here to return it to its rightful owner.”
Link stared blankly at him for a moment, then narrowed his gaze. “What are you talking about?”
“Hylia has covered this truth throughout the ages. That’s why Sheikah have abandoned the royal family. That’s why the Yiga Clan exists; to bring back the truths of this world.”
Link searched his father’s gaze desperately. “You can’t be serious…”
“The Goddesses thought they sensed evil intent in Demise, so they took the Triforce from him and entrusted it with Hylia instead. They wrongly accused him and sealed him away. That’s why Hyrule has fallen to his supposed curse. That’s why Hyrule belongs to Demise.”
“You… you’re working with them. You have been all along.”
“The Yiga Clan are not the enemy, Link. The sooner you realize that, the better.”
“Then why are they intent on killing me?”
“You possess a piece of it. That piece does not belong to you. You must give it up so Demise can return to power.”
“And then?”
“And then you will die.”
“You knew this all along,” Link said softly as he came to the realization. His entire life was a lie. His family was a lie. He was a lie. “You’re lying!”
Rusl turned his back on his son. He stepped back into the darkness, uttering his only command to the cloaked figures. “Take it and kill him.”
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mythical-fangirls · 7 years
So I watched this video and it got me thinking
The story and the boss battle was kinda lackluster, and this was my first Legend of Zelda game too so I over prepared and was shocked for it to be fairly easy.
I basically made a really long comment on this which extended into a reply but I want to post it here just to see what happens. Just copy and pasting my comment onto here and fixing the formatting, won’t reword. Unless I typed in the wrong word or something weird with my grammar happened.
(Checking some comments and adding some to my own suggestion since people come up with some great stuff)
They could have made Ganon have two health bars (basically doubling his over all health) and the Divine Beasts take out that second bar. If you fight him right off the Plateau he has the half health like he does in the actual game after all the beasts damage him. Since basically Ganon raised his own health to prepare for Link and the Divine Beast's attack.
If you implement the Blighters into the mix, make it so you have to get past them before entering Ganon's room. Maybe allow time in between. Addition: Possibly make the blighters attack differently, like new abilities or new attack patterns. (Maybe make them use their elements more). Or not include the blighters at all (dear sweet god I am never fighting Thunder Blighter Ganon even if you pay me) and put new bosses in their place.
For when you face Dark Beast Ganon (that weird pig thing that you have to shoot with the Light Bow) keep it roughly the same but either only make one spot to hit appear at a time or quicken how fast the spot shrinks (or both). Addition: Make Dark Beast Ganon move more, in the game he kinda just stands there and shoots. Making him move around and actually chase Link would make more sense as to why his horse is their (since you could sprint it, trust me I tried). Maybe in some places you pass by, the citizens would help damage Ganon or watch (all of Hyrule needs to know of this threat and acknowledge that Link, Zelda, Revali, Mipha, Urbosa, and Daruk are doing everything they can to stop it). Heck, you can even have the Divine Beasts join this chase. Protecting the people (whether all or mostly their own), attacking Ganon, or covering Link.
Now, for the story. I personally think they should have included more of the other races and just all of Hyrule knowing that their Champions of a hundred years ago aren't just legends or stories, but actually real. They could've added one small cut scene that showed this. (Will put it in a reply)
This is when the fight with Calamity Ganon starts.
People getting attacked by monsters, even the stables are no longer as safe. Small settlement towns people are locking their doors and are terrified, holding their loved ones dear. The moon is a blood red, a darker red than it has ever before.
The Sheikah all look up to the sky and know, and as such. They all go on their knees, and pray to the goddess and send their prayers to Link, Zelda, and all of the champions. Impa looks to the sky, as her people pray for the success of the Hero. ("Link, we are all counting on you.")
The three dragons stand at their respective lakes and look up to the blood moon. (Dinraal: "Ganon...")
Zora's domain suffers something violent with the waves of their water, the blood moon is the cause, as monsters come in and storm the place. Sidon shoots some down (since he is apparently a skilled archer but it was never shown in the game sooo).
Goron City faces a terrible eruption from Death Mountain, even worst than the constant ones from Rudania, Yunobo uses Daruk's protection to protect some children.
Rito Village suffers from terribly cold gusts of wind. Pieces of the village are being torn apart by the gusts. Children are flying around, too weak and young to be able to fly against the winds. Monsters throw explosive barrels at them all the while. Teba shoots them down before they could harm anyone or the village any further.
Gerudo Town is swarmed by Yiga Clan Members, who are being assisted by some beasts from the dessert. The strong warriors start to fall. Riju tries her best to strike them down with lightning, as Urbosa did before her, but her aim is off. Never quite hitting her targets completely.
Once the battle with Calamity ends and before the one with Dark Beast Ganon starts.
Suddenly the forces of the monsters only increases, as Sidon and King Dorephan fight back as many as they can. At some point one of them almost lands a killing blow on Sidon. Almost. That is until a far to familiar spear pierces at the center of the monster's chest. Sidon and King Dorephan stare in shock, as the spirit of Mipha stands before them. (Sidon: "Mipha....")
The eruptions only get worst with time, some much more worst than Rudania ever did alone or combined. The number is becoming overwhelming, even with many Goron's batting it away. But it isn't until a massive chunk of magma comes in, none of them can make it to smack it on time. Not that they could to begin with. All the other Goron can do is hope that Daruk's protection can hold out. But in the end they get Daruk's protection, as his slams his weapon against the magma and hits it miles and miles away.
Teba shoots his last arrow at a barrel making it's way towards him and his family. He misses, but the barrel blows up any way? How? Revali land on his Landing gracefully and with such confidence. (Revali: "Rito Champion Revali has arrived!")
The Yiga Clan has wiped through a majority of Gerudo's defenses and soldiers. Buliara is down on one knee, as she uses her spear for support, protecting Riju till the very end. Riju stands holding the Scimitar of the Seven with shaking hands. An archer in the distances readies to shoot at her, before they are struck by lightning. A voice speaks, and all attention is on them. (Urbosa: "The Gerudo are strong, unlike you cowards we face our enemies head on and have no need to use such cheap tactics.")
Once Link has only a few shoots left.
The Champion have turned the tide back in their favor. Their homes are safe. They look onto the large looming cloud over Hyrule Castle. (Revali: "You can do this, only you can.") (Mipha: "Even now, my healing power shall help you.") (Daruk: "You got this little guy.") (Urbosa: "Please Link, save my little bird.")
Kakarito Village is swarmed by the Yiga Clan. Kohga points his blade at Impa. (Kohga: "Surrender, for you have lost.") (Impa, as she opens her eyes: "Not while our light still shines. Link will defeat Ganon."). A cucco is launched at the leader, and is soon assaulted by them. The owner of said cucco is proud that his cucco helped him. His ex-wife is also ecstatic .(*coughthatonesidequestcough*)
As Link shoots the final arrow.
The Spirits of the four champions join him for the final blow. Impa's voice is heard. (Impa: "Go Champions, free Hyrule from the Calamity that has plagued it for over many decades. You can do this Link, Zelda. Seal away the darkness once and for all!")
So basically I made like, a fanfic out of the possible what if of how the story could have went. Since I felt there needed to be more inclusion with all the races we helped. Since it seemed like the only one truly at stake was Zelda. (Yes, I know that when you go and fight Ganon Zelda says she can’t hold him back any longer and stuff but even then Hyrule has gone 100 years without doing anything about Ganon. None of them know the threat of the Quest Link is on. The only ones who truly know are the Sheikah and maybe the Zora.
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karikitdemon · 7 years
Time to Wake Up
And more. This is the last one tho. What a ride. @eradition also, kinda sorta spoilers for the game at the end. Sorta.
Link and Kari traveled to the last Divine Beast, Vah Naboris, on horseback as swiftly as they could. They stopped at a nearby stable for the night only to leave their horses behind and travel on foot to the Kara-Kara Bazaar. Kari chuckled, remembering when she first met Urbosa. She was wounded from a fight before entering the bazaar only for Urbosa to find her, bandage her up, and take her home.
“–ri?” Link called.
“You okay? You kinda spaced out there.” Link asked, a bit worried about her.
Kari nodded. “I’m fine. Just feeling a bit nostalgic. It’s been over a hundred years since I’ve been here.” Kari gave a small smile. “Nothing’s really changed now that I look closely.” She giggled happily. The two went to the town, only to have Link be turned away due to the no voe rule. But Kari was allowed in. Link was left to find a way in on his own while Kari got information. She looked around and saw so many places that made her remember hanging out with Urbosa, or just doing her own thing. The shops, the open areas. It made her happy that it was all so familiar. Then she saw something near the center of town. A large carving on the ground of the town’s center. Kari gulped when she relized what it was. A carving of her symbols, which were shaped like waning crescent moons. A little explanation was written off to the side.
“This symbol is in remembrance of Champion Urbosa’s adoptive child, Kari. The girl who froze herself in time to prevent an enemy from threatening the champions from a possible early defeat. May she forever be remembered by the gerudo people and maybe even across all of Hyrule.” Kari gulped and stared at the carving for a while.
“Sav’aaq.” A woman called upon seeing the child staring at the ground. Kari looked up.
“Ah, Sav’aaq.” She replied fluently, startling the woman slightly.
“So fluent. Ah, sorry. I don’t meet many Sheikah vai who are that fluent with our language. Much less a child.”
Kari giggled. “I can only imagine.” She smiled kindly.
“I just came by to see if you wanted me to further explain the–” The woman gasped and widened her eyes slightly upon seeing the symbol on the child’s forehead, which was also on her torso, back, backs and palms of her hands, and tops and bottoms of her feet. That same symbol depicted on the ground. “P-pardon, what might be your name, young vai?”
“Kari.” She smiled. The woman widened her eyes more and bowed. “H-hey, n-no need to bow miss. But, Sarqso for the gesture.”
The woman stood. “My apologies. I-I just never thought I’d ever meet someone such as you.”
Kari smiled nervously. “Mama must’ve bragged about me while I was frozen. I swear to Hylia mama you can be a bit dramatic… She must’ve missed me. Can’t blame her.” She thought and sighed.
“Would you mind coming with me? I believe there is someone you should meet.” The woman escorted Kari to the chief’s house happily. There she was introduced to Riju.
“So, you are Kari. I’ve heard stories about you from my mother. She from her mother and so on.” She smiled kindly. “I never thought I would actually meet you. You are spoken of highly throughout the whole gerudo race to this day.”
“Oh boy, mama seriously. Even after one hundred years you still manage to embarrass me.” Kari chuckled shyly. “W-wait. If you heard stories of me through your mother, and she before her… Nah, probably just rumor or spread of the stories.”
“If you are suggesting that Lady Urbosa and I are related, then yes. Though, you would have been the younger sister to my ancestor. Urbosa’s birth daughter left on a journey to find a husband long before you arrived in Kara-Kara Bazaar and met Lady Urbosa.” Riju giggled. “Anyway, I suppose your fight with that follower of ganon went well? Core, am I right?”
Kari, who was still shocked she had an older sister at some point, shook her head. “N-no.” She replied. “Well, I dunno. When I unfroze from energy loss Link managed to chase him off since I had gotten weak. It’s hard maintaining a small area frozen in time. I’m surprised I stayed that way for so long.” She sighed.
Riju hummed. “Well, that is no good. But at least you are alive. That is something to be grateful for.” Kari nodded bitterly.
“I mean… I guess…” She replied. “Anyway, I’m here to get information on how to calm Naboris. Mama’s trapped there and I gotta help her.” Riju chuckled.
“I’ve heard of how determined you are, it’s very infectious.” The Gerudo Chief informed. Kari blushed. “Anyway, I know of a few things. It can’t be reached on foot so a sand-seal would be best for this trip. And since it uses lightning, you will not be able to get too close to it unless you want to be struck down on the spot.” She informed. That was when another vai walked in. Kari stared at the vai and sighed.
“… Looks good on him. Blue really brings out his eyes. Though he’s wearing it rather sloppily.” She thought, eyeing the disguised hero. Riju swiftly found out about Link’s identity and decided to have him stay, since he could calm Naboris. She gave them more information on how to approach the divine beast, using an item called the thunder helm, which could protect them from the lightning. However, the two would have to get it from the Yiga clan, who stole it from them. So, the two set out to get it. While exiting the building, Kari wrote something down on a piece of paper after hearing a woman pleading for help from a guard nearby. Something about her husband being ill and needing Molduga guts to cure him. Kari would do this while on the way to the Yiga clan hideout.
Not long later, the two encountered one. “Kari, seriously?!”
“Shut it, I won’t be long!” Kari called and raced towards the giant beast, swiftly killing it with a few hard hits from ranged attacks. It took her about thirty minutes to kill the beast, grab the guts and other items, and head back to Link.
“And you complain about my side quests.” Link huffed.
“Hey, this one was to save a man’s life. Yours were mainly about giant horses, rupees, and shrines.”
“Hey don’t hate my horse! He’s giant and strong and can easily plow through enemies!”
Kari rolled her eyes. “Yeh, and he’s also slow and doesn’t listen well.”
“Venice doesn’t listen. You even did that quest to get him.”
“Hey, Venice and I get along just fine thank you! Just because I bash you about your love for side quests doesn’t mean you can bash my horse!” The girl growled.
“Fine, fine. I will admit, I do more quests than you. But it does keep a stable income, so you shouldn’t complain too much.”
Kari grumbled. “Fine.” She looked around. “I think we’re close.” She mumbled and put her guard up. The two managed to sneak in and snoop around. They then found a secret area that held the leader, called Kohga. The three fought, ending in a victory for Link and Kari. They left, grabbing all of the Yiga clan’s loot along the way and their mighty bananas as well. Once finished they left back for town Kari gave the guts the woman who gave Kari three hundred rupees in return and said she would name her child after her, if she ever had one. Kari blushed at the outcome and watched the woman run off to get her things to head back to her husband. After that Link and Kari gave the helm back to Riju, who used it to help Kari and Link get on Naboris.It took some time, but the two managed to get on the divine beast and look around. Kari smiled widely as a memory resurfaced.
“Mama, what’s it like being a champion?”
“Hmm? Why do you ask?”
“It seems hard. I mean, it’s a lot of pressure, yeh?”
“Well, yes, it is a lot of pressure. The lives of so many people are riding on my and everyone else’s shoulders.”
“Sounds stressful. But you show so much passion in doing it.”
“Yes, it is stressful, but it is worth it. … Kari, listen to me. When you find something you are passionate about promise me one thing. Go for it. Full force. Put all of your passion, energy, everything into it. Work hard, be smart, be brave, don’t be afraid to take risks. But also take care of yourself and stay healthy. If you are truly passionate about something, the stress won’t really matter in the long run. You’ll hit rough patches and sometimes it will be hard, that is true for life. But that will make it much sweeter when you succeed.”
“I promise! If I ever find something like that I’ll work hard at it! Just like you, mama.”
“That’s my Vehvi.”
“Hey, Mama.”
“Yes hun?”
“You’re lap is super comfy.”
“Haha! It’s like a bed to you, isn’t it? I mean, you are rather small.”
Kari chuckled happily at the memory. “… I’ll work hard, mama.” She mumbled.
“Well, well, well. Link, I was wondering when you’d show.” Urbosa’s voice echoed followed by a gasp. “K-kari?!” She sounded surprised and relieved, yet also worried.
“Mama, I’m here. Don’t worry, Link and I will free you! I promise!” She called out and rushed onward with Link, getting the maps and terminals like with the other divine beasts then going to the last terminal. Kari narrowed her eyes, stopping Link before he activated the main terminal. “Link, if things follow the same pattern as the last three divine beasts.” Kari’s eyes showed pure rage. “Then I will take this enemy down. Alone. Please.” Link gulped and sighed.
“Kari… Just, please be careful. Okay?”
Kari chuckled. “If push comes to shove I’ll just freeze myself again for a while so you can kill it.” She replied.
Link sighed in defeat. “Please don’t let it come to that.”
“We’ll see.” Kari shrugged and Link activated the terminal. An enemy formed and Link took cover while Kari stood her ground, ready to fight.
“Kari, that is Thunder Blight Ganon. It is insanely fast, so be on your guard.”
The sheikah child nodded. “Hey!” Kari called. “You may be strong, but I’m stronger!” She roared, her eyes forming three silver rings around her pupils which were now slits. “Because I have a reason to fight!” Kari vanished and reappeared behind the beast, only to have it zip away. It then raced back to strike the girl, but she blocked and attacked with her scarf ends in the forms of blades. Kari was doing her best to keep up with the beast’s speed. Attacking, dodging, blocking, doing everything she could to avoid much damage. It eventually started to use metal pillars as lightning rods to get the girl down. Kari gulped and did her best to avoid the attacks, but she was struck last second by one of the attacks.
“KARI!” Urbosa called as the child yelped in pain. Kari laid on the ground for a moment, eyes wide as a bit of static circulated her body. Thunder Blight Ganon approached the child to finish her off. “KARI, GET UP!” Urbosa called. Link rushed in to attack, but was quickly shoved away by the enemy.
Kari groaned and shakily stood as Thunder Blight Ganon raised its sword to attack. The child smirked. “I’m not d-dyin here. N-not in front of mama. She won’t have to feel that pain again.” Kari managed, gripping her scarf. Both ends pierced through Thunder Blight Ganon and swiftly ripped through it, upward, killing it instantly. Kari gasped and stood on both feet while Link sighed in relief and reclaimed Naboris from Ganon.
Urbosa’s spirit then approached the two. Upon seeing Kari she gulped and raced to her. Kari did the same. The two cried and did their best to calm each other. “Kari, my sweet Kari. Are you okay? You’ve been eating enough, right? You look a bit skinny. Nothing broken? Are you warm or cool enough?” Urbosa asked.
“I’m okay Mama. Nothing’s broken. Link’s been making sure I eat enough. Yes I’m cool enough. And I’ve been this skinny for a while. It might be a temporary side effect of being frozen in time for so long.” Kari replied with a sniffle.
Urbosa sighed solemnly. “I-I’m so sorry you had to see me like this. I thought our reunion would be different.”
Kari sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “I-it’s okay mama. I’m-I’m just happy to see you, even if it’s just your spirit. But… I’m also sad because I’ll never be able to hug you again a-and you’ll move on without me eventually.”
Urbosa gulped sadly, collecting herself before speaking again. “Just because I’m dead physically does not make me dead permanently, Kari.” The child blinked out of confusion. “Someone only truly dies when they are forgotten. Not when they are killed. That person lives on in the memory of others. That is why I told stories about you to the gerudo people and to those who would listen. So, in my heart and theirs, you lived on. I was unsure back then if you were… physically gone. I knew you were just frozen but I was not sure if that would last, so I did what I thought was best.” Kari teared up and hiccuped.
“Aw, mama. Sarqso.” She smiled and hiccuped. “S-Sarqso.” She repeated.
Urbosa smiled happily as she saw her daughter’s pure smile for the first time in one hundred years. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“I can only imagine.” Kari replied, wiping her eyes and nose again. Link sighed.
“Hey, uh, hate to break it to you guys. But we gotta go.”
Kari looked up at Link. “Ya know. I’ll stay here and talk with mama. You can go back and do those quests and shrines and all that. Okay? I… I wanna catch up with mama. Tell that to Riju too, I think she wanted to talk with me some more when shr had the chance.” Kari informed then approached Link and handed him a whistle. “Here. I made this myself. It has my power imbued in it so when you blow it I’ll hear you wherever you are and warp to you. Only use it when you’re about to fight Ganon, okay?” She informed and smirked. “Because I wanna help bring down the man or beast or whatever responsible for all of this.” She said. Link nodded and took the whistle.
“Got it. You take care of yourself. Okay?” Link smiled and waved goodbye to the two. Urbosa drove Naboris to a good spot to lock onto the castle and crossed her arms. Once that was done she sat down with Kari with a smile.
“So, where should I start? Oh I know, so I woke up about three months ago and–” Kari began telling Urbosa her adventures she had with Link happily. Making gestures and a few jokes and enjoying the time she had left with her mother. Eventually the time came when the two had to part ways so Kari could defeat Ganon with Link. It was a long and hard battle, but they won barely. As for Core, he was not seen or heard from. He must have fled when Ganon was sealed again. But, he might return when Ganon threatens Hyrule once again.
Years had passed since Ganon’s defeat. Kari was living in Zora’s domain with her husband, Sidon. She was now technically one hundred and twenty seven. She had gained a good amount of muscle from fights in the past and training as well as a few scars. Things were peaceful now, still a few monsters here and there, but still overall not as bad as they were. Everything was going well with Hyrule now.
“Mama!” A young voice called behind the sheikah woman as she walked home from training.
“Mama, mama!” Another voice called. The woman turned and smiled. A young gerudo girl and a young rito boy raced to her side. “Mama, what’s for dinner?” The rito boy asked with a smile.
“Not sure. How about you two help me decide?”
“I wanna eat something with volt fruit in it!” The gerudo girl giggled happily, her long hair flowing in the gentle breeze and her piercing teal eyes shimmered in the light of the sunset.
Kari chuckled and the rito boy huffed, ruffling his silver and white feathers. “No way, those are gross!” He stuck out his tongue in disgust while his sky blue eyes squinted slightly.
“Says you, Revba! Volt fruits are delicious!” The gerudo girl stuck her tongue out at her brother in a taunting manner.
“Stop that!” The rito boy growled, apparently named Revba, while ruffling his feathers more.
Kari chuckled and sighed. “Alright, settle down you two. Urboha, don’t antagonise your brother, you know how he hates it. Now come on, you are both helping me with dinner.”
“Yes mama.” The two called in unison, following the sheikah woman happily.
“Hey, hey mama.” Urboha called happily while pulling up her long hair into a high, floofy ponytail. “Tell us about granny Urbosa again while we cook! Please!”
“No, no, tell us about Great Uncle Revali!” Revba called while trying to flatten his feathers to the way he liked them. Kari rolled her eyes at the two.
“How about I tell you something else? Your father and I thought about adopting two more kids. A goron and a Zora. Maybe a third, a hylian. But nothing is certain.”
“Really?! Awesome!” Revba chuckled, a wide smile on his face. “I can’t wait to have a little sibling!”
Urboha smiled. “Yay, more siblings!” Kari giggled at her children’s happiness. “Hey, are we gonna see Uncle Link and Aunt Zelda any time soon? Or Uncle Yunobo? Or Aunt Riju? Or even Uncle Teba and Aunt Saki?”
“I dunno. Maybe. Your aunts and uncles are very busy you know. So if they can visit, I’m sure they will let us know.” Kari smiled. “Right, let’s get cooking. My mama taught me this recipe so it should be delicious.” Kari smiled and cooked with her two children, telling them stories about the champions from so long ago while doing so.
You’ve grown so much, Kari. I’m proud of the vai you’ve become.
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