#This man doesn't hesitate buying things for strangers either.
koolades-world · 9 months
How the brother deal with jealousy and a pushy suitor
he knows you would never go behind his back with the lowly demons who grovel at your feet but he can’t help it
for a while, he hangs back and observes, since he knows you’ll get rid of them eventually
but it’s just a matter of how quickly, and I’d that’s too long for his liking
eventually he just comes up behind you, and standing menacingly which usually scares the shit out of whatever poor soul happens to be speaking to you
once they disappear you either lightly scold him for chasing off a friend or playfully roll your eyes at his antics
he is loud and proud about the two of you being an item so he makes sure everyone knows
holding hands, matching outfits, the whole nine yards you get it
anyone brave enough to approach you while he’s attached to your hip is probably a friend, who you don’t let him chase away
everyone else, however, he won’t hesitate to question and subtly tell them to leave before he makes them
he’s usually super smug afterwards but denies everything if you ask
mans is literally the avatar of envy, even the littlest things could trigger a flair up
if your out in public together, especially since he’s shy, will remain glued to your side since you’re the social one
he won’t utter a word unless provoke or if it’s for you, meaning he suddenly gets strangely confident in the face of pushy, unwanted suitors
he might even go as far as to lightly shove them before dragging you away
once he realizes what he just did, he begins to profusely apologize and freak out, so be sure to reassure him with kisses <3
oh lord anyone who sees you anywhere near him understands fully to leave you two alone if they know what’s good for them
but sometimes, he might leave to fetch your drinks or napkins if you’re at a coffee shop, or quickly go pay if it’s a bookstore, leaving a window of town without him
the lone, stupid soul who dared to approach you will be in for a world of pain in a variety of ways, including physical, psychological, and social
but in the moment, he seems deceptively calm and will be polite in asking them to leave you alone
once you’re both home and you part ways, he finds out who exactly that was and plots how to ruin their everything
he's very upfront about it, considering he knows the both of you are such a power couple and there are bound to be fans or otherwise
he's no stranger to signing autographs so he might be sidetracked for a minute or two depending on how many he has to sign
if he turns back and sees someone getting a little too close for his liking, he won't hesitate to insert himself into the conversation and tell them to shoo
he questions you afterwards to make sure you're ok and will apologized if that's not what you wanted, regardless of what he thought
he buys you a treat afterwards <3
another brother other demons don't dare to approach, but now that you've been in his life, others have kind of seem that as him softening
just because he's not willing to take care of someone in front of you doesn't mean he won't at all
if someone approaches the two of you, he usually let you handle it but watches carefully to try and find the intentions of who's talking to you. people don't give him enough credit for being observant imo
he only acts if he's 100% sure they're up to no good unless they give him a clue before hand. your safety is always first so he usually just politely ushers them off unless they give him a reason not to
a sweet boy <33
he's the most direct and will literally tell someone he doesn't like them or tell them to go away in a not so nice way
he follows you around like a shadow if you're not holding him by his arm so that alone probably scares off people
for the most part, you tell him to cool off or tone it back, but when you don't he knows there's probably a reason
that person will be seeing him every night while they sleep until he deems their lesson learned
and what he does during that time? he would never tell you
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yanderenightmare · 16 days
ooo just in general who do you like in got/hotd? you mentioned aemond but I'm curious lolz
Spoilers for both GOT/HOTD! Don't read if you aren't caught up with either series!
♡ TW: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, incest, GOT/HOTD in general
♡ fem reader
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My favorite character, above all else, is Ramsey. If I get really into writing for this universe, he's definitely gonna be one of my regulars. I love him. So much yandere potential. And he's terrifying. Paired with his little pet Theon. Mmmh. Ramsey makes him lick all the wounds he inflicts on you. Tugs his cock to the sight of it. Cums on you both. Tying you up on the Bolton cross, he makes Theon kneel between your legs to lick your clit until you pass out. You're both his little pets.
Joffrey was also one of my favorites, but I don't know if I could write for him. I find it hard to imagine him being sexual. I'll have to think about that one.
Tommen, on the other hand! Yes, please. Virginal goodie-two-shoes with the power of a King. Yes, God. You may think he's harmless, but no, though a different breed, he's a little psycho, just like his brother. And you're just a poor chambermaid doing your job. He'll apologize when his arousal gets the better of him. But the stress gets to him, you know? It's not easy being the new King. All this responsibility, the realm in shambles, threats to his life left and right. You'll be good for him, won't you? Obey him and let him use you to blow off some steam—you can do that for him, can't you?
The Hound, or Sandor Clegane, is also one of my favorites. Massive and strong as all hell. He has a moral compass, but he doesn't care how he goes about following it. And the journey's long, and the ground is rough, and the night is cold, and he's had to fight twice already to keep you safe. So just shut up and let him make use of you. It's not as if he can't tell you're enjoying it as his fat cock drills your tight cunt. You make all his clothes wet with how much you soak. So don't bother lying.
Jamie and Cersei are also hot. Thinking about being their younger sister. How awfully possessive they are of you. Bringing you to bed with them. Telling you it's only right for family to stick together. How your big sister uses her pretty finger to prep you before Jamie fills your snug cunt up. They coo as you fuss—insisting it's right while making you cum for them.
Tywin is even better. You're his youngest daughter, but he fucks you like you're a common whore and tells you he loves you the most. He'll rant about how immoral the other three are and make you promise you'll never become like them—that you'll stay his good girl and do what he tells you without ever questioning him.
Tormund. He picks you as his wife, and you have absolutely no say in the matter. Scrawny little wildlings that can't even hunt for themselves have no rights. You'll keep him warm in the cold night, and he'll provide for you. Of course, his stamina makes it no easy arrangement. Making you squeal until your out of breath and then some.
Littlefinger. You're a new bird in his brothel, and he's decided you're worth training himself. Yes, he'll teach you everything you need to know about pleasing a man. Make you accept you're nothing but his whore, eager to do everything he tells you without hesitation. A subservient and devoted little slave to your master.
Bronn. If his gold coins can't buy you, he isn't a stranger to getting the things he wants in other immoral ways. Threatening your pretty neck with his knife actually only makes his cock harder. Don't worry. He'll leave you the gold coins anyway.
One of my favorite characters from HOTD is Ser Otto Hightower. What an unbelievably scummy old man! He has you tied up in his bed and doesn't even allow you to wash off his filth without his presence. He's taking all your holes for himself. After all, he's a noble tied into the Royal family, and you, a lowly servant, are his property. Just as he makes use of a washcloth, he'll make use of you. There is no difference.
Ser Criston Cole, as well, uses his gold cloak to make threats. If you know what's best for you, you'll strip on his command, kneel at his feet, and kiss his silver boots before he loses patience.
You obviously try your best to avoid King Aegon. Any pretty chambermaid might be his next victim. And you know, if anyone finds out what he does to you, you'll be the one who's banished from the castle, not him. And that's why, when he has you pressed against his bed, cock already tearing through your tight cunt, you don't say a word. Keeping quiet, you allow him to do whatever he wants each and every time, and then you go about just as silently as if nothing had happened. And that's why you're his favorite. You know your place, and you never forget it.
Larys freaks me the fuck out, but... Allowed little power elsewhere, he makes certain to exercise the vast depth of his power-hunger with you. Yet in the most unorthodox and gross ways possible. Playing with your feet while you cry for him to stop. He looks at you with the most innocent eyes while protruding his tongue, licking your soles slowly before closing his mouth around your toes and sucking fiercely while tonguing the gaps.
Aemond. So much potential here. You're a dragon keeper and one of the very few Vhagar allows in close without burning. You have no idea if it's the dragon or its rider that likes you first. All you know is that Aemond's grip is strong as he takes you hard against the rough old scales of the largest dragon in the world.
Daemon. There's a sadness in his you don't dare provoke. Shivering as you do what he tells you, in all hope it can soothe the dragon within him before it decides to burn you. He can be gentle at times. If you approach carefully enough. But most of the time, he's got trouble in his mind and only one outlet.
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bunnliix · 6 months
Most to least likely in Skz to casually give you their black card for purchases
Since I'm having a lil trouble with a writing block today, I figured I'd post this up haha
Also, this is totally inspired by the video of Woozi giving Vernon his card to pay for a bubble wand.
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This man would be so casual about it. You wouldn’t even need to ask. He’d notice that you're getting ready to go out, and instead of handing it to you, because he knows you'd try and hand it back, he would slip it into your wallet or purse for you to find later. He wants to take care of you, and this is one way that he can. He'd also act like it's nothing to give you his card, because to him it truly is nothing. Taking care of you is his biggest priority besides Stray Kids.
2. Minho
He would be casual about giving you his card, yes but it doesn't mean that you'd get it easily. He just wouldn't want to make a big deal about handing it to you for you to buy whatever it is that you want. He'd still be a cheeky bastard about it, just quietly and only for you to see. However, he also enjoys that you allow him to care for you in this way, and never truly minds you using it. Plus you use it to buy treats and toys for his cats, which he loves because his SO loves his cats as much as he does
3. Seungmin
Seungmin would also not make a huge deal about it. He would however be similar to Minho, and be cheeky about giving it to you. He would tease you a bit before and as he handed it to you, but never really withheld it because he knew you wouldn't do anything stupid with it and he enjoys seeing what you bring home from your shopping trips. You always give him little shows of what you bought. And if it's not clothing, you'd just be showing it off while telling him what exactly it is. He'd sit there smiling as this was his reward, listening to you chatting away as you showed off what you used his card for.
4. Felix
Felix would be super sweet about it. He wouldn't hesitate to give you his card, but he also wouldn't be silent about it. He'd make sure you knew that you could use it to buy anything. He'd also say something cute to you as he handed it over. He didn't mind what you bought with his money, he wanted you to feel happy, and if buying things you liked did that, then that was perfectly fine. He knows you'd have such a big smile on your face as you showed off all of your purchases, and no matter how much or how little you spent, it's all worth it to see your smile.
5. Hyunjin
Look, he's here because as much of a drama llama as he can be, I think the drama would more so extend to him begging and pleading to go with you. He'd want to be a part of the shopping experience, not just see the results of it like some of the others would be fine with. So either you'd have to give him a good reason why he can't come with, and then he'd give you the card after some whining, or you'd have to agree to him coming with. You'd still have to show off everything after you got home, even if he went with you. He loves seeing you dress up and show off for him.
6. Innie
He's a menace, he's gonna be loud about giving you his card. He will tease you about it, but only around the boys, he'd never do it publicly, or loud enough to attract strangers attention. He'd never be that much of an ass about it, but you'd have to put up with his antics before he'd hand over that black card. You'd learn that he did it out of a teasing love, knowing that he never had any problem about giving it to you, he just liked to be a menace.
7. Han
Okay, he's going to be pretty braggy to people that he has enough money to spend on you, that he has a black card that he'll freely give out to you. He's told you many times that he doesn't care what you use it for, and willingly hands it to you for even the smallest purchases. He brags to the boys way too much about it, but everyone knows it's because he's proud to be able to provide for you. He also is very touchy as he gives you the card, making sure you know he wants a show when you come back home afterwards.
8. Changbin
This man is going to be the loudest and most proud man about the fact that you're using his card. He doesn't care who hears him, he will brag to everyone about it, but mostly the other boys. He's just so proud to have enough money that allows for him to provide for you. He wants to treat his partner right, and that includes letting you spend his money any way you want. He'd definitely want you to show him everything you bought, even if it's something little and not worth showing off. He wants to see what you liked so much that you bought it. He's just a very vocal person about this, he's the type of person to brag about their partner, and this gives him yet another reason to.
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petalsscribbles · 30 days
17. save me
"I can't believe that guy." Yn huffs into the night's cold air. Not long after Sunghoon's 'passing out', the oh so gravely injured vampire admitted he was mostly okay and just pretending to be unconcious. His injury isn't light, he had to drop out of the rest of the competition, but it wasn't enough to knock him out.
However, even the annoyance and anger he feels doesn't do a great job at lessening his guilt. Sunghoon lost the race because of him, lost the chance to break a record almost impossible to break, he got hurt because of Yn. All that without a single split of a second of hesitation, just to save Yn.
Yn stops and sighs heavily, pittying himself shamelessly. He looks up to the dark sky, stars adorning it like the freckles Yn finds so charming. It takes only a moment for them to resemble the sparks in Sunghoon's beautiful brown eyes and Yn can only laugh dryly at himself.
"You're really making this whole giving up thing very difficult, Park Sunghoon."
He's about to start moving again when he hears the strange noise behind him. Being his cautious self, he takes out is phone and puts on a selfie mode, pretending to adjust his hair. Surely enough, there is a tall man watching him. He's not very subtle about it either.
For now, Yn decides to play dumb, maybe he's just paranoid. He calmly resumes his journey home, carefully listening to the footsteps echoing behind him. After a while he pretends to tie his shoelaces and the footsteps quiet down, returning when Yn continues walking.
There's no doubt about it now, he is being followed.
With shaky hands, Yn reaches for his phone and clicks on the most recent number dialed, not knowing who it is.
One ring, two rings.
"Yn! Have you decided to forgive me yet?" Sunghoon says cheerfully. Yn silently wonders just how much blood he has lost or if the disc hit some specific part of his brain resposible for not acting like a damn fool. He would've told him off, but right now he's too scared to. He's too scared to say anything, in fact.
"Yn? Is everything okay?" Sunghoon's tone changes completely. From playful to dead serious.
"I think someone's following me." Yn whispers.
"Where are you?"
"Near the gas station."
"Okay, go in there and pretend you wanna buy something. I'll be there as soon as possible. And don't hang up, keep talking to me like you're talking to a friend."
Yn listens, browsing through the aisles, laughing and chatting with nobody as he listens to Sunghoon pant on the other side.
When the stalker checks for other customers and makes sure the cashier is asleep, he enters as well.
This is it, Yn thinks. Sunghoon won't make it in time and Yn is not fit enough to successfully run, let alone fight. He can feel the stranger closing the distance slowly, like a predator watching his prey, calculating his next move.
Yn is frozen in his spot, accepting his demise when a strong arm circles around him and pushes him behind its owner.
It's Sunghoon, panting, phone still in his right hand, the other clenched in a fist.
Neither of them say anything, but the man seems to understand whatever message Sunghoon has been silently sending and decides to live another day.
Yn's legs give out under his weight when the creep is out of sight but Sunghoon is quick to catch him. He uses the opportunity to pull him close and hold Yn tightly.
"You're okay. It's okay." He repeats.
Once Yn stops shaking, Sunghoon helps him to his feet and guides him home.
"It's alright, you can go home now." Yn reassures, sitting on his bed with a glass of water in hand. Yn watches the unsteady surface shake as his anxiety refuses to die down despite being in the safety of his home.
"No, no I can't." Sunghoon says resolutely. He's been pacing back and forth in Yn's spacious room, eyebrows furrowed, traces of anger still present in his eyes. "The man who was following you wasn't just some ordinary creep. He was a vampire on a hunt. I could feel the bloodlust."
"You mean, he was planning on drinking my blood?"
"Yes, even though it's strictly forbidden. It's basically a law among vampires to not drink blood from unconsenting humans." Sunghoon explains, his voice tainted with disgust. "But that doesn't stop some vampires who are sick of animal blood or cold blood bags. And since you smells so..." He trails off, but he doesn't have to finish for Yn to understand.
"I can't tell my parents, they'll make me drop out and lock me up in here and I've never been so happy than I am right now. I don't wanna lose that."
"There is a way for you to stay safe but it will come at a price." Sunghoon suggest after a short pause. His tone is much softer this time, almost defeated.
"What is it?"
"You can become my blood servant."
a/n: listen pookies, I know Yn stories are written in a 'you' format but I hate it so much I can't bring myself to do it and I'm just used to the third person pov
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
Well, it's not like I'm completely opposed to prayer, or at least, learning about new cultures (<- Doesn't know anything about religion). What's this church's denomination? Its history? Ooh, maybe even some juicy gossip?
Maybe we can ask Historia?
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"This is a church, yes? If you don't mind me asking, is it for the townspeople?"
"The denomination is… well, uncertain. It's built as if it would belong to Christianity, but it isn't used as such. The townspeople come to the priest that resides here for advice, but that's the extent of it. No services, no prayers, simply a meeting ground. That being said, as this is a holy house, and I am a holy man, I've used it as a place of worship. I'm sure that would apply to anyone, regardless of denomination."
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It seemed both rude and absurd to ask a stranger that you just met to treat you to a meal. And now that he's been looped into your… mind link, or whatever the code cast is projecting, the intent was loud and clear.
HISTORIA smiled.
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"Sure. I can treat you. If you can't afford to buy your own food, then it is one's duty to support those in need, after all. I'll just have to let my friend know."
He said, without much hesitation, turning and walking a bit deeper into the church.
As he did that, KUKULKAN patted her pockets, not really considering herself to be 'in need'. A message appeared.
[ Current PPT: 0 ]
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'Being broke' was a new feeling. And one that you presumed you wouldn't have to worry about, considering everything was supposedly operating off a bartering system. Had something changed?
The vague echo of a Jaguar-esque figure resonated within your minds.
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'I mean, can you imagine? Keeping track of money? Not a chaaaaance! (Not a chaaaance!) (a chaaaance!) (echooo!) (echooooo!)'
Which could only mean one thing.
Sure, the Admin couldn't do anything directly about a foreign force barging back into the War, but she could do one thing.
Add a currency system, just to keep you on the back foot.
Though it wasn't like it'd be super relevant, right? Servant didn't NEED to eat or sleep. You'd probably never have to worry about it.
As KUKULKAN mused over her brand new lack of funds, HISTORIA turned around in the church and called out.
"Lune! Get back out here, please! We're taking a break!"
As he did, the sound of footsteps tromping through the church grew louder, as a pretty youth stumbled into the main hall of the church. Unlike the dull, heavy robes of HISTORIA, they seemed to be much more colorful.
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They- 'LUNE', apparently- waved their arms, running over to HISTORIA.
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"Sorry~! I looked all over, but I couldn't find the whatchamacallit."
"It's not a 'whatchamacallit'. it's just a 'thingy', I think."
"Either way, couldn't find it. Who's the shiny lady with the creepy whispers?"
Without much tact, they pointed directly at KUKULKAN.
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"A new friend, we're treating them to dinner."
"Oh, yay!"
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cssiop · 2 years
LA VIE EN ROSE… trent alexander-arnold
part two
trent buys white roses every week in maisie's flower shop, becoming her favourite customer.
trent alexander-arnold x fem!oc word count: 1.9k
other parts
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"white roses?" wonders maisie jokingly when she sees trent walking through the door of the shop a few days after the torrential rains that had fallen on liverpool.
he nods with a laugh, "you're getting to know me," the same joking tone animates the corners of his mouth and maisie feels herself melting under his soft irises.
their little chat last time when the scouse weather decided to get wild seems to have made the two young adults more familiar with each other, especially when they realised they were the same age. maisie now feels more comfortable joshing with him than before, although his presence still intimidates her.
"soon i'll know everything about you," she laughs in a fake threatening tone.
trent bursts out laughing as if she had just made the joke of the century, and his eyes take on a special glow. they keep joking and talking about all sorts of things while maisie prepares the bouquet. she thanks her luck, there are not many customers on tuesday mornings so they can chat for longer than usual.
"you have good taste, you know. white roses are beautiful," says maisie as she adjusts the flowers together so that the bouquet is perfectly round.
"you too," trent replies and maisie watches his face break down into an embarrassed expression, "i mean... you have good taste too."
"thank you," maisie is unable to contain her delighted smile followed by a nervous chuckle, "do you know what white roses mean?"
trent shakes his head negatively, scratching the back of his neck, still embarrassed by the awkward moment he has just created, waiting to hear what the girl is thinking next. indeed, he has never wondered about their meanings, trent has just always found them particularly pretty.
"when you give them to someone, it's either as a sign of peace, reconciliation but it can also be a sign of respect when you think very highly of that person," trent smiles when she talks about respect because it fits perfectly with the person he's giving them to. "or, more rarely, we offer them to our secret love, someone we don't dare to admit our feelings to."
trent nods, he doesn't need to, but he thinks the meaning is still very nice. for him, the changing messages depending on the colour you choose shows a remarkable sensitivity that he hopes he has grasped. roses are the language of silent love. trent is a loving person, obviously, he adores them.
"and... how long have you been working here?" changes the subject trent.
"i used to help my grandmother when i was a kid, but it really became my job, i'd say, two years ago, when i moved to liverpool," says maisie.
trent nods, then bites the inside of his cheek, hesitating, "can i ask you where you used to live, or is that too weird? you're allowed not to answer me, i'll understand."
the young man starts scratching the back of his neck again and maisie can't help but smile. this little habit he has of being overly mobile whenever a situation embarrasses him is adorable according to the girl. his complacency touches her a lot, trent truly seems to be a sweet person, shy around the edges.
"no, it's okay," maisie reassures him, "i was in brighton for law school before, but i didn't like it anymore so i moved to liverpool to be closer to my grandmother. i'm from london actually," trent nods thoughtfully as she feels she's laying out her life too much in front of the man who is still a stranger.
just as maisie is about to add something, the bell rings and a customer in her twenties enters the shop. disappointed, she then cashes in trent and hands him his flowers before greeting the new customer, who is left speechless beside the man.
trent is, for sure, very handsome, has a smile that would make anyone fall over, and exudes charisma like no other, but the florist doesn't think that's a reason to be speechless in front of him.
especially since it's so strange.
trent then starts to act weirdly too, he seems to be in more of a hurry than before. in a flash, he has disappeared into the doorway, almost without a goodbye. frowning more, she watches the young woman in the shop close her mouth and pull herself together.
"hello, can i help you?"
"uh, i-, lisianthus please," says the still confused customer.
as she begins to prepare the bouquet, maisie asks, "is everything okay?"
"i guess so," the woman simply replies and the florist blows out a breath and decides to pretend nothing has happened.
her mind is absent all afternoon afterwards because she can't figure out why trent left so quickly. she didn't even have time to write on the little tag and she feels bad about it —maisie doesn't like to do her job halfway.
margaret, who has been in the shop for almost an hour, seems to notice. after cashing in a customer, she approaches her granddaughter before asking, "what's on your mind?"
"nothing. i'm just... tired," maisie finds it hard to explain what happened earlier since she herself has no explanation. her grandmother doesn't insist, and it's for the better.
when she closes the shop at the end of the day, maisie tries to put it out of her mind, but no matter how hard she tries, trent occupies her thoughts.
for a fortnight, trent doesn't show up at the belrose boutique, and maisie feels a little sad. she has the impression she did something wrong last time, especially when she thinks about the way he left without saying a word. so immersed in her thoughts and the flowers she is readjusting on the displays, maisie doesn't have the presence of mind to hear footsteps stop behind her.
"what kind of flowers are these?" trent asks as he leans over her shoulder to take a closer look at the bouquet she's holding in her hands, a bouquet that quickly ends up on the ground after the stupor the man's gesture has produced in her. "shit, sorry, i didn't mean to scare you," trent apologizes and the girl picks up the bouquet, getting up at the speed of light.
"uh... chrysanthemums," maisie stammers as she adjusts her hair, still embarrassed that he startled her again.
it's then that she realizes how close they are as they stand facing each other. trent is wearing a multi-colored jumper that must be worth more than the entire shop, accompanied by a long black coat that only he could wear without looking ridiculous, and maisie finds herself even more intimidated by the man. he's not even that tall but the aura he exudes has a way of charming, especially the girl, who can feel her face turning all pink.
for her sake, she takes two small steps back and trent finally greets her as maisie does the same. a small silence ensues where neither of them knows what to say. to be honest, maisie didn't expect to see him again —his departure was so precipitous the last time.
"you came back," the woman simply says with a small smile.
"yeah, i needed a few days to get over the 'you too' thing," laughs trent, still a little embarrassed, and maisie nods to let him know it's nothing. scratching the back of his neck, he continues, "sorry about last time, i left a little fast but i was in a hurry and-"
maisie cuts him off rather quickly, "it's okay, i promise. it's all good."
to tell the truth, the young woman is relieved. he seems sincere in his apology so the fear that it was her fault he left so quickly fades away.
"can i have some white roses then, please?"
as she does every time he comes in, maisie nods and begins her preparations. always finding something to say while waiting for his bouquet to be ready, trent seems unusually quiet this morning, except when he begins to hear the first notes of 'you'll never walk alone' over the shop's speakers.
he wonders, "football fan?"
frowning, maisie is confused, "what?"
trent then proceeds to explain how the song is related to football and especially to the club liverpool.
"oh. my dad is a fan of that club, that's probably why we have that song on the playlist in the shop, he must have added it," she finds herself talking a lot because she's coming to the end of the bouquet but for some reason doesn't want to see trent leave already. "to be honest, i don't know anything about football."
the subject broached, trent straightens up and a smirk appears on his mouth without maisie noticing, "you don't even watch the english team play?"
she huffs and puffs, "i must have watched the final last summer, what was it again?" her memories are hazy, but she had only followed the match with one ear.
"the euro. it was against the italians," trent's words bring back the girl's memory and she lets out a little 'ah yes'.
"do you follow football a lot?" maisie asks so innocently to continue the conversation. trent looks tired behind his small eyes and drawn features —she thinks he is probably having a bad day.
"i think it's cool," he shrugs.
"i think i only know a few of the players on the england squad. like mark rashford, harry keen and, and... and that's it really," she gives a little sorry pout.
her last sentence finally triggers a flash of hilarity in trent, and some of the tension in his shoulders disappears. really, the young man doesn't seem to be himself this morning. maisie smiles at his beautiful laugh, and inwardly applauds herself for having managed to cheer him up —even if she doesn't understand what's so funny.
"it's marcus, not mark and harry kane, not keen," trent corrects her once his laughter has subsided and he can pronounce his words clearly.
maisie's face immediately flushes and she doesn't dare to look the man in the eye anymore. finally, she bursts out laughing too. the situation is quite comical after all, her football knowledge is close to nothing.
"i didn't ask you last time, but why did you stop your studies? well, if it's not too indiscreet," he clears his throat, hoping he hasn't made a blunder, but when she hands him the bouquet with a reassuring smile, his widens with a relieved sigh.
"law school was too much pressure. i think it was definitely not for me. nothing particularly interesting, though."
but trent turns his head negatively, "i don't agree. it's good that you realized that early on. besides, florist suits you better, i think," he inquires and something in his deep voice makes her blush, forcing her to look away.
"thank you," maisie stammers, her cheeks flushing.
they look at each other for a long time, smiling, just separated by a counter and windows full of flowers of all kinds. the radio continues to play the same music in the background, and they seem to be caught up in another world, a dimension where time is suspended. trent suddenly opens his mouth, as if to say something, but is interrupted by the ringing of the bell and the doors opening.
"i've got to go," he murmurs, and grabs his bouquet in a hurry, "i'll be late for work."
with the will to ask him back what he does for a living, she doesn't even have time: trent is already out. so charmed, she doesn't notice the excited whispering of the boy in the red shirt tugging at his mother's jacket.
part 3
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4aloysius-porteu · 4 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | 1 | chapter 2  | 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed.
genre: fanfiction, fluff
wc: 1881
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(Y/N) stopped her tracks upon hearing his voice and turned around to confirm, but it was true, much to her dismay. He held his black-rimmed glasses with its left lens and frame cracked. The girl's mind went blank. She hesitantly glanced at him a few times, hoping that he would forgive her or let the incident smoothly slide.
He hissed, "Don't think you can get away with this, miss."
She sighed in defeat. The kids approached her with worried looks. She patted her heads, accepting their sympathy. "Well, playtime's over."
"But we haven't finished the game!"
"Do you still want to play?"
"Next time, when you see me again at the park. Onee-chan has to go now."
She bade goodbye to the children and walked towards the guy she hit with his friend. She looked at his broken glasses again and couldn't help but to let out an exhale with anxiety. This is the result of my stupidity...
"W-What do you want me to do?" (Y/N) slurred.
" I don't know, maybe you should fix it right here and right now." The blonde guy crossed his arms and frowned.
Why don't you just get to the point?
"Replace it."
Of course, she will have to replace it. What a question to ask. She mentally rolled her eyes.
"I'll check there out if there's an optical store, I guess you will have to keep an eye on me so that I won't escape?" She pointed to the nearby mall, walking distance from the park.
"What else? Nobody trusts a stranger."
They reached the town's mall and saw an open optical store, but (Y/N) remembered her wallet. She wasn't sure if there's enough money for her to buy glasses.
"On the second thought, can I buy the glasses tomorrow? I don't think I have enough money."
"No." He instantly replied.
"Tsukki," His green-haired companion interrupted, "Maybe we can give her a chance? What if she's telling the truth?"
"I need my glasses in my everyday life, and if she doesn't have the money, I'll be happy to spare her some, but she'll have no choice to be in my debt."
How merciless. It's not like (Y/N) could blame him, but if the same thing happened to her, she would treat them nicely. She looked around the store to find a pair of glasses exactly like his, as he demanded, with his friend helping her for 30 minutes. After she gets the correct measurements and eye grade, she emptied her wallet to pay for the damn thing,
"Here." She held out the new glasses in the case. "Take care of them, it costed my LAST savings."
He took them and wore them immediately, "I am taking care of my glasses, it's just someone 'accidentally' kicked a ball on my way and knocked them off. Thank you for the horrible experience."
He excused himself and walked away. His friend stayed to talk to her.
"I'm sorry for the way he acted, he's like this most of the times. Please understand," He bowed, shyness evident in his voice.
"It's okay, it was completely my fault, so I don't mind."
"It was an accident, though. Thank you for your generosity." He soon followed the blondie that headed first.
"That was mandatory, though." (Y/N) lightly chuckled to herself.
She got out of the mall to take in the fresh air, but her soul almost left her body when a bolt of lightning strikes a tree near her, setting it on fire.
"Oh, my fucking- Did the sky just attempted to finish me?!" She said, calming herself down and looking up. The clouds were much darker than earlier.
As the townspeople bombed the burning tree with water, she ran to her apartment before it rains. There, she dropped her things on the couch and flopped to her bed, thinking what happened on this day because of her own stupidity. She groaned when she held her now empty wallet.
"Argh! Why am I so unlucky?!"She threw her wallet in frustration.
"That tall, blonde, asshole! He didn't need to embarrass me in front of people! I didn't mean it! He could've waited for tomorrow for me to replace his glasses! He's so unforgiving!" She complained, hating the thought of the said guy.
She sighed, cringe, anger, and embarrassment filling her head as she hugged her pillow.
"May karma comes to him sometime," was her last words before drifting off to a nap.
A few days passed, she went out of the house again to buy food supplies in a convenience store. It was almost nighttime. The chilly wind blew to her face and the sweet scent wafted in the store. She picked up some junk food and meat first before stopping by the confectioneries section. While choosing what shortcake flavor to pick, she bumped into something that almost made her fall to the floor, if she hadn't retained her balance.
"Oof, I'm sorry..."
Or rather, it was a person she bumped into.
She looked up and recognized the face of the man. It was the guy she's kind of mad at, but this time, he didn't have his nice friend with him.
(Y/N) took a step back, "You!"
The male looked back at her, tilting his head, observing the girl. He spoke with a monotonous expression, "Do I know you?"
Her eye twitched in irritation, "He doesn't remember me?!"
"I was the girl in the playground three days ago! I... I replaced your glasses!" She said, hesitating on the next sentence.
"Oh." His eyebrows raised, "Did the midget learned her lesson not to play a sport she's bad at?" He mocked.
"I'm not even a soccer player to begin with! What are you doing here?"
"What? Am I not allowed to buy food in a convenience store like a normal person?"
"I've been buying stuff here and I've never seen a similar face I've met twice in a week or month. That's sus."
"Maybe you are following me."
"What do I gain by following a huge, mean person like you?" (Y/N) retorted.
"Perhaps you want to get back at me after what happened days ago even if it's your fault. I don't know. Ask yourself." He took his eyes off her to choose among the sweet desserts.
She paused, analyzing his comment, "Well, you aren't completely wrong..."
"So, I am being followed? What a stalker."
"Of course not! What you said might be possible, but it's not the case right now!"
Both of them have set their eyes on an item and surprisingly the same one. A strawberry shortcake in the middle of the section. Their hands both grabbed the object before staring at each other in annoyance.
"Let go." They chorused.
"I chose it first." Said (Y/N).
"I do not see your name in it. You let go." He replied.
"How about no?"
They glared at each other for a few minutes before (Y/N)'s brows creased deeper in the middle, knowing well that this guy won't back down. "Whatever, you take it. I don't care anymore."
"Wow, thanks." He subtly rolled his eyes then walked away.
It was very awkward in the cashier where she had to wait behind him. Damn, he's so tall. Does he play any sport? Is he human? Or probably just a walking, mean tree?
What happened in the park flashed in (Y N)'s mind again. The impact of the ball might have been so painful to him since he wears glasses, where it cracked. What if the shards got into his eyes? Her wallet isn't ready for more payments, but that isn't the issue right now. She was worried about his well being. Both of them got out of the convenience store and she called the blonde male before he could get away again.
"Uhh, hey!"
He looked over his shoulder a little, "What?"
"Are your eyes okay? I mean, your glasses cracked... shards could've got inside your eyes..."
"Yes, they're fine, fortunately."
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. "That's... good to hear."
"But if something happened to my eyes, I will not hesitate to find you and make you pay for an eye surgery."
"You're exaggerating."
"It's not impossible. Now, go home. Elementary school students shouldn't go past the curfew."
She frowned. If only he wasn't a stranger, she would've kicked his ass to hell.
"Oh, gladly. I wouldn't want to stay near a bootleg Eiffel Tower any longer. Have a good day for you."
The blonde male left without any more words. (Y/N) sighed again in mental exhaustion, having to finish a lot of things this night. She was walking straight to her home while thinking of ideas to put in her current project when she realized that he was still walking ahead in front of her.
Where is he going?
She made her footsteps lighter, not wanting him to think that she was following him. She was thinking where does this guy live or why is he walking the same route as she does. It's not wrong to know where does this asshole stay, right? This continued for a couple of minutes before he turned around.
"Will you stop following me?"
Her eyes widened, not expecting him to know that she was behind him, "Excuse me? I'm just walking to my place?"
"Really?" He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
(Y/N) looked around to find a way to escape. There, she saw her house that she almost missed because her mind was occupied, "Oh, look. It's my house. I gotta go!"
She waved goodbye to the blonde stranger, ran to her apartment, and slammed the door, dying from the awkwardness. She proceeded to the kitchen to drop the food supplies and to cook for herself as well. The salt in the cupboard reminded her of the rude, four eyes that she just met again minutes ago. That's when she realized, she kept calling him either insults or his evident physical features when he probably has a name. She could've asked for his name earlier, but shrugged the idea off, thinking that he will never give her his name.
The common thing to do after graduating junior high is to find a decent high school. (Y/N) is scheduled to have her entrance exams next week, so she has to spend time reviewing her notes these days. She opted to go to the prefectural library the next day to get further references as she isn't satisfied with the books she has. It was Wednesday, thus it was full of people who are also preparing for their entrance exams. With her stature, it'll be easy to pass in this crowd of people but she will have to ask for help because she can't reach the books at the top of the shelves.
After wandering around the crowded library, she found an unoccupied table to quietly study. She made her way to it, carrying the heavy books she needed that was luckily located at the bottom shelves. As she set the books on the left side of the table, someone did the same on the opposite side. She looked up to see who the stranger is, only to find out that the person isn't a stranger to her anymore.
"Oh, the midget stalker is here." 
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law.
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jessicajonesrp · 4 years
An Awkward favor (reposted, since I screwed up response in last one)
It's been about a week since Jessica told Luke that she was pregnant and they were going to be parents. It was news that Luke was excited to hear even tho it scares the hell out of both him and Jessica they were still quite happy. However his wife's unrelenting hatred of doctors is a REAL PAIN IN THE ASS!
It came down to either she bit the bullet and see a doctor or Luke did something that was completely uncomfortable for all involved. It took a day or two for him to get up the nerve to make the call, funny the man can let a grenade explode in his face but calling her made him hesitant.
After finally making the call a meeting time was set..a neutral spot in a Manhattan coffee shop. Luke debated taking Jessica with him, I mean this was basically walking off a cliff for him because who knows what his firecracker of a wife will do but this is for the sake of their baby so he really didn't have a choice.
They arrived about 20 minutes early and found a table towards the back. It wasn't long until a woman walked up to them and sat down, she wore a short jacket to cover up her dark blue scrubs, the meeting time apparently coincided with her next shift. Luke stood up, pulling out a chair for her, smiling at the woman to cover up the awkward feelings he had seeing her again.
"Hey Claire, thanks for coming." 
Claire eyes him for a second before smiling and addresses Jessica holding out her hand. "You're Jessica Jones? Hi I'm Claire it's nice to meet you." 
Luke thrown a little when she ignores him but not so much that he doesn't notice the wedding ring on her finger.
"You're married..Congratulations I'm happy for you."
Jessica had always thought that she was the one with mental issues in their marriage. Apparently she was wrong, and Luke had hidden depths of crazy of his own. Because what kind of guy thought his ex wanted to be the baby doctor person- whatever, she wasn't an expert on pregnancy related terminology yet- of his current wife? Or that she, said wife, would be comfortable with the idea of a woman her husband assumedly slept with looking at her naked?
The only reason she even agreed to a meeting with Claire to see if the woman didn't laugh in both their faces, which was no less than Jessica expected, was because Luke trusted her. And for Jessica, that said a lot. She was very skittish with any touch from anyone not within her tiny circle of trusted ones, doctors included. Even pre Kilgrave- after all, it was doctors who made her and Phillip what they were. But if Luke trusted someone, she in turn trusted him, which was more than could be said for a random stranger.
Besides, this was not an ordinary baby or pregnancy. If she had to see a doctor, it had to be one with superhuman experience.
"Yeah, hi," Jessica nodded stiffly, giving Claire a brief glance over and wondering if the woman was doing the same towards her. She shook her hand as quickly as was minimally polite and as was her way, got to it.
"You probably wonder why the hell your ex would ask you to come meet his wife when she isn't obviously about to die, so lets get to that so you can turn us down and go. Right, I'm pregnant, and I hate doctors, because of many reasons, and he says I have to go to some doctor. And he says he trusts you, and I trust him, but obviously with you being ex and me being current you're going to say no. So, sorry for wasting your time."
She starts to back away, ready to leave since she assumes she just had the whole conversation for everyone.
Claire looks at Jessica bewildered. "Excuse me, first of all you don't know me..At all! Second I'm a medical professional so if someone needed my help I have to help them third ain't nobody thinking about yo man or dying to see you naked. Now how about you asked me what you wanted to ask me and let me decide on rather or not I'll do Boo for your skinny ass!" With that she turns to Luke and begins cussing at him in what is probably the dirtiest Spanish on the planet.
Luke holding up his hands in his defense says the equivalent of Yes yes, I'm sorry, but please we need your help back to her in Spanish and smiles at her, 
Claire tries to bring herself to cuss more but sighs before turning back to Jessica. "Look.." sighing again "You need someone that knows how to monitor you and your bady.. And I have experience dealing with you kind of people..So look Luke's a jackass but..Damn that's all I got he's a jackass, so let me help you."
Turning back to Luke. "I don't do this stuff for free anymore, this won't be cheap because some of the stuff we'll need is expensive..But Mr. Big Time that shouldn't be a problem for you."
 Luke nods yes. "Whatever you need I'll take care of it..But this is absolutely on the down low Claire..So not even your husband can know about this." He looks at Jessica concerned "Guess it comes to you Jessica, what do you want to do..If not the hospital or Claire, something else?"
"We'll do whatever you want." Claire moves closer and smiles again "This is some awkward shit but I can do this..Hell I've done harder with less than what your husband just agreed to buy and not be cheap about it either." Giving Luke the side eye 
"Its gonna be ok.. I'm off Sunday, I'll come by the club and take a look at you." 
Luke interrupts her "Actually we have a place in Harlem, it's nice I'll text you the address." 
Claire gives Jessica one more look of assurance.
Jessica turned back to face Claire, taken aback by her attitude. This was the first time she had met someone who was actually more verbally feisty than she herself, and for a second she just stared at her, a little stunned by her response. She was still processing that the woman had more than just dished back at what Jessica had laid out at her, and was in the middle of turning over in her mind how Claire had figured out she was squeamish about her seeing her naked while simultaneously calling her skinny, before the Spanish flurry of exchanges started.
"That's fine, anyway I have to get to the hospital to start my shift, so see you Sunday?" She looks at Jessica waiting for an answer.
Jessica, who knows about as many Spanish words as might be uttered in a Taco Bell commercial, outright stares when Luke starts responding back to her in Spanish in return. She had no idea that he knew Spanish, let alone enough to be able to understand the rapid, angry-sounding spew of words that Claire had just flung at him.  Her taut shoulders ease up a little as she watches, and she slowly starts to smirk.
“Damn, Luke. I’m starting to see a pattern, you really like women that say it how they see it, huh.”
When they finally start speaking English again and Claire addresses her directly, Jessica stiffens, not liking her calling Luke a jackass, but she can get why she would feel that way, considering the position he’s putting her in as his ex.
“So…wait, you’ll actually do this? Even though you sounded like you wanted to take his head off a second ago?”
When Claire continued to assure her, she shifts nervously, playing with the sleeve of her jacket.
“What stuff do you need? The expensive stuff you’re talking about. And, uh, what do you need to do to me, exactly?”
She hesitates, hating as usual to have to actually verbalize any kind of feelings-related, vulnerability-involved things, but if this woman is going to be her doctor, it’s more than likely going to be a necessity, so she makes herself spit it out.
“It’s not really the you being ex thing that trips me out, okay.” She took a breath, then ground out, “ I have PTSD. I don’t always do great with people touching me. And the last few encounters I’ve had with doctors have been the doctors that made me what I am, and the doctor that made my rapist who he was. Who also happened to be his father, and trying to save his life, but that’s a whole different story. I’m not trying to be an asshole, I just…..it isn’t anything personal.”
She looked towards Claire, but not directly at her as she finally answered. “If you’re willing, I guess I’ll try. I want the baby to be okay. Just…you have to tell me what you’re doing, and why, and stuff.”
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frenchlangdon · 5 years
Late Night Louisiana Pt. 7
Summary: It’s late 19th century, Y/N moves to Louisiana to learn more about vampires. But what happens when she finds one likely creature of the night at Porterhollow Cemetery?
LNL Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire!bucky x reader
Warning: brief mention of rape
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"About earlier. That kiss. I'm not trying to start anything. I'm— there's— I'm no good at relationships. It would only end up in a mess." I said. I sat down on the chair in my kitchen
It's true, I've had a couple of men along the way, the relationships almost always end in disaster.
And I don't know if it was me or them. It always felt like it was my fault, they were always sure to tell me it was my fault.
"What are you feeling?" He sat down in one of the chairs next to me.
"About what?"
"I really like you. And I want to know more about you. And I want to be your friend, I really do. But I can't be harboring feelings for you. And you can't do the same either. It would just make us miserable."
"So you're saying that you feel the same way, you just don't want to be with me? Is it because of what I am? Is it because I scare you?"
"You are the most kind and gentle man I've ever met. You don't scare me, not one bit. I just think we'd be better off as friends."
"I can't just make them go away. The feelings, I mean. It's not like I can just make them vanish. But if you wish to just be friends, then we shall just be friends."
"We've only known each other for two days, you know." I chuckled, I stare into his eyes.
"You should know I don’t like everybody I meet. I don’t trust just anybody. You’re different, I can sense it. I can connect with very few people and have this feeling like I've known them my whole life, you're one of those people. I feel drawn to you. You're magnificent and kind. And you're very beautiful."
"Will you protect me, Wreck?"
"Of course, Y/N."
"Will you always tell me the truth?"
"Will you tell me your name? You’re real name?" He hesitated for a moment.
"You already know it. James. James Buchanan Barnes, but back then friends called me Bucky." A small smile crept up on his lips.
"I should've known! You said it so quickly, I thought you might've known someone with that name or your alias."
"Will you tell me some of the stories you've heard about me?"
"Well no ones knows much about you, the stories are very vague. Most of the towns whores say you've slept with them, took the bandana off when you did the deed, some said you had honey brown eyes and other says emerald green eyes. Said you kept coming back for more." I bit my lip as I tried to hold in laughter.
"That's odious!" He scrunched his face up and physically cringed. "No. I haven't laid with a woman in decades. It's crossed my mind many a nights, but, no. Never. I could never sleep with one of those women. Nothing against who they are, just wouldn't want to catch something."
My eyes widen at the last sentence and he laughed.
"Have you ever laid with a man before?"
My body stiffened at the question, he was blunt and straight to the point. But the question reminded me of something I tried to forget every single day. "Yeah. I have." I looked down to my hands that were resting on the table. I traced shapes on the smooth surface, trying to keep my mind from those formidable memories. "Did I upset you?" He asked. He leaned down trying to look at my face.
"No. Just, I've um, l-laid with one man, uh, it was a terrible experience." I look to the the ground where my feet were. "Did he..."
"Yeah. He did." I whispered. My whole body felt uneasy, saying the words out loud was torture for me.
I had gotten drunk one night and a man took me to his house, against my will. I woke up the next morning and didn’t know what had happened the night before and I was feeling incredibly sore.
As the months went by I remembered certain things, terrible, awful things.
"My darling, I'm sorry. We don't have to carry on with this conversation. I can't imagine how it's affected you." He lays his hand on top of my hand that rests on the table, causing me to flinch.
The only thing I can do is nod, and I barely manage to do that.
"You've shown me such kindness over the past two days. I appreciate that, I truly do. In return, if you would, I'd like to stay with you. To protect you, from the evil of this world. Only if you would allow it. If you wish for me to be gone, then I'll be gone within seconds. I can see a great friendship unfolding if you let me stay."
I stare at him in disbelief, "I'd love for you to stay, I do get lonely here by myself sometimes but wouldn't you get tired of me after awhile?" I chuckled. "I mean you'd get bored for sure, I'm not an interesting gal."
"That's not true. You're very interesting, you can read, not a lot of women around here can read, well back then at least. I don't know about now."
"Well I'm sure there are more women around here that can read. But enough about that! What would you like to do the rest of the day?"
Truth be told, I hate talking about myself or of any subject that involves me, call it an insecurity, but for me I just hate being the topic of discussion.
"Why don't we go back to the lake?" He said.
"Yeah sure! Do you want to go for a swim?"
"I don't have anything to swim in." His brows furrowed and his lips frowned. I can't lie, he looked really cute.
"I'll buy you something." I beamed.
"I can't let you do that." He argued.
I stood up from the chair and walked to the door.
"You need a new set of clothes anyways, you can't wear the same outfit you've worn for the past couple decades." I playfully winked at him. I walked out of the house, he followed behind me.
On the way to the shop, we talked a little bit about everything, the sea, the outlaws he stayed with for a bit. It's so easy talking to him. He doesn't make you feel inferior or anything close like that. Nowadays people are so egotistical if they have a silver spoon. It's truly disgusting.
We make it to the shop and Wanda greets us.
"Y/N! Good evening!" She flashed her beautiful smile. "And who might this be?" She asked.
"This is Bucky, a friend from Texas. He's come down here to live with me."
Bucky walks closer to Wanda and shakes her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, miss." She nodded, her smile widened. "Pleasure to meet you, too, Bucky."
I got a couple outfits for him, he was a very picky shopper, at the end we got him black trousers and a couple tan and white long sleeve shirts. Nothing too fancy, he said.
I packed the new clothes in my leather bag and bid Wanda goodbye, we made our way to the lake.
"Isn't it just beautiful?" I said, we sat down on the sand, I set the bag down in between us. "It is, I've missed the water." He let out a sigh and kept his eyes on the moving water. "Why didn't you ever come down here?"
"I did, every couple a years, I don't know why I stayed in the cemetery for so long. I felt like it was the safest place for me."
"Why is that?"
"Because the dead can't judge you."
"I'll never judge you, y’know." I grabbed his hand intertwining it with mine, I brought the back of his hand up to my lips, gently kissing it.
We sat in silence after that. It was a moment I'll never forget. The sun was setting, the remainder of the sun reflecting off the water, the muffled music from across the street inside the tavern, the sounds of nature.
"You know, this is my favorite time of the day. When everything is winding down. It's so peaceful, and the sun isn't too harsh, it's perfect. I call it late night Louisiana. Has a ring to it, don't it?"
"It sure does, sugar." His lips curved upwards into a smile. His smile. How have I never noticed how perfect it was? His eyes crinkle whenever he smiles. Why is his face so perfect? Maybe being with him wouldn't be such a bad idea...
"Do you want to become human again? Fully human, I mean. With no abilities."
"I'd give anything to be normal again. Anything." He withdrew his hand from mine and looked down to the sand. "Maybe we can visit the voodoo shop tomorrow, they have elixirs in there, we can see what they have. Nobody ever buys their potions and elixirs because of your story."
He shrugged and lifted his head back up to look at me. Sadness deep in his eyes, laced with longing. "What if none of them work?"
"Well, we'll find out once we get there, won't we?"
"I guess."
I hugged his torso, "Let's go to the tavern."
We both get up and dust the sand off of our bodies. I grabbed my bag and we were off to the tavern across the street.
Bucky and I go inside and he orders the both of us a beer. I catch Steve walking past the windows of the tavern. I jump off the bar stool and turn to Bucky, "I have to go outside real quick. I'll be right back." I run out of the tavern and holler for Steve.
He stopped in his tracks and turned around. I walk up to him. "Hey stranger. Did you buy that book, that Stark's Amazing Finds?"
"I did, why?" He raised a brow and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Well I was wanting to show Bucky what a walrus and a seal looked like. I was wondering maybe I could borrow it for a day." He scoffed and looked to the side, he kicked a rock with his boot.
"Why didn't you ever mention him to me?" Steve asked. "I guess I forgot to tell you about him."
"Y/N, we tell each other everything it at least that's what I thought. Why didn't you tell me he was moving in with you?"
"Steve, I just forgot. I'm sorry. Why do you care so much? It's not really a big deal."
"He said you were getting lonely livin all by yourself, why didn't you ask me to move in? I would‘ve."
He stepped closer. "I didn't think you'd want to live with me. You hate it when I talk about vampires. I can only imagine you getting frustrated with me everyday because I'm so focused on finding that damned vampire." I leaned against the outside brick wall of the tavern. I look up to Steve, he was up against the brick wall, staring at the water. The orange glow of the sun shone on his face, his blue eyes were even brighter, if possible.
"I would've learned to deal with it." He said, he turned his body towards me.
Nothing else was said. We were both staring into each other's eyes. He wanted to say something, I could feel it in my bones. “What is it?” I asked.
“I wanted to tell you something. It’s really important.” He started fidgeting, beads of sweat were on his forehead.
“Hey, you can tell me anything. You know that.” I smiled and intertwined our hands together. “Uh... Bruce is coming back into town.”
“Oh...” I let out a shaky breath, my heart was beating out my chest. It felt like somebody had knocked the wind outta me. “Do we know when he’s supposed to be here?”
“Sometime next week.”
“Next week?”
“Yeah, next week.”
“Is he— is he bringing...”
“Yeah. She’s coming too.”
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