#This is me when dumb kids at school bother me all the time lol
cozykittengirl · 4 months
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody Loves You, You Got a Friend (part 7)
Other parts: one, two, three, four, five, six
We’re back again! The start takes place immediately after the last part & more time jumping lol. I guess trigger warning for breast feeding? Tho it’s not that detailed really 🤷‍♀️ better to be safe ✌️ (quick reminder: this is a slice of life, nearly no plot type of fic)
Any sort of tension he got was wiped away simply by pulling into the driveway. As he opens the front door he’s met with Eleanor crying, following the sound he finds Steve making a beeline for Eleanor.
“You good?” He steps closer to the omega, “Ellie good?”
Steve whips his head around and grins before pulling Eleanor up to him, “just a little tired. She’s just upset I had to use the bathroom”
He laughs, “you eat today?”
Steve turns red in a second and that’s all Eddie needs to know. He pulls the omega close and leads him to the kitchen, “Stevie, we gotta work on this!”
Instead of his original plan of cuddling up to Steve and Eleanor in bed, he pulls out all the stuff to make grilled cheese. He hears the omega start to hum, turning he sees Steve in the chair with his shirt pushed up enough to guide Eleanor to his chest and her immediately latching on to drink.
He manages to not burn the shit out of the two sandwiches, placing one in front of Steve and dumping a bag of chips on both their plates. They eat in a comfortable silence, that’s only filled with Steve’s soft hum.
They hear the front door open and Steve pulls his shirt down and over Eleanor, only losing tension when he hears his mom, “Boys!”
They smile at her, and she placed a kiss on both their heads, “Stevie, you don’t have to keep ruining your shirts like this” she doesn’t bother waiting, just pulls the shirt back up and rubs a hand against Eleanor’s head. They continue to chat while she makes herself something to eat.
Weeks go by and Eddie swears the kids he picked up are more nerdy than him and something entirely different. He’ll catch them talking about weird shit and immediately shut up when someone else passes them.
He unfortunately sees Nancy way too often, she being the kids’ ride more times than not. She attempted to talk to him all of once and he shot it down almost immediately with, “I’ll be honest, Wheeler. I don’t really care much for you, we can tolerate each other for your brother. But we don’t need to be friends, okay?”
She only nods and he doesn’t smell her frustration, just sees it on her face.
It’s three months into school and Eleanor’s going to be four months, when he and Steve decide to bring in their other friends into the know. It’s not just that, but also Steve’s getting restless with staying home.
He said once Eleanor is no longer nursing, he’d look for a job.
(“I just don’t feel like going back and forth, I know mom can watch her but-“
Eddie smiles and nods, looking down at Eleanor sleeping in his arms. “You don’t have to explain it to me, Stevie.” )
So, that brings them to today. They’re out at Gareth’s house, his parents out for the weekend and closest to their home. Steve has Eleanor in her car seat still, and Eddie has a backpack on his shoulder as he knocks on the door.
It’s Gareth that opens the door and smiles, “hey guys,” he spies the car seat, “come on, bet she doesn’t want to stay in there”
Once inside, Steve makes quick work at getting Eleanor out and into his arms. “The guys here already?”
Gareth just nods, “I told them that you were coming and that you both had something to tell them, I think they’ve been listening to the dumb rumors and think you really did mate with each other” he rolls his eyes, “but I mean,”
He points at Eleanor and then raises an eyebrow at Eddie’s arm pulling Steve closer, “this doesn’t help”
Steve rolls his eyes, “we can’t, my mom and Wayne told us that when we’re eighteen and both out of high school, then we can” he pouted and felt Eddie press a kiss to his temple, “let’s go, before Ellie gets fussy”
They follow Gareth, who laughed at the couple. It’s not a long walk and right before they get into the room, the rest of the guys are laughing and right as they’re spotted the laughter stops.
“Dude, am I high or is Steve holding a baby?” - Jeff
“If you’re high, then I’m high because holy fuck that’s a baby!” - Grant
Gareth rolls his eyes, Eddie and Steve are laughing. The others are still staring dumbfounded. Then, Eleanor makes it all too real and lets out a whine.
“Dumbasses, you aren’t high. That is a baby” Gareth finally says, then turns a raised eyebrow at the couple, “better start talking, lovebirds”
They roll their eyes, Steve rocking Eleanor gently before they head to the empty couch, “This is Eleanor” he says and stares at all of them, “She’s the reason I left Hawkins high early”
They nod, clearly listening and Grant points between them with a clear question of “your’s?” Without saying it.
Eddie nods, “She wasn’t planned- I went to Stevie’s house one day when he skipped and well, we spent his heat together”
“Is- is she why you’re together?” Jeff frowns at them, “or were you already together?”
They shake their heads, Eddie slipped his hand into Steve’s and brings it up to his lips, pressing a kiss to his hand. It makes their friends to roll their eyes and smile, “we were dancing around each other for a while. But we got together after we spent his heat together- before we knew about Eleanor”
“I felt like shit for a month, my mom made me take a test.” Steve took over, squeezing Eddie’s hand, “had a doctor really confirm it, I told Eddie a few weeks later”
After that, Eleanor got wiggly and Steve finally let her down on a blanket and all the boys were on the floor with her, holding toys for her to play with or wiggling their fingers for her to grab. Steve laughed and Eddie was smiling, it worked out and they’re so glad their friends are loyal and happy for them.
Eleanor already has all of them wrapped around her finger.
——— A Week Later ———
Eddie groaned as he dropped at their lunch table, he was exhausted. Eleanor being fussier than normal for the last two days. Steve is just as exhausted, if not more. The only one not exhausted was Eleanor somehow.
“Dude. What’s wrong with you?”
Eddie groaned again before shifting to look at who spoke, finding the little freshmen he picked up. “I’m tired”
Dustin raises his eyebrow, dropping next to him and he hopes the kid really doesn’t poke him. He’s saved a little by Grant, “You good Eddie?”
He shrugged, “just tired, think we can move Friday’s session? I think she’s sick”
The freshmen look confused, while Grant nods, “I hope it’s not from any of us, I swear we only just met her and I’m sure one of us would die for her”
Eddie grins, “she’s like that”
Before the freshmen can ask who they’re talking about, Gareth sits next to him with a smile, “who’s like what? What are we talking about?”
“Gotta move the session this week, Ellie’s sick”
That’s said right as Jeff sits down with the other freshman, “don’t tell me it was us!”
Eddie shrugs, “we’re not sure- Janet thinks we’re overreacting.” He lays his head back on the table pillowed on his arms, “wake me before the bell”
In the back of his head he knows the freshmen are confused and he might’ve spilled too much.
We’re gonna stop there for now, even though I’m using the read more option again I still don’t want to make the parts too long, ya know? Anyway, again this is more slice of life, no plot. I mean I still add it in a litttttle but it’s nearly nothing. Next time we do a quick pov change (it’ll be Gareth’s!) and it’ll take place directly after this (with a day skip too)
If you have any ideas for this, you’re welcome to share them!! I can add it in or write more!! (This is in general btw, you can always send me prompts!!)
Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings @tartarusfairy @mx-jinxous @zombiethingy @lunaticmarunatic @carlyv @thelittleclare @estrellami-1 @epiclazershark @bookworm0690 @forest-fogg @flustratedcas @p0lybl4nkk @tiny-enthusiast @a-gae-af-racoon @blackpanzy
(If you wanna be added to this and/or the permanent one, let me know)
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newtdrawz · 11 months
YESE AHHH I'm so glad cuz I love making them 😭
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I love Two-bit with my whole heart and I love their friendship SO MUCH 😭😭 the amount of older brother figures this kid has is insane 😭
Two honestly loves Pony, loves him like a brother and Pony does too
When Two first met Pony he was pretty young (idk the ages of the gang when they all first met and I cannot find it anywhere 😭 so I'm taking it into my own hands) and he was honestly obsessed with him
Two always wanted a little brother so whenever Pony would tag along with his brothers Two would be pretty happy abt it while mostly everyone else was a little annoyed lol
Two was never really bothered when Pony followed him around or asked him a million questions while they were all out with the gang
Two always tries to get Pony out of his comfort zone, but not the way Dally does 😭😭
Two tries to encourage Pony to get out of his shell and get out more
He tries to get him to talk to girls more too (which honestly most of the time goes south 😭😭)
Two was really the only one who was able to get Pony out of the house after Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died, he was persistent enough that it ended up working (Soda and Darry thanked him a million times but Two-bit said it was no big deal) (he does the same thing after Johnny and Dally)
Two will steal gifts for Pony while Pony makes gifts for Two
Two-bit will steal art supplies for Pony or anything that he see's and makes him think of Pony
One time he stole like a pack of bookmarks that he thought where funny ("you'll never believe what I found, it's bookmarks with worms reading books!")
Pony will try and draw Two's favorite cartoon characters, especially Mickey Mouse, and give them to him
Two gets really excited each time and he'll hang them around his room at home or keep them safe in a box
Two has unspoken permission from Darry and Soda to give Pony talking to's when he does something stupid
Two also tries to keep Pony out of trouble the best he can, he also tries not to steal when he's with Pony incase someone calls the cops or anything
If he catches word of Pony doing something dumb or hanging out with people Darry specifically told him not to hang out with (COUGH CURLY COUGH) Two will swoop in, pull him away and scold him a little before his brothers can hear anything about it ("You're lucky I caught word of you doin' somethin dumb before Darry or Soda did. I'm not gonna tell em, but don't let me catch you doin it again.")
Two honestly doesn't want Pony to turn out like anyone in the gang so he tells him out right to not do anything he's doing (like how Dally does) ("You see me stealin all the time but don't go out and try and copy me, alright?")
Two-bit is ALWAYS rough housing with Pony 😭
Any chance the two get they're wrestling on the floor
Two-bit's obviously a little stronger then Pony, but Pony's faster
Two will lift him up or hold him down to try and win but Pony will run and try and tire him out to win
Darry HATES when they wrestle in the house, Two-bit tries to remember to wait till they get outside but he always forgets 😭
Two-bit and school do not mix but Pony somehow gets him to do work
They end up having a class together and it's the only class where Two-bit does the work/homework, only cuz Pony tells him too
Pony is NOT about to mess around in class and he outright tells Two-bit that 😭 (he's not trying to get the teacher to call home and get him in trouble)
The teacher is honestly bewildered (a little scared too 😭😭) to see Two-bit sitting quietly and doing actual work. They're even more shocked when he turns things in (are half the answers wrong? Yeah. Did he still do it and turn it in? Yeah.) (It's not that he's dumb he just doesn't care 😭)
Two-bit always tries to sit with Pony at lunch and get him talking. (Pony's honestly so quiet at school so Two tries to also get him out of his shell there too lol)
Pony honestly thinks Two is the funniest person he knows
Pony idolizes a lot of people but Two-bit is definitely on that list, maybe top 5 of people he idolizes.
Pony would never tell him or anyone that but he really does look up to him
He gets a little jealous of how extroverted Two can be and how confident he is so he tries to copy him just a little bit 😭 (like how Johnny pointed that out in the book lol)
He honestly doesn't realize how many mannerisms he's picked up from Two until someone points it out (Steve's the first to point it out and Pony gets so embarrassed but Two is honestly overjoyed by it)
Ah ok!! This one was really fun to do too!! I loves this duo sm 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 again anyone feel free to add on!!
(Again sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or if this is ooc 😭😭 I'm trying man)
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
Um… Hi, Ray! Hopefully this isn’t weird, I’ve just been thinking lately, and, uh. I guess I wanted another opinion? Someone to tell me if I’m being dumb? Hopefully this isn’t a bother, I’m just stressing a bit and worried I’m making a big deal out of nothing-
So, to get down to it, I used to be really into theatre when I was younger- Think elementary to middle school, I guess, it’s been a while. I dunno how good I was, because, you know. I was a kid. But I liked it, even if I never got big roles! It was fun, though looking back, our theatre teacher and the one who directed all the plays was kind of a dick, lol. Lots of favoritism there. Same for his wife.
Except something that’s made me more uncomfortable the more I think about it is one… Incident? Basically, uh, I was something of an early bloomer in regards to my. Chest, I guess, and puberty in general. And they’d often film rehearsals to watch them back and go over things with us, like what we needed to work on. And one day his wife pulled me aside and pointed out that my breasts were visibly moving in the recording and kinda. Scolded me? Guilted me? For it. I dunno. I was an anxious kid though, left me hyper aware of how my body moved, and it stressed me out enough that I dragged my mom with me to the store in hopes of finding a more restrictive bra. The one I settled on was super uncomfortable and tight and made it hard to breathe, and it ultimately didn’t fix the problem, or at least I felt like it didn’t. Because again, I was now hyper aware of my body and could still feel them moving. Because. That’s how movement works. But it stressed me out to the point that I started wearing jackets all the time, and would zip them up during rehearsal to hide myself and try and make sure no one saw anything. I definitely overheated a lot because of it.
It’s been years and I’ve since gotten better about wearing jackets All The Time- I can take them off at home or in the car or at work- But I still need one relatively close or I start getting uncomfortable. I’m still hyper aware of the way my body moves and get nervous moving too much around others.
I dunno, I feel. Kinda dumb for freaking out so much about this. I’m worried I’m being over dramatic and I just. Wanted other thoughts, I guess. Thanks for listening Ray, hope you’re doing well.
You are absolutely not being dumb, darling.
You were approached by someone in a position of authority over you at a young age and inappropriately scolded for something that was both natural and already hard to deal with at a time in your life when you were young, vulnerable, and likely already stressed because your body was changing.
It's understandable that something like that could stick with you even into adulthood.
Just try to remind yourself that it was wrong of her to do that, your body and the way it moves is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide, and just be gentle with yourself.
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tussive · 13 days
Found the tagged post! I was tagged by @ungratefulbeyotchhotline
Do you make your bed? So what I like to do is make my bed and then put an extra sheet and comforter on top, and then I just sleep on it that way. So it's sort of made. But over time as it comes unmade, I don't fix it so not really lol.
What's your favorite number? I don't really have one tbh.
What is your job? I'm a shift lead at Burger King.
If you could go back to school, would you? I'd like to, but I fear I may be too dumb now lol. But realistically it's not financially feasible.
Can you parallel park? Hell naw.
A job you had that would surprise people? I worked for a bank for around a year, I guess? Mostly I've just had retail jobs.
Do you think aliens are real? I don't actively believe or disbelieve most things. I'm open to the potential.
Can you drive a manual car? Hell naw. What's with all these driving questions? I fucking suck at driving lol.
What's your guilty pleasure? I don't believe in them. If you like something you like it, fuck it.
Tattoos? I have none but I have a few planned i'd like to get.
Favorite color? Mauve.
Favorite type of music? I mean, the last few years I've definitely listened to rap more than anything. But I also like folk/black metal/screamo/noise/drone. I'm more into artists that create a cool vibe or atmosphere than are necessarily technically good at their craft.
Do you like puzzles? I'm a dummy I can't do puzzles.
Any phobias? Open spaces. If I'm in a field or something and look at the sky, sometimes i get so overwhelmed I vomit lol.
Favorite childhood sport? I never played any sports when I was a kid. I did wrestling for like a week.
Do you talk to yourself? Not out loud, because I don't want to bother other people. But in my head I'm constantly holding full conversations with myself.
What movies do you adore? Oh man. Crestone, Begotten, Louisiana - The Other Side, The Florida Project, Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes That the Boy Saw, Grandma's Boy.
Coffee or Tea? I like them both. Probably tea more, I'm especially fond of white tea. (Funny story, that's how I came up with the rap clique name that never really materialized when I was planning on starting to rap, Delicate Boyz. My ex's family was making fun of me (jokingly) about how white tea is delicate. I told my friend and she said "What's wrong with being a delicate boy?" We're not friends anymore. :() But I drink more coffee. I actually got super into coffee for a bit. It's a fun hobby, but I really wanted an espresso machine and they're mad fucking expensive.
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? A vet.
Gonna tag.................gosh these are so hard. I never know what people like these things and what people don't and I don't wanna tag anyone it would bother. Ahhh, no one lol. If you'd like to answer these questions just pretend I tagged you.
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rinhaler · 5 months
Since we are talking about my favorite subject👀👀
Does Sukuna ever oversteps if the reader is in a mood and forgets even though she is young, she's not a kid??
Bc I mean everyone has its moments and sometimes you just feel like being a bitch (at least once a month for me lol) Do you think he ever drags the older bf act to far?? Or gets a little condescending with her?? Orrr says something that might be true but without any filter?? Bc girl the daddy issues bit WAS A LOT, I loved every sentence of it but I felt soooo called out😭😭 Like damn
Idk if my question is too confusing but I feel like they are both too stubborn for their own good and sometimes in relationships that brings tension (also I love drama ngl) and you have to add that Sukuna has the emocional intelligence of a brick
I think he probably does it intentionally more than accidentally to be honest. He's really not a dumb guy and thinks about everything he says and I'm sure he's already figured out how much the reader values her intelligence and it's a huge part of her confidence.
Her biggest insecurity with herself in regards to Sukuna is her lack of experience. He's all too aware of it, too, even without her saying so. He clocked it from the moment they met and she's never really bothered to tell him otherwise. So I think he'd be a little condescending about that if he was feeling particularly hostile with her.
I think the times he'd accidentally treat her like a 'kid' is when he's actually being nice. Like offering to do stuff for her if he thinks she isn't capable and like overly explaining stuff. He definitely wouldn't mean any harm but she'd probably get wound up by it.
It's hard to think of examples but I hope you get what I mean 😭😭 he can be mean and condescending purposefully and that's the more likely scenario he'd do it. He isn't dumb enough to do it accidentally, more like unintentionally in a certain scenario.
They are both extremely stubborn you're right about that LMAO and I think he likes that about her a lot but then he is just as bad so he's confused why they clash and aren't working but then like.. DUDE YOU'RE JUST AS BAD!! He's very complex, I could write all day about how he'd handle and deal with certain circumstances but I don't wanna talk your ear off.
Generally, he isn't that in touch with his feelings but he knows what he wants and he's always gotten what he wants before and the reader won't be an exception. He's patient but proud. And he's an old school macho man so he isn't really gonna beg or grovel to her.
Definitely will be interesting to see how their relationship develops with their personalities being the way they are!
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
So im still exhausted. I keep making dumb mistakes and doing stupid shit like leaving charging cords at work or at home. My coordination is gone, im tripping and knocking into things. My eyes feel sore??? All i want to do anymore is lie down and try to sleep. :/
I think i was running on pure adrenaline last week...and now that 'panic' mode is done my body is paying me back for all the stress. :( i barely slept the entire time i was traveling, i regularly drove for like 10+ hrs on next to no sleep which...yeah. I know. Dangerous. The constant tension of whether or not snow was going to make my next route passable, and worry over keeping other people's schedules. And then to get to my grandparents house and to find out they're not moving till may and the 'end of march' deadline was an arbitrary schedule that didnt actually matter. Im not mad, i cant be mad at them they're moving which is stress enough, im just...mourning my exhaustion and inability to function lol. Had they let me wait even one more month the snow and the insane storms would have been gone.
Anyway, just thinking about that feeling of 'safety' or 'comfort' and how precious a thing it is for me (and my sleep) . After my anxiety started growing worse it takes a LOT for me to feel 'safe' with someone or somewhere. My italian grandparent's house would be one, nick's sister's house would be another. And then my friends house in the mountains of oregon, who are just the kindest, most generous people. The two nights i spent there were literally the only times i slept last week.
Back in the fall of 2018, six months after grandpa died and still unemployed, i helped grandma travel by train to ohio, flew back to seattle, stayed with sanjeev for a week ish, and then started south to los angeles because i literally couldnt think of anywhere else to go. And these friends in oregon - they were off traveling at the time - let me stay in their house for over a week. I was so scared about the future, i was still grieving and feeling like a total ghost, still processing my dad's very friendly comment (when i asked him why he hadn't offered to let me stay in his house after i flew back from ohio) about how if i couldn't afford to house myself i deserved to be homeless.
(honestly that wasn't even the part that bothered me - i knew that about my dad from the time when i was a kid and he would point out homeless people to me and jokingly say 'that will be you as an artist!'. Instead of instilling fear in me though this backfired and all my charity work in high school dealt with homeless shelters lol. But no, the part that bothered me was how he tacked another comment onto the end - that life 'couldn't go back to how it was'. THAT was when i broke down crying in front of him because i think stupid me still genuinely believed that if i moved back to seattle my dad would go back to being my best friend and it'd be us against the world again.)(i saw him for five minutes in sac last week - he refused to even have lunch with us)
Instead in 2018 i was anchorless, emotionally disconnected from reality, and instead of comdemning me like everybody else in my family, my friends were like 'dont worry about it, the house is empty, please use it.' And i did! I was nervous at first. But then i started exploring the area - went to a bunch of state parks out in the middle of nowhere hidden in the high desert. Ended up LOVING one of them and collected those tacky tourist maps and just scribbled all my observations and tips on the best roads to drive/things to do/see onto the margins. And i collected all the brochures and compiled a kind of guide, and left it on the counter just in case my friends hadn't found that particular area to explore yet. And sure enough, they hadn't! To this day they still talk about how happy they were to have all these suggestions and things to see, and how that particular area is now one of their favorite places to visit. So what im saying is that's the only place i got any rest last week. Also those pancakes. I need to make those pancakes.
Anyway i'm just so fucking tired, man. This is the second 'vacation' where i've come back more exhausted than when i left, i think i need to do something differently. (also fuck you dad, five years in LA and not homeless once)
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No Vacant Allowed
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Fandoms: Zatch Bell and Professor Layton Rating: T Summary: A 18 year old Japanese girl just want to be a miss independent and a 14 year old British boy just want to help her like a gentlemen he is. Disclaimer: I do not own Zatch Bell and Professor Layton. Verse: Vacantverse Ship: Luke (Professor Layton) / Suzume (Zatch Bell) Crossover Ships Week 2023: Day I (First Meeting) Note: LOL I know crossover week 2023 ended already and late submissions are accepted until August so here is my shitty writing for day 1. @crossover-ships-brainrot. Also, this crossAU takes place in the new Professor Layton game setting (I know NWOS isn't out yet but I don't give a fuck lmao)
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Visiting Steam Bison, America wasn't no summer vacation for 18-year-old Suzume Mizuno. She decided not to invite her best friend, Mariko Nakamura, and her high school classmates to fool around in America, which most likely they would if she did request their presence. Suzume has no plans to relax in a foreign country. She was only here for one purpose; to search for her missing father.
Tetsuya Mizuno, the father of Suzume, was last heard from Steam Bison, according to the address on his postcard that Suzume received from him four months ago. When Suzume didn't get a response from her father, she assured herself that he was just too busy. However, Suzume knew her father better. Tetsuya would never take too long to write back to his daughter.
'Why did I bother to come here?' Suzume sighed in grief. 'The moment I arrived on American soil, a group of thugs forced me into this alley and robbed me. The jerks stole my passport, visa, and money.' When Suzume realized her suitcase was also stolen, she scowled in anger. 'Those assholes also took my clothes!'
14-year-old Suzume would cry and beg for help, but 18-year-old Suzume would swear and refuse assistance. She stomped out of the alley, ignoring curious, dirty, and apathetic looks from the bystanders. She's going to search for the thieves on her own.
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14-year-old Luke Triton was on his way home from the city hall when he noticed a foreign girl standing on a barrel. She was peeking into an abandoned building's window, and she had an angry expression. Luke approached the girl quietly.
"Miss, that's dangerous."
"I know, it is dangerous. I'm not dumb. Those bastards robbed me."
"How could they do such a thing to a pretty young lady?"
"Pretty?!" The startled girl turned her head towards him, giving him a gape. "You need to get your eyes checked, kid!"
"I didn't mean to offend-"
And because the girl was so flustered with his compliment, she lost her balance and was about to fall on her butt, but Luke caught her in time.
"Are you all right?"
"….I'm fine. Wait a second" The girl glared back at the window. "They were counting money. THEY WERE COUNTING THE MONEY THEY STOLE FROM ME!"
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" An angry voice bellowed from the inside.
"Boss, I swore I heard Triton's and a lass's voices." A second voice spoke, clearly frightened.
"That fucking kid and his Lovelady! Get them!"
And Luke didn't waste no time. He held the girl's hand and led her to safety.
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Suzume was a foolish young woman. She had exposed herself and the young boy by screaming her head off. Well, she did have the right to get angry. Those thugs still have her savings for her trip. She can't shower and change clothes in a hotel. Not until her belongings and money were returned to her.
Gurgled. Suzume's stomach gurgled. She blushed, feeling embarrassed.
"Are you hungry, Miss?"
Damn. The boy must have heard the gurgle. Suzume turned her eyes away from him in shame.
"Yes. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm starving for a while." She added a nervous giggle. "Can't buy food without the money, after all."
"Oh, there's no need to worry, Miss. You can stay with me for a while."
"Huh?" Suzume froze for a second. "No way. I mustn't," She shook her head in disapproval. "I'm a young adult here. I should be taking care of myself."
"My family wouldn't mind."
"Why are you helping me?"
"Do I need a reason to help someone? It's just common decency.'
"…Hold on. I forgot I am in America and speak English fluently. Can you understand my English?"
"I can understand your English pretty well."
Finally! Suzume's two years of learning the English language paid off.
"Oh. That's good! I was afraid that I may be butchering the English language."
"Triton," A policeman caught up with the two. "You're needed back at the city hall."
"Are you being arrested?" Suzume questioned the boy, confused about why a policeman was there.
"Pardon me, Miss?!!" The Policemen responded to her question in disbelief. "Now, why would I arrest Detective Luke, who had helped the police to solve the toughest mysteries in this wonderful city?"
"Wait," Suzume gawked at the boy. "you're a detective?"
"Yes, it looks like the cat's out of the bag, huh? I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Luke Triton. It's nice to meet you, Miss."
"…Suzume.Mizuno," Suzume responded in an awkward tone. "Well, I guess I'll see you around…"
"What are you talking about, Miss Mizuno? You're coming with me. It's too dangerous for a young lady to be alone on these streets."
"How old are you?" Suzume narrowed her eyes at Luke in doubt.
"I'm fourteen."
"Aren't you too young for detective work?"
"Age doesn't matter when it comes to detective work."
"It sure as hell does."
"Miss, you shouldn't use such language."
"I'm 18 years old. I can use whichever language I want, and I'm quite moody right now."
"Umm, we should head over to the city hall now…" The police officer reminded the two awkwardly.
"There's better be food and drinks at the city hall," Suzume grumbled.
"I'm sure they will have refreshments, Miss Mizuno." Luke smiled gently.
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A few hours later, Suzume and Luke arrived at a manor. A butler named Doland Noble greeted them at the front door.
"Welcome back, Master Luke. Oh, you brought a guest?"
"Oh, yes. Miss Mizuno will be staying with us for a while."
"That is indeed kind of you, Master Luke. Please do accept the Master's hospitality, Miss Mizuno."
Suzume didn't respond. Her mind was racing. She didn't feel comfortable with this hospitality. It felt wrong to freeload off a 14-year-old boy and his family. Where were Luke's parents anyway? Should he be getting their approval first?
"Are you coming in, Miss Mizuno?" Luke asked, smiling at her.
Suzume stepped away from the front door. She clasped her hands and shook her head nervously.
"Ah, Miss Mizuno doesn't speak English?" Doland wondered.
"She does, Mr. Doland. She's just nervous. Please prepare a bedroom for Miss Mizuno."
"Very well. I shall leave you two be." Doland bowed politely and went back inside.
"…All I need is a shower and a change of clothes, but those thugs also stole my suitcase." Suzume pouted, still quite upset.
"You can borrow one of my mother's dresses. Beth can wash your dress for you."
"No, no. It's fine!" She sighed in frustration. "I have no idea why I'm even here in America. All I wanted to search for my missing father in peace."
"Huh?" Luke's eyes went widened in surprise. "So, you aren't here for a vacation?"
"No. I'm not."
"What is your father's name?"
"Tetsuya Mizuno."
And Luke just took out his notebook and wrote Suzume's father's name.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to help you search for your father, Miss Mizuno." Luke grinned at her. "I will also help you to retrieve your belongings from the thieves. After all, a gentleman must help a lady in distress."
"How cute, Triton," Suzume giggled. "You want to help an old hag like me."
"You aren't an old hag…"
"I know, Triton. It was only a joke. Forgive me for trying to be so mature."
"Well," Luke smiled delightfully. "There is a greenhouse and a garden in the backyard. You can enjoy your time there until you're ready to walk into my house."
Suzume gasped. Her eyes glittered. She felt a little better. This Triton boy knew how to comfort someone well. She smiled brightly at him.
"Okay, Triton! You can tell me about the mysteries you solve!"
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Two hours later, Suzume finally tracked down the thieves in a hideout and crashed their meeting.
The thieves froze in fear, gawking at a young Japanese woman in a long pleated dress carrying a baseball bat. Luke was facepalming outside of the house alongside the officers.
"So much for protecting Miss Mizuno…"
"Triton, should we go in and arrest the thieves?"
"I'm not the Chief of Police, sir, but sure."
"Luke, my boy." Luke's mentor, Professor Hershel Layton, stood next to him. "Do you know the young lady?"
"Yes, professor. I just barely met Miss Mizuno hours ago."
30 minutes later, back at the Triton household…
"Are you actually British, Triton?" Suzume asked in curiosity.
"Yes. I'm just living in America because of family reasons." Luke answered. "How did you know?"
"I can tell by your accent."
"Oh, so you are pretty smart."
"Not really…
"Miss Mizuno, would you like to try this puzzle?" Layton offered, giving her a kind smile.
"Sure…" Suzume accepted. She needed to test her brain anyway.
And Suzume indeed did get her passport, visa, money, and clothes back.
"Why I'm still freeloading here, Triton?"
"Because I invited you, silly. That's why."
"Tritoooon," Suzume whined.
And it wouldn't be the first time Luke would hear his surname being called like that. And Layton has a flashback of Anton, Don Paolo, and Descole calling him Laaaayton. The professor smiled and sipped his tea while observing Suzume and Luke interact friendly.
And the adventures of an 18-year-old Japanese girl, a 14-year-old British detective boy, and his unknown mentor began in AMERICA.
Well, maybe they'd meet more new friends in the future.
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yknow, if there's one piece of advice I can give to people who don't have special needs in school, it's that DO NOT under any circumstance, idek (???) apply to be a scribe/writer for a special accommodations kid just to solely get out of class.
I had this happen to me in year 11 or 12, when the public school I was at, as well as the nsw education board, were adamant that the ONLY way I was to ever sit my hsc (end of high school) exams and pass, was to have a scribe. and a scribe only since no one would take the time & effort to EVER read my OWN hand written responses if I chose to do them by handwriting only.... and also that the education board kept outright refusing my access to a laptop bc "exams are meant to be handwritten only!!!! this student obvs wants an easy way to do her exams and wants to cheat!!!!" and "obvs this student, her teachers, her GP and the occupational therapists we made her see..... are all lying that she kid NEEDS a laptop accommodation for her exams to let her have a chance of succeeding.... so instead, we'll give her depression and anxiety so bad that she won't bother studying, lol."
so the first couple of scribes i had were good, bc they were in the year below me, and so, didn't know me. they told me to take my time and breathe etc etc. all around being supportive. however, one girl who had volunteered to be my scribe was originally in my year, but forced to repeat bc she'd missed too much class or whatever. moreover, she never liked me bc of the ~stuck up catholic school bitch~ thing that some people still held against me even after I'd been there for a while and was nice to everyone.
but what did this girl's dislike of me lead her to say??? she demanded of me, for my ancient history or w/e the fuck exam she had to write for me, that: "can you just hurry the fuck up and get this done so I can GET TO LUNCH ON TIME???? bc I only signed up for this to get out of class and get extra lunch time if you're quick. its not my fault you're *the R word*."
like Sally. you full well know HSC exams are long. ancient history was 2 or 3 hrs, I can't remember now. of course you're going to miss lunch. why the fuck did you even bother signing up for this, if you actually D O N T want to help people, let alone help someone you don't like???? wow. what a kind soul you are, you dumb ass. I don't give a fuck if you want to miss class. you signed up to help, so get writing. you selfish ass bitch.
anyway, I took my precious, painstaking time in this exam mostly out of spite for this bitch, bc i didn't think she deserved to have lunch on time when she'd signed up to help people for the full exam time. and also for calling me the *R word*. like I get that. it was 2012/2013, and I'd had people call me it plenty at catholic school too, for being related to the special ed dept. but there was NO REASON to call me that right before my exam that you signed up to help me with.
as an aside, I was practically a low needs special needs student. all I wanted was a fucking laptop for my exams. but instead, I had to settle for this fucking cow, who actually didn't give a fuck if she made me fail or not.
anyway. my point is, if you sign up to help any type of special needs student at school or at uni, have some fucking empathy and patience for the other person. having a scribe should NEVER be an option in exams, in my opinion, because it's impossible to relate coherent thoughts under exams stress. or at least it is for me. and esp as someone who used to do writing as a hobby in high school, this was like purposely cutting off my arms, which I could ACTUALLY use and also the direct brain connection to: brain to arm, to hand and pen, to paper. I fucking L O A T H E D it so much, and esp in the case of this girl.
like yes I did end up getting a laptop, which ended up being pretty pointless anyway (diagrams in entertainment industry and biology and doing double the work for multiple choice).... but still. I have this experience buried in my brain whenever I think about how shit special accommodation organisation can be for exams for special ed kids. don't sign up if you don't actually WANT to help, and instead want to do it solely to get out of your classes and expect early and extra break times.
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thelovelybitten · 1 year
random stendy headcanons (12:00 am edition) (pt 1 out of ???)
hi everyone, I’ve just passed 2 months with stendy in my life and I’m just feelin’ slapping down some hcs for no reason
cw: mentions of drinking, s*x and unaliving
junior high stendy would be just so messy
like they wouldn’t date in junior high just bc they broke up so much as kids
they rekindle in high school for maybe a year and a half
Wendy drags his ass and Stan makes sure he does the same
everyone else in the school LIVES FOR THE DRAMAAAA
never to be mentioned again until college (two years in)
stan is such a clingy boy when it comes to wendy, physical touch is a must
wendy secretly likes being pampered by stan when she’s having a bad day
in turn she does it for him too
stan and wendy have a tradition of ice skating every winter on starks pond and it is SO CUTE
they are so touchy feely (but in certain places, lol— don’t wanna make the friends cringe bc they are eskimo kissing or sumth)
kyle hates wendy so god damn much until they finally get together for good. even them being together again is a touchy subject
therefore bebe should hate stan ??? wrong. both bebe AND TWEEK hate stan. they are her defence brigade. craig has been a hater of the core 5, so since he's tweeks bf, he's automatically a wendy advocate.
i think stan and wendy would enjoy watching survivor for no reason other than stan yelling at the screen at all the betrayals and idol plays (and then saying it's a dumb show but then is screaming abt it again LMAO)
stan: I could do this easy, football drills have prepped me for this shit
also stan: can't be bothered LMAO
bebe and kyle sometimes come over to watch too !!!! mostly bc bebe and wendy are super fans, haha
wendy and stan are opposites when drinking, obvs wendy is a lightweight and stan is a heavyweight (thanks randy gdi)
wendy will try to one-up stan in a drinking contest and fails almost every single time
besides one night at their high school after grad party when they were pissed at each other... don't compete w wendy when she's pissed ok
other than that, they’re super all over each other drunk
probably would fuck in the bathroom or sumth
wendy would like moscow mules, not too sweet, but not too bitter
stan is a beer drinker until he dies, the stronger the better. during his depressive episodes, he will drink abt an ounce of everclear bc it's faster and makes him feel nothing.
wendy forbids him from drinking it but she knows stan doesn't care, esp in his dark times
kyle, kenny and wendy are the only people who are there when stan almost dies from alc. poisoning. he basically tried to unalive himself in front of his mirror with a razor blade, but was found just in time by his dad before he bled out.
all 3 kiddos are scarred by this. but they make sure stan goes to therapy and recovers well, esp. kyle, who takes stan to his appointments at the therapist's office every week.
wendy is the one who manages his prescriptions until stan recovers
and kenny makes sure his parents know everything that goes on with stan, only if it's causing him or someone else harm. he's the source of light, in all honesty (as he should be, that's my mf son)
sorry I'm ending this v dark but I didn't want to make this too lengthy
:D more soon
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
Oooooh, you're doing the song asks again!  👀
Could I maybe get either Ethelys or Frily (or both?)
Aaaaand (but only if something hits you, if not don't bother) maybe Lizion? Please? 👉👈
I'm going to start at the end and begin with Lizion!
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Debut in one of the school classrooms I still remember the sadness and fear Someone laughed, but that wasn't me I'm running away Hide me somewhere I don't want to be afraid I walked unsteadily to the talent show I wished someone would look at me There was a kind gentleman who gave me advice: "You can only dream about it," Sadness and tears That time has passed Today, I wouldn't change a thing
What do you dream about when the cameras go out? Do you still have dreams? Are you afraid to believe? That you have it all That it's you That you have it all That it's you
After the second verse, they should have had enough The guy from FM keeps saying something More confident step and a hundred choruses The tears were supposed to end, but they kept coming back How much longer can this go on? Quiet inside, screaming outside Tell me where to run to have it all again Peace in my mind, fire in my eyes I feel it less with each passing day And I want to give you something more What do you dream about when the cameras go out? Do you still have dreams? Are you afraid to believe? That you have it all That it's you That you have it all That it's you
With Frily it was angsty or angstier, they are so tragic why did I make them like that ffs
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You haven't called in four days And the city is buried [under snow] Hardly any light comes in through the window I can still feel where you last kissed me Love What's that? Darling
Love What's that? I forgot x2 Oh, someone turned on the light Ah no, it's that's just spring The damn birds won't let me sleep And I guess you weren't kidding Love What's that? Darling Love What's that? I forgot x2 Oh, darling Oh, I forgot x2
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In contrast this is one of the silliest songs I know but it's very ethelys lol
You were dumb as shit But I loved you You were beautiful like a god Angry like a demon Come here come Let's have fun one last time Let's scream like children Even though we're not that young anymore Come on! I fell in love with you It was very bad I should have given up the ghost But I still want it Come here come Let's have fun one last time Let's scream like children Even though we're not that young anymore Come on! I dream about you every night Even though it's been a year I don't know how to live without you Even though you were stupid and ✨️perverted✨️ Come here Let's have fun one last time Let's scream like children Even though we're not that young anymore x3
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intersexalastor · 2 years
i've toyed with this idea before but fic feat. civilian dabitwice where shouto, after some realizations on how far behind he is socially, on lack of experiences, and lost time that he ends up getting a wee bit in over his head. gets into the company of some people he doesn't really know, none of which (luckily for him) are particularly bad. somehow, though, due to poor understanding he ends up taking an edible. he inwardly panics a little bit when he realizes but calms himself down. unfortunately for him and these dumb fucking kids he's with who honestly don't know as much as they think they do, they're laced with something a little (lol) stronger.
shouto ends up locking himself in the bathroom when things really start to hit. poor kid is about to go on the trip of his life. he tries getting a hold of himself, splashing water on his face, realizes he's fucked before it's too late, and pulls out his phone. no way can he call endeavor. he doesn't know his siblings that well yet, but he's already blundered enough today and isn't going to call his classmates/friends. he knows natsuo is busy with school and doesn't even live at home anymore. he's embarrassed to call fuyumi, and he's sure that she'll default to endeavor out of concern.
then there's touya. used to, he always wanted to ask touya to play and follow him around, but since he's come to realize that touya resents him on some level. but he also knows touya HATES endeavor and maybe wouldn't bother telling (or maybe the hate would make him giddy to tell who knows). most of all, though, touya is the black sheep of the family. and if there's one person who would be the least judgemental or disappointed (even if it's out of apathy) he feels like it'd be him, so that's who he calls.
it's a friday night and touya is marginally annoyed to see an unknown number making his phone buzz. he answers it and almost hangs up when he hears shouto's voice on the other end (and goddammit fuyumi if she doesn't stop giving out his number...) but he hears the nervousness and, well, curiosity killed the cat.
after a little back and forth, touya manages to get an address. despite his annoyance, he's also a little amused and decides to take some muscle with him in the form of his bf jin to go check things out.
and what a sight it is. kids who didn't take anything are simultaneously panicking and trying to soothe the kids who did. none of them seem to be in physical danger at least so he decides to leave them there after finding shouto holed up in the bathtub and getting jin to carry him with. he's not willing to stick around if they call emergency services.
cue a couple of hours of touya having to babysit shouto until he stops freaking out. lets him come down in jin's spare room while they try to salvage the rest of their night.
he thinks about calling endeavor. it'd be funny, he thinks, to watch endeavor blow his top over how his masterpiece is a delinquent. ultimately, though, he decides against it. touya uses from time to time (really only weed and a little of god's flesh here and there, don't ask me how he gets them) and even though shouto's first attempt was a complete accident, there's some kinship there. a weird little bond, something they have in common.
he still calls shouto a fucking idiot when he's back down to earth. but lets him hang out with jin and him for the day so he can get his bearings. shouto and jin get along really well and now, every once in a while, he'll let shouto tag along on weekends when he's got nothing else to do. or even sneak him out when endeavor demands he stays home.
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lonespektr · 1 year
The Deep Ones (2021)
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I think white people doing love craft could be a fatal error but here we are
Okay strangers
Okay not strangers 🙄🙄
"old world"
It's annoying when they comedically play what should just be a normal sex between partners
Like do fun and flirty or do sexy
This lets comedically film normal is not now nor has never been it
It's like when marvel stomps on every joke
Miscarriage trauma and the guy is whatever's about it
Not surprisingly the woman is already cast in black with a vague whore stamp cause she had sex but failed to produce a baby so WHORE even in marriage and trying for one
And preggers
Very clear mystical pregnancy
Normal depiction of boobs is good if there's equal opportunity treatment for men...
More eggs
This an air b n b?
Just making up shit, just peak men shit
Bruh you didn't wake ha?
Make sure to apologize for being a frigid bitch for not having sex post miscarriage
Out of the boat alone
Call in for doc / sleeping plotting against her
Trident lore 🔱
Oh sis is preggers too
Luddite commune
Was Lovecraft also anti tech punk ass too?
The light
Lol he doesn't know what fucking Cthulhu is 🤣🤣
Hypnosis already
Being on your knees before a woman is inherently degrading but also to make it clear we are going to have a guy there behind him and do some tentacle penetration
Full robes of course the woman is bleeding preggars in pain and simulated Cthulhu sexual assault 🙄
White guy is chosen by Cthulhu
Eggs 🙄clams🙄
Candid camera
Doc dropped by lol old school
Sis finally let's her guard down because the doc knows some acupressure after being the only one with common sense
But they always hobble a woman by preggers or other ailments
Lol doc got a home lab?
Missing woman
The not believed "crazy" she said ACAB
How u tell somebody business like that?
She said why don't you do a welfare check on her steada bothering me
Fishy 🤣
What's with the universally poor application of lipstick
Got the light
Sinister very male response to truth from women and excuses
Lol preggers fetish
Tentacles got our town nutter
She knows
You already brought her to us
Jasmine awaits
This lady isn't door a poor job acting necessarily but she's off.. somehow
Now another scripture
Party time
This is the fifth time they have said his name and I'm sorry I'm too dumb i don't understand the reference
AA welcome
Petri is obviously a peter derivative...rock
Kid in a creepy mask
Lots of simulation of substance use w/o much substance use
Already asked to swing!
Trying to tell the ratio
Vessels to the old ones
Again not subtle which seems anti Lovecraft
So many uncomfortable close ups
Bro where she go to get that drink russia?
9 months today 😬
Moving here
Lol she can't even think of an excuse not to stay
Lol cuban time
Fire fertility show
They actually hired somebody 🤣
I like that the woman are all middle aged regular looking my baby likes you
Oh yea that was the one kid there despite all the pregnancy
Chanting and planning to impregnate the women
There's something sinister about mens ignorance to the situation in horror films it's misogynistic although i can't place why
Webbed fingers
And these poor women talking sense
Talking sense is awful in a horror film
Oop name drop the man books on the shelf have secret letters
10 months from today 😂 i suppose we wouldn't know what day it is so
But it's old
Bits of german
Stranded guest afraid
I always feel like somebody's watching me
I like the silly little projections of scenes on the letter
These women win being the most realistic in a horror film
Lol straight to cult
Lol she said necrmbkomicon stuff 🤣🤣
Everybody crowded watching in that security room is taking me out the robes
Omg that old man chasing a car on foot!!
Got her
That's the other kid i guess
Bruh that was HELLA close to the house
Now she looking for phone and passport
Here goes the nanny cam
Poorly placed mic
Mam well past time to EXIT
phone didn't work, now it do, MAM
Odd tones
And the door
The hell kinda knife is that
Petri out
Secret room
Knew it
Thank you
Petri useless
She ran Anyway after waiting
Now he got it
Help who? Now we in stupid horror movie antics
You ALREADY established the cult
They flicked a switch now she dumb
More children
At least they aren't pretending it isn't rape, that would have been worse
They utilize the intimacy anchor to convey he's lost instead of the other way around, that is they usually fail to do the task not initiate a poor mimicry of it
I guess points for the rape being guttural screams of agony not salacious
Putting the camera alongside the aggressors elecits different emotions
I believe this one was attempting to do a bystander helplessness thing
Esp considering the last scene
These are ineffective without hope at the end like the letter, something that assists the next victim
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atopearth · 1 year
White Album 2 Part 6 - Setsuna Ogiso Route (Closing Chapter)
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Finally to Setsuna! We can finally not cheat on her..right?! I guess when you go on the Setsuna route, the side heroines all get rejected or give up in their own way. I liked how Koharu got rejected by way of Mihoko, but anyway Mihoko pisses me off every time I see her so I hope this is the last time we see her. Honestly, when it comes to Takeya and Io, I really don't like Io. She always just goes with whatever she judges to be "right" and is always too stubborn to think that any other option or thoughts are okay. It pisses me off alot of the time tbh lol. Especially in this route when she blames Setsuna for hitting Haruki's hand away and not being able to accept that Haruki will never forget Kazusa. Yeah, Setsuna knows that Haruki will never forget Kazusa, but knowing and seeing it and feeling it is a completely different story, and why is it Setsuna's fault when Haruki was so blatantly lying on Christmas Eve that she finally exploded? And Io has been beside Setsuna all these years, shouldn't she understand better than anyone how much this would crush her? How much Setsuna hoped that Haruki would forget about Kazusa and only love her?
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I think that conversation with Haruki was the most meaningful one they've had in years, I'm glad he finally genuinely told Setsuna his true feelings properly. I can't believe Setsuna ignored him for two weeks though, that's pretty slack. But I guess I can understand why she's avoiding him, especially after she said she was comfortable with always chasing after him when he was always running away, but now that he's facing her and approaching her, she doesn't know what to do. She just really wanted to keep some sort of connection between them but she can't actually face having that proper connection again because she's scared of getting hurt again, which is very understandable. On the other hand, Setsuna is getting frustrating because she refuses to move forward but won't go back either, she calls Io mean but I think Io is right this time and Setsuna really needs to get a grip together even though as Io says, it's Haruki's fault that she became like this. I wonder if WA2 wins other visual novels in terms of how annoying their side characters are because Yanagihara is so annoying and bothersome and really needs to take her inferiority complex somewhere else. Honestly, Setsuna should have just dumped Yanagihara there, she can take responsibility for her own actions. What if they got kidnapped by those random men, it's dangerous and dumb. Yanagihara is so obnoxious, I wish I could punch her. Wow, she's such a bitch, there's so many ways to prove a point and she has to do it in one of the worst ways. Leaving Setsuna in a car with strange men that are obviously lusting after her and making her think she has no escape is so disgusting. What if they drove off? What if their car plate was fake? So many possibilities but because she's so up herself, she never bothered to consider it and just wanted to make Setsuna cry in the worst way ever. Anyway, I still don't like Tomo (Yanagihara) but I guess it's cute to see Setsuna so honestly complain about someone for once and even argue with her publicly without thinking about her image lol.
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Lmao, I have to admit I had the exact same thoughts as Takeya. Haruki and Setsuna’s phone calls with Haruki playing her the guitar etc is such a high school thing haha! They're such kids, but that innocence is nice since they missed out on it because of everything that happened. Honestly, for this route, I have to say, I don't know whether I'm liking both Haruki and Setsuna at all lol. They've progressed and it's good that they're talking but at the same time, they're not really communicating since all they're doing is dancing around each other in a different way. But yeah anyway, I'm happier with the Haruki here. Especially since he honestly conveyed his feelings to Setsuna and is willing to wait for her. Honestly, even if he doesn't end up waiting "forever" for her to get over things, I would still be happy because the most important thing is that he is genuine now and I believe that he would wait. He's done all he's can trying his best to not hurt Setsuna any further and that's enough for me.  Anyway, Setsuna really frustrates me so I constantly need to take breaks from this game because I can't take it. Yanagihara is annoying but at least she's trying to talk some sense into her along with Io, it just sucks that Setsuna still refuses to do anything knowing that this can't last forever especially when they're just slowly tormenting each other in a different way now. 
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It broke my heart when Setsuna talked to Haruki about why she doesn't want to sing anymore, because it just makes her remember everything from 3 years ago again - from the happy memories to the betrayal to Haruki and Kazusa tearfully saying goodbye. Things she doesn't want to face and has always been running away from. I was so glad when Haruki told Setsuna that the person he loves the most is the Setsuna who loves to sing and does whatever she wants. And I'm glad he didn't do anything with her and just played the guitar as she went through all her emotions and eventually decided for herself whether she wanted to sing at the concert or not. Honestly, even though this route was frustrating, the moment I heard Setsuna singing on stage again , I couldn't help but cry as well. Not as much as Yanagihara though haha. As expected, the H-scenes were very very long lol! Satisfying end for the couple though considering how much they had to get through to get to this point so I'll forgive it haha. It's nice to see them get to truly enjoy being in each other's embrace and company now. And what better end than for Haruki to finally give Setsuna the birthday present he was supposed to give her three years ago! And for everyone to celebrate her birthday properly with snow falling down. Now she can finally think of happy things when it comes to her birthday party. That's the best thing. In terms of all the routes, it's expected that this was definitely the best because it really felt like Haruki and Setsuna finally moved on. It was satisfying to see. At least until I realised that this just leads up to Coda, the last chapter of this game. At least we get a Setsuna True End? Haha, hopefully Coda will be even better, but I guess it has to be because Kazusa is back!!
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Overall, Setsuna's route is definitely a frustrating one. So frustrating that I had to take breaks for days because I got so annoyed with Yanagihara, and then more breaks because I was annoyed with Setsuna haha. Even though it was frustrating, I'll admit that the ending was worth it all because seeing Setsuna singing again just makes everything worth it. It was honestly so difficult to watch how terrible her life basically was in every other heroine's route, so seeing Haruki try his best to face her in this route and do his best to soothe her, reassure her and then get her to trust him again was very sweet. It really was a long journey with the two of them at a standstill, so seeing them finally get past that was very satisfying. But I guess one thing that was never addressed was Kazusa so I guess Coda will deal with that and give us the true happy ending with Setsuna haha.
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escape-rock-bottom · 2 years
Journal Day #29 - Successful People Scare Me (Discomfort Challenge Journal)
I’m an extremely socially awkward person. I can’t tell you what caused it (it’s a long list of varying factors) but here I am, a 24 year old with a small handful of meaningful relationships that are honestly just my longest-lasting high school friends and some family members. It feels lame that I don’t have as wide of a social circle. While I appreciate the people who are in my life, I feel like I just need to expand it and explore more relationships with newer people.
This is hard to do when you’re the type of person to overthink approaching someone so much you end up rarely bothering to do so. You end up being The Watch and Wait-er, the guy who desperately hopes the guy who also is into the same stuff you are decides he wants to chill with you in your corner of the room. Or, you hope you get some boost of confidence that overrides your overthinking and pushes you to introduce yourself first. 
The issue here is obvious (hopefully). How the hell do I expand my social circle if I refuse to put in the work, put myself out there, and sit there relying on other people to pull the weight. Clearly, the problem I need to solve is, once again, rewiring my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs regarding forming relationships. The problem is me, not other people.
There’s layers to my lack of social confidence and circle that I need to resolve. It took me a while to recognize all of them, but doing so gives me understanding on what to work on.
General social anxiety
Negative thoughts
Worries in regards to how others perceive me
Feeling I am not worthy of others’ attention
Potential autism (a thing I cannot self-help myself out of, but something I can manage)
A lack of social experience
Dissociating when faced with the idea of socializing (a now automatic stress response)
Not understanding the “social rules” and fearing crossing some boundaries
Terrible past experiences with socializing and being intentionally excluded (Kids are evil sometimes, dude)
Failing to try (a direct result of all the things listed beforehand)
That’s a long ass list. It’s a lot of things I have to pick apart and confront and rework. Some of them are harder to deal with than others. All of them can potentially be helped via “exposure therapy”: Get myself to face the fears, realize that my anxieties are kinda dumb, and slowly move away from limitation and fear and into forming more relationships and being confident in doing so.
While I did a discomfort challenge in which I would approach unfamiliar people in my life, I decided that maybe I could escalate it: Why don’t I message the people I admire or who have helped me in my journey through social media? Yeah. That’s FAR more terrifying than simply going up to a relatively normal guy my age who’s physically sitting there. I have to reach out and risk rejection (or even just being ignored, which actually sucks more than being rejected) and start a conversation. 
I have to put myself WAY out there. This isn’t a way to network, honestly, but a way to push super far out of my boundaries. This task is so big and terrifying I put it off until today lol. I feel like a big ol’ dingus even bothering to message people “out of my league” in hopes of a response. I’m not looking for anything but an answer to a question I want to ask, but somehow even this simple approach makes me want to shrink into a microscopic speck.
I really don’t know why I get so afraid of reaching out or initiating conversation. I think it’s a feeling that I’m bothering the person somehow and am wasting their time, or that I’m too awkward, or that I’m not worth their attention. I don’t want to be ignored or rejected or made fun of (things that have happened in the past far too often, for some reason). All I want is to genuinely make friends and chill, but somehow I fear getting too close or making the first move.
I’m getting tired of how lonely this made me. I hate going to bed and waking up and not being able to just chat with someone. I hate that I barely have anyone to hang out with (No joke, there’s only one person who I know will be open to it. I fear reaching out to acquaintances, for some reason.)
I know I don’t try hard enough and I unintentionally push people away. People scare me. I’m hoping one day I can lay this fear to rest, or to overcome it completely.
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Hey! Could you pair me with someone from stranger things or harry potter or IT? Also love your writing ! Im a female and pref boys <3 Also for Harry potter im a hufflepuff!
LOOKS-I am pretty short 4'11. I have black shaggy medium length hair with side bangs. Im pretty petite and have very pale skin, i also wear golden round glasses cause i cant see for shit. I have a pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.
CLOTHING-I normally wear baggy clothes like big sweaters and baggy jeans. Always wearing my converse or white airforces (I know basic dont come at me i swear i have good style somtimes lol)with my outfits. No makeup on this face except cherry chapstick and clear mascara.
PERSONALITY- I can be very shy and quiet especially around new people or alot of people. I have major social anxiety and also ADHD. But getting to know me i can be funny and a bit odd. I'm also very awkward at times even with people im close with im very cut off and not open to sharing things alot. i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. Im not as hyper anymore like i was as a kid but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. Im a INTP.
EXTRA-I have many scars and bruises from being clumsy or just a dumb ass. In school i can be a target for bullying or just ignoring me overall. Can be oblivious and childish. I get flustered very easily. Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot. I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. I love reading poetry. I love gardening well most of the time. I see myself sometimes to be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
Of course! Hope you enjoy! :)
Stranger Things: Mike Wheeler
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I think you and Mike would get along really well together. You were apart of hellfire, which is how you guys met. In school you were either bullied or ignored, which is something Mike completely understood because the same thing happened to him. He loves reading your writings and you guys bond over the music you listen too. He helps you with your social anxiety a lot by either holding your hand or having an arm around just to let you know that everything is okay. He always wants to make sure you're alright and that nothing is going to happen to you. He doesn't want to lose you as you are very important to him. More important than you think.
Harry Potter: Harry Potter
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I think you and Harry Potter would be perfect for each other. First he notices you getting bullied by Draco, which is something that happens to him so he felt like he needed to stand up for you. He didn't want Draco making fun of you because he knows how hurtful it was. You were really quiet around Harry at first because he's "the chosen one" and you were a bit apprehensive about it. You just didn't think it was possible that he would have stuck up for you. After that incident it was just smiles at each other through the hallways, but then when you both get paired in a class for a group project you start to learn a lot more about each other. And some would say you spent too much time on this project and most of the time you guys were have deep conversations and getting to know each other better. Then you both started to fall for each other.
I think he would love your artistic side with your writings, paintings, and drawings. He loves you and he feels like he needs to protect you from all the evil in the world, which makes him want to defeat Voldemort even more.
IT: Bill Denbrough
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You and Bill would be perfect for each other. You both are really interested in writing and thats something you guys really bond over. You have always been apart of the group and even though Bill had been head over heels for Beverly he got over her once he met you. You had a lot more in common and you were a bit more of a mystery to Ben then Beverly was. He got bullied a lot as a kid and had a stuttering problem, which made him have extreme social anxiety. You guys bond a lot over your problems and what you deal with. You end up finding out you have a lot more in common than you guys thought. You also make him want to defeat Pennywise even more because he wants to protect you.
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