#This is longer than I thought
magg0ts666 · 11 months
hi! i love your art a lot, was just wondering about your colorng process/tips? if you don't mind of course :)
Hii and ty🫂💗
I honestly don't know how to explain this because my creative process is quite weird
When I'm going to start a drawing I always look for reference images to know if I'm doing well the sketch
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First I like to make simple sketches also so that I feel like drawing and making an effort in drawing jsjs
I put a lot of emphasis on the sketch because from then on I don't know what the hell I'm doing. The lineart came to make it very thick in areas where there are gaps, then comes the point where the lineart ends and I don't like it, so I start coloring which is where I put the base colors
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(The references of base color)
Here from now on I start playing with shadows and lights, I always put the maximum of my attention to the face because I get nervous if the face is not already that's why most of my drawings look more detailed about the face than anything else, when it comes to full-body drawings I pay more attention to the body than the face
Normally I use the color of blush to give the whole shape of the face, muscles and features to the drawing, then I make the shadows using opposite or similar colors and at the end I put some lights in the drawing so that it doesn't look so dull
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When I think the drawing is pretty off I put a layer of pink or red color, I give it in the multiply option and under the opacity to get the color I want in general of the drawing.
I hope all this has been understood because I change a lot of the drawing process but this is the general one I do in all (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
I used some drawings I already had to improve my explanation so there is no problem 😺
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tomasitaoficial · 5 months
Lucifer tiene algun tipo de poderes?
Cuales son?
puede transformarse como Devil?
“Does Lucifer have any kind of powers? Which are? Can she transform like Devil?”
Sí, y sí, Lucifer no tiene tantoos poderes como Devil ya que la magia no es algo que le interesó mucho cuando niña, Pero sí que tiene poderes y unos cuantos aunque aún le falta aprender bastantes (y su favorito es hacer Portales porque es muy vaga) y sobre lo último, Sí, Y puede tomar la forma de otros demonios (Suele cambiar de forma a la de devil pero lo único que la delata son las pestañas xD) también puede transformarse en otras cosas/criaturas, Su límite es su imaginación y energía, Ya que eso le gasta energía
Esta pregunta ya la había respondido en el Askblog pero no di mucha información, Pero Luci (como mencione en un post creo) puede prenderse fuego ante emociones fuertes como tristeza, ira y felicidad (y es algo que ella no controla pero al ser parte de ella puede hacer fuego a voluntad propia por lo menos, Pero prenderse fuego no es algo que controle-)
- Yes, and yes, Lucifer does not have as many powers as Devil since magic is not something that interested her much as a child, but she does have powers and a few although she still needs to learn a lot (and her favorite is making Portals because she is very vague) and about the last thing, Yes, And she can take the form of other demons ( She usually changes her shape to Devil's to annoy him xD) she can also transform into other things/creatures, Her limit is her imagination and energy
I had already answered this question on the Askblog but I didn't give much information. But Luci (as I mentioned in a post I think) can catch fire when faced with strong emotions such as sadness, anger and happiness (and it is something that she does not control but the fire is part of her so she can make fire at her own will at least, but setting herself on fire is not something she controls-)
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cmishwrites · 6 months
FO4 Fanfic thing pt 1
This is just the intro, setting up the background for the mc (who is NOT the ss, and in this bit not the pov character.). And it's sorta really long.
some things;
~ I wrote this originally back in 2019, it's a touch rough, I apologize. brain bleach is available on request if you feel you need to scrub after reading it XD ~ It's going to be multiple parts, the intro is a big chunk. ~On the whole I write novels (fantasy/sci-fi etc), so when I dabble with fan fic, I write it as a novel too. Long and wordy in spots. ~ The main character is not the SS. And her history is a touch complicated. ~ On the whole the thing is unfinished. I do have my notes, but with some of it, I'm not sure exactly where I was going with it. ~ It has no title and I am still a touch clueless on what the title would be. ~ Because of it's length I might have to move it to wattpad, or another platform and link to it here. I... apologize? ~ I am procrastinating.
WARNINGS: not in this section.
Intro: Year 2274 north of the commonwealth.
"I cannot condone this action." Rugur snarled. His voice silenced the gathered crowd, all eyes went from the woman silently weeping to the old man who leaned heavily on his walking stick. In the woman's arms was a girl, small for her age, her large blue eyes dull, her dirty face tear-streaked. "We've made changes." The grim-faced man beside the woman said. His face pockmarked and scarred from years of heavy chem use. Rugur shook his head. "That's what we see, that's what you say, but what happens behind closed doors? The other children don't see fit to visit you. Putting Calisto in your home will not end well." Rugur glared around at the crowd. "Don't forget the state the child was in when she and her siblings were removed from their home." "With all due respect," The Mayor, a slim man with a high pitched voice stepped over. "They have made great efforts to improve their living conditions. I see no reason why the child can't return to her mother and father." Rugur looked around, his shoulders shaking in contained fury. "HE would be disgusted." "He is dead." The weeping woman said, her high pitched voice on the verge of hysteria. The child in her arms made no move, no sound. Poor thing is in shock. Rugur shook his head slowly and stepped over to the woman "If I find you mistreat her," "Rugur! It's decided." The Mayor snapped. The woman shot him a smug look and she, followed by her husband, left the circle of murmuring villagers, heading up the pathway to their small little shack in the woods. Rugur shook his head and glanced at the Mayor. "This won't end well, you know." "They've made the changes we demanded." "Did you see Calisto's face? Her eyes?" Rugur leaned against his walking stick. "That child needs a gentler hand than what those two will provide." "Rugur, stop. It's decided. Go home." The Mayor scowled at him, patting his shoulder awkwardly. "You'll see, it'll work out fine." Rugur snorted and turned, making his way not back to his home, but to the small house where his best friend had lived. He stopped at the doorway, the lingering smell of the cigars giving the illusion that the old man was still there, pouring over his maps, trying to devise a way to return home. "Rugur?" The soft spoken Chani was behind him. He sighed. "Before anything happens to this stuff, stash it away." He motioned the jumbled set of power armor, the box of mementos from a squad lost in ambush decades past. There were several boxes of papers and a few black journals, carefully crafted for the old man. "Give it to her when she gets old enough to appreciate it." "Are you going to be all right?" Chani asked. Rugur snorted. "No. Not while that child is in the hands of those chem heads." He whirled on her, almost tipping over to one side. "What the hell is everyone thinking?" He raged as she helped him steady himself. "I don't know." Chani leaned against his shoulder, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "It's like he's still here." She swollowed and patted his arm. "I'll make sure nothing happens to these things. I'll have Murlo give me a hand." "You trust that synth?" Rugar scowled. Chani nodded. "I find many synths to be more human than actual humans." Rugur snorted. "Just get it done today, please." His gut twisted. He was afraid something would happen to these things. Chani patted his arm. "Of course."
He was woken in the middle of the night by the smell of smoke and yelling. It was a struggle to get old bones working, and by the time he made his way to the porch of his small shack, he could see a glow of flames in the distance and villagers rushing in that direction with buckets of sloshing water. He followed, forgetting his walking stick and swearing at himself for his stupidity. It was the old mans house, and it was completely engulfed in flames. He slowly leaned against a tree staring in disbelief as years of memories went up in black oily smoke. A hand touched his shoulder and he found himself looking into the stricken eyes of one of the old man's grand-daughters. Jenna, like her mother, Chani, was soft-spoken. "Are you all right, Rugur?" She peered at him. At her side was her tall, lanky son, almost as tall as she was, even though he was barely ten years old. "Everything… gone." He whispered, guesturing the house "Did your mother..." "She got the power armor and boxes out." The boy said in a low voice. "I helped." Jenna nodded. "There were other things, I think those are gone, but the things from his squad are tucked away and safe." "Good." Rugur sighed. He glanced around, seeking and failing to find, "They're not here." Jenna said flatly. Rugur looked at her sharply. "I think if I saw them I may resort to violence." "The rest of the family?" He looked back at the flame engulfed house. "Did they hear about Calisto?" "Most of us heard yesterday afternoon, after it was all decided. She should have come to me. She and Leo are very close." Rugur nodded and jabbed a finger at the boy. "You keep a close eye on her, you hear?" "I will, I promise." Leo peered at him. "Do you want me to get your walking stick, sir?" Rugur nodded. "Aye, it's next to my door." The boy darted off and Rugur looked at Jenna who was watching the efforts of the villagers. "You have a good one, there." She looked at him, surprise melting into a proud smile. "He's a wonderful boy." She linked her arm with his. "Come on, there's nothing for us to do here." He cast one last look at the house, the villagers started to edge back from it as the roof caved in sending sparks towards the uncaring stars above. It was a loss. He sighed. The end of an era. He took his walking stick from Leo and allowed Jenna to 'help' him back to his shack. ~*~ He slept fitfully, his dreams sliding from one confusing scene to another. He found himself standing in front of a familiar door. He hesitated before opening it and stepping into the small, neat space beyond. Familiar, though strange. This space had burned just hours ago, yet his dear friend was sitting at a small narrow table, a cigar in his lips, papers spread out in front of him. He looked up, smiling around his cigar, eyes bright as they'd been fifty years before. "It's time, you know." He said around his cigar. Rugur frowned and started to protest when he noticed his hands. No longer wrinkled and gnarled, his skin was tight as it had been in his youth, hands steady. He looked at his friend confused. "Time for what?" He realized it was no longer the old man sitting there, but a younger man who stood on two good legs. "It's time to go home. Time to see the Lost Hills again." He smirked and motioned at Rugur with his cigar. "Wanna come with me?" "You really have to ask?" Rugur grinned, feeling better than he had in years. His smile faded a bit. "What about Cal?" "She's tough. She's steel." The former Paladin grinned. "She's going to be just fine." Rugur nodded and took the rifle leaning against the wall. "Lets go then."
Jenna and Leo stopped by Rugur's shack in the afternoon, Jenna wanted to let him know that all of the old man's things had been moved before the fire, Chani and Murlo and managed to clear everything important to the old man out before nightfall. She hoped it would soothe his nerves. It was hard enough for Rugar, losing his best friend, knowing his special things hadn't burned with the house would give him some semblance of comfort. But it was silent, eerily so, and old Rugur wasn't sitting on the porch like he usually did in the afternoons. She frowned and glanced at Leo. He was poking around the shed, looking through some of the boxes of junk Rugur had collected for his 'inventions'. "Leo stay out here, will you?" She called, rubbing a hand over her stomach. Her unborn child kicked at her hand. He looked up sharply, blue-green eyes narrowed. "Something wrong?" "I don't know." Jenna forced a smile, though her gut was twisting and it had nothing to do with the baby. "I think Rugur may have gone somewhere, I just want to make sure." Leo nodded, but didn't look away from her, didn't move from his spot. His expression serious. Jenna turned, pushing the door open and hesitantly stepped into the tidy, clean shack. The stove was on one side, tucked against the other was the bed, with a table and rickety chair in between. The window shutters were still closed, casting the one room in dim light. Laying on the bed, prone, was Rugur. Jenna swallowed, tears filling her eyes, making it hard to see as she went over to the bed, kneeling beside the man who was like a second grandfather to her and her siblings. She took a shaky breath and straightened, looking down at the face, often angry in life, yet peaceful now. She reached over, closed half open eyes and patted his hand which lay on his chest. "Couldn't go far without him, could you?" She whispered. From the day Rugar had pulled the injured paladin from a slaver camp, the old man's death, they'd been near inseparable. She wiped her eyes quickly and made her way out. It was time to get the doctor, to prepare the tell the rest of the family. ~*~ Thanks for reading so far. It went long, longer than I realized it was. Hope you enjoyed it. I need to tidy up pt2 before posting it. With christmas around the corner, it might be a few days before I get that up. Feel free to let me know what you think. (needy author is needy)
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Okay, so if you saw my poll post, you saw this coming, and, to make a long story short, this is a rewrite for the movie Robots
One thing right off the bat, I'm establishing that this will have more edge because I've seen to much whump posts and it's a movie about Robots, so we can be a little more loose with the rules.
We do start with seeing Rodney grow up and become the robot he is, but we're also seeing stuff like his schooling, seeing that even with hand-me-downs and being a 'misfit' he is a bright student and does well and is very humble about it. In this school, there are both outmodes and "new model" robots that are shiny and pretty, and one of these robots is Cappy, who is also a bright student. The two know each other more and talk frequently, because they're friends and they're nice to each other, but Cappy leaves for the city because that's where robots really shine. Both do watch the Bigweld show and are inspired, but Cappy, as she leaves for the city, tells Rodney to keep doing what he's doing and not give up, because he can shine no matter what he's made of. For clarification purposes, this would happen MAYBE a few years before Rodney graduates school and works at the same restaurant as his dad.
Also established early is Ratchet, who starts off as an assistant to Bigweld before rising in ranks. In the ealry chapters of the movie, he'd be scene in the background of the show, but he steadily moves closer until he's eventually a spokesman in the show itself before it ends.
Wonderbot is still here and acts as a sort of voice of reason for Rodney because he just doesn't listen to his own sometimes, something that will come nack a few times.
A lot of the story stays the same, Rodney is a big fan of Bigweld, he's a bot that's gotten hand-me-downs all his life, he's a skilled inventor, all that jazz.
The only real tweek I can think of is he has a small amount of resentment for not being all new and shuny like some other robots he sees and it hurts him and makes him lash out at his parents and himself, and even Cappy, but Cappy reminds Rodney that being shiny isn't all that great because there are only two colors in being shiny: Chrome and gold. Any darker or 'dyed' metal isn't considered "new and pretty" so she's stuck looking boring and dull next to everyone else. Her upgrades don't serve a purpose except for aesthetics and the only thing that isn't an aesthetic that she's allowed to have are her roller blade heels, and she hates them because she didn't even want them in the first place. She compares all that to Rodney, who is colorful, easy to look at, FUN to look at, his upgrades DO something for him and he can always switch out hand-me-downs and make himself something new. It's a whole emotional scene, but what it boils down to is Cappy, a robot that is rich enough for upgrades 24/7 and is going to the big city for the big name status, is essentially cracking under the pressure and also has some anger towards Rodeny who has an easy life, in her eyes, and yet he's complaining about it. Rodney does also express that he has some anger towards Cappy for the same reason, but admits that he's also just tired of seeing upgraded robots be snooty and talk about how he and his family are ones that use hand-me-downs and spare parts rather than upgrades because it gets to be degrading after a while. Rodney does apologize and make it up to his parents, and even learns for himself the benefits of his hand-me-downs price to be more durable than some of the upgrades; MORE ON THIS LATER
Rodney is still called a hand-me-down and his dad still works as a dishwasher, and his big "I need to find a need" moment comes from wanting to make his father's job a little easier. His mom is supportive, but makes sure that he knows to not get too caught up in the hand-me-down or "outmode" stuff, even telling him what being an "outmode" means more clearly than Cappy.
Rodney still leaves for Bigweld city, telling his mother that he wants to be someone, then explaining that he wants to be more than Rodeny the Hand-me-down son of a dishwasher, that he wants to invent and improve people's lives and simply be MORE. Both parents accept this, though Rodney's mother is more reluctant because this is her only son, and Rodeny leaves as he promises to make both parents proud, though both admit that he already does.
IN THE BIG CITY!!!!!! Not much changes when Rodney first arrives. He still runs into Fender and Deisel, still ends up looking for Bigweld Industries, and still takes the ball transport with Fender on accident. The two share some small talk, mainly Fender learning where Rodney's trying to go and then giving a hint that Bigweld isn't around anymore with a forced encouraging smile and a mention that Fender has a place to stay.
The "ride" goes about the same, but Fender is literally knocked away by the giant hammer right as he's about to tell Rodney to look for him as night falls.
Rodeny meets Tim and the exchange stays the same, but when Rodeny asks how people get in and join the industry itself and why the rules changed, Tim says they left with Bigweld before "leaving on a lunchbreak."
Our real introduction to Ratchet remains mostly the same. The only thing that will change is he's somewhat focused on Cappy, who has been working with the company for a while and is now worn down, tired, and all together jaded from events we don't know about(these will come to be known to be Bigweld's resignation). The plan to stop the production of spare parts in favor of upgrades is still here, and we see Cappy get very uncomfortable with it, and having an offoce near Ratchet, who has taken a subtle interest in her.
What changes is when Rodeny shows up, as in he still uses Wonderbot to fly to the window in order to get in. Cappy would see this and try not to react, firstly because there's a robot scrambling to commit a B and E, and then because it's RODNEY trying to commit a B and E, and then succeeding because he falls in and onto the board room table, and we get a classic reaction from both Cappy and Rodney:
"Uh... Hi, Cappy."
Ratchet is not happy about seeing Rodney or almost getting hit by Wonderbot.
Rodney still apologizes and asks to see Bigweld, even explaining why he came in through the window, but Ratchet tells him that if the gate closes, that means Rodeny should turn tail and leave.
Rodney asks if he can at least tell him how to contact Bigweld or when he'll be back in, but Ratchet has a better idea:
Kicking both Wonderbot and Rodney out of the building.
Rodney is still magnetized and meets Tim again, who's shocked to see him. Rodney explains what happened and how Bigweld wasn't even there, then sees the new motto:
"Why be you, when you can be new?"
He asks Tim who he met, explaining what Ratchet looks like, and Tim explains back to him that he met the new head of Bigweld Industries and, seeing where Rodney is, probably doesn't like him or how his "outmoded" behind in the city.
Rodney asks why Ratchet is in Bigweld's chisr and spot, but Tim snaps for Rodney to get lost before he ends up in worse trouble.
Rodney is stuck more or less shuffling down the road, unable to properly lift his feet, and he encounters a Sweeper. It's something of a tense moment with Rodney being stuck to the sidewalk as the Sweeper draws close, but he evades it and ends up falling and getting himself stuck in a large can.
The Chop Shop scene happens as usual, but Gasket, being a mother, asks Ratchet why he looks disgruntled and isn't his usual self. He tries denying it, but she eventually makes him reveal that Rodeny is around and she only thinks to keep her ear to the ground because it's been years since they had a persistent inventor try to throw things off.
There's more to this, but I'll make that a part 2. Hope you enjoyed!!
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x-atlas-x · 1 year
Tagged by the wonderful @sesshy380 - thank you!! <33
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
I have... Many, many fics, so this won't be a problem. >:)
1.) From [Perfection Through The Lens]
Just... Focus.
Atem stared at the pendant swinging in front of his eyes, keeping his gaze trained on it the whole time. There was a voice speaking, but he was far too aware of it. It was supposed to be soothing and lure him into a deep trance. Instead, it was doing the exact opposite and making him overly insecure.
2.) From [How (Not) to Fake a Relationship]
For years, soulmates had always been the talk of the world. No matter the topic of conversation, they came up somehow, whether it was related or not. In the past, there had been strict rules about dating soulmates. You weren't allowed to bed with another human that wasn't your soulmate. You couldn't be romantically involved with anybody who didn't share the unique symbol imprinted on your body.
3.) From [Sinful Desires]
The Church was beautiful.
Yugi admired the interior of the building, studying the stained glass windows with images that told a story. They were all representing stories from the Bible, but he never liked getting into the details. He preferred to use his mind to memorize trading cards... Not religious stories. There was no confirmation for what was out there. There could be one God, or multiple Gods. Many books around the world told different stories and gave numerous laws for what was right and what was wrong.
4.) From [Release]
Pleasure. Lust. Yugi.
Those were the only things that Atem could focus on in this moment. He was lost in another world and in said world, his priority was being good for Yugi. He was behaving and, much to his chagrin, patient. Any other time, he'd be whining and throwing a fit over being teased.
5.) From [Illogical]
Atem wasn't entirely sure how he got into his position-literally. Being bent over a bed with hands gripping his hips and his face smushed into the mattress wasn't a familiar experience for him.
6.) From [An Accidental Confession]
Being a goody-two shoes was hard. Everyone around you was always trying to catch you doing something wrong or worse - trying to force you to do something rebellious and unlawful. Well, Ryou was currently caught up in the latter of those two things.
7.) From [Three Numbers Away]
Being a first responder was difficult. Whether you were a firefighter, a paramedic, or a police officer, the jobs were equally tough. There wasn't one that was harder than the other. They all had their own respective skill levels and mastery.
8.) From [Mistakes]
Cheating was wrong. That much was obvious. It was not right to go behind your girlfriend's back and sleep with your coworker. Yet, Yugi found himself doing exactly that with his boss's secretary. He should've known better and he honestly did, but the temptation was too hard to resist.
9.) From [Forever and Always]
When the Pharaoh left this world, Yugi didn't know what to do with himself. He felt lost, grasping at straws to try and figure out what to do with his life. He'd spent eight years of his life constructing the Millennium Puzzle and the following two years running around Domino City, saving the world and helping out the spirit that resided within the ancient Egyptian artifact. Now, his life was normal.
10.) From [A First for Everything]
What happens when you combine a hockey player, a figure skater, and a dancer? That's a great question! Let's take a look, shall we?
This story begins with a couple that loves the ice and prefers the cold weather. Yami and Yugi Muto had been married for a couple years after dating for much longer. Yami was a professional hockey player while Yugi dabbled in the world of figure skating, competing professionally as well. They always ran into each other during their practices. At some point, Yugi worked up the courage to ask Yami on a date, who agreed. Now, they were closer than ever and had an apartment together.
This is making me realize that I have really long intros for my fanfictions... Anyways, the person I'll be tagging is: @puzzl-d (yeah, this can be your fate and your fate alone, my friend because I don't know who else to tag-) If you don't wanna participate, you don't have to. ^^
As for anybody else that does see this and would like to join in, consider me your excuse to do so!!
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puppyeared · 2 months
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made this while watching ep 1 of dunmeshi
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ozonecologne · 2 months
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💖 star walkin 💖
Lil Nas X painted in Photoshop, ~20 hours
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troutpaws · 9 months
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fishtober day 03:
california golden trout (oncorhynchus aguabonita)
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kryzuuna · 18 days
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a pic ^___^
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canisalbus · 9 months
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What if I told you that RoobrickMarine went and wrote an entire novella starring my 16th century dog couple? It's very canon-adjacent, well researched and thoughtfully put together, has inspired me a ton during these past months and it's now publicly available at AO3. I highly recommend it.
✦ Separation ✦
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anatomical-puppet · 5 months
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my source is that i am autistic about horror
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poohbea · 2 months
guys… i have aunty fever.
okay but like imagine being married to or dating sukuna, right? and the first time he introduces you to baby/toddler yuuji he becomes your best friend. never wants to leave your arms, always loves cuddles, will be your shadow while you’re doing things round the house. you’re attached at the hip from that very first moment.
and kuna both loves and hates it 😭. loves it mostly because he doesn’t have to deal with yuuji’s shenanigans all day. hates it because whenever he tries to kiss you or offer any sort of affection, yuuji comes running to put himself between you both with the grumpiest frown ever 🤣. he’ll mumble out something like “no, my aunty.” and hug your leg while trying to push his uncle away.
it’s a constant battle, especially because yuuji takes up all of kuna’s you-time 😂. watching a movie? yuuji’s there using your lap as a headrest. taking a nap? yuuji’s nestled right up against your chest. cooking in the kitchen? you’ve got yuuji perched on your hip or up in the baby wrap/baby sling. and kuna would swear up and down that yuuji — the sweet darling angel that he is — knows exactly what he’s doing. swears that he’s got some sinister plan to steal you away — he’s joking, mostly.
he should honestly be blaming himself because he’s been terrorising his nephew since he was born. his latest stunt? he found an old halloween mask that’d been sitting in the back of y’all’s closet since last year, put it on and decided to chase yuuji around the house with it.
“i’m gonna eat you!” is what you hear before a very distressed little human comes sprinting around the corner screaming, his uncle in tow. and so yuuji races to hide behind you, arms hooking between your legs for safety even as he’s still crying. but still kuna tries to reach for him and so you have to step in and unmask your monster of a man to save your hearing.
i think the other thing is how much you spoil yuuji. like cute little aunty (uncle can come too) and nephew dates. you’d be twinning with your outfits sometimes. go out to the zoo. the park. ice cream. the beach. the aquarium. sometimes kuna questions who’s child that really is — yours or his brother’s? — with how much time the two of you spend together.
it probably secretly gives him baby fever. if you’re this good with his nephew then he can only imagine how it would all go with a baby of your own.
he wants to see it one day. when you’re both ready.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
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rough concept for the unique boss within the deku-tree (required for the quest to repair the mastersword; boss name is a placeholder)
(totk rewritten project)
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gothizashi · 4 months
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another animation!
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jarrows · 8 months
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recently i reread a bunch of my favorite sherlock holmes stories (norw my beloved) and felt compelled to create my own diagram for 221B
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zephyrine-gale · 7 months
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high cloud quintet commission for jing yuan's va!
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