#This is a rant in the tags oops
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weresilver · 2 years ago
Feeling all sorts of way about the uncertainty of the future today.
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critterishere · 2 months ago
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shout out to that au in my head where these two experience manmade horrors beyond their comprehension together 🗣
original image down here🏃
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dandelionjack · 11 months ago
the main mistake that people who dislike s8 and put it low in their series rankings make is the belief that, like any other series (apart from s9), it’s a collection of standalone stories tied together by some vague throughline i.e. missy’s ‘heaven’. “oh, this episode’s mid, that episode’s bad” meanwhile it’s not about individual episodes at all. i firmly believe that it should be viewed as a singular long serial.
so grateful that i was extremely late to the party and binged it all in a week instead of watching every episode as they were airing, because sometimes the plots barely matter at all. do you remember what the skovox blitzer actually looks like or what it wanted with coal hill in the first place? hardly. i had to google its name. but what you do remember from the caretaker is twelve acting like an antagonistic prick towards danny, and that’s what matters. almost every villainous entity is some kind of soldier, the contempt twelve shows to everybody but clara becomes the source of their toxicity… in the forest of the night is pretty obviously rubbish scifi, but it demonstrates danny’s fundamental incompatibility with clara, as well as the scene in which clara is ready to sacrifice herself and her students for the doctor’s sake, foreshadowing their reckless, almost suicidal codependency.
point is, but it really does work best as a tightly woven tapestry. sure, some episodes succeed individually, but most of the individual plots are mildly exciting only in a ‘this is fun to watch for kids’ way… UNLESS you approach them from the overarching perspective. i.e. mummy on the orient express has wonderful style, a thrilling mystery, creative concepts and interesting side characters, but its story appeal hinges on the twelveclara failed breakup. listen is frightening enough, but its entire story appeal hinges on just how much clara affects the doctor’s values past and present, and whether or not she has a future with danny (she doesn’t).
what i’m saying is, the narrative in s8 is a non-negotiable package deal. buy one, get them all. and it has no skips. i hate the idiotic pro-life message in kill the moon as much as the next sensible person, but what the episode does well is really hammer home how much of a sanctimonious asshole twelve initially is, which is crucial to his future character evolution.
tldr; the correct way to watch series 8 is all in one go. series 8 is great. more love for series 8
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evilkaeya · 1 year ago
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domestic skk
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sleepanonymous · 3 months ago
I usually don't get into discourse or discussions of Sleep Token lore for Reasons™️but I would like to bring forth a proposition that Sleep Token's songs are not offerings about Sleep but offerings to Sleep.
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good-beans · 4 months ago
Coping with round 7 by picturing normal au Milgram characters as Alien Stage fans. Not all of them are super into it, but have heard about it from the ones that are big fans. It's very fun to picture scenes of them discussing and getting emotional about a youtube based gradual release music video story project, 10/10 would recommend
Haruka*: Big fan of Sua, even though she makes him so sad. He's obsessed with Sweet Dream, and listens to that and My Clematis all the time.
Yuno: A tie between Ivan and Luka as her favorite character. Probably the one to get the most into the worldbuilding, knowing the minor characters and aliens' names.
Fuuta**: Is genuinely a big Till fan, but pretends he's an even bigger Till fan out of fear people will discover his huge crush on Hyuna. He went crazy over both versions of All-In.
Muu*: Likes Luka but is too afraid to sound like a fan of the antagonist, so she mostly focuses on her love of Mizi. Both because of the characters and the song itself, she really enjoys Ruler of My Heart.
Shidou: A fan of Mizi for obvious reasons, but really enjoys the melancholy of Black Sorrow and Cure
Mahiru*: Mizi all the way. She's going through it in a series about doomed romance, but she still loves it. Enjoys Mizi x Till, Hyuna x Luka, and any rarepair that passes her by.
Kazui: Yeah... Ivan... I don't think he'd be huge into the series, but if he did get deeper, I think he'd be really intrigued by Luka. Likes Black Sorrow, wasn't as into Cure as he expected.
Amane**: Has mixed feelings about the religion/love thing going on, but really likes Mizi and her songs. Really enjoys the cover songs and hearing characters sing things differently.
Mikoto: Genuinely likes the cast evenly, but if he had to pick he'd pick Till because he really enjoys the faster songs like Unknown and Blink Gone.
Kotoko: Recognizes that she's a lot like Hyuna, but Till's wildness makes him her favorite. She saw Till's death coming so she's more thrilled with Blink Gone than upset with the story
Es: Really loves Hyuna. They love the familial story with her brother and also think she's a cool character. Ivan is a close second specifically because they love his voice.
*has gotten choked up/teared up at an mv release
**has gotten choked up/teared up at an mv release and viciously denies it
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azurityarts · 1 year ago
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uhhh i don't really have a title for this lol
Just wanted to have another go at colouring and shading since I haven't done either in a while!
also while working on this I accidentally turned off the wrong layer and
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ngl my guy don't look too bad
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transgenderprototype · 8 months ago
Ill go onto someone's profile and their pinned post will have like "DNI IF YOU SUPPORT [insert artist] ILL BLOCK YOUR ASS IF YOU REBLOG THEIR ART anyway u can dm me if you want more info on why i have a vitriolic hatred for this person, i pwomise it wont be biased and full of bullshit :3"
Ill be like "okay thats fucking stupid, im not dm'ing them for what'll clearly be a biased response. I should probably look more into it.
I find out why.
"Oh these are lies. These are lies being spread because someone leaked a queer person's nsfw alt and found something they could twist into being "morally wrong" and theyre still continuing as the artist clarifies that what they drew isnt [whatever theyre trying to twist it into]."
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theokusgallery · 6 months ago
I wonder what's their relationship with their siblings. (referring to Nick and Sunny)
Also...Will there be Mari, Aubrey, Kel, and Hero?... I wonder if you're going to add them or not (hhshjsjs I'm getting a little bit *too* curious)
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Interesting question ! I was literally continuing a WIP about Nick and Statice's (Nick's sister) realtionship as I saw this ask, lol. (No link with the picture above, I just drew that one for fun). I was also just talking about them extensively in Tosteur's server, sooooo...
Statice and Nick love each other very much. They grew up constantly around one another, and since their parents weren't always around, they always had to stick with each other and play with each other... They basically only had each other for most of their childhood. So they stick together.
Now, I can't remember if I've ever talked about it here, but Arsenic wasn't really liked by other people as a kid (and that hasn't really changed). He's weird, he's queer, he's mean (socially incompetent), etc etc. Statice, on the other hand, is a lot more normal than he is. They're identical twins, so they were in the same grade growing up, and when they made friends, it was usually together. But every friend they made always, consistently preferred Statice to Nick.
That's not to say Statice doesn't have her fair share of "weirdness", but when it came from her as opposed to Nick, kids around them didn't mind it as much. Like, sure, Nick was into boys, and that was weird and creepy and embarrassing to other kids, but... not only does Statice also like guys, she's trans. Weirdly enough, Nick was ostracised for being queer a lot more than Statice was.
Nick and Statice are very, very close. They spent 99% of their time together, growing up, shared a room, went to the same schools, in the same classes, they still go to the same university (though they don't study the same thing). They share a lot of things and know each other very well. But they have... unaddressed issues and built up resentment on Nick's part, and judgement on Statice's part. S o it's not exactly perfect.
I feel like it's important to note that Statice is the one and only person that Nick doesn't have an unhealthy power dynamic with. She's quite literally the only person that Nick is an okay guy around.
(She's also Sunny's best friend, so you can imagine how that goes when Sunny and Nick get together -- while Statice disapproves of it very much because she knows exactly how much of a creepy piece of shit Nick is :)...)
--Sunny and his sister Mari were also very close growing up. After growing up, though, they kind of drifted apart as Mari moved away for college and Sunny started seeing flaws in her that he... hadn't really wanted to see before, because he idealized her as a kid. They talk sometimes, and they still love each other, and they have an okay relationship, but they're not nearly as close as Nick and Statice are. Sunny kind of gets jealous of them for that sometimes.
I'm not actually sure if i want to add Kel or Hero or Aubrey to the story or not. There's a third friend in Sinny and Statice's friend group that's essential to the storyline, and I'm not opposed to making them Kel or Aubrey, but I haven't thought about them too much, so I don't know yet. Might make 'em an OC. I was hesitating on making Sunny's sibling an OC as well, but the characterization/role I was planning for them ended up being taken by Statice (who I actually care about and think about a lot), so I don't mind it being Mari. Hero is in the story by virtue of being Mari's boyfriend in every universe (/ref), but he has no role or purpose. Imagine he's standing in the background if you so wish
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aliusfrater · 2 months ago
I so agree with you on your panic room post like the dehumanization and humiliation alone is sickening and as someone new to the show I've seen people and fanfiction when they make this as sam getting darker or being monster while whole episode he is just begging dean and also tells ruby that he just wants dean to trust him and when people say Sam manipulates dean by using puppy eyes always gets his way is just wrong because in whole show i think this is only time we see sam properly verbalise his issues that dean always takes the wheel and he trusts him because he is his brother and wants that reciprocated and dean just so cruel this whole episode in the beginning he calls sam 'weak desparate pathetic ' and fandom like yeah sam is the one self righteous and monsterous sorry for this tangent lol but i just this episode reveals such crucial struggle of sams character and most people only see last part of dean lying and say this is why he started apocalypse
i think the crux of it is that the audience quite simply lives within the box that is the same dichotomy of monstrosity that both dean and the narrative subscribes to. edlund and singer themselves hold similar fascist beliefs which is reflected in the way they direct and write; they too, subscribe to the ideal of us vs them/innocent or hunter vs monster as well as the narrative relevant structures that surround and perpetuate them. in 4.21, when sam is attempting to negotiate being looked up in the panic room, while dean insults him in between promises of protection and that the circumstances are for his own good, sam is lit by red lighting—similar to the car scene in 3.06 when a demon attempts to talk him up with the concept of leadership—representing an acknowledgement of monstrosity. sam's identity is being compartmentalised through the dichotomy of monstrosity; sam, his monstrosity, is encroaching upon sammy, dean's little brother to be protected and saved (and dean calls sam sammy while dean speaks down to sam before closing the latch and leaving sam in the panic room to 'dry out' as dean puts it) and sam's inclination towards monstrosity does indeed give dean the right to take sam's life as per 'save him or kill him' and as far as dean, bobby, sam, and much of the audience (and their concept is how monstrosity works or is dealt with) is concerned. the dehumanisation of the circumstance regarding the general state of the panic room is, i think, part of this; it's representative of exactly how compartmentalised sam's identity is regarding his monstrosity. like, 4.21 "then at least he dies human," / "most likely, he would become the next creature that you would feel compelled to kill." even 5.14, "that's not him in there. not really." / "i know." quite frankly i think his addiction is conflated with his independence as well as his relationship with ruby (especially when the role she plays for sam and how their relationship works is considered) and therefore, is also conflated with his monstrosity. like, 4.04, "use the knife!" 4.21 "it's not something you're doing it's what you are," + dean comparing sam's escape and relapse to his leave for stanford in 4.22; thesis it was never particularly about the blood. anyway, i feel like there's Much of dean's character especially relating to the way his and sam's relationship works, especially in conjunction with the aspects of the original john-dean-sam dynamic that is relevant in 4.21, that you could get into if you extract yourself from dean's conflations of many factors of sam's arc for season four that's ultimately missed by much of the audience observing through dean's perspective. there's definitely a way that lines up with many of sam's motivations to portray sam's monstrosity, the agency it inspires within him, and culmination of both of these ideas into his addiction relating to the aspects of the dichotomy of monstrosity as well as his nonrole that he breaks the boundaries of which all lead into his independence (the examples you mentioned + others like 5.05 "dean, one of the reasons i went off with ruby... was to get away from you. [...] it made me feel strong. Like I wasn't your kid brother.") and the straying of him + a post-hell dean from the dynamics of their relationship (which post-hell dean was looking for while he felt like he was losing control over himself!) but it is impossible to do so from within that box. i genuinely believe that you have to spectate the imaginary structures that supernatural imposes upon itself if you're really going to understand how sam and dean's dynamic works. the audience suffers from a chronic ignorance of sam's perspective i fear <3 (this even applies to people who are generally charitable to sam as a character usually because sam himself has a tendency to compartmentalise his own perspective in favour of dean's) welcome to the fandom lol
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skyward-floored · 2 months ago
I realized also that when I write Malon I kinda base her off of Hera from star wars rebels
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mpreg-ask-blog · 4 months ago
Welp, Hazbin Hotel got leaked again, I can't go on Tiktok for the next few months.
seriously dick move to leak it, but I’m not surprised since this happened already. I know I shouldn't look but it’s like watching a car crash.
Anyways, avoid any leaks if you can <3
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love-3-crimes · 1 year ago
slight eyestrain warning
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ba-bump! ba-bump!
i WAS going to ramble about how much i love the hearts acoustic. about how, the more emotional he gets and as the song progresses, the crazier his voice sounds in the background and the louder the instruments get. how these echos of voices remind me of how an actual heartbeat feels like when you're panicking or in distress, how it feels like its all over your body and beating so fast it might explode out of your chest. just like how his voice sounds like its layered and all over the place while he laments about the situation they are in.
anyways! yeah i was going to type a more "professional" explanation for what i think but honestly nothing i say makes sense and idk how to put my thoughts into words 🤷🏽
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dokkywokky · 5 months ago
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Welp! While college is busy murdering my art drive, I guess I should post some backlog stuff.
This here’s a character I’ve been working on for a bit, for a Renaissance fantasy setting that I and some friends have been putting together. Her name’s Kimrin Lin!!
Some neat little tidbits:
- That left arm is a prosthetic! While it uses the setting’s magic to function, converting heat from its inner furnace into mechanical motion and magical impulses, it’s not perfect. Accurate, but not precise, and really only useful in swordfighting as a support more than anything. It’s not a battle injury—She was just born without an arm.
- She’s a Half-Drake, Half-Human (“Tallman”)! Specifically, her Drake father was descended from a group who originally adapted to life in volcanoes. Her scales are black because they were inspired by volcano snails—they’re actually living iron and mineral plating!
- The enormous sword (and her cloak) are from of one of her past jobs. As a Hunter of the Ruby Contingent of Kadara, Kimrin was tasked with duties somewhere between a park ranger, an ecologist, and a big game hunter in the modern day—managing local plant life, maintaining a good balance in the local ecosystem without letting it affect villages under her previous Mission’s watch, and handling the occasional “monster” (rather, megafauna) that got too close to a human settlement.
- The “Black Knight” moniker is from her current occupation! Having studied an additional few years under a Magician’s ministry in Kadara, she’s picked up some academic means of fulfilling her interests. Nowadays, Lin wanders from village to city, documenting the local cultures, ecosystems, foods, etc, in a kind of travelogue. The same sense of justice that drove her to leave the Ruby Contingent, however, also drives her to interfere in some local affairs—stopping executions, helping discriminated people find new homes, etcetera. This kind of nuisance-making has earnt her something of a reputation, and now, exaggerated news of her ‘wicked, disruptive’ deeds is traveling faster than she is.
- She has, in fact, been burnt at the stake before for practicing magic. For the most part, it’s not really that interesting, although the ash does get irritating pretty early into the process.
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prettyokwizard · 7 months ago
with the conversations of TAG negotiations and wages bubbling up I'm thinking again about when I had my first storyboard supervisor role in 2022 I didn't find out til months later that I was getting paid 7k less /year than someone I was supervising. Extremely cool and definitely not humiliating ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
anyways. no matter the industry please talk to your coworkers about wages and advocate for yourself and others, I'm begging
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iceiclehorned · 7 months ago
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Comfort food(s): So… admittedly, I have quite the sweet tooth. I’m quite guilty of enjoying a range of snacks, including oreos, buenos, ice cream… you name it. I mean, I work it off easily in the gym, so it isn’t too bad. It’s finding the will to not indulge in something delightful — which, at this point in time, will never ever happen.
Comfort drink(s): I enjoy drinking mochas occasionally, as well as a cup of tea (British things, innit?) and hot chocolate. Hot chocolate has always been my favourite since I was young, and then I started to explore different coffees, found that mocha was perfect. Oh, and when I say I like tea, I mean sweet tea with a minimum of two sugars. It’s satisfying to have on days where I just don’t have the energy to do much, in honesty.
Comfort movie(s): I already have a post that is due to be deleted about it, but Pride and Prejudice. No matter how many times I watch it, it still gives me this giddy, excitable feeling that can only be expressed through that goddamn romance. I don’t normally find my interest piqued by romance generally speaking, but the way feelings are there, protected by the ego and pride of both parties involved, unwilling to admit wholeheartedly that they are in love, using the excuse of their differing circumstance to keep them apart — until the ache of what the heart wants becomes far too unbearable, forcing one another into each other’s arms. Such splendour should be appreciated and adored! It fills my heart with a joy that is rarely communicated with through media such as a a movie or show. There is also Howl’s Moving Castle. The art, the story, the sheer romance (the scope of the story does go beyond that of a simple love story, but i am trying to avoid rambling on too much) of it all is so freaking enthralling! but I don’t want to claw into that just yet. Okay, so, maybe there is a theme here that will never be discussed beyond this post! I forgot to throw in Coraline.
Comfort show(s): Naruto/Naruto Shippuden is one of them! It honestly stuck in my brain for quite some time to the point where I was constantly watching it. I don’t have it in me to revisit it, but Itachi’s character was one that I fell in love with, given the choices he made & the overarching plot twist behind his actions. I feel like the story for it is one of the best-written forms of media I have ever consumed so disgustingly, and I can’t wait to do it again!
Comfort clothing: I enjoy wearing sweatpants the most, baggy t-shirts & hoodies are my main go-to clothing pieces.
Comfort song(s): My taste in music is vast. I’m happy to try out absolutely anything that is suggested to me by a friend, even if it turns into a whole playlist. Naturally, I have songs that I listen to that count as my base, such as Something About You by Eyedress, Dent May. I also just listen to a lot of The Weeknd’s music.
Comfort book(s): I don’t really have a set of comfort books to share right now. I might update this in the future with some, but the only memorable story is “You”. I prefer it over the show for sure. The exploration of a man so psychologically twisted that when he finally “settled” and had a kid, he would abandon a son, purely out of disgust, knowing that he would turn out just like him. Also, Guinevere Beck is my favourite. I just perceive her as a human character, somebody with flaws that are outlined clearly, and it was an aspect I really enjoyed. I might even reread the first book, just for her. Side note: the cage is such a cool concept, and I will be taking notes. kidding. not really.
Comfort game(s): If I’m honest, I’m not sure if I have any specific comfort games? I really enjoyed games like The Crooked Man, Ao Oni, Paranoiac, etc., RPG horror games have always been my beat, but it’s funny because I can’t cope with horror movies, even if it is a thrasher. Thrillers aren’t so bad, but I’m a wuss puss T_T I’m not too ashamed to admit it.
tagged by: @wifeysaremylifey - thanks for tagging me, you beauty! (Since I started writing this, @mysticallities also tagged me — thank you!!)
tagging: @boomania @ancicntforged @wildnin @capravulpes @captivemuses @eternalbxtterfly @eternity-hero @hxroic-wxlls-rxborn + anybody else that would like to take part!
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