#This is Part 1
atlasmoonglade · 18 days
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just something i made just now :3
Juliette :
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crowfromfoggyforest · 8 months
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Rumple + text posts (plus Belle)
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natonship · 4 months
Quotes from our Danger Days DnD sessions
(aka me and my friends being hilariously in character)
(Kobra orders the group to go back because Poison almost fucking died)
Cherri: That’s quitter-attitude, Kobra.
Pony: Hey, how are you doing?
Cherri: Great, just found a corpse!
Kobra: It's only a clown car when Ghoul's inside!
Ghoul: I can cook!
Kobra: I think you've proven that you can't.
Ghoul: People change!
Ghoul: Do birds light on fire naturally?
Cherri about Ghoul: He's intelligent, he's just full of shit.
Cherri: If we have any more family time, Ghoul might actually die.
Part 2:
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t-hirstreview · 10 months
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thankstothe · 1 year
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retracexcviii · 2 years
Vanitas no carte Stage play comic translation (part 1)
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Hi there. As I told you, I made the cleaning and edition of this comics Jun made last year.
The translations from japanese are all made by the hand of my dear J, you should go to show your gratitude here:
In case you need context: Last year, in January 2022, there were a event in Japan in which some actors represented Vanitas no carte first 18 chapters (until the end of Catacombs arc). It was a big event, worked well, Jun went there to see it and made all this comics representing moments of the stage play. Later in summer Jun wrote a AU so this actors could play it (that AU in which the main 8 characters traveled to the future and were dressed in modern clothes. You sure have seen those images already). And to finish, the stage play worked so well that it has had a repetition now in March 2023 and they have announcement that it will be a DVD/Blu ray release of this representation in September 2023.
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foxface001 · 1 year
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He was a Mama’s Boy. Change my mind.
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Commander Kido is a Dad, actually.
Tumblr has once again tried to limit me with a 30-image cap and once again, I cannot be stopped. Full version can be found here.
Okay, so hear me out.
When Kido's first introduced, it's as this cold, distant leader who hates Neighbours and is running a strictly military operation.
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But for someone who really hates Neighbours, he has a weird habit of taking in all these orphaned, homeless Neighbour kids. At first it appears like Yūma is the only exception, but then there's Hyuse, Yōtarō, his sister Ruka and Cronin.
There's other agents to think about too. There's a lot of characters in Border who, when you really think about it, would not normally be accepted into that kind of organisation. For example: • Taichi; he's incredibly clumsy, which causes him to break or knock over all sorts of things - people included. • Tsuji; he can't interact with women without having a mental breakdown, which is incredibly limiting on his ability to work with other agents. • Nasu; outside of the trion body, she's disabled and it's mentioned that her health is ailing. • Chika; despite her insane trion levels, she's incredibly inexperienced - having so much power yet not knowing how to wield it can be incredibly dangerous and destructive, it's a very high risk. • Osamu; the exact opposite of Chika, his trion levels are so low he's outclassed by pretty much every other agent in Border. • Kageura; he's incredibly easy to agitate and quick to respond with physical aggression. • Hatohara; she cannot shoot people, no matter how hard she tries, and if Border was any other organisation they wouldn't have spared her a single thought.
All of these are characters who would normally be considered "problems" or "not worth it". But in Border, they're not only openly accepted, but given the environment and tools they need in order to properly grow and develop their talents.
If Kido only cared about killing the Neighbours, Border wouldn't be like this. It wouldn't be filled to the brim with a bunch of teenagers who, in one way or another, would be considered the "outcasts".
Kido is cold and distant because he's the commander, the very top of Border, and his job is to put Border first. He's the one who has to make the ultimate decision to sacrifice the one for the many, so he needs that emotional detachment. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care, or that he isn't invested in this hoard of teens he's in charge of.
This is a core part of his character, and we see it in the way he interacts with the main cast.
When Osamu is first brought before the Border Executives, he's in trouble for going against Border's rules on C-Rank trigger usage. But the reason he broke those rules was because people were in danger, and the nearest qualified Border patrol was miles away. He acted to protect people.
While the other directors discuss and argue these points, Kido sits silently and listens. He doesn't say anything until every side has spoken their piece and all variables are on the table. He lets Kinuta and Netsuki point out all the issues and flaws and he lets Shinoda defend Osamu's decision. He waits.
And then, when he does speak, he starts by acknowledging Shinoda's point about the benefits of Osamu's willingness to act. He acknowledges that yes, that is absolutely a good trait to have, especially in terms of being an agent of Border.
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But Border comes first, and part of that is maintaining unity. He can't support an agent going rogue because, while it might be for the right reasons, it could cause serious complications in the future.
Yet even so, he gives Osamu one last chance to fall back in line. He gives him an easy opening for staying in Border.
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Osamu could've said that no, he wouldn't do it again, and he might've been let off the hook. But he doesn't, because he's honest, and Kido sees that.
Then Jin interferes, and he provides a reason for Osamu to stay that directly benefits Border.
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How does Kido respond?
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He agrees without hesitation. This way, Border is benefited and Osamu can still remain an agent. He doesn't need to choose between the one or the many anymore.
Then he learns that Osamu has contacted a Neighbour. Does he revoke Osamu's status as an agent? No. He doesn't even mention it, even though he literally just witnessed Osamu lie to a senior agent about his involvement with Neighbours.
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What does he actually care about?
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That there's an enemy running rogue in Mikado City. That the city and its civilians could be in danger.
Which leads us to how he reacts to Yūma.
Yūma is a Neighbour. That's all Kido knows about him at this point. Yūma is a Neighbour, the Neighbours hurt people and Border's job is to stop them. So Kido must ensure that this Neighbour doesn't hurt anyone either.
The very next thing he learns about the rogue Neighbour is that he has a black trigger. That whoever he is, he is twice as dangerous as a Neighbour is normally.
(Osamu, again, gets in trouble for withholding this information. And Kido, again, waits for everyone to say their piece about it before commenting - even though it would make more sense for him to punish Osamu on the spot.)
Jin suggests they make the Neighbour with the black trigger their ally.
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There is merit to this, and Kido knows that - but he hasn't met Yūma like Osamu and Jin have, knows next to nothing about him except that he's one of their enemy and in possession of an incredibly dangerous weapon. So he chooses the good of the many.
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Side note: at no point does Kido claim, or even imply, that Jin was wrong to believe they could make an alliance with the Neighbour. Kido recognises that Jin's suggestion is valid, it's just that his and Jin's priorities are different, so their decisions will ultimately be different as well.
Yet he still assigns Jin to catch the Neighbour, because Jin has Fujin - despite knowing full well that Jin is taking the opposite stance to him.
Kido isn't a fool. He is a very smart, perceptive man. He knows Jin's go-to tactic is abusing loopholes, the guy's whole shtick is literally bullshitting the rules. Which is why he's the least surprised when Jin pulls an Uno Reverse and claims he can't take the orders due to Border's chain of command.
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Kido respects that Jin does not want to kill the Neighbour, and so he provides an opening for Jin to turn down the order without being disrespectful. In fact, Kido only becomes confused and surprised when Rindō changes the order. At no point does he take fault with any of the agents present.
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Back to Yūma.
The third thing Kido learns about the black-trigger-wielding rogue Neighbour is that he is, allegedly, Yugo Kuga's son.
Now, he has more to think about. There's more variables to consider. If it is Yugo's son, then Kido has just initiated a manhunt against the kin of his old friend. But at the same time, it's also possible that the Neighbour is lying.
So things have become more complicated, and you can see it in his expression.
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To add to this, Yugo is now apparently dead. So the black-trigger-wielding rogue Neighbour is also, if he is to be believed, an orphan.
In the span of a few minutes, the situation has taken a nosedive into very delicate territory. Kido, as the commander, must make the ultimate choice. And as is his job, he chooses to put Border first.
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What follows is a mad scuffle between the different factions of Border as Tamakoma aims protect Yūma while Kido aims to collect his black trigger.
Remember, Kido does not know that the trigger is what's keeping Yūma alive. At this point in the story, this is a fact that only Yūma himself knows until he shares it with Jin and Replica tells Osamu. So Kido's goal is not necessarily to harm him, it's just to retrieve the trigger. Likewise, the order he gives the A-Rank agents is "to secure the black trigger currently at the Tamakoma Branch" and "you must secure this black trigger by any means". He gives no order regarding Yūma specifically.
When this fails, the executives start infighting. The situation is rapidly deteriorating and things are getting out of hand, so Kido must be the commander again and force things back into order. And of course, he must make a choice: if he lets the black trigger go, the situation will calm back down, but then Tamakoma will have two black triggers and Border will be at a political disadvantage.
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So he chooses what will result in the best outcome for Border over Tamakoma. He once again chooses to sacrifice the few for the many.
But then Jin swoops in and presents him with an alternative. He offers Fujin in exchange for Yūma's admittance as a Border agent and, after some arguing, reveals that his enlistment will be a direct benefit for Border later down the line. So not only will Border get Fujin, but letting Yūma join now will reward them with a net positive in the future.
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And with minimal hesitation, Kido agrees.
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After this, the tension dissipates and the dust settles. Things return to normal.
In chapter 41, Kido finally gets to meet Yūma fact to face. For the first time, he gets to see Yugo's son, the kid who caused so much drama and infighting just a few weeks ago. And what does he see?
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He sees a well-meaning, genuine kid who doesn't hesitate to help. Which is why he doesn't lie when he promises Replica that Yūma will be protected under Border.
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Plus, a minor but important detail here is that Replica only asked for Kido to guarantee Yūma's safety ("I would like the Border Commander to guarantee Yūma's safety in exchange for this information") yet Kido specifies that so long as Yūma is a part of Border, he will guarantee both his safety and his rights. He made the decision on his own to protect Yūma's freedom and independence.
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nia1sworld · 11 months
Just a little Gacha redesigns of my friends
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r0bbyn · 2 years
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Based in this tweet:
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garbria · 8 months
For Febuwhump day 1
Cor punched the bag in a steady rhythm, wishing he could afford to pull his katana. Unfortunately, Clarus, and then Regis, had convinced him the level of destruction he was capable of would be ultimately unproductive. And taken out of his paycheck, though that threat was more effective during his pre-Marshal days.
Still, despite all their arguments to the contrary, he wished for the freedom to swing Kotetsu. The familiar patterns weren’t holding his attention without the edge of steel. The whirl of emotions churned in his chest unabated.
With a growl, he hit the bag one last time, ignoring the smattering of blood left on the bag. This wasn’t working. He knew better than try and spar in this mood. Clarus was too busy, as was Regis, and the only other person who could reliably handle him in this state was the reason he was in this state to begin with.
He stalked out of the gym, grabbed a light jacket from his locker, and snuck out one of the side entrances. Thankfully, he was a familiar enough presence that no one took note as he hit one of the jogging paths around the Citadel at a faster than usual jog. The fresh air and the impact of his feet on the pavement started to do what his previous workout had not.
He wasn’t that hotheaded kid who’d run off to fight the Blademaster anymore, no matter what Clarus insinuated. He’d grown into command, learned to pick his battles, and made a kind of peace with not being able to be everywhere he was needed. He would never quite be used to being helpless when his people were in the field, but he’d learned to cope.
None of that helped today.
He loved Nyx, he did. More than that, he respected him. He was the best in the glaive for a reason. He was swift, deadly, and more than capable of handling himself on the battlefield, even with his ridiculously noticeable battle dress. His lethal grace was one the first things that drew Cor to him. Then his sly sense of humor and genuine good heart finished capturing Cor’s heart.
Cor knew how skilled Nyx was. He’d seen him in action, sparred with him enough to know what a force he could be. He reminded himself of that every time Nyx went out into the field when Cor’s responsibilities kept him here in Insomnia. Nyx’s sense of duty rivaled his own, yet another reason he’d fallen so completely. So he’d come to terms with the risks inherent in Nyx’s job, more or less. Held tight to the knowledge of Nyx’s competence in the dark of the night, and breathed a sigh of relief every time he returned.
He’d thought he’d come to terms with it, anyway. Nothing had prepared him for the ransom video. Nyx had been gone longer than expected, but not quite long enough for concern. Until the plain brown envelope had been delivered to his desk. The courier service had been paid by anonymous money order, one not even Monica could track down. 
The video, despite the poor lighting, showed what was clearly Nyx, bloodied and dazed. The ransom demands had been a pull back of forces and the return of a few prisoners. The damn Niffs were officially claiming ignorance, but everyone knew that was a polite fiction. It was political now, and Regis had barred him from any discussions. 
His chest burned with anger and helplessness and a hundred other emotions he didn’t feel like naming. He wanted to yell and scream and destroy things. None of it would help.
His relationship with Nyx wasn’t supposed to put him in more danger. 
Intellectually, he knew why Regis and Clarus had locked him out of the planning. It didn’t make him feel any better. He wanted to do something, anything to help the man he’d grown to care so much for.
He found himself back at the Citadel with no memory of the intervening time. He wasn’t even winded, despite taking the whole path at more of run than a jog. He stared at the door and its electronic keypad, debating turning around and running the path again. His mind was still a jumble of anger and despair, but maybe another circuit would work better. 
His pocket buzzed, and he almost dropped his phone in his rush to dig it out of his pocket. He unlocked it to find a text from Clarus calling him to Regis’ office.
Finally. They’d found something he could do, some way he could actually help. 
Just hold on, Nyx. He was coming.
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friendsdontlieokay · 1 year
Long nights, daydreams, sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
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But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
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Headlights on me, racing to 60, I've been a fool
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But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
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Blue eyes, black jeans
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Part 2:
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fogsrollingin · 4 months
part 2
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I've had this thought in my mind for weeks so I'm sharing. Tattoos are a huge part of Frank, taking care of them properly probably requires a lot of rubbing down of his whole body, moisturizer, sunscreen, anything to protect his tattoos. Finding out really how much of his body is tattooed and keeping him happy too. There's really only one way to repay someone for rubbing every single inch of your body carefully and whispering against your soft skin while you lay out completely naked for them..
Anon, you know it would be so fucking impossible to be that close to his bare skin and not be thinking about touching him everywhere. Things might start out innocently enough, applying tattoo care products to the many inked designs all over every inch of Frank's body from head to toe, maybe starting with his hands or arms. But soon enough, your hands find their way to his chest, his waist, his lower back, his hips, his thighs, his ass - everywhere you look there's a tattoo, and you're touching, gently but firmly working the lotion into his skin, tracing the designs with your fingertips while he sighs and hums in pleasure from the sensation.
A hitch in his breathing when you shift focus to the lines of the art on his lower belly or inner thighs, his cock twitching and getting harder from the proximity of your touch. His gasp as you wrap your hand around him and his soft moans as you begin to stroke his cock. Panting and slight involuntary hip thrusts as you build a rhythm.
Your lips near his right ear and recently shaved scalp, you're eye-to-eye with one of his newest pieces and sucking small marks below his ear and along the side of his neck. His head falling back, exposing his throat and another new tattoo, the skin healed but still sensitive, you add a few small bruises on either side as he mutters "fuck, that's good..."
Before you can get him to the point where his legs are shaking and he's begging you to let him come, he reaches down and grabs your hand. Pressing his lips to yours, you can feel him grin and hear the mischief in his voice, low, as he mumbles "your turn, babe" before flipping you onto your back and smoothly pulling down your underwear. Dropping to his knees, his hands gentle yet insistent as he parts your legs and you feel his lips and tongue on you, his fingers on you, in you. It's your turn to lie back, Frank's strong hands and fingers working you over. His lips sucking marks into your inner thighs, his tongue licking broad wet stripes or small flicking motions until you're writhing and so fucking ready to come.
I think Frank would be really into paying you back for all the attention you gave his tattoos and his cock, and would make sure you got your reward first, making you come before him.
(NOTE: this anon was submitted prior to Frank's new tattoo reveal in May 2024 but we've incorporated the new tattoos into the reply)
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