#This if from back whne i had
cowprintsillies · 1 year
Hunter seeing Caleb in the mirror- but i comedied it
Hunter cannot sleep. The mattress is uncomfortable no matter how many times he turns over, the tag on his clothes is itchy and everything is to hot or too cold and everything sucks.
He sighs and stares at the ceiling and rubs his tired eyes. Continuous sleepless night number 3. His friends are going to kill him. He knew that logically he needs more sleep, but they’ve really been making their point recently. Hunter recalls the time Amity asked what shade his eye bags were so she could by eyeshadow in that colour.
He wonders what stage of sleep deprivation he’s at.
Hunter resolved himself to his fate and stands up in a perfect imitation of an absolutely plastered new born deer.
Now he as options. He frog blinks and takes a few good seconds to remember which way is left before deciding to head to the bathroom and down a glass of water and maybe eat some instant noodles afterwards.
Hunter steps over the uncoordinated mess of limbs that make up the rest of the slumber party with a surprising amount of precision for someone running on yesterday’s microwaved pizza and a dream. (it isn’t a slumber party, Camilla didn’t have enough space in the house and the group unanimously decided to sleep on the floor of Luz’ room.)
Slipping on his obligatory slippers (they pink fluffy ones Luz insisted he get, for reasons beyond him. What even was Undertale?)
He finds the doorway through muscle memory alone, then makes the mistake of forgetting the squeaky floorboard right outside of it. For a second, the fear of God itself enters Hunter and he stands completely frozen for a good minute because if Willow wakes up there’s a real threat that she strangles him herself for being up so late.
The universe pities him for once and Willow remains conked out in the blanket pile. Hunter let’s out a long breath, threat to his life averted.
He awkwardly feels along the wall until he momentarily blinds himself when turning the bathroom light on. He’s arrived at his destination with zero casualties. Success.
Hunter stares at the cracked wall tile 3 from the ceiling as if it would solve the meaning of life. Yep, he’s definitely feeling the effects of sleep deprivation.
Right, water. Cup. Drink the water, tell your internal thoughts to piss off. Sounds good.
Luz’s bathroom is cluttered. It felt very lived in, you could say. Especially with the new addition of 4 new toothbrushes Camila got them at Tescos for £2.50. The Emperor’s Coven wasn’t cluttered. And Belos certainly didn’t have a Good Witch Azura nightlight perched on the sink.
His hands turn the tap on before Hunter acknowledges he’s doing it, like his brain is a millisecond behind with a bad frame rate or something. Probably half delirious he decides the best course of action is to throw water in his face in hopes it shocks him into sentience.
And by god does it do that. He curses and wipes freezing cold water out of his eyes, definitely awake now. Fuck.
While filling up his plastic cup he turns his gaze to the mirror and does a double take.
Hunter looks at the reflection of a man he should not recognise. And yet he knows exactly who he is because He recognises him in his cheekbones, his nose or the way that one strand of hair never falls right.
Caleb Wittebane is looking back at him.
All Hunter can do is flinch backwards and continue the impromptu staring contest from his place on the floor in a state of shock.
Do sleep deprived hallucinations last this long? Hunter lifts a hand. Caleb lifts a hand.
Huh. Odd.
He goes back to the mirror. Hunter’s fear morphs into cautious confusion. He blinks and Caleb blinks. He waves and Caleb waves. He flips him off and Caleb does it back. Ha.
He should definitely be more worried over whatever the hell is happening but he’s also not properly slept for 48 hours, so Hunter continues doing random things in the mirror completely confused over why Caleb seems to be his reflection.
That’s when he notices Caleb lagging behind for a second. Hunter pauses. Caleb pauses a second after. Now that is more worrying.
Hunter slowly lifts his cup. Caleb lifts his cup. Hunter has a very stupid hypothesis. And Hunter has a very stupid experiment in mind.
He raises the cup over himself then pours the water directly over his head, and Caleb does the same.
Then splutters something sounding like “curse the lord” and wipes his sobbing hair out of his face.
Hunter stares in shock for a moment before cold water runs down the back of his shirt shocks him out of it and hastily dry his hair off with a towel. Titan, thats definitely cause for concern.
When he pulls the towel off his face Hunter is greeted with a drenched and completely unimpressed Caleb in the mirror. ‘Angry wet cat Caleb’, as Luz would probably say.
Hunter didn’t really think past this point and just blurts out the obvious question.
“Why are you in my mirror?”
“The hell was that for, man?”
Apparently Caleb had the same idea. Holy shit he can talk.
“You can talk?”
Caleb tries to semi-successfully shake the water out of his hair like a dog.
“Yes i can talk.”
Hunter looks incredulous.
“A) why are you in my mirror B) how are you in my mirror and C) why were you copying me?”
“Fuck if i know, fuck if i know, fun.”
Hunter sighs. This is not what he thought would happen if he ever met Caleb. Speaking of, the other buts into his train of thought.
“My turn to ask a question. Why was your first instinct to dump water on us?”
“I have had no cohesive sleep for the past 48 hours and I’m still partly convinced you’re a hallucination.”
Despite Caleb’s existence being literally coded into his DNA but Hunter has never wanted him to fuck off more than right this minute. It’s still the-sun-hasn’t-even-risen-yet early and Hunter really didn’t need this today.
“You good kid? Your eye bags are rivalling mine and I’m a corpse.”
Hunter has half a mind to just walk out the room and forget this ever happened. Instead he sighs and looks at Caleb.
“Can you get out of the mirror and back into, i don’t know, wherever the hell you were before?”
Caleb thinks for a moment. Then knocks on the glass. That’s weird as hell.
“That’s weird as hell.”
Caleb makes a noise of agreement. Whatever was going on with Luz’s bathroom mirror was too much for the both of them to comprehend in their current states.
Hunter decides to come up with a compromise.
“Listen dude, I’m still operating on the logic that i must be dreaming or something fucked up so I’ll make you a deal. I go back to bed and forget this happened, and if you’re still here in the morning i can deal with it then because it is 5:30am and I’m still used to waking up at 6. Capiche?”
Caleb grins at the sheer audacity and nods.
“I haven’t got any other ideas, so we’ll go with that.”
Hunter turns heel and walks out the door.
“Are those… fluffy pink slippers?” Caleb calls from behind him.
“Oh don’t diss the slippers-“
A new voice floats down the hall.
“Hunter? Who are you talking too?”
Oh fuck oh shit that’s Willow. Turns out he’s been caught not sleeping after all. And it’s all Caleb’s fault. Damn it.
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my snap memories r so funny. sorry to the ppl who care abt snap score and streaks or whatever i use snap for myself and myself only.. and also to complain!
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twansgendew · 2 years
hi how r u guys !? i recently started using my new external hard drive. hopefully this one wont die so quickly. i need one of those like gummy cases ppl get 4 their kids ipads so that i can put it on my ehd and i need smth 2 like . make sure it does not get disconnected that happened twice 2nite nd i was sooooo scared files were gonna get corrupted bc both times i was downloading files 2 it nd idk how corruption works but i feel like interrupted downloads could get corrupted if they eere interrupted at the wrong time. OK im going 2 sleep now GOOD NIGHT have fun have a good day if it is not night where u r ^-^
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Just thinking of Peaches canon hyperfixation of plans and medicine and just... going into a rant whne he visits DBK's place the first time over some rare plant Redaon had cultivated and DBK jsut... standing in the background with a soft smile on his face as he sees his xiandi happy to talk about medicine and plants again and reminiscing on the times he'd talk his ear off when they were kids about the medical properties of various ingredients in the teas they'd make
Oh gosh this idea was cute I had to write out some dialogue for it;
referencing this post I made about catnip/cat plants with lmk characters;
DBK: "I wonder why Brother Azure acted so oddly when i sat next to him at dinner. He didn't drink that much." Wukong, sniffing: "Oh easy! You use Mao Bo He to keep away the flies right?" DBK: "Yes? It's one of few herbs that works for me." Wukong: "Mao Bo He causes mild intoxication and feelings of elation in cats! Lions are just big cats after all." DBK, surprised/amused: "So Brother Azure was drunk off my insect repellent?" Wukong, getting excited: "Yes! In a way! There's some other plants that cause a similar effect but it's different for every individual- oh... sorry." DBK: "For what?" Wukong, nervous: "I've been told I... get too excited when discussing herbs and treatments like that," DBK, smiling: "I have no issue in hearing you describe them. You clearly hold much joy for the subject." Wukong: "You don't think I'm annoying?" DBK: "Not at all. If I had, I would have said so. My ancestor was a herbalist himself after all. Now, tell me xiandi, what can I use to keep the flies away that won't make our proud Brother Azure turn into a kitten at the mere scent of me?" Wukong: (*tail wags happily as he charges up the infodump*)
Later in the Peach Soup au as Peaches is receiving training from DBK.
Peaches: "Oh! Thats a Zhi Zi!" DBK: "Hmm?" Peaches, pointing to a flower in the courtyard: "Gardeniae jasminoides. Sometimes its called a gardenia or a cape jasmine. It shows up in some of my books." DBK, knowing smile: "Really? Red Son collected some plants during his time learning under Guanyin. I had always assumed it to be a regular jasmine plant." Peaches: "That's ok! They look really alike and smell nearly the same! One way to tell them apart is to check the leaves. Smooth leaves mean Jasmine, Toothed leaves mean Gardenia!" DBK: (*fond chuckle!*) Peaches: "Oh sorry! Was I rambling? I apologise if I got a little carried away." DBK: "Not at all! Where did you come across such knowledge by the way?" Peaches, little bashful: "My uncle Sandy introduced me to different tea blends when I was younger, and from there I wanted to know more about plants and herbs and how they help people. I was actually hoping to become a doctor or a pharmacist before all of this... monkey business happened." DBK: "It's never too late to return to your passion. You always wanted to heal people, xiandi. Even back then." Peaches: (*shy smile as he realises what DBK means*)
It leads to a rare moment where Peaches discovers something positive he shares with "old him". Who knew Sun Wukong was a nerd back then too?
DBK is elated to see this side of his little brother live on - Wukong had put aside many dreams due to the War, and herbalism was sadly one of them. Wukong did continue to pursue medicinal knowledge after the fact, but his duty as a king and near-god had kept him anchored.
Peaches has lived 18 years with no such anchor. DBK is excited and cautious to see what path he chooses.
I love these guys so much
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luvh4nji · 9 months
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warning: most written with the idea of bestfriend!reader in mind !
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heeseung ; he seems like the type to not think too much about it. he's had his fair share of admirers trying to get him to fall for him. however, he's never paid attention to any of them because he really only has eyes for one person. you. he doesn't really think twice about the letters he has received because he doesn't susoect that you could be the person sending them. he just assumes it's someone else because ou only see him as a friend, right? wrong!
he thinks you're just the cutest little thing whne you come up to him, cheeks a shade darker, eyes downcast as you ask him if you've gtten your letters, confessing that you can't wait anymore and you want him to know that it's you whose been sending the letters. he almost can't stop the breath of relief that surges through his body, wrapping you up in his arms and pressing little kisses to every crevice of your face his lips can reach. "you don't even know how good that is here, lovey." and he can't help the way his heart swells at the gentle sound of your laughter.
jay ; he already knows it's you. something about the lettering and wording, it was a dead giveaway to him. however, he won't pressure you to confess before you're ready. your friendship was already sweet and touchy, people mistook him for your boyfriend all the time. he could wait a little longer for you to feel comfortable enough to confess. still, he definitely nudges you in the right direction.
he's much more touchy, pulling you to sit on his lap when you come over to movie nights, his hands wrapped around your waist and rubbing the hem of your shirt between his thumb and forefinger. he thinks it's so cute how flustered you get, noticing how different he's being. and he thinks it'e evn cuter when you come to him, cheeks blushing a dark color, handing him a letter with his name on it, ready to tell him what you want.
jake ; he seems like the type to get really caught up in the romance of it all. although he doesn't seem like the type to really dwell on romance, generally speaking, there's something about the way your words are scrawled out on the page that make his heart beat a little faster. he's the type to go out of his way to try and find who sent the letter, his senses keener until he sniffs out who did it. and then, one day, he finds you outside his apartment, sneaking a letter underneath the crack of his door.
he bites his lip to keep a smile at bay as he slinks up behind you, quietly snaking his arms around your waist and pulling your back to his chest. "so, it is you the whole time, was it?" he muttered, lips brushing agianst the exposed skin of your neck. "wish you would've just told me, pretty." he continues when he hears your breath hitch, feels a shiver wrack through your body. pulling away, he grabs your hand, keeping you close as he unlocks the door. "why don't you come inside, we can talk this whole thing outl, yeah?"
sunghoon ; look at him, this is definitely not the first time he has received a love letter from a secret admirer. however, he does notice how different your reaction is when he shows you this particular letter. something about the way your eyebrows furrow together, the way your lip gets sucked between your teeth, the way your fingers fisget restlessly in your lap. oh, he knows it's you. and he's going to get you to admit it.
he's the type to get touchy, his hands brushing over the expanse of your waist and thighs and shoulders, just barely grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. he gets braver, his hands moving to cup your jaw, moving you to look up at him, thumb tracing the curve of your cheeks as he brings you closer. "i know it was you, you know." he murmurs, breath hitting your lips. he grins when your eyes flutter in surprise, his other hand brushing stray strands of hair from your face. "wish you would've just told me." and it's almost fairytale, the way his lips feel pressed to the curve of your own.
sunoo ; he so, so gushes over it. he's the type to wear the fact that he received a love letter on his sleeve, bragging about it anyone who'll listen, putting on ashow of bravo almost. but in private, he poors over the letter, fingers tracing over the sprawling script almost reverently, looking for any detail that could give away who it could be from. poor boy never realizes that it could be from the person right next to him.
it's almost as if a dam opens when he finds you slipping a note into his bag as he comes back from the bathroom. storming over, he grabs your hand, taking the letter from you and looking over it, the script so similar to the previous letter he had received, eyes widening with the realization. "it was you? why didn't you tell me?" he asks, eyes shining, lacing his fingers with your own. "i could've had you the whole time?"
jungwon ; he gets so flustered. the second he finds the letter stowed away in his practice bag, paper all pastel pink, words scrawled in a pretty cursive script describing how cute and wonderful and amazing and kind and evreything else he is, his face burns a bright red, biting his lip between his teeth to keep a wide grin at bay. he's definitely the type to bring it up to you and the guys all the time, bragging about the fact that he got a love letter while the rest of them didn't, although he will be a little flustered the whole time.
and when you notice how much he enjoys the letters and decide to reval yourself in one of them? he goes crazy, the second he reads your name at the bottom of the paper, he's slipping on his shoes and a jacket and running to your apartment as fast as he can. and when you open the door, all tired and cute, he can't help but cup your cheeks and press a burning kiss to your lips, thumbs rubbing against the apples of your cheeks softly. "i love you, too." he mumbles, only just loud enough for you to hear, grinning to himself at the dazed look on your face.
riki ; definitely seems like the type to think it's a joke at first, before he realizes that maybe that's a little too mean-spirited of a prank for anyone to play on him. after he reckons with the fact that he might, in fact, have a secret admirer, he's kind of at a loss of what to do. he's the type to pretend he doesn't think about it often, he doesn't have the time for omance, he doesn't have the temperment for it. still, he keeps the letters in the back of his nightstand to take out and pour over when he has the chance.
it all comes to a head when he forgets to hide the little box, leading you to discover it sitting on the floor next to his bed. his cheeks flush a deep pink once he sees what you've discovered, trying and failing to come up with excuses as to why he would still have the letters. but when you give a sweet, somewhat nervous, smile, telling him that you're glad he enjoyed your letters, it's like a switch flips in him. he rushes to you, wrapping you in his arms, cupping your face in his hands, and gives you the most reverent, adoring look you'd ever seen on him. "if i had known it was you..." but he never finishes his sentence, opting to press a kiss to the crown of your head instead.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
À thing I find so disgusting about Ladynoir since season 4 is that the show pulled the real life abuse pattern that Chat Noir's "behavior issues" and "self-consciousness" were on the surface level 'solved' through Ladybug's awful treatment and disregard of him as a human being. Out of the sudden he's "fixed" (which then showed itself as false at the end of season 5) which is used to claim that she was perfect and blameless all along, when all that happens is that Adrien learned that he has to be quiet and obedient around Ladybug or else he'll face the consequences for it again because she's stressed and always takes it out on him for which he will then have to cuddle and absolve her of the blame again because heaven help us what would happen if he didn't.
Ladynoir is a very realistic happen of an abuser and a victim. Her every emotion and word is the law and he's always irrational and wrong and needs to bow to her whim and be perfect so she doesn't have to ever REALLY try. Like an abuser and victim. This is exactly what it resembles to a T.
If Adrien as Chat Noir stopped "acting out" around Ladybug, it's because she has made it clear as day that he'll face physical and emotional consequences for it. Her having the basic decency to not take pleasure from doing it and FINALLY having stopped doing it by default doesn't undo the the fact that he had to learn that she's not a save person to be around and he has to be as perfect and small and quiet as possible because she can apparently not help herself but hurt, neglect, and use him. Adrien had to learn by now that Ladybug views hurting him or someone else hurting him for the greater good as a justified sacrifice to make and a price she's willing enough to almost always pay if it serves a greater purpose.
Season 4 proved that there is hardly anything Marinette would ever spare Chat Noir from since that is second nature for her in their dynamic and she prioritizes him understanding that she isn't ill-intentioned above working on herself to stop hurting him in the first place. That's a classic uncomfortable-abuser priority whne the abuser doesn't know how to not hurt the victim so they rather want to make sure the victim acceptes the bad treatment. It is inherently a selfish approach and Marinette is doing that with Chat Noir. She wants him around and what price he has to pay for that is hardly of any relevance to her.
It doesn't matter that Ladybug finally stopped being violent on main now that she didn't had anyone else besides her, she has already teached him and justified it how much she's willing to do to him. It isn't a question of "would Ladybug hurt Chat Noir?" because the answer is yes. The question is rather, when will she justify doing it again as she did before? As we already saw in Derision. Where Marinette's first instinct for her plan was to risk hurting and humiliating Chat again and it ended with him apologizing for not having controlled his emotions, but she tells him to as good as THANK her for having made him her target again because she says that's what they have partners for and she was KIND for doing that to him. So HE accepted his behavior was wrong, but SHE declared herself as flawless and generous again. No self-awareness whatsoever, she learned less than nothing or at least wants him to keep thinking that her behavior is good and gratitude-worthy so she can make herself out to be the kind und understanding person for "forgiving" him for being the flawed one of the two of them.
It's a realistic abusive relationship with Marinette as abuser. Not all abuse is done with malicious-intentions. It's abuse 101 that you can unintentionally abuse a loved one but I guess acknowledging that not-evil girls are normal humans and can therefore be abusive too is not "feminist" enough for the show.
If Chat Noir isn't talking back anymore it's because Ladybug has proven how badly she takes being talked back to and that she can only be talked to in soft compliments or else he will face a consequence for 'stressing' her again. No matter if it's just her ignoring him and talking over him again like in Perfection, actually screaming or hitting, being "accidentally" dehumanized and publicly humiliated by her again, or plain and simply having to suck up to her again to make sure him not agreeing with her isn't making her spiral which affects her hero performance and will cause him to having to suck up to her even more.
If Adrien isn't asking for anything again it's because Ladybug teached him how unsave she is to ask and expect anything off. Her feeling sorry and not intentionally hurting him doesn't undo the harm. Ladybug isn't safe to rely on so Adrien stopped doing it in season 5 all together because of how the Ladynoir conflict was handled in season 4.
No one is unable to be toxic and abusive under bad circumstances. That's normal. Circumstances explain but don't excuse or undo the harm. Funny how the show and Marinette fans understand that whne it's to HER benefit, but the moment it's about Marinette's flaws they pretend like they've never heard of that concept before.
I'm upset with canon Ladynoir because, yeah, it can definitely still be saved, but that requires accountability and effort from Marinette to stop only caring about Chat not ever being upset with her. Cause that only reinforces the toxic/ abusive cycle that teaches him awful lessons, puts his life and well-being at risk and leaves him isolated in case he needs help (as it all happened in the end) which she only tolerates because she is the one benefiting from it. That not justice, that's self-righteousness and extremely selfish.
I’ve said this before and it bears repeating; the writers made a grave mistake when they made Marinette directly benefit from Adrien being an abuse victim. Because Marinette benefits from Adrien's trauma responses, and she's the type of person who presses any advantage she has, she has outright taken advantage of the way Cat Noir reacts to things to win arguments and get her way. She has seen that he doesn't value himself and has done nothing with this info but take advantage to get away with her toxic behavior. She is extremely toxic.
Because Adrien came to her preabused, he won't question how she treats him too much and will always stop pressing back against her after she makes it clear she doesn't want to budge once. Adrien is used to unreasonable people who won't consider his perspective, so Marinette never has to take him into account and so she makes no effort to do so. Even if Adrien wasn't an abuse victim, she'd be a jerk for thinking hiding a third permanent team member from him was okay, never mind the increased frequency and violence in any physical admonishments directed at her supposed trusted partner.
This is also one the root causes of the abuse apologia in the show and fandom. A  lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea that our beloved protagonist is abusive, or even “just” toxic. They’ve been rooting for her for years, waiting for her to improve on the things that made her similar to the villain of the show. But now the show has made it clear that, no, actually, she won’t improve, because the girlboss fantasy is built on Adrien being abused into submission so that Marinette never has to be uncomfortable or do anything in a relationship that isn’t strictly to her benefit, be it a friendship or a romance.
The main character of Miraculous, and the main relationship in Miraculous, both hinge on people just ignoring the fact that Marinette is acting extremely toxic. Because, if people acknowledge that, it’s apparent that this show is saying some messed up stuff about abuse and that the main heroine and main couple should absolutely not be rooted for. And that’s why even people who think Marinette’s actions are toxic, aren’t ready to say she is toxic. They have to make Marinette’s actions a separate entity from her, despite said actions being the very core of the Ladybug/Cat Noir relationship in the retool seasons. Marinette “has good intentions” and they’re invested in her story and the idea that said investment might be underserved is just hard to come to grips with.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
it's really weird that they didn't make Supercorp a thing, I say this as someone who watched season 2 and then stopped after the comiccon incident. maybe they refused to make it canon in the show because it was a middle finger to the toxic supercorp fans, and there were a lot of them. I wouldnt' even mind since the second crossover event made me leave the supercorp fandom in disgust, you know whne many of them cheered when and alternate version of Jimmy, a black man, was murdered by Nazi green arrow, because the writers had him get together with Lena, it was bad. Maybe there are other reasons but it's still just strange when you make their relationship the heart of the show and don't have them get together..., it's just weird.
Once upon a time was weird like that, their show had Emma, Regina, and Henry, Emma's biological son and Regina's adopted son, not to mention the fairy tale bullshit that connects the two of them, only for them not to get together.
But with Supercorp, it was something that developed naturally, neither of them had any chemistry with the men the writers tried to pair them up with, and it was horrible writing when they were together. Yet Kara and Lena's 'friendship' kept getting center stage in the series.
season 2 lena was abducted by the daxamites because she was brilliant and had been tricked into bringing them to earth. She's going to be forced to marry Kara's boyfriend because of his mother wanting her as a daughter
season 3 a huge part of the season was Lena and supergirl's relationship breaking down, though she was still friendly with Kara. She bought Kara's job for her and despite Lena getting together with James, the writers never tried to develop that relationship.
season 4 Lena is again a huge part of the story since Lex is the real big bad of the season. The big reveal of Kara being Supergirl to Lena is what was supposed to propel the next season's plot. After she shoots him he makes sure to reveal that Kara danvers is supergirl because he knows that nothing would hurt Lena more. You know her completely platonic friend lying to her is what sets her off the deep end to become a villain.
season 5 their relationship is what drives the plot completely now since Lena is going full villain mode. The writing isn't good, but the writers also couldn't stop the two of them from having chemistry.
Hell, the writers had to be aware because the entire 100th episode was about Kara and Lena's relationship. The entire premise of the episode is Kara getting to see clips of what would have happened with her relationship with lena if she told her she was supergirl at different times or just stayed away from her. Almost every time Kara tells her, there's stress in the relationship and things get worse, but they're all about Lena, 5 separate timelines and Kara can't think of anything she would rather change with her life than try and make things wright with Lena. By the end, the episode is supposedly telling us that Lena is a lost cause, but I don't know it wasn't that good of an episode to begin with. It doesn't change that the writers decided to focus on their landmark episode to focus on Lena and Kara's relationship
By the end Lena realizes that she was tricked by lex and joins the good guys, Kara is pissed at her for what she's done, but they eventually can work together again. When lex sends Kara to the Phantom zone Lena is distraught, more than anyone else, even Alex who at least had Kelly for comfort
Season 6 is about getting Kara back and finishing the show. They kill off Kara's temp love interest and Lena is shown to be so desperate to save Kara that she's willing to go farther than Alex, her loving sister, to get her back. Even at the end of the series, the last scene of two characters on screen having a conversation of the series, is between the two of them at a lesbian wedding, where they're in tears talking about how much they mean to each other and hug.
it is bizarre that the writers didn't have the two of them get together given how much the series was driven by their relationship. Like I said, if it was a middle finger to toxic supercorp fans I would understand, but as an aspiring writer, not even a shipper, I feel insulted about how the supergirl writers just tossed aside the perfect natural relationship in the show.
I don't want to keep going much longer, but thematically Kara and Lena were one of the best relationships in the show. The actor's chemistry between the two of them was better than almost every relationship in the show, especially with any of either of their romantic partners. I dont' know, like I said I left the fandom pretty early and the shows been over for almost 3 years, but it still just baffles me.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Mick Schumacher (Mercedes) - Euros
Requested: nope
Prompt: Mick drunk while watching the Euros in 2021
Warnings: dunk Mick
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Mick was sat alongside his mechanics and engineers as he watched on painfully. England versus Germany. He had this lovely barbecue planned out, drinks and everything paid for and then the final whistle had gone, leaving Germany to lose. The team celebrated and sang countless football chants about how England is gonna bring it home and what not while Mick just watched on. It had been an hour or so since the match had finished and Mick just wanted to go back to his hotel room but the mechanics weren't exactly having nay of it. "How about you just drink mate?" One of his mechanics asked. "Oh no, I'm fine." Mick reassured him. "Why? Is something wrong?" Mick shook his head. "No, my girlfriend is going out with her friends from Alfa Romeo tomorrow so I don't want to keep her up too late worrying about me." Mick explained. His engineer understood but was persistant to have some fun with Mick, so was everyone else. "Okay, how about this? We'll stay until seven or eight and then you can go home. Sound like a good idea?" Mick thought for a while and agreed. "Okay, okay that's fine. Let me just text her first and we'll get to drinking."
It had just gone 1 in the morning whne the door to your hotel room was knocked. Your eyes flew open as your sleep was disrupted but you knew it must have been Mick. You got up and sluggishly walked towards the door before opening it, surprised to see his mehcnaics Ryan and Dylan there instead. "Thank God you answered. He's had a bit too much to drink." Dylan said. You looked over to see Mick half asleep and looking down. "Mick?" Hee loookeed up and smiled lazily upon sering you. "Heya Liebling. I missed you sooooo much." he slurred. You chuckled a bit and turned back to the mechanics. "How drunk is he?" you asked as he collapsed into your arms. "Very. He's had loads of Heineken, Budweiser, we aren't even gonna talk about the Jagermeister." Ryan said as he helped you bring Mick into the room and plopping him down onto the couch. "Well he's definitely gonna have a hangover." You sighed. "Yeah, probably. Look, we have to go but goodnight Y/n." Ryan said. "Goodnight, I'll talk to you later."
You closed the door and spotted your boyfriend on the couch, doing nothing but breathing. "You doing okay over theeree Mick? How about some water?" He lifted his hand and gave a thumbs up. He must have been shattered. "Right, here you go. Don't drink it too quickly though, just little sips." Mick took the glass and shakily brought it to his lips, sipping little by little as he was instructed to. "How are you feeling now?" you asked him. His head dropped onto your shoulder and his eyes closed a bit. "I'm sleepy." Mick whispered. "I know. Do you want to go to bed?" you asked. Mick shook his head but then, came a little spurt of vomit coming from his mouth and onto your hoodie. "Jesus christ." you muttered, a little annoyed. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. "It's okay, it's okay. This happens to everyone. Let's just get you somewhere to sit and throw up whatever you need to."
The toilet. That's where Mick sat for a good thirty minutes just vomiting and getting sick while you sat on or in the bath, it really depended. "This is horrible." Mick groaned before spitting into the toilet. "I know. That's why I don't get drunk as much anymore Mick." You replied. "Are you disappointed with me?" he asked. You were taken off guard by that question. "No, why would I?" you asked, moving his hair to the side a little. "Because you are supposed to be up and going to meet up with your friends really early tomorrow and you're here taking care of me like I'm a baby or a child." You smiled a bit and rubbed the side of his face. "That's my job." You chuckled. "Your job is to put a car together." Mick mumbled tiredly. "Wiring but okay." you replied. He smiled a bit. "No but seriously, your job is to love me." he said. "So caring for you falls into that category." Hee opened his eyes to look at your caring face. "But now you can't go out tomorrow morning because of me."
"I don't mind. I can always wait until Thursday. You've got media anyway." He nodded and began to doze off so he probably had thrown up everything there was. "Okay,ets go to bed Schumi." You said climbing out of the bath to help him up. "Can we have a sleepover?" he asked excitedly. "Of course we can." You replied. Youu opened the bedroom door and turned on the light, Mick barely standing and relying solely on your shoulder for balance. "Okay, into bed. Come on." Mick slumped onto the bed and curled in under the blankets to get warm. You just hope din beside him and turned the lights off since you could both only sleep in the dark. You were about to fall asleep when you heard a little German voice beside you.
"Hey Y/n?" Mick asked, his eyes closed as he prepared to go to sleep. "Yes?" you replied. "Do you have a boyfriend?" You made a face at the question, slightly confused but it made sense that his head wasn't in the right mindset at the time. "Mick, you're my boyfriend." You said. Mick scoffed. "That sucks." You were taken back by that remark. "Excuse me?" you asked, a little hurt by his last reaction. "Why aren't you my wife yet?" It took a few seconds for it to settle into your brain but it warmed your heart and set the butterflies swarming around your stomach when it eventually did. "Wait Mick, do you mean that?" you asked, turning around but by the time you had, he was already softly snoring, fast asleep.
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justaghostingon · 21 days
The Cult of the Fox
A Genshin Au based off a dream i had
In an alternate reality where the forest rangers don’t exist - they did once but the acdemia shut them down for one reason or another
Tighnari is being primed to be the next grand sage after his master Nephis can finally retire
Unfortunately for him, Tighnari suffers an excistencial crisis when he realizes this isn’t what he wants to do with his life, and decides to ditch the academia and run off into the forest to live as a hermit
Life as a hermit is pretty good, Tighnari finally gets to interact with the ecosystem he’s been studying, taking notes of how it all works and how the withering has been affecting it
But the problem is this: the people traveling theough it are all idiots who are disrupting everything!
Tighnari keeps having to rescue them, then lecture them on proper forest safety. It should not be this hard to tell mushrooms apart!
What’s worse is that Tighnari’s charisma and common sense leaves such a deep impression that people start seeking him out, getting into more danger just so he can rescue them and give them advice
It seems even in the forest, Tighnari cannot escape his popularity
Naturally this concerns Cyno, whose experience with people living off the grid is almost exclusively the criminals trying to hide from him
So he too seeks tighnari out, only to spend the entire time getting lectured about proper footwear in the rainforest as tighnari makes him makeshift shoes
Cyno leaves, very confused with a new pair of boots
Clearly this man is a master at misdirection. He needs to be better prepared
So he researches Tighnari again, and once again notes that no, he didn’t break a rule, and no, he nephis doesn’t know what happened, no, tighnari didn’t have any kind of concening medical record to explain why when he suddenly up and left.
All in all, he’s back to square one.
Meanwhile, Tighnari has discovered he has neighbors. Now he can’t see these neighbors, but he can see proof that they were there. It appears aranara are real after all
He mentions this to one of his most common rescuees, (a man whose returned to thr jungle no less than 25 times, and always makes the stupidest mistakes, tighnari didn’t even know there were 25 crocodile pits a man could step in) who instantly takes it as truth
Thus this rescuee, and head of the hermit tighnari fanclub, takes this news to the other fans, and they all start spreading it around as gospel
People start leaving things for aranara like they used to whne they were kids, it becomes a whole spiritual movement, focusing on faith, nature conservation, and crutially, a rejection of the acdemia’s rigid way of thinking
The academia does not like this, and so punt Cyno at the problem again like he’s a pokie ball.
Cyno is conciderably alarmed by the “cult” but he still can’t find anything damning on tighnari. If anything he seems more like an oblivious figurehead. A very handsome, and charming figurhead.
A charming figurehead thst happily goes on and on about his discoveries about thr withering and aranara…and oh no. He’s falling for the trap isn’t he?
Regaining his senses, Cyno confronts tighnari, and upon his confusion, deems him completely innocent, and warns him about people using him
He also leaves promising to come visit and play TCG, cause Tighnari’s had no one to play with and that is a crime
Concerned about what his so called fan club have been doing, Tighnari leaves his forest to head to their headquarters in the nearest village hoping to smooth things over and put a stop to all this nonsence
A huge crowd comes to hear him speak
Tighnari gives them all a lecture about following others blindly, deliberately walking into dangerous areas without protection, and…did they ever think about bow their actions were affecting the environment?
He leaves the meeting thinking he’s solved the whole thing, but in reality he’s just made it worse.
Because now the fan club has a goal: a goal to preserve their beloved hermit’s forest at all costs
Tighnari wakes up from his hut to find s whole crowd of eager people begging him to teach them how to properly takr care of the forest
And its not like tighnari can refuse that right? Teaching is one of the few things he misses from the academia.
Thus does Tighnari’s cult become the next generation of forest rangers, to the great confusion of the academia and sumeru as a whole
Tighnari doesn’t mind. He likes this way better than being a sage
The end
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hyunjinswifelol · 1 year
ride. hhj.
hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings - smut, thigh riding, fingering, oral ( f! Receiving ), dom!hyunjin, sub!reader, a little fluff, not proof read, so sorry about any mistakes:]
you qnd hyunjin were just now coming home from his tour. You and him obviously shared a hotel room, and you were both getting ready to put on a movie. The movie he picked out had a sex scene. As soon as it came on, all you could do was press your thighs together, and squeeze his yand for dear life. Hyunjin was quick with his actions thougg,and his free hand went straight down, under the thick duvet, and right to the waistband of your shorts. You rested your head on his should and sighed when you felt his middle finger started rubbing small circles on your clit. " my love.. ooen please." He almost demanded you to open your thighs. You obeyed immediately, he wasted no time, and shoved two fingers in your throbbing pussy. Uou squeezed his hand, qnd whimpered. He went in and out of you at a painfuly slow pace, making sure you feel his rings, and his nails scratch your g-spot. You moaned at the feeling of his rings. You felt yourself clench around his fingers as he was starting to go faster. " hey, look at me, not the tv love. Now." You nodded your head and looked straight into his eyes. He then to go even faster, and you squeezed your eyes shut, and shoved your face in his neck. " youre such a sensitive little one arent you my love" he said, his voice raspy, qnd deep. Qlmost qs deep as felixs voice. " jinnie.. jin- im gonna-" before you coukd finisb what you were sayingz he pulled his fingers out. You sighed, feeling empty. He then pulled you on his lap, and smashed his lips on yours. You grabbed his shoulders for support, and started slowlt grinding on his thigh. He bit your lip, and slipped his tounge in your mouth. His hands went under your- no. his sweater you were wearing, and felt your entire torso. To your tits,to the bottom of your waist. You started grinding on his though harder, qnd faster. You broke the kiss and wrapped your arms around he shoulders, and burried your fave in his neck. He kissed your forehead, and lifted you slowly, putting 2 fingers inside you again. You moaned loydly. He was going really fast woth his fingers that you were gonna cry. " hyun- " you moaned out, and he pulled his fingers out again, and pushed you backwards off his lap, he hovered over you, and kissed you again. His hand moving back fown to finger you again. But this time, he did 3 fingers. You almost screamed. Then he took them out, once again. He then made his way down and his nose touched your throbbing clit. The movie now forgotten in the background. Hyunjin did one long lick on your whole pussy, qnd then started toubge fucking you. You grabbed a fistful of his hair, and moaned out his name myltiple times. " hyunjin please- let me cum please" you begged, tears in your eyes. He looked up at you and rolled his eyes. " just this one time sweetheart, but afyer this, I will control whne you fucking cum." He said, qlmost scaring you with how deep his voice has gotten. You nodded and mumbled thank you multiple times in a row. " go ahead love, let me taste you. Right the fuck now." He demanded. He started roughly fingering you, and you imediatly came. He licked his fingers, and licked up your cum. You sighed, and threw your head back. You sat you, and he pulled you right to his embrace, holding you close to his chest. He kissed your forehead, qnd you couldve fallen aslep just like that, if you had your pants on.
Thank you for reading my stories:D i hooe you have a wondeful night, or day. Make sure to drink plenty of water, and eat healthy meals. Stay safe guys:]
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mismefancy · 4 months
Honestly, it took me months till I finally properly appreciated Focalors' character. (And it was probably obvious for most people but I'm an idiot who took a while to realise this. Lol)
Back when we first met her, something felt a bit off about Focalors. At least, that's how I felt. Her calming demeanour, the way she sounded so neutral about her crazy plan, how she never wavered a single time when explaining Furina's role. (Heck, the "So anways, then I cursed her" line became a meme. Lol)
Compare her to Neuvillette during the scene. The Hydro Sovereign who once never cared about humanity, was absolutely distraught once he realised what Furina went through. He sounded like he was in the absolute verge of tears the longer Focalors talked.
I think it was the first time I saw a God act like a benevolent, all divine being in the game. The other Archons, for all their developing understanding of humanity, still felt flawed and human under all that divinity.
That's when I finally realised what Focalors lacked throughout her scene: Her humanity. She truly felt like a God above her people, who had plans for her people and there was barely an doubt for failure because it felt like she was truly in control. For all her talk about saving humanity, she sounded so weirdly detached, even when her actions said otherwise.
Do not get me wrong, this is not a complaint on her character. It was just an observation I had. I was alright that Focalors felt different from the other Archons we met during our journey. Similar to how I was alright if we saw Ei under an antagonistic light.
But then it hit me like a brick thrown from across the room and I'm an idiot for forgetting this fact whne it was clearly stated... Focalors' humanity wasn't lacking, just removed from her entirely. Her humanity was in the shape of Furina.
Before everything that has happened, Focalors was once a human. Before she was even human, she longed to live life as a human. And when Egeria granted that wish for the oceanids, it was a dream come true. Her wish was to live and feel her humanity. To feel the everyday emotions and experiences that every humans encounter, to laugh, to cry, everything. Even when she sounded so neutral during the scene, she clearly expressed her love for humanity.
And honestly, it must've been difficult to completely split her humanity away from herself, the very thing she longed for, all for the possibility that Fontaine could be saved from the prophecy. For all the messed up stuff she had to put Furina through, she too screwed herself.
So let's imagine this:
If Furina was a representation of Focalors' humanity, and Furina was an absolute emotional mess during it...What did Focalors feel when she came to the conclusion that her humanity had to be seperated from her?
From everything we learned about Focalors, I think it's safe to assume that it was probably one of the most heartbreaking things she had experience.
And just like Furina, she sacrificed it for her people. It finally made me appreciate Focalors more.
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theerurishipper · 7 months
Season 4 and 5 made it just so difficult to truly believe that Marinette really loves her Kitty. The Fandom and show can scream about vague soft eyes and "she loves her kitty so muuuuuuch! <3" however they want, but it says alot about Marinette's character that this vague "I love my kitty" never really gets any more specific.
Saying "I like you / I want you around" doesn't mean anything whne the actions themselves paint the picture of her basically taking Cat Noir for granted and not thinking a single second about his actual well being or his perspective in any of this.
It's like in Glaciator 2 where a good part of the episode Marinette spends either screaming at Cat, manhandling him however she pleases and even invalidating any of his emotions by screaming in his face that HIS emotions don't matter in any of this, this is about HER and her only when she used him not knowing Marinette is Ladybug against him by secretly forcing him to practice with her her confession for Adrien.
She's literally screaming at him that his emotions are irrelevant to her. She just wants him to do whatever she wants and however she wants it bc apparently thats the only way she can stand being around him. And that she got in season 5, how Lovely.
And then later when Cat voices that he thinks Ladybug can't stand him anymore because she screams at him and gets seriously physical Marinette is like "No, no, that doesn't mean she hates you <3"
When, like, yes Marinette. Under anything resembling to normal morality you constantly reducing him to a rag doll, screaming, insulting, replacing him, leaving him behind on the battle field for your own and your friends' benefit and brushing him off would be a perfectly reasonable thing for another person to view as a bad thing. Only YOU would demand of someone to view that as unparalleled depictions of fondness, and that hasn't changed much by Elation.
Her ignoring his discomfort in the kissing scene (closing her eyes again) and then almost turning into Cat's enemy for daring to tell her "no" one time is one unnerving sight to behold. She basically immediately went back to season 4 mode the moment she didn't get what she wanted. I don't even want to imagine what she would have done to him by impulse if that moment had happened in Ladynoir (I hate how CONSISTENT this is...)
and even by the end of the episode she's still only asking him to validate her when he brings her back.
And well, then she leaves.
It's difficult to actually believe that Marinette really values Cat Noir alot. It feels much more like she values and likes how little genuine efforts she has to make in their dynamics to reach a normal standard, and that he's just the most convenient person for her regarding any kind of ugly dirty work or her worst tendencies not coming with regular circumstances. So of course she would like that.
If I had an anger problem, I would probably like the person too who had to learn from me that that's "perfectly reasonable behavior" they should view as GOOD in a dynamic bc i like using them as rag doll, punching bag and tool.
But just because I personally would find comfort in a person accepting that I can do that to them as my way of "showing affection" doesn't it mean that that's a good thing to make soft eyes about.
But the show is not GIVING us much more to work with. Marinette only on rare occasions voices anything she even likes about him. It goes mostly unsaid so you can claim whatever you want about her feelings for him.
She likes that he's funny, only that the show isn't showing that alot. If at all. Marinette telling Alya in Hack-San to laugh at his jokes because he likes taht is kinda out of left field because Marinette herself honestly doesn't do it alot. The normal reaction is her being annoyed, shutting him up and even insulting him, down to any kind of "slapstick".
And the most I can remember her having SAID about being in love with him in season 5 was being thirsty about how hot he is. I don't wanna be mean but no wonder Alya basically disregarded Marinette's crush. It's not like she ever named anything serious, and tahts....honestly awful.
With Adrien as Cat Noir there was NEVER a question if he values her for more than her being pretty. He loves her brilliant mind, her determination, her drive to help people. Him complimenting her for being pretty was just the cherry on top.
But only towards Joan of Arc did she mention that she likes his loyalty, but that got ruined by her straight up AGREEING with her whne she insulted Cat and the "loyal" part was only to save her own face. She literally agreed with someone insulting Cat right in front of him and only said "yeah, but he's LOYAL" which of course made him insecure. He couldn't see Joan of Arc, how many people are there and what the insult was Ladybug just agreed with. He can't defend himself and saw that Ladybug literally WON'T.
So which one is it, Marinette? Is he hot or a runt who's lucky he's loyal? Why was Joan's opinion of you the whole episode the only thing you actually cared about to the point where you were fine with throwing the person you love oh so much to the dogs again? And Cat looking bad and humiliated again was barely an afterthought to you, as long as it wasn't YOU?
If she actually loves and value him then why is she still treating him as if he merely spawns into existence for akumas or her entertainment and benefit as her care taker? Why isn't Marinette trying to make up for how she used her civilian side to make him do whatever she wants several times by now, as if she never even conciders how this will look like once they reveal (I would loose sleep if I did that to a person!)?
Why was she still perfectly fine with him being completely isolated and having no one in a case of emergency, meaning she always continued letting him run the risk of ending up the way he did in the season 5 finale? Cat being found as a civilian by Hawkmoth was from day 1 one of the most obvious things that could happen and even after 2 what if episodes this fate of his was never actually avoided, because Marinette always just prioritized getting HERSELF out of the equation more than him truly being safe.
That's a risk she was apparently from start til the end perfectly willing to take.
5 entire seasons and the only safety thing she cared about in their dynamic is that if he gets caught and is at the villain's mercy, he does so as quietly as possible so she isn't bothered by it and can close her eyes, cover her ears and go "Lalala".
If Marinette in any of these 5 seasons thought Cat deserved help too than she sure never acted like it, and in fact demanded the complete opposite for her own comfort.
How am I supposed to believe that Marinette loves and values Cat Noir as a person when non of that or his entire personhood goes beyond what little she wants for her own comfort? If you love a person you would actually want them save and not remain in harms way but accept that you shouldn't be asked to care about that? Or remain completely isolated in the dangerous lives you lead without being allowed to ask muvb of anything from you support wise?
Or constantly ditched on the battle field, being done who knows what to so YOU and your friends are fine while you execute the actual plan with the others.
You would ask questions if they're okay and if they need help too, and not just take any half an indicator your being given to write off any concern because you apparently don't actually wanna think about any of that.
You would actually think about them in any decision you make because this is not just about you and their well being should mean something to you. You would tell them things so you don't risk them getting hurt by having to find out themselves the worst way (and here leading to akumatizations).
You would let them made their own choices, have agency and not just when you're forced to. You wouldn't casually execute a plan to trick them into revealing their important secret identitiy to two people without their consent or knowledge, and ESPECIALLY not when the god damn angry authority figure, who already doesn't lie your partner, would fucking use it to get rid of them behind YOUR BACK TOO.
You wouldn't want physical harm being done to them instead of even being a main source of it, and never taking accountability for that while demanding to never get touched and spoken to in a single wrong way. You wouldn't want that they accept that you don't owe them anything as their LEADER but they owe you EVERYTHING because you said so and can't handle anything else in a "partnership".
(Only to feel sorry about it for 2 minutes when you loose everyone else but, well, not really I guess? Or else she would have tried making up for it in season 5 more than just surface level stuff that was once again mostly for HER benefit anyway. But more than that never happened)
You wouldn't want to think they're stupid for not thinking like you and draw the line at any "back talking" you're being given bc you apparently concider anything else but absolut obedience and blind faith as your little puppet as you being "disrespected". So they must walk around you like on eggshells and only talk in soft compliments and supportive words cause who knows how you would react otherwise?
Dude, no wonder Ladynoir is fucking dead. Good for Adrien, and I hate that we've come THIS far. Such a thing is one of the last things I ever wanted to say when I started watching the show. Now I can't be angry taht Ladynoir is fucking dead and Cat Noir didn't made it out of the partnership for the finale, because wtf else was this supposed to result in??
I just cannot fathom the type of "Love" and fondness Marinette supposedly has for Cat Noir. Whatever fondness she feels for him gets drowned out by other 20 red flags about her not actual treating him like a real person.
And man, I HATE that...
Yeah, literally. This is probably harsher than what I think, but it's more or less my thoughts on the matter.
Thank you for your ask!
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midnightsoftiemusic · 1 month
Hiosagi Headcanons ☆༉
-Makes Isagi (CANT Play any games except for Sims, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing ect) into his little gaming buddy whne he streams
-Met when Hiori asked if he could stream/record in his house
-Hiori’s fans have demanded Isagi merch
-Hiori bought Isagi one of those Gamer headphones with the little cat ears on top
-Wear matching outfits (it’s often requested by fans)
-Got to know each other after their fans demanded they do a collab but neither had watched each others content up until this point but once they did they where immediately hooked
-Isagi continusly buys lobster plushies and a Hiori just come shine to more than the last time (if it’s a poly with Kurona he brings back the shark plushies from ikea)
-Buys any little thing that remind them of each other like keychains, paints or just little trinkets 
-Hiori loves strawberries and Isagi loves strawberry shortcake 
-Often go to bakeries together 
-Their fans love it when Hiori film over at Isagi’s place
-They’re the types to make tea and breakfast for each other in the morning and sit and talk together or sweet and tea for breakfast and talk to
-Love analyzing each others opinions on things and there reasoning behind it
-Watch shows together all the time
-Surprise each other with the cutest Buicks ever in animal crossing
-Make sims together for them to have a slow burn cute romance and have a happy family in the end
-Hiori secretly reads Hiosagi fanfics at night and giggles and kicks hsi feet at the super cute bits 
-Hiori took Isagi to an arcade and won him a bunch of prizes and would let him win on some games no matter how much it hurt his ego (it didn’t really)
-Stargaze together
I have some I forgot but don’t worry I’ll be making more real soon!! (Tomorrow)
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Yeah they’re madly in love. What about it?
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flightfoot · 3 months
So, like. What are the chances that LadyNoir is not gonna repeat season 4 again just worse and Lila is gonna fuck them all up? Not measured by what you WANT to happen, but what's the most likely. Cause I see no way that ain't happening, as much as I dislike it.
Cat Noir lost all his value in the story again cause Marinette made the partnership all about herself and now has everyone else back, and he's at the very bottom of the practical hierarchy she officially made for her team in season 4. Season 5 just pushed all that back because Marinette had no other choice but to treat him more as her partner. but now all is back to normal. He's in structure and story the mistreated outcast of her team because everyone is always just here for her and her alone. Lila would be stupid to not take advantage of that and I honestly don't see what else could be happening now? That's all LadyNoir is at this point. A beyond wrecked 'partnership' for Lila to use against Ladybug as her worst Villain possible, right ? That would check out. Hopefully we can then finally get the development from Marinette we all hoped for whne she saves him from Butterfly Lila who's so gonna use his rings against him at one point. It's horrible that it has to take so MUCH for her to develop, but fine, I guess.
But besides that, any chance that Lila and Chloé are not gonna be further demonized to all hells? Cause I don't believe for one second that Chloé ain't coming back
I don't think Chat's at the bottom of such a hierarchy, since people would still look up to him, and I don't see why he'd be below say, Polymouse. Though he MIGHT be below Viperion, Argos, Ryuko, and Rena Rouge in such a case, since all four of them know Marinette's secret identity, so I can see her conferring with them more on things, even when Chat really should be part of the conversation. It does seem likely that the Ladynoir Conflict from season 4 would play out again, since it wasn't really resolved, and now Lila has the information needed to mess with them more. That conflict was ALREADY a problem even without outside interference.
And yeah, I'd be shocked if she didn't get ahold of Adrien's rings and started mind-controlling him. He wouldn't even know what happened, though Marinette, Felix, and Kagami might. Not a good way to find out you're a sentimonster.
I'm not all that bothered by the idea of Lila being "demonized" further, as she's filled the villain role basically since she was introduced, and with how crazy her situation is, whatever it is, her being a Big Bad doesn't seem far-fetched.
I don't think Chloe's coming back next season, honestly. I think she's been written out of the show pretty effectively, and that Lila's gonna be filling the antagonist role both as the Big Bad, and at school.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
I'm just so annoyed that one can't even voice their frustrations with Canon anymore without being written off as a salter. Especially when it comes to Marinette. But at the same time, I know exactly that if anyone had said earlier that Marinette would pull all these things that season 4 and 5 have her do, the person would have been insulted and ripped apart as a salter and hater. But the moment Canon has Marinette actually DO it her fans turn around and claim that her having done it is either totally fine, not her fault, or must be tolerated cause it's part of the good and pure messages "they totally predicted this way all along with their totally unbiased Master-minds"
It is so obvious that this is what's happening in the Fandom. In season 4, everyone yelled that people are being too harsh on poor Marinette cause season 5 will totally have her fix for example her insanely negligent, dehumanizing, and self centered behavior towards Cat Noir
And yet, the moment season 5 showed that non of that will happen, they turn around and started talking about these hypocritical nonsense philosophies that it's totally fine that feeling sorry, taking accountability and improving one's shortcomings doesn't actually include feeling sorry, taking accountability and improving one's real shortcomings, cause poor Marinette needs to have servants and be pampered for her hurtful behavior, validated and excused in it, and crowned the queen of the world first and "you just hate WOMEN wah wah wah".
That they totally understand how canon works and Marinette will TOTALLY have this groundbreaking journey til season 10, and everyone is so unfair and horrible for being sexist and having expected so much of her as early as THE END OF SEASON 5. Whne she straight up isn't doing her best to make up for her mistakes, she barely even tries and instead sweeps everything under the rug, takes every excuse she gets and continues taking advantage of Cat Noir in particular so she doesn't have to feel uncomfortable for 10 damn seconds
Where was that energy in season 4, Marinette stans? You said something entirely else back then! What changed? The fact that canon didn't deliver on your endless excuses for Marinette, so you decided to continue adapting your excuses to whatever Canon has her do? Sounds about right.
I wished Marinette stans and even just her Fans would do us all a solid and just admit already that the morality of Marinette's canon actions and behavior doesn't truly matter to them. There is literally nothing they wouldn't excuse that much is obvious by now. No matter how much they themselves qualified her current behavior as "offensive salt" one damn season earlier.
I did comment at one point that Miraculous was starting to resemble a saltfic when it started lifting plotpoints straight from them (like Adrien apologizing for his really solid advice that instantly helped Marinette in Chameleon). But now it seems that canon has also lifted Marinette's new role from saltfics, except that the people she disregards haven't done any of the stuff they do in saltfics that makes them “deserve” Marinette's retribution. Unless Adrien totally did rip Marinette's sketchbook and I just missed it.
But, yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous that, if we traveled back in time a couple of years and simply described to people what happens in seasons 4 and 5, we’d get labeled a bunch of salters. Even now they call us salters just because we don't praise Marinette for doing this stuff, like it's our fault the main heroine of this series is an utter failure who never worked up the courage to ask the guy she likes out and whose response to being told her nemesis’ identity was to ignore it until he jumped her when she was digging for info on her boyfriend. And then she lost the fight. Marinette had two jobs as a protagonist, and she failed at them both. That’s not the fault of the fans who are disappointed by this; it’s the fault of the writers who think doing what will get them the most attention is more important than having their supposed role model, hero and protagonist actually accomplish anything on her own merit.
Because the writers claim that they had this “planned all along”, when they had a French historical hero walk on screen and call Marinette the best Ladybug ever, while they were planning on having her fail at accomplishing all of her goals. I used to think that the writers think Marinette should be praised for simply existing, but no, they think she should be praised for explicitly failing. And pointing out this utter failure of writing and heroism is salt. That's how low the fans of this trainwreck have brought the bar for what they consider good television, it's practically nonexistent.
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silver-wield · 1 month
Hey Silver, I can't remember if anyone's asked you this, and I'm trying to remember if you once wrote a post about this a while ago, so hopefully you'll clear the air, mainly for question #1
1) Is Nomura the main director of ReTrilogy?
^ I ask this because, per IMDb (and my own memory of when I first played the game months ago), in Remake, Nomura is the sole director, but in Rebirth, he shares the title with Hamaguchi — and, unlike Wikipedia, on IMDb, when it comes to the ending credits, you have to provide verification, with pictorial evidence or documents.
2) Why does Wikipedia state that Toriyama co-write Remake with Nojima? 😒🤦🏻‍♀️ IMDb shows that Nojima is the sole screenwriter for both games, and I'm more inclined to believe both my own memory and IMDb specifically because you have to provide verification for the ending credits.
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Nomura was the main scenario director for Remake and Hamaguchi directed the fight sequences while toriyama handled some event scenes, but Nomura is super busy with multiple projects including kh4 so stepped back and let Hamaguchi handle the main direction from Rebirth onward. He's still the creative director and has a big hand in the story. He's the reason Nojima's first draft of Barret's arc stayed the same whne Kitase wanted to change it, so he's still running the show in part.
Toriyama wrote some sub events and actually wrote the first draft of Tifa's resolution but Nojima had the final say in it and made them change it so Cloud hugged Tifa.
Nojima is the sole writer for the main scenario so imdb doesn't count things like sub scenarios like wikipedia does, it only cares about the main narrative and that's all Nojima for all 3 parts.
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