#This guy could be very... VERY good at mindfuckery if he tried-
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axewchao · 9 months ago
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I wasn't kidding when I said Dal always cries whenever he gets mad.
It isn't something he can control very well, if at all; whether he's throwing someone's cruel words back at them, repeating whatever happened to himself in private, assessing a situation from a distance, or on the brink of succumbing to his rage, tears will fall without fail. If he's lucky, his hair can hide it, or he can blame it on dust/pollen in the air.
But we all know how bad of a liar he is. =_="
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pharawee · 1 year ago
Gather around, fellow BL aficionados, it's time for part four of my Pit Babe novel commentary.
(And if you want to catch up, here are parts 1, 2 and 3.)
A word of warning: since I'm pretty far into the novel now (every post summarises five chapters) expect heavy spoilers, plot twists and revelations.
Oh, and omegaverse shenanigans. So many omegaverse shenanigans. You've been warned.
Also, a small warning for talk about and the aftermath of SA. As usual, please take care. 💜
Now, where were we? Oh, yeah: Way is the big bad enigma and he's been hypnotising Babe all this time - but gently (tm) because, you see, Way really, really loves Babe so that makes it all right...
Yeah, no. Get fucked, Way.
Currently, Way is still passed out on the floor, but as soon as Babe has come to terms with whatever the hell just happened, Charlie (who came to Babe's rescue just in time, remember?) offers to wake him up.
How? Oh, that's easy. He can put people to sleep at will. It's one of the many powers he absorbed from other powered alphas. That's his whole thing: he steals powers and just keeps them - like Rogue in X-Men but without any of the downsides. And as long as he's alive, the powers stay with him, never to return to their previous owner. Unless they die, in which case Charlie loses that particular power forever. Which in turn means that if Charlie dies... but keep that in mind for later.
Oh, and another one of Charlie's powers: changing his scent at will. Goddammit, Charlie.
As for how he knew that Babe was in danger? Jeff told him because he can see into the future. X-Men omegaverse, here we go.
But anyway, when Way wakes up he's confused because the last thing he remembers is SAing his supposed best friend. Now there's Charlie staring daggers at him, and one very angry Babe. Since Way is pathetic (but not the good kind) he attempts to explain: yes, he's actually Babe and Charlie's adoptive brother. Their father sent him to lure Babe back home and, well, get him pregnant. That was ten (10) years ago.
But, you see, Way is such a nice guy (tm), he didn't want to force Babe! Instead, he set out to ruin him for everyone else, thereby making it impossible for him to grow or heal or trust or love. Whenever Babe met someone he connected with, Way swooped in to poison his mind. And whenever Babe recoiled from that new connection, he turned to Way - the only person he could 100% trust. Or so he was made to believe.
So the Babe we meet at the beginning of the novel (and series) isn't really Babe at all. It's the version of Babe Way wants him to be - and for what? For ten years of pining and mindfuckery? What the hell kind of plan is this?
Oh yeah, the kind that gets you punched in the face. Thank you, Babe, you're really speaking my mind here.
And this is the part where the novel really shines because it doesn't just gloss over the implications of abuse. It doesn't leave Way's many empty apologies uncommented:
"I know what I did was unforgivable. I—" "Did you just realize this? Are you like this because I found out just in time?" Babe's voice boomed as anger flared in his heart. No matter how hard he tried to suppress it, he couldn't. "When I'm unconscious, you can assume it's okay to do it, right?" "I didn't want to do it at all…" "I don't care!" Babe shouted. "The point is, I don't want it! And you have no right to do this to me!"
But when Way's attempts to nice-guy himself out of his predicament don't work, he tries to shift the blame onto Charlie. Because Charlie lied too and, after all, didn't Way warn Babe about him?
Yeahhh, he's still trying to manipulate Babe. Way isn't sorry at all, he's only sorry he's been caught. Or, as the novel aptly puts it:
For Way, this might be like a love confession. But for Babe, it was no different from admitting his crimes.
But the novel doesn't leave it at that.
"So what's next?" Babe asked in a calm voice. "Should I thank you?" "What…" "I asked if I should thank you because you didn't rape me?" [...] "Should I thank you for not forcing me to bear your child?" "Babe…" “Even for my life, my body, and everything about me, I still have to wait for your mercy?”
And that's that. Ten years of (false) friendship have been erased just like that.
Really, I'm sorry for adding so many quotes but this whole chapter is just perfect in its blunt directness. It excels in giving Babe back his autonomy - the very thing Way has taken from him.
We'll return to our regularly scheduled omegaverse shenanigans after this bit:
"Did you know that every time you said that [there was never anyone suitable for me], it made me feel like I didn't deserve anyone's love?" [...] "And it's as if the only love I can receive is love from you…" Babe's sobs were so loud that his voice trailed off, but he took a deep breath and continued talking: "…but you never asked me what I really want." [...] "You only care about your own desires. You want to have me. You want to have children. You tried to make me love you and then agree to have children with you. Even though you always knew that I never wanted to have children." "I know you don't want to have children. And I know why," Way replied with a look that seemed to understand. But Babe knew that he didn't understand anything, not at all. "But because I know. That's why I want to change your mind." "It's not your job to change me."
And then, when Way has the audacity to try and hug him, Babe throws him over his shoulder and slams him right onto the floor, and even Charlie is like, damn, guess for a moment there I forgot how amazing Pit Babe is.
Damn right he is!
Later that night, things are winding down and Charlie insists on staying with Babe - just to make sure he's all right. Because unlike some people (!) he actually knows when to give Babe some space, and so he settles down on the couch in the living room while Babe stays in his bedroom.
But, understandably, Babe can't sleep. There's too much on his mind, none of it particularly good. He misses Charlie and, really, he's in dire need of an emergency hug.
It's Babe who approaches Charlie (only of course Charlie knew all along because he has super hearing now and he heard Babe's tossing and turning. Goddammit Charlie). They reconcile and it's really sweet because, in stark contrast to Way, Charlie's apology is heartfelt and reassuring and full of compassion. He also knows that Babe has been through a lot, so when Babe engages in their usual ritual of make-up sex, Charlie is hesitant:
Babe is so strong that he can lift bigger people and throw them to the ground. But believe me, no one is mentally strong enough to not be hurt by dirty things like that.
I just love how clear and concise the novel is on this part.
Anyway, they talk it out and Babe says that he wants to try anyway. What follows is a really sweet sex scene (but don't worry, Babe's still getting railed by his daddy to his heart's content - some things just don't change). There's talk about wild horses. I don't know why and honestly I'd rather not dwell on it.
Meanwhile, Way is being chewed out by Khun Tony (aka everyone's least favourite adoptive father). He's quite a bit upset but, honestly, what did he expect? He's the one with the stupid plan in the first place. Why did he even agree to let Way pine into Babe's general direction FOR TEN YEARS until he maybe catches feelings? The dude can hypnotise people! Just order him to do his evil immoral job!
But anyway, it's too late now. Babe's powers are already gone so breeding him (whyyy...) is pointless. Tony has a new target now: Charlie.
To my immense relief even Way is like, ew.
But it matters little because daddy dearest has contigency plans in place (and where were these plans TEN YEARS AGO - worst evil alpha breeder ever!). He orders Way to leave X-Hunter and return home immediately - and who knows, once Charlie is out of the picture Babe might end up as leftovers for him. Okay then.
In happier news, Charlie wakes up the next day with Babe's hand on his, well, little Charlie. I'm not being a prude here, that's what Babe calls it. It's a whole conversation, followed by - you guessed it - more sex.
Something is different this time, however. Without hesitation, Babe tells Charlie that he loves him, and then he asks him to be his boyfriend - to which Charlie eventually agrees. More sex happens. Actually, all of this happened during a blowjob which is very on brand for Babe. Things get disgustingly cute when Babe realises that this is the first time they're ~making love~ as boyfriend and boyfriend. This leaves him incredibly shy. Thanks to Way's meddling, he never had a boyfriend, after all. This is his first time being in love, and it's exactly as adorable as it sounds. Only with more mindblowing sex.
This includes sex in Charlie's supercar after a training session right on the racetrack (again I ask, have you even seen the interior of a racecar? How? Where? And who's cleaning this up? The mechanics??) as Jeff and Alan watch from afar.
"Why don't the two of them get out of the car?", Jeff said quietly as he looked at Charlie's car which had been parked near the finish line for a while and he saw no signs of it coming down.
Oh, my sweet summer child.
But yes, I'm happy to report that Jeff and Alan are probably going to be a thing in the novel too. This Jeff isn't a mechanic though. He doesn't even study engineering but oceanography (because he likes the ocean even though he's never seen it - live your dreams, my dude!).
As they sit and bicker, Jeff is suddenly struck by what seems to be another vision of the future. Whatever it is, it can't be good because it makes Jeff cry. Uh-oh.
He asks Charlie to meet him at his condo, and Charlie immediately notices that something's wrong. Only this time it's not Babe he needs to worry about. It's all of them.
I'm worried too but mostly for my own sanity.
Remember when I first explained about Tony's evil breeding program? Ah, those were easier, more pleasant times. Because now Tony figures that if he can't get an enigma to impregnate Charlie, he'll just get Charlie to impregnate an omega (because apparently there's a 50% chance that the baby will be an alpha with special traits - why is this novel explaining Mendel's laws of omegaverse inheritance to me?) .
Jeff is an omega.
And this is what Jeff saw: if they don't act now, at some point in the future Tony will have Charlie and Jeff brought back "home" and use aphrodisiacs on them (one up for the trope counter!). Jeff will get pregnant and as soon as their baby is born Tony will dispose of both Jeff and Charlie. This will cause Babe to seek revenge and get killed in the process.
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What did I just read?
The novel keeps this from us for a while, and just casually mentions that Charlie isn't overly worried. He even finds the time to be jealous when one of Babe's old acquaintances shows up to Charlie's next race. They argue. The race starts without them reconciling, so naturally that means Charlie has an accident during the race.
It's bad enough that he's transported to the ER. But as the whole team anxiously awaits any kind of news, Babe realises in dawning horror that his heightened senses are slowly returning to him. He can hear Charlie's slowing heartbeat and the doctors fighting to reanimate him.
He listens as Charlie is pronounced dead.
The novel then cuts to Charlie's funeral which is only attended by a handful of people, mostly members of Team X-Hunter. Babe does not cope well at all but at least he's got Alan and Jeff to take care of organisational things.
Speaking of Alan and Jeff. These two have grown quite a bit closer. Close enough that Jeff asks Alan to let him take a look at Charlie's crashed car. The police are already investigating but Jeff wants to see for himself. Hm.
Meanwhile, Babe is alone at his condo, going through several stages of grief all at once (really, it's heartbreaking but so is the length of this post so I'm trying to keep things short). He's interrupted during the bargaining stage by someone knocking at the door. It's Way and he's come to offer his help. Babe might be grieving but he's not stupid, and so they meet up at a coffee shop nearby.
Way all but confirms that Charlie's accident was Tony's doing. What he meant to do was incapacitate Charlie but unfortunately Charlie died. OOPS. What a brilliant plan, really.
Seems like even Way has had enough of Tony's evil schemes so he's banded together with another enigma in order to bring Tony down. Said enigma is actually Tony's eldest "son" who seems to have escaped from his control to do his own (financially very successful) thing and bide his time until Tony eventually slips up.
That enigma is none other than Pete.
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That's right. Pete and Way have teamed up to bring down Tony, and they're asking Babe to help them. Babe tentatively agrees.
While this is going down, Jeff visits some random uncle's secluded house. He's greeted by none other than Charlie (now somewhat worse for wear but very much still alive) who's faked his own death with the help of a man named Reval. Charlie feels guilty for lying to Babe again but they can't involve him in this: once hypnotised, he's still under Way's influence (uh-oh...) and could risk all of their careful planning.
Their plan? Getting rid of Charlie's powers before Tony can get to them.
This is where Reval comes in. He also has powers: he can somehow disconnect an alpha (or omega or enigma, I suppose) from their powers - which is apparently a very difficult and time-consuming process (and would otherwise kill the alpha), especially with someone with as many powers as Charlie.
Why does Reval do this? Oh, he's Babe's real father who's been in hiding until now out of shame and guilt (and some memory loss). Surprise!
Also, very convenient. 🤡
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veliseraptor · 3 years ago
Rating Rand/Forsaken Ships
A Completely Impartial and Unbiased Guide
Troubling! Very troubling. Don’t like that. However, I suppose it does have the homoerotic potential of Aginor being the first Forsaken Rand kills...? So there’s that, I suppose.
Rating: 1/10 for a pity point
Aran’gar was a bad idea and I prefer to think about her as little as possible, so I’m just gonna slide right on by here and not linger.
Rating: no thanks/10
The original! I mean, sort of. I’m pretty sure if I did a count of Rand/Forsaken pairings this would be the most popular, which, makes sense. We Were Robbed by only having glimpses of the Rand and Asmodean relationship for one book.
While it doesn’t have quite the spicy rivals-to-enemies-to-enemies-but-fucking-maybe energy as some of the other ones on this list, it’s popular for a reason and has the benefit of canon plausibility since they’re in the same place at the same time for a somewhat extended period, sharing a tent and everything.
Rating:  10/10, point docked because there’s less personal millennia old baggage, which I like in a Rand/Forsaken pairing personally; point added again for this one actually being more about Rand than Lews Therin Telamon
I feel like I didn’t get to know Be’lal very well before he was summarily annihilated by Moiraine shortly after we first saw him in the flesh. He’s one of the “jealous of Lews Therin” crowd, but not as much of a stand out as the other two I think of in that category. Gets some sexy points for being a schemer but ultimately his rapid obliteration means that this pairing never gets off the ground.
Rating:  2/10
I’ve got nothing.
Rating:  0/10
I feel like Rand/Demandred has really strong “you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” vibes. I mean, mostly it’s transferred directly from Lews Therin Telamon to Rand by way of reincarnation but that kind of just makes it funnier. “You want to fuck a guy who’s been dead for a few thousand years so bad it makes you look stupid.”
On the other hand, that’s the stuff of legends, right there. Prime shipping material. And we know Rand specifically finds evil men sexy, so there’s that.
Promising, but almost too obvious.
Rating: 8/10
Had not considered this before but there’s so much good awful therapist “I could make him worse” potential here that shouldn’t be overlooked, so I’m reconsidering some of my previous thoughts. The mindfuckery you could get here! The psychological, Hannibal-esque experience! Exquisite.
Rating: 7/10
Fellas is it gay--
No but seriously!! Demandred wishes he could be on this level. As I said in the tags of that post: age spanning eternal enmity is very gay and truly Ishamael is doing the most where it’s not just “I am envious of this one specific man” and more “we are souls eternally destined to battle each other until the universe ceases to exist” which is absolutely ~peak romance.~
Rating: 9/10, point only deducted because Rand spends the duration of their acquaintance believing he’s the actual Dark One
I mean...look, it’s okay? But it doesn’t thrill me, or anything. It’s pretty much your bog standard “jealous evil woman ‘if I can’t have him no one will’” set up and that’s just not that interesting to me! Her sexiest moment is for sure when she’s torturing Rand immediately prior to Moiraine football-tackling her into an alternate universe, though, so I feel like she gets some points for that.
I feel like someone probably could make this one interesting to me if they tried, though, so I’ll give it a little bit of credit.
Rating:  6/10 for the torture and also canonicity, I guess
Again feel like this one has the energy Demandred wishes he had but didn’t get because he wasn’t on page, probably at least partly because Taimandred (though I personally am sort of fond of Taim as his own character). And this dynamic? Spicy. Particularly where it comes during Rand’s gradual descent into peak human disaster territory.
Personally I’m probably more of a Taim/Logain kind of gal but there’s plenty of opportunities here for excellent hatefucking, and the advantage of regular proximity.
Rating: 9/10
I actually forgot about Mesaana completely when I was first writing this post, which I feel kind of bad about, but also, I mean - Mesaana, we barely knew ye. She spent all her time fucking around in the White Tower, so we don’t get a lot of interaction there. I think if I were to have a main character pairing with Mesaana it would be Egwene/Mesaana, which I thought about just now and I feel has potential.
Maybe it’s just that I get gay vibes off Mesaana and can’t conceptualize her being interested in a man. She’s def not Rand’s type.
Rating: 0/10
Moghedien is too busy obsessing over Nynaeve and then living her kinky master/slave fantasies to have time for the Dragon Reborn. Honestly have to agree that if Nynaeve was the Dragon like the show was teasing for a minute there she would fight Lanfear for her.
Rating:  0/10
Recognize I may be biased here but this potentially has even more potential than Rand/Ishamael given that this is the same obsession-fueled tied-together-by-fate relationship but with less of the “driven insane by millennia of semi-confinement” tripping up the latter. 
Look, as I said above, being convinced that you’re trapped in a spiral leading to the inevitable destruction of everything is the ideal foundation for a relationship. You can’t tell me I’m wrong.
Also I guess the inherent homoeroticism of swapping bodies with your sworn enemy, or something like that.
Rating:  10/10
You know, funnily enough I feel like this actually has a certain amount of potential, given the amount of time he spends around Rand, and dedicating a fair amount of energy to keeping him alive, too. Osan’gar isn’t interesting enough for me to be really sold on it, but there’s potential, anyway, so I’ll give it some points for that.
Rating:  2/10
Rahvin is too heterosexual for this and I mean that in the worst way possible.
Rating:  0/10
This has some of the same appeal as Rand/Demandred but strikes me as a lot funnier for some reason, maybe because I have a hard time taking Sammael very seriously. I think it’s the feeling I get that while Demandred and Lews Therin had some kind of a relationship Sammael’s enmity was sort of one-sided. You know, one of those things where there’s a deep and intense rivalry that only one party knows about.
On the other hand the number of direct murder attempts is a pretty solid argument in favor here. And there is something to be said for “I ship it because it’s kind of hilarious.”
Rating:  6/10
You know, I love Semirhage deeply for some fucking reason and it seems like there should be potential here given what she does to Rand (several squares on the Forsaken Kink Bingo Board), but I think my problem is that Semirhage in my head is just too much of a lesbian to be into it.
Yes, that is problematic; I stand by it.
Rating:  3/10, because the kink bingo shit does deserve some credit
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commander-yinello · 5 years ago
Something in the Shadows (Jumin x Zen)
Happy Halloween <3 I’ve been busy but I really wanted to write a spoopy JuZen to see if I could. This is my first horror so I hope I can give you a bit of creepy (and if I can’t, some fluff ~_^). Please enjoy!
Like what I do? Please tip me a kofi so I can write faster!
Word Count: 5344 (this was meant to be a drabble, oops xD) Warnings: Horror, mindfuckery (no gore)
There were so many stars. Zen sat on a stone stairway staring up at them, an empty beer glass still in hand. Behind him, the RFA party continued in all its noise and lights, not caring that he had stepped out.
He heard footsteps coming closer, and next to him the most familiar dark-haired man in a suit sat down, missing his usual glass of red wine.
"Didn't expect you here,” Zen remarked. Wasn't the CEO-to-be scared to ruin his suit? The thought of stained pants amused him greatly.
"I needed a break from all the reporters," Jumin replied.
Zen sighed. "You too huh?"
The two sat in silence for quite some time and Zen mulled over everything that had happened in the past week. All this trouble and it was the jerk who was there for him the most. He pushed down the thoughts quickly - he didn’t want to ruin this evening.
"Hey… I wanted to thank you. For helping me. I really thought I was done for."
"It was a small effort, Zen. I am glad I could help you."
"Well it's a big deal for me,” Zen emphasized. No doubt in a few seconds Jumin would push another stupid cat thing in his face and Zen would hate him for it, but for now Zen wanted him to know how grateful he was.
Jumin accidentally brushed their knees together. Trust Fund must have had a bit of wine, because the guy pulled his leg back and looked embarrassed about it too. Zen felt the biggest grin forming. In a childish moment, Zen wanted to knock their shoulders together. 
Unfortunately gravity was not his friend, and he ended up nearly falling onto Jumin.
"You're drunk," Jumin said, as he carefully pushed Zen upwards.
Still grinning, Zen brushed his ponytail back but didn't make an effort to leave Jumins personal space. "I'm not drunk, I'm tipsy. And so are you."
"What is the difference?"
"We get to be slightly foolish instead of completely foolish."
Zen wanted to make another joke, but Jumin grabbed his beer glass and set it next to him. Zen stared at the glass and then back at Jumin, whose face was very close.
“Is that so?” Jumin said. It was a joke, maybe one to get a rise out of him, but Zen found himself leaning forward.
He smells nice, Zen thought. The wine, the cologne, the freshness of a recently dry-cleaned suit and a soft husky leather smell Jumin always carried combined were nostalgic. 
Zen wasn’t aware of the kiss until a few seconds later, when his brain caught up and registered soft lips against his. When they separated, their noses still touched, both not saying a word or daring to breathe too loudly.
Zen felt his face burning. What had he done? When had he leaned in? What in the world was he thinking? And why wasn’t Jumin punching his face flat right now, instead staring as if frozen?
He suddenly felt shivers run down his spine. As if someone’s stare pierced right through his soul. He turned around immediately, but no one was behind them.
“Zen?” Jumin asked, and Zen found he couldn’t deal with Jumin’s deep gray eyes right now, who were desperately searching for his reaction.
“I think someone was watching us.” Stumbling, Zen grabbed his glass and got up. “I should go.”
Every fibre of his being told him to turn around, back to the stairs. But he couldn’t stop his feet from moving towards the light, the noise and the faceless people that didn’t confront him with his confusing feelings.
What a party! - 20:05, 707, Yoosung☆, Jumin Han, ZEN, Jaehee Kang
707: another RFA success in the pocket! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Jaehee Kang: I was a bit worried though. What if that crazy fan had shown up?
Yoosung☆: I know what you mean Jaehee, she did manage to make people believe she was dating Zen! She even had realistic-looking articles online! That’s scary!
707: yeah, but one quick speech from the actor man himself and the press ate it up No doubt she will vanish into internet obscurity ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴
Jumin Han: I too am glad that is over.
707: Zen, you’re really quiet got something on your mind?
Did you elope with your fan? Were the rumors true after all?? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
ZEN: Omg no Why would I do that??
Yoosung☆: Normally you’re super talkative after a party Zen
ZEN: I know, I know I’m a little busy Also I keep hearing weird scratching sounds
Jaehee Kang: Rats? :o
ZEN: Maybe I checked but I’m not sure
707: Tomorrow is Halloween y'know They say when there is a new moon just before Halloween your inner demons become real And they will haunt you!
Yoosung☆: °Д° Noooo I don’t want to die!!
ZEN: -.-;;;
Jaehee Kang: Stop. Seven, stop making stuff up.
707: How dare you insinuate that I read it from a piece of paper I found last night!
Yoosung☆: Wait, is that the one you tried to give to me and told me it was a fortune cookie’s fortune?
707: Maaaaaaaybeeeeee
Jumin Han: Enough foolishness. Zen, you should arrange an exterminator to search your apartment.
ZEN: It’s fine, I can handle it myself Bye all
- ZEN has left the chatroom -
Yoosung☆: Eh?? Zen left and didn’t insult Jumin about money or something??
707: Jumin didn’t sass him either. They’ve been acting weird since yesterday I miss my daily dose of fighting! (ó ì_í) (ì_í ò)
Jaehee Kang: I noticed it too. Sir, what happened at the party?
Jumin Han: Nothing happened. You all have overactive imaginations. Assistant Kang, if you have time to dream up silly scenarios, you have time to work on more contracts.
Jaehee Kang: ...Sorry sir.
- Jumin Han has left the chatroom - 707: whoo, touched a sore point there
Yoosung☆: Something definitely happened
Jaehee Kang: Agreed, but let’s not dwell on it any longer. I don’t need more work T_T
Yoosung☆: Success Jaehee ^_^;; Aaaahhh don’t want to help with uni decorations today (ಥ﹏ಥ) Why is Halloween so scary?!
707: If you think that’s scary, wait till you hear what *really* happens on Halloween! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yoosung☆: 。゜(`Д´)゜。
Zen knew he was being a dick. He couldn’t get the image of Jumin sitting alone in the darkness, staring at his retreating form as he shuffled off like a coward. The CEO-to-be had even sent him a message. 
‘Don’t forget to call the director I introduced you to.’
That was it.
It was not like Jumin to act like nothing happened. Hell, Jumin had every right to be absolutely pissed. But he wasn’t, and that was worse. Guilt ate Zen from the inside. The man deserved a response from him, even if it was just a sorry. Zen wanted nothing more for things to go back the way they were so he could tell Trust Fund where to shove it acting like a mom for this message.
How hypocritical of me, Zen thought, for calling Jumin a jerk, when he was the one to kiss Jumin, and the one to run away the second he had to own up to it.
He contemplated getting off the couch when he felt that horrible chill on his back. He felt eyes on him, eyes from someone he couldn’t see, in the shadows of the corners of his apartment. 
The sounds. They were back.
Slow, then fast.
Over and over. 
Again. And again. And again.
It rooted him in place. He knew he should turn around. All he had to do was get up, go look and figure it out. Nothing special.
But something stopped him. His logical mind told him that he had to turn, but his own body wouldn’t let him. His hands clenched his phone, trying to stop himself from shaking.
He hadn’t been completely honest in the chat. He hadn’t checked what it was. And he feared that if he did say so, the RFA would make fun of him. And rightly so.
Yet he couldn’t turn around. He couldn’t get himself to stand up, or to call out. He’s had his light on since last night. He hadn't really slept, waking up every hour wondering what was in his house, watching him constantly.
When the morning came, he was as stiff as a board and it felt like a fever dream. Now back in the darkness, the dream returned. Worse than before.
I am just on edge because of this thing with Jumin, Zen thought. If I can distract myself long enough, this will pass.
It took another half hour before he was able to move again.
Am I going crazy? - 03:30 ZEN
ZEN: And I thought last week was crazy Hahaha ….
- MC has entered the chatroom -
MC: Zen? Why are you awake so early?
ZEN: Ah MC! It is hard to explain You shouldn't worry
MC: is it the rats? Jaehee told me you might have them
ZEN: A sound is keeping me awake I don't know if it's rats ...I kinda want it to be though
MC: you want it to be rats? Why? 
ZEN: Don't mind me, I'm being strange because I'm tired Please go back to bed We both need our beauty sleep! ^_~*
MC: hehe okay Good night Zen!
ZEN: Good night!
- MC has left the chatroom -
Something wants to get in.
The thought was ridiculous. Unnecessary. It made no sense. When it was silent, he could tell himself this. But just as he had calmed down, the sounds started again. This went on and on until Zen wasn’t sure if time had passed at all.
He lay on his side, staring at the door of his bedroom. He felt watched. And when the scratching began, he was convinced something was on the other side.
Something wants to get to me.
Stop this. Just get up. Get up, get up, get up-
When he was on the edge of doing so, the noises stopped.
It was quiet again. 
Slowly, his eyelids started to droop. 
In the far distance, he heard a car drive by and a dog bark.
His door moved.
Zen’s eyes shot open.
The door shook again. Zen clutched his blanket tighter, ready to steel himself against whatever was going to break through at any moment.
But then there was quiet. 
The door definitely moved… didn't it? 
He was not nuts. He was simply tired.
Was he?
Mad fangirl? - 05:30 ZEN
ZEN: Guys maybe that fangirl is trying to get in my place That makes the most sense right? She probably is angry after that press conference
- Jumin Han has entered the chatroom -
ZEN: ?! Why are you up so early?
Jumin Han: I normally get up before 06:00 to prepare for a breakfast meeting. 
ZEN: Of course -.-
Jumin Han: But I noticed activity here already. Why are you going on about that fangirl? Are you having issues with your security?
ZEN: Eh yeah? Just read above I hear constant noises
Jumin Han: Do you have any signs of property damage?
ZEN: Damage? I don't know
Jumin Han: You don't know? Why don't you check?
ZEN: I don't see why I should Maybe I should call the police
Jumin Han: You could but you will look foolish. You would have a stronger case with evidence.
ZEN: I just I can't check okay? I fucking can't 
Jumin Han: You can't check? Why not?
ZEN: Fuck never mind
- ZEN has left the chatroom -
Jumin Han: …
He didn't want to stay in his apartment anymore. 
When the morning came and sunlight poured through his window, he told himself it was nothing. The noise was probably woodworm. Of course his bedroom door hadn’t moved. Plus, his front door was locked tight as it could be and the windows were too small to fit anyone in. How could anyone have entered his place? 
Really, it had to be another stress nightmare. 
Today, he would take it easy. Rehearse a few lines, practice a few songs. Go for a jog. All was good.
But throughout the day, he heard whispers in the corners of his home, always behind him. There were eyes following him wherever he went.  And with the evening leaving the sun for the stars, he swore he heard the scraping louder than ever.
He had to leave, no matter what.
The problem was where. Jaehee might find it awkward to have a man over. Yoosung's student apartment was too small. And who knows where the fuck Luciel lived.
Worst of all, they weren't safe. There was something, something within his mind, telling him he would still be in danger. Worse, he might put them in danger. He would never forgive himself if he did.
That left only one option. Jumin and his penthouse, with all those bodyguards and security cameras. The CEO-to-be always boasted how his home was the safest in Korea, now he could prove it. Zen hated himself for stooping so low. But as his fingers shook while typing in Jumin's number, he hated feeling like this more.
"Zen?" said Jumins voice, "Where have you been? The others have been asking for you in the chatrooms."
He had been too distraught to check the RFA chat. But that didn't matter now. "Jumin, I'm not safe here. Can I-" he paused, and let out a shuddering breath, "Can I stay at your place for now?"
There was a short pause. Then, Jumin spoke up. "Not safe? Did someone break into your apartment? Is it the fangirl you spoke of?”
“Look, I don’t know. I just need to get out of my house.”
“And you want to come to me and Elizabeth the Third?” Jumin sounded very surprised and Zen didn’t blame him. He was so on edge, he’d accept being a sneezing mess for eternity over this.
It was quiet now. No way to prove that he hadn’t absolutely lost his mind. Fuck it. “Yes, even the furb- cat. Please, Jumin. I’m losing it.”
Another pause. It took all Zen had not to punch his phone. “...Alright. Pack your things, I’ll have Driver Kim pick you up.”
“No need, I’ll take the bike.” Without waiting for a response, Zen hung up. He ran towards the front door, grabbing his backpack where he had stuffed as many clothes into as he could in a minute. Keys in hand, he cursed the setting sun and didn’t look back to his apartment after he locked it.
Zen’s burglar - 19:45 Jumin Han, 707, Jaehee Kang, MC
Jumin Han: Zen called me. He is acting really odd. Luciel, can you please check the security cameras in the street near his house?
707: waaay ahead of you Whoever is bothering the actormeister, I will find out!
MC I’m so worried
Jaehee Kang: Me too, Zen hasn’t said a thing all day.
Jumin Han: Assistant Kang, I need you to keep Elizabeth with you a bit longer.
Jaehee Kang: What? Why?? You have no urgent projects to complete. I thought my catsitting duty was done!
Jumin Han: Zen has asked to stay at the penthouse. As much as I would rather keep her in a room fit of her position, I fear Zen’s erratic behavior will scare her. Therefore it is best Elizabeth stays with you.
707: Hol’ up
MC: Zen asked
Jaehee Kang: To go to you???
Jumin Han: I was equally surprised. On the phone he seemed utterly terrified.
MC: Oh no now I’m really worried
Jaehee Kang: For Zen, I can take care of her longer.
Jumin Han: Good. I must go, he’ll be here soon.
- Jumin Han has left the chatroom -
Jaehee Kang: Luciel, I really hope you can find the culprit. I don’t know what’s worse, all this cat hair everywhere or Zen being so stressed. T_T
MC: Yoosung is going to be so upset when he reads this Seven, you will catch the piece of shit, right? She or he
707: Of course! ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿  The moment I see them, I hack their phone and boom! Jailed. Still it’s interesting Zen decided to go to Jumin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Why do you think that is? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
MC: The bodyguards
Jaehee Kang: The bodyguards.
707: You two are no fun
Zen nearly crashed into the first security guard he saw with his motorcycle. They didn’t say a word to him as he locked his bike in the oversized garage and ran up the stairs. No doubt they’ve already been told he was coming. 
He didn’t care. Something watched him on the road and it was watching him run now.
At some point he had to relent to the endless stairs and take the elevator, but the tiny space made him pull at his ponytail hairs. He could finally breathe when he jumped through the sliding doors and into the unnecessarily large white marble hall.
Jumin was waiting for him at the door and Zen slowed to a halt upon seeing him. He was wearing his normal suit again instead of formal wear. Zen found himself back at the party, back on the stairs, with Jumin waiting for him to respond. He wanted to say his name, but his tongue felt heavy in his mouth.
Jumin frowned before holding the door open. “I’ve prepared a room for you. It’s the one furthest away from Elizabeth’s suite. I’ve asked my maid to label it with your name.”
The cat has her own suite? The rooms have labels?? Zen thought, then dismissed it. Who cares right now? “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
And I’m sorry. For leaving you. Because we… Because I-! Zen instantly quelled the thought. The well of uncertainty within him threatened to bubble and overflow, and he couldn’t stand it.
He stepped into the penthouse, Jumin taking a step back to let him in. The two of them exchanged awkward glances before Zen walked further, backpack in hand. The living room was so large, he almost didn’t spot the hallway. He would have told Jumin so, would it not be extremely rude to insult the guy whose home he begged to enter.
“There are cameras everywhere except in the bedrooms and bathrooms.” Jumin said behind him, “ I have men on watch at all times too.”
He should show more gratitude. That was what Zen wanted, but cruel irony had that he felt that chill creep up his neck again. The constant reminders of the night unspoken wasn't helping either. Maybe coming here was a mistake. 
“Good. I’m off to bed, I’m really tired,” Zen said, before heading to the hallway where he hoped to find his room fast.
He didn’t want to look back at Jumin, afraid the CEO-to-be would read his exposed soul in his eyes.
He just couldn’t.
Zen is here - 22:30 Jumin Han, Yoosung☆, MC, 707
Jumin Han: Zen has gone to his room. He barely looked me in the eye. He never did that before.
MC: does that bother you, Jumin?
Jumin Han: It does. I don’t like this feeling. It feels... Troubling. I want him to look.
Yoosung☆: you're really on about this Is Seven right? Did something happen?
Jumin Han: Aren't you supposed to be sleeping? It is a school night.
Yoosung☆: oh come on, I am worried about Zen too! You're not my dad ):<
MC: give up Yoo, we're never going to get a straight answer out of Jumin
Jumin Han: There is nothing to figure out. Zen's possible stalker is taking up precious RFA work time. The sooner this is solved, the better. I need Elizabeth here with me.
Yoosung☆: is work and cats all you think of ;;;; Oh gosh I sound like Zen now
707: You need to amp up the narcissism Yoosung ma boi!
Jumin Han: Luciel, any news on your side?
707: So far not much good There was no one near the windows or doors of Zen’s apartment at any night the past week However, I did discover something interesting The fangirl whose rumors we had to dispel? She was at the party
Yoosung☆: She was?? I hadn’t spotted her Why do you think she was there?
Jumin Han: I suddenly have a suspicion. Luciel, that piece of paper you found, was it ripped off a page?
707: It was ripped off how did you know? o_O
Jumin Han: I need to do some research. Please Luciel, find the page that it belongs to if you can.
- Jumin Han has left the chatroom -
Yoosung☆: ???? what is happening
707: oh crapsicles, I threw it away dumpster diving I goooooo
MC: Ewwww Yoosung, I don’t get it either, but let’s do our best to be there in spirit for Zen
Yoosung☆: T_T☞ okay MC!
It had been quiet and dark for a while now. Zen had literally thrown his bag and his clothes on the nearest dresser and flung himself into bed wearing only a shirt and boxers. He hadn’t even done his usual face care regime in the luxurious bathroom that was connected to the bedroom, too tired to care.
Not feeling cold eyes on him gave room for thoughts. Thoughts that acted like an intrusive person that happened to be in his mind asking him questions. Questions such as: why did he kiss Jumin? And why couldn’t he deal with it?
Zen knew he could admit it was a mistake. A lapse in judgement caused by alcohol. Gravity pulled him too far and accidentally made their faces touch. He didn’t mean to do it, and it didn’t mean anything, and that was it.
Except, that was not it. Because in that moment, Jumin was not the rich spoiled jerk Zen firmly hated. Not anymore. In that moment-
No, no, no. Zen ran a hand through his hair and forced his brain to shut down the words. It was too much. Every part of his body was tense.
Were they friends now? If they were, then this wasn’t such a big deal. Friends could laugh this off.
Were they-? No!
Was he-? Stop!
If he thought about it, it would be real, and if it was real, the world he knew would change forever. He couldn’t deal with it.
Zen’s heart leapt out of his chest. Not again. 
It was here. It saw him. 
He thought he would be safe. What was he thinking?
Another thump, and the large black door shook, the hallway light flickering from underneath. It had found him again. It was watching him again. Zen pulled his legs up underneath the blanket, his body forming a protective ball. It was cold, so cold.
Was that... a voice? Jumin? It sounded like him, but Zen wasn’t sure. He strained his ears to listen, fearing that the next sound would rip his heart out of his chest.
Now he was certain. Amidst the slow, horrible noises, he heard Jumin.
He sounded like he was in pain.
Oh God. 
Whatever was trying to get to him, it had gotten to Jumin.
“Jumin!” He shot out of bed, threw the covers off and ran right to the door. There was a moment’s hesitation when his hand hovered over the golden doorknob. Then, he heard Jumin’s voice again, and flung the door open.
“Jumin!” He yelled into the darkness.
There was no one there.
A low static hummed in the distance. The cold air gave him goosebumps all over.
Zen saw movement in the corner of his eye. Underneath one of the doors he saw the lights turn off and on, accompanied by a hiss. It was a sick invite to walk into a trap.
But if Jumin was there, he had to go.
Zen ran and turned the handle, expecting the door to be locked. Only to nearly fall into the bedroom.
This bedroom was much larger and better decorated than his. An aquarium lit up the room and gave everything color, leaving Zen’s experience of mere seconds ago but a grayscale nightmare. The ceiling lights worked fine. 
The hissing and scratching were gone. But someone was still watching him.
“Zen?” He whipped his head to the right. Jumin sat on the edge of his head wearing dark blue silk pajamas, a stack of papers in one hand and a cup in the other. Was the guy still working? Zen quickly thought.
“Why are you here?” Jumin asked, and his eyes trailed down to his bare legs and back up quickly. Zen faintly blushed.
“I thought I heard you,” Zen replied sheepishly. He just barged into Jumin's bedroom like that.
“Me?” Jumin asked. “Zen, what is going on?”
There it was again. The dark eyes asking for more. And his legs wanted to turn and run. Zen wondered how long he could keep this up.
Enough was enough. Was this the kind of person he wanted to be? He had to be honest. 
He had to tell Jumin.
“Jumin…” Zen resisted the urge to look away, “On the night of the party. I felt something. Something I’ve never felt before, and it scared the shit out of me. Ever since then I’ve been haunted by it. And I-”
Hear noises. See things. Feel things. Kept wondering why. Why. Why. 
Why you.
Zen closed his eyes, licked his lips and opened them again. Jumin stared in confusion. And Zen realized… there was something more important he wanted to say.
Slowly, he walked to the bed and took a seat next to Jumin. He clasped his hands.
“I hurt you. I overwhelmed you and then ran away. I'm… sorry."
A shift in the bed caused him to look to the side. Jumin had scooted closer, setting the papers next to his lap.
"Why did you kiss me?" he asked.
He was so close again. Zen recognized the scents and warmth that came from Jumin. And this time, he saw a handsome face with worry etched all over.
"Because you're not always a jerk… and I've fallen for you."
It was the truth. He didn't expect to get a crush on Trust Fund jerk. He didn't think it would resurface after burying it for ages, in the moment where Jumin showed a kindness he had not expected.
The static that had always been there but Zen didn't notice suddenly faded away. 
Jumin stared as if he were on fire. Zen wanted to ask how he felt when Jumin suddenly took hold of his chin and kissed him.
Zen relaxed, feeling Jumin’s hand travel up his neck and behind his head. After a few seconds, they seperated, hyper aware of each other’s breathing.
Jumin’s gaze was intense. "I wanted nothing more than to lock you up. Let you never leave."
The way he said it gave Zen chills. Jumin must have thought things that Zen could not imagine. Despite all the time they spent together on the chatroom, the CEO-to-be was a mystery to him. "I'm glad you didn't. I won't run again, I promise."
Jumin rewarded him with a small smile. Zen felt light and giddy. It was not perfect, but it was a better start than before.
Did this mean they were-
Both their eyes went wide.
“Fuck!! It’s here!” Zen yelled and made a beeline to the door. He slammed it close, locked it and looked for the nearest furniture to shove it against.
Jumin was frantically searching through his papers. 
“What are you doing?! Help me! Or call your bodyguards!” Zen yelled, pushing a dresser.
"There’s no point!” Jumin replied, taking out one piece of paper and tracing the sentences with his finger. “We need to stick together and hold on for one more night.”
Zen’s mouth dropped open. “Wait. You know what it is?!”
Jumin shook his head. “Not exactly. During the party, we found a piece of parchment. I asked Luciel to send me all the information he found on it. I don't know if it is a curse, but it was definitely cast on you during the party. It specifically says here that after 3 nights, it fails.”
A curse. In a silly way, Zen was glad that he wasn’t mad. But the sounds were there, eating at his nerves. And the eyes watched his every move.
A loud scratch made them both jump.
Now, Jumin heard the noises too. Zen grabbed the raven-haired man and hugged him tight. “I won’t let it get you.”
Jumin scoffed. “Don’t be a fool. It’s after you. I should be keeping you safe.”
Amidst the adrenaline rushing through him, Zen could still chuckle. Strangely, he felt safer than ever. The cold from before had never reappeared. With no guilt gnawing on him, he could steel himself against the dark.
The two of them wrapped a blanket around them and sat against the bed’s headboard, holding each other tight as the sounds continued. Before long, they nodded off into a peaceful sleep, heads leaning on each other, leaving the eyes that watched them powerless.
Still alive - 07:49 Jumin Han, ZEN, Jaehee Kang, Yoosung☆, 707, MC
Jumin Han: Nothing in my apartment is broken. Whatever it was, its primary goal was to terrify its victim.
Yoosung☆: But why?
Jumin Han: I wish I could say.
Zen: I dont hear anything anymore, but I am staying one more night to be sure
707: I found a bit more info it’s a spell that affects the victim and everyone near them So when you got cursed, Zen, Jumin must have been affected too MC: that is so scary
ZEN: !! Jumin did you suffer from anything the past few nights too?
Jumin Han: ... Nothing out of the ordinary, I can assure you.
Zen: What does that mean I’m going to make sure you tell me
MC: Awww
707: you guys never said what you two were doing at the party before you were cursed.
MC: Yeah! Spill the beans!
ZEN: Not now Maybe soon
Jumin Han: Agreed.
Yoosung☆: Awwww come on!
Jaehee Kang: o__O
MC: lmao Btw can't we curse the caster back? Revenge!
Jumin Han: I do not dare mess with dark magic. I have done some reading before. The backlash if it fails is too severe. Death. Or worse.
Yoosung☆: omg what is worse than death??
Jaehee Kang: I hope we never find out.
"NO!!" she yelled at a tall mirror.
The room was void of anything else. She sat on the wooden floor, flipping through an old tattered book in a frenzy. "He is supposed to be here! He’s supposed to want me!"
She slammed her fists on the book, ruining its pages.
“He was supposed to come running to me, begging me to save him! He should know it was me! Not this other… man who tried to force himself on my poor Zen!”
She nearly tore all her hair out from anger.
“Useless… thing! Get lost!” She yelled and slammed the book shut, before throwing it against the wall. Loose pages scattered around her, showing letters written in ink and blood.
It was quiet, for a moment. She pondered on what her next move was, how to get Zen to see she was his true love forever. A love potion. Or a love spell. Surely something like that had to exist.
But then she heard scratching from the wood underneath her feet. A low hiss came from the shadows in the corners. She jumped away, but kept feeling it. She felt eyes on her, and turned to look over her shoulder, only to see nothing.
But something was watching her.
Even when she closed her eyes she saw, it was here. Even when she left the room to another. When she switched on all the lights. When she tried to leave her house and couldn’t. She knew it was here.
Hissing, and scratching. Over and again.
“GO AWAY!!” She screamed. It wouldn’t leave.
She threatened it, bargained with it, reasoned with it, but it wouldn’t leave.
It would never leave.
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