#Thinking about how Patchface was given to the Drowned God
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death-of-cats · 2 months ago
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Davos II, ADWD
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A Ghost in Winterfell, ADWD
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Theon I, TWOW
Theon as blood sacrifice to the Old Gods.
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first-of-her-nxme · 4 years ago
I’ve been reading your Jaqen is Aegon posts (and I’ve been enjoying them a lot!), and I stumbled upon one where you mentioned Aegon sound like Aragorn. I don’t know how deep you’ve delved into LOTR/Middle Earth in general, but as a longtime Tolkien nerd I feel I should point you to the story of Aegnor and Andreth just in case. Aegnor was an elven prince living in exile, whose name means Fell Fire or Sharp Flame, and who was felled in a battle called the Battle of Sudden Flame. Andreth was a mortal woman, a wise-woman, whose name means Long-suffering. Fanarts of her always reminded me of Lyanna. Might be reaching, but you might find something. This last part is definitely reaching, but Andreth’s father was named Boromir (not the one in LOTR, Boromir from LOTR might’ve been named after him), so. Make of that what you will. Thank you for the breakdowns of the theories :)
Great insight! Thank you! It fits Aegon and Arya too to a degree.
There is foreshadowing of Aegon dying in the sea so I can imagine Arya fulfilling the role of Andreth, outliving her one true love. 
There is also foreshadowing of them getting married and having kids together but if Aegon dies prematurely, like Rhaegar, he won’t see his children. In this scenario their summer would only be a dream of dying Aegon, the imagined afterlife under the sea. Perhaps their story will be turned into a legend and they will sing songs about their love in Westeros and Essos. 
Side note: a song about them has already been written by Rhaegar but I will write another post to explain it. 
When you read the prologue to A Feast for Crows carefully, you will notice that Aegon meets the acolytes of the Citadel in the same fashion Aragorn met the hobbits. Aragorn had been waiting in the shadows of the tavern, watching Frodo and his fellowship. Aegon has been watching Pate and the acolytes though we are not aware of it until the end of the chapter. 
The prologue is written in Pate’s POV. Alleras is celebrating with Pate and their friends. Pate is anxious to meet the Alchemist who has promised him a golden dragon but the man is not coming, Pate thinks the Alchemist made a joke of him. By the end of the chapter, when Pate is heading to the Citadel, the Alchemist/Aegon emerges from the shadows. He’s dressed like Aragorn, in a worn traveler’s cloak with his face half-hidden under the hood.
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And he tells Pate that he was there, in the inn, all this time, watching Pate and his fellowship, just like Aragorn was watching the hobbits. Aragorn joined Frodo and the fellowship - Aegon kills Pate and takes his place in the fellowship.
George Martin has also written the riddle of Sphinx which is the riddle of Aegon - the equivalent of the Riddle of Strider. And of course, both of them have many names and hide their identity. Both are long lost heirs. Their girlfriends’s names sound alike, Arwen and Arya. LOTR is about the return of the king and so is ASOIAF. Only LOTR is meant to be uplifting and ASOIAF...it doesn’t seem so.
So, that’s why I compared Aegon to Aragorn.
The prologue ends with the imagery of a dead city. Pate is walking through a ghost-like Oldtown, lit by the rays of the dawning sun. Finally, Pate gets his dragon and wants to share the good news with Rosey. Then, he dies. This is a preview of what will happen in King’s Landing: Aegon will get the throne but he will be the king of the dead city, burnt by dragonfire.
What happens next is foreshadowed in the prologue to A Clash of Kings. Shireen and Patchface are foils for Arya and Aegon - a sad little girl and her fool. Her sad fool - the man who has given up everything for the girl. In this chapter Patchface talks/sings about what happens under the sea as if he was singing about Aegon’s future - death in the sea. The prince who never gets to live a happy life with his beloved. Like you said - quite like Aegnor.
Though we are also informed that Patchface is a sort of undead which is a very interesting option :) In the prologue, GRRM also mentions four roles Renly loved to play: a dragon, a wizard, the rain god, a king. Each of those are only roles for Renly but they are Aegon’s true identity: a dragon prince, a faceless wizard, a king by birth. The rain god implies Aegon’s affiliation with the Drowned God. 
Both, Jon and Aegon, are supposed to be sort of semi-gods.
Jon has characteristics of Lammas the Corn King also called the lightbringer. The Corn King sacrifices himself and dies for the land and, along with the land, is reborn in spring.
The Drowned God or the Rain God was inspired by Freyr, the god of rain and sunshine, of fertility, prosperity and peace. 
If Jon is going to be reborn, perhaps Aegon will survive the drowning. What is dead may never die but rises again harder and stronger.
So far we got three prologues about the North and the Others ( AGOT, ASOS, ADWD ) and two prologues about the Iron Throne ( ACOK, AFFC ). The two latter showed Aegon’s journey in the reversed order: the conquest ( AFFC ) and the aftermath ( ACOK ). The prologue to TWOW should be about the Iron Throne too because the last one was about the North.It will probably offer the clues of what happens after the journey across the sunset sea. 
I apologize for the long reply, I hope I didn’t bore you to death:) And thank you so much for food for thought. I’m so curious if “Boromir’s” prophecy for Arya will come true.
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roominthecastle · 7 years ago
what are your favorite petyr quotes? book vs show
Wow, anon, you’re NOT making this easy for me AT ALL. oh lorde, there are so many.
ok, quotes from the books that sadly did not make it into the show: I love all the “classics” that artworks often utilize, e.g.
“Life is not a song, sweetling. You may learn that one day to your sorrow.”
“Is it all lies, forever and ever, everyone and everything?”“Almost everyone. Save you and I, of course.”
“Some lies are love.”
“I know what I know, and so do you. Some things are best left unsaid, sweetling.”
“There are two sorts of people. The players and the pieces. Every man’s a piece to start with, and every maid as well. Even some who think they are players.”
“We shall serve him lies and Arbor gold, and he’ll drink them down and ask for more, I promise you.”
“When you know what a man wants you know who he is, and how to move him.”
“Those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa… Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. That’s worth another kiss now, don’t you think?”
and some others:
“Try not to fall to your death, Catelyn wouldnever understand.“
“A fool I may be, Stark… yet I’m still here,while your brother has been moldering in his frozen grave for some fourteenyears now. If you are so eager to molder beside him, far it be from me todissuade you, but I would rather not be included in the party, thank you verymuch.”“You would be the last man I would willinglyinclude in any party, Lord Baelish.”“You wound me deeply.”
“I am desperately sentimental, sweet lady. Bestnot tell anyone. I have spent years convincing the court that I am wicked andcruel, and I should hate to see all that hard work go for naught.” Ned believed not a word of that, but he kept his voicepolite as he said, “You have my thanks as well, Lord Baelish.”“Oh, now there’sa treasure,” Littlefinger said, exiting.
“The Lineages and Histories of the GreatHouses of the Seven Kingdoms, With Descriptions of Many High Lords and NobleLadies  and Their Children. Now there is a tedious reading if ever I sawit. A sleeping potion, my lord?““JonArryn was studying this volume when he was taken sick,” Ned said.“Inthat case death must have come as a blessed relief.”
“Ido not trust him.”“Excellent.You’re learning.”
“Evena blind man could see the Hound loathed his brother.”“Ah,but Gregor was his to loath, notyours to kill. I wouldn’t hold my water waiting for his thanks.”
“Isuppose congratulations are in order.”Nedscowled. “The king lies wounded and near to death.”“Iknow.”
“How big a fool do you take me for?”“Well,quite an enormous one, actually.”“Do you always find murder so amusing, Lord Baelish?”“It’snot murder I find amusing, Lord Stark, it’s you. You rule like a man dancing onrotten ice. I daresay you will make a noble splash.”
GrandMaester Pycelle gaped at him, aghast. “Surely you do not mean to suggestthat Lady Selyse would ask a foolinto her bed?”“DoubtlessPatchface reminded her of Stannis.”
“Black brings outmy unhealthy pallor.”“Youlook very elegant today, my lord.”“I’mwounded. I strive to look elegant everyday.”
“Ibelieve Lord Petyr may hold the key to the Eyrie.““Oh,I do. I have it here between my legs.”
“Tidesand brides wait on no man, my lord. Once the autumn storms begin, the voyagewill be much more hazardous. Drowning would definitely diminish my charms as abridegroom.”
“Widowhoodwill become you, Sansa.”
“Itis surprisingly difficult to hide a dwarf, and Joffrey… you can lead a kingto water, but with Joff one had to splash it about before he realized he coulddrink it.”
“LordRobert cannot sleep. He cries…”“…for his mother. That cannot be helped, the wench is dead.”
“Isthat your counsel, maester? That we find a wet nurse for the Lord of the Eyrieand Defender of the Vale? When shall we wean him, on his wedding day? That wayhe can move directly from his nurse’s nipples to his wife’s. No, I think not.”
“Godsforbid they glimpse me near the high seat of the Arryns, they might think thatI mean to sit in it. Cheeks born so low as mine must never aspire to such loftycushions.”
“Inthe game of thrones even the humblest pieces can have wills of their own.Sometimes they refuse to make the moves you’ve planned for them. Mark thatwell, Alayne. It’s a lesson that Cersei Lannister still has yet to learn.”
“Hissister Alys wed Ser Elys Waynwood, uncle to the present Lady Waynwood.” Hemade a wry face. “Elys and Alys. Isn’t that precious?”
… and loads more, really. I could copy/paste every chapter that includes him. He’s one of the most entertaining and intriguing characters I’ve ever encountered, and Aidan was THE perfect casting choice.
the favs from the show (some of these were taken from the books, so I did not include them above): again, a non-exhaustive list
“Ahthe Starks. Quick tempers, slow minds.”
“Distrustingme was the wisest thing you’ve done since you climbed off your horse.”
“WhenI was a child, I was very small. And I come from a little spit of land calledthe Fingers, so you see… it’s an exceedinglyclever nickname.”
“Tellme, Lord Renly, when will you be havingyour friend?”
“Alldesires are valid to a man with a full purse.”
“Brothelsmake a much better investment than ships, I found. Whores rarely sink.”
“I’ll never win. Not that way. That’s their game. Their rules. I’m notgoing to fight them. I’m going to fuck them. That’s what I know. That’s what Iam.”
“Idid warn you not to trust me.”
“Wehave enough wheat for a 5-year winter. If it lasts any longer… we’ll havefewer peasants.”
“Ihate bad investments. They haunt me.”
“Iunderstand that you don’t like me, and, while that saddens me greatly, I do notcome here today seeking your affection.”
“Ifwar were arithmetic, the mathematicians would rule the world.”
“Callme Petyr.”
“Strange,isn’t it. It doesn’t matter what we want, once we get it, then we wantsomething else.”
“Chaosisn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get totry again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb but theyrefuse. They cling to the realm. Or the gods. Or love. Illusions. Only theladder is real. The climb is all there is.”
“Moneybuys a man’s silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever.”
“Aman with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused. Ifthey don’t know who you are or what you want, they can’t know what you plan todo next.”
“I don’t want friends like me.”
“Knowyour strengths, use them wisely, and one man can be worth ten thousand.”
“Alot can happen between now and never.”
“Given the opportunity, what do we do to those who’ve hurt the ones welove? In a better world, one where love could overcome strength and duty, youmight have been my child. But we don’t live in that world.“
“Ihave only loved one woman, only one, my entire life… Your sister.”
“Hersuicide shattered us all.”
“Peopledie at their dinner tables. They die in their beds. They die squatting over theirchamber pots. Everybody dies sooner or later. Don’t worry about your death.Worry about your life. Take charge of your life for as long as it lasts.”
“You’vebeen running all your life. Terrible things happen to your family and you weep.You sit alone in a darkened room mourning their fates. You’ve been a bystanderto tragedy from the day they executed your father. Stop being a bystander, doyou hear me? Stop running. There’s no justice in the world. Not unless we makeit. You loved your family. Avenge them.”
“Iknow how hard it is to live with people you despise, believe me.”
“Eventhe most dangerous men can be outmaneuvered. And you’ve learned to maneuverfrom the very best. You’ll be strong without me.”
“Weboth peddle fantasies, Brother Lancel. Mine just happen to beentertaining.”
“One’schoice of companion is a curious thing.“ 
"You,my love, are the future of House Stark.”
“Everyoneis your enemy. Everyone is your friend.”
“Not even a thank you? Ifit weren’t for me, you’d have been slaughtered on that battlefield.”
and last but not least, his last words:
“Iloved you more than anyone. Sansa.”
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theonsource · 2 months ago
#Thinking about how Patchface was given to the Drowned God#and then spit back out as a prophet#it could be that Theon's sacrifice goes similarly#especially because I don't think poor Bran will like having to drink Theon's blood :(#I once read a theory that weirwood trees need a human sacrifice#(especially blood)#in order to be “activated”#it could be that's what Bloodraven is after#doc#religion in asoiaf#the gods are not done with me yet#the old gods
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Davos II, ADWD
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A Ghost in Winterfell, ADWD
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Theon I, TWOW
Theon as blood sacrifice to the Old Gods.
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