#Things To Do Mystic CT
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ussnautilusct · 2 months ago
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The Naval Submarine Museum in Groton, CT, is a premier destination for submarine history enthusiasts. Home to the USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine, the museum offers an interactive journey through naval innovation. Visitors can explore the Nautilus, view historic artifacts, and learn about the evolution of undersea warfare. Located near Mystic and the Groton Naval Base, it’s a family-friendly, free-admission attraction perfect for history buffs, families, and anyone seeking unique things to do.
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starsdrew · 3 months ago
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◟ ⋆ ❛ [  paulina  chavez  ]  i  just  saw  that  suzie  bingham  arrived  in  mystic,  ct  !  they're  twenty  and  a  canon  character  from  stranger  things.  however,  you  might  want  to  check  first  because  while  they've  been  here  two  weeks  they  do  not  believe  they  have  been  here  their  whole  lives.  make  sure  to  make  them  feel  right  at  home.
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focsle · 1 year ago
hey! I just wanted to say I'm planning a trip to New England and added New Bedford's Whaling Museum to my list of things to do thanks to you! (And anything else you recommend doing up there? Lizzie Borden's house is already also on my list... morbid curiosity.)
It depends on how wide your range is! In New Bedford tho, the Seamen’s Bethel right across from the Museum has some poignant cenotaphs. There’s also a good historic house museum there, the Rotch Jones Duff House, if that’s your thing. And there’s huge warehouse-like antique place called New Bedford Antiques at the Cove if you wanna find some weird little tchotchke. Kickin the shit out of myself for passing on a seachest I found there cos it had a busted becket. Little did I know!
Depending on how long you’re there, there’s a ferry to go out to Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket if you want some nice island time. Takes about 1 hour to get to the former, 90 mins for the latter.
Mystic Seaport in CT is about a 90 min drive out of New Bedford that’s very good too. Where the beloved Charles W. Morgan lies.
OH….you should do a whale watch somewhere, if you’re going in the summer. Tis the season for it.
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primal-slayer · 1 year ago
 2003 Brad Kern talks single Piper
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Good-witch Piper to be a single mom
By Kate O'Hare and Zap2it.comChicago Tribune•Aug 05, 2003 at 12:00 am
Fans who were present for the fifth-season finale of The WB's "Charmed" know that the star-crossed marriage of good-witch Piper (Holly Marie Combs) and her mystical Whitelighter guardian, Leo (Brian Krause), has hit a snag that not even Dr. Phil could solve.
It was tough enough for these two to wed -- in the "Charmed" universe, witches and their Whitelighters aren't supposed to fraternize (although they do) -- and now Leo has been kicked upstairs to be a wise Elder.
His promotion and subsequent disappearance (not death, as some fans feared) have left Piper alone to raise the couple's son, Wyatt. Even though Leo will reappear at some point, it looks as if the marriage is essentially kaput.
"They're absolutely separated," says executive producer Brad Kern. "Once we find Leo, he's still an Elder, and that doesn't change. That'll create a split for them that will force Piper to learn to live life as a single mom, but it finally gives her some hope ultimately of having the normal life she's wanted ever since she became a witch.
"They will not be together, certainly for the first half of the season. But they share Wyatt, so that's going to keep forcing them together. What happens at the end of the season, I certainly have some thoughts on, but I can't share what they will or won't be."
What Kern can share is the effect little Wyatt will have on his mother's social life. While many TV shows play the drama of pregnancy and childbirth, then shuffle the baby off-screen, not so with Wyatt.
"He's going to display a lot of surprising magical powers," Kern says, "even at 9 months old, that worry Piper and her sisters quite a bit and create even bigger challenges for Piper, who's got quite enough challenges just to be a single mom in the year 2003."
Apparently, Piper tests the dating waters. "She's on her own," Kern says, "and the kid is not exactly conducive or helpful to letting her date other guys. When Piper has a date, a lot of strange things are going to happen to that date, until Piper realizes that it's Wyatt that doesn't want her to be dating."
Although it's tough to split up Piper's marriage, Kern thinks it was a necessary development for the show. "Their characters had overcome so many things, and at some point in time, this last thing becomes one too many things to overcome.
"It'll be fun to play Piper single. We'll play her real, as a single mom, but we'll also have the fun for her that her sisters have been able to have fun with, which is dating and not just being the married person all the time."
As for her sisters, Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) continues her long-distance romance with her boss, publisher Jason Dean (Eric Dane), while Paige (Rose McGowan) pursues her dual interests in men and clothes. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2003-08-05-0308050286-story.html
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jerzwriter · 10 months ago
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
And... I wanna know for everyone. Got to keep you busy 😜
Oh, Ren... lol Let me try to keep them short (but yeah, keeping me busy is usually a good thing.) lol
From This List
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Casey: Summers at her grandparent's farm in Pennsylvania, riding bikes with her friends in Philadelphia, holidays with her Mom & Dad.
Tobias: Vacations with his Mother & Father (and later his brother) at their family's beach house; spending time at his grandparents (Vivian's) house, especially in the summer when he'd play ball with cousins and neighbors until the lights came on.
Kaycee: (Same as Casey's)
Ethan: Summer vacations with his family, usually to Newport, RI, sometimes to Mystic, CT.
Carolina: Baseball games with her Dad; large, loud family dinners.
Trystan: Sneaking away into the secret chambers with select siblings and friends where he got to just be a boy and not the heir apparent.
Zoe: Poor Zoe has very few memories from before the outbreak and life at the Tower was pretty bleak. Still, she managed to have a few good memories - all with Anna (her sister) and/or Troy. Anna holding her in her bunk and telling her stories about their fathers, the three of them making up games only they understood, and troy sneaking extra food that he "acquired" and bringing it to her room.
Eli: Pre-outbreak, playing ball, visiting cousins & friends, reading with his mom. Post-outbreak? The get-togethers they used to have with the few other families that lived in the forest, the quiet nights with his family - when his dad played the guitar, he would dance with his mom, and David would play nearby.
More below.
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
Casey: Her mother becoming ill and nearly dying, feeling isolated and alone on top of her fear/grief.
Tobias: Visits with some of his father's family who always treated him like he didn't belong; sometimes, loneliness.
Kaycee: (See Casey)
Ethan: In a word? Louise.
Carolina: Her father's murder (I really think I need to create some lore about her Mom, I don't want to leave it up to Pixelberry.)
Trystan: So many. Feeling so alone while being surrounded by so many. Believing no one cared about him, only his title. Backstabbing and sabotage by numerous family members.
Zoe and Eli: It's all about the outbreak and the horrors that followed.
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Casey: Her mom's illness. She was from a lower-income family, and her mother's illness threw the family into a tailspin. Her beloved mom was suddenly gone or too ill to be around her; she was terrified of losing her, and her father had to work three jobs just to keep afloat because medical bills were so high. This is when Casey decided she wanted to be a doctor. It is also why she's passionate about social issues, financial inequity, and healthcare reform. This is also when her lifelong anxiety disorder began.
Tobias: Growing up in two worlds - one white, one black - one ridiculously rich, the other lower-middle income. He never felt like he belonged in his father's family, but he did with his mother's... for a while. When they were teens, many of his maternal cousins were resentful of Tobias's privilege, and they began excluding him. This was very hard on him, and led him on a quest to find himself. That quest led to issues with his father and led to them becoming estranged. That influenced Tobias's life more than anything.
Kaycee: (See Kaycee)
Ethan: His mother's abandonment completely changed his personality, outlook on life, interactions with other people, and self-perception. In some ways, it motivated him to become the successful physician he is, but at a very great personal cost. It was decades before he fully addressed it.
Carolina: Her father's death (and whatever happened to her Mom which I have to create! lol)
Trystan: The expectation that he would be king was there before he was even born. Juliana's death too, but he was already an adult.
The outbreak.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Hmmm. This one is tough. I'm answering as if they are in canon timeline.
Tobias: Having to bury his father, knowing they hadn't fully reconciled.
Ethan: Probably the moronic decision to run off to the Amazon, then not taking Kaycee's call while he was gone. Also, Dolores's death. I'm not saying Louise again because... enough of Louise. lol
Carolina: Moving on after her father's death. For a while, she just didn't want to get out of bed.
Trystan: Coping with his grief over losing Juliana, having the guilt that he should have been there to save her, and allowing people to believe he was responsible for her death.
Zoe: (SPOILERS) Leave her sister behind in the cabin the night they escaped The Tower.
Eli: (SPOILERS) Having to "number 3" (kill) his family after they were attacked by zombies. Not only did he lose the only 3 people he loved, but now he was alone in the world.
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build, and where do you build it?
Casey: A huge, state-of-the-art clinic/hospital to serve the uninsured.
Tobias: A huge beach house that all of his children and future grandchildren could come to during the summer and holidays (he does this later, btw.)
Kaycee: (See Casey)
Ethan: A modest home on a secluded beach, but it would have all the bells and whistles.
Carolina: A large home for displaced LGBTQIA youth.
Trystan: Same as Carolina.
Eli and Zoe... well... lol
Well that kept me quite busy! lol Thanks Ren!
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara
Act 5, page 2221
centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling terminallyCapricious [TC]
CT: D --> Have I ever told you what a reprehensible disgrace you are
TC: hAhA, fUcK yEaH, oNlY eVeRy MoThErFuCkIn DaY bRo!
CT: D --> I'm not in a very good mood
CT: D --> There are a few things I'd like to get off my chest
TC: MoThErFuCkIn SpIlL iT, dOn'T bE aLl KeEpIn ThAt ShIt BoTtLeD uP
TC: lIkE a FuCkIn AlL sHaKeD uP bOtTlE oF fAyGo.
TC: FuCk DoGg I'm ThIrStY.
TC: i'M dOwN tO mY lAsT bOtTlE aNd I dOn'T fUcKiN kNoW iF i CaN gEt AnYmOrE iN tHiS mOtHeRfUcKiN mAgIc LaNd So I dOn'T kNoW.
CT: D --> What you do appear to know is e%actly how to ma%imize my livid contempt for you
CT: D --> With your revolting language and your sense of decorum
CT: D --> At such breathtaking odds with the richness and perfe%ion of your b100d
CT: D --> I just hate you so much
TC: ThAt'S cOoL, i CaN't AlL bE mAkInG nOt EvErYbOdY hApPy AlL tHe TiMe.
TC: iF wE eVeR mEt I cOuLd BaKe YoU a FuCkIn PiE aNd We CoUlD cHiLl AnD mAyBe We'D bE bEtTeR bRoS tHaT wAy.
CT: D --> And the degrees to which you pollute your precious b100d
CT: D --> With your bottled fizzy sugar and soporific to%ins
CT: D --> Maddening
CT: D --> You will stop
TC: WhOaAaA, i WiLl?
TC: hOw Do YoU kNoW tHaT?
CT: D --> No, you don't understand
CT: D --> It's not a predi%ion, it's an order
CT: D --> I command you to stop
TC: Oh, AlRiGhT bRoThEr.
TC: yOu MoThErFuCkIn GoT iT.
CT: D --> What
CT: D --> Are you serious
TC: yEaH.
TC: I mEaN, yOu GoT tO sHoW sOmE fAiTh In YoUr FrIeNdS, cAuSe ThEy'Re AlL tHe OnEs WhO'rE bEiNg To LoOk OuT fOr YoU.
TC: sO fUcK iF yOu SaY i'M nOt DoInG tHe ShIt RiGhT, tHeN wHaT tHe MoThErFuCk Do I kNoW!
CT: D --> No
CT: D --> This is una%eptable
CT: D --> Ok, let's start over
CT: D --> I apologize
CT: D --> I was completely out of of line, and I'm sorry
CT: D --> I have no right to talk to you like that, or tell you what you can't do
TC: aWw, No WoRrIeS!
CT: D --> It's not my place
CT: D --> Your habits notwithstanding, I am lesser than you
CT: D --> An inferior
TC: hAhAhA. oK.
CT: D --> Don't you understand that you're better than me
CT: D --> Can you please act like it
CT: D --> That's not a command, it's just a polite request I guess
TC: oK, i CaN tRy, BuT mAn I dOn'T kNoW iF i KnOw HoW tO bE lIkE a BeTtEr MoThErFuCkEr ThAn AnY oThEr MoThErFuCkEr.
CT: D --> 100k, it isn't that difficult
CT: D --> Try to be cognizant of your desires and needs
CT: D --> And attempt to regard those around you as simple vehicles meant to bring about your gratification
TC: WoW, wHaT?
CT: D --> What are you doing
TC: uHhHhHh.
CT: D --> Right now
CT: D --> It sounds as if you have begun playing with the red team
CT: D --> Is this true
TC: yEaH!
TC: fUcK yEaH. i'M aLl Up In ThE fUcKiN sHiT oF tHiS wIcKeD mYsTiCaL mOtHeRfUcKeR.
TC: i BoNkEd An ImP oN tHe HeAd WiTh A cLuB.
TC: AnD tHeN a LiTtLe LaTeR i ScArEd OnE wItH a HoRn.
TC: :o)
CT: D --> Good
CT: D --> This is very good
CT: D --> It really pleases me to hear tales of physical subjugation
CT: D --> I presume these were lesser beings, toiling in the lower ranks of some hierarchy
TC: wElL yEaH, tHeY'rE uNdErLiNgS.
TC: AnD tHeRe'S SoMe SuBjUgGlAtIoN iNvOlVeD fOr FuCkIn SuRe!
TC: bUt NoW wE kInD oF sEtTlEd DoWn AnD mE aNd ThE iMpS aRe ShArInG sOmE pIe
TC: tHeSe MoThErFuCkErS aRe PrEtTy DoPe AcTuAlLy, I lIkE tHeM.
CT: D --> Ok
CT: D --> It pleases me considerably less to hear things like that
CT: D --> But I've already stated I have no right to be disappointed by your conduct, so I will try to control myself
TC: aW sHiT bRo, I dOn'T wAnT tO bE aLl LiKe To DiSaPpOiNt YoU!
TC: WhAt CaN i Do To MaKe A bRoThEr FuCkIn ShApE hIs ShIt Up?
TC: iF i CoUlD mAkE yOu SmIlE iT'd Be ThE bEsT fUcKiN mIrAcLe I eVeR dId PaRt Of.
TC: hOnK hOnK hOnK! :o)
CT: D --> Hmm
CT: D --> Would it be too much to ask
CT: D --> For you to maybe
CT: D --> Boss me around a little
TC: UuUhHhHhH.
TC: yOu MeAn LiKe RoLe PlAyInG?
CT: D --> If it would help to couch it in those terms
CT: D --> Then yeah, I guess so
CT: D --> But not the especially juvenile kind
CT: D --> Let's keep it serious and professional
TC: i'Ll TrY, bUt I'm NoT mUcH fUcKiN aNy GoOd At It I tHiNk.
CT: D --> Just
CT: D --> Say anything
CT: D --> As long as it's authoritative
TC: oK.
TC: uH, hEy YoU, dOn'T gO nEaR tHe MoThErFuCkIn OcEaN, cAuSe I aLl ToLd YoU nOt To A bUnCh Of TiMeS!
TC: ShIt Is StRaIgHt Up DaNgErOuS, aNd I'm GeTtInG mY hArSh On AbOuT iT.
CT: D --> Hmm
CT: D --> Decent
CT: D --> I don't live near the ocean though, so it's hard to immerse myself in the scenario
TC: aLrIgHt, WeLl, WhAt ArEn'T yOu AlL nOt SuPpOsEd To Do?
TC: WhAt KiNd Of MiScHiEf Do YoU gEt YoUr BaD fUcKiN sElF uP tO?
CT: D --> I do so many bad things
CT: D --> Just awful things
CT: D --> I'm incredibly impudent and a superior needs to put me in my place
TC: uMmMm, Ok WeLl.
TC: DoN't Be DoIn AlL tHoSe BaD fUcKiN tHiNgS bRo!
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> Yes, that's good
CT: D --> Like that
TC: cUt ThAt ShIt OuT, i'M sO aLl MeAnInG tHiS! hAhAhA.
CT: D --> E%cellent
CT: D --> Now tell me this, highb100d
CT: D --> I've been roughhousing a little too hard lately
CT: D --> I've made a bit of a mess and anyone in a position of authority would surely be % about it
TC: Uh.
TC: %?
CT: D --> Cross
TC: oHhH.
CT: D --> What do you make of it
CT: D --> This wretched misbehavior
TC: fUcK mAn, I aM sO mOtHeRfUcKiN sAlTy AbOuT aLl ThAt BuSiNeSs YoU sAiD!
TC: FuUuUuCk, Im LiKe AlL mOvInG mY mOuTh AnD tHe WiCkEd NoIsE iS cOmInG oUt In ThE fRoNtIeSt WaY pOsSiBlE.
TC: aNd It'S gOiNg At YoUr DiReCtIoN, cAuSe ThAt'S tHe DiReCtIoN tO fUcKiN bE aNgRy At!
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> So good
CT: D --> I am presently whipped into a state of contrition
CT: D --> One befitting of our class disparity
CT: D --> But I'm starting to perspire again so it's best that we stop
CT: D --> Thank you for indulging me
TC: hAhA, nO pRoBlEm BrO.
TC: It'S cOoL wE cOuLd AlL uP aNd MoThErFuCkIn OpEn Up A lItTlE bIt WiTh EaCh OtHeR.
TC: lIkE bRoS.
TC: If ThErE's StUfF yOu WaNt To GeT oFf YoUr ChEsT dUdE, lIkE i SaId I'm FuCkIn HeRe FoR a MoThErFuCkEr.
TC: kInD oF lIkE a MiRaClE, hOw It'S aLwAyS tHeRe.
TC: It NeVeR gOeS aWaY, yOu KnOw?
CT: D --> No
CT: D --> But I comprehend the sentiment
CT: D --> I have lots of thoughts, but they're difficult to communicate
CT: D --> If you'll listen
TC: sUrE! :oD
CT: D --> Honestly I'm confused by the social order
TC: mAn, Me ToO. i DoN't KnOw WhAt Of FuCkIn WhAt CoLoR iS wHaT, sO i DoN't BoThEr WiTh ThInKiN oN tHaT mOtHeRfUcKeR.
CT: D --> See, that's what I mean
CT: D --> How is it possible for one of your distin%ion to be so ignorant
CT: D --> And loathesome
CT: D --> Whereas
CT: D --> A member of the most abject, verminous b100dline of all
CT: D --> Can conduct herself with such grace and possess nothing but admirable mannerisms
CT: D --> I find these striking ju%tapositions perple%ing, and I confess strangely into%icating
CT: D --> I wonder if I have gone mad
CT: D --> To form such a pact with her
TC: WoW, i GoT nO fUcKiN cLuE wHaT yOu'Re TaLkInG aBoUt
TC: wHo Is ShE?
CT: D --> I shouldn't be talking about this
CT: D --> You're the enemy
centaursTesticle [CT] ceased trolling terminallyCapricious [TC]
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radellama · 2 years ago
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thanks @future-dregs ! I think I'll have to dip into some wips for this haha
Men of Mystics
War has a way of changing things; you can feel it in the air.
Wives and daughters took over their father’s and husband’s occupations when they were sent away for knighthood. Young boys who couldn’t enlist were pulled out of school to begin their training and to help their mother’s and sisters. Everything was different, but these changes were for the best, right?
For All Our Ends Will Shine Like Stars
Walls crumbled around him, pillars collapsing as cracks danced in the ceiling above them. For all the years he had spent preparing for this moment, he never thought he’d find himself unable to do anything but watch.
Letters Left to Time
My Queen,
It is with a heavy soul that I write to inform you of the death of Cyrus, Captain of the Royal Guard.
Running though the sunset stained fields, he kept his balance well despite carrying almost twice his weight in fire wood on his back. Soon the trees began to thicken as the clear line between farmland and forest grew further and further behind him. He saw the familiar markings in the tree trunks that passed him, recognising the crests and symbols carved by those who dwelled further in the forest. Faron woods, the place of his birth and his mother's final resting place.
Destination: Unknown
“C’mon, c’mon!”
Trevor cursed under his breath as he jammed a flathead screwdriver into the ignition. He furiously turned it, keeping his head low as he scanned the carpark.
Ct uni au (Wip)
Harland and Marle were studying at their usual table on campus, testing each other on questions for their upcoming test. They had been in a solid rythmn, getting most of the questions right thanks to marles study cards.
Abe and Orc (Wip, original work not fanfic)
He tossed some game to the bushes near his campfire, staying hidden up in the trees. He watched with a keen eye as the orc investigated the sound, finding the animal carcass and brushing the dirt off of it.
"Thank you." He called out, to no one in particular.
Abe didn't respond, just looked over him.
Tagging @everblightplain @dishesoap @fanimefreak @kanonavi @ksera-sera and anyone else who would like to! (No pressure to do this as well!)
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inkskinned · 3 months ago
i haven't been back to CT since the accident.
which is to say I hate driving in CT, every time i have to go through it to get to NYC i spend the whole time holding my breath and hoping nobody acts stupid. there are exactly 2 things in CT worth preserving: rein's deli and the mystic seaport museum - and that second one only because my grandpa loved that shit.
now, i am not particularly familiar with the specifics but it just feels like CT is not an appropriate place for a christmas tree farm. when i got The Call, Roger on the other line called it "your standard CTF" and i had to say my what and he said "you've never heard that? CTF? christmas tree farm? CTF? - or haha, if you're woke, maybe holiday farm? haha".
i hung up after that for like 12 minutes just to take a deep breath and do a 10-minute meditation so i don't peak my blood pressure. and then i said sorry my phone died and ignored him talking while i googled. oregon has the highest number of CTFs per state. most firs and standard christmas trees are in zones 4-7 and CT is mostly a 6 state, so actually maybe i was just being biased against CT when i assumed you simply can't grow the spirit of christmas down there.
i like the name balsam fir and i keep repeating it to myself. i didn't know there were so many species of christmas trees. meanwhile Roger is still talking a mile a minute. "you don't gotta come in with force but really stick it to 'em. that's what Kevin and Herb taught me - none of that nice-guy stuff, okay? we're talking quick-and-easy. get in, hand 'em the folder, get out. it's efficiency that's the matter here."
i tune him out and then eventually get the pleasure of hanging up.
I only really work for this stupid place because i need insurance for my fucking laundry list of chronic "hysterical woman" issues (EDS, POTS, PCOS. probably something else with a fun acronym, why not). i fucking hate it here, except that it's actually been, like... fine? since the top 6 account managers kind of (i guess) disappeared - including my 2 bosses, Kevin and Herb.
most of us are just like, still doing our job. we still have meetings. there's less weird jokes. the meetings are much shorter. we just present our stuff and go home. so imagine how i fucking feel getting in my stupid honda civic and driving the 3 hours down from boston to bum-fuck just to... check on the boys.
i grew up on a farm, so im not too surprised when the road suddenly turns from "gravel" to "makeshift" to "shut the gps off, it's just confused at this point." no worries. a guy in a torn flannel drew a picture for me at the last gas station. he had leaned over and sniffed a little while sipping his Dunks. they got good trees.
they do. after a little white picket fence, suddenly the entire road is swarmed by them. firs on all sides like a coat. red twine marks off alleys of pine; cute little bows shine on the top of many. bells and white plastic deer and each branch dusted with glittering pristine snow. ornaments and little santas peeking out of present boxes.
i lean over the steering wheel and glance upwards. "aw shit. it's fucking cute here." in my passenger's seat, TERMINATION OF ACCOUNT is a red folder. i don't feel fucking good about this. i don't want to fucking do this. there's a freaking hand-painted sign saying family-owned! with handprints on it and tiny little names scrawled under it. jesus christ(mas). i'm 1000% going to hell for doing this.
on the other hand, Jen was one of the 6. like, losing the men was fine. but it is weird that jen never came back last month. i'm like, too feminist to feel okay with that. obviously yes quit your job and walk out but like - she had a life before she left. apartment and everything it sounds like.
i give up trying to bump my car over the potholes and end up walking the last 1.2 miles. it's been getting warmer these years, which i hate - but it's a lot colder here than i expected. the weather app said 54F. it feels maybe 21. the smell of snow warns me before i glance upwards - sure enough, decadent fresh flakes come tumbling down.
aw fuck. if it was gonna snow i should have put my windshield wipers up. i nestle closer into my jacket and pointlessly check my out-of-service phone for the 125th time. i realize only now i fucking forgot the folder in the fucking car.
the little house-barn-store is too close and i'm too cold at this point, so fine. the whole thing is covered in warm white lights and cute decorations. old christmas music is coming out of speakers placed at the end of the tree aisles.
i practice what i'm going to say. hi. i'm with Herrington Asset Management. we have sent, like. a lot of representatives. what did you do with the 6 entire human beings that came down here.
wait, why am i just now realizing our acronym is HAM? okay, so i'm going to say -
a man with a bright smile and a red flannel comes out from behind a work shed, wiping his hands on a rag. he's pretty, the way men can be pretty sometimes: rugged and approachable, blue eyes, 5'oclock shadow. he fills out that flannel well. "didn't hear ya come in, my apologies! what can i do ya for?"
i'm with HAM and I'm here to shut down your CTF. "hi."
"hi." he smiles wider. "welcome."
"um..." i sniff a little, feeling stupid. i keep thinking about my parents and how fucking hard it actually is to keep a farm. like, they say it a lot in movies, but it's genuinely like really very hard. fucking A, man. I don't want to do this.
he squints at me. "you from around here?"
i try not to bristle - is that because i'm fucking hispanic and allowed outdoors in CT - and suck in a breath. "no, i, um..." i decide to tell the truth. "a guy at cumby's told me where to find ya."
he laughs, and the sound is a sonic boom in the stillness. "that'd be Ron. he's a looker, huh? no, i recognize all our regulars, is all. don't recognize you."
HAM is located in Jersey and i work remote, so i take a second pass at radical honesty. my yoga teacher would be so proud. "i'm from boston, actually. just swinging through."
"oh? for real? laurel's from boston - she's my fiancée. how 'bout that. small world. can you believe - she left the big city for a dunce like me and now i get to marry the best lady around."
i do the little appropriate chuckle you are supposed to do when someone you don't know is also from the same major metropolitan area that you are from. also, that's extremely sweet to say about his partner. i am a sucker for wife-guys. "no kidding?"
"how are you liking conneticut? it's beautiful this time of year."
"it's..." fine? "more snow than i expected. weather said clear through 'til like thursday."
he offers me a warm hand. "i'm nick. what brings ya down here?"
i can't remember the name on the account. maybe it's in her name. and didn't i just say i was passing through? i flash him a smile while i think of the easiest way to warm him into the idea of shutting down his personal business. fuck. "um, just had some stuff to handle."
"that time of year, huh?" at my noncommittal smile, he waves a big, meaty paw. "come inside, i'll getcha some hot chocolate. laurel just made cookies."
he leads me into the store part of the building, and i stop for a second to pick up a tiny ornament shaped like a cottage. okay, this shit really is very cute.
"christmas really is the best holiday of all of 'em," he sighs. "wouldn't you agree?"
no, that's halloween. "sure," i say. i hold up the ornament. "this is nice." i glance around. "this is all... very rustic."
"sometimes you gotta just hit the brakes and slow down. this town is so perfect for that. places like this are so rare, ya know?"
oh i really fucking hope he doesn't know i'm from HAM. literally that would be such a vibe killer. "very rare," i agree.
i follow him into the back. i pause at the green velvet-rope stanchion that blocks off a hallway presumably leading into the "house" portion of the building. "oh. i can stay out here...?" because i am not going into this man's house. alone.
"don't be silly." he wraps his arm around mine like a gentleman and i almost scratch his damn eyes out, except i'm genuinely so fucking shocked by the boldness of the action that i just sort of follow him down the hallway. "i won't letcha leave without a cookie."
he walks me into a simply stunning kitchen. the ceiling skyrockets into a beautiful, tinseled roof. the living room folds out to the left of the kitchen island. a fire is roaring, and a massive christmas tree winks cheerily at me. outside the huge windows, the snow peacefully rests in perfect layers.
well, there's part of their money problems. they need better insulation because paying for heat in a building with this many windows has got to cost an arm and a leg. nevermind how much dust must collect on those exposed beams. why do people design houses like this - have they never cleaned?
also, they need to stop spending half their budget on christmas decorations. surely not every surface needs to be frosted with pottery barn items. it is dangerously close to a modernized cracker barrel in here. i wander into the living room, trying not to be jealous of the casual wealth.
nick stands next to me and chuckles. "this kinda weather always makes me want cookies. but that's what laurel's here for, i guess."
"you have a pretty place," i say, because i am clearly staring.
"oh, i don't know. needed a woman's touch." he winks at me and goes behind the granite kitchen island to wash his hands. "you shoulda seen it before laurel."
"oh yeah?"
he nods. "had some money troubles. 'course, she is an angel and organized a whole fundraiser. mind you - she's only been here but a second when she does. i proposed to her right then and there."
i can't help it. i genuinely fucking love that. "that is incredible," i say. "how precious to find love like that."
"she's my answer to all life's problems. truly."
"honey?" a warm voice greets us and a lady comes around the corner, one hand in an oven mitt. "do we have a customer?"
i stop moving.
her hair is darker now. her smile is wider. something opens a pit in my stomach and i fall through myself. i put my hand on my stupid useless phone and take a step backwards.
"oh!" her white teeth shine. "hi there. you're not from around here, are you?" she picks up a tray of cookies. "i recognize all our regulars."
the man laughs. "rob is tellin' on us again." she laughs too, tinkly and high and beautiful.
of course she doesn't recognize me, we're remote and don't work on the same accounts, i was never high up enough -
nick gives her a little slap on the back that makes her stumble. she laughs and wipes a little bit of flour on his nose affectionately.
maybe i'm not being fair. she could have legitimately found love and dropped out of our shitty job. he wraps his arms all the way around her and buries his nose in her hair. "my girl," he says.
"i'm laurel," she smiles at me. "i'm his fiancee. come inside, let me getcha some hot chocolate."
he picks up a cookie from the counter and waves at me. "i'm gonna go whack on a tractor for a few minutes, but i'll leave you in the capable hands of my beautiful christmas girl," he promises. "warm up, and then let's go back out there and pick you out something nice."
i force a smile at him and at her and watch him leave. i do not move. i stay perfectly still, like an animal. because here's the thing: her name isn't laurel.
maybe she's conning him?
i stare at her. she doesn't seem to notice, instead taking a bag of white icing out of the large, beautiful fridge. "how are you liking conneticut? isn't it beautiful this time of year?"
"jen, what the fuck is happening."
she arranges a single gingerbread man on her countertop and starts icing him. "how are you liking conneticut?" she repeats. "isn't it -"
"it's beautiful this time of year," i say.
"christmas is the best holiday of all," she sighs, "wouldn't you agree?"
"sure," i say. i put the phone in my pocket. i stand up straighter. "i am really just..." going to leave now. maybe i should try subtlety. "don't i know you from somewhere?" like, ya know, work?
the cookie is too hot and the icing is melting as she draws the outlines on the gingerbread. a bead of sweat trickles down her nose. "i'm from the big city," she says. "but now i am going to be married to the best man around. i'm his beautiful christmas girl."
"right, but which big city?"
"i'm from the big city. how are you liking conneticut?"
there is ice in my gut. i am getting the pure, foreboding sense of fuck that which i am pretty sure is genetically engineered in me. in spanish we call it espookies. i try to make it look casual while i walk closer and closer to the exit. i pretend to look at the decorations closely. "i'm just wondering because your partner said you're from boston?"
she laughs. the cookie icing is pooling on the counter. "sometimes you gotta just hit the brakes and slow down. this town is so perfect for that. places like this are so rare, wouldn't you agree?" she pushes the gingerbread to the side and starts working on the next one.
it's hot in here, i realize. too-hot. sweat licks down my back. i watch it slide down her neck, down her arms.
she outlines a melting gingerbread man. "what brings you down here?"
"i had..." i feel my voice crack. the hallway back into the store is within a few steps at this point. "...some stuff to handle."
"that t-"
"that time of year," i finish for her.
she stares at me. the icing has burst out of the bag and is melting down her wrists and over her apron. "doesn't this weather make you want cookies?"
i put one heel into the hallway, trying to back up as subtly as possible.
she looks up at me. icing melts over the counter. "doesn't the weather make you want cookies?"
i'm so close to making a bolt for it. but when i look at her and the icing and her perfectly applied lipstick i just fucking can't. my heart breaks for her. i need to at least fucking try.
"jen - laurel - whatever," i hiss. "i don't know what fucking happened but - we need to fucking leave." i glance behind me. "jen, this isn't fucking okay. whatever he's doing to you - we can get out of here. call the cops. something."
"it's beautiful this time of year."
"jen. come on girl, i will put you in my fucking car. but we got to go. i don't know if it's like a cult thing or -" i hork down a breath and feel dangerously close to crying. "please."
"doesn't the weather make you want cookies? that's what i'm here for!"
i take another step backwards and a hand comes down on my shoulder. when i jump, nick is back, and laughing.
"sorry about that." tucked under one arm is a huge ax. nick wipes his hands on a rag. "low on oil. you get a cookie from the missus? that's what she's -"
"balsam fir," i blurt. "i'm looking for a balsam fir."
he puts the axe over one shoulder. "oh? i love balsam. good choice. didn't expect a city slicker like you to know much about christmas trees." he lets out a laugh and so does she.
sweat is beading down my back. "i grew up on a farm," i feel my voice come out creaky and high.
he laughs again. "when you came in, i thought - this lady is corporate. you know how we take to that."
"money troubles," jen says from the kitchen. "we had money troubles."
my lips feel dry. i manage to slide by him, closer to the store. i force a watery smile. "oh. no, sir."
"they come in with a folder, talking about our CTF. i said i've been doing this for years."
my heart is slamming against my chest. i take another step down the hallway. i throw a look to jen.
she opens the oven and sticks her head inside.
"you know," nick says. "the firs are out by where you left your car."
i didn't tell him where i left my car. "oh, great." i say. "must be a sign." i take another step. and then another. i feel the weight of the velvet rope behind me and jump a second time.
"from the big city" jen says, her voice muffled by the oven. "how are you liking conneticut? this place needed a woman's touch."
at the other end of the long hallway, Nick swings the axe to come home in his hands. "it needs a woman's touch," he says.
yeah, absofuckinglutely not.
i turn and bolt, wiggling past the rope, stumbling into the many, many ornament displays. above me, white christmas rings out while i run-walk through wreaths and bobbles and reindeer. tears prick at the side of my eyes but being raised on a farm teaches you the professional art of being incredibly good at a panicked run-walk.
behind me, i hear nick pacing the store. the rope must have slowed him down. he's bigger than i am - he doesn't weave through things as easily. thank god.
i throw myself against the front doors and burst out into the chill and immediately feel a cough in my chest. the snow whips through the air. i dash past handmade right this way to holiday cheer! signs and tinsel. behind me, like a ghost, nick stomps his way ever-closer. i dart into the thickest part of the trees, hoping he will lose me in the snow and branches.
"you're from boston, right?" he shouts. "my ex was from boston. small world."
i dart across the wet snow and almost slide on the black ice underfoot. fuck fuck fuck fuck i cannot run a fucking mile in the cold. see above multiple chronic reasons for this. my bones and joints are already fucking hurting as i try to shimmy my way through the boughs, alternatively running and hiding. if i survive this, i wont be able to move for like a week.
if. good fucking lord. if.
"it's a nice place," he calls. i can't locate him in the whip of the snow. "it just needs a woman's touch."
thankfuckinggod im used to snow and blizzards because otherwise i would be utterly fucked. i try to keep any amount of calm in my body while i manage the slide-waddle of running on black ice - the backwards lean and body-tilt that i've practiced many times over farmland. the kind of tilt-run that is only possible if you've done it before. thankfuckinggod i'm not a city slicker - the trick isn't to rush.
but fuck it would be nice to rush right now!
over the speakers, white christmas restarts. i fork my keys through my fingers into a sharpened fist. i pause only for a second to pick up a particularly swingable gnome and then i keep fucking running. my chest feels like liquid fire. i can't stop coughing. christmas trees rise up on all sides of me. i can't get a breath down. the air feels like a fire hose. every step i take fucking echoes. go go go go go go.
i dart, he laughs, i freeze. i dash my way forwards. a branch cuts into my cheek. my nose is full of the smell of pine. my hands are sticky with sap and i'm covered in green needles.
i keep going. if i fucking die on a christmas tree farm i hope i poison all of the trees and end christmas. i run and hide and run and hide. i have no idea where that fucker is but i am not going to be caught relaxing for a moment.
my knee makes a particularly sharp turn and i know for a fact i've just done some serious damage. i slap my hand down onto it and hide inside the branches a particularly thick tree, trying to catch my breath for a second.
a family owned! sign winks up at me. the little handprints are the names of children, but the big ones say Steve and Piper. the date on it is from this year.
i simply do not have the time to care about that. i shiver through several calming breaths, trying to force my body back into running. i stumble into a clearing and recognize it as the road i took in.
something loud and banging starts and i know in my bones it's the sounds of a tractor starting up.
my heart drops and i seriously think about just laying down on the ground and letting him run me over.
except there is my car, blanketed peacefully in a white layer. i should have put the fucking windshield wipers up.
what-the-fuck-ever. my hands are shaking too much. i just need to get inside the fucking thing and go. i will ruin my suspension but i will take every pothole dead on if i must.
the tractor lights slice through the blizzard, heading right towards my car. it bounces jovially over the snow and potholes, unhindered.
nick is on the back of it, swinging his axe, laughing.
over the hum of his engine he calls: "how are you liking conneticut?"
Sending my most reliable corporate staffer to Connecticut to shut down a Christmas tree farm. Wish me luck
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ofdragondreamers · 2 months ago
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[ joseph quinn] i just saw that EDDIE MUNSON arrived in mystic, ct ! they're TWENTY-SEVEN and a CANON character from STRANGER THINGS. however, you might want to check first because while they've been here SIX MONTHS they DO NOT BELIEVE they have been here their whole lives. make sure to make them feel right at home.
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fadingmadness · 3 months ago
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[ alexandra shipp ] i just saw that ANDROMEA "ANDIE" CALDWELL arrived in mystic, ct ! they’re TWENTY-FOUR and an ORIGINAL character from STRANGER THINGS. however, you might want to check first because while they’ve been here TWO WEEKS they DO NOT BELIEVE they have been here their whole lives. make sure to make them feel right at home.
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theirdiaries-a · 3 months ago
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[ luca hollestelle ] i just saw that FRANCINE arrived in mystic, ct ! they're TWENTY-ONE and a CANON character from STRANGER THINGS. however, you might want to check first because while they've been here THREE WEEKS they DO NOT BELIEVE they have been here their whole lives. make sure to make them feel right at home.
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mazeheart · 5 months ago
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[ joe keery ] i just saw that STEVE HARRINGTON arrived in mystic, ct ! they're TWENTY-SIX and a CANON character from STRANGER THINGS. however, you might want to check first because while they've been here THREE MONTHS they DO NOT BELIEVE they have been here their whole lives. make sure to make them feel right at home.
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starsdrew · 3 months ago
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◟ ⋆ ❛ [  melissa  barrera  ]  i  just  saw  that  camila  estrada  arrived  in  mystic,  ct  !  they're  twenty  five  and  an  original  character  from  stranger  things.  however,  you  might  want  to  check  first  because  while  they've  been  here  two  years  they  do  not  believe  they  have  been  here  their  whole  lives.  make  sure  to  make  them  feel  right  at  home.
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the-physicality · 7 months ago
i watched the mystics game [7/17] finally :D
they weren't joking on twitter when they said bodies were flying
that was not a flagrant
we're still getting out rebounded :(
sometimes i think there is no strategy on defense :( except put celeste on
CT highest +/- at +13 of the team
DT was supposed to have 20 i still don't know why that last layup didn't count :(
i said it before i'll say it again tash cloud 1 reb away from triple double :')
honestly just look at the box scores
bec allen tech :)
i could write an essay on the DT block, especially in the Context of this game
also we had 6 blocks this game, we are 3rd on blocks per game on the season [4.92]
where's that tweet about the merc backcourt [ie the whole team] dropping f bombs [cause i can count on eye test one [bec] two [sophie] three [DT] at least ]
after some call involving DT in the first half, BG was making very funny faces on the way to the bench behind her
natasha mack is also underrated defensively / just in general
Kah and BG just doing Kah and BG things
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tmgcompaniesllc1234 · 7 months ago
TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions Mystic CT
Cleaning Clogged Drain Pipes
For prompt, professional assistance with drain and pipe cleaning, contact TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions. Our water emergency repair services include unclogging drains and debris removal, among many others drain cleaning near me You may relax knowing that your belongings are well-protected thanks to our extensive services.
Our Offerings: An Overview
Get in touch with TMG Plumbing & Disaster Solutions if you need your mainline drains cleaned.
In the event that a mainline sewer clog renders your property's drains inoperable, you are urged to promptly call TMG. Our professional plumbers can clear or fix any type of main drain. Regular drain clearing is essential for keeping your plumbing system in good functioning condition and avoiding plumbing issues. This, we are aware of. Our 30-day clog-free guarantee, flexible scheduling, and straightforward pricing are just a few examples of how we show our concern. Call TMG if you are concerned about the state of your plumbing system and would like drain cleaning services that are both reliable and efficient.
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You may count on our arrival at your location within an hour of your call.
The ultimate price tag for mainline drain clearance could change depending on a number of things:
The most ideal locations for cleaning drain lines are: The distance from the mainline to the cleanup zones is a crucial factor. In most houses, you can find a number of outdoor cleanouts near the mainline's exit point from the foundation. The ease of access determines the level of difficulty in breaking into the mainstream.
Can you tell me how wide the main sewer pipe is? The ease and speed of unclogging a sewer line are both affected by its length. Two cable passes are often needed for the standard 75 feet of access. Extra cabling equipment may be required for longer lines or lines that do not require repeated cleanouts, which could lengthen the time needed to finish the procedure.
 The reasoning behind the mainline obstruction: There are a lot of reasons why everyday household objects might become entangled in mainlines, including the slow deterioration of pipes and the natural accumulation of grease. How bad a pipe blockage is depends on a number of things, including the pipe's kind and condition, the amount of debris inside, and whether or not tree roots are present. If the cables were broken or damaged in any way, the total cost may increase.
You can get what you want from the following businesses: It is common practice to employ a professional, who would likely charge more, to unclog a mainline drain. Because they are subjected to stringent background checks and undergo extensive training, TMG's drain experts consistently deliver first-rate service to our clients. Our prices reflect the wealth of experience we've amassed over the years, but we promise first-rate service nonetheless.
We are experts at clearing main line drains. Thanks to their openness and efficiency, TMG is able to meet the unique needs of each client while keeping pricing affordable drain cleaning ct Our drain clearing services are both efficient and reasonably priced, so you can relax.
When you engage our skilled experts to unclog your mainline drains, you can put your faith in their extensive understanding.
Timetables are made easier through collaboration with TMG. If you think there might be a mainline obstruction, you can easily set up an appointment by calling or filling out an online form. Someone from our team will be there to help out soon. Our customer service representatives are available around the clock to answer any inquiries, address any problems, or help you set up an appointment.
Sending you an SMS with a photo and a brief biography will let you know exactly who will be at your place to fix the drains. If you use this system, you can control when and how your professional will come to your house, as well as track where they are going, so you can be ready for anything.
We promise to provide you with an exact estimate prior to beginning any job, no matter how big or small. Whether it's regarding the project's scope, money, or anything else, you're always welcome to raise questions or voice concerns. Our top goal is making sure you're happy and satisfied.
At TMG, we prioritise providing service that is consistently exceptional. We can clean your main line efficiently and effectively using drop cloths and shoe coverings. We guarantee your complete satisfaction with the end result and will address any issues you may have.
What sets our services apart from the competition? I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me.
We are here to help anytime you encounter problems with water or mildew.
Notify TMG Plumbing and Disaster Solutions immediately if discovering any problems. Needs to be a champion, not a handyman. In times of crisis, our number one goal is to provide our clients with expert contracting services. After a disaster like a flood, fire, or mould infestation, our plumbing repair services will restore your property to its pre-disaster condition. No matter the challenge, our team of expert specialists will not back down from delivering exceptional service. No matter the contracting scenario, TMG always comes out on top. If you give us the green light, we can restore calm and safety to your home or place of work.
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nebula-acnl · 10 months ago
Weekend Adventures Off the Things to Do in Ct This Weekend
Embark on weekend adventures with an array of exciting things to do in CT this weekend. Whether exploring scenic hiking trails, indulging in culinary delights at local eateries, or discovering cultural attractions, there's something for everyone. Dive into outdoor adventures, unwind with leisurely strolls in picturesque towns, or immerse yourself in vibrant arts scenes. With endless possibilities, weekends in CT promise unforgettable experiences and cherished memories for all.
Outdoor Exploration Things to Do in CT This Weekend
Discover the natural beauty of Connecticut with an array of outdoor activities  things to do in CT this weekend. Hike scenic trails at state parks like Sleeping Giant or Devil's Hopyard, offering breathtaking views and opportunities for wildlife spotting. Embrace the serenity of waterfront destinations like Hammonasset Beach State Park, perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and picnicking.
Delights Things to Do in CT This Weekend
Indulge your taste buds in Connecticut's culinary scene. Explore local farmers' markets for fresh produce and artisanal goods, or dine at charming cafes and farm-to-table restaurants showcasing seasonal flavors. Savor coastal seafood specialties in quaint seaside towns like Mystic or sample international cuisines in vibrant urban centers like New Haven.
Cultural Things to Do in CT This Weekend
Immerse yourself in Connecticut's rich cultural heritage. Visit historic landmarks such as Mark Twain House or Gillette Castle, offering insights into the state's literary and architectural legacies. Explore world-class museums like the Yale University Art Gallery or Mystic Seaport Museum, showcasing art, history, and maritime exhibits.
Vibrant Things to Do in CT This Weekend
Experience the vibrant arts scene of Connecticut through live performances, galleries, and festivals. Attend outdoor concerts at venues like Hartford's Riverfront Plaza or catch a theater production at renowned theaters like the Goodspeed Opera House. Explore local art galleries and studios, featuring works by talented Connecticut artists.
Family-Friendly Things to Do in CT This Weekend 
Enjoy quality time with loved ones with family-friendly activities things to Do in CT This Weekend across Connecticut. Visit attractions like the Connecticut Science Center or Mystic Aquarium, offering interactive exhibits and hands-on learning experiences for all ages. Embark on adventures at family-friendly parks, zoos, and amusement centers, ensuring endless entertainment for children and adults alike.
Shopping and Antiquing
Discover unique treasures and one-of-a-kind finds while shopping and antiquing in Connecticut. Browse charming boutiques, artisan shops, and antique stores in picturesque towns like Litchfield or Essex, known for their quaint Main Streets and eclectic offerings. Uncover hidden gems and vintage treasures while exploring Connecticut's vibrant shopping destinations.
Relaxation and Wellness Things to Do in CT This Weekend
Unwind and rejuvenate with relaxation and wellness activities throughout Connecticut. Escape to luxurious spas and wellness retreats, offering indulgent treatments and serene environments for ultimate relaxation. Practice yoga in scenic outdoor settings or participate in meditation and mindfulness workshops, promoting holistic well-being and inner peace. Whether seeking adventure, culture, or relaxation, Connecticut offers endless possibilities for memorable experiences and weekend getaways.
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