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silvestroram · 10 months ago
Trilogia di Thilliez: un bellissimo niente
Mai mi sono trovato così combattuto nell’esprimere un giudizio su un libro, in realtà una trilogia. Quella di Franck Thilliez, Il manoscritto, C’era due volte, Labirinti (tutti e tre per Fazi Editore). Del primo ho già scritto, gli altri due sono un crescendo: il secondo migliore del primo, il terzo migliore del secondo. Anzi, il terzo stacca il secondo di un bel po’ di lunghezze, altro livello…
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noahsbookhoard · 1 month ago
♟️Caleb Traskman Trilogy by Franck Thilliez♟️
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A Russian Doll trilogy of detective novels, involving a thriller author, disappearing teenage girls and the frenetic search for answer. Book after book the investigations will uncover the dark and terrible secrets which have been hiding in plain sight from the very beginning.
Non french speaker proably won't be familiar with the name Franck Thilliez, but in France he is a staple of the detective genre. I read very few thriller but even I heard of him, and now I see why! This trilogy is my try at thriller since 10 years ago and my second ever Thilliez. It was worth trying it again, although the journey to get there was long.
Book 1 Le manuscrit inachevé opens on an note: the book you have in hand has been written by Caleb Traskman, famous thriller novelist, who died living this last book as an unfinished manuscript (in french "un manuscrit inachevé". The note is from his son, Jean-Luc who wrote the ending as best as he could and published the novel post-mortem. It even includes at the end a note in Caleb's handwriting with the last page he left half written.
The book is self referencing, Caleb Traskman's and his books are mentioned in the fiction, which was intriguing. There were some textual clues left by Caleb such as underlined palindromes, you might glance them over in book 1 but by book 2 you came back and noted them down looking for hidden meaning.
As for the plot, the main character, Leane Morgan, is also a thriller writer, living as a recluse since the disappearance of her daughter. When her husband is assaulted and loses his memory, it leads her to dive back into her investigation and to discover some terrible truths. The investigation itself was really dark but palpitating, I felt invested until the final resolution. This ending however was disappointing. It felt far-fetched, and the excuse of the less talented son writing instead of his father wasn't enough for me. On its own, it would have been a very average book but what makes it worth it is the way it ties in the trilogy - or so I was told by a friend, so I persevered.
Book 2, Il était deux fois (twice upon a time in french) bears its title well, some aspects of the plot feel familiar: a young girl, Julie, disappeared and her father is looking for her. Except that this man woke up after twelve years with no memory of the decade he lost except the certainty he never stopped looking for his daughter. Some names are familiar too, the mention of Caleb Traskman as an actual "real" character (he isn't the author this time) made me curious about how else the first two books of this trilogy were related. Nothing very clear came out and I was almost disappointed until I reached the end notes: once again there is a hidden message that got me so excited for the last book I had to restraint myself to march right then and there to the bookstore.
And by book 3 Labyrinthes, everything is coming together: what is fictional, what is real and what real events inspired the fictional ones.
It takes most of the book for everything to make sense: the plot mixes together the story of three women, a journalist, a writer, an ex-psychiatrist, and Julie, the missing girl from book 2. It is a labyrinth but as thr plot advance the path becomes clearer but also much much darker and terrifying. The Russian Dolls fits perfectly into one another and you want to go back right away to book 1 to see all the clues that you missed.
The book itself comes back nicely (wrong choice of word, it fell like a ton of brick on my head, but the loop is masterfully tied) to its beginning with the dreadful realisation of who all the characters were, what really happened to them and how traumatised they are.
To conclude, it was a really thrilling experience, something that would convince me to read more thrillers. I don't think it has been translated to English, unfortunately. Franck Thilliez is really a master of the genre and at least of the his book is available in English (I think it's Syndrome E) if you like dark and sometimes gruesome contemporary detective novel don't hesitate to check this author.
Just a final note on trigger warnings: there are young girls being abducted, sequestrated and killed, grooming, manipulation, écorché figures (flayed bodies), torture (human and animal) and a suicide. That's the major one I remember, be warned that it is dark and slightly graphic.
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Atomka : un roman décoiffant
Une belle enquête pour Sharko et Lucie !
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Bonne lecture !
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carolemm · 3 months ago
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C’est mon premier Thiiliez ! Je fais un vœu !!😅
Il paraît que j’ai fait n’importe quoi, que je n’aurais pas dû commencer par celui-ci… blabla ! Bref, tout s’est bien passé ! L’écriture est plaisante, j’ai tout compris sur le commissaire Sharko et Lucie Henebelle !
L’histoire ? La manipulation des cerveaux par l’intermédiaire d’images subliminales... Pas seulement bien sûr mais je ne veux pas en dire plus ! C’est passionnant et pourrait bien ne pas être de la simple fiction… place au tome 2 ! 😜
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lire1x · 4 months ago
Norferville de Franck Thilliez
Peut-on affirmer que notre été est pourri ? Force est de constater que la météo est loin d’être estivale depuis le début de la saison. Beaucoup se plaignent et ils ont plus que raison même si nous devons avouer que malheureusement, mis à part apprendre à profiter des éclaircies et danser sous la pluie avec notre Tahiti douche (pour ceux qui ont la référence), il n’y a pas grand-chose à…
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angelitam · 4 months ago
Partageons mon rendez-vous lectures #23-2024 & critiques
Voici mes critiques littéraires sur Livres à profusion. Norferville de Franck Thilliez Norferville de Franck Thilliez – Editions Fleuve noir La punition qu’elle mérite d’Elizabeth George. La punition qu’elle mérite d’Elizabeth George – Editions Pocket L’appel du vide de Marin Ledun L’appel du vide de Marin Ledun – Editions Rageot En lecture, Hiver arctique d’Arnaldur Indridason Hiver arctique…
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morenafanti · 4 months ago
L'estate si tinge di thriller
D’estate leggo molto di più dei mesi invernali: il motivo non è che ho più tempo ma è la sedia blu che metto sul terrazzo nei mesi più caldi. Quest’anno ho sistemato la sedia già in maggio e, a parte i giorni in cui pioveva, ho letto tutti i giorni, due o tre ore, tra il dopopranzo e il dopocena, i momenti in cui mi rilasso. Sono passata da Franck Thilliez (Vertigine e Il manoscritto) a Michael…
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lecturedesam · 6 months ago
C’est lundi que lisez-vous ?
C’est lundi que lisez-vous » est un rendez-vous créé par Mallou et s’inspire du It’s Monday, What are you reading ? par One Person’s Journey Through a World of Books. il a ensuite été repris par Les paravers de Millina. Le principe de ce rendez-vous est simple, il faut répondre à trois questions chaque lundi: Qu’ai-je lu la semaine passée ? Que suis-je en train de lire en ce moment? Que vais-je…
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ilcovodelbikersgrunf · 1 year ago
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Esce oggi nelle librerie «Vertigine» del maestro del thriller Franck Thilliez, nella traduzione di Daniela De Lorenzo. Alcuni segreti vanno tenuti nascosti, ma saremmo disposti a morire purché non vengano mai svelati? Jonathan Touvier, ex alpinista cinquantenne, si risveglia intontito e non sa dove si trova. Attorno a lui soltanto buio, umidità, freddo. È finito in fondo a una grotta e non ha idea di come sia successo. Non è solo. Insieme a lui ci sono il suo fedele cane Pokhara e due sconosciuti: Farid, giovane di origini maghrebine, e Michel, uomo di mezza età che lavora in un macello. Jonathan è incatenato al polso, Farid alla caviglia; Michel è libero, ma la sua testa è coperta da una spaventosa maschera di ferro, che esploderà se si allontana dagli altri due. Sulla schiena hanno tre biglietti con altrettante domande: «Chi sarà il ladro?», «Chi sarà il bugiardo?», «Chi sarà l’omicida?». Qualcuno sta giocando con loro, e ha tessuto con cura una ragnatela inestricabile per intrappolarli. Chi è? E perché l’ha fatto? Ben presto, però, la domanda più urgente diventerà un’altra: fino a che punto si può arrivare per non soccombere in una situazione così estrema? Se la natura può rivelarsi un’assassina spietata, l’uomo può trasformarsi in un predatore senza scrupoli: tra menzogne e mezze verità, scatta una disperata lotta per la sopravvivenza, da affrontare con ogni mezzo e strategia possibile. «Vertigine» è una crudele dissezione dell’animo umano messo di fronte al pericolo, in cui il lettore verrà manipolato fino all’ultima riga, e forse anche oltre. «Siamo scossi da un vento di sconfitta e mi rendo conto che, martoriato dalla fame, sono diventato come loro: un predatore pronto a tutto. Ho sentito, vivido e pressante, l’istinto della caccia».
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alapagedeslivres · 5 months ago
Bilan mai 2024 : A petits pas dans mes séries... et plus encore !
C’est parti pour le bilan mensuel. Il y a beaucoup de bleu dans les couvertures de mes lectures de mai… Est-ce des envies de beaux ciels bleus ? de mer bleue ? En mai, j’ai ajouté SEPT romans à mon parcours de lecture. J’ai beaucoup avancer dans les séries que j’ai entamées dernièrement, surtout pendant les vacances et les jours fériés de mai où j’avais envie de légèreté et de romances. Comme…
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silvestroram · 11 months ago
Thilliez: bel thriller, troppo manierismo
È un libro che parla di un libro ritrovato (Il manoscritto) che ha per protagonista una scrittrice che ha scritto un libro forse ispirato ad un altro libro e c’è l’assassino che – forse – ha a che fare con il libro. Sto parlando del Il manoscritto di Franck Thilliez (Fazi Editore), un autore che ho scoperto nel passaparola sui social e dalle tante recensioni entusiaste. Il libro mi ha suscitato…
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extrait-livre · 1 year ago
"Là maintenant, vous vous trouvez ici, avec moi, mais vous êtes ailleurs en permanence. Votre esprit est en miettes. Pire qu'un miroir brisé."
Franck Thilliez - Fractures
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anyen251 · 8 months ago
“Được gặp và yêu em là một trải nghiệm mà anh những muốn sống lại cả nghìn lần trong nghìn kiếp khác nhau, nếu như anh có được cơ hội đó.” (Trong từng hơi thở - Nicholas Sparks)
"Anh không biết yêu em từ khi nào. Anh không thể nhớ từ khi nào anh đã bắt đầu yêu em. Nhưng anh biết anh không muốn dừng lại.”- Suối nguồn - Ayn Rand)
"Tôi không muốn sống trong một thế giới mà em không tồn tại." - (Gatsby vĩ đại - F. Scott Fitzgerald)
“Anh đã yêu em kể từ ngày em đập cái bảng lên đầu anh trong giờ học” (Anne Tóc đỏ dưới chái nhà xanh - Lucy Maud Montgomery)
“Nếu cậu đến vào lúc bốn giờ chiều thì từ ba giờ tớ đã bắt đầu cảm thấy hạnh phúc rồi.” (Hoàng tử bé - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
“Cậu yêu tớ tới mức nào? - Midori hỏi
Đủ để toàn bộ hổ báo trên thế giới này phải chảy ra thành bơ hết.”
(Rừng Na Uy - Haruki Murakami)
“Nếu còn tiếp tục thế này, em sẽ khiến tim tôi rụng ra mất. Với em lúc nào cũng thế này sao?” (Hội chứng E - Franck Thilliez)
“Tớ không hỏi cậu, nên cậu không được từ chối tớ. Hãy để tớ được tiếp tục thích cậu đi.” (Cô gái năm ấy chúng ta cùng theo đuổi - Cửu Bả Đao)
“Dù cho em có ở nơi đâu, dù cho chúng ta có chia cách bao lâu thì khoảng cách ấy, thời gian ấy anh vẫn sẽ luôn đợi em quay về.” (John yêu dấu - Nicholas Sparks)
“Nếu cậu sống một trăm năm, tớ muốn sống một trăm năm trừ đi một ngày, để tớ sẽ chẳng bao giờ phải sống thiếu cậu.” (Winnie the Pooh - A. A. Milne)
“Người ta có thể cho người mình yêu nhiều thứ. Nhiều hứa hẹn, cảm giác thư thái, thoải mái, hoan lạc,… Em đã cho tôi thứ quý giá nhất: Nỗi nhớ.” (Cô gái trong trang sách - Guillaume Musso)
“Cô phải cho phép tôi nói cho cô biết rằng tôi đã cảm mến và yêu cô mãnh liệt như thế nào. (Kiêu hãnh và định kiến - Jane Austen)
“Em có nhận ra rằng việc em giữ khoảng cách với anh không thể làm giảm đi tình cảm của anh dành cho em không?” (Khi lỗi thuộc về những vì sao - John Green)
“Tớ chẳng ăn b��nh mì. Lúa mì đối với tớ thật vô dụng. (…) Nhưng cậu lại có mái tóc màu vàng. Lúa mì, vốn dĩ vàng óng, sẽ khiến tớ nhớ tới cậu. Và tớ sẽ yêu tiếng gió thổi trên cánh đồng lúa mì.” (Hoàng tử bé - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
“Sau khi quen biết đệ, ta mới lần nữa phát hiện, hóa ra vui vẻ là chuyện đơn giản đến nhường nào.” (Thiên quan tứ phúc - Mặc Hương Đồng Khứu )
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noahsbookhoard · 1 month ago
📚May 2024 Book Review (Part 3/3)📚
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A slight change of plan: this review was supposed to include a french thriller, Le manuscrit inachevé by Franck Thilliez but since it's a trilogy and I read all three books it will be easier to speak of all three at once!
The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
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India, 1634. Detective Samuel Pipps is arrested by governor-general Jan Haan for reasons unknown. He is to be brought back to Amsterdam aboard the ship Saardam with his sidekick Arent Hayes, the governor-general, his wife and his mistress. As they board the ship, a leper appears and curse the ship before bursting into flame. With Pipps under arrest, Arent will have to solve this mystery by himself and make sure the ship reaches its destination, despite the lepers prediction.
Stuart Turton's The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle has been a total hit for me earlier this year, I wanted to read another book of his. I couldn't get his latest book yet but this one was available!
The premise intrigued me, historical novel, a nautical story (with an author's note indicating that there were licenses taken, I knew next to nothing on the subject and the period so if there were, they flew past me) and a murder mystery with a pinch of horror. The balance is really well built, the ship and period create interesting obstacles to the investigation and nook and cranies to build a horror atmosphere. The main character is not the weathered detective who guesses everything and withhold his discovery à la Poirot, we get to see his deduction as he makes them, and it adds to the threat until the very end.
The characters are nicely drawn, I felt like I knew them already and had read about other cases they solved before. The author is great at giving tiny details that makes the characters and their relationships feel life-like, it made the ending hit that much harder.
Nonetheless I wasn't awed by the resolution: I had seen not of it coming, which is frequent eniugh in murder mystery but some aspects of it didn't feel like they had been set up upstream. It was also very down to earth, and I was expecting some supernatural elements to actually be supernatural in the end (I can't be much clearer without spoiling the end). That one is on me but it still tinted my feeling.
In conclusion, I found it a bit less awe-inspiring than The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle but a nice read and a good thriller. Specialist of sailing, and the 17th century might find some historical incoherence but the book is really enjoyable.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1) by Douglas Adams
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Arthur Dent is the last human survivor of planet Earth, destroyed to make way for a galactic highway. His friend Ford Prefect, an alien in disguise saved hit at the last second. Together they will explore the new planets, guided by Ford's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and solve such grand questions as "where did all the ballpen go?" and "what is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?"
This is a cult classic and, as I get acquainted with SciFi and British absurdism, I gave it a go.
This was a wierd experience. Fun but wierd: I was a bitclost and Arthur's reaction to everything was so far out of what I would have felt that I had difficulty identifying with him. Other characters were really fun, I love Ford and Martin most of all. I admit most of the longer names are blurry for month after reading.
The different adventures were fun, I'm really growing fond of the absurd. Zaphod's ship and its propulsion system, the Impossibly Drive is such a funny yet efficient mechanism!
This was a fun discovery, I probably missed 48% of the references but I finally have context for that "42" easter egg on Google. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is on the TBR for late September or October and I'm looking forward to it.
The Start Beast (Doctor Who 60th anniversary novelisation) by Gary Russel
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The Doctor just regenerated, and this new face is strangely familiar. The coincidence is too much when he runs into Donna Noble, still amnesic. She can't remember him, it would be fatal; but as an alien called The Meep crashes in London and has to run to escape pursuit, the Doctor and Donna will run into each other again and work together to save planet Earth.
I was so excited for the 60th anniversary episodes!! David Tennant and Catherine Tate are such an awesome duo and Russel T Davis back on the team was a great news to me! I loved those new episodes and this one especially.
Aaaaand that's about all I have to say! Unfortunately, the book adds very little to the show. I hadn't rewatched it recently but it was still fresh enough that I didn't rediscover it through the book. I should have expected it. So yeah, novelisation doesn't add much but that's still one hell of an episode!
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angelitam · 4 months ago
Norferville de Franck Thilliez
Norferville de Franck Thilliez – Editions Fleuve noir Norferville de Franck Thilliez, présentation 1996, Quebec, Norferville, après une soirée bien arrosée, Léonie, 16 ans et métisse, et Maya rentrent chez elles. Elles sont agressées. Léonie promet de garder le secret. Il y a souvent des dérapages entre les mineurs, qui travaillent sur place, les blancs et les indiens. En 2016, en France, Teddy…
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icariebzh · 3 months ago
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 "Une fleur reste ce qu'elle est, même privée de ses feuilles, même fanée ou brûlée par l'oeil rouge du soleil. Les souvenirs s'estompent mais ne disparaissent pas, ils vont et viennent comme ces langues d'écume qui s'échouent sur une plage avant de repartir grandies par leur substance même. Ils tissent ce que nous sommes, bien plus que ce que nous avons été..." Franck Thilliez
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