#They're both absolute snarky menaces together
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foreverchangingfandomsao3 · 22 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars), Stitch (212th medic OC) Additional Tags: Codywan First Kiss Bingo 2025 (Star Wars), Codywan First Kiss Bingo, POV CC-2224 | Cody, Mentioned Asajj Ventress, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mildly hurt compared to my usual, First Kiss, Helmets, Obi-Wan Kenobi in Armor, Sassy Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sassy CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Little Shit, He really is in this one though, Caring CC-2224 | Cody, Clone Trooper Medics (Star Wars), Concussions, Stitch is So Done with them, More fed up with Obi-Wan but done with both Series: Part 2 of Codywan First Kiss Bingo 2025 Summary:
Obi-Wan gets injured in the one place he's not wearing armour, his head, and Cody hopes it'll lead to him wearing a helmet (he's wrong).
My fill for helmet kiss for @codywanfirstkissbingo​
Bingo card is below the cut!
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mogamuncher · 4 months ago
Brucie is a menace to society: The Thesis
Urrgh the brainworms got to me again, so we're talking about some funky Brucie Wayne headcanons:
• There's a difference between Brucie Wayne interacting with the general public and random rich folks that he isn't too close with vs Brucie Wayne interacting with business partners, friend, or people Brucie is generally a bit more trusting towards
• To the general public and the more distant rich folks? Brucie is a himbo dork, a hot playboy manwhore who donates to charity all the time, a little dumb, a heart of gold, definitely seen as way too naive. Brucie is just a well-intentioned goofball who is very good looking, he's clumsy and kinda adorable, people just generally like him because of his Vibes™. Also just very good with kids, though his habit of adoption is brought up a lot in jokes
• But with long time business partners, friends and people he'd be closer to? Brucie is 100% a smug bitch, absolutely insufferable. He's like, still seem as mostly stupid and vapid, still a manwhore, but as they get to know Brucie more others definitely start to catch on whenever he's just fucking with people. Brucie can no longer get away with pretending like he's naive anymore, because these specific people have 100% caught him saying certain things solely because he thought it would be just so fucking funny
• Because of this, Brucie tends to be more playful with this select group of people, being less of an adorable himbo and more like a loud snarky friend, he's absolutely hilarious if you're actually in on the joke, has an awful habit of teasing others as well
• If you're particularly grouchy or insufferable then Brucie will dedicate the rest of his day to bother you in particular. He can and will just make up any excuse to have a meeting, or to tour at someone else's office, or anything and other to simply be able to annoy bitter people from a close range
• His biggest victims: Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor and Harvey Dent. These three will never know peace, the moment they got close enough to get to the more snarky side of Brucie it was game over. It was really common to see Bruce waltz through parties acting like his normal himbo self, only to do an immediate shift in attitude once he spotted one of them, the press usually found it hilarious
• Lex is the one that suffers under this the most since he's the bitchiest man alive, so Brucie is basically in speed dial to annoy this man 24/7, he's an actual menace about Lex to the point where he will make the trip to metropolis solely to piss Lex off on a completely random Wednesday. They're both the pettiest people to ever exist so the annoyance is actually kinda mutual, but Brucie often wins out since his reactions aren't really fully genuine (on account of being, well, Brucie), something that Lex is endlessly bitter on. To this day no one can tell if they're genuinely actually friends, or if they just hate each other
• Oliver does not get hit by the full brunt of the Brucie Wayne Effect™ as Lex does, but they both still snark at each other all the time, to the point that having a conversation with the two of them present becomes a comedy routine really fast. The accounts of the poor poor survivors that have ever third wheeled their conversations say that it was vaguely reminiscent of being the ball in a game of verbal tennis, as was read in a particularly descriptive article released by several bitter interviewers
• Now, of course Harvey is actually aware that Brucie isn't really fully real, like, he knows that it's mainly a persona, he's actually had full conversations and memories with Bruce instead of Brucie. Still though, Brucie and Harvey are like a menace duo, being targeted by both of them is a sentence to being messed with or manipulated, it's actually really impressive what they can get done together. Of course, they both use their methods for good, and to annoy people that are assholes while still somehow being polite, so it's more funny than anything, really
• Brucie is also just generally more mellow around Harvey, being less snarky and sometimes even quiet, staying in a sweet spot between Bruce and Brucie. Seeing Smug Bitch™ Brucie Wayne chill out a little whenever Harvey was around is a bit surreal to everyone else though, Lex and Oliver will forever complain about it
• Once Harvey became Two Face, Lex and Oliver both actually had some tact (yes, I know right) and gave Brucie some space to deal with it. A week later after the incident Brucie visited both of them with a big confident smile, beer and an invite to a party with only the family friends
• Not much changed after that, Lex is still insufferable, Oliver is still playing along with Brucie's bullshit to some extent, and Brucie is still a menace to society disguised as a harmless himbo playboy. Though sometimes the clear absence of Harvey is felt, especially whenever those quieter and softer moments of Brucie mellowing out simply cease to exist entirely
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cringetownusa · 1 year ago
Yax, the How and Why:
Part 1: Why do people ship them?
Decided it was time I put together all my thoughts about why I think Yax works particularly well as a ship, and what they all bring to the table.
There's a lot to talk about here, and I'm going to try and hit at least all my big points. I'm also going to be looking at them from the standpoint of Goof Troop, and A Goofy movie, as well as the Og Animaniacs and reboot, Wakkos Wish, (even though that's out of universe for animaniacs) comics, and even the toys.
This is about to get really long, so I'll put it under a read more.
From a personality standpoint, they compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses so well.
Max is earnest and honest. He always has been.
From Goof troop where he wants so badly to do good things, and goes immediately to an adult when he messes up, to A Goofy Movie, where he goes so far to impress the people around him, to his want to do a good job in House of mouse. It's a constant whenever we see him on screen.
Max has seen a lot of growth through his shows and movies, but he's also been consistent. Goofy has clearly done an incredible job raising Max. Max is pretty open about his emotions. He doesn't hide them from his friends or family. There's a level of vulnerability that comes from that, and despite being bullied and picked on, he knows who he is, it only become a matter of insecurity getting other people to see that.
In A Goofy Movie, he doesn't worry about being good enough for roxanne. He says with conviction that "after today, she'll be mine". He doesn't doubt his own abilities. He's confident in what he does, and what he knows he's good at, like skateboarding.
Max is dramatic, he's flamboyant and a show off. He has made himself the center of attention on purpose before; as long as it's something he's well versed in and is confident he can impress with, he thrives. He loves to have that positive attention from big crowds. It pushes him forward.
He is also, and this is very important, a troublemaker.
He always has been, and not just in a well meaning sense.
In Goof Troop, he shows that he's the scheming type, he's the type to cause problems on purpose, just because it's fun. It's often the problem or the solution to several episodes.
Just like the Warners.
Now, these are never super harmful, he's a good kid at his core. He's kind and patient and understands his mistakes, but he's an absolute menace. He would have no trouble fitting in with patented Warner antics.
This next point is talked about a lot.
Max's issues and insecurities make for a fantastic story of growth with Yakko and his siblings. He's worried about being laughed at, at people hearing his laugh (something that is the best part of individuals and their expression of self) and worries about what other people think of it. This issue of his hits against Yakko's need to make people laugh.
They're complimentary. They're foils to each other.
Yakko is similar, but because of how he grew up, and the role he was forced into, he mirrors Max's traits as well.
Yakko is sarcastic, he undercuts a lot of sincerity with humor or hides it behind a veil of snark. He hides his feelings for fear of backlash. Unlike Max, who has his emotions on his sleeve, and has been encouraged to feel them openly from a young age.
Yakko's not able to be so open emotionally, because doing so has gotten both him and his siblings hurt.
Yakko is smart. He's tactical where Max is emotional. He schemes as well, as the spearhead and leader of the zany trio, but he sees more angles than Max does.
He does it out of self preservation in ADDITION to doing it to be a menace and for fun. He's the mastermind of the group, just like Max is to his own group. They're both the snarky personas. Yakko wants, NEEDS to make people laugh, his self worth is tied to it, it's what he was made to do. It's a source of anxiety for him, but also a source of joy. We've seen several instances of moments where Yakko falls back on his "Nations of the World" song, because he wants to make a good impression. We also have evidence of him stressing about his ability to perform in his sleep.
Being able to tell exactly how others are feeling helps Yakko pivot his plans and react in line to the antagonist. He has a hard time being sincere sometimes, prefers to keep himself protected.
But he also craves attention. Loves to be at the center of it, loves it more when it's something he's passionate in or prides himself with.
His jokes, his wit, his singing. His ability to sing and speak tongue twisters that nobody else can. All things he's confident in.
Yakko's strengths lie more in his mind, as opposed to Max's physical capabilities.
Together, they create a dynamic duo of mischief, being people with similar senses of humor, (we have seen both Yakko and Max tell almost identical jokes)they make each other laugh.
With strong senses of justice, they both aren't afraid to bring out the schemes on "special friends", or on people who deserve it; we see that a lot in Goof Troop.
Max is used to havoc. He's closely acquainted with it, he's been doing Goof Luck damage control since he was a small child, constantly being pushed to take the wheel of his dad's mishaps, sometimes very literally.
He would fit in seamlessly to the Warner's adventures, egg them on or do damage control. He's perfectly suited to fill in the space where he's needed, like a liquid changing shape to its container.
They're two sides of the same coin. They are opposites but they support each others weaknesses.
The emotional openness vs. The guarded emotions.
The need to make people laugh vs. The need to not show his laugh.
The physical vs. mental strengths.
Together, they gain inner and outer strength. They'll have someone to confide in, someone with much different upbringings and experiences than their own. Both in and out of universe.
But that's not really all there is to it, is there?
No, because family is so integral to both of their characters, we can't really talk about how good Yax is, and why it works, without talking about Goofy, Wakko, and Dot.
Yakko would never date someone, or even be friends with someone if they didn't like his siblings. Not just get along, like.
The Warners are "All for one, and one for all times 3". There is no talking about such a major change to the Warner dynamic without addressing every Warner, because they're affected too.
Dot and Wakko need someone to be friends with outside of themselves. They need familiarity and kindness.
Who better to open the Warner's to a kinder life, than a toon from a company all about the power of familial and romantic love? The themes that surround Max and Goofy(as well as many other Disney's), are exactly the kind of thing that those kids need the most.
Wakko and Dot need to have love that comes from the outside. Love from a parental figure who isn't their older brother, and love from a real friend, someone who cares about them who they aren't related to and can talk through issues they may otherwise be uncomfortable talking to their siblings about. The Warners are closer than any siblings that have or will ever exist, but there's still some things that are easier to talk about with a third party.
With Goofy, (someone who knows how to raise a kid, and what they would need to thrive) the Warners can finally, just be kids.
Yakko being happy is a the big part, but having the Warners brought into the Disney family by Goofy Goof, the man with so much understanding and love to give, who GETS kids, and has always let Max be a kid and help him through it?
It would help all three of them lean on outside help.
His appearance through Yakko and Max knowing each other, gives the Warners a positive adult figure in their lives who will be there to support them instead of criticize them for being "too much".
Yax isn't JUST about Yakko and Max, it's about the connections these kids make beyond the studio lot.
The connections that start with the eldest himself opening up. Start with Yakko overcoming that fear of rejection and letting people in.
It's about learning the world around them isn't just filled with people who want them locked up.
It's also about Max having someone who can match his energy. Max already has some friends who let him be himself and are wonderful people , but The Warners open up a different side of Max that can allow him to show that freer, mischievous side and have fun in that same way he had enjoyed in Goof Troop. He's allowed to revel in it, instead of worrying about stressing out his friends by getting them in on the antics.
The world is also filled with people who embrace their weirdness and energy, and who will guide them.
Even if you just like yax as friends, it's easy to see the potential and benefits
The Warners and the Goofs, to have lives grow richer.
And more, with them being from separate companies, their worldview would be able to grow to incorporate new ideas and thoughts.
The Warners aren't very open with their emotions, so a father son duo who have always been open and communicative would be able to show them the benefits of doing so themselves.
Plus, watching the Warner Siblings wreak havoc with a smile, hurting no innocents, would be exactly the type of thing to make Max smile in turn.
They deserve each other, deserve kindness and acceptance. ALL of these kids do. And every single one of them get that through Yax.
Plus, through Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Yakko and Max exist within the same universe. They're so close. It's not a stretch to see them interact and understand each other.
Now, there's a lot more to talk about. How it came to be, and how the shipping climate and the timing of the original shows allowed for this to line up to happen.
So look out for that in Part 2, featuring an interview with the person who started it all.
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destinybcnds · 1 year ago
💛 platonic 💚 partners in crime & maybe uuuhhh ❤️ romantic if you're down for Kotone? And for Drayton 💜 enemies to friends except it's more like a frienemies situation & 💚 partners in (meme)crime
send emojies for what kind of dynamics you want to plot [ accepting ]
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For Kotone and Penny absolutely partners in crime!!! They both have their own brand of chaos and together would be a fucking menace ngl. As for whether or not it's romantic, I'm down for discussing it and seeing where it goes! I see potential there for the two of them already but of course I'm all for chemistry between muses. I think once we get a few more threads/interactions we can make a better call???
And lmfao yes Drayton and Penny being snarky frienemies/memelords dunking on each other??? Dunking on others??? Everyone would hate when they're in the room together I guarantee it. Now I need to come up with a silly nickname Drayton would call them. ]
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imposterogers · 3 years ago
Samnat headcanon please 😳
-everytime sam & nat would see each other, sam would try an outrageously over the time pick up line on her, and she'd shoot him down with a snarky reply. this became an inside joke of sorts until one day his line surprised a genuine laugh out of her and she went "you want to go on a date with me, sam?"
-their first date was at a karaoke bar that exclusively served long island ice teas, where they dueted "I Got You Babe" (very badly) together
-nat finds their relationship refreshing bc she doesn't have to put on an act around sam, and bc he was a counselor and went thru some traumatic experiences he understands some secrets are better left untold. when it comes down to it, they make each other laugh.
-when they go visit sarah in louisiana, nat spends a lot of the time with sam's nephews introducing them to a complicated game of spies (she's actually really good with kids, and both has the patience and creativity necessary)
-they spend a lot of their relationship long distance, unfortunately (the whole international fugitive thing) but one of their inside jokes is to run into each other in random cities and pretend to be strangers and go on an adventure for the day
-also lots of facetiming. natasha doesn't like to text, so sam calls her unannounced. one night he goes "I have to admit something to you. i'm sleeping with someone else" and pans the camera over to steve rogers sleeping in full tactical gear absolutely Knocked Out
-sam says I love you first, and nat disappears for a week. she comes back and admits she loves him too, and it scares her.
-they're an absolute menace to society overall. they're a hot, incredibly smart, incredibly snarky couple who know how to get shit done
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