#They do conventional guy things. Thy have guy skills. They dont know what they ''want'' or what that means or what the use is
castingcomets · 1 year
Middle-aged man who is socially awkward and very polite who has another middle-aged socially awkward polite man visiting his house for a good conventional reason (lending tools, helping him fix the plumbing in his house, dropping off something that was borrowed, etc) and the guy whose house it is offers refreshments to be polite and the other guy accepts it to be polite and now theyre drinking beer together and since theyre both so awkward and polite they constantly put out attempts to be polite and the other reciprocates immediately in order to be polite and neither see how it’s awkward in the other because they're both awkward so they don’t know how it’s supposed to go anyway (they each use politeness as a guiding rhetoric in social situations and defer on impulse) and they end up having gay sex as a polite gesture because one thing led to another and it was the polite thing to do at every turn and the first guy doesnt want to kick the other guy out becasue thats rude so he offers to let him stay the night and the second guy doesnt want to be a burden and so he politely declines at first but he doesnt want to make it seem like he’s in a hurry to leave becasue that’s rude but the first guy doesnt want it to seem like the second guy is unwanted so he offers again but tries not to be pushy and so the second guy accepts becasue the first guy has a lovely home and has been so courteous thus far. And they embrace each other through the night to be polite
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