#These two are going to be such horrible influences on each other
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Choking Hazard (Rock Sugar Disease AU One-Shot)
Soooo, I started wondering how the two special infected would react to each other. This led to me somehow writing a whole-ass one shot involving two different kinds of crazy colliding in a weirdly wholesome little trainwreck.
Hoy, just a few notes before you read: Content Warnings for choking (foreign body in throat, not strangulation), vomiting, blood/jam being coughed up.
"Great. He's coughing again."
Matcha Cookie rolled her eyes at the sound of the one other special infected in the room next to hers. He, like she, was stuck at one phase, unable to progress. Unlike Matcha (Stuck in a perpetual state of stage one infection), Shadow Milk Cookie was stuck in stage 3, but somehow still lucid. This was the reason for the coughing. Some of the melting and hardening was internal. While she knew he couldn't help it, the melting and hardening phases the malady known as Rock Sugar Disease inflicted upon its victims always seemed to strike when she was trying to sleep.
She jammed her pillow over the sides of her head.
"Hrrrrm, noisy Beast! Cough it all out so I can sleep!" She shouted at the wall, before slumping face down onto her mattress.
Shadow Milk was always bothering her. He got bored way too easily, and whenever he got bored, he kept pestering everyone. But especially her. So annoying.
Matcha raised her head, pillow tumbling onto her back. The coughing had stopped. But it was replaced with another noise.
*Ghk! Ghh...*
That sound sent a chill up her spine... That didn't sound like a noise that should come out of a cookie...
Matcha pushed herself up into a sitting position and slid off the bed. Grabbing her staff on the way out, she made her way next door.
Matcha did not bother to knock, and upon entering, it became clear that it would have been futile.
His covers were half-off of his bed, in that way where you can tell someone was trying to get up in a hurry. It looked like he'd pulled the nightstand away in his struggle, as it was currently about two feet away from his bed and at an awkward diagonal position from the wall. The water glass that had been on it had spilled on the floor. small shards of the infected sugar stalactites that now coated the bottom halves of his arms and legs as well as a good chunk of his face littered the room, having been chipped off.
Shadow Milk Cookie was bent over on his hands and knees. Well, one hand and his knees. The other infection-marred hand was clutching his throat. He was going through the motions of trying to cough, but no cough was coming out. Shadow Milk did not acknowledge Matcha when she came in. His eyes were wide open, fixed straight ahead, and unblinking. He looked TERRIFIED.
Instinct kicked in, and without even thinking, Matcha had her arms around the scrawny cookie, catching him completely by surprise AND pulling him all the way up on his knees due to the height difference between the two, as the shorter cookie began sharply pulling both of her tiny fists upwards and inwards into the very top of Shadow Milk Cookie's stomach. Almost to his lungs, in fact.
It took her a dozen tries, each time she failed to get results pushing her adrenaline levels higher, until...
There was an awful half-coughing, half-choking sound as a chunk of crystallized sugar the size of his fist came shooting out of Shadow Milk Cookie's mouth, along with a stream of jam that left a disgusting, viscous trail across his bedroom floor ALL the way to the wall where the chunk had hit and shattered. This was followed by what sounded like the longest, sharpest breath ever taken by anyone, ever; before Shadow Milk Cookie again collapsed to his hands and knees.
He panted hard, breaths coming in deep, shuddery gasps that made it painfully obvious he was trying not to cry from how much it hurt. Tiny rivulets of jam leaked from his mouth and off his chin, making tiny puddles that slowly grew and melded into a larger one. Matcha found herself sinking to the floor, legs folded, unable to speak or move. She was stuck in that stun-locked state where one repeatedly tries and fails to process far more than they can handle.
No words were exchanged. Not for a long while. Eventually, It was Shadow Milk Cookie who broke the silence.
"Matcha Cookie...?" He said hoarsely. A rare use of her actual name instead of the annoying little nickname, "Leafy."
No answer. She still stared straight ahead and said nothing.
"... Matcha Cookie... ?"
Shadow Milk now turned to look at her, but she still did not move or speak.
"... Matcha Cookie!?"
This time he crawled the short distance to her, grabbing her shoulders as best as he could with those stalactites of infected sugar covering his hands. He actually sounded genuinely worried about her.
Finally, she looked up at him, and-
Avocado Cookie had come to check on Matcha. The smaller cookie and she had gotten close ever since Avocado had found her and brought her back to their stronghold, so Avocado would often just stop by at night to make sure Matcha's fever hadn't spiked while she was sleeping again like it sometimes did.
She had her fist up, about to knock on Matcha Cookie's door, when a sound from next door made her snap her head to look at Shadow Milk Cookie's door.
"...Avocado slowly lowered her fist, and went next door to figure out what the HELL was going on, and help deal with what Shadow Milk's reaction indicated was a defcon 1 level vomit mess.
Well, she wasn't in shock anymore, that was an improvement.
Unfortunately, Matcha still felt a bit overwhelmed. She was currently sitting in the hall with Avocado. A glass of water in her hand, and a bucket in her lap. Her shaking form was hunched over said bucket just in case.
"It's okay. He'll be fine, they just need to take a look at him." Avocado said, rubbing Matcha Cookie's back.
Matcha nodded, swallowing hard before she took another sip of water. She had never stress-vomited before in her life. She was pretty sure she never wanted to again if it felt this bad. She still felt nauseous...
"When you feel like you can talk, tell me what happened." Avocado said gently, while continuing to rub Matcha's back.
This seemed to help, as Matcha soon stopped feeling like she was about to lose her lunch all over again whenever she opened her mouth.
"Sh... Shadow Milk Cookie... He was coughing... Phh... "
"Go on."
"He... started making a weird sound... Mheh... I went to see... "
Avocado nodded, curious about where this was going.
"He was choking. So I... did that thing. The thing where you wrap your arms around someone and squeeze... really hard."
"Oh, the Heimlich!"
"Yeah... That. Sugar came out. And a lot of jam."
"Wait, he was choking on coughed-up sugar?" Avocado said in disbelief.
"He-He was. And it was a big one... about... the size of his hand... "
Avocado cringed at the thought of having to cough up something that big and that rough. "Crumbs, no wonder he sounded so hoarse back there..."
She leaned into Matcha Cookie, wrapping her arms around her.
"A... Avocado Cookie...?"
"You did the right thing. I know he probably wouldn't have died from that, but that HAD to hurt him."
Matcha wasn't sure what to say.
"I know you don't like Shadow Milk Cookie, so it was a noble thing to do!"
She smiled, lifting her own arms up to return the hug. Which made Avocado notice how shaky they were.
"When your stomach calms down all the way, I can get you some saltines. From the looks of Shadow Milk Cookie's floor, there's probably none of your dinner left in there." Avocado joked while lightly poking Matcha's belly.
This actually got a chuckle out of Matcha Cookie.
Speaking of Shadow Milk Cookie's room, Blackberry Cookie leaned out of the door to address the two. She was covered from head to toe in protective gear, given Shadow Milk's status as a stage 3 infected making anything less a huge infection risk for anyone who had to clean his room.
"I'm almost done in here. Can you tell the infirmary to get ready to send Shadow Milk Cookie back?"
Avocado gave a nod.
"Just let me get Matcha back to her room, first."
Matcha started to ask, but Avocado answered before she could.
"I'll nab those crackers after I tell the medics his room's almost clean."
Matcha smiled, replying with a nod of her own.
"Come on, I'll help ya up!"
Finally having calmed down all the way, Matcha was enjoying those crackers. A bit bland, they were, save the salt. But on a stomach as empty as hers, even that was satisfying.
*knock knock knock*
... Did Avocado come back?
Matcha Cookie stood, making her way to the door with a confused expression on her face.
"... You?"
That confusion on her face was multiplied tenfold when instead of the kind blacksmith, it was Shadow Milk Cookie standing at her door.
He was looking at the floor, standing stiffly as if he were uncomfortable. He was wearing a borrowed night shirt from the infirmary, as Shadow Milk had been unlucky enough to be directly in the line of fire when Matcha's stomach decided to violently empty itself. So his regular outfit was most definitely in the wash, as it was a biohazard in its current state.
Had this situation not been so surreal for Matcha Cookie, it would have been funny. Shadow Milk really did look like a grumpy kid being forced to apologize right now.
"... ... ... Thank you."
He said it in a low mumble. Too low for Matcha to actually hear clearly. You could tell he wasn't enjoying this at ALL. Apologizing to a normal cookie like a groveling worm...
"... What?"
"Thank you."
This time it was slightly louder, but still not loud enough.
"Mhh, I can't hear..."
Shadow Milk looked up, annoyed.
"I said thank you! Do you want me to shout it loud enough for EVERYONE to hear!?"
Matcha Cookie raised an eyebrow, incredulous.
"No? Why would I?"
"Because it would humiliate me?"
"Why would I wanna do that?"
As much as she didn't like him due to his pranks and pestering of her when he was bored, Shadow Milk Cookie had never really done anything to make Matcha Cookie feel worthless like her old cohorts in the Cookies of Darkness had. So unlike what she'd wanted to do to Dark Enchantress Cookie back in the day, she had no desire to wound Shadow Milk Cookie's pride.
Now it was Shadow Milk's turn to look incredulous.
"What's your angle? Why did you help me? You've gotta have a reason."
Matcha folded her arms over her chest, annoyed. It was so obvious to her. She wasn't sure if Shadow Milk was playing dumb to mess with her, or actually needed it spelled out for him.
"You needed help. I helped. Nothing else." She said bluntly.
"But... Why?"
Matcha Cookie huffed in a frustrated way.
"YOU. WERE. CHOKING. Don't you remember that?!"
The look Shadow Milk Cookie had craned upon Matcha Cookie was better suited to the look one gives a really difficult math equation. He was clearly trying to figure out this strange cookie, but actually having some difficulty. Still, he got the feeling he was close. In a hesitant tone, he asked a question unexpected even by himself.
"... What about me do you not like, exactly?"
Matcha did NOT hesitate to oblige him.
"Hmph. Lots of things! You're loud, you think you're better than everyone, you play too many tricks, your tricks are annoying, you're whiny when you don't feel well and it happens a lot because you're even sicker than I am, you're a picky eater and you STEAL MY TEA because it's one of the only things here you like, and your outfit is stupid!"
For a moment, Shadow Milk just stood there in shocked silence.
One moment turned into two.
Those two moments turned into several.
"... Pff... Ha... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Matcha flinched and recoiled slightly when he started to laugh. This wasn't his usual mocking laughter... Luckily, it wasn't the "insane-with-rage" laughter, either. This actually sounded... genuine? Like for some reason, Matcha roasting the crumbs out of him was the funniest thing he'd heard in his life.
"Oh, Witches... You... You REALLY don't give a crumb, do you, Leafy?" Shadow Milk Cookie said as he wiped a tear from one disease-scarred eye.
Matcha tilted her head, too confused to be annoyed over the return of that much-maligned nickname.
"You just..." He cut himself off with a snort of laughter. "I'm sorry, it's just I've never seen anyone else in this entire Kingdom do what you just did. You just tell people what you REALLY think with no sugarcoating it. It's weirdly refreshing!"
For once, he was being 100% truthful. He was a Beast. She was just a regular cookie, albeit one of unusual origin. If Shadow Milk had wanted to, he could have crumbled her where she stood for saying that to his face. They both knew this. And yet she did it anyway.
He got it now. Matcha Cookie was honest with people, but... it wasn't like with Pure Vanilla. Matcha didn't hold honesty as a virtue. It was just instinctive for her to call it like she saw it. Even when calling it like she saw it meant calling attention to the emperor having no clothes, so to speak. Or in Matcha's opinion, stupid ones.
Something about how quick and brutal she was about her answer fascinated him... It hurt, but for some reason he enjoyed it. But why? He needed to know... He needed to see what made this odd cookie tick.
Matcha glared grumpily at the Beast. "Are you... making fun of me?" She growled. She sounded ready to fight him if he said yes. And he almost did out of curiosity to see if she would, but decided to be honest with her. After all, she'd been absolutely brutally honest with him. It was only polite to return a favor, wasn't it?
"No, I'm actually being serious! I really should have talked to you sooner. I think I would actually enjoy hanging out with you for reasons that DON'T involve messing with you!"
Matcha was not sure how to feel about that... It must have showed in her expression, because Shadow Milk gave her a bemused smirk.
"Oh, come on, Leafy. You at least owe me a little favor after you threw up on me."
He had her there. Matcha did feel kind of bad about that.
"I mean some of that got in my-"
"OKAY! We can! Just don't tell me where it got in!" Matcha screamed while covering her ears.
She had JUST finished her crackers when he'd gotten here. She did not want to lose those. She especially didn't want to lose them on Shadow Milk and owe him a second favor. He seemed like the type who'd ask her to help hide a body. Probably in everyone else's dinner.
He paused, before getting THAT look in his eyes again, and waiting for Matcha to uncover her ears before he continued.
"It got in my mouth, by the way."
"YOU'RE AN ASS!" She shouted, standing on tiptoes JUST to look him in the eye.
Shadow Milk Cookie bent over to make eye contact even easier, and grinned in response.
"I can already tell this is gonna be fun..."
After-notes, now that you've read it:
-No, I don't ship them. Matcha's actually taken in this AU, for starters. What can I say? I'm AvoMatcha trash :P
-As for why Shadow Milk's interested in hanging with her? Matcha's complete disinterest in putting on a mask to be accepted is not something he's encountered often, and never to this extent. The best way I can put it is he sees that blunt, brutal honesty as kind of a "dark" version of truth/honesty, and something about that has his curiosity piqued. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Wait and see... >:D
#Cookie Run Kingdom#Infection AU#Shadow Milk Cookie#Matcha Cookie#Avocado Cookie#Rock Sugar Disease AU#These two are going to be such horrible influences on each other
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what kinds of pranks do Sonic and Scourge do?
Pretends to be good at coming up with pranks for the sake of this ask
Honestly just think of every time Sonic has pretended to be dead or that a situation is hopeless, only to turn around and be like "lol bitch u thought". And then make it worse. Because those are their absolute favourite kind of pranks. Scourge's presence just makes everything worse because he'll think of ways to make it look more realistic. Poor Tails has a very vivid memory of Scourge coming home one day after a battle, ears flat against his skull, carrying a bruised and bloodied and lifeless Sonic in his arms, growling a choked-out explanation about how Robotnik... Sonic couldn't - that bastard is going to pay for what he...
And he lays Sonic on the sofa, disappearing elsewhere into the base, making small noises like he's about to start crying. And Tails is distraught and starts shaking Sonic, begging him to wake up, tearing up when he receives no response, and he's just taking a breath to start wailing-
And then Sonic screams "RAH!" and grabs him and Tails shrieks so loud it rattles the windows, and from the next room he can hear Scourge laughing his ass off. Fucker left the room in the first place not because he was crying, but because he was laughing
Tails sulked for a week straight about falling for that trick again and Sonic and Scourge were told to clean the damn fake blood off the sofa and off the floor (which they didn't do)
Those are the kind of shitty pranks they pull. Not the only kind of pranks they'll pull, they'll also steal Tekno's stuff while she's working to confuse her, she's sure she put that screwdriver around here somewhere, or they'll place important things in difficult to reach places and replace them with taunting notes, or (like you mentioned in your previous ask) will drop paint on someone. They especially like dropping paint on people. But occasionally pretending to fail a mission, or pretending that one of them is dead, is their favourite type of prank, although they don't do it often in order to keep it at maximum effect
#sonic the hedgehog#scourge the hedgehog#fleetway sonic#stc sonic#fleet!sonourge#asks#headcanon#fleetway tails#i feel i should emphasize more that these two are absolute fucking bastards#just. the absolute worst#they fit because no one else should have to put up with being in a relationship with them#but the tradeoff is they often make each other worse and enable one another's bad habits#does scourge become less of a villain?#yes#but he's also going to make sonic worse#the balance isn't perfectly 50/50. overall scourge is receiving more good influence than sonic is bad#but there's still an influence#and honestly sonic is already such a dick who finds those kinds of 'haha u thought i was dead' jokes funny#it would not take much for scourge to enable that#'wow that's a horrible prank to pull' correct. it's because they suck (affectionate)#fun fact in the ghost au i have a scene in my head where the 'i'm dead' pranks come up#but it's from the freedom fighters' pov set right after they find sonic's body and it's not a very long or important section#so i doubt it will ever be written bc it's set before scourge even arrives in the fleetway dimension#but just know it's there. in my heart. and that maybe. sonic would feel bad about the pranks in death if he ever heard them talk about it
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Unfortunately, König would be ridiculously controlling in a relationship.
It stems from him being overprotective of you and ridiculously insecure of his conventionally unattractive appearance, fearing that you'll come to the realisation that there's better looking men out there who won't treat you like a puppet or a toy. He can't stand the idea of another man laying eyes on your figure, the thought of another perverted and gross degenerate — similar to himself — getting off to your innocent, cutesy selfies. You're for König's eyes only, and he'll make sure of it. He'll plead with you to delete the recent pictures of you wearing a skimpy and revealing bikini while on vacation that you'd recently uploaded onto your Instagram page. His rage and frustration grows beyond comprehension when you refuse. He'll demand that you should at least private your account, block all the men following and liking your posts. Let him protect you.
Oh, you have plans to go out drinking with your closest friends? Well, that's too bad. That's far too dangerous and risky. Anything could happen to a group of intoxicated, tipsy, and delirious women. He's just looking out for you, little mouse... Why don't you come lay down beside him, rest your head against his brute chest and watch your favourite movie together, listening to the sound of each other's heartbeat? He'll take great care of you. It's safer, anyways.
König doesn't care how long you've known your friends for, if you've known them since childhood or not. He'll convince you that they're a horrible influence on you, that they're toxic and manipulative, and that you don't see through their toxicity. He'll claim that they don't look out for you like König does, that they put you in life-threatening situations where your life is placed in danger. He'll sneak onto your phone while you're soaking yourself in the bubbly bathtub, going out of his way to block and get rid of your friends — making an effort to threaten all your male friends while he has the time.
Sure, it's bound to result in an argument and a screaming match between the two of you, but you just don't understand — you don't see it from his perspective. You should be grateful, Liebling.
#orla speaks#based off a request i have in my inbox :3#konig x reader#konig x female reader#konig x you#könig x you#könig x reader#könig cod#könig call of duty#konig mw2#konig modern warfare#konig mwii#konig cod#konig call of duty#könig fanfiction#könig#könig mw2#konig#cod x reader
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Hello gatorbite, I really liked your imagines with Mark Grayson, could you do an imagine of Mark with a Male Reader who is a vampire?
Mark Grayson x vampire king male reader
Cooking my own headcanons for vampires, how else are they gonna go on cute dates on the beach as the sun goes down?? Ive been listening to abracadabra by Lady Gaga for days, its been keeping me sane.
Mark and the bad bitch he pulled by being a nerd. i had a lot of fun writing this, i would love to write more about these two, or more vampire reader,,,
You guys would first have met after he became a hero, sometime during season 2. Probably before he got Oliver but after his dad left the planet and Mark wanted to fix everything and started working with Cecil.
The GDA knew of your existence of course. You were the first ever vampire, created through horrible magic and rituals against your will. This meant you couldn’t die, even from the sun or a stake or silver.
Every other vampire someone would meet would come from you in some way. Or rather, they were bitten by someone who was bitten by someone, so on and so forth until it reached you, kinda like a disease. The further out you go, the wilder and more animalistic the vampires are.
The few vampires you have bitten and turned yourself are strong and can walk in sunlight, and have other otherworldly powers, but those they bite have weaker powers, etc etc. and all other vampires but you can die. As long as life and death exist, so will you.
How you guys meet can be a mixed bag, but the most plausible is that some rabid vampires have run wild somewhere, and Mark was sent to deal with them since his skin can’t be pierced by their fangs.
The vampires he encounters are naked, human-looking creatures with warped faces, a mouth full of sharp teeth, shark bat-like features and the like. The only thing human about them is their shape.
A nest of vampires has run wild, and as the so called “vampire king”, “vampire well” or even “first vampiric ancestor”, its your duty to take care of it when it gets out of hand.
At this point Mark isn’t at his strongest, so the nest of vampire spawn gain the upper hand. Even with super strength, its hard for Mark since he also doesn’t want to kill at this point, and these technically were humans once.
So, imagine Marks shock, as he’s being overpowered by hundreds of these creatures that are more instinct than sense, when these creatures are sliced in half and turn into dust.
As the vampire king you can teleport all over the planet, you could probably even warp other planets if you focused hard enough. You might have done that once or twice, leading to vampirism spreading to different parts of the universe… but nobody has to know that…
What you wear can be up for debate, do you wear something from the time you died? Something Victorian? Or modern? I can’t imagine you are too involved with the current fashion since time passes so fast for you, so maybe it’s a bit out of fashion. You still look great though.
Maybe it’s having been beaten so hard by the now dead spawn, or maybe it’s just your vampiric influence, but Mark finds himself blushing and breathing a little harder.
The first time you meet doesn’t lead to much other than you taking care of the spawn, apologizing to Mark for causing such a mess and telling him you will take more care of your offspring. Mark just kinda goes “yeah, okay, thanks man…” before passing out.
You end up teleporting mark back to the GDA, or wherever hes being brought, like to the new guardians or whatever. Because obviously none of their protection measures can keep you out. It’s only weaker vampires that need an invitation inside.
They are all pretty damn uncomfortable when you comment about how nice Marks blood smells, because being thousands of years old also means you don’t have any shame in stating the obvious.
You say hello to Immortal before leaving. Of course, you guys know each other, both being immortal and all that. You guys play cards at least once every ten years or so, sometimes more, sometimes less.
This is also why Immortal is the most chill about you showing up, coming and going as you please, and saying Mark smells delicious. You once said he smelled delicious too when you first met, the stronger the person the better their blood and all. Now you guys are friends though, in a way.
After that you guys meet every now and then, mainly because you take his interest and Immortals friendship as an invite to come and go as you please, like a big scary housecat dressed in black.
You also follow him around (stalk him pretty much), and maybe it’s just him secretly loving steamy vampire fanfiction, or some viltrumite instinct, but being hunted is exciting.
You guys finally starting to date would also happen at some random moment when you guys are alone. You would have known about Marks attraction from the very moment you met, but your cold unbeating heart had started warming up around him too.
All his rambling about heroes and fictional stories worked like a charm. The many many questions about vampires and pop culture was cute too. He couldn’t believe that the whole weak to garlic thing started as an inside joke amongst vampires and spread out, when it wasn’t even true.
Mark was positively shocked when the whole pop culture idea that being bitten felt good turned out to be true. Later you would explain it was all about intent and reception. If you wanted it to hurt and he feared you, then it would have hurt. But because he was a little freak who was really into it, then it brought pleasure.
Mark also never thought you would be able to bite through his skin, but you could. Only because of your whole, king of the vampires, first original vampire, deal. Any other vampire wouldn’t be able to bite through vultrumite skin.
Being able to rip through vultrumites will be useful later, and not needing to breathe and being able to fly as well. But that’s for later space adventures.
When the whole thing with Oliver happens, you are of course there to support Mark, but also his family. Cecil also knows not to fuck with you, because its all thanks to you that the dead don’t rise and come for him every single day.
This may mean it doesn’t end as badly as in season 3, or, Mark just has some more support, very powerful support that the GDA knows to fear. Because how is Cecil gonna manipulate the original manipulator? The one strong enough to bewitch the entire planet if he wanted to?
You also have a better time explaining morals and powers to Oliver, since you are still stronger than him at this point, so you can put him in his place when he needs it. Being nonhuman also helps a lot, since Oliver feels his power disconnects him from humanity.
This gives Mark some more room to find himself and settle, and yeah, I feel like him and his family end up moving into wherever you stay. Be it some massive gothic castle in Romania, or a Victorian mansion at the edge of a massive cliff in England, who knows.
Both because its safer, more comfortable, and they get to feel like they don’t always have to look over their shoulder.
You don’t survive the coffin allegations though, since you sleep in a grand one, and have at least 100 different coffins you switch between. Most were gifts from your spawn, or one or two from immortal as “congrats on living another hundred” gift. You gifted him weapons or houses in return.
Mark can’t sleep in the coffins with you, since he hates how claustrophobic it makes him. But he will sleep beside the coffin. You guys keep the lid pushed to the side enough for you to stick a hand out, so you guys can hold hands.
I feel like Oliver would thrive a lot under you and your spawns, since you keep your “children” in line. Being direct descendants of you means they are powerful enough to play and roughhouse with, but also help him train.
Mark trains with you instead, and it regularly ends up with him almost giggling and kicking his feet as you pin him down, barring his neck all “oh please, vampire king, please don’t bite me”.
It takes Debbie a while to settle in, but maybe she meets one of your spawn to gets on with well, or she doesn’t at all. Maybe she just takes the time to heal and find herself when she sees her sons are happy.
You end up getting the shovel talk from her though, which all your direct descendants peek around the corner of the doorway to watch. Somehow you look meek as she points a finger at you and tell you to treat her son right and with respect.
I haven’t read very far in the comics so I cant tell you what happens after this, but Mark will have you by his side when everything goes down, and that might help change it to a more positive outcome.
It might help to have a lover who isn’t held back by his humanity and morals. You are more than willing to turn entire planets into your mindless spawn if it means keeping your dear ones safe. It does lead to a horrible argument and Mark not talking to you for a while, but he forgives you at some point.
Reading his secret fanfic does help with that, even if it means you have to dress like a man from the current era, style your hair and stalk him when he sleeps (as if you don’t already do that).
Being a super ancient and rich vampire also means you can pile gifts on Mark, Oliver and Debbie. Mostly Mark, but you don’t want his kin to be left out. So, Mark gets to live out his nerdy dreams to the extreme.
You’ll remodel a whole part of your house for him if it comes down to it. Your direct spawn will coo at you becoming soft. You let them, for now, but you’ll get your revenge, especially seeing them all tied around the Grayson’s fingers too.
You are so used to dealing with the GDA that it also isn’t hard to keep them at bay, how are they gonna invade a place that’s existed longer than democracy? You will burn the whole place down if you have too. Anything for your nerdy little hero.
#male reader#vampire male reader#vampire reader#mark grayson#invincible#mark grayson x male reader#mark grayson x reader#mark grayson imagine#mark grayson headcanon#invincible x male reader#invincible x reader#invincible imagine#invincible headcanon#invincible comic#invincible season 3#invincible show#debbie grayson mention#oliver grayson mention#i feel the urge to write smut about mark and his vampire partner.....#i feel like his viltrumite genes would go crazy for the bloodplay
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August - Prologue
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Chapter Description: You look back on the way that you bonded with Spencer over the course of the time you've known him. After one night spent between you both, you tell the girls that you want to ask Spencer to Rossi's wedding. Too bad JJ had other plans.
Content/Warnings: Spoilers for 14x15, unrequited love, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, JJ is a horrible friend (I’m so sorry), general heartbreak.
WC: 2.4K
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🏷️ @sadroses98
Spencer’s love life was a trainwreck. Everyone knew that after the Maeve debacle, dating wasn’t something that he was concerned with. He saw the horrible things that could happen to significant others of the BAU members. Haley dying, Jack being targeted, and Savannah being shot were things he’d seen first hand and he wasn’t eager to have a loved one go through any of it. He’d never forgive himself.
JJ was always special, in his eyes. Even whenever they were both young on the field together, he always pined after her. She was beautiful, funny, and she didn’t always look so bothered to talk to him. Of course, their failed attempt at a date to the Redskins game was just an indication that he should admire from afar. Besides, he’d like to have her in his life regardless.
He maintained a healthy friendship with JJ over all fourteen years that he worked with the BAU, the woman being by his side even whenever he didn’t deserve it. It was something he wouldn’t trade for the world. He appreciated her, loving her so much that his heart swelled every time she came near him. He buried all those feelings deep in his heart, keeping quiet on the subject. It wasn’t the healthiest way to handle unspoken feelings but it was the easiest. Work would be awkward, plus she didn’t seem romantically interested. Best not to push.
Whenever you joined the BAU, you were blissfully unaware of Spencer’s feelings toward JJ, instead meeting a version of him that was so dedicated to bottling up those feelings. He was a bit standoffish with you at first, which you didn’t take personally. You’d heard of the endless trauma he’d been through and you felt like you had to work overtime to gain his trust.The problem was, you did damn near everything and it was like it wasn’t working.
You learned how he liked his coffee and brought him a cup every morning, you asked for facts about zany topics, you even mentioned Doctor Who in an effort to reach out to him. It was like he didn’t even want to look in your direction.
You managed to chip away at him over the next few months, getting him to laugh in certain circumstances or even having him greet you in the mornings. It was something that you had to work for but it was all worth it in the end whenever he’d gotten fully comfortable with you. He learned that he enjoyed talking to you, having you around.
The both of you had grown quite close to the point where every Friday that you weren’t on a case was spent having a movie night. He’d even taught you how to sew a scarf after too much trial and error. All the time you spent together was causing you to fall deeper in love with the lovable genius with each interaction. Every silly complaint about a show not being true to science, his rambles on topics that interested him, even when you two would get into arguments.
It was no surprise that you’d fallen so fast. You wore your heart on your sleeve, yearning for a deep connection that nobody else could take away. Spencer was your person, you could feel it. There were daydreams of having a nice home with a big backyard for your kids, Spencer teaching them magic tricks or helping them excel in their academics.
It was a Saturday night after a successful case that the team went out drinking together to celebrate. You may have let Penelope and Emily influence you into drinking your body weight in whatever liquor was put in front of you. Spencer hardly drank, however he allowed himself to have a few drinks, his tolerance being so low that he could feel a buzz after just one.
You were too far gone to remember the events of the night but you did know that you and Spencer left together. The night was spent with drunken sex and whatever else you two got up to within the span of seven hours. You both woke up the next morning and it was still okay. There was no sneaking out when someone was sleeping, no forcing them out. You two actually spent a good portion of the morning together. The only issue? You got more attached. It was like you associated the sex with mutual feelings, the dream of actually finding someone to settle with.
You’d gotten so caught up with the fantasy that you just had to tell the girls at work during one of your morning gossip sessions.
“I don’t know, I just feel like this could be the start of something great. I really do like him, he means the world to me. I just wish that I could say it.” You admitted, leaning against Penelope’s desk while sipping from your coffee mug.
“Well, I say just go for it! Our genius needs to settle down.” Penelope encouraged, her eyes widening with excitement. “You two can have babies! I don’t think we could ever have enough BAU babies.” She gushed.
JJ was laughing softly from her spot in the room at her friend’s excitement. “I mean, the worst he could really do is say no. No harm in trying to ask, right?” The blonde let her shoulders bounce. In a way, she could feel a pang of jealousy in her chest. You and Spencer? That didn’t seem right at all.
“He won’t say no! I am convinced he loves you! I mean, you always brighten his day.” Penelope was piling on encouragement, pushing you to take the bull by the horns and just get yourself out there, to put your feelings first.”Plus, you can invite him to Rossi’s wedding!”
It was safe to say that it was working. You felt a wave of confidence rush over you, taking it with stride. JJ had a point, Spencer wouldn’t be rude about turning you down. The pain would still be there in the event he did but at least he wouldn’t be cruel, right?
“I’m gonna go talk to him about it. It’s a paperwork day, so it’ll be quiet.” Plus, she could just delve into files that needed to be filed away if he did let her down gently. It was the perfect plan!
You were planning on talking to him later in the afternoon, just enough time to give yourself a pep talk. However, Emily and Penelope killed that idea with a snap of a finger as a case had come up. It came with the territory of your job – make plans and have them destroyed by some loser who decided to massacre multiple people for the fun of it.
The case had taken a turn for the worse whenever JJ and Spencer were hot on the unsub’s trail, being locked inside a bank with no way to contact the outside world. The only thing anyone had was shitty footage from the security camera inside with no audio to accompany it. All you could do was assume what was happening as you stared at the screen, Emily beside you as she was talking to Penelope about getting anything if they could.
Their body language said it all though, the way that JJ seemed tense and the way Spencer had a look of… Relief? You didn’t know what was happening in the slightest but it was like you could feel your stomach churn, your heart slowly cracking.
You didn’t want to assume it was anything too crazy, you didn’t need to worry. You were being silly. Once there were shots inside, everyone was rushing to the back door of the building to get inside. You were frozen in place, eyes focused on the room now filled with agents and cops.
The sound of everyone talking was muffled, your mind somewhere else as you were slowly turning to the screen before approaching the two agents when they were coming out of the building. “Are you two okay?!” She asked quickly, a shaky edge to her voice as she was bringing a hand to her face. “This job stresses me out,”
There was lighthearted, yet awkward laughter as you were eventually heading back to the SUVs.
There was a tension hanging in the air any time that Spencer and JJ were together, the two barely sharing glances as the rest of the team were rejoicing and ending the case and preventing losing innocent people as well as potentially losing two of their best agents.
There was something wrong but you weren’t going to say anything.
Clearly something personal happened in the moment they were forced to play along with whatever the unsub wanted from them. You were curious but you didn’t want to bring it up, maybe out of fear of hearing something that you don't wanna hear.
You didn’t ask Spencer to be your date to Dave’s wedding, instead going on your own.
The whole environment there made you sad. You were thrilled for Dave and Krystall but it was an atmosphere oozing with love while you were alone, the man you wanted to ask being weird and not speaking to you the way he usually did. There was a lot you wondered about.
Did you do something wrong? Was he angry at you? More questions echoed in your mind, feeling defeated on how such a good relationship has fizzled out to nothing.
You were brought out of your thoughts whenever Penelope was passing out whatever concoction of drink she came up with. “Here you go, sour puss.” The blonde spoke while placing the mixed drink in front of you at the bar, you offering a small smile in response.
“It’s a good day, don’t be sad in the corner all night.” Luke added soon after while you were waving it off. He didn’t know the extent of why you felt the way you did. He just knew that you had been in a funk for days, not being your usual self.
“I’m not sad. I’m just.. I’m not really in the mood.” It was honest, however you knew that you had to show up for Dave, he was family. You would’ve done the same for anyone else in the team for whatever event.
In the midst of your denial, your gaze had fallen on Spencer and JJ, the two talking together at a table farther from the rest of you. It could’ve been some deep, poorly concealed anger that had you putting the cup down and walking over to the two who seemed to be having a great time together. You were falling apart and it was like he wasn’t even paying attention. It stung.
“Spencer! JJ!” You announced your presence with a smile, your hands clasping together. “I didn’t get to come talk to you guys earlier. I wanted to say hi.” You began. “Also, why are you two isolated from the team?! Come on!”
What felt like a knife to your chest was the way Spencer looked at you with a lack of interest, almost as if your presence was bothersome. “Oh, we were just talking. We are fine, we will catch up later.” The male answered, hoping the answer was good enough to be left alone again.
That was the moment you broke.
“What the hell have I done to you? You’ve been dodging my calls and texts for days and you barely talk to me anymore. What is your deal?” In an attempt to not ruin the beautiful ceremony, you were keeping a calm demeanor. Even if you could feel the cracks in the facade.
“What? Nothing! You’re acting like a child. I’m just having a conversation.” Spencer frowned, his attention finally on you for the first time in days. “You act like we talk every minute of the day.”
“Because we normally do! Come on, Spencer. Just talk to me.” You were begging for a minute of his time, an explanation. For days you’d questioned every interaction and every word said. You thought your relationship was stronger than that.
“I am talking to you. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to say.”
JJ looked visibly uncomfortable with the whole interaction, so that’s whenever you were turning your attention to her. “And you, I’ve been trying to talk to you for days and you don’t give me the time of day. What is happening? Do you both have a problem with me?”
“No! She has a point, Spencer. I’ll be honest with her.” JJ finally found her voice, although the nervousness was gone now, instead just taking the situation for what it is. “I’m sorry,” The words made your knees weak.
You knew what was coming.
“The other day, the key to us getting out of there and preventing any injuries, I played truth or dare. Which, I know what you’re thinking but it wasn’t a childish game in the slightest.” She said slowly while you watched her in disbelief.
“Anyway, I was told to give a secret that I’d never tell anyone else. Something I’d take to the grave and-”
“You told Spencer that you loved him.” You finished, throat tight as you were restraining the urge to either sob or scream at the blonde. “It’s just funny that this all came out after I told you what I wanted to do. You never showed him the time of day before.”
“I don’t think you pay enough attention. Spencer has always been my best friend and we spend time together alone quite frequently. Just because you had sex one time doesn’t mean that you both were in an unspoken relationship.” JJ responded, having the audacity to act as if she didn’t break girl code to the highest degree.
There were a few moments of silence, every intrusive thought bouncing through your mind. Your gaze was briefly turning to David and Krystall, seeing the two happily talking with guests before you were tuning your head to the pair in front of you.
You reached over for the glass of water that one of them ended up putting down, hand clutching the glass before you made the wise decision of throwing water in their direction, the glass emptying on the both of them before the same glass was being placed down on the table.
Without a word, you turned on your heels so you could walk away from the two. The reception was over for you, no feeling of celebration. You leaving with tears brimming your eyes caught the attention of the small group of agents, the group now turning their heads briefly to look at Spencer and JJ.
“Oh no..” Penelope frowned, the normally bubbly blonde turning to Tara, Luke and Matt.
“Something tells me that JJ and Spencer are talking..”
#spencer reid#criminal minds fandom#spencer reid fandom#criminal minds fic#criminal minds fanfic#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#dr spencer reid#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid angst#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid imagine#doctor spencer reid#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid scenario#spencer reid series#criminal minds au
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So this is more of an AU of the fandom AU where the Coruscant Guard live in a shitty run down building that’s falling apart. But Commander Fox finds this unacceptable so he clears out a warehouse used for storage and builds a shiny new headquarters. The original building they fix up, but only the lobby, a couple offices, and the med bay so troopers on senate duty can stay there due to its proximity to the senate building. Their new building they can go nuts with, adding all sorts of stuff that they arnt allowed to have.
An entire room is filled with tv monitors so they can slice into security cameras around the planet and see everything. They get a nice rec room, an area for the engineers to play around with ideas, even an office for the medics to make you talk about your feelings. A server room is dedicated solely to storing and orgonizing blackmail collected on pretty much everyone worth mentioning on Coruscant.
But after one secret building, what’s another? Areas of strategic importance are carefully chosen and a new headquarters is established nearby. They are each given code names. The original building is still Headquarters, the new main building is the Barracks. The Office is where they run intelligence and investigations from. IT Department is next to the industrial district. The Kennals are much lower than some of their other buildings, a small station set up to monitor the rancor infestation (Thorn moves down there to become a cowboy after he “dies” on Scipio). The Lobby is set in the lower civilian levels as a way to help the people who arnt rich enough to bribe politicians into getting what they want. The Med Bay started as just somewhere for big surgeries, physical therapy and prosthetics, but which the “generous donations” they acquire it grows into a hospital for civilians as well, completely free, and they start hiring nat born doctors, surgeons and nurses while paying them well and proving a great work environment. Adding a therapist office helped a lot of troopers as well.
The system takes a long time to build and works perfectly. Until Fox figures out Palpatine is a Sith. It’s not actually world shattering news, but it does give him a panic attack after realizing Palpatine though Fox already knew, because he had threatened the chancellor with a slug thrower instead of a blaster. Through questions to his batch mates with Jedi generals he learns that Sith can influence people’s minds and decides that in order for the clone rights bill to pass Palpatine needs to die.
And die he does. The rest of the conservative senators are swayed by a mix of blackmail, bribes, and bomb threats. The bill does pass, and most of them are instantly arrested for sentient rights violations, assault, and various other crimes because government property can’t serve as a witness in a civilian court of law.
The timing of all this could not be worse, as two of Fox’s batch mates where on planet, Cody and Wolffe, and they loved to stick their noses in his business. Which means when a lot of Corries are injured in the fight with the senate guards and private security while trying to make arrests, Cody and Wolffe help get them back to Headquarters, because it’s much closer than the Barracks. But Headquarters has a very small med bay because so few troopers use it. So they are over crowded and run out of bacta.
Also Cody gets turned around in the hallway and discovers how bad the rest of the building is. So Fox has a choice to make. He grabs Cody and Wolffe and drags them outside and back to the GAR barracks while texting Thire and telling him he has an hour and a half to make Headquarters look lived in. Then Fox opens a one way comm line with every Corrie so they can keep the story straight as he answers his brothers questions.
Fox commits to the bit so hard they believe the Guard is suffering horribly from abuse and budget cuts while in reality they just steal money from what ever rich person they have the freshest blackmail from. He could just tell them all the illegal things he’s been up to, but Fox would rather die than tell someone more than they needed to know.
#unhinged fox au#he grabs a shovel and keeps digging himself in deeper#it will backfire eventually but not until he’s gotten rid of the Pikes#star wars#commander fox#coruscant guard#marshal commander fox#corrie guard#corries#corrie stuff#commander cody#commander wolffe#the clone wars#tcw#sw tcw#commander thorn#commander thire
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trying to collect my thoughts about The Bad Boys (that is, jimmy grian and joel)
like. joel and grian are by far the most bloodthirsty people on the server ("aw i'm not the boogey :(" and grian's 3L murder spree while green). meanwhile jimmy is constantly referenced as the most likely to die. they're all horrible chaotic influences on each other, they're egging one another on -- but then they hasten to warn each other about leaf waterlogging on bucket jumps. they spend their afternoons quietly fishing in their little wooden clubhouse... then go back to doing property damage and stealing things and setting fires
it's two short + one tall, but the one tall is all ineffectual bravado and the two short are these totally unhinged berserkers
"we're the only ones allowed to bully jimmy" + "i love my terrifying murderous besties" energy, is this making sense??? they're driving me mad
#fellas please help me rotate them#solidaritygaming#limited life#limited life smp#joel smallishbeans#grian#trafficblr#the bad boys#of the life series lol#shreep#he asked for no pickles DO YOU GET ME#this is what happens when my partner takes a nap and i'm alone with my thoughts pff
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exorcising my list of unwritten conclave concepts from a few weeks ago i haven't written much since, in case the list is all there ends up coming out of it or anyone wants to welcome any of them into a good home:
cardinal lawrence and sister agnes won each other’s respect and trust during ratzinger’s papacy (liberals who leak church scandals to the justice system and the press stick together). everyone lowkey thinks they are having an affair. they are not, but they do keep sneaking into corners to gossip during the conclave. leaning fully into the reading of sister agnes as the late pope’s intelligence expert. incredibly jaded vatican spy. aldo is not jealous. benitez finds lawrence with the yellow canary eating from his hand and going back to his side after short flights, and has a number of franciscan emotions about it. the whole thing would ideally be about their friendship, different views and thoughts on power, what it looks like, what it ought to look like. responsibility, and doubt. also: how horrible it is the only non smokers in an european workplace.
(does this change anything materially? possibly the adeyemi and trembley situation is revealed much sooner with lawrence and sister agnes working together earlier and sharing intel, which in its turn makes him seem more competent and aggressive in taking down competitors, ergo more votes, ergo more influence? maybe bellini supports him more overtly earlier idk.)
cardinal lawrence is dead. as a matter of fact, cardinal lawrence has been dead for a few days after the pope dies; unlike the pope, he keeps coming back to do his job. the curia covers up his death, because the dean of the college of cardinals is a ghost who apparently hated his job enough that is it his very literal purgatory is both hard to explain, and bad for the press. the fate of his unliving soul is very much at risk when steering the conclave, which is, uh, fun. cardinal tedesco's vape smoke now strongly smells of sulfur to him, which is probably not satanic in origin but then again might be. people keep voting on him and their belief in him corresponds directly to how much he can interact with the world, which is a very straightforward way to test one’s moral limits and otherwise a great torment. the one silver lining is that he can walk through walls and scoop out corrupt dealing easily, and no one can really tell he is dead. well, barely anyone. cardinal benítez and his ability to walk easily between the liminal spaces and certainties of the world is an outlier, and should not be counted.
dean lawrence keeps getting kidnapped, poisoned, blackmailed and otherwise threatened. this is an unfortunate if occasional part of being the vatican’s manager of two increasingly liberal and unorthodox papacies. it is considerably less fine and unfortunately far too normal for innocent xiv, who has a non-zero number of experiences with friends being kidnapped, poisoned, blackmailed and otherwise threatened.
bellini/lawrence full on established relationship nonsense. as in, they have been together for thirty years and counting. conclave rewrite??
innocent xiv’s phone messages get leaked. innocent xiv’s phone messages consist of selfies with turtles sent to various friends and family, a good deal of memes in the santa marta groupchat, and daily jokes, complaints and affectionate messages to dean lawrence. the media has thoughts. aldo bellini, newly in charge of the papal media strategy, also has thoughts. and prayers.
a glimpse at all the people that Did vote for benítez from the start, and how much his work is or is not known outside the hermetic sphere of the vatican. he's kind of famous in religious activist circle probably! he has fans! he has a wide network of people he regularly approaches for information, resources, mutual aid and donations to his clinics and dioceses! he keeps dropping insane facts about horrifying personal experiences with unnerving serenity!
vincent benítez soft doms cardinal lawrence into taking a rest during the conclave. this incidents turns into a habit and gains new dimensions, as per the forthcoming changes in job status
pope john has an ongoing crisis of faith and also a gigantic imposter's syndrome. unrelatedly, pope john would really really really rather vincent benítez did not die in kabul and/or cause a diplomatic disaster. how convenient, then, that he is now a benevolent religious dictator who can arrange (read: wholesale invent) a number of postings and duties only benítez can accomplish. if anyone ask, this is a long-delayed move on part o the church to develop a deeper connection to on-the-ground aid organization. this can’t possibly last forever, though, can it?
friar lawrence has shed all politics and chosen an abbey who keeps a vow of silence. friar lawrence is genuinely having a lovely time of things in his little abbey post canon. for like, uh, two months? friar lawrence keeps accidentally gaining more and more influence. manager-guy who cannot not manage. six months in he’s in charge of shelters and social associations. one year on, and he’d be archbishop again, if he were not aggressively trying to clamber down the church hierarchical rung. his friend, innocent xiv, who went from being a non-entity to one of the most famous men in the world, is sympathetic but also thinks this is very very funny. epistolary fic?? email epistolary? there is a little cat in a friar's habit and this is the most important part.
possibly related: cardinal lawrence comes back from his enforced sabbatical in a peaceful retreat freckled, healthier and smiling. people have thoughts on this, and emotions also.
turtle pov of benitez/lawrence. literally: turtle pov. is the turtle an angel?? unclear if the turtle is an angel.
cardinal tedesco must die au.
#thomas lawrence#vincent benitez#conclave spoilers#conclave#a post on lawrence being dead and in purgatory flickered on my dash before disappearing and i NEED to find it#whoever wrote it is living in my brain namely my brain two weeks ago when i tried to draft it. i am so thrilled that i'm not the only one#who thinks his haunted vibes and alma penada swag is so suited to a purgatory concept#also i desperately need more sister agnes#aldo bellini#sister agnes#conclave au#lawrence x benitez#lawrenitez
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Sadly, the Wuthering Heights furor has also led to people (many of whom, let us be real, simply dislike the book or otherwise only think of it when it's brought up) to discourse about the content of the novel versus the wrongness of Emerald Fennell's choices with regards to the movie, which of course, has opened up the classic "IT'S NOT A ROMANCE! IT'S NOT A LOVE STORY! BAD PEOPLE! HATE STORY!"
... Which is... also a bad take.
First off, to be very clear, "Romance" is not inherently "genre romance", which is the thing I blog a lot about that was solidified in the latter half of the twentieth century (and which, no doubt, was influenced on some level by WH as much as Jane Eyre, Austen novels and so on). Wuthering Heights is a romance, it's just not a genre romance/romance novel. And indisputably, Wuthering Heights is a love story.
It may not be a love story you like. It may not be a love story with a happily ever after (though I will say—this is one of the few books where I think it's pretty debatable, as "wandering the moors as ghosts", if that is what happened, is kind of... what Cathy and Heathcliff would've wanted... and their ultimate desire was to be TOGETHER, regardless of whether or not it damned them, so is it an HEA in their freaky minds? Maybe so lol). It may ALSO be an abuse story in which the lovers act horribly to each other.... though, I gotta say, MUCH WORSE to literally everyone else in their lives than they do to each other...
But it's a love story. That is one of several things it happens to be. The entire novel is driven by this central love story between Heathcliff and Cathy—a love that is, contrary to what a surface-level reading or reading by word of mouth would imply... very much mutual. I've already gone on about how Cathy Earnshaw is not Heathcliff's victim the way Isabella Linton is, and how Cathy is very much as involved in the love affair as he is. But truly, while their individual internal struggles are the framework and what keeps them apart in many ways—Heathcliff being a man of color and subject to racist abuse, Cathy conforming to society and classist pressures when her natural temperament is very much not of society—what propels the story is this romance.
Because they are supposed to be read as extremely similar, and as two people who do not truly identify with anyone but one another. They're supposed to be read as like minds. They're supposed to be read as thwarted. Some of the things those two say about each other and to each other are legitimately some of the most romantic lines I've ever read.
I mean, are they also kind of sick and wrong? Sure! But I do find it kind of rich to see people who are totally fine with reading dark romance wring their hands over the public at large interpreting Heathcliff and Cathy's relationship as an epic romance. I don't have an issue with anyone enjoying either! But. Let us be real. Part of why y'all are even enjoying work like that is the standard that books like WH set, and the fact that WH does speak to the lure of the dark and the tragedy of people who are super imperfect... and also super in love... continuously fucking up their own lives (and the lives of basically everyone around them) in this push-pull of denial and desire.
When people say "HOW COULD ANYONE EVER INTERPRET THIS AS ROMANTIC?" I just have to question... did you read the book? Because even if it's not for YOU, if it's not romantic TO YOU, surely you can see why other people (me and mine lol) read lines like these and go, "Wow, romantic":
“Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you--haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”
(fun fact: I do have a part of the above quote tattooed on my body and I'm very happy about it)
"My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it."
"Hush, my darling! Hush, hush, Catherine! I'll stay. If he shot me so, I'd expire with a blessing on my lips."
[said when her damn husband is almost at the door lol]
"I’m not wishing you greater torment than I have, Heathcliff. I only wish us never to be parted: and should a word of mine distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me!"
"'Heathcliff, dear! you should not be sullen now. Do come to me, Heathcliff.’
In her eagerness she rose and supported herself on the arm of the chair. At that earnest appeal he turned to her, looking absolutely desperate. His eyes, wide and wet, at last flashed fiercely on her; his breast heaved convulsively. An instant they held asunder, and then how they met I hardly saw, but Catherine made a spring, and he caught her, and they were locked in an embrace from which I thought my mistress would never be released alive..."
"Kiss me again; and don’t let me see your eyes! I forgive what you have done to me. I love my murderer—but yours! How can I?"
[Read: she is the murderer he is talking about. He's saying she doomed herself to death a long time ago, and he hates her for it. While also crying and kissing her lmao]
They're sickos! Nobody can argue otherwise. But that does not mean they're not in love, and it doesn't mean this isn't a love story, and wagging your fingers at people who read this as the obviously destructive love story this is and find it romantic... doesn't change that.
And the thing is that the book makes it pretttyyyy clear that even if Heathcliff and Cathy has assholery programed into their personalities, WITHOUT the contexts of how they were raised and the society that expects them both to conform to prescribed roles, they would probably just... be together. Like, they victimize people, especially Heathcliff. But they are also victims. The book isn't about a critique of two people Emily Bronte dreamed up; it's a critique of the CIRCUMSTANCES by way of Gothic, subversive melodrama. At the end of the day, their feelings, however passionate they are, are not inherently subversive. Their feelings are NATURAL. But they're twisted and contorted into something ugly through circumstance and the characters' responses to those circumstances.
For Heathcliff, A LOT of those circumstances that did twist him are in fact out of his control. Which is why we hate that casting, right?
But all that said, a love story being dirtybadwrong and about Bad People doesn't mean it isn't a love story, lol. Again—we don't even expect genre romance to be about good people.
Like. Yeah. We know Heathcliff and Cathy are assholes. You're not breaking new ground with that take. The book is still, in many ways, about those assholes being in love.
#wuthering heights#breaking my silence: i think wuthering heights is one of the most romantic books of all time lol#and i don't know WHY people think that imagining something is romantic implies that you want to APPLY THAT TO YOUR LIFE
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I want more sephzack snacking headcanons
Oh lmao. They're the WORST together.
Before Zack, Sephiroth refused to so much as LOOK at a potato chip. Or pizza. Or bacon. Or ANY sort of strict no-no item that was not on his Shinra prescribed diet.
Zack has a funny way with words though. And a funny way of directly advertising things without doing anything at all. The sheer AUDIO of those loud cronches was enough to get Sephiroth to hesitate and try a damn Pringle.
Five minutes later and Zack is trying to pry the container from Sephiroth's cold dead hands.
They are horrible influences on each other. Zack is Sephiroth's #1 dealer. They meet covertly so Zack can slide him a couple of donuts or a hotpocket or whatever Sephiroth is in the mood for at any given moment.
Friday is Pizza Day. Usually they're both pretty depressed at the end of the week because of drama with their friends. So they share two giant boxes together and wallow in comfortable pizza-bloated silence.
Zack has also introduced Sephiroth to the joys of breakfast. Before, Sephiroth was always used to some sort of synthetic rice gruel from the lab. Then Zack gets him hooked up on fluffy pancakes or greasy bacon and egg sandwiches. Sephiroth would literally commit Nibelheim 2.0 if someone tried to take his Mcmuffin away.
Whenever they are going through a mission together back at the base, stooping over paperwork or holding a private 1-1 conference sussing out a region, the loud sounds of crunching, slurping, and chewing can be heard between them as they most definitely have brought a big pile of snacks to share with each other.
Sephiroth introduces Zack to his love for cup noodles, with Zack often bringing Sephiroth uniquely flavored items as a "gift"--whether it's to apologize or just because he wants to make Sephiroth happy.
Both of them have gotten a sugar high at the exact same time and were basically speaking in another language to each other.
Both of them have also entertained private "celebrations" at the biggest buffets in Midgar together. Zack finds Sephiroth's appetite honestly rather alarming whenever he's in a good mood.
Zack likes to pretend it's a secret "Club" that only he and Sephiroth share together. Sure, they're bad influences. And a LOT of it is stress-eating. But it's a special bond that they can share together, however unhealthy.
Hojo is NOT PLEASED by this development between them and cracks down on it as much as possible. Zack and Sephiroth are not permitted to eat together. EVER. Anyone who spots them chowing down together is to immediately report it.
No one actually follows this rule though. And Zack and Sephiroth find as many ways to get around it as possible.
#asks#ff7#ffvii#final fantasy 7#crisis core#sephcanons#sephiroth#final fantasy vii#zack fair#sephzack#hojo#professor hojo
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In the SCP sedition tapes, 049 talks about an ex-apprentice Jolanda. I never really thought about her until a couple months ago, and now I'm OBSESSED WITH HER. I've written so much lore about her in my AU of the sedition tapes when all I've had to go off her was 3 minutes of 049 speaking about her. And now, since I am attached to her, I ask of you to please take 049 being a Father lore. This post specifically is about her childhood and centers around her relationship with 049. Her adulthood will have it's own separate post, and is also more heavily influenced by 035. 0-6 Years: The only child to an immigrant couple in Europe. Her childhood is fuzzy, but fine. Sickly, impoverished, and dirty, but fine. The town she lived in was large, so it was a prime target when war broke out. Her village was attacked. Everyone but her died, whether it was by murder, burning to death in the fires, or smoke inhalation, they were dead. 049 had been following closely behind the attacking armies to ensure 035 wouldn't track him down, as 035 was stalking 049 through Europe at this time, and after every raid there would also be fresh bodies to experiment on. 049 found Jolanda in the remnants of her families home. She was uninjured, but absolutely distraught mentally. 049, out of pity, took her under his wing as his apprentice 6-12 Years: Jolanda bonded to him like a duckling. She was always at his side and looked up to him. 049 was hesitant at first, only caring for her out of necessity. But the more he taught her, the more genuine love he felt for her. She was a child prodigy, and took to the craft of medicine and the pestilence as if it was in her nature. His mentor role soon turned fatherly, even though he never wanted to and never knew how to be one. For the sake of Jolanda, he learned. They travelled side by side, 049 teaching her how to spot and cure the pestilence, but also how to go about life. She considered him her father, and she his daughter, though it was always unspoken. They referred to each other by name, they didn't have to say it to know. In these years, 049 also warned her about 035, showing her drawings and telling her tales about the shit he's caused. He knew 035 would be back at any moment, and Jolanda would be his first target if he found her.
12-16 Years: Around this time, Jolanda began to develop survivors guilt for the attack on her home. She couldn't remember her family as vividly as she used to and she felt horrible, especially with how quickly she got over her fathers death and clung to 049. She confided in 049 about this, and he'd comfort her, but also feel bad. Like there was something more he could have done to save her father or that he shouldn't have stepped into that role in the first place. This put distance between them for a bit, having shame on both sides, but they were able to recover after so many talks and time away from the medical table spent together. 16-18 Years: Smooth sailing, best father daughter duo you've ever seen!! 18-21 Years: Jolanda had begun to expand her circle. Making friends, falling in love, all that fun stuff. 049 however believed she had grown uninterested in curing the Pestilence. That she would, as all his other apprentices had, go on to cure broken bones and sore throats. He told her about his growing disappointment that she wasn't spending more time studying the pestilence, which caused her to sneak out and be more curt with him. She felt unwanted and disheartened. She still believed in the pestilence and wanted to cure it, but 049 didn't seem to see that, did he. 049s old delusions were coming back to him, even though 035 had lost his track long ago. He would see 035 in the corner of his eye, or hear those whispers when he was totally alone. He and Jolanda had to keep travelling, but she didn't want to, she had now formed a community. Resentment built and built between the two of them, even though 049 tried to fix it, and it all came crashing down when 049 kidnapped the pestilence infested boyfriend of Jolanda's lady crush, tied him up, and pressured Jolanda into curing him. Jolanda jumped in to defend the guy, putting herself between 049 and him. 049s delusions came back harder than ever, and it was a blur after that, but when he came to his senses, Jolanda was half dead. He had cured her, basically killing her in the process. Out of shock, horror, and shame, he cast her into the snow and left her for dead, immediately returning to his endless run through Europe to cure the pestilence. Nothing could wash off the guilt he now bore, and it drove him even further into insanity. After being cast into the snow and abandoned, Jolanda should've died. But she didn't. Her conscious was still intact, even after having the cure inflicted on her. Half of her body was beginning to rot, and she had intense urges to find and kill anything that moved, like every other carcass 049 cured felt. But Jolanda kept it within, and she turned that urge into the need for revenge. Ty for reading I hope my yapping was enjoyed 🫶🫶🫶like I said, her adulthood will get its own post, but lord knows when that'll be.
#scp#scp 035#scp fandom#scp shitposting#scp art#scp fanart#scp foundation#scp 049#035 x 049#scp containment breach
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Bed and Breakfast
"I can't believe you're going to make me stay in a place like that." Said the beautiful woman with an arrogant tone towards her companion. Without realizing that she was being heard by the owner of the small and cozy coastal inn.
"Babe, calm down, the place is really nice and seems to be very comfortable. And it's highly rated on travel sites. We'll be lucky if there's room for us here."
"We wouldn't have to go through this if you had booked a hotel in advance."
"Laura, love. You decided on a trip to a fashionable place at the last minute during high season, there was no vacancy and yet you insisted on coming."

"Of course, everyone important is here, what do you think my followers would say if I didn't come. An influencer has to be aware of all the trends, Jeremy and this is the place of the moment, only God knows why." Laura replied, making her boyfriend let out a sigh before being prevented from responding by a cheerful and jovial voice.

"Good night, I'm Cintia, owner of Cozy Cabin, welcome, how can I help you?"
"Good evening, ma'am. My name is Jeremy Grant, and this is my fiancée, Laura. We are looking for accommodation."
"Oh dear! I'm sorry, but we're all booked up, reservations have been closed for over two months, we've become a very popular place lately." The woman of indecipherable age responded, because at the same time that she showed signs of age, she had an aura of joy and youth around her, at that moment tainted by a genuine tone of sadness at not being able to help. Which turned into indignation and anger when the young, pretty blonde woman in front of him let out a dismissive giggle followed by a howl of reproach towards her fiancé. However, before Cintia could say anything, Jeremy quickly intervened.
"Isn't there really the slightest possibility Cintia? It would only be for one day so that Laura can take some photos and post them, she is a digital influencer."
"Really? I've never heard of you darling." Cintia said, taking advantage of the moment to repay the young woman's rudeness, who in turn couldn't stand to remain silent.
"I work with a young audience, it's understandable if someone your age doesn't know me." Laura replied, causing Jeremy to have a mortified expression and a dangerous glint to appear in Cintia's eyes.
"Ah, believe me, I know how to recognize an influencer with an impact, right now we are hosting Miguel Ramos, the famous fitness influencer, it is already the fifth year that he has visited us at this time. Which gives me a wonderful idea to solve the your problem. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'll be back with news soon."
"Stupid rag" Laura commented bitterly as soon as Cintia left the room.
"Baby, you provoked..."
"Don't stand against me, Jeremy. How she dare, compare me to that fairy Miguel Ramos!"
"Laura, be careful what you say, I've heard a lot about Miguel Ramos, he was already a very respected Personal Trainer before becoming a popular fitness influencer and has a good follower base."
That was a huge understatement and they both knew it. While Laura's number of followers had not yet reached hundreds of thousands, Miguel's already surpassed the million barrier. And of course the vain woman didn't like being reminded of that and soon found a reason to tease her fiancé.
"Jeremy, that stubble of yours looks horrible, how many times have I told you to keep your face smooth! My followers prefer you to complement my look!"
Jeremy didn't know if that was true, Laura's followers really praised how much they complemented each other in appearance. But he couldn't help but occasionally wonder if the fact that Laura made him wear clothes in a similar style to hers, coupled with her insistence on keeping a smooth face and his blond hair in neat curls, resembled hers to the point where some people thinking that they were brothers and not a couple was a proof of a totally narcissistic nature as the class's detractors insisted on shouting. However, every time those thoughts arose, Jeremy quickly suppressed them, he had long ago accepted that he would be nobody without his girlfriend, to the point of giving up his career as a physical educator to follow her, ensuring all her wishes and canceling himself in every way. Because he was completely sure that he was not worthy of her love and that no one in the world would be able to love him like she did. It was precisely because he thought all of this that when he saw Cintia return with a look of satisfaction on her aged face, he responded calmly.
"Yes, love, that's the first thing I'll do as soon as we get to our room.”
"My dears, I found a solution, it's not perfect but it should help for today." Cintia began with a playful smile and that sparkle in her eyes. "We have a few rooms with extra beds that are not being occupied and two of our guests have kindly provided those beds to you for a couple of nights. In two days Mrs. Goldschmitt will return home and her room will be free if you wish." extend your stay."
"You mean you want us to stay in separate rooms?" Laura asked indignantly.
"It was the best I could do, dear. Of course, if it doesn't suit you, feel free to leave and look for accommodation elsewhere." Cintia replied with an icy smile.
"No, no, it's great, we accept!" Jeremy quickly interrupted, wanting to avoid more conflicts and the loss of the only stay they found.
"Great! Please follow me, then I'll ask one of the assistants to take your bags to your respective rooms." Cintia replied, looking genuinely pleased as she led them down a hallway and a flight of stairs to the first room and knocked on the door, which was promptly opened by a handsome Latino man in his thirties, with developed muscles detailed by a fitted white t-shirt and a friendly smile in his handsome bearded face.

"Goodnight." He said simply with a voice exuding masculinity.
"Miguel, dear. These are Jeremy and Lau..."
"You don't need to introduce me, I'm sure Miguel knows who I am." interrupted Laura while Miguel stared at her as if she were a creature that had jumped in front of him.”
"Laura... apparently she's a digital influencer." Cintia continued as if she had not been rudely interrupted. "Jeremy and Laura, this is Miguel Ramos who we talked about earlier and who kindly agreed to give Jeremy the extra bed in his room."
"Thank you for the lovely introduction Cintia and it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person Laura and you too Jer..." Miguel began, also being interrupted by Laura.
"I think our followers would love a collaboration from us."
"Um, sure, we can discuss this tomorrow, Laura. I believe you are both exhausted now and Cintia still has to take you to your room."
"Yes, yes, you're right, we'll arrange everything tomorrow. Shall we go then?" Laura ended talking to Cintia without even saying goodbye to Jeremy, who in turn approached his girlfriend and kissed her on the cheek.
"Good night love, sleep well!" - He said before entering the room and seeing his fiancée being taken by Cintia inside the building.
"Welcome Jeremy, unfortunately you'll have to take the single bed."
"Thank you Miguel, you didn't need to do that or pretend to know Laura."
"Ahh, I'm sorry about that, but I thought it was better, I know how hurt some influencers can be by not being recognized, I've never particularly cared about that, but I've seen some uncomfortable situations to say the least. And as for the bed, It's just a bed, I'm not really using it and Cintia asked me for a favor, she's a great friend and was a lot of help when... anyway, you are welcome here.”
"Still, you didn't have to do any of that, thank you very much." Jeremy replied as he prepared to sleep, thinking about what Miguel had left to say. It was nothing new that his breakup with his long-time boyfriend, a famous film actor, had been very traumatic, so much so that he had remained out of the spotlight for several months until he was photographed on the beach close to where they were, which is why the interest in place had lit up. The only news there was knowing that he will not be staying in a luxurious hotel but in Cintia's small and cozy inn. Laura should be happy, Jeremy thought before falling asleep, she had gone to look for copper and apparently she had found gold.
Already lying in the single bed, Jeremy found the courage to say something else.
"Miguel, thank you really, I'm very grateful for your kindness... but... well... I apologize in advance if Laura expresses... um... any dissatisfaction with the accommodation arrangements... she's used to get what she wants and... well... there might be some kind of... jealousy... so..."
"She doesn't need to worry Jeremy, I'm not into man skinnier , smaller and younger than me." Miguel responded in a joking tone but causing Jeremy to immediately recoil.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."
"You didn't offend me Jeremy, I was just joking, you can rest assured, in fact feel free in the room, as far as I'm concerned the room is as much yours as mine. Have a good night.”
The morning sun invaded the inn's bedroom, causing Jeremy to turn over in bed and wake up, rubbing his eyes, being treated to a stunning image, Miguel wearing only white underwear, with his sculpted body on display, staring intently at the bedroom wall as if he was lost in reminiscences. At that moment Jeremy felt something he had never imagined he would feel when seeing another man, a pang of desire, accompanied by a familiar sensation in his dick that he only associated with when he saw the image of Laura in her naked beauty. His surprise at that was so great that he moved abruptly, causing Miguel to wake up from his reverie.

"Good morning, I'm sorry if I woke you up, I forgot to close the curtains last night."
"No problem." Jeremy replied, hiding his erection with a pillow.
"Anyway, I'm already on my way out, going for my morning run before breakfast."
“Oh man, I miss doing that!” Commented Jeremy.
"Do you have this habit too?"
"Yes, I was a physical educator just like you, but since I started following Laura... she's not a morning person and gets upset when I wake her up early... anyway, I've been running on the treadmill while she makes the videos her at the gym."
"If you want to train with me..."
"Nah, man, thanks, but no. I'm going to rest a little longer" Jeremy replied, still hiding his erection.
"Then I'll see you later. Sweet dreams." Said an already fully dressed Miguel leaving the room and Jeremy alone with his disconcerting thoughts.
To say that the trip had been a disppointment to Laura would be a huge understatement. First Jeremy hadn't been able to make a simple reservation and even had the nerve to blame her when he should have been able to foresee this kind of thing, then there was the beach itself, she had never liked sun and sea, and only Thinking about sand made her skin itch, but unfortunately, thanks to Miguel Ramos' stellar divorce and his apparent bad taste, that little beach was the star's hot spot for the summer. Ending up in the same inn as him could be a golden opportunity, but for that she had to put up with the arrogant old woman who owned the place, the fact that her fiancé was sleeping in the same room as that fagot and the annoying roommate she that she was sure it had been chosen by the old ghoul with the only intention of irritating her. And it was with a look that reflected her inner bitterness that she waited for her fiance to appear for breakfast, which made her even more indignant, as she was not used to wait and at the same time she refused to call him. After all he should know his place and his duties!

It was with that sour face that Miguel found her after taking a shower and getting dressed as quietly as possible to avoid waking the still sleeping Jeremy. Upon seeing that expression, he seriously thought about escaping from the breakfast room without being seen, especially since he hadn't had a good initial impression of Laura, which was confirmed when he saw the type of content she produced, with Jeremy appearing as more of an accessory to her outfit than as a real boyfriend, which raised the suspicion that perhaps the other man was trapped in the type of abusive relationship that he himself had lived in until recently. But before he had time to escape, their eyes met and a practiced smile appeared on her face without reaching her predatory eyes. Knowing that game very well, Miguel plastered a smile as fake as hers on his own face and approached her table.
"Good morning, Miguel, I hope Jeremy's snoring wasn't disturbing." Laura said, starting the conversation in the worst possible way and making the smile disappear on Miguel's face.
"On the contrary, it didn't bother me at all, Noah snored a lot more." He replied, making a look of irritation momentarily cross Laura's face due to the comparison with his ex-husband. Wasn't it enough that her boyfriend was sleeping in the same room as him?
"You're very kind, but it's my fiancé you're talking about, no one knows him like I do."
"Of course, and if you allow me to say, seeing your posts on social media is possible to see all your influence on him." Miguel replied, barely hiding the sarcasm in his voice.
"Thank you. It was hard work." Laura responded in turn without realizing the criticism embedded in his comment. "Speaking of work, when are we going to do our collaboration?" She concludes.
"We'll certainly find a way." He responded in turn, knowing that as far as he was concerned, that would never happen. "If you'll excuse me now I have an appointment. Maybe you should check on Jeremy, when I left the room he was sound asleep. It seemed to me like he hadn't slept so well in a long time." He concludes with a bright and genuine smile before leaving the room, turning his back on a fuming Laura.

Although Miguel's statement was intended to provoke Laura, that was not far from the truth. Jeremy had slept as well as ever and didn't even wake up when Miguel returned to the room and got ready for breakfast. If he had woken up he would have been mortified, because in his sleep he ended up ripping off his pajama shirt, and without realizing it, he reached for his erection that had returned along with Miguel's presence in the room, while his mind filled itself. one of the most different and vivid dreams he had ever had. In the dream he found himself lying completely naked on a beach not very different from the one where the inn was located, and with the sun bathing his body a beautiful blonde woman approached and began kissing his naked body, he couldn't tell if was it Laura or not, because each kiss given in the dream made him feel an immeasurable ecstasy, strong enough to cover up any sense other than pleasure, so much so that he only realized that the figure in the dream had changed, becoming a muscular man and bearded with his dark body shining with sweat in the morning sun a few seconds before he was awakened by the indignant voice of his fiancée.

"Jeremy, so this is what you were doing instead of meeting me for breakfast? Masturbating in that queer's room? How disgusting!"
Said an indignant Laura when she found her boyfriend in that position. Jeremy, taken by surprise in turn, responded without thinking
"Never use that kind of word in my presence again Laura, if there's anything disgusting it's those expressions!"
"Jeremy, how dare you correct me! Disguting yes, and even more disgusting are the habits of these fagots, but apparently you're already quite used to it, right, jacking off in one of their bedrooms. And you didn't even shave that disgusting beard. As if not If you just cut your hair without talking to me, I'm at my limit!" She barked back, causing all the layers of inhibition to return to a now more awake Jeremy.
"I'm sorry, babe, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. Give me a few minutes to get ready and we can have breakfast together." He said, returning to his servile habits as he struggled to understand what she meant about his beard and hair.
"Well, you can have your breakfast alone. And you don't even need to come with me to the beach, I'll take Kayla to help me. Make the most of your day without my presence!" She replied angrily, leaving the room and a confused and still sleepy Jeremy behind.
He in turn stood up and stretched, losing his balance a little as he felt the strange sensation that he seemed to be a good few inches taller, which he knew was nonsense, since no one grows overnight other than the fact that that he had had that height since the beginning of his adult life, which had helped him in many volleyball and basketball games when he was younger. Other activities that he missed but couldn't find time in his day to practice. He had never resented Laura for these things, but deep down he couldn't help but feel an irritation at having given up virtually all of his interests for hers. Shaking his head in an attempt to get those intrusive thoughts out of him, he went to the bathroom and took a long shower, knowing that there was no point in looking for his girlfriend while she was in that mood, that poor Kayla, whoever she was, who would have to put up with Laura for that morning, he thought with uncharacteristic sarcasm as he soaped the six blocks set on his abdomen, this time without trying to shake that thought away. After getting out of the shower he looked at himself in the mirror, for someone who could no longer follow a strict exercise routine he looked very good, he was slim but defined and his short beard accentuated the angles of his face, framed by golden curls in a medium lenght haircut.

Maybe it was time for Laura to learn to better appreciate the boyfriend she had, he thought, leaving the bathroom without shaving, before changing and getting ready to enjoy a morning of sun and sea without Laura's constant complaints and orders, which without a doubt it was the best thing that could have happened, said a new invasive thought that once again did not go away.
Jeremy wandered along the seawall for several minutes, feeling the sand beneath his feet, the scent of the sea breeze filling his lungs and the sun's rays bathing his fair skin, even though he knew he risked getting burned, it was too good for him let it go. After wandering for a long time he sat down on the beach and simply let himself be invaded by it all, with a wave of peace and completeness filling him. Without realizing that the longer he stayed there, the less white his skin became, turning to a golden summer tone, at the same time that his muscles expanded slightly, leaving him with the appearance of someone who trained frequently and carefully.

And there he would have continued without noticing the changes if he hadn't been interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Hey, roomie, watch out for a burn on your skin!"
Opening his eyes Jeremy found himself staring at Miguel in all his glory, with a happy smile plastered on his face.

"I may not have your Latin genes, Miguel. But it's been a long time since I've been burned!" He replied, smiling, as that strange feeling invaded him again.
"Still, the sun around here is much stronger than what you're used to. Let me help you." Miguel replied, approaching with a tube of sunscreen in his hands. "That is, if you don't mind."
Jeremy did care, not because of any prejudice, but because of the fear of what that closeness would make him feel, not to mention the erection that threatened to return. But at the same time he couldn't resist that proposal.
"No problem, I think you're exaggerating, but Laura will be unbearable if I burn myself, she already doesn't like my skin being so tanned."
"What nonsense, your skin is beautiful, that tan contrasts very well with your blonde hair, it gives you a healthy look, especially with those defined muscles."
"Thanks man, it's nice to hear a compliment from... hummm”. He groaned when he felt the other man's strong hands massaging his back.
"Something wrong?" Miguel asked.
"No... no... it's just that the sunscreen was cold."
"Ah, I'm done. Just a little more down here." Miguel said with his hands approaching Jeremy's buttocks and making him contract all over.
"Okay, do you want me to apply it in your front?"
"No, you don't need to, I'll do it myself." Jeremy quickly responded, taking the cock from Miguel's hand without even wanting to think about those manly hands near his cock.
"And where is Laura? I thought you helped with her content production."
Thinking about his girlfriend brought an unexpected wave of irritation to Jeremy, as if a cloud was blocking out the morning sun.
"We had an argument in the morning... in fact she did what she always does, said what she wanted and left me alone, I guess in the hope that I would go after her... but not this time... she might to fend for herself with her new friend." He responded with a certain bitterness that didn't go unnoticed by Miguel.
"Relationships can be complicated."
"Ours isn't, but I'm starting to think it's just because I'm used to canceling myself out in front of her."
Miguel, who had already noticed that, preferred not to comment anything.
"Anyway, we should see each other later and resolve this, I still love her of course, but some things will have to change in our relationship."
"So how about we do that run now, a little return to your old ways?"
"Are you sure you'll be able to keep up with me, with all this extra size and already running before..."
"Boy, respect me, I'm not one of the best known personal trainers in the world for nothing."
"Then we'll see!" Jeremy replied, getting up and running away.
Laura walked with disgust on the beach sand. Her morning, like the rest of that trip, had been dark. Kayla was pleasant company as she shared the same interests as her, although she was in a lower category with only a few tens of thousands of followers. Still, she expected Laura to return the favors she did by asking her to take photos and record videos of her. Simply unbearable. And it was all Jeremy's fault, obviously. She still couldn't believe that her worthless boyfriend hadn't come looking for her and even worse for the second time that day it was she who was forced to look for him in the middle of that damned sand.

It was with this feeling that she watched two muscular men running from the edge of the beach towards the sea while laughing loudly and then diving. A ridiculous and childish behavior in her opinion. So what was her surprise when she saw that one of those men, the tanned blonde with a haircut made up of a pompadour and a side fade, accompanied by a full beard just as blonde, smile and approach her with his tanned muscular body still moist from the sea water shining in the midday sun.
"Hey babe, how was the morning?"

"Jeremy, how dare you leave me like that! And that beard, you said you were going to trim it! And your hair??? What nonsense is this?"
"No nonsense Laura. They look the way I like!"
"But not in the way my followers and I expected! You're almost bald! That tan and those excessive muscles weren't enough!"
"Don't exaggerate Laura, and if I decide to shave all my hair I will. Your followers have nothing to do with how I decide to cut my hair or my beard."
"Of course it has to do with it, you're my boyfriend, you influence the way I'm perceived!"
"Apparently that's the only way I care about you, how I make others perceive you."
"And how would it be different, I make a living from this, I'm an influencer, and my boyfriend needs to agree with my branding."
"I'm not your accessory, Laura."
"Well, my dear, in the end it's as if you were!"
"So I don't know if I still want to continue this relationship." He replied, turning his back on an angry Laura.
"Jeremy! Don't you dare! Jeremyyyy....!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, but he didn't turn around and walked aimlessly towards the other side of the beach, followed by the watchful eye of Miguel Ramos.
Jeremy wandered the beach for several minutes trying to calm the influx of thoughts. He was torn by the despair of losing the woman he believed he loved and the growing feeling of contempt for that same woman. How could he cancel himself out for so long, how could he not see who she was? And at the same time she had been his life for the last few years, how could he live without her? He certainly wouldn't be capable of that! Deciding to run back after her and humble himself by her forgiveness, he started running. Only stopping when he heard the voice did he start to associate that strange feeling, mixed with desire and comfort.
"Hey, Big Guy, what's the rush?" Asked a smiling Miguel sitting on a bench in a beach bar.

"Sorry Miguel, I need to find Laura!"
"And what would be the point of talking to her with a hot head, wait for you two to calm down."
"You do not understand!"
"Ah, I understand. I understand so much that I'm going to offer you the two things you need most right now, company and a few shots of Tequila!"
"I do not know dude..."
"Relax man and follow me." Miguel said, taking Jeremy by the arms and taking him to a table in the bar.
"I shouldn't interfere in your relationship with your girlfriend. But I recently went through a complicated divorce. And the truth is that it took me a long time to realize that I was in an abusive relationship." - Miguel said to a saddened Jeremy.

"I'm not in a relationship like that, I love Laura." Jeremy replied, but with less conviction than he wanted to make it seem.
"And does she respond to this love? She loves you the same way you love her."
"It is clear..."
"Really? Be honest with yourself if you don't want to be honest with someone you barely know."
"I want to believe so, but..."
"But you have doubts. Let me propose a little game, I'm going to ask you some questions about relationships and for every positive answer from you and me we'll drink a shot of tequila, I bet you that we'll drain a bottle with ease.
"First question. Have you ever felt that you were giving much more of yourself to this relationship than your partner?"
The two took a shot and although neither of them noticed, the tan on Jeremy's skin deepened, reaching a caramel tone very close to Miguel's.
"Second question: Have you ever felt diminished by your partner?"
Another shot for both. And now Jeremy's height has increased making him several inches taller than Miguel.
"Third question: have you ever felt that you are nothing more than an accessory to your partner, that he doesn't even see you as a person but as an object?"
Another shot. Another change. Jeremy's muscles expanded, surpassing the size of Miguel's and reaching the proportions of an amateur bodybuilder. The bottle was already half full, but both men, who were not small, were already quite upset, as that level of drinking was not part of either of their habits.
"One more... one more..." A drunken Miguel said, looking extremely distorted in Jeremy's vision. "Have you ever felt like you're in this relationship out of fear... afraid that you're not good enough... that you can't be loved by someone else... and that your partner takes advantage of that to keep you stuck with them?
Another shot and Jeremy's already blurred vision began to swirl as a feeling of anxiety took over him for finally admitting those truths even while drunk. Miguel was spinning in front of him, and he felt an immense desire to get up and run away, but as he did so he fell to the ground.
"Jeremy, Jeremy..." He heard the voice in the distance, that voice, which awakened so many feelings in him. "Jeremy..." A voice that made him realize that he could still desire and be desired... "Jer...." The voice that made him excited just by hearing it. "Jav..." The voice of the man he was in love with but couldn't admit."
"Javier, get up, is everything okay?"
And Javier stood up amid laughter.
"It's all right Miguel, it was just bad form, it takes a lot more than a shot of tequila to take down a man my size." Replied a smiling Javier Garcia, sitting at the table again. At the same time he ran his hands through his long, glossy black beard.

"Let me ask the question now." Javier said, smiling wider. "Do you think you're ready to leave this relationship behind and move on to better opportunities?"
One more shot for both.
Javier lay down on the cramped single bed in the room he shared with Miguel, feeling his head spinning. While the roommate spent non-productive time feeling the same thing sitting on the toilet. As he tried hard not to spill everything he had eaten that day, he felt his cell phone vibrate. When he looked at the screen he noticed that there were hundreds of messages and calls from an unknown number. Choosing to deal with it when he was in better condition, he closed his eyes again and thus did not see each of those messages and calls disappear from the records.
With his head still spinning he fell into a restless sleep filled with rapidly changing dreams, until again he dreamed of that thin, beautiful blonde woman. In the dream she lay down on him again and began kissing his naked body, but without provoking any reaction in him, nothing, no excitement, no pleasure, until once again the smooth woman's skin gave way to that rough sensation of a beard shaving the skin. his body and then it was Miguel who kissed him, rekindling the flame of desire within him. As he slept he moaned with excitement, with a powerful erection between his legs, until he finally woke up feeling Miguel's real mouth wrap around his engorged cock. Trapped in that feeling of pleasure, he pulled the other man closer to him, being invaded by the no longer strange sensation of real desire.
After hours of wild sex, Javier got up from the only bed in that room, a King Size bed reinforced to support the weight of two athletes. Stretching, he stopped to admire the muscular body of a professional bodybuilder in the bedroom mirror.

Every fiber of his body was worked with the utmost dedication and commitment, and soon he would be on stage to put all that work to the test. He ran his hand through his shaved hair and finished the movement with his long, soft beard. He knew he would have to shave it before the performance but he was reluctant because Miguel liked him too much that way. Speak of the devil, Miguel at that moment repositioned himself on the bed and watched Javier look at himself in the mirror.
"A penny for your thoughts." Said the smaller and younger man but who had still won the position of his coach along Javier's heart.

"It's no big deal, Mig, I was just looking in the mirror and thinking it's a shame to have to shave, you like it so much..."
"Javi, I want you with or without a beard, I don't care how you present yourself, I care about being with you."
"So you mean if I were smaller and thinner you'd still be with me?"
"Maybe you wouldn't have caught my attention at first sight, but like I said, I care about the person you are, the man I fell in love with and if he loses weight or gains weight that won't change."
"Thanks, babe. That's really good to hear." Javier replied, going to the bathroom.
"Where are you going, are you going to shave now?"
"I thought you didn't care about my beard."
"I don't mind, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it a little more and you a little of this" Miguel replied, lifting the covers and revealing his huge hardened cock and making a big smile spread across Javier's face.
The afternoon sun shone like never before, but even that didn't seem to light up Laura's life as she gossiped with Kayla in the bar by the sea, while they discreetly watched Miguel and Javier talk.

"Is this a good time? They seem to be arguing." Asked Kayla to her colleague.
"Just because they're serious doesn't mean they're fighting. If we take into account their social networks, they're living wonderfully." Laura replied.
"You know as well as I do how deceiving social media can be."
"Still, this is our chance to collaborate with them, it's not every day that we get to work together with two of the biggest fitness influencers in the world."
"Smile, they're looking this way!" Said Kayla, making both of them give identical fake smiles, returned by a nod from the fitness couple of the year, who then got up, put on their tank tops and headed towards the beach.

"There goes our chance." Laura grumbled.
"Don't worry my dear, people like you always get what they deserve." Said a smiling Cintia who was passing by before positioning herself at the bar counter and smiling.

A smile that widened when she saw Miguel and Javier together on the beach sharing a passionate kiss. If there was something she was proud of, it was a job well done and at her inn that meant much more than just bed and breakfast.

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I think that after the jerejean and the andreil, my favorite ship would be the jeaneil.
Okay, just think about this idea.
Nathaniel was thrown into the Nest shortly after Jean, because Nathan finds Mary and kills her. Jean is still number 3 and Nathaniel is number 4. Nathaniel is a mad dog that Riko cannot tame, and Jean, although he has been relatively docile after the first 5 months there completely alone, regains some of his initial fierceness because Nathaniel infected him with yours.
They both suffer the "domestication" of those 5. Nathaniel stops being so haughty because he knows that Jean will suffer the consequences, but Jean, not being alone and being able to talk to someone in the same situation, someone as fierce as his companion, does not lose hope or rebellion. The two lower their heads in front of Riko, but they are not finished. They are a firm pillar for each other.
Jean doesn't try to commit suicide because he has a partner. The two of them are together in this torture.
When the Ravens overtake Neil on the court after Jean's growth spurt, Jean attacks them with violent tackles and hurts them so much that they don't try again. When Grayson becomes “infatuated” with Jean after being "domesticated," Nathaniel puts rat poison in his food, causing a severe ulcer and burns to her digestive tract. The Ravens are much more careful about what they say and do, because they know that Nathaniel is unpredictable and unhinged.
Everything is going "fine", but then Kevin starts giving Jean postcards, magnets, starts distracting the other Ravens so they can take a break from the beatings they receive, and he asks Jean to teach him French.
Jean accepts because she really likes Kevin. Nathaniel doesn't see anything strange at first because Kevin is the player he admires the most, but when he sees Jean smiling looking at his postcards, Nathaniel feels bad.
He can't give Jean postcards because he's locked up there, just like him. And those magnets... why do they want magnets for anyway? They are stupid.
He doesn't understand why Jean looks at Kevin so much, nor at some girls on the team that way. Is it because of sex? They "tamed" him and it was horrible and humiliating, why would he care after that?
But Jean keeps getting postcards while Nathaniel gives her the ones he gets because Kevin is an idiot and he doesn't want his damn gifts out of pity.
Jean and Nathaniel fight more and more. Nathaniel warns Jean about Kevin. Warn him that he is too close to Riko and that Riko won't like Jean looking at Kevin so much. He tells him that Kevin is with Thea. He tells him that Kevin is not going to get him out of there to show him the places on his damn postcards.
Jean tells Nathaniel that he wants them both to go with Kevin when they graduate. Nathaniel yells for Jean to go with him, because he doesn't plan to go with them.
Nathaniel and Jean stop talking to each other.
And then, it happens.
Riko breaks Kevin's hand. Kevin speaks in French in front of Riko with Jean, he asks Jean to distract him and Kevin leaves.
Riko and Tetsuji believe that Jean is complicit in Kevin's escape.
Riko lunges at Jean like a madman and Nathaniel gets between the two, but Riko no longer has a partner to calm him down and it's pure anger.
Nathaniel is sent to solitary confinement for three months because Riko knows that he is the influence bothering Jean's taming. Nathaniel almost lost his mind in there thinking about what they were doing to his partner while he was gone. He becomes unhinged, crazy. He hasn't been a day without Jean around in years and he's starting to lose his mind. Having no one talk to you for three months in a dark room does not help your mental stability.
Jean is all broken bones, deep cuts, and panicking over the water when Nathaniel comes out. His rebellion has faded and Nathaniel doesn't know if he will get it back.
Nathaniel can't do anything against Riko and Tetsuji, because if he tries, they will attack his partner. He doesn't want anyone to get close to his partner after this. But Nathaniel needs someone to hate.
Nathaniel swears he will kill Kevin Day for what he has done.
(English is not my native language, sorry).
#jean moreau#neil josten#jeaneil#aftg#all for the game#kevin day#riko moriyama#ravens#raven neil#idea para un fic#y mientras tanto Andrew y Kevin intiman más#esto puede ser tan loco codependiente y romántico a la vez
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actually, you know what would be interesting and funny you brought up the whole rebounding thing but like... what if that situation happens completely by the others (including Redson and his echo chamber friends) jumping to conclusions and planting that seed of an idea in the two heads. Mk is naturally very affectionate, physical touch is a big part of his love language. he grew up alongside mei who was just as physical and no one actually encouraged them not to be. snuggling/hugging/kissing(like quick head and cheek pecks) your homies is very normalized. he's also dealing with family and friend issues because things are really tense and he's feeling everything at a 10 right know. its not just Red he can't talk too, he can even talk to Mei as comfortably and maybe lately feels like she avoiding him in favor of prioritizing Red.
Nezha. that boy is just starved of affection both verbal and physical. period. yeah its a bit overwhelming and confusing for him at first but after he gets used to mk's love language it's like 'Oh, hey this is really nice...huh...can i do this too?' and the answer was yes of course! he slowly starts implementing little touches here and there, initiating the hugs. it's still a bit awkward for him so he ends up utilizing other forms of love language, but the effort is there and mk is ecstatic. but it starts to make the other side-eye the situation. everyone (especially tang) was on board at first cause like....its a legendary celestial warrior, he's shown to be reliable and mature and so on. surly this could only be a good influence for mk. and yeah at first they only see good things, mk seems to get a little better over time, he's even getting extra exercise training like meditation, yoga/Tai chi. stuff that is supposed to support mental and physical wellness so of course Nezha must be good! Pigsy is the first to notice that maybe there starting to get a little too close, starts drawing parallels to how mk acted with Red. he brings it up with the others. tang isn't bothered and mei isn't either at first but now that idea is in her head, and it grows over time and now shes getting suspisiou as pigsy. and maybe a little pissed. nezha and mk of course havn'ty actually thought of each other like that, there just friends for god sake! he hasn't done anything with nezha that hes already done with mei. but mk gets confronted eventually and of course, tells Nezha after the fact. they both agree everyone's being ridiculous, they are just really close friends! but internally there both secretly like '....but what if?....' Red's group of friends are just shit starters, gold medalists when it comes to jumping to conclusions, especially regarding mk. they see monkey boy chatting up and getting close with another prince and run wild with ideas they of course share with Red. they see them being physically affectionate or hear something even vaguely suggestive they are not gonna look or ask for context. hell you can give them the full context they still cherry-pick it apart like the Christian bible. anything to make Mk look as horrible as they believe he is.
Yooooo I am vibrating in my seat right now i fuckin loooove this!! 💖
You’re so right about MK’s fam thinking that Nezha will be a good influence on him at the start of things.. they have no idea that Nezha approves of the attempted sacrifice MK made at the pillar. I mean, it’s a sore spot for all of them, so it’s likely just not brought up in casual settings. The first time they catch a glimpse of it is probably a tense moment where someone tried to point out to MK that he was taking on too much again and exhausting himself.. but instead of getting a bit sheepish saying he’ll take better care of himself like he might have done before, he stands firm and is like ‘No, I can handle this! These are my problems and I’m going to handle them.’ And Nezha is spotted in the background with a lil smile and an agreeing nod and… ok. That’s weird.
As for the romantic aspect of it, them being a little oblivious about their budding romantic feelings at first and having to have it pointed out by the others how close they’ve gotten is sooooo good! I’m always a sucker for oblivious MK, but I can fully see Nezha being exactly like that too.
Mei for sure shares with Prince Red that she thinks MK has gotten weirdly close to Nezha lately.. and Red has already noticed that MK has been coming by to try to win him back less and less… could it be he’s really been replaced that easily? It’s… kind of hard to think MK would move on so quickly, especially because he is probably still struggling with it. Maybe he even goes to check it out for himself and spots MK and Nezha out together on a stroll. And look, MK is holding hands with the lotus prince and… oh. kisses his cheek… that’s… pretty hard to not interpret as romantic.
Even if Red knows MK and a little niggling doubt in the back of his mind can be like ‘well, he’s like that with Mei too so maybe???’ If he’s already primed to be looking for it by Mei (and also his own already hurt feelings) then this would be pretty clear confirmation of his fear that MK has moved on and is romantically involved with Nezha now. Also yeah it for sure doesn’t help that all Prince Red’s friends are gonna add fuel to this fire once he tells them about it, just like you said. They never thought MK was good enough for Red, so why would they put it past him to move on from him really fast too?
Haha, anyway, once MK’s fam start asking more pointed questions about their relationship, MK and Nezha might even have a frank discussion about it. They’re more open with each other than they are with anybody else, after all, since there’s no fear of judgement or moralizing from sharing how they actually feel. In any case, even if they can’t manage to have the straight up discussion, the displays of affection definitely get more frequent on both ends and things progress that way regardless~
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based off of this
(ALMOST) RUINED (part one)
part two coming soon…
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: at a party, you cannot not drink/smoke. at this particular one, you (almost) ruin the friendship with your best friend.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SUGGESTIVE, swearing, mentions drinking/smoking, making out
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 422
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: blurb(ish) part one but part two will be longer!
also if you requested something a while ago, i swear i’m getting to them😭
nick and chris' feet hurt as they run all over the giant house. the triplets got invited to an influencer party. you're friends with the host, so you went separately.
throughout the party, you guys smoked and drank, so the mature thing to do was to take ubers.
you're close with the sturniolo's, but it'll never get more than that. getting into a relationship with a friend can be tricky, but you don't like chris/matt that way anyway.
"have you seen matt and slash or y/n anywhere?" chris and nick ask in unison to yet another random person over the music. this feels like the millionth time they're asking somebody this question.
of course, the person shakes their head and murmurs a negative response.
sighing, they turn to a random hallway and gasp.
there you two are, making out and grasping onto each other. matt's tongue explores your mouth, your lips smacking sloppily against each other's. you guys moan and pant, grinding into one another. matt's hands travel to his belt, unbuckling it.
chris lets out a scream, a loud one, and points down the hallway. "they're doing it!"
"no, no, no, no." nick says frantically, his footsteps getting louder the closer he gets. however, you two are still going to town.
he grabs matt's shoulders. "no, fuck, no!"
he uses as much strength as he can to try to pull his brother off, but that only makes him grab your cheeks and kiss you harder. "matt, stop!"
he glances over to chris, who's standing there with his jaw on the floor. he rolls his eyes. "do you want to maybe help me?"
chris snaps back into reality and hustles to matt's other side.
"guys, this isn't the right thing to do!" nick panics, the two of them finally pulling matt off before he swallows you whole.
you reach your hands forward, pouting and stomping your feet like a toddler. "give him back!" you cry out.
nick ignores you and helps matt move over since he's stumbling all over the place. you slide down the wall and sit quietly.
"you cannot do that, okay?" he says calmly.
"but she's hot." matt slurs, eyes red and hooded as he stares at his sibling.
"i get that, but this can end horribly." nick lectures. "you guys are both drunk and high. it's just asking for a disaster."
matt sighs, practically falling asleep while standing. "let's get you guys home." nick states, chris helping you off the floor.
"and zip up your pants, matthew."
𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @sturniolotriplettoplover @stars4matt @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @luv4kozume @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @catalina-island @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @pinkfarts @slut4mattsturn @thesturniolos @vickeyzloserz @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @bellasfavbisexual @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @crazychrisl0v3r @maggieflms @strtuniolo @mutualsafe @riasturns @sturniolowhore @antpile00
#matt sturniolo#chris sturniolo#nick sturniolo#matthew sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo imagine#sturniolo smut#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo smut
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💜party (2) - nishimura riki
read part one first (or not! it won’t really effect the story TOO much but i’ll still recommend)
@ to remind @riksaes ! <3
niki held the door open for you to go inside the slightly empty restaurant, “wow? gentlemen for once hm?” you giggled and he just shook his head with a slight smile.
“i don’t know what this look you have on me but, it’s not true.” he followed behind you, you just stared at him, he furrowed his eyebrows at your ‘answer’ and licked his lips out of awkwardness.
you two got your seat at a mini booth, the waiter taking your orders, leaving you and niki in a empty restaurant in front of each other.
“so.” he says to you and you turned from the window to look at him, “why do you hate me so much? besides the fact of how i act in school?” he asks.
“you surround yourself around the wrong people, and they influence you. i truly believe you are a civil human if you aren’t around the people you are.” you say, niki listens to your words carefully,
“jake?” he asked, “no! jake’s not too bad. i’m talking about.. the others.”
he nods with a low ‘ahh’. “i see.” he says and you just stared at him. “well. i don’t hate you.” he smiled, you furrowed your eyebrows before a giggle slipped out, making him chuckle.
“really? why not? what if im horrible?” you rest your hand on your palm, “because i’ve been noticing you more often. you seem so—“ he cut himself off,
“soo?” you push him, “so sweet. you’re nice to everyone and you stay in your zone. really good at kicking a damn ball, which i don’t understand— soccer is so hard..” he shook his head.
“basketball is hard? soccer is just running and kicking?!” you defend your sport and he scoffed, “nah. basketballs ways easy, just run— and shoot the ball!” he smiled, as if it was that easy.
“whatever.” you turn to the window and giggled to yourself, niki began to realize how much he liked staring at you, you were truly so so beautiful and he wondered if you knew that.
he cleared his throat to prepare himself for what he was gonna do, he lifted his arm and grabbed your chin softly, turning it back to him, your eyes widened and stared at him, “oh..” you shift in your seat.
“you’re really pretty, did you know?” he asked you, you were taken back on the sudden compliment, but you.. surprisingly weren’t complaining. “thank you niki.” you shot him a smile, and he swore he felt his heart melt.
see— many girls liked niki. it was normal. he didn’t like to admit that but it was true, he walked a foot into school and suddenly has like 100 girls on his ass asking for his number or something.
and he tried giving some of try, taking them on dates but he just.. didn’t feel the spark. not because they weren’t his type, he doesn’t even have one. they just weren’t the one for him.
and he really believed in love and soulmates, he just had to find his.
so when he felt that spark when you smiled at him, he knew something. it’s something he never felt before anyways. he’s always had his eye on you, he just didn’t wanna bother you with his popularity.
because once you’re seen with niki, you’re stuck to his name.
before you could open your mouth to say anything the waiter came over with your pancakes, you cut yourself off with a nervous chuckle as you two thanked her and began to eat.
niki loves pancakes, he immediately cut into them and shoved some in his mouth, his cheeks stuffed as he has syrup in the corner of his mouth.
“dude! you look so cool 24/7 but as soon as you eat pancakes you look like a baby.” you giggled and reached over and wiped his lip with a napkin, he stuffed back a chuckled since his mouth was full.
you giggled and began to your pancakes as you two shared a comforting silence, just the sound of the forks hitting the plates softly, you checked your phone, it was 1am.
“we should hurry.. it’s really late and i’m supposed to be staying over at karina’s.” you say, niki couldn’t speak so he just nod and continued chewing.
you two finished eating and niki paid for you, and you two were back to walking on the silent quiet rodes as he was walking you to karina’s first.
“thanks for paying for me.” you break the silence as you two finally arrived at karina’s house, he just nods softly staring at you, maybe he wasn’t so bad. when he isn’t trying to show off 24/7.
you cleared your throat. what now? do you just.. walk away or?
i guess so. you dipped your head and began to turn until niki grabbed your arm making you stop, “i really hope this isn’t our last time hanging out like this. i enjoy your presence more than i could admit.” he chuckled looking down at the floor.
you tilt your head, “yeah.. me too.” you smiled, you two just stared at each other, not wanting this night to end yet. not knowing what to say, scared if one of you said the wrong thing, the whole night would be over too soon.
niki felt his heart beating, he stared into your beautiful eyes, and this next move was straight out of nervousness.
he lifted his hands to cup your face, you jumped a little but, you let him. you wanted him too.
you melted in his touch, and he smiled at you. “goodnight, y/n.” he whispered as he continued to stare at you, small smile and his hands cupping your face.
“goodnight niki.” you blink slowly, he chuckled softly before slowly letting go, and began to take small steps backwards until he was fully turned around and down the street.
you stood there and watched him, you could still feel the warmth of his hands on your face.
you couldn’t believe you basically went on a date with one of the most popular kids at school. you just hoped it wasn’t the end, which it wouldn’t be.
maybe you’ll ditch parties more often hm?
a/n: this is so cute ok wtf. hope u liked :)
tl: @certified-ni-ki-lover @noblub-4ulolz @yourmyst4r @vixialuvs @ni-ki-ismyluv @judeduartewannabe @soobs-things @en-chantedtomeetyou @definitelynotherr @heyniki @wntersm @geniejunn @pkjay @baevsxii @k1ttylvr
#enhypen#niki enhypen#nishimura riki#niki x reader#riki nishimura x reader#enhypen fluff#enhypen niki#niki fluff#mae’s works —!
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