#These inquiries regarding my physical health and holding me hostage are a little unsettling...
rmu-vincent · 9 months
Hello, Vincent. What am I to you?
I do not mean personally when I ask this, we have not met, I mean in what form do you see this question? Am I sending notes to you? Talking to you directly? Have I held you hostage? Or am I just a voice that occasionally pops up inside your head?
Good evening, Anon.
In the case of your question in particular, it was revealed to me through a social media website; was it different in any way on your end? If so, I would be thrilled to hear the details, but for now, I can only say that you are most certainly an internet user who discovered my account while browsing the web, maybe in an attempt to find someone to talk to. However, I cannot guarantee the same thing would be true for other people asking me questions.
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