#There I go again complaining about SDRA2
So would you put SDRA2 as something you used to like but the more you think about it, the more you hate it?
//I don't hate it, it just continues to feel more and more like a disappointing waste of potential, especially in comparison to DRA.
//DRA managed to tell its story much more concisely, it used its foreshadowing sparingly but intelligently, the characters generally felt more likable, and the twists were better-executed.
//SDRA2, while it's a visual improvement, the writing feels considerably weaker in my opinion. LINUJ not only relies more heavily on shock value over compelling characterization, but twice he completely changed the trajectory of the story due to outside factors. And then there was Chapter 6, which feels like he dumped in all the exposition he'd forgotten to offload for the last five chapters.
//And as I will never let anyone forget, SDRA2 is the only fangan I've yet encountered where an entire chapter is almost completely irrelevant to the actual story. Everyone talks about how great this Chapter 3 is, but I absolutely despise it. Not just for that, but because LINUJ wasted the best character arc he had up to that point in favor of "Look at the crazy serial killer."
//Even as a finished project, SDRA2 feels disjointed and undercooked even at the best of times. The Voids were a cool concept, but not only does the focus on them undermine the presence and importance of the other characters, their deaths should feel like a tragedy and yet they're written off both by the survivors and even LINUJ himself as irredeemable. Which is pretty shitty.
//TA and I have a good way of describing it: LINUJ can come up with great ideas and great characters, but he doesn't respect them.
//And that's continued to be the case, where the first omake has demonstrated LINUJ's inability to allow his characters to grow or change in any meaningful way. It's so disappointing and feels like such a waste.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
WAIT IF WE HAD SDRA2 boys w/ ult plushie maker little sibling making them plushies
WHAT ABOUT SDRA2 girls w/ ult fashion designer little sibling making them dresses? If you write this, that’d be great.
HE CK this is a cute concept!! I had this requested a few times so here you go! Also for this I’ll give the sibling an opposite personality to the plushie-maker (more extroverted and confident)
“Oh! This is a wonderful design, [y/n]!” The actress laughed as she twirled around in the dress, looking at herself in the mirror before turning back to you, still grinning. “I absolutely must wear this in my next movie! Thank you so much.”
You just smiled. “No problem, big sis Em. I heard you didn’t have anything like that in your wardrobe so...I figured I’d helped you out.”
“And you did help me, indeed!” Being so tall, she had to kneel down to hug you tightly. “I truly do appreciate it.”
When you hugged her back without hesitance, it only made her want to embrace you tighter and never let go. She never had the best family growing up, so when you met the highschoolers of Hope’s Peak and became attached to her, she stayed committed to being your protective and encouraging big sister figure.
“Well, I’m happy we could address that issue.”
Emma blinked in surprise, looking at you for a few moments, before she smiled laughed. “My jokes are finally rubbing off on you, huh? Hajime is going to love this!"
Hibiki & Kanade
“You made these..for us?”
“Of course [y/n] did, idiot!”
“I-I was just asking! These must’ve taken an awful long time to do--”
"Hey um..big sis'?” You spoke up, smiling awkwardly. “I wanna see what they look like on you. Dresses aren’t gonna wear themselves, you know.”
Hibiki stared at you with wide eyes, stunned by your sarcasm, but she huffed and nodded, dragging her sister to the bathroom where they both got changed into the dresses you made for them.
You just waited patiently and when they finally returned, you grinned. “Do you like them? I tried to make the designs as identical as possible.”
"Like? I LOVE mine!” Hibiki grinned, clutching the hem of her dress that was lined with music notes. “We will wear these to our next concert, right Kanade?”
“That’s a good idea, Big Sis..” The guitarist smiled sweetly as she looked at you. “Thank you, [y/n].”
“E-Eh?? You made this..just for me?”
“Yep!” You smiled as you handed Iroha the dress, which was neatly folded and wrapped in plastic. “I tried to keep the pattern of your capelet so...you can try it on if you wanna.”
The painter seemed frozen on the spot, still in disbelief that you actually took the time to make her this. But when you cleared your throat to get her attention, she squeaked an apology and dashed off to go change.
You smiled and sat on the sofa, waiting for her return. And you noticed she left her sketchbook behind, seeing it was open on a page of some drawings--particularly ones of your favorite animal.
“I-I’m back! I really love this, [y/n]! Thank you.”
Quickly glancing back, you saw her in the dress. “I knew you’d like.....huh?” You saw her tearing up, sniffles escaping her, so you went over to hug her. “Hey, it’s okay, big sis. Just..don’t get any snot on the sleeves.”
“S-Sorry, I’m just..so happy to have a gift from someone.” She hugged you tightly.
Usually she’d be afraid of crushing you, but she was quite overwhelmed with emotion right now.
You were someone she could truly call family.
You overheard the hostess complaining about getting harassed at her job because of her..promisc...promisc-something outfit. 
While you didn’t know what that meant, you didn’t like seeing the person you looked up to as a big sister unhappy every time she came home. 
So after she left again, that’s when you got to work making a lovely dress more befitting of her talent. It was similar to her usual blue outfit, with some minor changes, but you hoped she’d like it.
You got done just as she walked through the door, sighing tiredly. “What a pain...maybe I should go shopping for a new outfit-”
“No need to, big sis! Ta-daa~!”
Blinking in surprise, Yoruko saw the dress laying out on the table and gasped, running over to examine it. “Th-This is...” She felt the soft material, before looking at you, still stunned. “Wow..how long did this take??”
“Your whole shift.” You shrugged, putting your sewing tools away. “Hope it’s not too far off from your usual outfit.”
“O-Oh no I..I love it.” She smiled brightly. “I might just have this replace my old outfit because...well...you wouldn’t believe the rude things customers have said to me!” 
With a small huff, she clutched the dress, before departing for the nearest room to change.
“Hm? You made me this?” The psychologist briefly looked away from her tablet as you presented the silver dress to her. 
She already knew you were quite skilled at this sort of thing--even anticipating you making her a dress because you viewed her as a kind and caring sisterly figure. But she couldn’t help but be impressed at your newest creation.
“Of course!” You smiled. “Just something comfortable for you to wear while you’re doing research and stuff.”
“...huh, I see. Well I appreciate the thought so I’ll try it on.” Taking the dress from your hands, she promptly left the room and returned shortly after.
You looked at her clapped your hands together. “I knew you’d like it! I see your smile.”
“...no idea what you’re talking about.” Despite her attempts at hiding her blush, it was clearly visible.
“Hm? Whatcha working on now, kiddo?”
“Just a dress for you.” You hummed as you sewed on the last few gems, before smiling at your handiwork. “Aaaaand done!” Putting your tools away, you moved aside so you could show off the finished product.
Setsuka closed her cybernetic eye--having recorded some of your work for...safekeeping--as she looked over the dress. It was a lovely dark gray and crimson red with different colored gems that matched the colors of pool balls.
“Wow, I gotta say this is your best work yet! Thank you.” She held up the dress, before glancing at you. “May I try it on?”
“Absolutely, big sis!” You were practically bouncing in your seat, excited to see her reaction as she left to try it on. She returned a few minutes later, her smile growing as she looked into the mirror.
“It’s nice and comfy, just what I needed.” She chuckled. “I’ll be sure to wear this to my next tournament."
“Will I be able to see you there?”
“Sorry, I don’t think so. Maybe when you’re older..I doubt I’ll outgrow this dress by then.”
“Awh darn..well I’ll look forward to that day!”
"This was nice of you to make for me, [y/n]..you didn’t have to-”
“But I wanted to.” You insisted after you presented the dress to Sora. She had a knack for neutral colors, so you figured you could make a nice one out of that.
Something simple and sweet--just like her.
Even though she didn’t know what motivated you to work all night on this dress, she was still grateful you made her something, and so she went to try it on. And when she returned her smile only grew.
“This is quite nice,” she remarked, smoothing out the bottom of the dress before glancing up at you. “Thank you, I...kinda needed a change from my usual school uniform anyways.”
“I had a feeling you did.” You could only chuckle. “Only the best for my big sis!”
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
Can I ask for sdra2 boys react to their s/o turning a cat? thx!
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There is someone who really likes S/O to take on different forms, huh? I’m not complaining, its certainly interesting to write, so I hope you enjoy this too! Had a bit of difficulty the further it went, but I think its alright ^^
SDRA2 boys reaction to their S/O turning to a cat
-He was just kinda staring at you with  big eyes, because you were right there just a moment ago and then suddenly poof, you were a cat, all of your clothes still around you and you looked up at him just as surprised, because why was he suddenly so gigantic?!?!
-You open your mouth to ask him what happened, but only a meow, your eyes widening when you try to make a leap, only for you to fall down with a small growl, rolling on your back and seeing paws and a fluffy cat belly and a tail and OH MY GOD, WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!
-You wail theatrically which makes Hajime eventually snap out of his thoughts and he hurries towards you to pick you up, only for you to lash out and scratch him, your claws extracting out of pure instinct
-He flinches but then finally picks you up, huffing: “Jeez, it’s- god dammit- it’s okay, calm down, quit scratching!”
-Eventually he just threw you on the bed where you landed softly but damn, he needed to disinfect these cuts
-After that was done he sat on the bed and looked at you flopping around the bed, trying to figure out what happened and how it happened. Hajime had no idea what to do, he was just confused and he wasn’t sure if he should get you a laser pointer or something
-He wasn’t even a huge cat person, he had no idea how cats worked, what was he supposed to do?!
-He got eventually off the bed and called Mikado, asking him for advice. Turns out that Mikado wasn’t a big help and things were crashing in the background and Mikado was screaming and apparently something was going on at his place aswell and then the call broke up
-You two would have to find a solution of your own. Lets just hope that goes well
-After looking at you for almost a minute, he just breaks out laughing loudly with you yowling at him and trying to climb his leg but you were still so clumsy in your new form that you barely managed to make it over to him, still screaming at him in your cat voice, which makes him only laugh harder, the asshole
-Eventually he grabs you  by the scruff as if he is an expert on kitties and you go limp, because god dammit cat instincts, and get flopped down on the bed, with Syobai instantly making all the pictures of you that he can get. Who knows how long you were gonna stay a cat, better make it count and get some blackmail material, plus you looked cute, so why shouldn’t he make photos
-You leap at him and he screams because you are in his face now and he stumbles backwards and trips over something on the ground and you quickly abandon ship before Syobai finally smashes into the wall and falls to the ground, groaning
-And then you laugh at him, even if it sounds a little painful since it comes from a cat, but it was just too funny
-He grumbles at you and threaten to get you high on catnip, he wouldn’t hesitate
-Hands on his face and THIS close to screaming, because it had to be magic and you looked super cute  but who did this, it wasn’t him so was there another witch or wizard on the loose, what was he supposed to do OH MY GOD-
-You meowed at him and pawed his coat to snap him back to attention, remembering: “Ah! Right! I apologize my apprentice!” And he immediately starts to work his magic
-But there seems to be some kind of magic blocker, because you only turn half back before immediately becoming a cat again and Mikado breaks down crying because his magic failed him and he is so sorry
-You pawed his flowy cape and got tangled up in it when you pounced it while Mikado was pitying himself and wailing about his magic being too weak to save you
-And then he actually remembered tha fuck, that was YOU, he HAD to do something!
-So he picked you up, cooed at you because you  were adorable, and brought you to his magical lab where he would try to turn you back. And believe me. He would TRY everything until all of his magic is used up and he has to gain new energy
-The phone ringed at some point but Mikado didn’t stop with his spells and everything was burning and at some point a crocodile chased you and all you could do was run and scream and he apologizes so much after that incident and promised that Hajime would never distract him like that again
-He gives you lots of snacks and cuddles though, so its all good, you can wait
-Has to pick his jaw up from the floor, but he just can’t stop staring, because there was no way this was happening right now, why do all of these weird things keep happening to both of you
-He would try to stay calm, but he would be all jittery while he picks you up carefully and then panics, because WHAT TO DO?!
-Just kinda holds you away from him like you are dangerous or something while silently contemplating all the different things he could try to turn you back, but literally none of them were sound advice and had all the basic jist of ‘give S/O cuddles and treats cause they good kitty’
-He eventually just sighs and takes you to the bedroom, playing absentmindedly with your tail while thinking about what to do, calling some of his friends to ask for advice, which didn’t help because none of them had a book called ‘What to do if your S/O suddenly turns into a kitty’
-Gets a bunch of cat stuff, just in case you won’t turn back in time but doesn’t treat you any different otherwise, just makes sure all the food is edible for cats so you don’t have to eat nasty cat food
-Looks at you in complete and utter terror,  because he has no idea how cats work and why did this happen in the first place
-Lowkey terrified to squish you if he doesn’t pay attention and the first few minutes were just him tiptoeing around you with a distance of 10 feet so he truly can’t hurt you
-When you get up and trot towards him he jumps back, trying to tell you to stay where you are, he would think of something, don’t worry!
-You jump up, surprised how high you actually come and he catches you, a bit scared to hurt you, but everything is fine and you purr and are content and Shinji is still panicking but slowly calming down
-He got you a fish and cut it so you could eat it, because no way is he going to get you cat food, disgusting-
-He really had no idea what to do, but as long as you were a cat he would take care of you, get you all the things you need and  let you stare into the corner of the room all day, even if he is convinced you see ghosts now
-This could be something
-Squeals at first because you are adorable and then picks you up and carries you around, gushing over you, before realizing that it was actually you and then apologizing profusely, how could he forget that was you, oh my god-
-He sets you on the table and you two just kinda look at each other, before you move forward and meow at him and he can’t resist and just has to pet you, even if that wasn’t what you meant, but you just looked so cute, he couldn’t help  himself
-Also unable to find a solution, so you have to stay that way for a while
-Its cool though, you can sleep wherever you want, most of the time in Teruya’s hat and always knock glasses over even if you don’t need to do that, you just want to be evil for a bit
-You are just a little troublemaker but he loves you anyway, even if he despairs at your antics and can never get his head because you keep sleeping in it, god dammit S/O you have 5 different beds and you still sleep in his hat?!
-Would try to interview you and would just write the sounds he hears in the notebook, which isn’t any helpful information at all, but he would still pretend to understand you, even if he doesn’t and it would get seriously on your nerves
-You keep running away with his scarves and using them as yarn just to mess with him and you always scare him in the middle of the night when he just wants to get a glass of water but you stare at him with glowing eyes from your position of the fridge
-You would just keep wreaking havoc and Nikei would write all sorts of articles about you because you are literally driving him insane but it's also kinda exciting
-He is more of a dog person, but cats are pretty cool too, so he doesn’t mind you being a cat, he is just thankful he isn’t allergic
-Tries very hard to find a cure but is completely unable to do so and he is very sorry
-So you mess with him a bit more, just because you want to and its fun to make Nikei suffer because his reactions are just the absolute best and he keeps screaming when you do something, that almost makes it worth it to cough hairballs up. Almost.
-Shocked of course, even if it's not that obvious, his eyes just go really wide and he stares at you, probably slowly accepting his faith that weird things will just keep happening to the two of you, it will literally never stop
-You two would make the best of the situation, you would just constantly sit on his head and enjoy the fluffy hair while he walks around and does all the usual stuff, even goes grocery shopping with you, he is just really chill about the whole situation
-Secretly really wants you to scratch or bite him sometimes
-Gets you the most expensive cat crap that you don’t even need, but Yuri has the money and you aren’t going to complain about that fancy new scratch tree in the corner
-Keeps cooing at you though, because you are a cute kitty. Yuri may love dogs above all else but cats are very relaxing company and the fact that you are always in his hair is just really relaxing for him for some reason
-Insists on even more cuddles now, because you are smaller now, so he needs more time to thoroughly cuddle you
-Has already sent a few people out to find a cure for your unfortunate situation but he still loves you very much, even if nothing might change. But he knows it's still you and still insists very much on doing everything you two would do as humans as well, even if that will end in total chaos, someone send help-
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