#Theo Lavellan
cakiebakie · 1 year
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i may or may not have posted these already but heres a bunch of dragon age ocs
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ellstersmash · 10 months
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wrdn-tabris · 2 years
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was tagged by @anywayhereskirkwall to do this super cute and fun picrew!!!!
in order of appearance: kanya tabris, theon mahariel, elissa cousland, evangeline ‘eva’ hawke, rhea trevelyan, and sena lavellan
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veilkeeper · 3 months
3, 4, 9 for the datv hype ask!
questions from here
3. Do you usually play as a warrior, mage, or rogue? Which class are you planning to try first this time around? Which subclass?
i am a mage enjoyer at heart, though ive played every class. my first rook is going to be a mage. i'll need to see what the specializations/subclasses are and how they work, but from what we know so far the elementalist or combat mage stuff looks interesting. will depend on what's calling to me for corentin.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
my warden is ren amell, a morriganmancing blood mage, theo hawke was a DW rogue assassin/duelist who ended up with anders, and my inquisitor was ghila lavellan, a dorianmancer. as for worldstate stuff, major choices include: king alistair and king bhelen, dead architect, siding with mages all the way down, stroud in the fade and the orlesian wardens intact, and the inquisition disbanded. ghila was sympathetic to solas, they were best friends.
9. Which romance, if any, do you plan to pursue first?
answered here
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blarrghe · 1 year
I want!!! "Two handprints on an aravel" for Taren!! Either with Bher or someone else? 👀🥺
They have such a... complicated relationship and this was so FUN and SAD and ajkshfask god. Canon univese with the doomed first love.....
He doesn’t know what it is, with Bher. 
He thinks Bher has kind eyes. He likes his hair, always shabbily cut and turning colours with the leaves. Likes how he’s always smiling, always making people laugh. 
Likes it when he makes Taren laugh. 
Bher knows it, knows his smile can get him out of all kinds of trouble. Knows that not the Keeper nor his Mamae nor Sul nor Taren will ever really stay mad, not with that smile. 
He’s known Bher for a short forever. Since he came to Lavellan, and all his quiet brooding had been gleefully interrupted by that bigger, boastful, grinning boy.
Bher has been there for as long as he has needed someone to be. They’re friends. They’re the best of friends. They are — sometimes, in the clan, it’s like family. Taren thinks it’s like family. He missed Mamae and Papae so much when he came and he hated thinking that anything else could be, but it is. Theo is, Deshanna is, Sulhanna too. They all are parts of the whole and he’s part of it: Deshanna’s First, the legacy of his never-forgotten parents, Dalish. 
But Bher’s not like a brother. The way his gut falls when Bher grins, and not in a bad way. The way Bher’s hands feel on his cheek, hot like the day the tattoos were fresh. 
Braver than he’d been, Bher had said. Braver still when he’d kissed him just after.  
They’re less and they’re more. He knows Bher and Bher knows him, in ways he’d never dreamed. It’s quiet like he is and a secret like everything Bher ever does for fun. It’s theirs and it’s no-one’s.
Bher hunts with the far-searching rangers, now. Taren travels, when Deshanna can spare him. But it’s there: clan, family, duty, friendship. And the something more, and the something less. He always comes back to it. Bher always comes back to it. 
It’s not something that they can keep forever. Sometimes, when it’s been a while alone or a while together, Taren starts to think that he’d like it to be. It can’t be, and it won’t be; it’s less than duty, family, clan. 
Sometimes, when it’s been a while alone or a while together, Taren thinks that it could be part of all those things, if they wanted. If Bher wanted. 
But he doesn’t think so much on nights like this. 
Bher kisses Taren with warm, golden sunshine on his lips, even after the sun’s gone down. He brought it back in his cheeks, and the tanned backs of his calloused hands. Taren had missed the sun. He'd rubbed runes into vellum and dug up painted stone from the buried ruins of a dim old place, this time. Bher had taken down a couple dracolisks and a huge wild druffalo, and probably a couple of shems.
Around the fire during the celebrations they sat together like it hadn’t been months. Sulhanna sang and the People danced, he told Bher tales of giant spiders in the dark and Bher had grinned wide like he was still a boy. 
Away from the music, Bher puts his back to a tree and hides him behind strong hunter’s arms and laughs when Taren bites his lip. Then he is the one to tug Bher further and further away, pulling him into the hull of the aravel with a giggling thud, rolling to pin his hands at his shoulders and his hips over his. 
He doesn’t tell him that he missed him, that isn’t something they say. When they are here they are all here, hands entwined and bodies close, heated breaths between barely parting lips. 
He knows there were kisses for Bher between then and now, so there isn’t then, now. He knows there’s a finite point where now will become then, and these moments will come no more, so they only exist, here. 
Taren knows why he does it; that smile will let Bher get away with anything. He knows it’s his sun-gold hair and happy laugh. He knows it’s the heart that sees duty and family like he does. He knows exactly why it is, that for all their months and all their secrets and all his First’s training and stern responsibility, he has never kept anyone other than him.  
It has always been Bher. 
But he does not know what it is, with Bher, when this cannot last and when that smile can get him anything, that keeps him doing this — 
With him. 
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
My brain also draws funny arbitrary lines in terms of what kind of AU shenanigans it will accept in my world states and what it rejects--like, generally I don't cross the streams of my world states, so even though Ilana Tabris and Lorien Lavellan would probably hit it off, they're never going to meet because they exist in different universes. But apparently I can also have a world state where Eleanor Trevelyan dies at the Conclave and her brother Theo becomes the Inquisitor instead, or where Lorien's bff Dannae gets sent instead and becomes Inquisitor instead of her. Why does one of these things work for me but not the other? Hey, don't ask me, I just work here. :P
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
7 for the DAI codex prompts?
(Send me a DAI codex prompt!)
7. something written by a diplomat who has stayed at Skyhold
I feel it safe to say now, when Lady Montilyet first invited me to Skyhold I had very low expectations. And can you blame me? A ruined fortress in the Frostbacks that houses a group of heretics claiming Andraste's chosen is a Dalish mage of all things! I've seen more believable plots from the Randy Dowager.
I cannot begin to say just how wrong I was to count them out so quickly. Not to say I believe that Inquisitor Lavellan was truly handed out of the Fade by Andraste, but the Inquisition is hardly so farcical as I believed it to be. Skyhold is a true fortress, the Inquisition's forces are well handled, and the Inquisitor himself is far from just a savage. The man I met was well-dressed and charming at all times, even in situations where even I would have struggled to keep myself together. Do you know, while I was there a group of mercenaries came charging into the great hall drunk and singing an extremely altered version of the Chant? And Lavellan managed to clear them out without any ruffled feathers! I still have no idea how he managed it, but he has a way with words that some of the most skilled diplomats and bards I've ever met would struggle to match. I am lucky that their majesties chose to send me to Skyhold; it has been a true delight to make His Worship's acquaintance during this visit, and I highly recommend you take any opportunity you get for an introduction.
Yours, Theo
- Letter found in the rooms of Lady Christine Blanchard, sent by her cousin Theodore
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dragons-and-ages · 3 months
And I’m done with The World of Thedas Vol 2!
With special mention for The Seer’s Yarn. Note that all of The Seer’s Yarn is included within the text of TWoTV2 and you don’t need to hunt it down separately. This printing was included in the special edition box.
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While Volume 1 focused on the overarching history of Thedas and went into details about the places, cultures, history, and a general overview of magic in the world, Volume 2 really focuses on the people. There are large chapters dedicated to each of the three games. It doesn’t go into detail about our protagonists of course, but it lists out all of their companions, allies, and enemies, giving you little snippets of their history… Almost like an anthology of in-game codices.
In fact, much like the first volume, this one reads as though it was written in-universe and kept vague in key places. So there is room for the player’s choice, but there is also space for BioWare to go back and retcon, blaming the errors in the book on the unnamed in-universe author. Speaking of errors, there is a small section in the back, penned by Brother Genitivi, that addresses some of the errors in Volume 1.
I would definitely recommend a read to learn things like the history of Cousland’s parents, an account of Leandra and Malcolm Hawke’s meeting and flight from Kirkwall, Meredith’s childhood (it informs but does not excuse her actions in Kirkwall), The Iron Bull’s history in the ranks of the Qunari, and many more. There’s even little tidbits about the characters in DAI’s multiplayer.
One fascinating and ominous bit in the book is the little snippets about the Grim Anatomy, a book found in the Western Approach. There is art from this text scattered throughout the latter half of the Inquisition chapter and the figures have nothing to do with the main text. It was written in an unknown script by an unknown author and details the dissection of various beasts with a focus on the eyes. The further you get in the book, the more the author seems to focus on demons entering through the eye and the demonic possession of the creatures being dissected until it devolves into a mass of incomprehensible diagrams in the final, damaged pages. Like. What the fuck. I wanna know more about THAT.
In between the sections about the HoF, Hawke, and the Inquisitor, there are large chapters that read as in-world books:
The New Cumberland Chant of Light
Andraste’s Bookshelf: Essential Tomes for the Painfully Devout
The Seers Yarn: A Treasury of Tales for Children All Over
The Whole Nug: Culinary Treasures of Thedas
These read like exceptionally long Codex entries, giving more insight into the world. Personally, these sections were my favorite and very fun to read. A special shout-out to The Seer’s Yarn. It contains children’s stories from most cultures in Thedas and it’s fun to imagine our heroes having listened to some of them in childhood.
This is my favorite one. I love the art and the idea of Lavellan having been sung the lullaby as a child and, in turn, singing it softly to her children.
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As I’m preparing to play a Cousland, I’m thinking about how much she knows about all of this. Seeing as she’s a noble, I imagine she has access to plenty of books, not necessarily just Chantry-approved items. This is my lore heavy worldstate and Theo is definitely a big nerd with a soft heart.
Next up, I dive into the actual story of the world with The Stolen Throne!
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herearedragons · 1 year
OC list
Dragon Age
Kyana Amell: my canon Warden. Starts out as not the best person and learns to connect with/care about other people over the course of the Blight while also becoming less and less pro-Circle. Romances Zevran.
Ariel Mahariel: archer rogue whose obnoxious jokes and “ladies’ man” persona are a mask for his deep desire for a family. More responsible than he appears at first. Romances Morrigan.
Zaria: born Sereda Aeducan, she took on a new name after being exiled to the surface. Spent most of her youth in the Deep Roads. Maintains a stoic, noble attitude, but has a kind heart. Romances Leliana.
Isphire Surana: born a mage but not that powerful of a caster, she depends on stealth and persuasion for her survival. Later becomes an Arcane Warrior and masters the blade. Befriends Mouse, and after he finds himself in the waking world during Inquisition, they travel and fight together.
Rina Hawke: a mage whose grief and fear for her loved ones leads her to form a pact with a Despair demon, which gives her power at first, but almost succeeds in possessing her at one point. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Carver is a templar, romance undecided.
Kane Hawke: a rogue who is Just A Guy and not really suited to the larger-than-life roles life keeps putting him in. Still manages to pull through every time, even if it’s not as pretty as Varric describes. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Bethany is in the Circle, romance undecided.
Theo Hawke: a warrior who takes the reaver specialization maybe a little too far, experimenting with dragon blood to find a way to get even more strength from it. Red/blue personality, pro-mage, Bethany is a Warden, romances Merrill.
Neilar Lavellan: canon Inquisitor. Dual-wielding rogue, really more a follower than a leader by nature, but upon being forced into the role of Inquisitor, tries his best to become what the title demands of him. Allies with the mages, drinks from the Well of Sorrows, romances Dorian.
Evelyn Trevelyan: a young mage and the daughter of diplomats, struggling to navigate the increasingly perilous situations she keeps ending up in ever since coming into her magic three years ago. Allies with the mages, romances Sera.
May Cadash: sword-and-shield warrior, a former Carta enforcer seeking redemption through her new Andrastian faith. Recruits the templars (TBD whether as allies or prisoners), romances Blackwall.
Aqun Adaar: archer rogue, a half-human engineer/mercenary doing his best to fix whatever can be fixed with his newfound position of power. Disbands the templars, no canon romance.
Adina Saar: a Vashoth mage raised by a spirit of Freedom and a member of the Valo-Kas.
Thenas Lavellan: the First of Clan Lavellan (not Inquisitor), known for his ability to see glimpses of the future in his dreams.
Pillars of Eternity
Selene: moon godlike cipher/ranger with the Explorer background. A former Giftbearer who abandoned her duty and ran away from her community, living in the wilderness for several years before making her way to Gilded Vale. Romances Edér.
Firi of the Red Scarves: an NPC from my campaign I made into an OC. High elf rogue/warlock whose patron is a fiend cursed to serve mortals as a familiar for two hundred years.
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serphena · 2 years
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Inquisitor's nap time in the Exalted Plains, oh and there's the golden halla too
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feymaid · 4 years
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If you don’t know @serphena’s stud Inquisitor Theo, idk what to tell u at this point. 
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kintheartist · 4 years
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@serphena made the most adorable art of Swan with her Lavellan, Theo, so I couldn’t help but draw them together too ;v;
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veilkeeper · 2 years
(this is my pinned post)
i spend too much time thinking about my OCs, which you can read more about here.
My canon dragon age world-state: Ren Amell -> Theo Hawke -> Ghila Lavellan -> Corentin Laidir
BG3 OC's are:
Roz, they/them, githyanki, gloomstalker ranger/war cleric.
Serenity, he/him, ????, goolock, durge.
Check me out on AO3 here, and here's some fics I've written:
the delightful intensity of its taste (BG3, 3021 words) Gen, minor Tav/Astarion. Roz becomes a partial-illithid and finds they start having certain... cravings... as a result.
To Be Desired (DA, 5195 words) Justice/m!Hawke (with minor Anders/m!Hawke). Snapshots of Justice's perspective as his relationship with Hawke develops in Act 2.
Addendum (DA, 3557 words) Varric/m!Hawke. Ten years is a long time to pretend you aren't in love with your best friend.
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lethendralis-paints · 4 years
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@serphena I am terribly sorry, but this handsome lad happened to walk by and I asked him to pose for me. He was in a hurry, so I had only 15 minutes. I hope I managed to capture his gorgeous smile at least!
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though-you-try · 4 years
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Theo Lavellan | The Moon
My half of an art trade with the absolutely amazing @serphena ❤️
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wepepe-draws · 4 years
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Tarot commission for @serphena, love her inky Theo Lavellan.
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