#Thee Kages
margielabebi · 7 months
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i be the only kage in thee plain
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myverycoolproject · 2 years
Beginning of the game
This is what I want the beginning of my game to be like, a tutorial like section going over the basics of the game and even giving a little bit of story to explain what is going on. 
Opening cutscene- shows a normal day on Earth, with people going to work and going to and from places. Narrator talks about how the day was like any other and how nothing could go wrong. It then cuts to the same scene but everyone is dead and the place is on fire. The narrator talks about the annihilation of the human race by an alien race, who slaughtered everyone. It then all goes dark before showing a new Earth, which is much bigger and looks way different. There are lots of blue mystical lines all going towards it. The narrator explains how the souls of those humans were reincarnated into another dimension, this being much different from their Earth. It cuts to a scene of knights battling monsters, mages casting spells and adventure. The narrator explains how this world is the fantasy equivalent of Earth and how very different society was. It then jumps straight into gameplay, as a little shadow creature appears in a forest. 
Tutorial- Player awakens in a dark forest as a tiny shadow creature. A deep voice tells them to move forward, which then leads to a log blocking the way. The voice tells them to jump over it. After a few more obstacles, the player will arrive on a dirt road where they stop. The sound of a wagon is heard, showing a convoy of wagons led by knights. It stops and one knight comes forward and looks at the player, picking them up and chucking them into one of the wagons. The player lands on the lap of someone, who cradles them. A young girl’s voice tells them to awaken and name’s thee Ikishi Kage. 
A new life in prison
Ikishi wakes up in a stone cell in a dungeon, which has one other person chained up to the wall. He looks around, realising he is very short and can’t remember how he got there. He goes over to the person chained up, who is a zombie girl. At first, Ikshi thinks she’s dead but she then wakes up and Ikishi freaks out, which causes her to freak out as well. The zombie girl tells Ikishi he scared her and Ikishi is surprised, asking her how she’s able to talk since zombies don’t really talk. She laughs and explains that zombies in this world are still like humans just not alive, meaning she is able to communicate like a human. Ikishi nods and looks around and asks where they are. She goes on to explain that they are somewhere in the Enchanted Forest, imprisoned by humans that wish to use them for hard labour for the war. Ikishi tells her that he is human but the zombie girl shakes her head and tells him that’s not. She points to a puddle in the corner of the room under a burning torch, telling him to go look for himself. Ikshi does and sees that he’s not a human, he is in fact a small shadow monster with white eyes. As he does his memory returns, remembering how he was killed during the annihilation of humans on his Earth. He then remembers being in a dark place with beings made of light, directing a line of other people through a gate but when the beings of light saw him, they chucked him off the side and he then woke up in the forest. Ikishi returns to the zombie girl to ask what he was and she does not know but knows someone who does, she tasks you with finding her village elder who is being held somewhere else. The door to the cell is barred but Ikishi is able to squeeze through, bringing him out into a hallway. Ikishi has to sneak past armed guards, who talk about the resistance of other races imprisoned in other camps like these. Ikishi is able to find the cell holding the elder zombie, who is also chained up to the wall in a cell. He notices Ikishi squeezing through the bars and greets Ikshi, who looks around and asks who Ikishi was. The elder tells him that when he was flung in the back of the wagon with them, Clary (the zombie girl) gave him the name of Ikishi Kage which bound his soul to the body before it was lost forever. Ikishi understands and then asks what he is, as he looks both cute and creepy. The elder laughs and explains that he is a shadowling, which is a creature born from the shadow world which is a pocket dimension. He explains that Ikishi was somehow reincarnated into the last shadowling alive as the race was almost completely wiped out during the war of darkness. Ikishi thanks the elder for the info and then asks what he could do to help, as it seems cruel to have everyone chained up and forced into working. The elder agrees with him and explains that a new threat has arrived, a threat much more evil than the shadow world and that the king of the land is forcing them to either fight or work. Ikishi assures the elder he’ll get everyone free. The elder informs Ikishi that he will need to acquire a human form, explaining how the shadowlings could absorb the bodies of others and use certain skills. Ikishi continues forward and again overhears how some more guards talk about General Alexander, who was a very strong warrior. Ikishi sneaks his way down to where the General is having a meal. Ikishi has to climb up on a shelf and push a very big box off. It crushes the General and Ikishi is then able to use shadow grab to then absorb the dead body. Ikishi finally has a human form, he steals some clothes and boots. His human form looks nothing like how he looked on his Earth but doesn’t mind. He also picks up the General’s katana, Flashsteel. He then finds the keys to the cells and heads back, but has to fight the knights from before. Using the shadow grab on them will give Ikishi the option to gain swordsman’s experience, which can be used in the swordsman menu. Ikishi returns to the elder and unlocks the door and also unlocks the elder’s chains. The elder tells him to defeat all the knights whilst he frees everyone, which he does. During his ascent up, Ikishi comes across different types of enemies: including a mage type which when shadow grabbed, gives Ikishi his first action ability. He finds the exit where Ikishi meets the leader of this place, Head commander Lancelot, the champion of Excalibur. The head commander turns and asks who Ikishi is, to which Ikishi responds with his name and explains how he was a human reincarnated as a shadowling. Lancelot asks Ikishi what he is planning to do and Ikishi asks the head commander why the humans are capturing different races for labour or battle. The commander shakes his head and points his sword, saying that Ikishi poses a threat to the land and must be disposed of.  
After defeating him, Ikishi gains the new copy ability and with Excalibur he can create copies. He plunges into a stone and activates the first checkpoint, here he can level up and unlock new swordsman skills. Afterwards, the Elder, Clary and a bunch of other magical races will come out and thank Ikishi for his help. The Elder then informs Ikishi that they will go ahead and make a base for everyone to rest at, he informs Ikishi that there are other prisons like this one all around the Enchanted forest. Ikishi promises to take them down as well. The Elder goes ahead and Clary comes forward, thanking Ikishi for his help. Ikishi then asks why she named him and she explains that she is a reincarnated being, except she was reincarnated a month ago. Ikishi is surprised and asks if there are others, which she doesn't know. She goes on to explain that every reincarnated person needs a name to exist in the new world as to seal their soul in their new body. Ikishi understands and thanks her for doing that before the two follow behind.
This is designed to inform the player how the game all works, also to show what is in store for the rest of the game. I also wanted to be very vague with the story so the player feels some immersion and can sort of understand how Ikshi feels. It will also intrigue them and make them want to find out what is going to happen next. 
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bouncyirwin · 3 years
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
From the latest author asks cuz I’m utterly insatiable when it comes to your beautiful writing
This from my multichap WIP To Build A Home and I’m having all the fun in the world writing it and can barely wait to share it 🌸
She startled into a stop as she was intercepted by Kakashi.
Sakura stared.
He stared back.
“Are you okay?” He said, and Sakura was struck by an epiphany that made her gasp aloud.
“Kakashi.” She said, because why hadn’t she ever stopped to consider that? She had been ready to ponder Lee or Ebizu, having skipped over him like he wasn’t even an option.
Sakura was the biggest idiot in Konoha.
“Sakura …” he trailed off, sounding a little alarmed. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because I’m a freaking idiot, Kakashi!” She exclaimed, causing one of the assistants crossing the hallway to stumble and whip her head around in their direction.
Two women stopped dead in their tracks to gape at her.
Sakura flushed embarrassedly and grabbed their esteemed Hokage by the elbow. “Come on, let’s talk in your office.”
“Maa— Sakura-chan!” He yelped as he was bodily hauled away while three individuals stared at them in disbelief. “You can’t manhandle your kage.”
“O esteemed Hokage,” she began blithely. “Forgive this lowly mortal for daring to breathe the same air as thee. But this is urgent.”
“Sakura,” he said exasperatedly as she pushed him into his office and shut the door.
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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argiekawa · 3 years
ok im ranking all the arcs more under the cut heheh
prologue and land of waves arc: everything has already been said about this arc but it is truly a great start of the show laying the foundation of whats to come, the character’s dynamics and their opinions on the ninja worls among other things 9/10
the chunin exams: real shonen shit but i liked it because it introduced the background characters (konoha’s 11) as well as gaara temari and kankuro, a new antagonist show up (orochimaru) and also jiraiya is there.. except for whatever the fuck is wrong with the hyuuga and neji’s demonization.. 8/10
konoha crush: hiruzen and orochimaru battle was.. okay? i wanted them both to die lol anyways.. naruto and gaara’s fight yeah yeah<3 u dont get it naruto literally saved sakura and sasuke and then save gaara from the darkness!!!!!!! for that alone the arc is a 8/10
search for tsunade: MILF INCOMING‼️‼️ honestly i love tsunade and how she sees naruto as her little brother,,, the sannin battle was great too, shoutout to my boy kabuto<3 also the first time the akatsuki show up so yeah a great and complete arc 7/10 (bc of the amount of jiraiya i had to see)
sasuke recovery mission: im gonna be honest i thought it was too long and i hated seeing all the boys about to die, tsunade was so shitty for sending only gennin... i also think kakashi handled the whole sasuke thing badly.. the valle of the end fight was AMAZING like so good i cried like a baby bc i didnt want sasuke to go with orochimaru 8/10
kazekage rescue mission: GOOD SHIT!! naruto is back in town and everyone is so grown up and everyone missed him<3 also gaara my baby <3 new akatsuki members which i really enjoyed. sasori v sakura was THEE fight honestly we were robbed how come that’s sakura’s only big fight🤨 9/10
tenchi bridge reconnaissance mission: TENZO AND SAI EVERYONE CLAPPED!! honestly i love this arc. it really shows how much naruto is willing to do just to defend sasuke’s name from orochimaru, the four tailed naruto is amazing i love him i wanted to see more of him. and although sai is a bit annoying at first he ended up being so protective of his team.. 10/10 just bc of that gay ass sns reunion
hidan and kakuzu: whew this arc has everything the two gayest akatsuki memebers, a guy who licks blood and an immortal dude, team 10 fighting together, naruto training with tenzo, kakashi looking like shit, the rasen shuriken, asuma’s ghost lighting shikamaru’s cigarette everything!! the last good arc 8/10
itachi pursuit mission: orochimaru dead yay... i dont have strong feelings about team taka i like karin but i hate how her character is just being obsessed with sasuke, i could write her better i could fix her. huhhhh i dont really remember much abt this arc but i think it’s pretty boring 6/10
tale of jiraiya the gallant: maybe unpopular opinion but i enjoyed jiraiya battle with pain and the introduction of sennin mode. not much to say i think at that point the akatsuki are still very interesting villians and that fight show us how ruthless they are, especially pain 7/10
battle between brothers: yeah great fight tbhhh the sharingan v sharingan aspect is so cool, i also loved how itachi purged orochimaru from sasuke’s body and i think its the first time we see susano’o and amateratsu.. i dont fuck with the way itachi is “redeemed” or protrayed as a savior i despise it 7/10
pain's assault: pain was so ruthlesss what happened at the end nagato huh? a little stupid speech and u resucitated all of konoha? pathetic. the best parts of this arc are naruto training, his one v one fight with pain where he almost turned into kurama and the him punching minato (and their reunion ofc).. the rest is just okay especially how it was resolved and how konan was just there 7/10
five kage summit: the beginning of the end is here, truly the last arc that doesnt feel like swallowing glass every time u press play. overall i like those samurais, the kages with different abilities and the way naruto and co found out abt what really happened to the uchiha.. sasuke killing hanzo is THEE highlight of the arc, sakura trying to kill him and naruto “i’ll bear all ur hatred” really make this arc a 8/10 despite it all
the fourth shinobi world war (countdown, confrontation, climax): im lumping them all together bc i feel like it was all very underwhelming (except gaara and his speech),,, things get spicy with the white zetsus and edo tensei but its still not the best. gaara v his father and that gay mizukage, and madara showing up and kicking everyone’s asses yeah.. 6/10
birth of the ten-tails' jinchūriki: juubito is the hottest and obito in general tbhh, neji’s death was so unneccesary and him spouting that shit abt how good it feels to give up life for someone else???? kishimoto im outside ur home... nothing remarkable tbhh i hate to say it but the edo hokages, or rather hashirama and minato really made this a go from a three to a 5/10
kaguya otsutsuki strikes: i dont even know where to begin this is the lowest, most anticlimatic conclusion the show could’ve reached... an alien??????? black zetsu???? it feels like the mangaka gave up halfway thru it and it’s only bearble bc the team 7 reunion and sun/moon gay rencarnation sasunaru thingy... the rest NOT GOOD 4/10
sasuke and naruto fight: 😵‍💫😩🤕❤️‍🩹😳😩😢😵‍💫🥺❤️‍🩹😵‍💫🤕😵‍💫😩🤕😵‍💫😢🤕😵‍💫❤️‍🩹🥺😀💖💕❤️❤️‍🩹😵‍💫😢😩😀🥺😢🤕😩🤕💕❤️‍🩹💖❤️❤️‍🩹🤕😩😢❤️‍🩹🤕 nothing more to say 8/10
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theredconversegirl · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well! :) I just wanted to rec two new fics from ao3: Like Gold by cherrynojutsu (I don't really know how to describe it lol but it's blank period and very slow paced so far) & I Take Thee by beyondthescenes (the Five Villages enact a marriage law following the war and ss are obviously paired up!)
Hi nonny,
Thank you so much for sharing these recs! 💕 I hope you're doing well too! 😊
So, because I have a thing for Arranged Marriage fics, I already read the available chapter of "I Take Thee". Nonny, I already want need more. The last scene had me like: 😲😱🙈 - he really did that... wow and kyaaa! 😂
I'm suppose to be working, so I will read "Like Gold" later since it's a longer fic. The summary is promising and I enjoy reading character study fics. 😊
Here are the link for these fics:
I Take Thee By: beyondthescenes
With all the ninja villages suffering heavy losses after the War, not only in infrastructure but especially manpower, the Five Kage enact a Marriage Law for repopulation and to ensure the next generation. [Rated E, on going]
Like Gold By: cherrynojutsu
Sasuke grapples with love and intimacy regarding his developing relationship with Sakura after returning to the village from his journey of redemption. Kind of a character study on Sasuke handling an intimate relationship after dealing with PTSD and survivor’s guilt in solitude for so long. Blank period, canon-compliant, Sasuke-centric, lots of fluff and pining, slowly becomes a smut fest with feelings. [Rated M, on going]
I appreciate your message, thanks for sending these my way. 🥰 I hope you have a great week! 💜
Stay Safe,
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beyondthescenes37 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru/Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Neji/Tenten, Hatake Kakashi/Shizune, Haruno Sakura & Hyuuga Hinata & Tenten & Yamanaka Ino Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Hinata, Tenten (Naruto), Tsunade (Naruto) Additional Tags: AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Marriage Contracts, marriage law, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Mutual Pining, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Porn with Feelings Summary:
With all the ninja villages suffering heavy losses after the War, not only in infrastructure but especially manpower, the Five Kage enact a Marriage Law to repopulate and to ensure the next generation.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 5 (Part I)
Welcome back to Re-Bonding In Mistral! We finally begin chapter 5 and, with it, the second half of Vol 5.
For those of you wondering, this chapter takes place during Volume 5’s episodes 8-10 from Blake and Gambol’s POV, as the three episodes are mostly about the Belladonnas. As such, this will be a long chapter.
Also, this is a semi-original chapter. Blake WILL understandably lose her cool here and you’ll get to see a special something regarding Gambol. Plus, you’ll get to see how EVEN MORE badass Blake’s parents are.
Also, due to how long this chapter was, it HAD to be split into two halves.
I know some will not be happy with how I wrote Ilia, but oh well.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Still own nothing. Also, Adam and Blake’s problems with him WILL be mentioned here, so do be careful when reading.
(In Kuo Kuana...)
“What are you thinking?” Gambol asked, sitting on the railing of the balcony of the Belladonna Family Home. Blake sighed, “I don’t know… I’ve let Yang know how we’re doing, she told me that she reconnected with her mother and that she, Ruby, Weiss, their families and Team JNPR will be heading for Haven soon... And now I’m wondering what the hell to do next.” Her sister raised an eyebrow, “Does this have to do with Ilia?” Her younger sister gave a weak chuckle, “You’re too damn observant.”
With a heavy sigh, Blake nodded, “Why am I still thinking there’s hope for her?” A few moments passed, before Gambol shrugged, “Well, I can only tell you what I would do.” “What you want to do is something you need to find out yourself.” She explained. Her younger sister sighed, “Not that simple...or easy.” “Nothing’s ever easy or simple, Blake.” The older of the two explained. “That’s what life is...and always has been. You need to figure out things for yourself.”
The two then heard Sun shouting, “Hey! You two ready to go?” “Be right there!” The black haired teenager shouted, before her eyes drifted to the side, noticing a note taped to the railing. “What the hell is that…?” Gambol asked, walking to her sister’s side. Cautiously, Blake opened the letter, before hearing the taller of the two hiss in anger. The note...was from Ilia, saying, “B, Things going too far. Not sure what to do. Find a quiet spot, I'll find you. Come alone. Please. -I”.
The black haired teenager tightened her fist, before putting the note in her coat. “Blake, it’s a trap. You KNOW that.” Gambol said. Blake nodded, her face filled with anger...and resolve, “I know. Which is why you’re coming along.” The elder of the two sisters raised an eyebrow, before nodded in realization, “In THAT form, right? Got it. And if they try to kill you?” Blake froze, before biting her lip. Finally, she sighed, “You’re free to reap chaos.”
Soon, Sun opened the door to the balcony, asking, “Hey, are we going recruiting or what? We've got the entire nocturnal secti-...” He stopped talking when he noticed that Blake wasn’t saying anything, sporting a concerned expression on her face. He also noticed the anger in Gambol’s eyes, before asking, “Is something up?” The younger of the two sisters nodded, “No, we’re good. We'll meet you there.”
“We...need to take care of something first.” She explained, before walking away. Gambol watched her sister leave, before easily noticing a quiet sound of rustling in the trees behind them. Whatever was happening...she knew she needed to stop it. “Make sure kaa-san and otou-san stay safe.” She said to the blonde. “Please.” Sun paused, attempting to absorb the events happening, before nodding. “I promise. Keep yourselves safe too.”
The older faunus smiled with a nod, before following Blake in a different direction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Some time later...at a darkened alleyway…)
‘I swear to the Gods, Ilia. Please do NOT do this to me…’ Blake thought. ‘Do NOT betray me trust…’ Clenching her fist, she approached the alleyway, calling out, “Ilia...?” A familiar voice said, “I’m here.” The cat faunus paused, before drawing out her VBCS, convincing the chameleon-faunus to walk out of the alleyway and dropping her camouflage with her arms raised. Blake sighed, “Ilia, I need you to understand me. I know you’re scared, but you don’t have to be.”
“My family and I can protect you.” She explained. The older teenager knew she was putting too much faith into this… But she needed to, at the very least, TRY. Her hope rose, as did her disbelief as Ilia said, “I’m sorry.” Blake bit her lip, hoping that she was actually getting through to her former friend. “You can make up for it by helping us stop Corsac and Fennec…” She explained. “PLEASE Ilia.”
Ilia shook her head, “No.” “I’m sorry.” She said in a hostile tone.
And just like that, whatever hope, belief, and trust Blake had for her former friend went out like a push of smoke… All while she was kicked and forced to the ground by Yuma and Trifa, dropping her VBCS in the process. As the weapon rested at Ilia’s feet, Blake soon found herself bound by spider web silk, before glaring at the teenager who she thought was her friend. “I tried to warn you, Blake.” Ilia said. “I’m sor-.”
The chameleon faunus was cut off by the cat faunus growling, “Like hell you are.” “But I am. I'm sorry it has to be this way…” The chameleon faunus said. “But you and your family are holding the Faunus back!” Blake snarled in anger, attempting to break free of her binds to no effect, “Because we're trying to protect people?!” “In what world do you live in where attacking the innocent is the right thing to do?!” She snapped.
“The same one as you!” Ilia snapped right back. “There's no such thing as innocent! There's no right thing to do! Only what's best for us!” “You know damn well that’s a lie!” The cat faunus shouted.
Ilia glared at the older teenager, shouting right back, “And YOU know that there are humans that still hate the Faunus! And those who just stand by and let the hate happen!” “But you know what snuffs out hate?” She asked her former friend.
“Fear. I don't like hurting people. But I'll tell you this…” The chameleon faunus said, tilting her weapon at Blake. “It's gotten us results.” The cat faunus was unfazed, tilting her head and saying in a flat, yet terrifying tone, “Yeah? Then look where it's gotten you.” The younger teenager’s eyes widened...and for a brief moment...she felt a cold shiver run down her spine at Blake’s words.
Ilia ultimate shrugged it off, but it was obvious to Blake that her former friend was frightened of her. Somehow...something in the cat faunus felt satisfied by that. “So what, you really think killing me is for this so-called greater good?” The cat faunus asked. Ilia shook her head, “No…”
“But getting rid of your family is…” She said. She watched as Blake’s eyes widened in shock and horror, before her expression turned into pure rage. “WHY YOU FUCKI-!!” The cat faunus shouted, only to be cut off as Yuma and Trifa slammed her head into the ground, disorienting the black haired teenager.
Due to her hearing being temporarily disabled, Blake could barely make out any words that Ilia was saying. Right now, all she knew was that her family was in danger...and she needed to help them. The cat faunus felt rage boiling in her chest, trying to think of an idea that could get her out of this mess. Then one thought of Gambol crossed her mind. Blake could get Gambol to help her...but she would need to get her to the cat faunus’s location first.
Soon, Blake’s hearing came back to her, hearing Ilia say, “Yuma, with me.” “Get her to the docks.” She said to Trifa. As the two White Fang agents left, the cat faunus knew she needed to act quickly and put this off right. Blake clenched her fists tightly.
“Alright traitor, lets go.” Trifa said, tugging on the silk...only to find her captive stationary. She then heard a growl from the cat faunus, “I’m going to make you suffer for attacking my family.” Blake didn’t want to do this to Gambol, but she knew it was the only chance she had to escape and get home. She looked straight at her VBCS, reciting a chant that Gambol had told her during their trip back home...
(A/N: In Japanese) “Kuchiku-kandearu tamashī ni, watashi wa anata ni tanomi, watashi no sakebi ni mimi o katamukemasu. Anata no shujin to kazoku wa kiken ni sarasa rete imasu. Kage kara oritekuru-jū no yō ni hōkō shi, teki o kiritaoshimasu. Anata no sokubaku kara nukedashi, anata no aisuruhito o kizutsukeru hitobito ni dai konran o motarashimasu!”
(A/N: In Italian) “All'anima distruttrice, ti prego, ascolta il mio grido. Il tuo padrone e la tua famiglia sono in pericolo. Ruggisci come una bestia che discende dalle ombre e abbatti i tuoi nemici. Spezza le tue catene e distruggi coloro che ferirebbero i tuoi cari!”
“To the soul that is a destroyer, I beg of thee, heed my cry.” The cat faunus whispered, her voice slowly growing louder with each word. “Thine master and family are in danger. Roar like a beast descending from shadows and cut down thy enemies.” Blake and Trifa then noticed purple aura and energy radiating off of the VBCS as it began spinning violently. Blake then swallowed, taking a deep breath as she shouted, “Break from thy shackles and wreak havoc on those who’d harm thine loved ones!”
“Gambol Shroud!”
In an instant, the VBCS lifted off of the ground and cut into the very fabric of space, opening a portal. Immediately, the older of the two sisters leaped through the portal, transforming as she did so.
Blake shut her eyes tightly, clenching her fists as Trifa looked at Gambol in horror. The Weapon Spirit roared in her face, now transformed into a Panther-like Grimm. The battle wasn’t even a contest, as the Panther faunus took the White Fang agent down as if she were nothing more than an ant. After only hearing the sound of vicious chaos, Blake soon found her bindings broken and herself in Gambol’s arms.
She opened her eyes to face the now-transformed woman, who was in the process of reverting back to her normal state. The concerned look in her sister’s now-glowing purple eyes was all the cat faunus needed to know what Gambol was asking. “I’m...unharmed… We need to get home.” Blake said. “Mom and Dad are in danger. And if Sun’s there, then he might not last that long. They need us.”
She didn’t bother asking what her sister did. The blood on her claws were more than enough to tell her what she did to Trifa. Hell, the teenager could tell how much blood was in the air. So why did Blake feel like she didn’t care what Gambol did?
Maybe she did. Maybe she didn’t. There were too many things going on at once right now. And more important things to focus on.
Gambol nodded, putting her sister down on her feet and handing the teenager her VBCS. “And you’re right….” Blake sighed. Her sister raised an eyebrow, queuing the teenager to explain, “It was a trap… And I’m sure Ilia’s become no better than Adam…” The cat faunus bit her lip, “She...manipulated me. Broke my trust. Just like he did.” The teenager tightened her fist around her weapon’s handle, “And now...she’s threatening our parents…”
Tears...of both sadness and rage streamed down Blake’s faces as she walked over to a building and slammed her fist into the wall. “I WAS PLAYED LIKE A FUCKING FOOL! AGAIN!” She shouted, before collapsing to her knees and pounding the sidewalk in sadness, anger, and frustration. “She played me like Adam did! And she’s too DAMN blind to see that fact!”
Blake was sad that she had her trust broken again by someone who she thought was a friend. She was angry at Ilia for doing that and threatening her family. She was angry at herself for BELIEVING that Ilia could learn to be better.
And the teenager was frustrated that Ilia still couldn’t learn that the White Fang had grown into nothing more than a terrorist organization and a group of murderers.
“What will you do?” Gambol asked, her voice now in a rougher tone due to her earlier transformation. Her sister went still, before sighing, “With Ilia, who the fuck knows.” “All I know is that I’m not going to forgive her for this shit.” She said. The Weapon Spirit nodded, before transforming back into a Panther-like Grimm. Blake climbed on her back, holding on tightly as the Soul-Grimm-Faunus hybrid ran back towards their family home.
The teenager pulled out her scroll, before calling her mother. “Come on, Mom….” She whispered, begging. “Please. PLEASE pick up…!” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please continue to Part 2 here: (To be added soon.)
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the-original-b · 4 years
the-original-B’s The Raven Trilogy
The Constant (f.k.a. Zed)
bleary I awaken by her, like so many times before… the woman I want nothing from but can’t bring myself to abhor, someone I’ve let manipulate me into something I didn’t know I would end up hating– the perfect predator
the omen at my window, with crimson eyes I’d seen before, ragged ink-black feathers, cry that shakes me to the core– careful not to wake her, I rise to my feet and cautiously approach (and then confront) this carnivore
the prophet’s gaze rends my bravado, reaches deep down to my core and raises questions I hoped I’d be strong enough to ignore– “from what hell have you come today? what have I left for you to take with word and visage from beyond? what do you have in store?”
looking back, I see her resting, perfect stillness upon my bed, her curves beneath the sheets, the dim light cast upon the spread… back to the seer I turn to meet its glare, and the explanation it implores I cross my arms and tell it, true– “She isn’t just some whore I found on some auspicious night. She’s different, honest, true and pure. She’s someone I–” adore
my last word chokes me on its way into the night as the fortuneteller seemed to bestow on me its gift of foresight. clairvoyant, I could see it then–the curse she’d bring upon my life, the blight. linger on, it would, long after she’d have left for years henceforth I’d feel the echo of her theft, happiness gone, eternally bereft.
screaming to the heavens I slammed my fist upon the door, and conceded to despair as I collapsed upon the floor and pleaded to whoever’d listen: “when will I know peace, like the way it was before?”
quoth the Raven, “never more.”
Kage: Despair Returns
Once upon a midnight dreary while I rested, weak and weary from sleepless night, blurred and bleary after dalliances the day before, came a visitor—an omen omniscient that delivered, in fashion most efficient, a woeful tale, morose, hope-deficient truths I dare not think of anymore.
And as the months since fell off the wall and blended into years, I fought like Hell to move past it all— tried to forget her tears and drowned my feelings in venom distilled from sugar cane, grain, or something more. One fateful October night, poison in hand, I turned toward my window’s sill and was greeted once again by that most gruesome and profane form;
Crimson eyes like Gol-Goroth’s burning deep into my soul, moonlit talons glinting, plumage dark as coal; my stomach’s pit dropped through the floor, reclaimed its place, and churned I clutched the glass in abhorrent disbelief— the Shape had returned.
“Prophet!” said I. “Thing of evil!” “Prophet still if bird or devil— be you Heavens-sent or Arch-vile spawned you are not welcome in my house! Take your cursed foresights and your damned prophecies, and leave this hallowed place!” I screamed pitching the glass at the prophet’s perch where it split into the most spectacular storm of stress, liquid black, and shattered crystal;
the form itself left not a trace, mark, or smear or tainted quill, no evidence, no croak or shrill cry telling me it was even there before. My balance gone, I staggered and collapsed to the floor where, to this day, I remain eclipsed by its shadow— hexed to be a victim of my malefactor’s wrath— my own—forevermore. I looked up, in my haze, at the omen undisturbed whose talons clutched the bust above my chamber door and entreated, “what is it you want? When will I be free of this curse, when will the light return to me? Tell me— tell me, I implore.”
Quoth the Raven, “never more.”
In my days of greatest weakness since the Form from Days of Yore cursed me with sight from beyond and invaded my life, nesting atop my chamber door, I found the strength, between bouts of crippling pain, to press onward and find something to work for; and in my silvering years of singular focus, while the warnings grew no less quiet, I found myself, however briefly, in a position that saw me wishing for the faster coming of the mornings.
Ah, distinctly, I remember it was in the bleak December, among the frozen air and frost-covered glass, I found peace in the company of someone I grew closer to, somebody I adore. The fire rose, burned bright and just as quickly died; a casualty of circumstance banished to rosy memories of the place I was before.
Upon our parting I turned back toward the door when, from the Night’s Plutonian shore came the Visage I had seen, too many times before; and yet, I felt no contempt or ill will toward the Shape from days of Yore, that ancient relic I had seen so many times before.
I summoned from the deepest pit strength I hadn’t known before and Locking eyes I said to it, “she’s someone I care for; and no forecast from beyond, while not ill-intentioned will deny what we had.
"whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee– as I understand you, in a way, meant to protect me. I’ve learned much, so much from you–and thank you from my core– but there’s no warmth under your wing, no blessing to look for in the shelter of your shadow cast from above my chamber door; I’ve outgrown your message, your promises of doom and strife have done nothing to help me, they’ve only built a life of deep misery and shallow pleasures– isolation eternal;
"but I’m tired of it, I’ve grown sick of the sternal aching, the longing for something I’ve not yet had, the nights spent on the floor curled in a ball of despair, powerless against your warnings of what not to look for; there is balm in Gilead, there is light I can’t ignore.
"you hold no power, bird or fiend, or false guarantor. I. Renounce. You.”
Quoth the Raven, …nothing more.
It spoke no words of parting nor shrill call, nor cry upstarting; not the least obeisance made he, not a moment stopped or stayed he, but with grace of lord, or lady, disappeared into the night’s Plutonian shore
…but with many a flit and flutter returned to Earth a quill, and I shuddered to think of the significance held by the omen on the floor, that the Raven, never leaving, casts his shadow evermore, but where once I lay grieving I stand, a victim never more.
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heartofbasara-blog · 6 years
Bold the lines of poetry that apply to your muse
Tagged by: @awaywithhearts (tagging Yoshitsugu and Kenshin)
Tagging: @demon-blood-youths (Kage), @basararmy (Yoshitsugu), @geometragic, @gyobu
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I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // Tyger Tyger, burning bright // I have done it again. // Do not go gentle into that good night. // The sea is calm to-night. // Let us go then, you and I, // April is the cruelest month, // Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. //  There is a place where the sidewalk ends // I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) // Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, // Whose woods these are I think I know // Let us twain walk aside from the rest; // Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, // I taught myself to live simply and wisely // It so happens I am sick of being a man // I wandered lonely as a cloud // Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? // O my Luve is like a red, red rose // O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; // Out of the night that covers me, // It was many and many a year ago, // You may write me down in history // Do not stand at my grave and weep // Some say the world will end in fire / Some say in ice. // Hope is the thing with feathers // The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, // No man is an island, //Remember me when I am gone away, // I met a traveler from an antique land // ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves // This is thy hour O Soul, // We wear the mask that grins and lies, // Death be not proud, // And death shall have no dominion. // Laugh, and the world laughs with you; // The art of losing isn’t hard to master; // To see a World in a Grain of Sand // Is there anybody there? said the Traveller // Nobody heard him, the dead man, // That crazed girl improving her music. // Come to me in the silence of the night; // Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // When you are old and grey and full of sleep, // In Flanders’ fields the poppies blow // I thought of you and how you love this beauty // Life, believe, is not a dream // It may be misery not to sing at all, // If starry space no limit knows // Come live with me and be my love, // Had we but world enough and time, // My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense // Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art- // Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. // Heaven is what I cannot reach! // My dear, my dear, I know // In visions of the dark night // Shall I compare thee to a summers day? // Break, break, break // She walks in beauty, // I had a dream, which was not all a dream. // He clasps the crag with crooked hands
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I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // Tyger Tyger, burning bright // I have done it again. // Do not go gentle into that good night. // The sea is calm to-night. // Let us go then, you and I, // April is the cruelest month, // Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. //  There is a place where the sidewalk ends // I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) // Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, // Whose woods these are I think I know // Let us twain walk aside from the rest; // Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, // I taught myself to live simply and wisely // It so happens I am sick of being a man // I wandered lonely as a cloud // Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? // O my Luve is like a red, red rose // O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; // Out of the night that covers me, // It was many and many a year ago, // You may write me down in history // Do not stand at my grave and weep // Some say the world will end in fire / Some say in ice. // Hope is the thing with feathers // The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, // No man is an island, //Remember me when I am gone away, // I met a traveler from an antique land // ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves // This is thy hour O Soul, // We wear the mask that grins and lies, // Death be not proud, // And death shall have no dominion. // Laugh, and the world laughs with you; // The art of losing isn’t hard to master; // To see a World in a Grain of Sand // Is there anybody there? said the Traveller // Nobody heard him, the dead man, // That crazed girl improving her music. // Come to me in the silence of the night; // Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // When you are old and grey and full of sleep, // In Flanders’ fields the poppies blow // I thought of you and how you love this beauty // Life, believe, is not a dream // It may be misery not to sing at all, // If starry space no limit knows // Come live with me and be my love, // Had we but world enough and time, // My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense // Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art- // Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. // Heaven is what I cannot reach! // My dear, my dear, I know // In visions of the dark night // Shall I compare thee to a summers day? // Break, break, break // She walks in beauty, // I had a dream, which was not all a dream. // He clasps the crag with crooked hands
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bokubooo-archived · 3 years
Just jumping on to thee haikyuu timeskip discussion (sorry couldn't help myself) HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW THE ENTIRETY OF NEKOMA JUST SCREAMS RICH???? And like how the adlers trio can be equally chaotic (idk atleast in my head) PLS IMAGINE HOSHIUMI JUMPING AROUND, KAGS TRYING HIS BEST TO JUST SOMEHOW UNDERSTAND HIM AND USHIWAKA JUST CLUELESS I-- ok I rambled enough
also YEAH, those 3 scream chaos to in the sense none of them know wtf is happening 😭 I wonder how many times kage has tried to say smth inspirational and Hoshigumi went "OoO" but it flew right over Ushijima's head and he's just like "??"
I can't stop thinking about how happy + sad it makes me especially seeing our favorite boys split up sm :(( noya traveling the world while asahi is a fashion designer (I believe at least-), daichi is a cop and suga is a teacher, ITS JUST OUCHIE SEEING THEM SPLIT UP BUT ALSO "OMG LOOK AT MY BOYS GO SUCCEEDING SO WELL OMG" :(( I can't decide if I want to cry happy or sad tears over it it's just- hngggh it hurts but in a good way?? it's sad our favorite teams are split up but like I'm so proud because of who they're growing to become AND NOW IM RAMBLING SORRY-
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fidelissimi-moved · 3 years
Dorie...before 2021 ends I want you to know above everything how glad I am to have met you. I'm so proud of everything you write, and how sweet you are to me. I swear when I dipped Kage into the SPN fandom, I was REALLY scared of not being accepted and people rejecting me. When you followed me all those months ago, I had seen you in passing interacting with Tink and I literally thought, she'd never follow me...and I was so happy when you did? Like I love our conversations, our threads here and there. I love all of your blogs and how you put so much work into them. I love seeing you on my dash and I truly believe you are an instrumental part of the SPN RPC and it would feel cold and lonely without you around. I want you to know I'm always an IM away on discord if you need to talk or vent or just chat about anything (let me send you random funny memes i found plsssss) , no need for any formalities, okay? Any time you need me, I'm here for you, babe.
Ry, how do I love thee, let me count the ways!!
Look, I know what it's like bringing an oc into the SPN world. It's terrifying and I applaud anyone who tries. But Kage just... fits so seamlessly and I'm so freaking glad that he's on my dash so constantly. I love seeing his grumpy ass interact with people. It's endlessly entertaining for me, okay? lol
And YOU. my dear you are a gem. i am so comfortable talking to you about literally anything and everything, and I can't imagine how boring my discord would be without you there to toss ideas at or memes back and forth or just to have a big ol' vent about how fucking much i love ruby and how no one else will ever love her like i do. i'm pretty sure you've heard that exact vent from me at least six times by now and i thank you for letting me get through it.
anyway, you're amazing and i'm keeping you forever and ever.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 4 years
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Listen or download Curbi - Live @ We Own the Night - 31-Oct-2020 for free now!
Artist: Hardstyle Show: Curbi – Live @ We Own the Night – 31-Oct-2020 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House Source: RSS
Discover more We Own The Night livesets here
Curbi – Live @ We Own the Night – 31-Oct-2020 Tracklist
[00:00] Curbi – Too Much [HELDEEP] [3:00] Chico Rose x 71 Digits & Bancali vs. AC Slater & Curbi – Somebody’s Watching Me vs. Navigator (Mike Williams Mashup) [4:28] Curbi – Jaw Drop [CONFESSION] [6:06] Miley Cyrus – Midnight Sky (Luke Hepworth Remix) [RCA] [7:15] JOYRYDE – Brooklyn [HARD RECS] w/ Dua Lipa – Don’t Start Now (Acappella) [COLUMBIA] [8:45] Cassius – Cassius 1999 (Curbi Remix) [VIRGIN] [11:14] Good Times Ahead – DBL Park [GOOD TIMES BAD TIMES] [12:14] Tchami – Rainforest (Valentino Khan Remix) [CONFESSION] [13:40] Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion – WAP (Nitti Gritti Remix) [ATLANTIC] [15:00] CID ft. Jaquell – Downstairs (BELLECOUR Remix) [NIGHT SERVICE ONLY] [15:45] Psycho Boys Club – Backspin Boogie [BARONG FAMILY] [16:47] Curbi – Redeem [SPINNIN’] [19:00] Curbi – ID [19:45] Curbi & RayRay – Don’t Stop [DIM MAK] [22:18] Chocolate Puma – Megablast [TONCO TONE] [23:20] Curbi & Hasse de Moor – ADHD [HELDEEP] [24:40] HI-LO – Kronos [OCTOPUS] [26:40] Moksi & Mike Cervello – Brooklyn [BARONG FAMILY] [28:40] Curbi & Hasse de Moor – Alcoholic [SPINNIN’] [30:40] Curbi – ID [32:02] Wiwek ft. MX2 – STEREOPLEIN [BARONG FAMILY] [32:48] Walker & Royce ft. VNSSA – Word (Chris Lorenzo Remix) [HOTBOI] [34:00] Curbi & RayRay – BB Got Me Like [SPINNIN’] [36:18] Curbi – Flip It [DIM MAK] [37:10] Cesqeaux & Curbi – Get It [MUSICAL FREEDOM] [38:18] Dog Blood & Josh Pan & X&G – 4 Mind [ATLANTIC] [39:18] Kage – Feel Me [MONSTERCAT] [40:33] Good Times Ahead ft. Diplo – Milky Cabrera [HARD RECS] [42:17] Go Freek – What We See [MUSICAL FREEDOM] [43:32] Skrillex & Boys Noize ft. Ty Dolla $ign – Midnight Hour [OWSLA] [45:02] VOLAC – Muchacho [INSOMNIAC] [46:02] Valentino Khan – Pony [MAD DECENT] [48:30] Marie Davidson – Work It (Soulwax Remix) [NINJA] [50:18] Valentino Khan ft. Diplo – JustYourSoul (Tchami Remix) [MAD DECENT] [52:03] Curbi ft. Helen – Superpowers [SPINNIN’] [54:27] Curbi ft. Brooke Tomlinson – Spiritual (Mriya) [SPINNIN’] [58:07] Curbi ft. Helen – Feel [SPINNIN’] [1:01:40] Curbi – ID [1:04:42] San Holo vs. Kanye West – Lights (Curbi Remix) [ROC-A-FELLA/BITBIRD/REPUBLIC]
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stayeducated · 6 years
Retreat thoughts
Rev. Stephen Tan was really good.
> Before the retreat Evangelist Winkie simply asked me. Do you have faith? I was thinking of only going on Sunday like the previous year because I wanted to study. But I do have faith. And even if I do not pass if I honestly reflect its not because I went to this retreat, it’s because I didn’t prepare well. It was a great retreat and I’m really glad I went.
Main Takeaway
I came away from this weekend learning a couple of nuances to the path I’m on, but its a take-away for the lifestyle of being all-in for Christ. It’s a short life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. I’m willing to do anything to honor and glorify God and this weekend re-affirmed it.
General Spiritual
This chapter really struck home.
Luke 5
“18 And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him.19 And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus.20 And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts?23 Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?24 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.25 And immediately he rose up before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God.“
> How far am I willing to help someone to see Jesus? And Jesus doesn’t heal primarily, he forgives sins. That is the primary product of Jesus. Of course we take our sanctification seriously. But are we intentional to eat with the publicans? To spend time with non-christians? 
How is our attitude towards evangelism? A bad shoe salesman will not sell shoes. We are lukewarm to what Jesus does in our lives and are terrible representatives. Be on a journey with people to be in the exact right place to share Jesus and his forgiveness of sins.
Are you team world or team Christ? It’s either one or the other. How materialistic do you appear? We must live with a purpose.
Wish I could kage-bunshin and fellowship with everyone at once, but we are limited and that is God’s design and mercy. I’m happy to see the fellowship just enjoying one another’s company. The old-guard is still alive and taking care of the nursery. The young kids are all growing. And even though there are a couple issues their faith and willingness to serve is admirable. There’s is the fire that we want to fan into flame and set a great example for.
We want to grow further, to further organize for Christ glory, spread the gospel, and grow spiritually. Til next year.
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xxred-rainxx · 7 years
So, to preface, this is sort of my own thoughts on the antis. I am possibly wrong, because people might dislike something for no reason (yes, that happens). The other thing is, that this is not assuming everyone is like this. I’m also not in a huge mood to do formal language, and am not going to edit this too much - so, apologies for any and all mistakes I may make.
So, before I get right into what goes through these peoples’ minds, a story. This is quite long winded (like 1,000 words all up).
So, here we go.
This particular story is of when I first joined Tumblr. I was probably thirteen or fourteen at the time (the blog is 4 years old, I think). I didn’t join many fandoms at that point, except for one. Naruto. For a long time, I was watching and reading both the anime and the manga (although it became only the manga - due to the bias the anime studio showed particular characters, but that’s another story for another time). I joined because of the interest I had in a ship - SasuSaku (Sasuke and Sakura). I will be referring to them mostly as SS, because I’m lazy. The ship itself involved a boy/teenager with a tortured and dark past, and a girl with a sort of easier life. Basically ying and yang, y’know. I’m really into that; shipping dark characters with literal rays of sunshine. I found that’s my sort of preference as I got further into other fandoms. One in particular is a sort of guilty pleasure, which you might see me reblog if you follow me… Anyways. Naruto is the story of these ninja who train to become stronger. Sasuke wants revenge. See, his brother slaughtered all of his family in one night, leaving only him. Throughout the original series, this is something that is swept to the side, mostly. Until the end. Sasuke decides to leave the village, as he feels he is not becoming powerful enough to exact revenge. Guess who meets him? Sakura. For whatever reason, she sensed he was leaving the village - and she was the last one to see him that night. After she tearfully states that she loves him, he knocks her out with the words “thank you”. Those particular words are important. As are the “even after all this time, you’re still annoying” (kinda like the “you’re nothing, but not to me”). Skip forward a few years, and Sasuke has changed. A lot. In the beginning of the sequel, he refused to kill people (unless they had to do with his revenge). By the middle, he was killing people easily. Like he didn’t care. That’s because he didn’t. He had found out the truth, and was wanting vengeance against his own village and everyone in it.
It gets to the point where he becomes an international criminal. He attacks the Kage summit (basically where all the leaders of the lands meet to discuss important topics), and starts a world war. Near the end of this arc, Sakura meets up with him - she says she wants to join him, and he challenges her on that fact. Telling her to kill someone. She hesitates, and he uses her hesitation to turn on her. She is saved by their teacher. She has another chance to kill Sasuke, but once more hesitates - thinking back onto his words from that night. The thank you. She couldn’t do it. She just… couldn’t. And he nearly kills her, much to everyone’s shock. Even Kakashi mentions that he has fallen so far - because he tried to kill Sakura.
The end of their story is well. She tearfully confesses to him again, and he says that she’s annoying again. He casts an illusion on her, and she falls ‘asleep’ for a while, so Sasuke and Naruto can fight it out. She wakes up, and heads to where the boys are and begins healing them. Sasuke ends up apologising, and he seems unsure for a moment before he relaxes. Later on, once he has healed, he goes on to start his redemption - she asks if she can go with him, which he politely says no to. He ends up thanking her again, and telling her he will see her again - which he obviously does, considering they end up conceiving a child.
So where am I going with this story? Well, you see, I still remember from ages ago the amount of cross tagging in the pro tag and the amount of filth thrown from the antis. We were called all sorts of things - homophobic (as the ship got in the way of a gay pairing) & abuse apologists (due to Sasuke trying to kill Sakura and vice versa).
The same argument is here, particularly with teh latter - they are enemies. Of course they will fight each-other. It’s the same for TFA and TLJ. Kylo Ren and Rey are enemies. Antis seem to use SJW fights, that don’t even really mean anything in the context they are using. Antis, as a whole, bring real world problems to fictional universes. Many relationships I ship, I would condone if they were real life relationships. Fiction though? What does it matter. Most stories end with a good ending, in terms of everyone being happy - a part from the enemy. Many people also thought Sasuke would die at the end of Naruto, yet did he? No. He is still a crucial part, even with the next generation. It will be the same with Kylo Ren, although I hope JJ Abrams ties it up a lot better than Kishimoto does.
Basically, what my entire point is - is that most antis adopt a SJW sort of stance on things. Using real life arguments to make themselves look like they have the moral high ground.
Yet, when it comes to the actual real life issues they seem to turn a blind eye. We see it with Rey, that she deserves Finn (although love is literally never about deserving?), and these same people will trample on Rose - a woman of colour. Abuse is a whole other thing again, thee same people will go around shouting abuse, even though Kylo Ren and Rey are enemies? Of course they are going to hurt each-other! Many shippers have also stated that their relationship, at this exact point, is unhealthy. That they want to see the characters ready for a healthy relationship. Finally, with the homophobia argument, it usually always has to do with a female character getting in the way of two male characters. Nearly all the time, the female character is heavily degraded and thrown under a bus. Treated like trash. It seems to be like this for most fandoms, and it is disgusting behaviour - fujoshis, we call them in the Naruto fandom. They go to such huge lengths to show that their ship is superior, sending death threats and asking others to commit suicide.
I know this is a bit sloppy, but it’s just my two cents on the fandom as a whole - in terms of the antis. I mean, the antis who keep to themselves are the real MVPs. They don’t go around attacking others, just politely stating they disagree. Then nothing else comes of it. Maybe discussions. Honestly, we shouldn’t think of all Annes as being the same (which I know we don’t), but it’s still interesting to see peoples’ individual personalities shine.
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robotpoetry · 5 years
"Like" Thee Thy Summer Arise Dane While O S Tear Terrain Mind The Weeping Infant Kightlinger The Ewes Er Thee Deadlier He Took Me In The Future Kage And Night And Seek For Engage Wings Travel Born Complain Mother He Is But Crayne
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navek15 · 7 years
Fairy Tail: A New Day Ch. 5
Chapter 5: Azure Flames and the Cursed Song "Come on! BREAK THROUGH!" Natsu yelled as he punched the Wind Barrier with an Iron Fist attack, only for the barrier to knock him back. So far, things were not looking good for Team Morningstar and their two allies. Soon after Erigor had left, Gray had uncovered Eisenwald's true goal from the now frozen Rayule; Their true goal was to use Lullaby to kill all the guild masters in Clover. Alyssa, Zeke and Erza had gotten information that the only one who could dispel the Wind Barrier was the shadow wizard Kageyama. But when the group had found him, Natsu had knocked him out after he had come after the dragon slayer. Erza managed to slap the shadow wizard awake, but a hand had phased through his stomach, courtesy of the Eisenwald wizard Karacka. After Natsu beat the crap out of the phasing wizard, the group reconvened outside as they tried to break through the wind barrier. "Don't stop now!" Zeke exclaimed as he pulled out the sword on his belt. The black-handled sword had a thin blade until the brunette pumped some magic through it, creating a spinning green blade. This weapon was known as a Spiral Blade, a weapon that channels the magic within it, spinning the magic at such high speeds that it could potentially disrupt other spells. However, that wasn't the case this time, as the archer was pushed back. "We have to hurry!" Alyssa said as she fired a Vibration Blast spell at the massive torrent of wind, only to have the blast fired back and causing her to dodge. "There has to be someway past this stupid barrier!" "Wake up, Kage!" Erza exclaimed as she treated the injured man's wounds. "We need you so dispel the barrier!" "He's not gonna wake up anytime soon." Lucy stated before turning towards a certain ice wizard. "Gray, why don't you freeze the barrier so the rest of the team could smash it." "If I could do that, I would've done it when I saw it earlier." Gray answered, turning his attention to the trio that kept trying to break through. "It's no use guys! The more you throw at the barrier, the more damage you guys take!" "It's a small price to pay!" The orange-haired woman retorted before unleashing another spell. "Speed Queen: Hundred-Strike Punch!" With every punch, Alyssa felt backlash from the barrier but pressed on despite the pain until she was violently blasted back. Lucy ran towards her friend and saw that her hands were bleeding. She looked and saw Zeke slashing at it again, the backlash damaging his right hand some more. "Guys, you need stop this! If you keep this up, you'll end up killing yourselves!" The blonde girl cried. "Not an option! We have to save Makarov!" Natsu yelled as he unleashed another fire attack. He scowled as he tried to push forward. Lucy watched in worry as he pushed and saw his flame turn blue for a second until he was pushed back. "Okay..." Zeke started as he put away his Spiral Sword, taking a moment to catch his breath. "I think it's evidently clear that brute force isn't going to break this barrier and Kageyama can't dispel it. Anyone got any ideas?" The group started to think of ways to get out. Natsu turned to the newest member of Morningstar. "Hey Lucy, do you think you can teleport us to other side?" "What makes you think I can even do that?" The blonde asked. "Well back at Everlue's mansion, the three of us went through gate and teleported from the foyer to the sewer." "But in order for your plan to work, we would need another celestial wizard to have one of their spirits already on our side and for them to be the other side." Lucy explained the holes in Natsu's plan. "Damn it." The salmon-haired man sweared as Happy started to think. "Everlue...Everlue. AHHH!" Happy screamed, catching everyone's attention. "LUCY, I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT I WAS TRYING TO TELL YOU EARLIER!" The blue cat quickly ruffled through his backpack and pulled out a golden key. "That's Virgo's spirit key!" Lucy exclaimed. "Happy, did you steal that from Everlue?" Alyssa asked with a disappointed look. The cat shook his head. "When we stopped for the night after the mission, Virgo came and told me that her contract with Everlue ended when he was arrested. She said she was willing to form a contract with Lucy and gave me her spirit key for safe keeping." "That was three days ago!" Natsu exclaimed. "Why did you wait until now to say that?" As Happy tried to justify something about cats having short recall, Zeke was thinking back the team's encounters with the maid spirit, suddenly getting an idea. "Happy, you just gave us our way out!" The group looked at the archer and Lucy caught onto what Zeke was saying. "That's right! Virgo can dig us a way out." Happy handed her the key as the group stood back. "Say Gray, you didn't have a heavy lunch today right?" Natsu asked. "No, just a sandwich. Why?" The ice wizard asked. "You'll see." Lucy held out the golden key in front of her and started to chant. "I call upon thee in the world of the Celestial Spirits. I beckon you to my side at once. Pass through the gate!" A magic circle appeared beneath her. "Open, Gate of the Maiden - Virgo!" Out of gate came a petite woman with short pink hair, blue eyes, a maid outfit and broken chains on her wrists. The five who had seen Virgo before were gaping like fishes as Gray and Erza looked at them with confusion and Virgo gave Lucy a small bow. "You called, Mistress?" The maid asked. "Who...are you?" The blonde asked. "Is it me, or did she drop 400 pounds since the last time we saw her?" Alyssa asked, pointing to the maid and getting her attention. "Oh, you're referring to my previous appearance." Virgo replied. "You see, I'm a loyal spirit with the ability to alter my appearance based on my master's preference." "I guess that explains why you looked like a gorilla before." Natsu stated. "You mean this?" The maid transformed into her 'gorilla' form, freaking everybody out. "Could you please change back?" Lucy asked. "In fact, never do that again!" Zeke begged. "Very well." Virgo said as she transformed back into her smaller form. "Look, I don't have time to set up a contract right now. Is it okay with we settle it later?" Lucy asked. "Of course, Mistress." "And could not call me Mistress. It's kind of creepy." The celestial wizard said as Virgo noticed Lucy's whip. "Then may I call you queen?" "I don't know about that." "Princess?" Lucy grinned and nodded. "Yes that'll do. Okay Virgo, I need you to make a tunnel to get us past this wind barrier." The maid nodded as a yellow magic circle appeared beneath her, bursting into the ground and creating a tunnel. "Excellent work, Lucy." Erza commented. "Now let's go!" "Hold up." Natsu said as he lifted the injured Kageyama on his shoulder as the group traveled through the tunnel and emerged on the other side, the barrier blowing powerful winds through Oshibana. "Princess, Your panties are showing." Virgo said as she held down Lucy's skirt. "You should worry about yourself." Lucy replied, noticing Gray looking at Virgo's rump with steam coming out of his face. "Oh, wow." The blushing ice wizard said. "Alright, we should..." "Natsu, Alyssa, Happy!" Zeke exclaimed, cutting Erza off as he pulled out a pair of goggles from his pocket. "You guys go after Erigor! We'll catch up with you!" "Right!" The three of them nodded as Happy activated his wings. Natsu grabbed onto his pal and blasted off into the air with streams of flame coming his feet. Alyssa activated her speed magic and took off at full speed. Lucy, Gray and Erza looked in astonishment before they heard honking, turning their attention to Zeke in driver's seat of the Magic-Mobile. "Come on! Get in! And bring Kage. I got some medical supples in my pack." The archer explained. 'I've never seen Zeke act like this.' Lucy thought as Virgo disappeared. 'But then again, the guild masters are in danger.' The magic-mobile soon took off with the four Fairy Tail wizards and the injured Eisenwald wizard riding it. Erza held onto the roof as Zeke drove. "Don't you think that you were a bit quick on sending the others ahead?" The requip wizard asked the driver. "We wasted enough time trying to break through the wind barrier." Zeke replied. "Erigor's probably half way to Clover by now. And besides, Natsu and Alyssa can handle him. Or at least keep him busy." And then... 'Just as planned.' Erigor said as he flew through the valley that lead to Clover. With the derailed train blocking the tracks, the only way through the valley besides the train tracks was by flight, which Erigor had no problem doing with his wind magic. 'I see the town up ahead. I bit farther and I'll have my revenge.' "We've got you now!" The silver-haired killer turned and saw Natsu and Happy blasting towards him. "Didn't know cats could fly at mach speed, did ya?" With a fiery kick, Natsu knocked him onto the tracks. The salmon-haired wizard then caught his little pal as he landed onto the tracks. "You okay?" "Ya, but...I'm so tried...can't fly." Happy answered with exhaustion in his voice. "Don't worry buddy. We can handle it from here." Natsu reassured the cat before turning his attention back to Erigor. "You're one of those pesky Fairy Tail flies." The reaper stated. "Speed Queen: Momentum Punch!" The reaper turned and was hit by a powerful punch as Alyssa zoomed past the silver-haired man and stopped near her boyfriend. "You again?!" Erigor exclaimed as he got his second wind. "That's right! It's time for Round 2, Reaper!" Alyssa stated as she cracked her knuckles while Natsu engulfed both his fists in fire. "Good luck getting past us you dress-wearing windbag! Cause I'm gonna burn you and that stupid flute of yours to a crisp." "So you two were able to break through my Wind Barrier. You little flies can be such a nuisance." Erigor stated as he glared at them. "Now get out of way, kids. Or else." He unleashed a strong gale at them as the wizards struggled. "Is that all you got?" Alyssa asked as she fought against the wind, only for the wind to implode and cause a lot of smoke to kick up. However, Natsu blasted out from the smoke with his feet on fire and leaped at Erigor, the reaper evaded a flaming fist as it came down on the tracks. But as the reaper evaded, Alyssa ran towards him and gave a kick that was only blocked by the flat end of Erigor's scythe. 'So they use their respective magics to move and attack? This might actually be a challenge.' Erigor thought to himself as he flew up into the air. However, he saw Alyssa hold her arms out as she aimed another spell at him. "Speed Queen: Twin Twister!" The reaper grinned as the two funnels of wind headed for him. With a swipe of his hand, he caused the twisters to change direction and hit some rocks in the canyon, shocking the two Fairy Tail wizards. 'So he can control wind that's not his own.' Alyssa stated in her mind. 'That's three of my spells made useless.' "What are you doing up there you coward? Come down here and fight us!" Natsu taunted. "Don't get too cocky, fly." Erigor replied as he created a magic circle in front of him. Before either of them could react, the couple was consumed by a massive tornado that formed underneath them. "Storm Breaker!" As the two were continuously spun by the tornado, Happy tried to re-cast his Era magic but failed. "It's no use, I don't have enough magic energy." 'I gotta bust out!' Alyssa thought as she decided to take a gamble. She once again channeled her magic as she started rapidly spinning her entire body. "Speed Queen: Tornado!" With her own personal wind funnel, the orange-haired wizard burst through. Only to see her boyfriend get blown into the chasm below. "Natsu!" "Let's see your fire power get you out of this." Erigor taunted with a smirk. However, his smirk disappeared as a large plume of fire blasted into the sky before transforming into a giant claw that grasped onto the tracks. Almost like a bungee cord, the flame lifted Natsu up into the air before disappearing. 'Thanks, Macao.' Natsu thought to himself as he landed, thinking back to how the Purple Flare Wizard taught him about altering the shape, density and temperature of his fire. "Nice one!" Alyssa complemented with a smile. "But...that's impossible!" Erigor exclaimed with an astonished look. "You must be pretty cold up there half-naked like that." Natsu said to the hovering reaper. "Want me to warm you up?" "Your flames are powerless against me!" "Oh yeah! We'll see about that!" The dragon slayer retorted before sucking in some wind for his next spell. Alyssa followed suit as she started vibrating her arms and creating a ball of vibrational energy. "Fire Dragon Roar!" "Speed Queen: Vibration Blast!" "Storm Wall!" Erigor reacted, creating a wind barrier that barely stopped the fire and vibration attacks. 'I can't believe these guys. There's no rhyme or reason to their attacks. Is this what all Fairy Tail Wizards are like?' He thought before speaking out load. "Although your powers are remarkable, I'm afraid you two are still no match for me. So enough of this cat and mouse game chase. It's time get serious." The couple gave their own respective grins as they stared up at their opponent. "Bring it!" Erigor grinned back as he started spinning his scythe in front of him. "Storm Mail!" Another torrent of wind blew, but this time the wind wrapped itself around it's caster, forming a sort of swirling armor around the silver-haired wizard. "Here I come!" He turned to a twister aimed from them as Natsu and Alyssa charged, armed with an Iron Fist and Vibration Burst attack respectively. But the two were knocked back as Erigor floated, unphased by the combo attack. "What the matter? Can't handle the breeze?" The wind wizard taunted. "Coward! You just had to go and wrap yourself in a wind barrier!" Natsu replied as he charged. "This'll break through it! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Erigor threw his own punch and the two fists collided. But to Natsu, Alyssa and Happy's shock, the fire on the salmon-haired wizard's fist had disappeared as the reaper chuckled. 'Why...why did my fire go out?' Natsu asked himself as he heard Erigor laughing. "Just as I suspected. You're completely helpless without your flames. Looks like I have the upper hand." The winds grew stronger and blasted Natsu back, Alyssa catching him. "Unfortunately for you, the winds of my Storm Mail attack blow outwardly. You get to close and it'll smother your flames, leaving you powerless against me!" However, Natsu's only response was to give his infamous smirk. He got out his girlfriend's arms and stood up against the wind defiantly. "In that case..." His usual orange fire started flowing around him. "I'm gonna need a bigger fire!" Alyssa and Happy smiled at this declaration. 'So he's going to use that.' The orange-haired woman thought to herself, remembering the conversation that eventually led to what was about to happen. Eight years ago... "Hey Natsu." The salmon-haired boy turned to his friend. The three young wizards were on there way back from a mission and set up camp for the night, the fire cooking their dinner and Happy sleeping in Alyssa's lap. "Did you know there are different colors of fire?" A bespectacled Zeke asked. "You mean like Macao's Purple Flare?" Natsu asked back. "Kind of, I guess." The archer replied. "You see, I read that the different colors of fire can change depending on their temperature. Your flames are orange, which is actually the basic temp of usual fires." "Oh, I got it!" Alyssa stated. "It's like how a welder uses blue fire to superheat metals." The budding amazon stated. "That's right." Zeke replied. "So I was thinking; what if you could make your fire so hot it changes to blue or green or even white? Apparently that's the hottest fire can get." Hearing this gave made Natsu's eyes go starry as an excited smile appeared on his face. "Let's find out!" "Don't try it now!" Alyssa yelled. "You'll burn the tents!" Realizing this, the young dragon slayer rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry about that." Back in the present, Alyssa and Happy moved away from Natsu as the flames started getting stronger around him. The dragon slayer closed his eyes, reaching into a pool of inner power within him. "RAAAAAH!" With a powerful yell, the fire covered Natsu expanded dramatically, and the flame changed from orange to a raging blue. Erigor's eyes widened before his face turned into a scowl. "It doesn't matter what color your flames are! I'm going to put an end to this now!" He proclaimed as he brought his fingers together in an X sign. "My Soaring Phoenix Magic rips everything to shreds! Ema Rebarum!" Several magic circles started spinning in front of the reaper as his winds increased their ferocity. "Goodbye, FAIRY TALE FLIES!" Erigor yelled as he unleashed his strongest blast of wind yet. Natsu channeled the now blue fire into his hands as the massive stream of wind approached. "Fire Dragon Shield!" He unleashed a massive burst of fire in front of him, causing the wind to split into two and destroy two nearby cliffs. "Now what was that about ripping me to shreds?" Erigor stared at the dragon slayer, dumbfounded that his strongest attack was deflected. "How...what...WHAT?!" "You should consider yourself lucky, Erigor." Natsu smirked as the blue flames continued to dance around him. "You're one of few people to see my special trick. My Azure Flames!" "You...no matter! You still can't get past my Storm Mail!" The sweating reaper exclaimed. "You wanna test that theory?" With another roar, Natsu's azure flames started growing bigger, expanding into a large pillar of fire. 'What is this?' The reaper thought with a bit of fear, not noticing that the wind was starting to change direction. 'All he did was change the color of his flames, and he's suddenly more powerful! What kind of fire wizard is this kid?!' "He's really doing it." Happy stated. "He's changing the direction of the wind!" Erigor heard the cat and looked down. His Storm Wail was starting to waver as the wind around was drawing to the top of the blue pillar. "This fire...it's drawing my wind towards it." Alyssa smiled as her boyfriend's fire pillar drew more and more wind towards as it became more intense. 'Natsu's flames are creating a vertical updraft and a low-pressure area. And wind always blows from high pressure to low pressure areas. Guess I'm not the only one who paid attention to Zeke's physics lessons.' "I'M GONNA TAKE YOU DOWN!" Natsu yelled at Erigor as he got into a starting position. 'His fire magic is so strong!' Erigor thought to himself. 'Surely he couldn't be...' The reaper's train of thought of broken as he was grabbed by the stomach. He turned and saw that Alyssa was the one holding him, catching him off guard with a burst of speed. "Go for it, Natsu!" "Are you crazy?! He'll burn you too!" Like a rocket, Natsu launched himself at Erigor, his body still engulfed by the azure flames. Just before he reached them, Alyssa speed away, leaving the silver-haired reaper to be hit by the full attack. "FIRE DRAGON..." Natsu grabbed Erigor and spun him twice before launching him into the air with a crescent-shaped blade of fire. "SWORD EDGE!" 'The dragon slayers! They do exist!' The burnt Erigor thought to himself before landing headfirst onto the tracks, finally knocking the wind wizard out. The Lullaby flute fell out of his clothing and landed nearby. "That's what you get for messing with Fairy Tail." Natsu smirked as the azure flames finally died down. "Aye! You showed him if you mess with the Salamander, you're gonna get toasted." Happy cheered as Alyssa rushed towards Natsu, lifting and spinning him the air. "That was so awesome, babe!" The orange-haired amazon said with a smile. The dragon slayer smiled back. "Hey, you did great yourself. Thanks for holding down Erigor for that last attack." The salmon-haired man said put his hand affectionately on her marked cheek. Happy started to sweat drop as the air around the two started to sparkle. "Oh, Natsu." "Oh, Alyssa." "There they go again." Happy shrugged as the two entered another couple trance and repeated each other's names. Unbeknownst to the three, the voice inside Lullaby started speaking again. 'It would appear that Erigor has failed. The time has come for me to take matters into my own hands. Soon this wretched world shall bask in the glory that is...' However, whatever consciousness the cursed flute had noticed a vehicle coming towards their location and silenced itself. "Hey, guys!" The couple broke out of their trance and turned their attention as Zeke stopped the magic-mobile near them. "Don't worry!" Erza exclaimed as she summoned her twin blades. "We've come to..." The redhead then noticed the unconscious Erigor a few feet away. "Oh." "See? And you doubted them." Zeke said to the armored woman as the rest of the passengers (including a now awake and treated Kageyama) existed the vehicle. "Woah, you guys actually beat him." Lucy said in surprise. "Ya, how did you even do that?" Gray asked, not believing that Flame Boy could beat someone like Erigor even with his girlfriend helping. "What? Did you think we couldn't beat this guy?" Natsu replied, slightly offended by his rival's question. "I believed you would do it." Erza replied before turning to Alyssa. "Slamazon over here, not so much." Alyssa scowled and bumped heads with the requip mage. "And you would do soooo much better, right Metalhead?" "You are aware that I have an armor built to handle wind magic? So yes Big Bertha, I could have done better than you!" Lucy, Zeke and Happy sweat dropped as the two pairs of rivals continued to argue. Kagayama however, was still trying to process Erigor's defeat. The shadow wizard then saw Lullaby on the ground. The eyes of the flute glowed as the shadow wizard's eyes opened, revealing a sinister purple shade as he grinned. Before any of the Fairy Tail wizards could react, Kageyama quickly strapped himself into the Magic-Mobile and using both the vehicle and his Shadow Magic, he grabbed Lullaby and speed past them. "See you in Clover, flies!" "Kage!" Erza screamed. "You asshole!" Gray yelled. "This is the thanks we get for saving his life?!" Lucy exclaimed. "After him!" Zeke yelled as the group ran after the increasingly distant magic-mobile. And then... Night had fallen over the kingdom of Fiore as the moonlight shined down on a large regime of royal knights were marching towards Clover, having received word of Eisenwald's plan to assassinate the guild masters. Unbeknownst to them, a man in a black and white cloak was watching the advancing army from a nearby mountain. While his face was obscured, his spiky red bangs were visible as he sniffed the air. 'Looks like we got something exciting going on.' The man thought to himself as he watched the regime move through the valley. 'Better get a front row seat for this.' The cloaked man jumped into the air higher than any human should be able to, following the knights from a distance. Meanwhile, a certain Shadow Wizard was overlooking the Guild Master's Conference Hall from a nearby hill, gripping Lullaby in his hand. 'Ya, that'll work. Surely they'll be able to hear the lullaby song from here. Finally, the time has come!' "There's some hot little numbers in this week's issue." Kageyama's attention was caught as he turned and saw Makarov sitting on a stump nearby as he read an issue of Sorcerer Weekly. Specifically the centerfolds and swimsuit sections. "Wow! Young wizarding ladies are so much more powerful now than they were back in my day. And sexier too." 'Um, ew.' The squinty-eyed man said in his head as the short man continued to give a perverted chuckle. 'Wait a second, isn't that...' "Bah, what am I doing? I need to catch up with those fools before they destroy a entire town!" But as the short man got up from the stump, he noticed the spiky-haired man near him. "AH! It's not what you think! I was just looking over some potential recruits for my guild! That's all!" "I don't care what you're doing." Kageyama replied, making the shorter man calm down. After he had calmed down, the older man saw the bandages across the younger man's torso. "You've been hurt badly, boy. You shouldn't be wandering around the woods in your condition." "Yes, sir. You're right." The black-haired wizard answered. 'Now I recognize him. That's Makarov, the master of the Fairy Tail guild. Why do I keep running into these flies?' Makarov stared at the young man for a second before turning away. "Excuse me. I don't suppose you care to hear a song?" Kageyama said with a fake smile. "They wouldn't let me play my flute while I was in the hospital, and it would a lot to play for somebody again." The tiny man looked at the wooden instrument in the injured man's hand. "That's one creepy looking flute you got there." The Shadow Wizard gave a light-hearted chuckle. "I know, but it has a beautiful sound." "Hmm. Well, I should be going..." Makarov said to himself before addressing to the taller man. "But I guess one song couldn't hurt." "Oh, thank you." Kageyama said with a smile as the eyes of the flute gave a faint glow. 'We win.' Close by, Team Morningstar, Erza, and Gray ran through the Clover Forest. "He's this way!" Natsu said as he led the group with his enhanced senses. However, the group was stopped in their tracks at the sight of a certain dress-wearing man looking into the distance. "Shhhh. We're just about to get to the good part." "Master Bob?" Erza and Zeke recognized him. "Ezekiel, Erza! Great to see you two again." The bald man greeted as he pinched Zeke's cheek. "Haven't seen you two since this little darling's S-Class trial." "Nice to see you too." Zeke greeted the weird man. "By the way, how's Ichiya doing?" He asked, having not seen his acquaintance from Blue Pegasus since they went on a joint Treasure Hunting mission a few months ago. "Great actually. He even got himself a sweet girlfriend." "Whaaaat?" Zeke asked, happy for his friend as Erza found it hard to believe that the flirtatious wizard got himself a girlfriend. "That playboy finally settled down? Good for him." "So wait, this is the Blue Pegasus Guild Master?!" Lucy asked. "Yup. So what brings you brats here?" The group turned and saw Masters Goldmine and Sicilia walking towards them. "There's a wizard with pineapple hair and a death flute nearby!" Natsu stated. "Oh, you mean that guy?" Sicilia said as she pointed towards Makarov and Kageyama. "Don't worry." Goldmine said. "We're just about to get to the good part." As the group watched the two, Natsu noticed the look on Kageyama's face. It was similar to one he had during their battle in Oshibana. As the two were trading magic attacks of fire and shadow, Natsu asked if the Shadow Wizard was planning on killing the guild masters like he killed the renegade wizards in the forest. The spiky-haired wizard's eyes opened as a look of guilt and disgust appeared on his face for a second before he launched another attack. His fighting was sloppier now and gave the dragon slayer a chance to knock him out with a Roar spell. And now, Kageyama was having that same look on his face as he held the flute close to his mouth. 'Why I am I hesitating? Just blow the flute and kill the geezer!' The shadow wizard yelled at himself. 'It's not like you...haven't...killed...before.' He starting thinking back to how he overheard one of the tied-up wizards from the other day mentioning Lullaby. He knew that Erigor wouldn't tolerate it if her took too long and he couldn't let these guys reveal their plan. So he did the only thing he could and crushed them with his magic before quickly fading back into the shadow, a sickening feeling haunting his stomach for the last few days until he reached Erigor. That same feeling was resurfacing as his internal struggle. 'I...I can't..." 'Yes, you can.' A demonic voice whispered in his mind. 'You've already taken a few lives. What's a couple more?' 'But...I...why do I feel a pit in my stomach? Is this...is this guilt?' He then started to recall what his guildmates said about the legal guilds, but he also started to remember what the Fairy Tail wizards had said over the past few hours "You should try and look for the positive. You and your buddies." "Kage! We really need your help right now!" "So you're gonna kill the guild masters! Just like you killed those guys in the forest!" "Well?" Makarov asked, getting his attention. 'I can do this.' The shadow wizard tried to reassure himself. 'I just have to play one song, and that'll change everything.' As he struggled to go through with the act, Makarov said something as though he was reading his mind. "Nothing's going to change." Kageyama's eyes widened as he looked down at the Fairy Tail master. "You cannot change the fact that those wore are weak will forever remain weak. Now maybe it's just me, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean we humans are weak creatures by nature. Our insecurities are the reason that guilds even exist. And they're why we have friends. When we're surrounded by allies, it's easier to stay positive about the future. Think of it this way. If we're clumsy, then we may stumble and bump into things. But as long as we have faith in our future, we can continue marching forward. Our inner strength emerging on it's own. But we have choose that path and pledge to live our lives to the fullest." The two wizards looked at each, one who's eyes held optimism mixed with experience and one who's eye held surprise and guilt. "Don't let that silly flute get in the way." As the weight of the speech came down on him, Kageyama dropped the cursed flute and got down on his hands and knees. "I surrender." The younger wizards watching from a distance were happy at the turn of events and ran towards their master. "Nice going, Master!" Alyssa said. "You stopped it!" Natsu cheered. "Way to go gramps." Gray said. "Waah...how did you kids end up in Clover?" Makarov asked in surprise. "Master Makarov, your words touched me so deeply I was almost moved to tears." Erza said as she hugged the shorter man, unfortunately slamming him against her chest armor. Natsu looked down at Kageyama and smiled. "I knew there was some good in you." The shadow wizard looked at the dragon slayer in shock. "When I mentioned the guys from earlier, you definitely looked like you regretted. If you really a bad guy, you wouldn't have felt bad taking someone's life." "So that's why you brought him with us when we escaped the wind barrier." Alyssa replied. However, the tender moment was ruined by the sound of evil laughter filling the air. "Does anyone else hear that?" Zeke asked. "I'VE GROWN TIRED OF YOU COWARDLY WIZARDS AND YOUR ANTICS!" The group was shocked as black smoke and energy started pouring out of Lullaby. "Did that thing just talk?!" They yelled. Suddenly, a massive demonic seal appeared over the town, purple lightning crackling down as the wizards, Clover citizens, Royal Knights and the cloaked man watched in shock. The cursed flute transformed into a stream of black smoke that flew towards the seal. "I CAN NO LONGER HOLD BACK! I SHALL COME FORTH TO DEVOUR MYSELF!" A light blinded everyone for a second before they looked back, horrified at what they saw. Out of the seal came a massive monster 40 stories high, dwarfing the guild conference hall that stood underneath it. It's body made it look like wooden skeleton as it's three eyes glowed with power as it looked down at the wizards. "I SHALL FEAST UPON YOUR PITIFUL SOULS!" "It's so big!" Lucy shouted. "Way to state the obvious!" Happy replied in terror. "Kageyama, what the hell is that thing?!" Zeke asked. "I don't know!" The shadow mage replied. "Erigor never said anything about a monster!" "We're in a pickle." Bob said as he sweated. "That's an understatement." Sicilia retorted. "It must be a demon from the Book of Zeref." Goldmine stated as the guild masters and civilians started running for their lives. Far a distance, the cloaked man scowled. 'Damn it! I want to help! But if I do that, everything will go to hell for us! Wait.' He sniffed the air and smiled at a familiar scent. 'Looks like I won't have to.' "Why did the flute turn into a monster?" Lucy asked as the gigantic creature watched them. "That's what Lullaby's true form looks like in the flesh." Goldmine replied. "It's forbidden black magic. Living magic." Sicilia followed up as she scowled at the monster. "Zeref's specialty." "Who's Zeref? Wasn't he some ancient wizard?" Gray asked. "He's the most powerful evil wizard the world has ever known." Bob explained. "He was very powerful in his day. But in my wildest dreams, I never thought his dark legacy would pop back up again." Alyssa looked up at the monster with hated in her eyes. 'So it's just like...' Her mind conjured up images of a caravan being destroyed, blood on a young girl's hands and the silhouette of a man with yellow eyes. The orange-haired wizard started to shake until she felt someone grab her hand. She turned and saw Natsu holding her hand with a concerned expression. "It's gonna be okay." He reassured him, calming the speed queen's anxiety. "NOW THEN..." The couple turned and saw Lullaby lean down towards them. "WHICH OF THESE DELECTABLE SOULS SHALL I DINE ON FIRST?" "No giant wooden demon is going to scare off the Fiore army!" The royal captain exclaimed. "Charge!" "Yes, sir!" The soldiers shouted, getting Lullaby's attention. "YOU DOUBT MY POWER? I'LL PROVE IT TO YOU!" A magic circle appeared in front of its mouth as it launched a blast, actually destroying a nearby mountain! "C..Captain, are we scared yet?" A soldier asked in fear. "Now men, retreat! Run for your lives!" The captain yelled as the army regime ran off. "I HAVE NO NEED FOR THOSE PATHETIC HUMANS!" Lullaby said as it turned its attention back to our heroes. "I PREFER THE TASTE OF A WIZARD'S SOUL AND I WILL CONSUME ALL OF YOURS!" "Oh yeah!" Zeke yelled as he conjured up his bow. "Try it then, you oversized splinter!" "Good luck!" The guild masters cheered from a distance. "Can those five really defeat Lullaby on their own?" Lucy asked. "You should help them." Happy said to her. "Normally I would but none of my celestial are available right now, and I'd probably just slow them down." Lucy quickly answered. "Good excuse." "Don't judge me cat!" Lullaby's three eyes glowed as it started preparing its death song with an ear-hurting roar that affected Lucy and the Guild Masters. Sicilia was about charge in to help but Makarov help his arm out in front of her, a smirk on his face. "Ready?" Erza asked as she summoned up two blades. "Oh yeah!" Natsu, Alyssa and Gray replied. "Than let's do it!" The five wizards charged ahead as Zeke summoned a spinning arrow and aimed it at the monster. "Arch Shot: Drill Arrow!" He fired, unleashing a spinning arrow that blasted strait through the demon's chest. "Requip: Heaven's Wheel!" Erza exclaimed as she changed into her silver army and flew up, slashing at Lullaby with her swords. Gray made a stance and laid his fist on his palm as frosty air surrounded him. "Ice-Make: Lance!" He conjured up a blue magic circle and blasted several lances of ice at Lullaby. Alyssa started using her magic to run all over the wooden demon, tearing apart any piece she could get her hands before jumping in front of its face. "Speed Queen: Thousand-Strike Kick!" And with that, she unleashed a barrage of a thousand kick in less than 30 seconds, making the beast groan in pain. "Now it's my turn!" Natsu yelled as leaped at the demon with his fist in orange flames. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" He punched Lullaby in the cheek, making it wobble a little. From a distance, the guild masters were watching as the five young wizards continued to through everything they had at the demon. Swords, Ice, Fire, Speed, and Arrow spells keep being flung as the massive beast keep trying to swat them. "YOU'RE MAKING ME ANGRY!" Lullaby yelled as it swing its arm in an arc, making the five jump away. "Speed Queen: Cannonball!" Alyssa exclaimed as she got into a cannonball position and launched at its chest, knocking it back as Erza came down with some more sword slashes. Zeke and Gray stood side-by-side as Gray conjured up a massive bow of ice and Zeke summoned several specs of light that merged into one arrow that he loaded. "Ice Make: Arrows!" "Arch Shot: Arrow Rain!" The two streams of arrows launched towards the demon as Natsu charged in with a Wing Attack. The demon took the blunt of the attacks as it absorbed the hovering seal into its body. "This can't be good!" Lucy exclaimed. "Here comes its song!" Happy followed up as Lullaby continued to roar, draining the life out of the nearby plant life for energy. "JUST ONE NOTE AND YOUR SOULS WILL BE MINE!" The demon flute exclaimed as it readied its voice, everyone quickly covering their ears in an attempt to block it out. However, the only sound that came out of the flute was a wheezing sound, confusing the flute demon. "What happened?" "Nothing happened!" "I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" The wooden demon asked in confusion. "WHY CAN'T I PLAY MY MELODY OF DEATH!?" "It must be because of all those attacks." Kageyama reasoned. "They punched so many holes in that it messed up its sound." Sicilia followed up. "All that build up for this?" Lucy asked. "Talk about going out with a whimper." "Ya, flutes are pretty lame to begin with." Happy stated. "YOU DARE MOCK ME?!" The monster roared as it prepared its next attack at the spectators. Alyssa widened her eyes and grabbed Gray, bringing the two of them towards the guild masters. "Gray!" Alyssa yelled as she dropped him. "Right!" Gray channeled a massive amount of Ice Magic front of him just as Lullaby unleashed a massive blast at them. "ICE MAKE: SHIELD!" As the attack hit, Gray protected the guild masters with a massive ice barrier, blocking the large torrent of fire around them. "That boy's Maker Magic is spectacular!" One of master commented. "What's maker magic?" Lucy asked. "Its users can give magic energy a tangible form." Happy explained. "However, there's another type of magic that can destroy it." "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" Lullaby proclaimed. But its attention was soon drawn to the flames changing direction and being absorbed by Natsu. "Well then. Now that I got a fire in my belly, there's no need to hold back!" With a powerful roar, Natsu's body was engulfed in a massive torrent of azure flames once again. "What the hell happened to Natsu's fire?" Gray asked, Erza also looking at the new colored flames in shock. In the distance, the cloaked man gave a hearty chuckle at the sight of the blue flames. 'Way to go, kiddo!' "YOU'RE NOT HUMAN! YOU'RE A MONSTER!" Lullaby yelled as it tried to punch Natsu, only for the dragon slayer to jump and land on its arm. "Oh, like you can talk!" The flame-covered man exclaimed as he ran up the massive arm, leaving burnt marks with each step before he jumped off high into the air. "Alyssa!" Erza flew towards the running wizard and changed her armor. "Requip: Black Wing!" Her armored changed into a demonic-themed outfit as she grabbed the speed queen's hand. "Let's do this!" The redhead nodded and flew the two up before tossing the orange-haired woman at Lullaby. "Speed Queen: Tornado!" Spinning at high speeds, the Speed Queen blasted through the demon's torso as Erza came down for a another swing of her sword as Zeke and Gray fired their own attacks. "Ice Make: Saucer!" The spinning blade of ice blasted off part of Lullaby's side. "Arch Shot: Seeker Arrow!" Zeke fired a stream of energy that pierced the demon's shoulder and keep circling back and hitting the monster as the archer motioned his right hand at high speed until it dissipated. "Natsu! FINISH IT!" "You got it!" The airborne dragon-slayer replied as a massive blue magic circle appeared behind him. He conjured up two powerful balls of fire in each of his hands as he started to chant. "The flames of my right hand and the flames of my left! Put the two together..." Natsu slapped the fires together and held them over his head, roaring as the large azure fireball became bigger. "AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GET! FIRE DRAGON BRILLIANT FLAME!" He tossed the massive fireball, hitting Lullaby. The massive demon roared in agony as its entire being started to burn away until the flame exploded, creating a massive streak of light that pierced the night sky. When the light faded, the cursed flute known as Lullaby was no more. "Well done." Makarov congratulated the wizards. "You're amazing!" Bob swooned. "You kids made defeating Zeref's demon look easy." Goldmine stated. As everyone cheered, Kageyama looked at the five wizards as they headed. 'I can't believe how strong they are? Are all of the Fairy Tail wizards as powerful as these guys?' "Great work out there guys!" Lucy cheered as she ran towards her friends. "You really are the strongest team!" "Aye!" Happy followed up. "We're an awesome guild, aren't we?" Makarov said with pride. "Don't get used to it." Erza said, surprising the three of them before turning to founding members of Team Morningstar. "It's clear that you three work better if its just you guys, Happy and Lucy. If me and Gray joined, we'd probably end up bickering with each other all the time. And beside, it's clear you have your own secrets." She said, referring to Natsu's Azure Flames. "Hey, don't be discouraged." Zeke replied. "Just because you're a part of this team doesn't mean you can't form your own." Gray and Erza looked at each other for a second before nodding. "You know, that actually sounds like fun." Gray stated. "And I got the perfect name; Team Fullbuster." "We'll work on it." Erza said with annoyance. "Hey." The group turned and saw Kageyama standing a few feet from them. "So I'm probably going to go to jail for my part in Eisenwald's recent acts. But when I get out..." He looked specifically at Natsu and Makarov. "It would be alright if I joined Fairy Tail?" The two looked at each and grinned. "No problem." Natsu said as he gave the shadow wizard a smirk. "There's always room at Fairy Tail!" The shadow wizard smiled back, a slight tear in his eye. "Bravo." Sicilia said as she gave slow clap. "You Fairy Tail wizards did save your lives by defeating Lullaby. However...YOU WENT OVERBOARD!" The Fairy Tail wizard turned around and saw a massive crater where the conference hall used to be. Makarov turned pitch white as his spirit floated out of his mouth. "Something came out!" Zeke yelled. "Oh come on!" Natsu yelled. "I wasn't even aiming at the conference hall!" "Well, Lullaby was standing over the hall when you launched your last attack." Alyssa said with a sweat drop. "Way to overdo it again, Natsu." Gray taunted. "Please forgive us, Master!" Erza begged as she tried to bring Makarov's spirit back into his body. The group started noticing the angry crowd of guild masters heading towards them. "Well, I think this requires only one course of action." Zeke said as Natsu and Alyssa nodded. "RUN AWAY!" The three yelled as Lucy, Happy, Gray and Erza carrying the still unconscious Makarov followed suit. As the eight Fairy Tail wizards fled away from the angry mob, the cloaked man looked at the group with a smile revealing his fanged teeth. 'You've really come a long way, kiddo. I know it sucks that we can't be together right now.' A red magic seal appeared behind his him as red dragon wings materialized on his back. 'But the second this whole mess blows over, I'm coming back.' He started to take off into the air. 'Until then, say strong son. Stay strong, Natsu.' And with that, the cloaked man flew off into the night sky.
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