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Derrick McKenzie - The Rhythm Sessions March 2025
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we come through on what we refer to as a Terrible / Terrific Tuesday! Brotha O? an optimistic pessimistic dude knowing things can go either way! We’re playing it like this, on terrific outcomes we’ll place emphasis now the music plays per the advance and ongoing celebration! It’s going down like this! the music plays plus Brotha O has this good word /…
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#otd @duranduran #duranduran #sevenandtheraggedtiger #thereflex #newmoononmonday #imlookingforcracksinthepavement #itakethedice #ofcrimeandpassion #unionofthesnake #shadowsonyourside #tigertiger #theseventhstranger #vinyl #vinilo @emirecords @parlophone @soundstoryuk @Albumism
#otd#duran duran#sevenandtheraggedtiger#thereflex#newmoononmonday#imlookingforcracksinthepavement#itakethedice#ofcrimeandpassion#unionofthesnake#shadowsonyourside#tiger tiger#theseventhstranger#vinyl#vinilo
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@simonjclebon @simonlbdd @duranduranofficial's song is a 2x1: New Moon on Monday and The Reflex. In my sensual dance, you saw that I only had a Margarita as a cocktail. With my experience in the past, drink mixes don't work and I only enjoyed a drink with powerful alcohol. I loved playing with the camera flashes, and the reflection was my reactions in the photographs. Happy Monday! Many kisses, Nat 💕🌹#SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #DuranDuran #NewMoonOnMonday #TheReflex #Dance #Margarita #Cocktail #Camera #Flash #Reflection #Reaction #Photograph #HappyMonday #Kisses #Nat
// La canción de Duran Duran es un 2x1: New Moon on Monday y The Reflex. En mi baile sensual, ustedes vieron que yo sólo he tomado una Margarita de cóctel. Con mi experiencia en el pasado, las mezclas de bebidas no funcionan y yo sólo disfruté una bebida con alcohol poderoso. Yo amé jugar con los flashes de la cámara, y el reflejo eran mis reacciones en las fotografías. ¡Feliz Lunes! Muchos besos, Nat 💕🌹 #Baile #Coctel #Camara #Reflejo #Reaccion #Fotografia #FelizLunes #Besos
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Duran Duran - The Reflex (Official Music Video)
80's Fest Duran Duran album of the day: Seven And The Ragged Tiger (1983) featuring The Reflex #duranduran #sevenandtheraggedtiger #thereflex #simonlebon #nickrhodes #rogertaylor #johntaylor #rogertaylorduranduran #andytaylor #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
#duran duran tulsa's 6th annual 80s fest#duran duran#seven and the ragged tiger#the reflex#simon le bon#nick rhodes#john taylor#roger taylor duran duran#roger taylor#andy taylor#80s#80s fest#Youtube#Spotify
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Duran Duran - The Reflex (Official Music Video)
Because this Duran Duran classic was released in 1⃣9⃣8⃣3⃣ and that info just blows my mind. 🤯 #TheReflex
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Happy 40th Duraniversary to Duran Duran's first US #1 single, “The Reflex”, which hit the top spot for two weeks beginning this week in 1984. #duraniversary #duranduran #thereflex #sevenandtheraggedtiger #nilerodgers #taylortaylortaylorrhodeslebon #simonnickjohnrogerandy #durandemonium #duraniesunited

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*I wasn’t a huge fan of this single. Now that being said I will say Man! I always really dug those steel drums! They were awesome! :)
Today in Pop Culture History: June 23, 1984 #DuranDuran’s #TheReflex hits #1 in America.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Reflex )
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Um gato reflexivo. . . . #cat #streetcat #cars #kitty #tabbycat #straycats #heykitty #mirroring #reflective #thereflex #gatos #gatti #carros #capo https://www.instagram.com/p/B3btJc-nWS-/?igshid=ona57r1nxi6v
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#familycrossing #pond #shanghai #sunday #thereflex #mood #architecture (presso Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHBMJqH59x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kx9b3nxcvknz
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Glitterbox Radio Show 389: Mousse T. Takeover
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue trying to get over the hump per this HumpDay Extravaganza! By now y’all should know how we do, we’re broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta! Who’ll understand a brotha? blowing in like Hurricane / Tropical Storm Helene soon on the scene in the Atlanta area? Who’ll understand a brotha who’s…
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#otd @duranduran #duranduran #sevenandtheraggedtiger #40thanniversary #thereflex #newmoononmonday #imlookingforcracksinthepavement #itakethedice #ofcrimeandpassion #unionofthesnake #shadowsonyourside #tigertiger #theseventhstranger #vinyl #vinilo @emirecords @parlophone
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This is a flash cat with my long hair. That night I had gone to the cinema to see a movie, and a spectator marked with her fingers Nat on the wall. I was very happy because her name is the same as me. @simonjclebon @duranduran's song: The Reflex. I felt so attractive in my black velvet blouse and plaid mini skirt. Happy Friday! I missed you my friends, little kisses, Nat ❤️💋🐈 #FlashCat #Cat #Flash #LongHair #Cinema #Movie #Nat #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #TheReflex #BlackVelvet #Velvet #MiniSkirt #HappyFriday #Friends #LittleKisses // Este un flash gatuno con mi pelo largo hasta la cintura. Esa noche yo había ido al cine a ver una película, y una espectadora marcó con sus dedos Nat en la pared. Lo cual yo me puse muy contenta porque ella se llama igual que yo. La canción de Duran Duran: The Reflex. Yo me sentía tan atractiva con mi blusa de terciopelo negro y la minifalda escocesa. ¡Feliz Viernes! Los extrañé mis amigos y amigas, besitos, Nat ❤️💋🐈 #PeloLargo #Cine #Pelicula #TerciopeloNegro #Terciopelo #Minifalda #FelizViernes #Amigos #Amigas #Besitos (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLv3orbJ7bP/?igshid=1j7qw7cpdt0j7
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Duran Duran - The Reflex (Official Music Video)
Duran Duran Appreciation Day song 🎵 of the day: The Reflex (1984) from Seven And The Ragged Tiger...my very first taste of Duran Duran...and I never looked back! #duranduranappreciationday2024 #rogertaylorduranduran #ddad2024 #DuranDuranAppreciationDay #DDAD #nickrhodes #rogertaylor #simonlebon #johntaylor #andytaylor #thereflex #sevenandtheraggedtiger
#duran duran appreciation day#duran duran appreciation day 2024#roger taylor duran duran#duran duran#ddad#ddad2024#the reflex#seven and the ragged tiger#80s#simon le bon#nick rhodes#john taylor#roger taylor#andy taylor#Youtube#Spotify
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THE REFLEX / ESW / FRDM9T : REVISION (12") 人気リエディターThe Reflexが2018年にリリースした彼のレーベルRevision Recordsからの第5弾リエディット12インチがB面を差し替えて新装復活!元々Eddie Kendricks「Date With The Rain」だったのが今回新たにGeorge Michael「Freedom! ’90」に変更され、両面ともWham!関係音源のリエディットになりました! Both sides are now reeditted with "Wham!" #TheReflex#REVISION#POSITIVEPAYFOR#nudisco#disco#12inch#vinyl#record#stradarecords#dj#vinyljunkies#kobe#motomachi#strada#recordshop#recordstore#神戸レコード#元町レコード#レコード店#レコード#アナログ https://www.stradarecords.com/shop/item/27910/index.php (at Strada Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnrR5K_h5_K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Happy 40th Duraniversary to Duran Duran's single, “The Reflex”. Released this week in 1984. #duraniversary #duranduran #thereflex #sevenandtheraggedtiger #nilerodgers #taylortaylortaylorrhodeslebon #simonnickjohnrogerandy #durandemonium #duraniesunited

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*I wasn’t a huge fan of this single. Now that being said I will say Man! I always really dug those steel drums! They were awesome! :)
Today in Pop Culture History: June 23, 1984 #DuranDuran’s #TheReflex hits #1 in America.
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