#TheLoneWolf48 writes
thelonewolf48 · 4 years
Listen... I wrote this right after season 1 ended. I was so sad for not finding any posts in here about the series and I saved this piece for when I felt like posting it.And, finally, Tumblr is catching up!! And I feel like I must give you all this!
All grammar and punctuation errors are mine! Hope you like it!
Mariana doesn't remember how she got to the hospital. Her brain didn't register beyond Ceci's words.
“They took mom to the hospital.”
She feels the phone slip from her hand, doesn't heart it hit the floor. Pablo approaches her, and everything becomes a blur. Flashes of reality are the only thing that moves Mariana. She grabs her purse, takes a cab, and tells the driver the hospital's name. Arrives at the reception and almost shouts 'Ana Servín' to the nurse.
Everything stops when the nurse asks her, 'are you a relative?'
A yes is ready in Mariana’s lips. But in this circumstance, is she a relative?
A friend?
After living for months at Ana's house. Caring for each other, the babies, and their families. After assuring Ana that neither the babies nor the children would be alone. That Mariana would be attentive and would take care of them as if they were her own.
After everything, they've been through. What were they?
Of course, love is there.
Mariana loves everything about Ana. From her controlling temperament to her obsession with appearances. It’s inevitable not to love someone like Ana. A successful and beautiful woman. Ready to give her everything for her family and job. Ana seems cold and snob, but once you get close and gain her trust, she gives her heart without second guesses.
In the end, Mariana suppresses the desire to say yes, we are family. The thought of lying crosses her mind. She could even say Ana was her mother. But that's not fair to Ana. Much less to her family. It's still not fair to anyone.
Once in the waiting room, she calls Ceci. Knowing how scared the girl must feel while trying to assure Ro that everything would be fine. Ceci's cries break Mariana's heart.
"Ceci. Ceci, I need you to calm down." Mariana wants to sound kind, but she also needs her calm. "Have you talked to your dad yet?"
“No,” Ceci’s voice cracks, “I thought of you when they were taking her away an-and…”
"I understand, Ceci." Mariana chokes back a sob, "but now I need you to be brave. For Ro, Regina, and Valentina. Alright?"
Ceci answers with a sound of affirmation, which sounds more like a sob.
"Call your dad. Tell him what happened and tell him I'm waiting for him here. They only allow her relatives in."
“But, you’re part of the family too.”
The sentence warms Mariana’s heart.
"I know. But our situation is hard to explain." Mariana wants to hug Ceci. "Talk to your dad. I'll wait here, and if anything happens, I'll call you. Don't worry. Your mom will be fine. Do you think Ana Servín is going to let them keep her in this place?”
The little giggle Ceci gives her soothes Mariana's anxiety a little. Yet, the worry won't pass until she sees and makes sure that Ana is okay. Until she talks to the doctor who treats her.
Juan Carlos arrives about an hour later, and Mariana doesn't know what to feel or say. He approaches her with fast and long steps. Mariana repeats what the nurses told her after she made a fuss at the front desk.
'Mrs. Servín is stable and out of danger.’
As Ana’s husband the nurses attend him immediately.
With a glance, he apologizes to Mariana before following a nurse.
While he is with Ana, Mariana ruins her nails with her teeth. She tries to distract herself. Calls Pablo and asks him to take Valentina to Ana's house. Asks him to stay with the children for a day. He replies that he already has Regina's bag ready and texted Elena about the incident. Sometimes Mariana forgets that Pablo is reliable.
Wonders if she should call Tere too.
Would that be inappropriate? She decides to send her a text. After all, Altagracia is with the kids, and Pablo would be there too. Her message is short and direct. Only to inform her mother that Regina and Pablo will be at Ana's house. That she and Juan Carlos are in the hospital because Ana had a little accident.
“She’s still asleep.” Juan Carlos sighs as he plops down next to Mariana. “The doctor said it was most likely stress. He asked me if she had been eating and sleeping well.” He rubs both hands over his face. “It's my fault.”
Mariana places her hand on Juan Carlos' shoulder as a sign of support and understanding. He gives her a sad smile.
“I’ll ask the nurse to let you in.” He holds her hand. “thank you for being here.”
He walks a few steps before turning around.
"She loves you, Mariana. She's just hurt." Mariana bites her lower lip. "If she didn't love you, she wouldn't have reacted the way she did." She tries to understand the meaning behind his words. He shoves his hands on his pants pockets.
"She needs you more than she could ever need me," he adds without looking up from the floor.
 Seeing Ana in the hospital bed feels familiar and strange at the same time.
Familiar because that's how they met. In a small hospital. Ana looking as elegant and powerful as always. And if not because her round stomach, Mariana wouldn't have known Ana was about to have a baby too.
Strange because, now, Ana looks older than she is. She looks as if she had aged ten years in few days. Dark circles under her eyes and pale skin. Her short hair unkempt.
That was the consequence of the lies three people in Ana's life kept from her.
‘It’s my fault.’ Juan Carlos words repeated in her head.
It was all their fault.
Taking Ana’s hand, Mariana leans and kisses the corner of Ana’s lips.
 Ana feels worse than she did when she accompanied Mariana to Elena’s gig. The day when her life started to go to hell.
That must be where she is now. Hell. Her punishment was to make her feel like this. It's a reasonable punishment, she thinks. Not only did she sleep with her ex-boyfriend, but she also had feelings. Feelings. For a woman much, much younger than herself.
For God’s sake!
The voice of her mother, berating her for all her mistakes, didn’t help at all.
That's when she noticed it, the weight in her right hand. Covering her eyes with her left hand. She tries to get used to the light, the dizziness, and the headache.
Once her focus on the wall didn’t make her feel sick, she turns to her right.
The machine monitoring her heart captures the exact moment when her heart skips a beat and quicken. Mariana is sitting next to her, her face propped up on the bed, one hand holding her own hand. Ana blames the painkillers for clouding her mind. For making the first coherent thought be how beautiful Mariana looked while sleeping. With a loose ponytail and bare face.
Ana moves a lock of hair away from Mariana’s face, her thumb moves of its own volition and caresses the girl’s cheek.
Tears fall like raindrops.
Ana missed Mariana.
 At first, Mariana thinks the little sobs are coming from Valentina. It takes her a whole minute to remember where she is and why. She sees Ana trying to suppress her crying.
"Ana." Mariana sits up. "Are you alright?" Her voice sounds hoarse, the product of waking up and the air cooling the room.
Ana tries to calm down, Mariana sees the pain and desperation in her eyes when she fails. Her crying increases when Mariana caress Ana's cheek. Ana pushes the hand away, tries to punch or slap Mariana in the shoulder and arm as hard and as many times as she can.
The entire floor hears their combined screams of 'I don't want to see you here' and 'Ana, calm down, please.' The screaming makes the nurses call security. And by the time they arrive, it seems like a tornado formed inside the room. Ana throws everything within her reach. Mariana tries to cover and avoid all the projectiles.
Everyone in the room rushes to help Ana when they see her body falling against the bed.
The security men leave the room, moments later, as Mariana apologizes.
"She needs to rest." The nurse emphasizes before leaving too. As if blaming Mariana, who can only reply with a guilty smile.
"I want you to leave too," Ana says as she massages her temples.
"Please, Ana." Mariana begs. "Someone has to stay with you."
Ana looks at her with so much anger that Mariana feels it pierce her soul.
"You already made me look terrible to the staff of this hospital." Ana's mouth tightens into a pout that indicates anger and indignation. "What more do you want? Your mother takes money from my husband, you live in my house for months. You even won my children's affection. Changed my life. What else do you want from me? Do you want my money too?"
"Don't be unfair, Ana. You proposed me to stay at your house until Valentina stopped breastfeeding." Mariana approaches the bed with a firm step.
Both women look at each other, challenging the other, as they have always done since they met.
"I love you, Ana," Mariana whispers after a while, averting her gaze.
"Please." Ana snorts.
It's the frustration that drives Mariana to lean into Ana's personal space. To press their lips together. She finds resistance, and Ana struggles, trying to push Mariana away. But Mariana continues kissing Ana. And when she nibbles the edge of Ana's lower lip, Ana stops struggling.
Cradling Ana’s face the kiss turns desperate.
Mariana wants to convey all her love and admiration for Ana with each kiss. With each nibble, she wants to promise Ana that she would never make the same mistake.
“Ana.” Mariana sighs between kisses.
Once the desperation passes, the kisses slow down until they're little peaks. Both know that they would have time to talk about how their feelings change everything. Mariana knows this is the right time to give some explanations – while Ana is silent, for once.
 When Mariana starts to walk from one side of the room to the other, Ana's brain shuts down for a moment. She dedicates herself only to look at Mariana. Regina and Valentina's mother. To remember all the moments they spent together. Their fights, their talks. The times Mariana made her understand that one couldn't control life sometimes. To live in the moment. No rules, no pretensions.
Mariana cries while trying to explain her side of the story.
"Ana," Mariana takes her hand and kisses it, "please. Forgive me." She presses their foreheads together and squeezes Ana's hand.
The weight she felt on her chest disappears. Ana feels whole again.
In control.
"I already did." She sighs. "I can't live without you anymore." Ana chuckles.
In those lonely days, Ana realized that the anger passed from Juan Carlos to Tere and, finally, to Mariana. It was then that the anger turned into sadness and then regret. She regretted not having Mariana and Valentina by her side.
The disappointment when Mariana confessed knowing everything and didn't tell her was still there. But to a lesser extent. Ana knew it was not going to be easy. Ana was not one of those people who forgave fast. She knew that.
But for Mariana, she would push that part of herself and try.
"I love you too, Mariana."
 The sound of Marian’s phone interrupts the comfortable silence they created.
"It's Ceci."
Ana snatches the device. Talks to her daughter, instructing her to pack a bag with a few clothes, her phone and tablet. And when she finishes, she dials Cynthia's phone next. It makes Mariana roll her eyes. Of course, Ana acts like she owns the phone.
“You do know we still need to have a very serious conversation, right?”
Mariana smiles and nods. “Later,” Mariana holds Ana’s hand again, “right now you need to recover.”
Ana smiles.
They will talk. Scream at each other.
But Mariana trusts they will find a way to move on.
After all, Regina and Valentina need both their mothers.
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yuri-or-death · 7 years
Spellbound 03: “Chained”
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CHAPTER: 01, 02, 03, 04
Main Characters: Matsui Jurina, Miyawaki Sakura
Pairings: JuriSaku, WMatsui, NanaSaku/SakuNaa, YuriAnnin, JuriMomo (friendship); [Mayu/?, Saya/?, Yui/?].
Summary: Matsui Jurina is the immovable ace of St. Hildegard’s School of Magic. Considered a protégé by many Wizard Saints, her technique and mastery is second to none. Enter Miyawaki Sakura, talentless, unrefined and socially awkward. Her golden ticket for admission into the elite school is her late father’s legacy.
What happens when Sakura suddenly gets transferred to the Special Class because of a lottery? Will the mysterious ace take interest? (Magic School AU)
Author’s Note: First, just a shout out to @thelonewolf48​ for putting up with all my rants/ramblings, without you this update wouldn’t have been possible! Thanks!!
Second, things are heating up this chapter, do tell me what you guys think about the unfolding of the events.
Third, I’m trying to flesh out characters as much as I can, so I’m sorry if some scenes might be draggy. 
Fourth, for those who read the [Early Access Ver.], there is an extra scene in this final version.
Lastly, I hope you guys enjoy reading this update~! Feedback is always loved!
Sakura stared at her reflection in the mirror; her blank expression was unreadable to anyone who would dare decipher her thoughts. Internally though she felt a wave of pride, her spirits were high from the recollection of Togasaki-sensei’s challenge yesterday. The Special Class was not something to trifle with. Was their gym instructor right? Would there come a time that she would choose between the weight of duty and her life?
Her gaze did not leave her apparel. She was fully clad in her school uniform—her white coat was possibly the most pristine thing she had ever owned. In her left hand was the fleur-de-lis badge symbolizing her position as part of the Academy’s special program. She pinned it on her collar with great delicacy. Everything still felt surreal.
Would her father have approved of her joining the Special Class? Sakura was nothing like her father, whose genius in magical engineering was unrivaled. He was always skeptical of her using magic, always saying she was better of not knowing how. It was almost as if her father wanted Sakura as far as possible from the arcane world. Though she was quite sure her mother would have been nothing but supportive. Would she have been a better mage if her parents did not leave her prematurely? Part of her could not let go of the hypothesizing, of the ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’.
“Saku-chan?” Kodama Haruka knocked on her door. “Let’s go. We’ll be late for class.” She prompted. From the other side of the door, Sakura felt Haruka’s concern. She was like an immovable pillar in Sakura’s life, always compassionate and supportive…always giving without asking for anything in return. Sometimes Sakura felt as if she was weighing Haruka down, pulling her back when the other girl could clearly sprint away with her perseverance and skill. 
“I’m coming.” Sakura unbolted the door and greeted the other girl.
Haruka noticed the pin on Sakura’s collar and couldn’t help but smile. “Although it’s late, congratulations!” She was absolutely elated about Sakura’s transfer. Having an ally to go through the toils of school life was a welcoming development, especially amidst the dog-eat-dog atmosphere of the Special Class. While she did have amicable relations with her new classmates, especially Okada Nana and Kizaki Yuria, being with Sakura always felt like home. “I do regret not being with you yesterday. How was it?”
Sakura scratched her nape hesitantly. “It wasn’t as bad as I expected, despite messing up the falconry match.” The two girls made their way down the staircase, walking through the old corridors of the east wing connected to the main school building.
The gargoyles in the whispering corridor turned to them as they passed by; it was as if the stonework breathed a life of their own. Sakura could not deny she felt uneasy to hold their gazes. She felt like she was being picked apart.
The statue of a Minotaur shifted, pointing it’s drawn bow and arrow against them but never releasing it. “The beast of yore sleeps in the shadows; the beast of grace lingers in the heart of a wanderer; but as the new moon rises, the beast of chaos will devour the world.” It said in a raspy voice never breaking its cold stare.
Sakura instinctively pulled Haruka’s sleeve, as if seeking refuge from the other girl.
Haruka bowed at the Minotaur “Good day, Asterion.” She called it by name. “Don’t worry, Sakura. The gargoyles only speak their dreams.”
They passed by a cloaked figure without a face. Like a death god, the statue’s garbs seemed to engulf its whole being. “Do not stand on my grave and weep, I am not there. I do not sleep.” It whispered and a chill ran through both girls’ spines. The words were spoken like the kiss of death—cold, detached and foreboding.
“We’ll be on our way, Erebus.” Haruka acknowledged the cloaked gargoyle. Few students talked to Erebus because of its eerie visage.
“What are they?” Sakura muttered, it was her first time to behold such creatures. Mobility spells casted on non-living things was not uncommon but for stone to have its own character and mind was something eccentric.
“Guardians, they say.”
“Why must the Sun tempt me so, her beauty unrivaled? I lust for ascension against the rays of reason! Woe to me for I have received the oblivion.” The statue of a man with broken wings engaged them next, offering his hand to Sakura for a curtsy.
“That’s Icarus,” Haruka whispered as they passed him. She waived at him, “My apologies Icarus, we can’t stay long.”
The other gargoyles seemed to understand their haste and interacted no longer. 
Sakura was endlessly amazed with the level of craftsmanship. “Who was powerful enough to enchant the statues with a looped magical sequence?” A normal magic sequence would only last for as long as the mage casting it still had astral force to fuel the spell, which would mean that the one who created these gargoyles had an immense stockpile of aura.
“It’s not a mobility enchantment, Sakura.” Haruka corrected the other girl’s faulty assumption that the gargoyles were brought to life by some great force. “It’s more of a prison than anything.” There was a melancholic edge to her tone. 
Sakura’s brows furrowed deeply at the realization that those statues were much more than what they seemed. “You mean, they’re real beings trapped in stone?”
Haruka genuinely found the circumstances of those gargoyles cruel. “They were summoned by the first Headmaster and were bound to this school. Story says they regain their true form when danger is afoot.”
“How depressing,” A life chained to duty; a never-ending cycle without reprieve was despair itself.
“It is.” Haruka recalled their previous topic before being side-tracked. “I heard what happened during the falconry match. You really need to train your spell casting, Saku-chan.” She emphasized, she was already informed by multiple sources regarding yesterday’s hullabaloo and she genuinely felt that it was her duty to look after Sakura. Her attachment to the clumsy girl went way back to middle school—after Sakura’s parents died and she was left to her grandmother who was, incidentally, Haruka’s grumpy next-door neighbor. It was never the same ever since.
“I know…I know I suck.” Sakura conceded. “But those girls were all so intense. It was just an exhibition match for heaven’s sake.” She would not deny her utter surprise over the sheer competitiveness (and skillfulness) of the students of the Special Class. She was expecting an assortment of honor students not overpowered beasts. If this were an RPG, she would have been the rookie facing off a level 60 boss in a sudden-death battle.
“Well, it is an elite unit.” Haruka supposed but Sakura just shrugged.
“By the way, thank you for this.” Sakura pointed at the emblem on her lapel. She found a red box with Haruka’s beautiful cursive writing this morning and honestly felt like bawling over the gift. Haruka had always been there for her since that fateful night summer rain washed out the colors of Sakura’s world.
“You were out cold when I dropped by last night.”Haruka wanted to tease her for her very un-lady like snoring but her good nature decided against it. “Also, I asked the Student Affairs Committee to expedite your cloak and Senbatsu pass.”
Sakura unexpectedly locked her in a bear hug, “Just what will I do without you?”
“You’d be screwed, I’m sure.” Haruka almost rolled her eyes. She would never say it, but she felt somewhat gratified every time Sakura relied on her.
“Wait, what’s a Senbatsu pass?”
Haruka adjusted her glasses. “It authorizes you to take missions from Central Dogma.” She had not used it yet, being only their first week in class, but she heard stories from Nana and Yuria.
“You mean the biggest organization for mages and hunters?” Excitement filled Sakura’s eyes. Haruka recognized the other girl’s euphoric reaction; it was the same face she made each time they ate at that hole in the wall ramen shop back home.
“Precisely, usually students from the Special Class get the hardest missions. But since the training program is embedded in the school’s general curriculum, we can even have joint missions with the regulars.” It was part of the Academy’s prospectus to have out of school exercises as a way to immerse the students in actual combat.
“That’s so coool~” Sakura exclaimed, unable to control her self, she grabbed on Haruka’s sleeve to shake her enthusiastically.
By the time the two girls finally reached the study hall, students from the regular class were also flocking to the Academy’s biggest lecture room.
“Ah Haruppi, Sakura-chan, good morning.” Okada Nana’s cloaked presence greeted them as she came down from the staircase. Her impeccable smile would not fail to warm up anyone on the receiving end.
Her voice triggered a flood of students who started to call out her name 
“Naa-chan is here!”
“Naa-chan, good morning~!”
“You’re so cool today.” 
It was crystal clear to Sakura that the upbeat girl was definitely popular among the regular students. They crowded around the 2nd Year, battling for her attention. “This is ridiculous.” Sakura’s mouth almost gaped. She could only wish she had half of the reception Nana received.
Not long after, Nakai Rika entered the scene with laminated photographs, key chains and paraphernalia of Okada Nana in hand. “Naa-chan goodies limited stock now on sale~!” She yelled, immediately earning the interest of some students who readily paid for the merchandise. “I have special pictures never released before~!” Nakai giggled.
 Sakura was at a loss at the trade-offs happening in front of her, was this how sports enthusiasts felt during draft season? She met gazes with Nana who was at the center of the chaos but the latter only smiled lightly, as if used to the commotion over her.
“You haven’t seen half of Momoka-senpai’s fangirls.” Haruka commented and ushered Sakura inside the lecture hall, it was their first joint class with regular students and the tide of people coming in was getting thicker. 
“S-seriously?” Sakura yelped while being dragged by the neckline of her uniform. Just before she could completely lose sight of the happenings in the corridor there was a loud outcry of annoyance from a very pissed off student.
“What the hell is this commotion? Get out of my way.” Kizaki Yuria, clad in her black bomber jacket that was reminiscent of gangster sukajan, parted the crowd like she was Moses before the Red Sea. “Annin shut them up.”
 Behind her a deathly pale beauty in the persona of Iriyama Anna languidly followed. “Shhh.” Iriyama gestured a finger in front of her lips, saying nothing more. It was enough to silence the deluge of girls, nevertheless.
 “Kizaki-chi, you’ll scare them all away.” Naa-chan patted the girls on the head as if consoling them because of Yuria’s insensitive actions. “Please excuse Kizaki-chi’s vulgar mouth.” Her smile was ever present it made most of the girls swoon.
 “Learn to freakin’ control your human barricade, Jesus Christ.” Exasperation was evident in the grouchy girl’s voice as she and Annin entered the room. “What are you looking at newbie?” Yuria called out Sakura who was standing in front of her, apparently staring.
 “Nothing.” The aforesaid girl wanted to shrink behind Haruka.
 Yuria turned to Haruka for some kind of confirmation after eyeing the transferee from head to toe. “You’re seriously friends with her?”
 “Yes Yuria-chan, so please treat her well.” Haruppi instinctively moved forward as if to shield Sakura from the pair’s hard gazes. In all honestly, Iriyama Anna was more intimidating despite not uttering a single word. Her dark eyes were like hell-pits of nothingness and her skin was fair enough to see blue veins and capillaries beneath. She looked like the harbinger of death with a different name and in spite of it, she was ethereal.
 The ill-tempered girl shrugged, “Whatever, as long as she’s not stuck up like those leeches around Shiroma.”
 Sakura wasn’t exactly sure if that was a good thing.
 Yokoyama Yui’s strides were soundless as if she was walking on thin air rather than the newly polished marble floor. She scrunched her nose ever so slightly; the infirmary always had the smell of powerful chemicals and strange compounds. She walked towards the bed adjacent to the window and farthest from the door.
 Momoka sat on the bedside, devoted like a sentry. She watched over the unconscious girl incapacitated in bed.
 “She hasn’t woken up since last night?” Yui asked, trying to figure their next course of action.
 The bodyguard simply shook her head, gaze not even leaving Jurina’s face. The blonde girl wore a pained expression even in her sleep.
 “The Headmaster ordered me to administer a lucidity potion.” The Student Council President revealed a small vial with blue liquid in her palm. “He says it’s more…beneficial for Jurina to remain sentient.” She was half-hearted to carry out the mandate.
 Momoka’s eyebrows furrowed, the slight change in her countenance reflected her disagreement. Is that what they were to Akimoto Yasushi? Mere tools that needed to be exploited as much as possible? “Don’t even try.”
 Yui returned the vial in her pocket, knowing that pushing the matter further would be counter-productive. “Should I call Sayanee now? She was with you the last time…Jurina was—”
 “She wont come.” Momoka’s gaze dropped to the floor at the mention of Yamamoto Sayaka’s name, she did not even allow Yui to finish her sentence. “It’s a waste of breath.”
 Yui clearly sensed the bodyguard’s sudden agitation but was still committed to alleviate the Ace’s condition. “How about Nakai? I could fetch her to heal Jurina.” She recommended, genuine concern flowed from each utterance. She was unsure how to tread on uncharted territory.
 Momoka appreciated the President’s attempt to help out but knew it was futile at this point. “Tell the Headmaster we’ve finished the mission with Asphodel; if that’s what he’s so anxious about. Jurina’s burnt out.” She was resigned to wait it out. “It’s nothing serious. We should just let her rest.”
 “Very well then, but give yourself a break Momo-chan. You haven’t slept all night.” Yui still tried to persuade the bodyguard although she knew it would fall on deaf ears.
 Haruka studied the expression on Sakura’s face, “What’s bothering you?” She asked as the other girl fumbled with her pen. Sakura had stopped halfway in taking notes and momentarily glanced behind them as if waiting for something. Haruka was mixing potions in a beaker to achieve the perfect balance for a stamina elixir as part of their practical exercise.
 “Jurina-san and Momoka-san didn’t attend our morning classes with the regulars.”
 “You’re right, they usually come in late.” Haruka nodded, her gaze set on the empty chairs at the back row. 
Beside them, Nana interjected. “It’s not surprising. Seniors are sent to field duties more often. Especially Jurina-san because of her rank.” She explained for the first years. “You’ll get your missions soon, we might even work together.” 
“That’s something to look forward to.” Sakura replied. She began administering red liquid to Haruka’s concoction, just two drops would do. “What kind of missions, Naa-chan?”
Nana handed them a thermometer to check if the potion had reached the perfect boiling point. “It depends, some are more dangerous than others. But don’t worry, freshmen are never sent alone.” 
Veni ad me—There was a voice; soft and alluring. Sakura shifted her glance to the side, looking for its source and wondering if she had just imagined it. She then turned to Haruka who simply continued with her task. If she heard it surely Haruka, who was just beside her, would have also noticed.
Regnet exitium—There it was again, a cold whisper that tugged her soul; almost numbing her mind. 
“Ah!” Sakura suddenly cried out, a vial of dragon fire slipped and burnt her fingers.
“Careful!” Nana immediately tried to cast a healing spell on the injury. The scorched flesh began to mend itself under the blue light radiating from her hand.
Professor Shinoda approached them quickly. Although she was satisfied with Nana’s prompt reaction, it would be proper to have Sakura’s hand checked by the medics. “Miyawaki-san, please visit the infirmary, dragon fire is a very potent substance. Also, did I not tell you to use your gloves when handling corrosive solutions?” Mariko frowned severely. “That’s 5 points deducted from your performance card.”
Sakura bowed, “It won’t happen again, Professor.” She acknowledged her lack of due diligence as the proximate cause of the mishap.
“Do you know where?” Haruka asked, almost volunteering to accompany her.
“Yes, I remember.” Sakura did not need to convince them that she could head out on her own.
 A few rounds of ammunition fired from a modified gunblade echoed inside the training room. The clinking of empty bullet shells followed each shot. The cyborg seemed lost in the sound of gunshots reverberating like a staccato composition. Each bullet flawlessly hit the target board’s vital spots.
 The training room was clearly out of place against the gothic backdrop of St. Hildegard’s Academy. It was one of the few rooms in this school polished to scientific perfection. The latest models of magically enhanced technological weapons were mounted on the left wall panel. On the other side of the room was an enclosed area filled with supercomputers—the perfect coalescence of magic and science.
 Mayu’s trance was only broken when the training room’s metal door slid open. She took off her special visor and turned to the new comer who disturbed her drill. “What brings you here, Sayanee?” She asked point-blankly, certain modifications in her system had led to a deterioration of her emotional quotient. 
 “I should ask the same thing, why are you cutting classes?” The ever-deviant girl responded.
 “I don’t think I owe an aberration like you any explanation.” As expected, Watanabe Mayu was as transparent as it could get but she meant no offense in all fairness.
 “Touché” Sayaka smiled faintly while procuring a modified berretta that hung on the wall. “I need to distract myself from a few things, that’s all.” She loaded the weapon before taking her place beside Mayu.
 “Like your old pals getting themselves into trouble again?” Mayu was daring as always, hinting on the mishap that transpired last night. She knew the reason for the disturbance in Sayaka’s mind without the need to activate her ability of spatial calculation. After all, she was there when Momoka carried their ace to her quarters, unconscious and soaking. Mayu saw the dilemma painted on Sayaka’s face as she struggled within herself on whether to go and help the bodyguard tend to Jurina or lock herself in her own room.
Sayaka tried to brush it off, to act as if the synthesizer’s prodding did not affect her the slightest. “I’m sure that was just Jurina not taking care of herself again. She probably skipped a few meals and ended up collapsing.” Sayaka wondered if she was trying to convince herself.
 “Probably.” Mayu’s tone was indifferent as ever. The machine in her tried to rationalize Jurina’s condition but the human part wanted to show concern.
 “Tell me the truth Mayu,” Sayaka held the cyborg’s emotionless gaze for a few seconds before starting with her firing streak. “Last night…” Each bullet hit the target’s chest area effortlessly. “You felt it too, didn’t you?”
 Mayu wanted to laugh, of course she knew what was going on. Her free arm morphed into a cannon that fired a large plasma ball completely annihilating her target board, it bore a dent on the metal wall. “Why do you think I stay here? When half of my power, half of my body has been obliterated?”
 Sayaka did not find it in herself to reply. Mayu’s wounds, Mayu’s resolve; she had no elegant way to walk over them. Watanabe Mayu stood at the pinnacle of greatness once. She was the prodigious star, now reduced to a broken shell—a shadow of her former self.
 “I swore an oath, same as you.” It was duty she clung tightly to. The force of duty that kept her alive.
“Shall I release you now?” Said a voice that leaked with deceit, each word dripped with venom. 
Jurina was trapped in the labyrinth of her mind; chains extending out from the abyss bound her body. The only light in the darkness was the burning tree of life a few feet from where she stood. The fire raged like unbridled fury.
She did not respond. Like in all her other deliriums, she was powerless. 
“Or perhaps, you wish to vanish in this darkness yourself? Child, are you not weary? The burden is too much to bear for you.” The serpentine voice continued to tempt her. The thought of liberation, of the end to her anguish was nothing but beguiling.
The vision of her father locked in a golden birdcage manifested in the darkness. “Father,” She tried to speak out but the scenery vanished into smoke as swiftly as it had materialized.
“Say it, one word and I will erase everything.” The chains that bound her transfigured into vipers crawling on her skin, constricting her so that it grew difficult to breathe. The snakes wound around her, sizing her up but never bearing their fangs. It was almost as if they knew, their prey could not put up a fight.
 The mark of the Great Serpent burned on her wrist.
 “Say it and I will save you from all this.” The voice echoed as the great fire that consumed the tree of life died out.
Matsui Rena’s smiling face was the last thing she could recognize before unyielding blackness fell upon her.
White curtains waltzed with the soft kiss of the afternoon breeze. Sakura found herself walking inside the immaculate room. Everything in the infirmary was bathed in white–bed sheets, curtains, dressers and alike.
“Hello?” She called out unsteadily. “Is anybody here?”
She heard some rustling from one of the partitions enclosed by white curtains
Sakura took a few steps towards the source of the sound and almost had a heart attack when the white curtain swooshed open.
 Matsui Jurina’s disheveled countenance greeted her, blonde hair and white robes in complete disarray as she struggled to stay upright on the mattress.
“Jurina-san!” Sakura yelped at the sight of the other girl who had skipped three of their subjects today. Sakura internally debated if she should move closer to help the blonde or just maintain safe distance. 
Jurina seemed half-awake, still. She hazily stood from her bed with one hand pressing on her temples to soothe a splitting headache.
Sakura finally decided to close the distance between them as she held the ace by the arm to assist her. Too close. She told herself as the heat from Jurina’s body spread to her due to their close proximity. “Are you all right, Jurina-san?” Her touch seemed to have broken Jurina’s daze.
Bright amber eyes searched Sakura’s visage. “To be seen like this is quite unbecoming. Isn’t it?” Jurina murmured as she gradually regained her own bearing. Soon enough she was able to stand without Sakura’s support.
“I don’t think you should be out of bed yet.” Sakura was unsure how to go about the developments. She came to the infirmary to be treated. Seeing Matsui Jurina was the least of her expectations. She woud not be surprised if her mind decided to short-circuit any moment at the protracted conversation she was having with the infamous Ace.
“Could you do me a favor, Sakura?” Jurina’s silken voice made it impossibly difficult to refuse. She laid a hand on Sakura’s cheek fondly. Sakura tried it with all her might not to flinch in sheer embarrassment. To be held so tenderly by someone other than her mother was certainly not a normal thing for her. How many years has it even been? Since she last felt physical affection from another human being?
The freshman nodded although uncertain at first. Sakura was unsure if the blood rushing to her cheeks was because of the Ace’s warm palm or her own self-consciousness.
“Please accompany me to the old solarium before Momo finds out I’ve come to.” Jurina tugged on Sakura’s blazer as if to highlight her sense of urgency.
“But Jurina-san, if you disappear from here you’d worry Momo-senpai, very much.” Sakura, of course, had experienced first hand how much of a worrywart the blonde’s bodyguard was. The “knight” pointed a rapier on her neck at their first meeting, ‘worrywart’ was probably an understatement.
“She knows where to find me.” 
“What she’d do to me after is what’s unsettling.” It was safe to say that Sakura’s dry humor amused Jurina at best.
“I think I haven’t failed in the ‘protecting you’ aspect.” The blonde gave a small smile and Sakura swore she felt her cheeks flush a few shades darker.
 Both girls made their way out of the infirmary; Sakura’s real reason for dropping by all forgotten.
A woman decked in a basil green trench coat rested her elbow on the train’s window frame. Her slender fingers ran through unruly dark hair. Based on her garbs with distinct golden lining she was probably a noble. She uncrossed her legs just to cross them back again. It was quite obvious that she was restless from the long journey. 
“Yuko, you didn’t have to come with me.” The person sitting in front of her spoke. Noticeable was the huge ribbon that held the other woman’s chestnut hair in a half pony tail. 
“And be left at Central Dogma to go through the pile of documents you’ve abandoned?” The one called Yuko raised an eyebrow as she sank further against her seat.
“You know, paper work’s part of our job as well. And it was quite hard for me to leave them all to Atsuko. ” 
 Yuko blew on her bangs, completely bored. “I’m not doing any desk job, Takamina. Besides, you’re visiting St. Hildegard Academy aren’t you? I’d get to see Nyan-nyan.” 
“Is that the only reason you tagged along? Jeez Yuko.” Takamina sighed deeply, sometimes Oshima Yuko was unbelievably stubborn and free-spirited. 
“You think a lot has changed since we graduated?” Yuko inquired, watching through the glass window as the panorama of a small village whizzed past them.  
“I’m sure some things are different.” 
“Hmmm…that feels kinda lonely.” Yuko whispered under her breath as she recalled fond memories of her time in the Academy.
“Anyway, I’m excited to meet the new recruits!” Takamina raised her fist in the air enthusiastically.
It was quite a long walk to reach the old glasshouse. Sakura would check from time to time if her companion was too fatigued to carry on. Thankfully, Jurina seemed to posses a good amount of stamina despite being unwell.
“Why do you wish to go here at such a time?” Sakura pried as they made their way.
Jurina exhaled sharply, “To calm myself.” She said while looking at her wrist, scrutinizing the non-existent mark that burned each time she used too much magical power. 
“I always seem to inconvenience you.” Sakura’s gaze fell to the pathway and then their feet. She recounted their first meeting in the greenhouse and then the falconry match. “I’m sorry Jurina-san.” She loathed the feeling of being deadweight.
“You’ve done nothing to apologize for.” The blonde reassured her. “You see, my decision to overexert myself during the exhibition was my own carelessness.”Jurina’s voice was unbelievably kind and encouraging. For someone of her lofty stature, Sakura expected a level of arrogance, but Matsui Jurina was modest although sometimes quite reserved.
 “Say, do you wish for me to tutor you?”
 “Ehhh?” Sakura’s eyes widened at the sudden proposition. She started to fumble with her fingers, her tongue lacing up the words she wanted to say. “Are you serious?” The freshman blurted out. 
Jurina laughed lightly, enjoying the effect she had on the younger girl. “Well, no offense…but you are lacking in magical proficiency.” She threw an arm around Sakura too nonchalantly. For once in a long while she felt like she could lighten up a bit. It brought her back to the good times, when Momoka and her could just fool around. Surely, there was something about this girl that made her break inhibitions. “And I’m the best tutor you can have.” Sakura almost giggled at Jurina’s confident remark, it seems the ace  could be quite smug if she wished. 
Fate was ever mischievous sometimes. Sakura never imagined forming working relationships with the nobles of St. Hildegard Academy but here she was. “I—I would be forever in your debt.” The shorthaired girl bowed deeply.
 As Sakura rose to eye level, she saw a lance darting towards Jurina’s back. “Jurina-san!” She hastily pulled the girl out of the weapon’s trajectory a few milliseconds from contact.
 The Ace instantly reverted to her combat-ready mode as the lance that was now impaled on the ground, instead of her body, disintegrated to light particles. “Stay behind me.” She told Sakura, the air of severity around them worsened as a half-masked figure cloaked in black materialized before them. To be able to breach the security of the Academy, surely this person was no ordinary mage.
“Good day, Matsui Jurina-sama.” The intruder made a dramatic curtsy before a barrage of bladed weapons fell from the sky targeting Jurina and Sakura.
Smoke cleared and both girls seemed unharmed thanks to protective sphere that surrounded them. A magical ring wrapped around Jurina’s outstretched hand as she bolstered the shield.
“Who are you and what do you seek?” Jurina demanded; her tone seethed with silent indignation at the treacherous attempt on their lives. Her free hand reached for a black card with a golden crest engraving from her pocket. A magical seal activated on it as the Ace pulled the card out fully; it vanished into light particles and a wave of white light suddenly surged past them engulfing the surroundings in a heartbeat.
The masked assailant held her lance in an offensive stance. “I’m here for the girl.” She pointed at Sakura.
“What?” Sakura was bewildered as everything seemed to slow down and finally freeze, save for the three of them.
“Don’t worry Sakura, I activated my Senbatsu Pass. This is Valhalla—an alternate dimension that prevents magic from leaking to the outside world.”
 “Don’t we need reinforcements?” Sakura queried but before Jurina could respond another rain of weapons came down upon them; several swords pierced the Ace’s barrier.
 “Shit.” Jurina hissed, she was not prepared to handle brute force in her current condition. She fought to keep the barrier secure but a spear successfully penetrated the crack and grazed her shoulder. Blood started to pool on the ground.
 Sakura’s eyes reflected the red liquid; for a while she was in a trance-like state. Jurina tried to get through her, only to realize it was in vain.
 “Sakura! Sakura!” The shouts were but mere echoes.
Red was the color of sunset;
Of the floor;
Of the ceiling;
Of the walls of their old house by the river.
 Red was the color of her parents’ blood,
Sprayed on the furniture;
On her face.
Red was the color of death;
Of hate
Of spider lilies blooming in despair.
Red was the color of her rage.
A feral scream escaped Sakura as an unfamiliar magical insignia of a Celtic cross with triquetra knots materialized around her.
Jurina’s barrier which was in danger of shattering against the rain of swords seemed to reform itself. It grew bigger and bigger until mere contact with the weapons disintegrated the said instruments.
The ace eyed the freshman in disbelief; confusion was evident in her face. “What is this…“
Their cloaked attacker gave a knowing smile not even slightly taken aback by the sheer display of power.
“We’ve been waiting for you, Morningstar.”
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parurushi · 8 years
Tagged by @takaiko~ thanks! (had to write it twice as I had to leave my room when I was almost done and when I came back Chrome had crashed as my cat sat on the keyboard lmao)
name: Lucy nickname: Rushi birthday: June 23rd gender: female sexuality: nsyncbyebyebye.mp3 height: 178cm idk how much that is in America time zone: utc -6 I think what time & date it is there: 09:55pm 10/01/2017 what time & date it would be in Antartica: doesn’t it fall into most if not all time zones so it depends on the exact location? average hours of sleep I get each night: like 6 rl otp: rl is real life right? I don’t think I have one at the moment except me x my loving wife RINA other otp: I have many from the anime I’ve watched. Currently I’m watching Psycho Pass and I ship the two mains + the ponytail girl with the blonde girl the last thing I google’d was: the English word for ungüento (oinment). Before that, what does snake + bee venom oinment works for my most used phrases: baia baia (a meme in Spanish) first word that comes to mind: mind what I last said to a family member: and then? (to my brother) one place that makes me happy and why: uhhhhh beaches/pools bc I love being in the water how many blankets i sleep under: 1 favourite beverage: chocolate-ly cold drinks like milkshakes and frappes the last movie i watched in the cinemas was: doctor strange I think, haven’t gone in a while three things i can’t live without: food/water, music and uhhhhh something i plan on learning: driving, to play an instrument a piece of advice for all my followers: Sometimes... you gotta be bold... just rock the world! you all have to listen to this song: I’m alone by callme
I tag @stevetbqh @kyaaaana @dimpled-squirrel @fantasiaforestspirit @thelonewolf48 if u feel like doing it
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thelonewolf48 · 4 years
Things you said at 1 am.
One of the new fics I wrote recently, after the shittiest year of my life and that almost makes me stop writing, is based on these list of prompts.
I’m still writing them, little by little, but I posted this one in my AO3 account. Here I did another quick edit (I will edit the one in AO3 soon) so if you read it there and find the little differences don’t worry. It isn’t as different, just some sentence structure and changed a few words.
Anyway, I hope you like it!
A warning, since in here the tags are at the end of the page, it touches the 2021 issue. Don’t read if you don’t want to be reminded of it.
Compared to other nights, it wasn't late.
In fact, Chaeyeon knows that Sakura is able to function for a whole day even if she spent an entire night without sleep, sometimes crashing somewhere and taking small naps. This is something that caused discussions, debates, and fights.
On one side, Chaeyeon – one of the group's motherly figures – worries that, in the long turn, all the irregular sleep patterns Sakura follows will lead to some kind of disease. (Mentally or physically, the feather-like dancer shuddered only with the mere thought of Sakura suffering for both at the same time).
On the other, Sakura always shrugged the worries saying that she was more than used to sleep very little. After all, since the day she debuted back in Japan, her schedules were more packed and hectic. And she’s been following an abnormal patter since she was fourteen.
Sometimes, no one opened their mouths. Because during the fiercest discussions - that began with one girl complaining and the other rolling her eyes. And ended with screams and a pair of doors slamming close at the same time - everyone was too afraid to say something and receive some kind of backlash.
The only brave enough was, of course, Eunbi. She never raised her voice, just sighed tiredly, and let some kind of comment slip. Not about the discussion but about whatever activity the group was having at the moment.
(Breakfast, practice, riding the car, watching movies…)
It never passed long before the anger was over though.
Suddenly, the others would encounter Chaeyeon hugging Sakura, whispering apologies on the stubborn girl’s ears. If they were out in public, the second eldest would nod, awkwardly patting Chaeyeon's back or head (or both), and whisper a fast "I'msorrytoo." It always made Chaeyeon giggle.
If they happened to be at the dorms, Sakura would press her forehead on Chaeyeon's. Cup the other girl's face as delicate as possible (as if Chaeyeon would break with the lightest touch), and give her a full heartwarming apology. No one was surprised to find a flower resting on the dancing machine's bed. A famous Sakura sandwich and juice with the note 'Do not eat unless your name is Chaeyeon.' Accompanied by a little drawing and a warning of 'I'm serious!', in small letters to either Yuri, Wonyoung, Yujin, Yena, or Hyewon. Or some random cute something for Chaeyeon (earrings, make-up, clothes, necklaces…)
It was a little thing.
Their little thing.
So no, Sakura up at one in the morning wasn't surprising.
What surprised Chaeyeon was that the older girl had her eyes glued at some place of the wall that was across her, the television, or maybe on some of the photos of group that were around the TV. Chaeyeon knew Sakura was deep lost on her own thoughts, though. A random worn-out T-shirt, grey sweat pants and, a cup of probably hot chocolate cradled between Sakura's hands. The beverage was still warm, judging by the thin threads of steam.
In silence, to not wake the others up and to not scare Sakura, she moved slowly.
Sitting as softly as she could next to the older girl, Chaeyeon waited. Knowing far well that Sakura noticed her, knowing that she could wait until Sakura was ready. There was no rush. As good as she could dance, Chaeyeon could stay still, too.
A couple of seconds later, both girls silently shared the biggest sofa and looked to someplace in front of them.
"I do not know what I am going to do after this." Chaeyeon turned to look at Sakura, the older girl didn't return the gesture.
It made her frown but suppressed the itch she felt on her lips, swallowing the question forming on the tip of her tongue. Sakura continued.
"I never thought I would be this up. Never imagined that I would reach the top." The girl giggled, "Refer to one of my old dramas," she clarified and Chaeyeon took a mental note to ask either Nako or Hitomi about it. "I was so disappointed when I didn't win the elections back in Japan. I felt like a failure. I failed my group, my family, my fans, Sasshi…"
Chaeyeon slowly reached for Sakura's shoulder, gave it a light squeeze.
"Then I came here, and I failed too. Not about debuting," adding before Chaeyeon could open her mouth, knowing the words that Chaeyeon wanted to say, "but at that time, the trainers yelled at me. They told me how badly my performance affected our group and how we lost on the group battle. Back then, I was disappointing everyone, even the few juniors that looked up to me. What would my juniors think about the pathetic me? What would my own beloved seniors think of such weak junior? How many fans did I lose in the past days after they discovered that I could do nothing decently?
I did not know how to dance, how to sing, how to express myself in Korean, how to stop all my tears and frustrations from haunting me every time I closed my eyes." Finally, Sakura looked at her, with eyes filled with tears threatening to overflow. "I was nothing more than a disappointment. And no matter how hard I pushed myself, nothing worked." Sakura looked down, to the cup on her hands that with each word became colder.
There was a moment of heavy silence, a moment that Chaeyeon took to order her thoughts. To find the right ones to say, something more than just a simple 'it's okay,' or an 'I know what you mean.' Because Chaeyeon could relate. The feeling of failing at something that you were confident at, the pain that caused the heart to break with every harsh word thrown at you, realizing that dreaming of a goal wasn't enough. The frustration of giving your everything to achieve something, only for reality to slap you across the face with the cold truth. Killing your soul with each failure, driving you to think why bother? The nights spent crying, inconsolable.
And then, Chaeyeon understood.
"Is this why you don't want to sleep?" Chaeyeon whispered, so softly that if it weren't for the fact that everyone was sleeping and the younger girl was right next to her, Sakura would have missed it. "Sakura…"
"I'm sorry."
The dam broke.
There was no way that anyone or anything could stop the tears coming from the Japanese girl's eyes. A strained sob broke the silence, Sakura captured the next, biting her lower lip, tramping it there. Chaeyeon took the cup from the older girl's hands, placed it on the small table in front of them. Wrapping one arm around Sakura, she pulled the girl towards herself. The older girl allowed the movement, crashing her face in the space between the neck and shoulder, gripping her hands around each shoulder. And Chaeyeon started crying too, wondering how she endured not releasing any tears until now.
She didn't say anything but tightened the hug and moved both of them gently to and fro.
Time seemed to stop, the darkness covering both like a blanket, and the sobs coming from Sakura were so small and soft that no one awakened. Chaeyeon never loosened her embrace. Not until the other girl's shoulders stopped shaking, her own shoulders were freed, and the sobs turned into little sighs.
There was certain guiltiness on Chaeyeon's stomach. It felt heavy and made her question about how naïve she was.
All that yelling and discussions now tasted bitter. And since it was their thing now Chaeyeon cupped Sakura's face. The touch barely there, but because Sakura's strength was inexistent at the moment, it made her face move up. Foreheads pressed, sharing a sigh.
"I'm always here, Sakura." Chaeyeon barely whispered, "I'm always gonna be here. I want you to remember that."
A few tears fell from Sakura's eyes, that were cleaned by soft thumbs.
"I will return to Japan. I am going to leave, and you are going to be busy with anything you decide to do with your career."
"You do know that phones exist, right?" Chaeyeon teased with a soft smile, making Sakura giggle. "Sakura, the gamer with the latest technology in the basement, forgot that there are many ways to communicate with each other."
Sakura pouted, softly hitting Chaeyeon's shoulder.
"Shut up."
If the other members that shared the apartment with them saw them on the sofa, Sakura in between Chaeyeon's arms, no one mentioned it.
Everyone ignored the bags and redness on both pairs of eyes when they sat on the kitchen table the next day.
And, if with each passing day, they wondered why the discussions and Chaeyeon's insistency for Sakura to sleep more stopped, they reminded silent.
However, they wondered about the two cups that began to appear often in the sink. (Wonyoung, in her innocence, asked because it annoyed her that Chaeyeon never allowed her to leave dirty dishes.) Both girls always shared a look, a smile, and a little blush on their cheeks. Trying their best to not get caught.
They got caught one morning and were scolded by Hitomi when it was her turn to wash the dishes.
"If you both are going to share all-nighters, please clean up your mess."
It made them blush.
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