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welcome2creepshow · 5 years ago
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#theinvisibleman #invisibleman #theinvisiblemanmovie #theinvisibleman2020 #thehunt #thehuntmovie #horror #horrorcommunity #horrorfan #horrorfans #horrormovies #horrorfilms #bluray #bluraycollector #bluraycollectors #movies #film #films #horrorgeek #horrorgeeks #newbluray #blurays #elisabethmoss #bettygilpin #blumhouse #blumhouseproductions #blumhousehorror #moviecollector #horrorcollector https://www.instagram.com/p/CBo1PqyloUB/?igshid=1hx5ado84xy20
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
The Hunt (2020)
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Before it was even released, The Hunt was being called “Harmful to a culture that surely needs messages of unity and understanding” by media critic Jeffrey McCall and “made in order to inflame and cause chaos” by U.S. President Donald Trump - both credible sources as neither had even seen the film. Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions couldn’t have asked for better publicity. After that kind of controversy, who wouldn’t want to see it?
Eleven captives wake up gagged in a clearing. They discover a cache of weapons and soon after, find themselves under attack. They are part of “The Hunt”, an event in which rich right-wing liberals hunt “deplorables” for sport.
Ultimately, I can only mildly recommend The Hunt but it does several things quite well. The beginning plays with your expectations in a satisfying, clever, and often darkly hilarious way. You think the focus might be on this group of people or this couple when all of a sudden director Craig Zobel proves you dead wrong. If you like gore, The Hunt offers a savory buffet of splattered brains and pools of blood. It must also be admired for taking a tried-and-true story (we’ve seen many different takes on The Most Dangerous Game) and giving it a timely spin. The film’s climax, a long action scene, is well-coordinated and clearly shot offers. I laughed quite a few times. The loudest is in a flashback which the hunters debating whether to include a black man among their targets. Is it racist if they don’t? The absurdity of that moment is delicious.
If you’re worried the film will pick some political side you won’t like, there’s no need. The Hunt DOESN’T pick a side, which means it doesn’t have much to say about anything. The deplorables are all terrible people. They’re racists, climate-change deniers, hunt endangered animals for sport, are gun nuts or so dumb the world wouldn’t miss ‘em. The people hunting them are snobs who kidnap, terrorize and murder humans for sport! You don’t want to belong to either party, which is why the film isn’t about teaching anyone a lesson. All it does is comment on the enormous divide between the two sides… but so what? Ultimately, the film chickens out. You can tell by the way the ultimate fate of Crystal Creasey (Betty Gilpin).
The Hunt is a good film but could’ve been so much better. It needed a little bit more push, more bite. $14 million movie-wise is pennies. Take a chance. Say something. Dare to offend! Or do what you’re doing here, but smarter. The movie is too obvious; as if it assumed it needed to dumb itself down to appeal to the audience and went too dumb. I was let down but not unhappy to have seen it and the high points are high enough for it to be worth your time. (August 23, 2020)
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mikethemovieguy · 5 years ago
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tobis-filmwelt · 4 years ago
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📽 TobiView 📽 THE HUNT 🐷 Der bereits für einen Release im Herbst 2019 geplante THE HUNT wurde aufgrund von Anschlägen in den USA, den damit einhergehenden Kontroversen (Donald Trump) und dem dann auch noch folgenden Beginn der Covid-19 Pandemie mehrfach verschoben. Im Mai 2020 erfolgte die deutsche Auswertung und der Release für den Heimkinomarkt erfolgte am 03.09.2020. 🔪 THE HUNT ist harte und blutige Kost im Gewand einer schwarzhumorigen Action-Satire, die mit einem wahnsinnigen Tempo beginnt. Besonders der Anfang überrascht mit Wendungen teils im Sekundentakt. Leider geht dem Film ungefähr ab der Mitte etwas die Luft aus. Der Film wird zu stark ausgebremst und bekommt bis zum Ende die Kurve leider nicht mehr. 🗡️ Die Darstellerriege, ein Mix aus bekannten Gesichtern und unbekannten Schauspielern, funktioniert recht gut, wobei man sagen muss, das viele von Ihnen storybedingt nur recht kurze Leinwandzeiten erhalten. 😉 Hauptdarstellerin Betty Gilpin überzeugt mit einer zwar gewöhnungsbedürftigen, recht emotionslosen, aber absolut passenden und authentischen Darstellung. 💬 "'Ich bin verrückt. Aber ich weiß, dass ich verrückt bin. Und wenn Sie wissen, dass Sie verrückt sind, dann sind Sie nicht verrückt." ▪️ Die Inszenierung zu Beginn zaubert dank eines schönen Splatterfest ein Lächeln in das Gesicht vieler Zuschauer, aber dem Film hätte es besser zu Gesicht gestanden, wenn man dieser Linie konsequent treu geblieben wäre. Zwar erfolgen im Laufe der restlichen Laufzeit immer mal wieder verschiedene Gewaltspitzen, die aber dem starken Auftakt nicht das Wasser reichen können. Die Auflösung am Ende erinnert sowohl an “Kill Bill“, als auch etwas an “John Wick“, ist aber leider etwas mau geraten und lässt einen ernüchtert zurück. ⬇️ Wertung: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (6/10) Solide 🐷 #TobisFilmwelt | #TobiView | #TheHunt | #TheHuntMovie | #Menschenjagd | #Blumhouse | #BlumhouseProductions | #Dentsu | #UniversalPictures | #UniversalPicturesHomeEntertainment | #BettyGilpin | #Filmstagram | #Filme | #Kino | #News | #NurmeineMeinung | #Movie | #MovieReview | #Review | #Filmkritik | #Kritik | #Cinema | #Moviegram | #Filmblog | #Movieblog | #Germanblogger | #Filmblogger (hier: New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNrZVUCliAc/?igshid=5kvfpe9h4r3s
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swarmm-cod · 4 years ago
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Fully enjoyed the ride!! Check it out if you haven’t yet. #thehuntmovie #thehunt https://www.instagram.com/p/CNZE_RGHlIW/?igshid=1mp8wusk6owyx
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shntr · 4 years ago
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映画『ザ・ハント』(The Hunt)観る 富裕層が娯楽として人間狩りを行うという過激な設定が全米公開時に物議をかもしトランプも批判したというサバイバルアクション。クレイグ・ゾベル監督 #ザハント #TheHunt #thehuntmovie #TOHOシネマズ #TOHOシネマズ日比谷 #映画 #eiga #movie #cinema (TOHO シネマズ 日比谷) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHHzSFxAbLf/?igshid=1svtij0amqgyd
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shortandsweetfilmreviews · 5 years ago
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"#TheHunt doesn't quite spread its critical eye as evenly on both sides as many pundits suggest, but it's a clever, gory good time that has more going for it than most will admit. In a perverse way, it's really about unity and coming back together.". ⭐⭐⭐#TheHuntMovie #SeeIt https://t.co/Ks89EPxMEc #film #filmreview #filmreviews #filmIG #shortandsweet #movie #movies #moviescenes #movieclips #moviequotes #movienight #filmcriticism #filmtwitter #filmcritic #moviereview #moviereviewer #movierecommendation #movietime #filmmaking #filmisnotdead #filmbuff #filmphoto #filmblog #filmlover #filmisbetter https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mwWd5FAdm/?igshid=p2k7l7jwvbvl
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ymiruv · 5 years ago
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The Hunt is one of the best movies released this year... [ 170 more words ] http://noisepollutionnetwork.com/2020/04/10/the-hunt-2020/ https://www.facebook.com/664946577254771/posts/952423431840416/ #thehunt #thehuntmovie #noisepollutionaustralia #music #metal #rock #heavymetal #musicreview #moviereview #deathmetal #newmusic #blackmetal #metalreview #metalhead #albumoftheday #metalmusic #headbanger #metalfan #metalalbum #writing #musicrecommendation #albumreview #albumcover #albumartwork #bestrockwebsiteof2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-yDc0XhV-C/?igshid=mo8urcxv2h5w
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noeljpenaflor · 5 years ago
This The Hunt (2020) Review Will Prepare Snacks While You Build A Pillow Fort.
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adondeirhoy · 5 years ago
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Betty Gilpin, Hilary Swank, Damon Lindelof, Nick Cuse, Dean West, Glen Howerton, Ike Barinholtz, Peter Cramer and Ethan Suplee attend as Universal Pictures presents a special screening of THE HUNT at the ArcLight in Hollywood, CA⁠ ⁠ SAVE this post so you can come back to the info again⁠ ⁠ Follow us at @pontikmedia in ALL social media ⁠ ⁠ #Entertainment, Music, Fashion, Concerts, #Trends & #Lifestyle News - Pontik® ⁠ ⁠ The most talked about movie of the year is the one nobody has seen … yet.⁠ ⁠ Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don’t know where they are, or how they got there. They don't know they’ve been chosen… for a very specific purpose … The Hunt.⁠ ⁠ In the shadow of a dark internet conspiracy theory, a group of elites gathers for the very first time at a remote Manor House to hunt ordinary Americans for sport. ⁠ ⁠ But the elites’ master plan is about to be derailed because one of The Hunted, Crystal (Betty Gilpin), knows The Hunters’ game better than they do. ⁠ ⁠ She turns the tables on the killers, picking them off, one by one, as she makes her way toward the mysterious woman (Hilary Swank) at the center of it all.⁠ ⁠ #TheHuntMovie #DecideForYourself thehunt_movie ⁠ ⁠ Betty Gilpin #bettygilpin ⁠ Hilary Swank @hilaryswank ⁠ Damon Lindelof @damonlindelof ⁠ Nick Cuse #NickCuse⁠ Dean West @deanwest ⁠ Glen Howerton @glennhowerton ⁠ Ike Barinholtz @ikebarinholtz ⁠ Ethan Suplee @ethansuplee⁠ ⁠ #movies #premiere #celebrity #comingsoon #hollywood #movie #actress #newmovie#actor #cinema #cinematography #movienight #superstar #cinemalovers #greatactor #movienews #moviepremiere #movielover #instamovies #instafilm #behindthescenes #instacinema #celeb⁠ ⁠ (at Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/B92FGzsJe9d/?igshid=oecjq2lo8olb
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geekbroll · 5 years ago
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News dropped early Monday that Universal decided to drop The Invisible Man, The Hunt and Emma on VOD this Friday as a 48 hour rental for $19.95 and that Trolls World Tour would be #dayanddate on April 10th in theaters (if any are open) and VOD for the same $20 48 hour rental. On the other hand Amazon really doesn't want to deal with angry customers asking why the fuck it costs $20 for a rental as they are listing the $20 as a digital purchase. I'm sure we will know more Thursday at midnight when that pre-order becomes a purchase. Or 50 some odd hours later if people's purchases vanish into the ether. #universalpictures #TrollsWorldTour #theinvisibleman #thehunt #blumhouse #emma #emmamovie #thehuntmovie #48hourrental #amazonprimevideo #primevideo #vod #universalvod #COVID19 #CoronovirusPandemic #apocalypse2020 #theapocalypse (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B91JThDBvan/?igshid=ju555k4d7vfi
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ben-solo98 · 5 years ago
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There’s a lot of controversy surrounding this movie, I won’t go into because I don’t really care, you can do some research if you want. It’s just a movie. It’s a dark action comedy, I think the action is done way better than the comedy. The movie never really picks a side, it pokes fun at people on the far left and far right, but it was too on the nose for the most part. The jokes rarely landed because they weren’t nearly as clever as the screenwriter’s thought they were. “Knives Out” is a recent film that has political satire in it that is done more tastefully, if that’s the gold standard, this movie is the opposite. Even though the film never chooses a side and shouldn’t be taken seriously because it’s a satire, it still manages to come across as mean-spirited, but maybe that’s just me. I don’t feel like the film has clear cut message and was kind of unnecessary. Craig Zobel directs the action sequences very well, especially the final fight scene. I looked him up after I saw it and realized I’ve seen two of his other films, “Compliance” and “Z for Zachariah”, I thought pretty much the same thing after every one, “That was fine/good, but forgettable and I’ll probably never watch it again”. There’s a lot of well known actors in here with very small parts, for the first act of the movie you don’t really know who the lead is, which keeps things interesting. Betty Gilpin is the savior of this movie. A wonderful leading lady, she’s the only likable character in the movie and the only one with any common sense. Her performance is on par with Samara Weaving’s in last year’s “Ready or Not”, which actually had a similar premise, but with supernatural elements. That movie was way better and somehow less ridiculous than this one. 7.3/10. #TheHunt #TheHuntMovie https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uqyUOAD7-/?igshid=6ia9cr5he88e
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kathleenkaiser · 5 years ago
THE HUNT – Rated R – 1 hour 20 minutes 
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This review is brought to you by Kathy Kaiser
  “The most talked about movie of the year, is the one that nobody’s actually seen…until NOW!”
THE HUNT – Rated R – 1 hour 20 minutes 
DIRECTOR:  Craig Zobrel
WRITERS:  Nick Cuse, Damon Lindelof 
STARRING:  Betty Gilpin, Hilary Swank, Ike Barinholtz. Wayne Duvall, Ethan Suplee, Emma Roberts, Christopher Berry, Sturgill Simpson, Kate Nowlin, Amy…
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heresmymoviereview · 5 years ago
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THE HUNT #thehuntmovie That's a lot of hype on a movie poster! Unfortunately, it does not live up to most of it. A violent, social satire on both conservative & liberal American POVs that really doesn't say anything meaningful by the end. Where's my original pic? In the year of Covid-19, I'll be doing a bit of both movie posters and my original pics. So, I give this 3 out of 5 winning jack rabbits. @thehunt_movie #movies #movie #moviereview #moviereviews #cinema #cinephile #films #movieoftheday #photography #picoftheday #pohtooftheday #pics #fotos #photos #hmmr20 #instamovies (at Croatia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sZoo3lKf5/?igshid=qph5uazas0ae
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jasonlloren · 5 years ago
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No. 24: “The Hunt” 🐷🐷🐷 #TheHunt #TheHuntMovie #BettyGilpin #JasonMovies2020 #2020Movies #JasonLloren (at AMC Newpark 12) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sBN02l8cS/?igshid=z5mec05dctjm
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janamonji · 5 years ago
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#TheHuntMovie (at ArcLight Cinemas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9iXzQwB9r2/?igshid=1lxrpy3sngs87
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