#The wood beams came out not to bad! Go me!
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The last piece i did for Pride month!
Trans Locke!
(He stole the family jewels. They are his now.)
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targaryenluvs · 8 months
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pairings: clarisse la rue x aphrodite!daughter!reader (romantic) percy jackson x reader (platonic)
summary: the one where percy jackson has to wrap his head around the fact that the nicest person he’s met at camp, is dating clarisse.
warnings: kinda crack ficy in my opinion, fluff, smooches, capture the flag, reader is percy’s saving grace, percy sees the reader as a sister
a/n: i just got inspired okay? ✊🏽
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percy’s feet were booming, heard from afar as he ran to the creek’s shore. the ares trio hot on his tail as they chased him down. he knew he couldn’t run forever, he’d have to fight, but how on earth was he going to win against three trained teens?
as if clarisse wasn’t frightening enough already, her scream sent literal chills down percy’s back, guess she really likes spears? he thought to himself.
the sounds of cheers and celebration drew the pairs attention as luke planted the opposing teams flag into the floor. they’d lost. percy felt clarisse’s grip falter, only slightly, but not when she saw the flag, clarisse’s eyes were currently trained on something behind him. more bullies? “there you are! i was waiting for you, wanted to show you my new and improved skills.”
clarisse let go of him and he couldn’t believe it, the rage in her eyes seemed to dissipate the second you came around. you, the sweetest person he’d met here, were friends with that thing?
that thing was capable of feelings?
his jaw dropped at the sight of clarisse’s hands on your cheeks, listening to you ramble on about who you’d fought and defeated in the woods, the pretty butterfly you’d seen. percy’s eyes were so close to popping out of his skull as clarisse kissed you, deeply. then he wanted to vomit as hands traveled and tongues met.
at dinner that night you sat by luke and chris, happily eating away as your hand rested on a book infront of you. “hey perce! come sit down.” you patted the space next to you as he accepted. “what’re you reading?” percy stared at the cover you’d flipped over to display to him, well he wasn’t expecting that. “where’d you get it from?” you pointed towards your girlfriend proudly, “she said she knew i’d like it, isn’t that sweet?”
percy’s weird version of a smile caused you to frown, “your smile is scaring me.” he immediately dropped it as you laughed, causing him to nudge you. “don’t be rude, i’m just a baby.” percy hadn’t felt so comfortable with someone since his mother. you pinched his cheeks, “naw, yes you are.” he swatted your hands away as you giggled, percy stared at you, studying you.
shining eyes, a beaming smile and an enchanting personality, truly a daughter of aphrodite, yet you dated clarisse. it didn’t make sense in his head, but from what little scenes he’d seen between the two of you, if you were happy than he was too, “what do you see in clarisse? why are you with someone so—” you turned to look his way, percy was worried you’d be offended.
but of course you weren’t, “because i like her percy, and she likes me. she’s absolutely gorgeous, if she wasn’t already a daughter of ares or i didn’t know? for sure aphrodite. and, people are always misunderstood, just because someone seems like a bad person, doesn’t mean they are. when clarisse and i are together, i see the best parts of her, always. i love her regardless, but there’s obviously things that you don’t tell everybody you just meet, or if you aren’t super comfortable with a person then you won’t show all the parts of yourself. i think, when you love someone you accept all parts of them, the good, the bad, the worst. you love someone despite their flaws. clarisse is good to me, and i like her, that’s all that matters. you’ll understand when you find someone yourself perce.”
he sat still, raking over your words in his head, “if one person can feel that way about someone else, they’d explode.” you laughed at his words, he was still young of course, he’d understand soon, you had a feeling. “i’d happily explode because of how much i love her.” you glanced back at her, only she wasn’t there.
“well i don’t want you to explode, i do want to spend my night with you.” clarisse stood behind you with her arms crossed, you could see percy tense up at her presence. with your hand on his, and your eyes reassuring him, he smiled, “i’m happy for you, but if she try’s anything i’m more than happy to beat her ass for you even if i’m broken in half.”
clarisse couldn’t hear his whispers, thank god. your smile was small, placing a hand on his shoulder, you kissed percy’s forehead, “my protector, now no one can try anything with me huh? thank you perce, if you need anything here at camp, or if you just want to talk and eat those blue foods of yours—” his arms wrapped around your neck tightly as you recovered from the force.
“thank you.”
“any day perce, any time.”
and percy sat back, watching the two of you walk away hand in hand. a clear thought rung through his head.
opposites attract.
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loliwrites · 3 months
III. Bravery | Edelweiss
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader  rating: explicit, 18+, minors dni  warnings/tags: jackson era!joel, sharpshooter!reader, enemies to lovers [ish], age difference [joel is mid 50s, reader is early to mid 30s], joel lives forever fight me, switching povs, canon compliant violence, no infected but terrible humans present, one use of bitch [readers inner monologue], mention of death, stabbing, and blood, attempted SA [reader gets revenge], female rage, SMUT, protected p in v sex, clear and abundant consent, fingering, oral [f receiving], praise kink [attagirl, good girl], aftercare, stress baking, female reader, no physical description, protective!joel, joel’s really just a big softie, no use of y/n. word count: 7.4k series masterlist  a/n: gosh there is not much i love more than uninhibited female rage. and the praise kink will always make an appearance because i’m just an ex-honors student at heart
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“I know you’re Mr. Shoot First Talk Second, but try to control that trigger finger if we run into any of them. That boy whose brain you painted along the stairwell the day you found me? He wasn’t a bad guy,”
Joel flicked his eyes at you, and from your periphery, you could tell he was starting to fume. You knew how to push his buttons and knew that it’d rile him up even more that instead of looking at him when accusing him of such a thing, you were petting your horse’s mane.
“Nah, he wasn’t a bad guy, he was just fucking you for sport,” a sense of accomplishment rose in him when his comment resulted in you flashing a look of disbelief his way. “F’we run into any of ‘em, they’ll be lucky if I paint a wall with their brain.” His eyebrows furrowed and he adjusted himself in his saddle, “give ‘em a belly shot and let ‘em go all slow and painful,”
“There he is,” you smiled. “Mr. Sunshine,”
“Eyes open. We’re here,”
You pulled your rifle out of the scabbard attached to your saddle, a little more clumsy than usual with the thick gloves Maria had given you for the weekend. Winter had fully come down upon Jackson and you were thankful to be there rather than with your old group. How you ever survived the last handful of winters without a real, sturdy winter coat, you didn’t know. Regardless, with the butt of your rifle propped against your thigh, you inspected the right ninety degrees knowing that Joel was scouring the left ninety degrees. Together, both of you had a pretty wide range of sight to catch the upper hand of anything or anyone that might be lurking around.
Thankfully – gratefully – this had become routine. Joel hadn’t exactly sung your praises to Tommy after your first patrol together. According to Tommy, Joel had talked you up as much as someone like him could. She’s good, Tommy. Better than everyone. Not me ‘n you, but everyone else. Now nearly a month into your patrols with Joel, a lot had been talked about in the effort of opening up to each other. 
He tried to stay away from your more recent past with the other group and instead asked about your family. About how it went when the outbreak began and your family of four defended a large ranch property. The grin he hid when you told him you were the son your father never had. That you’d helped him patch holes in the barbed wire fence, or replace rotted wood beams. And when the bad weather came in, you spent most nights in the barn cupola – on high ground with a 360 degree view – with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and your eye spotting through your rifle’s scope. In turn you asked about his life and kept it vague. You figured he’d tell you the parts he wanted to tell you. You also figured there was a lot of pain in his past. He’d opened up as much as he was willing to for someone still so new. He talked a lot about what it was like when he and Ellie first arrived in Jackson; and a little bit about the time he spent in the Boston QZ. But everything before Boston, and the in-between Boston and Jackson went undisclosed. You didn’t need him to verbalize it to know it wasn’t good. The scars on his hands and face told you that. And the way he handled his gun told you that it wasn’t everyday someone gave him a new scar.
And you’d started to see deeper shades of the care and concern Joel held for the ones he was fond of. Even if Ellie wouldn’t acknowledge him, he always made sure there was a meal ready in the house for her. Sometimes going as far as to leave the food outside the shed door for her. You only saw these things because ever since the incident at your house about a month ago when he’d realized you’d gone without a full meal for almost a week, he took to calling you around for dinner at least once a week. Of course it was never phrased as “will you have dinner with me,” as much as it was, “come by for dinner tonight. Don’t need you passin’ out on me on patrol.” He even encouraged you to see the doctor in Jackson. Jus’ to take a look. And beamed when the doctor gave you a clean bill of health. More than once since that night in the dining hall, he brushed away any guy that made himself a little too comfortable in your atmosphere. If they were flirting, getting too close, or just flat out laying any type of hand on you, Joel seemed to materialize out of nowhere to warn them to back off. Another woman might’ve found the whole thing off-putting. That Joel was out to lay claim to something that wasn’t his. But all you knew was that he was keeping men away that just seemed to like that there was new blood in town. A new face to ogle at. And with the pressure of what that could mean, if Joel Miller wanted to be your own personal guard dog, well… that was alright with you.
Normally you and Joel patrolled the areas that were high risk for a presence of infected. Mostly runners. A couple stalkers. Even less clickers. Though Joel warned that he and Tommy had come up against a couple bloaters before. You hadn’t ever come across one in all the years since the outbreak, but you’d heard more than enough horror stories to know you never wanted to come across one. And if you had to, hopefully Joel or Tommy would be by your side. 
Today you and Joel were going south. In a debrief of all the patrol teams, while you and Joel were northeast hunting runners, the southern teams were finding traces of human activity. Everyone knew what that meant, and once they figured it out, all eyes turned to you. Had you led them closer? Apparently two months wasn’t long enough to earn the trust of everyone in Jackson. They had long memories. 
Tommy all but interrogated you in his living room with Maria and Joel the night before. Asked for any intel and insight that might help. But what could you know? You’d spent the last month only outside the gates with Joel, and the month prior to that holed up in the greenhouse. You told them as much. And even so, you knew you were close when you and Joel rode through the old abandoned town, long forgotten. The remains of what used to be strip malls all bumped up to each other. The wind blew through the tall grass that had erupted from the pavement, sending a whistling through the air. Not ideal if you were hoping to hear someone sneaking up on you. But you could feel it. Electricity in the air. You should’ve paid a little more attention to it.
You and Joel dismounted your horses at the same time, fully cautious and aware of everything around you. No words were going to be spoken for a little while. It was a dance that was well on its way to being perfected. But a new location – one not generally covered on the usual patrol routes, meant there were more variables to deal with. And one neither of you was prepared for the way an old flag of some raider group hung from one of the stores’ doorframes. It whipped in the wind, sending a sharp crack reverberating through your ears each time it snapped against the pavement. Worse than that, it made it impossible to see through the doorway, and mixed with the sun shining a glare through the old dusty windows, there was no clear line of sight in. 
Like moths to a flame, you and Joel were drawn to it first. Guns poised, ready to act without hesitation. You weren’t sure if Joel felt it, but it was like every cell in your body knew this wasn’t going to go well. There wasn’t even time to see it coming. They had seen you but you weren’t given an even playing field. And your only regret was that Joel went in first.
You heard it before you saw it. A whoosh flying through the air followed by Joel letting out the most pained grunt you could imagine his body could summon. Then a thud on the floor. You figured the thud was Joel, but you, caught up in that old flag, trying to fling it around the barrel of your gun, left defenseless without your eyes. Just as soon as you untangled yourself and gathered enough visual information to understand what had happened, your gun was being ripped out of your hands and thrown to the other side of the shop.
And the first thing you thought was, you better fight, bitch.
Hands flailing, cursing yourself for that terrible nail biting habit. Some long fingernails would’ve done some good right now. Edward. Just as bad as James but with the benefit of youth on his side to be a real pain in the ass. He got you by your hair and gave it a yank that had you seeing streaks of white in pain. You stumbled backwards over a heap on the ground (Joel), who you just barely had the chance to get a look at – all in shock and sucking wind. You weren’t sure where he’d been hit but he was gasping for air.
You swung and kicked and did your best to fight despite Edward being significantly bigger than you. He was taunting you. Saying things like he knew he’d run into you again. Get his chance with you. And you wanted to scream for help, for anything, but the only person who would do anything for you was currently face down on the floor. You wondered where someone else was. Surely Edward wouldn’t have been out here alone. As soon as that other person showed up, you and Joel would be sufficiently fucked.
But the thing that pissed you off the most was the way he spoke about Joel. The way he mocked him – attacking his masculinity because surely Joel couldn’t give it to you the way he could. So you swung harder, each time hoping it would prove that Joel was more of a man because he didn’t give it to you the way Edward, and James, and George, had. Luckily one of those swings landed on his jaw and it was your chance to get away. To bolt for your gun. If you thought he’d been ferocious before, it was nothing compared to how he was after you’d punched him.
He ran after you and you were nothing for his big strides. Caught up to you in no time and tackled you to the ground. That was when you really started screaming. The absolute loudest and most feral you could muster. No. Stop. Joel. It all came from your lungs and none of it mattered. Edward straddled you and bore his weight down, pinning you in place, leaving you in the fruitless effort to beat against his chest. And though it didn’t account for much, you didn’t stop. You pressed your hands to the bottom of his chin and pushed his head backward but it was like a game of cat and mouse and the cat was getting even more riled up by the mouse putting up a fight. Edward reached for your pants and it was the straw that broke you. You knew these men. You knew their patterns. And you could use that against them.
Case and point – Edward may have had you at a complete disadvantage but you knew they generally always had a knife in their pocket. It was the reason you’d kept one in yours. And, not feeling the outline of it pressed to your thigh despite his body being flush to yours, you knew it had to be in one of his back pockets. The fact that you’d found it on the first side you checked was complete luck, but you’d take it.
Pulled that switchblade from his back pocket, flicked it open, and plunged it deep into his side. Over. And over. And over again. In a sound mind, it would’ve been enough the moment he slid off of you and to the ground. But you were not of sound mind right now. The furthest thing from it. So when his body was no longer on yours, you climbed up over his body and with both hands clutching the handle of the knife, continued to wreak havoc on him. Pure and unadulterated rage.
Had it not been for what came next, you were sure you would’ve spent all afternoon there, carving away at his body. Likely until his partner came around to see what he was up to. But you stopped yourself. Tossed the blade to the side. Because Joel had gotten himself up on his hands and knees and was crawling toward you, and that was all it took to get your brain to snap back to reality. 
You scrambled to him, hands cupped around his cheeks but didn’t touch just yet; trying to find where he was hurt. Eyes scanned, and couldn’t pinpoint any particular injuries except for some blood at his nostril. “Y’alright,”
Joel nodded, still taking deep breaths to try and fill his lungs fully. “Clocked me in the stomach,” he set a hand over his heart. “Knocked the wind outta me, then got me in the chest,” he was speaking, but his eyes were searching you. “Did he hurt you?”
“We gotta get outta here, he wasn’t out alone,” you got up and ran to pick up your rifle, making a quick line back to Joel. With your hand hooked around his elbow, you helped him back to his feet and led him hobbling out of the shop.
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Joel croaked and held the left side of his ribs the entire way back to Jackson, though when you both got through the gates and Tommy ran to intercept you, he somehow straightened himself up and acted as though nothing was wrong. Maybe that was something he’d picked up in childhood. Putting on a brave face in front of baby brother.
Tommy herded you into the barn, urging – no, forcing – Joel to lift his shirt. To check if anything was looking out of sorts. And in typical Joel fashion, he swatted his brother’s hands away, insisting he was fine. Tommy eventually won out. There was a part of you that figured Joel resisted because of you. How silly, right? For you to insert yourself in such a way as if that man even gave a real rat’s ass about you. But you really did figure he didn’t want you to see him ailing. At least not more than you already had. So you ducked away with your horses in tow, ready to be untacked. Passing by on the way to their stalls, you caught sight of Ellie. She, no doubt, had come along to visit Dina, but at the ruckus of Tommy yelling at Joel to lift his damn shirt, Ellie peeked out from the stall she was in to get a glimpse. Concern filled her eyes, and the urge to ask her why she was upset with him was near all-encompassing. But you also knew it wasn’t your place.
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You’re not sure how it happened. The ‘almost killing you to being inside you’ pipeline was way too quick. German Autobahn quick. No speed limit. Pedal to the metal. Whiplash. 
At least Joel put a condom on first. Actually, most of what Joel did was a first for you. Somewhere between walking him home and ordering him to ice his ribs, and him asking you to come inside for a beer, you had ended up here – in Joel’s bedroom with him hovering over you. His hands pressed to the mattress at either side of your head. He hadn’t asked if he could kiss you, though in the hesitation that had oozed from him, you’d been the one to kiss him first. Quick and haphazard; everywhere and simultaneously nowhere for too long. He had cupped your face in his hands and held you still, letting a more gentle kiss to take place. Not that much kissing of any sort had happened in your life previously. George, James, and the rest of those guys hadn’t ever bothered with such a formality. Bit of a blessing, you supposed.
But he did ask if you wanted to go up to his bedroom. That was a first.
And he asked if it was okay if he helped you out of your shirt. And then your bra. That was a first.
Then bare to him and the world, he asked if he could touch your chest. And kiss it. That was a first.
When his hands began to wander down your side, leaving goosebumps on your skin, he asked if he could take off your pants. And that was a first.
Despite all these firsts, and your consent for him to do these things, you figured that by the time your pants were off, he’d do much of the same as all the other men had done. Get in, get out. Chase their pleasure. And leave you in the aftermath to do… whatever. 
He tugged your denim jeans off your legs and tossed them to the floor, but instead of ripping off your underwear and pushing himself into you, he leaned back down over your body and kissed your lips. A bit rougher than he had previously, but you knew he was still fully conscious… calculating. It was as if you could hear the gears turning in his head. And a noise… it came from him no doubt but it was unlike any noise you’d ever heard a man make before. It was soft. And yearning.
When he gathered himself, the questions continued. Can I take off your underwear? Can I touch you? Make you feel good? A pounding in your head began. Nerves? Fear? You could only nod an affirmative, but Joel asked again, as if insisting to hear your voice and it wasn’t lost on either of you that it shook.
“M’not gonna hurt you,” Joel whispered and dropped his head lower until he was able to press his lips to the side of your neck. You’d never been kissed on the neck before. And perhaps even more frightening than what was to come, it scared you how much you liked the feeling of his lips pressed to you. “I wanna make you feel good,”
“Why?” You choked out. Now the pounding in your head was paired with a dryness in your throat. You could feel his lips stretch into a smile against your skin.
But then he lifted his head – removed the feeling you loved so much – and gave you one more quick kiss before his fingertips dipped lower. “Because it’s fun for me if you’re having fun,”
You swallowed and bit into your bottom lip when Joel’s fingers brushed over your slit. Eyes widened but you tried to mitigate it by quickly closing them. It seemed so strange to have so much experience with something so much more than this, and yet feel so inept with this. His fingers circled around your entrance, rimmed the hole for just a moment before he slid them up and found your clit. Your legs flinched together and you peeked past your eyelids to see if Joel had noticed.
The shit-eating grin on his face told you he had. “Bullseye,” he drew his eyes away from yours and rested more of his body weight on you. His muscular thighs kept your legs spread apart, but the only thing keeping him from laying himself on you fully was his arm snaked between your bodies. He raised his free hand and brought it up to the top of your head. His fingers at your clit only circled it a few more slow times before he slid them back down to your entrance. A wider smile appeared on his face and you only caught a moment of it because he pressed his lips back to your neck, just below your ear. “You this wet just for me?”
You didn’t know it yet but you were about to become well acquainted with Joel’s dirty talk.
“Make a man feel like a fuckin’ casanova gettin’ this wet over nothing,” he added pressure to your hole, not yet pressing his fingertip inside you. But you still turned your head to the side, knocking your cheek into his. And it drew him back, until he lifted himself and looked down into your eyes again.
“It’s not nothing. No one’s touched me nicely before,” heat rose in your cheeks and neck.
He nodded, “and you’re gonna let me touch you nicely right now?” He smirked when you nodded, but his eyebrows raised and he asked, “yes?”
His fingers sunk into you at an agonizingly slow pace. And his eyes never left yours. They were ever searching for validation but there was no way he could know that your brain was already a million miles away from your body. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t even feel uncomfortable. If you had actually let yourself feel it, you imagined it’d feel pretty good. But brain and body were diverging for self-preservation. Of the only thing you’ve ever known. You looked down and saw the tendons and muscles in Joel’s forearm flexing, and when you glanced back up into his eyes, you wondered how this would end. Whether or not you bruised the ego of the assholes you’d previously found yourself with was of little concern to you. They hadn’t cared to make sure you were having a good time, so you never tried to fake it with them that you had. But Joel wasn’t like that. He was trying. And if the growing warmth in your belly was any indication, you thought he could get you to finish if you let him. If you let him.
“You’re so tight,” he mumbled, bowing his head. Long, graying curls bounced against his forehead and the nape of his neck. “Bet you’ll feel amazing wrapped ‘round my cock,”
A whimper floated past your lips and it was the first of that sound you’d ever made.
Joel seemed to catch it too. “Yeah? Y’like the idea of takin’ my cock here,” he curled his finger inside you, pressing up against your front wall. “Tell me you want it,”
“Tell me,” he goaded, “I’ll give it to you. Fuck this tight, little body ‘til you’re screamin’ for me, but I wanna hear you say it,”
You furrowed your eyebrows, almost frustrated, “want you to fuck me, Joel. Please,”
He obliged rather quickly. Withdrew his finger from you and sucked it clean before he grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. It was the first time you ever cared to ogle a man. To really take in the sight of him. To commit him to memory as this was going to happen instead of doing all you could to wipe it from your mind. His broad shoulders, and defined pecs, and soft tummy, all tapering down to a thinner waist with creases at the sides, hinting at what was below. His shirt hit the floor with your clothes, and then he swiftly moved on to his pants. Taking them off completely proved to be too much of a hassle. He pushed them down with his underwear, just low enough to pull his member out. His size – length and girth – was daunting despite the amount you’d seen, and your eyes flicked back up to his, swallowing a sizable lump in your throat.
“Nervous?” He asked, reaching past you for the nightstand.
“No,” you protested, watching him yank the drawer open. When he pulled out a small packet and tore it open, you cocked your head to the side. “Condoms survived the apocalypse?”
Joel smiled and rolled it down his length, “lamb skin.” He placed his hands on the bed at either side of you, “ready?”
“What if you hurt your ribs more?
“My ribs are fine,”
You nodded, trying to be as reassuring as possible, but when he reached for his shaft, you sucked in a breath loud enough to grab his attention. “I might not… you know…”
“I usually don’t. Just so you don’t take it personally,”
“Okay,” he pressed a grin and lifted his hand to your cheek, where with the gentlest of swipes, he wiped his index finger across your skin, “eyelash.” Joel blew it off his finger and then looked back down at you, “how about you tell me if something doesn’t feel good.”
Eyebrows furrowed again. Confusion. “You won’t get mad?”
“No, I–I want you to come, so if I’m not doin’ it for you, you gotta let me know. Alright?” He nodded after you and lined himself back up with your entrance again. “Alright,” he pressed forward gently. Slowly. Eyes glued to your face; absolutely nothing could’ve gotten him to look away from you. 
And what you found was new. Call it whatever you wanted but you spotted care in his eyes. Maybe not care in the way fairytales of your youth wanted you to believe, but care in the way that he was doing his best to be soft and gentle. George and James hadn’t had the intention of hurting you, but they didn’t care if they did. Joel didn’t have that intention either. But he was going to great lengths to ensure that he didn’t.
He had eased himself into you steadily until your waists met. The coarse hairs at the base of his member brushed against you. When he exhaled, it was the first you’d noticed that he’d been holding his breath just like you had been. “Attagirl,”
It felt like he was splitting you in half, and he very nearly was. Your legs were stretched wide to accommodate him but it still didn’t feel like enough. His thrusts didn’t start immediately. You hadn’t been expecting that. He was waiting; studying your face, and you figured you looked pretty shell-shocked because he remained paused for a good amount of time. Long enough for you to look up at him and with vision blurring, just the silhouette of him reminded you of any number of the guys you’d run into over the last six years.
Maybe if you shut your eyes, it’d make it a little better. You could focus on the inside of your eyelids and the colorful squiggles that appeared. So you did just that, but still noticed that Joel didn’t make any inclination of beginning relentless thrusts. There was only a slight movement. But not of his waist. Before you knew it, you felt his lips at your neck again. Open mouthed kisses to your delicate skin, his tongue lapping up to your earlobe. He hummed softly and you knew it was a less-than-verbal way of checking in with you. You couldn’t respond yet though, not with the image of George and his saggy ballsack in your mind. 
Joel hummed in your ear again and then took your wrist in his hand. Before you could even get the idea to fight back, he placed it over his shoulder, releasing his grip when your fingers hit his back. “Y’alright? Talk to me,”
You summoned your strongest voice, “I’m fine. Go on,”
He still stared at you and hesitated. His hips only shifted timidly, “what’re you thinking about?”
In a moment of pure honesty, you looked up into his eyes. And with an air of sadness, “them.”
Joel’s lips pressed into a thin line. Definitely not what he was expecting you to say, but couldn’t also say he was at all surprised. God knows the last time you’d done this for anything other than obligation or self-preservation… if you’d ever done it for any reason other than obligation or self-preservation. He wanted to be considerate to that. Maybe it was a little late now that he was already inside you. He settled more of his weight on top of you to free up both his hands, and with most of your bodies touching, he raised both hands above your head and cupped them over it. His thumb stroked back and forth over your hair with the utmost softness.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” you said firmly. “I want you to make me forget about them,”
He nodded and after looking at you for just a second more, he leaned in closer for a kiss. Maybe he couldn’t do much, but he could certainly do that. And with the utmost care, he pulled his hips back halfway before slowly thrusting back in. You winced, eyes closing, and pulled your bottom lip between your teeth. It was then you felt Joel’s lips back on your neck. A bite for emphasis. A lick and kiss for intimacy.
Then with a sigh, “was right. You feel fuckin’ incredible. Squeezin’ me so good and tight,”
“Joel,” you whimpered, stretching your legs further apart to accommodate the size of his body. Every sensation was a new one – even the feeling of a foreign material inside you instead of skin. 
You felt like you were on fire; heat spreading throughout you, starting from where you two were connected and radiating outward from there. Through your stomach, up to your chest, creeping up to your neck and all the way up to your cheeks. There was heat coming from Joel too. Just about everywhere you touched radiated heat; beads of sweat gathered at his hairline and followed down to his sideburns.
“How’s it feel takin’ me here,” a harder thrust than before speared you deeper, pressing up against you cervix. Though you tried to wriggle away, Joel leaned back on his knees and hooked his arms around your thighs, tugging you down on him further. He kept you close there with a hold on your hips and remained upright when he started thrusting into you with greater fervor. “Tell me,”
“Good,” you choked on your breath.
He laughed lowly and removed one of his hands from your hip so he could wipe the sweat away from his forehead. “I know you can do better than that,” he fucked into you and laid back down on top of you, caging you in his arms, lips back at your ear. His hips in an endless cycle of pressing into you. And when a moan floated past your lips, he couldn’t hold back a smile, “there she is. There’s a good girl,”
“So big, Joel…”
He nipped at your neck and trailed his tongue over the affected skin, “and you’re takin’ me so well. Doin’ so good,” his lips stretched into a grimace against your neck, “M’not gonna last long,”
You couldn’t have predicted his next move. It hadn’t happened before in any capacity, let alone in this way. With Joel pulling out in a fury and tracing down your body until he reached the apex of your thighs. His hands held your legs forcefully apart and his hips rut into the mattress beneath him. And in the long line of things that were new tonight, this was exceptionally so. His tongue expertly ran from where he had just previously been splitting you in two, and migrated up to your clit, where again your legs flinched. This time it didn’t get any more of a verbal response than a hum against you and the vibrations it sent up your spine made your throat go dry. 
He lapped at your clit. Tongue undulating against it in smooth procession and just when you thought you wouldn’t be able to make a noise due to your scratchy throat, you felt two of his fingers push inside you, curling up and scissoring open inside. It pulled the headiest moan from your lips. You didn’t dare look down to take a peek at him, but if you had, you would’ve seen the way he was thrusting into the mattress seemingly not of his own volition.
Your legs twitched together again, this time around his head and your hand flew down to cradle him, fingers tangling into his graying curls. It was fairly long now, giving you enough purchase as your body writhed beneath Joel’s ministrations. You could feel it building; slow at first and then all at once, just on the edge there. It hadn’t ever felt this way before. When you were younger, so were the boys, and not at all well-adapted to the skill. Even when you got yourself in the headspace to do it for yourself, it never felt like this. This was different. This was new. And so much so that you hadn’t known when the literal climax would be. When you’d hit that peak.
Whatever the case, it didn’t take long, that was for sure. One moment you were gasping for air to fill your lungs, and the next you were expelling the air you’d just sucked in with a shriek and labored groan. You all but pushed on Joel’s head to get him to stop and he did so immediately. You weren’t sure if that was because of what you were doing or if it was because his body was telling him to get the fuck up unless he wanted to soil the sheets.
So Joel scurried up to his knees and sat back on his heels. He peeled the condom off and wrapped one big strong hand around his shaft. The other went down to cup his balls. And his eyes stayed glued to you. More specifically your face… your eyes. Not aspects of your body like the others had. No. He stayed locked in to your face. And when you chewed on your bottom lip, his eyebrows furrowed and a growl rumbled through his chest. Just a few tugs more and he was shooting his load up over his stomach. Long, firm strokes finished him off, and when he was done, he released his member and looked down at himself while his chest heaved.
Yours was heaving, too. If your ribs hadn’t been a cage, your heart and lungs wouldn’t have remained in your body. You’d seen plenty of men come in your lifetime. Maybe more than you’d have cared to see. But watching Joel was an entirely different experience. Not only had you wanted that for him, but when he did come, there was a sense of pride…or satisfaction in knowing that you’d been the one to get him there.
In the moment you wanted him again. Wanted his lips back on yours. Wanted to feel him. And you were just about to reach out for him when he carefully eased himself off the bed. He must’ve caught some sort of expression on your face because he flashed you a reassuring albeit sheepish smile. “Lemme get cleaned up. Made a bit of a mess of myself,” he plucked his underwear up off the floor. “Y’want water?”
You nodded eagerly, and had partially wished you hadn’t seemed so impatient because Joel turned rather quickly and left the room. If your guard and walls had been lowered by having him there with you, the moment he was out of sight, you felt the walls starting to build again. You scrambled beneath the sheets to hide yourself as if Joel hadn’t just seen you completely naked, and had only just gotten settled again when he strode back into the room; underwear on, stomach cleaned, with a glass of water in one hand and a washcloth in the other.
He handed the glass to you before he knelt back on the bed and flipped the sheets away from you without a second thought. It wasn’t until the cold air hit your skin and your entire body shivered that he paused and remembered this wasn’t something casual for you. He lifted his hand away from the sheet.
“What’s that for?” You pointed at the washcloth he still held. After taking a sip of water, you reached over and set the glass on the side table. 
Joel glanced down at the wet cloth and then back up to you, “I was gonna…” he swallowed and cleared his throat, “was gonna help you get cleaned up.”
“Can I?”
You thought for just a second before nodding, “sure.” But as soon as Joel made a move, you spoke up again, “Joel?” Heat rose in your cheeks when he looked up into your eyes again, “can I have another kiss?”
A red hue colored his cheeks, “‘course you can.” His lips were stretched into a smile when they made contact with yours. 
This time you were the first to part your lips, allowing your tongue to gain entry into his mouth. He accepted it immediately and shared his tongue with you, too. The kiss hadn’t even finished before you felt the washcloth between your legs. It still held some warmth to it and you pulled your head back to look up at him; your legs spread wider to give him full access. He kissed your temple when you leaned in and set your head on his shoulder. His hand paid rapt attention to your most sensitive areas as he wiped you clean, folded the cloth over on itself, and then wiped the wet fabric down your inner thighs.
You weren’t sure how many more new things you’d be exposed to tonight. Everything seemed to be different from what you’d known. Joel didn’t ask you to leave. Didn’t give any indication that he was hoping you’d split. In fact, he seemed to evoke the exact opposite. Was getting ready to lay down beside you in bed when you asked if he could get you your underwear and shirt. He did so without question. Without asking if you were going to leave him. Was going to let you make any decision you needed to make. And yet – you swore you saw him exhale a sigh of relief when after putting your shirt and underwear back on, you tucked your feet back in beneath the sheets and settled in beside him.
⌾ ⌾ ⌾ ⌾ ⌾
Joel jolted awake as he normally did at night. Per his habit, he glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and was not at all surprised when it read half past two in the morning. That was about right. Sometime between two and four was usually the time when the nightmares reached their peak and he’d rise in a panic, gasping for air, trying to get his bearings, and hoping he’d be able to fall back asleep. But instead of his panic diminishing once he realized he was safe in his home, it increased when he looked to his other side and found himself alone in bed.
You’d been there when he fell asleep. Of that he was positive. He’d taken an extra peek at you to make sure you were comfortable. Finding your breathing slowing and evening out, he rolled over onto his side and went to sleep, too. But now you were gone and he jumped out of bed, straining his ears for any hint that you might still be around.
Out in the hallway, he heard something downstairs and it gave him a half-moment of hope before he tamped it down within himself. It could be Ellie, he told himself, don’t get your hopes up. The noise got a little louder when he came down the stairs, and a sweet scent in the air led him in the direction of the kitchen. At this point he knew it wasn’t Ellie, but he still didn’t want to jump the gun and believe it was you. Not until a whispered shout greeted him as he was about to turn the corner.
And then he was there, in the threshold and staring at you, fully dressed again – your index finger pulled into your mouth, sucking at a burn. On the counter in front of you, a pie. His focus returned to you instead of the pastry, and he started in your direction, a smile spreading over his lips.
“Did I wake you up?”
Joel shook his head once he sidled up next to you. And easily, his hand dropped to your lower back, fingers curling around your hip. He noted how you glanced down at his fingers before looking back up into his eyes. “What’re you doin?”
You looked down at the pie, guilt rising within you, “couldn’t sleep.” You took a breath, “I thought about leaving, but then I thought you might get upset.” Averting your gaze back to the pie when Joel’s eyebrows furrowed, “my mom was a stress baker. Seemed like after the outbreak, she was always whippin’ something up. I just– you had most of the ingredients.”
“What didn’t I have?” his hand squeezed at your hip and tugged you in closer to him.
“Cinnamon. And sugar,” you looked back up at him as he all but shook you by the hip, trying to get your attention. “Hopefully the apples were sweet,”
Joel pulled open a drawer and took a fork and knife out of it, “well,” he started when he then reached up into the cabinet for a plate, “I don’t remember the last time I saw cinnamon.” With everything he needed in front of him, he sliced into the pie and about as indelicately as you could imagine, scooped the slice out of the baking dish and onto the plate. “Sugar’s hard to come by so whatever we have is usually kept at the dining hall for the whole town,”
You watched him carefully as he lifted a forkful up to his mouth. A good mixture of the flaky crust and the soft apples. No way this pie was better than your shooting, but you hoped he liked it all the same. He didn’t have to say anything for you to see that he did. His features softened, almost drooped in the relaxed way of having eaten something that was evoking a memory.
He swallowed, “the apples are sweet. I like it,” he went and stabbed for another bite, but instead of lifting it back up to his mouth, he offered it your way.
It took you a moment, but while looking up into his eyes, you opened your mouth and ate the bite he presented you. It would’ve been better with sugar, you thought. But the look Joel was giving you was almost better than the sugar.
Joel slowly pulled the fork out of your mouth and set it back down on the plate. He reached for your hand and hooked his fingers around yours, using that leverage to pull you into his body. You stumbled forward and caught yourself against his chest.. He suppressed a smile and bowed forward until his lips were pressed to the top of your head. 
“Y’alright? Comfortable?”
You nodded gently and ran your hands down over his sides, fingers ghosting over his ribs, “s’it hurt?”
He shook his head but that wasn’t exactly the truth. “You don’t have to stay. And I don’t want you to think you do, but… I’d like to take you back upstairs, curl up with ya’, and go to sleep.” Joel pressed another kiss to the top of your head but then migrated down to your forehead and gave it a kiss. “Been awhile since I had a woman to cuddle up to,”
“Joel Miller cuddles?”
A smirk crossed over his face, “oh yeah. And I’m great at it,” he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. 
You both inhaled into the kiss and Joel wrapped a hand around you again. This time, over your ass for a hearty handful. After a moment of just relishing in this moment, Joel patted your ass and with one more glance for reassurance, you passed by him and made for the stairs. If you could have only seen his face once you’d passed by. A deep sigh, a grin, and a thankful look skyward before he took off to follow you up the stairs and back into his bedroom.
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rvtzu · 14 days
Soft moments with Na Jaemin as your boyfriend
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networks: @k-labels
At the apartment..
Jaemin loved the way Y/N’s laughter echoed through their tiny apartment. It was a sound that filled him with a warmth he couldn't quite explain. They were sitting on the couch, watching a silly rom-com. Y/N's head was resting on his shoulder, her hand casually playing with his fingers.
"You know, I think this movie is worse than the last one," she giggled, her eyes sparkling.
Jaemin smiled and squeezed her hand. "Maybe, but I like watching it with you."
Y/N turned to him, her eyes soft. "Me too."
There was a comfortable silence between them for a moment. Jaemin reached out and traced the lines on Y/N's face. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes.
"You're beautiful," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Y/N smiled, her cheeks flushing. "You're not so bad yourself."
Jaemin chuckled and pulled her closer. They sat like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. It was a simple moment, but it was perfect.
At dates...
The sun was a gentle touch on Y/N's skin as she and Jaemin strolled through the park. The leaves rustled in a soft symphony, their colors a vibrant tapestry of autumn. Jaemin's hand, warm and steady, was intertwined with hers.
"Remember when we first came here?" Jaemin asked, his voice a low murmur. Y/N smiled, the memory a precious gem in her mind. They had been young, their hearts filled with a youthful exuberance that seemed to echo through the trees.
They stopped at a bench, the worn wood inviting them to sit. Y/N leaned against Jaemin, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. They watched the children playing, their laughter a joyful melody.
"I'm so glad we're together," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible.
Jaemin turned to her, his eyes sparkling with love. "Me too," he replied, his voice a soft caress. "You're my everything."
As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the park, Jaemin stood up. "Want to go get ice cream?" he asked. Y/N nodded eagerly.
As they walked hand-in-hand towards the ice cream shop, Y/N felt a sense of peace wash over her. In this moment, with Jaemin by her side, everything was perfect.
Meeting his parents...
Jaemin had been nervous for weeks. This wasn't just any dinner; it was the first time he was introducing his girlfriend, Y/N, to his parents. He knew they'd love her, but the anticipation was still there.
When they arrived at his parents' home, Y/N was a bundle of nerves, too. She'd met Jaemin's friends, but meeting his family was a whole different level. Jaemin squeezed her hand reassuringly.
As they walked in, Jaemin's parents were already at the table, their faces lit up with smiles. "Y/N, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Jaemin's mother exclaimed, pulling her into a warm hug. His father followed suit, his handshake firm but friendly.
The dinner was filled with laughter and conversation. Jaemin's parents asked Y/N about her hobbies, her studies, and her family. She answered confidently, her voice filled with warmth. Jaemin couldn't help but beam with pride.
After dinner, they moved to the living room, where Jaemin's parents showed them old family photos. Y/N listened attentively, occasionally sharing stories of her own childhood. By the end of the evening, she felt like she'd known them for years.
As they were leaving, Jaemin's mother pulled Y/N aside. "Thank you for coming tonight, dear," she said, her eyes filled with affection. "You're wonderful." Y/N's heart swelled with happiness.
As they walked out of the house, Jaemin turned to Y/N. "How was it?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.
"It was perfect," she replied, smiling. "I feel like I've known them forever."
Jaemin couldn't help but smile back. He knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful family.
a/n: this is my first time actually writing abt nct.
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pwinkprincess · 5 months
some random girl flirting with playboy satoru and bunni thinking he’s cheating on her :(
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her outfit ^_^
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you could feel your heart breaking into two as you watched the scene unfold. she was giggling and gripping on satoru’s forearms and the way she looked up at him, as if she was absolutely enamored with him. your eyes zeroed in on her almond shaped nails that were painted with black and red, she came dressed as a cop. her outfit hugged her, though, her button up shirt clung onto her torso and it seems she purposely left the top button unbuttoned so that her boobs could be ogled at. her shorts squeezed her thighs and hips, with every step she took her hips swayed. she exuded a level of confidence that you would possibly never accomplish.
 she was touching on your toru. your bottom lip wobbles even more when you realize he is allowing her to touch him. there’s a smile on his fake bloody lips, his faux canines peek out every time she makes him laughs. you had stepped away for a second to go use the bathroom and you came back to some girl in your seat and chatting it up with satoru. waves of jealousy and insecurity consume your body. 
you breathe heavily through your nose, trying to remind yourself to not cry. with hesitant steps, you walk to where you previously sat. satoru immediately stops talking to the girl to look at you, when he saw that teary eyed expression on your face he was quick to pull at your arm.
“what’s wrong?” he asks.
 you pull your arm out of his hold and snatch your purse that sat on his lap. you could feel the girl's eyes burning a hole into the side of your head, you refuse to look at her. she could have him if she wanted him so bad. you ignore satoru’s calls out to you. you’re pushing past people, some of the partiers throw you scowls while others vocally express their distaste. you ignore it all. 
“bunny, turn the fuck around.” satoru is desperately following behind you. he could’ve easily grabbed you by your arm and turned you around but he wanted you to do it on your own. 
you continue to ignore him, your heels clack with every angry stomp you took. you didn’t even know where you were going. choso had booked a house for this halloween party, it’s quite spacious and full of rooms. satoru had brought you with him a couple of days prior to the halloween party, so that you could help decorate. he figured you would’ve been into it and you were, when choso tasked you with decorating mainly the living room, you were practically beaming. you were so wrapped up with decorating you didn’t take time to understand where different halls led to.
with blurry eyes, you managed to walk yourself outside. the texture shifted from wood floors to brick. you had walked into the patio of the house. strings of fairy lights hung around the pillars, delivering you some light to walk through. 
satoru finally got enough of being ignored and grabbed you by your wrist. “do you not hear me?!” his eyes that were hidden with red eye contacts look down at you. 
you don’t say anything to him, only turning your head so that he couldn’t see you crying. 
“talk.” he demanded. 
you shake your head no, sparse tears drip down even faster. you continue to look away from him, choosing to look at the dark wood that wrapped around the backyard.
with an angry sigh he releases his grip on your wrist and instead grabs your jaw. he forces your head to tilt, you have no choice but to look into his concerned eyes. 
“talk.” he repeats himself.
“y-you don’t like me anymore.” as the word ‘anymore’ utters from your mouth you break down into heavier tears. you try to fight your head from his grasp, satoru doesn’t let you, though. he instead, wraps his arms around you dwarfing you with his size.
you sob into his arms. the smell of his cologne is intoxicating, he smells so good. maybe that’s what drew that girl to him. 
“bunny, i dunno what’s makin’ you talk like this. but don’t believe that shit. ‘kay?” he’s rocking you from side to side, in futile attempts to get you to calm down.
“i s-saw you and her.” you sniffle.
“babygirl, stop talking crazy. i still like you. ‘m gonna always like you. you’re lettin’ those mean thoughts get allll into your head and tell you lies.” he reassures you. 
“so w-why did you let her t-touch you?” you’re getting tears and snot all over his costume which makes you cringe but satoru is too warm to pull away. besides, with the way he’s holding you, you couldn’t get away even if you wanted to.
“i一i really don’t know, bun. if i knew it was gonna upset you this much i wouldn’t have.” 
“hm.” you pout. there are still tears leaking but you’re not sobbing anymore, at least.
“can we go back now?” he asks after letting you bask in a moment of silence. 
“don’t wanna go back.” you mumble into his shirt.
“you have t’speak up, bun. i can’t hear you when you’re mumbling.” he’s leaning his head on top of your head now. his body still sways the two of you, he hopes that it's calming you down.
“don’t wanna go back, toru.” you say louder and clearer.
“where d’you wanna go then?” he asks.
“wanna stay out here. jus’ us two.” you tell him. your arms are now wrapped around his waist and you’re swaying with him.
“‘kay, bun. whatever you want. no more cryin’ though. you look too pretty t'cry.” he’s leaning back a little, with just enough space to place a kiss on your forehead before pulling you back close to him.
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louloulemons-posts · 3 months
Dark Waters
Knight!Eddie X Princess!Elf!Reader
Word Count : 1.8k
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(creds to owners)
Warnings : not proofread, cursing, sirens, drowning, knives, swords, death of minor characters, eddie is called Edward, use of Y/N
~ / / / * \ \ \
“You know we’re not supposed to be this far outside the castles walls!” Robin exclaimed, hurrying after you. “Robin come on! I just want to explore, I can’t stand all of the talk of my brother coronation, my mother just talks about marrying me off now!”
“Well would marriage be such a bad thing?”
You paused in your tracks to look at your friend, she nodded, “Pretend I didn’t say that.”
With a chuckle and a shake of your head, you continued through down the path. Removing the hood of your cloak from your head, sighed as the sun warmed your face.
Robin linked her arm with yours, walking side by side, no worries about would may see you, you were outside the city now.
The emerald leaves of the woods shone under the daylight, “Maybe we should head back?” Robin said.
“Me and my father always walked this path when I was small, come on Robin we’ll be quick.”
Beams of sun shone through the branches, illuminating the multi coloured flowers, small animals ran across the path, faeries flew past with their tingling bell sound.
The forest was alive with springtime. Your own gown seemed to be brighter in colour, the periwinkle of yours and royal blue of robins.
Your hair was also more alive, the small braids throughout, shining with pretty gems, similarly to your sharp pointed ears showing who you really were.
“Did you hear that?” Robin asked suddenly.
“Hear what?” She paused for a moment, turning her head to listen for the mysterious sound.
“That!” The shorter haired girl exclaimed.
“Robin, I really can’t hear anything,” you really did try to hear whatever it was, but soon enough Robin was dragging you down the winding path.
“Robs wait! she was moving at an ungodly pace, something you’d never seen from her, almost like magic. It wasn’t unusual sure, but this was a different kind of magic.
Pulling your arm from her grip, you grabbed Robins shoulders forcing her to meet your gaze. “What can you hear?”
“Yes it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.” Robin continued to push against your hold, walking towards whatever singing she heard.
Letting her go you followed behind, trying to figure out what was going on. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted someone else. No, many other people.
The were all walking in the same direction as your and Robin. “Robin, we have to go,” you tugged at her sleeve, trying to drag her back, she was now stepping off of the path.
“I need to find out whose voice that is, it’s beautiful.” Your head flooded with thoughts, what was it? Who was it?
Then you saw it, the waters edge. “Sirens,” you whispered. You could see their tails glistening as they swam closer, hands with webbed fingers, arriving at the waterside.
“Robin come away,” you pulled at her arm, but the girl yanked away from your grip, making you stumble.
A red haired woman emerged from the water, pushing herself up on the bank.
“Hello,” she purred.
“H-Hi,” Robin smiled.
“What’s your name?”
“Come with me Robin.”
Her webbed fingers came out of the water, hand reaching towards Robins. Your friend took it softly, letting the woman pull her closer to the waters edge.
Pushing yourself up, you reached out for Robin, “No!” you screamed as Robin was pulled into the water. Jumping in after her you kicked at the beast, grabbing onto Robin.
The siren hissed at you, bearing her teeth. Pushing Robin up towards the surface, you began to swim up after her, but a hand gripped onto your ankle.
Hearing a calling sound, more and more sirens swam towards you, some holding onto men and women and those inbetween.
With panic you kicked at the siren with fire red hair, hoping to get free, but as more and more air left your lungs your kicks got weaker.
Slowly feeling yourself go limp, you felt more webbed hands grab hold of you, pulling you down into the depths.
Your eyes fell closed as the remaining breath left you.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Help! Someone please help me!” Robin called out to anyone who was near. Hooves came towards her, two faces she recognised from passing days.
“Thank goodness.”
“Miss Robin, what’s happened?” The man with shorter hair asked, taking in the woman’s panicked appearance. Dress and hair soaked from water.
“The princess … there were sirens … she saved me … but they … they …” the man with longer hair climbed from the horse.
“Breathe, what happened?” he asked.
“They pulled her down,” Robin sobbed, covering her face. “Steve wait here with Miss Robin.”
The man removed his heavy layer of armour with ease and speed, throwing himself into the water. The murky depths were hard to see through, but the commotion was unmissable.
Swimming towards the group of sirens, he spotted you, seeing them drag you towards their cave, he knew once you reached that point you were gone.
Pushing himself through the water, his curls came loose from how they’d been sat at the base of his neck. Swimming deeper and deeper, he heard a screech of warning from a siren.
“A knight!” One screamed. Drawing his sword, he slashed at a beast, drawing blood. Once that occurred, the sirens let you go, swarming the knight.
Your body fell down, close to the floor of the water. Swinging for the sirens, he cut many of them, ending the lives of others.
They grabbed him, but as he cut the neck of one final siren, one screamed,”Retreat!”
They grabbed the body of those who had passed and swam towards the cave. The knight felt his lungs burn, as he swam deeper for you.
Pulling your body, he went towards the light, the surface. On the bank, Steve’s arm was around Robin, rubbing her side to keep her warm. “Have you got her?!” The woman cried.
“Yes,” the knight coughed, water leaving his lungs, as he gasped a breath. Pulling you on the bank, he panicked as he noticed the lack of movement in your chest.
“No!” Robin sobbed, pulling towards you, but the knight shouted, “Keep her back!” Steve grabbed her waist holding her in place, trying to comfort her.
Pulling the outer layer of your dress off, he was met with a corset, “Shit!” he sighed, pulling a knife from the holster on his leg.
Slicing the ribbons from the corset, he yanked it off your chest, staring to press his hand in a rhythm against it.
He held your nose, blowing into your mouth, “Come on, wake up!” He spoke through gritted teeth. “One! Two! Three!” He kept pressing against your chest.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“One! Two! Three! Come on!” A voice spoke. Feeling air come back to you, you coughed loudly, water coming up. Gasping, you held your hand to your chest, hearing a laugh of joy.
“Oh thank god.” Robin. That was Robin.
“I’m here,” the girl sat next to you, wrapping you in a hug. “Oh thank goodness.”
“Thank you so much,” Robin said to the knight. Looking up at the man, you couldn’t be more thankful. “You saved me.”
“I did what anyone would your Highness.”
Letting Robin help you to your feet, you couldn’t even be embarrassed at the lack of garments. The knight walked to his horse, pulling a cloak off and wrapping it around your shoulders.
“What’s your name sir.”
“Thank you Edward, you saved my life. I must repay you.”
“I need nothing your Highness, just allow me and my colleague to help you and your friend home safely.”
“Thank you.” Letting the knight help you onto his horse, he climbed up behind, Robin and the other man doing the same thing. You may your way back into the town and up to the castle.
He made sure to keep his hands in a respectful position, keeping you steady on the horse.
“Open the gates for the Princess, the man behind your called. The gates opened, men and women ran towards you, including your mother.
“Darling!” she called.
“Mother,” you smiled. The man, Edward, jumped off the horse, holding out his hand to help you down. “What happened?” your mother asked.
“Sirens in the lake, one grabbed me, but this kind Knight, Edward,” you smiled at the curly haired man, “He saved me mother.”
“Is this true?” she asked Robin and Edward, “Yes your majesty,” they both said.
“Thank you, you saved my girl.” She squeezed your hand, “Come let’s get you all clean and dry.”
Your mother led you all into the castle, “Thank you your Majesty, but we must be heading to the Knights quarters to clean up,” The other man said.
“Yes of course, what is your name sir?” Your mother asked. “Steve,” he spoke softly.
“I owe you my thanks also, Steve. Me and my husband shall call for you both, do not be alarmed, it shall be as a reward.”
“There’s no need-“ Edward started, but your mother held her hand up. “Sir, you saved my daughter, I cannot thank you enough, she is .. she is the light of my life.”
“Of course your majesty, my heart is to you and this kingdom, including your daughter.”
Your cheeks flushed at his words, his eyes met yours. “Mother, may I speak to Edward alone?”
“You may, I shall wait in your bedchambers, be quick my darling,” she squeezed your cheek and ushered Robin away. Steve bowed and may his way to his own space.
“Your highness?” Edward asked.
“I just wanted to thank you again Sir. You saved me.”
“It was nothing, it is my job.”
“I cannot thank you enough for it.”
“No thanks is needed.”
“It is, please meet with my mother and father.”
“I shall your highne-“ you cut him off.
“Y/N, my name is Y/N, no your highness needed.”
“That is not proper your highness i mustn’t.”
“You must, I order it,” you smiled at him, making the corner of his mouth rise. “Well Miss Y/N, please stay away from the lake without a proper escort.”
“Of course, may I call upon you on my next stroll then?”
“Yes your high- Y/N,” he bowed his head.
“Well I must go, and you must be freezing yourself Edward.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Edward makes me feel old, so Eddie.”
“Eddie,” you smiled, “Well I shall be seeing you soon I’m sure.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” he bowed. Walking towards him, you stood on your toes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Good day Eddie.”
“Good day Y/N.” He smiled as he watched you go, disappearing down the hall, his cloak still wrapped around you.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
For bingo; incorrect d&d acronym please? I just love how exasperated and endeared Eddie would be even if he seemed annoyed on the outside.
"You're still going to play that dungeons and demons game, seriously?"
"It's Dungeons and Dragons, Stevarino and yes, I am", Eddie put one foot on the coffee table and a fist to his chest as he proclaimed, "For if I forsake a passion that has brung me out of my of my darkest times, then the naysayers and venomous peoples of the world win."
"Okay, okay, get your feet off my table. That's precious wood."
Eddie was struck with too many quips about precious wood that by the time he thought of one, Steve was already in the kitchen, making a snack spread for game night.
"How'd your Damsels and Dragons game go? Did you win?", Steve asked, leaning against the door of his car in Dustin's driveway.
"Dungeons and Dragons and it doesn't work that way. You don't really win in the traditional sense."
Steve shrugged. "Too bad. When I would win anything, my parents would take me to town and let me pick where we went for dinner and let me get what I wanted."
Eddie's tuned changed so fast it was like a record scratching. "I want chili cheese fries from that new place and a hot fudge sundae too. I totally kicked their asses Steve, Mike almost cried."
Steve watched with great interest as Eddie painted a little toy, presumably for an upcoming game. "So with this Devils and Duckies game you have to make your own pieces? Seems pretty cheap of them."
"Making your own is part of the fun. And come on, I know you know it's not called Devils and Duckies", Eddie chuckled, keeping his eyes on his work. So he couldn't see just how intensely Steve was looking at him.
"Erica was talking about this one duck that threw a wrench in this one campaign though-"
"Ha!", Eddie gestured with the hand holding the brush and made paint splattered a little in Steve's room. "You know they're called campaigns!"
Steve rolled his eyes. "I'm not absolutely clueless you know."
Steve's little game was exposed when Eddie was spending a lazy morning in Steve's room and found something just out of sight behind a hamper. A dictionary. One bookmarked to the D section.
"Stevie, have you been looking up D words just to make fun of DnD?", he accused with a smirk when Steve came back from his morning jog.
"And if I say yes?", Steve tilted his head.
"Then I would say it is incredibly amusing and endearing and downright adorable that you would go on to such lengths all in the pursuit of a bit." Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's shoulders, unperturbed by the sweat and smell.
"Would you say that it was decidedly delightful and dandy even though you found the damning evidence to my dalliance?", Steve smirked, hands going to his boyfriend's hips.
"No, I'd say 'holy shit that was hot, say more words'."
Steve beamed. "You think alliteration is sexy?"
"Definitely, my dashing darling."
Steddie bingo under the cut
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yelena-bellova · 6 months
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - One Shot #4
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One Shot #4: The Artist Formerly Known As Joel Miller
Plot: Joel gets another little piece of himself back in the form of music.
Word Count: 700+
Warnings: none (for once lol)
A/N: A little bit of well deserved fluff. I feel like I haven’t written anything for TYL that isn’t tainted with sadness but this is a rare dose of pure serotonin for y’all. Hope you like it!
It was a truth long denied; Joel Miller needed music.
His long held dream of singing and strumming for a living was put to rest when Sarah was a blip on an ultrasound. There was no way to support a family on bar gigs. He hadn’t minded all that much, knowing the million to one odds he’d make it. Still, Joel wasn’t 100% Joel without a song.
In the three months that he’d been settled in Jackson, there’d been shockingly little rest. First there was fixing up the house. Nothing major, adjusting the furniture to his and Y/n’s liking and general cleaning. Then there were the emotional adjustments. Ellie and Y/n took a long while to ease out of the fear Silver Lake had left them with. Not to mention the new life the three of them had been given and how wildly different it was from the one they were used to. Joel and Y/n got set up with the work rotation of the town and Ellie started to (with great hesitation) socialize with the other kids.
It wasn’t until three months in that Joel allowed himself to think about the little things.
He’d been in conversation with a neighbor on patrol one day. An older guy who’d miraculously managed to live into his 70s in a post-Cordyceps world. They were talking about something and somehow it came up that Joel used to play guitar. The man mentioned that there was an old Taylor sitting in his spare bedroom. He’d never been any good and was too old to get any better so it was up for grabs.
Joel immediately accepted.
He beamed as he strode back home with the instrument clutched in one hand. Sailing through the front door, he let go of it only long enough to leave his snow coated boots at the door and remove his gloves.
“Rose,” he called out.
“Kitchen,” his wife called back. He could hear the sink running.
Joel moved through the house to where Y/n stood at the counter doing dishes. Sensing his presence before she even heard him, she looked over her shoulder and her face lit up. First upon seeing her husband, then at what he was carrying.
“Oh my gosh.”
Joel didn’t even try to temper his joy. “I know,” he smiled.
Y/n flicked the faucet off, her attention fully focused somewhere else. “Where?”
“Bud down the street,” Joel nodded in the general direction of their neighbor, “Said I could have it since no one was using it.”
There were only two things Y/n wanted for their patch-worked family: happiness and health. Music was directly correlated to a percentage of Joel’s happiness, making the guitar a gift from God himself.
She threw her hands out expectantly, “Well?”
Joel left the doorway and headed towards the living room, Y/n grabbing a towel to dry her hands and following suit. They perched themselves on opposite ends of the couch.
Joel adjusted the guitar on his knee before pausing, “It’s been so long.”
“It’s musical bike riding,” Y/n washed away his hesitation, “Play me something, cowboy.”
He chuckled under his breath, waiting just another few seconds before pressing down on the strings and forming a cord. The callouses needed weren’t a problem due to years of manual labor. Y/n and him both grimaced in anticipation of what twenty year old strings might sound like. Surprisingly, they were decent as Joel strummed once.
“Not bad,” he commented, “Little out of tune.”
But Y/n didn’t hear the imperfection. Nothing touched her. She was too struck by the sight in front of her. Joel, back in his element, plucking the strings. The way his hunched frame hanging over the guitar’s body was relaxed as ever. How his fingers found their way as naturally across the fretboard as if they’d touched the wood every day since Texas.
Joel was transported with each note. Back to some spiritual space where he had no fears and no worries. Nothing could break through his front door and destroy his life. No one could hurt him. The world didn’t cease to exist, it reframed itself. For every strum, every pick, every change of chord, the world held itself together without his help. He could just be.
However many minutes passed, neither one of them were sure. Y/n pulled herself back to reality enough to remember she had to finish cleaning before grabbing dinner from the mess hall. She swiped the tears beginning to form and got off the couch. Joel didn’t move, still transfixed.
Smiling, she leaned over her husband and kissed the top of his head. The guitar’s song sang sweetly for the rest of their evening.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @themultifandomofmadness @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda (tags cont. in comments ❤️)
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lazyneonrabbitt · 5 days
Astray far away, towards the lands of the enemy.
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Adar x reader | SMUT🔞
When orcs cross your lands you choose survival. After that you choose selfish desire which makes for a nice turn of events.
WC: 2.2k
Part one of the Lets make Adar a dad fic
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Waldreg was a rat, always had been.
But nowadays, with evil lurking he was making quite the points to assure survival. 
After Bronwyn gave her speech about fighting and Waldreg had countered it with bowing down for survival you had followed him out of the gates of Ostirith, and during the night, bowed down before your enemy.
Before you, Waldreg made a speech of loyalty but was ignored by the orcs' leader.
Ignored until he had called him Sauron. 
You watched Waldreg be grabbed by the throat and thrown to the ground, still offering loyalty to whoever the man before you all might be.
Again he was ignored, as the man took Rowan who stood right before you and was dragged to face the crowd, forced to kneel as the orc leader tossed a dagger at Waldreg's chest. Finally speaking.
"Only blood can bind." 
Before your eyes, in the torch lit town you watched as Waldreg did as instructed, and killed your friend to pledge his loyalty.
Next thing you knew you were following along with orders, listening to Adar give his speech to the Uruks he called his childen. Abd then trying to hide from your now enemies, praying the Uruks recognised you as their ally.
Only the Uruks weren't the biggest of your worries as another troop came in on horseback to aid the oposing forces.
So you hid with the remainder of the troop that managed to escape. You hid in the woods until the ground shook and fire rained from the sky and by the time the enemy fled you were back with Adar and the others and the start of building a new home was done.
The Southlands were no longer, from now on you were citizens of Mordor.
Scouts were sent off and remaining troops arrived with all belongings, ready to build.
But first it was time for celebration.
Uruks howled and feasted on fallen soldiers, even offering you some meat but you politely declined. 
Instead you found the other humans, all getting drunk off whatever survived the onslaught. So you moved on from them too, not feeling like drinking after all that happened. Your last stop was somewhere off at the edge of the town's remains where you stared at the smouldering ashes and low dancing flames on the edge of dying out.
That too didn't bring your mind peace and quiet, so you moved on again. Wandering around until you almost ran into someone after turning a corner. 
"Not of the celebrating kind, child?" Adar himself stood before you, two mugs in hand. He offered one to you as he went to sit on some fallen support beams.
"I'm not really one for getting drunk or feasting on my enemies' flesh, no." You joined his side and sat down. "Don't take me wrong, I am glad your Uruks have a home now." Your words ended with a smile, buried behind the drink. It was bad how you wanted to stare at the man for as long as you could. You had wanted it since you first watched him throw Wardreg and had Rowan killed. No one should look that good doing all of that.
"You know your eyes speak enough. No need to hide, I can read you." His gloved hand raised to lower your mug.
"This is good, what is it?" You tried your best to change the topic of conversation with a genuine question.
"A simple Uruk made red wine the last group brought in. Is it that different from what you served here?" He gestured to the tavern that you sat behind and looked at you with a curious look. 
"It's so nice and warm." It brought you comfort so you sipped away at it, the nerves of everything happening today finally leaving you. "So strange, it's so much nicer than ours." 
This time it was Adar changing the topic again. "Shall we go join the others? Surely you'd warm up to my children quicker that way." His offer was a kind one, filled with elven charm he still possesed even after becoming what he was now. 
"I think I prefer the less chaotic energy here, in all honesty. Being able to talk and drink wine, it's nice." 
And it was nice, even Adar agreed. Now that he and his children had a home there was no need for endless planning and strategizing to keep him busy anymore. 
"I admit, you are right. Having a quiet conversation just for the pleasure of it is something I have not done in a long while." He watched you place your mug down, impressed with how quickly you had downed the wine for a mere mortal who claimed not caring about getting drunk. 
You placed the mug down and thanked the wine for silencing the voice in your head as you sat straight up and murmured something. Adar didn't catch what it was, and questioned you about it.
"I said," With a swift move you flung your leg over his lap and straddled him. "There is probably other things that you have not done for pleasure in a very long time." 
Adar followed your quick movements with ease, hus gloved hand ending on your hip. Metal digging into your skin to steady you as his other hand came up to rest at your jaw.
Your actions intrigued him. "You assume right." His gloved hand sqeezed a bit harder, making you squirm in his lap as the sharp edges pressed deeper against your bones. "Now, what did you have in mind now that you have sat yourself so selfishly onto my lap?" He wasn't actively moving you off him so you took your chances to move along, inching closer to his face and pressing a swift peck to his jawline before nuzzling his neck. 
You only got a confused grunt in response, which had you decide to think more as an Uruk, and bite down on his flesh and grind your hips against his. It earned you a low growl and a sharp pull of your hair that disconnected your lips from his throat. 
"You wish to be rough, little mortal?" His gaze changed into an amused grin, taking your hip and shoulder in hand as he manouvered you onto your back, legs still over his as he moved himself atop of you. 
His legs on either side of the fallen structure with your hips pulled up against his, a sharp metal hand pressing into the soft plump of your cheeks prying open your jaw to push a finger past your lips. 
His ungloved hand went to find the ends of your garment and tear it off your lower half, exposing you to the night air while you struggled to move against the iron grasp on your jaw and the metal digging into your tongue.
"How good of you, to wet your master's fingers for him.." His lips barely an inch from your ear, returning the act of biting down on your earlobe with a soft growl and licking the sensitive flesh. 
You mewled as his gloved hand left your face, sharp fingertips dragging down over your clothed torso as he sat back up, untill it reached bare skin. You gasped as he continued south, two fingers moving just off your centre, pulling a soft plea from you. "P.. please, no.."
 He watched in amusement as he pressed the flats of his fingers against your mound, just the leather of his glove on your skin. He drank in the fear that mixed with your arousal, adding to his own fire and exposing you further, leaving your body bare to see for anyone who'd wander past.
You could feel his hard length press against you as he rutted his hips against you, his hands toying with your chest making you moan out in pleasure. 
He groaned in return, moving to undo his trousers and free his cock, wetting it with your slick. 
"It's been long since I have felt this warmth." He breathed out, postitioning his tip at your entrance. You whined with every inch of his length stretching you open, wrapping your legs around his waist as best as you could. The sounds of the Uruks ans men partying drowned out more with each roll of Adar's hips, forcing a moaned breath out of you each time. 
He stilled as he bottomed out, hips slotted with yours in a near perfect matter. Leaning forward on his hands his hair framed his face, lust blown eyes staring deep into yours. There was a slight pant in his breath. "I will keep you." His gloved hand moved to your chest, metal fingers toying with your nipple making you whine out. "Y.. yes Lord Father.." Pain and pleasure mixed in the best way. "You are mine to seek pleasure with howevever I wish." 
Your hands moves to clas at his thighs in an attempt to make him move. "My body belongs to you, Lord Father." 
Your words spurred him on and with a hand on your hip he started moving, cock leaving you almost fully before thrusting back in and setting a steady pace. 
Cries of pleasure filled the ashen air, groans and pleased grunts joining the choir behind the tavern. "L..lord Father.. Adar.." Your voice was barely abouve a whisper. " your hand found his hair, fingers scratching his scalp. "Plant your seed.. Use me to continue your bloodline." 
His thrusts became more harsh, forcing a gasp from you each time his hips came in contact with yours. "Would you.. truly give up your body.. like that?" He panted between breaths, he hadn't bred in Ages, not feeling the need to produce more offspring. The concept of having a family of his own beside his Uruk children was foreign to him. 
"Please.." You pulled him in closer with your heels pressed into his back, moaning as his cock hit just right inside you.
"Make me a mother." 
Adar's hips stilled entirely as he looked down on you, a grin spread wide on his faceas he lifted his gloved hand and brought a fingertip down below your chest hard enough to break skin. You could not see what he did, only feel the carving of flesh obscured by the plump of your breast.
He did not speak, nor try to show you. Instead resumed his rough pace as if nothing had happened.
"You will bear my children, yes? For as long as I please. Until your body is no longer fit to carry offspring." His raspy voice was right at your ear, his teeth sinking into the sensitive skin on your neck as he bred you. 
"Ahh..Adar.. hah.." Your moans increased the closer you got to the edge. They were music to Adar's ears.
Not like the animalistic howls and roars of thr Uruks he had gotten so accustomed to. No, your sounds were addicting. 
Your hand found his ungloved one, guiding it between your legs to press two fingers down on your clit, silently begging him to pull you over the edge. On contact you cried out, pleading over and over until the coil snapped and you came, walls clamping down on his cock in extacy.
With no chance to catch your breath your cries turned into begging for rest, a moment to come down but instead Adar kept playing with your clit, fucking into you at the perfect angle that hit every right spot inside of you. The display amused him, filing it all away for if he ever found himself alone and in need of relief.
Before you he panted, chest heaving and mouth hanging open. His tongue rolled out past his smiling lips, a string of drool lowering and disconnecting from the tip of his tongue, dripping down right above your core. His already slick fingers gathered it and spread it all over where his cock disappeared into your folds. 
It reminded you that you weren't producing a child with an elf. You were being bred by an Uruk. 
Adar's growls and sighs got more frequent along with his thrusts becoming less rythmic. He was as close as you were again.
His hinistrations continued, fingers dancing over your sensitive bundle of nerves as his cock stroked thr spot that had you see stars from the inside. 
You threw your head back with one last gut wrenching moan, squeezing your walls around his cock once more and pulling him over the edge with you. With a low growled moan he spilled deep within your womb, stilling to catch his breath.
As he tucked himself back into his trousers he watched your close to unconsious form, eyes closed and breaths evening out.
In your current state you could no longer register the Uruks that had gathered because of the noise, watching their Adar who mated with one of the new women. 
He was unsure how long they had been there or how much they saw, but from the howls and cheers he figured they had seen enough. 
With a glare in their direction, Adar sent away his children and covered your bare skin to the best of his abilities. You needed a new set of clothes. 
With you wrapped in his arms he set off to find a place for you to sleep while he sent others on a hunt for clothes. 
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friendship-ditch · 8 months
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(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Katniss can’t help but be jealous when her ex-girlfriend from the Capitol finds somebody new.
Warnings/Note: Little bit of angst, internalized homophobia, language and bad relationships, the usual—I rushed this request on accident but it’s alright enough
Word Count: 3439
“What about dinner at the… what’s it called--the Hob! I always hear you and Prim talk about that place, they sell food there, don’t they?”
You chimed in, stepping into the dim living room.
Katniss lifted her head towards your direction. “I don’t really think that’s what you would want to wear to the Hob.” She said flatly, turning her nose. “You’d stick out like a sore thumb. I can’t protect you there.”
You looked down at your outfit and frowned. It wasn’t particularly flashy, and neither was your makeup. In fact you could’ve almost been mistaken as a true District 12 resident if you maybe ditched the tall boots and colorful jacket.
When you received the news that you could head to District 12 a week earlier to hang out with Katniss before the Victory Tour truly began, you weren’t expecting it at all, but you couldn’t have been happier. You threw together a mess of clothes and snuck on the soonest train.
But now that you were here, you were beginning to wonder if Katniss didn’t share that same excitement as you. This obviously wasn’t the same girl you’d hung out with before the 74th games. She’d changed in that arena. But you were still determined to love her.
She often chose activities that kept you in the house, got upset when you didn’t understand things on the first try, refused to take you into the woods, and really didn’t want to take you into some more populated areas.
“I can change.” You tried to reason with her, sliding the jacket off and revealing the colorful tattoos that climbed both of your arms. “Or I could borrow some of your clothes. I can blend in, honest.”
Katniss hesitated. She climbed off the couch and went over to you, setting your jacket aside and sliding one of her old ones over your shoulders.
“Fine.” Her voice was still flat, if not annoyed. “I’ll take you to the Hob. We’ll grab dinner, and then we’ll come straight back here.”
“Deal!” You beamed, reaching for her hand.
She pushed your hand away and flashed you a somewhat apologetic look a few seconds after the initial shock had passed. “Don’t act close to me there. People don’t act like that in the Hob.” She warned.
You nodded in agreement. Of course, things in District 12 weren’t anything like the Capitol, but some of the things she said still confused you. Like the other day when Prim wanted to take the two of you to the bakery to celebrate your arrival but Katniss acted as if she didn’t know you when you walked in.
Together, the two of you went to the Hob. It was unlike anything you’d ever seen. It was dark, grim, bustling, loud, and utterly fascinating.
Katniss showed you around, though she continued to pretend not to know you well. She never really met your eyes or your touch. You assumed maybe she just shut down when going into busy places like this and you tried to mimic her the best you could.
You grabbed some food and then came back to the house. You saw Peeta on the way back and waved but Katniss hurried you inside.
Dinner was nice. Katniss spoke to you more but she still wasn’t quite… for lack of a better description: happy to see you?
You didn’t push it though. That was something you learned about Katniss. There was no pushing her to do or feel anything. That girl was stubborn as a mule, and you had to respect it.
By the time the actual Victory Tour rolled around, you found that Katniss was growing even further from you. You figured that maybe she was just anxious about the tour so you gave her as much space as you could.
When the party at Snow’s mansion finally rolled around, you knew something was wrong.
Katniss hadn’t even spoken a word to you since the speech in District 1, hell, she didn’t even look your way.
You were hoping that maybe she’d talk to you at the dance, because it was really starting to hurt. Every night you tried to leave a little gift at the door but when you came to place a new one, the old one was still there.
Of course, Katniss and Peeta as the Victors had to walk in together. You watched from off to the side and cheered until your voice broke. Katniss flashed you an awkward smile and continued forward, arm linked with Peeta’s.
It took a little while to locate her later but you soon found her standing off to the side of the dance floor. You let out a sigh of relief and snuck up behind her, sliding your arm around her waist.
“Will the prettiest lady of the ball dance with me?” You asked in a teasing, warm voice. Katniss stiffened in your grip so you let go. “If she wants to, that is.”
With a fake smile, Katniss shook her head, looking away. “I don’t feel like dancing.”
“Oh, okay.” You shrugged it off. “We could get some chocolate together. Or go inside, there are some less crowded rooms.” You gently tried to clasp your hand around her arm but she pulled away. On your second attempt, she pushed your hand down and turned to face you.
“Y/n. I don’t think I’m ready for this.” She said boldly, taking a step back. “Us, I mean. I’m not good at this. I’m not ready for a relationship with y… I’m just not–you’re not…” Katniss’s rambling trailed off as she realized she wasn’t doing either of you any favors.
You felt your heart sink in your chest.
“I just… I don’t think things are going to work out. I’m sorry.” Katniss shook her head. If she said any more, she’d regret it. She already said more than she meant and the hurt was clear on your face.
You felt the tears stinging your eyes and took a step backwards. Her beautiful figure soon became blurry and without another word, you turned and left.
That was the last time you’d seen Katniss.
Now… you were in a world you’d once thought had been eradicated to nothing but rubble. You were wrong. District 13 was alive and well, and so were you. Having been labeled a war criminal to the Capitol, Plutarch made sure to pluck you from the midst before torture ensued.
It was a huge contrast to how your old life was. You had a schedule, you had work, and you had to get up early. Your clothes were the same as everybody else's, just as your food and basically everything else.
By some miracle, you learned from those around you and managed to fit in just fine. Sometimes you screwed up, but there was always somebody there to catch you, one person in particular.
You’d met Cressida one night when you arrived to dinner late and your usual seat was taken. She let you sit with her and her friends who you soon learned were her camera crew. They’d all left the Capitol just as you had. You felt accepted with them.
Cressida was a lot different than Katniss. She was much more eager to do things with you, she wasn’t scared of being seen with you, and she loved the thrill of either of you sneaking into the other's room for the night. You two weren’t exactly ‘girlfriends,’ but most knew you two were seeing each other. That was another thing about her, she didn’t want to hide what you two had.
Although Cressida was… amazing, at just about everything, and she understood your struggles in a way most others didn’t, you found it hard to picture a future with her past occasional nights together and secret little flings. She was funny and kind and bold, but she was lacking something. You couldn’t figure out what it was, but the walls of your relationship were more like bridges.
The best thing about Cressida though, was that you forgot about Katniss. You forgot those little glares she slipped only in your direction when you were too loud in public, how she would pull out of your touch the second somebody glanced your direction, how she would never spend the night with you, even just for the sole purpose of cuddling… A part of you still longed for her, but for the moment, you thought you’d maybe found somebody better.
When you finally saw Katniss again, she had just been rescued from the 75th arena and was on some heavy sedation drugs. The two of you made eye contact once and she was whisked away to the hospital. You didn’t see her for a while after that until one night at dinner.
You were in line, grabbing food when Katniss slammed directly into you.
“Shit!” You exclaimed, jumping back a little and just managing to save the watery food on your tray.
It took a few moments for Katniss to finally respond. It was as if she was in a trance.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled quietly. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
You slowly nodded. “It’s fine.” You said as you turned to leave, but she started to speak again.
“It’s… nice to see you again, Y/n.”
“It is?” You were surprised. As far as you were concerned, Katniss never wanted anything to do with you ever again. You were embarrassing to her and she was ashamed to be seen with a person from the Capitol, even if you weren’t the stereotypical one.
Katniss nodded solemnly. When her eyes finally met yours, you could see the glazed pain in them. She’d been through so much, and even though she hurt you, you couldn’t help but feel bad for her.
“You’re one of the only people here I know.” She replied softly. “It’s just.. nice to see your face again.”
So that was it. She wasn’t really glad to see you, she was just glad to be around somebody familiar. You knew you were putting her on an unfair pedestal and that she was just a fragile girl but it still hurt.
“It’s nice to see you again too.” You halfheartedly replied, forcing an awkward smile.
When your words were replaced by a heavy silence, you took the relief of murmuring a soft farewell and quickly walking to your table.
“Are you okay?” Cressida asked when you sat beside her. She’d been watching the whole thing and knew of your and Katniss’ rocky history. Now that the two were working together to film propaganda videos, she’d promised not to leak your little secret relationship out to the public as much, but she was still worried about you.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” You took a bite of your food, watching as Katniss went over to sit by Gale. “Perfectly fine.”
Cressida nudged you gently and started talking about whatever subject just to take your mind off things. It helped a lot and soon you’d completely forgotten about your interaction with Katniss.
Well, until the next day.
You and Cressida had spent the night together in her room. The plan was as usual, you’d wake up just before curfew ended and sneak out before the halls started to fill. It had been foolproof every time, until now.
Cressida walked you to the door and was giving you a quick kiss as your hand found the handle. When you pulled away from her with a soft goodbye and stumbled into the hallway, you ran into the person you were least expecting.
Katniss was standing a few feet away from you, eyebrows cocked high and eyes wide. It was clear she hadn’t slept at all and had just been wandering around. She stared at you, then to the door where Cressida was standing behind you, and then back to you.
You quickly waved goodbye to Cressida and shut the door, hoping to just pretend nothing happened but Katniss grabbed your arm before you could scurry away.
“So you’re sleeping with my camera crew now?” She asked bitterly, snapped out of her numb state and now full of nothing but jealousy.
Her reaction surprised you at first, then it angered you. Katniss had nothing to be jealous over. She was the one that dumped you, not the other way around.
“Why do you care?” You asked, pulling out of her grip. You started to walk away. “It’s none of your business.”
Katniss’s gaze hardened. “Yes it is!” She exclaimed, well aware she was fighting a losing game but damn it she would hold on with her claws until there was nothing left beneath her to grip. “It’s very much so my business!”
“No! It’s not!” You shouted at her. She kept following you so you whirled around once the two of you were in a more private space. “You’re the one that broke up with me. We aren’t dating anymore. My business is nothing of your concern.” You snapped. “Why do you care anyway? She’s Capitol, just like me. And you don’t like us Capitol people.”
Teary gray eyes stared back at you, bitten lips quivering. Katniss tried to muster some response. She took too long so you continued.
“You think everything revolves around you! I don’t care if you’re jealous, it doesn’t matter to me anymore.” You glared at her this time. “Just leave me alone.”
You didn’t realize how harsh your words were until you snapped out of your anger and saw that Katniss was deep in tears now.
“You don’t understand!” She screamed at you, voice cracking. Before you could say anything else she had already turned heel and was hurrying in the other direction.
You felt awful and knew you’d gone too far, but you were still really upset with her over what happened and it wasn’t fair of her to be jealous and take it out on you.
Instead of returning to your room, you went back to Cressida’s where she took you in with warm arms and not a single care about what other people would think.
You tried your best to forget about Katniss after that, you really did, but thoughts kept creeping into your mind that you couldn’t push away. You were hurt and guilty and all around confused. You wanted to make it up to Katniss but you also never wanted to see her face again.
Cressida tried her best to help you, even sometimes kissing you whenever Katniss walked by to help you feel a little better but even her affection couldn’t fill that hole in your heart. The feeling kept eating at you until you couldn’t ignore it any longer.
“Are we… Are we a permanent thing?” You asked, sitting up in bed as Cressida came back from the bathroom. “Because… Cres, I think that you’re a really cool person. You’re amazing, in every way and I care about you so much. But… I don’t know, I sound awful but.. I can’t really envision us as anything more than…”
“A little fling?” She filled in gently as if she knew what you were going to say.
You nodded, looking away in shame. “I’m sorry.”
Her hand rested on your shoulder and she shook her head. “Don’t be.” She murmured. “You’re still in love with Katniss, I know that. Why do you think I never really offered for us to be anything more than an occasional thing?”
“But…” You frowned, searching her face for any sign of hurt, but there was none. “You’re sure?”
Cressida smiled. “Of course I’m sure.” She took your hands into hers and gave them a gentle squeeze. “Now, go talk to her. If things don’t work out, then you’re more than welcome to spend the night here. And… if they do work out, I want you to tell me every single detail.”
You felt a wide smile spread across your lips and gave her a tight hug.
Katniss wasn’t an easy girl to locate. After asking just about everyone you knew she had contact with, and finally swaying Haymitch to give you a hint, you found her when she came back from hunting with Gale. She returned empty handed and stopped near the entrance when she saw you.
Gale left quickly and you guided Katniss into a more private hallway. She eyed you with hesitation.
“I think we both need to talk.” You said in a low voice as if trying to calm a wild animal. “Just talking, actually expressing our feelings and problems. No running and no shouting.”
“Fine.” Katniss agreed reluctantly. She took a seat on a bench and looked you up and down, waiting for you to start.
You let out a heavy sigh and took a seat as well.
“I’m sorry for what I said the other day.” You began gently. “I was just… I was just still hurt by what happened before and I said things I didn’t mean.”
Katniss’s gaze hardened, then softened.
“Tell me the truth. Why did you break up with me?” You finally asked. “Is it because you were ashamed to be with somebody from the Capitol?”
There was a heavy silence, followed by an uneasy sigh.
Katniss met your eyes, one leg shaking. “Not… not completely.” She finally admitted. “I wasn’t in a good headspace to be in a relationship… you knew that, way before I did. I just couldn’t think straight and I blamed it on you. At first I thought I was ashamed to be seen with somebody from the Capitol because.. well, it just seemed wrong. But it wasn’t your fancy outfits, personality, or where you came from that I was ashamed of.”
“Then what was it?” This was confusing you. If it wasn’t the place you came from that embarrassed her, then what could it be?
“It’s that… you’re a girl. I’ve never… I’ve never dated anybody before, much less publicly.” Katniss’s voice caught in her throat. “I’ve also never.. well, you know, come out. And it’s not like District 12 is against that or anything but I just… it scared me.” She whispered, voice cracking as tears started to sting her eyes. “I didn’t realize it until I lost you. I was just so ashamed of myself that I placed the blame on you instead of dealing with it. I’m sorry.”
Without even realizing, you reached over and placed your hand on top of hers.
“Katniss.. I’m sorry. I should’ve tried to talk it through with you or something… I get it.” You murmured softly. “I’m sorry I assumed the worst.”
“Don’t be. I’m sorry I was so awful to you.”
You smiled weakly and squeezed her hand. “It’s okay. It’s in the past.” You assured her gently, reaching to wipe a few tears off her face.
Katniss smiled too, but it didn’t really reach her eyes. Something was still bothering her. When you gave her that questioning look, she sighed.
“So… you’re with Cressida now? Does she make you happy?”
“She does, but–.”
Katniss stood up, wiping her face. She didn’t want to have a jealous meltdown right here but the green look was evident in her eyes. She pushed past it as best as she could. “Good, good. That’s good.” She forced a trembling smile that broke within seconds. “Thanks for… talking with me. I uh.. I’ll just go now.” The last thing she wanted was to make you feel bad after things just got solved.
“Wait, Katniss.” You gently clasped your hand around her wrist. “Cressida and I… We’re just kind of a fling. It’s nothing serious. We’re not actually dating.”
Katniss stopped and looked back at you. For the first time in a while, there was this new hope in her eyes. “Really?”
You nodded with a gentle smile. “Really.”
Katniss’s expression softened. A few hot tears dribbled down her face and that jealous look in her eyes vanished within seconds. She couldn’t believe it.
“But I hurt you and–.”
“And nothing.” You stood up, facing her. “I tried Katniss, I really tried to get over you but you’re just stuck in my head and it’s killing me.” You took her hands gently. “Just… please, know you can open up to me and talk to me. We have to cooperate for this to work.”
“I promise.” She said hoarsely, her voice breaking. There was a real smile on her face this time, one you hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. “I promise…”
You smiled too. With one gentle look, you read her plead and closed the space between you two once more.
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cursedcatvibes · 3 months
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re4r!incel roommate leon x roommate reader
word count: 3.6k
summary: Incel leon who thinks he’s above women and thinks he’s an alpha male. he’s an absolute piece of shit too.
tags/warnings: 18+ minors DNI! Smut, many many mentions of misogyny. He literally can’t find the clit. P in V, he wrapped it before he tapped it! Incel 😧. quick mention of abuse but it’s not super relevant to the plot. not proofread!
a/n: not much to say other than i cringed so bad trying to write leon’s character, but i was committed, i looked through incel forums on reddit and even got chronically online real quick. also i’m on vacation! so i’m not able to write as much as I want! :( i’ll probably post small drabbles but i will most likely have another full story up in a month considering I cranked out a whole 7k page fic and then now a 3k one. DONT QUOTE ME! Also maybe agent leon x agent reader next. @gettingsilly (my sweetheart who was so hyped about this! here you go my love!)
pussy - rammstein (highly recommend them)
behind blue eyes - limp bizkit (fun fact; this was the og title of the story!)
rape me - nirvana (this was going to be a non con but i changed my mind)
norwegian wood - the beatles (literally burns the woman’s house down cause she don’t want him😭)
happy reading!
Handsome. Is the first thing that came to mind when you first opened the door to greet your new roommate, Leon. 
The rent was getting out of hand these days and you figured it was a way better deal to split the rent instead of living paycheck to paycheck damn near.
The only downside were the horror stories about roommates and even just random strangers too. It made you feel a bit queasy, but what else could you do, a recently single woman and at the ripe age of 25, technically you were in your prime for all types of creeps and weirdos to try and pull something, especially if you live alone.
So you bit the bullet and put up a craigslist ad, putting it at the back of your mind for now while you went back to getting rid of your ex-boyfriend's belongings. 
You only remembered about it when someone responded to it and after a few messages back and forth you gave the address to him and told him he could move in tomorrow. Feeling a bit proud of yourself for even being able to organize such an arrangement.
The first thing you noticed was how absolutely built he was, he definitely went to the gym and it made you feel a little insecure for a brief moment, before you stepped to the side to allow him to enter. “Welcome to your new home!” You beamed, happy with what you’ve done to the place. Completely missing the way his eyes ran up and down your body lewdly. 
He only wanted to have a girl roommate because he figured she would give it up easily or at least flaunt her body off to him, much to his dismay you were wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, not a single ounce of skin showing where he could sculpt your body out. “Prude.” Is what ran through his mind.
“Thanks.” He replied stiffly. “Where is my room at?” Leon asked as he looked around, he was kinda pissed off you didn’t show him any goods. He hated girls who didn’t show off their body, but he hated girls who showed off too much, thought they were just whores looking to get some attention.
So what if he catcalled them? Obviously they were dressing like that for attention and got all pissy when he gave them that attention.
You were oblivious to Leon’s degrading thoughts, too focused on trying to make sure he didn’t try to kidnap or murder you. When he spoke about where he would be staying you perked up and showed him the room while also giving a quick tour of the apartment.
You were even sweet enough to help him unpack all his things once they were all brought in! He owned some interesting objects, a bit uncomfortable to watch him unpack as he had a whole box dedicated to just sex toys. Fake pair of tits that were way too big to even be comfortable on a woman, fake mouth, fake ass, and multiple fake pussy’s. That wasn’t even the worst part of it. 
It got all too freaky when he pulled out hentai figurines that had little to no clothes on, all in lewd poses with lewd expressions on their faces, more specifically ahegao. You could feel the initial attraction from him sizzle down to a mere speck of a flame.
How could someone just own all this stuff so casually, flaunting it like it was a toy race car collection? But Leon didn’t care, fictional cat women were so much better than real women. They couldn't reject him or deny him sex. (Because they quite literally couldn’t, they're inanimate figures.)
He had the straightest deadpan expression on his face and you got the heebie jeebies thinking about what he could’ve possibly done with all these weird toys.”So,” You cleared your throat awkwardly, suddenly feeling like every object of his you touched was just icky. “Where did you say you lived before this?” You asked curiously.
Leon glanced over at you, wondering if you were gonna pull your hoodie off and finally show him your tits if he answered all your questions, he was growing frustrated. Dammit woman! Show him something! He thinks this is the longest he had gone without jerking off or watching a porno. If you weren’t gonna entertain him sexually why were you still bothering him?
“My mom’s. She said something about me needing to move out because I'm too old.” He grumbled out, this gave you a major ick, didn’t this guy say he was 27? He wasn’t struggling to get money when clearly he can afford expensive sex toys and other items. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You replied quietly, to which Leon grunted in acknowledgment.
Once you finished the box you were unpacking you decided the best course of action was to just walk away from this conversation. “It seems like you can handle the rest on your own, I don’t really wanna break any of your computer monitors and stuff.” You said as you stood up from the floor and brushed your hands against your pants.
 “Okay.” Leon hummed, disinterested in  conversation. All he really wanted to do was hurry up and set his computer up so he could jerk off in peace. You leaving his room was a bonus. He didn’t want to be downright rude and kick you out, after all, he is totally a nice guy. Plus he got the opportunity to stare at your ass as you walked out, he could see it jiggling underneath your sweats which was enough to rile him up.
You wish you could say it improved from there but unfortunately it did not at all. It only seemed to worsen. Like who the hell is watching porn from the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep. It’s all just yucky. The loud and over exaggerated moans that were definitely done for performance and not real. 
The only time Leon would leave his room was to eat or grab some water, he always looked so dazed too, it made you wonder what he was doing in there, you’ve never seen him go to work so it made you curious. 
Leon on the other hand was always so dazed or flustered in the face from the amount of jerking off he does all day. He once ran his dick dry enough to start cumming clear, rubbing himself raw damn near. It’s not like he tried not to get laid, he definitely did. But it never worked.
The way he carried himself was creepy, flaunting the fact he was a nice guy who could give a girl a good time. News flash! If you have to say you’re a nice guy, you're definitely not. Girls often avoided him in middle school and that followed him throughout highschool and even college. So he naturally drifted towards animated women.
He was hot but his personality quite literally sucked, it's like he would attract women because of his looks and as soon as he started speaking they lost interest. But you? You still greeted him every time he came out of his room with a polite smile on your face, offering to cook him something but he always declined because the mere thought of having a woman do something trivial such as cook for him like a traditional woman should, made him hard on the spot.
He had the normal views on life, such as all men do. Women are baby makers, they belong in the kitchen, they should treat their man like a king. It’s not like anyone could change his opinion either. He’s so far into the rabbit hole that his other incels praise him like he was a god, thus only further bursting his massive ego. 
You didn’t think much of Leon, not in a harsh way, you just didn’t really know that much about him because you two never spoke like that. All you did know was that he watched porn, maybe a bit too much that was considered normal. It's not like you're shaming him because you watch porn too, but you have some decency, a bit of dignity and pride.
Yet your opinion of him instantly sours when one day he comes out of his room, which reeked with the smell of cum and sweat, the room was humid too, which confused you when you first noticed it. He wore an angry expression on his face as he stomped, yes, like a toddler would, towards the fridge to guzzle down a can of soda. 
You, sitting on the couch mindlessly scrolling through your phone waiting for the time to pass on your off day, you planned to go to a club and slut yourself out to help remind yourself that you’re in fact hot and your ex missed out. Yet when he slammed the fridge door closed that caught your attention, perking your head up like a puppy.
“Uh, you alright?” You asked aloud, watching his eyes snap towards you with a frustrated huff. He figured if you put up with him this long then you must see the same misogynistic views he does about women. “No!” He scoffed out, dragging himself to sit on the couch next to you, like directly. Knees touching and everything.
This piqued your curiosity, maybe you could learn something about him? “What’s wrong?” You questioned as you shut your phone off, sitting up a bit straighter now, putting some distance between the both of you on purpose by grabbing a throw pillow.
Leon then started to rant and you’ve never been more disgusted and horrified in your life before. “I’ve been talking to this really hot chick and we were hitting it off, even had phone sex once or twice but when she asked me who my ideal woman was she ghosted me! Like what's wrong with saying women belong in the kitchen, or doing laundry, or even just cleaning. Women are only here to serve us alpha males.” 
Your nose scrunched up while your face morphed into genuine horror mixed with disgust. Is this seriously his mindset? It must be a joke or something of the sort because no way in hell. “Is.. is this a joke?” You asked, feeling puzzled as you looked around for a hidden camera. Out of all the people you got stuck with, you got stuck with an incel of all people.
Leon stared at you with the most serious face he could muster, he wasn’t kidding, in fact he was getting a bit upset that you were thinking he was joking. “Women are what's wrong with this world! You’re all too soft and so ditzy. You all think men’s feelings are a joke.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and you swear you can make out a dried cum stain on his clothes. 
You felt so sick and also tickled, you’ve never heard someone or have been around a real life incel before and unfortunately this one came in the form of a super hot guy that wasn’t looking so hot anymore 
“Ew..” You stood up from the couch and stuck your tongue out slightly. “Is that how you see women? No wonder why she ghosted you, you’re a fucking incel.” You scoffed out, to which Leon got offended. “So?! What’s wrong with that?!” He shouted, the tips of his ears turning pink. It was different being scolded by a woman in person rather than over the phone because  he knows they can't hurt him physically but rather verbally. Plus it’s much easier to insult someone online versus real life.
“Do you actually hear the words leaving your mouth?” You questioned, staring him down intensely. Leon tried not to shrink in on himself, it reminded him of his mom telling him that he had done something wrong and now he was in trouble. So he doubled down and sat up straighter too, staring up at you. 
“Yeah, and what about it? Why do women get so butthurt over every little thing?” Leon grunted out, rolling his eyes like a little kid would. You were just astonished that he was willing to keep going even after being confronted with the fact, but you weren’t oblivious to the way his ears were turning red from embarrassment. “Fine, if that’s how you’re gonna be.” You murmured as you sat down on the coffee table right in front of him. His eyes follow your form curiously. If he was being honest the only reason why he actually moved in with you was because he thought you were really hot from your profile picture and even the photo you sent of yourself to prove that you were real, per his request. He jerked off to both photos for hours. (Plus his mom really did kick him out.)
Leon went to question you in hopes of turning the table around to make it backfire on you. Yet as his mouth opened to make another snide remark about women you spoke up first. “Let me be the first one to tell you this, and I mean this too.” You paused as you stared right into his eyes. “No woman is ever gonna have sex with you if you have this mentality and mindset.” You watched his eyes widen a bit and felt some joy come from it.
Leon balled his hands up into fists in genuine anger, a deep part of himself knew she wasn’t lying but the other part was so adamant on her being wrong. Obviously she didn’t know what she was talking about, women never do. “You’re a liar. You’re just jealous.” He scoffed out, narrowing his eyes into thin slits.
You were absolutely not lying.
Far from it actually.
The closest Leon had came to a pussy is on a computer screen, let’s face it. No woman on earth would wanna sleep with such scum such as him, not even prostitutes themselves want to take on such a tedious task. They’d rather kill themselves or have their pimp abuse them than sleep with him.
“Really, name 5 women you’ve had touch you in a romantic way.” You countered, staring into his eyes with an intense expression. Leon opened his mouth to try and smugly name a woman until he realized the answer was 0, he had no names because no one wanted him like that.
It was a blow to his ego and it showed on his face. If he wasn’t such a loser with terrible opinions along with his shitty personality then you would’ve felt bad but you didn’t. It was his own fault.
“That’s not fair.” He grumbled, staring up at you with a slight hurt look on his face. He wanted to get back at you. Make you regret and eat your words. How? Well that problem was quickly answered as he grabbed your wrist and pinned you beneath him on the couch. A yelp leaving your mouth at the sudden movements.
“What the—“ You were suddenly cut off by Leon’s hand slapping over your mouth, he smelled of cum and sweat, it made you wanna gag and throw up on him. “I bet I can make you cum so hard you’ll forget that you were mean to me.” He hissed, his fragile ego was broken because of you!
You furrowed your eyebrows before rolling your eyes. “Whatever.” You said underneath his palm, voice coming out muffled.
Leon smirked and moved his hand off your mouth, gazing lustfully at your body. He seemed confident but on the inside he was screaming at himself. He’s never touched or seen a woman in such an intimate manner in real life. This wasn’t a screen this time.
He gulped and hooked his fingers on the waistband of your sweatpants, he was determined to make you cum if it was the last thing he ever did.
Once he removed your sweatpants he found you commando beneath it. His breath caught in his throat, your mound was glistening beneath the light in the living room. It wasn’t even wet because of him, but he was dumb enough to not know the difference. He stared in awe before looking back up at your face when you cleared your throat awkwardly. “You gonna stare or what?” You questioned.
Leon shook his head before putting his hands on you, gently rubbing your inner thighs. Making you think that for a brief moment he might actually know what he was doing, right up until he pressed his thumb against your lower lips and started rubbing them.
Completely missing your clit.
He felt so aroused and a bit cocky now that he was touching your pussy, his eyes laser focused on your face to see if it was feeling good. He even tried dirty talk too. “Yeah? Does that feel good? I bet it does.” Literally hyping himself up.
You found it hilarious and decided to nod, stifling a laugh as you let out a fake over exaggerated moan he hears in his crappy pornos. Leon let out a soft groan at the sound, his hips bucking up into the air while his cock twitched.
Now, Leon had seen enough porn to know that he needed a condom and lube, obviously they never showed the actors prepping the girls' pretty cunts, they just stuck it in. Spoiler alert, foreplay is hot! None is not.
While Leon ran to his room you took the opportunity to finger yourself, even if you were sure he wasn’t packing much you wanted to be somewhat prepared for a small stretch, you groaned silently, throwing your head back in pleasure, clearly favoring your hand over Leon himself.
When you heard his footsteps you quickly pulled your hand away and watched as he excitedly took his pants off. Wow, so much for knowing how to pleasure a woman. It was funny to watch him struggle to keep it together when he kneeled back between your legs.
“I’m gonna put it in now.” Leon announced, squirting a generous amount of lube on your cunt before (attempting to) rolling on the condom. (You definitely had to help him. The last thing you wanted was to get knocked up by some dimwit.)
He put some lube on his cock, jerking off a bit while looking down at your pussy. Not your face. When he stopped masturbating he slapped the tip of his dick against your clit a few times, your body jolting in pleasure at the sudden sensation.
This immediately boosted his ego and you were in awe he was able to make you feel partially good. He was just daydreaming of how tight and warm your hole was going to feel. His dick wasn’t that big either, it was average length, average size, average balls. Just.. underwhelming and average.
“What’re you waiting for?” You murmured, snapping him out his trance briefly before he cleared his throat. “J-Just trying to brace you for my cock, it’s big right?” Leon questioned, feeling a bit insecure but he wanted you to make him feel better, feel like a man. That was a woman’s purpose after all.
“Yes (no).” You sighed out breathily, keeping up your act, dragging your nails down his body gently, causing him to shudder and nod with a smug look on his face. He pushed himself in fairly easily, considering your ex-boyfriends cock was much bigger and overwhelming, accidentally clenching down around Leon’s sad excuse of a penis which riled him up, thinking you had came.
You definitely missed his dick and now was stuck with some crappy one attached to a misogynistic freak. A soft sound of discomfort left your lips and Leon took it as a sign that you were enjoying it. You must love it! He was so confident in himself!
So confident that after 5-6 thrusts he spilled inside the condom, talk about a minute man. He was a millisecond man. His whole body spasmed from euphoric bliss, he had never cum this hard in his life before, burying his face in your neck, sloppily kissing at your skin because he couldn’t kiss for the life of him.
You were stunned someone could cum so quickly, that had to be a world record or something. Quickest man to cum after sticking it in or some random ass title, you hadn’t realized you had zoned out about the Guinness record book until Leon pulled his cock out from inside you, feeling good about himself.
He was panting softly from the intensity of his orgasm, leaning back against the couch to gaze at your pretty pussy, he wanted to eat you out too, wanting to show you he was good orally too.
“Was it good? Did you cum too?” Leon said as he stared into your eyes, wanting to hear you sing his praises and take back your harsh words that hurt his feelings. Almost like a puppy waiting for its owner to praise them for pissing outside the house instead of inside.
You grabbed your clothes and put them back on, smirking as you stared him dead in the eye. “No, I didn’t cum.” You snickered as his face dropped, kissing his forehead quickly. “Sucks to suck, Leon.” You said casually, getting up to go to your room and nap.
Leon sat on the couch stunned beyond relief, his cock kicking against his thigh as he watched you.
He swore under his breath that you were lying and you did cum, after all, delusion is key, and delusion is what made him become your roommate to begin with.
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The gift of the pink dragon
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Roronoa Zoro x reader
Zoro yawned as he regarded the vast expanse of the beach in front of him, completely deserted under a cloudless sky, and the forest beyond that apparently occupied almost half of the island alone, a gentle breeze making the tree’s foliage sway gently. It was a nice enough place, he reflected, especially if one looked for peace and quiet, or was interested in the numerous species, both animal and plant, that inhabited its woods, some of which were said to have never been seen in other parts of the world. But for him, that little island held no interest whatsoever, and the swordsman was already bored out of his skull less than an hour after they had dropped the anchor.
The presence of rare animals in the island’s forest was coincidentally the reason they had sailed there, on Luffy’s request; he hadn’t had the heart to vote against, and the same had been for the others, despite the evident lack of enthusiasm. Sitting at the bow of the ship, Zoro nevertheless felt himself smiling as he regarded his captain as he stepped on the bridge, his straw-hat as usual on his head and a butterfly net resting on his shoulder.
(name) was with him. 
“Zoro! Are you ready?” Luffy asked as he approached, his enthusiasm evident “We are going to find the dragon!”
“Dragons don’t exist.”
“Of course they exist! And they live here on this island. (name) knows it. Right?”
The girl next to him smiled, her favourite necklace as usual hanging from her neck. “Well, it’s true that legends say this island is inhabited by a species of dragons, endowed with great powers, and a traveller who once came to my town said he had seen one.” she admitted “But, Luffy, that was more than a century ago; for all we know, they could have become extinct since then. Or maybe that man was lying, embellishing his stories like so many do.”
“Dragons are a myth.” Zoro added “Everybody knows. If there was reason to think  they actually existed, the newspapers would have talked about it.”
Luffy shook his head, a determined expression on his open face; the possibility of seeing a dragon had ignited his imagination, and he was clearly unwilling to let it go, at least without trying.
“I’m sure they exist; and I’ll find one.” he declared stubbornly “We have at least a couple of hours before Nami and Sanji are back; we should go look for them. Come on, it’ll be fun!”
Zoro and (name) exchanged a look, both at least partially convinced of the uselessness of their captain’s endeavour. “Well, it’s not like I have more important things to do.” the swordsman pointed out as he shrugged.
“Same for me; I wouldn’t mind taking a walk, since we have been at sea for more than a week.” (name) added “And I have finished my book…”
Luffy beamed at them, undeterred by his friends’ lack of enthusiasm. “Great! Let’s go then!”
Nami and Sanji had left earlier to reach the island’s only village to stock provisions, so Luffy tasked Usopp with defending the ship in case of attack and departed, happily hopping along the path that led to the forest, (name) and Zoro trailing after him at a more relaxed pace. 
“I’m sorry you got involved in this.” (name) said after a moment. The girl was the latest addition to the crew, a young fighter whose path had crossed Luffy’s after she had left her village to explore the world and who had accepted the captain’s offer to join him. Zoro liked her well enough; she was a capable combatant -even though, unlike him, she fought barehanded- and had given him no reason to suspect she had bad intentions towards Luffy and the others. Something he admired of her was that (name) could really hold her liquor, and they had shared a drink a few times “I shouldn’ have mentioned the dragons’ legend to Luffy.” 
Zoro shrugged; as usual, he kept a hand on the handle of one of his swords, ready to unsheathe them at the first sign of danger; that little island seemed to be the most peaceful, non threatening place in the world, but one could never be too sure. “It’s not your fault; he’d have found some other thing to be excited about.”
“Yes, he probably would have. That’s the sort of person he is, isn’t he?”
(name) smiled, affection evident in her voice. “I had been on my own for two years after leaving my village, and I was content like that; I never thought I’d find someone I’d be willing or even happy to follow and to serve under, but then I met Luffy, and he… well, he’s special, anyone could see it, and not only because of his Devil Fruit. I know there are a million men who take to the sea to become King of the Pirates, but I do believe he can do it. Perhaps it’s crazy, but… I do believe that he was born for it, somehow.”
Zoro didn’t think it was crazy, because he had the same faith in their captain. 
They walked in silence for a while, advancing in the thicket until the vegetation had surrounded them; the green canopy was thick enough to block the sun’s light, and day seemed to have turned into night. (name) and Luffy stopped to observe the trunk of a huge tree, large enough they together couldn’t cover half of its circumference with their arms open wide; the three also looked at the fruits hanging from the branches of other trees, but they agreed that eating them would be an unnecessary risk, especially given the fact they still hadn’t found a doctor for their crew and therefore had no way to treat the probable food poisoning that would have followed. A bird, similar to an owl but much bigger than any Zoro had known existed, flew over them, and a couple of foxes -those normal-sized, their fur bright red- observed their trek peeking from among the bushes. 
“Luffy, you can’t believe we can actually find a red dragon in this wood.” Zoro pointed out after a while; a walk in the forest was as good a way to kill the time as any other, waiting for the others to return from the village, but the swordsman was suddenly, inconfessably loath to witness his captain’s disappointment when their search would yield no result “It is just a legend, a story you tell children to amuse them.”
“According to the stories the dragon is pink, not red.” (name) clarified “It is said he can predict a person’s future, and that its blood can cure any illness…”
“Same thing. Dragons don’t exist; have any of you ever seen one?”
Luffy shrugged. “Maybe they like to remain hidden, because they know people would try and capture them.” he reasoned, before cupping his hands around his mouth to better propagate his voice, the butterfly net under his elbow “Heeeyy, dragon! Little pink dragon, where are you? Come out, please, I just want to see you…”
No answer. Amused, (name) and Zoro exchanged a grin before returning their attention to the wealth of flora and fauna around them, the potential danger hidden in the forest that didn’t stop them from admiring its beauty, the lush vegetation alive with the quiet murmuring of the creatures that had made it their home.
As she walked, (name) was fiddling with her necklace, something Zoro had seen her do often when her hands were not otherwise occupied; it was a simple metal chain, with a ring hanging from it as a pendant. The swordsman wondered vaguely if it was that sort of ring, to signify an engagement or at least a committed relationship. It wasn’t unlikely, (name) was a pretty girl, but then, why wasn’t she wearing it on her finger? Maybe her partner had died? After all, she had been travelling alone before meeting Luffy, and she did seem to be extremely attached to that little token, since she never parted from it; once Zoro had even seen her sleep clenching the ring in her fist, as if afraid someone could steal it from her. 
No one would have called the swordsman a romantic, but even he had to admit that losing the person one loved had to be one of the most painful experiences a person could experience, especially at (name)’s age. He briefly considered asking her, but he quickly realised he had no right to meddle in what was clearly a personal, potentially painful matter; had (name), or anyone else, done the same to him, Zoro would have been furious. 
Also, all things considered, he didn’t really care. 
Luffy’s calls to the dragon received no answer. The three had walked for almost half an hour, plodding along what remained of a stone path almost completely hidden by grass and dirt, when suddenly it opened in two, dividing in front of them. It was too dark, and the trees surrounding the two branches too dense, for the three pirates to discern where each of them led.
“What do we do, captain?” (name) asked, but Luffy seemed to have no idea; he took his hat off and ran a hand through his hair as he walked a few paces along the path on the left and then the one on the right. 
“I have no idea.” he admitted in the end “How do we choose? Toss a coin? Draw straws?”
Zoro shrugged. “We can go wherever you want, as long as we don’t remain here doing nothing.” he said. Luffy pondered the matter for a while, his face scrunched with concentration; he had to know that, presuming the two branches led to different parts of the forest, they had no time to explore all of it before Nami and Sanji returned from the village.
“We could split.” he proposed in the end “We’d have better chances to find the dragon.”
(name) nodded. “It’s a good idea.You guys can go that way, I’ll go there.” she said, pointing at the path closer to Luffy first and then at the other, closer to her.
“Are you sure you want to go by yourself? Won’t you get lost?” Zoro asked, blissfully unaware of his own abysmal sense of direction. 
“I’ll manage; as first mate, it is your duty to remain with the captain.” (name) pointed out “Luffy, I promise I’ll look for the dragon as well as I can, and if it lets me I’ll bring it to the Merry so that you guys can see it as well.”
Luffy nodded; (name) winked at Zoro before turning and walking away, while the two boys took the path on the right.
They walked in silence for a while more, making their way through the dense vegetation, in an occasion having to walk around what looked like the half-eaten carcass of a boar, that a fanged predator had left after eating its fill; Zoro brushed his fingers against the hilt of the Wado Ichimonji, as usual hanging from his belt together with the other two swords, almost hoping the beast would attack to make them its next meal, if only to break the monotony of that -he was sure- fruitless trek in the woods. 
“You should teach (name) to use a sword.” Luffy mentioned after a while.
Zoro blinked. “Why would I do something like that?”
“Because she told me she’d be curious to learn, since she can only fight with her bare hands and not with weapons. Nami suggested she ask you, but she said that you seemed so busy with your own training she was sure she’d just bother you.”
Zoro shrugged noncommittally; he was busy, since he still devoted hours to his training almost every day, and he had never thought about taking on an apprentice, especially after his resounding defeat at the hands of Mihawk had shown him how much he still had to learn himself, but why not, in the end?, he reflected. Zoro did allow himself a day free from training every week, aware that he had to take care of his body and allow it to rest once in a while, and teaching another person to wield a sword would be a better way to spend that time than many. He didn’t know whether (name) had any talent for it, but she was a capable fighter already, and trained tirelessly every day as well, which meant at least she was used to working hard and wouldn’t slack off. 
Zoro decided that before the end of the day, maybe even as they returned from the forest, he would talk to (name) to ascertain whether or not she was really interested in learning to use a sword. Maybe in exchange he could ask her to teach him the basics of hand-to-hand combat; he had no particular interest in it, but it might come in handy, if something prevented him from using his swords and he needed to defend himself.
“I’ll think about it.”
Luffy had stopped. “Zoro, loo…”
He huffed. “I’ll talk to her about it, Luffy, I promise…”
“Zoro, look over there.”
Startled out of his reverie, the swordsman blinked, instinctively following the finger his captain had directed towards a point a few paces in front of them on the broken, mud-covered stones. Due to the relative darkness, it took him a moment to actually perceive what Luffy had brought his attention on; and then, a few more to realise the creature standing in the middle of the path, perfectly calm like a dog waiting for the return of his master on the driveway, was not a skunk, or a fox, or any other mid-size wood creature. 
It was a dragon. The dragon, clearly, the one mentioned in the legends.
It had nothing in common with the majestic, vast creatures that populated legends and children’s stories, nor with the dangerous winged monsters warriors painted on their standards to scare the enemy away.
For starters, it was small. Tiny, even, its whole body barely longer than Zoro’s arm from his shoulder to his wrist, and narrow enough he could almost circle it with his hands, but there was no doubt about it, it was a dragon, not a weird species of lizard or another less-known creature, and it was there, in front of him.
“Fuck.” Zoro muttered to himself, completely astonished.
The dragon remained where he was, apparently unconcerned, as the two young pirates approached and kneeled in front of him. As the legends claimed, Its skin was of a vibrant pink colour, slightly paler on the creature’s belly and clawed paws; tiny silver scales covered its back, forked tail, and long neck. Its wings were even smaller than what could be expected from the dragon’s diminutive body, each of them not larger than the palm of Zoro’s hand; they moved gently with the creature’s breathing, partially translucent and streaked with silver. A short mane of silver hair covered its head, and tiny fangs peeked out of the dragon’s long snout. 
Zoro had no idea why, but he was sure the creature was a female. 
“I knew it.” Luffy whispered, clearly equally in awe; and then, way louder: “I knew he existed!”
Zoro didn’t bother correcting his captain, preferring to signal him to be silent. “You’re gonna scare her away!”
But the dragon didn’t look particularly worried; she kept observing the two young men now kneeling in front of her, her gaze tranquil but intense. There was something solemn, almost regal, in her bearing, the proudly erect neck, the long tail gently swaying on the ground. 
She regarded Luffy for a few seconds, sniffing the hand the young pirate had approached her with but pulling back to avoid being touched; then she focused her attention on Zoro, slowly but surely walked towards him, and when the swordsman also extended his hand, gently rubbed her head against the palm.
That brief moment filled Zoro’s heart with a wonder he didn’t remember experiencing before… as if he was a child again. He unconsciously smiled, and remained still while the dragon rested her forepaws on his hand, slowly putting her weight on him, and then heaved herself on the swordsman’s arm, her tail dangling near his leg, to press her snout against his cheek.
Luffy smiled, the butterfly net forgotten in his hand. “I think she likes you.”
A minute of cuddling later, the dragon jumped down; she briefly walked away, then turned back towards the two young pirates, then departed once more, turning to make sure they had seen her… and perceived her intentions. 
Zoro had. “She wants us to follow her.” he pointed out; Luffy nodded, silently accepting his first mate’s reasoning, and the two followed the dragon, who was now walking towards a particularly dense patch of trees.
A few minutes later they reached a small ravine, the ground sloping towards a stream a few feet below them; Zoro saw the creature jump in a dense clump of bushes. He kneeled, cautiously parting the branches, and 
“Luffy.” he murmured, feeling his captain walking behind him “Look here.”
The dragon seemed to have chosen the bushes as her nest: two eggs were placed on a bed of leaves and twigs, rounder than chickens’ and as large as Zoro’s palm, their pale pink surface dotted by silver spots. 
“So these are your babies, huh?” Zoro whispered, looking at the dragon who had curled protectively around the eggs and was now delicately rubbing her snout against them; a moment later she stood again, walking towards the ravine. She looked back at Zoro again, but Luffy, who was now closer, spoke before the swordsman could approach.
“I think one of her eggs fell.”
“It’s over there.” the captain said, pointing at the bottom of the ravine; squinting, Zoro could see a pink spot standing out against the green of the grass and leaves. The swordsman supposed that an involuntary nudge of her tail, or perhaps the intervention of a small predator, had pushed the egg out of the nest and towards the ravine. Only a foot further, and the unborn little dragon would have fallen in the stream, the current strong enough to carry it away who knew where.
So this was why the dragon had approached them; to ask for help. One of her babies had been lost, or at least was in danger, and the egg was clearly too big for the parent to recover, pushing it back to the top or holding it in her mouth.
“Wait.” Zoro said, placing his hand on Luffy’s shoulder as his captain prepared to stretch his hand towards the bottom of the ravine and recover the egg “I’ll do it.”
It would have been much easier, and quicker, to leave the matter to his captain, but the swordsman felt -he knew- it was up to him, because the dragon had requested his assistance. He slowly descended along the steep terrain, grabbing a protruding root or the branch of a tree to balance himself, and finally reached the egg; despite the relatively long distance, it had landed on a bed of leaves that had softened its fall. 
“I think it’s all right.” Zoro said, holding the egg in his hand to check the pink surface for cracks.
“Great! You want a hand?”
The swordsman shook his head; he held the egg protectively in one hand as he climbed back to the top of the ravine, and a minute later the brood was complete once again, the dragon happily sniffing her three unborn babies as she held them close with her tail.
“Where is her mate?” Luffy wondered; when Zoro looked at him, the young pirate elaborated: “If she has laid eggs, there must be a boy dragon somewhere here in the forest. Why wasn’t their dad looking after the eggs?”
The reasoning made sense, Zoro admitted. “Maybe he went looking for food.” he speculated; in his heart, though, he suspected the reason for the absence of the  unborn baby dragons’ father was different, and much sadder, and that perhaps the mother had been forced to ask for their help because there was no one else of her species left in the forest “In any case, now they’re back together, and she’ll take care of them.”
He grinned as he observed the pink dragon scooping the vagrant egg closer to the others, and then carrying leaves to cover them; Zoro was sure the small creature would take better care of her brood from then on. 
A moment later, the dragon approached him once more; she briefly sniffed Zoro, and then quickly climbed up his leg and torso, balancing her small body on his shoulder; she promptly took advantage of the proximity to lick the swordsman’s cheek, her touch gentle despite the rogue tongue. 
Luffy grinned. “She really likes you.” he noted, his tone devoid of envy “You should adopt her, and her babies. We could bring them with us on the ship!”
Zoro doubted the idea was feasible, but he didn’t bother answering; he returned the dragon’s gaze, intense and somehow aware, conscious, much more than that of any animal he had ever met. He wouldn’t say that there was humanity in it, in her, because she clearly wasn’t human, but the little dragon’s feelings were so evident and earnest in that gaze, Zoro couldn’t help understanding them.
Thank you, she was saying, thank you for saving my baby. I’ll never forget what you have done for me. 
Zoro grinned; he vaguely wondered how foolish he had to look in that moment, and he quickly decided he didn’t care, and not simply because no one but Luffy was witnessing the scene. 
My pleasure, he thought, and he was about to actually utter the words, sure that the dragon could understand it, but the little creature acted first. Zoro saw her breathe in, filling her lungs like a person preparing to shout with all their might.
But dragons were not universally known for their loud voices. Oh, fuck, Zoro thought, suddenly tense; was the pink dragon about to breathe fire on him? But why, if she was so grateful for his help? Was this how her kind showed affection, burning each other? She was about to do it any moment now, and he could have attempted to protect himself, using his free arm to cover his face or pushing the dragon away, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. He was paralysed, his body no longer obeying his commands.
He was aware of Luffy observing him, no doubt about to witness his first officer get roasted like a rotisserie chicken. The swordsman closed his eyes, ready for the excruciating pain of the burn…
… and a moment later the dragon’s gentle, barely lukewarm breath caressed his face, pleasant and completely innocuous, a vague floral scent wafting towards him. Zoro blinked, incredulous; when he opened his eyes, for a moment he could have sworn the dragon was smiling at him. 
Then his head started spinning, and his legs gave way under him, a violent and sudden sensation as if someone had punched him in the face hard enough to make him faint. Luffy cried in alarm, and Zoro felt himself falling backwards; before he could make sense of what was happening he lost consciousness, hitting the ground.
Zoro opened his eyes; he had already been awake for a while, but the sensation of the soft naked body pressed against his side, an arm splayed across his chest in a gentle but possessive hug, was too delicious and pleasant to move. He smiled softly, raising his head from the pillow just enough to depose a kiss on the top of the head resting against his shoulder; the gaze of its owner met him, and the two shared a smile, lazy and sweet and as intimate as everything that had happened on that bed on the previous night. 
It was not the sort of gaze one expected from the world’s greatest swordsman, not even in the intimacy of his bedroom, but Zoro didn’t mind; ever since he could remember he had thought the sword would be his only reason for life, the sole thing he could find joy and satisfaction in… and then, unexpectedly, the woman who was now circling his neck with her arms, an adoring look in her eyes that still made his heart tremble so many years after they had first met, had entered his life, and shown him how different things could be.
Zoro never thought a man could be so happy at being proved wrong.
“That was lovely last night; and you were amazing. Thank you.” she murmured as she kissed him lightly before hiding her face in the crook of his neck; Zoro had told her many times it was absurd, even ridiculous, to thank him for something that was so normal between spouses and that he was more than happy to do for and with her, but she insisted… not because she thought her husband made love to her out of obligation, but because she wanted him to know how grateful and happy she was that he was her man, and she was his woman, and so many years after their first kiss, formally married and as they raised a family together, they still chose each other every day, first and foremost… and they always would, until their last breath and beyond.
“You’re very welcome, my beauty.” Zoro answered softly; he kissed her back, gently tracing the curve of her side and hip with his fingers under the blanket, and then he plunged them in the warmth between her thighs, making her moan out loud.
“Zoro! No, we can’t…”
“Of course we can; the others won’t be back for a few days at least, we have all the time.” he argued, smiling as he saw her resolve crumble already, as a familiar and flattering warmth spread on his wife’s beautiful face, thanks to a simple but deliberate movement of his fingers “We are on vacation, are we not?”
They had already been together for years when the sudden disappearance of her menstrual blood, not to mention a series of unequivocal side effects, had informed them that their couple was going to become a trio soon. They had talked about it, argued about it, and hugged tightly after realising they both wanted to keep the baby; the wedding had been simple, with their friends -the crew of the King of the Pirates, with Luffy himself officiating in his own personal way- as the only witnesses, and six months later, Kuina had been born. A pirate ship was no place for a child, but fortunately a few years before the crew had found an island they particularly liked, and that had become a sort of base camp when they were not gallivanting around the world; Zoro and his partner had built a house to raise their little family in, and for a few years they had limited their time at sea to take care of their daughter - quite a sacrifice, after so many years they had spent on the Sunny, but that they had been happy to make. Soon, Zoro reflected as he gently pushed his wife on her back to kneel between the legs she had readily opened for him, their little girl would be ready to travel with them, or at least to remain at home for a while with her grandmother, who had moved to the island years before to help them; he couldn’t wait, whatever the case might be, and he knew his wife was of the same mind. No matter how much they loved and wanted to protect her, and how good it was to spend time together as a family, that was not the life they had chosen: he was the world’s strongest swordsman, the first mate of the Straw Hats, and his wife was an equally formidable combatant and pirate; they both couldn’t wait to return to their life of adventures, when danger could be waiting behind any corner and they both faced it with a smile on their faces, watching each other’s back. Yes, it would be good to return full-time to the sea, especially with little Kuina with them…
Not now, though; now, Zoro thought as he grinned, lowering himself to brush his lips against hers and feeling her tremble at the contact, he would focus on his wife, on her warm flesh and the bliss he would find in it. He took his time to regard her, casually throwing away the blanket covering them; her body had changed since the first time he had known it, both because of the passing of time and her pregnancy, but he still couldn’t find a more enticing, feminine and attractive sight; she was his woman, the only one he had ever known, and he would never stop desiring her - he’d never stop wanting her by his side. She was strong, capable, she didn’t need protecting; but Zoro would gladly fight God himself to defend her.
He felt her hands linger on his face, gently caressing his cheeks and hair; he took her left to kiss the finger she wore her ring at - one of the two, the one he had given her on the day of their wedding. She smiled under him, legs open wide, her hips gently rolling as she used her free hand to lazily caress her chest; that sight never failed to have an explosive effect on Zoro and they both knew.
“Well, husband?” the woman said with a smile “Are you going to simply stare at me all morning, or are you going to make love to me?”
Zoro was half a second away from kissing her -not on her hand this time; and not on her mouth either- when, not for the first time, their intimate moment was interrupted by the sudden opening of the door… and the high-pitched voice of a little girl demanding the attention of her parents.
“Mom! Dad! Are you awake?”
Used to being interrupted, both husband and wife were quick to cover themselves with the blanket, just before their daughter ran in and jumped on the bed to kiss them both on the cheek.
“Darling, how many times do we have to tell you? We don’t enter another person’s space without knocking and being invited in, especially if it’s their bedroom.” Zoro’s wife said, a touch of sterness in the kind voice she always used when talking to their daughter.
Young Roronoa Kuina bit her lip, apologetic but still unwilling to let the reason that led her to her parents’ room go. “But it’s late already, and you told me today we would go have a picnic in the woods!”
“We’ll go for lunch, Kuina; it’s still hours away.”
“Then we could go to the market and buy some food. Or you or dad could fight with me! Please, it’s been morning for ages…!” 
The girl was being trained by both parents, both in the hope she’d soon be able to defend herself in case of danger, and that she had inherited their talent; they had decided not to put pressure on her, in case she decided to dedicate her life to something else, but for the time being the results were encouraging and Kuina loved crossing swords with her father, or learning the best way to throw a punch or a kick from her mother. 
“I’ll train you, if you really want; there’s a technique I want to show you.” Zoro said, a pillow protectively placed on his lap, and he smiled seeing his daughter’s little face beam with joy “Now go wash your face, and put some clothes on. And Kuina, please, start knocking. It’s… well, it’s polite.”
“I will, dad, I promise!”
The little girl kissed him once more before bolting out of the room; her mother sighed as she shook her head, both amused and resigned. “I don’t even want to think about what she would have seen, had she come two minutes later…”
“Well, that would teach her to knock for sure.”
“I’m kidding; I don’t think she’s old enough to understand sex in any case.”
They looked at each other, a bit disappointed their moment had been ruined; Zoro smiled as he observed his wife rise from the bed and retrieve her night robe from the floor he had tossed it on the night before, too busy kissing her to worry about dirt and wrinkles. 
“Well, I’d better go prepare breakfast; Kuina is too young to do it.” she considered “Don’t go too hard on her today, I trained her yesterday and she needs rest, even if she’s always so full of energy.”
There was no need to warn him, but Zoro appreciated her concern. “‘Of course.” he said, leaving the bed as well and starting to pick his clothes from the floor. He stopped for a moment and then turned to regard her once more. “(name)?”
“I love you.”
She smiled; she had heard those words a million times, but they never failed to make her heart soar, because every time, no matter how sleepy or distracted or even angry he could be, she perceived the sincerity behind them.
“I love you too.” she answered; she quickly crossed the room to reach and kiss him once more, a chaste but intense kiss her husband gladly returned “I love you so much, Zoro…”
“Zoro? Zoro! Can you hear me? Zoro!”
It took the swordsman an enormous effort to open his eyes, and when he did he quickly closed them again, moaning against the blinding light. “What the…?”
“You fainted. The dragon breathed on you and… you just fell.” Luffy explained, scratching his head; he seemed worried, but smiled as the swordsman cautiously sat up, massaging the back of his head. Zoro winced when his fingers met a bump; it wasn’t bleeding, but it hurt.
The creature responsible for that little misadventure was in front of him, comfortably wrapped in its coils, its amber eyes focused on Zoro, who returned the gaze, glaring half-heartedly. “You could have made me sit down first…”
“What happened?” Luffy prompted him; the swordsman hesitated, suddenly embarrassed.
“She… she showed me my future.” he admitted in the end “It’s like the legends say. I had a… a vision, or a prophetic dream; I saw myself, much older than I am now.”
“Nice! How was it?”
It was good. It was amazing, and Zoro found himself unable to swallow as he remembered the brief but intense glimpse of his future the dragon had shown him.
“I’ve seen myself… married.” he explained softly, looking at his hands; he was happy Luffy was the only witness of his confession, because he knew he had blushed “I… I woke up in my bed, with my wife next to me, and then our daughter came to wake us up.”
Luffy whistled, impressed. “Wow, that seems… nice.”
“It was (name).”
“It was (name), Luffy; our (name). She is… she will be my wife in… I don’t know, fifteen years from now? And I… well, I am happy she is. I’m happy with her, and with our little girl.”
He still couldn’t believe it. Zoro had never thought about marriage or, indeed, romantic relationships as a whole; he had never had a girlfriend, he was still a virgin, and was more than content with that. At least, he had vaguely promised himself, he would not entertain any relationship before reaching his goal of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman, in order to remain focused on his training; and then, perhaps, he would meet a person he felt something special for, a person who would not ask him to settle down, and renounce his dreams and ambitions, but who would share them, a person who he could count on and trust… and even love.
He thought he could do it, one day; instead, it turned out, he already had - he had already met the woman who would one day become his wife.
(name). It was weird, thinking about her that way; he still knew her so little, and nothing even vaguely romantic had ever happened between them. Zoro was not in love with or sexually attracted to her, and if (name) felt something of that sort for him she was also exceptionally good at hiding it.
He did respect her, trusted her ability as a fighter and enjoyed her company as a drinking buddy, which, he reflected, was not bad as starting points for a relationship went, but had someone else told him they would one day build a family together, and he would feel happy, even blessed, for it, he would have told that someone to go easy on the beer.
But he had felt those emotions on his own skin, so to speak, and he couldn’t deny the effect they had had on him. Zoro knew he would remember the look of (name)’ -his wife-’s body, naked and warm and soft and willing in his arms, for the rest of his life; he just needed to think back to it to feel himself burn up. He had never had any interest for older women, but after all he was also older in that moment, the witness and the protagonist of that scene at the same time, and she was… well… she looked amazing, and if Kuina hadn’t interrupted her, he wouldn’t have minded to indulge in a little session…
And he loved her. A feeling younger Zoro still hadn’t experienced but could recognize, a feeling that was passion, affection, trust and respect all mixed in one, exhilarating and almost scary in its intensity; (name) was his life-mate, and while he still couldn’t begin to comprehend how that bond would come to be, he knew in his heart that the older him had never regretted getting her pregnant, and asking for her hand. 
The revelation about their daughter was another bolt out of the blue. They had a child - he had a child, a little girl of his own, who carried his name and had his eyes, as well as her mother’s smile. Zoro thought he had absolutely no paternal instinct, but knowing about Kuina filled his heart with a tenderness he had never experienced before, a desire to protect and defend her from any danger, even at the cost of his own life; it was a somehow alien, but not unpleasant feeling, and Zoro found himself mourning it, even if he had known it only briefly and knew he would have years to enjoy it in the future.
“So you and (name)... wow, I didn’t expect that.” Luffy mentioned “Are you still part of my crew, when you are older and have a daughter?”
Zoro nodded; he considered telling his captain that in his dream Luffy had conquered the coveted title of King of the Pirates, but he quickly decided his friend wouldn’t thank him for it; Zoro himself wasn’t particularly happy to know for sure his dream of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman would one day come true, since he now feared he would instinctively stop pursuing it with all his might, content with the certitude of his inevitable success.
“Oh, good! Well, that’s nice.” Luffy commented, shrugging; he had even less interest in romance than Zoro did, but he saw nothing wrong with two of his friends pursuing a relationship. He peered at Zoro, noticing his less than enthusiastic expression “Or not?”
“I… I don’t know, actually.”
“Is it because of (name)? Aren’t you happy you’re gonna marry her? She’s cool. She’s a good fighter, and she likes drinking, like you.”
Zoro shook his head; surprisingly, he felt able to talk about his feelings without any embarrassment, at least in Luffy’s company, but the truth was that he didn’t really know what he was feeling.
“It’s not that I am unhappy; it’s like you said, she’s cool, and… well, future me is happy he has married her, so I guess things will work out, even though it is weird now to think about us as a couple.” he began slowly “It’s just… what if I get together with her now because I know that we will get married one day, and not because I like her?”
“Then don’t. Don’t ask her out unless you actually feel it.” Luffy suggested simply; his reasoning made sense, and Zoro trusted himself not to get swept up by the predictions, and the feelings he now knew he would one day experience for his wife and daughter, but like for the realisation of his dream, he preferred to live his life remaining in the dark about his future, making his choices freely, mistakes included, and not because he already knew what was to come. It was like knowing what was in the wrapped box one was presented with for their birthday; they still appreciated the gift, but the lack of surprise did spoil the pleasure of receiving it.
The creature responsible for all that brooding was still looking at him, benevolent and somehow amused by the shock she had procured the swordsman; Zoro glared at her again, aware his heart was not in it, and carefully picked the little dragon in his hands.
“Can you… make me forget what you showed me?” he asked her “I’m happy with what I saw, but I think it’ll make things difficult in the future. Can you make it so that I don’t remember?”
The little dragon didn’t answer -naturally; but had she suddenly started talking in their language fluently, Zoro wouldn’t have been surprised- but she gently bit his finger, which the swordsman decided was a yes. Good.
He turned to Luffy, still sitting cross-legged by his side, waiting for his decision.
“Promise me you’ll never tell me what I told you I saw.” Zoro asked him; he was serious - as serious as he had looked that day at the Baratie, after waking up from what he had been sure was going to be his last sleep, as he vowed to remain by his captain’s side whatever the future may bring “In any case. Even if (name) and I do end up getting married, even if we get together but then we break up or years pass and we’re still just friends… can you swear you’ll never tell me what happened today?”
“I swear.” the straw-hatted pirate promptly answered, equally solemn, raising his hand “I’ll never tell you, or (name), or anyone else. Captain’s promise.”
Zoro smiled briefly; he knew his captain would not disappoint. He sighed deeply, his gaze returning to the little dragon patiently waiting in his hands; this time, at least, he wouldn’t get hurt falling.
“I’m ready.” 
Nothing happened - for a moment at least, long enough Zoro had time to fear the dragon only granted one wish to each person and he would have to cope knowing his future for the rest of his days; but a moment later the little creature opened his jaws and breathed gently on his face for the second time.
And then, again, he lost consciousness, his mind instantly turned off as if someone had closed a door plunging a room into darkness; Luffy was quick to grab him by the shoulders to accompany him to the ground, while the dragon swiftly jumped off the swordsman’s hands when they could no longer support his weight. A second later Zoro was dreaming -normal, harmless dreams, of great seas opening under his feet, and the distant memory of his mother’s lullaby- while his captain observed the small pink dragon spread her wings, their span much greater than they expected, and take to the air.
“Are you sure he’s alright?”
“Don’t worry, he is fine; he’s… uh, sleeping.”
“Sleeping? Luffy, it’s the middle of the afternoon, and he has a nasty bump on the back of his head. I’ll go back to the ship, I’ll take the first-aid kit…”
“‘m fine.” Zoro grumbled; he rubbed his eyes as he sat up slowly, aware of his friends fretting -at least, one of them was fretting, her eyes full of concern- by his side. He had hit his head but, he realised touching the area with his fingers, the bump hurt less than he expected “What… what happened to me?”
“I have no idea; I got here a minute ago, and you were… well, you looked as if you had fainted, even though Luffy says you were just taking a nap.” (name) said, uncertain, as she fiddled with the ring hanging from her neck once more; she was kneeling on his left, clearly worried for the swordsman, while Luffy, a step behind her, stood looking on, an amused and interested smile on his face; he had retrieved his butterfly net “Are you alright?”
Zoro considered it for a moment before nodding; he didn’t remember falling asleep, but he felt well and, he decided, there was no need to worry his crewmates.
“Did you find the dragon, (name)?” 
“What…? Oh! No, I didn’t, unfortunately; not a trace.” she answered, clearly disappointed; she offered the swordsman a hand, and easily helped him to his feet “And you didn’t either. Maybe Zoro was right, it’s just a story for children and this was only a waste of time.”
“Yeah… maybe.” Luffy agreed, smiling innocently; (name) looked strangely at him, while Zoro made sure his three swords were still by his side.
“We should go back to the ship.” he suggested, lifting his gaze to the sky; he had lost track of time, but judging from the position of the sun they had spent a couple of hours in the forest already; by then Nami and the waiter had probably returned with the supplies, and were waiting for them “It’s no use to remain here.”
“Yeah, well… the two of you go.” Luffy said, with the look of one who had suddenly had the best idea of his life. (name) looked at him.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“I need to do something first.”
“Do what?” 
“Nothing important.” the captain insisted innocently, gesturing for them to start in the direction they had come from; he put his hands on (name) and Zoro’s shoulders, gently but firmly pushing them on “I’ll be back soon. Just… take your time returning to the ship, ok? Take a walk… chat a bit…”
The two combatants looked at each other, nonplussed; then, both tacitly decided to humour their captain. “Just don’t be long, Luffy, otherwise we’ll have to remain here tonight.”
The captain promised he would join them soon, and smiled broadly to himself as he observed his friends set off, walking side by side; he had promised Zoro he would never tell him he and (name) were destined to become a couple, but that didn’t forbid him from making sure they spent some time together alone, did it?
“Well, no trace of the dragon, but I must admit this was a pleasant walk; there must be animals and plants here that don’t exist in any other part of the world.” (name) pointed out as they walked. Zoro noticed she was now wearing a flower behind her ear, no doubt picked in the course of her exploration. She would probably lose it soon, or have to throw it away because it had withered, but it did look pretty on her “I wish I could show it to my mother.”
“Why? She likes flowers?”
“Oh, she sure does; she’s a botanist, she has dedicated her life to the preservation of rare plants and trees, and also manages a flower shop. I used to joke that she had sap in her veins, instead of blood. My father once told her that it was the most appropriate job for her, since she was a kind, nurturing woman, even though none of the shop’s flowers could rival her beauty…”
She stopped, both talking and walking; Zoro looked at her, both confused and a bit worried. “You ok?”
“Yeah, just… It’s weird talking about him; I don’t think I ever did it, even with the friends I have grown up with.”
She smiled softly, her pendant ring once more in her fingers. “My father was a pirate.” she confessed softly “He still is, actually; there was his picture on the paper last week, together with his crew.”
Zoro blinked, intrigued despite himself. “Why aren’t you with him, then?” he asked; the girl in front of him was a capable fighter, any captain would be lucky to have her as part of their crew, unless her father had wanted to keep her safe.
“Well… mainly because he has no idea I exist.”
Her parents, (name) told Zoro, had met when her father’s crew had reached the coastal town her mother lived in to spend the winter; they had met and had become involved, fully aware their relationship was destined to end at the arrival of spring; before leaving, the pirate had gifted his soon-to-be-former partner a ring, to remember him by. Neither of them knew yet he had also given her something even more precious… a little girl, who would be born eight months later, and who since early childhood had only dreamt of two things: to become a pirate, and to meet her father.
“All things considered I’m on the right course; my father’s crew is on the Grand Line, which is where we are also going, and Luffy says he’s a good man, that I can be proud to be his daughter. One day I will meet him, and I know a father is not someone you should need to impress, but I want him to be proud of me as well.” (name) explained; she looked at Zoro, tense as if afraid he would make fun of her dream, but then she smiled, seeing he was listening intently “I know that perhaps he doesn’t even remember about my mother, that he probably has no interest in being a father… but I want to meet him; I want him to know I exist, what sort of face I have, and that I have been waiting to meet him since I was three.”
She looked so earnest, so sincere and open in confessing her deepest desires, Zoro felt embarrassed for a moment, as if he had caught (name) as she cried her eyes out - or as she changed her clothes. Still, he could respect her dream, that might look less ambitious than his, or Luffy’s, but that was clearly equally precious to her.
“Well, you’re a very capable fighter, you’re brave, and a reliable crewmate; if he’s a pirate, I’m sure your father will appreciate that, when you do meet him.” he pointed out, and (name) beamed at him.
“Thank you. Maybe when I do I’ll introduce him to my friend, the world’s greatest swordsman.”
Neither was trying to flatter the other, or to raise their spirit; they simply, honestly, respected each other, and that feeling would never whither, even when other and more intimate emotions had arisen between them. 
“Wait a moment… Luffy has told you about your dad?” Zoro realised a minute later, as he and (name) resumed their trek to return to the ship.
“Exactly; they met when Luffy was little, they were friends. Luffy didn’t tell me until weeks after I had joined you guys, he almost gave me a heart attack!”
“You’re telling me your father is…?”
“No; not him.” (name) interrupted him, turning to regard the swordsman; it seemed important to her to make things clear “My father is… well, his you, in a sense.”
“Exactly. Funny coincidence, is it not?” 
(name) smiled; she had never shared that story with anyone before, not even with Luffy, but for some reason she felt happy she had confided in Zoro; she felt happy he was there with her. 
A minute later, as they walked unhurriedly, the scent of salt coloured the air, and the sheep figurehead of the Merry appeared in the distance in front of them, with Usopp busy polishing its horns with a rag.
They still had a few minutes before joining the others - except for Luffy, who had disappeared to do God knew what; Zoro walked with his hands in his pockets, the sheats of his swords gently dangling by his side, feeling content, even strangely hopeful, even though he had no idea why. 
“Hey, listen.” he started, suddenly remembering, and (name) turned to look at him, an interested smile on her lips “Luffy said you’d like to learn to use a sword…”
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Is it clear who her dad is?
126 notes · View notes
This Love Came Back to Me (10)
Summary: You and Bradley hadn’t ended on bad terms; really, you stopped before the two of you could even truly begin. Still, in the last seven months, you had never completely left his mind. So when you suddenly appeared in front of him at the bar, asking for a favor and pulling him into a kiss, he thought maybe it was the perfect opportunity to see if this time, things could be different. But what neither of you realized was that there’s more going on than just rekindling a lost romance, and it might not be as easy as simply just wanting it. 
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: second chance romance, language, allusions of smut and potential full smut, stalking, breaking and entering, unhealthy obsessions, delusions of feelings, unwanted attention.
Part Ten Word Count: 3.9K
Part Nine :: Series Masterlist
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Bradley told you to pack enough for the week. After dropping off all the appropriate forms at the courthouse on Monday morning, the two of you headed off. The further you got from San Diego, the more relaxed you seemed to become. He had managed to find a cabin a few hours away up in San Bernardino. It was secluded, tucked away in the mountains and amongst the trees, but it’s picturesque, quiet, something he knew you would love. He paid more than a little extra to have it ready at such short notice, but it was worth it ten times over to see the smile on your face when you climbed out of the Bronco and breathed in the crisp and invigorating mountain area. He couldn’t help but just to watch you for a minute, your head tilted back and your eyes closed. 
There was still a heaviness around you that he knew wouldn’t go right away. But for the first time in days, you looked something close to at peace. 
The inside of the cabin was just as impressive as the outside. It had a large open concept space that contained the living room and the kitchen, and it was all wood tones and dark, oversized furniture. Faux fur rugs decorated the hardwood floors, and the windows were tall and wide, letting in whatever natural light peaked in through the trees facing that side of the house. You spun in a slow circle, looking up at the high tilted ceilings with the exposed beams. 
“Wow,” you breathed. It was all you needed to say for Bradley to know he had made the right call in bringing you here. 
You left him to take your bags to the bedroom as he put away the groceries you had stopped for on the way. You hadn’t come back by the time he was done so he set off to find you, going down the short hallway to the only other room in the cabin. He couldn’t help but whistle in appreciation as he looked around the space. The king size bed that looked like the most comfortable thing he had ever seen sat in the middle of the room. There was a rocking chair tucked into the corner, and the dresser looked like it was made of the same type of sturdy wood as the bedframe. There was an en suite bathroom that he was sure was just as beautiful, but the real draw of this room, perhaps this place in general, was the view he was currently looking at. 
He hadn’t spent too much time looking at the pictures on the rental website, but he suddenly understood the price tag on it. 
There was a large deck off of the bedroom, and through the open french doors, he could see nothing but the mountain landscape. Rugged peaks and luscious trees of greens and browns and oranges; nature in its purest form. It was only early afternoon and the open blue sky was breathtaking; he couldn’t imagine what it would look like at sunset. More than that though, was the view he had brought with him. You were leaning against the railing, taking in the stunning panorama that the deck overlooked. He joined you outside, careful to make his presence known so that when he wrapped his arms around you from behind, you didn’t jump. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” 
You spoke quietly as you leant back against him, almost like you were afraid to disrupt the calmness surrounding you from all sides. 
“It is,” he agreed. And he was looking at the view, yes, but he was mostly looking at you. 
You turned to face him, winding your arms around his neck. “Thank you,” you said, “for bringing me here. I think-I think I-” you closed your eyes and shook your head, and the deep breath you took came out a little shaky. Bradley waited for you as you collected your thoughts, his thumbs rubbing circles into the small of your back. “I think I needed this,” you finally settled on. He knew there was so much more behind your words. 
Bradley considered his response carefully. He knew what he wanted to say. But he knew it wasn’t the time yet. 
“I’d do anything for you,” he said instead. He pulled you a little bit closer. He didn’t want you to thank him for bringing you here, because taking care of you wasn’t something he ever wanted to be thanked for like it was a chore. Your eyes brightened just a bit at his words and you raised on your toes to kiss him. 
You passed the next few hours doing not much of anything, and Bradley thought it was exactly what the both of you needed. He could tell that you were still exhausted after the weekend, and if he was being honest, he was too. It was nearing 5pm and he was about to ask you what you wanted to make for dinner when your phone rang. You looked up from the book you were reading to where your phone was sitting on the coffee table. Seeing the hesitation in your eyes, Bradley cleared his throat of his own anxiety and leant forward to pick it up. When he saw that the suggested name for the number was the San Diego Courthouse, he handed it to you with what he hoped was an encouraging smile. 
“It’ll be okay,” he whispered, squeezing your ankle from where your feet were resting in his lap. You nodded and answered the phone with a deep breath. 
Bradley kept his eyes trained on you and it wasn’t long into the call that your eyes squeezed shut and you bit down on your lip so hard he worried about drawing blood. That same defeated look that had been on your face the last few days reappeared. 
He knew, without you even needing to say anything, that you hadn’t been granted the emergency temporary restraining order. 
His heart fell and he reached out and grasped your free hand in his. He could feel the bandages still covering your palm against his skin and your nails dug into his hand as you squeezed. A tear slid down your cheek and he brought your hand up to press a kiss onto your fingers. He scooted closer on the couch, drawing you into his chest. You tucked your face into his neck and he listened as you asked about a court date and thanked them for calling before letting the phone fall to the couch. Immediately, both of your arms were wrapped around his neck, and he was pulling you fully into his lap. 
“What did they say?” he asked gently into your hair. He felt you take a shuddering breath. 
“Not enough concrete evidence as of right now,” you told him. “I’ll get a phone call about a court date. God, this is such bullshit.” 
Bradley let out a long sigh, pressing a kiss to your head as he held you close. He couldn’t say part of him didn’t see this coming after the conversation he’d had with Sadie, even if he had hoped with everything in him it would go the other way. 
He pulled back, cupping your face in his hands and making you look at him. He wiped away the wetness on your cheek with his thumb. “We can call Sadie later. Figure something out. Okay?” 
You nodded, but he could tell you were beating yourself up, and that all the worst scenarios were running through your head again. “What can I do?” he asked, feeling somewhat desperate. He’d do anything for you, just like he said. 
It took you a moment to respond, playing with a button on his open flannel shirt. “I think I just want you to hold me right now,” you answered back quietly. 
He wondered if you had any idea he’d do that forever if you let him, no matter the circumstances. 
When Bradley blinked awake the next morning, you weren’t beside him. He felt a flare of panic for a brief moment at the cold sheets, his sleep-fogged brain having a hard time coming out of the nightmares he had had, but then he heard the soft hum of music and movement coming from the main area of the cabin. He let his face fall back into the pillow and took a deep breath as his heart rate slowed. 
He laid there for a moment just listening before dragging himself out of bed, popping into the bathroom quickly before heading out of the bedroom. 
He found you quickly enough, his suspicions confirmed that you were in the kitchen. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched you pop back and forth between the stove and the fridge, wearing his shirt from the day before and a pair of fuzzy socks on your feet. A smudge of what looked like pancake batter was on your cheek, and there were specks of flour in the messy bun on top of your head. You smiled brightly when you caught sight of him standing there. 
“Morning, sleepyhead.” 
He couldn’t help but feel a bit of surprise at your tone. You sounded at ease and energetic, which was the complete opposite of how you had fallen asleep last night. He responded back with his own greeting as he walked over to you. You were manning pancakes, just like he had thought, and bacon sizzled on the other burner. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pressing his lips to your cheek. He could taste a hint of vanilla from the batter he kissed off. 
“How long have you been awake?” he wondered, voice still thick and rough with sleep. You leaned back into his chest as you flipped a pancake. He noted that it was a little after 9:00 from the clock on the microwave, and was surprised he himself had slept so long. 
“A few hours,” you shrugged, and you turned the temperature down on the bacon before turning in his arms to kiss him properly. 
He raised an eyebrow in question when you pulled away. “A few hours?” 
“Yeah,” you told him, and you took a deep breath before offering him another, softer smile. “I emailed my resume to that contact that Anna gave me, about a potential job. And then I put in a few more applications. And then I emailed Sadie all that she had asked about, and my landlord about not renewing my lease. And then I realized the time, so I thought I’d make us breakfast.” 
“Wow,” he murmured, “productive morning, huh?” 
You shrugged, glancing down almost shyly before meeting his eyes again. “You went through a lot of trouble getting us this place for the week. And you…you’ve gone through a lot of trouble for me.” 
“Bug, I-” 
“No, let me finish,” you told him, putting your finger against his lips to stop him from speaking. “I really appreciate it, Bradley. I appreciate you. And I want to be here, be present with you. Everything else can wait until we get back to San Diego. It’s certainly not going away anytime soon. But for this week…I want to just be. Here. With you. Happy. Because that’s what you make me. And I think we both deserve the time away, no matter what got us here. Right?”  
His heart beat a little faster in his chest as you spoke, and he felt something that he thought was pride bubble up in him. You said the words almost reverently, like you craved nothing more. Bradley could see it in your eyes how desperately you meant it.
“Okay,” he murmured, nodding his agreement. He pressed a kiss to your nose, delighting in the way you giggled in response. “So, what are we doing first?”
“Breakfast,” you told him with a grin, “And then we can figure it out from there.” 
He squeezed your hips with a nod. “That sounds perfect.” 
After an unhurried breakfast, you ended up spending the day hiking on some of the trails down the mountainside. He knew how much you loved being outside and that the last few months, between how busy you were and how uneasy you felt, you hadn’t really had the opportunity. So he didn’t hesitate to indulge you as you kept a leisurely pace, simply enjoying being outdoors and taking in all of the scenery that Mother Nature offered you. You packed a small lunch of sandwiches and fruit that you took with you, eating together amongst the grass and rocks.
The sun was setting by the time you got back to the cabin, sweaty with sore muscles but both of you smiling. You were still giggling at the story he was telling you about a prank Payback had played on Nat last week - and the payback she had gotten in return - when you walked through the door and toed your shoes off. 
Bradley pulled you to him with a gentle hand on your hip, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips as your laughter died down. 
“Why don’t you go shower, and I can start on dinner?” he suggested. 
“I can cook tonight,” you insisted, but he shook his head. 
“I got it.”
He silenced your protest with another soft kiss, squeezing your hip over your spandex leggings. “Shower,” he whispered against your lips. He pressed his own to your nose and forehead before winking and stepping back. He watched you walk back to the bedroom, pausing when you got to the doorway. You looked back at him over your shoulder, your bottom lip drawn between your teeth. You looked like you were contemplating something, and Bradley clocked the flash of heat that pops up in your eyes. His heart beat a little faster in his chest. You looked like you were contemplating saying something, but after a moment, you gave him a quick smile before disappearing into the room. 
He let out a long huff of air and ran a hand through his hair. 
He hadn’t even thought about touching you since Saturday morning before you had left for brunch. It was only Tuesday night now, but it felt like so much time had passed since he took you in the bed of that goddamn house of yours. You had both been upset the last few days, and he’d never dream of using those emotions to his advantage. He knew today had been better, but you hadn’t invited him in the shower with you - he’d wait until you told him you were ready. 
But damn if the happiness you were exuding today and the look you just gave him didn’t make resisting difficult.
He kept things simple, and an easy meal was done by the time you were finished. Your hair was piled in a wet knot on top of your head and you wore one of his oversized sweatshirts that was so long on you, he could barely see the hem of the athletic shorts you had on, too. Still, when you walked back into the main area of the cabin, his breath caught. He stared at you for a moment, and when you furrowed an eyebrow, softly asking him what was wrong, he cleared his throat and shook his head. 
“Nothing,” he said, and then held out one of the bowls of pasta in his hand. The two of you sat at the small kitchen table as you ate your dinner. He was happy to see that your appetite seemed to have come back after not eating much of anything the last three days. You did the dishes together when you were done, your side flush with his as he washed and you dried. He excused himself after that to go take his own shower, and he didn’t miss the way you bit your lip again as the same look crossed your eyes. But you gave him another one of those gentle smiles when he caught your eye, turning away before he could say anything. 
He made it a quick one, in and out in enough time to scrub off and run some of your shampoo and conditioner through his hair. He was worried spending anymore time in there with his thoughts would be cause for something significantly colder in temperature. 
A buzzing drew his attention as he was toweling off. His brows furrowed together and he was quick to slip his black briefs on and step back into the bedroom. Your phone was on top of the dresser, vibrating against the wood. It stopped before he could reach it, only to start again in short, quick bursts that indicated you were getting multiple texts in a row.
He picked it up with the intention of taking it to you, but then he caught a look at the screen. His blood ran cold in his veins and his muscles locked up. 
Underneath the notifications of the missed calls, you had a slew of messages, all from an unsaved number.  
Unknown: You haven’t been at work in two days. Are you okay?
Unknown: I miss seeing you 
Unknown: Why won’t you answer the phone? 
Unknown: I still have your necklace. Don’t you want it back? 
Unknown: I can’t see where you are anymore. Why did you do that? I need to check on you. 
They continued to come in, each one more concerning and unhinged than the one before. 
He could feel the corners of your phone case pressing into his palms from how hard he was gripping the device, as well as the heat that crept up his neck in anger. It was obvious who was sending these messages. Paul must have gone out of his way to get another phone number, and Bradley's not sure why he was surprised by this. He was foolish to not have thought of it before. 
You may have blocked his number, but that doesn’t mean your number was blocked from his. 
God damnit. 
The phone rang again, the same unknown number flashing on the screen. Every single fiber of Bradley’s being wanted to answer it and demand that he leave you the fuck alone and get everything that he had kept in off of his chest. His finger hovered over the answer button as he intended to do just that. 
But the cops you had spoken with as well as Sadie had said that neither of you should engage with him, and that it would turn in his favor if you did. He knew that it would only make things worse for you. So he fought himself and let it ring. He was nearly trembling by the time it stopped, and he watched as more texts came through. Red tinted his vision at the last one. 
Unknown: He took you from me. You should have told him that you were already mine.  
Bradley nearly broke the screen with how hard he pressed on it as he went in and blocked the number. He was set on deleting everything, but paused before he did. He glanced up at the open bedroom door. He could hear the TV playing softly, some sitcom you liked to rewatch over and over again. You had made the conscious decision this morning that you weren’t going to worry or think about Paul this week. You had laughed and smiled and seemed truly relaxed and happy all day.  He didn’t want to ruin that. 
But he wondered if this could help you in the long run, and be some sort of evidence of just how unhinged this guy was when it came to you.
Making a split second decision, he took screenshots of all your missed calls and texts and sent them to himself before deleting them from your phone and turning it off.
You didn’t need to know right now. He could shoulder this for you until it was necessary.  
He sunk down onto the edge of the bed, putting his face in his hands and trying to take deep breaths. He knew he needed to calm down before he went back out to you. He was so angry his hands were shaking, but after a few minutes, that rage transformed into something sadder. 
He couldn’t understand why this was happening to you. You, who was inherently good. You worked so hard and were kind to everyone you met, even when they didn’t deserve it. And this asshole had taken advantage of and construed that kindness into something that it wasn’t and tried to manipulate you into thinking you were at fault. 
That last text played in his mind again, and for the first time, he wondered if his presence in your life was what made all of this what it was. Paul had been following you for months, yes. But as far as you both knew, he hadn’t escalated to what he had until that night in the bar when Bradley had announced himself as your boyfriend. 
It left a terrible feeling in his stomach and a bad taste in his mouth. 
He took one more deep breath and stood from the bed, slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt. You were curled up on the couch under a thick maroon afghan that had been draped over the back and you smiled at him when he came into view, sipping on a mug of what he assumed was tea based on the string hanging out of it. 
“Hi there,” you murmured. 
He leaned over the couch to press a kiss to your waiting lips. “Hey.” 
“How was your shower?” you asked. 
“Good. I don’t smell like dirt and sweat anymore,” he joked, and he felt himself calm down further when you laughed, just like he had hoped you would. A playful look came over your face and you set your drink down, crooking a finger for him to come closer. You kissed him again when he did. 
“I’ll be the judge of that. Come sit with me. We can watch a movie.” 
You shifted so he could settle onto the couch behind you, your back against his chest as you laid between his legs. He wrapped his arms around you and you pulled the blanket over the two of you as you grabbed the remote again to flip to a different streaming service on the tv above the fireplace. You scrolled through the extensive movie collection, and Bradley thought about what things would look like if he had declined your request for help that night and didn’t kiss you, if you never would have reconnected. Would they have gone so far? Or would things be the same, only you would be dealing with them on your own? 
But he was selfish enough where he couldn’t handle the thought of losing you again, either. He had to believe you were safer with him there, because he could protect you. He wasn’t going anywhere - he couldn’t. 
He loved you way too much to let you go.  At this point, you controlled and owned nearly every part of him, and he didn’t think you even knew it. He wanted to tell you.
“What do you want to watch?” you asked. 
Bradley cleared his throat that was suddenly thick with emotion. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, nuzzling his face into your neck and breathing in the sweet smell of your hair. 
“Whatever you want,” he rasped out, tightening his grip on you. You hummed in pleasure as you snuggled back into him. “You’re in control here, Bug.” 
Part Eleven :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: Tell her, B! Likes/comments/reblogs are the best encouragement for posting more🖤
Thank you to Mak and Em for all of your help making this story come to life. And thanks to Mak for the AMAZING banner!
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cassiefromhell · 11 months
Bats and Fire 04
"The Calendar Situation"
Last time on bats and fire... 01 02 03
a/n: it turns out that i have bad writing motivation and love bouncing between projects, lol (also you can blame late updates on my current bg3 phase and jjk hyperfixation). so expect BAF 1-2x monthly. once again, i am very open to suggestions/themes for future chapters/episodes, so leave them in comments or my inbox!! and my requests are always open <3 enjoy!
warnings: smut, mdni/18+. p in v, oral (f receiving) morning sex, character watches while y/n is eaten out, interruptions, slight overstimulation, etc...
wc: 3.4k
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Things were thoroughly out of hand.
Your mates were incapable of not fighting over every single second of your free time. And that turned into tug of war games where you get the lovely privilege of being the rope, and you know what you also weren’t getting? 
You had not had sex in two weeks.
But you have five mates? How’s that possible?
Because you are almost never left alone with any of them long enough to get someone’s shirt off, nevermind a hand in your pants.
And a girl will get fed up after a while.
But luckily, on your first expedition after your cycle ended, you found the perfect solution…
You stumble into the old shop, wiping your dirtied hands off on your pants. The scent of magic immediately hits your nose, and you bite your tongue to distract yourself from it.
“You look like you’ve been to hell and back,” the female behind the counter says, her sunken gray eyes tracing over your tattered clothing.
You clear your throat, approaching the counter. “Do you carry any blade polish, or leather cleaner?”
She pauses, then opens and closes her mouth. “Say… are you the hunter that our mayor is paying to clear our woods of those damned Puca?”
“How could you tell?”
“I had a feeling.”
The female hobbles her way around the counter, and leads you to the left. She opens a cabinet door, and pulls out two glass containers, one with a clear liquid and the other a slight brown. She hands them both to you. “Your polish and cleanser.”
“Thank you,” you say, turning to head back to the counter. But something shimmers in the corner of your eye, and you pause, turning to face it.
It’s a pile of calendars, the edges glimmering with the sparkle of spells. But who would need a magical calendar? 
“Eyeing the Mrythat Calendar?” the shopkeeper asks, coming up beside you. “No one ever buys ‘em.”
“What do they do?” you ask, reaching out to take one and examine it.
“You buy a few, sign ‘em with blood, and then they’re connected to you. Write something on one, it appears on all the others. Useless, if you ask me, but a merchant came through ‘ere with an offer I couldn’t refuse,” she explains, then starts back towards the counter.
You take six of the magical calendars, tucking them under your arm.
“You’re sure ‘bout that, hon?” the female raises a brow at you. “Don’t know what you’d use ‘em for.”
“You don’t even know,” you grin, dropping the calendars on the counter. “You don’t even know.”
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The next time you were at each of your mates’ residences, you spread the calendars. Of course, you happened to be with Azriel and Cassian in the House of Wind next, so you got to work...
The sound of the hammer nailing the calendar into the wall echoes down the hall. You step back, satisfied, admiring the shimmering calendar mounted over the soft blue paint.
Cassian rounds the corner, slacks hanging low on his waist, rubbing his eyes. “Love… what’cha doing at four a.m…?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you beam up him, gesturing to the glorious calendar — the solution to all of your problems. “Too excited. Look at it!”
“That’s… that's nice, love,” Cassian mutters, walking up behind you and putting his hands on your waist. “But let’s go back to bed, hmm?”
“No, no,” you gesture to the calendar once more. “I’ve gotta explain to you both how this works— hey— Azriel! Azriel, are you up?”
In response, a shadow comes to your side, winding around your leg.
You frown. “Did your master send you?”
The shadow tightens its grip.
“Is he just avoiding getting up?”
Even tighter.
You huff, poking Cassian’s shoulder. “Go get Azzie. This is important. And now I know he’s awake.”
The Illyrian nods and trudges off, cursing under his breath and running a hand over his face.
You almost feel a little bad, but then you’re distracted by your calendar again.
You did research on how these work. They were invented specifically for managing one person’s schedule, like a boss giving them to his employees to find time for meetings with them. Whoever’s schedule was being managed, just had to mark the calendar with a bloody fingerprint, and then all the calendars they marked would sync up. 
You grin, sticking your thumb into your mouth and piercing the skin, then you press it to the back of one of the pages. Instantly, the calendar glows, and then stops, but when you flip it to the current month, you find that it’s been filled in with all of your missions and plans — the magic has even sorted out what days you’re in which court, with which mates.
You grin maniacally.
Shadows slide around the corner, and out come your two Illyrian mates, bleary-eyed and wings damn near dragging.
You grin and clap your hands, pointing at the calendar. “Lookit! Look at what I did!”
“What did you do?” Azriel asks, coming to stand at your side and placing a hand on your lower back. It’s obvious that he’s trying his hardest to sound interested.
“Cass, c’mere,” you grin, tugging him to your other side. “Okay, okay, so, how this works. I have six of these calendars. They’re all enchanted, and they’ll soon all be connected to me by blood. When someone marks one, the others get the same marking, and I simply have to think it in order to add something. Each of my mates will get one, and so my schedule can be fairly organized.”
Cassian nods slowly. “Okay… but I thought normal scheduling was working fine.”
You bark a laugh. “No, no, no. You all are rather fond of interrupting each other’s dates and alone time, claiming to have ‘forgotten’ that I was already scheduled. This fixes that.”
“I do not,” Azriel grumbles, wings twitching.
“Well, see, the main inspiration here was my sex life,” you explain, perfectly calm as both your mates’ eyebrows shoot up. “I haven’t had actual sex in a week and a half, did you both know that?”
Cassian narrows his eyes. “No, no— how is that possible?”
You point to last Friday on the calendar, when you were marked to be on a date with Rhys. “Look, here; at this time, I was on the riverbank of the Sidra, about to be fucked against a tree, until Cassian came in and stayed for the rest of the date— and was completely oblivious to the mood and the arousal drenching the air.” You point to two days ago, when you were supposed to be sleeping at Eris’s palace. “At eleven p.m. that night, I was fully prepared to be ravished and yet Lucien needed me for something. And that’s not an issue, right, because two is better than one! But no, Eris and Lucien refuse to be naked in the same room at the same time.”
“…I see why you want the calendar,” Azriel murmurs, walking away and coming back with a pen and approaching the calendar. 
“What are you doing?” Cassian asks, tilting his head to the side.
“We’re the first ones to have this, right?” Azriel looks at you, and you nod in confirmation. “We have all the empty slots. I’m filling them all in with me.”
Cassian blanches, and then steps forward, promptly shoving Azriel to the side and stealing the pen. “Give me that! You can’t take all the slots!”
“You were just too slow,” Azriel grumbles, gesturing to the calendar, which is now half-filled with dates… all with Azriel.
You snort, and then turn on your heel, heading back down the hall. “I’m going back to bed. Whose bed am I getting in?”
“Mine,” they both say at the same time, and you can feel the glare they give each other. 
You grin, and turn the corner, knowing one — or both — of them is bound to come running after you.
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All goes well with your visit to Rhysand, and he was very happy with his new calendar. However, things get a little bumpy when you’re at the Autumn Court…
“Fuck—” you whimper, gripping Lucien’s hair as his tongue works at your clit, fingers pumping in and out of you steadily. You’ve already come twice, and he’s damn close to working you up to a third.
The bliss is nearly lighting you on fire, legs shaking as you finally approach that cliff again, climbing higher and higher and—
“Cum for me,” Lucien murmurs against your clit, the vibrations nearly tipping you over the edge. He looks up at you with those eyes from between your legs, and you whimper as you reach that—
A knock comes on the door.
Lucien pauses, and you whimper, desperately bucking your hips into his hand and lips.
“Shit, what time is it?” he asks, sitting up and looking at the clock, mouth glistening with your slick. 
“Lucien,” you grit out, “please.”
“Times up,” a familiar voice calls from behind the door. “Your slot is only from seven to eight, I have her for the full night from eight p.m. to sunrise.”
You hiss in frustration, gently tugging at Lucien’s hair. “Ignore him.”
Eris slips into the bond immediately. Ignore me?
Eris, give me five minutes. Please.
That’s not what the calendar says.
Does it sound like I give a shit about what the calendar says? You growl down the bond, frustration only building.
Lucien has obediently gone back to working your cunt, sliding two fingers back in. His mouth latches around your clit immediately, and the wondrous sensations start to build up again.
Two minutes later, Eris is speaking down the bond again.
I’d have already gotten you off by now.
Your only reply is an audible whine, surely loud enough for Eris to hear on the other side of the door.
And clearly he does hear it, because he’s winnowed to your side within seconds.
“Add a finger, it’ll make her come faster,” Eris idly comments, taking a seat next to you on the bed. “And harder. That’s important.”
You’re now completely naked and vulnerable in a room with two fully clothed males. Because apparently you’re the only one getting their clothes taken off today.
“What are you—”
“Shush,” Eris hushes you with a gentle kiss, stroking a hand down the center of your torso, rubbing circles on the sensitive skin of your belly. “Let us take care of you.”
Before you can reply, his head dips down to your left nipple, licking a circle around it. His thumb runs circles around your other breast, all while Lucien increases his pace.
With very little warning, your climax creeps up on you, pleasure suddenly spiking. You cry out, gripping Eris’s shoulder for support as you tip over the edge, stars and flames filling your vision as the waves of your orgasm crash over you again and again and again and—
“What does that make?” Eris asks, stroking your hair.
“Three,” replies Lucien, who is gently rubbing circles over your clit, coaxing you through the last waves of pleasure with gentle kisses along your thighs.
The High Lord clicks his tongue. “That won’t do. She needs at least five, else apparently she’ll get needy at an ungodly hour.”
You try to protest. “Will not—”
He stops you with a quirked brow. “Two weeks ago. You woke me up before sunrise by humping me. Like a puppy in heat.”
You open your mouth, and then close it. He’s right. You did do that. But he looked so damn sexy like that, features relaxed and mouth parted and—
Lucien licks a stripe up your folds, and all your thoughts screech to a halt.
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“Love,” Rhysand whispers in your ear, pressing kisses over your cheek and hair. “Love, time to get up.”
You blink awake, squinting in the early morning light. “Mm... what time is it?”
“Seven,” he murmurs, slipping his hands up and under the shirt you’re wearing — his shirt — and rubbing your skin.
You groan. “Cass isn’t picking me up ‘till seven-thirty. Why’d you wake me?”
“Because I was thinking we could squeeze a little something in,” Rhys kisses your neck, pressing his hips to yours, letting you feel his bulge beneath his pants. “If you so please.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you bite your lip. You run your hand down his chest, finding his bulge and palming him through his pants. “Needy, are we?”
“Please,” he groans, rutting against your hand once, twice, then pressing more kisses across your collarbones.
You smirk and nod, spreading your legs for him. His reaction is instant, making quick work of your panties and discarding his pants. 
He presses a finger into your entrance slowly, hissing as it comes back soaked. “Fuck. So wet for me, love.”
You tilt your hips up for him, and he strokes himself twice, then slowly slides in, stretching you wide. You whimper, gripping his shoulders and chewing your lip to stay quiet. “Fuck…”
Rhys picks up a slow pace, gentle and loving as the kisses he’s pressing along your collar and neck. He rubs your hips in time with his thrusts, each time hitting just a little deeper, each push a little more pleasurable than the last.
“Please,” you moan, desperate for more, deeper, harder, faster… and he doesn’t give it to you.
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, shaking his head. “Impatient little thing. It’s bright and early, and you want to have the shit fucked out of you?”
You nod, and he merely chuckles. The sound is low and deep and effectively makes you even wetter around him. 
He pulls out, and you open your mouth to whine, but he sweeps you up into his arms, picking you up out of the bed. Before you know it, your bare back is against a wall, and he’s entered you once more, this angle deeper than before.
He picks up a bruising pace immediately, and you moan, capturing his lips in yours to swallow both of your noises. You can’t help but tilt your hips with each thrust, desperately matching his pace as that coil in your abdomen begins to grow tauter.
“Fuck— fuckfuckfuckk—” you hiss against his mouth, clutching at his biceps, his neck, his shoulders — anything to ground you as you’re pulled higher and higher.
“I’ve got you, love,” he groans, slamming into you harder, brushing that spot so deep inside of you—
You come immediately, clenching around him and squeezing your eyes shut, moaning loudly as the pleasure drags you down, down, nearly into unconsciousness as your thighs cramp. Rhys has to hold you up to keep you from falling out of his arms, and he follows you with three sharp thrusts and a low growl, spilling into you.
He kisses you, gently, and you run your hands through his hair, rolling your hips against his once. 
“God, I love you,” you murmur, between gasps for air.
“I love you too, darling. I love waking up to you next to me,” he murmurs back, nosing your neck. “I love fucking you first thing in the morning.”
“Round two?” You run a hand down his abdomen, licking your lips. You can’t help it; you want to taste him.
He grins deviously, opening his mouth to reply — but then footsteps sound down the hall, accompanied with what is obviously Cassian whistling. He’s definitely giving you a warning that he’s coming — he could be quieter than that.
“Fuck,” you grumble. “Just a sec.”
Cassian, you speak down the bond. Not done here. Give me half an hour. 
What? No. He whines, but his footsteps halt. I’m scheduled to pick you up at seven thirty. It’s my time.
I’m aware. The schedule isn’t supposed to be exact. You guys seem to have an issue with that.
…Isn’t exact reserved time the point of the schedule?
You sigh, shaking your head. “Change of plans. I’m calling a mates’ meeting.”
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Half an hour later, all of your mates are gathered at Rhys’s dining table, their calendars sitting in front of them. You sit at the head of the table, decidedly unhappy…
“Alright,” Azriel starts, leaning forward on his elbows. “I’ll break the ice. What’s got you upset, love?”
“What do you think has me upset?” you grit out, glaring over at him.
Azriel suppresses a flinch, leaning back in his seat.
“I’m assuming it has to do with the calendar?” Eris says, gesturing to the calendars in front of them all. 
“Uh huh. And why, exactly, did I enact the calendar rule?”
There’s a short pause, and then Lucien responds. “To organize your schedule?”
“Because you wanted more sex,” Cassian corrects him, rubbing his chin. Lucien, Eris, and Rhys whip their heads to look at him, having not been there for that conversation. “But hasn’t that succeeded?”
“More sex, yes. But short sex. Painfully short. You know why? Because I start having sex with one of you. We do the deed. I want more. You want more. Then what happens? Knock knock, someone else comes along and refuses to give up precious time from their slot.”
Cassian looks down and away, making a face. Eris doesn’t look pleased either.
“You guys,” you sigh. “The calendar is flexible. You can deal with having half an hour taken off of your slots. It’s supposed to be a guide, not a strict schedule.”
The males before you begrudgingly grumble in agreement, and you gesture to the calendars. 
“Okay, thank you. Now that that’s understood, it’s time to schedule next month’s times. Please open your calendars,” you instruct, opening your own. Everybody follows your lead, so you continue. “I’ve marked in all the slots available, and when I’ll be gone. I have two missions next month; a dragon study and a job for the Winter court clearing out a pair of Banshees. The dragon study I have to do alone, but one of you can tag along on the clearing.”
Azriel immediately reaches for a pen, but not before Eris has already winnowed one into his hand, already writing his name.
“Ah!” you hiss, grabbing Eris’s wrist. “We’re drawing sticks.” 
Eris snarls at you on pure instinct, then his face goes slack. “Sorry, sorry— I didn’t mean to—”
Immediately, your four other mates are up out of their seats, teeth bared and ready to attack Eris.
“Dear mother,” you groan. “It was instinct. Everybody down.”
Everyone sits. 
“That’s the other thing,” you sigh, waving your hand to winnow in a cup with five sticks in it, all marked with a name. “You all need to work on the hostility. I know it’s difficult. But mistakes will be made, fights will be had, and instinct is instinct.”
Lucien mumbles a ‘sorry’ to Eris, and the rest follow, some less apologetic than others.
You carry on with the meeting, and you draw sticks, deciding the order of who gets to pick first. Cassian, much to his joy, gets first, then Azriel, then Lucien, followed by Rhysand, and in dead last — which you’d bet money was influenced by someone’s magic — is a very salty Eris.
Nevertheless, the dates are set, and you dismiss everyone—
“Hold on,” Azriel cuts in, holding up a finger. “There was a prearranged date with Rhys on here. Why only him?”
“Because he’s set to meet my parents,” the words fly out of your mouth before you realize what you’re saying, and you immediately clamp your jaw shut.
Damn your mouth.
All five heads turn to look at you, shocked faces adorning all but one — Rhys, who knew about this and didn’t question it.
“Why only him?” Eris asks, raising a brow. 
“I want to meet your parents!” Cassian pouts, leaning forward against the table.
“I do as well,” Lucien adds, scratching the back of his neck.
“Agreed,” Azriel finishes. “I’m free that time. We could just all meet them at once.”
Agreement runs through the circle, leaving you opening and closing your mouth.
Because there’s one issue.
One little, tiny issue…
“Cauldron boil me,” Eris murmurs, slowly leaning back in his seat. “They don’t know you have more than one mate, do they?”
Ah, yes.
To be continued…
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tags: @awoa1 @llovelydove @bookishbroadwaybish @maddietheshoe @eerievixen @ghostofnightcrawlerpast @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hyemishii @caro-lightwood-blog @the-sweet-psycho @myheartfollower @bubybubsters @luvmoo @foreverrandomwritings @ummmmmchillanywaysso @spongehappy @fell-in-luvs
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otherloser · 9 months
Romance Starts With The Stomach
Okay, so this is kinda my first story, like, EVER, on Tumblr, so please don't shit on me if it's bad, I am very aware of that myself, thanks 👍
Anyway, I basically came up with this story because I recently had soup (it was so good like holy crap), there's soup in BaTIM, and I remembered the line 'the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach' that Tiana says from Princess and The Frog, so yeah, I thought it would be cute :]
Fem!Reader x Ink!Bendy
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Story: Y/n and Bendy have ended up accidentally making a magical contracting bond between their souls, meaning that they can't hurt each other and are sort of stuck together in the abandoned studio. They've been sort of ignoring each other for the main part up until now, but there's some bad news; Y/n is getting hungry, and she needs to eat…
"Grooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwl..." A noise resembling much like a distant thunder strike rumbled and echoed through the corridor. A dusting of blush crept up onto my face, placing a hand on my abdomen and pressing down hard to try and muffle the complaining my stomach was making in the absence of the food it so desperately desired. This only made it worse however, appearing to instead push my middle into making even more sounds of winging and whining. The ink demon himself finally seemed to notice, his tail whipping at the air elegantly as he turned and blinked with inky and gooey eyes.
"...'S tha' you, lady?"
"Y-yeah, sorry, I haven't eaten in a while..." I mumbled apologetically, reaching into my satchel at last. "We've been running around so much, so I haven't had the chance to have a snack break."
"Figures. You humans are always hungry fo' somethin' or othah." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in a snarky tone. He'd maintained this attitude for basically the entire time. Like a fed up teenager being forced to go shopping with his mother. It was frankly pathetic, but hey, he was a demon so there wasn't much I could do, unless I wanted to be mildly inconvenienced with his unholy rage. As I rummaged around for even something small like a chocolate bar or a biscuit, my hand became more frantic, until I quickly realised. I had nothing left. My middle roared again for food.
"Uh oh.."
"W-whaddya mean 'uh-oh'?"
"I'm out. I have nothing to eat!" I explained, showing Bendy my empty bag as he leaned in and inspected it closely, grumbling to himself as seeming much more peeved with each second that my stomach called out in starvation. He brought his hand up to his face, using two fingers to massage the area between his eyes where a nose should be.
"Well that's just peachy."
"This is a really sticky situation 'ere."
"Seems you've gone an but the dust!"
"Dude! Stop using those words, it's actually making my stomach hurt!" I exclaimed, making the demon sigh exasperated lying and lazily raise his hands up in surrender. Suddenly a very comical light bulb physically appeared above Bendy's head, taking me be surprise.
"Follow me, I know a place to grab somethin' to bite, toots!"
"Leave my toes out of this, Bendy."
"Come on, just try it!"
"Ew! Hell no!!" I argued, using a plank of wood to keep Bendy and his suggestion away from me; In his arms he carried a really old and raw slab of meet, clearly infested with diseases I very much did not want to risk the chance of catching.
"Oh, don't be difficult, Y/n! It's just a day or two out of date" He rolled his eyes and held up the meat towards me, visibly causing me to gag and drop the plank, jumping back and hiding behind a support beam and peeking out at the ink demon cautiously.
"Yeah! 'A day or two OUT OF THE QUESTION'!" I stated, shooing him away as he grumbled to himself in cartoon speech, before chucking the meat slab to the side impatiently, to which I sighed in relief.
"I mean honestly, you mortals are so sensitive." He sassed, turning his back on me and kneeling down to inspect the drawers closely. "If you won't eat meat, you'll have to eat greens! Let's see, we have...broccoli...mushy carrots...-oh hey, an apple with a worm!"
"Gross." I whined and stuck out my tongue, watching in disgust as the inky creature scoured the cupboards for veg that was definitely as dry as wood by this point. On and on he went, listing what was there and what he liked about their staleness. I rolled my eyes, sniffing once as the air as the pangs of hunger in my stomach grew louder, only to catch a whiff of something. Something nice, veggie, meaty, brothy, edible! I sniffed the air a few more times, feeling my tummy react positively to the smell as well. All my sniffing also caught the attention of Bendy, who stood up and looked at me with a confused brow.
"Uh...are ya synisus actin' up, doll?" He asked.
"I smell something. Something..." I paused, closing my eyes and taking a long smell, before grinning brightly, "...delicious!"
And like a bullet, I was off, shooting down the corridor towards the room where the treasure was to be found. Following behind my, Bendy staggered behind, seeming to find a little trouble in keeping up with me (which was a first). Past countops and cupboards I weaved myself through the rooms, skipping down hallways until I finally came across a singular storage room that claimed host of the tempting scent. A storage room, filled with barrels, most likely filled with the most deliciously untold delicacies if it smelt this good alone! I hopped forwards and stopped in front of a barrel, opening it up hurriedly, only for my grin to drop at the sight of tin shining back up at me depressingly. Cans. A barrel full of cans. Picking up a can, I examined the label along the curve: 'Bacon Soup'.
"What'd ya find, Y/n?" Bendy asked, finally having cought up to me as I stared at the soup can, confused.
"I...what the shit is this?" I turned to him and asked, shoving the can into his gloved hands as he blinked in shock to my profanity, observing the can briefly, only to ah in realisation.
"Ah, it's bacon soup." He repeated.
"Yeah, I know what it is- why would anyone come up with it!?"
"Well, hey, I doubt there's anythin' else here, toots! You followed it's scent like a dawg, so you must like i' so SOME degree!" He defended, handing me back the can forcefully, to which I held it and opened another barrel with my free. But unfortunately, he was right, there was only more cans of bacon soup on the second barrel. I sighed in disappointment, looking back at the can in my hand, debating what to do. "...At least try i', yeah?" Bendy suggested.
"Grooooowl!" My stomach moaned. I sighed, truly defeated as I opened the can, shut my eyes tight, and took a good sip of it's contents...
And within SECONDS, I was gulping down the rest of the can's delectable brothy heaven as if it were my life support! It was gorgeous, like a work of art, painted by god himself. The god of soups! I felt the smooth, syrupy texture slide down my throat and deep into my core, warming me up a pleasant amount, despite its unheated state. Finally, I removed the can from my lips and groaned loudly in pleasure to the soup's aftertaste.
"Oh my god, that's so good!" I rasped, grabbing another can and ripping the lid open, beginning to swallow the contents once more, unable to get enough! It was sooooo addictive.
"Well heeeeeelloooooooo! Y'know, I do appreciate a lady who can eat~" I heard Bendy's voice flirt with me, clearly finding my sudden addiction the the soup an amusing thing to tease me with. I couldn't give a crap though, I was just so immersed in the sanctuary that was this seductive soup.
"Ah, shut it, Satan, I'm in heaven!" I exhaled after finishing the second can, reaching for a third and sitting down on the floor with it in hand, my back pressed against the barrel surface so that I could relax. Again, I opened the can and began to wolf down the angelic and tasty substance, my life up till this point feeling almost dull compared to the very moment where I was finally rewarded with the one thing i had been missing out on this entire time: BACON SOUP! But of course, all good thinfs have to come to an end. Consuming the last of the soup from the can, I gently placed the empty tin on the floor and took a second to relax and briefly digest what saintly thing I had just experienced, my hand placed gratefully onto my belly which now remained still and silent, proving just how satisfactory the soup was in this conundrum of hunger.
"Well then, toots - are ya still hungry~?" The smirking ink demon purred, a smug grin plastered onto his face as I basked in the happiness the food had brought me, finding it impossible, for the first time ever, to even be mad with him and his teasing!
"Oh, 'hungry'? I don't recognise the meaning~" I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I enjoyed the company of the ink demon for the first time. He looked amused and happy that I was so happy after a few helpings of soup.
"Dang, tha' must've hit a reaaaaaal good spot in your stomach; you're all...smiley and stuff! Y'know, you have a nice smile, dollface~"
"Yeaaah, don't ruin it."
"Alrigh', I'll le' you have this momen' to ya'self, darlin'~"
I mean, technically it's romantic, because Bendy's flirting the entire time? Eh, I'm counting it--
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Jasper with a Cervitaur Mate
A Cervitaur is a deer Centaur, something like:
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(this is also my art, feel free to use it)
Jasper with a Cervitaur! Reader
Tbh going into this I had no clue what a cervitaur even was. I feel like the premise is self-explanatory though so I'm rolling with it
Also I am making another attempt at a narrative story so hopefully this is good. I just figured that headcanons wouldn't be able to do this topic justice
And yes as always I got carried away sue me
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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"I bet that I'll get a bigger catch than you today," Emmett said as he leapt over a rock.
"You're on," Jasper replied smugly, running through the trees.
Emmett and Jasper were currently running far away from the Cullen house, deep into the woods. It was nice to be in a new place far away from the wolves. They didn't have to watch where they went anymore.
It was currently the middle of the day, the sunlight beaming through the breaks in the leaves above, catching on their skin as they drifted through.
"What are you thinking today? A bear, a jaguar, a mountain lion, a hyena" Emmett asked.
"... I'm not sure... maybe a deer," Jasper answered, coming to a halt as the pair reached the edge of a cliff.
"A deer? Those things are so weak though!" Emmett replied incredulously.
"But they taste good," Jasper deadpanned. "Those bears that you insist on catching all of the time are way too gamey."
"Whatever. You just don't have good taste."
Jasper rolled his eyes and darted off to the left, intending on finding himself a nice, big deer for dinner. In the distance he heard Emmett veer off to the right, heading towards one of the mountains. Presumably looking for a cave that a bear might be hiding in.
As he ran, he came across a wide, open field filled with flowers. He could hear birds chirping in the trees above, the wind whistling through the blades of grass. In the center of the field laid a deer, its hind legs folded underneath it as it lazed in the field.
He could hear its strong heart beating in its chest, its blood pumping through its veins, its lungs expanding as it breathed deep, even breaths.
He licked his lips, his pitch black eyes widening and then narrowing as he readied to pounce.
But then the deer moved.
Where its head was supposed to be sat a very human torso, large antlers protruded from the creature's head, catching in the sunlight of the field. Jasper stood there stunned, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the mythical being, something that he had never seen before.
"Where's your puny little deer at, bro?" a deep voice boomed from somewhere behind him, he didn't even need to look to know that it was Emmett. And judging from the faint scent of blood running through his veins, he already found his bear.
The deer creature in the field whipped its head around, their human face etched with shock and fear. They quickly raised onto their hooves and began running away as fast as they could.
"Wait!" Jasper called out, already beginning to run after it.
He knew this was a bad idea. He had no reason to be chasing the poor thing anyway. But he just felt so drawn, so enamored. He NEEDED to know what this beautiful creature was.
You were fast, that much was obvious. But no thing with a beating heart and pumping veins would ever be faster than a vampire.
He descended upon you, your galloping hooves beating into the dirt with the fervor of a thousand men in your attempt to escape your pursuer. But it was for nothing. He caught up to you and sprang into the path in front of you, cutting off your exit.
"Don't hurt me, please!" You cried, your breaths heavy and your eyes frantic as they looked into the beautiful, undead face of the man in front of you.
"What are you?" he asked, voice level and calm. He pushed his ability forward, doing his best to wrap you with a blanket of calm and comfort. Trust.
"I... what? You chased me just for that? Aren't you supposed to kill me and then suck all of my blood out?" You asked incredulously.
"How did you know I was a vampire?"
"Well are you a human?"
"Then you're a vampire. If someone looks human but can outrun me then they're a vampire." You explain, weirdly calm now despite being terrified moments ago. Whether that was due to his ability actually working or your nerves having calmed down due to seeing he wasn't going to outright kill you is up for debate.
"Okay, well, still you didn't answer my question, what are you?"
You just look at him strangely for a second.
"You're not gonna hurt me?"
"No, I won't. I promise," he says. You can see the sincerity in his eyes.
"And what about the big guy you left behind?"
"Emmett. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you either." From far away Jasper can faintly hear Emmett hum in agreement. He guesses the two of you are close enough for him to hear.
"Alright. Sit back and relax while I blow your mind," you say, beginning to tell your story.
And he does. He stands there listening intently.
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