#The spider demon is one of my favorites so that makes up for barely getting anything on the Tokyo world
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obsidian-warthog · 2 years ago
Currently playing through Bayonetta 3, no spoilers in replies please, but damn the Egypt world got to me.
Was hoping that since Bayonetta got the Chaos Gear before the boss that the Egyptian versions would live, and then that Egyptian Bayonetta might survive because Bayonetta did the super demon summon already and they built a little arc around her and she has a contrasting design with main Bayonetta. Nope, the formula sticks.
I found the glimpses of Chinese and Egyptian Bayonetta's worlds interesting, made me want to learn more about them and feel disappointed they got erased just like that. Bayonetta as a general is an interesting prospect for example, would have loved to really see how that distinguished her from the other Bayonettas.
At the very least it helps me feel motivated to use the other weapons in the game, as a way of honoring the other Bayos and continuing the fight for them. Don't think I ever really bothered with the other weapons in the first game.
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months ago
Your my daughter Ma ite
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There was not only one sully that had came to pandora, as there was another they came as well. A child that daughter of Jake sully had been taken, to pandora with her father as there was little left for her on earth. Along with a father who didn't wish to leave behind the child he loves and care for so much. When they arrived on pandora that when their new lives had started.
y/n " ......" you are sitting on the grass while watching your three younger siblings and cousin playing around, you had been a only child when you came here but soon gained three siblings and mother later on.
????? " y/n"
y/n " hello kiri"
kiri " can I sit by your he boys are playing to rough for me"
y/n " sure you can kiri"
kiri " what are you playing with y/n"
y/n " my song chord"
kiri ' your song chord is so different from everyone in the family"
y/n " well that because we all have experienced different miles stones in life" you had become happy when your dad told you that you were going to become a big sister, it made you happy even on the day when Jake told you neytiri had become your new mom. Jake knew you didn't have a good relationship with your brith mother, or barely any relationship with her at all.
kiri " hey what are you making"
y/n " well some bracelets for the whole family even baby tuk"
lo'ak " why does she need a bracelet she just a baby"
y/n " well because she my siblings I made you one when you were a baby, same with all of you as well"
neteyam " we love them"
lo'ak " It very funny on how some of the clan thinks neteyam is the oldest sully kids, when it your big sister"
kiri ' it because she human dummy and doesn't have a avatar body stupid"
y/n "hey be nice you two"
kiri & lo'ak " yes big sister"
y/n " I hope one day I will get a avatar body verse waving this mask all day"
kiri " well I think you are beautiful as human y/n"
y/n " thank you now come on we need to get home before mom get worried"
spider " hey my dads said I can stay out a bit longer"
y/n " haha very funny walk monkey boy" the boys laugh as you had shoved spider in front to walk, and soon the group did what you said as you are the oldest. The kids had soon reached the village and started walking towards their homes.
navi women " I still can't believe neytiri had taken in toruk makto daughter, from the sky people"
navi man " she tries to dress like us but she will never be one of us"
navi women 2 " toruk makto should of left her in the care of those others, as she started a new life with neytiri he didn't need his past holding him back"
navi women 3 " I hear that neytiri was speaking with the tshaik, in a private meeting they were speaking about her I think they are going to convince Jake sully on leaving her with tsu'tey mate for good"
navi man 2 " her being her mess up the line of succession for olo'eykthan family"
navi women 4 " she will never inherited anything with her demon blood and looks, she mocks neytiri by represent Jake old mate and life" your had become use to the gossip of grown adults as a very young age, knowing a small amount of the clan didn't accept you and other humans. It seems like your siblings and spider were to far ahead to hear any of the words being spoken.
kiri " hey sister come on mom said she will make the family favorite tonight"
y/n " oh coming" the kids had reach their home after escorting spider home.
neytiri " hello children welcome home"
kids " hello"
y/n " hi" all the kids sat down when you soon felt someone grab onto your thigh.
y/n " heu tuk tuk"
neytiri " tuk tuk"
y/n " yes I gave her that nickname and she seems to like it" you had picked up tuk and place her in your lap. neytiri smiles at all of the kids as she makes dinner.
neteyam " mom we had a good day with y/n today she took us to the river"
neytiri " oh did she I hope you all were behaving for her"
y/n " they were all good we can take tuk next time to give you a break"
neytiri " sure let me think about it" you had nodded your head as you play with tuk and your siblings.
Jake " hello everyone I home"
neytiri " welcome home ma Jake"
kids " hey dad"
Jake " y/n will you be staying for dinner with us or will norm be calling you to base for dinner"
y/n " I will stay if you all will have me"
neytiri " you are welcome here my dear"
y/n " thank you"
kiri " hey mom what with all the leather and beads in that basket"
neytiri " oh they are for something I'm making that all"
lo'ak " it look like clothes mama who are making clothes for, it seems like a girl"
Jake " kids leave it be your mother will tell us in time" your younger siblings had sighed as you shook your head, you did wonder what neytiri was making. Dinner was wondering but there had been times when you caught neytiri looking at you, but when she noticed you were looking back she will look away and attend to your siblings.
Jake " kids say goodnight to your sister I will be walking her home"
kids " bye y/n"
y/n " bye everyone thank you for having me over for dinner neytiri" neytiri had nodded her head as she grabbed the basket and soon, went into the room she shared with your dad. Jake and you are now walking home together.
Jake " is everything okay sweetie you were not talking at much at dinner"
y/n " no everything is good dad"
Jake " you know you can be honest with me baby girl so tell, me what the matter"
y/n " I know you and neytiri have been tougher for a long time now, but do you think she gets bother if I call her mom or mother"
Jake " what makes you think that"
y/n " well I have overheard some the other navi talking about me, saying that your should of left me in the past and that I might be adding stress to neytiri .... I ask to watch tuk for her for while so she can get a break and time to herself an it seems like she didn't like that idea"
y/n " the clan wonders why you didn't just leave me in the care of norm, and move on with the new family you had been giving"
Jake " I was over heard mo'at and neytiri have been talking about you, but either one of them wish to tell me about it"
y/n " dad if I'm making home uncomfortable for you I can stay at base, it will be better and you favoring me will not settle well with the other clans and this one"
Jake " baby girl you are my first child I love you"
y/n " I love you to dad but I don't want to bring harm to the family"
Jake " I wish for no harm to come to you as well I know you are the oldest, but you can stay here util I know it safe for you to be at village for long times ... same thing for spider I will not stand for any more of this bullying I will handle this"
y/n " yes dad"
Jake " good and maybe one day you will have an avatar body like your old man, and then there will be no stopping you"
y/n " I will really love that dad so much." Jake soon smiled, brought you into a hug, and kissed your forehead.
norm "There you are kiddo I was going to come looking for you"
jake "No need to worry norm we were just having a conversation, head inside baby girl I need to have some words with your uncle"
y/n " yes Dad goodnight I will be in my bedroom room or the common area"
norm "Thanks, kid. Spider is inside waiting" You nodded your head and walked into the base as the door closed behind you as you watched your dad and uncle talk. It seems very serious by your father's stance and how she was moving his hands as well. Jake had always been worried about you and wanted to make sure, you had a good life and a relationship with the family as well. He didn't want you to be through heartbreak again like in the past when to his ex. He had made a promise to keep you safe and love you, and he will never let that promise go.
many weeks later
y/n "Okay, whoever gets to the mark will be the winner of the game and the best climber for the remaining of the month." You are looking at your siblings and spider as they prepare to race each other.
y/n " I want a fair game if I see any rule-breaking none of you win"
kids " yes"
y/n "Okay, ready, set ... go go" the four kids had race towards the tree and started climbing as you watch from the bottom, with tuk on your back.
neteyam " I'm the winner"
lo'ak " no fair you are the second oldest and taller then us all"
neteyam " it fair baby brother"
spider " we should gave a do over"
kiri " yes a do over"
y/n " neteyam wins he got there first and grabbed the mark he the winner"
lo'ak/spider/kiri " oww"
y/n " come on we can do sometimes else that will make us all happy" the kids soon come down and they soon joined you and tuk on the ground, as the group soon walked elsewhere and sat down. In a place between the village and the human base as well.
lo'ak " hey why havant you and spider been spending that much, time at the village with us"
y/n " we have been sticking close to home most days under uncle from and dad orders"
spider " yes there have been some issues that have come up, that need to be handle"
neteyam " what type of issues we can help solve them so you both, can have meals with us along with uncle norm as well"
y/n " this is adult business that what dad had said well most of it"
kiri " oh well we can come have meals with everyone at base, it will be fun"
y/n " we have to ask permission first before we do anything" your siblings had nodded their heads in agreement, the rest of your dad with your siblings had gone well.
later on that night
Jake " so kids how was your day"
neteyam " it was fun day we got to spend time with y/n and spider, we had a race she was the referee for us"
Jake " that was nice of her"
lo'ak " neteyam won"
neteyam " I won fair and square"
lo'ak " fine"
kiri " dad can we go have a sleepover with y/n one night beauty please"
Jake " let wait for your mom to get home and see what she has to say"
neytiri " I'm home I brought home a good caught for dinner"
kids " mom"
neytiri " well it seems like you all had a good day with your sister, where is y/n will be joining us for dinner"
Jake " no she will be eating at base with norm and spider"
neytiri " oh"
neteyam " y/n did a great job on watching tuk mama"
Neytiri " that good of her we have to have her over one night for dinner, and to stay over this is her home ma Jake"
Jake " yes we should" the family had ate dinner but it was easy to say there was something off, with the whole situation. When the kids had went off to bed, Neytiri had deiced to have some words with Jake.
neytiri “ ma Jake may we talk”
Jake “sure honey what the matter”
neytiri “ I was wondering when will y/n be coming home, she hasn’t been here so long the village and home not the same without her”
Neytiri “ spider as well he is missed along as well, Tsu’tey misses having his son at his home”
Jake “ I had some words with norm and max along with the kids, and we don’t think it safe for them to be here right now”
neytiri “ what do you mean ma Jake we have extra oxygen for them in the village”
Jake “ there seems to be some underlying issues coming from the clan members, as they don’t seem to like the pair”
Neytiri “ what else ma Jake”
Jake “ Neytiri I can handle it form here”
Neytiri “ no Jake you will tell me what has happened, y/n is my daughter as well and if anyone bother here then I will deal with them”
Jake “Okay I will tell you y/n has overheard some members of the clan speaking poorly about her, questioning why you have taken her as my daughter and why I have kept her as my daughter”
Neytiri “ ……”
Jake “They also mentioned how they had seen you speaking with your mother about the topic of y/n” 
Neytiri “ ……”
Jake “ I had thought it would be best for y/n to stay at the base until, I can find out a solution”
Neytiri “ Jake, I mean no harm to y/n I love her as my daughter and will do anything to protect her, she always helping out around the home and clan”
Jake “What else? You sound worried”
Neytiri “Well, she human mostly everything her can hurt her, and I'd rather not see her or spider get hurt”
Jake “Oh Neytiri”
Neytiri “those things the kids have spotted that night, had been something I been making for her” neytiri soon reviled some clothes she had made, for you some of them human sizes and others Navi sizes.
Neytiri “ I heard the scientists talking about making, avatar bodies for y/n and I wanted to make her clothes that will make her fit in and loved”
Jake “ oh neytiri why didn’t you tell me ahead of time”
Neytiri “ I wanted to surprise you ma Jake and y/n”
Jake “ well she going to love it neytiri”
Neytiri “ we will still need to deal with the others on how they will be treating y/n, in the future as I will not let this happen anymore”
Jake “ I agree but right now let’s go speak to our daughter and have her home” the next day neytiri and Jake came by the base to speak with you. 
y/n " so you don't hate me or wish me gone"
neytiri " no I don't and I will deal with the others but you are my daughter ma ite, and you will always be my daughter no matter what happens"
y/n " thanks mom"
neytiri " I will do my best as a mother to you and make sure no harm comes to you or your siblings"
y/n " thank you"
Jake " so will you be coming home again as you are missed very much"
y/n " yes"
Jake " good baby girl and now if anything like this happens again we will handle it like a family"
y/n " yes dad"
????? " aww you are stepping on my foot"
????? " well move your foot"
Jake ' kids you all can come out now we know you are there by now" your siblings soon came out, kiri and lo'ak fighting while neteyam was holding tuk.
neteyam " big sister are you coming home because I need your help, when it comes to dealing with them"
y/n " yes I will" you had taken tuk from neteyam and held her smiling brightly.
Jake " see baby girl we are a family no matter what anyone says" the family had hugged each other very happy, about what had unfolded right now. As you had learn that day that neytiri loves you as a daughter no matter what happens, you will always be her child and she will defend you as her child.
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babyangelsky · 8 months ago
My Favorite Expressions in Love Sea Ep. 7
On a personal level this week has been a very mixed bag but I know that if nothing else got me, this show got me. It's gonna come in clutch for me every time, spider bites and potential hauntings be damned.
I. Love. It. Here.
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Will I ever not take psychic damage from the expression Tongrak makes when Mahasamut tells him that he cares about him? The answer is no. It's wonderful and devastating every time.
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"How would you rate me out of 10?" Mahasamut asks while Tongrak's face plots teasing and mischief.
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Opening a safe shouldn't look so much like staring down the gallows but here we are. Not being able to see how Tongrak's hands were shaking in a screenshot is a blessing.
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The panic and terror on this man's face when he saw the read receipt on his phone is something I never want to see again. My hatred for Rak's piece of shit sperm donor is murderous and profound. How actually fucking dare he put this look on his child's face I'm going to kill him with my bare hands.
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Peat's acting is so genuinely good that it hurts me. Tongrak was trembling so much that he was struggling to put the phone away and when he gets back to his room, he practically tries to crawl into Mahasamut's skin to hide and feel safe. Look at him, he looks so tiny and scared and I want to cry.
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Let us take a break from the sad with this supremely horny shot of Mook unzipping Vivi's dress. Everyone say thank you.
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And pour one out for our girl, as is now a weekly custom. Vivi my girly is dying CONFESS TO HER AND MAKE OUT ABOUT IT.
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"I'm not going to the event! >:(" Yes you are, mi alma, look at your face when Mook threatens to quit.
Not pictured: One (1) resigned sigh
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The grumpiest kitten in the whole venue.
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Tongrak: *complaining* Mahasamut: *heart eyes*
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My favorite moment of the face journey Tongrak goes on when he realizes just how good Mahasamut looks and that he will be Perceived and decides to mess up his hair about it. The grumpy kitten is a jealous jellyfish.
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It's the fact that Tongrak looks surprised that his fans like his books and have consumed his entire body of work. I'M GOING TO SOB.
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The smile is polite and professional but the eyes are sparkly. He genuinely enjoys interacting with his fans.
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The proud husband smile means everything to me.
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If I have to have this demonic nasty hell witch on my screen, at least I get to watch her face make this expression after Tongrak calls her out for imitating him because he got it right on the money and she knows it.
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Tongrak and the visceral hatred in his eyes said play me another waltz I'm tired of dancing to this one.
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God love you, but you look so tired.
This entire scene was more brutal to watch than the fight outside of Tongrak's house. It was obvious that something more was going on from how calmly he was speaking and how non-responsive he became toward the end of it, but look at his hands. Look at how tightly they're clenched. Maintaining his composure while Prin stuck that knife in his wounds and twisted it as viciously as she could cost him, and it would be obvious even if we hadn't already seen them fight.
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Tongrak, you're my fighter. He still looks tired because he is, but he also looks like the imperious ice prince he's had to be to survive. Then the utterly dismissive way he turns and walks out and cuts eye contact?
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We can barely see Nouel's smile but it's so clearly saying "bruh that's cringe".
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He's not just my fighter. He's Mahasamut's fighter, too.
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Do ya'll remember how Tongrak was acting when he first brought Mahasamut to live with him and Vivi was teasing him?
Look how far they've come.
I can't quite articulate how, but the way they look at each other has changed, and I don't just mean because they're being lovey in front of Vivi and Mook. There's this undercurrent of sweetness that wasn't there before, even in private. That scene way back in episode 3 where Tongrak told Mahasamut to ask him to stay on the island which had so much softness and fondness to it did not have that same something that's now present.
I'm gonna leave ya'll with that and then go take more screenshots so I can properly scream about Mahasamut. And let me know if you wanna be tagged in these weekly writeups!
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anxiteyandsleep · 11 months ago
Can you please do Claude with a reader who loves spiders?
Yes of course🙏❤ I did this more as headcanons but if you'd like an actual drabble, just ask and I will gladly do another post ! since Claude is not canon outside of the anime, I've had to make some things up😭 hope you enjoy
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° Truthfully he didn't even notice you until one time he saw you gently picking a spider up and setting it outside. Naturally as the spider demon, this caught his attention and he kept an eye on you.
° Claude grew to appreciate you more over time, though he kept his appreciation silent. He'd watch you seek out knowledge of spiders in the Trancy library, making sure to leave out books that were truly educational about spiders.
°in my mind, Claude has some control over spiders, so he'll eventually send you spiders as almost a way of flirting, he'll learn your favorite species and send those the most. Of course he's careful not to send too many, he doesn't want an infestation to scare you off.
° if you have a spider/spider related tattoo??? Especially if it's somewhere private, he is immediately obsessed with it and is always stare at it (if he's able to.)
° Claude really takes his time, he's barely spoken to you but trust me, you've captured his attention and heart.
° when he finally gets around to talking to you, it's actually a bit overwhelming. Claude will reveal he's the spider demon, sayinh he's noticed your appreciation towards spiders and wants to thank you for it. ( this can be lewd or not, whatever you'd prefer )
° Now once you processed everything, Claude will want to date you, he wants you to be his. You're very precious to him. Claude is very possessive, he might buy you a necklace with a spider charm as a sort of mark to show that you're his. He'll send spiders with you wherever you go to keep an eye on you.
° Claude isn't very romantic, he will bring you sweets and tea, doing his typical butler duties but putting a little extra care for you. he might get you flowers, if he's feeling slightly romantic.
° Now if you refuse to date him right away, say you want more time to know him, he'll be a little grumpy but won't openly express it.
° however Claude will try to do as you ask, answering questions you have about him, spending what free time he has with you, etc.
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bones4thecats · 1 year ago
OL! S/O Defends Angel from Valentino
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Valentino, Vox, Carmilla Carmine, and Alastor Name: OL! S/O Defends Angel from Valentino Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: I'm sure you you can tell that Alastor is one of my favorites because of how long his part is in comparison to the rest. That and I love torturing Valentino, he needs something to scare him straight. I vote in Season 2, Niffty or Alastor scares the shit outta him again
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of SA, and Death ⚠️ Spoilers for: S1 ⚠️
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Bat-Demon! Reader ; Little Brown Bat
❣️ You had been in business with your boyfriend for quite a while, and you understood barely anything of how he treated his workers
❣️ Specifically, how he treated Angel Dust
❣️ Angel and you had gone back to the years when you were alive, working together within his family's mafia. Though, the he went by the name Anthony instead of the drug-induced one
❣️ And while you were used to his very flirty and shameless personality, you could read people like a book. You were so good at reading people, that even Alastor noticed you and would praise you on your abilities
❣️ So, when you noticed Angel walking out of his dressing room after Valentino with his eyes blasted open and a small amount of blood on his arm, you began to question your boyfriend
❣️ And in retaliation to letting it sit, you waited until the rest of his employees had either retired for the night or had left the studio
❣️ Grabbing your pen and a piece of paper before writing a note and teleporting it to your friend Rosie that you wouldn't be able to join her and Alastor for tea that night due to some last minute changes, you readied yourself
❣️ You had noticed that Angel and Valentino had walked into his room earlier that afternoon and hadn't come out for around an hour
❣️ Because of your earlier suspicions, you mentally prepared yourself for any kind of sight. But to amount of time to prepare could help fix what you had seen
❣️ Kicking open the door when it wouldn't open, you eyes shot open in shock as Valentino laid upon Angel, torturing the poor spider-sinner to pieces with his touches
❣️ Your pupils dilated, covering your entire eyes as your wings flared up in anger while you hissed with your teeth bared. It was at that moment you realized you had pulled and knocked Valentino down and stood in front of Angel Dust, defending him
❣️ Protecting him
❣️ Valentino stood up in anger, yelling at you for what you had done. But once he saw just how mad you were, he froze in fear. It was at that moment he remembered, he was no longer the top dog here. You were
❣️ Bats are known to tear apart and feast on moths such as himself, and while he never has seen your full demon form, he now regretted ever looking at you. You were truly horrifying, much like your friend the Radio Demon
" If you ever, ever, dare to touch Angel Dust in such a way; I will tear your soul apart and allow Alastor to blare your screams across Hell for all to hear. I'm sure he'd be fine with it... he was with the last three who disobeyed my warnings. "
❣️ Your boyfriend tensed as you stepped closer and pulled him down by his wings to look into your eyes;
" Am I clear, Valentino? " " Y-Yes, ma'am. " " Good. Now get the fuck out. And to make sure you truly understand my warning, I want you to get rid of Angel's contract. Whether you like it or not. " " But I can't just- " " Must I repeat my last warning? " " No. "
❣️ With that word, Valentino pulled out Angel's contract, the pink chain wrapping around the spider-demon's neck then starting to fade away as the contract faded into nothingness, like it always should've been
" Good boy. And by the way, we're done. I am not going to ally myself with someone as heinous as you. And that's coming from someone who is friends with the Radio Demon. "
❣️ Valentino, now your ex-boyfriend, glared at the ground as your demon-form cooled away as you teleported Angel's things and yours before leaving in a cab to the Hazbin Hotel
" That son of a bitch will know his place. And that little whore will also observe how I'll teach them to obey me. One way or another, I will get my hands on them... no matter the cost... "
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Technology-Demon! Reader ; Cyber-security
📺 All Vox has heard for days was about how much of a 'little bitch' his spouse was, and how Valentino wished he had murdered the Overlord long before they gained the rank
📺 To say the technology-demon was upset about the claim was an understatement, rather, he was beyond pissed that the moth-Overlord had the audacity to say those things about his S/O to his face
📺 He had been gone for a few meetings for a couple days, and when he arrived again only to find his room bare of anything related to you got him worried; what had he done?
📺 Grabbing his phone, he dialed your number, already preparing his questions for you.
" Hello? " " Y/N! Where in the name of everything unholy are you?! I come home from two days of work only to find all of your stuff gone from our room?! What did I do wrong? "
📺 He could hear another voice in the background, and he could also hear you using your powers to create something and his mind began to run at 400+ miles an hour
" Who is that? " " It's Angel Dust, y'know the guy who works for Valentino. Or rather, worked for Valentino. "
📺 Okay, now you've officially lost him. How would Angel even manage to quit working for the moth-demon, all the Vees knew that Angel Dust had been sighed under contract for Val to own his soul, how would he get it back?
📺 Vox quickly connected the dots; you were a cyber-security demon. And you were also an Overlord. It was in your blood to protect those that you held dear, whether it be information or another being, you always guarded it
📺 So, it would make sense for you to see danger in how Valentino treated Angel Dust, so, you would've stepped in to defend him, resulting in a meltdown from the Overlord, causing you to leave with your friend
" Where are you guys? " " I can't say, Vox. But, I can meet you sometime soon. Just, not right now. Not while Valentino is still ripe from our discussion. "
📺 Now, to say he was getting annoyed was a hint of a overstatement, he could understand why you didn't want him to know. You understood how he thought better than anyone, you knew that somehow he blabber about where you and the sinner were, resulting in Valentino attempting to kill you both
📺 Vox sighed and gripped his VoxTek phone tightly, making a small crack noise echo from it and through his sound-grabbers he used for ears on his TV-head
" Understood. But, how about tomorrow? Or next week? Whatever works, dear. " " We can try after tomorrow, I want to help Angel settle. " " That's fine. But- please be safe. " " When am I not? " " Just!- Just stay safe, damn it. "
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Dancer-Demon! Reader ; Contemporary Dancing
🩰 She was surprised when you had come home with the spider demon she learned was named Angel Dust one night
🩰 You had small cuts on your legs while Angel had many different injuries on him, and when she noticed how you were trying to keep the sinner alive, she ordered for her followers to help heal him while she took care of you
🩰 While Carmilla healed you up, she had asked why you brought home Valentino's worker, claiming that he was supposedly staying at the Hazbin Hotel and not somewhere else
" I had walked in their to hand Valentino some paperwork I needed him to fill out in order to manage the territories, but when I noticed he was gone and that Angel's door was cracked open, I got curious. "
🩰 She looked up at you as she wrapped more bandages around your midsections, prompting you to inhale slightly before continuing your story
" And when I heard the cries of Angel Dust's while Valentino's crude and horrid mouth spewed those nasty words as he continued his touches on him, I just- I felt the urge to protect him, as if he was our daughters. "
🩰 Carmilla smiled slightly at the mention of her daughters. She knew you were protective of them, and her to a degree, but hearing that you had the urge to protect him and them, the parental urge to protect the three, it just made her happy
🩰 Before she could finish her reply, her daughter Odette walked in and told her that Angel Dust was resting in a spare room and that Clara was just making sure he was okay
🩰 The powerful Overlord smiled and nodded to her daughter, allowing the blonde-demon to slip outside to allow you both to continue your conversation
" My love, while I am happy that you would protect Clara and Odette as your own. I am quite puzzled. Why would you risk yourself just for some random sinner you had no closeness to beforehand? " " I'm not sure myself, I just moved without any hesitation, like you did during Extermination last year. When you protected the girls from the angel. "
🩰 Her eyes slightly widened at the mention of that day, the day that she realized an exorcist could be killed by the same weapon that they yielded
🩰 But, she smiled again and pulled the ties out from her hair, allowing the two spikes to fall down behind her back. She was getting ready to rest for the night, after all, dealing weapons was tiresome
" Y/N, I understand why you protected him. And yes, it is quite similar to how I protected the girls. But, remember, do not fight with pure blood-lust, fight for those you care for. " " I did. For Angel Dust. " " Understood. Now, how about we rest for a while? After all, performing with your kind of dance-style would make you tense when dealing with such an arrogant being. "
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Mammal-Demon! Reader ; White-Tailed Deer
🔘 Alastor knew that you viewed many members of the Hotel as dear friends or rarely family, though you seemingly had been getting closer to that flirty spider-demon as of late
🔘 What was his name again? Ah, right. Angel Dust, like the old drug
🔘 Your husband also knew just how protective you were of those close to you. He remembers vividly watching you maul some random demon because he tried touching Niffty
🔘 Ah, what fond memories!
🔘 But, when you had come back to the Hotel with cuts alongside your arms and one prominent one against your eye, his ears trailed backwards and his antlers began to slightly enlarge
🔘 He speed-walked up to you as Charlie dealt with Angel's injuries with Husk and Vaggie's help, dragging you back to your shared room
" Darling, what in the name of Hell happened? " " It was nothing, my love. " " Bullshit. Who did this to my beautiful spouse? Names. "
🔘 Alastor stared at you with his pupils slowly changing into dials. While he knew that he wasn't going to scare you fully, he noticed how you held yourself against his gaze; strongly but with some hesitation
" Dearest, names if you don't wish for something truly bad to happen to whoever I suspect is behind this treachery. "
🔘 You sighed and began to slouch, making your husband's eyes widen and ears to twitch up in surprise, you never slouches like this unless you fought against some exorcists in the Extermination
🔘 He sat beside you, laying his microphone staff on the end of the bed as he grabbed your chin lightly, pulling it for you to look at him. And he asked you the question, this time with a far more gentle tone, a soft tone of radio music playing in the background as his smile lowered just slightly
" Y/N, do tell me. I just want to know who had harmed you in such a way. " " ... Valentino. "
🔘 The sound of a radio screeching echoed through the Hotel, putting everyone in a state of slight fear, that sound was never something to take lightly when it would come from the Radio Demon
" As in our fellow Overlord, Valentino? " " Yes. " " And what pray tell did that sloppy wretch do to you, darling? Well, you and Angel Dust. " " Well... I had arrived to bring Angel back to the Hotel, since I needed to speak to him about stuff, but when I noticed he was still inside, I went to go grab him. "
🔘 Alastor nodded along as you spoke, his smile had almost formed a frown at the mention of V Tower, the shit-showy building that his arch-enemy Vox and his little allies lived inside of
" I had walked to his dressing room and when I heard the sounds of Angel's cries, I couldn't stop myself from going crazy and beginning to torture the soul of Valentino's. But, he is still alive. I didn't want Vox up my ass about something like that... especially about someone so- so fucking shitty. "
🔘 He returned his full smile and hummed in agreement. He wasn't fond of most of his fellow Overlords, the only ones he really didn't hate would be Zestial, Rosie, Carmilla, and you
🔘 Alastor then hugged you, playing a small tune, a favorite of yours, and stood up with you in his arms before kissing your forehead
🔘 You were the only person he had ever felt any kind of feeling towards in years, and he wasn't going to let some fucking bastard tear your joyful self from him like nothing. Not if he had a say in it that is
🔘 But, he can put his blood-lust and wish for revenge behind him in favor of comforting you in the form of a small dance and sing-along with you in your bedroom
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be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie · 2 years ago
We don't have enough Aonung x Rotxo, and im not happy about it.
First of all: what is their ship name?
second: why are there not so many fics about them?
third: i want prompts about them.
the only one i came up with is; Rotxo feeling jealous/left out/ not consider now that the sully kids are here, since Aonung spent all his time (tormenting) them.
one night after maybe five months of the sully being there, is one of Aonung and Rotxo date night (they are officially courting) but Aonung can't stop talking about the sully kids.
"Are you fucking serious?!" asks Rotxo as he suddenly stands up from the soft sand. "What?" asks Aonung with a surprised (and scared) tone, he watch worry as his best friend and boyfriend gets up. "i been planning this night for weeks, because you are always busy or with training or with the family of toruk maktao, we barely spent time together, and once we do you are talking about others!" Rotxo is angry, Aonung saw him this angry only once, when they were little and an older kid pushed Tsireya on the ground. Not hard or on purpose, but still Tsireya who at the time was only a toddler immediately started crying. And as Aonung comforted his little sister, he noticed Rotxo yelling at the older kid and making him run away with tears. Rotxo could be as evil as a sky demon if someone hurt the persons he cares about. it was at that moment that Aonung knew, that was his future mate, not discussing it further. As Rotxo makes his way to walk off, Aonung manages to hold his wrist. his eyes full of regret, he watched as the not-braided curly boy snapped his head towards him. "i swear i stop, I'm sorry oeyä tìyawn, please forgive me, tell me everything you want i won't talk, only admire you" Aonung said and he relaxed when he saw Rotxo lips becoming a smirk. as he settled down again next to him (now closer, he could if wanted rest his head on the other chest) he murmured "Corny skxawng" then Rotxo narrated to the other boy, all the things he done that week, and all the things he planned to do. after they happily eat together and went to race with their ilu, then said goodbye with a kiss before returning to their own family marui.
this is stupid, but is okay because is like 3 am and I'm stupid myself.
You are not stupid, this is adorable! I 100% agree, they were the first ship I thought of honestly. I was like oh this kid is just hanging around all the time and is basically part of the family? Well, one of my favorite tropes ever is the family basically adopting their kids significant other. Rotxo's just over all the time living with Tonowari's family just because he'd going to mate with Ao'nung and everyone just like, knows and now expects him to be around? Iconic.
Like, Ronal's baby she hasn't had yet? That child would just grow up 24/7 with Rotxo around, they've never experienced life without him there. That's adorable. My mom is eight years older than her youngest brother, and going through her family pictures eventually it's just her and her siblings and also my dad there in every graduation picture, holiday picture, and so on. It's so funny and adorable to me. That's Rotxo with Ao'nung.
I think the best prompt for them is that they aren't crazy into PDA, they just vibe mostly in the most secure and confident relationship ever, to the point that it takes the Sully's an absurd amount of time to notice they are even courting. Spider is rescued and Neteyam is recovering and Ao'nung is being a little bit of a dick to Spider, and Rotxo goes "Sorry about my future mate, he can be a dick." And Lo'ak and Kiri are like WHAT.
I can also see a story in the personality differences. Ao'nung... not to be rude, but he's kind of a dick there at the beginning. Rotxo is our sweet baby angel so I can see Ao'nung spending too much time with his little asshole friends and them drifting apart as a result. It's another interesting dynamic.
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a-bucket-of-trash · 2 years ago
The Garden of Horrors- Kelvin x Female Reader – Part 1/?
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Prompt: You were already on the island when a certain incident occurred. Will you be able to get out of there now that there is also a wounded soldier in your care? Idea by @hubbelebubbele
Your friend Alan was undoubtedly an exceptional case. That rich boy, son of rich parents, did whatever he wanted, and had always been a die-hard fan of exploring uncharted territory, of going into a jungle and taking a private helicopter out when he got bored after a month. You had seen him become obsessed with survival books, and his latest favorite author was one Eric LeBlanc whom he read like crazy. You saw a golden opportunity when he asked you to accompany him on his next exploration to that island that he had discovered in the middle of nowhere and that didn't show up on any damn map. You weren't going to lie, you had never done anything like that and it made you somewhat curious, besides spending some time with him, being that you had a crush on him, could be a great opportunity for him to see you as more than just a friend.
- "And how did you find this island if it doesn't appear on any map?" You asked, leaning against the fuselage of the boat as he sailed through the middle of the ocean.
"From my father" He took a drink of his stupidly expensive scotch "He was talking some nonsense about an island that is disputed between his company and the rival company, and since he was quite drunk, it was easy to get the information from him"
"Do you think it's a good idea to explore an island that's in legal dispute?" You hesitated.
“Pffff” He laughed loudly “What are they going to do to me? The pharmacist where dad works has the most absurdly expensive lawyers on the market, the ones from Puffycorpy aren't going to do anything to me… If something happens, feign ignorance, say we came by chance. Unless they put a fence around the island, they won't stop me."
"You have it all figured out, cunning fox." You laughed.
"OBVIOUSLY" He gloated, puffing out his expensively dressed chest.
Alan could be many things, but above all he was smart and cunning, those kinds of things were always perfectly controlled by him, his brain was two chapters in the future.
- This unknown island seemed pretty cool, although it was obvious that it was relatively in use, as there was a small harbor at one end, where Alan left his fantastic rich-boy boat. That didn't stop him, he left his backpack of things and you both went to explore the surroundings slightly, with adrenaline pumping in your chests. The scenery was great and he spent a couple of hours strutting about what plants did what and how to make the most of a squirrel's fur, things you didn't really pay much attention to, you were too busy not tripping over a spider web.
What you least expected was that the island was inhabited, and that its inhabitants were hostile enough that you two were running for your lives, heading for the boat, the screams of those monsters hot on your heels like demons of the night, some appearing out of nowhere, armed like cavemen.
They were getting closer, Alan knew, so when he saw that his legs wouldn't save him, he stopped you, to push you hard, throwing you to the ground.
"Alan!?" You got scared, seeing him separating from you.
"I'm sorry, baby, I don't want to die here" Was what he said before running away.
You got up, desperate. That bastard had tried to use you as bait to draw the attention of those natives to you, and have a better chance of escaping. Your feet sped up, running somewhere, anywhere, away from the screams that followed you.
Terrified, you passed through leaves and bushes, dodging logs, until you saw a small natural stone wall with a slight opening. Hiding was your best bet for survival, so you catapulted yourself there, into the gap that could barely let a person through, and hid, in the damp dark shadow, trying not to keep your panting loud enough to that they listen to you.
Trembling, scared, you saw those guys go by, screaming, as if they were looking for you. Fearing the worst, you backed up further, following the tunnel carved into the rock, quickly falling into the dark, feeling the sticky wet stone wall under your fingers, until your fingers felt a surface too smooth to be stone, cold, metallic, and your boots stopped walking on a rough surface. It was no longer stone, it was something else.
Your body let out a slight “uhf” as you ran into a metal door and groped the surface with one hand while rubbing your face with the other. You found a handle, so you pulled, opening the heavy door, seeing a large room, with concrete walls and some lights on the ceiling that illuminated everything poorly.
It was a bunker, or so it seemed. Metal shelves with things, boxes, what seemed to be an electric generator, bags with things, all messy, a simple bed, unused, somewhat high, with open compartments underneath, long, as if to store weapons, some simple chairs, some many metal tables, things scattered on the floor, fabrics and clothes. It seemed that someone had taken out everything urgent, quickly, before leaving.
You closed the door before sitting down on the floor, your back resting on the cold metal surface, trembling with a mixture of fear, adrenaline and anguish. You hugged yourself, crying. You had been so close to dying, and all thanks to the fact that your supposed friend had seen more value in you as bait than as a friend. The worst thing is that you had no idea what to do, you didn't explore, you didn't know anything about survival, you had gone to accompany him and because you had the stupid hope that you weren't completely invisible to him.
"Stupid Alan!" You cried “You bastard son of a bitch…” You dried your eyes “You better be waiting for me on the boat or…”
You trembled even more. What if he was waiting for you? Perhaps he was there, on the boat, awaiting your arrival like a dubious-minded Prince Charming. You wanted to go out and check it out, but, by God, you couldn't. You were so scared, you felt like your legs weren't responding. You didn't know how long it took you until you worked up your courage and calmed down enough to take a step. Little by little you left the bunker, with a broomstick as a weapon.
The sun was going down, you knew you had to hurry, so you ran, very carefully, to that half-abandoned port, your eyes fastening on every noise you heard around you.
The happiness of knowing that you had arrived there safe and sound, went out like a fire underwater, seeing the empty port. The boat wasn't there, Alan had gone, leaving you there, alone, lost on an island full of dangers, without having the slightest idea what to do.
You wanted to scream in despair, but you covered your mouth, terrified that they would hear you, on the back of your neck. You were going to go back to that bunker, but something caught your attention, and it was that the backpack that Alan had left once he went down, was still there. You took it, hastening your steps to that safe corner that you had found by a miracle.
Part 2
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the-void-writes · 2 years ago
From this Ask Game, For Rio & Will!
Thank you so much! And once again, happy birthday!
LYING - Are they good liars? Do they have tells to show they're lying?
Rio: He kept a lie going for six years, to the love of his life. He’s pretty good at lying lol.
Will: Not good in the slightest. He learned early that honesty is the best policy because people would hurt him regardless so he might as well tell the truth.
FEARFUL - When scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
They’re both pretty similar to each other. If they’re scared for someone else, they’ll fight tooth and nail. But Will tends to avoid fighting more because he doesn’t want to be a monster, while Rio gave up on his image years ago.
PANCAKE - What is their comfort breakfast?
Rio: This man only knows cereal, protein shakes, and maybe microwaveable egg sandwiches lol. He’ll cook for Jin or Jason, though, anything they like.
Will: Thick pancakes with fresh strawberries, and maybe hash-browns, two foods that he learned to cook from his real dads.
DONUT - Favorite sweet treat?
Rio: Anything with dark chocolate.
Will: Give him a chocolate-covered strawberry or cordial cherry and he’ll love you forever.
SHAVED ICE - Do they still have any objects from their childhood? What significance does it have to them? What would their reaction be if they lost it?
Will: He has a necklace with a clay moon charm, meant to match the sun one he gave Jason. It’s their sign for each other, so they’ll never be alone wherever they go. When Will finally realizes he’s lost it, he feels hollow for a good while.
Rio: He made sure to get rid of any trace of his childhood. The only stuff that holds any significance to him are a set of necklaces. One is a copy of Will’s necklace, which he gave to Jason to remember his son by (and then gives to Will when they reunite). The second is a heart locket that belonged to Jin. If he lost either of them, he would blame himself all over again for losing the people that those necklaces belonged to.
MOON - What is your oc's greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
Rio: To be reunited with his family, and to be worthy of an afterlife he can share with them. Luckily, he finds peace and redemption in his new family.
Will: To love and be loved without anyone taking that chance away from him. He works himself rugged trying to please everyone and keep them happy. At last, he finds Dante and gets to enjoy unconditional love again.
SPIDER - What is their biggest fear? Do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Rio: He’s scared of losing the people he loves. A lot of people were taken from him, so he desperately tries to hold on to the few people that made it with him to Paradise.
Will: For the absolute longest time, Will cannot cross the street without his heart racing or his arm aching. Vesely has traumatized him for life.
SEE-NO-EVIL - What’s a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Rio: His barely-contained anger. If it’s soldiers or Gabe, he’ll yell as much as he pleases, but he could never bring himself to act that way around Jin or Jason or his team.
Will: The part of himself that Vesely was hoping for, the part that could turn a building to dust just by looking at it… and enjoy it. The part that’s sick and tired of being hurt and tossed aside and abandoned, and craves some kind of vengeance.
PENCIL - Is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Rio: “The only heaven I’ll be sent to is when I’m alone with you.” - Take Me To Church by Hozier
Will: “Take me high and I’ll sing, you make everything okay. We are one in the same, you take all of the pain away.” - My Demons by STARSET
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mysticalibra1994 · 11 months ago
Hazbin Hotel Season 1 finale (what if...?)
Okay, since the first season is over, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Lucifer came across Alastor after his fight against Adam...
[For the record, I already KNOW that Alastor's Ace and Aro. However, the creator "Vivziepop" is appreciative of her fans and she respects their freedom to make fanworks (which includes "shipping") of her show. With that in mind, PLEASE put down the pitchforks and torches. The show may take place in Hell, but I'm sure the fictional demons (and the real ones that people follow/work with) have standards.]
[Setting: exterior; the rest of the Hazbin Hotel. After the sacrifice of Sir Pentious, Charlie is frantically searching the debris for Alastor. Lucifer notices this as the rest helps her.]
Lucifer: Uh, Char Char? Charlie: *on the verge of tears* I-I can't find him, Dad! Alastor was near the Hotel! But... Lucifer: Hey, it's okay, hon. *consoles her* Look, if it'll help, I'll look for him. Where's his favorite location? Angel Dust: Besides my bedroom? *read the room* Sorry, trying to break the tension. Too soon... Vaggie: You could try his radio station tower. I'm not sure where it is, but it should be on the right side of the entrance if your back is facing where the front door used to be. Lucifer: Thanks, Maggie.
[As Lucifer opens up his wings for flight, he begins to search for any remnants of the radio station tower. It only took about a few minutes, but by the time he noticed a broken radio station antenna, he landed at the entranceway. As he begins to look around the inside for any traces of Alastor.]
Lucifer: Geez, this place looks like Hell! And that's saying something. Ugh, Alastor! Al! *smirks* Bundy! Alastor: *from the shadows, coughing a bit* The fuck did you call me?! Lucifer: You heard me, Bambi! *notices the cough* Ooh, that cough doesn't sound good. *fishing something from his pockets* You wanna Ricola? Codine? *beat* Whatever that horny Spider likes?
[Alastor begins to laugh, then coughs violently. A few drops of blood seeps out.]
Alastor: What are you talking about? I'm fine and dandy...
[By the time Alastor says this, he unknowingly moves his arms from his open wound to put them on his own hips. As the couple heard the grotesque sound of the organs made when they fell out from Al's torso and hit the floor, the radio demon only had one thing to say as his life (and smile) fades...]
Alastor: S-shit...
[Lucifer can only stand there with a stunned expression on his face as Alastor falls over on his right side. The fallen angel gets close to his side, looking a bit forlorn or in deep concentration... Only to snap his fingers which causes Alastor's injuries to reverse itself; almost like it never happened.]
Lucifer: Geez, what a drama queen! I've had worse injuries the last time I said "Catch U Next Tuesday, Boomer" to my dad- Wait, you're not getting up? Wow, dramatic much? *chuckling* No, but, seriously Alastor. Get up. *pokes him with his Apple Staff* Come on, Bambi. *kneels to Alastor's level* Come on, Alastor. I can't believe that Charlie find someone like you "helpful", when you're actually hope-
[Lucifer stops himself as he got close enough to check Alastor's vitals; his breath has ceased, his pulse being barely there, and his smile? Nonexistent. So many questions are circling around. How deep were his injuries? Was it an angel weapon? Did it hit any of his major organs? Was he... Was he too late? No, no. He just got here! As he recollects himself, he struggles with the buttons on his overcoat, waistcoat, and gentleman's blouse.]
Lucifer: Tch, these damned buttons. *pulls out a switchblade, to Alastor's still form* I'll pay extra for the tailor's.
[Lucifer concentrates as he uses the blade to undo all of Alastor's buttons in order to get a close contact to his chest. He double checks for any signs of any heartbeat... It's barely there. He's not too late! He places his left hand over his right at the center of his chest.]
Lucifer: *performs chest compressions* Thank me for taking those lessons since Charlie was born! Come on, Alastor. We may hate each other, but you haven't been redeemed yet! It's not your time...
[Lucifer hates doing this next part, but it's either this or guilt from his daughter... He lifts Alastor's chin, tilts his head back, pries his mouth open, inhales deeply, and exhales as he forms a tight seal over his mouth. He watches closely as his "healed up" scarred chest rises then falls. As he waits for any changes, he notice other scars and injuries while he continues chest compressions.]
Lucifer: *performs chest compressions* I'm guessing those scars were from BEFORE Hell, huh? Brother JC, Al! What happened...? *blows air twice* Come on, Al! *continues chest compressions* You're not gonna let some two-bit jammed Joystick kill you THIS easy! *checks pulse, nearly into Demon mode* I WILL INTERRUPT YOUR REUNION WITH YOUR MOTHER AND DRAG YOUR WENDIGO SOUL BACK INTO HELL, YOU SPICY PIECE OF-
[After Lucifer slugs him square middle of his chest, Alastor begins coughing violently as the king of Hell rolls him on his side, patting his back.]
Lucifer: *reverts to his normal self* T-that's it, Bambi. Alastor: *groans* Call me that again, and I'll sell your teeth as Rosie's ben wa balls.
[As Alastor opens his eyes, he notices that he's not smiling. Lucifer notices this as he stops Al from doing it.]
Lucifer: Will you knock this fake shit off? Seriously, why do you have to smile all the Dad--damned time? Alastor: *winces* No, I have t-to... Lucifer: Despite not giving a shit, nobody's forcing you to smile! Alastor: I know... Lucifer: Then why don't you stop?! Alastor: I... Lucifer: Huh?! Alastor: I made a promise... Lucifer: TO WHO?! Alastor: MY MOTHER!!!
[The tension from before has eased off. There's a cold silence in the air. Alastor chose to break the silence.]
Alastor: My mother was everything to me growing up. Knowing that she'll always be by my side was more than enough to get through the day. Ever since I ended up in Hell, I've done everything I could in order to be a good person. Just so I could see her in Heaven. Lucifer: She was your reason... Alastor: *smiles genuinely through tears* Still is. *wipes his eyes* What about you? What's your story about being Hell Royal Family?
[Lucifer chuckles. He hasn't heard anyone say that in ages.]
Lucifer: *sighs deeply* Lilith wanted to be a mom so bad. But, since she left Eden, she was cursed to only produce 100 stillborns. She was about halfway in the 90s when she and I lived together in secret. We stayed in Valhala for about half a milennia. She was afraid to make one with me since it was already 99. Alastor: So, Charlie was...? Lucifer: *nods through the tears* We made a promise not to tell her until she was ready. Bringing someone back to life was assumed to only be a power of God. When Dad wasn't looking, I took the page from his book before the Fall when I overheard about her curse. Alastor: *putting it together* And instead of doing that, you chose to stick your tongue down my throat? Lucifer: *suddenly* It's called "CPR"! I took a class when Charlie was born! Alastor: They had classes in Hell? Lucifer: I was disguised as a human on Earth when I took the classes. A lot of mothers and some fathers fell for me for being a loving soon-to-be-dad. Alastor: Ah...
Alastor: So, between Lilith, Eve, and me, who's the better kisser? Lucifer: Well, Lilith's my goddess of a wife, Eve's obedient, and Adam's ego is too much for me that it killed the mood. Alastor: But, I didn't say- Oh...
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soundprooft-visualz · 2 years ago
Humans are Space Oddities: Creature Comfort
“Rough fight?”
“No more than usual, no.” 
“That really doesn’t say much.” Quanta sighed and set her now blue stained helmet on the bench beside it, opting to worry about scrubbing it back to spotless later. The person in the green flight suit twirled a finger for her to turn around. She obliged and turned, the damaged actuator nearly tossing her off her feet before the gyroscope caught her, putting her back on center despite the pitching heeling in her stomach. All at once the feeling faded away and she fell backwards out of the suit as the armor opened with a hiss. Another second of weightlessness caught up with her before the other person in the bay caught her arm, pulling her up into a tight hug. Quanta, the terror of the battlefield, smiled and wrapped her arms around their neck, pulling herself up onto her toes so she could get a little bit closer. Now that the adrenaline had worn itself out of her system, she could feel her muscles starting to burn from the effort of the last thirty minutes or so. They’d had engine trouble because of course they had. That had delayed evacuation by five minutes. Five. Minutes. Did they have any idea how long five minutes was when she had a spider ant demon trying to bite her helmet off every other second of those minutes?
“Thanks for the hand.”
“No problem. I know you can’t reach the wheel.” Normally that would’ve netted them an elbow, a flick in the side of the head at the bare minimum, but she was a little too exhausted to do much but groan. They help her take a seat back on the bench. Quanta takes a look at her armor and winces internally. That armor was her baby. Almost every minute of her free time was spent in the engineering bay tinkering with it or thinking up new designs to route auxiliary systems to if one wound up breaking or getting boring. Seeing the outer layers ripped to shreds hurt her heart a little, but once she got the diagnostics scan off her computer she’d know how to make it better again. That was, if-
“Q?” She blinked and her train of thought crashed, derailed by a smell that set her immediately at ease. “How’s your own little world?”
“It’s good. Everyone likes me there.” They chuckle a little and press a styrofoam cup of hot chocolate into her hands. Quanta wraps her hands around it, holding it tight as she could without cracking it and letting the warmth seep into her hands as her squadmate wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. For the first time since the general retreat was announced, the stress melted out of her shoulders and she actually relaxed, leaning her head on their shoulder with a tired, happy sigh. “You’re my favorite welcoming party.” They chuckled and rolled their eyes, resting their head on hers with a contented smile. 
“I’m really glad you made it back. Had us sweating for a minute there.”
“Me too. Can’t resist your hot cocoa thought, it’s worth coming back just for this. And a couple of other shit, I guess.” 
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odiesbun · 2 years ago
Halloween: Stray kids ver.
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There may be mistakes in the text because my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes!
WARNINGS: fluff, Halloween, costumes, pumpkins, house decorations, etc.
Number of characters in the text: 5571
Chan He's probably going to be the one who does nothing. He doesn't consider Halloween to be a holiday that can be considered very big or his favorite, no. The most he'll do is dress up in a costume and hang a garland of shards over your bed. "I thought it suited me to be a vampire, and also those shards were really cute, so I wanted to hang them in the living room." He's five years old… So if you make him a pumpkin or a Halloween card with your own hands, he'll be over the moon. "Wow, you really made that yourself? Wow!!! You're so good, thank you so much, I'm happy!!!"
Lee Know The king of acting. He'll probably want to make a little video of his transformation and how skillfully he'll scare you and the younger members in the dorm, so expect trouble. "BOOOOOO! HAHA, were you really scared?! What a laugh, are you really that scared?" But of course, he'll only do it as a joke. He has a lot of scary stories. But most of them he makes up as he goes along, to make it much scarier and more interesting. "And then I turn around and there's a woman standing there in all white and with her hair slicked back on her forehead and she's reaching out to me! Boo! That's exactly what she did, and then I ran away, but I kept hearing her standing there still saying boo! Ah, come on, I didn't make that story up, it really isn't made up!" Sexiest and most provocative Halloween costume. For example, an incubus or other demon is literally ready to go with his bare torso to embarrass you. "Come on, don't stare, baby~ You see me almost every night, isn't my body enough for you?"
Changbin He's hungry. He's hungry all the time, so all he'll be doing during all of Halloween is helping you cook and eat. In fact, while cooking, he eats, too. "I don't understand why people don't like the taste of raw dough, it's actually really good, especially if it's chocolatey! Ah, you think I'm weird?" I have a feeling he's going to be made to dress up in a ridiculous costume. Like a rabbit or a pig or Dwaekki. "Does pink look good on me? Yes? If you really like it, I'll wear it all the time."
Hyunjin He hates Halloween because he will be the one who gets pranked the most on this holiday. For example, suddenly a toy spider is tossed up to him by the scruff of his neck or accidentally jumped out from around a corner, then Hyunjin is already screaming at the top of his voice and running away. "AAAAAH, THERE WAS A HUGE SPIDER, A SPIDER! I'M NOT GOING TO BE THERE, PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE, I'M SCARED." He's the one who will have the best costume. And he'll brag about it all the time, thinking it's his virtue, because it's a costume he made himself. "You really like my suit? Thanks, honey, I made it myself~ Next year I'll make you one just like it!"
Han I have a feeling Han is a big anime fan, so he will definitely have a costume that is like a cosplay on a certain anime character. "OMG, look, I'm Gojo Satoru! How about we get you a uniform costume from Attack of the Titans and the two of us can be like cosplayers?"He really likes to nag for candy, whether he does it with the older members of the group or with you, he just HAS to get candy, preferably more than five pieces. But if someone doesn't give him the candy willingly, he'll steal it sooner or later. "HONEY, I STOLE CANDY FROM LEE KNOW-HYUN, WE HAVE TIME TO ESCAPE, LET'S RUN."
Felix The one who does spontaneous Halloween shopping. He literally flies up to you with phone in hand, happily shoving it in your face for you to look at what he ordered for decor. "Look, look! These are scented candles that smell like fall and coffee and pumpkins, they're made in the shape of crockpots, they're so cool, right? And this plaid, which also has shards and pumpkins, it's very pretty too, isn't it?" More than anything, he loves to cook, so he does that on Halloween, too. For example, he might bake some cupcakes, draw eyes on them and things like that, and also make mulled wine, which he associates with fall and Halloween. In short, a lot of food. "I decided to add pumpkin seeds here for beauty, but they turned out to be too oily for that…"
Seungmin Will Seungmin do anything during Halloween. No. He's literally the epitome of the smiley face "🧍", he does absolutely nothing. "Why do you need another garland in black and orange when you've already used one? Don't you think that's enough? Oh, are you still thinking of making pumpkins? Why?" He knows you like the Halloween atmosphere, so he'll definitely make you go with him to walk around the night city and take lots of pictures in the park. "Yeah, that's a great angle, honey. Bring the pumpkin a little closer to you, that's it, well done. Great shot, you're adorable."
Jeongin He's definitely someone who will share a lot of candy with those around him and won't keep any for himself. Most of the time, almost all the candy goes to you. "Hey, baby," he whispers, poking his head through the doorway and showing you a bucket half full of candy. "I found some more candy for you, take it." Starts the holiday preparations a week in advance, like Felix, but doesn't do spontaneous shopping, but considers with you whether you need it. "I saw a beautiful garland of black and orange pumpkins in a store near our company, I think you might really like it. We can go out this weekend and pick out what we need together."
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ihaveafandom-problem554 · 4 years ago
Hey, could I request a upper three x milf reader. Like she's rui's human møther replacement, but she genuinely cares for her family. Shw calls oni her little 'koibito', or her sweetheart, and spoils all of her 'children' when she goes down to the village with sweet treats to make and little toys?
I read this so many times with the biggest smile on my face.
Older Spider Brother = Ani (It was the name I found on the Wiki)
Older Spider Sister = Ane ( Her name was actually Ane not Oni, I might go back to naming her Oni though-), Koibito (Sweetheart)
Ok lets just say Ani can switch from his spider form to a human-looking form
You exited the small market filled with your koibito's favorite pastries and sweets as you entered another market, this time filled with Ani's favorite snacks.
This continued until you had everyone's favorite snack or play thing.
Straight to the woods you went after finishing buying everyone’s desires. You lived near the Mountain where it was rumored to have demons.
Anyone who walked in never came back out.
Who ever did later died days later, their last words being
"I was disturbing their perfect family"
You only smiled at the thought of it happening to you. Your smile getting bigger at the words 'perfect family'.
You stopped walking once you reached a hot spring with clean spider themed kimono sitting next to it. You placed the treat filled bags under a tree as you took off your current kimono. Now undressed, you took a short bath in the hot spring to wash off all the wisteria from your body.
Once finished, you put on your spider kimono and grabbed the bags and proceed to walk towards your house.
And Once you open the door, the first thing you heard was-
“WOULD YOU STOP EATING MY SNACKS YOU FREAK!” Your spider daughter yelled at her older spider brother. Ani’s only response was to spit his poison at her and laugh. Thank goodness Ane missed just barely.
“WHAT THE HELL YOU PRICK!? THIS ISN’T FUNNY” Ane yelled. “Ani, What have I said about using your poison in the house? And apologize to your sister” You say as you walked inside.
Ani scoffed, “Why should I? She called me a freak-OW” he screamed as he turn into his more human like form to touch is head that just got backhand slapped. 
“OW! What was that for!?”
“Apologize to your sister, like your dear mother had ask.” your husband, Akaza, demanded as he held a sleeping Rui. Ani held the back of his head once more before reluctantly turning over to his sister, who now wore a smug smirk across her face. 
“Hmph, even though your very poor when it comes to apologizing. I guess I’ll take it.” Ane taunted. “Ok now your asking for more poison-”
“Keep the poison to yourself, or else you don’t get to see what’s in the bag” You threaten holding up the multiple bags you had in your hands. The two spider siblings quickly rushed over to you to see what was in the bag.
Treats, toys, tools (You don’t understand why they want those) Different teas and baked goods.
When the spider siblings walked away with their new belongings, you went over to your husband and youngest child. The second you sat down next to them, you got forced right back up.
“Akaza, I’m fine!” You playfully complained. “Nope, Stay still”
You giggled at Akaza being concerned for you. He checked you up and down to see if you had any bruises, cuts, burns, scratches, rashes, literally anything that doesn’t belong on your body.
As he looked around your body, you started to pose for him. “Can you stop posing, I can’t find any-”
“I’m putting on a show! you should be grateful!”
“Eh- Pose once more I need a camera!”
��Ani...broke the...last one with his poison..” A sleepy Rui said snuggling deeper into Akaza’s hold. “Hi Rui! how was your day?” You say taking him from Akaza. “Father backhand slapped Ani 13 times today”
“Why did you count?”
“WHAT!? He can take it!”
“We spoke about this!”
“He’s a lower rank 2 in the making, he has potential!”
Both You and Rui gave Akaza a disappointed look.
No this is not ending yet. I just lost the courage to continue writing this so here are some headcanons..
Affection towards Older spider brother, Ani
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Someone put a warning anytime this guy shows up like damn
- .....
- See, it's hard enough to even strike a conversation with him
- He favors Akaza more than you
- And he has no shame saying it out loud
- But-but even though he can be an ass, he has a weak spot for the snacks you buy him and when you cup his face
- He can't take physical affection well
- He's the only one who doesn't know what to do when you hug him, so he just stands there
- He loves the snacks you get him
- very different from human meat
- He doesn't like the toys you get him so he gives it to Rui
- But if you get Ane toys he takes hers and claims that her toys are better
- Do you take care of his spider underlings?
- No
- Akaza's really aggressive with him
- In his eyes, Ani is a lower moon in the making
- So, the second you leave the house
- Akaza enters the house to train him
- Ani loves Akaza more than you because Akaza allows him to spit his acid/poison around the house
- Yes you come home to holes in the walls
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- Your little koibito
- Such an angel
- She favors you more than Akaza
- Loves literally anything you do
- Vows to become just like you
- You love to hug her the second you get the chance
- And she always accepts them
- She always by your side
- Loves to be held by you on bad days
- You both love to snuggle with each other
- Akaza loves to take pictures of you two when the both of you fall asleep
- Akaza doesn’t know what to with ‘little women’ so he spoils her with treats before bed (Which you forbid)
- For some strange reason, he’s an expert on hair, so he does Ane’s hair all the time
- If she wanted something you already said no to, she’s going straight to Akaza to ask the same question because she knows he’ll say yes
- Akaza also loves to carry her on his back
- But of course, this won’t be Akaza if he didn’t think she’ll be a perfect lower moon in the making
- So yes, she has to train too
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- “Hug me”
- “Hold me”
- “I want affection”
- “Mother, carry me”
- “Father, Mother is choosing Ane over me... She claims she no longer loves me-”
- He’s adorable
- and clingy
- VERY clingy
- Needs to be held at least 9 times a day or else all hell is set free
- Doesn’t have a favorite
- But if he had to choose it would be you
- But then it’ll be Akaza
- He can’t decide
- He loves it when you sit down with him
- Mainly because he sees it as an opportunity to climb on you to cuddle
- “Jesus, Akaza can you stop trying to train the kids into being lower moons?”
- “I’m not just training them to be lower moons...Rui would make a great upper moon! He has-”
- “Potential? Yeah Akaza baby, no, that’s not happening”
- Once you leave, its training time
- He’s very aggressive when it comes to training Rui
- He personally thinks that Muzan mis-ranked the moons, he believes Rui should be lower moon 2 at least
- Akaza just wants his kids to be upper moons like him
- But they do have their cuddle moments
- Doesn’t understand why you bought him plushies
- But Once you offered to take it back and get him treats instead, he didn’t want to give it back
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- ....
“Before you go out into the village, put wisteria all over your body to rid off any demons. I saw a hot spring not too far from here. Wash off the wisteria before you come in here”
“Ok Akaza”
“Always take the route Rui showed you. No shortcuts”
“Ok Akaza”
“Do not get injured on the way here. We might have to train harder if-”
“Akaza..Please shut up”
- You love him, but he’s very protective
- Sometimes he won’t let you leave the house
*Insert Protective Hugs* 
- You also have to train with the family, so Akaza doesn’t have to worry about you defending yourself
“NO! Baby look. The second the guy looks at you, you must give him a uppercut and break his nose. Then you tell him, if you ever look at me again.. I’ll get my stronger than Kokushibou sexy ass husband to beat your ass.”
“......I’m not doing that.”
“....Could you at least say it?”
- You have to start cuddle sessions because he sees it as a sign of weakness (he loves them though)
- He also loves the snacks you get him
- He loves Training  taking care of the kids
- He does the dad thing where he puts the all the kids on his back and does push up!
- Douma teases him for having a lower moon family
- Douma loves to come over To eat you
- Don’t worry Akaza deals with him
- Ngl Kokushibou also comes over
- Ani’s first reaction to him was-
“This motherfucker got 6 fucking eyes... Allergy season must be a pain in the ass-”
“ANI! Don’t say that to guests!”
- Kokushibou likes Ani for an odd reason
I think I went off topic-
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honey-lemonz · 4 years ago
From Wattpad..
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Xmale Reader
3rd Pov
Warning includes sexual content
Includes: dumbification, master kink if you see it rough sex, degradation, barley a praise kink, female form Muzan, squirt, getting eaten out over stimulation
Muzan will still go by He/him
Requested by:maskstudioart
Thank you for the request!
Muzan didn't ever think he would dub down this far. He would every single day, change his form to his more feminine body and go flirt with a demon archer.
The demon knew it was Muzan the progenitor and knew if he did something wrong he would die but...
Muzan had an obsession.
He overly loved the feeling of climax in a female form, it was so different than a males.
You could say he was a virgin with this meaning he was inexperienced but God's did he fucking love to finger himself.
He just wished a certain archer would make him feel the climax himself.  Muzan couldn't lie, he was a strong demon, very useful as well, very strong too. Good enough to be a spot for the twelve kizuki. Not a lower moon of course most likely and upper rank.
But for some odd reason he didn't want him as a servant.
He wanted him as a lover. And he knew love needed to be two sided otherwise it wouldn't work.
So how do you make a lust full demon king make another demon who is a devoted archer and is devoted to his sport and possibly not interested in him or fears him?
Gifts and buy lots of them, bribing.
Muzan wore his most fancy kimono and tied his hair into his bun and made Daki put the pins in. He wore a signature floral style which is famous muromachi period which it the century the archer if from.
He put on a red lip and was out the infinity fortress and walked to the archery park filled with cherry blossoms and bamboo gates. No human knew of the hidden places.
Muzan glared at the other demons to open the gate and strolled on in, he felt like a school girl who had a crush on her upper class men. Except he is older and stronger.
The archer was practicing with their bow and was in total focus. He could sense Muzan and smiled vividly that his lord could see him.
"Hello, Muzan-sama. How are you tonight under this moon." His voice made the king's pussy clench on nothing. He bit his lip and walked closer. A pale and touched the grey-ish skin of the archer. Veins throbbing on muscle.
Muzan traced them and hummed, his voice not menacing but suggestive.
"I am well, my archer..My search for the blue spider lilly is going unsuccessful but I grant time will tell. Now, how is my dear, archer. Have any whores here?"
Muzan is a jealous and petty thing. He knew the archer can have whores here and there. Daki has spoken about it. She even said his physical domination is almost more tempting and frightful than Kokushibou. (sexy ass man koku)
The archer inhaled before letting the string of the bow go. "What of it my lord?" Normally Muzan would be angered of the question but he, he made it sound like a challenge.
"Well, I came here to see my beloved and most favorite archer...I didn't come to see if he is fucking another whore. I thought warriors like you were supposed to be poised."
The archer's fist clenched, snapping the bow in half. Muzan let out almost a moan at the sight of his strength.
"Yes my lord. I am poised, who ever told you of these lies must want to anger you. I haven't had a woman nor man at my side since the Sengoku."(making the archer older than Koku)
Muzan gazed at his split eyes, cat like with the gold color shining through. He wasn't lying, so either Daki was or whoever told Daki lied. Either way Muzan will deal with it later.
"So, my archer if to say you did have a whore what would she be? What would she looked like? Would she be rich? Poor?"
Muzan stepped behind him and pressed his womanly breast against his stern and muscular back. A thing kimono separated the skin to skin contact. The archer prepared his stance again. He inhaled and held the strong and tight bow. He pulled his back to his cheek.
"She, or he would have to learn how to speak of what they want." Muzan hummed and wrapped his hands around his waist from behind. Moving his hands up and down slowly, taunting him. His nails circling around his peck and the faint lines of his abdomen.
"What about her mouth? Should she speak like a whore or more of a queen? Or do you want to shut her up yourself..."
Muzan's hand dipped down to the hakama pants, the white fabric holding and slowly untying them. "Or do you want her to do all the work, my archer.."
His other hand curled around the arm that was holding the arrow. Holding onto his bicep. Leaning up to whisper into his ear.
"Tell me my archer..what kind of whore do you want me to be for you?"
(M/n) sighed and rested his arms and set the bow down. He sighed and let his head fall down to look at the ground. The sweat off his body made it shine slightly underneath the moon light. he looked so delicious, it made Muzan restless.
He wished he could see him during the sun or wake up beside him and just let him fuck the shit out of him or eat him out.
"Muzan-sama." The king in question hummed and smiled devilishly at his favored archer. "Yes (M/n)?" he answer as his long blue nail was tracing the outline of his cock.
"One thing."
He hummed again, he could read his mind and knew what he was going to say and it made him drip with slick.
"Whores that ask to many questions are just begging to be fucked." He dropped the bow and turned around the see Muzan. He smiled and blushed.
Muzan lifted his arms making him carry him. He didn't want to be in control he just wanted him to fuck him deep into the ground. His pussy was aching it.
Muzan was laying in his shoulder. If any demon saw him, they'd be killed.
They walked into the large estate, the house had been a gift from Muzan. He was so happy he decided to kill of the family here and give it to him.
He dropped Muzan on the engawa and stripped himself of his thin kimono but not the hakama pants. His chest that housed that baritone voice, a voice he wanted to her moan his name and name alone made the demon lord almost finger himself then.
"But since my king is here I believe it is best to pleasure him first than myself." He got onto his knees and stomach and rested on the wooden flooring. The white curtains only showed their shadows but neither cared.
He pushed the layers of cloth out of the way only to see no underwear or anything. A bare pink pussy dripping with cum.
"My lords pussy is dripping..did he plan for this? To be eaten out like a slut? How disgusting you pig." He breath fanned his clit. The anticipation was harsh but the impact was so enjoyus.
"Yes, I am your little slut, now please my archer eat me out like one." Muzan's head tilted back and spread his legs wider, his clit twitch waiting for the intense sensitivity to send it over and beyond.
"Yes, my master." His cool tongue circled his clit and spread his labia. Muzan moaned loudly and gripped the archers head. His attention to certain spots was so endearing and so careful.
"More, please! More my archer!"
His tongue dipped into his tight entrance and pushed deeper and deeper. His pointer and middle finger entrap his clit. His thumb circles it roughly. Muzan felt the blood from his teeth digging into his lips dip down onto the floral patterned kimono.
"Fu-fuck. More! Please my archer give me more!" He was arching his back and pushing his head deeper. (M/n) removed his tongue, Muzan missing the contact was about to yell at him to continue but his three fingers replaced the rage with more pleasure.
He moved his hand in and out at inhuman speed. He reached up to lick away the blood from his lords lips and bite them. His thumb moved harsher and harder. Wet and sloppy sounds filled the air.
All coming from the demon lord.
His hands gripped the arches forearm and dug into it, drawing blood with his nails. He was whining and moaning. The pressure built more and more. More lewd and rude comments were whispered into his ear.
"Who knew the demon king wanted to get fucked like a whore..so fucking wet for an archer. Was it your plan to have a good fuck? To act like a such a slut and pig. Your dripping all on my hand."
With the words Muzan's pussy gushed. He had never felt so disgusting but it felt so good to feel like a sloppy whore.
He panted and clenched on his hand.  But then Muzan felt another finger being added. (fisting) The pressure came back and made the demon lord fall back out of over stimulation. Begging and begging for more. His own hand playing with his clit and slapping it too.
His kimono was drenched by the second orgasm, he squirted father this time and more. The engawa was soaking with his delicious fluids. The blood on his lips were lapped away. (M/n) pulled his hand away and liked his digits clean of the others juices.
"So tasty my lord, you did such a good just squirting like a whore."He stood up and lifted his fucked out demon king to farther into the estate.
He rested Muzan on the futon. He stripped himself and then Muzan. His breast were round and plump, his nipples hard.
Kissing and biting them, also playing with his clit made him scream at over stimulation again.
"Pl-please, my archer..fuck me..fuck me until I cannot think.." He begged, his lipstick smudge covering his cheek, hair a mess and his bun not as perfect. The decorations were falling out. This obsession he had was growing and growing because of his dear archer.
"Yes my whore lord."
He untied the sash of the hakama and revealed his thick and long cock. Muzan felt like he was going to fucking squirt again.He pulled (M/n) down to kiss him and to force him and let their body's run against each other. His cock rubbing against his clit made him arch his back.
"Please, my archer just fuck me!"
The archer pushed no slammed himself into Muzan. Letting the demon lord get a taste of what he wanted.
But he pulled out and flipped the demon on his hands and knees. He pushed back in and growled as he clenched tightly around him. His chest pushing into Muzan's. Fucking like a wild animal.
His cock pushed pass his G-spot and made the demon lord cry out about how he is going to cum again. His mind as he fucked him wandered off. Just blank and white all he felt was his pussy gushing and squirting. His arousal dripping down his legs and (M/n)'s cock and balls.
He was drooling and crying, not even having proper speech. When the archer pulled out and showered his back and ass with cum, growling and grunting.
Muzan felt his whole body just become sore. He was the strongest demon but got fucked like the weakest.
"T-this i...is..w-whhy yo-your myy favorite..m-my archer..."
The archer chuckled and wiped the cum off Muzan and the liquids off himself. He waled away to grab a kimono for the demon king.
"You'll ma-make a great King.."
The demon king relished in the feeling of being pampered. He liked how much attention he was getting and how much care was put into it. He smiled as he was place into the warm pool of water and treated perfectly.
By the time the sun rose, the archer and him retired to their sleeping quarters and sleep in the large western style bed. Muzan cuddled close to (M/n). While he was a sleep, which proved he was a hard worker. Demons don't sleep unless anything they do is put with 100%.
Muzan pushed him nail into his temple and pumped his blood into him. The archer growled in pain but kept his eyes closed. Muzan's curse was still in affect but it would not be death just a sting.
"Yes, you would make a great King, my favorite archer.."
He fell a sleep too. His new demon king was going to be perfect, he knew it. 
That is why he was the favorite, he made his obsession grow day by day.
He was truly satisfied.
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amazingmsme · 2 years ago
Top 22 of 2022
End of the year tag game created by the lovely @otomiya-tickles This was so much fun, you always make the best tag games! Thanks for tagging me!
Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year:
Our Flag Means Death, The Boys, Moon Knight, Workaholics, The Stanley Parable, (I know I’m super late to the game but this game rocks) Godless, other seasons of critical role, inside job & uh… does Goncharov count?
02. Favorite new ships since this year:
Blackbonnet, not new but still my faves, Namdermo, & Shadowgast & probably some more that I’m forgetting
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year:
Despite not seeing the new season, my fave anime this year is Demon Slayer. As for my favorite show of the year, I think the latest season of WWDITS wins
04. Favorite movie of the year:
Prey, Pinocchio (Guillermo del Toro), but if I had seen NOPE it would undoubtedly be that, Where the Crawdads Sing, others I’m sure. But this year I have barely seen any new movies & I haven’t seen any new marvel film starting with Spider-Man NWH (I know I know, you’re gonna beat me with rocks & all that jazz)
05. Favorite character of the year:
Caleb Widogast has had me in a headlock ever since I first saw him & he hasn’t let me go since
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year:
I genuinely don’t have an answer xiavaowh I don’t tend to remember what movie soundtracks I like unless it really stands out, & I’ve barely seen any new movies this year. But my favorite soundtracks in general are Wild America, The Kings or Summer and O Brother Where Art Thou
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year:
I don’t keep up with what is published that year, but my favorite book I found this year is Night Film by Marisha Pessl
08. Favorite game of the year:
Favorite game actually released this year? God of War Ragnarok. Favorite one I’ve played this year? Either Doki Doki Literature Club or The Stanley Parable
09. Highlight of this year to remember:
Fuckin’ Goncharov babyyyyy!
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022:
Goncharov obvi, the queen’s death crab rave, Nov. 5th anniversary, & all the memes that came out this year. I have no grip on time so I have no idea which ones came out this year & I’m so dead inside I can’t force myself to remember
11. Favorite fan art of the year:
I don’t keep things organized enough to be able to actually find my favorite fan art specifically, but @fluffomatic is one of my fave artists on here, along with @ssnicker-doodless & @shyticklemonster r, @fluffy-alien alien but of course tons of other blogs as well!
12. Favorite fic of the year:
Bold of you to assume I can pick favorites & actually remember them 12 months later skagdk fr tho, some of my favorites are You Got My Devotion & Temptation, Frustration, So Bad It Makes Him Cry- @nhasablogg A Gentleman's Torture- @august-anon & uh, basically every single critical role fic. But specifically Waiting For My Mind To Go To Sleep & Embarrassing and Undignified- @chockfullofsecrets lightning damage- @spritewrites & something good to celebrate- @sapphicquill
13. Favorite ask game of the year:
Even tho I never really get asks when I reblogged that kind of stuff, I really enjoyed the list of questions on the fic writer ask game
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger:
I finally managed to participate in tickletober & finish it despite 2 major deaths in the family at that time, can someone say coping mechanism?
15. My own best fic/post of the year:
I gotta go through & actually look but Draw Me Something as Pretty as You did the numbers this year, like ever other steddie fic lol. MY personal favorite tho was Dare to be Bold & actually got over 100 notes.
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year:
Too many of my tickletober fics tbh but that’s what I get for writing for microscopic fandoms like new girl, tuck everlasting & wolf 359 which all clock in around 10 notes each. You’d think with only 4 notes my Night Film fic What A Prize would win this category. But my Imposters fic Junk in the Trunk & Workaholic fic Pizza Payback tie with a whopping 1 note!!!
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected:
My recent “porn bots want me carnally” shitpost. I guess because it’s so relevant? (Seriously don’t get me started on that, I had close to 10 try to follow me yesterday alone)
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year:
I made a kofi! So if you feel like supporting me or you really want a fic, feel free to commission me!
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year:
Mark my words I WILL make a Goncharov tickle fic, just you wait & see. I also want to write more for new or smaller fandoms I enjoy & get back to writing my chaptered fics. I also have some long one shots I want to make
20. Goals for next year:
Keep writing as much as I can, get back into physical art like oil painting, post more of my chaptered fics that I accidentally. I also want to read more fics because I really fell behind this year due to mental health & school
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most:
The new season of The Legend of Vox Machina & uuuuhhh yeah I’m brain dead, I have no fuckin’ clue what’s coming out next year
Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year: 
I can’t promise to remember everyone, but I can sure try. Thanks to everyone for making this year not suck as much as it could’ve, y’all don’t know how much it makes me smile
@happyandticklish @ticklishraspberries @ticklish-touch @raybidtickles @shunniebuns @sugarfics @hypahticklish @fluffomatic @fluffy-lee-boa @fluffy-alien @a-fluffer-nutter @a-simple-lee @lemonsandstrawberries @tickletastic @anasticklefics @tickle-bugs @tickle-fight-club @rosileeduckie @thebest-medicine @peachytickles @poesparakeet-fics @eldritchtickles @tickly-floof @spritewrites @august-anon @ticklygiggles @sapphicquill @nhasablogg @chockfullofsecrets @sunlitanon @shyticklemonster @ssnicker-doodless
& a ton of others! Love you all & I’m so glad I have y’all in my corner!
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be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie · 2 years ago
What interests me most in Quaritch’s and Spider’s relationship is The Tragedy. Quaritch is an asshole who wants to kill Na’vi but he also has nothing else going for him, so he does what he’s told because without the mission he has no purpose. Spider is a kid who was neglected by EVERYBODY and never had an adult care for him. Then BOOM, they meet and are forced to work together. The movie had not given them a lot of screen time but the fact that Spider felt safe enough around the recoms to crack jokes and be playful says a lot. The scene where he teaches Miles Na’vi and puts a hand on his knee, unafraid of physical contact also shows that they’ve grown quite close in the past months.
And then Quaritch fucks it up. He goes back into his old ways and only cuts corners out of fear that Spider will hate him until the end of days, but he already does so because after months of camping out in the forest and having their Disney found family arc, the poor kid is confronted with the fact that his not-dad-dad had not changed in any way that matters. The only thing that changed about Q is the fact that he now has one (1) person he cares about. Spider got taken away from his home, somehow experienced what it was like to be loved (even if said love was the bare minimum) and then was brutally reminded that the person who loves him is an actual demon.
In the end, a happy ending was never meant to be. They are enemies, and could never support the other’s cause and yet they still love one another, and they fucking hate that they love one another, which is my favorite part. In separate interviews, both Slang and Jack had confirmed that both characters have a mighty soft spot for one another, even if they resent it. The bond they have built is there and not Spider, nor Quaritch can shake it off.
I've let this sit in my asks for a while now cause I knew I would get fired up. Yeah from the get go in your post you are already being extremely charitable to Quaritch in a way that sits really poorly with me.
-"Quaritch has nothing else going for him if he's not fulfilling his mission and killing Na'vi." I don't understand where you guys fabricate this tragic past for Quartich from, in the first movie he literally says he chose to extend his tour on Pandora because of his hatred for the Na'vi. He was going back to Earth, where who knows who was waiting for him? Saying he has no family or friends is entirely made up, especially when we know he had a girlfriend and a child at the time.
-"They were forced to work together" HUGE fucking reach dude. Spider is sure forced to work for Quaritch. But Quaritch kidnapped him, took him as a prisoner of war, brought him to be tortured for informatin, uses him as a forced teacher and translator as he burns down and threatens civilian villages. These are all decisions he makes intentionally (not forced!) and are all fun little war crimes.
-I think calling Spider playful around the recoms for that one scene where he mocks Quaritch's Na'vi is rather crazy. Saying they've grown quite close, that they've had a 'Disney family arc,' I really hope you are really young and you'll mature. YOU CAN'T DEVELOP A GOOD AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE UNDER DURESS. Spider is a prisoner! The entire time! Any relationship basis is stockholm syndrome, because every interaction is colored with the fact that any of the recoms, Quaritch, could hurt him or kill him at any time. They could take him back to be tortured. He can't do what he wants. He cannot leave. So every action that isn't harmful feels ten times better because he knows it COULD BE and might be at any second. It's why the cycle of abuse is so powerful, when the norm is pain, kindness feels so unexpected and undeserved. It's really harmful to paint these relationships as good.
-"Quaritch has changed because now he has someone he cares about." Well fuck me, I guess Spider didn't matter when he god damn existed in the 2009 movie??
-The bond that is built is a toxic one based on abuse and manipulation. It's stockholm syndrome, it's lima syndrome. It will definitely be interesting, but you are right about that one thing: it will never work out.
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a-small-batch-of-dragons · 4 years ago
Nobody Left Behind
Prompt: So I don't know if you're taking requests? But I just watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time since I got into TSS and I've adopted the headcanon that it is Remus's *favorite* movie (and he's memorized the script) and I love your writing and I'd love to see something angsty involving Remus feeling lonely/unloved by his brother, and maybe Lilo and Stitch is involved somehow. IDK, go wild. (and feel free to ignore this if you aren't taking requests) <3 - anon
it is Le Fluff™ hours my good bitches
Read on Ao3
Warnings: Remus has some abandonment issues, but it’s not too much
Pairings: it is platonic all the way down, babes
Word Count:  2935
Ohana means family.
 What a weird word.
Sometimes it’s the people you’re born with. Well, not ‘with,’ not necessarily, but the people you are born to. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother. Sometimes two mothers, sometimes two fathers, sometimes a different parent. Sometimes two sisters, sometimes two brothers, sometimes a different sibling. Sometimes a mess of assorted people that all share the same blood. A family.
 Remus wasn’t born.
 He was made though, crafted and shaped and born out of the swirling chaos of a child’s mind that didn’t understand the world well enough without other people to help. He remembers getting cobbled together from scraps of thoughts and feelings and morphing them into limbs, into features, into something that vaguely resembled the body of the child he was made to fit. Not the ‘fitting’ was ever his job.
 Just his brother’s.
 Is his brother his family?
 By all accounts he should be, right? A brother is one of those people that are traditionally part of the ‘family’ group, right, someone to laugh with, cry with, fight with, live with. But is Roman really his…brother?
 That’s what they decided to call themselves because nothing else worked. They weren’t really brothers, they were halves. But they weren’t really halves because there was never a whole to begin with.
 The King wasn’t a ‘whole,’ he was…well, he was the King. Half of a king is not a prince. Half of a king is not a duke.
 Half of a king is a mess of blood and bones and viscera dripping off of the end of a Morningstar in the middle of the night when only a destroyed facsimile makes the insanity bleed away just enough to breathe again.
 The closest thing to twins, is what they decided on eventually. They’re twins. One light, one dark. One that marches boldly into danger to confront the wickedness of the world, one that dwells in the shadows and cackles with the demons nipping at his heels. One that loves, one that isn’t loved.
 Sure, they had some things in common. They both loved to fight, hence the scars and the bruises and the wounds that would never, ever heal, the distrust that would never be fixed ever, because the urge to sink their teeth into each other’s necks and rip never went away. They both loved to make, Roman the peaceful lies he tells himself to make up for the gaping wounds Remus leaves as he carves his perfectly tailored destruction. They both love Disney.
 Roman’s made it part of his whole deal as the Prince, he loves Disney. He bursts into song every chance he gets, drags the others in until the Mindscape rings with joyful song and there’s nowhere left for any sadness or darkness. He takes his lessons from it, models himself using the traits of the characters he admires most. Cultivates his art of storytelling, perfect to a tee.
 Remus loves Disney too. Loves how easy it is to twist the lens to distort the image just enough to let the darker parts of the Imagination run wild. What is the real implication of never growing old, never understanding what it means to die? What kind of person curses a ten-year-old boy for being cautious about who he answers the door to? What could the story have been if the prince never comes to save the day?
 When they were smaller it was fine. When they were still getting used to the fact that they weren’t King anymore, they used to sit and watch so many Disney movies. Roman’s favorite was always changing, one week it was Beauty and the Beast, then it was Mulan, then it was Cinderella, it never stayed the same.
 Remus’s was always Lilo and Stitch.
 Roman never understood it, said it was boring, there wasn’t a prince, there wasn’t anything exciting. Remus said that aliens were plenty exciting, thank you very much.
 But they would always watch it. The King wasn’t there anymore, but the prince and the Duke were.
 …when they were smaller, there was one time where the prince wasn’t there at all.
 Remus remembers waking up one day and feeling like he was being Split all over again. The maggots in his bones reached their awful little mouths into his heart and pulled, yanking him all the way across the bed and to the door, howling and screaming for his twin.
 Only to be met with a blank wall.
 He remembers howling at the top of his lungs until Janus had rushed to his side, kneeling down next to him and telling him shh, be quiet, hush now, you’re alright, you’re not hurt. And when he couldn’t explain that he was hurt, half of him was missing, Remus needed to go find him, Janus’s mouth had hardened into a thin line and told him that there wasn’t anything to worry about.
 He remembers thinking that was a lie.
 But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a lie.
 Roman was fine.
 Roman was more than fine, because Roman had a family.
 Roman had Patton, who is the actual manifestation of sunshine and rainbows and loved so much it almost burns. The darkness that wrapped around Remus’s corner of the Imagination screeched and hissed at the very idea of being loved that much, even as part of him strained with all its might to get to it. But Patton would never set foot near this side of the Mindscape.
 Roman had Logan, who represents everything true about the Mindscape, about Thomas, about the world. The reality of things that would never let anything Remus created make it anywhere close to anything important because it was dangerous, it was hurtful, and it was wrong. Logan wouldn’t want anything to do with something so useless.
 And that was okay. Because Roman may have been gone but Remus wasn’t alone. Remus had Virgil, who lived with fear soaking every fiber of his being. Remus had Janus, who wrapped himself in darkness and obscurity and laughed.
 But then Virgil left. And now Roman had Virgil, who used Thomas’s anxieties to keep him safe, to help Roman and the others figure out what to do, how to take care of everybody, and how to make the darkness go away. And Virgil would never willingly sink himself back into the darkness when he’d spent so long clawing himself out of it.
 But that was okay, because Remus had Janus. Janus, who plotted and schemed and smirked at how easily the others were pulled along by his strings, luring them deeper and deeper as Remus readied his Morningstar for the trap to be sprung.
 But then they sprung the trap and everything went wrong.
 Roman didn’t want to fight. He just…he let Remus knock him out and didn’t show up again except to scoff and say he didn’t like him.
 And that was…wrong.
 Because Roman wasn’t supposed to like him but he was never only supposed to not like him. Roman was supposed to declare that he wasn’t welcome and try and slash him with his sword. Roman was supposed to try and banish him from the Mindscape and spit insults at him until he left, cackling all the while. Roman was supposed to hate him.
 But Roman didn’t hate him, he just…he just said he didn’t like him.
 But that was okay, because Janus could just come up with a better plan with him this time. They could do it properly, and Roman would hate him again and it would be back to normal.
 But then Janus left. And now Roman has Janus, who keeps his eyes where the prince’s aren’t, when he can’t see what’s happening or he can’t bear to look, to help Roman figure out what to do when what seems to be happening isn’t anything that the prince is used to dealing with. And Janus would never willingly step away from a place that finally accepted him.
 Roman has them now. Roman has people that chose him. Roman’s family chose him. He chose them. They chose each other.
 Remus’s grip on his Morningstar slackens and the thing falls to the ground with a heavy clunk. He moves numbly through his room until he can fall to his knees on his bed.
 He just came from the living room. They were all there. Roman was talking with Logan, ranting about some new show they were both watching. Janus was in the kitchen with Patton, making something for dinner that everyone—well, almost everyone—could eat. Virgil was on the back of the couch, reaching out for Roman’s shoulder every once in a while.
Remus had waited behind the couch. For someone to sit down, for someone to see him and shriek, or even maybe—just maybe—for someone to ask where he was.
 But no.
 Patton had come over and gently ruffled Virgil’s hair, saying that dinner was ready. Logan and Roman had moved into the kitchen, demanding Janus’s attention and pulling him into their conversation. Virgil had murmured a quiet thank you and Roman had asked him for what?
 “Y’know,” Virgil had said, “for…this.”
 “Of course,” Roman had laughed, the soft rustle of fabric as he probably pulled the emo in for a hug—what did those feel like?— “I should be thanking you?”
 “What for, kiddo?”
 “I dunno, it just…feels like it’s been forever since we’ve all sat down for dinner together.”
 Remus’s chest had started to hurt.
 “The whole family.”
 The whole family.
 Remus’s eyes well up with stubborn tears and he angrily swipes them away, baring his teeth at the memory and focusing intently on the things on the bed. Each hand-stitched, each carefully kept clean.
 His family.
 He reaches out with a shaking hand and tucks the blue frog plushie into the crook of his arm, crawling into the middle of the bed and balancing the purple spider on his shoulder. His hands keep shaking as he wraps the long yellow snake securely around his neck, clutching the head under his chin and nuzzling it protectively. The dark blue cat he holds in his other hand, careful not to tear its tie as he scrunches in on himself.
 Where is it?
 No, no, no, no—
 Remus growls, placing all of his family gently on the floor before all but tearing at his sheets. Where is it, where is it, where is it—his heartbeat starts to rise as his search grows more frantic, where is it, where is it—
 The slightest little puff of red hair and he howls, lunging for it and sweeping it into his lap. He pauses to make sure the lion’s crown didn’t fall off and sighs when he sees it still in place. He sets the lion between his legs and leans over, adjusting everyone back into place and scrunching himself into a ball again. He rubs his nose against the lion’s fur and nuzzles into the soft fabric.
 He’d never be able to forgive himself if he lost them.
 Because Ohana means family.
 Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
There’s a knock on his door.
 Why is someone knocking on his door?
 They knock again.
 Remus looks up, carefully butting the spider out of the way with his head and sitting up. The snake hangs off his shoulder and he lets it, only missing its warmth once the knock sounds again.
 The frog and the cat watch him warily as he climbs out of bed, the lion clutched in his hand.
 The door squeaks slightly as he opens it.
 “So, I’ve got popcorn, I found the weird gummy snakes, and they had this chocolate-covered bacon which we have to try—Remus?”
 Roman stands there, his arms full of snacks and blankets, his head tilted. He glances behind Remus—probably to check something or other—and then back at him.
 “Remus? Are you okay?”
 “Why are you here?” Roman doesn’t like him.
 “It’s movie night, Re, of course, I’m here.” Roman chuckles nervously before taking in his tear-stained face. “Hey, Re, what’s going on? Are you okay? Can I come in?”
 Why is Roman here? Roman has his family, what is he doing here? With Remus?
 “Remus—“ oh, right, Roman’s talking to him—why is Roman talking to him?—in a soft voice now— “Remus, hey, look at me.”
 Remus blinks. Oh. Roman looks concerned now, he’s reaching for him.
 “Hey,” he murmurs as he ruffles Remus’s hair, “what’s going on? Have you been crying?”
 Remus nods dumbly.
 “I’m sorry, Re, can I help?”
 Help? Why does Roman want to help?
 Oh, he’s waiting for an answer.
 “Thank you,” Roman says softly, “can I come in?”
 Remus steps aside wordlessly and Roman walks in, pausing when he sees the rest of Remus’s family on the bed.
 “Did you make them?”
 Something dark twists in Remus’s chest as he sees Roman reach for the spider.
Roman backs off, stepping back as Remus snatches up his family and cradles them in his lap, glaring at Roman and curling up on the bed.
 “I won’t, Re, I’m sorry,” Roman says, still speaking softly, “can I sit?”
 Roman sits on the floor, setting aside the blankets and snacks, looking up at him. He still looks concerned. Why? Roman doesn’t like him.
 “Why weren’t you at dinner,” he asks gently, “I was worried.”
 Worried? About him? Remus snorts.
 “You had your whole family there,” he spits, “why would you worry?”
 “But you weren’t there,” Roman says like that makes any difference, “so I was worried.”
 Remus shakes his head. Roman doesn’t get it. Roman doesn’t worry about him, he worries about other things. But if Roman wants to know why he wasn’t at dinner, he’ll tell him.
 “I was with my family.”
 Roman’s brow furrows as he glances around again. “…your family?”
 Remus huddles protectively around his family. “Yes. My family.”
 Roman’s eyes widen as he takes in Remus’s posture and how he reacted when Roman asked about them earlier.
 “…are they your family, Remus?”
 “Yes.” He holds them tighter. “I chose them. They won’t leave me. They won’t forget me. That’s what family means.”
 Something crosses Roman’s face and he lets out a wounded noise. Wait. Are they fighting?
 “Wait, Remus,” he murmurs, rising up to his knees, “did you—did you think we forgot you?”
 “You did forget me.”
 “I’m sorry, Remus, I would’ve come to look for you, but I thought—“ Roman shakes his head— “no, it doesn’t matter what I thought. I should’ve come got you, Re, I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean to leave you behind.”
 “…you didn’t?”
 Roman shakes his head furiously. “No, Remus, I promise. I never meant to leave you.”
 “But everybody leaves me.”
 If possible, Roman’s eyes are now wider and he scrambles for the edge of the bed. “What do you mean, Remus, what do you mean everybody leaves you?”
 “You left. Virgil left. Janus left. Everybody left.” The lion’s mane brushes against his lips as he bows his head. “But not them. They won’t leave me.”
 “Oh, Remus—“
 Something big lunges at him and Remus whimpers, he doesn’t have his Morningstar, he doesn’t want to fight, he doesn’t—he doesn’t—
 What’s happening? He feels warm and he’s being squished and Roman is pressing himself against him and what—what—
 “What’re you doing?”
 “It’s a hug, Remus,” comes Roman’s voice, slightly muffled, from over his shoulder, “I’m hugging you.”
 “Yeah, Re, I’m here, I’m right here, I won’t forget you, I won’t leave you behind, you’re my brother, you’re my family, I choose you.” Roman’s grip tightens on him and Remus just about gasps. “I choose you and I want you and I like you.”
 Roman…Roman likes him?
 Roman chooses him?
 Roman won’t…leave?
 “No, Remus,” Roman promises as he cautiously asks, “I won’t leave. Not unless you want me to.”
 “Then I’m not going anywhere.”
 That’s it.
 Remus throws his arms around his twin and sobs, cries an entire ocean of tears into his brother’s shoulder because he’s here and he cares and he chose Remus. The darkness shudders as that small part of him surges forward, into Roman’s chest, finding a home in the prince’s heart and languishing in the warmth there.
 “I’m right here, Re,” Roman murmurs, stroking up and down his back, “right here, I’ve got you.”
 The snake drapes itself cautiously over Roman’s shoulder, the spider taking up watch on his knee. The cat and the frog stare at him, making sure he isn’t lying, that he won’t change his mind. The lion, sandwiched between them, feels the reassuring rumble from Roman’s chest and purrs.
 After a long, long time, Remus pulls back a little and scuffs a hand over his nose.
 “…did you say something about chocolate-covered bacon?”
 Roman’s smile lights up.
 “Let’s put on Lilo and Stitch and we’ll try it.”
 Ohana means family.
 Family means no one gets left behind.
 Or forgotten.
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