#The sharpening is terrible though ahahaha.
chaoticentropy · 4 months
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nullen-void · 4 months
The Heterodyne Boys and the Atomic Clank!
June, 2013 Canaima National Park, Venezuela
Today sucked, actually.
It was just supposed to be a lighthearted cryptid-hunting expedition. Something to distract Robo from all the everything. He could only listen to the fearmongering talking heads calling him a secret terrorist with false personhood for so long. It was supposed to be a vacation.
Best-case scenario, they discover some kind of South American Bigfoot or whatever and distract the public from that thing with the nukes for a couple weeks. The worst case, he had assumed, would be a nature hike in the jungle.
But no, apparently the actual worst-case scenario was a secret underground civilization of rock-people from before the dawn of time being mind-controlled by Dr. freaking Dinosaur. And now the mountain had been destroyed by a giant, allegedly immortal lava worm while the reptilian idiot's stupid bomb was going off.
Maybe he should take a break from action science. Maybe he'd spend the next decade or two just doing... I dunno, math or something. Or maybe I should look into medicine, take the time to finally get that second doctorate--no, knowing my luck I'd stumble into a zombie virus plague. Ugh. "AHAHAHA! Look at all that inevitable twenty-three dimensional doom!" the idiot shouted, dragging Robo's focus back to the horrible, horrible present.
"Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I'm NOT dying on the back of a giant lava worm," he pledged to himself.
"Magma!" Bernard shouted from somewhere below, which wasn't helping.
"Robo!" the radio in Robo's head crackled. "This is Dr. Sandoval. Do you read?"
He looked over at the helicopter circling the giant worm. "Yes. Doctor, I need you to get closer. I have a terrible idea."
Dr. Dinosaur continued rambling to himself above. Robo tuned him out as he did some quick math in his head. The bomb was continuing to gather energy, and was slowly approaching his position.
"We can't hold this position for long," Sandoval reported, the helicopter struggling to get close to the thrashing worm.
"Won't have to. I'm taking the shot." First things first, though. Robo slid down the lava worm's side toward his employees, grabbing them in his arms.
"What about the bombs?!" Vik yelled from his position over Robo's back.
"First, I need you guys to go limp."
Lang's eyes widened. "Wait, when you say that, you--"
No time to let them realize or they'd struggle. Robo heaved, throwing all three of his team at the helicopter. Vik made it to the side door, while Lang and Bernard managed to grab the copter's landing gear.
"Now get as far from this thing as you can!" he ordered.
The stupid bomb was falling in earnest, now, the worm's undulations sending it falling down its... back? Side? Whatever, doesn't matter. Dr. Dinosaur was nowhere to be seen, which was just typical. The machine was sparking something fierce, and Robo latched on as it fell directly into him. "I got the nukes!"
Now he needed to hurry and disarm this thing somehow before it went off, and who knows how long that would ta--
Everything went blue.
Winter, 1867 Somewhere North of Belgrade, Serbia
Miron stuck his tongue out as he worked something out from under his fingernails with a knife. Whatever it was, it was in there deep.
Opposite him across the campfire, Grishnarf turned the spit holding the boar over the flame. The shaggy Jäger leaned closer, drinking in the scent of cooking meat.
Miron glanced up. "Hy vouldn't get so close if Hy vere hyu."
Grishnarf looked up in time to miss his long beard falling into the fire. "Eh?"
Miron waved him away; he'd figure it out soon enough. "So, do ve know vat de Masters iz doink in Belgrade?"
One of the twins looked up from sharpening his sword. "Savink de day, vat else?"
"Hy was hoping for sometink more specific."
The other twin looked up from sharpening his axe. "Hyu vould know better den uz, Hy tink. Hyu got closest before dey entered de city."
Miron sniffed. "Dot vasn't dot close en hyu know et. Der Masters vouldn't be heppy to see uz."
The other grumbled at the reminder. It never got nicer to hear no matter how many times it was said.
"Prob'ly zum big clenk vat's makink a mess, Hy bet," the twin with the axe offered.
"Hoho, hyu tink somevun turned on old Master Nimrod's hunting clenk? Hy tink he left it somevere around here."
Grishnarf frowned in thought. "...Vas dat de vun vat hunted, or de vun dat got hunted?"
There was a distant explosion, and all of them paused to let the sound of far-away screaming wash over them.
"...De vun vat hunted, methinks."
Grishnarf suddenly howled as he finally noticed his fur was on fire, abandoning the spit to run around the clearing in a frenzy. The sword twin took over cooking while the axe twin shouted 'encouragement.'
"Careful, Grishnarf! It's almost at hyu hat!"
The furry Jäger yelped and dropped into a roll in the dirt.
Miron ignored all that, having finally found whatever was in his fingernail. "Dere hyu are, hyu liddle..." Setting the knife aside, he reached in with the claws on his other hand and gingerly gripped whatever it was. Wincing, he pulled out a splinter nearly the same size as the finger it was embedded in.
The sword twin hissed through his teeth. "Ooh, dat looks like it smarts, brother."
"Hy thought mine finger vas feelink stiff lately." Miron flexed his finger, working the kinks out, and studied the splinter intently. Then he picked his teeth with it for a second before tossing it away. "So, vat are ve tinking vit de pig? Hyu want to do it fancy-like vit de spices, make some stew? Or do hyu just vant to tear into it?"
The twin--his name was either Rem or Rom, Miron could never figure out who was who--gave the question due consideration. Another explosion echoed from the direction of the city. "...Hy tink ve gots time to cook it proper."
Miron nodded, standing to get the supplies. Grishnarf finally put his beard out, breathing heavily.
"Tank hyu so much helpink me, hyu guys," he grumbled, checking his hat for damage.
"Hyu looked like hyu vas having so much fun, Hy couldn't bear to stop hyu," Miron said, grinning. He tossed Grishnarf his knife, and the furry Jäger set about cutting away the burnt parts.
Miron was in the middle of trying to figure out where the herb jars ended and the poison vials ended when suddenly, every hair on his body stood on end. He blinked. "Dot's inneresting. Hyu guys--" he began, turning to face the others and finding them in similar states. Grishnarf's face completely vanished under his fur, and electricity arced between his hairs. "--Hy guess hyu feel dat too, yez?"
"De Masters must have got dat lightning gun vorking after all," the sword twin guessed.
"No, dat feels different, and hyu can taste it in the air ven it goes off. This is different," Grishnarf said.
Miron held out his hand, and the shaggy Jäger tossed his knife back. With that in one hand, Miron drew his sidearm and sniffed. Something on the edge of his senses drew him... north-by-northwest. Without a word, he leapt into the treeline, climbing into the hgih branches. His brother followed behind him.
Static jumped from his fur to his weapons, and Miron vaguely wondered if that would be enough to set off the gunpowder in his bullets. That would be a neat trick. As they went, the charge grew, and one of the twins sneezed; there was something in the air.
On some signal none of them could directly perceive, they stopped over a patch of bare forest ground.
Grishnarf looked troubled. "For zum reason, Hy find myself tinking of old Robur," was all he had time to say before the world lit up blue.
Miron pulled the brim of his hat down to shield his eyes as, down below, an sphere of blue light ten feet across appeared with a crack of thunder.
Then just as suddenly as it started, it was over. They blinked the spots out of their eyes and looked down, not knowing what to expect. They weren't too surprised to see a bulky silver clank lying on the ground. More interesting was the way that all the matter the sphere had encompassed simply wasn't there anymore, perfectly smooth trunks of earth and tree deleted from reality.
Most surpising of all was that the clank was wearing tattered green pants. That was unusual.
"Did de Masters do that?" the sword twin asked. When they looked at him, he clarified. "Hyu said it might be a clenk dey vas fightink. Is dat it? Did dey send it here?"
Grishnarf shook his head. "Not Nimrod's. Dat vun was big, gold, und looked like a gorilla. Tho Hy guess ve don't know dot's vat they vere fightink..."
"Hy didn't tink zo," the twin said. "Too small."
The other twin smacked him. "Then vy did hyu say it, eediot?!"
"Hy thought it vas vorth asking!"
The two of them bickered while Grishnarf noted that the charge in the air was gone, patting his fur back down. Miron's eyes were locked on the clank. Aside from the clothing damage and some minor scratches, it was entirely intact. He'd fought a lot of clanks in his time, and he'd never seen one quite like this. It was incredibly humanoid, but also very... plain. No insignias, no obvious signature, no paint ... could be a new Spark, he supposed, but it would have to be an unusual one to create a clank so devoid of decoration. Most Sparks had a developed sense of aesthetic.
The clank's eyes flashed.
"Shuddup, it's waking!"
The twins froze as the clank's eyes lit up, glowing a sky blue. Then, bizarrely, it groaned, which was a very weird thing for a clank to do.
"Ughhh..." The clank sat up, rubbing its head in a veyr human way. Maybe it was a man in armor instead? Its legs looks too skinny for that... It looked up, and the four of them back up into the shade of the branches. They needn't have bothered, since it was looking away from them. "Daylight? How long was I out?" it said in clear English.
It stood, dusting itself off. It looked around, scanning the environment. "Wow. Must've flung me for miles..." It squinted. "Or more. This is a temperate forest, not a jungle."
Miron looked over at Grishnarf. What do? he mimed. Grishnarf shrugged. Then he grinned hopefully and punched his hand. Miron considered it, then relunctantly held up a hand to wait.
The clank put a hand to the side of its head and started talking to itself. "Hello, Tesladyne. This is your robot-in-chief checking in. I appear to be alive." It waited. "Okay. Civilian bands then..." it muttered.
The twins shifted, readying their weapons. They clearly weren't content to wait. They weren't looking at Miron either, so he couldn't tell them otherwise. He tried anyway, taking a step towards them.
Something cracked under his foot. All four of them looked down. The branches they were standing on all looked fine. Miron looked further down. The tree that that ball of light cut into was this tree.
It started falling. Miron and Grishnarf had time to exchange a wide-eyed look before they went down.
The twins got in each others way and became tangled up in the tree branches. Grishnarf jumped for the trunk and held on for dear life. Miron instead elected to jump clear and away, flipping twice in the air before landing feet first one the ground.
Directly behind the clank.
It whirled around, arms spread in a ready stance.
Miron blinked at it.
It blinked at Miron.
Then it heaved a sigh. "Oh, the crazy isn't done yet. How disappointing."
Miron grinned. He opened his mouth to make some sort of clever comeback; something along the lines of the clank not having seen crazy yet, or perhaps getting offended that he was considered a disappointment.
Unfortunately, before he could get a word out, the clank punched him in the mouth, and the fight was on.
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ticklygiggles · 5 years
Chu-Chu-Chuuya-san* | ChuuAtsu
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A/N: hello~ I'm sorry for the long waaaait. Atsushi and Chuuya is the cutest couple, I love them endlessly so I enjoyed writing this quite a lot! I hope you enjoy it~
*Chu as in a kiss, you know?
1. "I'm a bit drunk. Can you tickle me?" | ChuuAtsu
Summary: Atsushi is wasted, but Chuuya will take good care of him.
Words: 2,112
It was barely a jingle, but Chuuya immediately woke up and jumped out of the bed, alarmed. He blinked a few times trying to get used to the darkness around the room, sharpening his ear: the tiny noises were coming from the door's knob. Was someone trying to sneak into his house?!
His bare feet barely making a sound against the wooden floor with each step as he approached the door until he could see the doorknob shaking slightly as someone at the other side tried to force their way in. He held his breath, his heart beating fast against his ribs and his eyes looked at some spot in the living room where a clock flashed its red digits marking 2:45 a.m., Chuuya heard a low growl and he frowned, the tension leaving his body at once as he crocked his head to the side in confusion.
He placed both his hands against the door and with a bit of concern, he looked through the peephole in it and finally gasped softly, opening the door with a quick move. "Atsushi?"
Atsushi fell right into Chuuya's arms, forehead colliding against his chest, and, as soon as Atsushi was inside, the little but cozy apartment was suddenly filled with the bitter smell of alcohol. It made Chuuya's nose burn slightly and he scrunched it up as he dragged Atsushi inside, kicking the door close.
"Atsushi? Have you been drinking?"
Atsushi finally lifted his face from Chuuya's chest: his nose and cheeks were red, his eyes a bit teary and half closed, glistening. "Chuuya-San," his words sounded silly, his tongue moving lazily. "Did you change the doorknob? Why is it so hard to open?!"
Chuuya couldn't help but chuckle at Atsushi's expression. "Well, that's because you don't have a copy of my key and you were probably trying to open the door with your house key."
Atsushi frowned as he tried to steady on his feet, his body still leaning on Chuuya, towering over him. He looked around the house slowly, his eyes narrowed suspiciously; he then looked at Chuuya, from head to toe and Chuuya blushed. He was wearing just his underwear and a sleeveless white shirt, his hair was obviously messy and his cheeks now bright pink.
Atsushi hummed, "so this is not my house?"
That did make Chuuya bark out a laugh that he quickly covered with his hand, sneakering against it, instead. "What's so funny, Chuuya-San?"
"Nothing, nothing." Chuuya shook his head and he dragged Atsushi to his room. "This is my house, Atsushi, and it seems that you are really wasted."
"Mhmm, so you are invited to stay, I think I still have some of your clothes somewhere, you smell terrible."
Atsushi frowned again and he sniffed his clothes. He scrunched up his nose, "I do smell bad."
"That's what I'm saying." Chuuya placed Atsushi on the bed. "Wait right there, I'm gonna look for your clothes." He waited for Atsushi to react at his words, after a few seconds he finally nodded. "Good."
"Now tell me, Atsushi, how did you end up like this?" Chuuya asked as he rummaged through his drawers. "And who brought you here? Was it stupid Dazai?"
"Mn, it was Dazai-san who brought me here, I think. He said we were going to my house, though." Atsushi stayed silence for a while. "What was the other question, Chuuya-san?"
Chuuya repeated it not before laughing at his poor confused and quite drunk lover.
"Ranpo-san said we should go out since we're always stressed about work," Atsushi started to explain as Chuuya finally turned around, clothes in hand, to see him laying down on the bed. "So we went to eat something, but then there was alcohol and I'm not sure why was I the only one drinking..." Atsushi frowned, suddenly realizing that maybe he got tricked into drinking.
Chuuya chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Poor Atsushi-kun," he said, placing the clothes on Atsushi's stomach. "You're gonna have a terrible headache tomorrow." Atsushi hummed, barely registering the consequences of his acts. "Don't fall asleep yet," Chuuya said, poking Atsushi's thigh. "You need to change clothes first. You are going to make my bed smell bad."
Atsushi growled, "Chuuya-saaaan, please help me change?"
Chuuya rolled his eyes, but didn't say no, instead, he smiled softly and started to unbutton and unzip Atsushi's jeans, careful not to touch the milky skin and feeling his cheeks tingling with a blush when his knuckles brushed against Atsushi's legs. However, despite his embarrassment, he still made a few sneaky remarks as 'lift that pretty butt of yours, please', as he was pulling out Atsushi's jeans, or 'now, now, are you gaining some abs there, Atsushi-kun?' when he sat him up to pull his shirt off; that made Atsushi let out hiccupy giggles that made Chuuya feel giddy inside.
Atsushi was quite the cute one when drunk. Even his face looked cute, with that blush spreading across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, and that silly smile as he giggles by Chuuya's awkward jokes that, in a sober state, would make Atsushi feel embarrassed to the bone, but right now, he was giggling cutely as his hands, suddenly liver than ever, touched Chuuya's hands and arms and cheeks, and his mouth, cheekier and warmer, kissed Chuuya's cheeks, neck and collarbones with open mouth kisses.
Chuuya felt his hands trembling as he fixed the hem of Atsushi's shirt properly. "Now, now, touchy Atsushi," he said, booping his nose. "Get in bed right now, you're really out of yourself. I'll put this away." Chuuya grabbed Atsushi's dirty clothes and quicky took them to the kitchen, not wanting his bedroom to fill with the awful smell of alcohol, as Atsushi giggled softly, climbing onto the bed and under the blankets.
When Chuuya came back, he found Atsushi laying on his side, his arms spread in front of him. Chuuya frowned. "What are you doing?"
"I'm waiting for you, Chuuya-san. I'll hug you!" Chuuya blinked a few times before he let out a laughed seeing that determinated look on Atsushi's eyes.
Shaking his head, he climbed into the bed, placing himself between Atsushi's arms, and he quickly embraced him and Chuuya embraced him back: his face nuzzling Atsushi's chest and his hands dipping into Atsushi's hair, scratching his scalp softly, making him shiver and purr.
"You drunk kitten," Chuuya whispered, affection dripping from his words. "Listen to your purrs, aren't you cute?"
Atsushi smiled, nodding his head, his throat vibrating with more purrs as the scratching moved to behind his ears, he giggled, scrunching his shoulders up. "That tickles," he said shyly.
Chuuya chuckled, moving his fingers up, back to his scalp. "There, there, no more tickling."
Atsushi hummed, his skin covered in goosebumps and his toes curling as Chuuya's blunt nails worked their magic through his scalp. Even if he wasn't touching his ears, it still tickled and Atsushi's heart suddenly felt a bit tight, his chest filling with butterflies at the thought of Chuuya's fingers tickling him some more, somewhere else.
His cheeks flushed; but he couldn't stop his words, his brain not letting him think straight. "Chuuya-san?"
"I'm a bit drunk."
Chuuya snorted, "don't tell me."
"Could you tickle me?"
"What?" Chuuya honestly thought he didn't hear properly, his cheeks flushed red as he looked up at Atsushi's face, his face red as a tomato, his eyes tightly shut. "Atsushi?"
"Hmm," Atsushi smiled shyly, his eyes still shut. "I- I kind of like it when you tickle me, Chuuya-san."
"You always shy away when I tickle you, though?" Chuuya frowned, a soft smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.
"That's- that's because I feel shy!" Atsushi squeaked out and covered his face with his hands. "Chu-Chuuya-san is m-my boyfriend so I get shy when he tickles me, b-but I like the way you look at me when I laugh." As Atsushi talked, he slowly started to shrink, hiding under the blanket. "And you look happy t-too so I- ack! W-wait, I'm not- ahahaha!"
Chuuya chuckled, his hands grabbing a handful of Atsushi's waist, squeezing it over and over, making him shriek and jump and flinch away with each touch. "Who gave you the right to be this cute, huh? You thought that because you are drunk you can come and cute your way in to make me do things that you enjoy?"
Atsushi shook his head no, giggling uncontrollably as he laid on his back, Chuuya quickly taking a seat right on top of Atsushi's hips, pinning him down so his hands can easily travel up to Atsushi's ribs.
Atsushi let out a shriek, his head dipping back into the pillows as he laughed wholeheartedly, his hands only wrapping around Chuuya's wrists, barely pushing them away.
"Chu-Chuhuhuhuuya-sahahan!" Atsushi couldn't stop the bubbly laughter erupting from his throat. "That- thahahat tihihihickles!"
Chuuya's cheeks blushed as his hands lowered to Atsushi's tummy, making his laughter increase in volume. "Don't tell me. How much does it tickle? A lot?"
Atsushi nodded, his head feeling dizzy as he laughed and laughed, feeling Chuuya's fingers clawing and vibrating at the muscles of his belly. Electricity rushed through his body, happiness overflowing his chest. Atsushi opened one of his teary eyes and his stomach fluttered with the sight of his lover sticking the tip of his tongue out in concentration as he tickled him vigorously.
"Chuhuhu- ahahaha- just- just a sehehec, please!" Atsushi spoke through his nearly hysteric laughter, trying to find Chuuya's hands, intertwining their fingers once he found Chuuya's.
"Did I do something wrong? Did it hurt?" Chuuya asked worriedly.
"Nohoho!" Atsushi giggled with the residual tingles on his belly. "It's just- it's just that you are looking at me that way," Atsushi confessed, his cheeks hurting for grinning so much. "It makes me so happy, I can't stand it."
Chuuya covered his eyes. He felt heat rushing to the shell of his ears. He knew his face was way too red at the moment, but Atsushi kept saying these cute things that made Chuuya want to combust and-
"Wahahait! Not mehehe!" He giggled when he felt Atsushi's fingers softly pitching at his waist.
"Chuuya-san is very ticklish too right here, isn't he?"
"S-so you wahahant to mahahake this a fight?" Chuuya threw his head back, barking a laugh. "Don't tohohouch there!"
"No, I just want to see that pretty face of yours, Chuuya-san"
"Stop being this cute! Now you are really gonna get it, Nakajima Atsushi," he said, grabbing Atsushi's hands and pinning them right under his knees. Atsushi started to giggle right away. "Now, where was it that really sweet spot of yours?"
"N-Nohoho, Chuuya-san! Ahahanywhere but thehere!" Atsushi shook his head, his back arching off the bed.
"There, you say? Where could 'there' be?" Chuuya hummed, thoughtfully. "Maybe here in your ribs?" Chuuya clawed his fingers and, with a quick movement, he neared Atsushi's ribs, making him shriek and laugh even when Chuuya didn't tickle him there. "No, maybe here in your tummy?" He faked it again and Atsushi shrieked and laughed again.
"Chuhuhuhuuya-san! Plehehehase!"
"Ah! I know where! Right here in your hips, right?"
"Yes! Yes, but- ahahahaha! But plehehehase nohohoho!" Atsushi lost it as soon as Chuuya's fingers touched his hipnones. Chuuya easily pulled down Atsushi's pants to expose his sharp hipnones and went crazy on them: pinching, squeezing, prodding, vibrating and all the techniques he knew would tickle Atsushi until he was crying and laughing hysterically.
"Chuuya-san!" Atsushi gasped, shaking his head. "Stop! Plehehehase stahahaha-!"
"Oh? Did you have enough?" Atsushi nodded. "So sad, I really enjoy hearing your laugh." Chuuya stopped slowly, until he was just drawing formless shapes on Atsushi's hips with his fingertips, making him shiver and giggle softly. "Did you have fun?"
Atsushi nodded, pulling his hands out from under Chuuya's knees. "It was very fun. Maybe you can do it again some other time, Chuuya-san?"
Chuuya chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Of course I will, Atsushi."
Atsushi smiled brightly at him and wrapped his arms around Chuuya's neck, pulling him down on top of him and kissing his face, softly. "Chu-Chu-Chuuya-san," he whispered, leaving kisses everywhere his lips could reach. "Chu-Chu-Chuuya-san."
Chuuya laughed, his chest fluttering. "Oh my God, you are terrible. You're gonna be the end of me, Atsushi-kun." Atsushi giggled before he yawn deeply. "I think it's time to sleep, kitten."
Chuuya kissed Atsushi's forehead, whispering 'goodnight' into Atsushi's ear. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you, Chuuya-san. Please take care of me tomorrow when my head hurts."
"I will, I will."
He will always take care of Atsushi.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X5 Fallen Idols
aight let's see them be idiots
boy does dean play shit close to the chest sure that won't come back to bite him
o boy an old fancy car
this car is gonna kill them
cal is DEAD the c ar killed him
oh that is GRUESOME
ah a return to normal, I can't believe I missed this
actually...so has the show, it's the first one this season
ok but BOY is the car pretty I can excuse the slobbering over it, I love the impala
"whatever it looks like is what it usually is" is SO pointed jesus
aw Dean and his old movies
heheh haunted car
also Dean is a NERD
boy this car is actually scary
ah he tried for a joke but he's spooked
ah ok the flirting, back to form
oh it's a fAKE?
uh oh
the emancipation proclamation is a nice touch
WHY does he have the Bad Takes, I feel like that's pointed I SWEAR
ah they can't understand her fun
"that's what it looks like" hmmmm
ahaha a wax museum
oh they were regulars fun
"you ever see things move" "..bitch wtf?"
ah it's their remains
ah yes Total Fresh Start
Dean you fucking nerd
Sam you stupid bastard
god the lincoln is genuinely creepy
oh good it's gandhi
oh it's cuz Sam's a super fan of Gandhi ahahaha
I love how Sam could see that Dean was gonna tease him about this
Dean's terrible trust issues whoops
"you'll never punish me as much as I'm punishing myself" oh?
Dean's protective but overbearing, and Sam got sick of it ouch
oh it's cuz she's not dead
was she that famous? really?
oh fun Sam gets to do the autopsy he's 100% qualified to do so
those sounds canNOT be right i stg
Dean I swear you're not cool either
ooo pagan god
"blood from his worshippers"
he's really stuck on James Dean
ah so the wax museum is used to scope out the targets I see
oh good it's Paris Hilton
boy this is fun
ooo the sharpening her nails on knives, very girl boss of her
actually the wax museum is perfect, adds this fake veneer
ah yes the "progress"
I feel like this is pointed about progress too
ah the apocalypse
gods to celebrities ooo
did they make her paris hilton just for the sexy
jesus did they seriously just say "all you wanted was to be loved by your dad" AND STILL TRY AND PAINT HIM AS A GOOD GUY LATER?
ooo very bloody
aw sibling banter
none of y'all are good at big picture, NONE of you
oh my god superstitious being the ending song is so good though
ah to lead into the...intro I see
boy this show is good at promising it'll be good
1. the "it's what it is" . the "It's what it appears to be" (coupled in with Sam and Dean taking obvious choices and then starting the apocalypse) felt seriously pointed, although since we were supposed to end up on their side, that was unintentional. It's an interesting thing, where they realize that they took obvious choices, or the ones in front of them, and then it was wrong, especially in the episode they're working through Trust Things. I thought it was neat.
God I want to believe it was done on purpose
2. idols? I think it needed to be fleshed out, but the idea of using celebrities as idols in replacement of gods(especially as God keeps getting more and more Absent Father treatment) but...it's so good? Like there's a lot to be said for the worship we give to things, like Abe Lincoln's speeches, Paris Hilton(I have no idea what she did), actors that gave us characters. Like the blood spattering the Abe Speech, or the car, or all of that was Interesting iconography, and it could genuinely have been a good one-off to explore within the context of the series. Good idea, but needed a bit of fleshing out
3. This needed to be episodic. Like this is just a small thing, but since this show is episodic but wants to be serialized, it just...throws as much as it can from a week to week basis. Like it promises a LOT, but due to. Everything. It can't always deliver. It just is a LOT, and it's by design, so you get Absorbed every week.
4. sibling banter. So as they were building trust, they also went back to the banter a little bit, which was like. I thought realistic. Like a broken sibling relationship is hard, and they're still working it out
5. obligatory Dean. Just the whole "Dad is my hero and want him to love me" that was just...casually in there is so fucked up. why do they make John a hero again? Plus he tries the Rogue thing, and it doesn't work as well for him this episode, due to heightened emotions? I think?
Also after the confrontation, he's feeling vulnerable so he wears his dad's leather jacket!! again(like armor, I've seen said) and then he lets Sam drive, continuing the vulnerability
6. needle drop. OK so they did a Teasing thing with it. I really liked the ending part, I thought it was SOLID and wished it cut to black, but as an AMV song, it's p good too. I think this was seen as "unimportant"(back to basics) so they sacrificed a bit of story to get you hyped for stuff they're hyped about. I'm a bit mad, but also the stuff they plugged is genuinely fun/funny/good, and so I cannot blame them(as much) for that I'm so excited.
les go
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warlord-official · 7 years
Ey fuck you Anon, you want me to answer all of ‘em? Fine, but I’ll do it in CHARACTER YOU STANK BIIIITCH
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
I know not what texting is but I did once wake up next to @berserker-official after we drank late into the night and spent the evening carving runes into our leader’s ship. He wasn’t too happy with us.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Well last time I was at a feast I tried to hit up Mama @valkyrie-official but she wasn’t having much of my shit at the time. 
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
*Counts on his hands* W-a-r-l-o-r-d …yes
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Almost always drunk. But then again, I’M ALMOST ALWAYS DRUNK AHAHAHA
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
@official-peacekeeper and I almost had something beautiful but then I fell out of the boat I was trying to serenade her in. …she still laughs when she looks at me
7. What does your last received text say?
The last text I received was from my scout who told me THE FUCKING WEEBS ARE PUSHING BACK AGAIN TIME FOR A RALLY
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
I honestly don’t remember. There was too much mead flowing through my veins.
9. Where was your last kiss at?
Probably an after-battle feast?
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
My boat.
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
No! Raising noble strong warriors is a noble goal!
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
Less falling on my face after my drunken victory song
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
I still can’t recall the last person I kissed, but if I was drunkenly rude to any of them, maybe. They all are rather good at…well, stabbing.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
A rainy day means I don’t have to wash my battle leathers!
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
I don’t have a middle name! But all the warlords are some sort of distant cousin, I’m pretty sure
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
If I don’t join my brothers in Valhalla, sure! I’d love to raise a strong warrior!
20. Does anyone like you?
Plenty of people like me! What’s that s’posed to mean?!
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
I once tried to mack on Siv and got an axe handle to the face, so no.
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
No clue. Still can’t remember that night. How many times do I have to answer this question?
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
Filthy damn weebs…
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Think about that one closely, and look at my arms lad
25. In the past week have you cried?
Only tears of JOY when my comrades went to VALHALLA
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
Gunmundr’s wolves. Nasty snapping things.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
You can’t dry off inside a rain shower, you fool!
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
What is this foot-ball? 
29. Do you think you’re old?
Step carefully lad, lest I introduce you to the back of my hand.
30. Do you like text messaging?
Learning runes is hard
31. What type of day are you having?
One that is meant for battle, as are most days
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
I’d rather not have my nose pierced by an arrow, thank you very much
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cold. It builds character
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
All my female fighting compatriots mean a lot to me! 
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
I do like flinging weebs off ledges… wait, I don’t understand the question.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
Keep it simple!
37. What song are you listening to?
Drumbeats of battle!
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
I’m not sure if @valkyrie-official​ is actually listening when I drunkenly tell her all about myself…40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
Ferocity in battle!41. When did you last receive a text message?
When my messenger brought it to me! Why do you ask the same questions?42. What is wrong with you right now?
My sword needs sharpening43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
Very well! I sent @nobushi-official​ a message telling her if she was going to be a traitor, she should join us! I don’t know what the reply in her chicken scratch language means though…
44. Does anyone disgust you?
Mostly @orochi-official​ for running away all the time. 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
Battle first, then we can enjoy one another’s company!46. Are you in a good mood right now?
Yes! Daybreak means I can nurse this hangover with MORE MEAD!!!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
@berserker-official​ when I told the boy to bring me my flagon. Where did he run off to?48. What color shirt are you wearing?
Brown. It’s made of leather. It’s armor. What kind of question is that?49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
I woke up to a message that the weebs have rallied, so yeah. It was terrible.50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
@orochi-official​ is a lost cause
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
Not at all! I respect her prowess in battle when she knocked me off that bridge!
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
@nobushi-official​, it’s not too late to switch to the right side!53. Do you like rain?
YES YOU FOOL WE’VE BEEN OVER THIS54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Only if they care that I do!55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
Once in my youth, yes. They are in Valhalla now.56. Do you like to cuddle?
Papa Warlord has a lot of warmth to spread around!57. Are you shy?
Bahahahaha no!58. Do you get along with girls?
Yes! They respect me and I respect them! Then I get drunk and they tell me to stuff it! It works fine.59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
No, my scout must prove himself in battle before he is allowed any personal time.60. What do you carry with you at all times?
My sword and shield!61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
The spirits of the dead do not frighten me! I welcome the company of those I will join in Valhalla!62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
Yes. That’s how long I can be at war before coming home!63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
I seem to remember some sort of feast with women in masks…but then again most of the women I encounter are masked somehow!64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
Cute does not become a Viking!
…but yes. Harumph.65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
I know not. They are grown men and women!
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?
A blade does a decent job trimming them, but they are great long for gouging out eyes!    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?
I have no clue what you are talking about. I only wear bear furs    69. Do you have any stickers on your car?
What is a car? I have mighty carvings on my boat!    70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?
Who are these men?    71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?
What are these things?    72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?
STOP MAKING UP WORDS    73. Do you like diet soda?
I SAID STOP    74. What color are the walls in your room?
My hut is the dark brown of the wood I fashioned it from    75. Are you 16 or older?
Yes, I am much older    76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?
Liars are rarely pretty, lad     77. Do you have a job?
My profession is leading the war parties to victory!      78. What are your initials?
W.O.    79. Did you ever have braces?
I have had to brace myself against walls during sieges!    80. Are you from the south?
Nay, lad. The North!    
81. What does your last status on facebook say?
What sorcery is a book of faces?!    82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
No, they have gone to Valhalla    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
Mom used to whup me, but so did Dad. Both of them raised me to be a fine warrior, and I shall see them again in Valhalla    84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?
I have led a cheer of victory!    85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
What do those words mean?    86. Do you smoke?
Tobacco is not for me. Mead, on the other hand…    87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?
Your boots need a good heel, lest you fall in battle!88. Is your phone touch screen?
I told you to stop making up words!89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?
Long traditional braids90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? 
Yes, when I was a lad I wanted to join the battle early. My Father was not impressed, and my ears and rear were red after he was done teaching me a lesson91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?
A river is best for swimming.92. Have you ever made out in a car?
I know not what you are speaking of.93. …Had sex in a car?    
I attempted to woo the lady @official-peacekeeper​ in a boat but…well, I already answered that94. Are you single or in a relationship?
Single for now. The battlefield is my lady95. What were you doing last night at midnight?  
Sleeping off all the mead I drank96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? 
During a raid on the weebs! They summoned reinforcements but we pushed through!97. Do you like the camera on your phone?
Ask me about this foolery again and I shall have to stomp down those foolish dreams of made-up things98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
Yes, there was a young lass who helped me become the man I am today99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
…AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? 
Mention this book again, and I shall tie you to my mast!101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?   
Now you’re trying to insult me!102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
WHO IS THAT?!103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
No, the sun has not broken through the clouds in months104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
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