#The scars are unrelated. He got those by being a dumbass and hopping face first into a broken fence
shanedoesdoodles · 1 year
So remember how I talked about possibly wanted to make an octosona? Well. I made him. And gave him lore
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Hes a little guy that lives in my brain now I guess
He goes by a few different names but the one he remembers to use the most is Nontical
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 34
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I was a part of something bigger, made of something bigger. When I opened my eyes, Ruby was there. All of RWBY was there in fact, JNPR too. And CRDL even. Everyone I had ever met and, you know what, everyone I had ever not met was stuck too. Not just humans but faunus too. All Cetra in one giant groaning mass.
It was everybody. It was everything and at the center of it all was a mad god and the distant sound of flute playing. Out of tune. Out of beat. It was a horrific whistling sound like if somebody tortured the wind and made it shriek wildly in the abysmal mass.
And we were made out of it. And we were trapped in it.
We were all there and made and trapped in this stuff. I tried to move but I was stuck in it. Like I’d been cemented into place in this wall. But the stuff wasn’t cement, it was flesh. It was both human and Grimm flesh and I was stuck inside of it. When I looked out beyond there was only one thing that wasn’t stuck in the goo, only one person.
A woman.
I knew her. Her straw-blonde hair and pale skin stood out to me. Her sharp facial features were a match for my own. I had her nose and eyes a few shades darker than hers.
“Mother!” I called out. “Mother save me!” With pale eyes, she turned towards me.
She walked towards me and cupped my chin with ghost white hands. “Of course, my child. I will save you. Hush now.”
With one gentle pull she ripped me free of the wall into her ghostly white arms. I shuddered as she cradled me.
This isn’t what I wanted. This wasn’t what I had in mind. I was a tentacle. I was merging in my flesh with my mother and becoming one with her. I wasn’t saved here. I was just as trapped.
When I woke up, Ruby’s arms were tight around me. Her face held the exact same soft expression it had when she was stuck in the wall. I couldn’t look at her. Especially as she sighed softly and nuzzled her face into my shoulder.
There had been cries for help. People sobbed in the wall. But I knew that no one made it out of the four and a half billion year deep corpse pile. I screamed and something had looked at me. I called out in pure instinct for my mother and something had answered. It was alien, foreign. It was not like us.
My mouth opened in a silent scream in the real world, I’d drooled all over my pillow and sheets. I flipped the pillow over and laid my head back but I knew I’d never get any sleep now.
All I could think was that she wasn’t my mother.
Ruby hushed me and rubbed my chest softly. Harsh red and orange scars stood out across it. She mumbled softly in her sleep. I watched her adjust her position across my chest, her hands taking mine in hers as she did.
I relaxed but only slightly. The sight of the woman’s eyes were burned into my mind.
I checked my scroll. It was three thirty in the morning. Way too early to go about waking Ruby or any such nonsense. I slid out of bed carefully, avoiding any movement which might wake Ruby and slid my pillow into my place. She adorably wrapped her arms around it and I couldn’t help but brush her hair back and kiss her forehead.
I made my way over to the minifridge and helped myself to some of the icecream Ruby had bought and binged to make herself feel better. Strawberry sherbet. Fitting. And for breakfast no less. I sighed and wiped my forehead.
“Jaune…” A quiet whisper. I’d failed and been caught. Ruby came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. There was a mirror which ran across our wall in which I’d failed to notice her creeping up behind me within. Her tight pjs pressed against my back and her fingers traced about the scars on my chest.
“It’s nothing, just a bad dream.”
“You’ve been having a lot of those.” She almost scolded me. But if it was a scold I wanted to be scolded again, it was so gentle.
“They’re nothing,” I tried.
“Not nothing," she denied easily. "Tell me about them,” she murmured. Her voice like a shallow creek. “Are they about Tyrian?”
“Who? The scorpion?”
I felt her roll her eyes against my back. “His name was Tyrian.”
“He doesn’t deserve so much as a name. Calling him ‘The Scorpion’ is already too good for him.”
“Tell me about your nightmares, Jaune.” She was impossible to distract, it would seem. That’s why I loved her; I think. Not only was she a sweetheart, she was unrelenting. It was unbelievably attractive.
I told her about the mound of human and faunus flesh. But I didn’t mention my mother pulling me out of it and into her arms. I didn’t mention how I became one with her instead. I told her about how I saw her sleeping in the massive wall. Just another person shaped tentacle.
I shuddered as she ran her hands through my scars, the warmth of her fingers rocked me to my bones. The feeling spread across my ribs as I turned around and wrapped her in my arms. Her arms stayed tight within mine and she leaned her head against my chest again.
“I’ll be okay Rubes. Pinky promise.”
She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me.
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Ruby went back to bed. I could not. I was awake and out and about. And if I had another dream like that one I never wanted to sleep again.
Weiss was the first one up. It was early too when she joined me in the living spaces. As in, it was like five in AM. She must be an early riser. Maddening.
“Jaune…” she murmured my name sleepily. “What’s got you out of bed so early.”
“Bad dreams. Family problems probably. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Why are you up so fucking early?”
“I’m always up this early.”
“I like the mornings. If you’re up early you can get a lot done. Coffee?”
“I made a pot already. Help yourself.”
“What a gentleman.”
“I guess.”
“So, family problems,” she muttered. “I know a thing or two about that.”
“Ruby mentioned you did. Not any of the specifics,” I said hurriedly when she turned swiftly in my direction. “Just that your parents were mean to you.”
“Well. ‘Mean.’” She managed. She thought for a moment. “My father was physically and emotionally abusive. My mother was a drinker and was totally absent in any way that matters.”
“Mean,” I leveraged. “My parents were… I don’t know how to describe it. They didn’t believe in me. For one thing. My father especially didn’t. He thought I didn’t have a prayer. Especially at being a huntsman.”
“But you showed them. You’re quite the huntsman now.”
“Yeah. I guess. Wait until my sisters find out. That will mean something.”
“How many sisters did you have again?”
“Seven?!” She asked as she sat down on the couch opposite me.
“Seven. I’m the oldest. They matter to me. Are you close with your siblings if not with your parents?” I asked.
“Maybe with Winter. So maybe one. But she’s distant. It’s a part of who she is. It’s also a survival trait in a family like mine. My brother on the other hand…” she trailed off but I just waited. “My brother is like my father,” she decided.
“Bad, then.”
“Bad,” she agreed.
“I was the oldest by quite a bit. And I was the only guy. So… I was excluded from stuff. But not intentionally. You know? It’s just how that goes.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed. It was a pleasant sound in her throat. I stared at her neck for a moment. Her early morning clothes were a soft grey and blue gown that showed off all the way down her collar. I glanced away as my eyes trailed a little lower than her collar.
Girl’s in their pajamas, man. Something about it… What was I to do?
“But I’ve got Ruby now. She believes in me,” I continued. “I mean you and I both do?”
She choked a little on her coffee. I stared. “I’m sorry?” She wondered. “What do you mean?”
“She’s your partner. You two are like, besties or whatever. I’ve never really had that either.”
“Oh. That’s… that’s what you meant. Yes, I suppose. We’re good friends. I… I never really had that before Ruby. A best friend.”
“Me neither. I’m none of my best-friends’ best friends. It’s a bit of an insecurity of mine. Yeah I’m dating Ruby but…”
“But that’s different,” Weiss whispered. “What you and Ruby have is different from what Ruby and I can have…”
“Yeah. I mean, I guess. What is friendship anyways? I was close to Pyrrha but I wouldn’t say we were best friends like you and Ruby are. We also were never a couple. And Ren has Nora so while he’s definitely my bro, he’s not really my best friend.”
“When did you find out that Pyrrha liked you?” Weiss murmured.
“She… she kissed me before she went to fight Cinder. So… she had to be pretty obvious. With Ruby, too. It was that way. Or I never would have found out. I’m… for someone who is… I don’t know… I’m kinda smart. Right?”
“Yes, you’re smart. You fight in a way that’s about the mental battle as much as the physical. Like your empty hops. You’re always trying to psych your opponent out. You’re pretty smart. We pretty much all go to you for plans.”
“Right,” I agreed. “But holy fuck am I dumb. You get what I mean?”
“I mean I went after you instead of Pyrrha who was right there in front of me. I didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with you. But my dumbass just kept tryin’.”
“ Well …”
“So man, am I dumb. You feel me? I’m too fuckin’ dumb to be this smart.”
“A little , but what makes you say you didn’t have a chance with me?” Weiss rubbed her coffee cup and stared into the liquid distantly.
“Did I have a chance with you? You can answer that.”
“Not when you were putting on that act, no.”
“There you go then. Not a prayer. And Pyrrha was right in front of me. Am I blind? What’s the matter with me?”
“Well, yes. Okay. So you don’t have experience with girls…”
“No experience with girls-I have seven sisters! What the hell are you talking about?” I demanded. “Seriously what’s my excuse? I’d like one.”
“I… I have nothing for you. You’re pumping in a dry well.”
“Yeah. So that’s what’s wrong with me.”
“Oh is that all?”
“Probably not but let’s say it is. So what’s eating you?”
“Nothing. Why would you say something’s eating me?”
“Okay. Nothing’s bothering you.”
“No seriously was it something I said?”
“Well a little. Something seems up with you. You’re actually talking to me.”
“You’re actually talking to me,” she pointed out. “None of the fake stuff.”
“The fake stuff got me nowhere fast anyway. Good riddance to that sweet trash.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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“Things aren’t looking good, Oz.” I overheard Qrow from the kitchen beside Ruby.
“Ever the optimist. Even with the strides in progress we’ve made with you recently.” Ozpin was in control so I suppose it was he who I heard take a sip of coffee rather than Oscar. “While I would not say our current predicament is ideal I think we can both agree the situation could be much worse. Humanity is a resilient force.”
“Oz. Pro-huntsmen don’t just bite it like that all at once. Salem’s powerful and it seems like her reach is growing by the day. What does that say about humanity?” I shuddered. I thought of my mother and sisters who were out there somewhere right now. Ruby set her arm on the small of my back and I gave her a firm nod. She sighed and turned around and paced away from me.
I hated to see her leave but I loved to watch her go.
“That there are indeed a misguided few who have filled their hearts with malice. It doesn’t take a great number of people to cause harm but I believe there are far more people in this world willing to prevent it.”
Ruby paced over to join her uncle and Ozpin for their discussion. I loomed in the doorway, against the garden glass. “Um excuse me?” She was still a tad shy where her own leadership was concerned when things weren’t in the heat of battle.
“Ah Ms. Rose and Mr Arc, join us.” I snorted and stayed standing. Ruby took the red love seat next to her uncle. “We were just about to gather everyone to discuss our next steps.”
“Oh, uh, great.”
“Something on your mind kido?” Qrow asked.
“Well if it’s okay to ask…” Ruby trailed.
“Of course,” Qrow encouraged.
“Well we’ve been talking about the relics, Jaune and I that is, and if they have the fall maiden…”
“Cinder,” Ozpin clarified.
“Doesn’t that mean that they already have the Beacon relic?”
"Very astute Ms. Rose. I was wondering who would be the first to ask. It's true that the Haven relic, the relic of knowledge, is very much at risk, and for now that should remain our primary objective. Let's just say I made finding the relic at Beacon a bit more challenging than at the other schools."
"Ah, that's good to hear."
"It is. But let's not forget the challenges that still lie before us."
"Oh well I did have one more question."
"No my cane is not a relic."
"I have no more questions."
They shared a polite laugh and I snorted again at my girlfriend's antics from my spot in the corner. Arms folded I still eyed Ozpin warily.
"Yes while this cane is indeed very precious to me it is only that, precious to me. And while it still has a few tricks up its sleeve, I can firmly say being a relic is not one of them."
"Now why don't you run and get the other students."
Ruby gave me an indecipherable glance as she walked past me to gather our friends.
"Now something we can help you with, Mr Arc?"
"You let me into your school." It wasn't a question. "I have to know why. Why you took that risk over other applicants. I can't trust you otherwise."
"Yes. You did stand out to me at Beacon. Glynda, too. Your records indicated someone with shall we say more skill than you displayed."
"That charade should have lasted all of five minutes into initiation. I didn't even have aura."
"I took a calculated risk."
"You thought I was Salem's. My records didn't fool you."
They shared a glance. "Now is this the source of your hostility towards me. I thought it had its origin in my selection of Pyrrha as the new fall maiden."
"That too. Her blood is on your hands." I looked to where I wore Pyrrha's banner on my bicep. "How many others have you gotten killed that I don't know about? How many people have you had die? How old are you really? And why did you let me get past you?"
"Very well, if you'll allow me to tackle the questions in order?" He seemed to be actually waiting for me to answer so I nodded. "Many. Too many to count for the first two. I suspect you know something about that. It has escaped me." I shuddered again and nodded. The exact number of people I have killed has run from me, after all. "I am very old. I predate modern Remnant by a few thousand years. And yes I thought you were an agent of Salem's. I'm glad to see that you aren't given the alarming competence you've shown me these last few weeks. I took a gamble and I'm happy to see it paid off."
"So you didn't know what I would become? This… this thing?"
"I saw potential in you, if that's what you're asking. I was hardly the only one. You were willing to put in the work to catch up to your peers. And you're hardly a monster, Mr. Arc." He gave a little laugh.
"I could have been one of Salem's agents and you still let me in. I could have killed someone. I could have been anything. You made the wrong choice."
"Even with the benefit of hindsight?"
"I could have been anything. You took too serious a risk where my friends are concerned. I think you have a bad habit of playing fast and loose with other people's lives, given that immortal perspective and all."
"Perhaps I did.” He confessed, maybe conceding the point. “What would you have me do?"
"Be more careful. We're counting on you."
"You don't seem pleased by it."
"I don't have any other choice."
Qrow's scroll buzzed. He'd been watching our exchange with a sort of jealous attention. I had the feeling I'd asked questions he himself wanted answers to, like I had said things he wanted to be said. He looked at the device.
"It's Leo, hang on." He opened the communication. "Yeah? Okay. Yeah, we'll be there."
"And?" I pressed.
"He says he had a break-through with the council. Said he might just be able to put that raiding party together and that we should join him tomorrow evening to talk about it."
"Perhaps time was all Leo really needed." Ozpin sounded like he didn't believe it.
"But you doubt it," I said.
"I do. Leonardo disobeyed direct commands I had given him. You yourself are suspicious of him, rightfully so. As am I, as you were suspicious of me."
"Are,” I corrected. “I am suspicious of you. Do you really think you’ve won me over. I know you have designs for my friends as pieces in your game.”
“And what about your role in the games I play?”
“I can eat shit, and die. And I totally fucking will. My friends. They actually matter. Their lives have real value.”
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