#The royal masquerade choices
judeschoices · 2 years
Book: The Royal Masquerade
Pairing: Judith Aster x Kayden Vescovi
Rating: T (Teens)
Summary: Kayden wasn’t never really fond of the nobility, save for a few people who didn’t look down at him as if he was something they found stuck to the bottom of their expensive shoes. So when the queen released him from his duty from her side to attend the Masquerade Ball, he was far from pleased. Though that all changed when he found himself captivated by a pair of honey brown eyes.
'Oh for heaven's sake, Kayden! Go out and have some fun while you're still young!'
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as Queen Kendra's words rang in my head as I silently did my rounds in the ballroom. As much as I've come to care for the aging queen, she's as pushy as ever.
I enjoyed my post by her side in the quiet throne room perfectly fine.
Being amongst the glamour that was the Masquerade Ball wasn't my idea of a reward I could enjoy.
I glanced around at the nobles as they mingled amongst themselves.
Her Majesty certainly outdid herself by picking the theme. An event where everyone gets to hide behind the safety of a mask.
Not that anyone here has ever been willing to show their true face, to begin with.
Couples who came together would gaze longingly after another in hopes of another rendezvous encounter over the shoulder of their partner.
Allies laughed and chatted with one another, while one of them is gaining intel to undermine the other in hopes of gaining their assets.
Gold and jewels decorated their necks and fingers to flash in front of others as a way to hide the crippling debt their house is in.
To show one's true face within this corrupt court is asking to be stabbed in the back.
Which is why I much rather be anywhere than here...
"Now presenting Lady Annalisa of the House of Aster and her entourage!" None of the nobles turned to see the newcomer. To my knowledge, the House of Aster is a common House welcomed by Queen Kendra.
However, none of the nobles approved of this.
To break centuries of tradition and allow new blood to enter their circle was simply far too scandalous to them. Anything new or unfamiliar is something that all the nobles feared.
Whether they realized it or not.
Glancing in the direction of the entrance, I studied the new lady in court.
A rather tall but slim woman. Fair skin, long curly dark brown hair, and blue eyes. Lady Annalisa was indeed a vision. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the noblemen took a fancy to her if they were willing to get their heads out of their arses long enough to look past what house she came from.
The new lady at court seemed to be busying herself by chatting with another woman.
One I have never seen before either.
She stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of fair and pale skin women with her dark skin tone, much similar to my own. Her hair was done in an updo, however, I could see that her hair wasn't loose but in a style, I've heard to be called "locs". As different as the style seemed... it suited the young woman. With her hair up, it revealed her smooth shoulders and elegant neck for all to see. An admiral blue dress clothed her short figure. I could spy the gold and silver accents in her dress.
Her back was turned to me so I couldn't continue my assessment of this woman. Lady Annalisa gave the woman a cheeky wink before disappearing into the crowd.
The mysterious woman finally turned around and I found my breath catching in my throat.
Honey brown eyes sparkled behind a black and blue mask decorated with a feather, eerie similar to a quill. She took in the ballroom with childlike innocence. I resisted the urge to smirk when she delicately sniffed the air, catching a whiff of a servant's fresh bread on a platter.
There was something that was utterly adorable about this mysterious woman.
I narrowed my eyes at her, curious about who she could possibly be.
Just as I turned to walk towards her, her posture stiffened suddenly.
Following her line of sight, I resisted the urge to frown.
In midst of a sea of desperate women grappling for his attention, stood Hunter Fierro.
Heir to the House of Fierro and unproclaimed heir to the throne of Cordonia.
Since Queen Kendra never had children of her own, she looked towards the other Houses to find an heir. Hunter was the one who caught her eye. I could never be more glad of this, seeing how vain and greedy everyone else is. Save the House of Beaumont, of course.
Though I would be more glad if Hunter never locked eyes with this woman.
Disentangling himself from the too-friendly hands of those noblewomen, he approached the dark skin beauty. I was still too far away to hear their conversation, but it wasn't hard to guess that he was flirting with her.
The kiss on the hand cemented it.
I fought back a growl that threatened to crawl up from the back of my throat.
With one last flirtatious glance, Hunter left her alone. Without wasting a second, I planted myself by the woman's side. She turned and let out a soft gasp, raising her gaze to meet mine.
I ignored the odd flutter in my chest.
"You've made quite the mysterious appearance," I muttered softly, sizing her up. She eventually got over her initial shock once she heard the sound of my voice, narrowing those honey-brown eyes ever so slightly. Her full lips quirked up in a small smirk.
"I could say the same for yourself." I raised a brow at this.
"There are rumors of people sneaking in," I said casually, eyeing her reaction. If she was nervous, then she gave away no obvious tells as her smirk only grew wider.
"Interesting how a man in a mask is questioning my motives for being here. I'm sure we only have our faces to hide," she chuckled.
'A woman who could hold her own. Interesting.'
"Oh? If that's the case, then you should have no issue showing me your invitation." I was intrigued to see how she was going to dodge this one.
"Why, aren't you eager to know my name?" I blinked, taken aback by her boldness before schooling my features.
"And what if I am," I asked, daringly taking a step closer to her. She glanced at me under short, curly lashes.
"Then you have to be far more charming than that." I narrowed my eyes at her faux innocence.
"I can't decide if you're being cunning or coy," I pondered aloud. The woman let out another chuckle.
"Then I'll leave you to decide in peace. If you would excuse me, kind sir..." I felt my heart drop to my stomach as the mysterious woman turned to leave. Despite our short conversation, I wasn't ready to let her slip out of my grasp just yet...
"Wait," I called out to her. I held out a hand to her, bowing at the waist.
"May I have this next dance?" Her questioning gaze was trained on me once again.
"First you were questioning my presence here and now you're asking for my company?"
"Consider it a pleasant way of me keeping my eye on you," I replied smoothly. Her eyes narrowed and her lips formed into a thoughtful pout. As if she was trying to pick me apart and figure me out.
She's most certainly not like the average noblewoman.
"Unless there's someone else you've promised your next dance to?" As if on cue, her eyes glanced over to the dancefloor. Where Hunter was waiting idly beside it.
I bit the inside of my cheek.
Whilst I had a fair share of women throw themselves at me, I could never compare to Hunter. He's far more charming than I. As well as pure blood. I wouldn't be surprised if she said-
"No. I haven't." If it wasn't for the years of training myself on schooling my emotions, she would've seen the evident surprise on my face.
A woman declining a dance with the unproclaimed heir to the throne?
That's something one doesn't hear every day.
But I can't say I'm displeased with this turn of events...
"Wonderful," I said, offering her a small smile. The dark skin beauty placed her small hand in my larger one as I escorted her to the dancefloor.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed Hunter perk up at the sight of her. He was ready to make his way toward her until he realized who she was with. The disappointment flashed in his eyes for a brief second before he offered her another charming smile.
"Enjoy your dance, my lady," he said. She returned his smile.
"Perhaps we'll dance another time. Have a wonderful evening, kind sir." He nodded at her before sending me a brief stern look.
'Message received, Your Highness.'
"You're quite popular this evening," I said as we reached the center of the dance floor. She bashfully shrugged her shoulders.
"It's a nice change of pace." We took our initial positions just as the band started a new song. With her childlike innocence, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to take out a few of my toes.
Though I was pleasantly surprised to find her following my lead with ease.
"You seem to know your way around a dance number," I observed. She smiled and gave me a cheeky wink.
"Perhaps you're just an excellent lead." Whether she knew it or not, this is the second time she's surprised me with her flirtations. The first woman ever to really achieve such a thing.
"It would be the first that anyone has said that," I replied slowly. She laughed freely, a deep but sweet sound escaping her throat. The sound of her laugh reminded me of the feeling of drinking a cup of hot chocolate. Just warm and rich. The sound was addicting...
"Oh come now. I'm sure many ladies simply envy to have a dance with you. It wouldn't surprise me if I had several eyes trying to burn me alive by being able to have the opportunity to," she said, two rows of pearly whites winked at me as she smiled.
'Just who are you?'
With her vote of confidence, I grew bolder with my movements and she was able to match me step for step. Bracing my arm around her back, I dipped her back, never breaking eye contact with the beauty in my arms.
Her eyes spoke of her trust in me as well as her evident delight. Pulling her back up, she followed as we spun with grace.
"Very few move with such little effort..." She smirked.
"One mustn't belabor grace," she informed me. I cracked a smile at this. Twirling the woman under my arm, she spun effortlessly against me before I brought her close to my chest.
Her honey brown eyes sparkled under the chandelier lights as she locked eyes with me.
"Who are you, really," I whispered. She tilted her head at me.
"Tired of our game already," she teased.
"Why play games if one can ask directly," I questioned. The music started to fade and people were looking for new partners. I bit my lip, unwilling to release her.
"Looks like our dance has come to an end and I still don't know who you are," I said. She smiled cheekily at my misfortune.
"You had your chance." I held her hand.
"I would like another." Her smile grew wider.
"That isn't something I have to give..." Normally I would be tired of useless banter but with her, I feel like I could go all night.
"A bargain, then. We continue our dance on a private balcony and can use that chance to... discover the other. If I can correctly guess your identity, then I will allow you to guess my own." She looked as if she was raising a brow.
"You seem to be going through an awful lot of trouble in figuring out my identity... And you truly believe you can guess it from only a few tells," she asked in disbelief. I resisted the urge to smirk.
‘Got her.’
"Only one way to find out, my lady..." She paused for a single moment before squeezing my hand.
"Alright, you've convinced me," she chuckled. Perfect. With her hand still intertwined with mine, I lead her to the balcony. The soft echo of the music could see be heard from where we were. I turned to find curious eyes already looking up at me.
"Now, I believe we were near our dance's end?" She chuckled.
"I believe you are correct," she affirmed. I allowed my hands to snake around her lower back, preparing to lift her. Naturally, the mysterious beauty followed, delicately grasping my shoulders to hold herself up. Her eyes were trained on the city lights below as I spun her in the air, the moonlight bathing her in its eternal glow.
Almost enchanted by the sight, I carefully set her down.
"That was breathtaking," she said after a moment of silence.
"For you as well," I asked, knowing full well I wasn't talking about the scenery. She met my gaze for a moment before lowering her eyes, holding a hand to her cheek.
"So... about this bargain... I'm intrigued to know when questions you have floating around in that head of yours." I raised a brow, resisting the urge to smirk. It's incredibly rare for me to make a woman blush, partially because I was no charmer. That was more of Hunter's lane, even my half-brother's. But also due to the fact, that the women at court wouldn't spare me a second glance.
After all, who would want to flirt with the son of a bastard?
To make this mysterious beauty blush... felt invigorating.
But I decided to indulge her in her not-so-subtle subject change.
"If I only have one chance, I want you to tell me if I'm right or wrong," I said, even though I felt extremely confident about who she could be based on our short time together. She regarded me with a head tilt, waiting for me to continue.
"You've been in awe of the palace, so you're no regular at court. This must be your first party. As we dance, I could feel the calluses on the tips of your fingers, right where a quill should be. And your mask... the feathers look like that found on a quill as well..." Wide eyes regarded me as I placed the final nail in the coffin.
"You're a starry-eyed scribe from the library, and you snuck into the ball." The masked woman squared her shoulders before clearing her throat.
"I'm... I'm exactly as you say." I rose a brow, slightly surprised she didn't deny my claim. Whoever this woman is... she's quite bold and confident in who she was.
And doesn't seem to be ashamed of any of it, in the most humble ways possible.
"Welcome to the palace. Is it everything you hoped it to be?" She bit her lower lip, eyeing me wearily.
"Everything and more... you're not going to tell anyone, are you," she asked softly. I shook my head.
"Even though I should... but you impressed me." She let out a small sigh of relief.
"You're not the only one, kind sir. I didn't expect you to infer so much on so little." I smirked a little.
"It's a skill of mine... Now as part of our bargain, it's your turn..." Those honey brown eyes looked over me carefully, as if she was picking me apart bit by bit.
"Hmm... for you to be such an excellent lead, you must be a veteran at these events. You display a sense of confidence and wear a unique mask, so that could symbolize a sense of importance. However, you dress practical, not at all like the other noblemen here, as if you need to be ready for anything. Your clothes are also dark making it easier to melt into the shadows. You were able to sneak up on me with ease so you must be used to being a background character to get around..." Despite my poker face, I was surprised at her intellect.
"So you must be the black sheep of the family. A possible spy or special guard for the crown," she concluded, waiting to hear my answer. I chuckled.
"There are some things a mask can't hide." She gave me a cheeky wink.
"Not when I have a clever eye," she teased. I shook my head fondly at her boldness before gazing out over the balcony.
"This view is one of the few good things about the palace," I mumbled softly.
"It's gorgeous..."
"If you look up, you can see all the stars in the sky. Some say that they hold our fates." She let out a soft hum.
"And I take it that you're not one of them," she asked knowingly.
"If our destinies were truly set, then you wouldn't be here tonight," I answered. She let out a small sigh.
"However I could only live this fantasy for a night..."
"Until you decide to live it again," I challenged. She lifted her gaze to meet my own.
"I can't simply shape my future on command," she retorted.
"You've given me cause to disagree, my lady." I took a step closer to her, placing my hand a mere inch away from hers before returning my gaze to the night sky.
A comfortable silence fell between us and I felt compelled to turn to face her once again. I allowed a lone finger to trace along the side of her mask. The woman turned to me as I mumbled a soft request,
"I would like to see your face." She graced me with another smile.
"Only if I'm able to unmask you as well," she offered. I chuckled.
"Another bargain then. I accept." The young scribe stood still, eyes closed, as my fingers danced along the delicate skin of her jaw and around the mask before carefully pulling it off.
Her eyes fluttered open, gleaming under the moonlight. I felt my breath hitch softly in my throat.
Soft smooth dark skin. Dark full arched brows. A button-like nose. Full plush lips. Those honey brown eyes...
'Gorgeous... she was gorgeous...'
"I've wanted to put a face to a person, but I didn't expect that face to be so beautiful," I whispered softly with a fond smile. She let out a chuckle, low and sweet.
"Then I expect to be greeted with a similar feeling." I felt her fingertips dance along my jaw before lightly grazing the edges of my mask. Slowly, she lifted it off.
I felt my heart begin to race as she gazed at my face. A slow smile formed on those full lips.
"We finally meet face to face," she said softly, almost breathlessly.
"It was well worth the wait," I answered in kind. She rose a brow, smile still in place.
"So? Did you find what you were looking for," she asked.
"In a way..." Our eyes were trained on each other as we seem to slowly gravitate toward one another. Her lips were just mere inches from mine and I felt something stir within me. We reached out to each other.
My arms snaked around a slim waist.
Hers found purchase around my broad shoulders. I lowered my lips close to her ear.
"Tell me what you want," I whispered softly. She shivered in my grasp, wearing down the plump flesh of her bottom lip with her teeth. My eyes narrowed at the sight, the feeling in my chest growing strong with need.
"Anything you ask, it's yours... but you must tell me," I urged, my voice coming out in a hoarse rasp. The woman drew herself closer, tilting her head upwards at me in an inviting manner. Our lips were just a mere inch apart.
"I... I want you to-"
"Ahem." Glancing over my shoulder, I found a well-dressed servant, averting his gaze from our intimate embrace. The woman rolled her eyes before pulling away from me with a soft chuckle.
"Yes, Vasco? How may I help you?" I wanted to groan. But of course, she knows him. The servant, Vasco looked both alarmed and flustered.
"Apologies, my lady! But this is somewhat of an emergency." I silently watched as the dark skin beauty straighten her spine, eyes narrowing in a serious gaze.
"Emergency? What happened?" I rose a brow. Her voice went an octave deeper, still smooth as honey, but commanding.
"I found the queen's invitation, which means I gave your sister the wrong one! I would remedy this situation myself and offer my resignation at once, but I cannot find your sister. I fear that she's been summoned to meet the queen early. She would look foolish handing out the wrong invitation," Vasco quickly stated. Her lips quirked upward for a split second at him mentioning his resignation, as if it was some inside joke before growing serious once more.
"Then I'll give it to her. We don't have a second to lose, Vasco." The man nodded before handing her the invitation and instructing her on where to find the throne room. She slipped on her mask once and before turning to leave, I reached out and held her hand.
"Before you go... may I get your name," I asked softly. She let out a soft laugh.
"Judith... Judith Aster. And you, kind sir?" I gave her a rare smile.
"Kayden... enjoy the rest of your night my lady." Before she could fully slip from my grasp, I pressed my lips against her knuckles. I glanced up to find a soft look in her eyes as well as a shy smile. She thanked me and hurried off, leaving me alone to my thoughts.
'Judith... such a lovely name for an equally lovely woman... There's no telling when I will get the chance to see her again, but at least she left me with the sweetest memory a man could ever ask for. I never would have thought I'd see the day a woman has captivated me so, but I know we met for a reason. I hope to see this to the end...'
Just as my night seem to be looking up, the sound of screams brought it crashing back down.
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Pb been fucking us nonvip readers over with their vip releases. Which is why imma tell yall to just get the modded version and get all premium choices for free. dont waste your time by watching ads for diamonds anymore babes and have fun 😘❤ its fair game now💅
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Lord Pompadour: YUFF YUFF YUFF
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dist4nt-shores · 1 year
choices as random text posts i have saved part 2!! (again beneath the cut because i’m nice :) )
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blades crew
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mal volari
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every choices mc & their forced li
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foreign affairs
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beckett harrington
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atlas from the elementalists
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zoey and the queen b mc
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kieran from the cursed heart
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desire and decorum mc
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renza fierro from the royal masquerade
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jake mckenzie
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continually messing up during a fight scene
part one | part two | part three
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sapphoschoices · 2 months
Man, I'm in the middle of The Royal Masquerade, and what the fuck is going one?????
I'm on chapter 7, if you know, you know...
The background is shaking, I don't like this. I don't like this one bit. 🤮🤮🤮🤮
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mvalentine · 2 years
ive been on the choices app A LOT lately (🫣🫣🫣) & i have some unpopular opinions to share even though literally no one asked for them <3:
- the royal masquerade is SO criminally underrated, it deserves way way wayy more love. and honestly, trm has a way better royal plot & storyline than the entirety of the royal romance.
- speaking of the royal romance, i would choose arthur/artura anyday over liam. they’re based off of very similar archetypes, but for some reason i truly adore them even if i seem to be in the habit of having my mc date the intended love interests’ closest confidants <3
- look, i love immortal desires. no one’s doing it like my girl cas! but especially after replaying bloodbound recently, id simply cannot compare!! bloodbound is a masterpiece, the mc is literally one of the best mcs on the app, the lis are all SO good, the plot is so much more engaging and unhinged….. also rheya as the villian & the whole mc being descended from her blood keeper storyline? yeha that’s history. like sorry to id but you simply cannot compete where you don’t compare.
- the phantom agent is SO underrated it actually makes me so sad 😭 also my bby agent grey people hate them & for WHAT! i literally love them so much they are my precious little angel <3 also the mc? yeah an icon! the whole rowan situation and the drama of it all?!? such a solid book come on now people!
-speaking of lis who get way too much unnecessary hate— loml miss monroe from ms. match! they were SUCH a fun li & the book was such a fun read & honestly monroe is SO justified in being pissed i mean hell i would be so fuckin pissed if i was in their situation?!? anyways yeah i love them also she’s one of the prettiest sprites pb has ever made <3
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lupinobi · 6 months
The urge I have to post about my TCATF/TRM/TRR AU is growing EVERY SINGLE DAY.
If I told you I managed to connect EVERYONE from those books, would you let me tell you the entire story? I wonder.
Just so you can have an idea of how big the AU got over the past six years. And it is still growing.
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one thing about choices is that they’re always gonna come though with the historical books
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farizrz · 1 year
Genovia? Hint a Royal story?
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Sent by anonymous
‘The Royal Masquerade should have gotten a sequel’
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you-dumb-simp · 1 year
so i tried to combine cas, hunter, and blaine’s sprite … here’s how it turned out
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ratanslily · 2 years
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trm lis x Guinevere
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I’ve never been able to overlook just how much Cyrus Vescovi looks like a hot dog.
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Duchess Hana Lee
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Who else thought it was bull that Liam didn't name Hana as a duchess? She would make a far better duchess than mc, imo. In my hc, when Liam rewards MC with duchy Valtoria, he also rewarded Hana with a duchy of her own! The same duchy that House Aster owned centuries ago. I thought Hana was more Aster than Rosario and Everhart.
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simulantion · 7 months
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The armor is black so Noir and Chat Noir because I like Miraculous Ladybug (●'◡'●)
Game: Choices: Stories you play
Book: The Royal Masquerade
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a-consuming-passion · 4 months
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I'm sorry, I know it's a fantasy kingdom and all, but I just can't picture a prince named Hunter 😂😂
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