#The rookie 7x03
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 month ago
Hello amazing fandom and happy Wednesday :) Episode 3 off we go! So grateful to have my happy place back. To be able to do these first impressions. I love not knowing a single thing about this season really. Rachel being in the recap blew my mind. Like what?! Love the shock. Had zero clue she would be here this season. Let us get started.
7x03 Out of Pocket
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We hit the ground running in this ep. Grey yelling at them to come to his office in front of the entire bullpen.... Lucy calling him the troublemaker we all know he is this year. heh Also he is one perpetually now thanks to you my dear. Brought out his playful side long ago. It’s been here to stay ever since. Love Tim replying it’s a fair assumption. Not fighting her on this even a little bit. It's fantastic.
Will say I love how Tim naturally jumps on the grenade for her. Old habits die hard. Or never die at all…Lucy isn’t here for it though. Still a little bristly (rightfully so.) Also I'm sure she thinks it isn't a good look that he does. Commenting she doesn’t need him to protect her. Grey is bemused by them and their flirty fight, but does have to rein them in because of course he does. LOL You can tell he’s happy they’re acting this way even if it's driving him nuts.
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Tim jumps into apology mode. Not wanting to ruffle her feathers. It truly is a hair trigger response from him to shield her. He can't help it. Like breathing for him. Grey basically calling them out for their work flirt. ‘A weird itch they need to scratch’ heh I mean it is. Their version of foreplay let's be honest. Lucy seems quite embarrassed he has pointed this out.
Tim on the other hand....He is cheeky af in this dressing down of their's. ‘We didn’t put any money on it.’ With a big ole smirk on his face haha Oh my lord. No shame in the game for him. Who are you and what have you done with Tim Bradford?
Lucy is taking it seriously af. Where this goob to her left is cracking jokes and what not. Her face kills me. Like what are you doing? Do love seeing him be lighter and not so serious about everything. It’s delightful. Therapy is doing him wonders truly. Now Lucy isn’t as airy as he is but that’s ok ha
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Tim you so cute apologizing and saying why he tried to protect her. Needing to defend why he did as such. That, if they were going to go down, should be him, since it was his idea after all. Lucy is much kinder outside of Grey’s office though. Saying she said yes to the whole thing. So it's just as much on her as it is him.
Do adore her jumping right back into it with wanting to finish this out. That they still have time. This way they can check each others methods. Lucy continuing the work flirt of their's. I am down. The smiles on these goobers I cannot. Lucy’s face when he walks away. My goodness you still love that man. *happy sigh * I love these idiots.
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Rachel out of nowhere. Oh my lord. Do love these recalls to previous season's we're getting this year I have to say. Characters and all. Seems like they’ve kept in touch. First thing I thought was wondering about that. I had questions running through my head at her return. Like she must know Lucy dated Tim? Does she know how madly in love she was with him? (and still is...)
Sucks N.Y. chewed her up and spit her back out. Man it’s a trip to see her. From another life. Truly. S2 feels like it was eons ago. They were much different people back then. When Rachel said she hadn't contacted Lucy in 6 months....Knew that meant she didn't know of the emotional horror our girl went through.
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Thus begins the digging up of wounds that have yet to heal. Detective exam and Tim..... Oooh boy. The two pillars that nearly broke her. Kinda glad for her asking about it in a way. I wanna see where Lucy truly is emotionally right now. Been having a feeling it's not great under the surface.
The fact Lucy is now trauma dumping shows she isn’t ok. Which of course she isn’t. She had a trio of trauma last season. Between detective, Tim and Tamara. The way Lucy says Tim broke up with her…. Ugh my heart. A wound that hasn’t healed for this fandom either. It's not going till until this is hashed out and reconciled.
‘Screw him. He’s an idiot right?’ *sigh* I mean a good response for Rachel though. It's what you say to a friend going through that. ‘It’s all for the best…’ Is it though? Oh my girl still wanna hug you and make you better. That has not gone away since 6x07.
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Tim comes up not expecting his past to be standing there. He pulls out the Sanford Smile we haven't seen in awhile lol The one where he's clearly uncomfortable and his smile isn't reaching his eyes. You can tell he is confused and slightly unsettled. I mean they didn't end on the best terms after she started her life in N.Y. Now here she is in the station next to his girl. What a trip for him.
‘She ghosted me.' 'Yeah that’s her thing…’ We never did see what happened there. She was all in for long distance then she was gone just like that. Tim did a good job pretending he was happy to see her. The Oscar goes to you my love.
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Poor Ridley is shaking in his boots. On edge waiting for a 'Tim test.' But he was prepped by Lucy in a way Tim wasn't expecting. Seth has his 'I’ve been shot answer.' right away. Too quickly really. Tim is sus af. Grilling him if Lucy warned him? It does explain why he was looking out the windshield as they were driving LOL Tim asking what else she told him?
Oh my word she recited chunks of her trauma training to Seth. Majority of her s1 ones at that. Except for the flour bomb. I’m dying. These call backs to s1-s2 are making me giddy to no end I have to say. She really dug in their archive to tell him about Wrigley. I'm laughing so hard. Tim is shaking his head so hard and I’m cackling. Playing dirty Lucy….’Ok I just have to get more inventive.’ He is not pleased LMAO Legit undermined him.
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Texas instantly putting his foot in his mouth with Lucy. I was wondering if he thought be easier with Lucy. Or he thought he could charm his way into her being lenient. But he has never met Lucy Chen....Learns quickly how much that was not going to fly with her. I love Lucy putting him in his place immediately about 'darlin.’ That isn't going to stand for even a second with her. She makes sure he knows that.
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The banter is PRIMO when Tim arrives. We get to see protective Tim arrive on scene again with Miles. I love it. Lucy doesn’t stop him this time. Knowing Texas needs it from both barrels if it's going to stick with him. But mainly I just love Tim immediately not having it with that shit for her. Any bravado remaining is squashed by Tim calling Penn 'Darlin' hehe
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This is a mini moment that made very happy. You defend her Tim! Immediately protected his girl from Grey’s clutches about the rookies not listening. Gimme. I'll take this all damn day. That innate reaction to protect her is deeply ingrained in this man. I love it so much I could cry. Lucy once again not stopping him. Appreciative he has her back in this moment. The little things is how we inch our way back.
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Poor Lucy so worried this will be another black mark against her career. Regardless of who won this is a loss for them. Adore Tim being positive with her. Saying as long as they don’t fire them, they have a chance to turn them around. Make them into good cops if given that chance. Love this. Look at Tim being the positive one. Only for his girl. Lucy looking to him for answers makes me happy. Asking what their chances really are? ‘Slim to none….’ Heh helpful babe real helpful.
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It is nice to see Lucy catch up with Rachel. This is an ally we forgot she had. One that was far away in N.Y. So it's nice they get to reconnect. Not only that but be very mature about it. Especially about Tim. Celina getting a history lesson on the side is a hilarious bonus. lmao Frigging adored Rachel's 'Well yeah.' Like of course we would be friends still. Emotional maturity. Love to see it.
I love love love Rachel seeing Tim and Lucy were the better match. Rather than her and Tim. Doesn't even hesitate to bring that up in their convo. I said it many times in my s2 reviews. Forever grateful for the path she set Tim on. She was his first post divorce relationship. A Lucy 2.0 to get him ready for his soulmate.
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Rachel is the fandom when she makes her comment about their break up. Trust me Rachel none of us expected the emotional devastation that was last year….it’s been 9 months and I’m still not over it tbh. Idk I'll be over it until they have reconciled. It's the gut punch none of us have really recovered from.
Lucy just breaking my heart all over again. Saying she made all these moves for them to be together. Only for it to blow up in her face. *sad sigh* You sure did.... Our boy has A LOT to make up for. That it taught her to just focus on her career. I mean I truly hoping that is the case this season for her. That we can some true clarity for her career. Nothing I want more (other than a reunion.) ‘No more messy station romances.' Sure sure mmhmm....
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Those boys are LUCKY. They are trending online in a positive way or their asses would be grass. The defiance cannot be overlooked. I love Tim/Lucy standing next to each other as they back Grey. The little things I love so much. Forever in awe of insane amount of physical chemistry they have just standing next to one another.
The lack of personal space never a thing with them. It makes me happy to see it. Post 6x06 the physical distance could be FELT between them in every scene till 6x09. Felt like the Grand Canyon for awhile. So this is so nice to behold. Once again the little things that make me so happy. We're on the slow road to healing.
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I wanna get into this scene and what it represents to me. I did always wonder what happened between them. After 2x20 she just fell off never to be heard from again. So this was nice to get. Tim can claim he didn't need closure but he did. This scene is an olive branch from Rachel to Tim. Just like when Isabel came back in 5x20. The return meant to be a healing one. Nothing more. Took guts for her to do this. If she wants back in Lucy's life Tim comes with that. Breakup or not. She knows this. Best to smooth this over before she can rebuild her life.
Do I find Rachel a threat? No. No I don't. Why you ask? Because this isn't 13th grade. These are grown ass adults. This isn't a H.S. or Teen drama. Just because she came back doesn't mean trouble for Chenford. Hell the woman even said Lucy was the better fit for him. One of the biggest complaints I saw last season was Lucy's support system. Someone who was in it has returned. This is a wonderful thing for Lucy. A win she so deserves. I just wanted to be the voice of reason in case anyone the fandom was worried with this scene.
That man could not be more in love with Lucy Chen if he tried. And vice versa. He is kind and courteous with Rachel. To me, mainly because post-therapy, Tim can see when someone is trying to make amends. Hell it's what he's trying to achieve everyday with Lucy. Also like to note it's not his mega watt Lucy smile. That is reserved only for his girl. But it is a 'second chance' smile. Like Lucy stated earlier in the ep. A second chance is a clean slate. This is just that if she is going to be in Lucy's life again. I'll be intrigued if she makes another appearance or not. We shall see. Every ep we are one step closer to them healing some more. I cannot wait to see what 7x04 brings.
As always. Thank you to the amazing readers I have. Your likes, comments and reblogs mean everything to me. Truly comment away I love it. As long as its respectful I adore chatting about this season as we go along. Shall see you all next week :)
Side notes
Tim being the cold open. And breaking through Nolan's security system. I cackled so hard. Then is a sexy beast leaning against his bookcase. Pops a soda. Never wanted to be a can so much before.... ‘That’ll owe you two more Lakers tickets.’ LOL I love this man.
Poor Wes is gonna implode. Every time he hears that detectives name he shudders. Losing it a little more each time.
With the ladies saying let nature take its course with Jason. HA I'm with them. But of course Nolan being a boring boy scout won’t do it that way.
Anyone else think it’s weird Nolan doesn’t wear his wedding ring? I would hate if Tim didn’t wear his after their wedding.
Also going without backup after this guy. Like this man hasn’t learned at all from his mistakes. Do you not remember s2 you dope? Balian's reunion was as lackluster as they are. Welcome back Bailey. I did not miss you madam sorry ha
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rebelcaptain4life · 1 month ago
Grey @ chenford be like
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karihighman · 1 month ago
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The Rookie 7x03 promo photos ©️DGE / ABC.
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ineffabletrash · 1 month ago
Nolans plot armour is getting a little too strong
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trashblog07 · 1 month ago
I know I’m reading too much into this but based on the promo for next weeks episode and the synopsis. Could Ridley maybe the serial killer? I’m genuinely hoping not because he is starring to kind of grow on me but he is kinda suspicious like there’s no way his life is that tragic so he has to be hiding something or he’s just had that shitty of a life.
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 1 month ago
Watched episode 3 of The Rookie!! It was great, I really enjoyed it :D
Wesley continues to go through it 😭😭 I'm glad we're not pretending Angela doesn't notice or is stupid (though let me tell you that unplugging of the earbuds STRESSED ME OUT!! xD) but thank goodness she didn't totally figure it out xd. On the other hand, someone stop Wesley from suffering so much lol
Also that dinner between Wopez and Jayla 💀 I would assume it's more to highlight Nyla and James's conflict with all that this season than anything else, but poor Angela and Nyla just trying to have dinner xD like the chicken comment was great lol
Girl Celina was right the whole time 😭 Nolan WAS spinning out and bro needed help xd. See because if you'd just BROUGHT SOMEONE, NOLAN!! You could've gotten both things done, but whatever xD. Celina really should've done that spell lol. Anything helps xD. Good on her for looking out for him, and for everyone finding him so quick :). Nice to see Bailey again 🥰🥰🥳 :D! And her not even being able to get in was great xD. I'm glad Nolan realized it was overkill but it was kinda quick lol. Still, glad he's gonna try and get rid of it xD. Also maybe area 51 wants an upgrade was wild 💀 fair though xD
Also Tim making it in and wanting more tickets to tell how was amazing xD icon lol. Speaking of Tim, the bet was found out o.o and continued anyway xD. I do think he was trying to take the blame but also, yeah Lucy it was his suggestion lol. He didn't say you weren't participating. But she does have a point, but their faults still. And AAHHHH Rachel's back :OO :D!! Hey girl!! It sucks that she's been going through it :((, but it's nice that her and Lucy can reconnect <3. And I'm glad she and Tim are on good terms!! All good :).
Bro these Rookies 💀 they were really funny together though, I've gotta admit xD. With both wanting to look good for Rachel and in the house. And they did catch the guy! Great job, guys :D. I love how shocked everybody was lol xD. Buuuut, still, huge mistakes were made 😬 at least they're not fired yet xdd the PR stuff is a good excuse for a lot of stuff this season ngl :) fun layer!
Smitty was low-key an icon today by the way lol. And everybody did great at their jobs! Gray was going through it in that regard but you know, with these fools xD
I'm super interested in the next episode!! It looks super fun and intense :O. Looks like we'll see some great Nyla Angela action, Bailey's back of course :)!! (and it looks like she's at Lucy's lol), and we'll see everybody dealing with a serial killer :o. Also it wasn't shown in the promo but the thumbnail for the promo was a wopez kiss so, holding out hope for them xD. It could be the end/resolution of this whats-his-face Graham or whatever storyline, which would be sad because the end but good because thank goodness 😭 set his man (Wesley) free xD
And there'd still probably be repercussions from that lol, like dealing with the detective, and Wesley dealing with the emotions
Anyway!! It was a great episode, I loved it, and I'm excited for the next one :D!
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sgtbradfords · 1 month ago
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Sometimes words aren't necessary. Sometimes you can have an entire conversation through just a single glance.
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chenfordsource · 1 month ago
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#somebody had to say it
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avengerdaisy · 1 month ago
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Tim being better than John's security system
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chenfordsbee · 1 month ago
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clock them, grey
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sisterofficerlucychen · 28 days ago
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i think i've seen this film before ...
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rebelcaptain4life · 1 month ago
This might be an unpopular opinion rn but I actually love Rachel and I'm excited to see her back
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renegadesstuff · 1 month ago
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multifandom-gif · 1 month ago
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LUCY CHEN & TIM BRADFORD in THE ROOKIE, 7x03 “Out of Pocket” 🔥
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moodhop21 · 1 month ago
The Rookie: 7x03 thoughts
Out of context, this season has been amazing so far.
But it’s hard to watch them kind of dance around each other. I know it’s only 3 episodes in but it feels uncomfortable not having proof or something tangible to cling to that gives hope they’re heading for reconciliation. (Although I do believe they will.)
At the same time, I can’t help but feel it’s purposeful. Alexi wanting us, the viewer to feel just as uneasy and helpless as they do. At this point they also don’t know where things are going.
Much of this feels like it’s trying to convey Tim’s longing for a more meaningful, substantial conversation but he can’t do anything about it because he broke up with her and now, just like us, he is waiting. Waiting for her to be ok. To be ready to talk about it.
But at the same time he’s also scared to talk about anything more than work and their rookies. So he clings to what’s comfortable, bets and banter, anything to be able to talk to her. To be in her space, albeit it not the way he longs for.
It probably feels like he’s being spread thin doing it, longing for more. Things that he can’t possibly ask for, because this entire situation is his own doing. And Lucy deserves time. She deserves to be the one in control of their timeline now.
All he (we) can do is be patient.
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iconsrequestsworld · 1 month ago
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fav or reblog if you save 🚔
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