#The percentages are for % complete for those who are confused
imagine-nerd · 1 year
The yiga schematics are one of my favorite things in totk, behold instant kitchen
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masterhallmark · 7 months
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Credit for discovery: @misscloudiedays
So a lot of people are confused as to how Epic Mickey Rebrushed meaning Disney probably isn't getting profits works, so let me explain real quick:
What's the Sitch?
If you go to the Steam Page, Disney is not publishing EM Rebrushed themselves like they did with the original EM games, another company ,THQ Nordic, whom Disney does not own is.
This likely means they sold the licensing rights to that company rather than accepting profit cuts.
How this works
Copyright holders often do this if they think the product would make less profits than what they sold the licensing rights for. For example, this happened with the author of the Witcher books, who thought the games would flop and sold the licensing rights instead of accepting a percentage of the profits. He later acted like the victim when the games actually ended up being wildly successful. This also happened to the writer of the American Pokemon Theme Song, who didn't know the Pokemon franchise was going to go on for decades and remain popular, though he was more chill about it and worked something out.
Basically, Disney likely had so little faith in the game, they chose to sell instead of accept profits, which would mean whether you buy or pirate the game wouldn't affect them, since they would have already gotten the agreed upon amount, and they'd probably piss themselves if the profits Purple Lamp gets is more than what they sold it for.
Would they actually do that?
For anyone who questions if Disney would really be dumb enough to do this, REMEMBER THIS IS THE COMPANY WHO:
Yeah, I think they're that dumb.
Bottom Line
For those participating in the Disney boycott, it is probably safe to get the game, and will not be a breach of your boycott. Buying the game would instead show support to those who actually care about the game while not benefitting the company that abandoned it.
That being said, this is not guaranteed to be completely correct. Keep an eye on things as it develops, and make your own decisions on the matter.
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literary-motif · 10 days
Pick Me Up
Jonah x Reader
An interaction with a rude customer leaves you a little rattled.
Warnings: harassment
Working at the bar would not be half as bad if it were not for the small percentage of horrible customers. The majority was alright, some were even memorably polite, but at the end of the day, you always remembered the outright rude ones, making every pleasant customer interaction sink to the back of your mind. 
You could still picture the face of the woman who had sneered at you, telling you that the Vodka Martini you had served her was made with cheap Martini — as if you had any control over the beverages your employer chose to supply his establishment with. 
You remembered the man who had rolled his eyes at you, clicking his tongue before telling you that you were horriblyorganized because you told him the licorice was out of stock — as if it was your job to walk to the store and get it.
When being served, people often forgot the basic structure of the establishment they were sitting in. 
It was normally not the bartender who was responsible for the limited option of drinks at the bar — it was their employer. It was not the waiter’s fault if the portion of the food was insufficient, they were not the ones in the kitchen preparing it. 
It was not you who made the prices, but the boss who occasionally helped himself to the tips of his staff. It was not your fault if you were out of every type of whiskey if your boss refused to buy new ones because their prices had skyrocketed. 
The only problem was that it was you, interacting with the customers. It was your face they saw. It was you representing the establishment, so naturally, it was you they blamed for every little inconvenience they could think of.
Still, it was alright. 
You had learned quickly not to take these things to heart, and it was not an unusual occurrence for you to return home late from one of your shifts, find Jonah still awake, and spill your guts about the trashy customer you had had to deal with that day. He always listened attentively, laughing alongside you at these people’s weird sense of entitlement, and offering commentary on the situation. Together, you often came up with the most hilarious replies to people’s snide comments that had you howling with laughter. 
If rude customers were rare in the majority of people you interacted with daily, there was another fraction who was rarer still: the people who made you genuinely uncomfortable. 
Every once in a while, maybe every two months or so, a person would fall into that category. Sometimes, they tried flirting with you. Sometimes, they made inappropriate comments. Sometimes, they reached over the counter and gave you a confused look when you sprung back. 
Most of the time these people were drunk, having indulged in a little too much alcohol. They tried fighting your decision to stop serving it to them, and only begrudgingly walked out of the bar after you remained stubborn. 
Rarer still were the times when someone completely sober was sitting on the stool before you, watching you like a hawk as they tried chatting you up. 
“You have a pretty face,” he said, keeping his gaze on you as you prepared his Espresso Martini. He wore a tailored suit with a striped tie and must have bathed in cologne. You could smell its deep scent from the other side of the counter from how exceedingly he had applied it. “You should smile more. You’re too serious.”
You glanced at him. He gave you a smirk. The air of entitlement was strong with this one. 
“What is there to smile about when I am pouring vodka into a cocktail shaker?” you retorted, keeping your face carefully blank. 
“Maybe it’s the fact that you’re doing it for me, love. Come on, give me a smile.”
Your colleague had just left for a smoke break, so you were alone behind the counter with his increasingly uncomfortable presence before you. 
Those gray eyes did not stop boring into you, and your hands began to shake as he continued smiling at you. 
“Smile, come on.”
“Sir, I need you to back off,” you said, moving away from him in a faux search for the sugar syrup. 
“It’s behind you, darling,” he said, giving you a dazzling smile. “I’ve seen you here a few times. How come you still don’t know where everything is? Am I making you nervous, or are you just that much prettier than you are intelligent?” He chuckled, expecting you to do the same. 
You only stared at him, clenching your jaw. Who the fuck did this baster think he was talking to? You opened your mouth to reply, the words dying on your tongue as you caught sight of his watch. It was engraved, the name William Kennedyglaring at you in pretty cursive. How had you not recognized the son of your employer? 
You swallowed thickly. 
“Cat got your tongue, sugar?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Now come on, finish my drink.”
You reached for the sugar syrup, not dignifying him with a response as you did what you were told. What could you do? You needed this job, and although you were sure you could find another one in no time with your experience and qualifications, it was still an inconvenience you would much rather avoid. Telling the son of your boss to fuck off would get you fired, right? You were pretty sure it would, so you bit your tongue. 
“You know,” he continued, and you had never wanted anyone to shut up as badly, “now you are just the type of person I would take home. You’re sweeter when you keep your mouth shut, the only thing missing is a smile.” He pulled out his wallet, waving a ten-pound note in front of your face. “Smile if you want a tip,” he said. 
You stood frozen, the cocktail shaker in your hands forgotten as you blinked at the scum before you. “I’m in a relationship,” you said tensely, your eyes narrowing in a glare. 
“So am I,” he replied, adding five pounds. “Smile.”
“Listen,” you began, losing your patience. Son of your boss or not, this was getting ridiculous. You set aside the cocktail shaker, meeting his gaze coldly. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing here. I’d advise you to stop, or I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“You listen, actually,” he said, placing his elbows on the counter and leaning forward until he was face to face with you, “maybe you don’t know who I am, and I can excuse ignorance. This whole place is going to be mine someday, got that? I could get you fired with a phone call. So how about you give me a pretty smile and serve me that drink I ordered.” 
“Sir, I need you to leave this establishment.” 
He chuckled, making a show of checking his watch. “I’m going to give you sixty seconds until I—” 
Whatever he was about to say got caught in his throat as you opened the cocktail shaker, throwing the contents of his would-be Espresso Martini onto his white dress shirt, staining it irreparably.
He cursed profusely, springing to his feet and staring down the front of his ruined shirt. You had gotten some on his suit jacket as well. 
The two women at the table in the far corner snickered loudly, and even the elderly man who liked to read his newspaper with a glass of red wine looked up, raising an eyebrow at the cursing mess before you. 
“I’m going to give you sixty seconds to leave before I call the police on you for harassment,” you said, staring him down. “Sir.”
He shot a deathly glare your way, picking up his wallet off the counter. “Just you wait,” he spat, storming out of the bar and leaving a wet trail of footsteps you now needed to clean up. 
The added work was worth it though. You wondered what your boss would think when he watched the CCTV. Perhaps he had gotten the angry call already, demanding to fire you immediately.
Your blood was boiling, and you found yourself not caring about his opinion at all. Nobody treated you like this, least of all your boss’ entitled son. Still, his words rang in your ears, and you wondered if his petty scheme of revenge extended beyond an angry phone call to his father. Who knew the connections he had? Who knew how much you had truly pissed him off. 
At the end of your shift, you found yourself dreading the thought of walking home alone. 
“Hey babe, what’s up?” Jonah’s cheery voice on the other end of the line was an immediate ray of sunshine on this bleak night. “You’re done early.”
“Hi, uh,” you stammered, feeling a little embarrassed. Your anxieties were probably just paranoia anyway. There was no need to inconvenience Jonah with any of this.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, the tone of concern slicing through your heart like a knife. You had not meant to make him worry. “Babe?”
“Nothing’s wrong, just,” you began, shifting your weight and looking around the empty bar. “Today was weird and— and if you’re not busy, could you come get me? I’d rather not make my way home alone.”
“Sure. Where are you?” he asked. You heard the creak of his gaming chair and the shuffling of clothes. “Still at the bar?”
“Yeah,” you replied, glancing at the cocktail shaker. 
“Stay there. I’ll be there in approximately fifteen minutes, alright? I’ll smother you in a hug and you’ll tell me all about your day. Sounds good?”
You chuckled, picking up your bag and turning off the lights behind the counter. “I can start walking and we’ll meet halfway.”
“Babe, you don’t need to if you don’t feel like it,” he said. You heard the front door shut. “I’m on my way. If you’d rather we walk together, then that’s fine. There is no need to rush, and honestly, if you tell me today has been weird, I’d rather you wait for me inside.”
“I’m probably overreacting.”
“On the one-in-a-million chance you’re not, I’d rather not test it,” Jonah said, hurriedly making his way down the street. “Do you need me to stay on the line?”
“Nah, I’m fine,” you said, peering through the shut blinds into the darkness outside. “I’ll wait for you.”
“Good. See you in a few minutes, babe. Love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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valrvn · 29 days
Survey Results pt. 2
Sorry about the wait, I had a six day work week.
Please Note: Many respondents said they weren't sure of the cause of their fetish, and could only offer suggestions. So again, some of these answers are guesses on the part of participants, and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Also, a couple of these graphs are breakdowns by percentage, these are indicated with a '(%)' next to the title
Reported Causes of Respondents' Fetish (%)
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*Most respondents who said their fetish stemmed from encountering a pregnant person were young children at the time, a handful were teens. None were adults. Most pointed to pregnant grade school teachers and family members. Only a few cited complete strangers.
*"always had it" refers to respondents who claimed they had an unusual interest in pregnancy for as long as they could remember. Some of these cases started as a more general interest in large/round bellies that later crystalized into an interest with pregnancy.
*"kink osmosis" refers to those who developed their pregnancy fetish through other similar/connected fetishes.
*"didn't know" refers to those who claimed to not know (obviously) and offered no suggestions or guesses.
*"association of pregnancy with sex" refers mainly to those who first made the connection between pregnancy and sex in their childhood/early teens. Things like the first picture of a naked woman they ever saw being of a pregnant woman, leading them to subconsciously associate pregnancy with sex/sexuality.
*"playing pretend" refers to those who reported developing the fetish after playing pretend (either with dolls or with friends) as young children. NOT TO BE confused with those who claimed they would explore their interest/fetish through play, but didn't actually derive it from said play.
Types of Fetishes Which led to the Development of the Respondent's Pregnancy Fetish
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*Many cited just a belly kink without going into further detail
Kink Osmosis (When Developed) Breakdown (%)
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*As expected, only a small minority of respondents who cited kink osmosis as the source of their pregnancy fetish reported developing their pregnancy fetish during childhood.
*People who developed their pregnancy kink in adulthood are hugely over-represented in this category.
Types of Media Cited in by Respondents who Blamed Media Exposure (%)
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*Many people specifically cited cartoon episodes where characters would get fat/round/inflated.
*Media cited by multiple respondents included Birth Stories 2000-2004 (a Canadian documentary TV series), A Baby Story 1998-2007 (an American reality show that ran on the Discovery Channel and TLC), Birth Day 2000- (an American TV series), The Fairly Oddparents 2001-2017 (specifically the episode where Cosmo gets pregnant), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which adaptation was never specified), the Aliens franchise, Men in Black II (2002), and The Sims.
Breakdown of Responses by Those who Stated that the Interest in Pregnancy was Always There
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Gender of Respondents who Cited Fear as the Cause of their Fetish
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Gender of Respondents who Cited Their Gender as the Cause of their Fetish
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*Cis men reported their fetish as stemming from a need to prove their masculinity/male identity, cited a lack of confidence in said masculinity
*Trans women often cited gender euphoria associated with fantasies of pregnancy
*most trans men, AFAB NB people, and cis women cited a discomfort or fear regarding their ability to become pregnant, though a few trans men and AFAB NB also claimed that transitioning led to them reclaiming their reproductive abilities.
Types of Experiences Among Those who Cited Personal Experience as the Cause of their Fetish
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*two people specifically cited the art of metalforever on DeviantArt as the cause of their fetish
*YouTube was cited by 13 people, specifically birth videos, and in one case, those Elsa Spider-Man content farm videos.
*fanfiction and fanart were also a common source of people's fetishes
*6 people pointed to a parents/close relatives or family friends who were medical professionals who worked regularly with pregnant patients (midwives, nurses, doctors, OBGYNs).
*23 people recounted 'playing pretend' as young children and acting out scenarios involving pregnancy and/or birth.
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comicaurora · 1 year
(this ask is based on the, I'm not sure if unfounded, assumption that at least 1/6(?) main crew members has some sort of non-ace/aro attraction): How do you write allo characters as an aro person? I'm one of those annoying allos who's *hyper-romantic* and working on hypersexuality for my own health, so I color most of my writing with that and struggle to write ace people. I know a lot of writers can distance themselves more. I guess I'm just curious how you inspire your characters to act socially outside of the way that you interact, specifically in terms of romanti/sexual relationships. I'm pretty good at getting my characters to engage with the world outside of my way of doing it until it comes to romance.
It's… tough, and I'm working on it. I still need to remind myself that a lot of people legitimately do experience sexual attraction and thus find certain other people in certain situations extremely physically appealing, in contrast to my own platonic attraction (the people I like, I typically like the same amount no matter what they're doing or how they look) or aesthetic attraction (when I like how someone looks in a specific situation, it is still in an extremely hands-off "I'd like to draw that" way).
I can work my way through the logic of romance, I think. I've been told that it doesn't feel the same as friendship, and that it places another person in a somewhat uniquely structural role for one's life. I've heard it described as being someone's "everything-team" - the person they want by their side at any endeavor - which is the only thing I've ever heard about romance that I don't think applies to a good percentage of my IRL friendships.
Romantic attraction is definitely the more confusing one, because everyone I know in a romantic relationship insists it's different than their platonic ones, but can't really explain why or how, only that it is. The thing is, this makes me believe them more. I know how hard it is to explain a unique inner experience to someone who has a completely different one. Their partner is their best friend, or at least top three (understandable) and also in a unique position in their life (confusion??) I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I think I love my friends as much as I'm capable of, and there are people I'm friends with who I could see as a theoretical partner - except that it would change absolutely nothing about our current relationship. This is why I don't identify with the label of "aromantic" where I definitely do with "asexual", because I think I experience what people are talking about, I just feel it kinda everywhere instead of nowhere.
So the hack I think I can make work to do this in my writing is:
Sexual attraction is like aesthetic attraction, but with a hands-on component. Replace "I want to draw that" with "I want to get my hands on that" and go from there.
Romantic attraction is evidently its own beast, but it contains concepts like "I trust this person implicitly," "I care about them and want them to be happy," "I would be happy coming home to this person," "I want to protect them," "I like that they care about me," and "this person helps me see the world in a different way" which are all individual sentiments I understand, even if I personally feel them about a large number of people rather than a single Special Someone. Point them at a single Someone and have the two characters involved act accordingly, and I can probably pull a romance out of it.
Like all writing-an-alien-situation stuff, it mostly pays to identify the specific details that correlate to things you DO understand and then extrapolate from there. Or you can fake it and black-box their motivations and be like "here's where I'd put their sexual attraction to each other if I had one"
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antheshewro · 20 days
AOT headcanon — (My) personal analysis on Paradis
I previously wrote my own headcanon about Levi's sexuality, based on the official content we have about him. I saw that it was appreciated (23 notes for me are like a hundred so thank you!), which led me to share more headcanons of Attack on Titan. This time, in particular, I'll focus on Paradis as a nation—culture, moral values, etc.
First thing first, Paradis is a country that was secluded and was denied a technological development. Not having the knowledge that there is a whole world outside the walls and beyond the sea, they got to the point where their own development benefitted the military (think about the equipment the soldiers use, which is not really aligned with the middle ages setting). That leads me to believe that the progress in terms of morality got affected by this.
I can see their society being conservative; very "old school" type of approach when it comes to dating, for example. Men had to show up at their women's door to ask for their hands in marriage to their parents, wanting their daughters to be virgins when they got married, expecting them to settle and pop out a few kids. Men were expected to be the heads of their families, having a certain control over their wives. I would mention misogyny as consistent: when a Marleyan called Sasha a 'whore' completely unprovoked; when the Military Police's soldiers were discussing about Historia getting impregnated; the entire ordeal with Mikasa and her mom, about their heritage and the fact that they were targeted to be sold to the black market. It's useless to mention how much prostitutes were hated.
Hookup culture was surely a thing, and in my opinion, a lot of soldiers resorted to it. The Scouts are the branch that has the lowest survival rate, and having a committed relationship meant each time they would leave for their monthly expeditions, they always had the fear of not seeing their wives, husband or children ever again. Erwin, to me, agreed not to date Marie not only to focus on his duty, but also because he couldn't bear to think about her grieving if he died. Because of that, the Scouts either dated between each other or resorted in hook-ups with women who were drooling over soldiers—I can picture only men having those 'adventures'.
The Garrison, until the fall of Wall Maria, were as lazy and drunkards as ever. They only had to protect the civilians from the titans, which gave them a higher survival rate (though we could see how incompetent they were when Shigashina was attacked). That meant they surely had more opportunities to marry and settle; Pixis had a wife, for example. This, however, doesn't exclude the fact that men still hooked up with women, mostly to have someone to warm their beds.
The Military Police had it simple: their job was fairly easier and safer. Women would settle with them because their paychecks were higher; if men had one night stands, it was because they used their own ranks or job as MP officers to be entitled to women's attention. In this case, we know that Nile Dok had the possibility to marry Marie and also be a father, a privilege since he didn't constantly risk his life.
The fact that women were allowed to join the military was surely something that was allowed after ages. Yet, we can see the military where the percentage of male soldiers was surely way higher. The reason why no women became Commanders. When Hange got promoted, I could see tons of Scouts being against it, because of their gender. There's a bit of confusion since they use she/her with Hange sometimes, especially in the anime, but whatever the case is, they aren't male. And therefore, a Commander who's not male was surely a big no-no for a lot of people.
Paradis surely is a country where discrimination is rampant, and some people would turn their heads to the side whenever there was someone being targeted. Classism was very much normalized; the government completely ignored the poorer and lower classes. They never cared about the Underground, and when the fall of Wall Maria happened, with Shiganshina that welcomed most, if not all lower classes, it could be seen when their residents got sent to Wall Rose after evacuating. The government also sent the lower classes outside the walls to "work" when the food supplies weren't enough, and as Armin stated, the situation got a bit better. It wasn't surprising that they were all people who lived in Shiganshina.
I do see the richer classes being reluctant to lend a hand to the homeless, for example, whether it is giving them a few coins or engaging with volunteering. If they can, they avoid it. They're greedy, and if they can exploit the poor, they don't back away from it.
In terms of racism, it wasn't a thing until the discovery of Marley. From that moment, with the entire 'Eldian race' type of stuff, it surely flared up and mostly in the Scouts, because of the Jaegerists. It wouldn't surprise me that once Onyankopon began to help the Survey Corps, a lot of them (especially Floch) resorted to prejudices and blatant snarky remarks about his skin color, and of course, his home country—there was indeed a scene where he got cornered.
Homosexuality... I'm a bit conflicted about it. On one hand, I could see Paradis having several people believing that women had to only date men to assure that the Paradisians wouldn't be extinct one day. On the other hand, history tells us that homosexuality always existed and was a trait shared even in the Middle Ages. The only hint that Paradis had certain religious beliefs is the "cult of the walls"; though, the presence of pastors or some sort or alternate version of Catholicism or anything along those lines, which included the cult of the walls, was surely a thing. There, sodomy was a sin. A lot of homosexual encounters were perhaps shared in private places, or designated ones. In AOT, however, no one had anything to say about Historia and Ymir; everyone understood they weren't surely best friends. And since the barracks were divided into male and female ones (Isabel Magnolia was stunned by it once she joined the Scouts), we can't deny that there were gay cadets, or gay couples/officers among the ranking in each Regiment.
Finally, gender identity. If we push aside the entire "church and conservatives didn't approve that" thing, I can think of transvestites, mostly men. Hange is the only character that's canonically not a man nor a woman. When they joined the Corps, people surely questioned it; some were appalled, others were reluctant. Not out of malice, or better, not all of them, but I would say out of a lack of knowledge. When they saw that Hange was a valid member and Squad Leader, the Scouts realized that they couldn't care less about how Hange defined themselves: gender identity is the last thing you should care about when you're constantly a step away from being chewed like a chewing gum.
This post is ungodly long and I'm aware of it. If you would like me to share more headcanons or if you want me to write about a specific one, my ask box is open ⭐
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rainbowsky · 9 months
Hi RBS, can you tell us more about the weibo supertopic thing?
It's not the first time Yibo tag his supertopic, right?
As a turtle is it better to not subscribe to it?
I'm super confused.
Hi Anon,
Here's my opinion on that.
You don't need to know anything about the solo supertopics. They aren't relevant to our fandom, because they are solo spaces. We should stay in our own lane - as should solos, but good luck with that.
(Hi all you motos who've been writing me 👋🏻 just a reminder that my posts are for turtle eyes only, not yours - stay in your own lane! I don't go to your spaces and nag you, even though half of your posts are anti-turtle hate. Mind your own business).
So in my opinion Turtles shouldn't be involving themselves with the solo supertopics, although some do in a misguided belief that doing so boosts GG and DD as individuals. Not really, all you're doing is boosting solo engagement numbers. Some percentage of the 'active solo fan' numbers reflects turtles who are actively involving themselves in the solo supertopics.
If you're a turtle, stick to the turtle supertopics, boost GG and DD's endorsement and project social media accounts, boost their individual accounts, stay away from solo spaces.
That includes GG and DD's official fan clubs, that includes their individual supertopics.
A lot of turtles don't realize it (and a lot of solos misunderstand this too and say false and misleading things about it), but BOTH their individual supertopics AND their official fan clubs are run entirely by solos, and are meant for solos.
I will frequently hear solo fans try to frame GG and DD's official fan clubs as being directly connected to them or their studios. False. Under the new rules in China celebrities have to designate an official fan club and they have to take responsibility for 'directing' their fans, but that does not mean they have direct involvement with those fan clubs.
Similarly, I'll frequently hear motos bragging about how turtles are 'banned' from posting in DD's supertopic, as though that means anything at all. LOL. OF COURSE CP topics are banned from solo run spaces. That shouldn't surprise anyone. Of course solos are going to ban big-name turtles from those spaces (which, as I said before, are run entirely by solos).
Although that doesn't really stop turtles from being involved with those supertopics if they want to. I am a high level member of both solo supertopics*, and I'm not 'banned', because solos don't know I'm a turtle (I also don't engage in those supertopics at all anymore, so it's irrelevant, just saying there's no way that turtles can ever truly be banned completely).
*I used to check in to both GG and DD's solo supertopics, but I stopped when I fully realized that these have nothing to do with GG and DD, they're just solo fan spaces.
Point being - we should all stay in our own lane. Part of staying in our own lane is supporting turtle spaces and avoiding solo spaces.
That's my opinion.
As for DD's cat post, solos have their fan interpretations of it. We should leave them to that, just as they should leave us to our own CPN. Stay in your own lane. BLOCK AND IGNORE. Do not argue with them over their own fan theories. There's no point, and it would be hypocritical if we want them to stop doing that to us.
What they say and think is really irrelevant to us unless they bring it into our spaces to harass us.
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wikicamp2 · 8 months
hi! I’m intrigued by this blog and the associated site but I’m a little confused. I think there’s something that I’ve just never heard of happening. What’s an “object styled camp” (or a camp in general in this context)? How does it work? Can I participate? thanks for piquing my interest with your cool blog!
Thanks for taking interest in the wiki! I'm happy to explain what's going on here.
First, for context: There's a genre of online animated media called "object shows" where animated anthropomorphic objects compete for some grand prize. Each episode the contestants compete in a challenge and the worst performers are put up for elimination. Then, the show's actual viewers vote on who should be eliminated from the competition, and whoever gets the most votes is eliminated in the next episode. There have been hundreds of these with many still going all made by independent creators online.
Object camps are like that, but with real people playing as these objects and are often hosted through DeviantArt, YouTube, or Discord. The concept of camps predates the object show community, but I don't know much about how non-object camps work, so I won't be going into them here. The contestants sign up as an object OC often made specifically for that camp. For challenges, the contestants make "entries" where they write, draw, or animate how their character would do the challenge. These entries are then scored by the host and the contestants with lowest scoring entries are put up for elimination. Unlike in object shows, the voting usually happens between players themselves and not by the viewers.
So The Wiki Camp 2 is an object camp, but held on a wiki. Instead of writing, drawing, or animating our entries, we make wiki pages. Instead of those pages being about our characters completing the challenges, they're more like just, wiki pages. Like, one entry was about a fictitious Quibi series that was a spinoff of both Breaking Bad and Malcolm in the Middle.
The Wiki Camp 2 also has some unique mechanics like the board of shareholders, and tokens whose effects are determined by the contents of their page (which anyone can edit).
Signups for the camp closed with the first challenge in September 2022, but the wiki is much more than the competition aspect; the specifically camp-related pages only make up a small percentage of all the pages on the wiki, and it's almost like the camp is just the setting, a reason to have this silly wiki exist. Any page that isn't protected or a challenge entry is free to be edited by anyone outside the camp.
There are a lot of weird injokes on the wiki too, especially the injoke about seals. Many of these have their own serious articles explaining them listed on this page.
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Okay so. All of these questions are for the Kaiju Au.
Is the MC able to understand the kaiju or vice versa?
Why some of the categories in a few characters marked as unknown?
Do the kaiju have any human resemblance or are just 100% monstrous?
How does the MC gets close to the whole cast without being eaten?! I know they have the serum were they smell like a hatchling, but some species of animals don’t care about that and still eat or kill their newborns.
What was their first encounter with the Hearts gang and who was the first?
My, my, my! So many good questions~! OvO Let’s see if we can answer these!
First: at the moment, the MC/reader cannot understand what the Kaiju are saying save for the few who managed to mimic certain words (which is very few, and even then, they rarely use the words in the first place). Similarly, the Kaiju cannot understand the MC’s words. They do, however, recognize body language, facial expressions, and even tones of voice.
According to the researchers, there had been some speculation on whether or not it’s possible to teach them to speak, with certain Kaiju appearing to be skilled mimics (aka Ace, Jamil, Rook, Lilia, and Crowley). Unfortunately, due to funding and resources being limited, people had to be rearranged to different projects and left a virtual skeletal crew of one to try and continue this. So, it never really progressed beyond the few recordings of the researchers testing the Kaiju’s responses to specific words.
To answer your question about those with unknown categories, I based that mostly on the fact that we know very little to nothing of the magical skill of the characters in game (aka the staff for example). By extension, this means that they are the most reclusive and confusing of the Kaiju that the researchers have been studying, to the point that they don’t even know what category to put them under in the first place. Compared to the others who have been recorded fighting one another, there are those who either have not shown what their abilities are or haven’t had to demonstrate it.
For example, the other Kaiju will stop fighting if say Crowley or Crewel were to intervene, though it’s been noted to resemble a scolding before the two groups are separated. For those like Malleus and Lilia though, it’s because one has only partially been studied due to his reclusive nature (Malleus) while the other rarely seems interested in participating in any fighting and seems more inclined to watch (Lilia) and only intervening if it gets dangerously close to turning deadly.
When it comes to the Kaiju’s designs appearance-wise, for the most part their faces are more beastly than human (Crowley being an example given his head is more crow/raven than humanoid), but there are quite a few who have some semblance of their human faces! I’ve gotta sit down and do some sketches, but it can be a bit of a mix where they have either completely beastly faces (in which case it would be easy to tell who is who, like Crowley, Crewel, Malleus, and Jack for example), or they’ll have humanoid faces that look close to how they appear in game with some monster features (like off the top of my head: Cater and Riddle!). To put it simply, there’s about a 75-80% chance that the majority of them will bear little physical resemblance to their humanoid selves in game, while the remaining percentage will have humanoid traits.
As I mentioned before in another post, the serum won’t last forever and will likely wear off eventually. By that time, however, this will have given Yuu/MC/the Reader enough time for Grim, Crowley/Nevermore, and Crewel/Crewelfang to adopt them into the pack. Of course, Crowley, being the caretaker he is, would likely be the one who pretty much adopted the MC and, on occasion, near constantly gets assistance from Crewel to make sure they’re taken care of. This, in effect, means that the MC has not one, but two giant Kaiju in their corner to stare down/scold any of the other Kaiju packs thinking of hurting or eating the tiny human. Granted, this doesn’t guarantee that there aren’t some who’ll try and push their luck (like Floyd), but if anything, they at least have a better chance of getting close to a Kaiju without getting eaten!
The moment MC finds their weak spots for scritchies like they did Grim, though? Hoo boy, some of these Kaiju are going to demand more! Such a dilemma when MC is so small, so their hands and arms are going to be very tired before long. Grim is by far the easiest to pet, though! 🤣
As for the first encounter with Heartslabyul and who was the first one they met…well, technically, their first encounter was in the second chapter in the valley. But their official encounter with any of the Heartslabyul gang happens a few days after the valley incident when Yuu and Grim try to sneak away from the den while their “guardians” are either away or asleep, and it just so happens to be Ace/Slyfang that comes across them first and takes them to the Heartlands territory!
You can imagine the sheer amount of scolding that he got from both Riddle/Ragebloom and Crowley/Nevermore and Crewel/Crewelfang gave him afterwards. 😅 But in a way it worked out in Yuu’s favor as this led to more curiosity from the other Kaiju, so they wound up getting new visitors wanting to see them (and this is how they discovered that Cater’s/Flashwing’s moth and feather fluff is much softer than Crowley’s feathers…they temporarily got lost in the floof several times before the others realized that Yuu was fond of Cater’s coat and let them just enjoy nap time).
Honestly, the sheer amount of chaotic shenanigans as Yuu tries to befriend these giant creatures is going to be hilarious and absolutely terrifying! But hey, at least they’ll have a whole army of Kaiju to carry them around the island and protect them from the smaller scavenger creatures. Yuu is literally that one picture of a mama doggo curled up around a single pup: the safest human in the world~!
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yunarim · 1 year
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our rainbow-coloured days will advance forward, so shine forever
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❤︎ summary : Yuuka, a completely ordinary magicless girl, finds herself in an incomprehensible predicament. Soulmates appeared in the human world only a few decades ago and still have many inconsistencies, but Yuuka's case, to her dismay, becomes rather unprecedented.
Apparently, her soulmate is waiting for her somewhere beyond this world. ❤︎ tags : female reader, soulmates, reader is yuu, sfw, fluff, pining in some chapters, one character = one soulmate prompt ❤︎ ao3
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ִ    ꕤ Caprice of the leaves | Leona Kingscholar
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⏤ . . . prompt : scars of one of the soulmates turn into flowers on the body of another ⏤
It hurts when Yuuka tugs it on, and the pain spreads all over the left side of her face when she’s touching the petals. Gentle light pink flower with a richer crimson hue settling on the tips of the petals responds to her with a shock wave accumulating under her skin right where she touches. 
It’s been a while since she touched it willingly last time. 
She couldn’t remember when she got this rather prosaic yet frail mark on her body. At first it was small yellow flowers, reminding her of gypsophila, covering her back, as if stars were falling down her spine, leaving a long constellation map with blinking dust. She didn’t mind as she was quick to adapt to not sleeping on her back. It was bearable. 
She did notice something wasn’t right when one day she woke up, realizing she couldn’t see with her left eye. Opaque blurry stain covered her vision, and when her fingers reached the face right where her eye was supposed to be, she screamed.
Thankfully , nothing happened to her body afterwards. Still, the last modification was an unpleasant one, that is for sure. 
She wasn’t the first one with a whole confusing soulmate mess like this. Yuuka did investigate this case, and according to data received throughout countless surveys and examinations, this one could be related to her own situation.
Scars-flowers complementary pair . Apparently, her soulmate was the one with the scars, considered an addresser of sorts, and she was the addressee, who converted scars into flowers. 
Even if it meant she wasn’t alone in this world with such a cruel soulmate mark, she couldn’t help but laugh almost hysterically at the amount of provided data. According to it, the percentage of those who actually found their soulmate when faced with such a case did not exceed a thousandth . Scar on an eye is one thing, but small ones which could be easily covered with clothes, was a way of another.
Even if she actually meets someone with scars like that, it couldn’t mean she’ll get rid of the flowers. An eye contact is needed in order to do so. Now that — that was a problem. At least she tried joking.
“That’s a difficult task for me to do. I could double the chances if I looked with both eyes open, but you’ll get very interesting math results when you realize I can’t use both of my eyes, right?”
Anyhow, she tried just… get over it. Touching the flower on her eye was painful as hell, and the prospect of accidentally touching or tugging it on by someone else was a scenario she couldn't find pleasant at all, but then again, she could… no, she will manage.
Or so she thought.
Waking up in a coffin wasn’t her best plan, and Yuuka thought her most hellish scenarios couldn’t surpass this unfathomable mess. Getting isekai in another world, full of magic and… Actually, she adjusted quite quickly, it took just an hour after being dragged into catching the fire-eared cat and brief explanations to realize — magic wasn’t unfamiliar to her, giving soulmates was a new feature of her own world.
What a predicament. A magicless girl in an all-boys college. For a mere second she thought no one cared about her face and a lotus-looking flower on her left eye, but then this happened.
“Although Dark Mirror stated you have no magic, is it a common feature in your world to have a flower on an eye?” Crowley asked, finally bringing her attention to the fullest. 
“Huh?” Yuuka shivered. “No, actually, let me ask you… Do you have soulmates in this world?”
“My, my, of course we do! Though it’s the first time I’m seeing this kind of soulmate bond.”
“Glad to be of help in discovering something new then…”
She spent countless hours thinking whether her soulmate was left in her original world or was it the chance for her to actually find her person in here?
Leona yawned at first. 
It is a tribute to him, Leona actually thought it was quite unusual to witness such a situation. Amusement came to him, and he chuckled, his lips curving into a small sly smile. What a wonderful motive it was to collect new Savanaclaw students and get going already, he had to nap, after all. 
“What’s with her eye?”
“Is it a flower?”
“Looks kinda aesthetic tho…”
“Get yourself together already. Don’t you find it terrifying?”
“Yeah… must be tough.”
“I wonder if it’s painful.”
Leona's left eye twitched as he felt irritation build up somewhere under his ribs, comparable to a boiling lava. He couldn’t comprehend so many useless talks at once, yet couldn’t help but take a look at a stranger girl either.
Sudden wave of pain almost paralyzed him and he thought it was his imagination at first. 
Was it so poignantly painful because a flower on someone’s eye did sound like a serious problem in maintaining casual routines? That too, but what was the scalding feeling spreading right in his chest, making it hard to breathe? 
Her gaze fixated on Crowley, on mirror, on that damn stupid cat — on anything but him. But he had no right to feel disappointment, and why even would he?
She moved a bit, arching in the back when she tried to catch a cat, and small dots pointing through her robe were almost unnoticeable, yet Leona did — he did notice.
Maybe… just maybe he considered making Ruggie turn the whole library upside-down in order to find books with a soulmates theme in them. He did not voice it outloud, but Ruggie always was a quick one to catch on things.
It was a peaceful warm day, when Leona wondered for once if he had a soulmate in his current lifetime.
It was habitually cozy in the botanical garden, perhaps a little stuffy from the accumulated air, but the atmosphere was conducive to sleep. The rays of the sun reflected from the mirror surface of the walls, creating sparkling splashes of light dancing on the surface of the plants, to which Leona squinted his left eye, twitching his tail.
Something will happen today and he couldn’t say he was amused at the thought.
Soulmates. The word, haunting him at nights in his dreams, and the image of a Ramshackle prefect. Time rushed away from him, as if afraid of being caught, and Leona sometimes got lost in its flow. A girl with a colorful flower on her eye absorbed all his thoughts, which he clearly was not happy about.
He searched for every possible soulmate case in the books available in the college library, brought some outside, made Ruggie ask that damn Fish Mafia leader or what was his name again… 
Apparently, there was one which affected one of the soulmates, causing them to live with flowers instead of another person’s scars. He wasn’t fancying this thought, and he was even ready to declare it was… unfair. 
Leona wasn’t stupid. He didn’t need a soulmate, he never asked for one, but if there was someone suffering with flowers which were making life incredibly difficult, he wanted it to be canceled right away. He thought it would be okay to look into a person's eyes and be over it forever, everyone will be pleased and happy, continuing to live normal ordinary lives of their own.
And yet… He smelled this sweet flowery scent as if it gently touched his nose. It was pleasant, but Leona wasn’t thinking about becoming a perfumer or whatsoever. 
The sun was still shining in its magnificence, but for a moment Leona saw a halo of flowers. He blinked away this delicate apparition, as he felt an unpleasant weight on his tail.
“O-oh! I’m sorry I didn’t notice it was someone!.. Well, it’s not like I’m seeing people with tails everyday, though…”
“I believe you have to now.”
Leona, who had previously been lying on the trampled grass, took a sitting position and carefully examined the girl who was avoiding his eyes. He wondered, what caused such a reaction?
Her gaze followed from his tail, which thumped the ground uncontrollably in displeasure, to his strong arms crossed over his chest.
“Oi, herbivore. Does it hurt?”
“Who are you calling herbivore!..”
She shifted her gaze to his face, and then a muffled breath escaped her lips.
Delicate petals began to fall, swirling in the air, as if in a playful romantic waltz, and finally silently, almost weightlessly, settled on the grass right next to Leona's tail. She blinked once, first with her right eye and then with her left, not fully realizing that the familiar pain had finally left her.
Leona felt a burning sensation in his chest, his eyes widened in disbelief.
Yuuka stared at him, her gaze was almost piercing him right through bright green-coloured iris, as if trying to reach something hidden, something more intimate than just a confusion. 
She broke the silence first, but no words were needed. 
She laughed, falling to the ground uncontrollably, and Leona involuntarily reached for her shoulders in order to prevent her falling, — he failed, though, but no one cared — noticing how a pile of yellow petals fell from under her jacket, and only now found out his own eye and entire back felt like burning.
“Never… never in my life thought I actually will find my soulmate in another world.”
“That makes both of us.” He responded quietly, not knowing what he should do.
They weren’t even acquainted. They weren’t close. They weren’t friends, they weren't lovers. 
Yet when she smiled at him, arranging fallen down petals around him in a heart-shaped composition, he thought he was a complete fool.
Was it even foolish to feel something warm in his chest when she asked if he would tell her his name?
“I’m Leona,” he didn’t mind this stupid flower heart around him, reaching for her hand. “You, herbivore?”
“I’m Yuuka, please refrain from calling me strange names.”
“Hm… don’t feel like it.”
“Ugh, of course my soulmate just has to be an annoying one.”
He pulled her on his lap, gently holding her chin and making her stare at him. She has beautiful eyes, indeed. 
“You don’t look like you’re not enjoying every second of it, though.”
A light and carefree smile lit up her happy face, and she settled herself comfortably on his lap.
“Oi, herbivore. Hope you don’t mind me making amends.” 
She didn’t have time to ask what he could possibly mean, when she felt a light kiss on her eyelids. 
The touch on her eyelids was fleeting and ephemeral, as if illusory. Leona recoiled from her, peering into her eyes, as if trying to look deep and explore her soul through them, but she quickly deprived him of the opportunity to carry out this idea. Grabbing Leona by the collar, she pulled him back and placed a tender kiss on his scar.
“I spent almost my entire life trying to find my soulmate, don’t you think it would be only fair if I kiss you a little longer? You have a beautiful face, you know.”
“I guess I can say yours is quite decent, too,” he chuckled, clasping his hands around her waist. 
“Decent, huh? Oh, I’ll make you change your mind until you’re crying out of appreciation of the perfection of my face. Are you ready? I’m starting now.”
“Ooh, how scary. Let’s see what you can do.”
The kiss, which she had begun by touching her lips to the scar on his left eye, moved straight to his lips. She greedily picked them up with her own, completely forgetting herself in the tangled feelings, but it seemed that Leona himself was no better than her. 
Perhaps he would figure out the details in the process, but for now, all that occupied his mind was her and the scent of lotuses hanging in the air around them at that moment.
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❤︎ notes : song : caprice of the leaves - hoyo-mix (i just like the song name, but its vibe can be applied to just an end of the chapter ig…)
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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repo-net · 10 months
Prototype Of Another Time
A short YTTD fanfic revolving around Rio Ranger and Gashu Satou. When Ranger was about to be who he once was - and one reason to why Gashu rewired him to discard all of that.
Spoilers ahead for Your Turn to Die up to Chapter 2, Part 2, and Kai's mini episode.
A cold night's wind breezed from the outside world on its ground - far from the reaches of an underground facility.
Gashu Satou walked these halls with a newly shined metal helmet in his hands - a slot on its side to open it up and reveal a complex arrangement of wires and microchips. It was a sort of middleman that served as the link for the test he was to run today.
The company he'd been working in; Asunaro - was a specialist in recreating any living human's likeness and turning it into a fully functional doll that acted and behaved just like their human counterparts, even complete with a stock of their memories that helped boost and back up their personality, which in turn would allow said dolls to develop new habits on their own as they learned while merely existing.
It was an art in itself, and after Gashu's sacrifice gave him the means and the setting to be able to utilize this level of technology, he knew he had to take the opportunity to use it for himself. With the help of a nice though timid lady by the name of Namida Michiru (who'd been working here for her own personal reasons that she refuses to open up about, which confused Gashu), he was getting closer and closer to perfecting a masterpiece.
And this helmet was going to accomplish a goal he had in mind for his masterpiece, which would allow it to dream. Today's agenda for his doll was to finally transfer a portion of the human version's memories into his doll's memory bank, and use those memories to generate a completely new; or in a best case scenario, perfectly recreate a memory and allow the doll to 'dream', which would give it the capacity to develop itself even while it was inactive.
Approaching a door and pushing it open, a giddy and anthropoid late teenager's voice autotuned with the artificial autotune of an AI rang through the room in greetings. "Dad! You're finally back. Was gettin' boring having to sit here alllll by myself. I have no one to talk to without you nor ol' Mitchy around. Oooh, I'm so excited for this!"
Within the darkness of a laboratory that was drizzled with the mechanical sounds of gears whirring, codes processing and data being run through was an almost evil scientist-like set up right in the middle of the room.
A chair - that for some odd reason really resembled that of an electric chair; the type you'd see used for executions, was being occupied by an abnormally eager person, or rather an abnormally eager being.
Sei Satou - a doll created to rebirth one of Gashu's biggest failures as both a father and a man was tied down from arms to legs to a chair with metal restraints, while he swayed his torso forwards and backwards in anticipation as his creator walked closer to him, helmet in tow.
"Sei. Are you ready? I'll be putting on the helmet on your head now."
"Y'kiddin me? Of course I am! Come on, put it on, put it on!"
Finding himself a percentage of amusement from his artificial 'son' and his undying willingness to do anything he's asked so long as it's from him, Gashu attached the dream helmet to Sei's head after opening a gap on the sides of his head to latch it onto. The accessory was big enough that it completely covered up the entire top half of his head, the only thing the aged man could see being Sei's mouth booming his voice through the box installed in his throat.
Observing as the ginger-haired doll tried to bounce in his seat in enthusiasm despite the restraints keeping him down, Gashu cleared his own throat, and spoke up. "Now then, Sei. Let me tell you the conditions of this test."
Almost immediately, Sei behaved and sat properly (well, as properly as he could in the position he was in), and listened intently. "You will be turned off for this experiment."
"Eh?! Wait, but I want to see what my dreams look like! You've been hyping this up for weeks, Dad; don't just fuckin' blue ball me like this!" Sei replied, clearly annoyed and dismayed that he seemingly wasn't going to even be able to enjoy this. He sat down in this chair to experience what a dream was like, and he couldn't even get that?!
There was no response from Gashu at first, which worried Sei a little - and he'd talk again. "Come on, old man! Answe- ack!"
He was cut off by the light sound of a metal clang, sending a vibration through his iron skull. Gashu had bonked him on the helmet to shut him up. "Watch your language, young man."
Gashu could see Sei's mouth curl into a pout, but he responded in silence, which allowed the researcher to continue.
"The reason you'll be turned off in this test is that I'm uncertain of the chances this will go over well. For one - I'll be... transferring new data into your memory bank beforehand, and I'm unsure if you'll be able to handle the weight this data carries." He explained, stern as ever.
Gashu couldn't see it, but he just knew that Sei rolled his eyes at his words. "Psch. Ya don't even know me, Dad! My storage is as big as it can be; there ain't going to be a damn error in my system!"
The older Satou's eyes turned to the side, as his words were quiet enough that only he could hear them. "... Not that type of weight, Sei."
Ignoring his own sentimentality, Gashu kept going. "If the chance of safety and success isn't 100% - then I refuse to put you in danger after I've worked so hard to perfect you. Understand that while you are my masterpiece, you can still be improved and this test going over successfully will bring me one step closer to that. I do not want you to be put in any harm. Is this clear, Sei?"
Slouching in his chair as a goofy grin appeared on his lips, Sei replied. "Yeah, fine. You sure know how to sweeten me up, Dad. You must be a real lady's man! When are ya marrying one of the researchers here, eh? Y'gonna go for that ugly brown hag Emiri? I don't really like the idea of her bein' my-"
"Silence. I'm about to start. Shut yourself off, Sei."
With those ordering commands, Sei does as he's told, going through his own system before his body went limp - a light noise playing through his torso as it signified to Gashu that the doll was now inactive.
Going over to a computer with wires connected to the metal helmet attached to Sei's head, he began to transfer two files into his memory bank. SEI_SATOU01OF08, and SEISATOU02OF08 began to be copied from his device to Sei's own, and then...!
"It worked...!" Gashu looked over to Sei's body, trying to gauge if there'd be any violent reactions from his vessel, but there seemed to be none. Taking out a clipboard, he highlighted in green a finished objective
Successfully transfer 25% of his memories from when he was still human
Rushing over to the helmet and connecting another wire from it to a large screen's cable inserter, he walked back to his computer and began to run the prerogatives and directives needed to start a dream sequence. The large screen began to burst with static, until it finally began to produce a proper scene.
An almost manic laughter of triumph comes out of Gashu seeing his work come to life, and he began to keep his eyes locked onto the screen, eager to see what was on it.
In the Satou's household, from Sei's point of view in his bedroom where he laid down as his father looked at him from his bedside...
"... Sei. How has your recovery been?"
"Decent, I guess. Damn arms and legs still ache, but I'll prolly be fine."
"No thanks to you. Where were you when I got injured? You were there in an instant when Kai got his dumbass hurt.
"Hm. That's good. Rest well, then. And return to training once you're ready. Kai's progress has been steadily climbing as of late. Do not allow yourself to fall behind."
"Yeah, yeah - I get it. Just get outta here already, lemme sleep."
"... Very well then. I'll leave you to it."
"Is this... seriously all you can say to me, Dad? Why didn't you bring me anything? No hug, food, drinks, or a damn word about how much you love me? And to tell me that Kai's been getting better too...!"
"Sei! I was so worried about you... are you feeling okay? I got some tiramisu that Father made for you!"
"Uuuuugh, you know I'm sick of that, Kai! That's all he ever makes nowadays!"
"S-Sorry... but Father's trying his best, you know? For both of us..."
"Like I'd ever believe that. There's only one of us he keeps a proper eye on."
"What do you want anyways, bastard? I'm kind of in the middle of not doing anything and getting better."
"I just... thought you wanted some company."
"... Well, at least one of you damn Satous bothers to look after me."
"... Fine. You can stay, just don't talk to me for too long.
"Just don't talk to me for too long! My mouth's all sorts of messed up. Just look at the shape it's in! You wanna see me do tricks with it?"
"Gwah?! No way, don't be gross, Sei!"
"Pft. You're a real softie. Heheheh..."
"If it's you, I'll get hurt a million times before anyone puts their hands on you even once."
"Hey, Sei! You've been really distant today. Was it something I- huh?! Wh-wh-what are you doing...?!"
"Just once, I should be allowed to be selfish...!"
"AGH! Just leave me alone already, I'm sick of having to put up with you and Dad!
"S-Sei?! Wh- hey, put me down! We shouldn't be fightin- gnh...! Our training for today's done already!"
"I'm so tired of you, you damn bastard...! Why don't you get it?!"
"Why do you put up with me?! You're better than me... one of these days, I'm going to get thrown out of this damn house, and you'll be that shining star Dad always wants. He's always favored you...! Why don't you get that?! Just stop... there's no point to me trying if all he ever wants is a better version of you!"
"Get... what?"
"You...! Why can't you just accept it..."
"Fuck, you weren't supposed to cry. I wasn't supposed to cry. Stop... you're making me feel even worse... I- ... huh? A... hug?"
"I don't know what you're trying to tell me, Sei... but I can tell that you're really hurt. I'm sorry for what I did. But I'll never leave you behind. Because you're family. No matter what anyone says - no matter what you tell yourself, to me, you'll always be my brother."
"... !"
"... Always... yours..."
"I'm sure Dad would've made sure Kai got what he wanted..."
"Kai, if it's you - I'll die in every universe just so you can get a life you deserve."
"A life without a heavy, burdened brother like me..."
"You don't know how much I put in just to impress you, Dad!"
"Why won't you love me?!"
"... Why do you love me?'
"I don't want to be alone, Kai... I'm so scared..."
"I wish you'd just look at me the same way you do with him - and tell me I did a good job for once, you stupid old man..."
"Dad... Kai... am I going to die?"
A deafening silence filled the room. Gashu had forced himself to turn off the screen and deactivate the dream creator. Aside from playing back memories, he was hearing thoughts and emotions - ones he was never supposed to hear nor did he ever wish to from what used to be his son.
A son he now realizes he neglected and let hatred foster for too long - which fostered into a reliance and undying loyalty to his brother. Undying loyalty... that resulted in his demise.
The device had worked. And it did its job far too well, making him realize errors in his process. Errors that needed to be corrected. If he was going to turn out like this in the end, hating his guts and wishing he could just be with his brother, then even Gashu; who had lost things dear to him, couldn't handle such an intense fire of jealousy and envy.
And if it was this attachment to his family, and his desire for recognition, and the joys and love that made the father part ways with one of his children...
After going through his memory bank and discarding the files he recently just gave him, Gashu approached Sei's inhumane body, taking the helmet off of him before pressing a button deeply hidden on the back of his neck to reactivate him.
With a slightly delayed whirr, Sei's eyes flickered on once more, blinking a bit before he looked up at Gashu's cold and tired pupils with a lively and fervid energy within him. "So, so?! How did it go?! Can I try it out for myself now?!"
Gashu had a hard time getting the words out of his throat, but he managed to persevere. "... It's as I feared. The test was a failure, Sei. We'll have to recalibrate and make some adjustments. You're dismissed for now. Return to your station." He unlocked Sei's restraints, allowing him to finally roam around freely once more.
"Aw, what?! You can't be serious - are you sure you didn't mess up? Come on, there's no way it'd..." Sei tried to negotiate and debate with his creator, but seeing that exhausted, almost pained face... he couldn't muster up the courage. "... Alright, fine. I'll get going, then."
Jumping with a little flair in his step as he flicked his fingers through his hair, Sei began to walk away and head for the exit.
"Wait, Sei."
His voice with just the tiniest bit of pleading within it, Sei turned around and looked up to see his maker, slowly walking over to him. The doll stood still, putting his hands to his sides.
Gashu examined him from top to bottom, his eyes making sure to not leave a single detail of his frame away from being burned into his brain.
He rested one hand on Sei's head, squinting his vision for just a second as he clutched a handful of his wigged orange hair, a perfect replica of what it used to be. "... Apologies. You may leave now. Goodbye, Sei."
Grabbing it by the wrist and taking the researcher's hand off of him, Sei looked at him for a second, muttering. "Weirdo. Well, see ya Dad." An action and an assembly of words that stinged his heart in agony, more than it should've. He should've been ice cold and detached to senses like this long ago. And yet, as he looks at this version of Sei for what he believed was the final time leave through the doors...
How much longer does he have to keep doing this, he wondered.
Gashu opened his clipboard, taking the pen from its top before beginning to write on it after crossing three sections out.
Objective 04: Finetuning Memories
Finish implementing dreaming sequence, allowing him to learn even while idle
Complete transferring and restoration of memories - from his birth family to his adopted family
Objective 04: Rearrange And Discard
Alter his title and moniker, align it with the planned and soon to be floormasters
Erase all memories that this experiment happened, start from previous version of his data bank
Gashu firmly gripped his pen, hesitating and even biting his tongue lightly, before surrendering in a sigh as he continued.
Convince Michiru to remove every single one of his positive emotions - keeping only his loyalty to his creators and the organization
Remove his past from the ground up, let there be no file that tells him he's Sei Satou - from his birth family to his adopted family
Looking over at the screen where the dream sequence played out, Gashu mumbled to himself.
"You won't die. Not like he did."
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ghost--trick · 5 months
hi I have a lot of thoughts about widget. uhh they're very rambly and long, as it was written at about 2am, so if your confused by any of it lmk and ill try to clarify!!
non-mood matrix/ill call it ‘active mode’
so there's 5 basic emotions that it can't recognize– happy, sad, angry, afraid, and surprised. ill talk about the blank screen later. that's a whole other thing. so when there's multiple strong emotions it picks the strongest, and displays that. pretty simple. why this exists is a different question, though. my best guess is that it was made so that others could understand how athena was feeling when she was younger and less expressive (as said by juniper).
mood matrix
there's only 4 emotions here, they mix sad & afraid into what ill call ‘distressed’. (i hc that this is because it wasn't fully completed before ur-1 & they updated the active mode, but hadn't gotten to the mood matrix yet before ur-1.) ANYWAYS. this is pretty much all touched upon in-game but there's a lot glossed over.
the images are caused by athena's inputs and/or memories– not by the testimony itself, so if athena doesn't know something, it's not included in the testimony (this includes location, appearance, people present, etc.) the mood matrixes end on an image that represents the truth that the speaker was hiding.
noise. ough. this is caused when someone's feelings contradict the information submitted– but with emotions that gets pretty subjective pretty quickly.., i think it's based on athena's perspective, because she can sense discord even without the mood matrix active. I think noise & discord are different, wherein noise is when their emotions contradict their testimony & discord is when their emotions contradict themselves, but iirc that's never touched upon in-game.
because noise is measured in percentages, which presumably means that the mood matrix doesn't work/ has no use when there aren't any contradictions..? like trying to perceive someone who isn't lying. the amount that the percentages go down(/up) shows… something. presumably how many contradictory emotions there are in the testimony. but there's…. one example that stands out to me. the phantom. despite the sheer amount of odd/contradictory emotions, the mood matrix puts it (i don't remember what number.., i think it's 90%?) despite there being more contradictory emotions, and doesn't fluctuate despite the emotion fluctuating. maybe it only recognises the fear as genuine? despite picking up on the odd emotions.
basically, noise is super confusing and i have no clue what's going on there
now… the phantom… he's complicated. when he bugs out the mood matrix with the random influx of emotions, it's stated in-game that it's because he has such a control on his feelings that he can artificially create emotion. that the mood matrix picks up on. which means he actually felt all of those flickering emotions during that testimony… i think? because the hearing of emotions is separate from inflection/ how they act. and yet, it's portrayed as only the fear being genuine, especially with what mentioned previously with the lack of fluctuation in the noise? which, if so, were the other emotions not genuine? then how did the mood matrix pick up on it? is it because he runs away from his emotions, and therefore doesn't validate them, therefore not making it genuine to him? but can't fully run from the fear despite trying? im so confused.
this one is vague, but a relatively simple concept. when she thinks something ‘loud enough’, widget will blurt it out for her. what differentiates between what's said and what isn't is beyond me, but i assume it's based on how strong the emotion associated with it is. my best guess is that this function was designed to aid athena in communicating? she was said to be very quiet as a kid so I think it would make sense.
blank screen
I think it's an unregistered/unknown input or widget turning off. the program is probably in a constant loop, which checks her emotion each time. there are finite inputs & outputs. if the input is ‘happy’ then the output is the change of the display to the green smiley face. if the input is ‘angry’ the output is displaying the angry face. you get the gist i hope? now, when the input is unrecognized, it either outputs the blank screen as some sort of default, or it breaks the loop, shutting the entire device off. there are slight differences in the two, wherein if it was a default, the code would return to acting like normal once the emotion was recognized again. if it broke the loop, it would require athena to manually turn widget back on.
i personally believe it's the former specifically because of turnabout academy, when athena snaps back from the blank icon & widget displays the angry icon. that being said, this doesn't rule out the other option, as she could've just manually turned back on while the screen was not on her.
(this is different to when filch/sarge takes athena, as it still has a visible face there^^)
other theory i have that is a little bit less grounded in reality but still has some reasonings:
widget wasn't originally designed for athena. the reason i think this is because of the mood matrix. when metis died, athena was just 11. she wouldn’t have been able to use it, at least not effectively. also, as seen by athena’s memories, she didn’t receive widget until after her mothers death, which is why she wasn’t wearing it at the time. I think that there are definitely some aspects that point to it being designed with athena in mind, specifically the blurt mechanic, but it would almost make more sense if it was originally designed for metis, and then shifted over to fit athena better?
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
Please don't feel obligated to answer this if you don't have time/energy but I was wondering if you have any ideas as to why providers/therapists seem to think it's "extremely difficult/unlikely these days" for someone to be involuntarily hospitalized when clearly given people's actual lived experiences, that is not the case? I've heard similar assurances from multiple people and I'm confused as to why this seems to be such a strong belief among providers.
hey anon! This is such a good ask. I have a few hypotheses about why this is something we hear a lot of providers saying, but I would love to get other people's perspectives on this as well. I'll also be talking about this from a US context because I think that psych hospitalization varies enough from country to country that I can't make generalizations about the justifications that are used on that wide of a basis.
I think one possible reason is that many therapists buy into societal ideas that psych wards are the place that "crazy people" go, and whether they are aware of it or not, therapists have a very specific idea in their head of what "crazy enough to go to the psych ward" looks like. It seems like in many providers' heads, they've done an excellent job dehumanizing mentally ill people who end up as psych ward patients. Partially because they need to be able to view the people they put in psych wards as so completely separate from "normal" people that they can continue to feel justified about working in the mental health system. In my experiences, a lot of therapists, whether they admit to it or not, feel slightly uncomfortable when they think about the things that go on in psych wards (restraint, forced drugging, solitary), and in order to justify the existence of those things in the system, they've created this mythical mental patient in their head who is "dangerous enough" and "mentally ill enough" that those methods of abuse existing are justified. I feel like a lot of times, if you're talking to a mental health provider on an outpatient basis and you are well-spoken enough, not in a totally destabilizing crisis, and have enough societal privilege, that in their head they've moved you out of the category of "unwell people that should be in psych wards." Of course, in reality, anyone could end up in enough mental distress that they move into the category of "crazy people that the system thinks should be in the psych ward." So therapists will say this shit to people they are seeing outpatient because they are viewing you as more of a full person and in their head, it becomes extremely uncomfortable to think of the fact that everyone else who is in the psych ward is also completely human, and that anybody could be put in a situation where they are hospitalized.
Another thing I've noticed is that some outpatient providers fully understand the way the system works and they know that if you go in to an ER and are any of the things that the mental health system considers a "danger to self or others" (Namely suicidality, sometimes self harm, and intense psychotic episodes), that you have a very, very high chance of getting hospitalized. However, in their head, this is a small percentage of patients and they don't bother to specify any of it. (using fake numbers for this next example) In their head, maybe only like, 5% of the patients they see get suicidal enough to go to the ER so in their head they think that only 5% of people get hospitalized. What they don't specify is that if you are part of those 5 people who gets in enough mental distress to go to the ER, there's like a 99% chance that you are going to get hospitalized. And to them, it might not seem like a big difference because maybe compared to different times in history in the US, that is fewer people getting involuntarily hospitalized. But from my perspective, that doesn't actually feel particularly helpful or relevant to be told "not that many people get hospitalized" when in reality, if you're someone who's in crisis and ends up having to engage with the crisis system, there's a really high chance that you are going to get hospitalized.
I've also met some therapists who were told in school that people don't get involuntarily hospitalized anymore and they just uncritically believe it and move on with how they approach treatment. I think a lot of therapists also are just looking at what's on paper in terms of "voluntary hospitalizations versus court-ordered hospitalization" and I think that doesn't give the whole picture. On this blog I take the stance that voluntary vs involuntary hospitalization does not really tell you a lot about what coercive factors are in play and what psychiatric abuse you are going to experience. Lots of doctors say "either sign this paper and admit voluntarily to the hospital or we will fill the paperwork to get you involuntarily committed" and then once you get in voluntarily and try to leave the doctors will say "okay, if you try to leave we're going to start the process for a court order to get you to stay." In my perspective, that does not feel very free and voluntary lmfao, but on paper, therapists might be considering that as a voluntary hospitalization and use that to claim that involuntary hospitalization doesn't happen anymore. Also on paper, a lot of hospitalization of adolescents looks like it's "voluntary" because it's the guardians who are signing that paperwork, not the kids, so that can also influence what involuntary hospitalization looks like on a statistical level.
I will give the caveat that levels of involuntary hospitalization does really depend on funding, amount of psych hospitals in an area, and insurance. So it might be true for a particular location that if you're mentally ill and you go to the ER, you might not get involuntarily hospitalized because there just isn't enough beds. But I think that if you take a look at the composition of people who are in psych wards, there are very, very few people who are in there that feel like they've made decisions of their complete free will, absent of coercion, and can leave easily at any time. So I think that although the majority of mentally ill people are not ending up institutionalized, I would hypothesize that a fair amount, if not almost all people who end up institutionalized are processing that experience as a coercive experience on some level and are talking about that.
This is me being a little cynical, but I also think some providers feel completely enabled just to lie to their patients and they get that attitude reinforced by their schools and their colleagues. Something I see a lot is psych professionals getting really mad at psych survivors online and leaving rude comments saying "we know that the things you are calling out are true, but you can't share that info because it's going to scare people off from reaching out for help!" And instead of using that as a moment for self-inquiry about why it might be a sign of structural flaws in the system that they have to lie about it in order to get people to comply, they decide to double down and blame psych survivors.
To summarize: I think the reason that this myth is spread so frequently is that therapists have a very specific, dehumanizing idea in their heads of who is the demographic that ends up in psych wards and think it's unlikely that the people they are seeing outpatient will end up in that level of mental distress, even if they understand that there's a pretty high risk of involuntary hospitalization once you are at the ER. And that therapists and psych survivors have very different understandings of what "voluntary and involuntary hospitalization" means, leading them to generalize a lot of things about the experience of being hospitalized that are just not true. There definitely are other explanations and contributing factors and I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
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I don't know if you've addressed this before, but is there a reason why Gustav of Sweden had all his children get married and the heirs and monarchs were invited? I was looking at clips of Victoria, Madeliene and Carl Phillips wedding and monarchs and heirs attended all 3 weddings. But I've noticed that other royals families all reserve sending those invites(to other monarchs and spares) for the heirs and the spares don't get that same level of important attendance(Harry, joachim, iman etc) ? Sorry if this question is confusing. 😆 🤣
I wouldn't say you're completely accurate on this. You're essentially making two big statements:
Victoria, Madeleine and Carl Philip's weddings had similar level of attendance to each other
That the difference between the siblings is substantially less than the difference in other royal families, where monarchs/heirs won’t go to spares’ weddings
These figures might not be 100% accurate because different sources include different people but it's a good ball park:
Victoria's wedding had 53 royals from 11 reigning monarchies. Of those who attended, 28% were monarchs/heirs (I haven't included spouses).
Madeleine's wedding had 15 royals from 6 reigning monarchies. Of those who attended, 20% were monarchs/heirs
Carl Philip's wedding had 15 royals from 6 reigning monarchies. Of those who attended, 20% were monarchs/heirs
So you can see there Victoria had a lot more royals, from a lot more monarchies, and a higher percentage were monarchs/heirs. There was a difference between the three of them so the first point I would say is a no.
For the second there are certainly some royal families where there are far fewer royals in attendance than the heir in their country or the spare in Sweden - Iman, for example - but there are others where it's pretty much the same. Let's look at Norway, for example. Haakon's wedding had 39 royals from 8 reigning monarchies. Of those who attended, 31% were monarchs/heirs. For his sister Martha-Louise's wedding there were 22 royals from 8 reigning monarchies. Of those who attended, 23% were monarchs/heirs. So actually by comparison there was a bigger gap in representation in Sweden than in Norway.
As I mentioned, there are some monarchies where there is a bigger gap than Sweden but the answer to that is what it is for most things: they're different countries, different people. Countries will send invitations as they see fit - that will depend on status, size of the wedding, personal choice of the couple, diplomacy i.e. the Scandis will always have the Scandi royals there etc. And then countries will send who they want to send. You notice with bigger royal families they send lower down people - Sophie and Edward in the UK, Hassan or Sarvath in Jordan, Takamado in Japan - but if the invite for a wedding in, let's say, 2015 went to the Netherlands they only really have three working royals. They could theoretically send someone like Laurentien or Constantijn but they aren't regularly working royals so it would be different to sending someone like Edward and Sophie. So of course there's a good chance it'll be a monarch or heir because they only really have the monarch, heir, and the spouse of the heir!
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zorciarkrildrush · 1 year
I think maybe the most visibly autistic I've ever done is very recent - for the past couple of years I knew being enthusiastic about flags is a thing (r/vexillology and of course, maybe more importantly r/vexillologycirclejerk) and I found it nice in passing but not more than that.
However, since I am determined to waste a significant portion of my workdays, a couple of weeks ago while browsing a news site I encountered a silly little 5-question flag quiz. Can I recognize flags like Venezuela at a glance, or at least know it's not Djibouti? Generally speaking I know the African flag color scheme, but if it's not an easy multiple-choice question, apparently I'm kind of lost.
Things happened rather quickly and I became very determined to just, always succeed. I need to know all of them. Finally I landed on this quiz: https://flagpedia.net/quiz
Which is rather inclusive (i.e, some flags are of territories controlled by other countries, but still have their own significantly used flag) and is apparently regularly updated with the designs from Wikipedia. I experienced this first hand when the flag for Afghanistan was the old one one day, and the new, Taliban one the next.
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Most flag quiz sites will still, in fact, use the 2013-2021 version.
So, 254 flags on the list, an inordinate amount of them sporting the union jack with some random coat of arms like so:
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(This is Fiji specifically but I promise you there's a lot of these fuckers)
And every quiz I finished was with several dozen mistakes, due to territories like these, and random islands in the Carribean or Polynesia or off the coast of Africa, or just small countries in Africa and South America and so on where their flags are just not really common knowledge.
But as I said, I became both determined to always succeed and determined to waste company time. So, doing it once or twice every work day, I've started narrowing my incompetence, remembering new and interesting designs (and also looking up what's up with those places - who knew the Comoros even exist, that they have less than 1 million people in population, and that their government bureaucracy is so wildly inefficient it harms the economy in large, tangible percentages?) and developing little ways of memorizing them. If you see a Union Jack design with waves on the coat of arms, it's either the Falkland Islands:
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Recognized by the "Desire the right" wording, and I guess there's a sheep too, or it's the Cayman Islands:
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With some thing or other that isn't "Desire the right".
Ireland has this widely recognized flag:
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But don't mix it up with the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire):
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Ireland is known for being green, and "starts" with green. If it looks like Ireland but doesn't start with green, you know what it is instead.
Just tons and tons of these little tricks, dubbed ezelsbruggetje by the Dutch (Little donkey bridges! Random little tricks of memorization!), so that I can tell places at a glance, confusing or no.
No, don't ask about Monaco and Indonesia or Chad and Romania, I have no answers for you except sometimes I can tell Chad by the shade of blue.
So a week ago my mistakes have been lowered to about 3-5, slightly ambiguous flags like Gabon and Bolivia being responsible for it mainly (and like one last pesky Union Jack island or something), and last week it was lowered to one (fucking Bolivia still), and now it's at 0. I can repeat it and I have a very good chance at doing it completely open ended (provided I have tolerance for spelling mistakes and lack of accents, e.g with Sao Tome).
And there is no point, this is just A Thing I Know Now and it will be Stuck In My Head Forever. I always had reasons to suspect I'm somewhere on the spectrum, with special interests and social maladjustment and so on, but this is maybe the most egregious, forefront example.
Also trains are cool but like, everybody knows that, right?
Oh and if you reached this far, here are some of my favorite flags in no particular order, with no significance attached to the country itself:
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Seychelles, the one, the only, the legend.
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Morrocco, clean, set apart from the rest of Africa and/or Arabic countries, can be interpreted as occult by those so inclined, has insane harmony with the flag of Israel.
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Iran, easily set apart from the somewhat similar but simpler Tajikistani flag by the repeating Takbir along the bands.
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New Caledonia, recognized by whatever this thing is (it's a traditional Kanak totem-like structure placed on roofs?)
And honestly there's maybe a few dozen more worth mentioning but I've been putting off my housechores for long enough.
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cosmic-kinglet · 8 months
At least there's acknowledgment of how strange everything has become.
I think Moon's reaching a point that a lot of us, myself included, have also reached, in terms of Ruin's whole deal. Just being confused more than anything else after being so certain for a while that he couldn't be trusted. Like, there was a poll on here a few days ago asking what people thought about the whole situation, and it was relatively evenly split between thinking he's completely cured and thinking he's semi-cured, with only about 6% of people saying they believed it was all an act. I truly believe if that poll had been posted a week or two back, the percentage of people thinking it's just an act would have been significantly higher. With what we know right now, it could really be any of those possibilities. Like I've said a couple of times before, I'd be thrilled if it turned out to just be some red herring! I'd love to be able to enjoy Ruin Eclipse's presence without analyzing every little thing he says and does! I just want to be able to function without this brainrot, but that won't be possible until we have real confirmation of any of the three possibilities.
And now we're also all out here trying to figure out what's up with Eclipse and how he ended up having no idea who rebuilt him. All I can think is he was activated remotely, meaning whoever brought him back wouldn't have to be within sight.
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