#The mania came in strong tonight boys !
overwhlcmed · 2 years
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☁️ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ────── 𝙸𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙴 𝚁𝙾𝙳𝚁𝙸𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚉 : greatest hits .
Celebrating 15 years as a band, Make Happy has compiled a 25 track greatest hits album including fan favorites, longest number ones, and five new songs after a nearly 3 year hiatus. The album also includes ‘about the track’ messages from songwriter Indie Rodriguez to give insight to the beloved songs and ones to fall in love with it and a transcript of what she had to say about each song can be found below ! Take a listen in the source (bc tumblr wont let me link in post for some reason?), say so rock version here .
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01. Turn it Off ( Paramore )
“ I wanted to put this song first because in all the time I’ve been a part of something this incredible, it’s still the most honest I’ve ever been with the band, with you the listener, and more importantly, myself. It came at one of the many lower points in my life and it really helped me come to terms with hitting rock bottom and climbing back up all over it. I come back to this a lot, and knowing it means as much to other people as it does to me is something that’s, truly, indescribable. ”
02. Until You’re Mine ( Demi Lovato )
“ I honestly don’t know why you all like this song so much, I sound insane. ” A small laugh is shared before she goes on. “ It’s suppose to be a song about a crush, or very extreme feelings for another person in a cute, sweet way but it just comes off as scary. And creepy. Which, I think is where the love crazy rumors stemmed from, but the instrumental is so cool and Lia brought in some of the coolest guitar riffs so I don’t hate it. I just think we were so obsessed with coming off as cool and edgy back then I accidentally made our soft songs, scary songs. But hey...── it was number one for a few weeks so a win is a win. ”
03. Fences ( Paramore )
“ Fences is a song that came about when Make Happy began really making waves, it happened so fast it really felt like we were thrown into an entirely different world overnight. Suddenly all these eyes were on us, we had to be hyper aware of the things we said, the way we acted, for fear that it could all be taken away. So we did what we still to this day do best, get in a room and complain about it. And Fences was born. ”
04. 26 ( Paramore )
“ It’s pretty well theorized, and joked about, that I’m a pretty cynical person because of the content in most of our music but I really not. Growing up, hope was what kept our lights on when we couldn’t rely on a check or help from anyone. We had to hope a miracle would happen, and I was raised by the biggest dreamer I know so hope came easy. I’m not saying I’m the world’s biggest optimist, I’m definitely not, but I can recognize when my hope is slipping and I need to get a hold onto it again and when i was 26, it definitely felt like I was losing sight of a lot and letting other people, specifically partners, dictate who I was. So I wrote this to kind of, I don’t know, snap myself out of it I guess ? ”
05. La Llorona ( Natalia Lafourcade )
“ If you’re from any part of Mexico then you’ve definitely heard the La Llorena legends, and growing up she was use to scare the kids into being obedient y’know ? ‘ If you keep crying, La Llorena is gonna get you ’, ‘ If you cut up I’m gonna call La Llorena to come get you ’ but I’ve always been very I guess ? Empathetic towards her ? In a way ? I know that’s bad the legend says that she killed her kids, but who told that story ? That’s right a man. So I don’t know if I believe it. I mean she’s wandering the earth crying out for her children still not her husband so, I’m just saying. When I got the chance to finally write and release music in Spanish for a Latine audience, her story was the first that came to mind. ”
06. Tu Si Sabes Quereme ( Natalia Lafourcade )
“ Fans have always wondered why my lyrics, and honestly the music as a whole, is a lot softer whenever I sing in Spanish and I honestly think it’s because the language I was shrouded in love with. When I get to speak, or sing, or listen to people speaking Spanish it’s always filled me with joy and comfort in a way that English never has and I think Tu Si Sabes Quereme is the best example of this. If I don’t sing about you in Spanish, it’s not real. Hate to break it to you. And I can count the amount of people I’ve sung about in spanish on one hand without using all five finger so, take that as you will. ”
07. ( One of Those ) Crazy Girls ( Paramore )
“ Do you know how many times I’ve been called crazy ? Like over the stupidest shit, I’m somehow the problem in every instance whether its with a partner, or within the media, so I leaned into it. Followed the narrative that people were making of me already, and it was actually a lot of fun to turn myself into fiction for a few minutes in the way people have been doing for my entire career. And the girls definitely enjoyed chipping in on tipping me further down the crazy scale. But, for the record, the acts described in this song are all false and hold no real weight. Please do not break into your ex's house. Or at the very least don’t say Make Happy told you to. ”
08. War With My Mind ( Crimson Apple )
“ This song speaks for itself really, but it’s about being in the kind of relationship where your heart is constantly battling with your mind to try and make it work. It’s one that makes me mad every time I sing it because why I would let someone drive me insane like that is...─── insane ! I think it is really freeing, and really scary to get to that point where you can admit that it isn’t love it’s you putting them above anything else because you want it to work. If there’s anything to take away from this one it’s trust your gut, not the douchebag. ”
09. Soon You’ll Get Better ( Taylor Swift )
“ I absolutely hate being vulnerable, surprise. When I wrote Soon You’ll Get Better it was a direct response to my abuelo’s diagnosis and I was so desperate for any God, all Gods, anywhere to hear this plea for healing that I was willing to shed away all the layers of protection I had built keeping, pretty much everyone, out for so long. I hoped in putting it out and getting thousands of people to pray along with me, that he would magically heal and things would magically get better. ” A shaky breath is taken before she’s able to swallow and continue. “ It didn’t work out like that, and I did end up needing to step away from major Make Happy activity as a result but what I did get was the kind of love, support, and well wishes that made the bad feel bearable. I could go through the worst thing I’ve ever been through in my life and come out on the other side and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say thank you enough. ”
10. Break Your Heart Worse ( Crimson Apple )
“ This is the most gross part of myself, and I can’t believe I so boldly shared it with everyone ai dios mio. ” An embarrassed sigh passes before she speaks again. “ Listen, I’m not proud of the person I was when I wrote this and I’d like to confirm that no hearts were broken worse. At least not on purpose, but desperate times call for desperate measures. If you get it you get it, I don’t know. ”
11. Dead To Me ( Crimson Apple )
“ Stay away from men covered in tattoos ! Okay ? Did you hear that correctly ? Let me get closer. ” There’s some rumbling of clothing as she moves closer to the mic. “ Stay away from men covered in tattoos, tattoo artist, tattoo enthusiasts, just don’t do it ! The worst rollercoaster you’ll ever be on. I had to kill this man, in my mind of course, multiple times and he kept springing up like a got damn zombie or some shit. It’s just a bad time so just don’t. You can’t rely or lean on him, he’d rather die than listen to your problems so let him die. ”
12. Decode ( Paramore )
“ The Twilight song ! I think everyone knew it was coming, and it’s the song that got us mainstream play and a bit of popularity our record label wanted us to have if we were going to be making music with them so we’re very grateful to the team who selected us to write something for it. Fun fact, not a single one of us read that book because it was too damn big. We asked for a storyboard of a few scenes from the movie and went off vibes alone so I think it’s a testament to how lazy and talented we are, thank you. ”
13. Bittersweet Tragedy ( Melanie Martinez )
“ I wrote this song when I was like seventeen and I was turning everything into a fucking metaphor. Like this all started because I saw ice cream melt in the cone I was holding, and somehow that became a song about the honeymoon phase of a relationship never lasting too long, I don’t know but ya’ll seem to adore it...─── I will say though ! Beginning sweetness never stays is one of the best things I’ve ever written so I guess I can’t fully fault you guys for liking it so much but still. Embarrassing. ”
14. Basta Ya ( The Marias )
“ This song got us our very first Latin Music Award, in case you didn’t know, and it’s still one of my favorite songs. I had been feeling this longing in me for a certain someone for so long but hadn’t really ever put it down on paper before because that made it real, blah blah blah, anyway...─── i put it down on paper, and it came an insta-hit y esta persona todavía no sabe que se trata porque su español apesta. ”
15. Veracruz ( Natalia Lafourcade )
“ Veracruz is was a song I wrote specifically for my abuelo. Growing up, he always told me stories about meeting my late abuela in Veracruz while he was there looking for work, and how she made it feel like a vacation instead of a work excursion. They fell in love in 7 hours and mapped out their futures in 7 days he says. He just made everything sound so whimsy, and beautiful and I really hoped I captured that same essence in this for him. I know it’s his favorite thing I’ve ever wrote, so I’d like to think yes. And it’s one of my favorites for that very reason, but also because it comes from a place of love, not just from me, but from my grandparents as well. ”
16. Soledad y El Mar ( Natalia Lafourcade )
“ I’m just realizing that most, if not al, of our songs in Spanish are love songs so. Learning something knew about myself. Soledad y El Mar is about being so drawn to a person you want to drown yourself in everything they are. I focused on the idea of water, and waves specifically, because you can just come up from one before you’re submerged in another and that’s the kind of longing I was trying to convey. Wanting to be so consumed with another person you don’t even have time to breathe. I’m dramatic, I know. ”
17. Ghost ( Fefe Dobson )
“ Ya’ll I’ve been cheated on so much I don’t even know who this is about anymore, ain’t that sad ? It was written years ago, and was our first kind of dabble into make a song more pop than rock and I don’t hate. It’s not our strongest, I don’t know why you guys loved it so much but we still get called out for not performing it at every show which is so funny to me. I’m going to blame the tattoo man from earlier. Heed my warnings. ”
18. Ignorance ( Paramore )
“ It took me awhile to get good at cutting people off when I should, it’s something I still struggle with every now and again, but this song came from a time when it was especially bad. I let people try to define me and made their discomfort with my decision to make changes to myself my responsibility which is stupid so I just started finding my way out, and this song is a reminder of that and why that’s okay. Great song to scream when you’re pissed, really held up. ”
19. Born For This ( Paramore )
“ I think every band needs their staple, this is us, kind of song for both them and their fans and this is definitely ours. I’d love to say that this was our debut single, but that wouldn’t feel authentic to the struggle we went through. We spent so many years scared that we would be dropped from our label, and we really did think it was gonna be the last song we were ever gonna sing but I think it really did remind us why were doing what we do and it brought us closer to our fans and this will always be a show closer no matter how many years pass. ”
20. Say So ( Rock Cover, Doja Cat )
“ This isn’t even our song, but the way we were bullied to release a studio version of this special stage for the Grammys was incredible. Annoying, but incredible. We’re glad you guys loved it as much as we loved putting it together but now you can stop bullying us because you have it, thank you. ”
21. Idle Worship ( Paramore )
“ One thing I learned going away on hiatus is that a lot of people were dependent on me in ways I didn’t even realize before the hiatus. Since I wasn’t obsessively writing like I use to I was able to read through comments and stories, and as heartwarming as a lot of it was, a lot of it was pretty scary too. I think the line ‘ be sure to put your faith in something more, I’m just a girl ’ is the best way I could have contextualize how I felt reading those conversations. We’re going to let you down, that’s a given, we’re just humans at the core of it. Don’t hinge your happiness or healing solely on Make Happy. We don’t need blind defending, or blind support for that matter, we just need to put out music that makes people feel and that’s all we want from you. ”
22. Warning ( Crimson Apple )
“ It’s taken me a long to learn that people only want this idealized version of me, and then when they get to know me they become a bit...─── repulsed ? That sounds so bad, I know but that’s really how it feels a lot of the time. I feel like it’s something that happens every time, and it made sit back and think like i really should come with some kind of warning. Maybe then I’d just be left alone, but I guess putting this song out and promoting with this song will be the warning from now on so we’ll see if it works. ”
23. Carino ( The Marias )
“ Adoration in its purest form. It’s kind of like that idea of being speechless when you think about a certain someone, like all you can do is repeat yourself because there’s no way to describe them or the way they make you feel. There’s just not enough words, or the right words, to truly convey how incredible they are. The instrumental all just sounds like how butterflies feel to me...─── airy, light, free. It’s a sweet one. ”
25. Hold It Together ( The Marias )
“ Hold It Together was actually a love song I was going to use as a very light form of a confession to the person its about. I was coming to realize just how many songs I’d accidentally written about them, and that my feelings were a lot heavier than I originally thought. I wanted to take the plunge and do some cheesy 2000s romcom shit and serenade it to them, but they slid into a relationship with someone else before we finished recording and...── yeah, yeah that was embarrassing. Then the timing never felt right, so I think it’s only fair to release it into the world. Maybe you’ll have better luck with it than I did. ”
25. Fake Happy ( Paramore )
“ Given our band name, I don’t think it’s a surprise that we often find ourselves tackling the idea of happiness and what it means to be happy. After years trying to answer that great mystery of life, I think we’ve finally come to a place where we’re okay admitting that sometimes we’re just pretend happy. Or for the sake of the pun, or joke, or wordplay, or whatever, fake happy. ”
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years
You’re such a bitch - (Charlie Gillespie x reader)
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Word Count: 2486 Request: no, again @jatpsmut​ inspired me with his fic “What Happens in Hawaii Stays in Hawaii - Charlie Gillespie x Reader (SMUT - 18+)”. I asked her if I could use the Hawaii idea and now I am writing this!
However, some details change from the original fic:
“Charlie and y/n haven't been best friends since they were kids, but from the first season of jatp. y/n is an additional actor on Julie and the Phantoms, also a dancer. Charlie didn't confess his feelings to y/n in Hawaii.
The only thing I got from the idea of @jatpsmut​ is the fact that something happened in Hawaii. So thank you to her for writing this incredible fic, without it this could not happen Summary: You and Charlie were best friends and roommates in LA. One evening, you heard it with a girl, the next morning, everything is awkward, bitchy and everything changes. Warnings: mention of sexual activities - language disclaimer: I don't know Charlie or his family personally or what his life is like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Charlie's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life (family, potential girlfriend…). All of this is not the reality
 Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ @lukeys-giggle​ @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ if you want to be tagged in my next fic let me know ! 
You try to focus on the TV show you were watching, but obviously your roommate had company. And that company was way too loud in your opinion. You were rolling your eyes in annoyance when suddenly your phone vibrates, displaying the blonde head of your second best friend. If there was one thing you miss since you came back to live to Los Angeles, it was obviously living with this sarcastic character. Vancouver seemed so far away to you. You picked up your phone and Owen's face appeared.
 “Hi sweetie.” Owen told you with a smile “Oh, hey… Why that face?” he clearly noticed your annoyance. "Hi O." you said before complaining "Ugh, I miss living with you in Vancouver so much" "Yeah me too. We had so much fun. But hey, I'm sure we'll have a season two." "I hope so much"
You were an extra cast member on Julie and the Phantoms, you also were a dancer on the first season, just as Tori. You wished so much Owen was right about Jatp season 2 renew but Netflix seemed to enjoy making you patient. But the coronavirus had also literally messed up all your plans. However, you were angry, some series came out long after yours and got renewed while yours stayed on hold. It was clear that fans of the series as much as you were just waiting for the renewal of season two.
A moan came out of Charlie's bedroom with the sound of a bouncing mattress, you rolled your eyes again, groaning with a sort of anger.
"Jesus Christ ..." you complained "Wait, y/n, what's that sound?" “You know what I miss most about living with you in Vancouver O’? Rule #3. " “Rule #3? Rule #3" he seemed to think about what you said when he finally realized "Oh ... Oh! Rule #3! Wait.. Oh my God! Is Charlie being with a chick right now? ” He asked you with stupefaction. "Oh I wish you were wrong"
A laugh came out from you best friend mouth and you gave him a killer look through the screen, making him laugh harder. When you were in Vancouver, living with two boys forced you to set limits and rules for living. The first was; everyone cleans up their own mess. Second, the housework takes turns. Third rule: no one-night stand allowed in the flat. Surprisingly as it may seem, this rule had been followed very well by everyone. But at the same time, the boys' schedules really didn't make time to bring anyone home, and then after all, they were professional. But as soon as Charlie returned from his parents' quarantine, he forgot the existence of this rule, as if it did not apply to Los Angeles. It wasn't like he brought a different girl home every night, or even every month. It might have been the second or third time since you had moved in. But this situation embarrassed you more than you might have thought.
“Owen, don't make fun of me. I've been hearing them for about an hour now. " "Poor you. Now you understand how I felt in Hawaii" he smirked at you. "Wait, what did you say?" you asked him, in shocked. "Oh please y/n ... you heard me clearly"
Of course, you had heard what he said, but you were in shock at the revelation, so you needed confirmation. This story was supposed to be a secret between you and Charlie. The fact that Owen mentioned it could only assume two things.
"Did you hear us in Hawaii?" “I was in the room next door! Of course, I heard you. It's not like you and Charlie are the quietest couple ever having sex ... " "It seems Charlie is the loudest one…" you said, referring to your best friend having sex in the next bedroom. "Oh darling please, I can remind you of what you said that night. You two gave me nightmares." "Please don't. I feel so embarrassed right now"
Last year you went to Hawaii with several cast members and Kenny. A booking error forced you to share a bed with Charlie. It seemed that sleeping with a girl seemed more adequate than two boys sleeping in the same bed. Charlie and Owen had avoided that possibility the second the problem had arisen. One thing leading to another, after a few strong cocktails, you and the dark-haired boy had ended up having a horny night. The shame caused the next day made you both never talk about it again and "what happened in Hawaii will stay in Hawaii". You didn’t know that Owen heard you and it seems that boy can keep a secret for so long now.
The problem was that that night you realized that you felt more than an attraction to your roommate. It went beyond friendship or mere sexual tension at the sight of this Canadian. You wanted every aspect of what you might have experienced with Charlie and more: the laughs, the funny times, the lots of talking, the quiet times watching a movie or just playing Nintendo Switch, the sex. But you also wanted the PDAs, the feelings, just being with him like his girlfriend. But the actor was totally oblivious to your feelings for him, and you didn't even want to try to make him understand it on his own. You just created a shell for yourself and buried your feelings deep within yourself.
 “I don’t understand y/n. Why didn’t you tell him your feeling?” “Because I know he doesn’t love me back, O.” “Oh come on! You two are the most stubborn people I ever met!”
Again, for the third time tonight, you've rolled your eyes. You were pretty sure Charlie didn't feel the same way you did. Since Hawaii, neither of you had stepped forward towards each other, but sometimes your behaviors showed that you were more than friends. Another moan was heard from Charlie’s room and Owen's face on the screen was memorable. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were red.
"Okay, y/n. I'm sorry but I don't want to keep talking to you and hear my other best friend hooking up at the same time ..."
 You laughed and he hung up the phone not forgetting to say goodbye. You tried to focus on your screen again, your headphones being way too far away for you to catch them. Minutes later you finally heard the distinctive sound of Charlie's orgasm and knew you were finally going to be able to sleep.
The next morning you woke up with a high level of fatigue. You casually walk to the kitchen to make coffee. While you were pouring yourself a cup of this much-desired black liquid, a person entered the kitchen.
 "Who the fuck are you?"
You raised an eyebrow, bringing your mug to your lips. The girl looked at you with a disgusted face.
"Roommate, darling. Not nice to meet you." "Why the hell are you wearing his shirt?"
A smirk appears on your lips, far too happy that she asked the question. When you were in Vancouver, it wasn't surprising to see you wearing the boys' t-shirts, although you had a preference for Charlie's, there were times when you wore Owen's. The boys never complained about this mania and you had to continue when you moved to Los Angeles with Charlie. The scene was pretty funny, you were there drinking your coffee in a t-shirt borrowed from your roommate while his conquest from last night stared at you in disgust, decked out in another Charlie t-shirt. You took a look at the Looney Tunes t-shirt you were wearing and just shrug your shoulders.
 “Old habits.” You simply said. "Yeah, you're gonna have to break this habit."
You laughed disdainfully. You didn't like this girl. Not because it was the conquest of your best friend for whom you had blatant romantic feelings. But rather because she had this condescension and believed that spending a night with Charlie gave her every right.
 "What makes you think that, sweetie?"
 You leaned against the kitchen counter, your posture offhand, a smirk on your lips. You weren't used to being such a bitch, but the girl in front of you pissed you off. And it was only nine in the morning.
 "Well, hello, I spent the night with Charlie." "Oh yeah sure, but that doesn't mean you're dating him." "Charlie is a great guy"
She wasn't wrong. Charlie wasn't heartbroken but he was still human and a twenty-two-year-old boy. Just looking at her you knew your best friend hadn't chosen her for a serious relationship with her. The little conversation you were having with her now confirmed that he couldn't date her. Another smirk spread across your lips as she looked at you with disdain again.
 "Who the fuck do you think you are? You are nowhere near his level" she said to you
This time, you couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. Yeah, she really pissed you off. Physically, she was everything Charlie didn't like about a potential girlfriend: big breasts, much bigger than him, slightly shallow. Oh but she had a fucking ass and maybe that was why he had chosen her. Her whole body reflected Charlie's choice for a one-night stand, but not the ideal girlfriend.
 "Oh honey, I'm nobody, but neither are you. Listen. You were just a one-night stand and me? Me, I'll still be here in his apartment with his t-shirts on when he brings you home, telling you that it was cool but that it will not go further. I will always be there ... "
Charlie woke up and headed straight for the kitchen. He greeted her conquest with a nod, giving her a hello. Instinctively, he approached you and put his hand on your waist before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. Charlie was tactile, it was his language of love. You couldn't help but smirk at the girl, giving her a victorious look. The actor looked at your outfit and a smile appeared on his lips.
 "So that's where it was! I thought I lost it in the Galapagos." he was referring to his looney tunes t-shirt
Your attention fell on Charlie and you smiled happily at him. You cheekily handed your cup of coffee.
"Coffee?" "Hell, yeah"
He grabbed your cup and took a long sip, leaving his conquest almost nonexistent to his eyes. The girl was so pissed off that she seemed to be boiling. She cleared her throat, annoyed.
 "Hmm, I'm going to go" she said. "Oh wait, let me have lunch and I'll bring you back if you want." "It won't be necessary."
You bit the tip of your tongue, amused, far too happy to hide it. Charlie's conquest returned to his room to get dressed. Your roommate turned to you and gave you a questioning look.
"y/n, what did you do?" "Nothing. We were happily getting know each other. I'm surprised at your choice, by the way" "Are you getting revenge?" "Get revenge for what?" "Since ... Hawaii, you've scared all the girls I've brought back." "Did I scare them? Stop, I haven't acted any differently than usual." “You scared them away,” he repeated. "Oh come on, Charlie, please, it's not like you're going to date them."
 He pulled away from you with a look of dismay. You were not wrong, he had never called back the girls he had brought back here, he did not intend to call back the one who was currently in his room. In fact, the only person he really wanted to spend time with was you. But since Hawaii, you seemed to be okay with never mentioning your night together again. This Canadian boy has been in love with you for months, maybe even years now. It quickly fell for you when you were in Vancouver.
"You're right. But I could have ..." he finally confessed "It's wrong. You know it's wrong Charlie, I know you, I'm your best friend. These are not the kind of girls you date. "Yeah… I couldn't date any of them. They just aren't you." He said, his last sentence ending in a whisper before hastening to take a sip from your cup of coffee.
You were paralyzed. Did he really just say what you've been dreaming of hearing for months? Did he just drop it like a bomb, in the middle of a morning conversation between sips of coffee?
“Wait, what?” “Nothing” “It wasn’t nothing, Charlie, you said something” “Nothing important” he repeats “Did you just say that if you didn’t date those girls it’s because they weren’t me?” “You seems to hear voices” “Charlie, I’m not joking… Did you say that?!” “Maybe” “Oh fuck, you’re an idiot!” “I am a..”
You snatched the cup of coffee from her hands and hurriedly put it on the counter. Never mind about the stains on the floor, you will clean up later. You didn't want to miss a second of this possibility. You wrapped your arms around Charlie's neck before resting your lips on his. Your best friend seemed surprised at first so much but quickly relaxed and wrapped his own arms around your waist as your lips moved to give the kiss more tender. The situation was most strange and funny; you were kissing your best friend, running your fingers through his long brown hair. You had to admit that even though you had found him attractive with his Luke's look but you couldn't imagine Charlie without that impressive mass of hair. Luke had short hair, Charlie had long hair. End of the discussion.
So, you were kissing your roommate, making up for lost time while in his room, a girl he had fucked the night before gathered her things. Charlie's conquest stepped out to head for the exit. You broke the kiss making Charlie growl in protest.
"I'm not showing you where the door is." you said. "whore .." the chick whispered.
Charlie stepped away from you and brought his one-night stand to the door, apologizing. He wasn't that kind of boy to go from girl to girl and the circumstances were really strange. The girl left, not without forgetting to curse him. When Charlie walks into the kitchen, you were sitting on the counter, a smirk on your face.
"You're such a bitch y/n" “It's my revenge for keeping me awake last night.” 
His gaze was sly, his smile was mischievous and you knew he was going to find a phrase worthy of the fucking boy he could be. 
"I can keep you awake for a while if you want." “A date wouldn't be too complicated, Charlie. Please be a gentleman. "You can count on me"
He gave you a softer look and you wrapped your arms around his neck again before kissing him. Ultimately, not everything that happened in Hawaii has to be restricted to Hawaii.
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My Beast Slayer (part 2/2)
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Seth Rollins x Reader
Rating: M
Warning: some fluff, abuse, violence? Does wrestling count as that?
Summary: Can Seth beat Brock for the woman he loves?
The tag team: @dasexydevitt13 @chonisberonica @aujanaidabbs @afauss2009 @helluvastrike @chizachan @queenofthearchitect @balorrollinsmoxley @calicina @@66psychotic99 @godlymissbalor @musicallyinclinedthings @livingoffsavvyillusions @xxghostnappaxx
A/N: Holy shit balls. I did not expect that many good comments. Thank you all. You made my bad week better. I hope this lives up to the first part. I am also considering a sequel.
P.S. if you want to be tagged in anything else I write please message me. I should have a Jon Moxley series or Baron Corbin oneshot next.
Taking your girl. The words rang through my head. I couldn't hear anything else that went on. I didn't even hear Brock come in or Paul behind him trying his best to calm him down. He made a motion for Paul to leave. I didn't have to look to know he was pissed. This is what Seth meant by keep my phone on.
“What was idiot out there talking about?”
I shrugged, “I don't know. He's just trying to get in your head, Brock. I haven't spoken more than two words to him.”
“No one has used you before to get in my head. Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Balor, no one used you. Why is Seth bringing you into this match?”
“I just told you that I don't know. This is a big match. He wants to get in your head. Make sure that he has a one up on you."  
Brock grabbed me up by my hair. He forced me to look in his eyes. “It better be. If I find out you and Seth have something going on you and him both are going to need an ambulance.” He tighten the grip on my hair. “You are not leaving my sight til Mania. No more going to catering on your own or anywhere else. After that I want you nowhere near this place. You are staying home.”
“But Brock-” I begged.
“You are staying home.” He released me tossing me to the ground. He stomped out of the room leaving me alone. I heard my phone buzz. I slowly got up from the floor to see who it was. Seth. I quickly answered it.
“Hello?” I said kind of quiet. I wasn't sure where Brock had went or how far he had gotten. He could turn back around.
“(Y/N), thank God, I was worried about you.Did he hurt you?”
“Just tossed me around. He said I can't leave the locker room til Mania than I can't come around anymore.”
“Oh, you will be back after Mania, because I will have the belt and you by my side. He will see how badly he messed up.” Seth said. His tone was serious.
“What if you loose?”
“I won't.”
It was here. Wrestlemania. I have never been more nervous or scared in my life. Yet, I couldn't help, but feel excited. I couldn't tell if it was the natural excitement that mania brings or if it was just the chance to see Seth again. Ever since Seth told Brock he was taking the belt and me, Brock has been on edge. True to his word, he didn't let me leave his sight. I thought he just met when we were on Raw. I was wrong. When he was home, he was practically breathing down my neck. He took my cell phone away by just simply saying he pays for it, he can do as he pleases. I luckily had a chance to delete any evidence of Seth and I. He also dragged me to the gym with him a couple times with the words that he's not taking any chances. I felt more suffocated than I had ever before. I just couldn't help, but hope tonight that I would be free. It was hard to not worry about what does happen if Seth losses. Brock might lock me up in his house and throw away the key. I wanted to believe in Seth, but I couldn't stop the what ifs forming in my head.
“What's that?” I asked pointing to the dress Paul had in his hands.
“What you are wearing tonight out there.” Brock said smiling. His smile scared me.
“I am going out there? I thought you didn't want me to leave the locker room." I cocked my head to the side.
Brock took the dress from Paul and gave it to me. I took it from him to look at it in the mirror. There was no way Brock had picked this out. It was a a simple black dress with a pink under skirt. I couldn't see Brock picking out any dress much less one I would actually wear.
As I looked at, Brock came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "You didn't think I would find out, did you?" He put hair behind my ear so he could whisper in it better. "You really did have my fooled. I really thought Rollins was just trying to get in my head til I did some digging. You may have deleted the messages, but the phone company can still give me the number you were texting constantly. You sure talk to him a lot for not knowing what's going on." He pressed his body against my back getting as close to my ear as he could. I felt chills down my spine. "That's why you are going out there tonight. You can get a front row seat to see me destroy your little boyfriend. After that, while he's in the hospital, I will make sure to send him a little video of what I do to you." He smacked my ass. "Get ready. We are first."
"I thought we weren't til later tonight."
"I gotta get the upper hand at any chance I can get. Oh, and don't even think about running off to tell your boy toy. I got guards out this door with strict orders to not let you leave til I come to get you." He told me. "Make sure you look pretty too. Put some makeup on for once." He said leaving out the door.
I fell to the floor. I couldn't help, but cry. I needed to warn Seth. I wish I had my phone still or some type of phone. Brock had already thought of that though. There was no phone in the dressing room. There was usually one somewhere, but as I looked around, I saw nothing. He wanted to make sure I couldn't contact Seth and warn him. I was confident Seth would be fine, but Brock's words scared me. The fact he wanted both Seth and I to watch while he beat us. That was something else.
I picked myself off the floor after a while. Brock would be more mad if I didn't do as he asked. He didn't need more fuel to be added to the fire he was about to unleash on Seth.
I put the dress on and some black pumps. I decided to curl my hair and pull back on side of it holding it by bobby pins.. The makeup was going to be the hard part. I didn't know how to do makeup well. I knew Brock was going to want it great so everyone can see what a beautiful girl he has. He would also want Seth to see what he can't have. It made me want to do it horrible just to spite him. The fact that Seth was there made me want to do it right though.
I was sitting just watching the ending of the pre-show when Brock came to get me. When he walked in, he looked me up and down. "Well, someone actually can make herself look pretty like she used to." I shook my head at him.
"Let's just get this over with." I sighed.
He kissed my lips and I felt immediately disgusted. I didn't even kiss back. I just stood still. He didn't like that very much. He grabbed me and started dragging me to the Gorilla. He stopped dragging me when we got there.
"You better be good out there." He whispered to me. "Cost me this match and I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for months." I gulped at the the thought. The music began to play and it was time to go out. Paul took my hand as we walked out behind Brock. He held it tight like he could read my mind. I didn't want to go out there. I wanted to run as far as I could from this place. My heart was racing. All the excitement, I had felt had turned into fear. What if Seth didn't win? What if I have to go back home with Brock? I had hope that Seth would win, but Brock's threats was killing that hope.
Paul let go of my hand as we got to the ring. I found a spot where I used to stand as those two got in the ring. Paul taking his belt.
Next was Seth, he came out with barely missing a beat. I watched him in what felt in slowmo. He looked so good tonight. He seemed completely unfazed by the time change.
Brock must have noticed how I was looking at him, because as soon as Seth reached the ring. He lunged for him. He didn't even let him get in the ring before he started his brutal attack on him. I covered my eyes not wanting to watch this. I couldn't watch it. Paul came up behind me and moved my hands away from my eyes. He held my hands to my side. "He wants you to see this."
Brock smashed the announcement tables sign repeatedly on Seth's back. I could see the redness start to show on Seth's back. He looked extremely hurt. The match hadn't even started and Seth looked like he could barely move. Brock threw him back in the ring. The ref began trying to make sure Seth was okay while Brock tried to get the bell rung. I tried to get out of Paul's grip to go help Seth, but he wouldn't let me. I could feel tears in my eyes as I looked his lifeless body.
Brock finally got his way and the bell was rung. The match was official now and Seth was still not moving. Brock was slowly walking to him, ready to keep this attack now.
I couldn't stay silent anymore. I had to do something. I can't just keep being weak. I had to be strong.
"SETH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I fought against Paul's grip and finally broke free and was able to get in the ring. I had never actually been in a ring before definitely not during match. My mind couldn't think of that I had to stop Brock. I ran straight for Seth where he was. I began shaking him, trying to get him to become alert. Brock grabbed me by hair pulling me up off of Seth. "What the hell do you think you are doing? He spat in my ear. "I thought I warned you." He threw me to the ropes with a snap of his wrist.
Apparently that's what woke Seth back up. He took advantage of Brock being busy with me and took him down by his leg. He knocked Brock to the ground.
"Get out now, (Y/N)." He yelled trying to get me to leave the ring. I did as he told me and jumped out the ring. I backed up a bit watch from a distance. Seth winked at me for a second before turning his attention back to Brock. Which was just in time back Brock was about ready to knock him back down. Seth was able to dodge it fast.
The match went on for a little longer. I was biting my nails just waiting for it to end. Watching them go back and forth was giving me anxiety. I wanted to turn away, but a part of me couldn’t. All of sudden in the blink of an eye, the match changed. Seth had gotten the ref out of sight and went for a low blow. He punched Brock in the family jewels causing him to fall to his knees. My hands went to my face in shock. Seth took this opportunity to curb stomp him not once, not twice, but three times. Brock was out. Seth took this opportunity to take him for the pinn. 1..2..3. He had won..Seth had beat Brock. Happiness and relief filled my body. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Seth had won.
The ref handed him the belt. He seemed to be in just as much disbelief as I was. He showed off his title to all the audience for a second than ran to me. He picked me up and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed back. This whole match I had forgotten about the audience til now. They were cheering like crazy for us. Seth took my hand and ran with me up the ramp. At the top of the ramp, he did his famous move where he twirled it over his head.
Brock had gotten up by now. I could see him staring daggers at me. I didn't care for once. He could glare all he wanted, but he had lost.
Once, Seth had finished, he grabbed me picking me, he kissed me and began spinning us around. Fireworks shoot off around us. It felt magical. I never wanted this moment to end. I was free from Brock and was finally able to be with Seth without having to hide. I have never felt more happy in my life.
"I love you." Seth said as he pulled away. "I am so glad you are finally all mine." He held me tight. "He will never hurt you again." He whispered in my ear. "I will never hurt you like him. You will always be my queen." He kissed my head before he led us out the arena.
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andymull · 5 years
WWE NXT Takeover: Portland 2020 – Preview & Predictions
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Adam Cole (c) vs Tommaso Ciampa: NXT Championship Match
Finally, Ciampa gets the chance to take back Goldie after never being pinned for it due to injury previously, just that standing in his way is Adam Cole who has been on such a great run as a champion since winning the title.
I swear every time Ciampa is in-ring doing something he always seems to get a knock, he was limping the other week I just hope nothings lingering for him and has to keep working through knocks again which could build up.
Cole has been great both in matches as well as bringing the aura of a proper champion to his reign, not a knock on others but him interacting with the Raw and Smackdown rosters around Survivor Series made him seem an equal and not someone on the newer third brand.
Not sure about the outcome here to be honest, my biggest instinct is that Cole wins and goes to feud with Gargano if he beats Balor. The story of Ciampa’s return from injury is a big one that they may go with for the raw emotion of him getting the gold back, but I feel they stay with Cole as champion clinging to his reign as the other members of Undisputed Era drop their belts – COLE
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 Rhea Ripley (c) vs Bianca Belair: NXT Championship Match
Bianca gets another chance at the title after winning a battle royal, to begin with this came across as a massive stop gap for whatever plans they had for Rhea and the title at Wrestlemania but thankfully they’ve developed the feud to incorporate Charlotte and add some layers to this whole situation.
The build to a potential Rhea/Charlotte match began WAAAAYYYYYY too early and really didn’t need to, especially as the Smackdown crew haven’t really started their Mania feuds properly building yet I get the need to with Charlotte having won the Rumble but still be creative to wait till next week maybe?
At first I was 100% sure that Ripley would retain and move on but now after they’ve been given mic time and focus im starting to possibly see a Belair title win and this all evolve to a Wrestlemania three way match with Charlotte (I don’t need her in another one, but as long as it helps the other girls than im all for it). If Rhea keeps the belt tonight then forget it as Bianca wont have the smoke needed to be injected into it, plus I think it’s the big surprise they may need for tonight's show with it featuring two women’s matches and both wanting to impress more than the other (more on that later).
Im going to go with Belair to get her first title win in the company, one of my favourite people to see on tv will be ecstatic to get the victory, THEN we can push on with Charlotte coming down to the ring to square off with the new champion while Rhea gets included as her rematch – BELAIR
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 The Undisputed Era (c) vs Matt Riddle & Pete Dunne, The BROserweights: NXT Tag Team Championship Match
The winners of this years Dusty Classic take their trophy as well as their championship opportunity tonight and what a fun match this will be.
The current champions have held their titles since August and continue to have great matches with whoever they are in the ring with and this will surely be another classic, but the big question will be can the new team conquer the established duo? For me the comedy segments Dunne and Riddle have done since winning the classic have been great and a welcome change to some of NXT’s usual broadcast, a real fresh feel to them with Riddle’s laid back character and Dunne’s shrugs the perfect combination to get more out of Pete’s character while giving Matt the chance to shine. While the UE have remained a constant highlight with Kyle wayyyy up there for one of my favourites in the whole company (If only him and Strong were a foot or two taller they’d be main eventing PPVs sigh).
For me I think we are about to see a down swing in the UE’s momentum and that sadly entails them dropping the titles to give their group more room to develop which ultimately will be great for them. I don’t think Riddle and Dunne are a long term team but will have tons of fun in whatever length of time they are kept together. But remember, they WILL split when Riddle leaps into the ring one night and accidently kicks his sliders into the back of Dunne’s head on accident, only for Dunne to turn and destroy Riddle for doing so setting up some very tough brawls down the road – RIDDLE/DUNNE
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Keith Lee (c) vs Dominik Dijakovic:  NXT North American Championship Match
The rivalry continues!!!
There really isn’t much to say here, we’ve seen them fight in epic battles before and this time on a Takeover they HAVE to raise the bar further, good luck boys – LEE
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Tegan Nox vs Dakota Kai: Street Fight
A street fight between two former best friends is what brings us our second women’s match of the evening, and the stipulation is what was required after their brawl recently on NXT tv.
These two are going to go as far as they can with this stipulation and then go a step or two further, expect some worried looking referees around them as well as possible Regal appearing to calm them down after being around Dakota’s turn. Both of the women here know how important this match is not just for this feud but that its both of their times to shine in probably their biggest matches in the company so far, and hopefully they’ve been working each other for years as friends just ready for this occasion.
Predictions wise I can only see Dakota winning after Tegan got the win on tv with Candice’s help, ill predict that Candice appears again but this time Nox declines her help only for someone else to interfere and get Dakota the victory. The word going around is that Raquel Gonzalez is ready for tv and her push after a slight name change so her debuting as Kai’s muscle would be the perfect starting point for her run as well as continuing this feud further – KAI
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 Johnny Gargano vs Finn Balor
This is really the most interesting match on the card for me in terms on who gets the win, both massive in terms of development for this brand over the years but as I mentioned earlier I give the slight advantage to Gargano with the idea of him moving to the title scene after.
Now, saying that I don’t think this feud is near from being over and is one that will be placed on the side and hopefully show Balors clever side over the next few weeks. If he loses allow him to maybe even help Gargano win the title eventually from Cole then instantly destroy Johnny again to move into the title picture his-self. Even in defeat Finn knows the game too well and uses others to gain the steps he needs to get back to where he knows. – GARGANO
 As is the norm with Takeovers this will be awesome with great matches and some intriguing angles I predict to keep the tv killing it too.
There may also be another match or two added to the show but possibly just on the kick off show.
Also, I’m VERY happy to see that Jorge Bolly got his NXT debut this weekend on the loop, I cant wait to see how much fun he has rising through the NXT ranks and beyond, trust me
Credit to WWE.com for the images and sadly I dont know who put together the group shot picture but I loved it so thank you.
Bye for now
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Forever The Shield
A request for @wwesarahjaneroszko and I’m sorry it’s late. My arms are sore af from work and I wasn’t in the best state of mind now that Dean is “gone.” Tagged: @queenofthearchitect @wrestlingfae
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You were aware of what lied ahead after Fastlane. You knew that a day like this would come. A day where the faction you’ve been apart of for so many years, The Shield, would ride off into your own sunsets. That this chapter of your life would have to come to an end for a new one to begin. And you didn’t want to say goodbye to the boys you’ve had the pleasure of working with for nearly a decade. Well two of them anyway. You did live with one and shared a hotel with him every night on the road.
That honor of being attached to your hip was given to the Architect and Kingslayer himself, Seth Rollins. You two have been through a lot together. You came to the WWE the same time he did from Ring of Honor, having been best friend there. You trained with him in FCW and in NXT. When it was time to form the Shield, you were offered the position as the fourth member of the Shield, serving as manager/valet when the boys competed and you repped the faction when you were competing as a singles competitor in the women’s division. It was during the early days of the Shield you started dating Seth and forged a brotherly relationship with both Roman and Dean. The four of you all became inseparable peas in a pod. 
Right now, you were busy getting ready in yours and Seth’s locker room, lacing up your combat boots that have had countless miles put into them. They were the same pair you wore when you escorted your boys into the arena when they stormed the gates of the main roster at Survivor Series 2012. After that night, you knew these boots were special to you. Even after all these years, you never replaced them. It would have been like erasing all the history you had with these amazing workhorses.
“You’ve been very quiet all day today, babe,” Seth looked over at you from his spot on the couch, a cup of coffee in his hand and his glasses perched on his nose, “Is something on your mind?”
“Nostalgia mostly I guess,” you shrugged as you finished lacing up your boots, “I’m going to miss nights like this. Where we get to be together as unit and dominate this place.”
“I know,” he sighed before taking another sip of his coffee, “But with Wrestlemania on the horizon and Dean about to make his exit, this has to happen tonight. And since we have Ro back from his battle with cancer, it’s a perfect storm. I hate the idea of us four drifting away from each other, but it was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“Well I’m not drifting away from you,” you corrected him as you took a seat next to him, nestling into his side, “You’re stuck with me.”
“I wouldn’t have it anyother way,” he chuckled, “Besides Roman will still be around if he doesn’t get sent to Smackdown during the shake up. Maybe he and I could show up in the tag team scene again and put on clinics like we used to back in the day.”
“So you think you’re going to lose at Wrestlemania,” you teased.
“Oh hell no,” he shook his head and frowned, “I’m going to run the whole division when I liberate that title from the Beast. I’ll work any match that’s thrown at me.”
“That’s what I thought,” you stood up and grabbed his coffee from him, “Now go get ready. We have to go meet up with Dean and Roman soon.
“Well if it isn’t our little brother and sister,” Dean teased as you and Seth entered catering. Both of you were now in full gear. Since you were only managing tonight, you wore the new Shield shirt, a pair of very short denim shorts, and your favorite black leather moto jacket with your trusty boots to top it all off. Seth was not the biggest fan of your shorts, but you enjoyed that he was a little possessive over you. Jealous Seth tended to be your favorite Seth when you guys would retire to your hotel for the night after a show.
“It’s about time you divas graced us with your presence,” Roman joked as you sat down with Seth on the opposite side of the table from your shield brothers, “Excited for this last hoorah before the war with Lesnar at Mania?”
“Hell yeah I am,” Seth smirked with pride, “It’ll be a great way to get some momentum heading into the fight of my life.”
“I’m not,” you replied to Roman, “I don’t want to think about the end of this, of the four of us not being together when the show is over.”
“Oh dollface,” Dean reached over to rub your shoulder, “We all knew this day would come. I’m sorry I’m leaving, but I need to get away from all this for a while. I might considering coming back, but that’s a long ways off for now.”
You knew that Dean was very dedicated to this industry. Ever since he joined up with WWE back during the FCW days, he never stopped for a break unless he got so injured, he had no choice but to take time off. So in a way, he was letting his contract expire to have time away from this crazy grind and decompress from everything.
“I still hate this,” you grumbled, even as Seth leaned over to place a tender kiss on your forehead, “And now poor Roman has no road wife.”
“I have another one,” he looked over at Seth and I gasped.
“No way,” you pointed a finger at him in protest, “You are not taking my road husband and boyfriend Mr. Samoa. He’s mine and I don’t share.”
This resulted in all three of them laughing their asses off. Seth shook his head and lifted you out of your chair and into his lap, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“You have nothing to worry about, babe,” Seth kissed your cheek, “I’m not letting Ro steal me away from you. After all, you’re my road wife.”
The show is underway now. The four of you are now hiding out in a janitor’s closet close to the entryway you’d be using to head into the arena. The camera guys that were shooting for the network were with you as each of the boys tried to stay limber and get their hair wet and ready to head out. Thankfully, you had your phone with you to stream the show so you can watch how the night was going.
“It’s almost time to head out,” a stage hand said, you put your phone away and looked over at your boys.
“Let’s kick some ass out there boys,” you hugged each of them tightly before leading them out the door.
Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta Shield!
And with that, the four of you entered the arena within the crowd. You stood out in front, Seth and Dean behind you with Seth over your left should and Dean on the right. Roman took his place behind Seth and Dean to finish the formation. The four of you took in the crowd before you, letting the moment sink in. This would be one of, if not, the last time the four of you would enter through the crowd into the arena. You felt Seth gently brush his gloved fingers against your arm to signal you to lead the team to the battlefield that lied ahead.
With a heavy heart, you start to descend down the steps, brushing past the fans as you walked. You kept your head held high as you smirked out into the crowd. The bravado of having your boys at your back and ready for a fight gave you the confidence to face the end that was looming in the distance.
The four of you arrived at the barricade at last, the last hurdle before the ring for the most dominate team in the business. Seth came up behind you and hoisted you up so you could clear the barricade and make way for him. Seth leapt over the barricade in his signature roll from the early days of the Shield. Dean vaulted over the barricade before Roman simply swung his legs over one at a time.
Seth, Dean, and Roman climbed into the ring while you casually waltzed over to the corner of the ring that would serve as The Shield’s corner. You enjoyed watching your boys square up to Corbin, Lashley, and McIntyre. You were glad that this last was against these guys. It would show the universe that the Shield is still as strong as ever even after all these years being on the scene in the WWE.
As the fists flew between the six men in the ring, you did get a little worried for Seth. If he got hurt this close to Wrestlemania it would be just like a repeat of his knee injury all over again. You knew just how bad that was for him, and you wish more than anything for that to never happen to him again.
Not long after the fists started to fly, Seth, Dean, and Roman had full control of the ring. You got up on the steel steps by the Shield corner and raised your arms out, encouraging the cheers from the crowd. But you went back to standing next to the steps as Dean and Roman took their spots in the corner as Seth got ready to square up with Lashley. Which was not doing you any favors for your anxieties with this match.
Corbin and Roman were fighting it out as the legal men in the match up as Dean and Seth fought Lashley and McIntyre out into the universe. You had moved out of the corner and into the timekeepers area to keep an eye out for Dean and Seth. You watched Seth climb up into the stands and Dean kept fighting with Lashley and McIntyre. You furrowed your brow, a little worried for Seth and his well being. Because, if he was going up there, that meant he had a spot set up to dive from the top of the stands onto Lashley and McIntyre, maybe Dean too. You were going to be berating him for sure after the match for taking such risks so close to the biggest match of his career.
And like the predictable man that he is, Seth leapt from the stands into Lashley and McIntyre as they held Dean in their arms. Oh he was in trouble with you now.
Dean and Seth did recover and made their way back to you in the timekeeper’s area. You checked over Dean before you shifted over to Seth.
“When we get to hotel,” you warned him as you checked him for any serious damage, “I’m going to give you a piece of my damn mind for that spot.”
“I’ll live,” he kissed your forehead quickly before getting back into the ring side area, “Now get back to the corner before those two lugs come back this way. I don’t want you to get hurt in the finish of the match.”
You obeyed Seth’s direction as things got heated between all men involved. McIntyre attempted to work with his team to steal the triple powerbomb from your hounds onto Roman, but Dean and Seth broke it up and laid into the the three. Before long, your hounds set up to unleash the Cerberus and drove McIntyre through the Spanish announce table, incapacitating him in the process.
The crowd cheered for one more triple powerbomb and Corbin was in the ring, alone. This made him the perfect target. Seth, Dean and Roman flanked the ring as you climbed up onto the apron, clinging to the ropes with a smirk on your face.
“You’re done for Corbin,” you taunted as Seth, Dean, and Roman climbed into the ring.
One superkick, Superman punch, and a dirty deeds later, and Corbin was ready to be laid out. Dean and Seth picked Corbin up and Roman did the signature battle cry, rallying his brothers to lift up the weak and staggering Corbin onto his shoulders. Together, the three of them slammed Corbin down into the matt with authority. Roman made the cover as Seth and Dean took to the ropes to block Lashley and McIntyre from breaking the pin if they had managed to get up.
As the bell rang, you climbed through the ropes and ran over to your hounds, a smile beaming from cheek to cheek. You embraced Dean first before getting a bear hug from Roman. You went over to Seth who kissed you hard before pulling you into his chest. You were so proud of them, making this final match being the high-note ending they deserved.
After the boys finished embracing each other, they stood in the middle of the ring with you at their side. You all put your fists in together, the symbol of excellence closing the show one last time.
This era of your careers was done and dusted. Now it was time to prepare for war with the Beast and whatever else laid ahead over the horizon.
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A/N: This is, I think, my longest one yet. It was a labor of love. Hope you enjoyed.
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floosies · 6 years
Trouble Chpt. 4
(A/N: Tbh I really don’t know what’s gonna become of this story.)
Warnings: blood, violence, death, and assault
Series Masterlist
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The room was filled with so much tension and fear. This is a man who could have anyone he felt was a threat killed in seconds if he wanted. A man with just as much combat experience as her brother and a temper much worse. “You are out of your fuckin mind Barnes. Firstly, Frank would rip your head off and secondly where did you ever get the idea that I had any feelings towards you?” 
Bucky looked at the girl, for the first time since he’d ever laid eyes on her, he saw fear in the little rounds of heaven. “Doll, I never said you liked me or that I thought you did. But, I needed you to know.” 
Well from there it went as expected. She stormed off raging on about how it would never happen. Then came the night where things changed drastically
Elizabeth got off the last step of subway station and felt something odd. Almost as if someone was watching her. She wasn’t wrong though, behind her were people looking to get whatever they could from her. She hated to admit, but if they kept following her, they would be entering Bucky’s territory and she knew he wouldn’t have any of this.
Doing what any person in her place would, she ran. Thankfully, she was never the kind to wear heels on an every day basis nor someone who feared physical activity. She heard their footsteps following behind her, trying her hardest to keep them off her trail, she ended up near some buildings that looked familiar, she knew she was in home territory.
In the moment of relief, came her biggest fear. “Say a word and it’s over for you. We just want some fun and we’ll let you go,” she heard muffled voices say. There were no words spoken for seconds that felt like hours and then as one of them tried to place a hand on her she fought back.
Sam Wilson was not happy to be doing the nightly rounds with Parker and Barton especially because he found both of them annoying and it would mean countless idiotic comments from the younger Parker. Except tonight was different, “Barton tell me you hear a girl screaming too.” 
The trio ran to find a dark haired girl still trying to fight off two men. She was bloodied up badly and one guy had a knife. Wilson and Barton took care of the bastards whilst Parker took the girl in his arms, looking down at her bruised he barely made out a face he’d only seen in a picture
“If you see this girl at anytime during your rounds about the blocks, you keep away from her. Unless. Unless she’s been hurt, and in that case you bring her to the infirmary here and the bastards who hurt her into my office. She’s someone special to me and that’s all you’ll know.” Those were Bucky’s orders after the night he met the angel who warmed his sinner heart. Peter was only new but already figured that his bosses commands were law and he wouldn’t disobey them.
Fear and disbelief filled the young boys mind, frantically he spoke “Guys! This is the bosses girl!”
Barton who’d been more specifically advised about matters like this, smirked knowing the fun would just begin, with a cruel smile he looked at Wilson who had the same face, then looking to the cowards laughing said “oh you fuckers are in for a treat tonight.”
Three men sat together, all survivors of war. Each one had made a kinship to the grit that was Elizabeth Castle. Frank was as ready as Steve and Bucky to kill the scum that ever laid their hands on her. Oddly enough, for Steve, it felt like an attack to new family. He’d help her keep tabs on her brother when he was off doing his pay. The two grew fond of each other in the way of father who never was and a daughter he never had.
When Wilson and Barton went through the doors the now quivering deviants were beyond screwed, they were bruised up badly and left weak without their weapons, drooping in a corner. “Thank you Parker, Barton, Wilson. You can leave now, we’ve got it here.” With that they were up from their seats circling their prey. “So you two break code and enter out of bounds territory, then go and try to rape and murder a girl - my girl, protected by this organization. And what? Did you really expect to get away with it?” Bucky laughed, his mania now in full effect. One spoke almost looking for death at this point, his mouth filled with blood from earlier events, “oh you should seen her she looked real good putting up a fight, it was a shame, I had to cut deep into her so she’d stay still for us,” he cackled blood bubbling as he did.
There was no more fucking around, “Frank you get the first, you are her brother after all.” That was all that was said. On the other side of the door, in the infirmary, Elizabeth fought with all she could to stay alive.
Peggy had seen all kinds of wounds when she was active, she’d even given some and hell she lived for it. However, it was after she had her firstborn that it changed. Steve found it odd that she would give up fighting but nevertheless loved her for the reasoning. See what she’d loved in the fight was the thrill of never knowing when it would be the last one, but after she saw those small hands and big innocent eyes, her and Steve had a moment of clarity. They both chose to mellow, they found contentment in the beauty of living.
Now a girl who Peggy had heard meant the world to James was nearly ready to die. “Listen you have to stay with me. This is going to hurt but the wounds aren’t deep they’re just many.” Her voice loomed in the air as little Lizzy kept looking at spinning walls. The sensation of stinging pain and something cold was all that she tried to concentrate on. There were echoes of pain and sometimes cracking, of course Peggy had medicated the girl quite heavily so there was no sure way if it was real or all in her head.
Bruised ribs, a cut lip, arm, and leg. Multiple large spots of dark black clotted blood and concussion. That was the damage and somehow Peggy with the help of their close doctor friends Helen and Claire were able to save her. “I’m surprised she didn’t pass out last night, she’s one tough girl.” Claire said looking over her vitals.
Frank looked at his sister, the lowlifes who hurt her weren’t in any mob or had anything against her which made it worse for him. His whole life he only worked to protect her and yet he couldn’t save her this time. “This isn’t your fault, Brooklyn has been getting worse through the years. She’s alive, that’s what you should focus on now.” Peggy said 
James looked at her, a hard look on his face. Then he looked at his girl, how fragile she looked covered in bloodied bandages and bruises, “Well I won’t, I’m gonna focus on making sure this shit doesn’t happen again.” It was never mentioned what happened to the bodies, but like garbage they were discarded. 
Elizabeth was on strong medications that kept her asleep, she needed it to recover. In the slumber she would dream, and those dreams somehow some way always involved Bucky. His eyes, his voice, his scent, anything really. She didn’t understand why, but in her sleep she swore she heard him say he’d always save her from anything that came between them. 
Had he saved her? What was she being left out of? Her conscience couldn’t take anymore, the lights were bright and everything burned.
“You’re awake.” 
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Winter Wonderland
A/N: A continuation of The Nutcracker. I don’t know why my internal clock has skipped Halloween time hype and has gone straight to Christmas mania but it has. So expect a couple more Christmas smut’s after this one. I’m on a roll, ya’ll
Word Count: 7k… Damnnnn sorry guys. I got carried away.
Warnings: NSFW, Fingering, Oral sex(female receiving)Alcohol consumption. And until I earn to control my sailor like mouth, all of my stories will contain strong language.
You we’re rushing to finish getting ready. You’d misjudged how long it was going to take setting the decorators on the right path and spent hours meticulously making sure that the garlands around the staircase we’re perfect, tweaking ice sculptures and making sure floral arrangements were up to par. This Christmas party would be one to remember, and you we’re going to make sure everything was perfect.
Aesthetically, at least.
So, after taking up so much of afternoon down in the “show room” with Pepper and the other organizers you’d all but sprinted up to you bedroom. On a race against the clock to make sure you didn’t show up to the party you’d worked so very hard on looking like a total mess. You’d managed to shower, shaving and moisturizing in record time. Then you’d pulled your undergarments up your body, wiggling into the shapewear, huffing as you slid it up over your thick thighs and tummy. It held you nicely, controlling your rolls and making your body appear to be smooth and coke bottle shaped. With large curlers in your hair, making you look both glamorous and ridiculous, you work furiously on your makeup. Blending warm shades into your eyelids, perfecting your skin with foundation. Putting on false lashes that touched your cheeks when you blinked. Bronzing. Highlighting. The whole nine yards.
You we’re known for your girly, overdone ways.
You never really did know how to be “casual”
You slide on your dress, the velvet material gliding against your skin deliciously and admire it in the mirror for a moment. The maroon number is a gorgeous piece of clothing. It’s long sleeved, wrap styled, and came down just below your knees so it gave that elegant vibe, but the high slit up the side revealed enough thigh to keep it fun and modern.
Your sliding on your heels when Bucky walks through the door of your(pretty much shared) bedroom, not bothering to knock. You almost have a heart attack, and demand he make his presence known instead of ninja-ing everywhere.
“Sorry, doll” Bucky chuckles half heartedly as he looks you up and down, his steely eyes take on a predatory glint the more they take in “Christ, baby, you look gorgeous”
He’s never seen you dressed up like this; you appeared like you easily could have just walked in from the 40’s with the way your soft curls are pinned loosely to the side of your head and your make up makes your eyes look even more cat-like then usual. It floors him, to be honest. He tries not to stand there with his mouth hanging open. Tries, and fails.
His praises make you smile, but you ignore him and go to your jewelry counter, scowering it for that one pair of gold chain earrings. You don’t have the time to indulge your insatiable boyfriend right now. He cant tear his eyes away, the way the red velvet material of the dress hugs your figure is something absolutely sinful, especially when you bend over in those strappy heels of yours and the fabric pulls taught across your plump ass.
“Ooof, Bucky!” You protest, as his strong hands, both flesh and vibranium, grip you by the hips, pulling you backwards towards his broad chest.
“Baby, I don’t have time! We were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago!” You squirm in his grasp, but he’s unyielding as he buries his nose in your hair and nearly salivates.
You we’re wearing that perfume he loved too. The one that made your skin smell like candy. Vanilla laced with little hints of honeysuckle.
“Fuck, Y/N, are you trying to kill me tonight? Is that your plan?” You can feel his hot breath on your ear and it makes you claw at his arm, your cherry red nails digging into his dark suit jacket as you attempted to escape.
“No, It’s actually not. I’m going to need you to show some restraint right now, James. I have to finish getting ready” You scold him, looking him straight in the eye in the reflection on the large, vanity mirror so that he could see you were completely serious. He smirks at your use of his God given name.
“I’m serious, Buck, stop looking at me like that”
“Like what” He gruffs, holding tight to your waist, not breaking eye contact with your reflection. He looks like he might tear your dress off right now, the mischievous determination in his eyes is unnerving. You knew naughty Bucky; the man who’d reach up your skirt in a crowd, who’d pin you against the nearest wall and whisper things to you that would make the devil himself blush. You had no time for this side of him, at least not right now.
You push on his arms until he lets you spin in them, lets you face him. You pull up your big girl panties, determined not to let him hypnotize you with that gaze of his. And you knew just the way to get him to back off.
“Like you want to ruin all my hard work. Puddin’, you know I’ve been so excited for this” Your eyes go big and doe like, your voice drops a couple notches but raises a couple octaves “Let’s go enjoy this party, kay?”
He sighs. You really do play dirty. Your cartoon like pout never fails- you know he cant deny you anything when you look at him like this. His forehead drops to yours in resignation and you grin triumphantly.
You win, again. As usual. The man really was wrapped all the way around your finger.
“If you’re a good boy tonight, maybe I’ll let you open one of your Christmas presents early” You whisper to him, your tone sultry and promising before you press a quick kiss to his nose and yank yourself out of his dazed arms.
“There they are” You grab the earrings you’d been looking for and slip them on, leaving your semi hard boyfriend frozen in his place.
“You’re an evil woman” He accuses, looking like a kicked puppy dog.
“You’re in love with me” you singsong in return, still rushing around the room in a flurry. Bucky shakes his head, he cant deny that one.
The party is stunning, and as you walk through the foyer, your fingers laced with Bucky’s you fill a swell of pride in your stomach.
The Avengers “First Annual Winter Wonderland” charity bash is everything you and Pepper had dreamed up and more. It was elegant, and classy but still looked homey- the atmosphere warm. Shades of gold and silvers decked out every surface, clashing beautifully with the crimson accents and large pine trees. Everything twinkled, the effect of “ice” and “snow” really shown through.
You looked over at Bucky, waggling your eyebrows, a proud look on your face.
“Wow, doll. You really out did yourself” He commends, chuckling at how pleased with yourself you look. “I guess I can forgive you for runnin’ me up the fucken’ walls for these past few weeks. Your party turned out nice enough”
The thunk of you swatting his shoulder comes after his smartalick comment, but your chuckle follows it.
“Are you already starting crap? Isn’t it a little early for you to be such a pain in the neck?” Steve comes up to the two of you, looking sharp in his button down. Sharon is right beside him, her hair falling in polished waves. You’ve never seen her not in her usual work attire- so the dress she has on makes you do a double take.
Well god damn, get it Steve.
“Ha-ha. You decidin’ to come down of your Cap'in issued high horse and join the rest of us commoners tonight?” Bucky retorts, amused at Steve’s language choice, clapping his hand to his best friend shoulder. You roll your eyes fondly at the two. This was constant. They we’re such children. Before turning your attention to Sharon and telling her that her dress was to die for.
Us girls have got to stick together, was your life mantra.
The party is far from small; there’s at least a hundred plus people and even though Bucky has come a long way from his reclusive Bulgaria days, it’s still a little much for him. He sticks to either yours or Steve’s side, mingling cordially with the crowds of people. He was an Avenger, it came with the territory, so he knew he had to. No matter how much he didn’t want to.
“Baby I’m going to go check on Tony and Pepper” You whisper to him as you untangle your hand. You had your own rounds to make, and you didn’t want to force him too far out of his comfort zone. “I’ll be right back”
Bucky nods, not really wanting you to leave him, but he’s a grown man who knows his girls got a job to do so he kisses you on he cheek and tells you to “handle your business”
How you love him.
Bucky’s eyes are glued to your backside as you walk away, never leaving the sway of your hips until you disappear into the crowd
He hates to see you leave, but damn, does he love to watch you go.
Steve notices his friends staring and shakes his head “Come on, bud. Let’s go make our rounds. People magazine is over there, the want to give you a quick interview about making their 2017 ‘Most Beautiful list’”
Funniest part is, Steve wasn’t kidding. Bucky groans, desperately wishing that he could get drunk. All of this would be so much easier if he wasn’t forced to go through it sober. Screw his super soldier enhanced abilities. He’d give up super strength in a minute in return for being able to drink a beer and actually feel the after effects.
“I need a drink” He grumbles, his face sour. Lips turned down as he fights the urge to cross his arms over his chest.
The idea pops into Steve’s head and he truly thinks he’s a genius…well maybe not so much because it just occurred to him now…Still super smart though…
“Steve?” Sharon questions him, one of her thinly manicured eyebrows raised at the look on her dates face.
“Hey, Buck, Thor’s at this party, huh?”
Bucky turns to look at his friend, feeling confused as Sharon looks “Yeah, why?”
“Let’s go find him”
You’ve been trying to find away to politely exit the conversation you’ve been trapped in with the ambassadors of both Bahrain and Denmark, talking politics at a Christmas party really wasn’t how you’d planned on spending your night. Still, you force a smile and add witty comments every now and then as you sip on your second spiked egg-nog cocktail.
When you finally find your way back to your side of the party, where your friends and colleagues- who all happened to be the same people we’re your happily tipsy. Definitely not drunk. Not even close. But buzzing pleasantly.
“Well look who finally made a jail break” Natasha greets you as you approach and you fight the urge to flip her off. Mostly everyone’s gathered at a couple of the tables that have been pushed together. Laughter is ringing the loudest from this area of the room. Clint, Laura, Tony, Pepper and Rhodey sit on one side. Followed by Thor and Bruce, who have been extremely close since their little trip to Asgard, then Wanda, Vision, Steve, Sharon and Bucky. Nat’s sitting next to Maria and they’re shit talking the head of the CIA. Scott’s there too, face down on the table. Sam’s at the buffet table chatting up a pretty brunette.
“Yeah, with no help from you. You’re such a great friend, Romanoff” You snipe at her and she holds up her hands, her green eyes laughing before turning back to Hill.
“There’s my best girl!” Bucky’s voice is too loud, booming joyously and you shoot him a glance, before he grabs your wrist and yanks you down, unceremoniously rough, into his lap.
“Bucky!” You hiss at him, trying to straighten yourself a bit, your cheeks tinging red. No one at the table even blinked but you still felt a little weird sitting your fat ass on your boyfriend in public.
He has you spread over both of his thighs, too. Almost bridal style, his metal arm cradling your back. Cuddling you to him
“I missed you. You’ve been gone forever” The slur in his voice is noticeable “You said you’d be right back”
Why does he sound like that?
You grab him by his freshly shaven chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes for a moment.
Your e/c eye’s scan his icy, unfocused ones and you almost gasp at what you find.
“Holy fuck, are you drunk?”
He sniggers at this, lazily, through his nose and nods.
“Your boyfriends sloshed” Tony comments from across the table, slurring his own words heavily.
What the hell had happened? You’d been gone for forty five minutes, tops, and you come back and everyone’s shitfaced? How had Bucky even gotten drunk? You two had been trying different ways to get him inebriated for months. Whole cases of beer. Vodka. That one time you’d tried to keep up with him as he threw back tequila shots and he’d ended up carrying you to your room because you’d completely blacked out…then it dons on to you and your head snaps in Thors’ direction.
He gives you a sheepish grin and holds out the flask of Asgardian hell to you.
“You didn’t” You look down at your boyfriend who just laughs again, before pressing his face into your neck.
“Would you care for a shot, Lady Y/N?” Thor offers “Most everyone else has. You’re the one who stresses the very importance of team bonding”
“No I would not care for a shot, thank you very much” you would never willingly ingest even a drop of that vile liquid ever again “Last time I drank that I woke up two days later on my bathroom floor”
As you take in the faces of your friends, you can clearly see that almost all of them have decided to be lush’s and partake in the idiocy.
“You too, Steve?” You groan, his face is flushed from the liquor and he keeps reaching over to whisper into Sharon’s ear.
“Hey, Bucky’s always been a very talented peer pressurer!” Steve defends himself, hiccupping in between the sentence and you just shake your head, laughing at the hilarity of it all.
Clint’s head is on Laura’s shoulder and he’s looking at her as though she’s Aphrodite in the flesh. Bruce and Thor have started to arm wrestle. Wanda looks dazed, when you ask her if she’s okay she breaks out into a fit of giggles. Scott doesn’t even look like he’s breathing.
And Bucky,
Well he’s nuzzling his head deeper and deeper into your chest, the prickle of his chin against your most sensitive skin makes you jump a little bit and you place a hand on his hair, trying to urge him away from you.
“This dress is so soft. Holy shit, what is this even made out of?” He runs his face all along the front of the dress and you wonder if he knows just how extremely inappropriate it looks. He’s all but motor-boating you, at a party full of government officials. And SHIELD agents, Celebrities. Publicity…
“You’ve gotta stop, mister” you urge him, going to stand up.
Him and that stupid strong death grip of his.
“Uh, uh Y/N last time I let you go you we’re gone forever” Bucky whines in protest, holding on to you tight.
Huh, so this is what your boyfriend was like drunk? Needy. You couldn’t complain, if you were being totally honest you loved it when he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, but it just wasn’t the place for it.
“I’m going to go ten feet over to the buffet table and make you a plate of food so you can sober up a little bit, okay?” You reason.
“I’ll go with you”
“No, baby, just stay here. Look, you can literally see me. I’ll be right back” You laugh as you detach yourself from the overgrown man child and click over to the table, intending on loading him up a carb, bread filled plate.
You we’re happy he was enjoying himself, but you knew how gnarly the effects of that drink could be and you wanted to makesure you didn’t end up with a blacked out Bucky at the end of the night.
When you look over and see him taking yet another shot from the Asgardian flask you close your eyes and breathe through your nose. Yup. This night, was going to be a long one.
You pop one of the mini quiches into your mouth, as you finish loading Bucks plate up with every thing you knew he’d like- making sure to stay away from anything that looks particularly spicy.
“Here you go” you set the plate and water infront of him and he looks up at you with a dopey smile.
“Give me some sweetness, sugar” he puckers his lips up at you, his hands reaching for your waist “your too good to me”
You manage to evade being pulled back into his lap, opting instead for the seat beside him. He pouts but slings his arm across the back of your chair as he makes a dent in his plate.
You know this game, have danced this dance before. You’d been around this group while they were drunk countless times before. Tony got- well more Tony-er. Annoying arrogant and Rhodey was telling glory stories that you’d heard a thousand times, but you still listened intently because you know how his feelings got hurt when people ignored them.
Little brawler from Brooklyn Steve had come out to play and he was getting real invested in those arm wrestling matches. Him and Bucky had gone at it for a good fifteen minutes, both super soldiers amped up and evenly matched. You happen to know Buck let Steve win, you see it when it happens and you squeeze his hand in praise under the table for him being a good friend. Peter comes over, claiming “I get winner!” And pins Steves arm in five seconds flat. Highlight of the night is Steves face after that to be honest.
Natasha is making a rotation, flirting with everyone at the table, her energy amped up to a thousand.
“Stop staring at me, Nat!” You laugh as you feel her eyes burn holes into the side your your face. She’d been extremely touchy, as usual and you couldn’t wait to tease her about it in the morning.
She had a tendancy to get very lesbihonest with you when she drank.
“You really do have a goregous profile, you know that, Y/N” her voice is filled with admiration as she reaches over to smooth a flyaway strand hair away from your face. You didn’t even flinch from her touch, she was one of your closest friends and you were used to her drunken flirting with everything that walks.
“That’s what I’ve been telling her!” Bucky interrupted before you could reply, his voice filled with a ridiculous amount of pride “Could be a poster girl if she wanted to. My baby dolls such a dime piece”
You roll your eyes at the both of them.
“You guys are drunkkkk” you stress the end of the sentance with a laugh.
“No, Y/N. You really are so pretty” your surprised to hear that come from Laura “And the kids absolutely adore you. They can’t stop talking about you! Lila said she wanted us to adopt you so that you could come live on the farm”
You place a hand on your heart and your face scrunched up with the flood of love you have for those Barton kids. You wished they were down here instead of upstairs with the sitter.
“My heart” you accuse “I love those children”
You turn to Bucky then “I’m going to leave you to go live on the farm with my new adoptive parents, okay?” You tease him and he gives you a dangerous little smirk in response.
“Doll, if you think your ever going anywhere without me, your nuts” he informs you, simply. As though it was a fact, not a statement. Anyone else would have just thought it was a joke, but you could hear the undertone of it. See that possessive gleam in his eyes. The one that makes you all hot and fluttery every time.
You adjust in your seat, your thighs clamping together as you do. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Bucky and he reaches over. Looking like he’s just kissing your hair. Innocently enough.
But his breath is in your ear, close and quiet enough so that only you can hear “You gushin in your panties for me, yet?”
You pull your head away, reaching for your glass and taking a sip of the cocktail. You’d been forced to deal with him and his insanely dirty mouth before, you knew how to handle it. Even if it did have your insides twisting in anticipation, you could keep a cool demeanor.
“Nope” you pop the 'p’ as you rebuff him. That makes him grin, his chin dropping to your shoulder.
“Liar” he challenges knowingly. He knows you, knows your body. Knows the pretty pair of panties you have on are probably dampening, even though you swear your a good girl, even though you try to deny it. He can only laugh at the death glare you shoot him, patting your thigh with his huge palm before he straightens back up.
Uh oh. You think. Drunk Bucky is a dangerous Bucky.
It goes on like that for the duration of the night, the drunk Avengers are definitely an interesting sight to behold and you have a feeling there’s going to be a couple of articles about this in upcoming magazines. But nothing too major or scandalous happens. No, it’s a genuinely good time, just like you had hoped it would be.
You’ve never seen Bucky so…carefree at such a big social event. He’s laughing boisterously and cracking jokes with everyone. His New York accent is thick and prominent and his smile is extremely dimpled.
And…he’s more handsy then you ever could of imagined. You literally can’t fight him. Every time you stop him, he’s somewhere else. His prosthetic fingers trailing up your thigh, under your dress. His flesh ones toying with the neckline of it, skin touching skin as he pushes his boundaries. And he does it casually, keeping up his animated drunk conversations.
The thing about that Asgardian liquor is it creeps up on you, you remember. One minute your feeling fine and warm and chatty. The next? Your literally two seconds from throwing up, the room spinning as you re-evaluate your life choices.
Bucky leans heavily into you, shifting so that you can cradle his head on the table and you know it’s starting to catch up with him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m good-” he yawns largely and loudly “I’m just startin’ to get a little tired, that’s all”
“The room starting to spin?” You ask him as you stroke his hair. He’s practically purring. Your big fluffy kitten in your lap. He was never like this in public, this sort of exchange was usually saved for the privacy of your room.
“Mmm, Is’ not so bad, I’ve been drunker. I was in the army, remember, shug?”
You love his accent the way it is when he’s drunk. All raspy and smooth. It’s music to your ears and you wished he’d talk like this more often.
“I love you” you surprize him as you press a kiss to his temple.
“I love you too”
“You guys are sickening” Tony grimaces “no seriously, like teeth rottingly, stomachaching sickening”
You just roll your eyes and continue stroking Bucky’s hair.
Pepper swats his arm “Don’t be rude, if anything you should be taking notes, Anthony Stark”
“Yeah, take notes, motherfucker” you taunt and Bucky barks in laughter.
“Y/N” even in Steves near incoherent state he can still manage to use his Captian tone “You really do have one of the worst mouths I’ve ever heard. And I grew up in Brooklyn, so that’s sayin’ something”
“Leave my girl alone” Bucky gallantly defends you…except for its a jumbled mutter because his face is pressed deep into your arm.
You detirmine it’s time to call it a night when the floods of people have left and it’s only the intimate group of those who inhabited this tower left.
Bucky hadn’t raised his head in ages and you were sure he was asleep. You weren’t far behind him, the long day you’d had finally taking its toll.
“Whose down for pictionary?” Tony proposes and when everyone agrees you know to make your exit. Last time there was a game of drunk pictionary it had almost ended in a three way brawl between Steve, Thor and Maria.
“I think we’re going to start heading out” you know your going to get shit for it but you don’t care. You want relief from your pinching heels, out of the restricting spanx.
“Come on Y/N. I know your man’s a hundred but you aren’t” Sam jests, nursing a beer and a bruised ego. That leggy brunette had opted not to stay the night- and held spent all night chasing her.
“Screw off Sam” Bucky, who apparently wasn’t knocked out spits at Sam and you chuckle before starting to move to get up, pulling him with you.
“We’re going to ride up with you, Nathaniel gets fussy throughout the night” Clint and Laura stand too.
After dealing with a barraging of “you sucks” and “come on you guys” you and Bucky begin the journey to your room. His arms are wrapped around you from behind and he leans down, chin on your head, causing the two of you to do this weird little penguin shuffle.
“Bucky I can barley walk!” You laugh at him “Your too heavy for this kind of shit!”
“Hey, you said you loved my body!” he feigns hurt and Clint snorts so hard it echoes in the small elevator.
The ride to the floor Clint and Laura are on is pleasant. You chat with the older couple idly. About the kids and the impending Christmas Eve. The ding signals that you’ve reached their floor.
You and Laura kiss cheeks and Clint claps both yours and Bucky’s shoulders as they exit.
“Use protection, kids aren’t as much fun as they seem!” Clint advises, the resonating smack Laura gives his head is the last thing you hear before the doors close again.
Everybody’s significant other’ getting slapped up tonight.
You peek at Bucky who’s sniggering to himself. He really was a giggly, happy drunk.
“Little does he know we haven’t used protection like ever” you roll your eyes. You and Bucky had never used condoms, you’d hurried to get on the pill after you two had become sexually active. Neither of you the biggest latex fans
“Mmm thank god. You know I hate rubbers” he kisses the shell of your ear. He’s bold tonight, all of his inhibitions gone away with his sobriety and you squeek when his hands plane down your body fast to grab the boson of your dress and roughly yank it up.
“Bucky” you gasp as his flesh fingers trail over your teddy covered stomach, quickly descending downwards between your legs. He’d never been so forward- so reckless.
“Fuck” he hisses as his fingers find your sweet spot, he can feel the saturation that’s collected in the outside or the lace “I knew it”
You know there’s no use in pushing him away so you cling to his metal arm what’s slung around your middle, holding you up as his fingers being to furiously work at you. Usually there’s a slow build up, he’ll go slow. Take his time. Tease you, but tonight there’s none of that. He forces you to spread your legs and lean back into his chest and as he slips his hand inder the lace. The tight material and your thighs hug his knuckles as he rubs your clit at a furious pace.
The sounds you make resemble choking as he roughly, but nimbly maneuvers you little ball of nerves.
“Feel good?” He puffs in your ear and you just nod. Fuck yeah, it feels good. There’s no warning when he slams his fingers in you, two at once. Your walls stretch around the digets and you let out a small scream. He doesn’t even give you the time to adjust, he just starts pumping them at a pace that matched the way he’d been with your clit. Unforgiving. Your thighs begin to shake and your knees go weak as you claw at his bicep, your head lolling from side to side againts his sharp collar bone. Your already so close, the speed at which he impales you with his fingers makes your brain foggy and your eyes are almost crossing.
The elevator dings- you’ve reached your floor and his hand slips back out of your underwear. You spin in his arms and lean up, crashing your mouth to his, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders trying frantically to pull him closer. He just reaches down, grabbing at the back of your thighs and lifts you, you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist.
Before Bucky- this wasn’t a scenario you could have ever even imagined happening. A man, picking you up with no trouble and carrying you to your bed? No, not with your derrière. But with Bucky’s enhanced strength he’d reassured your nervous mind on many occasions that he could and would continue to carry you.
He even holds you up with one arm, the vibranium one, as he types the code into the keypad. Your not making it easy for him, with the way your kissing all over his face, all teeth and tongue. You nip at jaw, biting the taught, sharp flesh and bone like you were always dying to before salving it with your tongue.
It’s all fun and lust fueled games until Bucky stumbles drunkenly and almost sends you both tumbling to the ground. Somehow me manages to catch himself, your back thudding againts the wall as he uses it to resteady himself.
There’s a terse, silent moment before you both look at eachother and the small, guilty giggle he releases makes you bust into a fit of laughter.
“Oh my gosh, you are so wasted” you shake your head at him, starting to shimmy out of his arms. He was too drunk, you concur in that moment. Too drunk to continue, even if he had worked you up.
“Y/N” he whinely protests as you command he let you down.
“Nope, you’re so drunk I highly doubt you could even keep it up-” you start as your heels hit the ground and you pull away from his embrace.
“Is that a challenge?” The glint in Bucky’s eyes is sharp and playful.
“Listen I’m going to go get changed for bed, you should too” you give him a melodramatic pat on his shoulder before your walking away from him and into your large shared closet. Bucky collapses heavily into your bed, grumbling about “evil woman. Beautiful fuckinf evil woman”
There truly is nothing better then putting on a pair of pajamas after being constricted for som many hours. Taking off your makeup is almost orgasmic, you groan delightfully as you pull off the false lashes.
The freedom.
When you renter the bedroom Bucky’s still in a heap on the end of your bed, but he’s managed to kick off his shoes and dress pants. So that he’s still completely clothed from the waist up, blazer and everything. It’s honestly the most ridiculously cute thing you’ve ever seen.
You manage to grab your phone and snap a stealthy picture, vowing to yourself that it’s definitely your new screen saver.
You crawl into the large bed, planing your hand gently over his cheek. He looks pretty conked out and you know that there’s no way your going to be able to maneuver the bear of a man.
His eyes shift under his eyelids “Hmm, doll-face?”
“You good down here or you want to finish getting changed and come up here with me?”
You make your way up the bed and slink under the layers of blankets, waiting for Bucky to make his move.
He’s sedentary for a moment but then shifts upwards and manages to literally rip off the rest of his clothes, leaving him in only his black boxer briefs. He sways for a moment before walking on his knees and then collapsing on top of the blankets, on top of you.
“Unf” he knocks the breath out of you “Come on, Buck”
He just nuzzles his nose into the side of your face, breathing you in deeply. “You smell good enough to eat”
“Bucky” your tones warning,
“Is that what I should do? Eat you? Will you let me?” He starts pecking down your face, chin, neck.
“Bu-ucky” your voice wavers as his kisses descend. “At least get into the covers with me. Please” you pull the blankets open and he gives you a goofy grin before climbing into the cozy warmth next to you. You expect him to nuzzle into your side like he normally does but he quickly disappears out of sight under the thick duvet.
It’s all open mouthed kisses from there, he’s sucking savagely on every inch of skin he can reach, leaving hot wet trails in his wake. His fingers greedily slide along your thighs, grabbing and digging into the supple flesh. He’s being so rough, so careless. It makes your head spin a little.
“Babe” you try to center him, your fingers winding into his hair and pulling it from the little knot it’d been tamed into for the night. He doesn’t respond, his mouth is too occupied.
He nips roughly at your stomach, his teeth sinking into the flesh and you gasp in shock.
“I love your tummy. I can’t wait til’ it’s filled with my babies one day. Isn’t that what you want, for me to fill you up?”
Oh shit, he’s never talked about things like this with you before. Sure, you’d both mention kids briefly but never anything this deep. You don’t know what to say, your words get caught in your throat.
Your brain is swimming with thoughts of little Bucky’s running around when his hands go to your knees and wrench then open. As far as your pelvis will allow them to stretch. It’s a little painful, the muscles scream in protest and you try to close your legs but he doesn’t let you.
“I fucking love the smell of your pussy” he interrupts you as he presses his face into your your pajama shorts covered core, nose first. You shiver at the contact. “I love the way the room smells after I fuck you. You remember how I came into your office the other day and fingered you?”
You nod, but then remember he can’t see you cause he’s buried under the covers and croak out a “yeah”
“I couldn’t stop smelling my fingers all day. Even after I sucked you off of them, I could still smell you all day long” your stomach tightens at his drunken words, at the image of him descretly bringing his fingers to his nose through out that day. Your too busy day dreaming, when he licks a fat wet stripe up the inseam of your shorts
Your eyes shut tightly and you bite your bottom lip.
He does you dirty, licking you from outside your shorts til the material is sopping wet from both his saliva and your juices. All you want is his mouth on your clit and he won’t give it you you.
“Bucky please”
“Please what, pretty girl? Please fuck you with my tongue?” You huff, frustrated and give the roots of his hair a quick, firm tug.
“Don’t be mean to me!”
He chuckles directly into your core and the vibrations shoot electricity through your thighs
“You’re such a brat” he chastises adoringly before he tugs your shirts off your legs, roughly, moving your body around at his will like a sack of potatoes. You’re about to tell him off for it when he connects his mouth to you, his lips sucking your labia. Hard.
You sigh and throw your head back into the pillows.
Drunk Bucky is a pussy eating champ. He literally devours you, with a vigor you’d never experienced from him before. He’s burying his face in you, and you know the whole lower half of it has to be drenched. He uses a lot more teeth too, and you literally think he’s trying to eat you. It’s such an intensely odd sight- or lack there of. He’s still buried burried under the duvet, which shakes and rises with his movements.
“Baby” you squeal, your chest rising and falling with labored pants as his face moves quickly from side to side, the squelching wet sound it makes is driving you insane. Your fingers are threaded in his hair holding tight, but letting him have the reigns.
The sounds your making, the desperate little cries urge him on and he uses one hand to whip the blanket off of him, hating the depression it brings. Needing to see what he was doing you you. He gazes up as he noses your clit. Past the curve of your stomach to your pillow like breasts that are straining through the thin camisole you have on to your face. Your eyes are screwed shut and your mouth is agape, your lips stretched as you make sounds that sound almost ceremonial.
“Look at me” it’s half way between a command and a plea and your eyes crack open into dazed slits as you rivet down to him.
Now there’s a sight. James Buchanan Barnes head is cradled between your large thighs, his bright eyes are staring up at you as his tongue laps at your clit.
You sob. Literally and one of your hands go to pinch at your over sensitive nipples as the other goes to stroke his wild dark locks tenderly.
It’s a surreal moment, with the pleasure that he’s overwhelming you with and the way it seems to stop time-
“Oh fuck” you whine as it all becomes too much and your stomach knots painfully, every muscle in your body seems to strain and you buck wildly into his mouth, to which he responds by wrapping his arms around your thighs. Attempting to hold you steady.
When you cum, you swear you think you black out. Your ears blow and your eyes go blurry and unfocused-fuck even your pussy goes numb for a second; even though you can feel the movement of his head between your legs as he continues to eat away, it feels hollow.
“I fucking love you, I love you so much” Bucky mumbles inside of you. Your thick thighs clamp vice like around his head and he allows it, loving the way you drown out the rest of the world for him.
When you come back down, when your body regains sensation your instantly pushing him away, your hips retreating desperately as you try to get away from his lashing tongue and it’s assault to your overstimulated clit.
“James please” you cry, pulling his hair “Bucky, stop, it hurts”
That gets him, and even though he’s dying to keep going he pulls his mouth away. Giving each of your quivering inner thighs a sloppy kiss before he climbs off of you.
You still look a little hazy and blessed out, even as your chest starts to settle and your heart beat stops skipping. That was the the BEST head you had ever received, and Bucky had gone down on you dozens of time before.
“You okay, YN?” He questions as he trails a finger deli story down your hairline because you still haven’t spoken and your mouth is still hanging open. His inherited brain jumps from worst case scenario to the next. Shit, he had really hurt you. He’d lost control between your legs- “Baby look at me, I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
The panicked laced voice he gives you makes your eyes snap to his “Hey, no, I’m okay. I’m better then okay, Bucky, Jesus Christ- that was amazing”
You coo as you roll closer to him, rubbing his arm in reassurance. Bucky looks- fuck he looks like a dream. Which his swollen mouth and his hair that’s sticking up in all directions from your hands. His chin gleams with your juices, and it makes your mouth salivate.
You press your lips againts his, you can feel him smile into the kiss as you lick at his lips that are coated with your flavor.
“Mmm, remind me to let you drink with Thor more often” you separate from him and rest your head on his broad chest.
It’s serene for a moment, you reveling in the shocks of post orgasmic afterglow and him-spinning, the Asgardian mead messing with his senses before he shoves you off of him and rushes to the bathroom.
The sounds of vicious retching fills your ears as he vomits and you shake your head, sliding on your shorts and going to hold your super soldier boyfriends hair.
You grin even though you know you shouldn’t, he’s going to have one hell of a hangover.
Welp- it is 100 PERCENT CANNON in my head that Bucky loves eating pussy and drunk Bucky? He’s a whole other breed. I’m going to be writing a few more of these Christmas smuts over the next couple of months so keep an eye out for them! Leave me some feedback! And reblog so all the other freaky, Christmas lovers can feel the cheer!
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black-wolf066 · 7 years
Happy Hour Hysteria
Summary: (Season 7) Flu season has hit Hyperion Heights and Regina is in over her head at the bar. Thankfully Henry and Rogers are there to help.
Words: 2153
((((((A/N: This is a prompt idea that I couldn’t resist taking. The squad goals started off so strong at the beginning of the season and then we saw nothing else from the three since, haha. Tagging @theonceoverthinker for her help with the title, it went from “Happy Hour Mania” to “Happy Hour Hysteria”.
Prompt idea by @mcbrideannemgt
Roni’s Bar. I’d like to see an episode in Season7 where Roni’s bar is so busy that she asks Rogers and Henry to help man the bar and they agree. It turns out they are brilliant at pouring drinks, serving customers etc. Total team effort impressing Roni completely. Rogers takes no nonsense from drunk customers either
Anyway onward with the story. I hope I did your prompt justice!)))))
Happy Hour Hysteria
Flu season.
Every small business owner's worst nightmare.
Roni's was beyond crowded, and with Regina's staff of two down for the count, she was definitely in for quite a rough night.
Though in the beginning, it hadn’t exactly started out that way.
It had gone as per usual in her routine as a bartender. The regulars had all showed up right after work, patrons that Regina absolutely loved dealing with because she knew exactly how to handle them (keep the alcohol flowing and they typically kept to themselves). Roughly after nine, the hordes had picked up as if on cue. It was a Friday night after all and as the younger masses came in to celebrate their weekend, the older regulars had left before the establishment got too loud with chatter and music.
It was all something Regina could handle with or without Adam and Mia there to help. Nothing more than a normal night on the job. What wasn’t normal was the fact that they didn’t stop coming from all angles of her bar.
The inside and the veranda were bursting at the seams with people of all ages and sizes; the number undoubtedly beyond what was considered safe for fire code and regulation.
And as she scrambled around to fill orders and sanitize glasses to reuse; only one thought crossed her mind in all the chaos. If she got fined for anything tonight, Lucille would be swinging giddily while her fireballs were currently out of commission.
“Hey, sweet cheeks! We need more beers!”
And if that buffoon at the far corner table didn’t stop yelling and calling her sweet cheeks, the baseball bat was coming out sooner.
In all the rushed motions to get everyone served, she almost missed the movement from the corner of her eye as someone boldly walked behind the counter. She whirled around; about ready to rip the person a new asshole, when she froze.
Henry took only a second to grin sheepishly and apologetically for startling her, before bending to grab three Bud-Lights from the mini fridge to help serve the next impatient group of patrons.
Regina relaxed and smiled briefly in relief at his profile.
Help had arrived in the form of her cursed son, and with a bit of the pressure lifting at his arrival; she dove right back into the fray.
“Sorry about earlier; it just looked like you could use the help.” Henry finally stated the moment they were given a small respite.
“Don’t apologize,” she answered immediately as she garnished a glass with an orange slice and filled it with Blue Moon from the tap. “Your arrival was a godsend tonight.”
“What happened, anyway?” He pivoted to grab the Skyy vodka from the middle shelf to pour out three shots. “Where are Adam and Mia?”
“Flu,” was her one worded response as the masses picked up again.
Somewhere along the second wave of customers, Rogers had shown up.
At first, Regina thought he was called in for a complaint. It was exactly what she didn’t want or need at the moment; which gave her all the more reason to believe it was the case.
Thankfully, it wasn’t so.
He was dressed down far too casually to be on duty or on call tonight, and his stance wasn’t stiff but relaxed. As he moved away from the entrance, she glimpsed him staring at the crowd in bewilderment before she had to look away to grab the money for the Jaeger Bombs.
“Oh crap,” she barely heard Henry mutter over the loud din.
“I forgot I invited Rogers to meet me here.” He answered as he briefly waved when Rogers’ attention finally shifted to the two of them. “He’s been so adrift after the Eloise case; I figured it wouldn’t hurt to get him out and about more.”
“So you invite a recovering alcoholic to hang out at a bar?” she deadpanned.
“I invited him to meet me here.” Henry repeated; the old, familiar sass allowing Regina just a moment to believe that the curse was broken and everything was alright. “We were supposed to go see a movie.”
“Well,” she waved him away as she took another order. “Don’t let me and this place stop you.”
Before Henry could retort at her dismissive behavior (she honestly didn’t mean to sound so flippant, but there were more important matters to attend to at the moment); Rogers walked behind the counter, nodding with a smile of greeting and understanding as he shifted to help. Regina was just about to tell him he didn’t have to, but his gentle smile and piercing eyes prevented the words from tumbling out.
So they worked; each one of them forming an efficient rhythm around each other with ease. Henry—she knew—could handle it; having heard the stories involving Lucy’s ballet recital. It was Rogers; however, that she found herself more impressed with. He may not have been as graceful as his counterpart, but he was holding his own fairly well with mixing and pouring out the orders.
But the more they operated around each other, the more the pangs in her heart grew (almost screaming to be noticed). She didn’t have the time to notice it though. Didn’t have the time to contemplate or reminisce on how well they had worked as a team even back in the Enchanted Forest.
At least, she didn’t have the time to think about it until she finally did.
By the stroke of midnight, the crowds had slowly ebbed and dwindled to something more controllable. The nightlife in her bar was still lively, but they no longer had the hordes blocking up the counter and stools—the space currently being occupied by a group of frat boys egging each other on with shots of tequila and lime.
With the extra manpower—despite thanking them and reassuring that she could handle it from this point on—Regina was finally able to wait on and clean up the tables. It was as she was wiping down one of the booths; her eyes traveling back to watch the boys man the counter, that those thoughts reared their ugly heads.
It was comforting and heartbreaking all at once to have them both near again but not have them remember her. To have Henry not recognize her as his mother for the second time in their lives. To have all her painstaking progress with Killian—of getting him to break down his walls and open up—unraveled back to the start. She missed how her son—even with a daughter of his own—still came to her for advice as he and Ella raised Lucy. She missed those quiet nights with Killian spent conversing and reminiscing when sleep eluded them both. She missed the others too, she missed Ella and Tiana and the bear hugs Lucy would give her. She missed how Henry could get Jack so worked up over Star Wars (her son had and still was a natural storyteller; Jack didn’t need to see the movies to fall in love with the tale and its characters).
“Hey, sweet cheeks! Another round of beers for me and the boys!”
Regina startled out of her thoughts, and the moment the words sunk in; she huffed out air through her flared nostrils in annoyance.
In spite of her bar being overly busy (a recipe for disaster if there ever was one), there surprisingly hadn’t been as many incidences tonight as she originally thought—the few rowdier ones easy to manage between the three of them and whoever they came to the bar with. Regina had a feeling it was due to Rogers’ continued presence. Most of them knew he was a detective for the district of Hyperion, and whether he was on duty or not, none of them seemed willing to test their luck with him—not when he’d pierce them with a look that words couldn’t manage when things started to get out of hand.
Then there was the corner table; the loud jackass with his equally loud and boisterous friends.
She was thankful that, during the wave, one of the quieter men—designated driver by the looks of it—would come up and order their pitchers of preferred ale for the group. But that still didn’t stop Pig McGee and his loud mouth from being heard over the din of noise every once in a while.
“Sweet cheeks, ya listenin’?!”
The thin ice that was her patience for him broke into several sharp pieces.
“When you start talking to the owner of this establishment with respect, then maybe she will.” Rogers answered before she could pivot around and give him a piece of her mind.
A few surrounding bystanders quieted to watch the exchange as Rogers moved from behind the bar; standing tall with the no-nonsense air surrounding him as he walked.
“Who asked you?!” The burly buffoon shot back.
“Mike, take it easy man.” The sober friend piped up with his hand on Mike’s shoulder; warily eyeing Rogers and the scowl on his face as he came closer. “This isn’t worth getting kicked out.” The others at the table murmured in agreement.
“Heed your friends’ advice, mate.”
“Not your mate.” Mike sneered as he clumsily stood. He was easily a head and a half taller than Rogers, and solidly built like a mountain; and from the corner of her eye, Regina could see Henry reaching under the counter for Lucille. “I ain’t disrespecting nobody. All we want are some beers,” he gestured around. “This is a bar, ain’t it? So why don’t you go back behind that counter, and let the pretty lady serve us.”
“Mike, he’s a cop, I’m not bailing you out if you get locked in the drunk-tank again.” The sober friend tried yet again, with one of the others standing to help.
“I suggest you either sit down or get out.” Regina affirmed and cut off whatever Mike was going to say; stepping forward before things could get any more out of hand. “This is still my bar, and if you continue to disturb myself or my patrons.” She gestured to everyone as a whole, but she was mostly referring to the group of women who had had to move tables to get away from them. “Then I have the right to kick you out and not allow you back in.”
Mike looked ready to argue—his face no longer flushed from the alcohol—but Rogers and a few other men moved to stand next to her.
“Come on, man, let’s just leave. S’not worth it.” Mike’s third friend slurred as he and the fourth man stood and pulled their coats off the back of the chairs.
There was more back and forth, but eventually, the four left; Regina cringing when the door was slammed shut more forcibly then was necessary from Mike.
Well, at least the glass didn’t break. She mused as she thanked the men for their help. She then turned her full attention on Rogers, stopping him with a hand on his arm before he could go back to the counter.
“Thank you.” she shot him a grateful smile and squeezed his forearm gently to show the sincerity of her words.
He smiled humbly back, his cheeks and the tips of his ears tinting a slight pink as he responded to take the praise away from himself. “Yes, well, you looked more like Negan then Roni for a second there; figured it was only right to step in.”
She snorted and smacked his shoulder. “You know I don’t watch that show.”
“Yet you still got the reference.” He responded with a wider grin.
By the time the bar closed at two, and everything was cleaned up and restocked by two-forty-five; the three of them were exhausted as they moved and collapsed into one of the booths.
“Thank you, I don’t think I could have survived tonight without you both.” Regina stated as she raised her can of soda in a toast.
Henry and Rogers did the same.
“With all the free beers I’ve been grabbing, it’s the least I can do. Gotta earn my keep somehow.” Henry joked.
“Not to mention the replacement cake and all the beignets you sent to the station.” At Regina’s startled look, Rogers raised a brow and grinned. “Didn’t think I would notice that, did you?”
“Hell of a cop.” She responded with a mirth-filled huff. “To friends.”
She clinked her can with theirs as they chorused back, “To friends.”
Regina didn’t know how she was going to break the curse and save Henry at the same time, but she wouldn’t give up. It was just the low moment before the hero fought back. That’s what Henry always believed, and so too would she.
She had her boys and their family to protect after all.
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Monday Night Raw Review: June 25th, 2018
Hey gang, it’s Monday again. I hope everyone had a great day/weekend. Today I got up really early and took my dog out and then watched the season 2 finale of Westworld (which got me FUUUCKED up, but that’s another story lol). 
Based on what my twitter timeline told me about tonight, it might be an interesting show? I’m feeling a little uninspired tonight about the show, personally, but hopefully, the show will prove me wrong.
Let me know what you thought of the show! Was it terrible, or did you like it this week? What was your favorite match? I’d love to hear from you, about anything! Thanks for tuning in and reading and sharing. I’m super close to 100 followers (like 5 away I think!) 
Sweaty Kurt Angle and Baron Corbin opened up the show tonight, only to be interrupted by Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley, who have sort of an interesting feud brewing. They both believe that they have the tools to beat Lesnar, but apparently, there won’t be a match at Extreme Rules anymore to determine Brock’s new competitor because of his “contract”.
Basically what this means is that Brock didn’t want to wrestle and give his title up, so he called Vince and Vince said ok. Ugh.
I think this is the main reason Raw, and WWE for that matter, has been faltering for the past couple months. There’s no Universal title on the show, which means that no stories can be written around it, and new feuds can’t be built. It sucks, and it’s really starting to affect my watching, as well.
The Revival vs. Lashley/Reigns
This is a rematch from last week. Why do we need to see this again?
The Revival need to prove that they are still relevant, and it’s unfortunate that separate injuries have kept them at bay, and they haven’t really been given a chance to be on TV since their return. This was never a team I saw much of, their NXT days were during the time where I wasn’t watching, but from what I can tell about them today, they hit their peak back in NXT.
This match is just a chance for Bobby and Roman to show off their egos, which Bobby needs, at least. Bobby’s feud with Sami ended at MITB 2 weeks ago, and pushing him into a match with Roman, or Brock, could give Bobby the spotlight he needs. He’s a big guy, always has been, and he needs to be showcased as one.
This match had no momentum going into it, and while the crowd loves to boo Roman whenever they can, they are dead silent otherwise. It’s gone on too long, and either team needs to bring something different to get the show rolling. 
The Revival won with a roll-up on Roman? A little unbelievable? Roman losing on a small package is just hard to fathom, especially against a small guy like Dash Wilder, but at least the match is over. Next, please.
Curtis Axel vs. Woken!Matt Hardy
Ok, wait, why is this a great storyline now? Oh yea, because it’s actually interesting and funny and the superstars are selling it really well. 
But this match is over in a heartbeat before I can say anything else. 
Matt has been putting in time at the gym. He looks great right now. That’s it.
AoP vs. Local Talent
This is not a match AoP needs. Put them in contention for the title, not this.
We haven’t seen this team since their debut after Mania and I’m really wondering why! They were so dominating in NXT, and they’ve fallen short on Raw. I’m trying to remember if one of them was injured in their time off, but I can’t find anything that says so. 
Titus Worldwide came out, too. Does anyone care?
...but I’m not a fan of that tag match. I know Finn is just going to lose again anyway, right? 
Alexa Bliss vs. Natalya
In a super long segment before this match took place, Alexa and her friend Mickie James went off about Alexa not getting respect and thanking god for Ronda’s suspension. There was a long video package during this promo that took me out of the program, and it was basically just Alexa and Mickie picking on the crowd. Whatever.
Natalya came out with Nia and the match started.
A lot of weird moves and botches from Alexa. She did that standing double monkey flip over Nattie, and her knees are supposed to hit Nattie in the belly, but Alexa’s knees were nowhere near her belly at all!
Natalya was really putting on a clinic, debuting all of her best moves and ultimately, getting herself a win over the undeserved champ. 
Put Nattie back in the title race. 
6-Woman Tag- Riott Squad vs. Banks/Moon/Bayley
Ooh boy, are we actually getting the feud people have been asking for?
Last week, things between Bayley and Sasha finally exploded the way everyone had been hoping for, and this week, Kurt Angle says they have one more chance to get on the same page. 
Sasha does the Meteora too much. That’s my first thought.
Ember Moon is fantastic in the ring. God I love her so much. 
Personally, I’m tired of seeing the Riott Squad. All three women need to wrestle in singles matches more. The singles matches that they do always end with the other members of the team charging in and either distract the ref or attack the other woman in the match. It’s so played out, it’s tiring! It’s a trope that’s been played out too much.
Banks took the loss for her team, and Bayley straight up attacked her and threw her around the ring. The crowd loves it! Personally, I do, too! I feel like Bayley is always too much, but a heel Bayley is just what her character needs to find her way back to the top of the division. I think this has been a long time coming from Bayley. She had to endure years of being the weakest of the four horsewomen and being second best, and now she’s ready to show what she’s got!
The ONLY thing that ruined that moment was when her music played her out. It’s too preppy and happy for her recent actions.
No Way Jose vs. Mojo Rawley
I don’t care. I just don’t. And WWE is not doing a good job of getting me to care.
Strowman/Owens vs. Balor/Corbin
Well, after losing last week, Braun was tired of teaming with Finn and has decided to team with Kevin Owens tonight. 
As I’ve probably mentioned a lot over the past few weeks, I love Kevin Owens right now. His unofficial feud with Braun is hilarious, and Kevin sells it so well.
And in typical fashion, I am in tears while Finn makes his entrance. Maybe I should make a post about him soon. It’d probably be long as hell.
I am also really loving Corbin’s new look. His hair needed to go so badly, and the suits that he wears are really doing better things for his character. I don’t love the fact that he’s basically corporate Kane, but it’s fine for now. 
Kevin tagging in Braun was so good. He just smacked him in the chest and ran. It was such a cartoon moment and I loved it.
Finn is finally being allowed in this match after Baron decides that he’s had enough. Kevin steals the momentum away from Finn and keeps him in a fierce chin lock. 
Braun just literally squished Finn in a corner and Finn just melted out of the ring. My god.
This match kind of exploded as Finn and Corbin couldn’t get along. They ended up fighting all the way up the ramp and got disqualified. I mean, at least Finn didn’t take the pin. I just wish they’d let him win a match for once.
Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title
After suffering a hard loss last week to Ziggler after a distraction from Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins is looking to win back his title from Dolph.
I personally love this new angle. Dolph has been out of it for a while now, and the IC title scene is a great place for him to stay. Remember that feud he had with Miz about a year and a half ago? That was the greatest thing ever for Ziggler and Miz. 
This current storyline is rumored to lead to a huge battle between Drew and Dolph, which is set to skyrocket Drew to a top position. It’s mostly because Vince loves Drew, but it’s also because Drew is a massive star now, and he belongs at the top. I’d love to see a program with him and Kevin, or him and Braun, or Roman, or even Finn. 
Rollins seems to be controlling most of the match so far, but how long will it take for Dolph to fight back?
Not long it seems as Seth focuses on Drew for too long, allowing Dolph to get up tackle Seth. This is where Dolph’s collegiate-style will come into play as he finds a way to tucker out Seth Rollins.
This is exactly the kind of pace Ziggler likes. He keeps his opponents on the ground and wears them out with a headlock or a chinlock.
Anytime Seth looks like he’s favoring a leg, I get super nervous. An injured Seth would not be good for business right now. I know he’s probably just selling it, but stilllll you guyssss
Rollins just reversed a whip on Dolph and he launched him into the turnbuckle, blasting Dolph into the corner. For a moment, it looked like Seth finally found his footing, but Dolph sent him over the top rope and crashing to the floor, hurting Seth’s wrist on the impact.
The match gets more aggressive as it continues, and the crowd is doing their signature “this is awesome” chant, which is something that Dolph hasn’t heard about his matches in probably a long ass time. 
Seth was about to win the match, an incredible match by thE WAY, and Drew came back and pulled the ref out to stop the count. Dolph will retain because of the DQ. Dammmnnnnn
...Roman made his way down to stop the attack on Seth. Are we getting Drew and Roman?? I’m here for it. It better not be a tag match next week, though.
I feel like the last half of the show went by really fast. I guess I’m kind of thankful for that, considering there were a lot of filler moments and matches during the show. I was fine with Raw tonight, no strong feelings either way. I don’t know if I had a favorite match honestly. Did you? Let me know!
Tune in for more!
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Lovely distractions - Sirius Black X Reader (smut)
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Requested by @slytherinsurf : Helloooo! Your writing makes me cry, it's so amazing!! Could I request a sirius x reader oneshot that has fluff, and smutt? The reader suffers from nightmares and stuff, so one night she goes to the common room, and Sirius wakes up, and comes down to comfort her. (He's super sweet and caring) Then one thing leads to another, and things get a bit steamy ;)? Thank you so much!!!! Xxx Well, I AM SORRY! But I wasn’t strong enough. I gave in to temptation. There isn’t enough fluff. I am sorry :(  Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT (my heart loves it!) My English and swearing. Image isn’t mine/ Credits to the original owner[I wish I was ;) ] Masterlist
You were inside a mansion. You had no idea how you got there. The only thing you could remember was the burning sensation on your arm. Why was your arm on fire? You glimpsed and froze. The Dark Mark. You had the Dark Mark. You-it couldn’t be. You couldn’t be a Deatheater. Your parents were but you had run away. You would never be one of them. “Prove your loyalty. Kill them”, a cold voice told you and someone handed you a wand. You were utterly lost and confused. What was happening? Three people walked into the dark room. All air left your body when you saw their faces. You screamed and tried to move but a strong grip kept you pinned down. You were fighting the grasp but it was useless. “You were always a disappointment” your father spat at you. You looked over the familiar faces and tried to find something-hope-in their eyes but they were blank. Empty. This is impossible. “Very well” he continued. He raised his wand and fired the cruciatus curse towards James. He fell to the ground and screamed in pain. You were begging him to stop but he never even gave a sign he’d listened to you. He moved on to Remus. This time you were spitting curses and trying to get away from the grip that held you. When he deemed that he had tortured him enough, he went over to Sirius. But he stopped. He lowered his wand and put it in his pocket. You thought that he finally had enough. How foolish of you… He took out a smile knife with a sharp blade that made your heart stop beating. His hand was getting closer and closer to Sirius’s throat. “No, please, no, no” you screamed at the top of your lungs. A red line appeared in his throat. You grasped your wand and pointed your father. “Avada Kedavra” Your eyes shot open. It took you a bit more to realize that it was just a nightmare. One of the nightmares that kept you up at night. It was strange though. You were sleeping with Sirius which usually does the trick. But not tonight. You tried and regulated your breath and slowly crept out of the bed, trying not to wake up Sirius as you untangled yourself from him. He looked so calm and beautiful. You removed a strand of his messy hair from his face and place a small kiss to his lips. Tiptoeing, you got out of the room, leaving the boys to rest. You made your way to the common room. It was Christmas. Very few people had stayed. The Marauders and you were the only ones from Gryffindor and that’s why McGonagall never reprimanded you for sleeping in the boys’ dormitory. Not that if she had, it would have prevented you from sneaking in. You could never go back to your house. You had run away. All that pure-blood mania, it was madness. All that crazy ideas-your parents were mental. That house never felt like home. You thought you would never find a home. But you did. And it had a name. Sirius Orion Black.  You sat down by the fireplace. A vivid fire was burning. The flames were dancing, consuming the logs. You really didn’t want to deal with the dream. Why on earth would you dream something like that? Why those people were torturing you even in your sleep? You had run away but it felt like you could never run away.  Those people had hurt you more times than you could count. But if they ever touch him, you will kill them-you knew you would use the last of the unforgivable curses on them without hesitation, even though you hated it. A fluffy blanket was wrapped around you and you slightly jumped in surprise. You had been too lost in your thoughts to realize that Sirius was standing there for a while, looking at you a bit concerned. He had wrapped in you in the blanket while he was shirtless. And of course, your eyes were roaming his body. It was a sight that never failed to make you blush. His wide shoulders, his perfectly shaped torso… his abs. Your cheeks were turning red but you could always blame it on the fire. He plopped right beside you and wrapped himself in the blanket. Suddenly he was too close. And half-naked. “What’s wrong, love?” he asked you while he placed a kiss under your jawline and rested his head in the crook of your neck. “Nightmare” you whispered as your hands reached for his and started playing with his slender fingers. “Wanna talk about it?” he husked into your ear. Well, if he kept doing all those little things you weren’t going to talk. You shook your head and kept quiet. He kissed your neck again. Softly. Lovingly. ”Love...” he encouraged you, murmuring against your skin. You let out a heavy breath. “I- I was a Deatheater. And they made me k-kill you but I kinda killed my father because he-because he was holding a bl-blade to your-your-your throat” you stuttered out. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. He grabbed your hands and caressed them before he cupped your face asking you to open your eyes, as you did. “Baby, it was a nightmare. It could never happen. I would never let it happen” he said with certainty. How could he be so sure? You leaned into his touch. He kissed you. His lips soft but hungry. His hands ran down to your waist and while the one stayed there holding you tightly, the other went further down and grabbed your bum, making you straddle him. He nuzzled his face against your neck, kissing along your skin before mercilessly biting and sucking marks onto your neck. You loved the marks he left on you. You loved the fact that he was yours. He rubbed circles on your hips as his lips traveled down your chest, still biting and marking as he went. You were wearing one of his shirts-you smelled like him. He pulled it off of you, feverishly. He groaned when he saw that you weren’t wearing any underwear. “Let me help you” you mumbled, reaching out for him. You wanted to touch him so badly. You wanted him. “No baby, this is about you” he breathed out. You whined. “But I want you” you said pouting. He chuckled, caressing your body. “You’ll get me baby”. You shuddered, biting your bottom lip as you smiled. He held you by your hips, sitting straighter before nipping, kissing and biting at your neck, your chest, your breasts as he shuffled back towards the middle of the couch, pulling you with him. You knelt in front of him, hands clinging to his broad shoulders as he pulled you flush against him. You could feel his thick cock throbbing against your stomach. Your boobs were squished against his chest as he removed his lips from you. “Let me distract you” he growled, smirking. That smirk of his was driving you crazy. He grinned, grabbing your hands and falling back, lying on the couch, dragging you along. He grasped your thighs, pulling you up so you could straddle his broad chest. You were blushing uncontrollably. Sirius had an enthusiastic smile across his face as he stared at you in loving wonder. “Come here love” he husked. You blushed again as you understood what he was implying. “Sirius I- haven’t… we don’t have to-” “I will drag you up myself” he said rather raspy. You didn’t even try to stop the bright blush rising to your cheeks-again- but did as you were told, crawling up until your knees sat on either side of his head. You braced yourself on the couch’s arm. You couldn’t help it. Your heart was racing as he ran his strong hands up the back of your thighs. He squeezed your butt, then all of a sudden dived in. You gasped, holding on tighter as his tongue parted your lips, licking a broad stripe up your core to your clit. He licked, swirled his tongue and very carefully nipped at your throbbing clit. You ground down, trying to get more friction from his tongue, and he moaned deeply -and the feeling of the vibrations made you shudder in delight. You let out a breathy moan. Hearing that only encouraged him. You could feel his smirk. He teased you hole, circling and lapping at your wetness. Then he plunged his tongue in deep. You let out a loud gasp that quickly turned into a low moan, as you bit your lip and let your head fall back. You didn’t even care that you were in the common room and practically anyone could walk in on you. Even Minne for fuck’s sake. Sirius’s hands firmly encouraged you to grind down as he fucked you with his tongue. That familiar tight pressure had built up quickly. Way too quickly for your liking. “Fuck” you gasped. You felt him chuckle against your cunt. Your mouth fell open, your lips parted in ecstasy something you knew he’d have loved to see. He was always praising you and telling you how damn good you looked like that.  “Please, babe, please…” you moaned out and closed your eyes. It was so good. He grabbed onto your hips, guiding you firmly to grind down against him. You were shaking, so damn close.  Sirius moaned beneath you, clutching at your hips.  “Fuck Siri…” you muttered over and over again. So close, so close. You felt the all too familiar feeling and groaned. Your knuckles were white as you gripped his arms. You head fell forward and bit your lip. You came. Hard. “Sirius” you hissed, your body trembling. Sirius brought his hand up to the small of your back, bracing you as you came back down again. He slid out from under you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your collarbone. “Oh, no. We are not done” you said when you finally caught your breath. He raised an eyebrow. You gave him a side smile.  “I am gonna fuck you, baby. And we’re talking about the can’t-even-get-the-word-“fuck”-out kind of sex” you breathed out while your hands were already removing his pants. It was going to be a long night. But he had done it. You were distracted. Way too much to care about the nightmare when your reality was better than any dream.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 11 – Orange Sportsball Gets The Fuck Real
In which the Foxes play their first match of the season, I have questions about American college sports, my Percy Jackson obsession has a brief cameo, and I’m sadly less excited about Actual Sportsball Games than I should be.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
           Thursday’s excitement had nothing on Friday’s. The whole school got decked out overnight with vibrant orange and white streamers. Ribbons and banners hung off every sidewalk lamp. Live student bands took over the amphitheater for short concerts and the student newspaper released that morning gave details for the afternoon parade.
Is that, like…………. Normal behavior on game days?? Actual American high school/college students, please confirm. Is this an actual thing???
I mean, I know y’all are big on sports and school spirit, but this big??
Please understand my confusion: At my school, no one fucking gave a shit about the sports teams. I didn’t even know when anyone had games/competitions unless we got told afterwards who won what brilliant award now, and even then like 5% of us cared. And I can’t speak for my uni yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same there as well. Do German unis even have sports teams?
I always liked to make fun of High School Musical 3 for having those giant ass banners displaying the athletes hanging in the halls. I am now starting to realize that might be perfectly normal for American schools.
What the fuck.
Also, Neil officially came out now – as a member of the Foxes, that is, of course.
           Neil wanted to cut class and hide at Fox Tower until game time, but athletes weren’t allowed to call out without a legitimate medical excuse. Someone from the athletics committee went around all day counting heads through classroom windows, and Wymack would be the first to hear Neil was absent.
They seriously stalk their students all day in fear they might be skipping class? And these students are in college, they are grown adults, not 14-year-olds. Again, is this a thing, what the fuck??
Then again, we’re talking about the country who invented hall passes. This is probably not the craziest thing around.
Fortunately, the Foxes decide to display their first sign of group solidarity in these trying times and guide Neil from class to class. This is a really small detail, but I love it.
I’m imagining Neil as a lil baby duck who obediently follows a big spikey-haired Matt duck, a small white-pastel-y Renee duck or a glamorous blonde Allison duck, wagging behind them in a tiny duck-sized jersey.
Although, when you think about it, they’re all just lil baby ducks following a big Wymack momma duck.
(Someone draw me fanart, I’m BEGGING YOU.)
I’m getting off track. Back to the plot.
           Andrew hadn’t lied to Neil back in May. In almost every article that talked of Neil’s pathetic experience Kevin was quoted as having high hopes for him. Kevin really had said that Neil would one day be Court.
Because this is the second time this has come up: What exactly does “being Court” mean?? Like, being Captain? Being MVP? Also, is this a regular sports expression or is is Exy-exclusive? Exyclusive?? Help.
A small silver lining of future hilariousness appears on the horizon: An Exy kickoff banquet is going to happen sometime in the next few chapter, and I am HYPED. This chaotic mess of a team + all their rivals + dates + drinks can only equal a Massive Fun Time™.
Fun for us, not for them, might I add. I am dying to see this.
           “[Renee] hasn’t asked [Andrew] yet, but it’s inevitable. (…) Money’s on the table as to whether or not he says yes. Pot’s getting pretty big, so get your bet in fast.”
           The only thing the Foxes had in common besides Exy and hardship was their strange obsession with betting on the stupidest things. Neil had figured that out only two weeks into practice. A week didn’t go by when there wasn’t money on something or another.
A team after my own heart <3 Can I join? I can never find anyone to bet on dumb things in my own circle of friends.
Will I throw this piece of paper in the bin on my first shot? Will the bus be late? Will Friend A and B hook up tonight? Will I lose my (nonexistent) emotional sanity to this series before the last book is over?
I don’t know about the others, but the last one is 100% happening.
           “There’s something we haven’t told you yet,” Dan said. (…) “So Andrew’s technically legally required to take his medication, right? (…) He struck a bargain of his own with Coach. The only reason he signed with us is because Coach agreed to let him come off his drugs for game nights.”
Is this supposed to come as a big plot twist? Because I kind of saw that coming. 10 bucks says Andrew comes off his meds for all Important Moments.
*insert yet another rant about the negative portrayal of mental health meds as barbaric mind-numbing, mania-inducing ~happy pills~ here*
Anyways, back to game day!! Our beloved foxy nutcases are playing against the Breckenridge Jackals, which is shaping up to be a Fun Time™ as they are apparently the biggest bullies around (second only to the Edgar Allan Murder Mob Clique, of course).
However, when faced with his impending wipe-out on the court, our favourite Sassmaster McSavage reaches new levels of Hell Fuckin Yeah:
           “[Gorilla] will break every bone in your body if you give him the chance.”
           “Don’t worry, though,” Matt said. “He’ll probably be too busy killing Kevin and Seth to notice you.”
           “This is my reassured face,” Neil said, pointing up at his blank expression.
I actually laughed so hard at that. This is some Percy Jackson level of sass right there.
Come to think about it, I want the entire AFTG series narrated by Percy Jackson, especially the chapter titles.
“I Am Offered A Foxy Deal”
“My Troubled Past Comes Back To Haunt My Ass”
“I Get Dragged Into Some Gay Shit”
“We Kick Serious Jackal Butt, Sort Of”
Remind me to make a full post of that once I’ve finished the series.
Off topic again. Sorry.
Before we finally begin the actual match (and wow, it’s 1.1k words already), Nicky seems to finally get the mental slaps I’ve been sending him since a few chapters ago:
           Nicky looked at Neil. “Hey,” he said, sounding uncharacteristically hesitant. “We haven’t really had a chance to talk after… Well. I wanted to say sorry, but I kept chickening out. Are we okay?”
           “I don’t know yet,” Neil said.
           Nicky weighed that for a minute, then sighed and said, “Fair enough.”
Deep sigh. Who are we kidding, I can never resist a self-aware comic relief, Nicky, you’re still one of my faves. At least he knows he fucked up.
And now, finally: It’s Orange Sportsball time!!
Time for fast-paced sports action, balls flying, racquets hitting, body-checks left and right, a flurry of energy and emotion… that I simply can’t get behind.
I’m sorry, you guys, but I found myself having to double- and triple-read passages here in order to keep up with who is standing where, who is passing to whom and just generally what exactly is going on. Maybe it has to do with my own lack of interest for any sports involving balls (or actually any sports that isn’t dance, cheer, or anything involving performance), but I’m not really excited about this whole game part, to put it mildly.
Don’t get me wrong: I am loving the emotions attached to it. Solidarity, passion, group dynamics and character development shown on the field, give me all that good shit. I just couldn’t care less about who’s passing to who. Forgive me.
Did someone say passion and group dynamics?
           Neil’d watched his teammates fall apart to in-fighting all summer long, but now he finally saw them as a whole. As much as the Foxes disliked each other at times, they disliked their opponents more. They were still too fractured to be truly great, but they were good enough to give him chills.
This is shaping up to be good, you guys.
I can only imagine the sheer gloriousness in the upcoming books when Kandreil finally get their shit together and play on the field as a beautiful unstoppable three-way killing machine. I WILL DIE.
Twenty minutes into the game, Seth is crushed against a wall by three hundred pounds of pure douchebaggery – and I actually do feel sorry for him, not gonna lie – which means it’s time for the moment we’ve all been waiting for:
           “Going on for Seth Gordon is freshman Neil Josten, number ten, of Millport, Arizona.”
           Neil wondered if casket lids sounded like court doors being shut.
Ah yes, thank you for reminding me, even in the face of impending doom, how incredibly extra our boy Josten is.
           “A national champion and an amateur? South Carolina’s gotten even crazier than usual.”
           “An amateur and a cripple, you mean,” the dealer said.
           Andrew slammed his racquet against the goal, making several athletes jump and drawing more than a few wary looks his way.
This is such a small detail but it’s the /best/. Nobody insults my boyfriends in front of me, fuckface.
Bla bla bla more sports bla bla, I’m putting everything remotely interesting that’s happening in a bullet list because let’s be honest, it’s not fucking much.
Neil scores! Twice! Good boy.
Matt takes a card for the team by punching the fuck out of Gorilla, what a babe.
Also, his mom is a professional boxer? When can we meet her. I’m always a sucker for strong women who could kick my ass.
Gorilla has been hitting Kevin’s hand on purpose all the time, which is not cool, yet not surprising, ain’t no honour in Exy injuries, apparently.
That is it, my dudes.
Writing the next chapter on a coach (yet again) as I’ll be visiting some friends in NRW, so I’ll be coming to you live from my Prime Flixbus Office Space, let’s see how that works out. Till next time, ily all. <3
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oltnews · 4 years
You can sometimes get what you want - even a catchy appearance by the separate but united Rolling Stones - when you are Global Citizen and there is apparently no global superstar too big to refuse "One World: Together at Home" . "Saturday's prime-time show also included tricks from a Beatle, Paul McCartney, as well as artists currently inspired by mania like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Lizzo and Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. Global Citizen CEO Hugh Evans has already completed major all-star charity projects, including annual concerts in Central Park, but nothing like bringing together eight hours of programming (the two-hour television show at the prime time was preceded by a live web) in a matter of… let's say how many days. Variety spoke to him Sunday afternoon about a friend's expectation in the form of the Stones' last-minute contribution, as well as the difficulty of setting the right tone in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, how it worked for CBS, ABC and NBC to hold hands, and his feelings about the recent politicization of the World Health Organization. Anyone who has interviewed him knows he's more likely to pass for health care fans than the pop stars he rubs his elbows with in the ordinary course of his work, but even a dedicated philanthropist to keep an eye on the philanthropic award as Evans couldn't contain his enthusiasm for the Stones. VARIETY: Did you lock the program enough in advance to be sure that the navigation would go smoothly? EVANS: To be truly honest, it was extremely difficult to set up such a program in two and a half weeks. We literally started producing it two and a half weeks ago. And so the editing, all the sound mixing, the graphics, everything was in the thread. But we did not leave ourselves a choice. It was sink or swim. And I was so delighted with the result. I couldn't even watch a lot of it last night, because we worked all night around it. But just the pieces that I saw, I was so moved by the powerful stories of community health workers and how their lives were affected by the pandemic and how they served the community so diligently ... and by the songs and the artistic talent and the messages of hope from the world leaders who were also part of it. It was consistent, which delighted me when you are trying to gather more than seven hours of programming in two and a half weeks from a standing start. The Rolling Stones were announced for the last time on Friday. Would they be considered the artist you retained the most to see if he would stand out? These are definitely the Rolling Stones for which I was holding my breath, because as you saw, their performance was about five minutes and 12 seconds or so, so it's a pretty decent piece of the show. And we only got final confirmation on Wednesday in advance. Every day was like a week for us last week. [Laughs.] It was definitely the one I was the most ... I wouldn't say anxious, but just the most aware. And when David Joseph of UMG and Joyce (Smyth), who is their longtime manager, called and said they were completely confirmed and fully involved, our entire team was so thrilled. There is really only one group in the world called the Rolling Stones, which has increased the power of what was achieved on an already magnificent night. Did you wait until they actually had the piece on hand to announce it, or did their piece arrive even after that? We waited until we had the part in hand before announcing it. Because we didn't want to get ahead of ourselves. Have you talked to people in the Stones camp about how they got there? Well, they told me a funny story about it, but I probably shouldn't be giving it away, because I don't know if I have the right. I wish I could tell you, but this is their news to tell. But logistically, I don't even know how they did it over time, with extraordinarily mixed voices, and yet they did it in four entirely different regions of the country with very, very, very limited technology. Were you worried about having an inconsistency in tone with so many artists involved, each making their own choices? We wanted to give them hints on the tone, but you know, artists have this incredible ability to get the pulse of the feeling of society, and so we didn't want to overshadow what people were doing. We just wanted to give a first orientation. We have encouraged certain artists in terms of directionality. But I think they all had a perfect moment, whether it was the performance of Eddie Vedder in his bedroom, which was entirely spectacular and so moving, or whether it was the performance of Lizzo, that I thought of cutting the breath, or when Sam Smith and John Legend performed together… I also think of the performance of Christine and the Queens who was in the stream, too, during the six hours (before the broadcast during prime time)… We have received as much positive feedback on the stream, globally, as we did on the show. The addition of six hours of live streaming before the two hours of television bit a lot. It seems that different demographic data have been used. I think we had a younger demographic in the world listening to the broadcast, also because it was a little earlier in the day. We heard stories from families around the world who logged in for the full eight hours, or some who logged in for the digital six hours, and then the kids went to bed…. The reason we wanted to do the full six (extra) hours was because we thought it was really important that people from all over the world could be part of it. If we did it from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the eastern United States, then it was obviously already too late for people in Europe and across Africa, and also potentially extremely early for Asian time. And so I think the power of this interesting mix between digital and linear worked, because even though they felt like slightly different shows, they felt like brother and sister to each other. They came from the same sensitivity and the same outcome set to try to make sure we told stories about the powerful work of community health workers, while educating and informing the public about what can be done to stop COVID-19 . and what can be done to fight and stop the coronavirus. We also wanted to make sure the feed was available to everyone around the world for the next 72 hours. And that's why the BBC highlights this evening were so important. That’s why it’s also aired in Germany tonight and all over Europe. Going back to the general tone: a few weeks ago, when Fox did a musical special, some criticized the fact that some performances were too frivolous at the moment. And we have seen opposite answers about your show. Looking at the comments from readers, there were a few people who said it was depressing for them when they fixed it just to hear something that would cheer them up. In the end, it seems like most of the people who have watched it have loved it, but in a moment like this, you will get at least a little review, whatever approach you take. You had to consciously seek a delicate balance. Well, I firmly believe that you cannot tell people how to feel. And so all I think we can do in our job is to provide a platform for people to creatively express the various emotions that everyone is going through. Some people are devastated [and want music that takes that into account]. And as you say, some people want comfort, and that's fine too. And so when Jimmy Fallon created his beautiful song with the Roots [a spoof version of Men Without Hats’ “Safety Dance” featuring choreography from medical workers], I think it certainly comforted a lot of people. While I think that the song by Taylor Swift ("Soon you will be better"), which referred to the battle (against cancer) that her mother was going through at the time, was undoubtedly going to be extremely difficult, because it was so deeply personal. Indirectly, we knew that this period was going to be a period when there would be a spike in death in the United States and peak layoffs. So you're going to have people who are facing the total devastation of this, and others who want to be comforted. I think we have given people a bit of both. As you said, you weren't even able to watch the entire show continuously while it aired. But were there highlights for you? I found two songs that were extremely moving for me. I loved the Burna Boy song because it reminded me of why Nigeria's response to COVID-19 will be so important for the next wave. I thought his voice was essential. And I also loved the Rolling Stones because for me what COVID-19 taught me is that you can have all the best plans in the world, but unless we have strong health systems, all of these plans collapse overnight. And so I think what they sang, "you can't always get what you want" - that's it, for me. Let's talk about the World Health Organization. What a time to brag about their work and raise money for them. (Lady Gaga and Global Citizen helped raise more than $ 125 million from corporate and philanthropic sponsors, never asking viewers for money.) It was only last week that WHO became a Front page political football in the United States, with the president continuing the attack and threatening to withdraw funding. You were never going to do a politically targeted or divisive show. So how did you feel watching WHO become a controversial and polarizing thing, when normally it would have been something that almost everyone could agree on? I think Lady Gaga said it very well when she and I, with Dr. Tedros, gave the last press conference the day before the event. She said that the whole point was for it to be a love letter to the world and a love letter to community health workers. And it was great because we had a team meeting earlier today with all of our Global Citizen staff on this, and we just asked everyone to come around and share the comments that 'they had. And so many staff members had received overnight calls from nurses and doctors and midwives and lab practitioners from all over America and around the world saying they felt this love; they felt this attention on them. And if it's something, that's what WHO is supposed to do. It is designed to strengthen health systems so that health professionals can do their jobs more efficiently. And so I'm just glad that this result was felt. I had this beautiful and beautiful tweet from a health care worker in Seattle who said how moved she was by the show, and for me, she is the real hero. So I answered her immediately and I just told her that I'm so thankful that she did exactly what we wanted her to do. As for the politicization of WHO, when you are the key player in a major global crisis, it is not uncommon for world leaders of all sizes to try to point the finger, because politics is in some cases a question of survival. And so I think it's not so surprising that it became political football. But I think what we have to remember is that there is no second World Health Organization. There is only one. It is encouraged by the United Nations to be the multilateral institution to help respond. And it has the full support of the General Assembly of the United Nations. And in 2019, its year of fundraising was record, so there is clearly a lot of support as an institution. So I think with this support, they must continue their efforts to provide personal protective equipment, invest in vaccines and immunizations, and the best research in their class so that we can fight COVID-19 immediately. Finally, what importance was given to the same weight for the three major broadcasting networks - CBS, NBC and ABC? They were each represented with their news anchors as well as co-organizers Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert. Did they think the balance worked, so they didn't have to worry about being competitive that night? Oh, absolutely. I spoke last night - and I'm going to talk to them in three minutes, actually - to Doug Vaughan, Jack Sussman and Scott Iger from the three networks; we're going to skip a call together and do a debriefing. We formed a real link between the group. It's incredible. There is a real feeling that we are all fighting a common enemy. You have certainly felt this thanks to the unity of the three hosts, but the networks equally - in all their daytime programming, their evening programs, their morning programs - have constantly come forward to support the campaign. I don't know if you saw the rankings, but I think that among them, they exceeded (15 million) viewers last night, and it's just linear, the first count, not counting the cable, not the digital. So it's a testament to their hard work. It's very difficult to get figures from cable and streaming, but would you guess how many people could have connected in total? The challenge we have is that it was in 120 strange countries in a linear fashion, and then you had all the digital players. For example, if you take Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu only in China, that number would be crazy only in this country, because there are a billion people there. And then it was in Indonesia, and on all the major stations in India, which has a billion people. So if I gave you a number now, it would be just hyperbole. … In addition, Facebook alone had over 20 million unique content, as did YouTube, 20 million unique content. These are just two platforms. ... You cannot be on all the media in the world at a time when the whole planet is inside and people are consuming media at record rates and have no great numbers. !function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function() n.callMethod ? n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments); ; if (!f._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded = !0; n.version = '2.0'; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement(e); t.async = !0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s); (window, document, 'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '586935388485447'); fbq('init', '315552255725686'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); https://oltnews.com/together-at-home-producer-talks-land-the-rolling-stones-unite-networks-ignore-who-politicization-variety?_unique_id=5e9e77c0dc905
0 notes
lawbreaker13 · 6 years
Answer 1-200, I DARE YA >:)
Challenge accepted. >;)
1.What is your middle name?
Miriam(not a fan of it, this is the most public it’s ever gone)
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
Imean, my parents call me Pookie?
3. Do you have any allergies?
Yup.Dust, cats, pollen, and about half of my favorite fruits (too bad, I eat ‘emanyway).
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Justgot it cut from my lower back to shoulder-length. Probably a little over 2feet?
5. How well can you write in cursive?
Tumblr media
6. Name one item on your bucket list.
Voiceacting. Sounds dull, but I would loveto be a voice actor for an actual TV show or movie.
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
Thereal question is have I ever been on a date? Both answers would be no…
8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
Ihave a couple of hoodies and sweatpants from my older sister that are probablyaround 20 years old.
9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant?
Ha!“Fancy.” That’s funny.
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
Downto the use of hyphens. So yeah, very.
11. Can you drive stick?
Bro,I can barely drive.
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
I’vebeen to the middle east a couple times (Israel, to be precise) and it is beautiful. 10/10, would go again.
13. Nutella or peanut butter?
Don’tmake me choose……
(Fine, Nutella, but my mother would kill me for that answer)
14. At what age did you have your first kiss?
17,thank you very much.
15. DC or Marvel?
Uhhh…Batmanand Spiderman. No preference.
16. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
HaveI ever been to a wild party, andstill no.
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
Ithink the last book I read cover to cover (that wasn’t a fanfiction) was when Iread Amelia Bedelia to a class for my kindergarten apprenticeship last year. Uh…wouldrecommend I guess?
18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with?
19. Have you ever donated blood?
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
21. Coffee or tea?
Neither?Maybe mocha? So coffee I guess? IT’S TOO MUCH PRESSURE.
22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
Largehot chocolate, no whip. Meh, I’m boring.
23. Last show you binge watched?
Phineasand Ferb. Tried to watch every episode in a week before it was taken offNetflix. I succeeded.
24. Dogs or cats?
Doggosand puppers.
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
EitherNick Wilde or Hades.
26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?
Doesordering pizza count?
27. Favorite winter activity?
Loveme a good sledding trip.
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
No,but I accidentally sent a voice recording to a croup chat while I was having ananxiety attack. That was fun.
29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble?
Abouthalf the size of my head, yes.
30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas?
Idon’t. But I start to get into Chanukah-mode as soon as I see snow.
31. What emoji best describes your life right now?
🎧 🖥
32. Are you fluent in more than one language?
Yo, I’m hardly fluent in English. XD
33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
Well it’s June and I’m still going,so…
34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weightback?
Yes and, alas, yes.
35. Are any of your grandparents still alive?
Both my maternal grandparents are intheir 90s and going strong.
36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions?
I only emote for the convenience ofothers, so I’d say 50/50.
37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head?
How’s the beginning of the McDonald’sjingle followed by the end of the Goldfish jingle sound to you?
38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over?
39. Do you consider rapping singing?
I mean if it’s not then I really can’t sing.
40. Does your home have a fireplace?
I wish.
41. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
Honestly a fan of gummy worms.
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
Power of probability. Saw it once ona tumblr post, haven’t forgotten about it since.
43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
Don’t have a car, don’t have toworry.
44. Do you listen to any religious music?
Only when it’s blasting in thefreaking grocery stores.
45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
Nah, the bubbles bug me.
46. What was your ACT score?
I think it was a 28? I got a 32 inEnglish, that’s all I remember.
47. Rice or quinoa?
48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself?
I’ve only driven once, so maybe a 4?
49. Do you like horror movies?
Yeah. I like to laugh at them.
50. How easily do you cry?
Not very, and never in public.
51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?
52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
Something musical or movie related,or we’re talking while putting glue on our hands and peeling it off (my friendsand I are weird).
53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit?
Love ‘em. I have no limit.
54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
Kinda. Basic drums, a fewself-taught things on the piano.
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
I am an introverted extrovert.
56. Last CD you bought?
Fall Out Boy Mania (and Ipre-ordered Panic! at the Disco Pray for the Wicked).
57. Do you like roller coasters?
58. What day of the week is laundry day for you?
Monday and Thursday as needed.
59. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
Wait, people actually do that?
60. How long have you known your best friend?
Best friend? 5 years. Closestfriend? 15 years.
61. Can you eat using chopsticks?
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
No, but my old laptop had littlestrips of yellow and black “caution” tape that I cut to fit over the apple.
63. How often do you say y'all?
Once every couple weeks? I don’tkeep track.
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
The Tonight Dough and ChocolateTherapy.
65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
On and off for a year and a half,official for 6 months, and very much NO.
66. Star Trek or Star Wars?
Star Wars I guess.
67. How good are you at math?
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
Lucy Van Pelt, You’re a Good ManCharlie Brown, fall of 2015, totally typecasted.
69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope?
Only when people bring it up.
70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been?
I was 7 years old. My genius of amother decided to cut my hair while it was still wet, and in the dead of summerwhen it was the most curly. She thought it would dry to be shoulder-length. Itcame right below my ears. I tantrum-ed for a month.
71. Have you ever broken any bones?
Both bones in my left arm.
72. Do you like to go fishing?
Yeah sure.
73. Do you believe in evolution?
74. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you?
12 years old. The most detailed homemadeSpongeBob SquarePants costume you have ever seen. It was beautiful.
75. Real or fake Christmas trees?
Neither. Jewish.
76. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3-6 (depends on what I can get myhands on).
77. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender?
79. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
80. How long have you been at your current job?
Almost a year.
81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)?
I don’t.
82. How flexible are you?
83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
Not technically, but I played oneout until they broke up with me.
84. Phrase you say the most?
I’m oddly partial to “Holy frick.”
85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
Nah bro.
86. Do you own any homemade clothing?
87. Do you like fast food?
Sure why not?
88. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube?
Sadly, yes.
90. Describe your sense of humor.
91. Favorite cereal?
Four tied- Honey Bunches of Oats w/Almonds, Coco Pebbles, Just Bunches, and Reese’s Puffs.
92. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show?
No but I totally should.
93. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head?
94. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah sure why not?
95. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Statistically it’s incrediblylikely.
96. Have you ever given money to a street performer?
Not that I can recall.
97. Your deepest fear?
Death without fulfillment.
98. Pancakes or waffles?
99. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
Quite a few people, yes.
100. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself?
An 8 on rhythm, a 3 on aestheticappeal.
101. How much of a patient person are you?
102. Do you know your IQ?
I have a general idea, but myparents refuse to tell me.
103. Do you eat meat at all?
104. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store?
105. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market?
106. Have you ever quit a job?
107. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
Just burn anyone who sings “Rude” byMagic.
108. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just asmuch each time?
Rent, Zootopia, Penguins ofMadagascar, Heathers, Lion King 1 ½, Monster’s Inc., Monster’s University, anyand ever Bo Burnham or John Mulaney special, The Last Five Years…I don’t know,I’m a film student. I like movies.
109. Do you or have you ever worn glasses?
Since 2nd grade, yes.
110. Have you ever skinny dipped?
Absolutely not.
111. Are your birth parents still together?
112. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
113. Favorite type of cookie?
Peanut butter chocolate chip ordouble fudge chocolate chip. I like chocolate.
114. Have you ever been broken up with?
Disney World, Epcot, August 2018.
115. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken?
I usually try to side smile.
116. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911?
117. Oldest memory?
I was 2 years old and my parents, myolder sisters and I were staying at a family friends’ house until we bought ahouse. My parents told me they were going to look for a house, walked out thefront door, and then I ran into the kitchen to play with the gear magnets that wereon the fridge. Obscure, but that’s what I remember.
118. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank?
Not that I know of?
119. How often do you snort when you laugh?
When I choose to. Which I sometimesdo.
120. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself?
In general, maybe a 6. On the rightsong, 8.
121. Favorite Disney song?
Yo, any song from Phineas and Ferb,man.
122. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
New York City, hopefully editing foran animation studio.
123. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
Last I checked, ESTJ-A, TheExecutive.
124. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
125. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
Politics. Especially middle easternpolitics.
126. Last musical artist you saw live?
I’ve never been to a concert, but I’mgoing to see Panic! at the Disco next month. The last show I was at was theSpongeBob SquarePants musical, though. Killer.
127. Credit cards or cash?
128. Favorite fandom?
The Penguins of Madagascar back whenit was active, but currently, Miraculous Ladybug.
129. What is your astrological sign?
130. Have you ever been fired from a job?
131. Any hidden talents?
Rapping and beatboxing.
132. Can you surf?
133. What motivates you to do well in life?
My drive to be ultimately successful.
134. Your worst physical feature?
My gut.
135. From 1-10, how much are you like your father?
Maybe 4?
136. How lucky do you consider yourself?
Not very.
137. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
I think my first time listening toMy Chemical Romance?
138. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?
139. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
Sneakers all day, everyday.
140. Favorite summer activity?
Waterparks, yo.
141. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
Movie by Hoodie Allen.
142. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with?
143. Have you ever lived on a farm?
144. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?
I tried for about a month in firstgrade and then decided it was stupid.
145. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
SpongeBob, though The Penguins of Madagascar (the TV show, not the movie) is a close second.
146. How often do you get mad at yourself?
147. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
148. Have you ever been hunting?
149. Favorite YouTube channel?
Nigahiga. Paint is pretty awesometoo, but he rarely updates.
150. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
151. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
152. Are you friends with any of your exes?
Both of ‘em.
153. Apple or PC?
154. Do you collect anything?
155. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
Chicago, Dear Evan Hansen, TheElephant Man, School of Rock, and SpongeBob SquarePants (4 times). I also sawthe Friends Parody Musical off Broadway and I’ll be seeing Be More Chill inAugust.
156. Any missed opportunities you wish you had taken?
157. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
Absolutely not.
158. Do you have a pool at your house?
I wish.
159. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
I believe it was around 50 hours? Istopped counting at a point.
160. Last thing that made you laugh?
Like actually laugh? I think it wasa joke I made to my mom. I happen to think I’m particularly funny.
161. Disney or Nickelodeon?
Majorly Nickelodeon.
162. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
Robin Williams.
163. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
18, one for every year I’ve grownmore like her.
164. Your best physical feature?
When I have it under control, myhair. Or my hands.
165. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
166. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
The entire time I was growing up,yeah. I’m a total tomboy, but I’m perfectly content as just that.
167. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
Not even there.
168. How often do you wash your hair?
About once a week? Can’t wash curlyhair very often.
169. Showers or baths?
170. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
Not yet, but that’s the plan.
171. Bottled or tap water?
172. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
The one and only SpongeBobSquarePants.
173. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
I don’t think I actually have any?
174. Favorite video game?
Either Mario Kart or classic Tetris.
175. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
176. How many of the United States have you visited?
20 I think?
177. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
178. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
179. Your least favorite food?
I don’t know. Spinach?
180. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
181. Do you like wearing hats?
Meh, sometimes.
182. How much of a jealous person are you?
Not really.
183. What was your SAT score?
Only took the ACTs. Why take both ifyou already got into college?
184. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
185. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
Not my country, no.
186. Snowboarding or skiing?
187. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life?
Uhhhh there aren’t really anycelebrities that could pull this off properly. I’ll do it.
188. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout?
189. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Nope. Wasn’t this question askedearlier?
190. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
191. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
Yeah, if I’m not Googling something,I’m probably on tumblr (although Gmail is my homepage).
192. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
Less than the number of fingers onit.
193. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
All of ‘em.
194. Have you ever played hooky from school?
I wish.
195. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
196. Do you root for any sports teams?
Giants, Rangers, Knicks, Yankees—needless tosay, I am a New Yorker.
197. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Go back to sleep.
198. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would youchoose?
Do they keep foxes in zoos? I want afox. Penguin is second.
199. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
I really enjoy these question things, but no one’s ever interested, so why post them?
Link to original post.
For the record, there are only 199 questions.The original post skipped number 91, so I went back a renumbered them all to be correct. It was a pain. But there you go, every question answered.
Don’t underestimate me.
0 notes
thoseguysontheradio · 7 years
MT: WWE Monday Night RAW (4/3/17) Review!
We’re bringing you a new series called, “Matt Talk”, where Matt reviews Pro Wrestling! We hope you enjoy it!
The RAW after Wrestlemania is always looked at a sequel, in a way, to the Wrestlemania that proceeded it. We look at the stories and feuds that may have ended the night before, and even some that may have started. At this Wrestlemania, we saw legends being born, and some, riding off into the night. But did the RAW after Wrestlemania deliver? Read on to find out!
First off, before we get to the match break down, let's discuss a force that isn't always talked about when people talk about Pro Wrestling; The crowd. This crowd was filled with just as much energy as the one the night before, but is this a bad thing? Usually, I love when the crowds are on fire, because they paid for that ticket, and they should be allowed to say whatever they want, within reason. Most of tonight was in reason, but even as someone who is a big critic when it comes to Roman Reigns, I couldn't get behind the crowd saying "F--- you, Roman!", or referring to the Big Dog as an "A--hole!", I laughed at the audacity of it, but as it persisted, it slowly sunk in that many in this crowd had no regard for anyone other than themselves.
However, this is nothing compared to the crowd chanting "Beach Ball Mania" during the Cruiserweight Match between Neville and Mustafa Ali. Say what you want about the Cruiserweight division as a whole, but those two men are breaking their bodies for us, the viewers. Voice your displeasure in any way you wish, but you're definitely going to get an earful from me if you try and put yourself over while anyone is leaving their blood, sweat, and tears in that ring.
This crowd wasn't all bad, though. Not only was chanting "Delete" at the Hardyz a SPLENDID way to make kayfabe a bit more BROKEN, but I am always a fan of smark crowds showing those that don't know much about NXT on how to chant (or boo) newer superstars. You could definitely see this during The Revival's debut, and in this case, it did add something positive to the moment.
And now, let's look at the match/promo break down:
Roman Reigns Promo
Reigns' promo was short, sweet, and to the point. While I would have preferred that he was a bit more animated while he was taking in all of the jeers from the live crowd, I do have to say, the look on his face said it all.
"It's my yard, now." -Roman Reigns, 2017
If only this could signal a heel turn. I can't tell the future, but I'm going to sit back and say that he doesn't officially turn heel, and still fights heels on a regular basis.
The Club vs The Hardy Boyz
I wish I could say this showing from The Hardyz were as WONDERFUL as they were at Wrestlemania, but sadly, normal matches aren't always their specialty. In no way was this match bad, but its standard WWE RAW tag team fare. The Hardyz wrestled in WWE for a long time, so it makes sense that they are accostumed to their style, but matches like this can be many things, but entertaining usually isn't one of them. Thankfully for WWE, this was The Hardy Boyz, who have not stepped into a WWE ring for years, so the crowd was on fire. The Hardyz ended up picking up the win to retain their WWE RAW Tag Team Titles. Matt Hardyz's hair has still not recovered from being BROKEN. We will update you on any further changes.
Neville vs Mustafa Ali
Before the match began, Neville bored the crowd with a promo that actually wasn't all that boring, but was definitely not what the crowd was looking for. You would think smarks would generally cheer a heel, but he beat Austin Aries at Wrestlemania. For those who are not aware, Aries has worked in both TNA's "Impact" and WWE's "NXT". Both shows are usually filmed in Florida. Wrestlemania and this RAW were both in Florida. You're going to get hate if you're named, "Neville." Might need to switch your name back to Adrian, Cruiser King.
This match went on for a lot longer than I thought it was going to. Even if you have been following 205 Live, I think many would feel the same. I won't say that Ali hasn't been making an impact, but they have been struggling to give him a real character, and will occasionally throw him out to fight whoever the want, heel or face. While I have been saying a lot about the RAW crowd, I will give them this. It is hard for the crowd to really connect with Ali in a match that, for some people both in the crowd and watching throughout the world, felt like a throwaway match. If Ali had given a promo of his own, I think the crowd would have been into the match before he did the Springboard Spanish Fly.
Neville ended up picking up the win by teasing the Red Arrow, but thankfully, put a stop to it and, as a good heel should, did not give the fans what they wanted. Instead, he took advantage of Ali missing the 450, and used "The Rings of Saturn" to make him tap out. Unsure why they did this, because Neville looked strong coming out of the Aries win on Sunday, but they be setting up something else for Neville's future.
Mr. McMahon announces new RAW GM
This crowd is merciless. They want blood. And Vince McMahon was your Grandpa saying, "Hey! Stop that." I truly do not know if he was in character when he berated the crowd for cheering on footage of Stephanie McMahon being put through a table, but one thing everyone watching knows; He did not know what to say when the crowd chanted, "Roman sucks." The look on his face said a thousand words, and one of them was, "Well, s---."
McMahon announced the GM was "Someone who was inducted into the Hall of Fame this weekend." Everyone had thought it was Kurt Angle, until Teddy Long came out and pulled an R-Truth. The joke is fun, but was unpleasant for reasons I'm not going to get into in this review. McMahon revealed that Kurt Angle was the new RAW GM, and the crowd chanted, "You suck!" Man, the more things change.
New Day vs The Revival
This started off with New Day giving one of their recently lackluster promos, where they try and use vague vulgarity to try and appear funny. Boy, do I miss the days of when the New Day was time travelling. No, really, I do.
Now, onto the match many of us have been waiting for. This match wasn't much to write home about, but was definitely a preview of what is to come. The Revival looked strong against the New Day, but not just with a win over the longest reigning tag team champs, but with a strong showing throughout the match. It seems like WWE really believes in these two, and they definitely made an impact in this matchup.
Kurt Angle meets Enzo and Cass
This was a delight. Even if you were looking to skip this RAW entirely, look into Angle interacting with New York's Hawdest.
Bayley, Sasha Banks, & Dana Brooke vs Emma, Nia Jax, and Charlotte
The pairing of Dana Brooke with these two so soon is a clear sign that WWE hasn't learned how awkward the transition from heel to face can be, and how there is no reason for these three to want to work together. Far too often are we to try to use fancanon to ask, "I guess one of the higher ups made this match?", because its a bit of a jump to assume that Angle immediately came in and made this match.
Emma redebuted with her "Dark Emma" persona, and everything was better. It would be beneficial to move her to Smackdown during the "Superstar Shakeup", because of the abundance of female heels on RAW, but turning Dana Brooke may have evened the numbers just a bit. However, Sasha turning may shift the numbers in a way, but that's for another day.
The match was your standard tag team match, but it clearly showed off who would be feuding in the near future. We all knew Brooke would be going up against Charlotte, but it seems like Emma may be gunning for the RAW Women's Championship, and that may end up throwing some shade on Bayley's sunny parade.
One strange thing to note, though, is that Sasha got the win off Charlotte. I was thinking that they would be throwing Emma in Bayley's direction, but Sasha getting a win off of a former RAW Women's Champion? Are they trying to make her strong for a heel turn on the champ?
The post match-up scuffle was very interesting, as it seems like we're gearing up for Charlotte vs Nia Jax, which will prove to pit two power houses in the Women's Division into a feud that will be remembered for years to come.
Storytime with Paul Heyman
We got a look into Paul Heyman's child rearing tactics when we hear the bedtime stories he tells his children. One, specifically, is where a superhero named Goldberg got his "a$$" kicked by "The Beast." The crowd enjoyed this story, and started to cheer, "Thank you, Brock!"
Heyman then teased Rollins vs Lesnar, which didn't seem to excite the crowd. The idea of Lesnar vs Matt Hardy caused the crowd to chant, "Si! Si! Si!" The lackluster reaction for Rollins vs Lesnar can only be matched by their reaction for the idea that Lesnar vs Jeff Hardy. Although, that was nothing compared to the air being sucked out of the crowd by Heyman calling out Roman Reigns. The crowd began to chant, "We want Balor!"
Heyman trailed on before Bruan Strowman surprised people around the world by making his way to the ring and calling out Brock Lesnar. He shoved Lesnar, which caused a massive stare down. Brock laid the title on the floor, and gestured for Braun to come and get it.  
Braun, playing more of a "chicken s---" heel, instead of the monster he usually is, ran away. Its a bit sad, because while Lesnar has MMA experience, it is still strange to see Braun running away from a fight, again.
Jericho Interview ft. Owens & Joe
Jericho could be asleep, and would still be brimming with charisma. He played the crowd, and had them in the palm of his hand. I don't know if this beatdown is their way of sending him off for his newest tour with Fozzy, but if so, then he will be missed.
Cesaro and Sheamus vs Enzo and Cass
Excellent. I could just stop there, but it wouldn't do this match justice. At first, I thought this was going to be your typical RAW rematch, but I was wrong. Once this match picked up, I knew we were going to be in for a classic. This was better than their Wrestlemania match. Now, don't get me wrong, it was a multi man ladder match, and those can be hard to work, but there was something special about this match. A certain je ne sais quoi. The only problem I have with it is that it was so good. Yes, I know, I know. I shouldn't complain when its the reason why I loved it, but I just have to say that we shouldn't be having these kinds of matches on free TV. These men put their bodies on the line (more so than usual) during the ladder match, and here they are doing it again, the night after Wrestlemania? I think when it comes to free TV, some of the Superstars on the roster need to slow down the pace. I know these two teams have fought a lot, so you needed something different, but I worry about nagging injuries, which could not only hurt the Superstars, but heavily alter storylines.
I am not sure how to react Cesaro and Sheamus getting a chance to go against the Hardy Boyz for the RAW Tag Team Championships, but I'll say that it would be better to see them get booed against a crowd favorite, than to put Enzo and Cass in that position.
Sami Zayn vs Jinder Mahal
This was just a match that was set up to give Sami Zayn a win, and that's nice, but we definitely need him to have some direction. I hope this Superstar Shakeup can do that for him. Same for Mahal. He was entertaining in 3MB, and it looked like he was going to be fun as this "guru" type character, but it looks like Rusev's injury may have derailed that.
Rollins & Balor vs Kevin Owens & Samoa Joe
I don't think anyone was shocked to see Finn Balor appear in front of this crowd, but no one cared about how easy it was to see him coming. Balor is back. And the match... It was a match. Other than Balor standing tall, there really isn't much to talk about.
Thanks for reading, and keep on reading the site for our WWE Smackdown LIVE and 205 Live reviews!
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Monday Night Raw Review: April 2nd, 2018- Second Half
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The Bar and Braun Strowman
I think I’d rather this not be a match at all anymore. WWE obviously didn’t have plans for the Raw tag titles, and it should’ve stayed that way. The Mania card is already super stacked and I think everyone would be fine if this wasn’t a match. 
Braun claims he has a partner and will face Cesaro in a match next. It’s obviously Braun in a costume, and Corey Graves is selling this so goddamn well it’s hilarious.
The Bar is now just attacking Braun, but of course Braun overpowered them and threw them off. Who’s going to be Braun’s partner at Mania? 
Matt Hardy vs. Goldust
Matt Hardy is back on Raw after that glorious yet bizarre ultimate deletion match a couple weeks back against Bray Wyatt. If you haven’t seen that yet, please god go watch it. 
This seems like a weird and random matchup, but both of these men will be participating in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal on Sunday, so I guess that’s why?
These guys are both talented veterans, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in a match together? 
Matt Hardy picks up the win against Goldust. There wasn’t much to say about this match because it was pretty short, but seeing these two lockup was a fresh change!
John Cena
It’s time for Cena to make his weekly old jokes and complaints about the Undertaker not responding to his challenge. Week after week since Fastlane, Cena has been calling out the deadman to face him at Mania this year. This is legitimately a match I’m interested in. I’m not a Cena fan of course, but seeing Cena and Taker at Mania would be amazing. They’d put on a great show, and every fan knows that. 
Cena’s promos have been a little hokey and fake for this. The obnoxious ways he tries to hype the crowd and then bringing them down is okay, but it just got way too humorous for me. If you want to call someone out John, just call them out! John’s way of calling someone out is through shading them and calling them names, which is funny, but it’s too much! That’s John’s character, fine! But John, just DO SOMETHING
I’ve been theorizing that John will come down to the ring and just wait for Taker or something on Sunday. I wish it would just be confirmed already.
I get that John is really trying to have a Mania match, and honestly it is better that he hype this match all by himself. I still think there’s a big chance that Taker will show up on Sunday, but only time will tell.
Elias vs. Heath Slater
You know what? It is always a treat to see Heath. I always see Heath when I go to a live show. He’s honestly a really great performer and I think he’s a really underrated wrestler.
Of course Elias opened with a song for the crowd tonight. He tried to sing a song about how bad the town of Atlanta is, but everyone was too busy cheering for him. He’s so over right now it is ridiculous.
The match really did not last long. This was obviously a time killer, which is okay? They’ve got to keep the focus on Mania, and I don’t think this match did that.
Nia Jax
I didn’t know if I was going to include this or not, but I love Nia Jax so much. She does not give a shit like she said, and that is the best thing ever. Nia is one of the women who is really inspiring to a lot of girls who think they’re too different to do “normal” things. She’s a voice that not only the women’s division needs, but also one that the WWE should use more. I stand by Nia all the way, and I’m glad she had the interview segment to say what she did. I hope she and Alexa put on a good match on Sunday. I’m looking forward to seeing Nia win.
Dana Brooke/Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss/Mickie James
I’m slightly confused why this is a match? Pairing Dana with Asuka seems different, but they want to put Asuka on Raw one last time before she wins on Sunday against Charlotte for the Smackdown Women’s title. We all know Asuka will win on Sunday for sure. There’s no way that Asuka is losing her streak yet, and with the win, she’ll be moving to Smackdown, where I personally think she’ll do better and have some fun competition. 
This is also cool for Dana to actually be in a match again! 
Alexa and Mickie have been in control for most of the match. Dana has not been able to tag in Asuka at all during this match. Mickie and Alexa have been all over Dana, which worked for most of the match. Dana eventually got the tag to Asuka, and Asuka is now just destroying Mickie with kicks and strikes to her whole body. Mickie tries to fight with everything she has left, but Asuka makes her submit, giving her and Dana the victory. Alexa and Mickie began attacking Asuka, but Nia came down to the ring and beat the shit out of Mickie. 
Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar
I can see how this is going to go. They’ll talk for a little bit and then it’ll end in a huge brawl. I wish this wasn’t closing the show, but it definitely panders to those who want to see this match. We all know Roman is going to win on Sunday, but the WWE will juice this as long as they can. 
Brock came to the ring first, and I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard a crowd boo him. Crowds are usually so excited to see him and they freak out, but not this time? 
I do love Paul Heyman just talking about nothing. I love hearing him not mess up what he has to say. It makes the show seem real, I think. He makes it seem like no one writes lines for this guys, no one plans out the segments, it’s just Monday Night Raw. I really appreciate Paul for always weaving a story for us. 
Oh, wait, did Paul just confirm that Brock is leaving Raw after Mania? He’s going back to UFC?
Roman has not made his way out to the ring, and a bunch of superstars stand in his way. They all let him through, and now Roman is probably going to beat up Brock.
Let’s go Roman chants are filling the arena right now. I think everyone is behind Roman at this point for the match on Sunday.
Reigns went on to Superman punch Lesnar five times, just like Lesnar does with the F-5, and Roman stood tall. We all thought Lesnar was down, but he snuck up on Roman and hit him with the F-5, and is now walking out of the arena with the title on his shoulder. Is Roman strong enough to beat Brock? ...yea, he’s gonna win guys...
That’s it for the Raw before Mania! I thought the first half of the show was better than the second, it was much more exciting for sure, but all around it was a good show. I’m excited for Mania this Sunday, and I can’t wait to see what else happens this week.
I’m really going to try to post for Smackdown tomorrow, but I don’t want to promise anything just yet. Hopefully, I’ll make more posts this week, so be on the lookout for those posts! Thanks!
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