#The magic of Sanremo
kozumechi · 1 year
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dark cinnamoroll adopt
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tutyayilmazz · 7 months
i watched all of måneskin's sanremo performances again and i physically feel the lightning in a bottle they captured when they first took to that stage in 2021. their run during ~2020-2022 was so magical and i miss what a revitalizing force teatro d'ira vol. 1 was, the music so raw and pure, the lyrics desperately shouting I'M HERE AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO MY MANIFESTO, born from just the 4 of them... 🥲
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 8 months
My sanremo fan experience has totally changed since joining tumblr. never knew that it's such a big deal here, with so many Italian people actively interested in this madness of a festival. Thank you guys for your gifs, your posts which I somehow magically understood parts of, and the memes. I genuinely loved all of it and I'm looking forward to more years of this awesome unhinged show!!
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salantami · 10 months
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Bussana Vecchia, a stone's throw from Sanremo, is a delightful village of artists born on the ruins of a town that was abandoned long before, due to the violent earthquake of 1887. The town slowly emptied itself and was a ghost town for more than sixty years, until a group of artists began to repopulate it. Bussana Vecchia remains a magical place, an open-air art laboratory. In the narrow streets and alleys you can admire shops and ateliers that arise in the beautiful stone buildings.
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greeneyed-thestral · 2 years
the reason why I love Sanremo is that I truly believe there is no bigger gift than becoming obsessed with songs that weren't even there two days ago, especially when played live by a full orchestra
find me a more magical moment of the year in which we are all doing the same thing at the same time even if in different places
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nyxstarfinder · 2 years
i need the Sanremo watchers that do not speak italian to know that there is a magical event going on which made happen some very funny moments like all the stealing from the public
This magical event is called FantaSanremo, its a completely different competition and the singers can get points from doing certain things like there is the Pelù bonus that gives 25 pt for stealing things from the public, its one of the most fun and hysterical experiences out there and it just this year had over 1.6 milion participants, watching Sanremo looking for the little things that might give you points or could take them away its so fun and i rarely paid so much attention to Sanremo
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eurovision-revisited · 8 months
Eurovision 2002 - Number 10 - Nino D'Angelo - "Marì"
Another artist I've picked before, this time Nino D'Angelo the Neapolitan singer who impressed me in 1999 and he's here in Sanremo 2002 with another Italian song involving love, the sea and the night-time.
Once again he's singing in Neapolitan dialect, which Google Translate really can't get a handle on well, so my interpretations of Marì may be well off. This seems to a song and a singer in some confusion. What's happening? Is he falling in love? Is he jealous? Is there something magical and mystical going on? Whatever the mystery is Mari is at the centre of it and of his heart.
The rhythm feels equine. Somewhat Morricone-esque. There's drama, something big is going to happen although I'm really not sure what exactly that might be. The orchestra adds the layers into that drama. It feels fantastically like the soundtrack to the grandest of Westerns. I only hope the men in the white hats win. Nino's heart is at stake.
In the Sanremos I've seen in which he performs, Nino always stands out. He brings interesting flavours and sounds, casting his net wide for music of many origins, and threads them through with his own sensibilities. He is infused with his connection to Naples and the south of Italy. A true hero for his region. This is a tricky song to pull off live and he does so with aplomb. It demonstrates what Eurovision is missing not having such a rich orchestral experience on stage.
Here's to the next time Nino!
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escinsight · 8 months
The Magic Of Sanremo And The Love Of A Found Family
The Magic Of Sanremo And The Love Of A Found Family. As the 74th Sanremo Music Festival approaches the final night, Ilaria Pagano celebrates the music, the memes, and the emotional power of Italy’s biggest show.
In a time where the news is flooded by the worst of humanity, the timeless Italian festival of music is providing the breather we all need. Everyone Is Welcome Just opening any social media, even the most toxic one, these days, all I can see is great music and laughter. Amadeus’s last Sanremo is probably his strongest yet, with all 30 songs occupying the Spotify Italia Top 30 and no clear winner.…
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creativenicocorner · 9 months
tell me about splash 31!
Thank you so much for asking @metukika ! ♡
So Splash + 31 [working title, actual title tbd] is a Mature Reigen-centric fic that explores Reigen's life before meeting Mob, and his life after meeting Mob...specifically when he's shocked to live past 31...because he really didn't think he'd live that long, (more on that below).
Initially inspired by Colapesce, Dimartino's song "Splash" (which to me should have won last year's Sanremo singing contest, but this isn't about that...it did become popular enough to partake in a Korean singing contest though which was a delightful surprise!) As well as a very personal situation...but also to be cathartic about surviving past an age you didn't anticipate, and being in your early 30s.
Anyways, much like the main through line of the song "but I work so I won't have to be with you" and feeling the weighty pressure of certain societal expectations, the Splash half explores Reigen's colorless life...awkward university mistakes, the 9 - 5 and the inherent awkwardness of that early 20s life... the sexual experimentation, the trying to define self, feeling like he's loosing himself and is a blob etc etc until Cue Mob and the rest, we know, is history!
Jump to post canon and several variations of Dimple's joke of "wow you're so lucky, you're bound to die horribly." and "how are you so wildly lucky?!" later and we see Reigen thinks about those jokes more than he thought he would...because all this time, he's been living with not only a bit of survivor's guilt (survived what is a bit of a spoiler).... but also:
he has been living over shadowed / haunted by something Reigen's grandfather said to Reigen at a young age... keeping in mind that my HC of young Reigen in this fic is: a bland flop of a kid, with anger issues...which makes him a bit rowdy. No middle ground. He's either picking fights flapping his big mouth with Opinions and Thoughts, or staying so below the radar people forget he's in the room.
“If you keep this up,��� Reigen [given name tbd] said flicking lightly at the butterfly bandaid on Arataka’s face, sneering as he flinched, “you won’t live past 31.” Arataka’s mouth was a twisted line. He refused to cry, refused to blink, refused to act on the bubbling resenting anger that was rising in his belly. The instinct to kick shins. In a practiced level tone, Arataka smiled, almost cruelly, and said, “we’ll see about that.”
Later, older, at age 30:
Was there magic behind his grandfather's words? He wasn’t sure. Perhaps not at first. Perhaps they were merely words spittled out by a senile old man. But he had thought of those words. For hours upon hours days upon days. Each time he showed great luck, or his mother, or someone would ruminate out loud about his phenomenal luck, something would have to counter balance it. Something dreadful. Something when he’s 31. And perhaps those thoughts those idle phrases that lingering belief caused something to manifest. Reigen snuffed his finished cigarette into his ash tray and clicked his tongue. Perhaps this was a sign he should go to bed.
I'm absolutely fascinated by the potentiality behind Reigen...his past, and his relationship with his family. And while I see and appreciate the catharsis of writing Reigen's family as 'bad people' I've found so much fun in writing the Reigen family as just awkward, complex, and horrible at communicating with each other - among other things. I have so many emotions behind them!
ANYWAYS the fic It sounds darker than it probably will end up being, like yes it's very serious and approaches mature themes, but like the majority of my work - it's also about kindness, and hope, the exhilaration of aging, that it's good actually to survive and the unknown possibilities that could wait ahead of us if we keep powering through, keep trying to better ourselves and grow, and move forward!
Fight on!
I hope this made sense haha, thank you so much again for the ask! ♡
Best wishes!♡ ___〆(・∀・)
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myteavsricochet · 2 years
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I'm imagining Lizzo opening the global chart and seeing her song under 4 italian songs and rosa chemical right after her. The magic of Sanremo.
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lyuniephantasy · 2 years
a year ago
if i woke my self from 365 days ago up and told her all of these, she’d just look at me with confused eyes. where that tattoo on my arm came from, why sanremo is more important than eurovision for me now, how i got get this glow up, who the fuck alessandro and riccardo are, what the heck this thing i call brividi is and associate with diamonds, pearls, and bikes, how i am going to italy for 1/2 of that thing this summer, how i met my best online friends, how all of these happened… little does she know…
it was the last saturday of my midterm holiday and i was like “oh god tonight we have sanremo right? maybe i can watch it.” and made my preparations for the night (buying a couple of packs of snacks for the whole evening, energizing enough to stay up until 6 am, having a nice dinner etc etc) i don’t remember what i ate tho. i just remember where i was sitting in the table and how i persuaded my parents to stay up with me - but they left to sleep after the sevent song and the magic started… the magic started at the fifteenth song. there was a so beautiful boy, out of this world, he was making magic up there in the stage. he was next to mahmood, an artist i had known before thanks to eurovision. i was just about to celebrate his comeback but there was this boy with him called “blanco”, white in spanish, wearing all white, just like a “higher era” boy for me - that i was so longing for, with that trancing beauty, that magical deep voice, and the song he sang whith mahmood.
the song was what made me bring the memory of my first love back. it was 2019, i had just started high school and there was a boy in my class. the tall blonde boy with the character in my imaginary - it was so real for me back then. but i realized it was all my imaginary later on in the pandemic. anyways, i loved this guy so much. i was always taking my guard (staying next to him everywhere i can) to talk to him and tell about my feelings and also to feel safe for a bit. because his shoulders were there on that bus we took to get back home after that one earthquake in september 2019. anyways we had so much memories in our first six months at school anfd then a global pandemic seperated us and told us to go home. and never get out for a while. during that times, the big flower in my heart slowly started to fade.
two weeks before brividi’s release. i sat opposite to a young looking pretty woman who said me that she’s going to embrace me. with that faded flower and so much pain in my heart. i cried it out. i talked about that flower.
“let’s revive it.”
then two boys from italy came to give the first drops of water to that newly wakening flower. the flower is now put away somewhere in my heart but it’s always living and will always do. thanks to the that two boys that watered them, and later introduced themselves as “alessandro” and “riccardo” and did so more job in this garden, my heart, than just helping me revive the flower of the first love. they helped me love myself as well, they allied with that woman whose opposite chair i was sitting and crying out for weeks, months, and slowly started to heal me. they made me move on for my life, reminded me that this life is mine and i should be no sad anymore because of things and people who don’t even know about my existence, make all my past selves proud with everything i accomplish, live on. and just live it like this.
thank you mahmood and blanco, or should i refer as alessandro and riccardo, for everything. for all the memories. for all the glow-up. for all the magic. for all the amazing people i met on this rollercoaster. for all of the positive emotions you give me even in desperate times. for all the telepathic hugs when i was crying alone every night on my bed. for the motivation to get up on every day i wake up to the dark. for whispering life on a diamond bike to that beloved dead flower. for making me embrace all of my past, present and my future. for literally everything.
let’s ride on our diamond bikes of life to the sky full of pearls. let’s sing forever, let’s love forever 🚲
vi voglio bene 💎
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sounds-right · 2 years
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Il 19/11 Spagna in concerto al Madison - Milano
Ivana Spagna, voce simbolo della dance italiana negli anni '80 ed artista amatissima dal pubblico d'ogni età anche quando canta in italiano, sabato 19 novembre 2022 è in concerto al Madison di Milano alle 23:30  (Via Giovanni da Udine 28, info 366-2534245 e 339-3986322; ingresso 20 euro con consumazione). L'evento è organizzato in collaborazione con Kontakt Agency, l'agenzia di Francesco Andrisani.
Spagna, che solo su Spotify conta oltre 400.000 ascoltatori mensili, proporrà dal vivo tutti i suoi più grandi successi, sul palco di uno dei locali più storici di Milano. Oggi Madison ha tre anime diverse (ristorante con dehor, sale da ballo e spazio eventi) e per la serata del 19 novembre con Ivana Spagna propone un programma davvero interessante, dal punto di vista musicale e non solo. A chi arriva dalle 20 alle 22 Madison infatti offre un invitante apericena con Royal Buffet. 
Oltre al concerto di Ivana Spagna, al Madison di Milano il 19 novembre, c'è anche tanta altra musica di qualità: in Sala 1 liscio con live Battaini Band. In Sala 2 invece ecco DanceMania, con Dj Master, Dj Carlo Lentini, voice Ross e Max.
Ma chi è Ivana Spagna? 
Dopo anni di gavetta nelle discoteche italiane, Ivana Spagna, nata a Borghetto sul Mincio (Verona), nel 1986 pubblica il singolo "Easy Lady", che in poche settimane raggiunge i vertici delle classifiche, vince il Festivalbar '86 e Vota la Voce come Rivelazione e vende due milioni di copie, restando in Italia al numero uno per sei settimane consecutive. Spagna viene consacrata star a livello internazionale nel 1987 quando il secondo singolo, "Call Me" (3 milioni di copie vendute), si piazza al primo posto dell'Eurochart, la classifica dei singoli più venduti in Europa, davanti a Madonna e Michael Jackson, e al secondo posto nella UK Chart.
Nel 1994 viene scelta da Elton John per interpretare "Il Cerchio della Vita", colonna sonora italiana del film Disney "Il re leone", con cui torna a scalare le classifiche iniziando a cantare in italiano. Segue la partecipazione al Festival di Sanremo con una canzone, da lei scritta, "Gente come noi", che piazzandosi al terzo posto farà entrare definitivamente la cantautrice veneta nel cuore degli italiani. Da allora è stata impegnata ogni anno in tour portando nelle piazze italiane il suo spettacolo, sempre acclamata dal caloroso pubblico che ascolta le sue canzoni da oltre 30 anni: da "Lupi Solitari" a "Every Girl And Boy", da "E io penso a te "a "I wanna be your Wife" , fino a "The magic of Love". Ha pubblicato 20 album; l'ultimo nel 2019, dal titolo "1954".
Discoteca Madison Milano
Via Giovanni da Udine 28, Milano
Telefono, WhatsApp 366 2534245 - 339 3986322
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a---fire---inside · 2 years
Hi, as s suporter of Ukrain and a metamoro fan, I'd like to know what happened that made you so angry at them? You mentioned fab 24th? I don't understand Italian and haven't been following them closely lately, so I'm a bit out of data.
Hi! My rant wasn't clear actually, so I'll explain you. Sorry if I'll be long btw.
First of all I was disappointed by both Meta and Moro's musical and generally professional choices in the last 2 years, especially Fab cause the last Ermal thing I liked was No Satisfaction, after which I stopped following him.
As for Fab I told myself that it was my personal taste, since I am a fan of rock and not of very melodic voice+guitar only songs, so I disliked his love songs album but told myself it made sense for him to release again songs the public didn't pay attention to when he was less famous, after all I'd do the same with my fanfictions lol. I also disliked his acoustic tour because after covid there were a lot of protests from concert workers who were left out by economic help from the state, and making an acoustic tour meant not employing many workers, which imo sounded stingy, which, for an artist who so far had respected work so much, was disappointing. I didn't like his Sanremo song very much either, but I was ok with it cause he was hot and I could connect it to my fanfictions/headcanons lol (not to anything real, let's specify this just in case) and I was disappointed by his 'album' cause the songs were average, boring and even the rock ones felt weak, like technically the production was not as powerful as in the past. I didn't particularly care for his movie Ghiaccio because I don't watch realistic movies, so I decided to not pay attention to the fact that the producer was the daughter of one of Berlusconi's collaborators and Salvini's girlfriend (idk if you know anything about Italian politics but Fab used to speak against Berlusconi, a bad guy, and Salvini is a bad guy too), telling myself that he wanted his movie to exist so he accepted the compromise to have it done because maybe the leftist producers who usually promote movies weren't interested in him.
But all this was until February 23rd.
On February 24th ruzzia invaded Ukraine, this changed my whole perspective on everything. I informed myself about it, I followed Ukrainian channels/accounts, I listened to what my girlfriend, who knows more about ruzzia because she's from a post-soviet union country too, and I learned how badly ruzzia propaganda worked in Italy since forever, how my perception of it was affected, because since school we are taught that soviet union was a good thing where magically neighbouring country just joined (not like they were conquered by force and their ppl were killed, deported and so on), as opposing to the USA that just creates wars in random countries.
It was and it is a painful process to unlearn what I took as a fact, and it's painful when I see that my country keeps spreading ruzzian propaganda in different ways because those bastards promote different versions for different kinds of ppl, so we have only a few group that actively supports ruzzia and putin, but we have many who blame NATO saying that ruzzia was provoked by it and the USA, and many who are 'pacifists' and want the war to end in an abstract way, never blaming ruzzia but instead indirectly saying that Ukraine should surrender and give them their territories.
Sorry for digressing, I really am very opinionated about Ukraine cause I suffer very much because of the injustice and pain that it's happening to those people who imo they are being betrayed twice, also by these wrong bullshit opinions.
So when the war started I started also looking for the opinion of celebrities I cared about and I was disappointed by the lack of strong reactions. A few Italian artists did some charity concert or some initiative to help refugees, one female I liked mentioned 'a dictator' doing bad things, but like what dictator? where? It's not like there is only one, and why tf you don't say his name? Others were generally sorry for refugees but never saying what horror they were escaping from.
Ermal wrote a vague post about how bad it is that in 2022 in Europe there is a war...like. he didn't mention who invaded who, he didn't say who was the aggressor and who the victim, and this is very bad. It makes 'the war' look like something both countries wanted, it makes it abstract especially not mentioning the names of the countries. It makes ruzzia less responsible for its terrorist actions.
Fab didn't say anything. He was invited as a guest to Mara Venier's show I think in March or smth, and he sang NOn Mi Avete Fatto Niente and on the screen behind him there were images of a child refugee singing, the presenter (Mara) was moved and he was kinda moved too but he didn't say a single word about it, let alone mentioning who was the enemy. And he posted an instagram story with an image of the world map, particularly of ruzzia and USA territories between the Bering Strait...I saw that image reposted by others, the meaning was that ruzzia and the USA should fight in their own territories, there, instead of involving a third country. Imo this means he believes the war was provoked by NATO...which is fake and also it dehumanizes Ukrainians protecting their country and fighting for their freedom, and for me someone who sang about 'libero', about freedom, someone who used to fight for human rights, should be 100% supporting Ukraine.
In June there was a Metamoro reunion and it was very beautiful, their interaction was cute and I kinda put all my negative feelings aside because I'm a fan, after all, and we had new content after ages. They sang NMAFN again, and wow it would have been the perfect time to say some f*cking words of support for Ukraine. At least. Because they could have done some fundraising. Or told ppl to donate, not necessarily to the Ukrainian Army but to help refugees, children, animals even. There is so much to do for help...but nothing. And every time something horrible happens I open their accounts to see if they said something about it...still nothing.
And it's not like their song was about love or whatever. It was against terrorism...and what ruzzia is doing in Ukraine every single day is terrorism. For me it's offensive that they didn't say anything. It's offensive that artists who sang in Eurovision a song against terrorist, moving the whole Europe, are silent about the horrors happening in Ukraine. It's shameful actually, for me, an Italian.
Because not saying anything means not helping Ukraine and helping ruzzia indirectly. ("In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" Martin Luther King)
Also, they donated the copyright of their song to Emergency, the NGO, because back then they wanted to help ppl in need, I remember an interview where Ermal said that Fab was so passionate about it that he wanted to do something much earlier than in September 2018 when they had the concert in Trento and did this donation. So wow, what changed now that Ukraine is so unimportant? Is it connected to the fact that Emergency itself, like Red Cross and Amnesty International, is supporting indirectly ruzzia instead of Ukraine?
(Emergency asked Italy to stop sending weapons to Ukraine 'to achieve peace'...not considering that if Ukraine stops fighting Ukraine will stop existing. It's ruzzia that, if it stops fighting, will make peace possible. Or considering this, and manipulating public opinion in ruzzian propaganda style)
I am not a fan of Maneskin but they were clear on where they stand. They said Fuck putin more times, they made a song (Gasoline) against him and gave the money to Ukraine. And I wish Fab did the same. Also because we have a very big Ukrainian community in Italy. They are our neighbours, our coworkers, our classmates. They are fans of Metamoro, or Ermal, of Fab. They are part of our country so if they suffer we should suffer for them. I do. And I thought a sensitive person like Fab would have too.I thought he (and Ermal) maybe does help Ukraine privately with donations like we do, but you know how it works with celebrities, they donate and move fans to donate too. It's like after they donated the NMAFN copyright to Emergency in Trento a group of Metamoro fans donated money to them the same day. It's good example.
A lot of US singers did the same. Metallica, Dropkick Murphys, Gogol Bordello (they're Ukrainian-Americans like the actress Mila Kunis but ok)...so I felt bad because why some musicians know what is the right side and some don't? And I felt ashamed because it's musicians from my same country, musicians I thought were clever, sensitive, not just like meta and moro but also like Max Gazzé, Daniele Silvestri...all ppl who are openly leftists, and not leftists from the current party (which supports Ukraine) but leftists from 80s and 90s communist party, which was heavily influenced by ruzzian propaganda. The same propaganda I was fed in school. And I vote left parties ofc, because ofc, but I am careful of who I vote, especially these elections, I was careful to not vote parties which were against sending weapons to Ukraine. I also convinced my mother, a leftist from old times communist party, that this NATO bullshit is bullshit, I didn't stop until she was convinced, because we must fight against ruzzian propaganda and make ppl understand the truth. Our grandparents fought in the Resistance against german occupiers, we should support Ukraine whoich is doing the same.
So now in december there will be a Fab concert in Rome and I wanted to go, with my girlfriend, whom I met in the metamoro fandom and with whom we went to Fab's concert in 2019...it would have been a kind of anniversary celebration. BUT I can't. I can't give my money to someone whose ethical choices I disagree with.
So you know what I'll do with the 35 euros of the ticket I would have bought? I'll use them for Ukraine. It's not much but still. I can donate them to the Ukrainian Army or humanitarian aid (same link) in case I feel against weapons (spoiler: I am not when it's for defending the country). I can donate them to buy an army of drones to counter iran shitty drones that are destroying civilian buildings and targeting ppl in the streets. I can donate them to uanimals.org, they save and feed Ukrainian animals, because animals are silent victims of war too.
Or with basically the same money I can look into this wishlist where I can buy, among other things, thermal intimate clothes for Ukrainian soldiers, because winter is coming and it's going to be very cold for them.
And if I have to decide who is more important between #1an Italian singer who sings about freedom and human rights and good things but but who for some reason is being silent on a GENOCIDE that is happening right now by the bloody hands of ruzzia, and #2a random soldier who's fighting to protect his freedom and his people's from an evil imperialistic country, I choose #2. Always.
(on a different note, I keep on posting some photos I might like of Fab. And I keep on revising my fanfictions and sharing headcanons with my girlfriend about metamoro. Because that's not about the real them! It's all related to my headcanons. Now I can proudly say it, it's FANON! I don't care about their real lives because we don't share the same ethics! lol this fanon thing finally becomes useful to me)
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reginadeinisseni · 1 year
Bach - Aria sulla quarta corda (Suite n. 3, BWV 1068) Ton Koopman
IERI, Io stavo sistemando i miei attrezzi da cucito seguendo il TG5 che conduceva Alberto Bilan, quando all' improvviso una fitta alla schiena mi fa esclamare, il fatto è che voi del TG5 state dalla parte di Matteo Renzi, ma non sapevo che da li a poco su RETE4 sarebbe iniziato il programma di Nicola Porro, STASERA ITALIA dove ospite era proprio MATTEO RENZI. Alcuni giorni prima mentre vedevo 4 REPUBBLICA, mi cala il sonno profondo dal quale mi risveglio tempo dopo e vedo come ospite il VIOLINISTA CHE SUONA IL VIOLINO DI BACK. IO avevo previsto di cantare al Karaoke la canzone di ANDREA LO VECCHIO , ho scelto Bach il giorno dopo, risvegliarmi per Bach è come se l' anima di Bach mi avesse aiutato. Scopro oggi che la più famosa aria di BACH è aria sulla 4 corda, che casualmente venne scelta come sigla indimenticabile di QUARK di Piero Angela In passato indovinai la Presenza di Enrico Zanetti a VIRUS In contemporanea la vittoria a sanremo di Rocco Hunt prima che cantasse Francesca Michielin, e di Valerio Scanu.
YESTERDAY, I was fixing my sewing tools following the TG5 leading Alberto Bilan, when suddenly a twinge in the back makes me exclaim, the the fact is that you of TG5 are on the side of Matteo Renzi, but I did not know that from li shortly on RETE4 would start the program of Nicola Porro, TONIGHT ITALY where guest was MATTEO RENZI. A few days before, while I was watching 4 REPUBLIC, I fell into a deep sleep from which I woke up some time later and saw the VIOLINIST PLAYING BACK'S VIOLIN as a guest. I had planned to sing the song of ANDREA LO VECCHIO in Karaoke , I chose Bach the next day, waking up for Bach is as if the soul of Bach he'd helped me. Today I discover that BACH's most famous aria is aria on the 4 string, which by chance was chosen as the unforgettable theme song of Piero Angela's QUARK In the past I guessed the Presence of Enrico Zanetti in VIRUS At the same time the victory in sanremo by Rocco Hunt before Francesca Michielin sang, and by Valerio Scanu.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano: Arriva la grande musica al Teatro Repower con sei appuntamenti imperdibili
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Milano: Arriva la grande musica al Teatro Repower con sei appuntamenti imperdibili. Il Teatro Repower ad aprile apre le porte a sei imperdibili concerti. Si comincia mercoledì 12 aprile con THE MAGICAL MISTERY STORY, il nuovo spettacolo che vede protagonisti Carlo Massarini e The Beatbox dedicato alla storia ed alla musica dei Beatles. Attraverso i racconti di Massarini, le canzoni, i cambi di scena, di abiti e di strumenti musicali, lo spettacolo porterà il pubblico a conoscere e rivivere l’incredibile avventura dei Beatles, che ha cambiato completamente il corso della musica odierna con le loro indimenticabili canzoni. Giovedì 13 aprile i JACKSON LIVE porteranno sul palco del Teatro Repower l’intramontabile energia di Michael Jackson. Lo spettacolo, che vede in scena Andrea Imparato nei panni di impersonator del re del pop, accompagnato da musicisti e ballerini professionisti, saprà coinvolgere il pubblico con rapidissimi cambi d’abito e coreografie mozzafiato. A seguire, venerdì 14 aprile toccherà ad ABBADream, celebre tributo della band svedese già acclamato dai pubblici di tutta Europa. Lo spettacolo, arricchito da poco di una nuova dimensione interattiva, ripropone lo stile inconfondibile degli abiti, le coreografie e i brani che hanno gli ABBA nell’Olimpo della disco music: canzoni eseguite interamente dal vivo, costumi e luci che ricreano le indimenticabili atmosfere degli anni ‘70. “Mamma mia!”, “Dancing Queen”, “Waterloo” ... preparatevi a scatenarvi! Sabato 15 aprile PINK FLOYD HISTORY farà viaggiare gli spettatori attraverso 50 anni di creatività musicale di una delle band che hanno definito la storia della musica mondiale. Lo show ricrea magistralmente il sound e le atmosfere di cinque decadi di capolavori: partendo dalle sperimentazioni psichedeliche, passando per le fasi di maggior successo, fino alle opere più recenti dei Pink Floyd. Domenica 16 aprile alle ore 21:00, la formazione originale dei CUGINI DI CAMPAGNA festeggerà sul palco del Repower i 50 anni dalla pubblicazione del loro più grande successo, “Anima mia”. La storica band italiana, reduce dalla partecipazione al Festival di Sanremo, porta in scena uno spettacolo antologico che ripercorre la storia della musica italiana attraverso inediti contenuti video. E per finire in bellezza, sabato 29 aprile il Pop e il Rock saranno i protagonisti dello show STARS – A POP ROCK CELEBRATION. Con un repertorio che spazia dai Queen agli U2, solo per citarne alcuni, STARS porta in scena 200 artisti tra cantanti solisti, musicisti e coristi che faranno rivivere l’energia della musica più bella di sempre. Chiudete gli occhi e riapriteli per un viaggio nella storia della musica!  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Spagna torna in concerto a Milano. Il 19/11 è al Madison
Spagna torna in concerto a Milano, al Madison. L'artista, che solo su Spotify conta oltre 400.000 ascoltatori mensili, proporrà dal vivo il 19 novembre di 2022 tutti i suoi più grandi successi, sul palco di uno dei locali più storici di Milano. Oggi Madison ha tre anime diverse (ristorante con dehor, sale da ballo e spazio eventi) e per la serata del 19 novembre con Ivana Spagna propone un programma davvero interessante, dal punto di vista musicale e non solo. A chi arriva dalle 20 alle 22 Madison infatti offre un invitante apericena con Royal Buffet. 
Oltre al concerto di Ivana Spagna, al Madison di Milano il 19 novembre, c'è anche tanta altra musica di qualità: in Sala 1 liscio con live Battaini Band. In Sala 2 invece ecco DanceMania, con Dj Master, Dj Carlo Lentini, voice Ross e Max.
Ivana Spagna, voce simbolo della dance italiana negli anni '80 ed artista amatissima dal pubblico d'ogni età anche quando canta in italiano, sabato 19 novembre 2022, come dicevamo, è in concerto al Madison di Milano alle 23:30  (Via Giovanni da Udine 28, info 366-2534245 e 339-3986322; ingresso 20 euro con consumazione). L'evento è organizzato in collaborazione con Kontakt Agency, l'agenzia di Francesco Andrisani.
Ma chi è Ivana Spagna? 
Dopo anni di gavetta nelle discoteche italiane, Ivana Spagna, nata a Borghetto sul Mincio (Verona), nel 1986 pubblica il singolo "Easy Lady", che in poche settimane raggiunge i vertici delle classifiche, vince il Festivalbar '86 e Vota la Voce come Rivelazione e vende due milioni di copie, restando in Italia al numero uno per sei settimane consecutive. Spagna viene consacrata star a livello internazionale nel 1987 quando il secondo singolo, "Call Me" (3 milioni di copie vendute), si piazza al primo posto dell'Eurochart, la classifica dei singoli più venduti in Europa, davanti a Madonna e Michael Jackson, e al secondo posto nella UK Chart.
Nel 1994 viene scelta da Elton John per interpretare "Il Cerchio della Vita", colonna sonora italiana del film Disney "Il re leone", con cui torna a scalare le classifiche iniziando a cantare in italiano. Segue la partecipazione al Festival di Sanremo con una canzone, da lei scritta, "Gente come noi", che piazzandosi al terzo posto farà entrare definitivamente la cantautrice veneta nel cuore degli italiani. Da allora è stata impegnata ogni anno in tour portando nelle piazze italiane il suo spettacolo, sempre acclamata dal caloroso pubblico che ascolta le sue canzoni da oltre 30 anni: da "Lupi Solitari" a "Every Girl And Boy", da "E io penso a te "a "I wanna be your Wife" , fino a "The magic of Love". Ha pubblicato 20 album; l'ultimo nel 2019, dal titolo "1954".
Discoteca Madison Milano
Via Giovanni da Udine 28, Milano
Telefono, WhatsApp 366 2534245 - 339 3986322
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