#The details on the front of her dress kill me...
greenokapiarts · 1 year
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'Something she must do...'
This is a lil old actually, doodled it when I saw that last geoglyph cutscene bcs I have maNY FEELINGS!
My bff @sherlocktheravencat then did some AMAZING coloring and I LOVE!!
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munson-blurbs · 9 months
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Eddie Munson x Shy!Reader
Summary: Max and Lucas are tired of their friends silently pining over each other but never making a move, so when the Winter Formal rolls around, they take matters into their own hands.
Warnings: mutual pining, idiots in love, fluffy fluff
WC: 1.8k
A/N: Happy anniversary to the love of my life, @corroded-hellfire 💚 one year ago today, we met in person for the first time, and my life has been infinitely better ever since. Thank you for being my best friend. I love you more than Dustin loves his Weird Al shirt. Red, this fic is for you.
Divider credit to @saradika
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“Kill me now.”
Three words uttered by none other than Max Mayfield, sliding her lunch tray onto the table and sitting down with an irritated sigh. 
You look at her with an amused grin. “What is it this time? Bombed a pop quiz? Got detention for flipping off a teacher—again?” Her brazen, flippant attitude provided many entertaining moments, so long as you weren’t on the receiving end of it. 
Max shakes her head, spearing a limp macaroni noodle with her plastic fork. “I wish.” She holds up two tickets to the Winter Formal. “Lucas is dragging me to this bullshit. ‘All the other basketball guys’ girlfriends are going,’” she mocks him in an octave much lower than his actual voice, “so I guess that means I have to follow suit.”
Bringing a hand to your heart, you jut out your lower lip in mock-pity. “Oh, no; your boyfriend wants to show you off at a school dance! How will you ever survive?” 
Max doesn’t miss a beat. “You could go, too,” she says, blue eyes pleading. “Keep me company when the guys inevitably bail to get wasted in the woods.”
“I don’t—”
“You don’t need a date,” she insists, reading your mind before the words can leave your mouth. “I’m telling you, Lucas is gonna ditch me as soon as Jason and Patrick show up.” She takes your hand between both of hers. “Please? I’ll even tell Ms. Kelly the lengths you went to for your poor, troubled freshie.”
You exhale, knowing that she doesn’t need to go to all of that trouble. You’d started off the school year as her peer mentor, but just a few months later, you two have become close friends. “Fine, I’ll go,” you acquiesce, laughing when she pumps her fists victoriously. “But I’m not gonna be happy about it.”
You return to your own lunch, completely missing the mischievous look that graces her freckled face. 
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Unbeknownst to you, a similar discussion is had at Hellfire Club later that same afternoon. 
“Absolutely not,” Eddie scoffs, folding his arms across his chest. “Nice try, Sinclair, but I wouldn’t be caught dead at some lame dance.”
“Seriously,” Jeff smirks from his position across the table. “He’s never been to a single one in his ten years of high school.”
Eddie flips him off casually. “It’s only six, asshole. But that doesn’t matter, because I’m not dressing up in some penguin suit to drink unspiked punch with a bunch of shitty people.”
“C’mon, dude,” Lucas says, his tone bordering on a whine. “If you don’t go, I’m gonna be stuck with the jocks all night, and they just wanna suck face with their girlfriends.”
“And you don’t?” Gareth quips. 
Lucas rolls his eyes. “Not in front of everyone. And I don’t need a front-row seat to their performances, either.” He turns his attention back to the Dungeon Master. “Look, I’m desperate. Mike’ll be visiting his grandma and Dustin’s grounded because of his D-plus in Spanish.”
Eddie narrows his eyes. “What about Huey, Dewey, and Louie over here?” he asks, gesturing to the three remaining club members. 
Their collective responses are jumbled excuses; Eddie swears one of them says he’s going kayaking—in mid-December in Indiana—but he doesn’t bother to sift through their lies. “You owe me, Sinclair,” he declares, pointing his forefinger at the underclassman. “Big time.”
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The next few weeks leading up to the Winter Formal are spent meticulously making plans. For someone who seemed so disinterested in this dance, Max is paying careful attention to each detail. 
You walk out of the dressing room in a velvet emerald green dress that hits just above the knee. Max is beaming as she adjusts the off-the-shoulder sleeves and smooths down any creases. 
“You look really nice,” she says, nodding her head. She’s trying to temper her enthusiasm, but you can sense her excitement. “I can’t wait to tell Lucas.”
You wrinkle your nose. “Lucas? Why would he care?” He’s a nice kid—more in tune with emotions than the average fourteen-year-old boy—but that doesn’t constitute an interest in your fashion choices. 
Max’s cheeks burn as red as her hair. “Uh, well, seeing you happy makes me happy, and seeing me happy makes him happy, so…everyone’s happy?” she finishes lamely. She clears her throat as if expelling the awkwardness from the conversation. “Anyway, let’s buy this dress so we can look for shoes.”
“Yeah, okay.” You’re not fully convinced, but you brush it off and steel your nerves to ask a question. “Is anyone else gonna be there that we know?” You really want to know whether Eddie Munson is going to be there, but you can’t say the quiet part aloud. 
“Probably,” she shrugs, a bit too quickly, but she’s pushing you back behind the curtain to change before you can inquire more. 
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“Why does this stupid tie need to be green?” Eddie asks, sifting through the store’s selection with Lucas by his side. 
“Uh, Christmas colors,” Lucas stammers, fumbling for a decent explanation other than the contents of his secret phone call with Max earlier today. “And, y’know, red is way overdone, so…” he trails off lamely, going back to the display table and hoping Eddie drops the matter. 
They find exactly what they’re looking for—not without Eddie complaining about putting in too much effort just to be a third wheel—and make their way over to the food court. Eddie makes a beeline for the Pizza Hut when he stops dead in his tracks. “Shit, Sinclair; we gotta go,” he says urgently, clapping a hand on the younger boy’s shoulder and steering him away from the fast food. 
“What the hell? I’m hungry!”
Eddie shakes his head, curls brushing against his shoulders. “Look, man.” He discreetly points to his left, where you and Max are giggling at the Orange Julius. “We can’t let them see us.”
“Dude, she’s like the nicest person ever,” Lucas rebuts. “Even Max likes her, and Max pretty much hates everyone.”
“That’s not the problem.” Eddie rakes his ringed fingers through his hair, wincing when he snags one on a knot. “The problem is that she’s gonna be all, ‘hi, Eddie; what’re you doing at the mall?’ And I’m gonna be all, ‘just picking out a tie for the Winter Formal.” And then she’ll go, ‘oh, who’s your date?” And then I’ll have to say, ‘I don’t have one; I’m just playing babysitter to some freshmen like a goddamn loser!” He hops back and forth to indicate each character change.
“First of all, ouch,” Lucas quips, “second, go hide in the bathroom if you want, but I’m getting something to eat.”
Eddie exhales an exasperated sigh, giving in and schlepping over to Pizza Hut, one of the few times in his life that he’s trying to be inconspicuous. 
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You pull into the school parking lot on the night of the Winter Formal and shift into park before killing the engine. Max is bouncing her leg up and down in the passenger seat, lower lip tucked between her teeth.
“What’s on your mind?” you ask, mistaking her excitement for anxiety. “You know that Lucas would think you look beautiful even if you showed up in a potato sack.” You furrow your brow. “Where is he, anyway? Why didn’t he come with us?”
She mumbles something about not wanting her mom to ask any questions about the relationship, and you take them at face value. Her eyes light up when she spots her boyfriend walking into the school alongside…Eddie Munson?
“Eddie’s here?” you ask in a hushed whisper, feeling sweat prickling under your arms. You’ve been nursing a massive crush on him for ages–one that Max is very much aware of. And now he’s here, dressed in a black suit with his hair pulled back into a low bun at the nape of his neck. “Max, why didn’t you tell me? Who’s he going with?” The idea of him slow dancing with someone else has your stomach turning.
Max just shrugs. “I don’t think he had a date.” Too casual, too blasé–she knows something. “C’mon, let’s go in.” She swings the car door open enthusiastically, leaving you shell-shocked in your seat.
“Maxine Mayfield!” you hiss, using her full government name to drive home your bewilderment, but she just skips ahead. Damn your heeled shoes, slowing you down before you can catch up to her. When you finally do, she just grabs your hand and tugs you towards the guys.
She poorly feigns surprise, jaw dropping as she exclaims, “Eddie? What are you doing here? Oh, my gosh, this is such a coincidence!” She pulls you closer, smiling far too wide. “Lucas and I both brought our upperclassmen friends! What are the odds?”
“Yeah, so weird,” Lucas says, not as loud as Max but just as transparent. He looks at Max before regarding you and Eddie. “Okay, well, we’re gonna go dance–bye!” The two of them scamper off, leaving you alone with Eddie. If their stilted dialogue wasn’t evidence enough, the way Eddie’s tie perfectly matches your dress certainly clears up their intentions.
Eddie speaks first, shoving his hands in his pants pockets and nervously swiveling his body. “I, uh, think we’ve been set up,” he says with a small, awkward chuckle. “I swear, it wasn’t my idea. Not–not that it’s a bad thing, I just meant, like, if you’re uncomfortable with this, I don’t wanna be held responsible.” His cheeks burn red. “Shit, I need to stop talking.”
“It’s okay,” you reassure him with your own kind laugh, “we might as well make the most of it. Get some punch and make fools of ourselves out there?” You gesture towards the gym’s makeshift dance floor; the band has just started playing Journey’s “Faithfully.” Eddie’s nods, following you to an empty space, and you timidly drape your arms over his shoulders. Taking care to avoid an inappropriate touch, he rests his palms on the small of your back. 
His voice is low when he murmurs in your ear, “you look really beautiful tonight.” He clears his throat and speaks again. “You always look really beautiful, though.”
The two of you sway to the music, swapping shy smiles and fleeting but longing glances. As the song ends, you look over your shoulder. “We’re being spied on,” you report, noting the way the two younger kids are watching you from across the room. You consider your next words before eventually deciding to go for it: “Did you talk to Lucas about me as much as I talked to Max about you?”
“Probably more,” Eddie laughs, bringing you a bit closer. “But I’m interested in comparing notes.”
You nod, staving off any lingering nerves. “Maybe after the dance, we can split a burger from Benny’s and discuss?”
Eddie presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Yeah,” he says; you can feel his lips move against your skin, “I’d like that.”
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miirohs · 5 months
écoute chérie [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Assistant!Reader wc: 3.2k cw: assult, possesive behavior (standard for a mob au at this point), bro straight up kills someone, dubcon (again icarus?), shitty french an: i absolutely cannot write but anyways if this flops i'm deleting it and then crying!!! also do you guys ever just write y/n and put her in predicaments and then go womp womp as if you didn't just do that to her? yeah.
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It was fairly obvious from the subtle twitch in his jaw, to the shadow cast over his eyes by strands of his hair falling in front, that he wasn’t happy. From the moment you both had left the guarded gates of his mansion, his face has been set in a stony silence.
You’d seen him glance over at you multiple times during the length of the car ride, and it was becoming harder to ignore his erratic behavior.
Just as he looked away you reached for him, startling him from his distracted state as you moved to fix his suit, readjusting his crooked tie and straightening out the collar of his suit. Immediately you snapped back up to him looking at you, a curious look on his face.
“You should be more careful with your suits.” You chastised softly, snapping back to your seat as the heat rose to your face. “Tossing and turning around like that will probably make it wrinkle up.”
He nodded in agreement, giving you the smallest smile he could muster. You could still see the upset in his eyes as he looked at you, and you came to a slow realization of what might’ve been upsetting him.
“Are you mad with me for coming along with you?”
His smile faded a little, the frustration in his eyes visible. He never wanted this for you, but he knew he couldn’t stop you from coming along, so he resorted to simply reminding you why he didn’t want to bring you.
“Mon coeur, I’m not mad at you at all. I'm just hesitant because I know what my people are like.”
You sighed, readjusting the straps of your dress as you looked at him. “Yes Charles, you’ve made that exceptionally clear but i don’t think you quite had a choice. Carlos didn’t even want to talk about going with you.” 
He winced at your tone, tilting his head at you as he bent his own head down to your level. “I know I keep saying this, but you don’t know them like I do. I don't want you leaving my side, not to anywhere I cannot see you chérie. Do you understand?”
You took one of his hands in yours, nodding along to keep his anxiety in check. “Fine, I wasn’t planning on going just anywhere, I came with you because that's my job.”
“And your job is?”
“To be with you, twenty-four seven, whenever you need me.” You said teasingly as a cheeky smile graced his face once again, slightly more genuine than the last.
The car came to a stop, and you looked at each other, turning to the door of the car. 
“Ladies first.”
You rolled your eyes at him, obliging to climb out first as the door opened.
Your jaw dropped as you looked up to the entrance of the building. You didn’t think you were quite aware this level of grandeur could be possible, and you were honestly expecting something more inconspicuous.
Linking up his arm in yours, Charles bent down a little as you started walking, whispering into your ear.
“You look surprised. I bet you weren’t expecting this, huh?”
“Surprised doesn’t even begin to cover it. It’s gorgeous.”
“Wait till you see the inside.”
You continued with him, eyes growing wider at the inside.
Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, intricate detailing all over the grand foyer as you surveyed the walls.
Charles walked with you through corridors, once again tensing up, evident in the tightness of his grip on your arm. You could see an ornate set of doors at the end of the hall, approaching them slower and slower.
You paused at the door, looking up to him as he inhaled deeply.
“Are you-”
“Ready? Of course I am.” He didn’t look at you, but you gave no further thought to his words as the doors opened, the crowds of people gathered visible from the mezzanine you both stood on. The ballroom almost glittered, light bouncing off almost every corner of the room.
“Char, if i had known this was going to be fancy, i would’ve dressed up better.” You said, aghast as he shook his head, looking at you with a hint of affection in his smile.
“You’re dazzling no matter what, mon coeur. There’s no need to worry, you’ll be just fine.”
“I- Alright.” You agreed hesitantly, arm slipping from his as you followed him down the stairs.
There were so many bodies on the floor you had a hard time following him, resorting to holding onto his sleeves to navigate through the crowds. He greeted people, and you did the same in his stead, unsure where exactly you were headed. Suddenly, Charles came to a stop in front of you, and you slammed into him, stumbling back slightly. 
“Charles, what just happened, I...” You paused as he stood motionless, stepping to peer from behind him.
Another man stood there, head tilted as you curiously as you moved to Charles side. He wore all black, jacket embroidered with flowers and a necklace that resembled a thorn necklace. He seemed fancy, but something about the way he looked at you made it feel like you were being microanalyzed by him.
“Charles. A pleasure seeing you again.”
He nodded, relaxing slightly as the man took his hand, shaking it firmly.
“And who might this be?”
You waved, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“She’s my assistant.”
“Char, calm down.” You chided, ignoring how his tone almost instantly seemed to become sharp, nose flaring slightly. Clearly Lewis noticed as well, raising his eyebrow at how his tone seemed to change so suddenly.
“I’m sorry, my name is Y/n. I’m his assistant, as he mentioned before.” He took your hand, offering you a kiss to the knuckles with a smile.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Y/n. Are you new or…?”
“This is her first social event with me.” Charles butt in, arms crossed over as Lewis grinned at him. “Hm, I figured half as much. I haven’t seen much of her around, you should bring her more often. She seems pleasant.”
“Wonderful. Now is there anything else you want?” Charles answered, tone short and clipped as you frowned at his sudden defensiveness. Lewis hummed knowingly, sparing you a glance before he went back to talking to Charles.
“The negotiations are upstairs. We were just waiting for you to start, and I think Carlos got here maybe twenty minutes before you?”
He nodded curtly in response, taking your hand as he started moving.
Lewis looked down at him though as he shook his head, pointing to your hands.
“Sorry to break it to you mate, but she can’t come with us.”
“Why not?” Charles snapped, clearly annoyed by his sudden announcement.
“It’d be better for the both of you. I doubt you want her in on the grizzly details, it would only put her at risk, more so than working for you. Leave one of your guards with her if you want to, although I promise she’ll be just fine here.” He knew he couldn’t argue with that, it was apparent in the way his face fell at the realization.
“I have to go now, but we'll be waiting for you upstairs.” Lewis said as he waved goodbye to you, turning on his heel to leave the both of you alone to the side.
Charles sighed, glowering at the man's back as he turned to you.
“Écoute chérie (listen darling), it seems like Lewis has a point.” He started, reluctance written all over his expression. “So I'm leaving you here with one of the guards. I don't want you to put yourself in any unnecessary danger, so please keep them with you and talk instantly if anything happens.”
You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t disappointed, but it did make sense to you. "I understand, Char, I'll be here when you come back."
He visibly relaxed, though there was still a hint of concern in his eyes. "Thank you, chérie. I promise I won't be long."
You gave him a small smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
With a short squeeze of your hand, Charles reluctantly left your side, disappearing into the crowd once more. 
Left alone with the guard that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, you took a deep breath, turning around to him.
"Looks like it's just you and me for now," you said, trying to break the ice with the bodyguard, who simply blinked at you.
“Not one to talk much, huh?” He cleared his throat, bashfully turning his eyes away from you.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but i'm pretty sure Mr. Leclerc wouldn’t like me looking at you.” You stifled a sigh, simply flashing a smile at him.
“Would you like to have a drink with me then…?”
“Ollie.” He finished, even more bashful than before as scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “And I'm sorry ma’am. I don’t think I'm allowed to drink on the job, Mr. Leclerc would kill me if something happened to you.”
Awkward silence filled the air as you sighed, looking around the ballroom.
You didn’t think there was anyone you could talk to other than him, so you were stuck with him for the rest of the night.
It wasn’t half bad either, but he followed you quite closely, almost as if carefully noting every single thing you were doing. Even as you made minor convos, he stood beside you, too close for it to be comfortable for either of you. He took his job seriously, a little too seriously, you thought.
At some point, you paused, turning around to him with your hands crossed over your chest.
"Ollie, do you have orders to stand so close? It's making me feel a bit claustrophobic."
He blinked, obviously taken aback by your directness. "I'm sorry miss. I was just told to keep an eye on you, Mr. Leclerc's orders."
You nodded, slight frustration rising up as he mentioned Charles' name. "I appreciate your dedication, but I promise I won't just wander off.”
He hesitated, yet still nodded to your request. "Is there anything I can do then?"
A lightbulb seemed to go off in your head as he asked, a grin stretching across your face as you looked at him.
"I think I'll go get a drink. Would you mind keeping an eye on things here until I come back?"
he relented with a nod, albeit with a hint of concern in his eyes.
"Alright, but please don't wander too far. I'll be right here waiting for you to get back."
You nodded sweetly, yet as soon as you left his field of vision, you grabbed a glass off a tray, pushing gently through the crowds.
You weren’t a lightweight by any means, but there was rarely ever a time where you drank because of your job.
Before you knew it, you’d finished off the glass, abandoning it on the buffet table and grabbing another one as you made your way back into the crowd.
At some point you saw Ollie again, distracted as he talked to two other boys of his same age. You decided not to interrupt, walking past them and slipping through the open doors on the opposite end of the hall.
The air was cool, fragrant from all the flowers planted around the place. As you wandered along the winding paths, you observed the little statues and carefully trimmed hedges, detailing meticulously crafted to fit the vibes of the garden.
But your peace was short-lived, as the unmistakable sound of footsteps grew louder. Turning around, you were met with the leering faces of a group of men, their laughter echoing through the night air as they drunkenly stumbled through the hedges. They were creating a ruckus loud enough to attract a crowd.
You froze, not a sound escaping your lips as you looked at them.
Clearly they hadn’t noticed you, so you took a step back, hoping to get away.
Something snapped under your heel and they all stopped acting buck wild, turning to you with wide eyes.
“Ouh, Qui est cette femme, juste là (ooh, who's that woman right there)?”
Shock ran through your veins as the one who spoke pointed to you, eyes turning towards you in a moment. A couple laughed, one of them whistled, all of them looking you up and down like a piece of meat.
“I think she might be one of those escort people they hire at parties y’know… you think we should greet her?”
Their leering gazes made your skin crawl. 
Quickly you turned on your heel, heading in the opposite direction, hoping to lose them quickly as you attempted to get back. Your heart pounded in your chest as you continued, their drunken roasts getting farther from you. You still felt paranoid, but you were pretty sure you had lost them.
As you turned around, a hand shot out from the darkness, grabbing hold of your wrist harshly. You were whirled around to face your assailant, one of the men from the group you’d seen earlier, one of the ones who had whistled at you.
"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" he sneered, drunken breath hot against your face as he sneered at you, a wicked grin on his face. 
He had you cornered against one of the hedges, and you had nowhere to run as he got closer, trying to grab your other hand.
“You’re cute, you think the boss would like it if we sent him back a little present like you-”
You panicked, kicking wildly until you landed a kick to his nuts, breaking free from his grip around your wrists as he staggered back in pain.
“You bitch-!”
The sound of a warning shot silenced his swears of pain, the only thing you could hear now being the buzzing in your ear.
You turned your head, Charles saying something, but you couldn’t exactly hear it as he approached, an angry yet relieved loon on his face.
“Do you know how long we’ve been looking for you?!”
You didn’t respond and he knew why, turning to look across from you at the man who glared at the both of you in anger.
"We'll discuss this later," he said, tone softer this time as he turned his attention back to you, helping you up onto a cold stone bench.
“You. Get lost. Don’t let me see you here ever again.”
"Or what?" The man spat, voice dripping with contempt at Charles' order. "You think you can scare me off with your empty threats?"
“I don’t think it’ll be so empty if i-,” He pulled out his gun from the waistband of his pants, aiming it at the mans groin, then moving to his head, “-happen to give you a demonstration of what exactly happens when you fuck with something of mine.”
The color drained from the man's face. Maybe he had just come to realize who he was fucking with.
“She was yours? I’m sorry, I didn't know!” 
“Save it.” He hissed, cocking the gun and aiming it directly at his head. “I’ll make sure that you les fils de putes never see the light of day again.”
It was over in the blink of an eye, with just the sound of a gun being fired, followed by the thumping of a body.
You hadn’t even realized it when he came to you, wrapping his jacket around you as he picked you up, allowing to you bury your face in his neck.
"I've got you," he whispered. "You'll be fine now."
As he turned to exit, Lewis had finally shown up, standing at the entrance with an eyebrow raised at the dead body then you.
“Do i get to ask-”
“No.” Charles answered stonily. voice clearly agitated as he responded to Lewis. “Make sure those creeps get taken care of. I already had the pleasure of taking care of one of them.”
“Duly noted. It was nice seeing you, and you must be busy with… her, so I’ll be off to take care of the others then.” He said, as he signaled to his bodyguards to comb through the area. 
“Thank you.” He said begrudgingly as he lifted you up once again.
You could feel him retracing his steps, motion blurred until you stopped at the entrance once more, in front of his car.
Gently, he set you down and you still clung to him, shaking slightly as you climbed into the seat. 
He followed after you, directing the man in french as he put an arm around you, pulling you somewhat closer.
“Wh.. what happened to Ollie?”
The look of concern turned to a look of slight annoyance, a heavy sigh leaving his lips.
“Even now you’re thinking of someone else, mon coeur. What am i going to do with you?”
You stumbled over your words, yet you were resolute in what you wanted to say.
“Please don’t punish him, i was the one who left him.”
“Don’t worry, no one is getting punished. But you, however-”
You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the barrelage of words to hit you, yet nothing did. Instead, one of his hands came up to hold your face, thumb gently stroking your jaw.
“Mon petit coeur, m'écoutes-tu parfois (sweetheart, do you ever listen to me)?”
You opened your eyes, looking at him.
“Do you have any idea how scared I was? That I thought another man took you from me? I warned you what would happen, and yet you still came. See what happened?” His grip on your jaw tightened slightly, tilting your head upwards so you were looking him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
"You have nothing to apologize for, mon coeur. In fact, it should be me who apologizes." he murmured, his voice soothing compared to his actions.
“But then why…?”
“Je t'aime (I love you). It’s because I love you, I want you. More than anything.”
Charles's lips met yours in a kiss, overpowering the adrenaline in your veins as he titled his head, pushing deeper into the kiss. You could feel his overwhelming warmth as he pulled you closer, body to body in the back of the car.
As you broke it off, the heat rose to your face at the string of saliva connecting you both. You tried to pull away but he only seemed to get closer, eye to eye with you.
"Charles?" you breathed, longing erupting like your heart, beating against the cage of your ribs.
“Listen to me chérie, I should’ve never let you go like that. You’re going to be mine now, that way I can keep you safe, Is that clear?” He murmured against your lips, voice dark yet pleading. You couldn’t help but look into his eyes, lovesick and blinded by adoration.
With a soft sigh, you leaned into him, forehead against his as you let yourself be enveloped by the warmth of his embrace.
There was no escaping him. You were his as he was yours. You could never escape, now that he had you like this.
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Rules {Part Four}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part Four
Tonight is the night of the dinner party and tensions are running high. Caught between the love for your family and your own desires, things take a dramatic turn when you make a choice you can't take back.
♡♡ I finally get to write about my #1 favorite TVD moment! The Dinner Partyyy! {the campyiness, the tension, the dramaaaa... Its peak TVD} Hope you enjoy! PS: there will be a part five ♡♡
6.4k words - Warnings: salvatore!sibling reader, no smut, lots and lots of drama, so much angst, Elijah being the sexiest middle-part menace he can be, secret affair, forbidden romance, Damon being over-protective, finally adding some proper Stefan moments to the plot, Elena being Elena, my sweet angel ♡ ANDIE STARRR ♡ , vervain, tension, violence, john gilbert & chocolate mousse...
{Part One} {Part Two}{Part Three}{Part Five}
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
Trying to fix my tags! I re-added all of you, and now you will be posted at the top!
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You sat in front of your vanity, outlining your lips with a deep shade of red, finishing off the look with a dab of gloss.
Damon didn't tell you any details of what he was planning, beyond having a weapon that could kill an Original, which would have seemed absurd if it wasn't your brother. You knew what he was capable of. 
Damon had left not too long ago, telling you he was going to lunch with his girlfriend Andie, and would be back later.
All you knew was that there would be a dinner party tonight and if Elijah showed up, Damon was going to kill him. 
Your phone rang and you glanced over to see Stefan's name on the screen, your pressed speaker, and went back to applying your lipstick.
"Hey," You said, pressing your lips together and checking the color.
"Hello," Stefan replied, sounding a bit tense.
"How's your trip with Elena going?" You asked, grabbing a tube of mascara.
"Well as it can be," he said vaguely.
"I guess you know about the deal then? Elena is willing to die for you, that's very sweet," you said casually, applying the mascara to your eyelashes.
"When did you get so callous? She isn't a martyr, she's just naive," he sighed.
You felt a pang of guilt for teasing him. He was right, Elena was kind and gentle, and both of your brothers loved her.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I know how you feel about her," You said, trying to sound comforting. "It's just that she possesses an unfortunate face,"
Stefan let out a humorless chuckle, and sighed. "Katherine's face,"
"Yeahhhh," you laughed.
"Funny you should mention her, Elena has been reading some old journals written by Johnathan Gilbert," Stefan explained. "It's brought up a lot of memories,"
"Didn't you eat him?" You asked, screwing the cap onto the mascara.
His silence was an answer in and of itself.
"Are you afraid that if Elena learns about your lovely alter-ego she won't love you anymore?" You teased.
"This is serious," he sighed.
"Ok, ok, sorry," You said, standing up and smoothing out your dress. "Always so uptight,"
"Not everyone has it so easy, sister," he grumbled.
"What does that mean?" You asked, your tone slightly offended.
"It's nothing," he sighed.
"No, no. Please, speak your mind," You said, rolling your eyes.
"You've always just been good at it," He began, you could hear the annoyance in his voice.
"At what?" You snapped, pacing around your room.
"Being a vampire," He said bluntly. "You claim to loathe Katherine, yet you aren't that different,"
You didn't know what to say, his words cut you. How dare he compare you to the woman who destroyed your life, turned you and your brothers into monsters. Kept them under her toxic spell while you watched them suffer.
"That's not fair, Stefan," You said softly, feeling hurt and defensive.
"Isn't it?" He asked.
You stayed silent, unsure of what to say, you just stared out the window, the sun shining brightly outside.
"Anyway, I don't have time to debate your morals," Stefan continued. "I'm just calling to tell you to watch out for Damon, killing Elijah won't be easy, he will need your help,"
"And here I thought you didn't trust me," You said, unable to hide the hurt in your voice.
"I trust you more than anyone," he said softly.
You wanted to tell him everything, how guilty and ashamed you felt. You didn't even know why you were feeling these things, Elijah was nothing to you, but you couldn't stop thinking about him, the pain in his eyes, the coldness in his voice, it haunted you.
And now you were going to kill him, Stefan was right... You weren't so different from Katherine.
"Then, trust me when I say, I'll handle it," You said, keeping your tone casual.
"Ok," he said, though his voice sounded hesitant. "Please be careful,"
"I will," you said softly, before ending the call.
You sat down on your bed and pulled on a pair of black velvet pumps. They were tall, and made your legs look amazing. You checked your lipstick and smoothed out your dress, and headed downstairs.
Damon was just arriving home, with Andie in tow. They were carrying bags of groceries, and setting them down in the kitchen.
"Hi, Andie," You smiled.
"Hello darlin," she said, her voice cheery, like always. "Don't tell me that your brother roped you into this mess,"
"Mess?" You asked, raising an eyebrow, giving Damon a questioning look.
"Andie doesn't believe in my abilities to cook," Damon rolled his eyes.
"Damon has a tendency to go overboard with things," she laughed.
Neither of them were actually talking about the cooking. Damon had obviously told her about his plans for the night.
"What are we serving tonight, then?" You asked, giving him a warning look.
"A nice rack of lamb, roasted vegetables, some salad..." Damon trailed off, looking around the kitchen. "Annnd... A dessert that will be sure to knock our guest's socks off,"
You and Andie made eye contact and she smiled, trying not to laugh.
"Sounds lovely, brother," You smiled, reaching out and patting him on the shoulder. "How can I help?"
Damon gave Andie a pointed look and she nodded and left the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone to chat.
"So," he began, as he pulled out a box of matches and lit the burner on the stove. "Change of plans,"
"Change?" You asked, leaning against the counter, crossing your arms.
"I need you to stay upstairs, away from the party," He said, avoiding your eyes.
"What?!" You said, glaring at him. "Why?"
"Because Jenna is coming, and she thinks you are Elena's age... I can't have her asking too many questions," Damon explained.
"That's such bullshit!" You growled, pushing off the counter. "You can't do this on your own,"
"Yes I can," he scoffed.
"So, what? I'm just supposed to stay hidden away in my room, twiddling my thumbs while you try and kill Elijah?" You asked, getting more irritated by the second.
"Yeah, pretty much," He said, his tone casual. "And when it's done you can help me dispose of the body,"
"Are you being fucking serious?" You spat.
"Relax," he chuckled.
"How am I supposed to relax when I know you are going to get yourself killed?!" You asked, throwing your hands in the air.
Damon put down the pan he was holding and turned around, walking over to you and getting in your face, his eyes wild and bright.
"Despite you being a ravenous little killer, you are still my baby sister," he said, his voice soft, but his eyes were still angry. "I was wrong to ask you for help, it's my job to protect you, not put you in harm's way,"
You didn't like this one bit, Damon was stubborn and headstrong, and once his mind was made up, there was no changing it. It infuriated you, the way he saw you as this helpless damsel. Yet, you weren't surprised, he had a tendency to go overboard with things and forget logic. The fact that you were a vampire and could handle yourself was something he often forgot.
You felt humiliated and helpless, and that made you angry, so fucking angry.
"Fuck you," You snapped, turning on your heel, storming out of the kitchen, Damon called after you, but you ignored him, slamming the door to your room shut.
You stood in the middle of the room, feeling a wave of emotion hit you. This wasn't like you, you never let yourself feel like this, so out of control. The last time you felt anything like this was years ago, when you were human.
You hated that feeling, the way your stomach would twist, and your heart would ache. But it wasn't because of Damon... It was because of Elijah.
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The sound of the guests arriving floated up to your bedroom. You were sitting on your bed, a glass of wine in hand. You had been drinking all evening, trying to numb the anger, the sadness, and the regret.
The plan was already in motion, there was no stopping it now. Elijah was going to die, and you were told to stay put and let it happen.
You picked up the voices of several familiar people, Alaric, Jenna, Andie, even Elena's estranged father John. All chatting happily, blissfully unaware of your presence upstairs. 
You looked down into your glass, you could see your vague reflection in the dark liquid. You couldn't stand the sight of yourself, the guilt, the shame… it was eating away at you, no longer could you sit there and wallow in it. 
Fuck it, you thought. You finished the glass off with one large gulp and got up, walking over to the full-length mirror.
Your hair was down, the curls flowing down past your breasts, and your makeup was perfect, smoky eyes and deep red lips. All dressed up and nowhere to go, nobody to see.
You headed down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible, peeking through the railing on the stairs to see if anyone was there.
Then you heard Elijah's voice, it was hushed and cold, and the words were unintelligible, but it was him, and your heart skipped a beat.
You inched closer, straining your ears, desperate to hear more.
"Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider."
His tone was dark and threatening, and you knew Damon would be on the receiving end.
"No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you," Damon replied, and you could picture his cocky smile.
"Hmm. Well, that's good," Elijah sounded skeptical, and you could hear him walking inside and closing the door.
"Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Elijah's tone was firm and unwavering, and you could sense the tension.
You took a deep breath, steadying your nerves, and walked down the stairs. Your feet a bit wobbly in your heels, the wine was catching up with you.
Everyone was looking at you by the time you got to the bottom, and you were sure your face was flushed, your cheeks pink. But all you could see was Elijah. His dark eyes watching you, and your heart was racing. Surely he wouldn't kill you in front of all these people.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us," Damon chuckled nervously, walking up to you and putting his arm around your shoulder, squeezing you forcefully. "This isn't a party for teenagers, sweet sister,"
The tension was thick, and it was clear that Damon didn't want you there.
"I just wanted to come say hello, I was getting bored upstairs," You said casually, pulling away from him.
"Oh, c'mon Damon, it's alright. She can stay for the food," said Jenna, giving you a warm smile. She was so kind, you didn't want to see her get hurt.
"No, really. She should be going, right sis?" Damon said, glaring at you.
"No, I think I'm gonna stay, I was promised dinner, after all," You replied, meeting his eyes, defiance shining in them.
Elijah cleared his throat, stepping towards you and Damon, his face neutral. "Nice to meet you Miss Salvatore," he took your hand and kissed it, his lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
Damon was looking at Elijah like he wanted to rip his throat out, and you had to resist the urge to smirk.
"And you, Mr. Smith," You replied, trying to hide your amusement.
Elijah gave you a knowing look, and a small smile formed on his lips.
"Call me Elijah," He replied, still holding your hand.
"Elijah, then," You nodded, a shiver running down your spine as his thumb traced your wrist.
You had no idea why he was acting so casual, he had to know this was a trap, and he was just standing there, touching you.
"Ok, now that everyone knows each other, let's eat," Andie cut in, leading everyone to the dining room.
Before you could follow, Damon grabbed your arm and pulled you aside, his expression one of pure rage.
"What are you doing?" Damon growled.
"Having dinner," You said, pushing him off and brushing past him, walking into the dining room.
The only empty seat available was next to Elijah, who grew stiff when you approached him.
"Is this ok?" You asked, smiling sweetly.
He nodded, pulling the chair out for you, and pushing it back in once you were seated, always the gentleman.
Everyone was seated, and the dinner party was in full swing. Jenna and Andie asked Elijah all about the local history of Mystic Falls, and he bullshitted his way through, telling them stories of the old families that founded the town, local folklore tales, and other nonsense.
Elijah seemed to relax a bit, although he was purposely avoiding looking or speaking to you, his gaze focused elsewhere. But every once in a while you could feel his hand brush yours under the table, making your skin tingle.
You were drinking wine like it was water, and you could feel the effect it was having on you. The world was fuzzy, and everything was so funny. You would giggle or let out an inappropriate snort whenever Elijah would talk, and your face was flush and hot.
"Not to be a party pooper but aren't you a little young to be drinking?" John Gilbert said, looking at you, his eyes narrowing.
You glared at him, raising an eyebrow, he knew that you were a vampire, four times his age no less. But you weren't about to argue in front of sweet and innocent Jenna, who had no clue about the existence of the monsters she was surrounded by.
"She can have a glass, as her guardian I allow it," Damon said casually, not bothering to look up from his plate.
"Ahh, I see, I suppose the rules are a bit more lax when you have Damon as a parent," John added, his expression bitter and cold.
"I think she's had more than a glass," Andie said softly, her tone was concerned as she looked you over.
You felt Elijah's hand come to rest on your thigh under the table, it made your heart skip a beat and Damon look up from his plate.
"She's fine," Damon said, his tone final.
The other guests exchanged awkward glances, Alaric cleared his throat uncomfortably and Jenna and Andie both had worried expressions on their faces.
Elijah's hand was moving higher up your thigh, and it was making your face flush, and you were starting to get wet.
You had no idea why he was touching you, considering he wanted to kill you. But you supposed there is a fine line between lust and loathing.
As soon as everyone finished their meal, Andie got up and Damon gave her a pointed look, whatever he had planned had just begun.
"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study," she said, giving everyone a smile, her gaze lingering on Elijah.
"I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company," Elijah said, smiling at her, and standing up.
"I like you," Andie said softly, returning his smile.
You watched as the men left, Damon looked back at you before he followed them, giving you a wink, and closing the door.
You were fuming, the wine making you angrier than usual, you went to follow but Andie intercepted you, handing you a pile of plates.
Sighing, you reluctantly carried them to the kitchen and started loading the dishwasher, not wanting to draw too much attention.
"Here, let me help," Jenna smiled, taking the glasses from your hands.
"It's fine," You said, forcing a smile.
"Come, drink some water, your face is flushed," Andie said, handing you a glass.
"No more for you," John added, pouring the leftover wine down the drain.
You scowled at all three of them, lecturing you like you were a child. They had no idea what you were capable of, the things you've done. They wouldn't treat you like this if they did.
You took the water, glaring at them, and chugged it, setting the glass down with a little more force than necessary.
Alaric came rushing into the kitchen with a wild look in his eye. He made eye contact with you, and he was out of breath.
"We forgot dessert!" He said, sounding panicked.
"What?" Andie asked, confused.
"Dessert!" Alaric repeated, his body practically vibrating with fear.
Whatever was going on, it definitely wasn't about dessert.
"I can make a chocolate mousse...?" Jenna began, trailing off, looking at Alaric with confusion.
"Perfect! Let's go tell Damon and Elijah," Alaric said in a rush, motioning to Andie who gave him a questioning look but followed him out.
"What is going on?" Jenna asked, turning to you, her eyes wide.
"No idea," You lied, shrugging, hoping to sound convincing.
As soon as Jenna had her back turned, you slipped out of the kitchen and headed for the dining room.
Everyone had already returned, and the tension was palpable. Alaric looked stressed and Damon was smirking, which was a sure sign of a disaster.
Damon and John were seated on opposite ends of the table, glaring at each other, while Elijah sat in center. Andie and Alaric were behind him, rummaging through her bag for some reason.
"What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on killing Klaus?" John said sharply, looking over his wine glass at him.
It seemed that the dinner party discussions had finally turned to the real business at hand, you inched into the room quietly, trying not to draw any attention.
"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again." Elijah's eyes flickered to you, but only for a second.
Before Damon or John had a chance to respond, Andie returned with her notebook in hand, sitting down across from Elijah, ready to interview him, "Okay. My first question is when you got here to Mystic..."
Suddenly, time seemed to slow down, you watched Alaric approach Elijah from behind, an ornate looking dagger in his hand, ready to stab him in the back.
You moved without thinking, lunging at Alaric, wrapping your hand around his wrist and snapping it with ease, causing the dagger to fall to the floor with a clatter.
Alaric crumbled to the floor in pain, looking up at you in shock.
The room suddenly exploded into action, dark veins spread beneath Elijah's eyes, and he lunged at Damon, knocking him over the table and onto the ground, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him into the air, his eyes ablaze.
John grabbed Andie, pulling her out of the way, while Alaric crawled along the floor, cradling his wrist.
You grabbed Elijah's arm, trying to pry him off of Damon.
"Don't! Let him go!" You shouted, struggling against him, his muscles were tensed, and his grip was tight, he wasn't budging.
Elijah looked over his shoulder at you, his dark eyes cold and angry. You gave him a pleading look, trying to convey how important it was that he listened.
"Please, he's my brother, please don't hurt him," You said, your voice breaking as your tears began to flow.
He dropped Damon, who fell to the floor with a thud, coughing and sputtering.
Elijah looked around the room at all the frightened faces, then to the floor where the dagger was lying and picked it up, examining it.
"Clever boy," Elijah looked at Alaric, shaking his head and tsking. "I haven't seen one of these in quite some time,"
He moved to attack Alaric but you jumped in front of him, shielding him with your body.
"Please don't kill him," You pleaded, putting your hands on his chest, trying to push him back.
He was immovable, but his gaze softened when his eyes met yours and he put the dagger in his jacket pocket. His eyes went back to Damon, who was still on the floor, glaring at him.
"Please, don't hurt anyone," You repeated, your hand moving to his hair, running your fingers through it.
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, his shoulders sagging, the tension leaving his body.
"Get away from my sister," Damon snarled, his voice rough from being choked.
Elijah looked at Damon, giving him a wicked smile and wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him, your face pressed against his chest.
"Oh, she doesn't mind," Elijah smirked, looking at Damon with smug satisfaction.
Damon looked from you to Elijah, his expression a mixture of disbelief and pure rage. His brain couldn't quite compute what he was seeing.
"What did I say?" Elijah began, pausing to pretend he was pondering, "Oh yes! If you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house,"
Your hands curled into his shirt, tugging on it, looking at him pleadingly. His dark eyes went to yours, and his gaze softened, he kissed you on the cheek, wiping away a stray tear.
"Fortunately for you, your lovely sister has been most gracious in her hospitality," He said, looking over your head at Damon.
You were visibly shaken up, looking at your brother with tear filled eyes, your hands trembling against Elijah's chest. He lifted your chin, forcing you to look at him instead of your devastated looking brother.
"So much for rule one," he said quietly, kissing the corner of your mouth.
Damon was seething, his fists clenched, and he was practically shaking with anger.
"Now, I hate to cut this evening short, but it seems I've overstayed my welcome," Elijah sighed, pulling away from you, his tone neutral.
"And as for you. Let me be perfectly clear, if you, or anyone else, attempt something like this again, I will kill you. No mercy. Understood?" Elijah asked, looking directly at Damon.
"Yes," Damon said, his voice dripping with venom.
"Wonderful. Now, I think it's time for me to take my leave," Elijah turned and began to walk out, "I'll be in touch," he called over his shoulder.
As soon as Elijah left, all eyes were on you. Damon's angry glare made you squirm, and the disgusted expressions from Andie, Alaric and John made you feel deep shame. You needed to get out of there.
But before you could , Damon grabbed you, the speed blowing your hair back. His hand went to your neck and he threw you against the wall, his fingers crushing your windpipe.
"Are you crazy? You’re fucking Elijah? ELIJAH?" He yelled right in your face, his rage so uncontrolled he lashed out and hit the wall beside your head, causing the plaster to crack and break.
"What the hell were you thinking?" He continued, his eyes wild, spit flying from his mouth.
"Damon," Andie said softly, stepping forward to calm him. John held her back, helping Alaric to his feet and pulling them both out of the room. John knew better than to get between Damon and his wrath.
"How did this happen? How did he get to you?" He shook you harder, causing the plaster dust to rain down. "Did he compel you? I told you to drink vervain every day!"
You kneed him in the stomach, forcing him to drop you, and you gasped for air.
"No! He didn't compel me, he would never," You snapped, rubbing your neck. "I...I care for him,"
Damon stared at you, his breathing ragged, and his expression completely blank. Then he started to laugh, it was devoid of any warmth, it was all bitterness and mockery.
"Care for him? What is he, your boyfriend? Did he ask you to go steady in-between planning Elena's murder?" Damon sneered.
"That's not fair," You said, scowling, folding your arms. 
"So he's the reason you've been so distant? The reason you've been acting so weird? What, he's using you to get to Elena, isn't he?" Damon was pacing back and forth, his hands in his hair.
"No... We never discus-" You tried to explain.
"This is unbelievable," He groaned, cutting you off, and walking over to the liquor cart, pouring himself a drink, then he froze.
"Please tell me you didn't fuck him in this house," he said, his voice dangerously low.
"Not exactly...," You trailed off, averting your gaze, biting your lip.
Damon downed his drink and smashed the glass against the wall, "Fuck, Y/N, do you have any idea what you've done?"
"I had a plan! Everything just spiraled out of control," You said, your voice shaking, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. "I tried... I tried to steal the moonstone, for you! For us! He caught me and... and I was stupid. I'm sorry.”
"So you thought you could pull a honeypot on an original?" Damon looked completely dumbfounded, and a little impressed. "Are you insane? Or just dumb?"
His words cut you deeply, mostly because they were the same things you had said to yourself, a million times.
"I thought it would work," You shrugged, your arms dropping, you were feeling defeated.
"And I suppose letting him fuck you was an added bonus, huh?" Damon shot back.
"Yes!" You screamed, frustrated, throwing your hands up. "I like him, Damon! He's interesting and attractive and he treats me like an equal!"
Damon snorted, "Because he thinks you're a slut."
That stung, he had never called you that before and tears sprang to your eyes. You glared at him, as they began to spill down your cheeks. You were done arguing with him, and you were done listening to him. He didn't understand, and you had nothing more to say.
Without another word, you pulled the dagger out of your bra, you had managed to remove it from Elijah's pocket without anyone noticing. You threw it at the floor at Damon's feet and stormed off.
Damon looked at the dagger, his brow furrowed, then back up at the spot you had just occupied, a sinking feeling in his stomach. He had made you cry.
You ran to your room and crawled under the covers, letting all your pent up emotions flow out of you, coming out in gasps and hiccups. You had no idea what to do, you didn't want to choose between your family and Elijah. You didn't want to be forced to pick a side. 
You didn't want to have to give up what you felt when you were around him.
You didn't know how.
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It had been a few hours since the disastrous dinner party. You were still laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying the events over and over again in your mind.
You heard Damon leave not long after your argument. You had no idea where he ran off too. Knowing him, he went to find more trouble. Part of you regretted the fight, the other part of you wanted to strangle him.
You were exhausted, physically and emotionally. It was like every single part of your being was weighed down.
Just then you heard a loud commotion downstairs, the voices of your brothers and Elena floated up to you. There was a strange scraping sound, like they were dragging something heavy across the floor.
You quickly got up to investigate, hopping down the stairs, stopping suddenly in front of a very nervous looking Elena.
"What happened?" You asked, trying to look past her to your brothers.
"Damon told me what happened," She said softly, reaching out to touch you. But you spotted a pair of legs being dragged away towards the stairs leading to the basement.
Your eyes went wide as you figured out whose legs they were. Panic swept over you, and you pushed past Elena and rushed to the basement after them.
Stefan and Damon were throwing Elijah's body into the cell, he looked gray and cold, the dagger sticking out of his chest.
"Elijah! No, no, no," You cried, screaming and trying to get past your brothers. But they were too strong for you, holding you back, and quickly closing the gates.
"Let me go!" You punched at Damon's chest, desperate to get inside the cell, tears streaming down your face.
Damon just held you, refusing to release you, your screams filling the small basement.
Stefan locked the door, following you and Damon upstairs. You were kicking and fighting like a crazy woman, begging them to let you see him.
Once you made it upstairs, Stefan grabbed you and held you in his arms, still you fought and cried for him, despite his pleas for you to stop.
"Please calm down," Stefan begged, holding onto you tightly.
"He came to take Elena, we had no choice," Damon said, his voice sounding tired, like this had been an exhausting evening for him.
"He promised me he wouldn't," You said, your voice cracking, your throat raw.
"He lied, Y/N, that's what he does," Damon replied, sounding exasperated.
"Shut up!" You screamed, jerking out of Stefan's arms and rushing at Damon, your fist connecting with the side of his face. "You did this! He wouldn't have done anything if you hadn't provoked him!"
You managed to hit him twice, splitting his lip, before Stefan grabbed you again, pulling you back.
"Knock it off!" Stefan said sharply, giving you a firm shake. You stopped struggling for a moment, panting.
Elena came and stood next to Damon, looking more sad than angry. She wasn't sure what to say, or what to do in this situation.
"I love him Stefan, please," you begged, sniffling. It was the first time you could admit it out loud, to anyone, to yourself and you wished it was Elijah you could have told first. "You have to let me see him, even if he's dead...I just have to see him."
Your words cut through Stefan's heart. Trembling in his arms, he had never seen you so distraught and in pain. He looked over your head at Damon and Elena, silently asking for permission.
"Fine, I'll take you, but only because you'll probably burn the house down if I don't," Damon said, rolling his eyes.
Stefan let you go and you immediately ran down the stairs, your feet skidding slightly on the concrete floor. You rushed into the cell and fell to your knees beside Elijah's body.
"lijah," you said softly, trying to coax him out of sleep.
He was gray, covered in dark veins, his skin felt cold. Your fingers trembled as you touched his face, your fingers running through his hair.
You laid down next to him, resting your head against his chest, listening to the lack of heartbeat. You lay there for a few minutes, crying to yourself.
You could feel Damon watching you, and it pissed you off.
"Please leave me alone," You said softly, your voice breaking, not bothering to turn and look at him.
Damon was standing there, leaning against the wall, his arms folded, and he looked at you thoughtfully.
"He's dangerous, and he's using you," Damon replied.
"He never learned anything from me!" You snapped, glaring at him, the anger boiling over. "We had an agreement, an understanding! It wasn't like that!"
Damon shook his head, and looked away from you.
"You can't be in love with him. You barely know him." Damon was trying his hardest to get you to see sense.
"Maybe, maybe I'm not," You lied, sniffling, "I just feel like there's something there, something real and I've never felt this way before,"
Damon let out an exasperated sigh, and closed his eyes.
"This will end badly, I'm not going to try and convince you anymore. You're too damn stubborn," He said, opening his eyes and looking down at you.
"Can you bring me a blanket and pillow?" You asked, changing the subject.
"No," Damon said, turning on his heel and leaving the basement.
"Asshole," You muttered, moving back to rest your head against his chest.
A few minutes later, Stefan came down the stairs, carrying a blanket and a pillow, and a bottle of bourbon.
"Thanks," You smiled weakly, taking the blanket and covering yourself with it. You took the pillow and gently lifted Elijah's head, placing the pillow underneath him.
"Is he really dead?" You asked quietly, not looking at Stefan, staring at Elijah's face.
Stefan let out a long sigh, he hated seeing you like this, the sight of you curled up next to a corpse was not a normal one.
I'm not entirely sure," he knelt down, crossing his legs and he sat on the floor next to you. "but he isn't alive either, he's frozen, asleep,"
He reached out and touched your shoulder, turning you to look at him.
"Damon wants to keep him on ice, he doesn't trust Elijah and... neither do I," he tried to say it gently, wanting you to know the truth. "if you wake him up, he will kill us for what we've done... Elena tricked him... He will not be happy,"
"Maybe he will forgive us," you said, looking at him with hopeful eyes, "what if he can feel everything? He must be so scared and lonely,"
"Do you really think he can feel fear?" Stefan asked, raising an eyebrow. "My impression of him is that he isn't the type,"
"He has a big heart, under all that arrogance," you smiled softly, touching his face, brushing the hair from his forehead. "Kinda like someone we know,"
"You've got it bad," Stefan shook his head, a little bit in awe of your feelings. "I've never seen you like this, not with any other guy."
You looked over at him, his expression was a mix of worry and sadness.
"Do you hate me? For loving him?" You asked, a knot forming in your stomach.
"No, never," he said, pulling you into his arms. "I'm worried, and scared... But I could never hate you. Ever."
"I can convince him Stefan, I can get him on our side, I know I can," you said, feeling the tears come back.
"And if you can't?" He asked, rubbing your back.
"Then... Then... I don't know..." You said, a sob choking you, unable to speak.
Stefan hated himself for what he had to do next, but it was the only way he could think to keep everyone safe.
While you were still in his arms, he pulled out a syringe and jabbed it in your neck, pushing the liquid vervain in. It was a large dose and it took about three seconds before you passed out.
He caught you before you slumped to the ground, lifting your sleeping body and carrying you upstairs.
Damon and Elena were waiting anxiously, eager to hear that Stefan had been able to talk you down from freeing Elijah.
"Is she ok?" Elena moved forward, "Did she try anything?"
"She had a bit of a melt down," Stefan said honestly, he placed you on the couch, ensuring you were tucked in and comfortable.
"What can we do to make sure she doesn't help him?" Damon asked, leaning on the doorway, unable to come closer to you. The sight of you like this broke his heart. "she's been completely brainwashed by the guy,"
"She loves him Damon," Elena said softly, walking over to him, laying her hand on his arm.
"Don't say that," he groaned, covering his face. "That makes it worse. She has to get over it."
"I don't think it works that way," Elena said gently, squeezing his arm.
"We have to keep her away from him," Damon explained, his hands dropping, he was looking at Elena now. "It's too risky."
"That will be impossible," Stefan said, shaking his head, "she's more stubborn than you, she won't give up until she has her way."
"So what do we do?" Elena asked, glancing between them.
"The only way I can think of is to keep her sedated, until I find a way to kill him for good," Damon said, his tone matter-of-fact.
"No, Damon.. that's not right," Elena protested, looking to Stefan to back her up.
Stefan couldn't meet her gaze, instead he turned away, "We don't have any other options."
"So we are just going to knock her out? That's cruel!" Elena said, feeling very disappointed.
"Got any better ideas?" Damon snapped, kneeling down in front of you. He placed his hand on your forehead, "I can't let her wake him up, he will kill us all,"
Elena sighed, shaking her head.
"She will hate us for doing this," Stefan said, not liking the idea one bit, but it was the best they had.
"Yeah, well, I can handle that," Damon shrugged, and picked you up in his arms.
He carried you to your room, gently placing you on the bed, pulling the covers up over your body. He sat next to you, tucking your hair behind your ears.
"You'll understand, eventually," He said softly, stroking your hair, before standing up and leaving the room, shutting the door quietly.
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You were trapped in some sort of nightmare, everything around you was completely dark. You couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. You had no idea where you were, what was up or what was down.
You were calling out for help, your voice echoing back to you, but no one else was there.
Suddenly, you felt a presence beside you, it was warm, familiar and safe. You were drawn to it and you reached out, trying to find the source of it.
You heard the sound of a man laughing, it was a wild, maniacal laugh.
You started running, your feet hitting the ground hard, you couldn't breathe, but you didn't stop. The laughter kept coming, getting louder and louder.
Then the sound of a woman screaming nearly knocked you off your feet, but you kept going until you ran into something solid.
It was the edge of a coffin, made of wood etched with an ornate symbol on the top, a crest of some sort. Your fingers traced over it, feeling the deep grooves. It was the letter 'M', carved into a shield.
Finally, your hands found the lid, and you pushed, straining to open it. What was inside was three rings of fire, you could feel the heat on your face, the smoke making it hard to breathe.
The rings were getting closer, or you were falling into them, you couldn't tell. The screams became deafening. You were overwhelmed with intense anxiety, unable to move as you stared into the flames.
Then everything stopped.
And you woke up.
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{Part One} {Part Two}{Part Three}{Part Five}
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prettybean · 10 months
prompt: you like to tease them
* probably I will continue the konig one 🫥
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He has an angry expression on his face and appears prepared to kill anyone who crosses his path. Your panties were revealed by your dress riding up slightly. He knew you were doing it on purpose. With his hands, he grasps your hips, adjusts your clothing, and pushes you towards him. “You better behave, you don't want me to fuck you in front of everyone, do you want it?”
He's too sweet to get mad at you, but as soon as he sees how you're trying to show him your breasts, you see the bulge in his pants. Bite his lips, before looking around, making sure no one was watching. He brings his hands together and squeezes your tits together. A moan leaves your lips and someone turns in your direction, making you blush. “See love? better not to tease."
During a business meeting, you came up with the idea to gently massage his thigh from behind the table. He glanced at you with a slight blush on his face, and continued to give her soldiers a detailed explanation of the next mission. Your hand moved upwards, touching his bulge, causing the captain to gasp.
He will ensure that everyone hears your moans from his room at the end of the meeting, fucking you hard to release his tension.
He can't sit still. Your legs opening slightly while you were talking to his friends made him go crazy. Immediately after your hands caressed your own thighs, he quickly stomped his foot on the floor. Kyle's almost threatening look is immediately noticed by your friend, leading them to decide that it's best to leave. “You were doing it on purpose huh?” You look at him with a teasing smile. “You can only open those legs if my face is between them”.
He was completing his paperwork and conversing with his colleagues about upcoming enemy actions. Your hands rubbed over his shoulders while he sat. Your weak grinding against Philip was unnoticed by him due to his attentiveness. Or at least you thought so.
He grabbed your wrist and made you sit on him, holding onto your hip with his other hand and causing you to ride his leg in front of everyone. “Do you enjoy playing, huh? I want to have fun too then."
You were just a rookie and he helped you with your weekly training, along with all the other freshmen. “You should go down with your back”.
You followed his advice by arching your back and raising your ass in the air. “Oh Dios mío” you heard him say softly, as you continued to show your ambiguous position. “Okay, let's take a break,” Alejandro said, trying to hide his bulge.
He don’t talk to you much, well, he don’t talk at all, which was why you loved teasing him in every possible way. Every time you walked up to him and whispered something dirty to him, you were delighted to see his immediate reaction: he awkwardly walked away and insulted you in German.
Today was one of those days, you leaned close to his ear “I bet you have a huge cock, I mean, I hope so” This was too much for him, he grabbed your wrists with one hand, pushing you against the wall. “Why don't you find out?”
You go out for a drink together, order two cold beers and start talking about your day. Keegan seemed focused on his story, but all you could think about was how handsome he was. you poured more beer into the glass, before bringing it to your mouth. You sucked on the top of the bottle, running your tongue against it.
Keegan's speech suddenly stops.
“Fuck, next time you do this I'll make sure my cock is in your mouth.”
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ja3hwa · 11 months
♡ 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬, 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐮𝐫𝐬 ♡
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Day 31 : Trick Or Teat
【Synopsis】 : The dead of night, creatures hide. In the light of a fire, those same creatures can become more.
『Word count』 :  7.01k
-> Genre: Supernatural. Smut. Angst. Fluff.
Paring: Yungi x Reader | Seonghwa x Reader [Eventual ot8 x Reader] 
[Warnings] : Self hatred. Abusive family. toxic family. Cult-like religon. Myths and supernatural concepts. The reader is giving off Genderfluid in some parts [not me projecting whoops]. hints of sexual abuse. Blood. Gore. Dark themes. Blood drinking. Kissing. Swearing. All the boys have a corruption kink cause why not. Fingering. Seonghw has a bit of a superiority complex. Details of torture and killing people. Unprotected sex. Yunho and Mingi are little shits. Eheh
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Surprise!! This is the very first chapter and introduction to my new mini series I'll be writing. I know a lot of you have been wanting Vampire Ateez ot8x reader for a while, and I've been trying to find a good story, and i finally got one, hehe. Also, I wanted to make this fic extra long as well to say thank you for 4k followers. I still want to do an event, but I'm taking a little break first, so I hope this is okay for now.
Check out the mini series masterlist -> [Here]
Masterlist | Navigation | Kinktober List | Part Two
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The Destiny Castle was filled with darkness and death. Guard dogs, the size of cows and strange beastly noises echoing in the forest surrounding. And warnings to anyone that enters the ground will never be seen again. Well, that's what the priest of your village says over time and time again. Blabbering about how god left the family that lived in the castle many centuries ago when they invited night-crawling creatures inside. Ones that drink blood and care little for the human race.
You sighed under your breath for the fifth or sixth time this evening as the sermon read on the large dusted book in front of him. Your hands were beginning to ache from having them clasped together for so long. Why were you even praying? It's not like you believe any of this bullshit. Yes, granted, some of it might sound true, and you had doubts on multiple occasions whether this man in the sky was, in fact, real or not. But did you really want to stick around and find out? When you die and you go to hell, so be it. You weren't scared of where you ended up. You were more scared of wasting your life away. Not finding the adventure you so desperately craved. But your picture-perfect parents with their picture-perfect kids shall have no such dreams. No such idea of living other than to tend to the market stall and be married to yet another picture-perfect family.
You felt your mother's god-awful stare as she clearly heard you sigh yet again. You hated her the most. Always finding new and improved ways to punish you for "your sins." Like rolling your eyes or talking back to a man. Or worse, not showing any signs of being a good future housewife so when she's finally ready to sell you off—oh I'm sorry, give you away—to some rich Christian suitor to be your husband. You could be the perfect version of yourself for her.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
You hated that fucking word. A loud bell chime caught your attention, signalling that Sept was finished with his blabberings for the evening. So you stood up straight, your annoyingly over-layered dress before turning on your heels to leave.
"Oh wait, Dove. Come here, please." Your mother's overfaked and sugary sweet tone rattled in your ears. The use of the nickname Dove also annoyed you. Dove, meaning white pure bird that is trapped in a golden cage. Everyone had called you that since you were born, most people in the village not even knowing your real name, only know this nickname.
Why, you may ask?
Simple, your mother hated your name. You were named after your father's mother, who she hated. But it was tradition to name your firstborn after the father's mother, so here you were. Not only were you a disappointment to your mother, but you also bore a name that resembles hatred. Lucky you.
"This is Lucas Wheeler. He's Mary and Robert's Eldest son." Your mother's voice buttered up the introduction, leaning in with an absolutely disturbingly fake smile that everyone seemed to fall for. You turned your lip slightly, making a poor attempt to smile, which your mother did not approve of. "Luca, darling, this is my daughter."
His grin was wide and overexaggerated. His tunic was buttoned all the way up to his Adams apple, looking as if it was constricting his airflow. And his hair was perfectly brushed back. He was the definition of a good pure religious boy. A book nerd. You couldn't hide your disgust as he licked his lips, eyeing you like some piece of flesh. You knew what he was hiding. That filthy lust that men seemed to only be forgiven for. He has probably dreamed about shoving his cock in every woman that passes him and he was definitely only thinking about his needs while staring at you. Not marriage, not husband duty. No, the sole idea of finally getting his little dick wet was driving him crazy. And it made you want to chuck your guts up all over his clean shoes.
"You seem to have such a um, polite daughter here, Christine. She seems shy?" Lucas's mother, Mary spoke up trying to take a look at you but you kept your face pointed to the ground. You didn’t want to be there and you weren't about to fake a smile for a family you did not need to know. you wanted nothing more than to slip away and become invisible like you always did in these types of situations. But turning twenty has now made you in the public eye. Twenty and without a husband was rare. Normally women in your village were betrothed at sixteen and married at eighteen. But you have managed to wheezle your way out of it from your parents being too worried about your younger sisters. But you’ll be twenty-one soon and your mother, Christine was becoming impatient.
“She is a shy one. Sweet too. Micheal and I have been trying to find the perfect man for her, but her shyness seems to not be a lucky charm.” Your mother battered, throwing a sweet chuckle making Lucas’s parents laugh.
“Well, how about you both come over? Bring all your kids, for dinner. I’m sure my Luca would love to get to know her.” Mary pinched Lucas’s cheek making him push away slightly.
“Yes. I’d love to know more about your daughter. I’m sure we will be able to entertain one another while you get dinner ready.” his dark words made your stomach turn and flip. Now you were definitely going to be sick.
“It’s settled then. We will see you at sundown.” Your mother bid goodbye tugging you away by your arm out of the church, not letting you go for a second. Knowing you’d just run off the first chance you got.
Night came quicker than you would have liked and no matter how hard to tried to slip away your mother made sure that one of your sisters was always with you, ready to shout if you tried to bail. What was this some type of house imprisonment? You didn’t want to go, that was more than clear. But your mother couldn’t care less and your father well it was ‘whatever mother says goes’. so you were alone in the more honest terms. Your brothers were too young to know any different, your sister who is only two years younger than you was a cutout of your mother. And your little sister was daddy's little girl. She didn’t care about anything but her daddy.
What a perfect family you seem to have. Everyone fitted in somewhere but you. You were the experiment. The first batch of cookies to come out of the oven that no one touches cause they were too burned or not fully cooked.
“Come on we are going to be late.” Your mother's voice rang through the house, your sister's eyes not leaving you. She had muttered something before heading for the door. You had told her you just needed to put on some garments before meeting her downstairs. She was hesitant for a moment thinking this was a plan to escape but you had said that there was no time now and what would be the point. Sensing your defeat she left you alone. Finally.
You pull on some pants under your dress, hating having to wear such feminine clothing. It wasn’t that you were against wearing dresses or lace or even frills. It was more that sometimes you wanted pants. Was that so bad? You sighed putting all the clothes your sister had pulled out for you to try on, on the end of your bed. That was later you’s problem. You noticed your book laying on your pillow making you swear under your breath. Tucking it back under the sheets you wonder if your sister saw it. You hopped not, if she saw what you wrote or worse what you drew, she’d be telling the church to burn you at the stake.
You ran down the stairs quickly, not wanting to waste any more time, hoping that if you go over and get this night over with you can come back home and hide away in your room, wishing you were anywhere other than with this family.
This night seemed okay as far as talking about our lord and saviour over supper was. Mary was busy finishing up the final dish, letting Lucas and your parents laugh over a blessed bottle of wine. They had sent you and Lucas away to, get to know one another and Lucas had to perfect idea to show you his barn. A place where ‘he could be himself’. God, everything he says annoys you. Climbing the old rusty ladder, you stand in an empty hay loft. Your gut felt strange, like your body was warning you of something but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Until you felt a hand grip your shoulder softly but tight enough to make you freeze.
His breath was so close, pooling on your neck. fingers were ghosting along your corset strings making tears build in your eyes. Even though he was a little boy in your mind. He was much bigger than you and he could easily take advantage of you if you didn’t play your cards right. So you had to act. “And what might we get up to here hmm…”
His chuckle sickened you. “Well, we have some time before mother calls. So I thought we get to know each other. Just like our families wanted.” he pulled away, making a grunting sound behind you. You turned slowly to see he was sitting on a blanket that had been laid out on some hay. Was this disgusting excuse of a man really thinking he could charm you into sleeping with him? God, his ego was bigger than you thought. You giggled, waltzing around the small room pretending to think but in truth, you were looking for an exit. You could go down the ladder but he’d probably grab you before getting that low. Maybe over the side onto the beams. He won't be able to get to you then. But then you’d be trapped until you eventually have to climb back over. And you know he’s the type to wait you out.
A window. Probably leads onto the roof. Not practical but if you recall you did see a bunch of hay bails just outside so if you jump you’d be able to land on them. And a broken ankle or wrist was better than….”Where is your mind wondering, baby? Do I scare you?”
Your head snaps back to him, giving him a small smile. “Oh, no…no…” You step closer, looking him deep in his eyes. “you don’t scare me…baby…” You stood right above his laying figure, his legs spread, enough for you to place a foot in between them. A grim smirk painted his unpleasant features. he went to sit up and you used this as your now or never, kicking him right in the balls without another thought. His groan was loud, knowing if it weren't for how far you were from the house. Everyone would have heard.
“You little bitch!” You ran for the window, crawling out as quickly as you could. The top of your dress got caught on a nail ripping the fabric. But you didn’t waste any time to cry about broken material, looking for the hay bails. It wasn’t as high of a jump as you thought, sliding down the straw, making some of it get caught in your dress. You could hear Lucas groaning in the distance as you started to run. Run fast and run far.
You needed to go home. Quickest route is through the forestry back towards the centre of the village before turning off from the church. Jump Mr Smith's fence and climb the vines into your room. Simple enough. But it's dark, a little too dark and all you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears and rabid footsteps in the distance. The forest was thick. Trees tightly snug together. You almost tripped several times over branches and roots. Your heart was racing now, panting as your mind was becoming hazy. Need to get home. Need to get home.
“Ohhhh Little Dove, where are you.” Lucas’s deep sinister voice echoed through the dark forest. He was too close, you needed to stop. Hide. Maybe he’d go past you or head back. “Come out, baby. We were just having some fun.”
Quiet. Be silent. don’t move. Not a mucsle.
He called your name this time your real one making you gulp. His voice was maybe two or three trees away from where you stood. A twig snaps and you feel tears in the corners of your eyes. He was so close it was like you could still feel his breath. “Come on princess...” His hand wrapped the tree you were standing against and everything stopped. You closed your eyes thinking for a moment, trying to play thousands of scenarios of how you could get away. But nothing would work. He caught you. He danced the bend, slipping right into your view. Before you could run his hand gripped your throat making you freeze. “Don’t worry baby. I don’t bite.”
His words were short... sinister, like he had achieved his ultimate goal of capturing his prey. Your eyes widened going to spit back a comment but your words caught in your throat as you saw a figure suddenly appear behind Lucas. Tall, dark. Red eyes glowing through the night. Everything happened so quickly, the beast grasped Lucas the same way he had you, pulling him back with fright. “But I do…”
The creature's fangs pierced the disgusting man's neck making him scream out a noise that would make your blood curdle. His grip dropped from you, trying to scratch and fight off the larger figure. You took this moment to run, not even caring if the creature was going to kill him or not. All you knew was you needed to run. But you couldn’t run home anymore. There’s blood on your hands literally, Lucas’s blood splattered on you. If this wasn’t a perfect situation the priest was looking for to burn you at the stake you don’t know what is. “Hey, this way.”
You physically jump hearing a high-pitched voice cooe at you through the wind. It was a hooded figure, and normally you would of not gone with a stranger but in this case it seemed fair. You followed the person who seemed to be always a few steps ahead of you at all times no matter how hard you tried to catch up. It was only then, when you stopped focusing on the person to look around you noticed they were leading you to the castle grounds. Where myth reads vampires inhabit. That must have been what got Lucas.
A blood sucking vampire.
You stopped in your tracks not knowing to go back or forward. It’s not like vampires scared you per se. It was just. You were human and they are beasts. They would certainly eat you before you could plead your case. But one of them saved you right? That’s what it was doing? Not just finding two humans and deciding to have a late-night snack right….
“Hey over here.” The figure called for you again but when you looked up everything suddenly went black.
Your head was ringing. Heartbeat thumping slowly in your ears. Black splotches clouded your vision as you tried to look around. You were in a room. A Billiard room, to be exact. You have never seen a room of such a size. The bottom of your house most definitely fitting in this room alone. The leather under your fingers felt expensive, seeing the brown with bubbled texture. It was lavish, elegant—
"Beautiful, isn't it." A smooth voice swayed your attention, having caught you admiring the fine fabrics of the furniture. Your eyes locked with deep crimson ones. He was like nothing you've ever seen before. He was stunning, tall, and broad. You had to gulp at the sheer beauty of the man. But you knew he wasn't just a man. From his eyes, you knew he was a beast, a night crawler.
"Are you going to respond? Or are you more of a staring type?" Another voice scared you slightly. Looking to your left, you see another man, but he was sitting on the couch next to you. His black undercut fitted his features perfectly. He kind of sounded like the hooded figure that was helping you get away before...
"Definitely the quiet, staring type." A cheeky tone to your right. He was leaning on the pool table, his Cheshire cat grin painting his features smugly.
So there's three of them that live here?
"Now now, Woo, San. She's probably just scared." A shorter but beefier male suddenly stood next to the first one that spoke. He wasn't even looking at you, mostly paying attention to the two he called Woo and San. You were now sitting straight up, moving your gaze from each of them. As they were all in their own worlds arguing about why you might not be talking.
"You're bleeding, Tiny?" A voice growled behind you, startling you. You turned to see two very big men standing behind the couch. "When did you cut yourself?" He dragged his two fingers through your wound, making you hiss, pulling away from him.
He put one of his fingers in his mouth, closing his eyes as if he were savouring the taste. Once he was done, he placed his other bloody finger in the male next to him, mouth. The other man groaned his eyes, glowing a harsher red as he stared you down. "You taste delicious, Sugar."
You went to stand, trying to get away from them, but your legs gave out, making you fall forward in front of the high-pitched boy who still sat on the other couch. "Be careful, Dollface. Don’t want ya gettin hurt."
"Okay, let's give her some space. Wooyoung, take San down to the kitchens and see if dinner is ready yet. Mingi and Yunho can go set the table." The one that stood at the door, the first man directed all the men with ease. They will followed without another word, heading for the door. "And for the love of Lillith, Jongho, can you please find your lover and Hongjoong. I think they were still cleaning up from..." He looked at you briefly. "Dealing with that disgusting human."
You knew he was talking about Lucas, and that meant this Lover boy or Hongjoong had been the one you saw ripping through Lucas's neck. They all left soon after, leaving you alone with the dominant man. You managed to sit back on the couch, but you wanted, needed to stand. So you tried your luck again, and your knees buckled, making you slip forward, but instead of making an impact with the ground, two large arms were wrapped around your waist. Your hands gripped the creature's biceps, feeling his muscles taught and tense. "You do need to be careful, Darling."
Unlike Lucas's or any man, you've ever met really. These creatures don't seem to set off any of your alarms. You didn’t know if that was a bad thing or not, but you chose to brush it off, ‘cause in the end, you had never felt such kindness from anyone in the village. You were out-casted, unloved. You might as well be the witch they all wanted you to be. The kind smile that painted his features made your heart skip. He was indeed handsome. You finally spoke up saying who you were and the man looked at you with surprise before laughing. “Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Seonghwa. It’s nice to meet you…”
Your name rolled off his tongue so beautifully. No one had ever used it to address you before. It was almost strange, foreign even. “Honestly you could call me anything. I was never called that name sadly.”
Seonghwa hummed in response, still holding tight on you. In truth, he knows much more about you than he leads on. When he and the others go on hunts he had found you a year ago. Ironically you were having your nineteenth birthday. On your own of course. He remembers the way you spoke to yourself, wishing yourself a happy birthday while you drew in your book. Your feet were in the cool water of the watering hole in the forestry just outside the village. You went there almost every second day. And so did he.
There was something about you that caught his eye. Caught all of the boy's eyes. You were special but none of them could put their finger on it. So of course when they found you running for your life from a disgusting man. They couldn’t stand by and let anything happen to their precious little human.
Dinner was quick as you just sat there and ate in silence. The others were loud though, making it seem almost normal. Like everything that was happening was something you all were used to already. Seonghwa had told you about all the boys and what all their names were. It took you a moment to put names to faces but once you got it. It was easy. Seonghwa never left your side. Making sure you were safe and comfortable. You appreciated it, understanding it must have been weird to have a human walking around. But you quickly learnt that all the maids and butlers were human. They got paid and some even lived on the estate.
Everything the village said about vampires and creatures in general was so wrong. And secretly you always wanted it to be wrong. So you were glad they weren't purely just bloodsucking beasts. But every now and then that face you saw popped into your head. You still didn’t know which one killed Lucas. And on top of it, this Hongjoong and Yeosang—Seonghwa had told you his name—were nowhere to be found.
“Okay well, sun will be up soon. Let’s get ready for bed.” Seonghwa again spoke up, dying down the chatter. It was like he took on a motherly role in the house. It was cute.
“Come Sugarcube. Yunho and I will show you to your room.” The one named Mingi flashed you a smile making you smile in response. Bidding Seonghwa goodnight or would It be morning now? Mental note to look out for a clock. The halls were lavish and carpeted, matching all the rooms you’ve seen thus far. Everything was perfect, vintage and beautiful. Yunho and Mingi had caught onto your mind wandering and had stopped for a moment, seeing how far you’d walk without them near you. You were very cute to them. Like a clueless bunny, with wide innocent eyes.
“Hey, Tiny. Your room is over here.” Yunho’s far voice snapped you out of your thoughts making you turn around to see both large men. Their arms crossed, with big grins. Your face was redder than a tomato in seconds making them both groan at how you waddle back quickly. Cute. Too cute. “This is where you’ll be saying. We’ll try and get some of your personal things tomorrow.”
“Yeah, Hongjoong had said something about grabbing some stuff while your family are out tomorrow.” Mingi rubbed the back of his neck as you slipped past both men to look into the huge spacious room. Only hours ago you were about to be married off to some pig and live on his farm until your death to now staying with not one but eight vampires.
And what was worse. You couldn’t go back. Not that you’d want to that is. But still, all your life you’ve known one thing and now… “You okay Tiny? Not the style you like? We have like ten other rooms if you want to-No it’s okay it’s just…” You cut Yunho off before taking a seat on the olive green and black silk sheets that lay on the large king bed.
“Did…Did Lucas die?” You don’t understand why you were asking about that pig but you needed to know. You needed to know would your parents found his mangled body and thought the beast that did that also killed you. Or would they think you did it? Yunho sat on his knees in front of you, placing his large hands on your thighs in a comforting manner. His smile was soft and his fingers grazing on your exposed skin was gentle.
“No. Yeosang left him alive. But he won't be wanting to live with the way he looks now.” You don’t know if Yunho’s words made you feel better or worse.
“Hongjoong helped him drag him back to that barn. His parents found him and they are looking for you at the moment.” Mingi revealed, knowing you’ll just keep asking questions so there was no reason to hide anything from you.
“Do my parents think I’m dead?” Deep down you knew they’d be happy either way. Dead, alive. Murderer or innocent. Your family would plead their sob story about the monster you were regardless of the truth.
“No…Lucas told them you ran. They think you were a part of it. Luring him out there for your vampire lover to have a meal.” Yunho felt disgusted with himself for repeating what Hongjoong had told them your parents said. But what else should they do?
“Vampire lover….hmm.” You smiled, starting to laugh. That’s what they probably thought you were sneaking off to at random hours of the day or night. Both of the men looked at one another with confusion, letting Mingi sit down next to you.
“Something funny with that Sugarcube?” Mingi’s voice was so deep, velvety. It made your core tingle and heart race. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes, but still giving him a smile.
“My mother has wanted nothing but to pin some devilish thing on me and now she gets it. Something that said I did not serve the lord. Argh…” Tears ran down your cheeks “Fuck the lord. Why should I have to care what an old man did for humanity?! I just wanted to paint. Find adventure. Not marry and be a baby maker for some lowlife pig.” All your pent-up anger. All your disappointment. Every single thing you wished to say to your mother was pouring out, in front of two vampires you had only met hours ago now. It felt like a weight being pushed off your chest and you were no longer drowning. Mingi’s hand rubbed circles on your lower back making you fall into his embrace, letting him hold you while Yunho straightened up so he could hold you as well. They were beasts that could drain you in seconds yet they held you like they’ve known you for years. They listened as if they cared. They spoke as if you were the most important person in the world. why?
“There, there baby. It’s okay. You’re free now. You can do anything you want.” Yunho’s voice was quiet almost barely above a whisper. But still still heard him. You pulled away letting them still hold you but you could wipe your face. You can do anything? No one has ever said that to you.
“Well...I guess since this my first time of freedom…” You had both the vampire's attention now with your words. “I want a bath. One with lots of bubbles.” You’ve never had such a thing in your life only settling for quick showers or sharing bathing pools with your siblings. Not something lavish. Mingi laughed a deep hearty laugh. As if you couldn't get any more cute, there you went.
“I think that’s a perfect idea Sugar. We’ll get one of the maids to fix one up for you. And…” He placed his hands on either shoulder pushing you towards Yunho. Your face inches from him. Mingi inspected the wound of your shoulder blade noticing it was already closing but blood was still pooling out of it slowly. “Get this wound cleaned up…”
His tongue licked a strip upwards, following the wound. You hiccuped feeling a slight sting from him. Yunho however distracted you by giving you a kiss. Your eyes were wide and confused. He… he was kissing you. His soft lips moved slowly against yours. His tongue dipped around your bottom lip, testing the waters. Perfectly distracting you from Mingi cleaning your cut with his mouth. Your blood tasted unlike anything he had ever tasted before.
“You taste amazing… fuck.” Mingi mumbled against you while Yunho’s tongue slipped into your mouth as you groaned. Your mind was spinning like crazy, your hand finding place on Yunho biceps, digging your nails in his cold flesh.
“Y…Yuyu..” You tried to speak, finally making both men pull away, leaving you to gasp for air.
“Sorry tiny. Your lips were just too kissable not to.” Yunho chuckled licking his lips of the saliva you left behind on them. Your heart was pounding, feeling such excitement but also a tinge of fear…
“Tha… that was my first kiss..” You felt embarrassed to say so but you felt compelled to tell them. Which made both of them growl. Mingi’s fingers wrapped in your tattered dress hem while Yunho rubbed his hand over his face.
“Fuck. I was your first kiss baby?” Yunho felt so proud of himself.
“Damn Yunho the others aren't gonna be happy when they find out,” Mingi spoke as if you were no longer there.
“Wait why would the others care?” You suddenly felt small, seeing hunger in both their eyes. You had no idea what these men were planning, nor what they all wanted from you. It frightened you. But not as much as it excited you.
The bath was filled with bubbles, vanilla scent soap and soft music from a vinyl. You could have stayed in there for hours but when one of the maids came in to help you dress your wound you knew it was time to get out. The nice maid named Minnie had brought you some sleepwear, soft silk sleep shorts and a singlet. You have never felt such soft fabric before always getting hand-me-downs or second/third hand clothing.
“You look cute.” A gentle voice echoed from the door of your room. You hummed, blush burning your cheeks. Turning you see Seonghwa leaning against the door frame, bottom lip between his teeth as he eyed you, not even trying to hide that he was checking you out.
“Thanks…” You played with your fingers, standing there awkwardly as you watched Seonghwa close the door, slowly moving towards you. Like he was stalking you. No doubt Yunho and Mingi had run off bragging what they had done when you were busy bathing. God, if this was going to become a new normal you were going to develop a headache from your head spinning.
“I wanted to check on you.” For every step he took, you took one back, like a little dance until your back was firmly against the wall and his body almost flushed against you. “I heard Min and Yun had some fun with you.”
“I-..Yunho kissed me…Mingi he uh…” You felt so flustered, fanatically looking around the room feeling embarrassed about spilling what you had done even though you knew the two giants would have told everyone by now. He put his fingers on your chin, running his thumb along your bottom lip, pulling on it slightly.
“I was kinda hoping to be the first to taste you. But then again, none of the boys tend to listen.” His eyes were hooded, looking at you with such hunger. He could feel your heart race against the pad of his thumb. He can hear your blood pumping quicker than normal. And your eyes never left his. His face inched closer, and then some. Seeing just how close he could get to you before you’d pull away but you didn’t, not even flinch. “Have you done anything like this before?”
You shook your head no slightly. “Have you ever touched yourself, Bunny?” his question made your face become redder. This was filthy, dirty, something you were supposed to be sworn away. And man did defying god feel intoxicating. You whispered no, making him close his eyes with a sigh for a moment. So innocent, so cute… So his to taint. “Do you want me to touch you, Bunny?”
“Yes…” You whisper… He tucked a piece of damp hair behind your ear making you shiver as his fingers grazed your skin. His cold tips slide along your cheek, down to your neck, before pushing gently on your man artery feeling your hot blood pump under his digits.
“I could drain you dry right now. Or fuck you full? Maybe both? Hmm?” His lips brushed against yours but not enough to seal his lips on yours. No, he wanted you to do it, he needed you to do the first move. So he knows you do in fact want it. And you gave him exactly what he wanted, leaning up to lock your lips to his. His one hand cupped your face to deepen the kiss while his other, snaked down to play with the hem of your shorts. Your legs spread instinctively, giving him access to do whatever he pleases. His wet tongue danced with you making you feel all kinds of filthy.
You had almost gotten a man killed, ran away from home. Most likely been shunned for life from your village and on top of that kissed two men that both happened to be undead creatures you only just met, while another drank from one of your open wounds. If was indeed sins, you might as well be sent down to Lillith herself on a golden platter.
“Come on Bunny, let’s get you comfortable.” He pulled away picking you up by your thighs before walking over to your bed and laying you down on the plump mattress. His lips trail down your cheeks, then your jaw until he stops at your neck for a moment rubbing his nose along your jugular. “God I can smell your blood through your soft skin.” he sighs, drawing his fangs out.
“H-Hwa p-please…” You bucked your hips against his hardening length, spreading your legs further so he could get closer if that was possible. He chuckled, darkly. Fang pressing just hard enough to pierce your skin a little bit so a few drops of blood would spill out. He licked your blood up, trying not to get any on the bed sheets. Your whimpers were music to his ears, and your taste was heavenly. Now he’s wondering how else you taste in other places. “Fuuckk.”
The feeling of his fangs and the was his fingers play with your short made your head cloudy. His hand slipped into your shorts cupping your core making you suddenly aware what was happening. His mouth finally left your neck, kissing down the exposed parts of your chest. He was worshiping every part of your body sending your skin on fire. “Such a pretty bunny. I can feel heat pooling out of you. Do you find my devilish charms that intoxicating bunny?”
You squirmed, needed more. His index finger slide along your slit making your mouth open into an ‘o’ shape. Your eyes shut tightly, finally feeling some kind of relief that you were searching for. The pleasure was new, and strange, making you feel like you were in a whole another world. Seonghwa kept whispering sweet nothings to you as he slowly pushes a finger inside your drenched cunt. It was steady at first until he found a rhythm, inching yet another finger inside making your brows knot together. His name fell from your lips on repeat like some kind of broken vinyl, he knew he could get you close to your high without much effort given you have never felt such a feeling before. And with only a few more moments you were clenching around his digits, coming underdone while he stared at you intensely, watching every one of your features move and contort in the pure ecstasy he was gifting you. “Did that feel good baby? I can make you feel even better, all you got to do is say yes.”
“Yes, please Seonghwa. Please. Make me feel like that again. I wanna feel good.” You don’t know why your mouth started spilling such filth but you couldn’t care, not when you were so close to feeling a pleasure you have only wondered about in those lewd novels Miss Smith had down the path. She had let you borrow one and it had changed your life forever. Seonghwa got to work, pulling your shirt off above your head and tugging down the rest until it slipped off your ankles in one swoop of his wrists. You were completely bare for him. He could see all the sun-kissed spots. All the scars, and beauty marks. He could see the bruises of a handprint on your collarbone and other smaller ones littering your legs and arms.
Pathetic human. Digusting pig.
Fuck, does he wish that Yeosang and Hongjoong hadn’t kept him alive now. But then again giving him a swift death would have been too merciful. No, Seonghwa would want to keep Lucas in a cell, locked away for weeks. No food, barely any water. Watching him starve. Watch him beg for death. But Seonghwa would never give it to him. Lucas would welter away in the dungeon, cold, scared, and alone. Just as you felt when you were being chased by him. Just as you felt when he had put his hands on you. Seonghwa would make him pay.
“H-Hwa…” You sat on your elbows having seen the vampire's mind wander. Was he okay? Was he second-guessing his actions? Seonghwa was quick to disregard any of your fears as he shed himself off his shirt, before sliding off the bed to pull his pants down. They dropped to the floor with an audible ‘oof’. You didn't mean for your eyes to immediately gaze down at his fully grown erection but its angry red tip had caught your attention. Seonghwa didn’t mind one bit though, he admired your body in the meantime, letting you get a good look at him while he did the same to you. “That can’t fit inside me….”
Seonghwa laughed, physically laughed at your abrupt statement. “Oh don’t worry. It will.”  he yanked one of your legs making you gasp. He stood tall at the end of your bed, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He rubbed the tip of his cock along your slit, gathering up some of your cum to use as lubricant. The whole time his eyes never left yours. He wanted to see the pleasure pooling in your eyes when he entered you inch by inch. And as you bit your bottom lip, you tried your damned hardest to keep your gaze open. “That’s it, baby. Breath…”
The stretch was painful, to say the least. Even though Seonghwa had used his fingers on you, it still wasn’t enough to fully prep you for his girth. He rubbed circles in your hips, trying to settle the pain as much as he could, noticing your fingers had entangled in the silk sheets, with your knuckles turning lightly white.
“Ffuckk, hngmm Seong.” you mumbled, finally feeling him enter you fully, his groin flush against you. He stayed still for a moment, letting you catch your breath but man was it hard. The way you clamped around him, sucked him in for more. It made him want nothing more than to pound the living shit out of you. But patience. He needed patience. And luckily out of all the boys, he owned the most patience.
“Can I move Darling?” His words were a stutter, laying with groans and sighs. You nodded your head before responding with a quick and quiet ‘please’ letting him draw his cock until only the tip was inside you then smashing back in, knocking the wind out of you. You could no longer hold yourself up, falling onto your back. Seonghwa watched as your breasts bounced in time with his thrusts and how your thighs were clamped snugly around him. You felt amazing, looked eternal. And you were finally his.
He dreamed about what your cunt might feel like wrapped around his cock. Or how might your blood taste when you are in the middle of being fucked. Firty thoughts had always seemed to riddle his mind whenever he saw you and now he could finally get the answers. But one thing is for sure. He has no idea how he is possibly going to share you with the others. When he is going to be craving you permanently.
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poisonlove · 8 days
The Ghost of halloween p.2 | A.D
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Pairing: Astrid X reader
Astrid pov's
"Is it this way?" my mother asks with a small smile on her lips.
I nod without answering, pressing my lips together and turning my head toward the window.
I didn’t want her to see how uncomfortable I felt. We had argued again, and as always, she had decided that moving was the only solution. Panicking, I had told her I had a date today.
"It's really nice here," Lydia Deetz says, looking at the neighborhood decorated for Halloween: gardens filled with decorations, skeletons hanging from trees, and people in costumes getting ready to celebrate.
When we arrive in front of the house, her eyes land on a lit window.
"Oh... it's a girl," my mother exclaims in surprise.
"Mom..." I whisper, feeling my cheeks flush.
"She's very cute," she adds with a mischievous smile, giving me a sidelong glance. I feel my face heat up even more.
"Okay, bye," I finally say, my voice tense, as I open the door.
"I’ll pick you up at 10. Have fun, sweetheart!" she calls out, her voice happier than ever. I shut the door with a loud thud, the sound of my mother’s car driving away echoing.
I sigh and close my eyes for a moment, clutching the bag full of candy and snacks. Then, with hesitant steps, I head toward the porch of the house.
I raise my hand and knock on the door.
I waited nervously for the door to open, my heart pounding in my chest. When I finally see Y/n, a smile spreads across my face. I’m wearing a long, puffy dress in a pale gray, as if it had been corroded by radiation, perfectly embodying Marie Curie. The high collar and puffy sleeves give me an elegant yet eerie appearance.
Y/n looks me up and down, and her smile widens. "You look beautiful," she says, her eyes shining. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.
I feel my face heat up, blushing fiercely. "I'm Marie Curie," I say, trying to mask my embarrassment. I’m not sure if she got my reference.
"The scientist who died from radiation, I know." Y/n’s response surprises me.
I smile, incredulous and happy, as the tension in me melts away.
"Is that bag?" Y/n asks curiously, leaning slightly toward me.
"I thought we could eat some junk food and watch some movies... You know... it’s Halloween," I say timidly, feeling my cheeks flush.
Y/n smiles, and her enthusiasm encourages me. "Sounds like a great idea, come in."
I enter, glancing around curiously, immediately noticing a strange but oddly comforting silence.
"How come there’s no one here?" I ask curiously, following Y/n upstairs.
"Oh, my parents aren’t home," she says simply, guiding me to her room.
Once inside, I look around, noticing the 90s posters and details that make the room feel so cozy. "What movie do you want to watch?" Y/n asks, approaching the shelf of films. My eyes land on a book on the table: The Handbook for the Recently Deceased. I smile amused. "What a strange book," I comment.
"I found it at a stall," Y/n replies distractedly.
As she scans the titles, I feel a mix of anxiety and excitement. "Maybe something horror?" I suggest, a shy smile on my face.
"Perfect," she says, but then slowly moves closer.
Our hands brush, and in an instant, she leans in and kisses me. Her cold lips against mine are unexpected, but I feel a warm explosion of emotions. When I open my eyes, a smile spreads across my face, but right after, I realize we’re floating. The joy vanishes, replaced by a grimace of terror.
I quickly pull away from her, the disappointment clear in her eyes.
"Are you a ghost?" I say in disbelief. Are my mom’s crazy ideas real?
She nods, and my heart races.
"Why didn’t you tell me? How did you die?" I ask, incredulous but curious.
Y/n sighs, her face growing serious.
"I didn’t want to scare you, I haven’t had a decent conversation in years... And it was my father... After he killed his partner with an axe, he finished me off too, his only daughter. Then he died from poisoning." She slowly lifts her shirt, revealing a deep cut on her stomach.
The sight of that mark makes my blood run cold. I can’t believe what she’s saying, yet I can’t look away.
"Why did you lie to me?" I ask, my voice strangely calm despite the turmoil I feel inside.
Y/n scratches her head, her face turning a little red with embarrassment. "I told you, I wanted company... and I also wanted to surprise you," she finally confesses, her shyness evident in her tone.
I raise an eyebrow, confused. "A surprise?" I repeat, trying to understand where she’s going with this.
"I know we only met yesterday, but... you’re a good person, Astrid. And I... wanted to help you see your father," she murmurs, her voice fading as if it was hard to admit.
My eyes widen, taken aback by her words. "Is it possible?" I ask, the emotion clinging to my chest, making it hard to breathe.
Y/n nods, serious, and a part of me, the part that never stopped hoping, starts to believe it’s true.
An unexpected joy bursts inside me. Before I can stop myself, I approach and hug her tightly, but the moment my arms touch her, her body passes through mine as if made of smoke. The sensation leaves me stunned: cold and insubstantial, yet with a certain warmth, a distant echo of humanity.
"Sorry," I mutter embarrassed, while she laughs softly, not making a big deal out of it.
Without saying a word, Y/n steps away and heads toward a corner of the room. She bends down and picks up a small white object, lifting it toward me with a knowing smile. "A piece of chalk?" I ask, squinting in confusion, but without taking my eyes off her ethereal figure.
She nods and, with precise movements, draws a door on the wall of her room. When she finishes, she stands next to me, looking at the drawing with a strange satisfaction. The drawing almost seems to pulse with life, as if an unknown force was stirring behind that simple figure.
"It’s the door to the other world," she says with a small smile, her tone light as if she were talking about something trivial.
I feel my heart race in my chest. "And what am I supposed to do?" I ask, even more confused, staring at the drawing with evident skepticism.
"Knock," she says calmly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Hesitantly, I approach the drawn door, my hand trembling slightly. I knock, feeling ridiculous. Who knocks on a drawing? But a moment later, a dull sound echoes beyond the wall, and before I can react, the drawing comes to life. The door creaks open with a chilling sound, revealing a passage that emits thick, glowing smoke. A cold breeze wraps around me, along with a spectral light, like that of an old neon sign.
I stand still, my mouth open in amazement. In front of me unfolds the world of the dead. It’s exactly as I imagined: chaotic, grotesque, yet strangely fascinating. The walls seem to be made of a material never seen before, a mix of rotting flesh and crumbling concrete, covered with drawings and graffiti that shift shape before my eyes. Indistinct shadows move at the edge of my vision, as if the world itself was breathing. The sky above us isn’t a real sky: it’s an endless ceiling of greenish mist, studded with metallic pipes and flickering light bulbs.
In the distance, I hear the hum of old fans and the sound of distorted laughter, like an echo from a forgotten cabaret. Creatures of all shapes wander in what seems to be a surreal public office, each with a more bizarre appearance than the last: some have gigantic heads, others are reduced to walking skeletons, and still others seem to melt into goo. The world feels like a collage of forgotten things and distorted memories, a mix of the surreal and the macabre.
"Welcome," Y/n whispers beside me.
I turn to her, still in disbelief, but my heart is pounding, full of a hope I can’t suppress. Maybe, in that chaotic madness, I’ll finally get to see my father.
As we walk through the world of the dead, my head spins as I try to catch every detail, but everything is so surreal that it feels like being trapped in a nightmare. The gray and decaying offices are populated by grotesque figures moving with indifference. Faceless shadows wander the hallways, and distorted laughter continues in the distance.
"It's... strange," I whisper, my voice tense, "This place... how can it exist?"
Y/n glances at me, but before she can answer, a chilling sound fills the air. A shrill, metallic alarm starts echoing everywhere.
"ALERT! UNAUTHORIZED HUMAN PRESENCE!" A robotic and sinister voice booms through the walls.
Y/n’s eyes widen, her face pale. "Oh no... the human alarm!"
"W-what?" I stammer, but before I can grasp what’s happening, Y/n grabs my wrist, pulling me forcefully.
"We have to go! Now!" she yells, starting to run towards the exit. The creatures around us freeze, some turning with ravenous eyes, others beginning to move towards us with eerie slowness.
We race through the hallways like two shadows, our footsteps echoing as the sound of the alarm grows louder. The lights flicker, and I can hear the frantic pounding of my heart in my ears. Every corner seems to distort, making it hard to tell which way is out.
We turn a corner down a long corridor and stop abruptly. In front of us are two familiar figures. One is my mother, Lydia, with her unmistakable black bob and stern look. But the figure next to her leaves me breathless: a man with messy hair and a black and white striped suit, with a mischievous and cocky expression. Beetlejuice.
"Y/n?" says Beetlejuice, his eyes widening in surprise. "What are you doing here, kid?"
Y/n grits her teeth, her voice a tense whisper. "Dad..."
I feel a lump forming in my throat as my mother and I turn to each other, both of us with mouths agape in shock.
"Dad?" I repeat incredulously, my eyes wide as I look at Y/n.
Lydia doesn’t have time for questions. She grabs both of us by the arms. "We have to go, now!" she shouts, and we start running, with Y/n still pulling me even harder.
Behind us, the alarm continues to blare, and the footsteps of the authorities from the world of the dead begin to echo closer. Beetlejuice lags behind, chuckling as if this were all a game to him.
We run towards a door, but when Lydia flings it open, instead of finding a way out, we fall into the void, tumbling into scorching sand. I hit the ground hard, raising a cloud of dust, coughing from the impact.
"No... no, no, no!" Lydia screams, scrambling to her feet. "We’re in the sandworm desert!"
I struggle to stand, but panic takes over when I see the ground shaking beneath us. In the distance, the giant sandworm emerges from the dune, speeding towards us at a terrifying pace. Its long, scaly body slithers through the sand like a dark shadow.
Y/n grabs my hand and starts running, dragging me along with her. "Come on! We can't stop!"
Lydia follows close behind, her face twisted in fear, but the worm is too fast. I can feel it getting closer, its gaping mouth emitting a piercing scream, ready to devour us.
"It's too close!" I cry, my breath short, but just then, a miracle happens.
From the sky, a door of light suddenly opens above us, and a hand reaches out from nowhere, grabbing each of us. First Y/n, then me, and finally Lydia. With a yank, it pulls us up, taking us away just as the worm opens its jaws beneath us.
The world flips for a moment until we find ourselves on a cold floor, safe. I gasp for air, trying to catch my breath, as Y/n looks at me with concern.
"W-we made it..." Y/n murmurs, still in disbelief.
I look up and see my father watching me with pride. His skin is greenish, with some fish stuck in his hair, but he's smiling all the same.
My eyes fill with tears. "Dad..." I murmur before throwing myself into his arms. "Sweetheart..." he whispers, hugging me tightly. I pull away with a smile I can't hold back.
"I saw Lydia and decided to follow you... But what are you wearing, sweetheart? You look like Marie Curie!" he says with an amused grin, glancing at me. I giggle and nod.
Then, his gaze shifts beyond me, and I notice Lydia approaching. My father smiles at her, reaching out an arm. "Lydia, come here," he says warmly. he embraces her without hesitation. "I miss you ," he whispers, his voice full of affection and gratitude.
Lydia smiles shyly as she returns the hug.
"I miss you too " she replies softly, her voice breaking with emotion.
They separate, and my father turns back to us. "You have to go," he says suddenly, his tone serious.
He puts an arm around my waist and takes my mother’s hand with the other. "You have to go. Now," he repeats urgently, pulling us toward a staircase that seems to materialize out of nowhere.
"I love you, Dad," I say, tears filling my eyes.
"I love you too," he replies, his gaze veiled with tears and a bittersweet smile on his lips before he slowly vanishes.
My mother starts climbing the stairs, but I stay behind, waiting for Y/n.
"Go," she suddenly says, with sadness in her voice.
"Come with me," I say, confused, my heart pounding.
"I don’t know, Astrid... I’m tired of wandering. Maybe my place is here," she replies, her voice trembling.
My heart stops for a moment.
"Don’t be silly, we’ll find a solution," I say, a lump in my throat, and my chest aching.
She shakes her head, resolute.
I feel a sharp pain in my chest, but I move closer to her and grab her hands. Her touch is cold, almost as if there’s nothing to hold onto, but I don’t let go. "I need you. I... I want you," I confess, my cheeks flushing red.
"Astrid..." she murmurs.
"We’ll figure it out, okay? But I need you," I repeat, with all the sincerity I can muster. Y/n looks at me for a few seconds, then sighs and slowly nods.
My face lights up in a huge smile.
Y/n Pov's
Days later, the light of the sunset fills my old room with a warm, orange hue. Everything seems so normal, yet the tension in the air is palpable. Astrid and I sit on the floor, surrounded by lit candles, while her mother draws a complicated circle of runes on the wooden floor. It seems absurd to think that it's really possible, that I can come back to life. And yet, here we are.
The book her mother holds is ancient, its pages worn and yellowed with age. The runes and symbols I see seem to pulse with their own energy, as if the text is more than just paper and ink.
Astrid is close to me, sitting by my side, her gaze serious but kind, just as it always is when she wants to show me that everything will be okay. She was the one who insisted on finding a solution, and when her mother discovered this ancient ritual, she didn’t hesitate. The thought of coming back to life fills me with hope, but also fear. It’s like jumping into the unknown.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask, searching her eyes.
She looks at me without hesitation. “There’s nothing I want more in the world.” Her hand finds mine, warm and reassuring. “I want you here, with me.”
Her mother finishes drawing the circle with white chalk and stands slowly, her gaze focused and attentive. “This is the Rite of Essence Binding,” she says, her voice firm but carrying a gravity I can't ignore. “An ancient practice that binds the soul to the body. But it’s a delicate process. Y/n, you’re suspended between two worlds. This rite will bring your essence back to the living world.”
Her words make my throat tighten. I know something big, something irreversible is about to happen. I feel Astrid squeeze my hand tighter, and I look at her, finding all the courage I need in her.
“Step into the circle,” her mother orders calmly.
Astrid and I stand and position ourselves in the center of the rune drawing. The floor beneath our feet seems to vibrate slightly, as if the ritual had already begun just with our presence. Her mother begins to mutter ancient words that echo in the room as if carried by an invisible wind. The runes drawn on the floor start to glow with a deep, pulsing blue light, and the air becomes thick, charged with energy.
“During the rite, your soul will try to reconnect with your body, but it might face resistance,” her mother explains, not stopping the incantation. “Astrid, you must be her anchor. The bond between you is what will allow the rite to work.”
Astrid never lets go of my hand, and I can feel her strength flowing into me. Every word spoken by her mother pulls me in a different direction, as if my being is divided between the world of the living and the dead. Then, the pain begins.
It’s a deep pain, starting in my chest and expanding into every cell of my body. I feel like I’m being torn in two, as if something is trying to pull me away from reality. But I don’t let go. I hold onto Astrid’s hand with all the strength I have.
The runes beneath our feet shine brighter, the blue light rising like flames around us. I feel my heart beating in my chest, strong and fast. It’s a real, tangible heartbeat. My essence is returning.
“Don’t let go of me,” Astrid whispers, her voice broken with emotion.
“I won’t,” I manage to reply, as the pain intensifies even more, becoming unbearable.
Her mother’s words grow louder, faster. The energy in the room is almost suffocating, and everything builds to a climax. I feel immense pressure, like the entire world is crushing my body, but then, suddenly, the pain shatters, leaving only peace.
The runes glow for one last moment, then the light fades, and with it, silence envelops the room.
I breathe. My chest rises and falls regularly. I feel my heart beating, I feel the blood coursing through my veins. My body is alive.
I look at my hands, incredulous. They’re warm. Truly warm.
“You’re here… You’re back,” Astrid murmurs, her voice filled with emotion.
Her arms wrap around me in a tight embrace, and I return it, finally feeling the warmth of her body against mine. Her hand strokes my back, and I know that, this time, I’m really here.
Her mother closes the book and sighs deeply. “It’s done,” she says, with a small, tired smile. “Y/n, you’re alive.”
All I can do is smile, in disbelief, as I hold onto Astrid, feeling my heart beating strong against hers. I’m no longer a shadow, a memory. I’m real. I’ve come back. And with her, I feel like I can face anything.
"Astrid..." I whisper, my voice trembling but full of emotion. I can’t say more because she suddenly moves closer, her eyes shining with something I’d never seen before. Before I can even realize it, her lips are on mine.
The kiss is sweet, intense, full of everything we’ve felt during those days of waiting and hoping. I feel her warmth, her life melding with mine, and for the first time in a long time, I feel whole. The world around us seems to disappear: it's just the two of us, in that moment.
When we pull apart, her eyes find mine, full of a joy that manages to warm me from within. She smiles at me, and I can’t help but smile back, even though a small corner of uncertainty still lingers inside me.
“You’re back,” she murmurs, as if afraid I might disappear again.
“Yes,” I reply, still in disbelief. “Thanks to you.”
I take a deep breath and decide to stand up, to take a step forward, to feel the floor beneath my feet again. But as soon as I try to move, my body seems to give way. My legs tremble, weak and unsteady, and the whole world seems to sway around me. Before I can process it, I’m falling forward, my knees giving out beneath me.
Astrid grabs my waist just in time, holding me in her arms. My heart races, not just from the panic of losing my balance. "Hey, take it easy," she says softly, rubbing my back to reassure me. "You have to get used to it again. It’s not easy coming back to normal."
“I didn’t think... walking would be so hard,” I say, trying to laugh but feeling the embarrassment take over. I look at my legs, still trembling slightly, as if they aren’t responding to my commands.
Astrid helps me sit down again, her touch always gentle but firm. “It’s normal, it’ll take time. You have to get used to being alive again,” she says, smiling at me like it's the most natural thing in the world.
Her mother approaches with an understanding expression. “Your body has gone through a shock, Y/n. Even though your soul is back, you have to give your body time to readjust. Move slowly, one step at a time.”
I nod slowly, feeling the weight of those words. Astrid is still beside me, her arm around my waist, ready to support me at any moment.
“I’m here,” she says softly, stroking my face. “I’m not letting go.”
I take a deep breath, and even though my legs are weak, I know that with her by my side, I can do this. I lift my gaze and meet her eyes. "One step at a time," I repeat, squeezing her hand. "Together."
Astrid smiles again, and in that moment, I feel like I can conquer the world.
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solbaby7 · 8 months
Life of the Party
pairing: azriel x reader
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warnings: typical jealousy trope, sexual themes, minors DNI, swearing, probably typos, chill boyfriend/party animal girlfriend trope
summary: A spymaster who’s restraint wears thin when his mate is invited to a costume party
“Oh wow,” Mor breathes out when you walk in the sitting room; heels clicking against the glossy floors as you made a bee-line for the bar cart. “Azriel’s letting you go?”
“No, which is why I’m rushing.” Your hands shake around the decanter; not with any real fear but your heartbeat does quicken at the reminder of the little white lie you’d told instead of the truth because you knew how it sounded. You, going to a party that you were invited to outside of the Night Court. “Tarquin said he’d meet me at the border.”
“A personal escort from the host himself?” Mor doesn’t bother hiding the implication in her tone and she lets out a low laugh, Amren joining in with a chuckle of her own at the way your eyes roll.
The whiskey Rhysand splurged on was warm going down and after three consecutive shots, the nerves were steadily beginning to subside. “He’s my friend.”
“Did your friend also provide you with that little outfit?”
You glance down at yourself at Armen’s slow drawl, a ruby nail pointing at your frame.
Maybe it was a little much.
The obsidian color of the fighting leather like material fits like second skin on the parts of you that they do cover. There are no sleeves, the neckline fairly tame; a deterrent to offset how much leg was on display. The see through material of the skirt flows tauntingly with each step, the two deep slits on both sides so high your hipbones showed along with the leather straps that curled around your thighs, equipped with two jeweled daggers. Two large swords crossed at your back, the hilts wrapped in blue ribbon; a small reminder of the shadowsinger. It was sexy; meant to make you appear as some warrior goddess—Azriel would never let you step foot out of the house like this. “It was a gift.”
Mor lets out a low whistle, eyes still taking in the details; the gold chains that held together some flimsy underwear that hid your modesty when the breeze cut through too hard. “He’s going to fucking kill you.”
One more shot and you swear you see a shadow lurking about in the corner. Armen smirks at your jumpiness, tucking silky hair behind a pierced ear. “Better hurry along, sounds like he just got home.”
Your eyes widen, heartbeat thumping quickly against your chest and you don’t care to let their laughter distract you when you dart from the room. You speed walk on the tips of your toes, trying to make as little noise as possible in the high heels as you prayed to the Mother above to just let you past the front door and then everything would be perfectly fine. Your hair tickles at your shoulders every time your head whips back to ensure you aren’t being followed and you finally feel the cool breeze of the night touch your skin when you bump into a large body.
The gasp that emits is comical, a little yelp, eyes wide and the relief doesn’t settle in even when you notice it’s just Cassian. “Whoa,” He mutters, bright eyes running across your frame and you pray that’s distraction enough for him to not question the way you slowly circle him, adjusting the position and finding a clear path the hell out of there the second he left. “Where are you going dressed like that?”
“Nowhere,” You breathe out, a shaky smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Have you seen Az?”
Cass smirks, taking this as you getting dressed like this for Azriel—some sexy little fantasy made reality and your shoulders immediately relax. “Went inside a couple minutes before I did. He’s probably looking for you.”
“Guess, I better hurry.” He nods, not bothering to hide the way his eyes eat at all the skin you have bared, the sultry curve of ass that peeks out the back of the skirt with each step and he barely notices you’ve gone the wrong way—leaving with a sheepish smile and a wave before you winnowed away.
It sets in when he steps inside the house, spotting Azriel turning the corner and he can’t help the words that form, even when Mor and Armen step out of the sitting room. “Az, you lucky bastard.”
The spymasters brows furrow in confusion, shadows slinking about; drifting beneath the cracks of room after room, reporting your absence back to their master. “What are you talking about?”
“That little outfit your girls got on—I’m surprised you’re even standing here right now.” Mor’s eyes widen, sharing a gaze with Armen and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Azriel’s shoulders subtly square out, spine straightening and the way golden irises darken has the otherworldly woman chuckling to herself. The pieces click without any further information and the scowl that forms on his face is positively hellish. “Did she go to that fucking party?”
But it’s plenty answer enough.
Darkness clouds the rooms so thick it was nearly impossible to see even an inch before you and just like that it was gone and so was Azriel.
You let out a deep breath, nerves beginning to subside when you stand before Tarquin. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
His hand is warm when he guides your arm into his own, a large palm gentle rested over your own. “Got a bit delayed on the way over. Hope I didn’t miss anything too exciting.”
“No,” He murmurs, a smile growing in the corner of his mouth. “I believe the excitement just arrived.” Stark white hair contrasts against rich skin, Tarquin’s abdomen is exposed, the buttons of his shirt undone and left out of the waistband of his dress pants.
“Who exactly are you supposed to be?”
“I’m a High Lord, I’m not obligated to participate in such things.”
The cool breeze cuts through the thin material, all your exposed skin doing little to stave off the elements but the warmth radiating from the man beside you is enough to hold you over until you breach the main doors. Everyone was dressed in all types of extravagant outfits, some so revealing you wondered if it were a costume at all. “Glad to see that title hasn’t inflated your ego.”
“I’m sure it’ll be much more manageable after a drink or two.”
Two drinks quickly turned to five and then after a few more you’d shuck off to a corner to roll up the mirthroot Mor had generously slid your way a few weeks back. Golden light casts over the room in a sultry glow, music alluring and your hips are moving from side to side without being told. The smoke trickles from your mouth, smile growing as your worries began to fade. You could feel the eyes, the lusty gazes and Tarquin’s genuine joy from just watching.
You’re too caught up in the moment, mirthroot burning between two fingers when the shadowsinger arrives, his intent march abruptly stopped by the High Lord of the Summer Court. Cassian follows close by, Mor and Rhys a few paces behind and their steps abruptly halt when they see you. Perched up on a raised structure, your hips sway in sync with the music, hair flowing behind you and the blue ribbons attached to the swords flutter with each movement. “You,” Azriel all but hisses but Tarquin doesn’t so much as flinch. “—a terrible, horrible influence.”
“Relax," Tarquin drawls out, obviously somewhat affected by the few glasses of wine he'd indulged in. "-- look at her,” Az's hands clench in fists at his sides but the spymaster can’t help the way his eyes shift to you, to the costume and the color you donned; the smoke huffing from your nose like a dragon emerging from her cave for the night and Azriel forgets about what he was mad about in the first place. “She’s just having fun.”
More than having fun.
You were positively the life of the party, others beginning to gather around, watching the warrior of a woman dancing like no one else was there. Your head dips back and Azriel finds his eyes trained on the column of your neck, mouth closing as whatever response he’d originally intended to give the High Lord completely died on his tongue. Something in the way Tarquin remains trained on you has Azriel's shadows go on edge, sizing up the man baring so much skin; lean muscle on display and bright eyes are fixed on the way you move. "Watch this," He mutters, living vicariously through you and Azriel begins to question the true intentions behind the High Lords friendship with you. "It's her favorite part." Water begins to trickle down like fresh rain after weeks of sweltering heat and Azriel's heart actually swells when he hears the laugh you let out; hands raised above your hand to catch the cool drops.
It soaks through your clothes, the flimsy material of your skirt sticking to your thighs and Azriel is acutely aware of exactly how much skin you have on display and the plethora of males and females in the crowd beginning to recognize that same thing. Even Rhysand has a brow raised, head slowly tilting to the side when a particularly obscene about of ass flashes, gold chains holding underwear in place glistening under the flame light.
Azriel doesn't even need to trudge through the sea of sweaty bodies to get to you; eyes catching after turning to send a grateful smile to Tarquin and for a split second your whole body freezes. You recover quickly but you come down from the stand much quicker, body dripping and hair sticking to your neck. The closer you approach your mate, the more aware you become of the smell of the mirthroot stuck to your clothes, lacing your breath and Az doesn't seem swayed in the slightest by the sweet smile you offer him when you reach. "Nice party, right?"
Aureate irises drag down the length of your frame, catching on the parts of you made visible from the impromptu shower and Az can't help but be a little disappointed to see your makeup still in place. He'd always got a little frenzied when he saw you all messy; eyeshadow smeared and mascara dripping down your cheeks while he fucked off the sticky lipgloss that smelled like cherries. The evaluation pauses at the holsters wrapped around your thighs, jewels in shades of blue intricately welded together on the daggers peeking out the sodden skirt. "It would appear so," Shadows curl around your legs, avoiding the gift of a costume as if it were toxic waste. "I hope you enjoyed it because we are going home."
"But, I just got here."
"Yeah, Shadowsinger," Tarquin tacks on and Az's hand twitches to punch him; to wipe that smug grin off his face and to demand Rhys erase decades of memories the two of you had made before ever even meeting Azriel because no other male should be this comfortable with you. "She just got here and she hasn't even begun to make a dent in the bag of mirthroot Mor got her." The blonde in question huffs, eyes going a little wide but she doesn't seem too worried-- confident that whatever Az had planned for you was far worse than anything he could conjure up for her.
"Actually, he's right," You pull away from the High Lord with a warm smile, offering a hug and thanks for everything and Cassian hides the laugh that grows at the sight of Azriel's jaw clenched so tight; shadows just itching to slice off the hand that lingered a little too low in the dip of your back. "We should be getting home."
Az wastes no time tugging you to his side, nose grazing your temple when whispering in your ear. "When we get back take these clothes off but leave those on." Shadows twist at the fat of your thigh, around the holsters and the weapons they held. "Only those."
A smile grows, pupils blown and the way you glance up through thick lashes has his cock hardening in his pants. "Yes, sir."
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Nightshifter | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader (Eventual ;) )
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, hostage situation
Word Count: 5149
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You eyed Dean angrily as he flirted with the attractive woman in front of him dressed as an FBI agent. You knew he was teasing you, and it was pissing you off. You had long since finished your interrogation of the store’s manager. Helena had apparently been a patron of the store for years. Then, one day, she went crazy; the police caught her clearing out the jewelry store’s cases and the safe before shooting someone in the face and killing herself in her bathtub after the crime. You had a sneaking suspicion you were dealing with a shapeshifter; a monster that you were quite over dealing with.
Dean approached you, triumphantly waving the piece of paper with the phone number he’d gotten from the woman he was interviewing.
You snatched it out of his hands. 
“Aw, you jealous?” he teased, leaning into you.
You deadpanned, “Keep it professional, Agent Hetfield, wouldn’t want the bureau to hear about this, right?” You ripped the paper up and shoved its tatters into your blazer pocket.
He deflated slightly, but still smirked at you. “I’m gonna make you crack, sweetheart, just wait.”
“Mm-hmm,” you hummed, turning away from him and heading out to the Impala. Admittedly, you were strutting a little bit to tease him.
Sam met you at the car, and the three of you drove to the home of the man whose police statement had been a mix of sci-fi nerd gibberish and the only eye-witness account of the incident.
As you approached the small house, Sam began talking about another piece of the case. “Uh, Milwaukee National Trust. It was hit about a month ago.”
Dean raised a brow. “Same M.O. as the jewelry store?”
“Yep, inside job, longtime employee, the never-in-a-million-years type. Dude robs the bank, then goes home and supposedly commits suicide.”
“The guy, Resnick, he was the security guard on duty?” Dean questioned.
Sam nodded. “Yeah. He was actually beaten unconscious by the teller who heisted the place.”
“Jesus,” you grimaced.
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. He knocked on the screen door. “Mr. Resnick?” A bright flood light turned on, momentarily blinding you.
You raised a hand in front of your eyes. “Holy—”
Sam was apparently unfazed. “FBI, Mr. Resnick.”
Through the screen door, a chubby, nerdy-looking man in his late twenties approached. “Let me see the badge.”
You slapped your badge against the screen next to Sam’s and Dean’s. 
Mr. Resnick, whose first name was Ronald, squinted at them carefully. “I already gave my statement to the police.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, listen, Ronald, um… just some things about your statement we wanted to get some clarification on.”
“You read it?” He seemed surprised. “You come to listen to what I've got to say?”
“Well, that’s why we’re here,” Dean said.
“Well, come on in.” He opened the door and led you through a narrow hallway to a room cluttered with conspiracy theory paraphernalia.
“None of the cops ever called me back. Not after I told them what was really going on. Uh, they all thought I was crazy,” he rushed out. You were beginning to think the same. “First off, Juan Morales never robbed the Milwaukee National Trust, okay? That, I guarantee. See, me and Juan were friends. He used to come back to the bank on my night shifts, and we'd play cards.”
“So you let him into the bank that night, after hours,” Sam noted.
“The thing I let into the bank…” Ronald trailed off, “wasn't Juan. I mean, it had his face, but it wasn't his face. Uh, every detail was perfect, but too perfect, you know, like if a dollmaker made it, like I was talking to a big Juan-doll.”
You nearly choked on a laugh. “A Juan-doll?”
“Look, this wasn't the only time this happened, okay?” He scrambled through papers on his messy desk and handed you a folder. “There was this jewelry store, too. And the cops, a-and you guys, you just won't see it!” You flipped through the folder; it almost looked like a hunter’s profile of the case. You were half impressed. “Both crimes were pulled by the same thing,” Ronald finished. 
Sam pressed, saying, “What's that, Mr. Resnick?”
He picked up a copy of a magazine labeled “Fortean Times” and held it out to you. The headline read, “Birth of the Cybermen.”
‘Jesus Christ,’ you thought, suppressing a grimace.
“Chinese 've been working on 'em for years,” the man explained. “And the Russians before that. Part men, part machine. Like the Terminator. But the kind that can change itself, make itself look like other people.”
Dean smirked. “Like the one from T2.”
“Exactly! See, so not just a robot, more of a- a- a- a— Mandroid," he said finally, a bizarre twinkle in his eye.
“A Mandroid,” you deadpanned. “And what makes you so sure about this, Ronald?”
He held up a finger at you, smiling a little wildly. Your eyes flicked to Dean’s in concern, and he just wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
The man returned a moment later holding a VHS tape labeled “M.N.T. Camera 4— Juan.” He inserted it into a player, saying, “See, I made copies of all the security tapes. I knew once the cops got them they'd be buried. Here.” He fast-forwarded a bit in the tape. “Now watch. Watch. Watch him, watch, watch! See, look! Th- th- there it is!” He paused it on a clip of the man with a silver in his eyes. “You see? He's got the laser eyes.”
You gave Sam a knowing look that he returned.
“Cops said it was some kind of reflected light. Some kind of ‘camera flare’. Okay? Ain't no damn camera flare. They say I'm a post-trauma case. So what? Bank goes and fires me, it don't matter!” You eyed Ronald uncomfortably as he continued to pace around and rant. “The Mandroid is— is still out there. The law won't hunt this thing down— I'll do it myself.
"You see, this thing, it- it- it kills the real person, makes it look like a suicide, then it sorta, like, morphs into that person. Cases the job for a while until it knows the take is fat, and then it finds its opening. Now, these robberies, they're, they're grouped together.” He pointed at the map on the wall. “So I figure the Mandroid is holed up somewhere in the middle, underground, maybe. I dunno, maybe that's where it recharges its, uh, Mandroid batteries.”
Dean nodded, seeming impressed. You just looked between Ronald and Dean in confusion. 
“Okay. I want you to listen very carefully. Because I'm about to tell you the god's honest truth about all of this,” Sam began.
Your head whipped to him, confused as to where he was going with this.
“There's no such thing as Mandroids. There's nothing evil or inhuman going on out there. Just people. Nothing else, you understand?”
You kept a straight face, but were startled. 
“The laser eyes,” Ronald tried desperately.
“Just a camera flare, Mr. Resnick. See, I know you don't want to believe this. But your friend Juan robbed the bank, and that's it,” Sam mollified.
Ronald immediately became angry. “Get out of my house! Now!”
You and the brothers found another tacky, cheap motel to stay in for the time being. You lounged on Dean’s bed in a pair of comfortable sweatpants and an oversized band t-shirt. 
Dean paced around the room, chuckling. “Man, that has got to be the kicker, straight up. I mean, you tell that poor son of a bitch that— what did you say, remand the tapes that he copied? Classified evidence of an ongoing investigation?” He laughed harder. “That's messed up.”
Sam sat on the foot of the bed and inserted the tape into the television’s player. “What are you, pissed at me or something?”
Dean shook his head. “Nah, I just think it's a little creepy how good of a Fed you are. I mean, come on, we could have at least thrown the guy a bone. He did some pretty good legwork here.”
“Mandroid?” you deadpanned.
“Except for the Mandroid part,” Dean added. “I liked him. He's not that different from you or me. People think we're crazy.”
“He’s not a hunter, though, Dean,” you challenged. “He ran into something real and let his conspiracy-theory-brain-rot get the best of him.”
“Better to stay in the dark, and stay alive,” Sam finished.
Dean shrugged, “Yeah, I guess.” He put a paper down on the map on the table and began marking it with a red pen. 
You shuffled forward to Sam and hit the pause button on the remote just as the man’s eyes flashed at the camera.
“Shapeshifter. Just like back in St. Louis. Same retinal reaction to video,” Sam informed.
“Eyes flare at the camera. I hate those fuckin’ things,” Dean grunted.
“You think we don’t?” you scoffed.
“Yeah, well, one didn't turn into you and frame you for murder.”
You shrugged. “Well, look, if this shifter's anything like the one we killed in Missouri—”
“Then Ronald was right. Alright, they like to layer up underground, preferably the sewer. And all the robberies have been connected so far, right?”
Sam nodded.
“With the, uh, sewer main layout. There's one more bank lined up on that same sewer main,” Dean continued.
“Awesome,” you grumbled.
Later that evening, you and the brothers headed to the bank Dean referenced, the City Bank of Milwaukee, to see if the shapeshifter would be hitting that one next. You posed as Sam and Dean’s boss, and the two boys wore security camera technician outfits. 
The guard of the bank informed you as you walked along, “Well, we haven't had any flags go up on our system yet.”
You shook your head. “No, sir, this is a glitch in the overall grid. I just need to cover all my bases and make sure the branch monitors are okay.”
“Well, better to be safe than sorry, I guess,” the guard shrugged.
“That’s the plan,” you nodded.
He opened the door to an observation room flooded with monitors for you, saying, “Alrighty. You guys need anything else?”
“Nope,” you replied. “We’ll be in and out before you know it. Just a routine check.”
“Okie-dokie,” he said, leaving the room.
Dean chuckled. “I like him. He says ‘Okie-dokie.’ “
“What if he's the shifter?” worried Sam.
“Well, then we follow him home, put a silver bullet through his chestplate,” the older brother replied simply.
You sat down in one of the desk chairs to watch the screens. You kicked your high-heeled feet up on the desk in front of you, leaning back in your seat. “Anybody got popcorn?” you yawned, preparing for the hours of work ahead of you.
You and the Winchester boys were beginning to go cross-eyed after searching for the monster for so long.
“Well, it looks like Mr. Okie-Dokie is… okie-dokie,” Dean commented upon seeing his eyes appear normal in the camera screens.
“Maybe we jumped the gun on this, guys,” sighed Sam. “I mean, we don't even know it's here.”
Something caught your eye. “Wait a minute.” A middle-aged man turned toward the camera, and his eyes flared. “Got him.”
“Hello, freak,” Dean growled.
Sam immediately jumped up, as did you, but Dean lingered behind. “Guys, wait!”
“What?” you and Sam spun around.
You then saw Ronald scurrying up to the door of the bank with a chain and a padlock, chaining it shut.
Dean scoffed. “Hello, Ronald.”
You immediately began running down the hall, ignoring the protesting of the soles of your feet as your heels clacked against the floor. As you approached the main lobby of the bank, you heard Ronald screaming for everyone to get on the ground. And then, gunshots.
“Fuck!” you cursed.
“And you said we shouldn't bring guns,” Dean scolded Sam, nearly bumping into someone fleeing past him.
“I didn't know this was gonna happen, Dean,” Sam replied.
“Just let me do the talking,” the older brother commanded. “I don't think he likes you very much, Agent Johnson.”
You saw Ronald standing in front of a group of people huddled together on the floor. “Now, there's only one way in or out of here, and I chained it up. So nobody's leaving, do you understand?”
Your eyes flicked to Dean concernedly as he stepped forward. “Hey, buddy. Calm down. Just calm down—”
Ronald wheeled around. “What the— You! Get on the floor, now.”
Dean began to crouch to the floor, as did you and Sam. “Okay, we're doing that. Just don't shoot anybody, especially us.”
“I knew it. As soon as you two left. You ain't FBI. Who are you? Who are you working for, huh? The men in black? You working for the Mandroid?”
“We’re not working for the Mandroid!” Sam exclaimed.
Ronald shakily aimed his gun at Sam. “You, shut up! I ain't talking to you. I don't like you.”
“Fair enough,” the brunet mumbled.
“Get on 'em. Frisk them down, make sure they got no weapons on them. Go!” Ronald commanded one of the hostages.
“Oh, hell, no, you’re not fucking touching me,” you struggled against the man as he tried to feel you up. 
“(Y/N), (Y/N), stop, stop,” Sam pleaded.
You shoved the man off yourself. Your struggle was strategic, though, as it kept him from finding the knives you had planted on yourself; one in your sleeve and one alongside your thigh.
The man moved over to Dean and found a knife stashed in his boot.
“Now what have we here?” Ronald’s question was meant to sound intimidating, but his wavering voice gave him away.
Sam shot Dean a look.
“I'm not just gonna walk in here naked!” Dean hissed back.
“Get back there,” Ronald ordered. You did so, following his pointing of the gun to the group of people behind him. He dropped Dean’s knife in the deposit box, and Dean winced.
“We know you don't want to hurt anybody,” he said. “That's exactly what's gonna happen if you keep waving that cannon around, and why don't you let these people go?”
“No!” Ronald shrieked. “I already told you. If nobody's gonna stop this thing, then I've got to do it myself.”
“Hey, we believe you! That's why we're here,” Dean replied.
“You don't believe me. Nobody believes me! How could they?” he cried.
“Come here,” Dean said.
Ronald scoffed. “What? No.”
“You're holding the gun, boss; you're calling the shots. I just want to tell you something. Come here.”
Ronald approached cautiously and leaned into Dean. You assumed he was telling him who the shifter was.
“Why do you think we've got these getups, huh? We've been monitoring the cameras in the back. We saw the bank manager. We saw his eyes,” Dean whispered.
The shorter man’s eyes widened. “His laser eyes?”
“Yes.” Dean seemed to realize what he’d said. “No. No! No, look, we're running out of time, okay? We've got to find him before he changes into someone else.”
“Like I'm gonna listen to you. You're a damn liar,” Ronald grumbled.
Dean stood cautiously, hands out.
“Dean, no!” you said.
“I'll shoot you! Get down!” Ronald ordered, pointing his rifle at Dean.
“Take me. Okay? Take me with you; take me as a hostage. But we've gotta act fast , because the longer we just sit here, the more time he has to change.” Dean paused. “Look at me, man. I believe you. You're not crazy. There really is something inside this bank.”
Ronald finally nodded. “Alright, you come with me. But everyone else gets in the vault!”
You stood on shaky legs as the people around you gasped and cried. You helped Sam herd everyone into the vault, and Dean tried to calm everyone down when Ronald ordered him to shut the door.
“It's okay, everyone. Just stay cool.” He threw a lingering glance to you before locking the vault completely.
A young redhead stared after Dean. “Who is that man?” she asked breathlessly.
“He's my brother,” Sam replied; you could hear the worry in his voice.
“He is so brave,” she practically moaned.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
The redhead went silent for a few minutes, and you took some time to thoroughly think your situation over. ‘Cops are gonna be all over this place by now. Dean’s been accused of murder, and the three of us have already been arrested once. Dean’s on the FBI’s radar. Surely, after our escape on the danashulps case, the feds are on us again. Now, we’re smack dab in the middle of a full-on hostage situation. And who are they likely to blame? Us!’ Your anxiety was beginning to get away with you as your thoughts began to swirl in your head. You were then acutely aware of how hot the room was, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt to keep some circulation moving. 
The woman next to you who seemed infatuated with Dean introduced herself to you.
“ ‘Scuse me, sorry. Uh, hi, I’m Sherry,” she said. “You’re, uh, with those guys, too, right?”
You nodded. 
“You known them a while?”
You nodded again.
She grinned. “Oh, gosh. What’s it like being around him?”
You snorted. “ ‘Him’ who?”
“That guy! The one who saved our lives!” she beamed. “What’s he like?”
“To tell you the truth, he’s a pain in my ass most of the time,” you giggled, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Oh, really?” She deflated a bit before her floaty, trancelike inflection in her voice came back. “He just… He seems so wonderful to be around. I mean, staring down that gun. And, you know, the way— he played right into that psycho's crazy head, telling him what he wanted to hear, I mean—” She trailed off, turning her attention back to you. “He's like, a real hero or, or something.” She tucked a hair behind her ear as she continued to gush.
You nodded again, feeling weirded out. 
“Sorry, I just,” she sing-songed, “I’ve never met anyone like him.” She paused, seeming to consider her next question carefully. “You ever… done anything with him?”
You nearly choked at her statement, uncomfortable with the objectification of Dean. “What?”
“Y’know,” she drawled, “How good is he in the—”
You were grateful to hear the vault door unlocking, revealing Dean holding a handgun.
“Oh my god, you saved us! You saved us!” Sherry cheered.
“Actually, I just found a few more. Come on, everybody, let's go. Let's go.” Dean ushered the guard from earlier and a few other people inside the vault.
“What are you doing?” Sherry questioned.
“Sam, (Y/N), look, uh, Ronald and I need to talk to you,” Dean said.
You shot Sam a confused look, and Dean shut the vault door behind him, shrugging apologetically.
“It's shed its skin again,” Dean explained. “We don't know when— it could be in the halls, it could be in the vault.”
“Great,” you sighed. “Y’know, Dean, you are wanted by the police.”
He nodded.
Sam seemed to catch onto where you were headed with this. “So even if we do find this damn thing, how the hell are we gonna get out of here?”
“Well, one problem at a time,” the older brother replied. “Alright, I'm gonna do a sweep of the whole place; see if we can find any stragglers. Once we get everyone together we've got to play a little game of find-the-freak, so… here.” He handed Sam a silver letter opener. “Found another one of these for you. (Y/N), I know you have weapons on you. Best use ‘em.”
You grinned at how well he knew you. You slipped your silver-bladed knife out of your sleeve.
Dean turned to Sam. “Now, stay here, make sure Ronald doesn't hurt anybody, okay? Help him manage the situation.” He turned to you. “C’mon.”
Sam’s voice began rising in outrage. “Help him manage? Are you insane?”
You turned your head to Ronald who seemed shaken, attention caught by Sam’s voice.
“Look, I know this isn't going the way we wanted—”
Dean was cut off by his brother nearly shouting, “Understatement!”
“But if we invite the cops in right now, Ronald gets arrested, we get arrested, the shifter gets away, probably never find it again, okay?” Dean finished.
Ronald peered out of the window in plain view of whoever was down below. You snapped, “Ronald! Out of the light!”
Sam scoffed at his brother, “Seriously?!”
Dean sighed. “Yeah, Ron's game plan was a bad plan, I mean, it was a bit of a crazy plan, but right now, crazy's the only game in town, okay?”
Dean slapped Sam on the shoulder and grabbed your hand, bringing you along with him. ‘If only Sherry could see us now,’ you thought bitterly.
Dean looked over his shoulder at you. “What’s that face about?” he questioned.
“Nothin’,” you replied, still grinning in self-satisfaction, scanning the hallway ahead for anyone or anything.
He just hummed at you, turning his head forward again.
“I hate this case,” you whispered after a few minutes of tense walking.
“Yeah, me too,” he replied, still scanning the ceiling. He seemed to notice something, and you followed his gaze upward. A panel in the ceiling had been left askew. You eyed Dean curiously and took the gun from him, pointing it at the panel while Dean dislodged it with a coat rack from nearby. Suddenly, a naked body fell to the floor. Dean turned the body over with the end of the rack.
“Wait, Dean, wasn’t that?—”
“Yeah, I just let that guy in the vault.”
You and Dean hurried as inconspicuously as possible to inform Sam of what had just happened. Sam told you that man had been trying to get the front door unlocked and helping Mr. Okie-Dokie who may have been going into cardiac arrest when you and Dean found the body. 
You turned to Ronald and his cocked rifle. “You know what, Ronald? He's right, we've got to get this man outside. Come on. I've got you.”
The shifter tried to help, too. “Yeah, yeah, let me help you.”
“Oh, we got him, it's, it's cool. Thanks,” you replied. You helped the guard out of the way, and Sam took the man’s other side.
“Thank you. Thank you,” the guard told you between labored breaths.
“Sure,” you smiled politely.
You could hear Dean talking to the shifter and a sudden crash behind you. You turned with the guard still on your shoulders at Ronald yelling, “Stop! Come back here!” You noticed a red laser pointed on his back, and your breath caught.
“Get down! Now!” you screamed, but you were too late. 
The bullet from the sniper rifle hit Ronald squarely in the chest. You watched in horror as he fell to his knees before hitting the floor dead.
You took in a sharp breath at the sight, forcing yourself to keep your composure for the sake of everyone else in the room with you.
It was bedlam at that minute. All of the hostages began running out of the vault toward the door. You put Mr. Okie-Dokie on the ground next to you and just kept him talking until something could be done to help him. You weren’t quite sure what Sam or Dean were doing, but you made it your priority to keep this man from going into cardiac arrest.
Dean suddenly came over to you, holding a rifle.
“Dean, what are you doing?” you questioned.
“(Y/N), trust me on this—” he pleaded before helping the guard stand.
“Dean! I can help him, don’t bring him outside—”
“I’m not taking that chance, (Y/N). C’mon,” he told the guard. “I gotcha.” He held the man out in front of him and pushed him out the front door with the rifle at the guard’s back. You stayed out of the light, back pressed against the pillar next to the heavy door. 
“No, don't shoot! Don't shoot! Please!” you heard the guard yell.
Dean commanded, “Don't even think about it! I said get back! Now!” He paused a moment before you heard his voice again. “Okay, go, go!” The older Winchester slipped back inside, shutting the door and latching it.
“We are so fucked,” he mumbled to you, helping you up from the floor. 
“Fuck, why?”
He ran a hand through his hair. “There’s about, I don’t know, eight thousand cops out there. Helicopters and search lights and everything. We are fucked, (Y/N).”
You dropped your head back, groaning, “Great.”
Dean’s phone rang, and you assumed it was Sam. “Yeah?” he answered. “What?... God, it's like playing the shell game. It could be anybody. Again… Alright, you search every inch of this place, we’re gonna go round everybody up.” He hung up the phone.
“I think this is the most stressed I’ve been on a job,” you said as you and Dean began searching for the hostages. 
“Yeah? Even more so than the demons in New York?”
“Oh, definitely. That was just a sad one; not super stressful,” you replied. You noticed a herd of people toward the end of the hall. You gripped the handle of your knife, knowing the shifter would likely be in the mix of all the hostages. 
You and Dean rounded them up; Dean pointing the rifle he picked up from Ronald at the group. You guided them back to the vault.
“And I thought you were one of the good guys,” Sherry, who held up the back of the group, told Dean, who was trailing behind her.
“What's your name?” he asked.
“Why would you care?” she scoffed.
“My name's Dean,” he said. Your heart melted a bit at his gentleness with her.
She hesitated but still answered. “I'm Sherry.”
“Hi, Sherry. Everything's gonna be alright. This will all be over soon, okay?” He assured her, shutting the vault door and spinning the lock shut. The landline of the bank rang and you picked it up. You didn’t say anything when you answered the phone.
“This is Special Agent Victor Henriksen,” a commanding voice stated through the phone. “Is this Dean? Sam?”
You didn’t respond once more.
Dean mouthed to you, “Who is that?”
You shook your head, holding up a finger to gesture for him to wait.
“Oh, or is it that pretty girl? Our very own criminal Jane Doe. Some people have been calling her Ghost since no one can seem to find any record of her existence.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, but you still didn’t say anything.
“Well, whether you’ve got the Bonnie to your Clydes with you or not, it’s my job to bring you boys in. Alive's a bonus, but not necessary. I want you Winchesters out here, unarmed, or we come in.”
You still didn’t say anything.
“I know you’re still there,” he said, almost taunting. “I know everything about you two. I've been looking for you for weeks now. I know about the murder in St. Louis; I know about the Houdini act you pulled in Baltimore. I know about the desecrations and the thefts. I know about your dad.” 
Dean was trying to get close to the phone, but you kept pushing him away because you knew he’d explode at the mention of his father.
“Ex-marine, raised his kids on the road,” the agent continued, “cheap motels, backwood cabins. Real paramilitary survivalist type. I just can't get a handle on what type of whacko he was. White supremacist, Timmy McVeigh, to-may-to, to-mah-to. You have one hour to make a decision, or we come through those doors fully automatic.” With that, he hung up the phone.
You slammed the phone down, cursing in frustration.
“What? Who was that?” Dean asked.
“The fucking FBI agent who’s been tailing us since Missouri,” you replied, beginning to pace anxiously. “He knows everything about you guys, man. Even about your dad. That’s why I didn’t let you talk to him; I knew you would’ve ripped his head off.”
“Damn right,” the man growled. “They have a positive ID on you yet?” 
“No, actually,” you said. “Ironically, some of the feds labeled me ‘Ghost’ cause they can’t find anything on me. Which makes me even more nervous. Anyway, we’ve got an hour till they come in here and pump us full of lead,” you informed him.
“Fuck,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair.
Moments later, Sam appeared at the entrance of the vault room.
“Hey. We've got a bit of a problem outside,” Dean said.
Sam snorted. “We got a problem in here.”
“What?” you questioned.
Sam hushed his voice. “The girl that was gushing over Dean in the vault? It’s her,” he told you. 
“Who, Sherry?” you questioned.
He nodded. “Just found her body.”
Barely needing to flick a glance at the boys, you unlocked the vault.
“Sherry? We're gonna let you go,” Dean called as the door swung open.
“What? Why me?” she questioned.
“Uh, as a show of good faith to the feds, come on,” he replied.
The woman hesitated. “Uh... I think I'd— I'd rather stay here, with the others.”
Dean approached her intimidatingly. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist.”
You clutched your blade at your side. After a tense moment, she approached you. Sam and Dean pushed her back to the hallway.
“I thought you were letting me go,” the woman you thought was the shifter said.
Dean shoved her forward, holding her head and forcing her to look at the body of Sherry Sam had brought back with him. She began screaming hysterically.
“Is that community theater, or are you just naturally that good?” Dean gruffly questioned.
“This is the last time you become anybody. Ever,” Sam added.
“No! Oh god!” she cried. She fainted almost immediately.
You stared at the two Sherrys in disbelief. One of the bodies was dressed, the other, half-naked. ‘Poor lady,’ you thought. You took off your blazer and laid it over the woman’s body, trying to spare her dignity. 
“Wait, why did it do that?” you questioned. You leaned over the undressed body of Sherry covered only by your blazer and put your finger on her neck, trying to find a pulse. The body immediately jolted up, grabbing you by the throat. You struggled, stabbing at it frantically. You got a lick in at its upper arm with the knife before it kneed you in the chin and bolted.
You coughed when it released your throat, clutching at your neck and coughing.
“(Y/N)!” Dean cried.
“Dean, no, I’m fine! Follow it!”
He nodded, taking your knife from your outstretched hand and running after it. You kicked off your heels and took another moment before standing and going to follow Dean. Sam had taken off somewhere with the real Sherry. 
You didn’t know what else to do besides stay with the vault and Dean’s discarded handgun, prowling in front of it with the gun at the ready. 
You had no idea how long it had been. You just continued to pace in front of the vault, tension overtaking your body and anxiety keeping your eyes flickering across the room rapidly. You suddenly heard approaching footsteps and dove on the ground behind a desk— unsure if it was Dean, Sam, the shifter, a cop— and were panicked at the sight of S.W.A.T. sniper rifle lasers and flashlights on the wall in front of you. Your breath quickened as the footsteps continued approaching you. Then, a masked man ducked under the desk in front of you.
You shrieked.
“Here’s Johnny!” he yelped.
“Dean! Fuck you!” You shoved his shoulder harshly when you recognized his face. He and Sam were donned in S.W.A.T. outfits that they had definitely taken off some poor bastards hidden in a broom closet somewhere. 
“C’mon, we gotta get outta here, now,” Dean told you. You grabbed your heels and followed the boys out of the building and to the Impala. Dean and Sam had their stolen guns at the ready as you sprinted up to the third floor of the parking garage. 
The three of you sat in the Impala, completely breathless, as you grappled with the reality of your situation.
“We are so fucked,” Dean murmured.
You and Sam nodded minutely.
You looked out of the window at the rising morning sun. Exhausted, you let the rumble of the Impala soothe you into a restless sleep as Dean drove you away from the bank. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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rinrinx2 · 3 months
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Let’s Pretend
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Toji x Y/N
Summary: Toji needs a fake wife for a mission who better than you.
Warnings: Smut, inappropriate language, talks you through it, mentions of d£ath.
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Toji looked at Shui unsure of what his exact reaction should be to the mission he had offered him to complete.
The money he would obtain would be enough to sustain him for the next few months, to allow him to live a soft comfortable life until he would need the next mission to fill his pockets.
“You need to pretend to be a married couple”
He couldn’t deny the money aspect of this mission Shui proposed, the only condition he was unsure about was the requirements this mission had.
Toji was letting Shui’s words hang in the air so that Shui would be able to hear how stupid it sounded.
“Don’t give me that look Toji” Shui said as he pulled out his cigarette cartridge, knocking out one as he placed the stick between his lips.
“I will obviously provide you with the necessary partner to play the role of your wife” He said lighting the cigarette, taking a deep inhale.
“Is it really necessary for me to act like a couple, can’t I just complete this mission alone” Toji said slighted agitated.
“No the client detailed that you need to play the role of a married couple in order to complete the mission, besides think of it as someone who can take half the burden of the mission” Shui said blowing out smoke.
Toji has that look of clear irritation painted on his face, the raised brow, his eyes slightly raised, his top lip twisted into a snarl and his body slightly hunched.
Toji was as lazily as they came but as much as he was lazy he hated any assistance that might be given for a mission. There was a certain way he conducted his missions and having another person would only ruin the system he had perfected.
Shui let out a chuckle taking in Toji’s expression. He had worked long enough with the assassin to know what he was already thinking. But before Toji could protest any further Shui spoke out again.
“You’ll meet her at the necessary location of the mission”
“How will I know it’s her” Toji said eyeing the smoking man.
“You’ll know and Toji formal” Shui said as he dropped the half smoked cigarette as he put it out with his expensive shoes.
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Toji sipped at his whiskey leaning against the bar he stood at.
God, I hate this monkey suit
Toji thought slightly flexing against the restraing of the cheap polyester suit he had scrummaged out from some forgotten nook of his wardrobe.
Toji continued to sip at the whiskey, watching as the minutes ticked by on his watch, every minute feeling longer than the last as he waited for his so called partner/ fake wife for the evening.
If she doesn’t pitch soon I’m just gonna kill the fucker needed and head home
So entrapped in his thoughts he hadn’t felt the presences of someone standing beside him. A red flag in itself as if someone was skilled enough to get by him undetected a clear indicator of his partner.
“So, you usually stand here looking obvious?” the voice beside him spoke in a sarcastic tone.
“Do you always take this long to show up to places?” Toji replied back in an even more sarcastic tone as he slightly looked over at the woman who would be his partner for the evening.
From the brief look he took at you, he was impressed. From the black dress highlighting your figure, with curves in all the right places, healthy looking hair, a face that belonged on a screen and an ass that was just begging to get smacked.
“Maybe I should thank Shui” Toji whispered under his breath to himself.
“What was that?” You say turning your head slightly to Toji.
“Oh nothing …. But honey we should get a move on” Toji said putting on the act of your fake husband as his hand went to the small of your back, placing his empty class on the table as he guided you away from the bar.
Toji guided you to the lobby of the busy hotel, as the two of you made your way to the front desk. You remained calm and natural, with a soft smile on your face as you placed your hand on Toji’s chest, as the diamond on your ring finger shown brightly in the warm lighting of the lobby.
“Good evening, we have a booking for the Fushiguro’s”
“Good evening” The front desk man said with a vibrant smile that highlighted his smile lines.
“Ah yes, we have one. For a newly wed couple. I would like to thank you on behalf of our establishment for having your honeymoon here” the middle aged front desk man said with that smile not leaving his face.
“Thank you” Toji said as he took the key from the man’s hand.
“Please be sure to use all our hotel has to offer”
“Don’t worry I’ll make sure to use everything thoroughly” Toji said with a smirk as he eyed you up and down.
The middle aged man kept the smile on his face, trying his best to not react to Toji’s innuendo as you slightly slapped his chest in a playful manner trying to make it seem as Toji and you were simply just a couple in love not to assassins sent out here to murder someone in this lovely hotel.
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“Well this is urhm definitely a lovers suite” you announced as you opened the door of your hotel room to reveal a rather interesting room set up.
A massive bed, with a rather larger oak head board that had an interest pattern of diamond shapes carved into it, with coincidentally silk rope decorating the diamond shaped holes. In the corner of the room was a rather large chair that could easily, comfortably seat two people , with one person that could be seated atop of the other.
You look around the room some more, as you felt Toji push into the room beside you.
“Get over it doll face, we got the baby making room. Relax” he said placing the suitcases onto the floor beside the bed.
“Not like you’re gonna make one in here” he said rolling his eyes slightly.
You walked into the room slightly irritated at his comment as you watched him unpack the suitcase that held various guns.
“So, when are we going to take the target out?” You asked approaching Toji.
“Tomorrow at breakfast. His some fat guy, bald head. His apparently dealing in curse objects he stole from some cult he pretended to be in. So, we have to take him out get the objects and that’s that” Toji said as the finished his sentence off rather nonchalantly.
You looked at him with a raise brow, slightly impressed as to how easy he made the mission sound like.
“So, you know why we have to pretend to be a fake couple?” You asked further a slight smile of amusement on your lips as you sat on the bed in front of Toji.
“Well we have to act like a couple because baldy knows you’re single, so Shui suggested we pretend to be a couple on our honeymoon to throw him off it could make it easier for us to get closer to him” you replied with a smirk as the tip of your black heel was now underneath Toji’s chin, causing his gaze to meet yours.
“Well pop the champagne, Shui’s a smart man for a change” Toji replied as he gripped your foot away from under his chin.
“You’re a real fun guy” you said with sarcasm in your voice.
“Sugar tits, as much as I find you attractive and would easily screw you; we have a mission to complete and that’s the goal” Toji said as he starred down at the suitcase placing one gun on the night stand.
You looked at Toji with a smile of impressiveness, you had heard all sorts of stories and rumours about the handsome assassin in front of you ranging from unethical and impractical and yet here he was holding restraint from taking you.
“Come on we need to go to dinner, if we can fool everyone into thinking we’re married it will be easier to take the fat bastard out tomorrow at breakfast, he won’t be suspecting a thing”
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“Is there anything else I can get you, sir?” The waitress asked as she eyes Toji up and down with a smile pressed onto her red lips.
“Nothing at all, but please be sure to ask my wife” he replied not giving much mind to the young woman serving use.
You had to admit Toji was really playing the role of the loyal doting husband. The way he held your hand over the table in view of everyone, to how he attempted to share his food with you.
“I’m fine. Thank you” you replied looking up at the waitress, as you watched her walk away with that smile not budging.
“How many times is that waitress going to come and ask you if you need a refill” You said rolling your eyes slightly.
“You sure are a possessive wife” Toji teased as he bit down on the pasta he was eating at.
“I get it you’re handsome but handsome enough to get this woman come up to us every five minutes to ask to top up your wine you haven’t even touched”
You would’ve continued your rant till a familiar man came up to you and your husband.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but your wife is extremely beautiful. I think I might of seen her on the cover of a magazine”
Fat bald bastard
The lights in Toji’s head shone bright as the target they had to kill was right in front of him.
“Thank you, her beauty is really one of the reasons I married her” Toji replied trying to remain cool and collected as to not suspect the target.
“Well, then on that note I hope you don’t mind if I bought your beautiful wife a drink”
“I’d love that but she only really like to drink in private” Toji replied not wanting you to drink whatever liquid the man would give you unsure if it was laced in case he recognised the two of you.
“Ah please, everytime I see a beautiful woman I have to buy her a drink. Well if you don’t want me to buy her a drink why don’t I send a bottle of champagne to your room” the fat man said with a wide smile as his red cheeks shone like polished balls.
“Sure. We’re room 17 F”
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“Why didn’t you just kill the guy when he came to our table?” You asked as you rubbed your lotion into your legs.
“So, the whole restaurant can go into a frenzy and the guys at his table shoot you dead on the floor. No thank. We have to be subtle” Toji replied as he got underneath the sheets.
“Aren’t you thoughtful” you said, as you were about to climb into bed yourself until you realised what you were doing as you starred at Toji.
“What” Toji replied as he felt your eyes on him, unsure of what stopped you from getting into bed until he realised.
“God just get into bed, I’m not going to sleep on the floor. If I had to fork out from my money to pay for this expensive as hotel then I am getting to sleep in the bed. So you either get into bed with me princess or the floor is waiting for you”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at his words, as you climbed into bed not wanting to have to lay on the cold floor with nothing but your silk slip dress nighty to keep you warm.
“Smart decision” Toji said as he turned his back towards you.
You laid in the dark room for a moment, unable to sleep as you tossed and turned. Your movements not going unnoticed as Toji rolled to face you now.
“I can’t sleep” you whispered to him.
“Just close your eyes”
You huffed out a sigh as you closed your eyes, but still you were unable to fall asleep.
“Still can’t sleep” Toji said with his eyes shut feeling as you were still awake.
“Why don’t we do what husband and wife do to help them go to sleep” Toji said opening his eyes, as you could sense the smirk in his face even in the dark.
“I thought you didn’t want to screw me”
“Well that was before supper, I was hangry and I mean we would only being playing the part we were given for this mission” Toji said as you felt his hand move up your thigh.
“Besides wouldn’t it be obvious that we’re not married if people didn’t hear noises from a honey moon suite”
You breathing became harder, as you listened to Toji’s words trying your best to comprehend what he was saying but the feeling of his calloused hands running up your soft thigh was turning your brain into mush by the second.
You felt as his fingers reached your pantie line, feeling as he played with the lace of the thong you wore.
“Pull them to the side” Toji whispered.
You complied easily not even protesting as your pulled the flimsy fabric away from your pussy, surprised how you were already wet from such a simple action.
“Atta girl” Toji said, as he slowly moved his fingers to your pussy, massaging your pussy lips, revelling in the puffiness of them as he felt the wetness of your slick start to drip out. Gently taking his index finger and pushing it in between your folds as he gathered your slick onto his fingers, pulling his finger out as he smeared it onto your puffy pussy lips.
“You like princess?” Toji whispered into your ear, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, breathing heavily into his chest.
“I’m gonna push my fingers in now” Toji said as he began to move his index and ring finger into your warmth. Pushing the digits in and out of you, feeling the tight wetness around them.
“Enjoy the feeling baby” Toji said in the sweet seductive voice as his other hand came down to the small of your back pressing your closer to him, as he felt your move against him in pleasure.
Toji began to move his fingers faster, feeling as your pussy allowed him to push his fingers deeper in. And they nudged perfectly against that bundle of nerves, Toji chuckling softly as he watched your move around as you writhed with pleasure.
“Found that spot” Toji began to massage that sensitive spot that had you seeing stars. Toji could feel you get close as he felt your pussy get tighter and tighter by the second.
So close to your high, but before you could fall over the edge you felt as he pulled his fingers out. You pulled away from his chest looking up into his eyes as he brought his soaked fingers to his lips as he licked your wetness off of them.
As the words left Tojis lips he began to kiss you passionately, his tongue lapping at yours as you tasted yourself on him.
“Take it out”
And you did as he instructed, pulling his hard member out of his boxers.
“Take your dress off”
You quickly sat up and pulled the silky fabric off your skin.
“Lay back down and turn on your side”
You now laid on your side, feeling as Toji’s hard cock pressed against your ass, his tip slightly leaking pre-cum as his hands began to massage your breasts.
The cool air of the room and the roughness of his hands causing your nipples to be hard and your pussy to get wetter.
“You want me to fuck you?”
You nodded, desperately wanting Toji to fuck you.
“Beg for it”
You breath caught in your throat at his words, like dry and mind muddy with pleasure as you tried to form a sentence.
“Please ~ ah. Please fuck me Toji”
Toji didn’t need to hear another word as he slipped his hard member in, keeping still as he let you adjust to his members size.
You could feel his thick girth filling you up as he knocked against your cervix from his length.
“I’m gonna fuck your brains out now” Toji said as he began to move, slow and steady rhythm, as he pushed his tip slightly out before plunging deep inside you m. The loud sloshing noise of your pussy and whiny moans filling the room.
“That’s it take my cock. Feel it fucking fill you up”
Your mind a puddle of pleasure as your pussy was now being rammed by his thick cock as his hands squeezed and pulled at your breast, feeling his hot breath against your neck as he fucked you from behind.
“You like being fucked like you my wife”
Toji said biting on your ear, as he moved faster, feeling your slick drip down his thighs. Toji could tell you were getting closer by how your moans became louder and more desperate and from the way your pussy was starting to milk him.
“I’m gonna cum in you, so cum for me princess”
Toji’s hand came down to your clit, as he rubbed the swollen bud trying to get you finish on his cock faster. Rubbing the slick bud up and down.
“That’s it right there”
Toji could feel his own high reaching as his balls began to constrict and relax a clear sign his hot cum was ready to shoot out, as it moved up his shaft.
The feeling of Toji’s cock stuffing you and his fingers playing with your clit became to much as you felt your pussy tighten around his cock. Toji felt as you came hard, shoving his cock as deep as he could in you.
“Fuck yes baby”
Toji growled out as he felt himself shoot ropes of hot cum into you, feeling as he painted your insides a nice pearly white.
Suddenly without any warning your bedroom door came swinging open.
“I decided to bring your champagne myself I hope I’m not disturbing”
Without another thought Toji grabbed the gun he had left on the nightstand shooting the fat bald bastard down in one swift motion as the champagne bottle came falling down to the floor, the liquid spilling all over the carpeted floor.
You turned your head over your shoulder looking at Toji, with his cock still buried deep inside you, as you tried to catch your breath.
“So much for subtle death”
Hope you like it <3
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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vanishedinvain · 5 months
—𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥-𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader (but she doesn't show up yet, sorry lol)
summary: benedict's last moment of contentment before the storm that marooned his dreams.
warnings: very very brief mention of a gun, baby's first fic (it's me, i'm baby)
wc: 1.6k
next chapter // series masterlist
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The Wiminet Art House sits just outside the limits of Mayfair, owned by the Dowager Baroness Lyra Wiminet. It is only half the size of a wing at Somerset House, and most of the artists are either anonymous or so unknown, they are as good as anonymous. It crams in an overwhelming number of pieces, barely a centimeter between each frame. It features a myriad of styles: soft landscapes, portraits, absurd finger-paintings, violent war scenes. 
When it first opened, every London newspaper dismissed it as the eccentricity of a widow, mad without a man to guide her. There was no cohesion, they said. Downright tasteless. Where was the class? The refinement? It was a laughingstock for all of two days before the ton moved on as they always did.
It was also Benedict Bridgerton’s most frequented gallery. And Eloise had no idea why.
“You have been here at least twenty times in the past year, and they have only changed a single painting,” Eloise pointed out on one of these trips. Though she did not prefer to visit the same blasted gallery with the same blasted paintings, it was more merciful than watching Daphne and their mother flit about the house searching for the perfect dress to secure a proposal from the Prussian prince.
Plus her brother promised to buy her an apricot ice afterwards.
“What could possibly be left to see?” she asked.
They were standing in front of a rather large seascape, one that spanned a quarter of the wall. Benedict turned away to look at Eloise, a grimace upon her face as she tried to see what her brother saw. It was a quality Benedict most appreciated in her; she was stubborn and quick to snark, but she never wrote off his interests as frivolous. She was attempting to understand, even if she was staring at the painting like it personally offended her.  
“Do you remember when you were eleven and Colin brought home that mystery novel for all of us? The one where an opera singer was killed in the middle of a show.”
“An Aria Most Deadly,” she recalled, smiling, “I couldn’t put it down. Col was scolded for bringing home such a—how did Mama word it?—terribly gruesome and improper book.”
He chuckled, remembering their mother’s scandalized face. As Colin was being scolded, she had set the book down on the settee. Eloise, ever nimble, snatched it and ran up to her room with nary a scuff across the floor.
“You re-read it over and over, looking for the clues, even after you’d finished it days prior. A snide comment from the stagehand that was once humorous turned dark. The author’s insistence on describing the location of the candelabra suddenly became obvious.”
“The details were so much clearer in hindsight,” she remarked.
“That is usually the privilege of hindsight.” He gestured back to the painting in front of them. “What do you see?”
She stared for a moment, tilting her head to one side to see if a change in angle would help. It was a turbulent scene, violent even, with outbursts of red and orange screaming amongst the cerulean and imposing slate clouds as the ship went down.
“A shipwreck?” Eloise answered with a shrug. “An unfortunately timed storm?”
Benedict stepped back, and grabbed Eloise by the shoulders, shifting her to the right so that she could stand in his place. “Do you see that spot of red on the ship?”
She squinted slightly. “Clearly, a fire broke out on the ship. Likely from the gunpowder catching on the wood. I mean, it says it in the title, Ship on Fire in Water,” she said, reading off the plaque underneath.
“But look closer at this spot of red at the front of the ship. Or that one by the captain’s quarters. Compare it to how the artist paints the flames,” Benedict insisted, gesturing to each area of interest. “He or she blends out the flames with orange and a bit of yellow usually. But these particular spots aren’t. They’re blended with brown. Maybe even a bit of black. That’s not fire, is it?”
Her eyebrows raised as the realization dawned on her. “It’s blood! Someone was killed. The captain, maybe?” She turned back to look at him in unbridled excitement at the newly-uncovered narrative.
Benedict smiled widely, crinkles forming around his eyes, watching his little sister finally get it, get him. “Possibly.”
“What do you think was the motive? Was it a mutiny?”
He shrugged. “That I am unsure of, dear sister. Every time I come back, I see something new. So, perhaps we need to look at it longer. Or make our rounds and come back with fresh eyes.”
Eloise had bounded off before he even finished.
They spent another two hours in the gallery, making little comments on each one, attempting to decipher a story from it. They even requested a step-ladder for the ones that had been skied because Benedict, having met Lady Wiminet, knew that there was no rhyme or reason as to the placement of each painting.
There was a most brilliant park scene about half a meter down from the ceiling. The artist did not draw a realistic, soft sunset, but a heightened one with punchy plums and a bright tangerine shade to blend. It was a bold choice that Benedict would’ve never thought of. The scene itself was of a promenade, much to Eloise’s displeasure, but she found amusement in mapping out the interpersonal relationships of the swans in the lake.
They made their way back to the bloodied, fiery ship shipwreck, standing in amicable silence before Eloise spoke.
“I understand it now. Why you've been here twenty times. Why you sketch until your fingers shake at dinner, but then use your drawings as fire kindle at night. You’re chasing greatness.”
“I want to get one of mine on these walls one day, El,” he said quietly, as if they weren’t the only people in the room. It was the first time he had admitted that ambition out loud.
“You will,” she replied, equally quiet back.
He sighed in relief. He wasn’t worried about Eloise’s reaction, though her vote of confidence was cherished. He was worried about being so unworthy that the words would refuse to roll off his tongue, lodging in his throat as a croak. But the idea was out there now, and a mirthful giddiness sprouted forth in the soil where his insecurities were rooted.
“I’d be anonymous, though,” he added after a pause.
She frowned, but neither of them made further comments on the subject. He already understood what she didn't verbalize. She dreaded living and dying in anonymity without a university degree or prolific novel attached to her name, something to outlast her that wasn’t a dullard husband or terrifying child. She could not stand the thought that the world might feel zero impact from her existence. 
Benedict, however, was far less eager to sign his name on a canvas. He could be displayed in any gallery in England if he simply asked, regardless of whether he was even good enough. Who would dare criticize a Bridgerton painting, with nine generations of viscounts breathing down their necks? If he were to ever put his name on any of his work, he wanted—needed—to be so good that everyone would be too awestruck by what was in front of them to check whose name was etched onto the little copper plaque beneath the frame.
This was one of the only points of incongruence between the second eldest Bridgerton brother and sister that couldn’t be remedied by a simple anecdote or shift to the right. Though, perhaps there was no need for one; a painter would never ask a writer to adjust her palette and a writer would never tell a painter his meter was off-tempo.
It was an afternoon well spent away from the ornery obligations of the social season, coming home with their appetites spoiled from the promised apricot ices. Benedict grabbed An Aria Most Deadly from the library, and read the first few chapters before retiring for the night. He’d finished the novel after he pried it away from Eloise years ago, so he knew it was the conductor who had killed the opera singer. This knowledge only pulled the deftly placed clues into crisp focus upon this second reading; even the first chapter was littered with hints.
Perhaps that is why when he sits in the viscount’s study, the one that was never supposed to go to him, he often thinks about the night of Granville’s party. That night began with him feeling so alive, more alive than he could ever fathom. Yet, it ended with a sinking stone of dread taking up a months-long residence in the pit of his stomach.
Were there clues he should’ve seen?
If he’d been less drunk off the wine or the women or both, he’d have noticed Daphne wasn’t wearing the necklace gifted to her by the prince, even though he clocked the ostentatious clunk of jewelry when she left for the Trowbridge Ball. Or that the hem of her dress was muddy and her face was pinched, on the verge of tears.
If he wasn’t so preoccupied with how to take advantage of his freedoms as the spare of the family, he’d have noticed the blooming violet bruises on Anthony’s knuckles as he yanked Benedict into the study with considerable force.
It wasn’t until he was rolling his shoulder, about to complain that his arm could've been popped out of its socket, when the gun box was placed on the desk with a resounding thud. 
Things only clicked into place as Anthony began frantically talking about estates and dowries and an appointment with the duke at dawn, but there were signs from the moment he walked in the door.
The details were always so much clearer in hindsight.
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next chapter // series masterlist
a/n: they dropped new abc pictures last month, and i decided to make it everyone else's problem by starting this fic. now it’s bridgerton eve!!! rejoice!!!
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sapphicromanoffxo · 4 months
Good Vibrations | n.r x w.m
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ʚɞ°。⋆ Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
ʚɞ°。⋆ wc: 3.8k
ʚɞ°。⋆ warnings: Top Nat, Bottom Wanda, semi-public sex, use of strap on & vibrator, oral sex, degradation, praise kink, mommy kink
ʚɞ°。⋆ summary: It was supposed to be a simple date night between Natasha and Wanda. Until one of them decided to spice up their night with a different vibe.
A/N: hello hello! I'm just dropping by to post this fic in celebration of Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈 I had a little kick of inspiration lately (courtesy of this one cute girl 🥰) and I was finally able to finish writing this. Be gay and kiss that pretty girl already. 🫶 Happy reading! 🤩
╰┈➤ Masterlist
"Would you care to join me for a date this evening?"
Wanda felt the excitement bubble up within her as Natasha invited her on a date, knowing every detail would be meticulously planned by the redhead.
"Absolutely, Natasha." Wanda beamed at her girlfriend. "Where are we going?"
Natasha gently touched Wanda's cheek, amused by her curiosity. "It's a surprise. I'll be at your door at 7 PM to pick you up. I've already laid out the dress you'll be wearing." With a wink, Natasha headed to the training room.
Wanda rushed to her room, discovering a large velvet box on her bed with a note that read, "For tonight. xoxo." Squealing with delight, she prepared herself for the upcoming date night.
The brunette began her afternoon preparations by indulging in a soothing hot bath to ease her muscles after an intense training session that morning and to also give her body the chance to relax for what's about to happen this evening. With a year of dating Natasha, she knew their night will not end until the sun rises up. Following Pepper's suggestion for laser hair removal, Wanda found relief from the hassle of shaving, and Natasha grew more captivated by the change.
With only 30 minutes left, Wanda looked at herself in the mirror to see if everything was perfectly in place, including the bullet-shaped toy which is currently buried between her legs. Natasha also left a request for her to not wear any panties. Leave it to Natasha to have a surprise within a surprise to spice up even more their evening. You will never see Wanda complain as she trusts Natasha so much that she's willing to submit to whatever her girlfriend has planned for her.
Wanda heard a series of gentle knocks echoing against the door, prompting her to take a deep breath in anticipation. As she opened the door, Natasha stood before her clad in a stylish black polo with three undone buttons at the top giving a tantalizing view of her neck adorned with two necklaces and her red lacy bra, her figure was accentuated by a sleek black belt adorned with a gold buckle, cinching her waist deliciously. Completing the ensemble, the wide plaid slacks elegantly emphasised her natural heavenly curves, creating a captivating silhouette. Her eyes are painted with eyeliner, sharp enough to kill, while her lips are painted with a seductive burgundy lipstick, adding a touch of allure to her overall appearance.
The vision in front of Wanda is mouth watering and her internal assessment of her girlfriend was interrupted when her waist was snatched and her back was pushed to the adjacent wall.
"Oh, detka. I know this dress would look good on you." Natasha whispered into her ears, sending shivers down her spine. "Too bad I can't kiss you yet." She further added with an arrogant smirk on her face.
"Natasha.." Wanda grabbed Natasha's biceps and purred when she felt her hand ghosting over the slit of the dress that goes all the way to the top of her thigh.
"Red really looks good on you, detka."
Natasha could not resist and left open-mouthed kisses on her neck, and dipped further down, carefully nipping her collarbone. Thankfully, it did not leave any marks as Natasha is wearing a transfer-proof lipstick. Her hand wandered upwards going to her ass, giving it a good squeeze which made Wanda yelp in surprise.
"Natasha, please. We're going to be late if we keep this up."
"Are you wearing it?" Natasha inquired once she detached her filthy mouth on brunette's neck and her hand went on to check what's in between her legs instead. Wanda only nodded in response then gasped loudly when Natasha pushed the hilt of the toy deeper inside her. "Hmm. No panties. My good girl."
After playfully teasing Wanda, Natasha decided it was time to leave. With a warm smile, she extended her hand towards Wanda, "Shall we go?"
Wanda rolled her eyes at Natasha and answered a simple yes.
This time, Natasha got to fully appreciate her lover's outfit for the night and found herself enchanted while they were walking in the compound's hallway. Natasha specifically chose a vibrant red satin dress with an elegant cinched waist for Wanda. The dress also highlights Wanda's ample tits, leaving little to the imagination. Oh dear, Natasha doesn't think she can keep her hands to herself when Wanda looks like sex on legs with her thigh peeping out of the slit.
Natasha has chosen a cozy restaurant with secluded private room seating, creating an ideal setting for an intimate and romantic date. Anticipating Wanda's preferences, Natasha took the initiative to pre-order their favorite dishes. Adding an extra touch of thoughtfulness, she decided to let Wanda indulge in the chef's selection of wines, allowing her to unwind and savor the evening in the most delightful way possible.
In the intimate glow of the private restaurant, Natasha and Wanda shared stolen glances, their fingers intertwining like a secret promise. Soft candlelight danced on their faces as they savored each bite and every minute of this night. The world outside seemed to fade away as Wanda's eyes held galaxies of unspoken emotions, mirrored in Natasha's seductive gaze.
While Wanda was drinking the second glass of wine for the night, she felt a subtle vibration within her which made her slightly choke on her wine and she felt herself quiver from the sensation. Still not understanding what was happening, she looked at her girlfriend with confusion, "Natasha?"
"Yes, baby?" The redhead answered with an innocent smile on her pretty face.
"Don't tell me this is ahh–!" Wanda almost yelled when the vibration hit its peak, realising what's happening in between her legs and instinctively closing them in.
"Are you feeling alright, detka?" Natasha inquired with an unconcerned tone.
Goddamn her, Wanda thought to herself as her insides pulse again, this time the setting is building higher and higher. She should have expected that the toy is not just a toy but is also a vibrator. She brought down the glass and both of her hands are gripping the edge of the table as she's trying so hard not to let out a single sound, or moan from her mouth.
Natasha pulled her attention with a gentle touch, intertwining their hands, and the woman's face lit up with a grin reminiscent of the Cheshire cat, "What's wrong, baby?", she asked once again and Wanda felt like flipping the table over.
Wanda cleared her throat first as the vibration stopped and glared at her girlfriend , her eyes turning red which could send an enemy to surrender, "What the hell are you thinking–!"
The beginning of her rant was yet again cut off by a stronger vibration this time, effectively shutting her up, legs shaking violently and thank God the long curtains of the table concealed how her whole lower body was convulsing.
No matter how hard Wanda tried to control herself, a whimper came out loudly from her and this caused her to tumble over the sea of beautiful noises that Natasha likes hearing.
"Shhh, be quiet for me, detka. You don't want others to hear you being a slut for me." Natasha taunted with no remorse and mercy. "Whoring yourself out while I'm not even touching you yet. How pathetic." She further added while lowering the setting of the remote she's been holding in her pocket.
"Can we go — oh my fucking god — home now, please?" Wanda pleaded as she felt her insides tremble once again. If Natasha continues with her sadistic plot, she fears she won't be able to maintain her composure much longer and bursts right there in her seat.
"But honey, I haven't had my dessert yet."
A strangled moan left Wanda's mouth at Natasha's response, wanting to either wipe the grin off Natasha's face or kiss her senseless. Natasha is looking at her intensely as if she's planning something more scandalous to perform. Wanda can almost feel her pussy leaking and fear that it may stain her dress, and the velvet cushion of the chair she's sitting on.
All of the sudden, the vibration stopped and Natasha stood up from her seat.
"Are you alright?" Natasha inquired, standing behind Wanda and placing her right hand on Wanda's chest to feel her erratic heartbeats.
Wanda rolled her eyes at Natasha's inquiry, pondering whether her girlfriend was genuinely concerned or simply teasing her but still nodded in response.
"My good girl." Natasha smiled down at her and leaned down to kiss her shoulder blade. "Sit down on the table."
"Natasha, we shouldn't." Wanda protested with wide eyes, not wanting to risk exposing themselves to having sex in a restaurant, still wanting to have her decorum intact.
Natasha merely arched her eyebrow and gave her a serious look, silently challenging Wanda to defy her and refuse what she wanted.
After a minute of contemplation, she surrendered under Natasha's deadly gaze and positioned herself the way she was instructed. Natasha situated herself in between Wanda's legs, placing them on her shoulders while sitting down on the vacant chair.
Natasha then parted Wanda's dress through the thigh high slit so she can have a perfect view of her girlfriend's naked pussy. "I like you like this, sweetheart. All dolled up for me." She began kissing the inside of Wanda's exposed thighs and simultaneously caressing the smooth expanse of her long legs. "You look so pretty, baby."
A soft sigh left Wanda's mouth as she felt the feather light kisses and soft caress on her thighs. However, her eyes kept on darting to the door, feeling anxious that someone may catch them.
"Natasha, someone might come in." Wanda breathed out and gripped on Natasha's hair.
"Don't worry about that, baby. I've told the manager of the restaurant to leave us alone, unless I ask for a waiter to come in." Natasha reassured, her mouth moving upwards to Wanda's aching pussy.
"What about if they have cameras here?" Wanda voiced out her concern again, not wanting to have anyone see them in a compromising position.
"I've swept off the floor for any cameras or bugs. We're safe here, I promise." Natasha straightened up and gave her signature side smirk. "Can I have my dessert now without any peep from you?"
Still hesitating, Wanda gave a soft okay and that's all the redhead needed before resuming in kissing the insides of her thighs. One thing that Natasha loves is worshipping Wanda's body, showing how much she adores every inch of the soft skin, trailing feather light touches that will then escalate to groping and leaving either bite marks or bruises. This foreplay prolongs their inner most desires, gradually building up the intense pleasure that they will have in the end.
However, Wanda is not always fond of the slow burn of romance and foreplay. She likes to be devoured at an instant, tethering on the edge of orgasm within minutes, whining and begging to be fucked like an animal in heat, always searching for the reachable high and would gladly be taken again and again for as long as she can. But with Natasha, Wanda has learned to be patient before they get on the main event or course of the evening.
The vibrator hummed once again, startling Wanda and before she could react, Natasha dived right into her aching clit, making her eyes roll back and moan in wanton. The pool between her legs is overflowing from the stimulation that the toy is giving, making Natasha's chin drip with her wetness.
Sucking, biting and flicking Wanda's clit, Natasha relentlessly weaves her tongue from left to right shifting to up and down strokes, making sure to hit all the right places that will make Wanda tremble from extreme pleasure.
The heels of Wanda's stiletto are digging on Natasha's muscled back not caring if it will rip off the fabric or ruin it. There's a lot happening all at once inside her that makes her spine shudder from the endless pit pleasure, running higher and higher as the seconds go by.
"Natasha, baby–!" Wanda's scream came out rugged as the coil in her stomach continued to tighten uncontrollably, begging to be snapped to relieve the tension. "I'm so fucking close, Nat. Good God!"
With both of Natasha's arms holding on the sides of Wanda's upper body, she stopped for a moment to check on girlfriend, "Are you comfortable? Hold on to my head instead, baby. I don't want you to fall over the table."
Wanda shifted and placed her right hand on Natasha's hair, gripping it tightly while the other was positioned slightly behind her to support her upper body. Both of Natasha's hands are holding onto her thighs and leaned down again to lap up her throbbing core with much ferocity. Natasha's tongue feels so warm and torturous on her puffy clit but Wanda welcomes all the sensation in her pussy eagerly, making her a babbling hot mess. "Faster, faster, please. Feels so fucking good– hmp!"
Natasha's right hand adjusted the remote in her pocket and changed the settings to the highest level, quite literally making Wanda's head spin, her insides shaking intensely from the crazy amount of vibration in her cunt while Natasha is still simultaneously sucking on her stiff bud with great enthusiasm.
"Natasha! Natasha!" Wanda chanted incoherently, gripping Natasha's hair tightly this time, "I'm gonna– I'm cumming– fuck!"
Another gush of wetness streamed down from Wanda's cunt, her slick dripping through her ass, and pushing the toy out of her, barely hanging from the edge. Her head is spinning in multiple directions and she's quite sure it will take a couple of minutes before she will calm down from the height of her intense orgasm. With a steadying breath, she clenched her still throbbing pussy, making the toy totally slide out of her slippery hole and landed right on Natasha's front.
Natasha glanced at the mess in her pants, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she saw the toy's fluids scattered across the front of her shirt, resulting in a noticeable white mark and damp spot down her crotch. She hid the toy in her pocket, stood up,and gently placed Wanda's legs around her waist, "Look at what you've done to my shirt and pants, baby." Natasha breathed in awe, her eyes glittering with satisfaction.
Head still delirious, Wanda whimpered upon realising that the toy is no longer inside her and it indeed made a mess on Natasha's clothes. However, she's still regaining her breath and too immersed in bliss to mind.
The redhead reached down to cup Wanda's enticing tits. "Damn, these nipples are begging to be sucked, baby." Natasha remarked devilishly as she groped Wanda's boobs a little too aggressively. "I'm so obsessed with these. I could stare at them all day if I wanted to."
A loud whimper escaped Wanda's mouth and her eyes rolled back as Natasha continued to play with her clothed cleavage. Before she could plead for nipples to be touched with Natasha's tongue, Wanda noticed a prominent bulge in her pants that was currently poking her bare center. She looked up at her girlfriend and asked in disbelief, "You're packing?"
"Why shouldn't I be, hm?" Natasha's thumb caressed Wanda's cheek softly and captured her lips for a small kiss. When she pulled back, she got another devilish smile on her face.
"You– you're going to fuck me here?" Wanda gulped while anticipating Natasha's response.
"Would you like me to, detka?" Natasha whispered seductively in her ear. "I bet you want my cock filling your tight, little cunt, hm?"
It's pathetic how Wanda immediately folds at Natasha's dirty words knowing that she will give in right away with no hesitation. "I want to feel you inside me, please. Please!"
Natasha started to unbuckle her belt, loosening it a bit. "So desperate and needy. Aren't you satisfied with how I made you cum minutes ago?" she taunted. "Unfortunately, I can't fuck you on this table because I know I will break it." She then wrapped her right arm around Wanda while her left was holding her thigh securely, hoisted her up then walked towards the nearby wall.
"Natasha…!" Wanda whimpered pathetically the moment she was pinned to the wall, and without wasting any seconds, Natasha started assaulting her neck like a starved animal who's always in a hunt for skin.
"Shhh, baby. Let Mommy make you feel good, yeah? Isn't that what you want? To be fucked like a slut, like a whore, hm?" Natasha's mouth further travelled down her chest and this time, her hand pulled down the thin strap of Wanda's dress and so she could finally latch her tongue on her nipples. "Such pretty tits."
Lost for words, Wanda only moaned enthusiastically at the attention that Natasha is giving her boobs. She knew for sure that she would let Natasha do anything to her at this point as she succumbed even further into needy headspace. Her breath shuddered in anticipation once Natasha leaned back and started to unbuckle her belt, pushing down her pants using only one hand as the other was holding Wanda's upper body. Natasha's amazing physique comes in very handy in times like that, her strength adds more to her allure which is making Wanda's head spin even further.
"I'm going to fuck you real good, baby." Natasha groaned as she lined up her cock on Wanda's dripping cunt. "You will walk out of her with a limp 'cause you're my slut, yeah?"
In one swift thrust and without warning, Natasha buried her cock in Wanda's pussy, pulling it all the way out just to ram it back in roughly. This caused the witch to cry out in both pain and pleasure, and held onto Natasha's shoulder tightly.
"Natasha! Be gentle, please. Ngh!" Wanda pleaded, as she needed to fully adjust first to Natasha's length before she could relax and embrace the pleasure. But Natasha is now in the mood to fuck her senseless, hard and fast against the wall and being gentle is not in her plan tonight. Then, Natasha positioned both her hands behind Wanda's thighs, pressing them against her chest and gripping tightly to prevent slipping down the wall.
"Don't tell me what to do. I will fuck you the way I want to 'cause you're my toy, remember?" Natasha forcefully grabbed Wanda's chin to assert her domineering stand, making Wanda back down and accept her fate in an instant. "This pussy is mine to fuck and abuse. So I will use it however I see fit."
The end of her sentence was punctuated with deep, long, hard thrusts, and Natasha's grunts on Wanda's ear sounded so animalistic. The brunette feared that she might be split in half if Natasha continued mercilessly drilling her into the wall, but she couldn't find it in her heart to make her lover stop.
Wanda struggles in breathing as her mouth gives out little gasps combined with her moans every time Natasha drives her hips forward in rapid succession. She knows that her lower back will suffer later in the evening from being planted on the wall once they're done fucking.
Natasha was mesmerised with how she can reduce Wanda in this state, with her tits bouncing at each hard thrusts and mouth hanging open. She also watched closely how Wanda's face contorts in pleasure, she's damn well sure that it's the best thing she's ever seen in her life. With Wanda's pupil blown wide, her green eyes glow differently albeit being unfocused and barely open when she's in the height of pleasure, "Open up your pretty eyes when I fuck you like this, baby. Don't you dare close them or else I will stop."
Wanda obliged without hesitation at her girlfriend's demand. Their intimate eye contact seems to be her undoing as she feels all the fluttering sensation deep in her stomach, signalling that she's near her second orgasm. The pleasure has already built up when she first came and despite her efforts to hold it longer, Natasha's intense gaze betrays her body response.
"Baby! I'm cumming again. Fuck! Fuck!"
Upon hearing Wanda's words, Natasha doubled her efforts in slamming her dick in Wanda's slippery pussy just to make sure her girl gets her best back-breaking orgasm that will leave her whole body weak afterwards. She also leaned forward to capture Wanda's lips and contained her moans in the process as it got louder and louder as she reached her orgasm. Although the sounds that are coming out from Wanda are the hottest thing she's ever heard, they cannot afford to be heard outside, in fear that their names will be plastered all over the tabloids the next day.
"You're so fucking tight around me, baby. That's it. That's it. Cum for me." Natasha cooed into Wanda's ear, while still holding her thighs tightly to guide her to her climax and the witch could literally see stars swimming behind her eyes as she descended further up into the endless pleasure that Natasha is driving her into.
As Wanda's heart settled from its erratic beats, she gently lifted her eyelids, only to find Natasha's gaze already fixed upon her. Unlike the intense passion of moments prior, Natasha's eyes now held a tender smile, devoid of any hint of the earlier demonic mood. This time, Wanda's heart swelled with affection, reminded once again of the depth of her love for Natasha.
With a soft, loving gaze, Natasha loosened her hold on Wanda and proudly declared, "I love you," her words imbued with deep sincerity.
Wanda enveloped Natasha in her arms, drawing her close, and wrapped her legs around her waist, craving the sensation of her melting into her embrace. "Baby, I love you too, more than words can express," she murmured, her heart overflowing with emotion. Pulling back slightly, she locked eyes with Natasha. "It's like my heart would burst from how much."
Natasha chuckled softly and touched Wanda's cheeks softly. "Well, we wouldn't want that happening right here, right now, would we, baby? But you're my everything, my lifeline."
Wanda felt her eyes moisten and a gentle warmth tugged her heart with Natasha's sweetness. Natasha, typically reserved with her feelings towards Wanda, made each instance of vulnerability a precious gift in their relationship. It was these rare moments that Wanda treasured the most, knowing the depth of Natasha's affection and the sincerity behind her words.
Noticing the change in Wanda's mood, Natasha quickly made a remark to lighten up the witch, "Aww, don't cry baby. Save your tears for later when I fuck you dumb on the couch."
"Let's head home now then, Nat," Wanda suggested, her voice laced with excitement. "So I can peel you out of this sexy outfit of yours and this time, I'll return the favor."
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PS: special thanks to my broo @delulu-with-wandanat cause this fic was made out of our late night brainrots. Looking forward to our next session iykwim. 🫦🫦
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Gods Have Mercy (Daemon x Reader)
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This was very particular but so much fun, I was listening to “God help the outcasts” from the hunchback of notre dame which is the whole vibe I’m going for. Please leave a comment about what you think I really do appreciate them. Hope you enjoy
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Daemon felt like a fish out of water when he stepped into the Sept, a sea of candles and utter silence as the statue stood tall and stoic, its shadow could frighten a small child or command a common man to bow,
Hesitantly Daemon approached as he looked around to take in the small details, the dim lighting, and the smell of herbs burning, he was not accustomed to the routine of a man that came to pray, truly he was forced to even step foot in here, his brother the king commanded him after he was found on the side of the street naked after a 3-day bender on the streets of silk.
“Wonderful isn’t it? Just its presence brings goosebumps”
A woman’s voice startled him that came from behind, swiftly he spun on his heel to view the person that interrupted his thinking but also kind of knew what was he focusing at.
A young woman dressed in the usual gown of a Septa, as the light managed to shed some light within the room he could see her dark hues that reminded him of grass, her red plump cheeks, and pink lips, she was… beautiful, a concept that was quite foreign for someone that had hid behind the burden of a Septa.
“You are too young to be a Septa”
“You honor me, my prince”
“Why did you even choose this? Or was it forced upon you?”
“You can ask me all the questions you want it will not change the fact that you feel awkward within the walls of our sacred place”
She spoke the truth, Daemon shifted on his feet as he once again looked around to no actual aim, it was just to buy himself some time until he finds the proper way to respond.
“Honestly I am disappointed, I was told I would burn alive if I ever even walked past from here”
“The Gods guide, they forgive, they simply take you under their wing and protect their children that chose to follow their path”
“What happened to you? There must be something that forced you to have this mindset”
The Septa remained silent, she could sense the prince's urge to not only figure out what lay behind her mask but to also find a way to kill time, her guess was that he was not a common visitor, and judging by the comment he was not a follower of the faith either.
She simply walked past him and kneeled in front of the candles, she lit two of them and placed one in front of her and the other by her side, once she intertwined her fingers with one another she waited for him to follow.
“I promise nothing will happen to you if you kneel my prince”
Daemon scoffed at the Septa who called for him, howbeit he complied and with heavy footing and a little bit of grunting, he kneeled and mimicked her gestures.
“A few years ago I fell from the top of a whore house”
“What were you doing on top of a whore house”
“I come from a poor family, we lived near it and I wanted to know what was all the yelling coming from. I was bedridden for a full moon turn, I broke my hand and got an infected cut on my thigh, the fever was the worst part, yet all I could hear was my mother praying, she prayed to the mother to save me, she prayed to…. To take her instead, she offered her life for mine, so I prayed to the mother to spare us, to nourish me back to health, and in exchange, I would devote my life to the faith”
The Septa had not realized she had started to cry, the voice of her mother crying and begging for her child to be saved rung in her head to this day as clear as the sky. Daemon instinctively reached to wipe the Septa’s tears away, the love of a mother was always the strongest force, he could faintly recall his mother, such a spirited woman, he would often wish to feel her hug one more time.
“That is why I believe the Gods will listen to you, is there anything you have to say?”
“I lost my mother due to childbirth, if the Gods listened to you? Why did they ignore her?”
“We are all children of the Gods, some of us must stay and some must depart from the physical realm, you can still find her, in the gust of a wind, within the walls of the Sept, maybe in the silence of your chamber whilst you lay for the night, why don’t you try?”
“How to do I-“
“Just… listen”
Daemon stopped talking, he just waited for something, he did not know exactly what but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose and out his mouth making his shoulders relax.
(Y/n) could slowly pick up his facial expression change, his tough front slowly break and then came one tear, then a second, a minute after that came the first sob, slowly but in a steady pace Daemon went from a cold warrior to a boy that cried with his head on the lap of the Septa who allowed him to be engulfed by the vulnerability he had shoved at the very back of his mind.
Daemon was inconsolable, trembling like a leaf in the winter wind, (y/n)s heart shattered for the poor prince, all she could do was stroke his hair while he fought with the waves of emotions he had turned a blind eye to for years.
“I’m sorry”
“There’s no need to apologize, emotions are what makes us human, mayhaps the saying of Targaryens are closer to gods than to men is not deliberately true”
“What is your name?”
“I am (y/n), my prince”
He whispered more to himself. The name tasted like honey in Daemon's mouth, without really understanding why Daemon smiled at the sound of her name slipping through his lips, it rolled off his tongue so naturally like he was meant to call for her, to meet her.
“Can I see you again?”
“The Sept is my home, my prince, I will be here”
Daemon visited her every morrow after he broke his fast, once he found her lighting some candles, he found her praying, a few times she would conversate with other visitors of the Sept, (y/n) would be there for him for as long as he needed, however, it would always be on arm's length, a veil of faith and celibacy kept them apart, (y/n) could not marry nor bare children, she would forever be a maiden dedicated to the Mother.
(y/n) had once professed her wish to help women with childbirth, perhaps be a midwife for the poor, her selfless act was astonishing to Daemon, a young lady that was so soft-spoken and kind that some would say she was the Maiden herself in human form that came down to serve the Mother, Daemon witnessed how others would yearn for (y/n)s encouragement, old women and men, even children would run to her and hug her, he could imagine what it would be like if their children ran to her arms.
“May the Warrior guide you and keep you safe my prince”
“Can I write to you?”
“It is not common”
“Would you get in trouble?”
“The followers can be close to us in any way they wish”
“Then I want to write to you”
“As you wish”
(Y/n)s heart skipped a beat at the pressing question of Daemon, she had prayed many times asking why the Gods send her such temptation, the kind prince that tested her oath every day with his gentle words and soft touch, the Father was resting her judgment there was no doubt about that.
“I- I want to give you this”
(Y/n) presented a small pendant that was the star of the seven, it wasn’t of value but (y/n) had prayed over it and begged the mother to protect Daemon, to wrap him in her cloak and keep him safe.
“It would mean a great deal to me if you wore it”
“Thank you, I shall bring it back to you, alive”
(Y/n) subtly looked around before she gave in to her urge and rushed into his arms for a hug, she might never see him again, war was cruel and the Stranger visited often if this was their last encounter then she shall at least know what his hugs felt like.
Daemon hugged her tightly, he feared for his life but mostly he feared that he might never be able to call for her again, to say her name and see her bright smile on every morrow.
“If I come back, I want us to leave together”
“Please (y/n), see it as a sign, if I survive this then we are meant to be together, the Mother will protect me only if you agree to marry me”
“Do not use the Gods for a vile game”
“It is not a game, I-I love you”
“Leave, please”
“May the Gods have mercy on your soul”
She simply dismissed him after she pulled away to turn her back on him, Daemon took a step but stopped before he took another, he could not see it but (y/n) was already tearing up, she felt her heart rip to pieces as his steps echoed less and less until they became nothing, the silence lasted only a minute before her sobs took over.
In a blink of an eye (y/n) kneeled in front of the candles, the burden was a heavy one for a girl, she had never experienced such a trial, she had almost looked the Stranger in the eye still this was the most difficult of all.
“I beg you, Mother, I beg the Gods, show me a sign, I do not know what to do, I am a mere mortal, help your child, if you can hear me, please help me”
She muttered in between her cries, she felt weak, unable to continue by the fear of making the wrong choice as she stood at a crossroads, was this union a blessing or a test?
Daemon fought fiercely during the day and at night he would lay and play with the pendant, twirling it around his fingers and sometimes even resting it on top of his lips, was she praying for him? Was she waiting for him? Did she wish to see him again? Questions raced in his head before the dreams took over and brought him the gift of imagination, his precious (y/n) playing with their children, 5 children, he could almost taste her but she was always slipping through his fingers, never enough time to hug her as tightly as he could.
(Y/n) was tormented, with bags under her usually bright eyes, sunken cheeks, and pain growing on her legs as her mother fell ill, with a high fever, (y/n) stood by her side until the very end.
“Go to him, my sweetling, he waits for you”
Her mother whispered before she left her last breath, (y/n) had tired herself from crying to the point that she did not know what was she even crying about anymore, was it the worrying over Daemon? Her mother's passing? The overall confusion over what her life has come to?
She brushed it off as her mind playing tricks with her now, she continued to pray along, it was the only thing that had kept her somewhat sane, the Gods had been cruel to her, not only did they take away her mother but Daemon has stopped sending her ravens if he was alive and well was unknown to her.
Could it be? (Y/n) slowly turned her head towards the direction of the voice, there he stood, Daemon, her prince, his hair was short and he was skinnier than the last time she saw him.
(Y/n) wiped away her tears but remained kneeled, has she lost her mind? Was she seeing just a vision or was he truly standing there? Her lip quivered as they both stood frozen, waiting for the other to do something.
“It’s me, my dearest”
He whispered to reassure her. Daemon sensed her pain, her questions, and how she was afraid to make a step, he knew it well, they were times he could have sworn he saw her on the battlefield or waiting for him on his bed, and others he could hear her praying.
(Y/n) In an instant rose and ran to him, she fell in his arms as she was engulfed by a plethora of emotions that drowned but one overtook all, relief.
“You are alive”
“I made a promise, I needed to bring you your pendant”
She laughed between her sobs as she wrapped her arms around him one more time, squeezing the life out of him but he did not mind, her hug was the closest thing Daemon had felt when it came to religion, she was his church.
“I missed you”
“We must go”
“Get us out of here before I change my mind”
“What has gotten into you?”
“Do you want to question me now that I am agreeing to your plans?”
Daemon could not contain himself anymore, before (y/n) could comprehend or respond his lips had crashed into hers into a deep, passionate kiss, soon his arms wrapped around her waist to bring her as close as humanly possible, it was (y/n)s first kiss.
“Let us leave before the Hods strike us for sinning”
(Y/n) and Daemon chose to make their home in Pentos, a beautiful free city that (y/n) had dreamed of visiting, they had eloped the day they landed, (y/n) wore a simple gown and it was the first time Daemon saw her hair, her beautiful mane that framed her face perfectly, she was his for the rest of their life and hopefully the next, how could a woman so perfect love a sinner like him?
The raven Daemon send to king landing to announce the birth of their first child angered the faith to no end, the rogue prince had lured a Septa and turned her to lust and sin, and whispers grew about their children being cursed, that they were all deformed and that is why they did not dare to come back.
Daemon shielded his family from such vile words, (y/n) was gracious to bless him with 5 children, 4 girls, and one boy, all of them beautiful, kind, and happy, (y/n) and daemon made sure of that.
Daemon had gifted (y/n) with creating a Sept for her after she gave birth to their first daughter, Elara, she had deep grey eyes like a wolf and dirty blonde hair like the color of a golden sunset, when Daemon walked in to find (y/n) holding their daughter after laboring for a full day he cried, his wife, his love, she created life.
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For everything”
Then came their son Aeron, who came rather quickly and without fuss, (y/n) only felt some discomfort during her evening nap and the maester had just stepped into the room when the babe was crowning, he had his mother's eyes and hair as white as snow.
Adira gave everyone a surprise, she was not alone, she was with her twin sister, Naeva, who was frail and so small in comparison to Adira who was chubby and red-cheeked, (y/n) refused to leave Naevas side, she would spend her nights in a rocking chair by her cradle.
And then came their last little girl, (y/n) would often reminisce about the day that her children burst into the room after the labor to peak at their new sibling, Aeron was the first to hold her, and the little boy was in utter awe of the new sister, he had leaned to place a peck on top of the babes head.
“Mother, I was hoping I could name her”
“What do you suggest sweetling?”
“It is a perfect name for a princess, don’t you think so my love?”
“Indeed, it’s settled then”
Avyanna was a spitting image of her mother, except for the dark lavender eyes, she had even inherited (y/n)s hair which made her stand out from her siblings, she had a few blonde streaks but you couldn’t see them if her hair was pulled up.
Daemon was proud of his family, he patted himself on the back for being able to rise to the occasion and prove himself worthy of (y/n)s love, he took great care of his lady wife, anything his family wished for they had their feet.
(y/n) worried that the children will grow spoiled, she taught them the importance of sharing and the great value of gratitude through her faith that she never forgot, often she was seen attending orphanages and anyone that knocked on their door for help.
“Alright now settle down, this ceremony is sacred and serious, you must be on your best behavior”
“We know Mother”
“My dear, you have told them about it a thousand times now”
“I’m sorry, I am just-”
“I know”
Daemon brought his wife closer by the waist to place a kiss on top of her covered hair, she was dressed in all black like everyone else but you could understand that this meant more to her than just a funeral, it was their first time back in Westeros, the Targaryens had never seen their children, her heart beat fast at the mere idea of her little ones getting insulted or ridiculed in any way.
All of them remained close to their mother and father, Daemon held Avyanna in his arms, and (y/n) frowned as she caressed her daughter's cheek, she wanted to hold her but she was still sore, the maester advised her to refrain from lifting anything.
Naturally, Daemon led (y/n) to their chamber the minute the eulogy ended, he did not care about mingling or anything that had to do with people that turned their noses up on (y/n) and their children.
“You must rest”
“I feel fine”
“And you will feel even better if you lay down”
(Y/n) knew better than to chastise her husband on this matter, Daemon was an overprotective man especially when it came to her and her health, they had already had a fright he was not willing to take any chances.
“The strangers visit is the one I fear the most amongst the Gods, he sparred me once, now twice”
“And thrice if needed, I will not let them take you”
“It is not up to us to decide”
“It is up to us to be careful, you gave our family 5 perfect children that need their mother, we are in no need of another”
“If the mother gave us 5 why did she take this one? And the one before that, mayhaps-”
“It is not pleasant I know but I constantly feel cursed”
“You are not cursed nor our children, let us not speak on this again, please”
(Y/n) did not verbally respond, she chose the route of getting up from their bed and reaching for Daemon to hug him, Daemon trembled at the thought of losing her, seeing her in insufferable pain and grief while blood stained the sheets was horrid, he could not imagine what (y/n) went through, of course, he wanted a big family but it was not worth the price of (y/n)s life, none of it would be worth it without her.
The vulnerable scene between husband and wife was interrupted by a knock on the door, Elara was white as a ghost and her hands were shaking, (y/n) feared for the worst at the sight of their distraught daughter.
“What is it dear?”
“Aeron claimed a dragon but he got into a fight”
“Gods have mercy, show me”
(Y/n) prayed as she walked to wherever her eldest daughter led them, she spotted Aeron from a mile away, her son sat in a chair next to another young boy who was getting his wounds tended by a master.
“Oh, my love, my sweet little boy, what happened?”
“I am fine mother, I’m unharmed”
“Gods be good”
(Y/n) wrapped her arms around her son as tight as possible, Aeron was aware of his mother's fear of him and his siblings getting in harm's way, but he did not fuss over how tight she was hugging him quite the contrary after such an event he relished the familiar loving embrace of his mother.
“Yes the boy is safe but my son has lost an eye”
“I do not follow”
“Your son claimed a dragon while Aemond claimed Vhagar, your daughter and son were present when my son was attacked”
“Stole Vhagar”
“You cannot steal a dragon, little girl”
“Elara! Be respectful”
(Y/n) scolded her daughter who hunched over at her seat, (y/n) did not raise her voice often so when she did her children did not take it well.
“Queen Alicent, I trust my children allow me to ask them for the truth”
“Aemond, Elara, and I were wondering when we saw Vhagar, I pushed Elara to stay back and Aemond did not follow, he claimed Vhagar like Elara claimed Silverwing, when Aemond flew that’s when Vermithor came, I figured that if Silverwing came for Elara then Vermithor might be here for me, Elara and I flew with our dragons when we landed the only thing we saw was”
“Was what?”
“Prince Lucerys attacked Prince Aemond, he had a knife”
Elara finished her brothers' sentence, Elara was always brave and stoic, whilst Aeron was noble and level-headed.
(Y/n) hesitated, her children wouldn’t lie to her, if it happened as they say then it means her children could not have possibly interfered with the squabble nor saved Prince Aemond.
Daemon walked to his wife’s side and pancaked his arm around her shoulders for comfort, he could sense that (y/n) feared what to say, she did not want to upset nor make matters worst in front of the king and queen.
“My children are not responsible for the injury of Prince Aemond although it still is a grim affair”
“Grim affair? My son has been maimed”
“While Aeron was in the sky with his sister”
“They could have-“
“They could have what? My children are not fortune tellers nor do they have the eyes of a hawk to see what is happening on the ground”
Daemon defended his son and took a few steps towards Queen Alicent, (y/n) went back to her son to hold his hand in support of him, Elara got up from her seat to go over to the other side of her mother and hold her other hand.
Rhaenyra stood by her son's side as she watched Daemon defend his family, 10 years passed and he was a different person, now he had 5 children and a personality that Rhaenyra could not recognize, how he stood up for his son, how endearing he had been with his wife, how he completely ignored and avoided her, the Dragon had circled (y/n) and their two children, willing to do anything and go against anyone to keep them safe.
“This is a matter between you, my family had no part in this”
“They encouraged Aemond to go to Vhagar”
“They did no such thing, my children were playing and Aeron protected his sister, you can spew lies as much as you wish Alicent but I know the truth”
“Which is?”
“That my son claimed the dragon of a previous king and that is a matter for us to celebrate, you can kill each other for all I care, my wife and I will escort our children to their chambers and tomorrow my son will mount his dragon back home”
Alicent refrained from responding, even a Hightower knew that there was a line that she mustn’t cross when it came to Targaryens, Aeron had a dragon now, Vermithor flew just to find him, Daemon puffed out his chest before he also went back to join his family, with his one hand he guided his son to stand up on his feet and patted him on the shoulder.
“This is a blessing, my only son has a dragon like my eldest daughter, I will not let anyone taint this day for you”
“Thank you father”
“Queen Alicent, the Hightowers have always been a family that followed the guidance of the seven, the father is a just God, seek for his voice and find it in your heart to understand that our children are not responsible”
“Or don’t, the father will not be here to help you once you attempt to point your finger to my son”
Daemon hissed at Alicent, “how did these two even came together?” The queen thought, however it was as clear as day that she was stepping to dangerous territory, (y/n) was a pious person but even she could not save Alicent from Daemons aggressive nature, she could only offer a small way out before the inevitable happened.
Requests are open!
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juanarc-thethird · 11 months
Know Your Audience
Bleiss: *in Jaune's bed with super sexy black lingerie* Oh Darling~ Wanna play with me?~💕
Jaune: *Stuffing some video game controllers and snacks into his backpack* I'm sorry Bleiss, but I already agreed with the boys to a marathon of video games. Maybe tomorrow, okay?
Bleiss: *Confuse for his lack of reaction* Wha?
Jaune: See you later. *Leaves*
Bleiss: *Angry* Why doesn't he fall for my charms?!
Nora: *On the celling holding a video camera* It's because you don't know what turns him on.
Bleiss: Nora, what are you doing there?!
Nora: That's not important. What is important is that I know what will help you pitch a tent in Jaune's pants.
Bleiss: Really?! Tell me now!
Nora: Hold on, this information has a price.
Bleiss: I'll give you anything!
Nora: That's what I like to hear.
The next day.
Jaune: *Enters his room* God, I'm tired of playing so much. I want to get to my bed and-
Bleiss: Hello Darling~💕
Jaune: *Blushing* Bleiss?
In front of him was Bleiss lying on his bed dressed as Ishtar from Fate/Grand Order. Her costume was identical to that of the character, down to the last detail. She even put her hair in pigtails to complete it. Bleiss is pleased with his reaction, but even more so with the large bulge that is forming in Jaune's pants.
Bleiss: I see you like my outfit, how about me and you-
Without letting her finish, Jaune was already on top of her with his shirt off and his pants unbuttoned.
Bleiss: *Scaroused* H-Hey, Darling! What are you doing?
Jaune: *Horny* Sorry Bleiss, but I can't contain myself.
Bleiss: W-Wait, let's at least start with some foreplay, okay?
Jaune: I'm sorry.
Bleiss: W-Wait... J-Just wait....
Jaune: I want you~💕 *He kisses her passionately.*
Bleiss: ❤️‍🔥💕❤️‍🔥!!!
Later that day.
Pyrrha: NORA!
Nora: *Sitting on a pancake-shaped beanbag* Yes?
Pyrrha: Did you help Bleiss so she could sleep with Jaune?!
Nora: *Acting clueless* Who me? Never...
Pyrrha: Then explain this.
Pyrrha takes out her scroll and shows Nora a video. In the video Bleiss is lying in bed while being rammed extra hard by Jaune from behind.
Bleiss: *Looking at the camera* Oh fuck!~💕 Are you watching Pyrrha… Aah~💕… Jaune is trying to get me pregnant. Shit!~ Are you jealous?~💕 Ugh!~💕
Jaune: Oh shit, I'm cumming!
Jaune suddenly drops his hips into her, burying his cock deep as he cums vigorously.
Bleiss: OoOooh~💕 FuuUCkk~💕 Is so much cum~💕Nora is a fucking genius~
Video ends
Pyrrha: *Angry* Any last words?
Nora: *Scared* Please don't kill me!
Pyrrha: Too late for that.
Nora: Wait, I know how to get even with her!
Pyrrha: Speak
Nora: Thank you... *Ahem* What bust size are you?
Pyrrha: Huh?
To be continue...
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Thick!Fem!Survivor in a Bikini
Requested: Yes! [love your works. never stop doing those please.. also just see your request are open so.. i want to request for ghostface, the legion (frank and julie), wesker, the trapper and the doctor react to their fav fem!survivor in like a bikini outfits (also if you could make her have a big boobs or maybe like some sort of chubby body then i would love it even more :))]
Warnings: ✨Spice✨, FEM!Reader
Pictures. So so many pictures, each one more perfect than the last in his eyes. And there was never enough, no matter the fact that he had so many that his card read as full. Good thing he had a spare on him! This one empty of any photos, though soon to be full as well. He’ll waste away the whole trial following you around, his hands running along the thick curves of your body whenever he can get close enough without you noticing him. But even if you did notice him, it’s not much of a deterrent. Did you really think you could show up in front of him while wearing that and just get away?
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Drooling. Drooling SO much. He’s staring the second he sees you, immediately reaching out to grasp your thick waist in his bandaged hands as he presses his chest into your back, his mask on the ground as he bites and sucks on the back of your neck, grinding into your plush ass through his jeans. Frank is such a sucker for big girls, it makes him look stupid and by the end of this trial you will be sitting on his face, your thick thighs smothering him to death. Legit doesn’t even care if you actually kill him while doing it, since he’ll just be resurrected by the entity anyways. He hopes.
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Much like Frank, Julie is drooling, wanting to bury her face between your thighs and just suffocate. But Julie is just a tad bit more subtle than Frank. She’s not just outright groping, she’s fingers trailing softly down your spine, plucking at the strings of your bikini. She’s not deep bites and bleeding scratches, she’s a whisper in your ear, carrying the most sinful promises. She and Frank are two people that compliment and contrast each other perfectly in almost every way. Brawn and Brain, Force and Manipulation, Fast and Slow. She’s likely to invite you to share both her and Frank’s bed, once she’s done making you ride her fingers in this trial.
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Wesker is definitely surprised to see you in such an outfit at first, staring you down from a distance, slowly getting closer to you, taking in the shape of your body from every angle he can see, and once he gets close enough? He can’t help but let ouroboros wander over your skin, slipping under your scant clothing, between your thighs. Even when you’re crying and shaking from everything he’s doing to you. How could you ever expect him to resist when you just looked so good like that? Like a present just for him.
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N I C E. You can’t look at Trapper and tell me he doesn’t like thick girls. He fucking LOVES thick girls, remembers how he used to trail after daughters of the miners with chests so thick they almost popped out of their modest gowns, hips so thick that they showed through all the layers they wore. Part of him enjoyed indulging in thoughts of how it was money that his family gave their fathers that kept their bellies so full, kept them as thick as they were, their healthy pallor. He’s reminded of those thoughts as he looks at you. Granted, you’re not so modestly dressed as them but he actually likes it, likes the way they scant fabric clings to your skin. But what’s even better is when he rips it off you, clutching you to him even as you squirm, feeling along your curves, between your folds, cupping your full breasts. Yes, he really enjoyed this.
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Very bold of you to assume that the Doctor didn’t carefully plan this all out, to the very last detail. Down to convincing the Entity that yes, the bikini was necessary, and that no, he definitely didn’t have anything particularly heinous on his mind. Not that she believed that at all, but he had been doing particularly well in trials and she thought he deserves to be rewarded. Which is how you ended up Adrianna Imai’s bed (she was going to KILL you in all your future trials with her), The Doctor’s hands emitting little pain-pleasure sparks as they roamed your skin, snapping at the strings of your bikini while emitting his usual maniacal giggles.
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
Drag Me Under | Happiness Series
warnings: mentions of drugging
summary: One moment, you’re home - the next? You’re somewhere you don’t recognize with people you don’t recognize either, holding one of your most precious valuables.
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There’s Simon, the cuddly man who adores being a girl dad and being a good husband. He’s quiet, he smiles, he loves holding either of his daughters for long periods of time - you’d be surprised if Mellie even learns to walk. He loves to kiss your head, loves to hold you, loves to be near you.
He plays dolls, he does tea parties, begrudgingly dresses up when asked by Winnie, but he still does it all with a smile on his face. He brushes little teeth in the morning and night, he changes diapers before you could ever try to, he hates tying his daughter’s shoes since she cries about leaving home and her toys. He kisses skinned knees, fingers bitten by Mellie, and stubbed toes.
That’s your Simon.
So when you come home crying from what was supposed to be a “day off” to go shopping and a spa day, Simon is there. He took one look at you when you came in the front door, four hours too early, he knew something was wrong. He put the baby in her bouncer, gently patted Winnie’s head, and made his way to you.
His hands touched your elbows, your hands were up shielding your face. His hands slid up, pulling yours away to look at your tear-stained face. You told him what happened, that a man harassed you at the coffee shop you went to right before you were meant to go to the spa. You quietly repeated what he said through tears and soft sobs, not wanting to describe how the man touched your back, but still detailing how he followed you - how you remembered what Simon said, wove through back streets until you found a tram and made your way home.
It’s not the first time you’ve been harassed, but it was one of the scariest. You wrapped around arms around your husband’s neck, expecting him to mold right to your body but he didn’t. His hands settled on your cheek and hip, a chaste kiss on your ear before he said he needed to go out for a pack of cigarettes.
It wasn’t until fifteen minutes later that you found a fresh pack on the kitchen counter, just out of reach of the girls. His wallet, his keys, both on the tile far out of reach - two things were missing from his “pile”. His knife, which has your first date with Simon etched on the side, and a balaclava with a skull painted onto its face.
The man who left your house wasn’t Simon, you knew that for sure when hours after you had put the girls to bed, there was a soft knock on the front door. Three, pause, one, pause, two. The man you opened the door to had bloody knuckles, a ripped shirt, and prideful eyes.
You moved aside, closing the front door and watching the anomaly as it observed you, brown eyes detailing your face. The man who stood in your front hallway, coated in blood on his stomach and arms was called Ghost.
You were always weary of Ghost. Simon disappears under his armor to be someone else, something else - a machine. Well oiled, maintained, and reliable. No feelings, they only get in the way. Ghost was the monster your husband was made to be, but Simon was the man you made into a husband. So when you pulled off the balaclava to a smile full of red, blood beginning to drip from his teeth - your heart sank. Like a dog, he shows you his injuries so you can take pride in them. But you don’t.
“What did you do?”
“No.” You shook like a leaf, you weren’t scared that he was going to hurt you - you were scared he had killed someone. For you. “Why did you do that?”
“He touched you.”
Your eyes widened slightly. “I didn’t tell you that.”
“Your body did.”
You fought tears then.
“Are you hurt?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
“What did you do to him?”
It doesn’t take a genius to see that you were scared. And it doesn’t take much to see how the armor began to be broken, that Simon was slowly peeking through.
“I didn’t kill him.” He said, hand gently resting on your arm. “He’ll be spending a couple days in hospital, he learned his lesson.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“I know.” He nodded in acknowledgment. “But no one gets away with making you cry.”
“She’s pretty.”
A cold hand touched your chin, you could barely move a muscle in your body. Your chest clenched with anxiety. Where were you? Who was talking? It sounded nothing like König’s Austrian accent, or anyone else you knew. Not any of the 141, no man you’ve ever heard.
“Did you get that baby to sleep?”
You felt sick at that exact second. Where was Mellie? Why couldn’t you open your eyes? You were holding her before… Oh god. Someone had gotten into the house, you were dragged out with Mellie - right past a bleeding out König. Nausea settled into your stomach like heavy ink, coating everything.
“Out like a light. Nothing a little morphine doesn’t fix.”
You could’ve thrown up at that second if it wasn’t for your body responding to any attempt to move, the air you took in to breathe was little. What did they give me? Why did they take Mellie? Is Winnie okay? Oh god, König. Laswell. Roach. Please have my daughter. Please save this one too.
“Boss said to leave them down here, right?”
“Yep. She should be waking up soon anyway.” There a slight chuckle. “Shame he won’t let us have our way like he usually does.”
“Apparently this one’s special, or whatever.”
“Sure. She’s married to a special forces operator. Boss knows which one, hope he knows what he’s doing.”
“The guy MI6?”
There’s a creak, a door slamming above you.
“Shit, he’s back already.”
“Let’s go. They’re fine.”
Creaking, more movement until a door opened, slammed shut, and there was a sharp metal thud - it sounded like a deadbolt. You could barely feel your fingers as you listened to the conversation upstairs, it seemed the floor was incredibly thin.
“Are they asleep?”
Your thoughts were instantly engulfed in flames even though you were freezing cold; the ink turned to oil, your nausea turning into anger. Lloyd fucking Riley. Your father in law was behind this. Then it clicked. He was casing the house when he knocked. Laswell appearing must have thrown him off. He must have wanted to kidnap you himself.
It took all of your might, but your eyes sluggishly opened - your sight blurry, but you could see for the most part. The room you were in was dark, the only light seeping through was from the ceiling - in between rotting floorboards. You could see exactly where the men were standing; all right above you. You couldn’t tell feel much else, but at least you could see and hear. What did they drug you with? Hopefully the morphine they gave Mellie wasn’t enough to hurt her.
“Good.” A laugh. “She’s a darling little thing.”
“What, the baby?”
“Yes. And she’s beautiful too.”
“She is. Not sure why you’re not letting us-“
A step forward, four feet take a step back. “Touch her and I’ll slit your throats.” Silence for just a beat, boot snapped against a shin. “She is my plaything.” He then snapped in Russian, which you couldn’t understand a thing.
You tried not to be an angry person. You were committed to showing your girls that anger isn’t the answer. But it festered like a fever, slowly yet throughly seeping through your muscles. If anything happened to your daughter, you had no idea what you would do. Anything short of murder - you couldn’t even think of taking someone else’s life. That was Simon’s job.
Simon. Oh God, Simon.
There was hushed talking above you, you struggled to look around the room, trying to find your baby. Cardboard boxes, filled to the brim bins, a bookshelf with a broken shelf.
Find what you can use as a weapon. Nothing is off limits. If it can be used to stun or incapacitate your enemy, use it. Don’t let it go unless you have to. You could hear Simon speaking to you. He’d be here if he knew. You’d be out of here if he knew.
It’s okay. Stay calm. Find Melody.
You forced your legs to move, one by one and over the edge of the bed, you clenched your fists as best you could to gain more feeling in your arms. They definitely drugged you more intensely than they could have Mellie, it made you nauseous. You were able to sit up, your head spun and you fought to keep yourself from throwing up. You forced yourself to stand, you took a glance around. The closest things to you were a cardboard box, a broken laundry basket, and a ripped towel. You peered into the large cardboard box pushed against the wall and your shoulders dropped, anxiety flushed out of your chest as you instantly reached down to your sleeping daughter. “Oh Mellie baby.” Your weak arms scooped your sleeping baby, you kept her firmly against your chest as you moved back to the bed. You checked her over, making note that she wasn’t hurt - only a needle mark in her arm. It made you sick.
You kept her there in your arms for an hour, listening to hushed voices with fear in your heart. She barely woke up, forehead still warm - her fever having not broken yet. She was clammy. You were more terrified of your baby dying than you could ever be of the situation you were in.
You put Mellie on your bed for a few minutes after the first hour of being awake so you could scavenge the room for something, anything that they may have brought for you or Mellie. All you found was one of your old diaper bags with a handful of diapers, one bottle, half a bag of wipes and no medicine. You dumped it out into the raggedy quilt on the bed, pulling out all of the pockets with tears of worry in your eyes. You had nothing for her. You put what you had away, then returned to your spot - Mellie in your arms as she quietly slept.
The footsteps grew louder after a few minutes, then a door was opened - it sounded like the one at the top of the stairs. You held your baby even closer to your chest, pulling your legs up and trying to make her seem invisible. You watched as the figure you dreaded appeared - a distinctly harsher looking Lloyd Riley. He had cleaned himself up to case your house, now he was dressed in thick flannels, dark pants, and tattered boots. Clearly bundled up to fight the cold while you were left in an old t-shirt and sweatpants, your daughter in a thin onesie.
He reached the bottom of the steps, a sick smirk tugged at his lips before he spoke. “You lied to me.”
You didn’t say a word.
“You are married to my son. You’re my daughter-in-law.” He smiled. “You’re a Riley.”
Your baby moved her arm, you didn’t look down.
“That baby of yours looks so much like my Tommy when he was that small. Can I hold her?”
“She speaks.”
“I need medicine.”
Lloyd’s arms crossed, you felt your chest grow tight with fear. “What for?”
“My baby is sick.” Your voice was quieter than before, anxiety settled in heavy increments in your body. “I almost broke the fever but then you fucking took us from our home.”
Lloyd took a step back, nodding slightly. “Fine. That’s the only thing you get to ask for.”
“I don’t care if I don’t get to ask for anything else. She needs medicine.”
He doesn’t say a thing, only turning and walking back up the steps. You heard the door slam, the deadbolt click, and the creaking footsteps. You would’ve used your energy to keep listening to him, but your daughter began to stir in your arms. You looked down at her, silent tears ran down your face.
Simon, please hurry.
“Hey darling, you didn’t answer my calls yesterday or today. I know I’m probably reading too much into it and being paranoid, I’m just worried.
“I um- I’ll be going dark for a few days, and I’d like to hear your voice before then. So call me back when you can, yeah?
“I love you. Kiss the girls for me.”
Simon ended the voicemail, pulling the phone from his ear before slipping it into his pocket. The cigarette between his fingers felt heavy as he pulled it up to his lips, taking a long drag before flicking it onto the ground. He ground the cigarette butt into the tarmac before he pulled his balaclava back down, his hands gripped the rifle attached to his front.
He normally would keep his phone in his locker, but now he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He walked towards the overhang, where Soap stood with a concerned look.
“No answer?”
Simon fished the phone out from his pocket, handing it to his sergeant. “No. She’s busy with the baby.” His friend gave him a look, one Simon knew wouldn’t go away until he investigated further. But Simon was confident in the security of three operators in his home. “She’s fine. Laswell would call me and tell me if she wasn’t.”
“I gotta bad feelin’, LT.”
“Your bad feelings have been wrong before.” He stared at Soap, annoyed. He wasn’t more anxious than he already was about leaving them, why is everyone making such a big deal about it? “Soap-“
“Hurry up, Soap, put that phone in your locker.” Price barked as he marched in between Simon and the sergeant, Soap gave him one last look before disappearing back into the barracks. Price was quickly followed by Gaz, who waved for Simon to follow as well.
“Shit.” He muttered, knowing he was late. “What happened?”
“Spotted one of the goons near Piccadilly Circus.” Gaz answered, Simon began to jog towards them. “Overwatch thinks they have eyes on their hideout.”
“Let’s go get ‘em, then.”
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Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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