#The brother jones ff
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kmomof4 · 2 years ago
Absolute PERFECTION!!! Awkward teenage Killian was everything I never knew I needed!!! And Liam and William were SPOT ON as the pushy yet supportive older brother and cute and fun yet embarrassing younger brother, respectively. An adorable AU all the way around!!!
Just the Way We Roll by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 3K Summary: Killian Jones is just a simple teenager trying to navigate life. But when his brothers try to help him talk to his crush, it doesn't quite go as planned. Author’s notes: [In this fic, Liam II is named William, and Emma and Henry aren't related.] I feel like "Killian as a middle sibling" isn't a dynamic used nearly enough in fics, and decided to play around with "his brothers try to help him flirt and it doesn't go well." Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart  [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!] Also on Ao3!
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 Being an older sibling seemed easy enough. Having people who always look up to you, paving your own path, never living in someone else's shadow- it all comes so easy to the oldest sibling.
 Being a younger sibling didn't seem too hard either. Your parents are more lax on the rules, they make less mistakes because they've learned from how they messed up your older siblings, and you've got older siblings to look out for you.
 But being a middle sibling was difficult. Keeping an eye out for your younger siblings, living in the shadow of your older siblings- your parents still messing up with you, yet having expectations for you from your older siblings. It was the worst of both worlds- but after ten years of having a younger brother and seventeen of having an older brother, Killian was used to it. He'd gotten used to the fact that William would beg to tag along anywhere he went. He'd gotten used to the fact that Liam would always be around to tease him. He'd gotten used to the hand-me-downs and the handing-down, to needing advice and then giving advice, to being annoyed by his younger brother and annoying his older brother.
 But if there's one thing he didn't think he'd ever get used to, it was his brothers' outgoing natures. To William and Liam both, a stranger was just a friend they hadn't met yet, whether it was a kid William met at the McDonald's playplace or a new employee Liam met at the local ice cream stand. Liam's charisma and William's enthusiasm were enough to charm the hearts of any stranger.
 Killian, however, was not so gifted at meeting new people. For one thing, he didn't really need to be- Liam's friends had always accepted him as part of the group anyways- and for another, he didn't usually care to. He wasn't a huge fan of talking to people, never knowing what to say, or how to say it, or when- it was easier if he just didn't talk at all. He had plenty of online friends, anyways, from his RPG groups and writing circles, and he'd always been content with just that.
 That is, until his older brother dragged him along with him to the local pizza parlor for dinner. Their mom was away for the night (and their dad had been away for much longer,) and Killian had been looking forward to spending an evening in, planning on proofreading a manuscript one of his friends had been begging him to beta.
 Unfortunately, Liam had decided they'd have much more fun going out for pizza that night, and William agreed- much to Killian's dismay. So, instead of reading his friend's historical fantasy WIP while listening to his favorite gaming soundtracks, he found himself eating pizza with his brother, in a seat much too close to the nearby jukebox, which was playing "What's New, Pussycat" for what seemed like the twenty-first time.
 But he didn't mind it nearly as much as he thought he would. After William had devoured a couple slices of pizza, he'd run off to play at the arcade consoles with a new friend he'd made. Liam then began talking with Killian about some of their friends, and Liam's upcoming victories as captain of the football team, and which of the Spiderman movies was the best adaptation.
 But what really made him enjoy his time- or, at the very least, made him stop wishing that he was back home by himself- was when he noticed some girls from school, sitting at a table across the way- one of those girls being the new girl, Emma Swan.
 If ever there was a person Killian was scared to talk to, it was Emma Swan. Her golden hair and charming smile were enough to turn loose the butterflies in his stomach- but her confidence, even in her new surroundings, combined with how quickly she'd fallen in with some of the cooler girls- altogether she was too cool for him to even think about talking to her.
 Fortunately for Killian, girls like her didn't tend to notice guys like him, so she didn't notice how much he was staring at her from his seat behind the jukebox.
 Unfortunately for Killian, big brothers always notice when you're crushing on someone.
 "Does she go to our school?" Liam asked.
 Killian turned back to Liam, trying to pretend he hadn't been staring at Emma- the last thing he needed was Liam meddling with his fantasy.
 "Who?" Killian asked.
 "That girl you haven't been able to take your eyes off since she came in."
 "I don't know what you're talking about." Killian said, making the mistake of glancing back at Emma and her friends- and seeing her laugh at one of her friend's jokes, which brought a tell-tale smile to his face.
 "Killian Jones," Liam said, "you are the worst liar I've ever met."
 "Am not!" Killian said.
 "You like her," Liam smiled.
 "She's just a girl from school," Killian said, "she's new; I barely know her."
 "What's stopping you?" Liam asked.
 "From getting to know her?" Killian asked, half laughing.
 "Just go over there and talk to her," Liam said.
 Killian knew Liam was only trying to be supportive, but at the same time, he could've said "just go jump in a pit of razor blades" and Killian would've been more willing to oblige.
 "Talk to her?" Killian asked, "me? It's not that easy."
 "Why not?" Liam asked, "just go over and say 'hi.'"
 "Maybe the captain of the football team can do that," Killian said, but "I don't think I could…."
 "Exactly, don't think," Liam said, standing up, "just do it.  Thinking's what gets you into trouble."
 "What?" Killian asked, his brother already having walked around the table to the jukebox.
 "This'll be your song," Liam said, putting a few quarters in the slot, "it'll boost your confidence."
 "What song?" Killian asked, getting up to look at the jukebox, knowing there was no point in trying to stop his brother when he had his mind made up.
 "Our jam," Liam put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "That's Just The Way We Roll."
 "Jonas Brothers?" Killian asked, "You want me to talk to Emma with Jonas Brothers playing in the background?"
 "Only thing better than the Joe Bros is the Jones Bros," Liam wiped a dab of sauce off Killian's face, "even if one of them needs a little more confidence."
 "I still don't know about this," Killian said.
 Their conversation was interrupted by William, who'd apparently exhausted all his arcade quarters.
 "Do you have any more quarters?" William asked Liam, "Henry and I ran out."
 "Who's Henry?" Killian asked.
 "My new friend," William said.
 "How'd you like to help your brother make a new friend now?" Liam asked William.
 "I don't need your help," Liam said, "but there's a pretty girl over there who's caught Killian's eye, and he needs our help to impress her."
 "I don't need…"
 "Okay!" William said, "what do you need me to do?"
 "Just follow my lead," Liam said, "and make Killian look good."
 "You got it!" William said.
 "I woke up, on the roof, with my brothers," the jukebox played.
 "That's your cue," Liam said. He put his hand on Killian's shoulder and pushed him ahead of them, towards Emma and her friends.
 "I wonder how much paperwork goes into disowning your older brother," Killian thought, as they got closer to the table and he still didn't know what he was gonna say.
 The girls at the table stopped talking and looked up at them, their eyes quizzically fixed on the Jones brothers.
 "Hi," Killian said, his stomach in knots and shoulders tense, "I uh, we go to the same school."
 "Emma, is it?" Liam reached around his brother to shake Emma's hand, "I'm Liam."
 "No need to introduce yourself," one of the other girls, whom Killian recognized from the cheerleading squad, interrupted, "I think we all know the captain of the football team when we see him."
 "Anna, right?" Liam asked, "Kristoff's girlfriend?"
 "That's me," Anna nudged the girl next to her, "and this is my sister, Elsa." 
 "A pleasure to meet you both," Liam said, flashing a dazzling smile at Elsa, then turning slightly to Emma, "and have you met my brother, Killian?"
 "I've seen you around," Emma smiled a little, not at Killian, "I didn't pick up on the familial connection, I guess."
 "Jones is a fairly common last name," Liam said, "and Killian hasn't picked up on nearly as much of the family charisma and charm as I have."
 Even if Killian had found his voice, he couldn't've argued with that.
 "And I'm William!" William piped in, "I'm their brother!"
 "Oh?" Elsa smiled at the child, "are you on the football team too?"
 "I don't even go to your school!" William said, "but I go to all of Liam's football games. I'd go to Killian's games too, if he was good at sports."
 "What part of 'make Killian look good' does he not understand?" Killian thought, before realizing it was probably the word "Killian."
 "Yet another thing that didn't run in the family," Liam smiled.
 "Would you guys like to join us?" Anna asked, sliding herself over and pulling her sister along with her, "I'm sure we can make room for you."
 "We'd love to," Liam said. He slid into the now-empty space in the booth, next to Elsa.
 Killian took a seat in the booth next to Emma, feeling a little too uncomfortable to even look at her.
 "This was a bad idea," Killian thought, sitting at the edge of the booth, hoping his cheeks weren't red from either embarrassment, awkwardness, or any more stray pizza sauce.
 Whether fortunately or unfortunately, Killian wasn't quite sure yet, but either way, William crawled under the table and popped back up between Emma and Killian, taking a seat between them.
 William tugged at Killian's sleeve and motioned for him to lean down. Killian did so, and William cupped his hands around his ear to whisper to him- but when you're ten years old, it's hard to tell the difference between "whispering" and "talking so loud the whole restaurant can hear it." Unfortunately for Killian, William did the latter.
 "Is she the girl you can't impress?" William asked, his voice somehow a million times louder than usual, "the one you needed our help with?"
 Killian blushed a little, glancing up at Liam and reading his expression, knowing that it was definitely loud enough, at the very least, for the whole table to hear.
 "I never said that," Killian scratched the back of his neck, behind his ear.
 "Shhhhh!" William reminded him they were supposed to be whispering, "you didn't, Liam did, remember? He said you need more confidence and there's a pretty girl you can't impress without our help."
 Killian hid his face in his hand, wondering now how much paperwork went into disowning himself.
 Liam pulled a few quarters out of his pocket.
 "Why don't you head back to the X-Wing Fighters game?" he asked, handing William the quarters.
 "Okay!" William said, "Nice meeting you girls!"
 "It was nice meeting you too," Anna said, as William crawled across Killian, adding injury to insult as he left the booth.
 Killian looked at Emma out of the corner of his eye, and behind her soda sipping straw was a sympathetic smile.
 "Great, just what I need," Killian thought, "she probably feels sorry for me."
 Killian hunched his shoulders and looked away from her, intently studying a stain on the table. He then remembered what Liam said about the song playing on the jukebox, and listened closely to the lyrics now playing.
 "If we lose, all the girls, they'll be laughing"
 "They'll be laughing pretty soon here if I open my big mouth and say something stupid," Killian thought.
 He looked up at his brother and took heart, knowing that at least one of the Jones brothers knew how to function in society.
 "I don't see how Liam got all the charisma and charm." Killian thought, "I want to go home- or, at least, go sit at the table behind the jukebox like none of this happened. I don't know how to talk to people, let alone girls."
 "So, do you ladies come here often?" Liam asked.
 "Anna and I do," Elsa said, "our favorite weekend hangout- this is our first time bringing Emma along with us though."
 "I just moved in a couple weeks ago," Emma said, "Anna and Elsa've been helping me adjust pretty well though. Our parents have apparently been friends since before any of us were born."
 "Glad to see you're, uh, well adjusted so far," Killian said, wondering if that sounded as awkward as he thought it did once he'd said it.
 "Thanks, I guess," Emma said.
 "Have you stopped by Scoops and Shakes yet?" Liam asked Emma.
 "Not yet," Emma said, "Elsa and Anna told me it's the best ice cream place in town though." "A slight understatement," Liam said, "one of the best on the planet. Perhaps my brother and I could you treat you ladies there tonight?"
 "Sounds pretty cool," Elsa said.
 "That was an ice one," Liam smiled.
 Emma groaned and rolled her eyes as Anna and Liam laughed.
 "I've got snow problem coming up with them," Elsa said.
 "You're quite clever," Liam smiled, then glanced at Killian, a look in his eyes that said he'd forgotten his role as wingman, but was just remembering it.
 "Care to join us at Scoops and Shakes after this?" Liam asked Emma.
 "I don't know," Emma said.
 "I'm sure my brother would be glad for your company," Liam smiled.
 Emma looked at Killian, expectantly, and he realized now he'd have to say something to her- something smooth, calculated, charming, cool- like Liam would. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't come up with anything.
 "That's it;" Killian thought, "I'm stopping by the county offices tomorrow and disowning myself. I'll go join Uncle Nemo's shipping company in Maine, never look back."
 "No, I, uh," Killian stammered, wondering how to avoid coming on too strong without avoiding coming on at all. "I might be able to uh," he made the mistake of looking at Emma, rendering himself entirely speechless at the sight of her smile.
 "You're really pretty," Killian mumbled.
 "What was that?" Emma asked, her tone not revealing if she liked what she heard.
 Killian covered his tracks- but covered them with the dirt beneath his feet, digging himself into a deep hole.
 "I said I need to use the privy!" Killian said, even louder than William had "whispered" to him earlier. He got up from his seat quickly, and ran to the bathroom.
 He shut the door of one of the bathroom stalls, not needing to use the bathroom, of course, but needing to step back and think, and wondering if his mom would still write to him if he ran away to Maine.
 "Curse that brother of mine," he muttered to himself, "why can't he understand that we're not all like him? I can't be him."
 But maybe that was Killian's problem. Maybe he was trying too hard to be like his brother- so much so he was neglecting to be himself.
 But if he was really gonna be himself, he'd be in his room right now, by himself, perfectly content to stay that way.
 When he left the bathroom, he saw William and his new friend playing at one of the arcade consoles, and figured it was as good an excuse as any to keep stalling.
 "How're you doing, kid?" Killian rubbed his little brother's hair. "Putting that Imperial Scum in their place?"
 "No!" William said. "We can't seem to get past this TIE Interceptor."
 Killian smiled. Taking on a whole fleet of TIEs was easier for him than trying to woo a girl.
 "May I?" Killian asked.
 William quickly stepped off to the side, and Killian took his place in front of the console. As he'd suspected, he did pretty well taking down the enemy invasion, and soon lost himself in the rush of the game and the cheers of the younger boys.
 "I think I got it from here," William smiled, pushing his big brother out of the way, "thanks!" "Man, we never could've gotten this far without your brother!" Henry told him.
 Satisfied that he'd at least done something right in the last ten minutes, he turned around, with a smile on his face. He quickly realized, though, that he hadn't noticed another spectator to his game- until he turned around and almost ran into her.
 "That's some pretty good shooting there, Red Five," Emma smiled.
 "I, uh," Killian took a deep breath, "I didn't peg you for a Star Wars fan."
 "Why not?" Emma crossed her arms, "because I'm a girl?" "Of course not," Killian said, "it's just rare to meet someone else who shares my interests, especially someone as cool as you."
 "You think I'm cool?" Emma asked.
 "Yeah," Killian said, "not many people can claim good looks alongside knowing Luke Skywalker's callsign."
 "I think someone else here can," Emma smiled.
 Killian blushed a little, his mouth an open smile as he thought of what to say next- not of what his brother would say next, but what he would say next.
 "Do you game as well?"
 "Sometimes," Emma said, "though I'm not very good at it."
 "Have you ever played the Fallen Order games?" "Haven't had the time or motivation yet," Emma said.
 "Liam and I have them on the XBox," Killian said, "If you'd ever did have the time or motivation, I'd love to show you."
 "Sounds like a date," Emma said. 
 "Only if you wanted it to be," Killian said, shyly looking down at his shoes.
 "Speaking of dates," Emma said, "did you wanna join the others over at Scoops and Shakes? I hear it's the best ice cream on the planet."
 "Liam was being facetious when he said that," Killian said, "but it is one of the best on a student's budget." They started to walk away, but he suddenly remembered his little brother.
 "William," Killian turned back to his brother, "time to go."
 "Go?" William asked, not turning his back on his game, "already? Five more minutes?" Killian rolled his eyes, then mouthed "watch this" to Emma.
 "We're getting ice cream," Killian said.
 "Finish it for me!" William jumped away from the console as Henry stepped into his place.
 "You got it, Gold Leader," Henry said, "may the force be with you!"
 "May the force be with you!" William called back, already past Emma and Killian and on his way to the door.
 "Shall we?" Killian asked, holding a hand out, gesturing in front of them.
 "Yeah," Emma smiled, and, much to his surprise, took Killian's hand in hers.
 He blushed, hoping his hand wasn't sweating too much, having never held hands with a girl before.
 As they rejoined with the others, Liam nodded at Killian and gave him a discreet thumbs up, to which Killian nodded in return.
 Killian looked back over at Emma and smiled a little, realizing that he wouldn't've gotten this close to her if Liam hadn't pushed him, and that maybe, just maybe, he didn't need to disown himself just yet.
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thatunusualwriter · 1 year ago
𝙳𝙽𝙰 𝙸𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎)
Character pairing: (TMNT FF) Dark Leonardo/Leon x GN!Reader
Summary: If you had seen TMNT 2003, season 6 ep 23 and thought that some flavor was missing in it then we are on the same boat. Let me welcome you to a fan-made rewrite of that episode additioning a Reader as a savior of this story, enjoy your stay!
Warnings: hurt/comfort, injury
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It becomes less shocking when Cody Jones becomes a center of a strife for the umpteenth time over a period of time when you get to know him, and his terrapin friends weren't really the start of Cody's magnetic misfortune that always finds him.
But before the turtles appeared and became caretakers who put the red-haired teen out of trouble there were other people, Serling, Starlee Hambrath and Y/N L/N, his 'supportive' uncle doesn't really count.
And when Cody's family friend, Y/N, happens to be around when on vacation, then they came to terms that as a second adult in Cody's life and as a friend they hold a certain responcibility that comes with involvement in Cody's troubles. After the fiasco on the Moon he and the turtles executed when Y/N wasn't around for a moment, they became extra sharp at observing so nothing would get past them again.
When Serling contacted Y/N there's a rule that had to be made not to bring them to the highest stress levels; first, make it clear that no one is hurt if that is the case, and then explain the situation. Y/N was just out shopping when the loyal robot caretaker made a call about a shooting and an ambush at the penthouse and they have a 'guest' who needs some painkillers that was out of stock at home, it took thirty minutes to get to the drug store and back to the O'Neil Penthouse but the ride up the elevator felt like it took an eternity while Y/N paced back and forth with the bags still hanging from their forearms.
The elevator's ring was almost deafening and Y/N barged through the metal door once it was open sufficiently.
A medbay isn't that far away, it has a straight hallway to be saved from trouble of getting through many doors and rooms to reach it. It wasn't long until Y/N could easily recognize the voices through the open, ring-shaped doorframe.
Even though they were ready to see who the guest is, someone Donatello described in awe briefly that Y/N's ears picked up on, they didn't expect to see this big, blue terrapin almost at the same height and size of Serling himself.
"— There's barely half-a-dozen minor differences between Leo's and that thing's DNA sequences."
Y/N almost missed what Donatello said as they kept staring at the unconscious guest on a medical bed that monitored the health, and judging by the force field around the blue terrapin it quite enough told them that they should be cautious.
"But Leo's Leo, and that's a mess." Raphael retorted soon after his brother's finished sentence, sounding grouchy.
With a deep breath, Y/N pushed themself off the frame and began to descend down the three stairs, waving at their friends. "Hey guys, I got the meds." after everyone greeted back in their own way, they went over to the turtle in purple. "So, how's he hanging?"
Donatello offered a brief polite smile their way before looking back at the red screen in front of him, resuming his attention at the medical and DNA reports with Y/N also looking at the text over his shoulder. "The Auto-docs will mend his wounds as best they can, then he'll need rest."
"What?! A fifth turtle?!" Serling's nonchalant posture broke down, his optics nearly popping out, with tiredness as he began to hold his metal head. "Oh.. I need to sit down..." as soon as he was squatted Cody tried not to snicker at the robot's silly gloominess.
Raphael had something on his mind to say about that, and was quite ready to hurl himself bodily at their injured guest. "That thing can't stay here! He just tried to off us! Again!!"
The older terrapin in blue stopped him before he could make two steps forward, hand at Raphael's plastron. "What are we going to do? Drop him off at the hospital and tell everyone to watch their fingers and toes?"
"He's in a portable force field that the Hovershell would have a tough time busting through." Donatello took Leonardo's side when trying to reason with their hotheaded brother, who means well but sometimes lacks empathy. "We can keep him here safely until he's stable enough to move."
"And after he gets betta', then what?" Raphael grunted, staring daggers at his brother's doppleganger.
Awkwardly enough, everyone fell silent and avoided eye contact after sparing a glance Raphael's way.
"... Don't everyone answer all at once." Michelangelo butted in with his comedic wit, and Raphael might have hit his little brother like he almost always does if Y/N wouldn't be there.
The turtle in red got a slap on the head back every time he did it to Michelangelo and Y/N witnessed it, over the short stay in the future Raphael learned to watch his three-fingered hands in their presence.
Y/N let out a short laugh, trying to keep the mood tense-less. "Well, you could always let the guy go? Also, I think I need explanation on how this guy came to be- like, what's his name?"
"Isn't freak good enough name fo' this thing?" Raphael scoffed snarkily and didn't notice the not-so-subtle side-eye from Y/N.
Donatello took it upon himself to properly answer so their friend wouldn't be in the dark about this whole situation. Cody was most excited to tell Y/N about the part where he was saved by the blue turtle. His childish astonishment always makes them smile, it's good to see him being a kid that he is even with all that responcibility over O'Neil Tech.
Y/N kept their eyes on the unnamed turtle, a clone, the one who with other three clones ambushed the turtles for the third time and then he risked his life for Cody in one day, in a spawn of twenty-thirty minutes. It was suspicious, to say the least, but they should show some gratefullness towards the injured guest nonetheless. That's how Y/N feels.
The more they stared at the one-eyed terrapin, he began to look less like Leonardo in their eyes. He may be a clone, with some little differency of his DNA from the blue-masked turtle, but Y/N can see that this turtle is his own person(?) and shouldn't be treated no differently. Although Y/N can understand the incredulous caution that is controlled by fear from the others, they decided to try see for themself who this blue terrapin really is.
When Cody was sent to bed by Serling, Y/N walked to Donatello who is still by the Force Shield as an excuse to have a better look at the giant turtle.
He is, for the lack of better words, not that scary-looking as the others portrayed him to be. They wonders if he's blind on the left eye, a round metal device is in it's place instead. The mini doc bots scatter around the bulk of his body, that may indeed look intimidating to some, especially given his height. Noticing that his breathing is shallow and slow, and a lot of bandages are over his body and arms, the laser he was hit with must have been quite a sucker-punch of pain. The thought alone made Y/N slightly grimace and the turtle in purple noticed, of course.
"Nasty wounds." Y/N commented with affinity and Donatello hummed as an agreement. "I guess you guys will need all help there is with this guy, I will put my hand to the work, no problem."
Donatello blinked in genuine suprise, turning to face them. "But you don't have to, you're here on vacation to enjoy Cody before going back to the Moon."
Smiling back, Y/N gives his forearm a gentle pat. "I know."
Time flew by and day passed by day, until day fifth since their guest was hospitalized there arrived. When night coated upon New York, and the time approached at midnight, the blue turtle woke up with a startled gasp and immediately sat up, examining his hands.
"Hey, uh, guy?" Donatello called from the side uncertainly, waiting for him to look his way before continuing. He, his brothers and Y/N has been waiting for him to wake up for five days, many took shifts of keeping a watch over night until morning to feel more secure when having a clone of Leonardo over. They all were about to discuss who's up for a night shift until their guest finally regained consciousness, which was so sudden it slightly startled everyone.
"You've been unconscious for almost a week. How do you feel?" Donatello tried to sound genuine, even leaning in closer to the force field.
As expected, once their guest had a look around the unfamiliar enviroment and remembered the situation he's in, his perkiness turned into sour grumpiness. With crossed arms he made himself comfortable half-sitting on the bed and looking straight ahead, ignoring Donatello and his question with a light grunt.
Y/N looked over at Michelangelo that just came over with a tray that has food, medicine, and water. Leonardo at Michelangelo's left side had a remote ready.
"Here, um..." Leonardo slightly trailed off as he pressed and rotated some buttons until the tray began to levitate over to their imprisoned guest. "The force field is calibrated to accept that tray. Understand?"
"You're talking to him as if he's a pet..." Y/N sighed softly with a wry smile at the turtle in blue who only rubbed at his nape sheeplishly.
And, of course, Michelangelo couldn't help himself once more as soon as that tray entered the caged space; "Yum-yum's go innie, you, no come outy."
"Shut up!" the blue turtle growled, his raspy voice was dry and no doubt it was burning the inside of his throat. He was beyond agitated to be talked to like he's an idiot, and rightfully so. But he still caitiously leaned to the floating try, taking few, quick snifs while he scowled and glared at whatever his golden eye looked at.
"What's in it? Poison?"
"Poison? You think we'd save your life so we could feed you a ransid ham sandwich?" Leonardo almost sounded offended that his own clone would come to that conclusion when he should know him better than everyone.
"My brothers would." the blue turtle grunted and before anyone could pursue him into taking a bite he lifted his right arm, swapping the tray like a fly into the force shield that didn't let it pass through this time and everything fell to the floor. "Go stick it!"
Michelangelo covered his mouth with his hands and Y/N whinced at the sound of a broken plate.
"Oh, this is gonna be swell." Raphael rubbed at his head as he said it with utmost sarcasm.
And while Donatello tried to clean the mess with Michelangelo's help and Raphael observed like a hawk, Y/N walked to Leonardo and lightly brushed his hand to get his attention.
"I think you guys make him anxious." Y/N glanced over at the blue turtle that decided to turn his back on them all.
They looked back at the older turtle brother, who is still very much a teen kid to them.
"Let me handle it." they offered and Leonardo frowned slightly at the proposal. "I'll be careful. It's just food and medicine."
"I don't think this is- well... Safe."
With a sigh, Leonardo looked over at his unresponcive clone and at his brothers before looking back at his human friend, who has given him a little frowny expression instead of words that were not needed. He knows they'd keep asking with persuation until he'd have to give in. And he's certainly not ready to argue about anything today when he didn't get a wink of sleep from yesterday's night watch.
"Okay... Okay, go for it. But, really, be careful and don't get close." Leonardo rubbed at his tired eyes through his iconic blue mask, groaning with defeat.
Y/N beamed at him with a toothy smile and patted his shoulder. "Get some sleep, kiddo."
Nodding, the turtle in blue called his brothers and they followed after him with uncertainity but obeyed nonetheless.
Y/N was grateful for the silence after Michelangelo was pryed off of them when he tried to prolong their hug on his way out. Shaking their head and stiffling a giggle, and walking out of the Medbay to get some things.
The clone was left alone in the lighten room, the buzzing device of the force field was the only thing that broke the silence. And although he's glad to have shaken off the four turtles and the unfamiliar human, he indeed is thirsty and hungry and began to regret he didn't take that damned sandwich.
As some minutes passed, his beaten body began to ache all over that it was impossible to find the right laying position. He grunted and growled in frustration from the pain but as soon as he heard approaching footsteps he bit down on his tongue and stilled on his back. To be caught wiggling like a whiney street dog would be too embarrassing, it's bad enough he has to be locked up by his sworn enemies.
The blue turtle, however, didn't expect the human to be the one to come back, he rather expected it to be the red-haired boy.
He greeted them with a snarl, and observed them with squinted eye, when they looked at him.
Y/N expected nothing less, rather that they'd get yelled at, and although the tension began to make them more self-conscious about every movement they made because they were watched closely, they put on a brave face by smiling softly back at the terrapin.
"Sorry about those four, they can be... perky." apologetically chuckling from the sudden nervousness, Y/N re-arranged the things in their arms they got from the kitchen. They made their way to a table in medbay, that's right in front of the hospitalized terrapin where they put down the bread, butter, water bottle, a glass cup, and ham with an extra plate.
Registering that he's not answering, but still glaring while burning holes through them from all that staring, they understood that he may not be in the mood and they didn't want to push his buttons but when feeling a little awkward it's best to keep a conversation - even if one-sided - going. And Y/N is one of those who do just that instead of keeping their mouth shut.
"So— I don't know how you like your sandwich but I'll put more ham in it. Unless you do mind that, uh, hm..." their brows lightly furrowed as they mulled over something that invaded their mind in the middle of swapping some butter on the bread.
The blue turtle smelled a little fear from the human, and it was somewhat satisfying to know that, he watched now sat on the bed as they were making food that's apparently for him unless it's just a cruel taunting. But he saw nor smelled nothing fishy that could have poison.
"Say, I realized that I don't know your name, what are you called?" humming, Y/N finished the layer of butter on four bread slices and began to open the packs with ham.
Because Y/N didn't look this time they didn't notice the confused stupor the terrapin froze in.
A name? He is called many things, nasty names, but never have been given a name. Neither his brothers have names. Truthfully they never thought about getting one. They just call each other names like everyone does since their creation, they just went with that.
For once, that question made him feel... at unease.
"... I don't want to call out to you as; "hey, guy!" or "hey, man!" when speaking to you. It's just... not right. It's almost as if you're not a creature, but a thing." Y/N bit down on their lip as they perfectly placed four big slices on two breads before placing the untouched two slices at each bread, then they cut the two sandwiches in triangle shapes.
"Or if you just don't want me to know I can understand—"
"I have no name." the reply came out sharply.
Y/N was startled, still not used to the gruffness of his voice that always cut through the air with it's growling tone, that it almost made them spill the water over the glass. They were expecting to have just one-sided conversation because he looked uncomfortable with them there, this caught them off guard.
When they looked up at him, blinking, he just leaned back with crossed arms and glared down at them with disdain. "Monster or freak will suffice, or go ahead for something more creative, human."
Given the impression that he'd likey claw at them, if not worse, the idea if there wouldn't be the force field had Y/N shooketh. Oh, they had no doubt about that if he could, he would. This terrapin made it clear he's one hatefull fella and when someone feels cornered and/maybe injured they can become lethal and hostile, and sain person would rather keep their distance, this is no wild sewer kitten.
Y/N's question currently on their mind: is there a reason behind the spite? Normally, people, monsters and aliens alike have a reason caused by trauma or the way you're raised to be like this.
They did understood what their turtle friends had told them about the 'evil' clones and didn't took it lightly, but that's just one perspective to judge from, Y/N rather likes to have their own point of view on this from a first-hand experience when there's an opportunity. This blue turtle had yet to be scary to look frightening, so far he's rather intimidating and Y/N can't yet tell what exactly makes him tick so they would avoid that and avoid a tantrum — to put it lightheartedly.
With furrowed brows, they shook their head as if saying that what he said was silly and he returned that with his own frown. After Y/N filled the glass with water they put it on the tray next to the sandwich before roaming through the small packages to get his painkillers.
"Why would I do that?" they eventually asked and the turtle returned his gaze on their face, he couldn't respond because he had yet to come up with an answer. "You assumed that because I'm a human?" it may have, in honestly, made them sound a little offended.
Y/N put in some vitamin pills with the painkillers next to the glass of water before meeting his slightly distracted gaze. "Or is it because you were always treated like this and learned to accepted it?"
It was like a punch to the gut for the blue terrapin so he growled gutterly and turned his head to the side, refusing to respond and they didn't force him either.
"Sorry, sorry!" Y/N almost stuttered, they might have went too far. Perhaps it was unsensitive. "I didn't mean for it to sound so rude..... Sorry."
When it was silence that replyed to them, they picked up the tray and looked at the remote to the force field and immediately it dawned on them that they have no slightest clue about how it works. And Donatello might be asleep by now, Y/N would feel so bad and dumb to wake him up for such small inconvinience.
After spending a too much time figuring out which colorful button it is Y/N just pressed the one in the corner but instead of making the tray float and make the force field accept it instead the translucent, electric barriere dropped.
The futuristic technology isn't their strongest suit, they admitted they prefer things simple and almost retro, the only time they're hundred percent on Raphael's side is when he's on a hateful rampage about the tech...
Y/N paled when they first thought that they may have broke it and would have to wake up Donatello after all. But when the 'cage' activated once pressing the same button, weight fell from their chest and they confidently approached the blue turtle after the force field was deactivated once again.
He was a little weirded out by what they were doing the whole time that he couldn't help but stare and thought about calling them dumb.
And here they are. Face to face with no physical wall between them.
It's a little daunting that this creature is still towering over them even when hunched and sitting, and staring down at them. Y/N comes across very tall aliens every day so this is nothing unordinary. But this feels different. Somehow...
Ah, right, it's because they were told to keep their distance! But then again, they didn't actually promise Leonardo they'd do as he said but a part of Y/N still feels guilty, knowing how overprotective he can get.
Quirking their lips for the corners to lightly lift, Y/N presented him the tray proudly. As far as they know, they're an excellent cook and excells at home baking.
"Okay, Lee, you gotta get your pills first." when it was a heated growl that huffed into their face, they grounded their feet the best they can as they forced to lock gazes with him. "You'll feel better. It takes away the pain for some hours, you'll get a proper sleep. Also, no one will be in your personal bubble until you wake up." they went for the coddle tactic, it always works.
The blue terrapin, somewhat persued, took the medicine into his big right palm that has a darker pigment than the rest of his body, before registering their words.
Y/N was lifting the glass of water towards him before noticing he was looking at them with a frown that was far from sharp. "What?"
With a soft flush in cheeks, they tried to fumble for sane words of an apology. They thought they offended him or something. "It just came out—!"
With a slight furrow of his bare brows and tilted head, he asked: "Why did you call me that?" it was almost chilling how calm and calculated he was now.
"I- uh! No... No reason, really... Just because." they muttered before hurriedly giving him the glass, and he understood the assignment.
After he drowned them down they put the trail on his lap and he began to gobble the bread like a starved man — which, starved, he probably was.
"Jesus, calm down! I'm not gonna steal it from ya." they couldn't help but laugh a little after the face he threw at them with a little rumbly growl, but surprisingly enough he ate slower.
After Y/N took another risk of leaving his side to drain the rest of the water bottle into the glass, they returned to exactly how they left him and he took the water greedily.
"Did you mind that?" Y/N gave him some time of quiet while he ate, but eventually asked right after swallowing the last bit of his third sandwich. "The nickname?"
"... Nickname?" he grunted with a mouthfull and watched with suprise as they sat down at the edge of the bed.
"Well, that's instead of a name..." Y/N hummed back, looking at their dangling feet and thought of how to keep a conversation going.
"I'll come up with other nicknames for you. Wanna hear them?"
The rumbly growl would have been a no but the slight nod that Y/N registered said otherwise. They took a mental note that he's one growl-y creature.
"Lee was one of those... Then I was going for Blue." when he said nothing but ate and grunted, Y/N continued. "There's also Leon... It's short for Leonid. It has a Russian origin, as far as I know." they looked back at him once noticing the way he perked up.
"But that's also a name they gave to a meteor shower, but it's called Leonids, it's around the Leo constellation. It happens around November, I think. And it's really, really pretty from the pictures and videos I have seen. But, sadly, they're also very rare."
"How rare?" the blue turtle wanted to kick himself to be this sincerely invested, and looked away from Y/N with a scoff.
He should be proud of himself to be showing interest that isn't forced, given what he has yet to do, but somehow this human had him hooked with the wonder of nature. Something you can barely spot in NYC, and especially when you live under cover you can't just go outside however you please, even though creatures and aliens are already walking among humans on earth for some years now.
Y/N watched him from his profile silently, smiling, before taking pity on him and stood up as they reached for the empty tray but they didn't register how stiff he became at their closeness. "They appear year but you need to have a good spot like somewhere far away from civilization to see it clearly in total darkness and, who knows, maybe we'll be able to see it this Autumn if we're lucky. I heard of some good spots in Europe where people go to watch the meteors nowdays."
The funny little plural pronoun they used in this sentence did such odd mess in the pit of his stomach, maybe something close to throwing up?
This unfamiliarity began to irk him.
Scoffing, and throwing the full piece of the sandwich, he nearly forgot about, into his mouth he made a lazy gutural growl. "I have no interest for such dumb things, travel especially!" he made himself comfortable on the bed and realized that no part of his broken body was aching. What a bliss.
Y/N looked at him knowingly over their shoulder, but said nothing.
When they walked back to the table to pick up the remote, they weren't feeling burning holes at the back of their skull for once, and it was nice. They turned the force field back on but when facing the blue terrapin they were met by the back of his dark shell. He fell asleep on his stomach, arms folded under his chin and softly snoring. After a good meal and comfy bed, he's out like a light. He looked almost too innocent now with how slightly curled up he is there.
"Like a baby..." Y/N chuckled to themself, turned off the lights and left the Medbay to clean the dirty dishes, they still can't let Serling do all the work around here, that poor, neat freak robot works himself up over the smallest things.
"Morning, Leon!"
The big blue turtle, who had to look through the gap of his forearms that guarded his face from the sun, threw back a frown of confusion at the human who had joined them on the rooftop balcony. It's extra hot outside today.
"Y/N-san, it's almost past noon, you slept through the whole morning." an old rat softly chided Y/N without looking over at them, instead he continued to take care of his bonsai.
"Oh, yeah, heh! It happens sometimes... Are the plants doing well mr. Splinter?" they asked politely and passed by their injured guest over to the wise mutant rodent, observing the careful snips of scissors on the little tree branches and leaves with curiosity.
Splinter offered a small, quick smile. "Yes, and the garden looks way better than when we first came here. Some of these plants grow surprisingly quickly."
Y/N hummed, agreeing and looked towards the small but greener-than-before garden. "Let me help you." they walked over to the rest of the pots with bonsai trees before the humanoid rat could protest.
With a sigh, Splinter navigated them which pot they should pick up.
"Why do I have to be here?!" the blue terrapin made himself known to them once more, after being quiet all morning he decided to voice his irritation towards the blinding sun. He growled at the rat, quite sharp teeth bared, and used his palm to cast a shadow over his face.
"The air will do you well," Splinter replied with calmness, returning to care for his bonsai. "Not to mention the healing powers of nature."
"It stinks out here! Too bright!" he continued to complain, covering himself with his arms when trying to lay down on the side but the sun rays were everywhere. "Why didn't you let me rot?" he aggressively asked, springing back to sit up and glare at the rodent. "Too weak to stomach it when things get rough?!"
It sounded like he wanted to provoke a reaction, but he tried it on the wrong creature.
"Weak?" Splinter parroted, speaking just as calmly as before, as he made a perfected snip of an unruly branch before setting the gardening scissors down. "It requires no strength at all to destroy but creation, healing, that takes true might." he looked at him over before facing him with the little bonsai in his hands. "Would you prefered that we left you to perish?"
These questions are seriously getting on his nerves, it always hits a weak spot he didn't know he had.
Turning away from Splinter, who went to place the pot where it should be, he was rather met with a sight of Y/N who carried quite a big pot with its bonsai and it looked quite heavy. Although they sweated and had quite reddened cheeks, they showed no struggle as they carried it on the table where Splinter works on his plants one by one.
Y/N straightened their favorite shirt, and cleaned it from some dust and dirt at their chest, before looking up at their hospitalized guest that kept on trying to cover from the sun. With a slight jump in the step, they walked close to him until stopped by the translucent wall of a shield.
"So, how are you enjoying today, so far?" chuckling, they looked at him rolling about like a rowdy child ever-so-innocently, hands interwined behind them.
A growl bellowed from under the cover of muscular, blue arms with a tint of annoyment as he settled laying on his belly. And they couldn't help but take pity on him.
"... You thirsty, Leonid? It is too hot today, the sun may be good for your bones but it's important you drink plenty of water. I'll go grab a glass for ya."
"Hm?" he rumbled back but when he was about to look at them from under one of his arms, they weren't there. With a grunt, he covered the back of his head and nape with his big palm. Although the sun was fine at first on his skin, because he's not used to daylight, it began to burn on his scale-y skin. The big robot Serling was supposed to get him water, but something must have distract the robot nanny when he hadn't came back for quite a while.
But at last he had time to think, plot and schieme. But the name he was called again made his heart beat all funny.
A name that would belong to him, to make him feel a little more whole. A fallen meteor out of many from around a constellation which they were tributed to be named slightly similar after. An irony of what he really is; a clone of the real deal, a fraud that has been predestined to be impure.
Leonid... He does like how it sounds, especially the shorter version of it.
He, Leonid, among many other newfound feelings he still needs to decipher, finally felt like somebody.
* 6:30 pm *
Day had yet to come to an end, be replaced by the night and Y/N didn't mind they had to prepare dinner to their guest along with some meds for the second time. It's probably for the best, Leonid can barely stand the sight of Donatello playing a doctor at him and the longer all four stick in the same room as him that he can't leave there's a risk of a raging tantrum.
Leonid can't stand Raphael and his belittling and offencive remarks, but he feels the same towards Leonardo. At last Michelangelo and Donatello can approach just fine, if Mikey wouldn't talk all the time and Don wouldn't keep muttering his coded science discussion with himself. Y/N would take full care of Leonid would they know what to do when it came to broken bones and fractured spine and shell. But beggers can't be choosers, so he had to let Donatello be in his personal bubble.
Cody was about to get some snacks that his close friend, almost like an older sibling, sneaked in behind Serling's back the day they came over at the start of their vacation — two weeks ago.
Speak of the devil...
Young Cody Jones has yet to master his ninja stealth, when taking out some dorito chips from a lower cabinet Y/N suddenly appeared few feet away by his side, that wasn't hidden by the cabinet door.
Busted, red-haired thief grinned as innocently as possible when he stood up with the bag of chips behind his back. "Y/N! Hey, I thought you're still on the balcony with master Splinter and Leo's clone?"
Y/N looked away from Cody's hidden, folded arms and opened the fridge they stood next to. "Stealing my snacks again, little Jones?" they cooed tauntingly as they pulled a pot with leftover soup out of the fridge and onto the kitchen island.
"And I just came from there, I wanted to get Leon sunscreen but Serling and guys came to take him back to the Medbay. I decided to prepare Leon dinner, at last."
Cody seated himself at the other end of the kitchen desk, opened the doritos and watched them prepare the remaining soup and adding more flavor so it would taste better and not like old shoes. "He has a name?" he asked with curiosity.
Y/N with a ladle scooped every bit of the soup, bits of mushrooms, potatoes and meat included into a smaller pot. They smiled a little bashfully to themself and were glad that Cody was rather paying attention to the chips.
"Oh, yeah. It's Leonid, actually." at last they hoped he took the name, he actually didn't tell them not to call him that and he is one of those that voices something they don't like. If he won't own the name then Y/N will call him that as long as he'll be here, they refuse to call him 'a thing that's cloned from Leonardo' like others do.
"Oh, that's cool!" Cody enthusiastically chimed before stuffing his mouth.
"Did you thank him yet?"
Cody paused mid-chow before swallowing. "No... The guys don't want me to go near him."
Y/N faced Cody with a frown right after putting the pot on the stove to warm up the soup. "I see where guys are coming from— but he took a hit for you and almost died. He may be 'evil', as everyone keeps reminding us both, but that's no excuse to be ungreatful. Everyone deserves gratitude, even some bad guys — Darius doesn't count."
Cody hummed and looked up from staring inside the chips bag for a bit too long, cracking a little smile at the last humorous remark. "Even when he and his brothers attacked us?"
"Cody, just like I taught you, you are not forgiving him. You are thanking him for his willing aid, and sure - you let him in and it would be a good enough 'thank you', but there's no wrong in being humble and thank the fella directly."
As they looked at one another, holding their gazes, Y/N knew that they managed to get at last the thought that counts into his thick skull. Cody nodded, taking it to account and received a wide smile from Y/N and they walked up to him to pat the top of his crown.
"Remember, when you feel what you should do is right then don't be afraid to do it even if everyone would disagree."
Cody chuckled and leaned into the caressing. "I would like to be free-spirited just like you... But I feel like if there won't be someone to guide me, I would do something wrong."
Y/N's heart crumbled for the kid, their family. "You have to make mistakes to learn from them, how else can you progress further in life? You can't be afraid of making them, you'd just be stuck on the spot, and not always will be someone there to pick you up." sighing, they took Cody into their arms and he welcomed the embrace quickly.
"And there is no problem that my amazing, lil' Jones can't solve on his own." they cooed gently into his red locks and Cody smiled against their shoulder.
"Thanks...." he muttered before Y/N had to return to the pot and hummed a reply back at him, Cody left with his snack all the while thinking things through. His turtle friends - family - want the best for him and protect him, but Cody needs to become independent because, as Y/N said, they won't be here forever.
* FOUR DAYS LATER, 12:03 pm *
It was quite late to be wandering about the Penthouse when everyone is asleep but Cody could hardly get a wink of peaceful slumber when he was bothered by his conscience, if he wouldn't do something about it he would end up without sleep that day.
But he took everything into consideration, to still be skeptical, while trying to the truth behind the heroic action Leonid pulled. He thought this all through for some time.
Raphael is the most cynical and Cody really wanted to dig more, not that he doesn't believe his family, and make his own opinion about their guest. Despite being told and coaxed into letting 'this thing' to be handled by his four terrapin friends.
He can't forever be told what to do! Doing this investigating made him feel a little more mature.
Y/N always taught him to be open minded and not to make hasty prejudices until knowing the whole context of a book — figuratively speaking.
The Medbay was almost empty, their injured guest seems to be fast asleep but from all that hrunting and squirming as he payed on his still healing shell Cody knew he's quite wide awake.
He knew that he shouldn't feel fear to go closer to Leon when the barrier is there to keep him in and the outside out, but he still had to muster up all courage he has to actually approach and talk.
Cody swallowed dryly and took a deep breath before he began to walk over to the force field to ask what has been bugging ever since the incident and only one creature in this Penthouse know the answer. "Why did you save me, I mean, you could have just not, you know?"
Leon, although awake, prerended he's unconscious. It was clear by the pointed silence that he intended to ignore the kid, pretend he isn't there, but he also knew the stalled chat was long overdue and he has to make some progress after being kept here for so long.
"Okay, forget it." Cody was ready to turn on his heel and return to his bedroom with defeat, and his head hung low.
"My fight isn't with you, it's with the four shellheads, then you went an' got in the way." Leon quickly blurted out before the boy could have left, but he refused to look at him as he grumbled and his hand flapped exaggeratedly high up while talking. And he didn't need to see to know that Cody didn't move an inch, neither left at all, but Leon could tell he was holding his breath to listen, and by smell he knew the kid was somewhat anxious.
Perhaps whatever Leon answers will be the key of the final decision, and if he were to answer right he could get closer to what he came for. Better play his cards right.
With a tired sigh, Leon opened his eye to stare down at his lap as his limb went limp by his side again. To be honest - which he hardly is - these questions about him are starting to be exhausting because he doesn't know the answer to them, but questioning his actions, that is easier to answer. Kind of like an answer he expected from day one and he studied the right answer. But every day it's something new, unexpected, new questions about whatever.
It just edges him more.
Being here actually made a mess of his brain, although he was prepared for whatever they got and was aware he can't crack under pressure, somehow they always poked under his shell even without intention.
"Look, I don't know, it just didn't seem right... Why I got asked so many questions!" Leon almost growled too loudly as he felt the need to be defensive and hide how confused he is himself and turned his shell at the boy to have the final say, which he achieved.
Cody, puzzled, went back to his room with a little more clearer mind and an idea.
Morning couldn't come sooner, everyone except Splinter and Serling - like any other morning - gathered in the big, open living room to discuss today's agenda that also regards their absent blue terrapin guest.
"It's been weeks!" Raphael began, jumping in on the chance of free space to discuss a matter important to him after all the ordeal of training schedule and whatnot. "We better start charging Mr. Happy rent if we're runnin' a hotel here."
Not one day passed that Raphael didn't bring this up, but it seemed that today he was extra pushy.
Donatello unintentionally mimicked Raphael's crossed arms while being next to him, and he sighed softly before adding: "His bandages come off tomorrow- a few tests and then he's outta here."
"Have you guys noticed...?" before Raphael could nudge further the matter of getting rid of Leo's clone, Cody stepped in a little closer after a brief glance at Y/N that sat between Michelangelo and Leonardo on the cough as if to gather some courage spiritually. "It's like... He seems to be struggling with something."
He looked at them all, arms open to get a sign if he may speak from his mind further and Leonardo did just that and lifted his chin towards his red-haired friend, even though Raphael wasn't happy with the way Cody started but said nothing.
"What are you getting at, Cody?" Leonardo asked eventually and leaned his elbows further into his lap, showing he's all ears.
"Well he did save my life," Cody, rubbing his head, began to feel a little shy considering what he's about to say may sound naive, but he finally gets a say in this matter. "I'm just wondering if we could help him not be so bad... in theory." he humbly smiled and lowered his head, keeping his gaze locked with the leader in blue.
And Donatello wasn't really opposed to the idea, on the contrary, he's glad someone brought it up. "Technically, Dark Leo does share significant genetic traits with our Leo. And the nature versus nurture debate raises some interesting possibilities."
Cody smiled at Donatello, as if thanking him for a slight support before looking at the others again beamingly. "Yeah! What if we stopped treating him like a monster and more like a regular guy, just like Y/N?"
Raphael looked startled and looked at every person in the room, back and forth before facing Leonardo completely and crouched down to seize his pointed gaze at the floor. "Okay.. When did this bus take a left into Crazy Town!? Leo, c'mon, you're not buyin' this are ya?!"
But by the silent and distant look from Leonardo, everyone knew his mind had already decided through Raphael's protests. Hook, line, and sinker...
Y/N smiled up at Cody and he mirrored it like a silent communication between the two, they couldn't be more proud of him.
That very same morning Leonid was brought to the dining room to have breakfast with them, but he had to promise he'd cause no trouble... which he did agreed to instead of behaving - by having table manners, which soon everyone dumbly realized that he has none. At last Y/N could say they aren't so put-off by it, but they were also the only one trying to teach some manners like one would to a toddler, like any patient parent and the guys enjoyed to watch that while Cody could almost say: "I been there and had my share of it, I know the routine, enjoy it buddy", with all the fond childhood memories.
Suprisingly, today Y/N also swapped seats with Michelangelo from the usual spot of being between him and Raphael to be at the edge and conveniently right next to Leonid. If Raphael noticed this and was rather unpleased then he kept it to himself. He and Y/N weren't the best of friends, he was usually scolded by them like some brat but he really didn't dislike them either. It was a bit complicated to put into words. But usually when they all dined together Raphael found their presence next to him... comforting(?).
Leonid wolfed down his food, almost taking a bite of the plate as well as it was held to his face. Cutlery be damned. Everyone knows pancakes are good but his enthusiasm by eating them made the pancakes look double delicious, maybe the messy eating of his can put people out of mood for food which is understandable.
Serling walks over to the table, setting down another portion of pancakes and fresh, hot biscuits along with a whipped cream tube and cocoa for Y/N.
Leonardo barely could get one slice of a warm pancake before it was snatched fight in front of him, no pancake was left, and the turtle in blue could only watch Leonid by his left side as he put the whole stack into his mouth.
The blue terrapin chewed just few, hasty times before swallowing and moving forward to the maple syrup that Michelangelo was just using, the movement almost costed Y/N nose because they are sitting between the two. Leonid squeezed the 'life' out of the bottle and used up every drop of the syrup before tossing the used bottle over the table where it bounced at lead two times, nearly bumped into Cody and everyone watched it fly. The other full plate of food was next, Raphael barely touched the crusty bread when all of it was snatched from the plate.
"An' t'ere go the biscuits..." the terrapin in red mask emphasized with repressed growl, staring right at their 'guest'.
"Have one of mine," Michelangelo exhaled into his palm, passing his one biscuit onto his brother's plate. "all of a sudden food doesn't have it's usual appeal..."
Leonid couldn't not hear that last part even through all his munching, shocked and even felt close to be offended by such words. How can one say that about food?! Something he and his brothers can't afford. It's so bad that they sometimes have to go great, morbid lengths to get something into their mouths and they're just glad that digesting raw meat causes no trouble.
"Where I live, you fight for food, eat what you can, when you can—" he suddenly towered over the youngest of the four green terrapins and his olive-coloured plastron made contact with Y/N's brow before they could lean back, it didn't hurt but it startled them. "Or you starve!" he exclaimed and then threw the last little bread into his mouth as he glared at poor Michelangelo like he was a kid that didn't know any better because he has a different, better life. The terrapin in orange mask leaned back in his seat as far as he could but also was too scared to move a muscle.
Being one of those few that always came to the youngest's aid, Y/N didn't sat by doing nothing this day either. Also it would calm the other three brothers and the rat father from feeling like Michelangelo is being threatened.
Minding the bandages, their spread palm placed gently on Leonid's upper chest, close where the edge of his plastron is (it would have been inappropriate to push a man's boobs, covered or not, they are not close friends - same goes to touching one's stomach if it can be avoided). Y/N was only afraid to push, not to cause him any pain and they were glad to hear his muffled gasp was far from pained. Leonid would have obliged by sitting back down but staring Michelangelo down felt like primal challenge of intimidation that has always been in him since his creation, not really a genetic perk from being made by Sh'Okanabo.
"Riiiiight..." Michelangelo weakly chuckled when holding Leonid's gaze without knowing the intention behind it or what is he trying to prove as he grasped the courage he has regained when his savior interfered between them, and slightly swapping the crumbs from his plastron.
"Well, here, looking out for one another is pretty much what we do." he grinned toothily, it was far from mocking or belittling, he was just proud to share the way his family is and the positivity thrown in Leonid's face made him befuddled and he backed off. "You know the golden rule- karma."
Although he was thinking things through, Leonid subconsciously noticed the warmth that left his chest and he didn't have time to be weirded out by it now. Blinking, his scoff was almost as if dismissing whatever Michelangelo said was nonesence so he decided to voice that opinion: "You're the dumb one, right. 'Cuz that's the stupidest thing I ever heard." he snatched another plate of food and didn't think one would reply as he began to wolf down the eggs and beacon.
Leonardo was the one who proved him otherwise, not letting the conversation to end there, pointing at him first to grasp his attention in the middle of eating. "And yet you're here in a posh New York penthouse enjoying a hot breakfast, because of something you did—" he gave Leonid another reality check to think about, something new that Leonardo noticed his clone doesn't like. He smiled knowingly, and leaned back with crossed arm behind his head as he played more on the strings of emotions. "Saving Cody. Still sounds stupid?"
The boy lifted his head from his plate where he was cutting his food just a second ago, he looked directly at the blue terrapin with a genuine smile.
He is being thanked? By his enemies? By the nice kid whose sadistic uncle is now an owner of his and his brothers?
Leonid was cornered now by his own emotions that had instantly bloomed when Cody's kind eyes of emerald color landed on him. The food in his mouth began to taste bile, but not necesarrily because of the food itself, it even smells poison-free and he has an excelent nose at scents.
This gratefulness doesn't seem right. He shouldn't be thanked and feel this way. Everything was going according to plan, the only thing that's rauining it is him and his inner turmoil.
Is this... Is this guilt?
For a moment he wondered what he should do. What is expected from him to do.
Frankly, nothing should be expected from him, he had already done enough to save a life. Everything is fine, Leonid is aware of the situation he put himself into, but perhaps his will wasn't strong enough to jump into lion's den.
When the four brothers that are binded to him with DNA shown barely any compassion, it were these two humans that shown kindness and patience with the likes of him. It actually made Leonid believe he deserves any of this.
A hope he would be freed...
But subconsciously remembering his three brothers and the last bitter imagine of Darius Dun coiled at his heart like a barbed wire.
Finally grasping a grip over the cruel reality check after staring at the fried egg long enough, Leonid spat out the unchewed beacon back at the plate before sliding all of it over to Leonardo's plate.
"How's this?" Leonid ever-so-innocently grinned, it's not like he tried to put effort into practicing what Michelangelo tried to enlighten him about. But at last he'd get a kick of seeing his clone grossed out.
"... Thanks." although shocked and disgusted, Leonardo didn't have it in him to be anything but polite.
While everyone looked away from repulsion, Michelangelo silently made fun of his oldest brother and Leonid relieved his stomach by the loudest belch that echoed in the room after he was finished. Y/N was glad they had enough pancakes to eat before the blue terrapin was invading everyone's plates.
Leonid had made a mess all over the table and all over his mouth as well, taking out a paper napkin from the pocket, Y/N stood up to reach the big turtle and wipe his face. Y/N considered having a ladder at hand for once if they'd ever need to reach this mountain of a male again, but their laziness didn't agree with that thought - would have been easier if he laid down, no? Hah! As if this big, blue terrapin would allow himself to be this mellow for them.
Y/N, while in their own little head space, didn't even bother to took into consideration Leonid could attack them for being in his personal space, truth be told they forgot he's dangerous because these few days they felt that he was anything but threatening. He was acting 'savage' at times yet he wasn't hurting anybody, and he had opportunities to do so, something this minor was overlooked by the four brothers because they might have felt secure that the blue turtle is intimidated enough not to try anything. They also immensely ignored any disagreements the four brothers had been having against the way they didn't keep safe distance, even if there always was the translucent shield between them.
Leonid was quick to school his body into stillness, over his stay and interaction with Y/N he noticed they became more bold with subtle touches such as this. The first time was when they checked if he has fever and they were very careful about it, also asking him first before touching his forehead. This whole thing was so odd but... not unwelcome. The gestures always made him feel that damn tickling in his stomach that he soon didn't mind much. Leonid actually looked forward to being touched now, and he was content when it was something quick and sweet, nothing too lingering that would be troublesome to his sensations.
Raphael scoffed at the baby-ing that's happening right now in front of them all, he earned a soft kick from Donatello to his shin because he was mumbling things under his breath without realizing.
The plates and cups were cleaned first by Serling along with wiping the crumbs and drops on the table away, Y/N battled with the sticky syrup on Leonids cheeks and nose in the mean time while giggling at the dismorphed faces they made his face pull and although annoyed he let them enjoy it all the while grunting with low growls. Only this once he'll allow it.
When Y/N finished wiping Leonid's face, both finally but also sadly for him, Serling took him back to the Medbay where he would rest before getting checked up on again. Everyone watched from in front of the open dining room as Leonid was being escorted with handcuffs that were for safety measures. Y/N at the meeting in the morning demanded he wouldn't have them during breakfast but couldn't talk them out of it when he was being taken back even though he was inside the force field.
Leonardo, from in front of the group, faced his brothers when his clone was out of sight. "Well?"
"Too early to say." Donatello was quick to reply.
"He's a lot less... scary than I thought he'd be." Michelangelo shared his oppinion, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Guys!" Raphael barked, irritated as he stepped forward from the back. "Reality check— he's evil. Give this guy an inch, he'll take a spleen! I ain’t buyin' it!!" he yelled loud enough, making sure it echoes and is well heard to the big terrapin.
"Well, he maybe wouldn't be evil if folks would treat him like he's no different!" Y/N raised their voice enough to startle the turtle in the red mask. Huffing, and shaking their head with disappointment souring their face, Y/N turned on their heel to walk off. "We, unlike you, are just being grateful, Raph, it's not like we're giving him the penthouse."
"Oh, really?! With th'a way yer motherin' him I'd beg to differ!" for Raphael's chastising Y/N would be quick to be twice as mean but decided it's not worth it with this knuckle-head.
"Whoa, dude, chill." Michelangelo rested his three-fingered-hand on his agitated brother's shoulder. "It's not like we weren't the victims of this treatment from momma Y/N either. That's just how they are—"
"Yeah, well that thing doesn't deserve it! We let him live, that's good enough of a payback after everything he and those other freaks put us through!" tearing his shoulder from his brother's touch as if burned, he left as well, having the last word.
When lunch time was over that day, Cody wraped up his training fast and with Michelangelo they went to collect Y/N from the rooftop garden for the purpose to lift their spirits after this morning. They proposed a card game, the rummy, under the condition that the turtle in orange can use a calculator for the adding of numbers. But Y/N had another idea that took a little persuation on Michelangelo from both them and Cody.
"If you want to use the calculator for the game, then he can play." is what they said.
Pure, mean chantage. But Michelangelo really wanted an upper hand with the calculator if he is to play against the gambling fanatic Y/N — and Cody must have been infected from them too, because the two are eager to win and Cody isn't usually contestant. Michelangelo just tagged along because he can't stand boredom.
They went to get Leonid into their little group, behind the other terrapin brother's backs and with Serling's help to transport him to the lower floors where is a room mix of a library and gaming place, not big amd open but not small either. It used to be Cody's bedroom.
Leonid wasn't told what they're going to do other than saying they're going to the fun room and didn't want him to be all alone, as Cody said. But Michelangelo joked that he'd like to have someone close to his kin by his side when he's about to play with the beasts. But Leonid wasn't about to be forced to play with them or anything, if he wished he could just take a nap on the sofa in there, they promised him snacks and will give him different drinks Leonid hadn't tried yet. The last bit was what had him perked, he can't say no to food!
"Games?" Leonid rumbled as he sat down on the sofa with a window behind it, the only source that allowed natural light in the room. He didn't question the fact they let him out of the force field and the sarcastic robot left, but he was cuffed.
Michelangelo moved a coffee table closer to the sofa and sat cross-legged at a pillow on the rug floor, opposite Leonid. "We agreed on a card game for now, who knows, maybe we'll try other games."
"If you'd like to join the game then we'd be more than happy if you did." Cody chirped with excitement and bravely sat down next to the blue turtle.
Y/N grinned while shuffling the cards and sat on a pillow on the ground as well, on the other side of Leonid, maybe a bit too close by his feet. "You can watch or rest, Serling will bring the snacks soon."
"I'll just... watch." Leonid grunted and paid attention to the complicated shuffling of a card deck, when from the split pile of cards Michelangelo searched for a joker card but got none, Y/N began to give them each twelve cards.
Cody cringed as he was putting his cards together in hand. "No luck for me today, I guess..."
"Don't lose hope, junior. There are good cards in the pack, you just gotta get to them." Y/N hummed, although looking very pleased with their cards.
Michelangelo wasn't shy to share the information of his fortunate cards he's about to play with. "I can't relate, guys, my card deck is looking pretty good I might just close the game in your face right now."
"Which is why we're not gonna let you win." Y/N scoffed at the young turtle but it wasn't heated but playful, something Leonid had realized after Michelangelo replyed with his own playfulness.
"Hah! Bold of you guys to assume I'd let any of you win!" Cody grinned at them and leaned back to be sure none of these would peak at his cards, Michelangelo likes to cheat when it comes to these games.
"You saying that with that God-awful card deck? I'll make you eat those words up, chump." giggling impishly, Y/N watched what kind of cards the two are throwing out and Cody's would have been enough for them to get rid of some cards. "Ah, what's the count?"
"Forty-two, like always?" Cody hummed.
"Nope, let's go fifty-one this time!" Michelangelo grinned from behind his deck.
"That confident, Mikey?" the boy snorted softly.
"Awe, just let him. That way his fall will be greatly amusing." Y/N smirked getting rid of a Queen card, a high card, and Michelangelo's snarky surface cracked a little.
Leonid was greatly confused because these three were just threatening and insulting each other but differently. Very different from how he and his brothers attack each other, verbally and physically. The threatening didn't feel threatening. But why? Everyone wants to be the winner, then why not go great lengths to win? For the life of him, he can't understand them sometimes.
After five minutes, when Serling gave them the - mostly healthy - snacks and drinks, and left them be for the rest of the day only because he has chores to finish, the game went on and they all had yet to reach the right number to start getting rid of the cards. Leonid had caught up with most of how the game goes but has yet to understand the goal.
Comfortably laying on his side while munching on some chips with paprika taste, he observed as Michelangelo did a double take on the calculator, counting, but with frustration he gave up one card.
As soon as Y/N took a card from the deck, their eyes looked almost like shining stars as they meaned at their cards, Cody immediately registered the slight shift of change on their face and groaned longly: "Noooo..."
"Huh?! Huh?!! No! Don't you dare!" Michelangelo belowed and leaned to Y/N, thinking the 'intimidation' would stop them.
With a wide, toothy grin, Y/N began laying some pairs of cards. High cards and one pair with a joker, the smaller pair was of small numbers but they reached a little over fifty-one in count. And two cards were left in their hand.
"A-HA!! We're finally getting somewhere!" Y/N cheered and reordered the remaining cards in hand before getting rid of one. They basked in the small, sadistic victory of getting their opponents withered for being the first one to lay down some good sets of cards.
"Man, I guess I won't get a win this week." Cody sighed at his cards after pulling a card from the deck and dispossed of it just as quickly, but still tried to smile not to damper his friends' spirits.
"Give it time..." Y/N reached over Leon's face, almost bumping his muzzle, to pat Cody's knee to keep the boy enthusiastic.
Michelangelo, after picking the card from the dispossed deck and double checking on the calculator, began to lay down some sets of his own but still had five cards left after. "Yeah, take as much time you need, so I can win!" he used his 'evil' laugh while wiggling on his spot with excitement, fist pumping in the air.
Y/N retreated their hand, but not fully until stealing some chips from Leonid's bowl. The blue terrapin was ready to growl, to guard his food, but Y/N forced the chip against his gritted, slightly sharper teeth. Leonid, startled, relaxed his lips around the treat before accepting it into his mouth. His growl was just a rumbly hum and watched Y/N take another chip for themself, he hadn't the time to react defensively and let it slide. Cody took the chance of their guest paying attention to Y/N to steal some chips for himself too, and grabbed a handfull.
"Do you like the chips... Leon?" Cody asked before stuffing his mouth. He tried not to be too obvious with how he's getting the hang of the new way the blue terrapin is called. The boy feels ashamed that it's a bit of a struggle, being used to call him either a clone or a thing had became a terrible habbit he hopes to get rid of.
Leonid chewed slowly, trying to map and memorize the taste and texture that he now knows he isn't so fond of, before he swallowed so he could answer. "I don't mind it..."
"Dude!" Michelangelo gasped, looking up from his cards as he nearly let go of them. "The chips are, like, one of the best snacks in the world! How can you not like it?"
"It's too dry." the blue turtle shrugged and briefly wondered why the orange-masked turtle made a big deal out of it. "But has good crunch."
"You don't have to eat it if you don't like it." Y/N chuckled softly and looked up at Leonid, just now realizing how close his head is to them, the poor terrapin barely fit on the sofa and almost his whole upper body hanged over the mattress' edge, with one elbow on the floor helped him with balance.
Refuse food? Not eat when you have the chance? Not take a bite of an edible thing when having it at grasp felt like irreverence against food. Even if the edable thing would taste horrendously neither he or his brothers couldn't afford not to eat when finally getting their hands on something. And what if it's the only food he will have today? They all simply could let him starve till tomorrow and then hand him over to the Beast Keepers. It could be the his last meal. Leonid doesn't trust them enough to be certain they wouldn't let him starve, but maybe the humans wouldn't allow it...
"Serling also brought tangerines, it's a sweet fruit, try that." handing Leonid a plate of the little orange, half-moon fruit slices and handing the bowl to Michelangelo, Y/N waited for their guest to take a slice to know if it is to his liking.
Leonid sniffed the fruit slice before putting it into his mouth, as soon as his fangs popped it a sweet juice rushed all over his mouth and the tangerine wasn't that hard to chow or swallow. After the sugary breakfast he's now certain that it's sweets he's more fond of and chewy things are second favorite.
He grunted and took more tangerine slices and Y/N pleased by their fulfillment of having their guest pleased finally continued the rummy.
When Cody was hanging on a slimmer of hope was when the luck finally came to him. He got a joker and was able to finally let out some sets from his hand and reach the right count even with those 'garbage' sets. Now he's the only one with one card in hand and it gave him a higher chance at winning. The boy was exhilarated by the turn of events.
Michelangelo added a king into Cody's set but that's as far as he could go, after getting rid of a card he looked at Y/N as if expecting them to end and win the game.
It was the opposite, actually. After a lot of thinking when drawing a new card and looking over the sets of others laid on the table, Y/N kept the card and got rid of a different one. Still having two cards at hand.
The boys eyed them with suspicion when all they did was twitch a corner of their mouth into a tiny smirk, but they didn't know Y/N faked that smugness.
Leonid became intruiged by the way they're against each other during the game, the switch of theirs to disconnected from preoccupying when something outside the game has to be addressed had left him impressed. Their attitudes change from win-obsessed to normal individuals without much difficulty, with Michelangelo it's a bit questionable but he was somewhat 'tame' when they had a small pause because of the chips.
Cody took a card from the deck, by sheer luck, and got an ace of diamonds that one of Y/N's sets needed. He wasted no time adding the card with suffocated excitement and the card at hand was slapped picture-down on the disposable deck.
"YES!! I WON!!" Cody cheered, jumping up to his feet to zoom around the room while Michelangelo drowned in his lost but Y/N applaused for the boy's win.
"Ugh, let's play Racing and Betting instead, yea?" pouting, the turtle in the orange mask stood up and went to look for the board game somewhere on the shelfs next to the door, Cody went to help him with the search.
The two cards that Y/N held before adding them on the card piles to start cleaning up didn't escape Leonid's sharp eyes, he leaned closer to them before interrogating: "You gave up your win. Why?"
Y/N was a bit startled of the whispery, growl right next to their ear as they were putting the whole card deck away into its box. They blinked at him owlishly, not prepared for their guest's interest. Also, they didn't took into consideration that he might not know of these small, silly sacrifices one does for the other.
"It made Cody happy, didn't it?" they asked as if pointing out the most obvious thing, their brow arched up.
Leonid tilted his head with a sigh that blew hot breath into their face, not understanding where they're going with that. "But you aren't, 'cause you lost."
Oh... Oh, now they understand. Y/N smiled slightly. "Joy is not permanent when you do something for yourself, but for others."
"That's....." licking his lips, his gaze casted down as he tried to remember the right word to use.
"Hrmm... Weird. Yer weird."
Leonid met Y/N's gaze again when their lashes fluttered almost as if suprised. Then Y/N huffed a chuckle.
"I hear that often..." they grin toothily, around their eyes was a little wrinkle from the squinting.
Leonid thought it's a bit odd that they're amused instead of being offended and his stomach did a weird flip feeling, but it's actually nice not to deal with a miffy human.
Michelangelo slammed onto the clear table a green box with a cover of horse racers for the dramatic effect of disturbing those two, he was satisfied by seeing those two startled, before finally letting Cody to prepare the game. This play was a little longer and time-killing, Leonid ended up either napping or watching while snacking before they ended it with the last horse bought and with no hurry they all ate the dinner there. Leonid was taken to his 'bed' right after that.
Some might say that in the blue terrapin's position they wouldn't be bored and he might not argue but there were some moments that were.... nice. It was also peaceful. Falling asleep that night was without pain, no meds required, and he was content even with what will come tomorrow noon.
At eight a.m. Leonid was woken up by Donatello, the purple-masked terrapin, for an early check-up and getting rid of his bandages for good after nearly a month. Leonid was still too sleepy to put up any trouble for the small turtle who was more than happy by that coincidence, they were done before Leonid could rub off the little bit of sleep left in his eye.
A light breakfast was served per Donatello's orders, Y/N put together a toast, fried eggs and a glass full of lemonade. It is light enough for the big test, right?
Michelangelo joined them with his bread and jam he stole from the kitchen while Serling was preparing the usual Tuesday breakfast for everyone. Leaning onto Y/N's side, folded, green arm at their shoulder he watched midst finishing his breakfast how his older brother played a doctor at their guest while he himself tried to eat without interruptions. Donatello only wanted to prepare Leonid for the upcoming challenge which would determine if his health got better or worse, also as any doctor would, the turtle in purple gave him further warnings of how and about what he should be careful in the future since Leonid barely made it out alive a month back.
Leonid's answers were a series of grunts, huffs, and almost unnoticable growls but Donatello became hardly bothered when such a thing was replaying every time, since day one. He accepted that this is perhaps how Leo's clone is telling him that he doesn't want him near, Donatello's presence could make him uncomfortable and the small terrapin didn't wish to push his luck of walking off bruise-less. What he did notice is that the clone was more cooperative and less aggressive when Y/N was near, which is why despite others' disagreements he kept Y/N near whenever he was caring for their guest.
"Dude, aren't you excided? You're gonna be able to kick our shells again!" Michelangelo grinned widely, mouth full and nothing but crumbs on his cheeks was left.
"Don't tempt him." Y/N tsked softly, head shaking and Donatello at his table in the corner did the same with a sigh.
Snorting uncharmingly, the terrapin in orange walked up to the small table next to the medical bed and with a graceful jump he sat atop of it. "I'm just sharing his thoughts outloud, he's very shy~"
Leonid spared him a side-eye, chowing on his egg that he put on the last toast.
"Keep it up, and you may end up on top of the hit list, Mikey." Donatello retorted his chirp from his spot. Like any other morning, he worked on his stuff with his morning coffee. Michelangelo gasped, his hand flew up to hold his heart for his brother's cruel words crushed it.
A little smile betrayed the frown Y/N tried to keep on their lips, the back of their hand hid their mouth and let out a soft giggle.
"Okay, you diva, clean up Lee's plate, it might just save your life. If only for a few minutes." Y/N smirked playfully and walked over to sit by Leonid's feet, their legs swaying back and forth over the edge. Enjoying the moment without that annoying force field that was always between them.
After more of Michelangelo's dramatic antics, he did took the plate and the empty glass and walked off to clean it in the kitchen. Donatello was deep in concentration of his work, whatever it is he's working on.
"So..." Y/N began, open palms squished in between their thighs. They waited for Leonid to get comfortable, laying on his side and facing them with a folded hand under a pillow he laid his head on. "Are you? Excited, I mean."
Leonid was silent for a minute, thinking and his gaze travelled all around their face. He grunted with a shrug of his shoulder. "I'd be an idiot to think they would let me go with a wave an' a smile... They're gonna throw me to Peacekeepers. Can't let a freak roam free out there." his answer was bitter, he looked away to get away from their saddened expression.
"I'm sure they will do the right thing. You have a family to go to." Y/N tried to coax him into a positive space.
"Family? Why would that be the reason?" Leonid looked back at them with a frown.
"Your brothers— family is important in your life, they are the number one on the list of responsibilities." they answered just as quickly. "They need you, I'm sure you need them just as much. It has been a month, I take you haven't been apart for this long? They must be worried."
Leonid bit down with his fang on his blue lip before his gaze distanced. "They don't need me." he sharply hissed.
This was quite a weak spot they decided to poke.
Y/N didn't take that for an answer. "You can't know that for sure."
"Neither do you!" Leonid growled back at them immediately, nearly sitting up. Seeing he had them startled and (surely) afraid he settled down again, refusing to speak another word and Y/N understood he closed himself off again and they felt bad for being the cause of that when they were doing so well with opening up.
Y/N opened and closed their mouth for a few times, thinking of ways how to apologize with the presence of Donatello's awareness weighting them.
"It was wrong of me to assume." they finally said with their gaze casted down. "I just remembered something similar to your case... The last time my mom was at a hospital for a long damn time, it was very serious, I was freaking out. I was studying abroad and couldn't just up and go. When I got to the hospital I was nearly walking through walls to find her... Scared some poor half to death souls too because I was fuming." they let out a weak chuckle at the recalled memory. "I may have selfishly projected my own experience onto you. I'm sorry."
When Y/N looked back at Leonid to find him giving them full attention. "... Why were you angry?" he finally asked, the silence persuade him to want to know more.
Y/N looked ahead them, staring at the wall as they thought of a right answer as their tights squeezed at their folded hands. "I was angry, sad, worried... Everyone does that when they feel helpless, that they can't help those we love even with the slightest bit of pain they're in because you want to protect them the more you care about them. And I, like so many others, took my frustration on those who were around me.. doesn't justify what I'd done and said to those people, though, it wasn't their fault."
Leonid stared at them with the slightest frown of both ambivalence but also a bit of understandment. He got what Y/N tried to explain through their story, yet he can't recall if he ever felt such anger.
Sure, he is angry almost all the time, and he witnessed his brothers getting beat many of times by many foes, but did he even once felt such anger? Perhaps, when Darius Dun was taking his anger out on them, that dark and twisted feeling inside of him might have been just that kind of rage...
A warm, small hand landed on his, barely covering all three of his knuckles. It grounded him.
Y/N scooted closer to his upper body to reach his arm and hold it. The gesture of comfort was still an oddity to him. "Leonid..."
He met their eyes and bravely held his ground not to look away, not when their tone was laced with shyness. But why the diffidence? Did they want to ask something?
"Did you..." enjoyed your stay here? And my company? I think you look happier, are you?
No, no, Y/N couldn't bring themself to ask that. Although the curiosity is eating at them and tomorrow morning Leonid will surely be released from this bed and this Penthouse, and they will never see each other again, they also feared the answer. It's a simple question of a host but her words didn't want to articulate. How embarrassing!
"D-did you enjoy your breakfast? I made it, but I still don't know your tastes so— was it okay?"
If Leonid detected that there was more than that, he chose not to point it out.
He thought it over, again aware of the taste left in his mouth. It really was delicious but maybe it would have been his yellow little brother that would absolutely love it.
"Yeah." he eventually nodded idly. "Was just fine to me. It's food, that's good enough."
Y/N exhaled a dry chuckle at that, smiling. "I asked about your preffered taste in food. So I can do your last breakfast the way you'd like."
For some reason, he did not want to hear that, something in his stomach flipped. Leonid can't wait to get his time in custody over with, but...
Enormous, blue hand gripped gently back at the small fingers in his palm almost instinctively. "... Sweeter food. I think I like that kind." his answer was reluctant with a huff.
It was enough for Y/N and they smiled beamingly, one of those smiles that had his ribcage tighten and made it harder to breathe.
It was noon when Leonardo showed up, no words were needed to let them know why he's there. Donatello, expecting him anytime soon, already put the force field up and Y/N had to sat on a chair next to it to keep talking with Leonid. Y/N stood beside the two green, terrapin brothers while Donatello programmed the field to be mobile around their guest's movements to a certain extend. Leonid stretched his muscular arms above his head, joints popped, and he was ready to go.
All four of them walked through the hallways and took an elevator to one of the lowest floors. The Holo dojo. A turtle shell-like room built for the turtles to have their battle practice in, it provides a realistic battle simulation. This is where they held their health test for the clone and everyone else waited for them there already.
The metal machine looked like it belong to a gym, it was one of those where you sat and push at the bar above to workout your back muscles and arms, but in this case Leonid will be pushing it up above his head as far as he can.
"All right, here we are." Donatello annanounced as soon as the big metal doors hissed open, allowing them to enter, they stopped not that far from the machine. "Last stop before a clean bill of health. Your wounds are almost completely healed, I just want to test a few vitals and then—"
"Out of your cage and in to the Peacekeepers'." Leonid cut in almost a little too aggressively, he glared daggers at the two small turtles in front of him.
It left Donatello a little speachless, unsure how to answer even though he was there when his brother's clone and Y/N held a discussion about it not that long ago.
"Um... Let's just get through the test." Leonardo didn't want any awkward silence to stall them, and clearly avoided answering what is quite a very important to-be-fate of their guest. He and Donatello lead Leonid a little closer to the machine and Y/N joined Cody by their right side and far from Raphael who was leaning against the wall, they still hadn't talked since that one breakfast fiasco.
Although the slightest of Y/N's departure had left Leonid at unease he didn't let it show, and it's not like they were leaving, Y/N promised to stay until the very end of this test.
Donatello stood beside the machine, a remote in hand. "Push on the bar as hard as you can, but if anything really hurts just stop."
"Yeah, then we'll draw yous a nice bubble bath and get you a massage." Raphael drew out with dry sarcasm, his hand made a squeezing gesture like that of a shoulder massage.
Although Leonid shouldn't expect anything different from the turtle in the red mask, his prodding was not what he thought he'd do. He reciprocated Raphael's mocking with a scowl over his wide shoulder.
Y/N spared the terrapin in red a frown, Cody was just unsure how to react but he too thought it was a little odd. What irked Y/N the most that even the brothers or master Splinter, although confused, hadn't said a word back. Something like "shut up, Raph" would just be enough and it's not that hard to say. But Y/N knew that if they were the one to say that then the two would end up arguing, and then would be asked to leave which is something they can't allow to happen.
"Okay, so," Donatello cleared his throat and got Leonid's attention again. "You'll sit here but I have to drop the force field, can I do that?" he asked, and deep down he knew for certain that Leo's clone wouldn't try anything.
Leonid nodded without hesitation with a soft humph, as odd as it may be an attack is not on his mind right now and if his brothers were there they might think of him as a fool.
Leonardo was already ready and on alert, hand gripping at the hilt of one of his swords at his shell.
The force field went offline and it was clear in the air that only very few were worried now that he was free and in full health.
For a second he lifted his giant arms to look at his hands. Pushing the bar is easy as cake, but he's subconsciously aware that his ribs may till hurt like hell.
Here goes nothing...
With gritted teeth and a growled grunt Leonid sat down inside the machine, gripped the metal bar above his head and began to push.
The sudden weight his lazied muscles had to lift was uncomfortable, it burned from the inside a bit as he tried to stretch straight up his arms midst pushing, and his lower ribs on the right side were aching but it wasn't painful yet.
At any other time this would have been a piece of cake, but now Leonid's breaking a little sweat. It agitated him to look so weak in front of his enemies, his clone, the boy, and Y/N...
Donatello watched the raising numbers on the remote's screen, Michelangelo sneaking up closer behind him to have a look because he was curious to a fault. The turtle in purple rubbed one of his three fingers over his chin as he calculated inside his brain, thinking the situation over.
"By this time I expect more muscle strength." Donatello looked from his screen at Leonid to observe closely. "The mass is there but we may have to hold him a few more weeks just to make sure."
"Maybe we should change his diapers too." Raphael's snide remark was so sudden and unexpected that it brought back Leonid from his thoughts, he looked over with a startling gasp at the smaller terrapin that approached and he could feel his elbows momentarily buckle. "And how about a bottle while we're at it?"
Cody immediately grasped onto Y/N's arm with a slight tug as he watched the scene unravel, a silent plea for them to do something because he didn't like where this is going, that feeling was mutual on Y/N's side too.
Raphael went past his younger brother and his twin, right over to the machine and the blue turtle that is inside it, as if suddenly charged up with the pent-up emotions he had been bottling under his shell this whole time.
As soon as Michelangelo slowly backed up to Cody it was Y/N who took his empty spot by Donatello. Ready to interfere if no one else will, it just seemed like everyone was curious where this will lead to and what is Raphael's intent.
"SHUT UP!" Leonid growled as he snapped his desperate order as soon as Raphael got too close to his liking, he had to look away and squeeze his eye shut.
This made Raphael want to poke even deeper. "I mean, how old are you anyway? Just a few weeks out of the test tube? Then we shouldn't push the widdle guy so hard!" he gesgured at the clone and looked back at others, as if wanting allies on his side.
No matter how much Leonid wanted his brain to focus on the heavy weights to lift the small terrapin's mocking voice kept drilling into his ear, the helplessness and vulnerability he was cornered into felt unfair, making the rage slowly bubble up to the surface. The machine slowly and unnoticingly at first began to creak and groan.
And to mention his creation out of everything, something he tries to forcefully forget every night when falling asleep, to forget the pain and how afraid he felt.
But here is Raphael, spitting that into his face again, he doesn't even know what he's talking about! He wasn't there! He wasn't a damn lab rat to be made into a slave, nor his brothers!
Leonid didn't ask to be made! He didn't ask to be cloned!
Y/N finally snapped, having enough of him trying to ridicule their guest, this was down right cruel. "Raphael!"
"Raph! What are you doing?!" Leonardo shook off his stunned expression, although it still held some puzzlement under that strict frown.
A guttural, almost animalistic roar along with creaking metal shocked everyone. With groans and growls that wavered because of the struggle, Leonid began to push the bar harder, higher, and past it's limit quite quickly as he tried to let out his anger that began to pressure his shoulders and squeeze at his lungs — begging for it to be let out. It blinded him and with no care that the machine began to break down in a series of creaks and cracks and whipped electricity that buzzed and nipped down the bones of his hands, he kept pushing.
Donatello didn't like the sound of the alarm on his remote and he quickly pressed few buttons, to foresee the damage and see the health results. "He's definitely feeling better...!" he sounded alarmed, anxiety crawling up at his lungs for he didn't know what to do with that giant of a turtle that ignored his surroundings and really wouldn't listen to reason but the machine is not going to hold much longer if he keeps this up.
"Hah!" Raphael shouted with triumph, pointing at the clone with accusation before turning it into a pumping fist. "I knew you were fakin'! Playing possum so you can jump as later!"
Y/N inhaled sharply, trying to get every last bit of courage in their lungs as they stalked towards Raphael, grabbed him by his muscular shoulder with no care if their nails dug into the skin or the armor and turned him around, yelling into his face. "Enough! Stop it! You're worse than—"
They couldn't even finish their sentence when with Leonid's last cry of anger the machine blew up in a thick black smoke, whipping both Y/N and Raphael away onto the ground while others ducked down to avoid such fate.
Although it knocked the air out of their lungs, Y/N was alerted enough to see a metal, ripped piece of the machine incoming at abnormal speed. They quickly pushed at Raphael's chest by repelling from their kneeling by their toes to quickly close the gap, he fell onto his shell.
A burning, sharp pain ripped across Y/N's upper back and it felt like as if their bones were tingling. In their heroic attempt, they put themselves in danger and took the hit. But it was better than Raphael being headless!
Y/N yelled with bursting tears in their eyes, body curling forward and their forehead hit harshly against the cold floor once they fell.
They couldn't notice the falling metal collum of the machine, detaching from the whole thing, right at their curled and trembling form. But Leonid did. And in just a nick of time, with something squeezing painfully at his heart and his guts in a twist but the general pain as if numbed, he jumped onto his feet and in one wide jump closer he punched the heavy metal away with his left forearm that was supported by the grip of his right hand for a better strong-arm.
The threat was effectively disposed of and Y/N was partly unharmed. Leonid couldn't understand it but such sight in front of him made him feel..... so many things he couldn't name but knew were very negative, but there was also this strange relief.
Without a thought he fell on his knee and leaned to Y/N's curled body, their soft sniffles had his heart hurting. The back of their shirt stared to get soaked with their own blood. The metal panel wasn't that sharp to leave behind a clean cut.
He wanted to put his hand on their shoulder, comfort them the same way they did once when he was in pain and the meds hadn't yet kicked off.
But his hesitancy stopped him.
Maybe he would have done bigger damage than help.
The familiar anger surged through him again and he aimed it at the turtle by his left. Leonid, wouldn't he had a second for recollection, would have tackled Raphael while he was still down on the ground but he just towered over him with a rumbling, teeth-baring growl full of hate until the force field surrounded him again and Raphael was shielded from his wrath. And Leonid was grateful, he would have thorn the small turtle to pieces.
When Leonid pushed himself to stand, glaring down at Raphael with resentment, from the corner of his peripheral he saw Y/N being treated by Donatello with Cody by their other side as they tried to kneel up. And Leonid was really... really glad that they're alive. But he wasn't done with Raphael yet, and his other two brothers by his side aren't going to stop him.
"Think you're pretty smart. Think you figured me out." Leonid spat as he leaned just an inch over the sitting turtle, his wide and pent up shoulders casting a shadow over Raphael and he was clearly uncomfortable even though he tried to hide it behind his glare. "You don't understand anything about me!"
Raphael couldn't move a muscle, his brain didn't will it as he stared up at the blue clone that just saved his friend's life without hesitation and now he felt like he must be gaslit into thinking he's the bad guy here, he didn't like it but he had no words on his dry tongue to grasp.
"But it doesn't matter," Leonid's tone was a manifestation of defeat itself, his deep and growelly voice turned ever-so-slightly softer. "I'm just a monster." looking away, with his last words he walked back to the broken machine, just enough away from them to have a room to breathe without raising a suspicion that he's trying to escape.
Leonid just can't understand what came over him. It was none of his business if their human friend would've ended up squashed but his body acted faster than he expected. He could have wrung Raphael's neck before the shield came back online, but he couldn’t make himself to do it. Why? Had the month that he spent here made him go soft? Especially towards his enemies? He has a purpose being here and it would have been "two birds by one stone" situation. Perhaps it's better he didn't took the opportunity or he would have been way far away from the goal he's nearing.
But is Y/N really okay?
Closed fist collided against the already-broken-enough machine with a repressed growl in his throat. The tense pressure didn't go away. In fact, it got worse.
"Stupid human!" Leonid growelled those words with no spite and as silently as he could.
Y/N got themself hurt and now they're paying for the foolishness. But maybe if he hadn't lost his self-control in the first place...
Thinking of them in pain, curled up and bleeding had him more on edge. And why?! He's a sadist at heart! He should be laughing at their agony! Why is it just making him angry instead?! Is it because deep down, no matter how much he tried to deny that feeling, his consciousness had him in a turmoil of guilt?
There was always someone to blame.
He is to blame.
That's how he feels and thinks it's the most logical explanation.
It's his fault that Y/N ended up wounded. That his naive foolishness of letting them close enough to have his emotions affected like this, that he cares, now he has to deal with this blame of himself.
He hates it! He doesn't want to feel this way! Life was much simpler before he came here, before he met Y/N!
It's his own fault that he got himself into this, he detests—
A sudden approaching presence had Leonid look over his shoulder, startled. The turtle from whom's DNA he was cloned from stood behind him with an unreadable expression, but his katanas weren't drawn. But the clone didn't know what to expect now, he'd quite messed up.
Leonardo, with a simple order to his clone, took him back to the medbay and fortunately Leonid didn't had to see Raphael's face on the way back since everyone left before those two did.
Donatello and Cody were in the Medbay already, backs to the entrance, but the only thing that grabbed Leonid's attention like a stop sign was a long, open gash over Y/N's shoulder blades. The terrapin in purple already had it cleaned and was beginning to stitch it up, Cody held onto a little tray with doctor's instruments and the other hand was gripped by Y/N's trembling hand.
"You coming?"
Leonardo's voice grounded Leonid once again. He didn't even notice he stood like a statue at the open door and stared a little too long at Y/N's bare back, his clone patiently waited for him.
With a gruff grunt he descended down the stairs and automatically walked over to his bed to sit down while facing the big window, keeping his gaze at his two-toed feet. Leonardo used the remote to keep the force field in place so he wouldn't be able to roam around again before he joined the three, wanting to inspect the damage himself to have some sort of piece at heart, he was worried sick.
"Will you be alright?" the older turtle brother asked as soon as he walked over the desk to be face to face with his friend, hand gently placed at their knee.
Y/N was squeezing onti their shirt they held by one hand to cover their front for decency, avoiding being naked as a wee baby, fingers ticking at every prickle of the needle. They were grateful that Donatello went slow. Looking up at the blue masked terrapin, tugging on a lopsided smile was a failed attempt to soothe his worry. "Other than sleeping on my stomach for some time, and not to mention it will be itching like hell soon enough, I'll live."
Everyone actually appreciated that silly attempt of a joke, but it didn't sweeten Leonardo's distress that much. "Y/N..."
"I'm the one getting needled through, let me ease up or it will take the whole house to restrain me." they sighed with a little distress and discomfort, wiggling on the spot for a bit.
Leonardo's grip slightly tightened before his big thumb rubbed gently over their knee. "Alright, alright. But if it gets worse we will drop you off at a hospital, whether you like it or not."
"RogeEEEE—!!?" Y/N nearly jumped from their skin as the next stab of the needle was a bit too painful for them, their grip on Cody's hand tightened roughly and Leonardo put both hands on each of their knees to hold them down. "Ow! Ow! Ow...!" their yell became a whimper.
"Almost done." Donatello muttered, concentrated on his work.
"You're doing great, Y/N!" Cody tried to encourage them, voice slightly pitched for his hand still throbbed with slight stinging pain from Y/N's hold.
Although trying to keep good on his silent promise to himself, Leonid had to look over, Y/N's distress put him on edge and he felt... helpless.
And it made him all the more angrier.
It proved all the more that he became pathetically soft for worrying so much, but because of Y/N's personal story from earlier he at last had a clue about those emotions he's feeling and, partly, why.
Leonid looked out the window stubbornly, even had to force his muscles into obedience to turn his shell on them again.
"Ahh, tell me it was the last stab?" Y/N whined.
"You're making Donnie sound like a murderer." Cody chuckled wholeheartedly, rubbing his thumb over their knuckles, and it made Leonardo break into a soft smile.
"Oh, come on you guys, I'm not that twisted." Donatello tutted playfully, grinning slightly.
"Not yet anywa-AUCH!! Damn!!" Y/N yelped, little tears stinging the corner of their eyes. Thankfully, it was the last stitch, they registered it by the snap of the thread being cut.
"Sorry," Donatello murmured softly, placing the needle and scissors back on the tray Cody held. "I will have to bandage you to make sure you won't move, rip, or irritate the stitching. I think you two should leave, I can do this by myself."
"Right." Leonardo curtly nodded and patted Y/N's crown affectionately. "Come on Cody, let's check on others."
And by others, he meant Raphael.
After they left and it was certain they wouldn't return, Donatello picked out a roll of bandages from the small kit and Y/N already waited with their shirt on their lap and lifted arms from their sides.
Donatello tried to make it quick for their sake, but wasn't any less effective with his work.
"Man, was it always this cold in here?" Y/N weakly chuckled, watching goosebumps awaken and little hairs stand on their arms.
"Hmm, there's an open window in the hallway, the cold air could be coming from there." Donatello answered casually, the cold didn't really bother him since it wasn't freezing but perhaps this was a hint that Y/N wanted to have some privacy with Leonid for the last time. He didn't question it.
When Y/N's back was bandaged and some painkillers were handed over to them, Donatello left and they put their shirt back on carefully, any straining movement pulled at the stitching and was near painful. With an inhale of bravery, Y/N walked over to their quest, facing his dark-blue shell that has four sharp spikes growing from the edge of it, two each by the sides of his head. They added a certain charm to his look, Y/N did not stare at them all the time — nope. Not at all wondering if a minimal contact with the pointed end is sharp enough to make one bleed, noooo....
"Heya, Lee, thanks for that quick save. You didn't get hurt too, did you?" Y/N interwined their fingers, hands resting against their lower navel.
Leonid debated with himself what is the better option; talk or be silent. If he were to chose latter option it wouldn't make them leave, he's sure of that. But what is he to make out of their chirpful tone? He just saw that painful wound. That flesh-thorn, raw, nasty wound that was fatefully inflicted because of his temper.
But a human can't take such an injury this well, they're too fragile... That's the impression he got since the day he held one by their throat. Y/N may yet change another one of his views on life, a different perspective he hadn't experienced in his quick-birthed life with twisted views from the very origin of Sh'Okanabo's DNA.
"Why did you take th' hit?" Leonid forced himself to ask, teeth bared and rumbly voice low.
The question got Y/N slightly confused. Didn't they just talk about it this morning? But the fact he began talking back they didn't want to stall with an answer. "Raph can be a jerk at times but he's family. I'd risk my life even if it was someone else in his place."
Something twisted and flipped his gut. He did not like that answer. Y/N is way too kind, especially to those like Raphael, and it is why they get hurt the most!
"You could've been the headless one!" finally looking over his shoulder at them, voice raised a notch as his brows pinched into a frown lines on his forehead.
Without a bat of an eye, they answered; "I know. But it didn't happen."
Leonid was on his feet within seconds, irked, wide shoulders squared up and almost hitting into the force field that is in his way, preventing him from touching Y/N — not that he was about to hurt them but automatically he wanted to put his hands on their shoulder and kneel down to stare at them eye-to-eyes.
"You're so stupid!" he growled down at them but there was no heat of resentment behind those words. It was worry.
Y/N smiled sardonically for a second. Then they nodded before meeting his gaze just as sharply, yet gently at the same time while they came up with another creative comeback. "Yeah, maybe even insane, but I would do it again... Even for you."
Taken aback, Leonid straightened with a strangled inhale, golden eye wide open as he was fighting his speachlessness. "... Tch! Oh, please...!"
Y/N jumped into his retort before he could continue. "You saved me. And I owe you one! Besides, it's the least I can do for a friend. If you'd ever need help with something, feel welcome to ask me anytime."
"No... No, I won't! Because we. will. never. meet again after this. We are not friends! Freaks and humans don't do the pitiable bonding thing." Leonid argued back stubbornly with an echoing growl, hitting lightly the side of his fist against the transparent shield not to cause an alarm and leaned against that forearm.
Y/N watched his frown twist deeper, taut mouth exposing a half of front fangs. They took a step closer to the shield instead backing away like any other logical person would. "Why do you say that—"
"Look at me! You ain't blind not to see what's wrong with all- all this!!" Leonid leashed out, the raw rumble of his growl must have vibrated through the ground because Y/N could feel it their bones. It was a very odd tingling in a sense that it didn't made them feel any close to uncomfortable, quite the opposite. But the blue terrapin, unfocused on things around him as he kept on ranting, didn't even notice the slightest change of their demeanor.
Y/N watched his big hand gestues, flapping up and down by his plastron's chest of unnatural color close to a lime's peel, it was quite a contrast against the blue of his skin, the purple armor and the small pop of red here and there but it complimented his honey-colored eye.
"The only reason I helped was 'cuz I didn't wanna take th' damn blame, those small runts would have thrown it at me, but it looks like I'm still at fault even after saving your necks!— Guess where I'll be going? To jail! For the rest of my life, like any other freak! So, yea, you are welcome, Y/N!"
It felt like he has a baggage of emotions he had no clue what to do with, they could tell that he needs to let it out. Leonid was always the one who did the listening, now it was Y/N's turn.
"I-I don't care about you one bit! Because if I would— I would be the stupid, insane fool just like ya are for wanting to befriend a monster itself!!" there was something that wavered his tone, it wasn't anger, no matter how furious he tried to look.
Y/N gave him all the room he needed, they to each and every word his heavy heart spilled. Once he caught a breather after letting out out, Leonid was suprised with himself and hopelessly stared at Y/N as if he would have the confirmation that he either went insane or them confessing to not paying attention, a part of him didn't mind if it would be the second option.
But by the look of it they hang onto every world. "Shit."
Letting the silence settle for a little longer, Y/N swept their observant gaze over his face, maybe waiting if he would wish to continue amd what is it he fears to hear.
Leonid's attention dropped onto Y/N's lips that opened ever-so-slightly and with a gentle inhale the air filled their lungs and it felt like a preparation for another word that would punch out his own breath, leave him dizzy, and his heart will yearn to understand another new thing that he'd learned.
It makes him feel like a fool.
"Well... Well, I guess, it's a good thing you're no monster. They aren't capable of feeling, or just barely have one or two emotions." Y/N susurrated, trying to put them in a more lighthearted mood while not dismissing his feelings. They lifted their right hand and placed their palm on the transparent shield.
Leonid's face softened at the slight droop of sadness in their voice but looking at the welcoming openess of their hand had his limp left arm rise and his own three-fingered was invited to be placed over Y/N's. Although the force field was cold, and had an odd buzz sensation to the touch, he could feel the heat of their human skin that spread through him. He wished he felt that warmth the first thing he was let out of the lab tube, and for the rest of his days.
"... I wasn't born, I was made. So how can ya say I'm nothing close to a freak?" Leonid exhaled a little defeatedly, his forehead made a contact against the shield, bringing him that much close to them.
Without noticing, Y/N was a step closer to the force field too, staring at their hands and the contrast of how his is thrice the size. "You are still a living being before anything else. You deserve to be treated like anyone else, same goes to your family and I feel ashamed I can't do much with how others treat you with caution..."
There was a pang at his heart because of her genuineness, exhaling though his bared fangs and half-open lips softly created a fog puffle right in front of him.
Leonid blinked to consciousness from the staring before using his forearm to rest his forehead on instead on the harsh surface.
He opened his mouth, prepared to tell them they don't have to feel that way, that it didn't matter to him, that he didn't care but it would have only been half of a truth.
Y/N beat him to ask their question that had plagued their thoughts right after that accident at the Holo Dojo. "Why do you hate yourself so much...?"
Leonid didn't know how to answer that, nor if he should answer at all. "I just do" answer doesn't feel enough of a reason now that he had it on the tip of his tongue. He has so many reasons but it's hard for him to word, he didn't know how, and if Y/N takes everything to heart wouldn't it burden them unnecessarily?
Y/N watched him close his eye tightly, a deep frown pinched between his brows, his thin blue lips pinched is and they worried Leonid is forcing himself to answer when he doesn't want to.
"Don't- don't answer if you don't wanna. No one has the answer right away either, don't worry about it." Y/N softly tried to reassure him, tilting their chin just an inch away from the cold force field but subconsciousness denyed its presence there for a second. "And you still have time to learn about yourself, don't forget that." they offered him a smile.
Leonid looked back at them, holding in breath without realizing as he let the words sink in before he slowly exhaled, tension leaving his body and suddenly he felt a little tired. Their words were somewhat comforting.
Y/N took the time to discreetly jawn into their palm. The painkillers seem to have finally kicked in.
"Go rest..." Leonid gravelly voice had a softer tone, it was pleasing to listen to.
They stared at him before eventually nodding. "Alright, but right back at ya. I will prepare you the breakfast I promised, tomorrow." Y/N's smile was big and reached their tired eyes.
Leonid let out a small, throaty chuckle at which Y/N's eyes sparkled with glee once registering that sound. His responce was a nod with a rumbly hum. Their refreshing kindness always left him wonderstruck.
Forcing themself to push away from the force field but Y/N kept on looking up at Leonid with a graceful, yet a little silly, toothy smile. It was... the most adorable look he'd ever recieved in his life.
Y/N waved one last time by the doorway and Leonid watched them disappear into the hallway, straining his ears until he couldn't hear the sound of their feet on the polished stone floor then letting out a long sigh before sitting back down on his temporary bed and looked forward for another home-made, warm breakfast.
Leonid just didn't know that fate that night had other plans for him and he'd have to leave with his brothers' help without a proper goodbye to Y/N and the food they'd work hard on to make just for him.
Perhaps in the distant future, he would be able to visit the O'niel Penthouse with his brothers as guests and not enemies but not now when he still has to deal with Darius Dun's abuse. But not for long, he had enough to be treated like trash and witness his brothers getting bruised by that disgusting human male that like a coward uses a big metal suit to dominate over them. Soon that man won't even know what hit him and then Leonid and his brothers would be free.
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randomingoftherandomness · 2 years ago
okay yes thank you - I dearly loved Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle book for so many years. Ff course I don't consider interpretations in a new medium to take away from the original at all, but I really am not a fan of the Ghibli Howl's Moving Castle. So much of the interesting and subtle magic that made the book so good, was totally lost. This being said, I WOULD like to see Ghibli take a crack at the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, because I think it would be charming.
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There's a huge subsect of people who are hardcore about that Gibli trash fire who would hunt folks like us down for even breathing a smidge of negativity about it.
They butchered Sophie and twisted what made the book so very special and unique into something that it totally was not. Yeah, sure, I loved how we got to have an animated Calcifer (possibly the only thing I liked about that dung heap) but that's where the buck stopped for me. God, the salt I have been nursing for the last 19 years about Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle could probably rival the Dead Sea.
From what I've heard, Diana Wynne Jones' estate has kiboshed any further adaptations of her books because of what Ghibli did. IDK. I may be wrong. Ask Uncle Neil because he would know best.
In any case, the thought of them trying to downplay the darkness, the neglect that Christopher was party to, what Gwendolen did to her brother for power, or even the manipulation over Tacroy, gives me the willies. I'll be happy to never have a Chrestomanci adaptation just so that I don't have to see a studio butcher the books I've loved for over 20 years now.
In general, I do think I'm not Ghibli's target audience and I'm ok with that haha... They really turned me off any of the works from their studios with Howl's Moving Castle alone, and this is not a flex but I've never sat down properly to watch any of their works even if I know what's what.
No one who did that to Sophie Hatter gets to leave the pile of bad in my books.
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dooxliss · 1 year ago
O, U, and H for the fandom asks ☺️
ask meme
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
uhhhh. i wish i read as much as i did as a kid tbh but i’ll say games, then a bit distant anime
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
okay lemme spotify shuffle my liked songs
oh i remember when i first listened to this song i thought the sfx reminded me of greenies from luigi’s mansion: dark moon! so greenies/luigi just based on that
also not random but everlong—foo fighters makes me think of ff every time go figure
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
jjk- choso, i just really love how ride or die he is for his brothers + he has a really cool design. i want to cosplay him one day
(bonus from jjk—akari nitta! she shows up in like 5 episodes tops but i like her character design 😭)
dbz- supreme kai (shin), he shows up in tfc and seems so mysterious until like. idk halfway through and we find out that bro has absolutely no clue what he’s doing (valid! he was pushed into the role by necessity). also good character design + i have his potara earrings
picking a third one was really hard but
splatoon- frye!! ngl her design was a bit off putting to me (mostly her eyes) but it really grew on me since 2022 and i love it (smooching her big ass forehead)
she has a fun outfit and i really enjoy her song choreography/her parts of deep cut songs and her personality which is p surprising considering my favorite idols in 1 and 2 were marie and marina and i generally tend to agree with her splatfest options except this one frye baby i’m so sorry
i want to cosplay her too :D and maybe do some of her dances (i know most of anarchy rainbow)
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kmomof4 · 2 years ago
This chapter KILLED me!!!!
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Can’t WAIT for more!!!!
Like Slow Spinning Redemption Chapter Four
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Tagging the Usual Crew: @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @sotangledupinit
Want to be added? Send me an ask!
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Catch Up Here: 01 02 03
Liam moved through several rooms, shuffling papers and opening doors. He had walked into a couple of rooms where one of the others was also searching, and so he couldn’t move outside to destroy the pages yet. The only person he hadn’t met was Emma, but he knew that she had stalked off into a completely different area of the manse so as to avoid everyone else. He smiled slightly at Henry, which Henry returned as he moved into a new location. Liam watched Henry leave, and then he listened for the sounds of any of the others. 
Hearing nothing, Liam decided that this was the best time to finish what he had started. He moved to the window facing the back yard, and noted how close he was to a door that led to the yard. Looking around him once more to check that he was alone, Liam slunk off towards the exit that led outside. He moved as quickly as he could without making much noise. He didn’t want to draw any attention to himself. He opened the door as quietly as he could and closed it without pulling the latch; he didn’t need the door to make any extra noise. He didn’t know how much time he had, so he crossed over to the well quickly, stopping at the edge and pulling the pages out of his pocket.
Hades hadn’t left any specific instructions on how exactly to destroy them, but he did say that all the waterways led back to him.  Liam decided that the best way was to follow Hades’ orders was to throw them into the nearest waterways. Remembering the well he had spied as he came into the mansion, he supposed that he could throw them in there and that would be enough.  Moving fast, he managed to avoid everyone else searching and got to the well without anyone seeing him.  He quickly took the pages out of his jacket and let them fall into the well.  He watched them fall into the water and sink to the bottom almost immediately upon touching the water. It was done.  He was free, finally free at last, of his secret’s hold on him.  This was it, the whole reason he was still in purgatory.  He could finally move on from this place.  The regret at betraying his brother was outweighed by his singular relief at getting away with keeping his treachery a secret.  He sighed as a weight lifted off his shoulders.
After the altercation with Liam earlier in the day and her quasi-argument with Killian about whether Liam was hiding something, the last thing Emma felt like doing was searching for the missing pages.  She actually felt more like hitting something (or someone, or possibly even multiple someones), an emotion which was apparent in the way she threw open doors and slammed them shut, roughly yanked open drawers and caused their contents to rattle, only to throw them shut in the same aggravated movement.  Without Killian around her to see, she let her emotions reign as she stomped around, on her face a screwed up scowl, and she didn’t linger in any place for long.
She knew that Liam was wrong in his assessment of his brother’s perceived lack of heroism, just as he was wrong in his villainized judgment of her.  She just didn’t know how to get Liam to see that there was more to Killian than that supposed “darkness” and view his younger brother for the hero that Emma knew him to be (and she also didn’t know how to get Killian to see that same fact for himself, only she was beginning to suspect that somehow Liam, himself, had to be the key to that’s endeavor).  She couldn’t care less whether Liam Jones’ opinion ever changed of her; she just wanted to change his opinion of Killian (and of Killian concerning himself).
She wandered into another sitting room and paced through the length of it, scanning absentmindedly for any sign of the torn pages of Henry’s storybook, Underworld Edition, when she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye.  She stopped and turned her head back to where she had caught it and realized she was seeing through a window into a yard just beside the house.  She stepped closer to the window, her brow furrowed in confusion and suspicion as she realized she was looking at Liam.  His back was to her; she couldn’t see what it was he was doing, but why would he be out in the yard when he had sworn he wouldn’t stop looking until they were successful in locating the lost pages?”
Making a split-second decision, she hastily left the room and made a beeline for the nearest exit that would get her to that yard and into yet another confrontation with Killian’s older brother.  Her inner lie detector had been going off ever since their first conversation, and she was going to find out why it was alerting her to something being off with Liam.  She owed it to Killian to investigate his brother’s shady actions, even if he wouldn’t appreciate her for it.
Liam rubbed his hands together, watching as the pages floated down into the well and disappeared into the water, wishing that the ink hadn’t stained his hands so badly, and he heaved another sigh of relief.  He hadn’t realized how tense he had been since seeing his brother once more. But all would be well. He would not have to answer Killian about what he had done, and Killian would never find out about his mistakes. He would remain a hero in his little brother’s eyes.  They could move on from this place together. He would finally have his brother back.
He was just about to turn to find a place to wash his hands of the ink that had stained them when he heard Emma’s voice.  
“I thought you were inside looking for the missing pages,” she called.  Liam whirled around to face her, balling his hands into fists so as to hide the stains and stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets as he did so in order to further conceal his treachery.
“Emma,” Liam replied, a bit breathlessly.  “I thought a bit of fresh air and a change of scenery would get the inspiration flowing.”  
Emma didn’t respond.  She just smiled slightly, preparing to lay her trap though Liam didn’t know it. “Find anything?”
Liam shook his head minutely. “I’m afraid a ship’s captain can only be cooped up for so long. I had to come out and get some air. What brings you out here?” 
Emma wondered if Liam realized how hollow his words sounded to her ears, how tinny they were with his lies, but, of course, he didn’t know about her super power. She walked closer to Liam so that he could get a good look about what she was going to show him. She hoped that the way to breach Liam’s lies was to use Killian to do it.
“I wanted to show you this,” Emma responded, pulling the chain out from under her shirt that had the ring Killian had given her in Camelot.  She held the ring out as far as it would go to Liam to allow him to see what it was she beheld.
Liam leaned in a bit to look closer. “Oh. It’s the ring I gave Killian. I noticed he wasn’t wearing it.”
Emma smiled softly and played with the ring in her fingers. “Because he gave it to me,” she confirmed. “And you know what he told me when he did?” She paused and waited for Liam to shake his head before continuing.  “That it belonged to a much better man than him. You’re his hero. He doesn’t think you can do any wrong…”
Liam squirmed uncomfortably, moving to scratch behind his ear in the same mannerism Killian had when he was uncomfortable. “Yes, well…” Liam tried to respond before falling silent, not knowing how to respond.
“Which is why,” Emma continued with no great concern about Liam’s feelings, “I can’t figure out why you would lie to him.” Emma stopped speaking and stared at Liam, a serious expression on her face. 
Liam stared back, struck speechless by how blatantly she had called him out. Emma could tell he didn’t know what to say.  He stared at her a moment before looking at the ground out of shame, and in that action Emma knew she had him. She just didn’t know what the lie was.
Before Liam could stammer out a reply, Killian joined them outside. “Liam? Emma? What’s going on?” he called out as he joined the two by the well. Killian looked between his brother and his lover, trying to puzzle out the tense air between the two people he loved most.
Liam looked to Killian and then Emma. Emma seemed as if she was content to let silence ring, so Liam responded to Killian’s question. He swallowed before saying, “She thinks I lied to you.”
“What?” Killian said under his breath, not sure if he had heard Liam right. He instinctively looked to Emma.
Emma nodded once to Liam. “He took the pages.  I can prove it.  Ask him to show you his hands. He’s been hiding them from me since I got here.”
Liam’s heart stopped, but he knew a way out of this trap. “Look,” he shrugged, “if it would help to clear things up, I’d be happy to.” 
Emma shot him a look of challenging disbelief, but before she could accept his proposal, Killian spoke up.
“That won’t be necessary,” Killian said as he shook his head in exasperation. “I don’t need proof to know what’s really going on here. Emma, when are you gonna admit that this isn’t really about my brother?”
Emma looked taken aback, Liam noticed. Hadn’t the thought occurred to her that Killian would automatically assume that? It seemed Emma didn’t know Killian as well as she thought, Liam smugly thought to himself. 
“What else would you think it’s about?” She asked slowly, confused about why Killian was questioning her motives.
Killian gestured between him and Emma with his hook. “Us,” Killian said plaintively. “You think if you can prove that Liam is a villain, then I’ll somehow feel like I was less of one. That you can convince me I’m worth saving and that we’ve got a future together.” 
Liam glanced between his brother and his brother’s lover, wondering if she caught the same rough edge to Killian’s voice at that last bit that Liam had. Liam felt a surge of guilt go through his stomach at the thought that Killian’s hopes were being dashed, but Liam knew that it was for the best.
Killian walked closer to Emma, almost unconsciously, Liam noted. It seemed to him that Killian couldn’t break himself away from her no matter how much he said he wanted to. It suddenly struck Liam that he wasn’t the only one lying in this yard.  In fact, Liam wondered if the only one of them telling the truth at this moment was Emma. He wondered if she were the only one who could possibly tell the truth now, as caught up in his mistakes as he was and as disappointed in himself as Killian was. 
Emma’s face turned down and sadness peppered her voice. “You agree with him?” she whispered, and Liam’s heart lifted that their scrutiny seemed to be off of him and onto each other.  Selfishly, he had no thought for Killian’s discomfort.
Killian shrugged. “Why bring me back if I should just love on?  After we defeat Hades, I won’t be returning with you. My fate isn’t in Storybrooke. It should be determined here.” Killian’s eyes kept shifting back and forth from her eyes to the roofline of the house. He couldn’t look her in the eyes as he said his words. 
Liam saw how much it hurt Killian to deny Emma the one thing that she wanted most. He wondered if she knew Killian was lying as well as Liam did.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Emma responded, tears welling in her eyes.  “You can come home.  You just have to forgive yourself.”  Emma sighed and paused, trying to catch Killian’s eye, though he stubbornly looked over her shoulder.  When she wasn’t successful, she continued, “Thing is… no matter how many times I tell you, or anybody else does, you have to do it yourself.”  At that, she turned and walked past Killian towards the house.
Killian turned and shouted, “Emma!”  When she didn’t stop, he made to follow her, but Liam grabbed his arm before Killian could take more than a step.
“Let her go, Killian.  It’s for the best.”  The sooner Killian could let Emma go, the sooner he could move on with Liam.  Liam knew that desperately holding onto the ties to the Living was the reason why so many people down here couldn’t move on.  Killian going after her would only delay the inevitable.
Killian sighed in frustration and looked down at the hand restraining him.  He loved his brother, but he was really getting annoyed with the man.  If he were to move on, he didn’t want things between him and Emma to have ended in strife and pain.  He was just about to retort this to Liam when his eyes processed why Killian hadn’t looked back up to his brother’s face.  Liam did have ink stains on his hands.  Ink stains that Killian knew hadn’t been there when they arrived at the mansion.  Ink stains much like the ones he himself had incurred when he rifled through the book’s pages in search of Hades’ story.
“Your hand,” he mumbled, dumbfounded.  “You are hiding something.”
Liam tried to jerk his hand back, but it was too late.  Killian grabbed Liam’s arm and held it up so he could check to make sure he had seen ink stains.  
“It’s nothing,” Liam halfheartedly to excuse.
Killian stared at his brother’s hand uncomprehendingly.  “It’s ink from the pages.  Emma was right,” he said softly.  Killian swallowed and looked up to stare his brother in the eyes.  “Why would you lie to me?!”
Liam tried to find the words to explain, but his voice died in his throat.  To be honest about this would mean admitting to what he had done, to the deal with Hades, all of it.  Liam didn’t have it in him to admit to those failings, but how could he lie to Killian otherwise?
“Because…” called out a voice.  Liam and Killian both turned to see their old captain, John Silver, approaching them with the rest of their old crew.  “He’s got much bigger secrets than what’s in some book.  Like the truth about what he did to us.”
Killian turned to Liam, his eyes blazing with a hard, desperate look.  “What’s he talking about?  What did you do?”
Liam looked back at his brother, pain and tears in his eyes.  He stuttered, trying to find the words that could somehow both explain and excuse what he did, but they wouldn’t come.  He knew that nothing he said would mend what was now breaking between them.  Killian, in spite of his quick temper and tendency to seek vengeance as retribution for wrongs committed against him, had always had a very healthy streak of justice running through his veins.  Perhaps it had been because their mother had died young and their father had abandoned them, perhaps it had been because the navy had given him purpose; Liam didn’t know.  What he did know was that Killian had always, always believed in good form, in helping others less fortunate than they, in always making the right choices, in fighting against tyranny and those who would mistreat others for their own gains.  And this, Liam was ashamed to admit, was the very opposite of good form his brother had always believed in, and that he, Liam, had tried to foster in his younger brother as they had grown up.
Liam had sowed the seeds long ago, and now he was going to reap the benefits, no matter how hard and difficult.
“Your brother made a deal with the devil,” Silver answered when it looked like Liam would say nothing.  “He allowed us to die in that storm that sank our ship in exchange for the Eye of the Storm.  Hades struck that deal with him to save you and condemn us to die.”
Killian stared at Silver in shock before turning to Liam.  “Is this true?” Killian asked, shock and disgust coloring his voice.  As he looked at the anguish on Liam’s face, Killian knew it was true, and the image of his brother, his unfailing, strong, heroic brother, began at last to fracture and crumble.
Liam swallowed and nodded once.  “It’s true.”
Liam watched as awareness of just how wrong about h is brother Killian had been made its way into Killian’s eyes.  There was no going back from this.  He stood staring at his brother helplessly, not knowing how to right the wrongs, only stirring when Silver spoke.
“Tie ‘em up and take them away, boys,” Silver demanded.
Before he could utter a word in protest, Silver then signaled to the rest of his crew to carry on with binding them up with rope.  They took Liam’s hands and bound them behind his back, and he watched helplessly as they did the same to Killian.  Killian tried to fight them off in typical Killian fashion, but there were too many of them. Killian had always been more of a fighter than he; Liam had always been more of a pacifist, only fighting when absolutely necessary but reluctant to stir up the status quo when it wasn’t.
Liam had always believed that there were certain facts that were incontrovertible, certain situations that one couldn’t change, so fighting them was pointless.  It felt to him as if this situation they were in was one of the latter ones.  What was the point of fighting now?  He deserved whatever fate that his old crew members had in store for him.  He just regretted that Killian had been dragged into this and be made to pay for Liam’s own follies.
Killian continued to struggle even as the men threw bags over their heads.  Liam wondered whether Killian, as a pirate captain, was plotting out a violent and bloody way out.  He thought not, as he rather got the impression that Killian didn’t actually want to hurt the men.  When they had successfully bound Liam and Killian, they began frog marching them to Hades only knew what destination.   As they tripped and stumbled along, Silver began to talk.
“Imagine my surprise when I came down to the bar for my nightly drink, Liam, and saw that Hades had paid you a visit.  Up until that point, I had no idea what had transpired to cause our deaths.  I have to hand it to you, you sure did manage to cover up your tracks.  I never would have suspected it if I hadn’t heard Hades allude to it.”
“Hades wanted you to hear it,” Liam muttered resentfully.
“It is a rather juicy detail, you have to admit,” Silver retorted.  “If it were your death, you’d be interested in it, too.”
“I can’t believe you sentenced them to death all because Hades wanted you to,” Killian gritted out towards his brother, ignoring Silver’s words.
Liam gritted his teeth against his brother’s censure, desperately aware of the audience they had.  “Don’t deny you would have done the same thing!  You always talked of getting vengeance,” he deflected.
Killian snarled.  “Justice!  I always talked of justice! But what you did wasn’t justice; it was vengeance.”
“Oh what’s the difference, Killian?  They deserved what they got in the end.”
Without quite realizing it, they had arrived at the entrance to the building that housed the entrance to the Boiling Sea where final judgment occurred.  Everyone stopped as two of the crew members went to open the outer doors, though Killian and Liam could not see this.
“The difference?” Killian echoed in amazement.  “Only innocent lives, Liam!  That’s the difference!  How many of these men deserved retribution?  How many of them directly attacked us?  I only remember one who did.  I can’t believe you would condemn them to this hell.”
“You have no idea what it was like, always having to look after both of us, not having someone else to bear the burden of making sure that we were clean or had food.  Of making sure you didn’t succumb to the darkness inside you!  I gave up everything to make sure you had a future!  I was more a father than a brother to you, and because of that I did what I had to do.”
“I didn’t ask you to be that!  You took that burden up all on your own!  And what did it get you?  I still succumbed to my darkness, and you blackened your heart for yours!” Killian shouted, enraged at Liam’s pigheaded attempts at justifying his actions.  “And what’s worse is you lied about it.  You looked me in the eye and lied.  You hurt Emma, damn near convinced me that my future wasn’t with her, and you took away our best chance of defeating Hades.”
“I did everything I did to save you!”
“Well, congratulations!” Killian snarled in response.  “You did an excellent job of it!  And to hell with everyone else in the process!”
“It was worth it to have a chance to save you from the darkness,” Liam protested once more.
“You didn’t save me from my darkness; I saved myself!  I took it in and damn near destroyed it for good!”
“All because of her!  Emma doesn’t are about you, only herself!  She is the absolute worst thing for you.”
“Milah, my ex, was the worst thing for me!  She encouraged the darkness inside of me.  Emma has been the inspiration for me to be better, to be the man I want to be.  But you’ve never had that kind of influence, so you just keep giving into your darkness! You lie and you let others die for you and your selfish desires!  When does this end Liam?!  You’re the one who’s endangered me this very moment!”
Liam stared towards Killian helplessly though he couldn’t see him, knowing that he was right.  Liam was still succumbing to his inner darkness.  Killian surely hadn’t fed his own to the extent that Liam had his, even through all his years as a pirate hunting down the Dark One.  But Liam didn’t know a way out.  Liam didn’t see a way to stop this.  As sure as the world, he was about to pay for his sins, and Killian was about to pay the price for a crime he hadn’t committed.
The crew finally wrenched the heavy doors open, and Silver pushed Liam through the threshold.  The last thing he saw before the crew members finally wrenched open the doors was Killian’s anguished blue eyes staring back at him as if he didn’t know him.  Liam knew with absolute certainty that his story ended here.
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wistfulcynic · 4 years ago
till we be dead ourselves
I saw a thing today that made me a bit cross and reminded me of how unsatisfying I've always found the Brothers Jones reunion in the underworld. This is the result. It's not anti-Liam but it does change him quite a lot from canon, so if that's not your jam you may want to skip this one.
Basically, this is the Brothers Jones I would have liked to see.
Also, at least part of the inspiration came from chatting with @thesschesthair and @winterbythesea about alternative POVs on our OTP. So here, guys, have a Liam. Beware, there are feels. 
SUMMARY: Liam Jones has been waiting for his brother for three hundred years. When he finally arrives, he's not as Liam remembers. Some not-typical or particularly respectful of canon Brothers-Jones-in-the-underworld feels, plus a dash of Captain Swan.
words: 2025 rating: T tags: not canon compliant, underworld AU, brothers jones. Major characters are already dead. 
on AO3
till we be dead ourselves: 
He’s been waiting a long time for this. Three hundred years. 
Well, two hundred ninety-three years and eighty-six days, to be precise. He knows because he looked it up. He had to. It’s not easy keeping track of time here; some seconds tick so slowly they’re torture while years can pass in the blink of an eye. 
Years, such as they are. There aren’t really years in this place, or truly ‘time’ at all. There’s not really anything. This is nothingness, a void, a repository for whatever souls are made of, and different to each one. They’re trapped here, these souls, until they finish whatever business still remains for them, and over the centuries he’s seen so many come and go—some sorrowfully confused by what they need to do, others firmly certain. 
As for Liam Jones, he’s always known why he’s here. His unfinished business is Killian. 
On the day Killian arrives Liam can barely contain his excitement. Not just because he may finally be free of this place but because he longs to see his little brother again. He’s missed Killian, and also he’s keen to know what the devil took him so long. How is it possible that his brother’s life stretched on for over three hundred years? 
He walks quickly through the town—an odd little town, unlike any he encountered while alive. His afterlife has manifested it for only a few years. Before that it was ships and ports and then it was jungle. Ships and jungle, jungle and ships for so very, very long. He’s come to realise that his afterlife reflects what his brother does Above, though what precisely that consisted of he is not privileged to know. He’s hoping Killian will tell him. 
He knocks on the door of a large, blue house and waits, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. When it opens he turns with a smile that freezes on his face. 
The man framed in the doorway is his brother, unmistakably him, yet Liam finds he’s not prepared for how much Killian has changed. He feels foolish for being taken so by surprise; of course Killian is not what he remembers. He’s not still the eager young lieutenant he was when Liam died, obviously not. He couldn’t be. 
But the man before him is… hard. Jaw set and eyes cold, with an aura of both danger and command. A man not to be trifled with. His face is still youngish—mid-thirties, perhaps—but his eyes are ancient. Tired and bitter and heavy with the weight of ages, and abruptly Liam feels very, very young. 
“K-killian?” he ventures. 
Killian’s brow wrinkles in confusion that lasts an uncomfortable beat or two, and then it clears. His eyes widen. “Liam,” he breathes. “Is it really you?” 
“It’s me, brother.” Liam attempts a smile again. “I’ve been waiting for you.” 
“Bloody hell.” 
Killian pulls him into a hug which he returns warmly, though the sound of curse words on his brother’s lips has stunned him. He smells of leather, and of the sea. And rum. Liam blinks through a fresh wave of astonishment. Killian has been drinking. Drinking rum. 
Killian pulls back from the hug but keeps his hand on Liam’s shoulder. His eyes are crinkled by a smile that Liam can’t help noticing barely touches the depth of sadness in them. “It’s good to see you, brother,” he says. 
“You’ve changed,” Liam blurts, then curses his impulsive tongue when the smile fades from his brother’s face. 
“Aye,” Killian says. “It’s been some time.” 
“Three hundred years, give or take,” Liam agrees. “How? How was it that long?” 
“Perhaps you’d better come in, Liam,” Killian says. He steps back and holds the door. “We’ve rather a lot to discuss.” 
Liam spends that first night in his brother’s house. Killian seems at a bit of a loss for what to do with himself in all the space and curiously reluctant to speak of why his afterlife has manifested such a dwelling just for him. Of course the dead don’t truly sleep, but Liam passes the night deep in thought, still in shock over what he’s learned about life his brother led. 
Killian is Captain Hook. A pirate. A man whose name Liam has heard in hushed whispers on the lips of many a soul who’s passed through this place. None of those whispers spoke of anything good. 
He cannot reconcile his little brother, even three hundred years of bitter loss and violent struggle later, as the cruel and vengeful villain of those tales. He cannot. It’s simply not possible. 
“Much of what they recounted was likely exaggerated,” Killian said wryly, “or hearsay. But I’ve done much I’m not proud of, Liam. I killed men without a second thought. I plundered lands across the realms. I have not led a good life.” 
“Then why are you here?” Liam demanded. “If you were as bad as all that, you wouldn’t end up in limbo.” 
“Perhaps I may have done enough in the past few years to warrant a chance at redemption,” Killian reflected. “I suppose we’ll see.” 
“And do you know what your unfinished business is?” 
Killian swallowed visibly, then nodded. “I believe I do.” 
Over the next week Liam keeps an eye on his brother. It’s not that he’s concerned—well, yes, it is that he’s concerned. There’s a restless energy to Killian that makes Liam uneasy, worried that he might do something rash. So he watches, from a distance, as Killian sets about finishing his business. He watches his brother seek out many of the men who bore the tales about him, those who still remain at least. He sees the fear in those men’s faces, and the anger. Sometimes he hears their voices, raised and vicious. It pains him to witness these things—not least the shame on Killian’s face—but he forces himself not to interfere. 
His brother is not a man to be trifled with. 
One day he observes Killian deep in conversation with a woman, dark-haired and statuesque. They stand close together in the manner of those who’ve shared a deep intimacy, and even from a distance he can see that they are crying. Killian pulls the woman into his arms where she weeps into his shoulder, and before they part he presses his lips to hers. 
It’s farewell. 
With every interaction Killian’s burden lessens, though he remains weighed down by things Liam can barely fathom. Each night they meet at the blue house, where they sit together and talk. They have three hundred years of catching up to do. As they talk Killian drinks, and Liam has begun to as well. He senses his brother could use company in more than conversation, and it’s not like alcohol can harm the dead. It doesn’t do them much good either, but the phantom rum seems to soothe Killian, and loosen his tongue. 
Though not enough, Liam comes to realise, for Killian to speak of why he’s really here. 
Her arrival sparks an uproar such as Liam has never experienced, even in all the time he’s passed in this place. She shouldn’t be here. She can’t be here. It’s not possible. 
Yet here she is. 
Word of it spreads like wildfire; Liam is polishing glasses at the bar where he inexplicably works when it reaches his ears. 
“They say she’s alive,” says one of the regulars, in hushed tones. “Alive, and here.” 
“That’s impossible,” Liam scoffs. “None of the living can come here. And even if they could why would they want to?” 
“She’s here to rescue someone,” the regular replies. “Her true love. That makes it possible, or so they say.” 
“And the man died in sacrifice,” another adds. “Huge sacrifice, before his time.” 
Before his time, Liam thinks. That should rule Killian out. Yet he can’t shake this feeling, this creeping suspicion born of Killian’s refusal to discuss how he died, or how he lived these past few years. There’s a reason this town is his afterlife, and Liam’s too. There’s a reason he’s alone in that big house. 
He sets the glass down, and the rag. “I have to go,” he says. 
It couldn’t be more obvious that the woman doesn’t belong. She’s visibly, ostentatiously alive, so full of life she glows. It draws the souls—ghoulishly, Liam thinks—but none dare approach too closely. The woman looks as though if anyone could kill a soul that’s already dead, it’s her. 
She heads down Main Street and Liam follows. Past the diner and the library, around the corner and up the street where Killian lives. A tight knot forms in Liam’s chest as she walks up to the blue house then stops, with her hand on the gate. 
The door flies open and Killian appears on the porch. He stares at the woman, who offers him a smile that strikes Liam as far too tremulous for her take-no-prisoners demeanour. 
“Swan,” Killian chokes. His voice sounds broken. “What are you doing here?” 
“I came to save you,” the woman replies. She opens the gate and takes a few steps forward. Killian stumbles off the porch to close the distance between them. 
“You shouldn’t have come,” he says. “You shouldn’t be here, not here. Not you.” 
“I had to, Killian!” She looks up at him imploringly. “You shouldn’t have died like that. You shouldn’t have had to make that choice.” 
She takes his hand and laces their fingers tighter. Killian’s breath catches. “Come back with me, Killian. Come home.” 
“I can’t,” he whispers.
“You can. I know a way.” Her voice drops as she steps closer, but Liam can still hear her words. “Don’t try to make me live the rest of my life without you, Killian Jones,” she says. “I won’t do it.” 
“I won’t do it,” she repeats. “I love you.” 
Liam can see the moment Killian breaks. He snatches the woman into his arms, holds her tightly as she clings to him and magic twines palpably around them. This is not what he had with the brunette, Liam realises. That was love, yes, and intimacy. It was grief, deep and terrible but of a normal sort. 
This is agony. This is two souls that should never have been parted and the connection that still binds them, so powerful it can draw a living woman into the land of the dead. 
No wonder Killian couldn’t speak of her, Liam thinks, or of the circumstances of his death. The pain must have been too great. 
Liam’s been dead so long he’s forgotten how sensitive a subject it can be. 
The man died in sacrifice, he recalls. Huge sacrifice, before his time. 
He died for her. And now she’s here to bring him back. 
“This feels too soon,” Killian says, as he hugs Liam tight. “I only just found you again.” He pulls back and gives his brother a shrewd look. “And I sense that when I’m here again, you no longer will be.” 
“No,” Liam agrees. His business is finished now. And Killian’s not coming back, not to this place. Not if Emma Swan has anything to say about it. The next time Killian Jones dies it will be with his life’s purpose fully met. 
He’s glad they had this time, though, and not just because he needed it to move on. He’s glad he got to know his brother as a man, a flawed and troubled one, yes, but one who has goodness at his core and is finally where he needs to be. It only took three hundred years for him to get there. 
He’s also glad Killian is still shorter than he is, for all that Liam appears ten years younger than his brother now. He’s glad because he can still wrap his arm around Killian’s neck and ruffle his hair. He does so now, though Killian’s indignant “Oi!” of protest twists his heart. He sounds so like his younger self, that boy Liam spent centuries waiting for and will never see again. 
“I love you, little brother,” he whispers. 
Killian swallows hard, and nods. “I love you too.” 
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killiansprincss · 4 years ago
Two Victims of Bad Form
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Okay so this fic is inspired by this post I made last week and it blew up and I had a few requests to write it, so here it is!! I really hope you enjoy it!! 
link to A03
Tagging: @the-darkdragonfly​ @elizabeethan​ @superchocovian​ @lostintheskyfaraway​ @pirateprincessofpizza​
Liam Jones was used to The Underworld. He hadn’t yet had a run in with Hades and it wasn’t too bad of an afterlife. He didn’t try to keep track of his time here, it was a waste. While he did wonder when he would see his brother again, he only wished he was living a long and happy life.
Liam does wonder what he is up to and what happened when they returned to their home kingdom. Killian was Captain of the Navy now, would he go in front of the King and reveal the true nature of that awful plant, and become a hero?
But had he also found happiness? As a navymen Liam can’t lie and say the female sex didn’t find ways to converse with them and Killian would often become flustered, not knowing the correct and best way to talk to them, as a men of the King there were expectations. But he had hoped there was a special female who he had found happiness with.
But his life-or-afterlife was pretty good. It wasn't great at first though. Accepting the fact you are dead was not something Liam was able to accept straight away, he kept playing his last moments over and over again, and wishing he could go back and stop himself from scratching the dreamshade on his arm. It was a foolish and rash decision which every day he regrets. He fell victim to bad form quickly. The Underworld was a strange town but the wide variety of alcohol was one thing he liked.
There was a bar that Liam would go to every day and the Rum was far spicier than the one he had become accustomed to in the Enchanted Forest, and it was stronger too. Apparently being dead knocks out your tolerance for alcohol. He was a mess. He grieved for his own life, all the things he planned to do and see, and he grieved for his little brother and how now he was all alone.
The owner of the bar, Alaric, was a former King of a long forgotten kingdom. He wasn’t the kindest or most understanding King in his former life, so in the Underworld Alaric devoted his time to helping others, and he helped Liam come to terms with the fact that while he was dead, it was not the worst thing in the world.
“If your mother is here, her gravestone will be up. If she’s in a better place it will have fallen, but a crack will appear if that is not the case.” Those were the last words Alaric said to Liam before he found peace.It was the one thing Liam wanted to know.
Finding out his mother’s fate was a high priority for Liam, he hoped she were in a better place and they would be reunited once Killian arrived in years to come. He hoped she could be proud of her two boys. He doesn’t know what he would do if she were in a worse place.
And there it was. A grave marked “Alice Jones”
Liam smiles. It had fallen over. She was in a better place.
Knowing his mother was in a better place, at peace likely, was all Liam needed to get on with his life in the afterlife.
Alaric was the first person Liam felt like he could speak to and open up to. And it felt good. He wanted to do the same for other people.
So Liam takes over and starts working at the Bar, working his way through the ranks until he eventually becomes manager and owner, well nobody is really an owner of any property in the Underworld, but in every sense the bar was his. He becomes to other people what Alaric was to him. Letting them grieve and come to terms with their own passing and potentially their unfinished business.
Every day he’s at the bar, he hopes his little brother will walk through the doors and they can be together again. Deal with their unfinished business and find peace together. But every day he doesn’t. And as much as it hurts not seeing him, it’s a good thing.
Every day Killian doesn’t walk through his doors is another day he is on Earth living his life. Maybe he's married to a Princess and is the greatest Captain the Royal Navy has seen in centuries. Just maybe.
These dreams keep Liam positive, until one day.
It started out like any normal day in the Underworld, Liam would wake, go for a morning run before his shift at the bar. It wasn’t too busy, a few regulars who would sit quietly on the other side to where he was working. Until a woman came in who he hadn’t seen before. She was beautiful, with strong bone structure and dark curls that accentuated her face. But she didn’t look in the best state. A new arrival to the Underworld Liam guesses, he’s seen that scared face all too many times.
“I need something strong.” is all she says as she sits on the bar stool to steady herself.
Liam nods as he reaches around for the strongest whiskey they stock and pours it into a frosted glass. This was a much nicer way of serving alcohol, he assumed this was how royals drank, vastly different to the dirty taverns he and Killian drank in.
“How did I end up here?” She sighs as she takes the glass in her hands.
“Well, this is the Underworld, therefore I’d say to end up here means you died. Sorry to be the one to break the news.” Liam says with a sarcastic smile.
She looks up from her glass, clearly not amused by the sarcasm, and Liam can see the pain in her green eyes. “It gets easier, I promise you that.”
“I was murdered.” She finally says. “How am I expected to feel better?”
It was an unfortunate fact that a lot of people ended up in the Underworld due to falling victim to murder.
“Well, I died because of my own stubbornness, left behind my little brother who is all on his own. It takes time to accept these facts, not saying it gets easier right away but you’ll get there in time.”
“I left my son behind with his horrible father. I am a horrible person.” She admits. “It wasn’t meant to be like this. I was going back for him and we would’ve been a family.”
Liam doesn’t say anything else, so he pours her another shot of whiskey and lets her sit there until she eventually leaves. This was her journey and Liam didn’t want to probe into open wounds. And if anyone knew anything about being left with a horrible father it was Liam. He hoped the poor lad ended up on a better path.
But the next day she comes back. “So that whiskey was really good yesterday. Got anything else?”
Liam smiles as he grabs the spicy rum he’s grown accustomed to drinking on days where he needs to drown his sorrows. “My bar is always here if you need a drink or a chat. Names Liam.”
The dark haired beauty takes the glass from Liam and takes a sip, “Milah. Have we met before? You look awfully familiar.”
Liam studies Milah for a second, her green eyes and dark curls don’t ring a bell, and he was normally good with faces. “Can’t say that I have, unless you’ve been dead longer than you think.”
Milah comes in almost every day for a few weeks before she starts to open up. Liam doesn’t pry, he serves her a drink while she ponders her afterlife.
“My ex husband killed me.” She tells Liam one day. Liam didn’t try to force her to say anything which she appreciates, so she doesn’t mind telling him her story.
Of all the things Milah could’ve said about her murderer, Liam was not expecting that. “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you mind me asking why?”
Milah takes another sip before saying, “I ran away. To be with my lover. He was angry that I left my son behind, but he was just a boy and the high seas are dangerous. I was going to come back for him when he was older. After I ran, my ex husband got hungry for power and revenge so he found a way to become the Dark One, and sure enough he got his revenge on me. Rumple ripped out my heart and called me a bad mother, which I hate to admit he was right.”
“I don’t think you were a bad mother.” Liam tells her. “Sure you could have handled your situation differently, but it sounds like you never forgot about your son and the fact you wanted to go back for him speaks volumes. You mention the high seas, was your lover in the Navy?”
Milah laughs. “Oh no, far from it actually. He was a Pirate Captain and I guess I was also a Pirate. We weren’t bad people, I assure you that, but Baelfire was far too young to understand anything.”
Liam gives her a disapproving look which Milah catches. “Don’t look at me like that. We both ended up in the same place. Don't tell me you were in the Navy.”
Liam just nods. “Naval Captain. Died on a mission the King sent us on. My little brother tried to save me but it was poison and it went straight to my heart.”
“Well I’ll cheers to that.” Milah says, raising her glass.
A few days later Milah is telling her story again, and giving more details about how bad her life was at home with her husband. “He took my choice away from me to have a second child. Baelfire was sick, and he was too much of a coward to steal the medicine to save his life. Rumple made a deal instead that this man would take our second born in exchange, so I could never have a second child.”
“You’ll get to face him again one day, when he arrives down here and you can tell him what a coward he was.” Liam felt horrible for Milah, she was a victim of another man's bad form and it ruined her life and led to her destruction.
“One can only hope. Anyway, it was that night I met Killian and everything changed.”
Liam freezes, he hadn’t heard that name come out of another mouth since he died. Milah notices, “are you okay?”
“Sorry. Killian was my little brother's name, I haven't heard it since, and it brought back memories. Sorry, continue with your story.”
“So he tells me he’s a Pirate, and he’s captain of the fastest ship in all the realm and he can take me anywhere I wish.”
Killian. It’s a common name surely. Fastest Ship in all the realm, Liam is sure a lot of Pirates say this. But just to be sure. “What was his name? Captain who? We came across Pirates in my Naval days, I’d be interested to know who he is.”
“Jones. Captain Killian Jones.”
Liam freezes and his vision suddenly becomes blurry.
No. It couldn’t be. His little brother, his trusted Lieutenant, a Pirate. No, not just a Pirate, but apparently the most ‘fearsome in the land.’ “I believe you’re talking about my little brother. Only when I died he was Lieutenant Jones of the King's Royal Navy.”
Milah’s eyes widened, “That’s why you look so familiar, you have his eyes.” Tears began to form thinking about what she had heard and what Killian had mentioned about his brother. “Something called Nightshade, it poisoned you, but the King wanted it for his army. Killed you as soon as you left the Island.”
Liam smiles, Killian had told someone about him. “The poison was called Dreamshade. I didn’t want to bore you with details of my death but I guess it relates. We didn’t know that it was a poison, and assumed it was a simple herb or plant used to heal our warriors. It was a strange island, there was this boy no older than 15, he told us it was deadly. Course I didn’t believe the kid so I cut myself with the plant. One thing led to another and I died because the water I drank which healed it wore off as soon as we were back in the Enchanted Forest.”
“I’m so sorry Liam. Killian spoke of his brother, of you. I didn’t put two and two together.” She felt horrible that she had been speaking about Killian not knowing his blood and flesh was right in front of her.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m not angry at you-how were you to know. I’m a little disappointed in my brother though, as soon as he became a Navy Man he stopped drinking and always believed in good form, Pirates were the epitome of bad form.”
Milah shakes her head. “No stop that. You don’t know what your death did to him. He told me the reason he became a pirate is because how could a King send his best men on a mission that had such dark consequences, he would never serve under the rule of such a cruel man. He would not let you become a victim of the King, he didn’t want the man who sent him there to die and speak crap about what a fine captain he was and what a tragic accident it was.”
“So you’re saying he became a Pirate because of me?” Liam was having a hard time understanding how the most noble man he knew would live a life like that when they had worked so hard for their position.
“I met Killian only  a few years ago, and by then he had made a name for himself in the lands. But once I got to know him, I understood he was a broken man who drank away his sorrows. He mentioned you to me but he mainly buried what happened to you inside, bottling up his emotions so he seemed hard-faced and scary to others. But not to me.” She explains. “He idolizes you, always believing you were the best man he ever knew and how could he ever live up to that. But it was the anger over what happened to you which forced him into the situation he was in, he made a statement as the King had to scramble to find a new Navy and a new ship.”
Liam smiles at the thoughts of their so-called great King realising his navy men were now a band of Pirates and convincing the people it was fine and explaining to trade leaders why he needed a new ship and a brand new legion. “Our terrible King paid a dear price for his wicked plans, I guess it’s what they call karma.”
“We were happy, Killian and I. He was happy, his men commented they hadn’t seen him like that since you died.” Milah tells Liam. That’s all she would want to know about Bae, if he was happy.
“I’m glad he was able to move on and find love. And I’m just sad it didn’t last.”
“He will be happy again. It’ll take time but I’m sure he can find what he has with me with someone else.” Milah wasn’t cruel, she wants Killian to find love again someday with someone special- he doesn’t deserve to be alone forever.
While Milah stops coming to the bar every day, they still keep in touch and give each other updates if someone new arrives who knows Killian.
“Captain Liam. What a sight for sore eyes you are!” Miller, a former crewmate of Liam and Killian arrives one day, explains he was killed by someone called a Lost Boy, another Pirate. “Your brother is a fine captain, Hook may be a Pirate but you’d be proud of him.”
“Hook?” Liam asks.
Miller looks confused for a second before realising, “Oh I forgot he got the hook after you died!”
Turns out the Dark One cut off Killian’s hand and in Pirate fashion he replaced it with a hook, so now he’s ‘Captain Hook.’ Well at least he now knew to listen out for Captain Hook when new arrivals came.
And sure enough this worked out, though he wasn’t fond of some of the stories he heard.
“Did you hear there will be a curse?” Milah says to Liam one day.
Liam shakes his head, he doesn't like to hear too much of what is going on up there, he’s only interested in his brother.
“There’s an evil witch or someone who is planning on cursing everyone in the Enchanted Forest and placing them in her own personal hell.” Milah explains, she leaves out the rumours her ex husband is involved. “They say they will be frozen in time for 28 years until a saviour comes.”
“28 years? That means-“
Milah finishes his thoughts, “28 years frozen in time means nobody comes down here and we are in the dark about Killian.”
Liam sighs, it had been a few hundred years in the world upstairs, and they had learnt Killian was in Neverland, a place where nobody ages. But they had learnt so much about him and were hoping to find out more, but this curse was a setback.
They know the curse has broken when people start entering the Underworld. Also turns out the town where the curse put them was based off the Underworld.
At first they don’t hear much about Killian, or “Hook”. Until one day.
“They took the Saviour’s son. Hook lent his ship to the Hero’s, they’re going after them.”
Not too long after, a face Liam would recognise anywhere shows up. The boy who led them to the dreamshade. And he is joined by the Dark One himself.
“I’m not ready to face him.” Milah tells Liam.
“It’s okay, he’s the only one who knows about my brother. I shall keep your name out of it.”
“Well if it isn’t the one handed Pirate’s brother.” The Dark One says when he enters the pawn shop, which he apparently owns in the cursed land. He’d never met the man before, but supposedly he was all knowing.
“You’re the only person who can tell me about my brother. Please I mean no threat.”  It wasn’t his place to defend Milah, he also did not wish to anger the Dark One.
The Dark One sighs. “I met your brother when he was a Pirate and I was a man with no power. He beat me in a duel when I was still powerless, so it was an unfair advantage. Many years later we met again and I cut off his hand as I thought that’s where a magic bean was but alas he tricked me. The Pirate hid in Neverland for a couple hundred years to get revenge. But I will say your brother has changed while in Storybrooke, he’s in love with the Saviour who hasn’t quite admitted she feels the same just yet. But he’s changed his tune, he may be a Pirate but he’s working on being a hero.”
Liam smiles, his little brother has found love? And a hero. This woman he was in love with- a saviour, the one who was destined to break the curse? Not admitting her feelings for him, sounds like the perfect match for the ‘womaniser’ that he had rumoured to be.
“He’s on the side of the heros.” He tells Milah that night at the bar when she was sure she was not going to run into her ex.
“You’re not serious?” Milah couldn’t believe it, Killian was working on the good side?
“Dark one confirmed it himself. He also, um,” Liam begins to tell her about how he found love, but isn’t sure how she would take to it.
“What? What is it” Milah can tell he’s hesitating, not wanting to tell her something, wait. “He’s found someone-hasn't he?”
Liam nods.
Milah lets out a soft laugh, “It’s okay that he found love again. I’m not so daft to wait 500 years for him to return. Killian is not my unfinished business, my son is. Tell me about the woman he’s found.”
And so Liam wonders about this woman his little brother had fallen in love with. He imagines she’s strong and feisty, like he remembers his mother was, and doesn’t put up with his brother's cockiness he inherited from their father.
Killian was always destined for great things and it sounds like he is finally on the path for this greatness. He tries to listen out for little things here and there when new people start arriving, but he wants to hear it himself when he eventually does see his brother again. Although he hopes it won’t be for a very long time, he wants to hear how his brother fell in love and started a family, giving his kids a better childhood than the two of them had.
But unfortunately one day, sooner than expected, he does overhear
“Captain Hook is here.”
He arrives at the blue house by the water, it’s grand and beautiful. Knocking at the door was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but a blonde woman dressed in white opens the door, this must be the saviour.
He doesn’t know what he will say to her, does he say thank you for being the woman his brother needs? Or does he just introduce himself and hope Killian isn’t too far away.
“Hi can I-“ she begins, but that’s when he sees him standing behind her,
“Killian!” 300 years of waiting, looking a lot older and dressed in modern black leather, his little brother was finally here.
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justanother-unluckysoul · 4 years ago
For the drabble thing with Killian (or really, whatever comes as inspiration!): 14, 21, 56, 73, 85 :D (don't feel pressured on writing any of these, just thought I could throw in some ideas!)
Five prompts combined = 500 words :D This little scene immediately came to mind when I saw your message and I rushed through this a bit so excuse any errors. 
I hope you like some angst with your whump lol
#14 “Let’s have some fun,” #21 safety, #56 begging, #73 brother, #85 “I’m okay”
Killian is not sorry he did it, but he didn’t intend to get caught. He can see the distress on Liam’s face, the disappointment, and the desperation as he can do nothing but watch as Killian faces his penalty.
“Let’s have some fun.”
Killian will deny to his dying breath the tremor that ran down his spine at the words, at the tone, at the purely evil grin that followed it which reveals how much enjoyment his punisher will get from this. Because Killian’s supposed to be brave. He can handle the pain. He can. (No, he can’t.) The agony of the whipping overwhelms him in moments, and his mind escapes to where his body cannot, tears streaming unchecked down his cheeks. A lifetime later, or so it seems, it’s Liam’s voice that brings him back to himself. Liam’s hands on his face. Liam’s sturdy arms supporting him to safety when his knees wobble too badly to walk. His back is aflame, and in his thoughts, hazy with pain, he wonders if the lash is actually still falling on him.
“Please stop, I’m sorry, let me go, please just let me go, I’m sorry.” Killian is barely aware of the broken pleas still spilling frantically from his lips. He hadn’t taken half his punishment before he’d begun pleading for it to end, and though he hadn’t meant to break down like this, even now he can’t seem to be quiet.
“It’s over. Stop begging, Killian,” Liam demands, “Do you hear me? It’s over.”
Hearing that almost harsh tone from Liam snaps Killian out of it. He blinks a few times, stares at his own hands gripping the lapels of Liam’s coat tight enough his knuckles are white. He swallows, sucks in a breath sharply, and loosens the hold but doesn’t let go.
“There you are. Calm down now, it’s alright.”
Another shaky breath, and he forces himself to let go of his brother and lie on his stomach, the way Liam’s hands are coaxing him to do. Liam is gentle as he carefully tends to Killian’s wounds, muttering soothing nonsense whenever Killian gasps or winces in pain. It’s a gruelling process despite Liam’s cautious touch, and Killian’s drifting into unconsciousness by the time it’s done, eyelids fluttering as he fights to stay awake. Though Liam hasn’t told him to stay awake, Killian knows that’s what his brother would want. That’s what his brother would do. And Killian needs to be stronger, like Liam. His cheeks feel hot with embarrassment, suddenly, as he realizes how he sobbed like a baby in front of the crew. How cowardly he is. He fights harder against the lure of sleep and shifts a little so he can see Liam.
“I’m okay, Liam.” And damn the way his voice still trembles, giving away how weak the lashing has left him.
“No, you’re not,” Liam says tiredly, and he looks so sad as he brushes the hair back from Killian’s sweaty forehead, “but you will be.”
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everything-person · 5 years ago
Okay does this sound good? Like at least decent idea?
I’m thinking of a Lieutenant Ducklingish fic. Princess Emma Sailor (so not quite Lieutenant yet) Killian Lieutenant Liam. Possibly grew up together? There’s like a Naval Ball and the next day they set sail for a mission.
BOOM CRASH TERRIBLE STORM BOOM THE SHIPS GETTING TORN APART ABANDON SHIP WOOSH GIANT WAVE! Liam and Killian were able to get to a lifeboat as far as they know they are the only survivors. They trying to navigate to land but they aren’t sure how far the storm set them off course. They survive off what fish they can catch and a flask of rum. They wash up onto an island. They travel the jungle. They become surrounded by boys. Liam demands to know where they are and speak to who’s in charge. The leader steps forward and say they are in Neverland and there are no adults here. They fight them off and escape the boys. They set up camp on the beach trying to find a way back home. One night Killian on watch and something in the water something big. He wakes Liam they spot light coming from underneath the water then a man emerges onto the beach. It’s Captain Nemo he brings them a board feeds them and explains what he does (finding lost souls and all) asks him to join his crew. They are hesitant to trust but “Wait you travel all the realms in this fish?” “Yes she is the best vessel I’ve had the pleasure of captaining” “are you-will we be able to go home?”
Meanwhile in Misthaven “Emma it’s been a month.” “And?” “We must assume-“ “We must assume nothing! I know Killian is still alive. Liam wouldn’t allow anything to happen to them. They are alive out of stubbornness if nothing else.” “Sweetheart-“ “WHAT!? All my life you have spoke of hope and faith. And that is what I have. You don’t think I don’t hear that little voice inside that tells me otherwise whispers that they are gone. But there is another voice one that says they are alive and they will come back to not give up hope. And that is the voice I will listen to until they are home.”
Captain Nemo feeds them and tends to their wounds. They make port in Arendelle for supplies. Liam insists they go to the castle feeling they have burden Captain Nemo enough. “Thank you Captain we will forever be in your debt.” “If you boys ever find yourselves lost there will always be a place for you in my crew.” They go to the castle and gain audience with the queen. Liam is struck by her beauty. Killian speaks up telling their tale and humbly asks for help. Anna pops up from around a corner and amazed by their story telling them they would be glad to help. Elsa agrees and allows them to stay in the guest wing for as long as they need and if they need anything else they only ask. Liam speaks with Elsa about maps trying to chart their journey thus far and how far they need to go till their home. They stay for a couple days before Killian sends a bird to Misthaven. A week later Princess Emma arrives in Aredelle and is only able to keep the composure of a proper princess until she sees them alive and well then she is launching herself into Killians arms. Once she’s satisfied hes real she let’s go and embraces Liam. (If she whispers a thank you no one will ever know)
She tells them they had confirmed their ship has sunk and their lifeboat was the only one missing meaning everyone else is presumed dead. Once they are home they will have a ceremony for those men that were lost. Emma and Elsa set up a treaty amongst their kingdoms. The day comes they are to return home to Misthaven. Emma leads the Jones boys up on deck of the ship that is to take them home. “Do you like her?” “She is one of the most magnificent vessels I’ve ever seen.” “Glad to year it because she yours.” “What?” “Welcome aboard the Jewel of the Realm Captain Liam Jones and Lieutenant Killian Jones. She awaits your orders.”
And that’s all I got. If anyone wants to write this or is inspired by this go ahead. I probably won’t because it would be crap like this ^ summary or brain storm is all I got for this idea.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
Priceless: 9/9
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Here it is, finally, the long-promised happy ending! This chapter varies the most from the movie because I felt that it left a lot of questions unanswered. Mainly, how Joel Smallbone's character managed to avoid going to jail. I've also worked some canon CS into this chapter, which required changing things up.
Is Regina's legal strategy for Killian realistic? Well, I'll confess, I'm not a lawyer, but I figured if John Grisham can write a bestselling book that became a hit movie in which a main pleads not guilty to murdering his daughter's rapists in cold blood, in broad daylight, in a crowded courthouse, then I can damn well write this fic the way I want to.
Thanks once again to my beta @xhookswenchx​ for looking this over!
Summary: Summary: Desperate men often find themselves in places they never thought they would go, but for Killian Jones it would finally force him to be the hero his daughter always thought he could be. The job was simple: drive the truck, don’t open the back, don’t ask questions. But Killian Jones has never followed instructions very well …
An AU of the movie Priceless starring Joel Smallbone of For King and Country.
Rating: M for themes
Trigger warnings: This story is about human trafficking so there are discussions of rape and non-con, some of it involving minors. None of it is portrayed as positive nor is it graphically described. If you have any specific questions or concerns before reading, feel free to message me.
***But this chapter we finally leave all of that behind for the happy ending - whoop, whoop!***
Words: A little over 4k in this chapter
Also on Ao3 and a part of my series Captain Swan is My Favorite Rom-Com: 2nd Edition. This chapter ends that series! There’s also a First Edition.
Tagging: @snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @kmomof4​ @thislassishooked​ @welllpthisishappening​ @bethacaciakay​ @teamhook​ @let-it-raines​ @wellhellotragic​ @winterbaby89​ @kday426​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @shady-swan-jones​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @shireness-says​ @spartanguard​ @superchocovian​ @scientificapricot​ @stahlop​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @vvbooklady1256​ @tiganasummertree​ @nikkiemms​ @jennjenn615​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @shipsxahoy​ @cat-sophia​ @artistic-writer​ @thejacketandthehook​ @hollyethecurious​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @branlovestowrite​ @dassala​ @allofdafandoms-blog​ @snidgetsafan​ @pocket-anon​ @optomisticgirl​ @flslp87​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @courtorderedcake​ @distant-rose​ @lfh1226-linda​
Three Months Later . . .
My hands were sweating, and I wanted to rub them on my dress pants, but Regina was adamant that I wasn’t to show any signs of nerves today. Yesterday when Emma took the stand, I had been unable to keep the emotions at bay, especially when the DA cross examined her like she was a criminal and not a victim. Yet my bloody brilliant lass hadn’t let him rattle her for a second.
I knew what a gamble this all was - pleading “not guilty.” Yet Regina thought it was my best shot at avoiding prison, and even one day back in that place was the last thing I wanted. I couldn’t be away from Alice again, and the sentence for pulling out a firearm in public was three months to a year plus a thousand dollar fine. Yet with my record, a judge could have levied an even harsher sentence if I pled guilty.
The DA was giving his closing arguments - a passionate speech about the dangers of vigilante justice and of the innocent lives that could have been lost. It sounded pretty convincing, even to me, and I worried that the jury was swallowing every bit of it. I glanced back at Liam, and he gave me the smallest of nods and smiled. Regina nudged me with her knee. Don’t look at your family and friends had been her other order, one I continuously had a difficult time obeying. Liam’s arm was still in a sling from the gunshot wound in his shoulder, and I knew he was sometimes still in pain. Yet here he was, supporting me. Elsa sat next to him, squeezing his hand comfortingly. They had both also taken the stand yesterday.
Once the DA took his seat, Regina Mills stood regally and smoothed her sensible business skirt. I had learned over the last few months that though she was no-nonsense and a bit snarky at times, she had a passion for justice and truth. The girls were in the US legally now because of her, with Anna enrolled in the local high school.
“Ladies and gentleman of the jury,” Regina began, giving them a confident smile, “I ask you to contemplate something for a moment. Why is my client on trial? First of all, he didn’t even fire his gun. That violence occurred because of the criminals he was trying to thwart. So again I ask, why is he on trial? For ensuring that Robert Gold, the head of a massive human trafficking ring, is in jail? For helping the Nevada Bureau of Investigation bring down that ring? For saving the lives of three innocent women, one of them a minor? If that’s why he’s on trial, then I’m confused. Aren’t you? Didn’t he do all he could to do the right thing, even at risk to himself? Is this behavior our society should punish?”
Regina paced for a few moments, probably to give the jury time to mull over her questions. Then she drew closer to the jury box.
“The DA says my client is a vigilante. He says my client should have gone to the police, but my client DID go to the police! It ended up that the police were involved in the trafficking ring. What was my client supposed to do? He could have walked away. He could have forgotten all about these innocent victims. But he didn’t. Instead he did the same thing that many of our forefathers did during a different era of slavery. Just like those who worked the Underground Railroad, he broke the law. He broke the law to free slaves. He knew the risk he was taking, but he took it willingly to help the oppressed. Will you join him? Will you do your part to end slavery today? Will you stand up against even our own justice system that so often looks the other way? Stand up with my client. Find him not guilty. For he isn’t a criminal - he’s a hero. Thank you.”
Regina barely glanced my way as she sat, cool and composed. It was quite the speech, though I wasn’t sure I was as noble as she had led the jury to believe.
The jury filed out of the room to deliberate, and the rest of the courtroom was given a recess by the judge. David and Mary Margaret paid my bail when I was arrested, so I didn’t have to go back into custody. Instead, I embraced Emma and squeezed her hand as she smiled tremulously up at me. Liam came over and clapped me on the shoulder. Even Tiana had come all the way from New Orleans to support me. Mary Margaret was babysitting Alice, however. We didn’t want to expose her to the details of the trial.
“I don’t know why the jury even has to discuss anything,” Emma told me as she took both of my hands gently in hers.
“It was an amazing closing argument, Regina,” my brother said, squeezing my shoulder and beaming at Regina.
“Well, let’s not celebrate yet,” she cautioned, “you never know how a jury will go.”
“I thought you said this was my best chance!” I exclaimed.
Regina waved her hand dismissively in the air. “Oh, it is, but we discussed the risks, remember.”
“Way to build my confidence,” I grumbled.
“Hey, none of that,” Tiana admonished, placing a hand on my forearm, “everything Regina said is true. You deserve thanks, not punishment. Alice is so proud of you, and so am I.”
I swallowed a sudden lump in my throat at her words. Tiana didn’t give forgiveness and second chances easily, and I was humbled to have received both from her in the past few months.
Emma still hadn’t released my hands. If anything, she was clasping them harder. I suddenly realized she was trembling.
“Emma?” I asked gently, tipping her chin up. I was alarmed to see that she was crying.
“If they send you to jail for this -”
“Hey, hey,” I soothed, bringing her closer and wrapping my arms around her, “it’s going to be alright. I’m a survivor, love.”
She turned her face into my chest, and I felt her tears wet the fabric of my shirt. I wished I could promise her that they wouldn’t find me guilty, but how could I? I pulled out a gun that I didn’t even have a permit for in a public park. A man died because of me. I may not have pulled the trigger that sent the bullet through Neal Cassidy’s heart, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have a hand in his death.
Although I’d be lying if I said his death was heavy on my conscience. It wasn’t. I couldn’t muster a modicum of remorse for him. Emma was safe and alive, so was Elsa. We had gotten Anna out of there before her innocence was shattered forever. I would do it all again if I had to, even if I went to jail for the next three years. It would shatter my heart to be away from Alice, but at least I could look her in the eye without shame.
Much too soon, the jury filed back in, and the judge called for everyone to take their seats. I wanted to ask Regina if a short deliberation was good or bad, but my nerves were too on edge. I clasped my hands in my lap and stared at them, unable to gather enough courage to look at the jury.
“Has the jury reached a verdict?”
“We have your honor.”
I held my breath.
“We the jury find the defendant . . . not guilty.”
Behind me, my friends and family cheered. I felt Liam’s good arm come roughly around my shoulders, and he shook me in an exuberant hug. Overcome, I lifted both my trembling hands to my face and couldn’t stop the tears of relief.
It was over. Finally.
On shaking legs, I rose and turned to those who had supported me so well throughout this entire nightmare. Emma let out a cry and flung herself into my arms, peppering my face with chaste kisses. I cupped the back of her head, threading my fingers through the strands of her ponytail. I was pulled from her arms, however, by first David, then Tiana, then Elsa. Even Regina embraced me. But my mind was never far from Emma and the future we could now have together.
I knocked on the door frame of Emma’s room at the Nolan’s, but she didn’t even turn to look my way. I hadn’t pursued anything more than friendship with her for the past three months. For one, I wanted her to heal from her trauma, and for another, I knew my future was uncertain. Even now, I didn’t want to rush her, but I also couldn’t hold back my feelings any longer. My love for her had only grown as she had supported me through the trial.
“Come in,” she said softly, her gaze focused on her hands clasped in her lap.
“What do you think?” I asked as I gently eased down on the bed next to her. She turned her face further away from me.
“I think it’s great.”
“Great? The Nolan’s are perfect for this kind of work, and so is this land.”
“It’s been nice of them to put us all up here.” She finally shifted towards me, yet her head was still down. “I think it’s time for me to move on, though.”
I frowned. “Move on? But didn’t you hear them? Didn’t you look at the plans? They plan on building two dormitories on the old grazing land,” I took Emma’s hand gently in mine and added softly, “and several family homes.”
“I know,” she told me, finally lifting her gaze to mine. Tears were welling up in her eyes, but I couldn’t figure out why.
“One of them will be Elsa and Liam’s, you know.”
Emma finally smiled. “Yes, I know. She loves him so much.”
“And he loves her,” I infused emotion into my voice and stroked Emma’s knuckles with my thumb, hoping she would catch my meaning.
She lowered her eyes again and stared at the motion of my thumb. “And Anna will be living here with the Nolans until she graduates at least.”
“Aye, as she should. The Nolans have been named her legal guardians, and it won’t surprise me if they adopt her.”
Only half of Emma’s lips turned up in a smile. “I’m so happy.”
“You don’t sound happy.” I lifted her chin so she would look at me again. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. “My love,” I whispered, brushing at her tears with the pad of my thumb, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m happy for my sisters. Ever since this whole thing started, that’s been my only goal. Get them out, help them start over.” She took in a shaky breath, then let it out slowly, as if gathering her strength. “But it was never for me - starting over. It was too late for me; I’ve always known that. I don’t want their pity, or yours, so I think . . . I think it’s best that I move on. Find my own place.”
Her words were like a punch to the gut. I thought we had grown closer as the weeks had gone by; I thought she shared my feelings. Had I read her completely wrong?
“Emma, none of us pity you. Your sister’s love you. I love you.”
She rose from the bed and stepped away from me, hugging her middle. “I know you all do, and I appreciate all you’ve done -”
I cut her off, “I don’t think you understand me.” I rose and went to her, gently turning her to face me. “I love you Emma, with all my being - body and soul. My heart belongs to you Emma, and I want nothing more than to always, always be by your side.”
Her eyes widened, and she choked on a sob. I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my forehead to hers.
“You deserve so much more, Killian. You deserve a happy ending with Alice.”
“No, love, don’t you understand? It’s you, always you. There’s no happy ending without you as a part of our lives.”
I tried to pull her closer, wrap my arms around her, but she backed out of my embrace. “Killian,” she choked out, pressing her fist to her mouth, “I’m . . . I’m pregnant.”
Sobs overtook her body then, and she pressed her hands to her face. I deflated then, understanding flooding through me. I pulled her tenderly to me, letting her tears wet the front of my shirt as I stroked her hair.
“Regina thought it best I do a paternity test, just to be safe. It’s crazy, but . . . rapists can ask for custody rights.”
My jaw tightened so hard, I felt a headache radiate up to my temple. “Over my dead body,” I vowed.
“Don’t make threats like that, Killian Jones, they aren’t funny anymore.” She chuckled wryly, but I heard a hint of sincerity in her voice.
She stayed there in my arms, accepting my comfort, and I brushed my lips against her temple. She sighed in contentment and snuggled closer.
“It’s Neal’s,” she finally whispered.
Relief rushed through me. I had wondered where Regina would have found DNA samples. She must have suspected - hoped even - that Neal Cassidy was the father. There was no one to threaten Emma and the child, thank God. Emma let out a long, shuddering breath, then gently pushed me away from her. Unable to speak, she backed towards the door behind her, shaking her head. It suddenly dawned on me that this was about more than her pregnancy or even Neal.
“I understand. I can’t expect your love after what I did.”
At first, her brows knit together in confusion. Then she laughed sardonically. “We both think we’re not good enough. But Killian, you can’t possibly want this - want me.”
“There’s nothing in this world I want more than you! But if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be in this situation at all. You wouldn’t be in therapy for ptsd, you wouldn’t be carrying that bastard’s child. How can you ever want me, Emma?”
Her eyes widened at my words, her lips parted in wonder. The heaviness that had darkened her face for so many weeks, suddenly cleared. A single tear rolled down her face, but it was different than her previous ones. She crossed the gap between us and took my face gently in her hands. I closed my eyes in shame.
“Look at me,” she ordered in a soft voice, and I reluctantly opened my eyes. Her thumbs caressed my cheeks, and for the first time that day, she smiled. “Let’s say you didn’t take the job to drive that truck. We still would have been in it. You were meant to drive it, Killian.”
Now it was my turn to gaze at her in wonder. I let her words wash over me, the truth of them seeping into my soul. Emma rose onto her tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. She pulled back, her smile brighter as she traced my jaw.
“Killian Jones, you’re so -”
“Handsome?” I interrupted her with a teasing smirk. “Especially when I’m angry?”
She swatted my chest gently and rolled her eyes. “How long are you gonna tease me about that?”
I pulled her close and wrapped her up in my arms. “If I have my way, for the rest of our lives.”
I bent my head, pressing my lips to hers for the first time. My heart nearly burst when she responded with urgency, parting her lips and dragging her fingers through my hair. I felt her tongue swipe against mine, and the taste of her nearly did me in. As much as I wanted to carry her to the bed and make love to her, I broke the kiss, wanting to cherish every step she allowed me to take in our relationship. I would let her take the lead. I rested my forehead against hers, our breaths mingling.
“I love you too, Killian.”
I thumbed her chin. “You are absolutely priceless, Emma.”
Three years later . . .
I saw the girl standing on the sidewalk, clad in a skin tight, animal print skirt. I motioned for Will to pull over, and I rolled my window down. She came closer, leaning against the open window to give me an ample view of her cleavage.
“Looking for some fun?” she asked me.
“I sure am,” I replied. I handed her a slip of paper. “Meet me here? Room 112?”
“I will for two hundred bucks, handsome,” she replied with an arch of her dark brows as she took the paper.
“Sounds good to me.”
She backed away from the cab, tucking the slip of paper into the dip of her low cut top and winked at me. I motioned for Will to drive on.
Fifteen minutes later, I was waiting in a dingy motel room when there was a knock at the door. The exotic brunette was on the other side, and I motioned her in. She retrieved a condom from her tiny purse, then tossed it on the room’s nightstand.
“Okay, what are you into?”
I gestured to the bed. “I’d like to just talk, if that’s okay?”
She rolled her eyes. “So you’re one of those. Whatever, it’s your money.” She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back seductively, crossing one long leg over the other.
I stepped to the door and opened it. I leaned out and called for Emma. When I ushered her into the hotel room, the girl’s eyes widened. She sat up abruptly and for the first time looked nervous.
“What the hell is this? If you want a threesome, you gotta pay extra!”
Emma shook her head as she sat down slowly on the opposite bed. I stayed near the door, which I left cracked open so the girl wouldn’t feel trapped.
“We don’t want anything like that,” Emma explained gently. “I only want to talk to you.”
The girl’s nerves only seemed to grow as her gaze bounced from Emma to me and back again. “Oh my God, are you two cops?”
“No,” we both assured her softly.
“Religious nuts?”
We both laughed and shook our heads.
“What’s your name?” Emma asked her.
The girl shifted nervously. “Jade.”
Emma shook her head gently. “What’s your real name?”
The girl bit her lower lip, but I noticed it tremble slightly nonetheless. “Jasmine.”
“They called me Swan, but my name is Emma.”
I watched Jasmine’s expression change as realization dawned. “No one’s making me do this,” she told Emma firmly.
“That doesn’t mean you chose it, though,” Emma said softly. “I mean, when you were a little girl, was this your dream?”
Jasmine’s head dropped and she clasped her hands together. “This world is no place for dreams.”
“There is hope, Jasmine, I promise,” Emma said. “Could I tell you a story?”
It was silent in the room for a long, pregnant moment. Finally, Jasmine raised her head to look Emma in the eye and then slowly nodded.
“I came to the US illegally. I trusted these men who said they would help me, but they lied. My sister’s and I were in the back of this truck. It was dark, and we were hungry and dirty . . . “ Emma turned to me and held out her hand. I took it and sank onto the hotel bed next to her. “Then the light flooded in . . . “
I was awakened by Emma’s cold feet sliding between my calves. My eyes fluttered open to find her nuzzled against me, her hair tickling my nose. I wrapped my arms more tightly around her and sighed in contentment. It had been another long Saturday night, but a satisfying one. Jasmine had come home with us, and Mary Margaret had wasted no time getting her settled in the women’s dormitory. Tiana had been alerted, and she would make sure Jasmine met with her for counseling over the next few days. Elsa and Liam had been less successful, unable to get two teenage girls off the streets. They were too afraid of what their pimps might do to them if they left. The work was never easy, and we had to focus on the positive or the enormity of it would become overwhelming.
One of the positives was here in my arms. I would never stop feeling awe over the gift of her love. My hand drifted down to rest upon the swell of her stomach. Emma hummed in contentment against my collarbone and pressed herself closer to me. My body responded to her as it always did, and I lowered my lips to her jaw. She gasped and tilted her head back to give my better access. Her fingers began to scratch at the nape of my neck.
“I’ve got morning breath,” she giggled breathlessly.
“Then I’ll kiss you in other places,” I teased.
She gave out a little mewling sound that made my body thrum even more. Her morning sickness had passed, and in her second trimester she had become a quivering mess of desire. She’d been the same with Henry.
Before our morning activities could go any farther, however, two small bodies hurled themselves onto the bed. Ten year old Alice, all gangly arms and legs, sent Emma and I sprawling apart as she wedged herself between us. Three year old Henry crawled over his mother, dragging his favorite stuffed bear behind him. Emma laughed and rolled over, cuddling Henry close.
“You two still don’t understand how late we have to work sometimes,” I grumbled.
Next to me, Emma only laughed more brightly as she tickled Henry’s tummy. The boy wriggled away, crawling over his big sister who complained loudly as she swatted at him, then straddled me and started bouncing as if I were a horse.
“But we’re supposed to go riding today, Papa,” Alice reminded me, “you promised.”
“She’s got you there,” Emma put in.
“Horsey, horsey, horsey!” Henry cheered, bouncing even more enthusiastically. “Horsey, Papa!”
“I didn’t mean in the morning,” I moaned.
“It isn’t morning,” Alice countered, “I just made me and Henry peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. It’s after noon already.”
Emma slid up against the headboard and opened her arms for Alice. The girl grinned and cuddled up next to her mother, a sight that would never fail to warm my heart. Emma ran her fingers through Alice’s hair while our daughter rested her hand against the swell of her mother’s stomach. Suddenly, Alice gasped.
“She kicked me!”
“She did!” Emma exulted, resting her hand next to Alice’s. “She must want to say hello to her big sister.”
Alice grinned and leaned over Emma’s stomach. “Hello, Hope, I can’t wait to meet you. We’ll have so much fun playing together.”
Emma’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she caught my gaze, but I knew they were happy ones. The same joy she felt was flooding my own heart. Our family came about in a crazy way, but we were more than blessed with what we’d built together.
Emma and I walked slowly across the grass, hand in hand. Ahead of us, Alice and Henry raced to the corral. They scrambled up the fence to lean forward and feed the horses carrots they had brought. Their Uncle Liam and Aunt Elsa were on the other side to greet them, their two year old cousin Ian astride a dappled pony. The curly headed boy had a tiny helmet strapped to his head, making an absolutely adorable picture.
Next to me, Emma sighed in contentment as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I lowered my head to brush a kiss to her golden hair. The picture in front of us: our family, the horses, the mountains in the distance, and the bright spring sunshine filled my chest with unexplainable joy. I looked down into Emma’s face; her emerald eyes sparkling in the early afternoon light.
“I love you more than I could ever say,” she told me.
I turned her towards me and cupped her face in my hands. “Emma, you are more precious to me than all the treasure in this world. I have my happy ending now because of you.”
She shook her head gently. “That isn’t what this is.”
My brow furrowed. “It’s not?”
“It’s a happy beginning.”
I lowered my face to kiss her deeply, knowing down to my very soul the truth of her words.
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bananachickens · 8 years ago
The Brothers Jones’ Marvellous (Yet Common) Adventures
Chapter 3 : Kilian's first visit to a tavern
(FF.NET , AO3)
It had been two weeks since they first arrived at the Royal Naval College. After Marcus showed them their rooms the brothers met with the rest of the crew. Killian and Liam were surprised to learn that all unmarried officers and Lieutenants shared big houses in order to consolidate the bonds between the crew members. It was the first time Killian had a room of his own and he felt like nothing could destroy his happiness. He had a future to look forward to and he was treated with the respect a human being was entitled to.
Killian could feel something was weighting on his brother : Liam was distant and even though he attributed his new behaviour to his need to prove himself and to get used to their new situation, Killian was still uneasy. He knew however that he needed to let that feeling go,  Liam would tell him what's wrong on his time.
The brothers had just passed their first examination with honors and not only did they prove themselves to be great sailors, but they also proved themselves to be better than all of their shipmates, which had created tension among the crew. Killian and Liam were now midshipman on the Jewel of the Realm, the Royal Navy's best ship and Liam was to take the examination to become Lieutenant as per Captain Howard's request and encouragements later that month, alongside three other midshipmen, Creed, Alfred and Fredrick.    
At the end of the day, the Jewel's crew walked to “The Flying Dutchman”, a tavern not far from the docks where they met with some of the other ships' crew members.
“I don't know if joining the crewmen is a reasonable decision Killian, we need to study, we still have so much to learn !”  Liam said to Killian in front of the tavern, “Don't forget why we are here brother. We are given a chance to improve our lives, to be great men. By studying hard and proving our selves and our value and honor we could someday be Captains in the Royal Navy ! We'd never lack of anything and we wouldn't worry about having enough food in our bellies and a bed in which to sleep !”
The older Jones still felt like they could lose everything they were granted if they did not show great potentials at all times, that's why Killian and Liam isolated themselves from the other crew members until now in order to study and catch up what they missed in class.  
“Liam we need to go out with the crew every now and then. We need to make friends among them or we'll always be outsiders. Besides, you saw how Creed and the Freds acted after the Captain congratulated us, It is of the utmost importance we gain the crew's respect if we are someday to become more than midshipmen” Killian told his brother insistently, “ And to make sure no one would try to harm us without anyone's intervention” he then added lost in memories.  
Liam knew they'll always bare the scars their years in servitude had caused them, not only physical ones but also psychological and emotional ones and he had made it his new mission to make sure his brother now lead as normal and happy a life as he can.
“Don't worry brother, no one will harm us anymore, we're no longer in servitude on a merchant ship, we're officers in King Gregory's Royal Navy. We were commissioned by Captain Howard himself and if anyone harms us then they'd be very severely punished !” Liam stated proudly. He knew his brother was right to some extent but he couldn't bring himself to enjoy some time with everyone at the tavern after what had happened on their previous ship and knowing their situation was still very precarious. “ I guess you could stay for some time, but not too long, you need to study for next week's classes. Maybe we could study ancient Greek together once you're back”
“Alright Liam” Killian said just before quickly entering the tavern before his brother changed his mind.
“Here you are, we were wondering if you'll join us or leave, where did Liam go ?” Marcus asked welcoming Killian to their table.  
“He went back home, he felt he needed to study more to prepare for class, and he's right, I shouldn't stay for too long either I … ” Killian answered before being interrupted by Richards, another member of the crew “ You need to enjoy yourself for once, lift your eyes from your books and socialize my dear friend. Come on ! Sit down ! Your first pint is on me ! Sarah, bring the lad some of your finest ale !”  Richards shouted to a young brunette in her mid twenties before tapping Killian on the back “How old are you lad, 18 ? 19 ?”
“I'm almost 18 lieutenant” Killian answered. He was very excited to be with the rest of the crew. It was the first time he went to a tavern, Liam and him were scarcely allowed to leave their ship while in servitude, and if one was allowed to leave then the other was kept on the ship to ensure his brother's return, that'w shy his eyes were full of stares and awe at the establishment and the life it held. Men and women were walking everywhere, laughing, eating, speaking, singing all together.  
“So young ! You still have your life ahead of you.” Richards said interrupting Killian's thoughts as Sarah brought Killian his ale and asked him “Would you like something else officer ?  I make amazing apple pies” Killian stared at Sarah and blushed before she added “ it's on the house”.  
Watching the interaction closely, Marcus, Richards and the other three crew embers sitting at the table shared a look before laughing at them. “Are our apple pies also on the house or only Killian's ?” Richards asked winking at Marcus.
“No this applies only to our new costumers Richards”
“I don't remember ever being given any free apple pie,  Maybe it's special treatment for new blue-eyed costumers ?” Joked one of the officers, “I was never offered any either Jared ” joked Richards. Sarah laughed without diverting her eyes from Killian who was now blushing even more.
“Well then maybe I'll have some of it then, thank you” Killian smiled back at her before scratching his now red ear as Jared and Richards wolf whistled. “I'll bring it to you” Sarah left with a blush and a smile on her face.
“So handsome yet so innocent” Jared said jokingly, “I've never seen Sarah this flirty with costumers, I'm pretty sure she likes you” He added looking at his friends.
Panicked, Killian quickly answered “Well I'm not ready for marriage yet, I have just been accepted in the Academy, I have to study and pass my examinations and save money to buy a house and I'm not ready yet to start a family”, before realizing his shipmates were once again laughing at him.
“I doubt Sarah is thinking that far ahead lad, she probably just wants you for the night lad” Richards winked at him with a saucy smile. “But be careful lad, although she's not an easy lady to win the favors of, she's not innocent either. Always remember to use protection”
“Protection from what ? What does she want me for ?” The blue-eyed Jones said before his mates laughed once more. Feeling embarrassed, Killian tried nervously to change the subject by having a bit of his apple pie, which made the table laugh even harder. “This apple pie is very good, I haven't had apple pie for so long, but this one is very moist and juicy and I think I'll have some more of this pie next time”
“Please Killian, stop, we need to breath” Jared painfully said, red-faced and teary-eyed from laughter.
Killian ate his pie quickly intending on leaving after finishing it.
“It seems young Jones here is much more innocent than we thought he was !” Hobbs asked and was met with a confused look.
“What do you mean ?”
“You really ignore what Sarah wants from you ?” asked Hobbs.
“Get married, have children ? ” Killian answered naively. Looking at his deadpan shipmates, Killian started regretting not listening to his brother earlier, he shouldn't have came to the tavern since he was only met with embarrassment after another.
“She wants to bed you lad” Richards said, then asked “have you ever been with a woman before ?”
“No” Killian replied blushing severely “ And I wouldn't exactly know what is exactly expected of me” He looked in his pint of ale hoping his companions would change the subject, or for a disappearing potion, whichever acted faster and most efficiently.
A few silent moment passed before Richard interrupted the moment “Well lad, sit tight, we have so much to tell you”. He then asked for more ale for everyone on the table “We're going to need this” before the crewmen filled in the blanks and shared some of their stories.
An hour later
“This doesn't sound pleasurable at all” Killian commented, looking sickly and pale.
“I can't believe no one ever told you about that before, common seamen are rather known for their crudeness” Jared said as he was finishing his third ale of the night.
“Liam and I never mingled with the crew of the ships we were on, either because they disliked us or because Liam thought they were bad influence on us” Killian said still under shock.
He had heard crude terms and stories here and there during his 7 years in servitude but no one had ever explained them to him or clarified the subject for him. He ignored why he often woke up with an odd sensations or dirty. He never dared asking his brother since he always felt ashamed of his body's reactions but now he wondered if his brother would have been able to answer his questions.
“Killian you're almost 18, maybe it's time for you to make your own decisions. You don't always need your brother's permission to act upon your desires, any of them” Hobbs advised him gravely. “And believe us, it is very pleasurable, it is the most amazing sensation you'll ever feel in your life”.
Killian's face started regaining colour again as the conversation flowed to other subjects and more ale was drank. Killian was careful not to drink too much since he promised his brother never to be in a state of unconsciousness anymore but after understanding what Sarah wanted from him and seeing her sultry gazes Killian felt like he needed the ale.
After finishing his pint, Killian got up to fetch another one from the counter and check the uncharacteristically calm Marcus.
“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen” Sarah said dragging him to an obscure and ill-lit corner of the tavern. Surprised, Killian started to feel very warm, his heart beating much faster than it had ever before and it only increased at the proximity of her body. “Thank you” he answered blushing yet unable to divert his eyes from her lips. Sarah smiled, she knew the effect she had on most men but it always flattered her to see a man this spellbound and flustered.
She went closer to him, drawing him to her as her lips touched his. Killian tensed a couple of seconds at the sensation of her lips on his. As he relaxed and closed his eyes, Sarah started to move her lips. Killian tried to follow her movements, finding it hard at first before finally synchronizing with her. The kiss grow more passionate and Killian got lost in the new feeling. As they separated to breath, Sarah said “ maybe we should go up stairs, we can easily get caught here” Killian answered with an eager nod. Sarah and Killian existed the corner separately as not to draw unnecessary attention on themselves.  
“KILLIAN, here you are”
Killian turned quickly, spotting his brother through the crowd. “Liam ? What are you doing here ? You said you weren't coming !” he said distraught and panicked at the sight of his brother.
“I was worried about you, you were supposed to come back to study Greek with me, remember ? I came to make sure you were fine and to bring you back home”
“I'm fine brother, I might stay for longer though, you can go back home I won't be long” Killian said hurriedly before glancing quickly at Sarah who was now standing impatiently near the stairs waiting for him.
“Killian, I know we haven't lead very pleasant lives so far, we never had friends to talk to, money to  go out with or freedom to go and do what we please, but we're here to make our lives better and improve our stations, to make sure we have all of that permanently and the only way is to study hard and show our value and worth to the Captain and the Admiralty !” Liam said gravely to his brother, genuinely concerned about their future.
Killian sighted, “Alright brother, I'll come with you.”
After bidding everyone goodnight, Killian spared Sarah one last look for the night before following Liam outside.  
Later that night
A blond woman straddled Killian, she was beautiful and her loving green eyes caught his blue ones. Killian got in them and the sensations his body was experiencing as the woman rose and fell on top of him, engulfing him in her tight sheath, her face contorting in pleasure. He felt amazing, and as the blond mermaid leaned in to kiss him, her breast and long hair tickling his chest Killian  woke up sticky and dirty. He thought he finally understood what the crew was talking bout.
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aliciavance4228 · 3 months ago
Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. 26. 2 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :
"So when any of her brothers came in order to claim the throne from the Sphinx, she resorted to trickery in dealing with them, saying that if they were sons of Laius they should know the oracle that came to Kadmos. When they could not answer she would punish them with death, on the ground that they had no valid claim to the kingdom or to relationship. But Oidipous came because it appears he had been told the oracle in a dream."
Seneca, Oedipus 87 ff (trans. Miller) (Roman tragedy C1st A.D.) :
"[Oidipous (Oedipus) speaks :] Far from me is the crime and shame of cowardice, and my valour knows not dastard fears . . . The Sphinx, weaving her words in darkling measures, I fled not; I faced the bloody jaws of the fell prophetess and the ground white with scattered bones. And when from a lofty cliff, already hovering over her prey, she prepared her pinions and, lashing her tail like a savage lion, stirred up her threatening wrath, I asked her riddle. Thereupon came a sound of dread; her jaws crashed, and her talons, brooking no delay, eager for my vitals, tore at the rocks. The lot's intricate, guile-entangled words, the grim riddle of the winged beast, I solved.
Why too late dost thou now in madness pray for death? Thou hadst thy chance to die. This sceptre is thy meed of praise, this thy reward for the Sphinx destroyed. That dust, that cursed dust of the artful monster is warring against me still; that pest which I destroyed is now destroying Thebes. [I.e. the land is suffering from drought and pestilence and Oidipous incorrectly blames the ghost of the dead Sphinx.
Even the ancient sources described her as hideous and monstruous, and emphasized the fact that she resorted to trickery.
The Decadent Movement, a European movement that was attributed to the notion of “decadence” around the 1890s, implores the main notion of finding beauty in the decline of civilization in the form of macabre or taboo subjects such as the sphinx. The motif of the sphinx can also be connected to the motif of the “femme fatale” figure in decadent texts in which a typically female-like figure or beast seduces and murders men. The “femme fatale” is used to establish a decline or decay ranging from perversion, death, prostitution, and other taboos of Victorian society.
Excuse me, what the actual f-
The only sort of connection that I can see between the Sphinx and Femme Fatale is probably, possibly, perhaps the fact that the Femme Fatale Trope firstly appeared simultaneously with the Smart Woman one (because intelligent women are intimidating and dangerous and stuff).
What makes the Sphinx appealing, at least in my personal opinion, is the fact that she takes pride in her intellect and/or the fact that she thought herself to be the only one who could answer correctly to that famous riddle. She didn't seduce men, she asked them the same question again and again, and if they didn't answer correctly she would kill them. Also, this passage doesn’t emphasize the fact that she was eating them too; because quess what - at the end of the day she was a monster and had to eat something. When Oedipus proved himself to be wise enough to respond correctly her ego and sense of arrogance was crushed instantly and she killed herself.
Another aspect that frustrates me is the implication that she only killed men. Have you ever considered that back then women weren't allowed to be soldiers/warriors, and/or that men were the only ones who were sent to the Sphinx, and that's why most of her victims happened to be men? Pretty sure that if a woman or a child would've came to her she would've tell them the same riddle (and implicitly turn them into dinner if they answered wrong).
I thought for a very long time that maybe the fact that she had the body of a lion is enough to make people think twice before approaching her, but apparently I was wrong. Let's just associate any female monster with humanoid traits with beauty and have her dangerousness linked in her ability to seduce men. I mean, can you imagine any other weapon that a woman could use besides her sexuality? I knooooooow...
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allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 · 5 years ago
Day 1: Vomiting
Inspired by @yuckwhump 29 Day Whump Challenge prompts! I don’t know how many I’ll actually get to write because my life is crazy right now, but I’m gonna try it. A big thanks to @hollyethecurious for looking it over for me. ❤️
Warnings: alcohol, vomiting
I’m on mobile, so I’m sorry there’s no cut.
Liam struggled to hold a stumbling Killian upright as they staggered back to the ship on which they served.
“Why do you do this, brother? You only make it harder for yourself, and for me.”
“S’better than being sober,” Killian slurred. “S’already the bloody worst anyway.”
“C’mon,” Liam sighed, adjusting his arm around Killian’s torso to help him as they walked up the ramp to the deck, no easy task as the ship bobbing in the water made it sway beneath their already unsteady legs.
When they reached the top they were greeted not so pleasantly by their captain.
“And where were the two of you?” Captain Silver questioned with a scowl.
“S’not your business,” Killian sneered. That was the wrong answer. Silver grabbed a fistful of Killian’s hair and tugged his head backward. Killian’s upper lip twitched in an attempt to feign confidence.
“I own you, boy. It certainly is my business where my property spends its day.” Silver released his grip and punched Killian hard in his stomach, causing him to double over in pain, and Liam shifted to support his weight as best as he could.
“Please,” Liam said, looking for an excuse that could spare his brother from punishment, “We were just running your errands like you ordered. We’re new to this port. We got lost.” Silver paused a moment, then stepped back.
“Got lost?” he mocked, gesturing to his crew. “You hear that, men? The Jones boys just got lost! What fine sailors they make, eh?”
“Liam,” Killian whispered, holding onto his brother’s shoulder, “Liam, I don’t—” His stomach lurched then, and he heaved, spewing bile onto the deck in front of him. Silver just laughed.
“Ah, so you were drinking again then. What sort of man are you if you can’t even hold your rum?” Silver jeered. “You best clean that up, boy,” he ordered with a much more serious tone.
“Yes, Captain.” Killian’s cheeks burned redder than the liquor had already made them, and he turned to retrieve his supplies but was interrupted.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Silver asked and approached him.
“To get the mop, sir,” Killian stopped and answered through gritted teeth.
“No, boy.” Silver forced Killian to turn back toward his pool of vomit and kicked the back of his knees with such force that they buckled and he dropped to the deck with a grunt. “Clean. Your. Mess.” Silver shoved Killian’s back and he landed face first in the disgusting puddle. Killian silently prayed to anyone who would listen for the day he’d finally get his revenge on the vile man, and held back tears as he was forced to eat his own regurgitation off the grimy deck of the ship, hoping whatever else he was ingesting might kill him before he could finish.
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snowbellewells · 5 years ago
CS Fic Rec Monday: “Oh Brother” by: @the-captains-ayebrows
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(This picture isn’t really all that well-suited - it’s more fun than angsty- though a bit of that does creep in too... but there just aren’t tons of pictures of the Jones brothers together, and even fewer where they’re dressed for the modern world!)
Anyway, this fic too has been around a bit, but I just got the cahnce to read it this past week. It’s so perfect!! There’s fake dating, brotherly affection, teasing, misunderstanding, and reconciliation, and some wonderful CS pining, flirtation and chemistry. I don’t want to spoil all of the twists and turns this modern AU takes, but Emma and Liam are roommates and close friends, and she agrees to pretend they are dating so his younger brother Killian won’t keep trying to set him up on dates when he comes to visit.  I’m sure you can only imagine how things get complicated from there!
Don’t miss this story!! It’s complete in five parts, and you won’t want to put it down!
“Oh Brother” by: @the-captains-ayebrows​
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kmomof4 · 2 years ago
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I’m so HAPPY!!!!
Like Slow Spinning Redemption Chapter Five
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Tagging the Usual Crew: @kmomof4 @xarandomdreamx @sotangledupinit @zaharadessert @tiganasummertree @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose
Want to be added? Send me an ask!
Catch up Here: 01 02 03 04
Read on AO3
Read on FFN
They marched Liam and Killian for several more minutes, though Liam wasn’t sure how long it had actually been since they were in a very dark corridor.  Finally, they jerked the two men to a halt.  
“You can remove them now,” Silver called out.  The crew members holding Killian and Liam removed the bags covering their heads, and Killian and Liam were left blinking at the sudden brightness.  They looked around at their surroundings with squinting eyes, trying to discern where they were and, if possible, how to escape it, though both brothers were shocked at where their former crew had led them.  Killian and Liam were on a rocky overlook that opened to the Boiling Sea below.  The other men were on the more solid cliff, and Silver was between them and Liam.  Killian was a step away from Liam to his back.  Two other crew members untied their arms and stepped back to join the others.
“Leave Killian out of this!  He had nothing to do with it; it was my decision,” Liam pleaded desperately.  If he could at least make sure that Killian walked away unscathed, then the price for his perfidy would be worth paying.
“He should have gone down with the ship, same as us.  As far as I’m concerned, he’s guilty by association,” Silver retorted, a hard look on his face.
“He didn’t know!” Liam protested again weakly.
“You made a deal with the devil,” Silver cut him off.  “Your fates were sealed the moment you mutinied against me.  Hades allowed us to die in that storm, but we wouldn’t have died if it weren’t for you and your mutiny,” Silver sneered, clenching his hands into fists.
“If you hadn’t sailed us into that bloody storm, we wouldn’t have had reason to mutiny!” Killian roared.  “We’re not responsible for your bad decisions.  The whole crew was there and witnessed your refusal to turn around and avoid it.  We are not responsible for your greed.”
Suddenly, a burst of fire rose up from the Boiling Sea, causing them all to flinch back.  The heat was scorching, and Liam felt a palpable streak of fear at the thought that that was what he had to look forward to for all eternity.  Once the fire had receded, Liam could see that Killian’s words had made some of the crew think about what was happening, though it didn’t appear as if anyone was going to let them go.
Silver stepped closer to Liam.  “It’s time for you to pay for the crimes you committed.  Gentlemen, if you’ll kindly step forward into the fire, we’ll make this short and sweet.”
“You think that revenge will right the wrongs done to you in life, but all it will do is condemn you to an afterlife of misery and torment,” Killian interjected in an obvious attempt (at least to Liam) at trying to convince the other side not to fight.  “It is not the ending you seek, and it won’t ease your suffering here.”
Silver rolled his eyes.  “Oh, it’ll ease my suffering,” he retorted.  “I’ve waited centuries to figure out what went wrong.  Watching you two burn will make it all worth the wait.”
With that, Silver moved to push Killian off the rocky precipice and into the flames, but Killian was able to sidestep away, letting Silver stumble beyond Killian, just managing to stop his momentum before he pitched off it headfirst.
Killian shook his head exasperatedly.  “Pushing us into a fiery abyss is not going to get you a happily-every-after down here.  All it will do is add further penance to your judgment.  Take it from me. I spent centuries pursuing revenge against a wrong done to me, and it only left me with more regrets and torment from all the mistakes I made.  Don’t let this be your last mistake, Silver!  Only forgiveness will bring you a pleasant ending now.”
Silver moved closer to his crew and signaled for them to move closer in an attempt at using sheer numbers to force the two brothers into the fire.  Though they seemed reluctant to Liam, they still obeyed the order.  Finally, Silver turned and cast one last hard look at them.  
“It’s time to walk the plank,” Silver simply said.  
Liam watched as Killian’s face fell.  He stared at his brother in amazement.  For all the time they had spent together, Killian had never once talked of forgiveness.  Not for their father for abandoning them, not for the original captain their father had sold them to, not for Silver for his maltreatment of them after he had bought out their contracts of servitude.  Killian had always said that forgiveness made a man weak, but here he was touting the virtues of it.  
It suddenly struck Liam that Killian wasn’t just talking about Silver and their old crew mates; he was really talking about forgiving himself.  Liam had always thought that forgiveness was the mark of a true hero, and here was his younger brother stepping up to offer that olive branch to their pseudo-adversaries.  Liam had never thought he’d see the day that Killian demonstrated that characteristic; he had always said it would be a cold day in Hell when Killian would propose forgiveness as a tactic.
Perhaps he didn’t know his brother as well as he had thought.  Liam stared at Killian, seeing before him the man his brother had grown to be.  It was like looking at a whole new person, and Liam suddenly had with great clarity the thought that he had gotten everything wrong about Killian, and Emma by extension.  And now they were both going to pay the price for Liam’s foolish pride.
Liam stepped forward to intercept the men who were moving in closer to him and Killian.  He raised his hands in supplication and said, “I’ll gladly walk it.  Just spare Killian, please.  He has nothing to do with this.”
SIlver sneered.  “He should’ve gone down along with the ship, like the rest of us, as I said before.  And now, he finally will.”  Silver smirked, and he moved with the rest of the crew in unison closer towards them.
Killian and Liam took a step backward, being careful not to step off the rocky overhang.  The fire churned below them, seeming to feed upon a fuel source that was invisible to them as it surged higher.  It was as if the flames sensed that they were there, hoping not to be taken by the flames, and the flames wanted to devour them despite their wishes.
Silver and his men continued to press forward.  One step, two steps, three.  Killian and Liam backed up smaller steps in response.  It truly looked to Liam as if this was the end for them both.  He turned to his brother to say the words that couldn’t make up for all that he had done, though he hoped it would bring the two of them closure.
“I’m sorry, Killian.  I wanted to be this perfect example for you… to make up for our father being such an abysmal one.  I wanted to be a hero for you, to be worthy of your praise.  I wanted to inspire you to be a hero, too.”
Killian looked at his brother, pain, grief, and regret shining out of his eyes.  “All you did was raise the bar so high, the only thing I could do was fail,” Killian responded.  Liam wondered if that was what plagued Killian the most now, that he thought he had failed in his endeavors to be a better man, a hero worthy of the title.  From what Liam had just witnessed, Killian had more than succeeded at becoming a hero; he had exceeded all the expectations and hopes Liam had had for his brother when they were growing up.
“No more talking!” Silver shouted, an unpleasant look on his face.  “Time to face justice, boys!”  He laughed a maniacal laugh that some of the crew echoed, though not every one of them did.
Just as they were about to move closer to shove Killian and Liam off the rock, a bright blue light erupted behind them.  They all turned and saw the light was coming from the blue flames that preceded Hades’ use of magic as transportation.  Sure enough, as quickly as they had come, the flames died down to reveal Hades.  He glanced around at the gathered group and smirked.
“Did someone decide to have a party and forget to invite me?”  Hades asked rhetorically.
Silver looked shocked to see the god standing there.  “Lord… Lord Hades,” he choked out before his voice failed him.
“So, what are we all doing here?  Huh?  This is an odd place to meet, isn’t it?” Hades reached out to straighten Silver’s collar.
“We… we were just…” Silver started, his voice failing him again.
“I mean, this is a place for judgment, but I haven’t ordered for any of you to be Judged.”  Hades turned and glanced over the crew members, who said nothing, before turning to look at Liam and Killian Jones.  “Who gave the orders for this?”
“No one gave us any orders, my Lord,” Silver answered after gulping nervously.
“No one gave you any orders,” Hades parroted, placing his hands in his pockets.  “Then why would you take judgment into your own hands?”  Hades grasped his chin in mock thought.  “Oh! I bet this is for the mutiny attempt that resulted in your deaths, is it not?”
No one responded.  “Is that true, Captain Silver?” Hades pressed.
Silver nodded once.  “They should pay for what they did,” he responded, feeling slightly bolder since Hades hadn’t done anything to him for bringing the Jones brothers to this place without permission from the god.
“I see,” Hades said simply.  “And why is that?”
Silver blinked.  “Because… because I nor none of my crew would have died, my Lord.  We’d have been able to continue with our lives if not for their treachery.  They were the ones who cost me my happy ending in life.  Without their actions, we might have been able to recover the Eye of the Storm, and we would have all been very rich men, able to live out the rest of our days in comfort!”  
Silver’s tone grew more and more indignant as he carried on, and Liam had a sinking feeling that that tone was going to cost him dearly.  He watched as Hades tilted his head one way and then another in exaggerated consideration for Silver’s words.  Silver, getting caught up in his emotions, didn’t realize how dangerous the situation was.
“Oh, but you see, the Jones brothers had nothing to do with your deaths,” Hades interupted.  “You were on borrowed time regardless.  You wouldn’t have made it out with the Eye of the Storm.  You were fated to die.”
Silver sneered.  “Not if Liam Jones hadn’t listened to you!”
Hades hummed.  “I suppose that’s true.  But you can’t fault him for following orders.  After all, you always beat him and his brother when they didn’t follow yours.”
“Only when he didn’t follow my orders!” Silver hissed.  “And I never gave them the order to shipwreck us and drown us!”
Hades smirked.  “No, that was me.”  Having had enough of the conversation, he blew softly in Silver’s direction.  The wind generated picked Silver up and tossed him off the rocky overhang on which they all still stood.  Silver’s eyes grew wide as he realized what was about to happen.  He grasped the air uselessly, trying in vain to grasp back onto the rock to keep from falling, but it was too late.
Liam watched in horror as Silver screamed a long, “No,” but none of them could intervene.  The flames grew higher and higher until they had surrounded Silver’s form and dragged him down into the depths of the boiling sea churning below them.  The surface of the liquid flames lurched and ebbed as it swallowed Silver.  Liam peered down into the depths, but it was no use.  Silver couldn’t be found.  Liam exchanged horrified looks with Killian before they both turned back to Hades.  The crew members watched with increasing fear as Hades turned his attention towards the brothers Jones.
Hades chuckled for a moment before saying, “I give the orders around here, not him.  And as for the Jones brothers. One of them kept up his end of our bargain and gets to live, while the other escaped my dungeon, and for that, he has to pay.  At last, we'll see the end of Captain Hook and this time, you won't be able to protect him,” he addressed Liam.
Liam quickly stepped in front of Killian.  “No,” he stated, shaking his head.  “I won’t let you hurt Killian, no matter what kind of deal we made.”
Hades shrugged.  “Fine, have it your way.  It makes no difference to me whether you join him or not.”  Hades blew again a breath at Liam, knocking Liam back and off the rock.  Unlike Silver, Liam’s flight path helped him end up just over the cliff face.  
He heard Killian cry, “No,” and to his astonishment, Liam saw that Killian had managed to grab his hand to keep him from falling over.  The only thing keeping Liam from plunging into the depths of the roiling flames below them was Killian’s hand clinging desperately to his.
“Liam, please,” Killian panted.  “Hang on.”
Liam shook his head.  “I’m sorry brother.  For everything I’ve done.  I just wanted you to have the example in your life that I never had.  Can you forgive me?”
Killian blinked and shook his head in dismissal.  “Yes,” he breathed.  “I forgive you.  But that’s not what’s important.”  
Killian paused for a moment, thinking about Emma’s message just before he and Liam had been dragged off, about forgiveness of yourself being the most important thing to redemption.  He thought of how he had told her of his belief before he had discovered that she had turned him into a Dark One against his will that all sins could be forgiven when someone loved you.  Perhaps he was right in his belief, but he finally realized that forgiveness of others meant nothing if you couldn’t forgive yourself of the role you had played in others’ turmoil.  Emma was right all along.
“But you need to forgive yourself,” Killian told to Liam, his voice straining with the effort it was costing him to hold onto his older brother for just that little bit longer.
Liam processed this and shook his head. “I can’t,” he stated firmly.  “Not after what I did to you. Not after what I cost you.  The only way to make amends is for me to pay the price.  I finally understand that.  This is the price for my cowardice.”
“No,” grunted Killian.  “No.  Liam!”  He yelled desperately, trying to clutch his brother’s hand more firmly in his, but it was too late.  Liam had let go, finally understanding that the path to being a hero wasn’t just giving speeches and encouraging words for others to follow.  It was about walking the hard path even when it would be easier to go along with what everyone else did.  It was about actually forgiving others for their transgressions against you and standing up for what was right.  
It was about paying the price so that others wouldn’t have to.
Liam plummeted to the flames, keeping his eyes on his brother’s anguished face.  He hoped Killian wouldn’t blame himself for not being able to save Liam from his fate a second time.  He hoped that Killian would understand that he made his sacrifice for Killian’s future.  He hoped that Killian would be able to return to life with Emma.  He felt a brief pang of regret for leaving things the way he did with Killian’s beloved.  As the flames finally rose up and engulfed him, burning his flesh and his clothing, he hoped above all else that his sacrifice would enable Hades to be brought down once and for all.
Killian rose to his feet, unbeknownst to Liam, to face Hades.  A look of resignation covered Killians’ face, though there was a slight hint of dread at what was to come.  Killian knew the misdeeds he had done, the sins he had committed.  He was ready to face them, though his still heart lurched at the thought of Emma never knowing what had happened to separate them this time.  As he stared at Hades, a white light began to shine, steadily growing brighter and brighter until it captured everyone’s attention.
Hades and Killian turned to look.  The Boiling Sea had morphed in the time it had swallowed Liam into an ocean of the bluest sea Killian had ever seen.  The sky was near cloudless, with only a few white puffy clouds lazily floating past in the distance, and a beautiful brigantine bobbed in the water, her sails unfurled to catch in the breeze that was now filling the cavern.
“No,” Hades breathed with a sharp exhale, suddenly as angry as Killian had ever seen him.
“What’s happening?” Killian asked, turning to Hades for answers.  Hades glared at him murderously, and suddenly, Killian knew that whatever this was, it was the exact opposite of what Hades had intended.  Killian felt a great satisfaction come over him at Hades’ angry and mildly frightened look.
“You will pay for this,” Hades vowed to Killian before disappearing in the same blue flames that had signaled his arrival.
Once Hades had disappeared, Killian turned back to the ocean scene in front of them and gasped.  Liam was standing in a row boat being lifted back up to safety by a plume of water.  Liam looked his hands over in astonishment, for the last thing he had seen and felt was the searing pain of being burned.  There were no traces of burns anywhere on his body; the fire had judged him and deemed him worthy of a more peaceful afterlife.
He looked up at Killian, who had been kneeling throughout his exchange with Hades.  Liam’s row boats slowly rose the rest of the way until the water was level with the cliff, lapping at its edges.  Killian turned in astonishment and slowly stood. 
“Liam,” he said, “you’re safe.”
Liam smiled.  “Yes.  It appears I am.” He chuckled, looking down at the floor of the rowboat.  “I suppose this was a sacrifice I should have made long ago.  Now I can finally depart from this place.”  He raised his head and met Killian’s eyes.  The boat docked itself to the ledge, steadying in the wake after a brief moment of rocking.
Killian and Liam looked back to the crew members that had been affected by Liam’s decisions so long ago.  
Killian looked back to his brother, finally content that this would be the last time he would see Liam.  “Then go.”  He turned to their former crewmen.  “All of you.  Now that you finally know the truth, your unfinished business is complete as well,” he continued, realizing only now that that was the reason they were all in this same place.  Liam’s refusal to accept his role as a villain in their stories was the reason why they couldn’t move on, and now that Liam had accepted it, there was nothing holding them here to this part of the Underworld. 
“Get on board, men.”  Killian knelt to study the boat so they could all embark as well.  The crew moved forward hesitatingly, smiling once they realized they actually could board the rowboat with Liam.  Once the last remaining crew member boarded, Killian let go and stood up from his crouched position.
Liam looked at his brother with concern.  “What about you, brother?  What will you do now?”
Killian shook his head.  “My unfinished business isn't done yet. Not until Emma and I have defeated Hades.”
Liam grimaced at the mention of his brother’s lover.  “Tell her I'm sorry, and I was wrong. She does want what's best for you.”  
Killian smiled in acknowledgement at just how true that statement was.  Killian had never had someone other than Liam fight for what was best for Killian, and Liam could now recognize it.  He couldn’t have asked for a better partner in life for his younger brother, Liam decided, than Emma Swan.
Liam smiled at his brother.  “And don't worry about reaching that bar anymore, Killian,” he said firmly. “You've become a true hero in a way I never could.”
Killian nodded his head, lowering his eyes bashfully at the compliment from his hero growing up.
Liam held out his hand to shake Killian’s one last time.  “Goodbye, younger brother.”
Killian grinned broadly at Liam finally getting his title as the middle son right.  “Goodbye.”
They broke their handshake and Killian took a step back.  The rowboat magically undocked itself and began making its journey to the brigantine in the distance, needing no one to row it.  Killian stood there on the ledge, with his hand in the air, waving his goodbye to the best influence he had had in his childhood.  
Liam watched his brother shrink in the distance, not wanting to take his eyes off of Killian’s figure until he absolutely had to.  He wondered at life’s twists and turns that had resulted in him getting to this point.  Though Liam had never pictured his end being like this, he couldn’t help but be grateful that his fate had ended with him once again sailing the sea.  Finally, once Killian had disappeared, he turned and looked at the brigantine that was looming largely ahead.  
Once the rowboat had reached the ship, it docked by itself.  Liam reached out to steady the lifeboat and assist the other crew members with boarding.  Once every man had ascended the top ladder up the hull of the ship, he climbed it as well.  Once he got to the rail, he swung his legs over, and at last, at long last, he was back on board a sailing ship.  The smell of the sea air called to him.  He had thought he would never again get to experience it.
Turning back one last time to the place they had come from, Liam realized that the cavern was no longer visible.  Instead, only ocean could be seen as far as the eye could see.  Nonplussed but convinced that it simply had to be the magic that formed the Underworld, he turned back to the first mate, a young man in his early thirties with sun-bleached brown hair and deep skin, who was waiting patiently for Liam to acknowledge him with a smile.
“Welcome aboard the ship, sir,” the man smiled.
“Thank you,” responded Liam.  “Might I have the pleasure of making my introduction to the captain of this fine vessel?”
“Why, that would be you, sir.”  The man bowed his head.
“I’m the captain?” Liam asked disbelievingly.
The man nodded again.  “That would be correct.”
Liam stared.  “What would the name of this vessel be, by any chance?”
The first mate shrugged.  “She’s nameless at the moment.”
“Really?” Liam asked.
“Yes,” the first mate replied.  “She’s been waiting for you to give her a name.”
Liam nodded.  He thought for a brief moment before making up his mind.  “Let’s call her The Savior’s Light .”  He could think of no finer name for this beautiful vessel than one that would honor the woman that had enabled him to be brought to her.
“Very good, sir.  And what are your orders?” 
“First, tell me your name, sailor.”
“Smith,” replied the first mate.  “Matt Smith.”
Liam smiled approvingly.  “Well, then, Mr. Smith.  Let’s see how far this horizon goes, shall we?”
Mr. Smith grinned broadly.  “Aye, aye, Captain.”  Liam watched in satisfaction as the men all jumped to carrying out his order as the first mate cried out, “Weigh anchor!  Hoist the sails!  Mister Bloom, work out our heading!  We’re chasing the horizon!” 
The answering cries of, “Aye, aye!” put a broad smile on Liam’s face.  If this was the afterlife, he could get used to it.  Liam smiled.  Perhaps he would even encourage the crew to stock up on a few barrels of rum while they were docked at the next port.
Feeling content for perhaps the first time since he had joined the navy, he allowed himself to hum a line from a sea shanty, finishing it by singing under his breath the lines, “Drink up, my mateys, yo ho!”  Liam grinned broadly as the ship began to pick up speed beneath his feet.
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gusenitsaa · 6 years ago
Whumpetition / @badthingshappenbingo prompt #6: Tortured for information.  
(the latest in my growing collection of whumplets in the universe of ‘the darling affair’ verse by @icecubelotr44) 
1. I know you’re in there     2. Buried Alive     3. Ambulance Ride     4. Sadistic Choice     5. Outnumbered     (All these whumplets are also in a collection on FF ) 
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He knew what they were doing. Softening up. That's what they called it. The questions would come later…
Liam didn't say a word, didn't let out a sound, just let the blows fall, closing his eyes against a growing nausea and dizziness until a strangled cry echoed from next to him and his eyes snapped open. Killian.
There was a blade lodged in Killian's shoulder, a stream of scarlet dripping steadily down his shirt and puddling on the floor. Killian swayed on his feet, already a shade or two paler than he should be. Liam charged forward, the metal cuffs cutting into his wrists and wrenching his shoulders back painfully. "No!" Liam cried, tugging against the the chains desperately.
"Now that we have your attention," the man nearest Killian commented... "here's what's going to happen."
"I'll tell you what's going to happen," Killian broke in, slowly raising his head. "Our people are going to find us," he locked eyes with Liam and Liam knew it was meant to be reassuring. It probably would have been if Killian weren't white as a sheet and swaying on his feet. "-and you are going to spend the rest of your miserable excuse for a life in a damp, dark hole."
The man sighed in exasperation and bent, pulling a wet rag from a bucket behind him. Without another word he knotted the rag tightly over Killian's mouth and nose. There was a moment of panic in Killian's eyes before he shuttered it away and allowed himself to fall limp. He hung, motionless, from his shackles and Liam's heart clenched in his chest. It was a smart choice and not an easy one. Conserving oxygen might be a wise choice but it's bloody hard to convince a panicking nervous system of the fact. Liam knew all this. Still, seeing Killian hanging limp from those chains made his own breath come short in panic. He held his breath instinctively so he'd know when too much time had passed.
"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. What is going to happen-" the man paused pointedly and Liam's lungs burned. "You are going to give us access to JR solutions secure server from that computer." The man nodded towards the desk. "Once we have administrative access confirmed we will lock out your people and let you and whatever is left of your brother go. Simple as that."
The panic returned to Killian's eyes and Liam felt himself take a breath. Killian fought weakly for a moment, the panic finally taking over the rational side that knew he was no better able to escape the chains than he had been earlier. The man moved to release the knot, Killian's struggles counterproductive, making it take a moment or two longer than it should have. The cloth hit the floor with a heavy slap and Killian gasped and choked, lungs desperate for air. Then Killian was laughing and Liam wanted to smack him himself.
"The server-" Killian's laugh turned into another fit of coughing before he looked up again. "You think he's going to give you the server, you think he's going to give you the lives of all our agents in the field, all our informants, all our players? You're out of your bloody mind."
Liam knew that little speech was intended for him, not for their captors and he shot Killian an exasperated look. He knew what letting access fall into enemy hands could do.
"Or," the man continued as though Killian hadn't spoken at all. He reached up and gripped the knife in Killian's shoulder, twisting it until Killian screamed in agony.
"Killian!" Liam shouted, surging forward again, straining at the farthest reach of the chains that held him back. The man stopped twisting the knife and Killian slumped against the chains. He stopped screaming when the man let go of the knife in his shoulder, but his breathing was still ragged.
Killian took a moment to compose his breathing before he looked up, meeting Liam's worried gaze and managing a lopsided smile. "They always trail off after 'or'," Killian mumbled.
"You want me to finish the sentence?" the man asked and Liam shuddered at the chill in his voice. He wanted to tell Killian to be silent, but he knew now it wouldn't make a difference. Killian was leverage, and until he gave them what they wanted no amount of prudence from his brother would make a difference. The man met Liam's eyes as he continued. "Give me what I want, or I take it out of your brother's flesh." He twisted the knife again, dragging another scream from Killian.
Liam winced, closing his eyes for a moment.
Administrative access.
It was everything.
It meant safehouses and cover identities. It meant informants and operations reports. It meant real names and emergency contacts and addresses. Liam sagged and shook his head.
The man smiled, leaving Killian where he hung to approach Liam. There was something predatory in that smile. He'd be willing to bet that this man was an… independent contractor of sorts, doing the wet work for whoever actually wanted this information from him. He showed no disappointment that the information was not forthcoming. In fact, he seemed to relish the opportunity of resistance.
"I have to admit," he drawled. "I was hoping you'd say that."
Killian's screams ripped through Liam and he could swear the knife was cutting through his own flesh. Killian fell limp when the twisting stopped, his sarcasm yielded to quiet exhaustion what felt like hours ago. His breathing was ragged and heavy and blood dripped down his arms from wrists too long made to support his whole weight. Liam's stomach churned and he swallowed hard, praying he wouldn't be sick.
"What kind of a man lets his own brother die for a few letters and numbers?" the man asked, his fingers resting lightly on the blade. He left Killian's side and approached Liam again. His hands were covered in Killian's blood and it was all Liam could do not to lunge at the man. It didn't help. His chains were too solid and all it accomplished was to send him laughing back to his torture of Killian.
Bloody hands grabbed Liam's face and pulled him forward. Liam could smell Killian's blood, could taste it now and his stomach threatened mutiny again. "Give me something" the voice from behind him implored, "I don't want to kill him, but you have to give me something"
"Liam Jones, Captain-"
"I swear, if you give me your name, rank and serial number one more time I will pull out his intestines through his throat."
"If he dies," Liam hissed, "You'll never get into that server. And when my men come and take off these shackles there will be no cell for you. I will strangle you with my bare hands."
The man chuckled. "Your men sure are taking their sweet time, aren't they Captain? There was a flash of silver and the man cut deep gouges into both of Liam's palms. He felt nothing at first, his hands having begun to grow numb from the pressure around his wrists. Then pain bloomed and Liam's jaw tightened as warm blood trickled down his arms. "Just in case, I best be sure you're in no condition to use your hands."
"Come on now-" Killian called from across the room. His voice was weak and Liam stiffened.
Don't… Killian, please don't.
"I thought we had somethin' special. Don't tell me you slice up just anyone." The man turned back towards Killian and Liam lunged, desperate to keep the man's attention on him for just a moment longer.
Liam managed to catch him off guard and knocked out his feet from under him. Before the man could blink Liam was bearing down on him, as far as the chains would allow. There was a snap as Liam stomped on the man's leg and a cry of agony that wasn't Killian's echoed across the room.
"I don't need my hands, you bastard!" Liam seethed, "Touch him again and I'll use my bloody teeth. I swear. Touch him again and I'll rip-" he didn't get much farther, stiffening abruptly as pain arced through him from behind, straining every muscle to its breaking point while the man with the broken leg was dragged away. When his vision cleared his legs were bound as tightly as his wrists. They hadn't bothered with Killian's.
That didn't surprise him. Killian looked like he could barely lift his head much less stage an attack. For a few blessed moments they were left alone. Killian slumped in the chains that suspended him from the ceiling, too weak and exhausted to hold himself up. The knife was still in his shoulder though it had been twisted so frequently that it was doing little to stem the flow of blood. If the chains had allowed Killian to fall he'd probably have bled to death long before now. As it was, the chains held him upright, held the muscles taut and stiff and kept the wound above his heart. He still bled sluggishly and was horrifyingly pale but he'd survive it if he got medical attention soon.
What the bloody hell was taking Scarlet so long.
They weren't in some cave 5000 miles from headquarters. They had been attacked less than a block from JR Solutions. The drive couldn't have taken them more than a few hours from the city. He'd tossed his phone in a dumpster after texting scarlet, and though his memory was foggy from the drugs, he didn't think they'd found it. That meant Scarlet had a point of origin. It should have been a simple matter of following the vehicle on the cities myriad of cameras…
Where was he?
Liam leaned toward Killian, the chains on his wrists frustrating his attempts to reach for his suffering brother.
"I'm sorry, Killian," Liam murmured quietly. He didn't dare say much, knowing the walls doubtless had ears.
"Not your fault," Killian mumbled not raising his head.
Their wounded tormentor's groans grew more distant and a new face took center stage. It was vaguely familiar though a bit swollen from the broken nose Liam had graced him with so many hours ago now. The man struck Liam hard, smashing a fist into his nose. He probably should have seen that coming… The blows rained down faster after that and it was damn near a relief to not hear his brother's screams. It didn't last.
"Boy, your mother must have dropped you on your head as an infant. I'm over here, moron." Liam cringed. Killian's voice was quiet but Liam's attacker looked up. "Was she drunk? Too busy with the mailman? I bet she didn't give you enough hugs as a child. Or maybe she gave you too many. Maybe she likes little b-" The man shoved a dirty rag into Killian's mouth and once more the odd sense of relief swept over Liam. Killian was trying to get their attention off him again, and he was bloody good at it.
He nodded to someone behind Liam and there was a whoosh air and a sudden heat. Liam twisted to see and winced back from the wall of flames. With a deliberate movement the man picked up a pipe that had already met his ribs once and Killian's far too many times and tossed it into the bonfire.
"What is it going to take?" their new lead questioner asked, circling Liam. "Your own pain isn't enough, clearly." He struck Liam again in the side where he was pretty sure there was already at least one broken rib. "Your brother's pain isn't enough.." He pressed on the knife in Killian's shoulder and Killian moaned through the gag. "So we're gonna have some fun," the torturer said. "Clearly you aren't empathetic enough. So I'm going to help you."
He pressed the heated pipe against Liam's leg. Pain overwhelmed him, burning through the fabric of his pants, through skin. He thrashed and screamed, trying to pull away from the agony burning through him. The chains held him firm and what retreat he managed was easily matched by his tormentor. Liam couldn't stop himself from screaming until the bar finally was pulled away. Distantly, he could hear Killian yelling through the gag.
"That... tickled," Liam bit out through his gasps.
He heard Killian groan and saw him glare. Clearly he considered taunting their captors his domain.
"It's a good thing it wasn't too bad for you," the torturer said. "Because I'm about to do the same thing to your brother."
Liam's stomach dropped. "No. No, that's not... that's not necessary."
"So you're ready to let us in to the server?" the man asked.
Liam's eyes shut, the burn on his thigh radiating pain and throbbing mercilessly.
"No," he whispered through clenched teeth.
"You're killing him," the man hissed, "this is your doing. Every drop of blood is borne of your poor judgement." Then he spun towards Killian and pulled the gag from his mouth. "Can't let your brother miss hearing your screams," he said reasonably.
"That'd be a real shame," Killian said. He tried to steel himself, tried not to scream, but when the burning metal touched his leg, he can't bite back a howl of agony.
Liam really had no clue how much time passed, but they'd both been beaten, burned, shocked... And Killian was starting to fade. His cries had less strength. He was barely making an effort to anger their tormentors.
"Killian, don't," Liam whispered. His voice was hoarse from his own screams and weak from his own exhaustion. He was shaking from pain and fear and sorrow. "Don't give up on me now. Alright, little brother? Don't leave me alone here." One of their torturers ripped the knife from Killian's torn shoulder and pressed heated metal to the wound. Killian didn't even manage a scream, just a broken sob. Liam thinks that sound hurts worse than anything else he has endured.
"Stop!" Liam begged. "Please, just stop."
"Ready to give us access?" one of the men asked, not the broken nosed man who was busy pulling the heated metal from Killian's shoulder. Killian didn't even react to the relief, just stayed slumped in the chains, shuddering in pain.
"I..." Liam started, not even sure what he was planning to say. 'No. Go ahead and keep hurting us. Hurting him.? Yes. Give my brother a clean death and then you can capture and torture everyone else who trusts me?'
Killian coughed and mumbled something, too quiet and broken to for Liam to understand what he was trying to say.
"Killian?" Liam asked.
Killian managed to raise his head enough to meet Liam's eyes. He was shaking and covered in bruises and burns and his own blood, but there was still fire in his eyes. "Alice," Killian managed to say. He slumped back in the chains, like that was all he was really holding on to say.
And Liam understood. Few even knew Emma was pregnant with a girl, let alone that Killian and Emma had been discussing naming the baby after his and Liam's mother. If Liam revealed the codes, it wasn't just his agents that were in danger. It was Killian's wife and unborn child, Liam's sister in-law and unborn niece. And Liam couldn't place them in danger, not even to spare Killian this. Whatever torments were in store for either of them, Killian would endure any of them gladly for the sake of his family, just as Liam would endure anything for Killian.
"You can kill us if you want," Liam said, his eyes fixed on Killian.. His voice was shaking, but he was firm in his decision, in Killian's decision. "But no matter what you do to either of us, I am never giving you that code."
Whatever else happened, Emma and Alice would be safe. There wasn't much Liam could do to protect Killian now, but he could give his little brother that comfort at least.
It should have been a relief when they released Killian from his chains. It should have been an opportunity. But Instead of fighting back, running, anything, Killian simply collapsed in a shuddering heap, whimpering softly.
"Fine. Bring it," their captor called, and two of the men came into Liam's sight with a shallow tub of water.
"No," Liam whispered, his terror climbing as he watched the sloshing of the water in the tub. Water was dangerous. More dangerous than anything they'd faced yet. A few seconds too long. A slight miscalculation... Water meant they were willing to up the ante, to risk accidentally drowning Killian to get what they wanted. "Stop," Liam cried. "I can't give you what you want, I can't. But we can talk about this, we can come to some kind of arrangement..." He was stalling. Badly. And they knew it. "Don't do this," he pleaded, "You'll kill him-"
The man gave a little half smile that made Liam's blood run cold. "Then stop me."
Tagging the ‘competitors’ and the peanut gallery! @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable @pirate-owl@icecubelotr44@hollyethecurious  @killian-whump @cocohook38
If you’d like to be added or removed from the whumpetition tag list aka the peanut gallery! let me know
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