#The best little Cosette ever
cherriiramen · 1 year
Jean was the most overprotective awkward dad I’ve ever seen daddying but little did he know he was the best at it 😪
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Im hardcore obsessing over Jean and Cosette’s wholesome little father-daughter bond, especially after previously binging Shoujo Cosette 😭
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artzychic27 · 9 months
Maybe the Akuma, Science, Recess, and Theater class/kids should have a “We Gotta Get Rid of Marinette or Send Her To Therapy” meeting
Mason: I would like to call this “Ranting about Marinette/Ladybug” meeting to order. Now, let us read the minutes. Dot?
Dot: ‘October 15th, 4:12pm, Brecken aired his grievances, stating, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a no-good-”
Kim: Can we just loudly complain?
Mason: Hmm… I don’t see why not. Proceed.
Eri: She ruined my gown!
Genevieve: My singing voice is atrocious because of her!
Denise: I’m just supposed to let some creep pummel me into the dirt and wait for that bug to show up five minutes later?! Hell no!
Nino: I can’t believe I ever had a crush on that girl!
Nathaniel: I know! What were we thinking?!
Spinelli: That little fox ruined some of my best work! I spent hours on that mural! Do you know how hard working with chalk is?!
Reshma: I couldn’t make any new friends because of her!
Marc: If she ever gives you guys dating advice, just walk away!
Austin T: I NEVER hit Jean! What the hell is Ladybug’s problem?!
Soo-Yeon: Candace and I were in surgery because of that chick!
Kim: Ladybug?
Candace: No, Marinette.
Alya: That girl is getting to be way too much! Being her friend is like a full-time job without the pay! I could be rolling in cash!
DJ: Then, it’s decided. We take Marinette down, then Ladybug.
Cosette: How?
DJ: I have no clue.
Lotta: Well, it’s gotta be done now! We’ve all seen just how far Marinette will go to get rid of anyone Adrien so much as smiles at!
Rochelle: … Well…
Austin B: Oh, I know that look. Spill.
Rochelle: I mean, we could all put our skills to use. It’s one against… What, like thirty? Thirty-five? You get the idea. What do we have to be afraid of? Several of us come from influential families, and I’m looking at a few people who could easily hack into the government. Do you all see where I’m headed?
Austin Q: Oh, my God, we’re dumb!
Gia: We could have stood together as a united front this entire time!
Victoria: Rochelle, honey, you sit next to me, and I mean forever. Where do we start?
Rochelle: Alya, you’re still close to Marinette, right?
Alya: It’s a one-sided closeness.
Rochelle: Good enough. Gather any evidence of her misdeeds. “Accidentally” record her talking about her plans to sabotage some poor girl who shows an interest in Adrien. Mason, I know very well that your personal files on the students are more secure than the NSA’s.
Mason: *Blushes* Well, I guess.
Rochelle: Anything we pick up goes to you until it’s time for the grand reveal.
Ivan: That takes care of Marinette, but what about Ladybug?
Rochelle: If I’m correct, I’m sure we won’t have to worry about her.
Alix: Cryptic much?
Rochelle: Very much, yes. But, trust me. All our problems will soon be resolved.
Austin A: *To Austin B* I can see why you like hanging out with zir.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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paarthursass · 3 months
A few thing's about the Muny's Les Mis that really stuck out to me:
Overall this is probably the first time that the interpersonal relationships really landed for me in a production of Les Mis. Intellectually I always understood that Valjean took in Cosette because he felt responsible for Fantine's suffering, but John Riddle did an excellent part in portraying Valjean's guilt. Peter Neureuther and Emily Bautista also got across Marius and Eponine's friendship really well. You felt the friendship and love between them.
The staging for At the End of the Day had Valjean up on the second level, watching the women and the foreman mob Fantine but not doing anything to intervene. In the transition to I Dreamed a Dream everyone left the stage except Valjean (still above her) and Fantine. Fantine looked up at Valjean, and he turned away and left her alone.
Valjean and Cosette both humming Castle on a Cloud while he leads her out of the woods and back to the Thenardier's inn 🥺
Jordan Donica sang the best version of Stars I have ever heard. That's all.
Though the musical never mentions that Gavroche and Eponine are siblings, the director obviously took pains to ensure the actors knew this. Gavroche was always watching Eponine when she was on stage with him, though they didn't interact all that much.
Emily Bautista is probably one of the best Eponine's I've ever seen. She's joyful in her scenes with Marius - you get why she's in love with him - but also has a clear chip on her shoulder when interacting with her father. Her On My Own was likewise great; we love an Eponine who expresses more than just general sadness.
During A Little Fall of Rain, no one notices that Eponine's been shot at first. Marius and Eponine sing while everyone else at the barricade goes on about their business like nothing's happening. Gavroche is the one who notices that Eponine is dying, and he rushes to get Grantaire and Enjolras's attention, at which point everyone realizes what's happened. Gavroche is visibly distraught, and one of the women hugs him and covers his eyes, forcing him to look away as Eponine dies. Graintaire also comforts him, and they continue to shield Gavroche as Eponine's body is taken away.
The aftermath of A Little Fall of Rain is haunting. Even Enjolras is visibly shaken; you can see in everyone's faces that Eponine's death has brought the glory of the revolution to a halt in the face of the reality that they could all die.
During Drink With Me, when Graintaire stares to sing his verse everyone in the barricade flinches, and Enjolras and some of the others rush forward to try and stop him from continuing.
John Riddle most beautiful version of Bring Him Home I have ever heard.
In the after math of the barricade, Javert comes on stage and first sees the bodies of the men. Then the turntable turns to show the other side of the barricade, where only Gavroche's body is. Javert is visibly shaken by this; he struggles to give orders to the other soldiers afterwards. You really get the sense that this, in addition to Valjean's sparing of him earlier, is what tips him over the edge.
I saw this on Friday so I know I'm forgetting other things but this was just SUCH a lovely production. I wish I could sear it into my brain so I could remember every little piece of it always. I'll never be able to watch the movie again.
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nortism · 3 months
Nor's Les Mis Fic Recommendations
I've been scouring les mis ao3 for a few months now so here are my fav fics I've found. I've tried my best to tag tumblrs where I can but let me know if you are the author of any of these and I'll tag you!
Three Days (or The One Where Javert and Valjean Take a Road Trip Through France and Raise a Child) by zamwessel
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Javert calls what he thinks is Valjean's bluff about needing three days to find the child Cosette and intercede for her. The Inspector comes along for the ride -- and gets much more than he bargained for, in the process.
Notes: First Les Mis fic I ever read and its an absolute banger. It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I'm a sucker for a kid fic so I absolutely adored it.
A Change of Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Six months ago, Doctor Henry Jekyll sought to escape the dramatics of London by coming to M-sur-M. Tonight his murderer pays a visit to the Mayor Madeline. (Being the Curious Case of Inspector Javert and Mister Hyde)
Notes: Criminally underrated. Jekyll and Hyde AU but I went in knowing very little about that book and I could understand what was going on. Each chapter contains bits from the past and present day until the timelines eventually add up which makes the main mystery all the more compelling. Also Fantine is alive and well which is always nice.
Our Souls Still in Fetters by Cinaed
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After Javert is assigned to discover a blackmailer within a public-house that caters to men who prefer other men, Valjean is unexpectedly drawn into the case. Together they must stop the blackmailer before any lives can be ruined...including their own.
Notes: This author has so many great Valvert fics but this one is probably my favourite. There's the classic "undercover as a couple" trope as well as old timey gay bars. Also a huge fan of how this author portrays Cosette and Valjean's relationship.
In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile
Rating: T
Ships: Combeferre/Enjolras/Grantaire
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Notes: I love a good poly fic and this is one of the best. Also just a generally fun and wholesome friendship fic. Definitely a nice comforting read after all the old man angst I've got on here.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Need_To_Comment_Rising (@aromantic-enjolras)
Rating: T
Ships: Courfeyrac/Enjolras, Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Its complicated)
Enjolras takes a swig of his drink with everyone else, and then smirks at Courfeyrac over the rim of his glass. "You didn't seem to mind much me being bossy yesterday night when I had you in my bed..." At his side, Grantaire chokes on his drink and starts coughing. But how did we get here, you might ask? Well, let’s rewind. ------- Enjolras and Courfeyrac have had a friends with benefits arrangement for a while. But when Coureyrac starts dating Combeferre, Enjolras is left with the question of where he fits in the new status quo...
Notes: Another poly fic with aromantic!Enjolras. I love fics with unconventional relationship dynamics as well as people actually communciating with each other (though not before there's been some hijinks ofc). Criminally underrated.
How Marius (Painstakingly) Won the Hand of Mlle. Fauchelevent by writingsyrup (@syrupsyche)
Rating: G
Ships: Cosette/Marius
When setting out to woo his beloved Cosette, Marius had never imagined that it would bring him to this: sitting at a dining table next to her grim-faced father, and staring at the marble that was Enjolras picking at his peas. Or; Enjolras and Cosette are siblings in 19th century France. Marius has to deal with the consequences of this.
Notes: Probably the best Marius characterisation I've ever read, he's just so awkward and weird bless him. I love a good awkward "meeting the parents" and this filled that hole in my heart. Is part of a wider series but can be read as a standalone.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit by Apathy and saltedpin
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Cosette/Marius Pontmercy
Valjean's panting breath does not belong to him. He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles on too-light feet to the mirror in the corner, although he already knows what he will see. Peering back at him from behind a curtain of dark hair, wide-eyed, is Éponine Thénardier. Jean Valjean awakens one morning from uneasy dreams to find that something quite unexpected has happened during the night.
Notes: Cosette and Javert get bodyswapped and Marius is weirdly into it, if that's not enough to convince you to read this fic then idk how to help you. Not normally a huge body swap fan but this was absolutely hilarious as well as having some genuinely sweet moments. Also Theodule is there which means something to some people.
It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster (@shamedumpster)
Rating: T
Ships: Enjolras/Grantaire
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Notes: SO SO GOODDD!! Top tier slowburn kid fic, I could wax poetic about it for days. Had me gripped from start to finish.
Acts of Mercy by cruisedirector and Dementordelta
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After witnessing and reporting a murder, Javert is dismissed from the police and takes a job protecting the women in a brothel, where many of his long-held ideas about justice are challenged.
Notes: Breaking, man from the 1800s finds out that life for women is hard. Such a solid redemption arc fic with some really memorable ocs.
Lynx's Claws and Wolf's Mane by Kaleran
Rating: T
Ships: None
When he is older, when he is a prison guard, he thinks back to his childhood and realizes he had been considerably fortunate. "Prison is no place for a girl like you," his mother told him often, usually fussing with what rags they could use for clothing. "Forgive me for this, draga mea." And so, instead of a daughter, she pretended to have a son.
Notes: Completely canon compliant except Javert is trans and the impact that has on the story really adds an extra layer to his character that I find really compelling. Warning, it is very depressing bc canon.
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cliozaur · 3 months
When you run out of your canon-era fanfics, you start looking for AUs and crossovers. And it’s such an enormous topic to discuss! I would like to start with some recs (we're talking Valvert fanfics, of course). Some authors are just so good and creative when it comes to AUs.
A Change of a Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade (set in MsM) – I will never shut up about it! It’s a crossover of Les Mis and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It’s written amazingly well and has a non-linear narrative. Javert fighting for control and losing it is breathtaking. One of my favourite fanfic Javerts! Caring and overprotective Valjean is what most of us love. Fantine survives and is the only reasonable person around those two. And they have adventures! Dr. Jekyll is, of course, a perfect villain! One of my favourite Valvert fanfics.
What Sort of Devil also by M_Moonshade (set in Paris). This time Valjean is a vampire, self-sacrificing and caring. Javert is exercising and excelling in self-deception. They have even more adventures, and this time Thénardier is the villain. The author’s style is, as always, excellent, and the author’s comments are hilarious.
The next three fics took me time to dare to read. AUs and descriptions can make you dumbstruck, but they turned out to be excellent pieces: well-written, thoroughly thought out. The AUs are well-designed, logical, and well-explained. Javert and Valjean both have recognizable characters, excellent at teasing each other. Their dialogues are highly entertaining and amusing. These fics are good from the point of view of historical details – if the author decides to be anachronistic, it’s for a reason, and it’s explained.
Guard’s Law, Con’s Heart by Xythia (set in Toulon, but it’s 1823). To be honest, I only risked reading it because of Toulon. It’s described as a BDSM universe, which initially did not inspire me. But I gave it a chance and never regretted it. This universe has its rules, and they are not what you expect. They influence social structure and traditions, and it’s all explained and well-used for the plot. Something bad starts happening at the beginning, but Javert arrives on time to stop and prevent it. He takes responsibilities he himself did not expect. Then Javert and Valjean interact and communicate with each other, and it’s such a pleasure and entertainment to follow their exchanges! And I usually do not appreciate OCs, but here I enjoyed them.
Winter Wolf also by Xythia (set in MsM). I already knew what to expect from the author, so even the obscure AU of Sentinels and Guides did not stop me. I had never heard of this AU, but it was not difficult to figure out what it is. A bit slow at the beginning, but then it gets excellent. Signature dialogues, development of relationships, adventures. And one of the best young Cosettes ever written. She is really an amazing little creature.
Eggy series also by Xythia (set in Toulon, and it’s again 1823). This time, one of them (Valjean) is a dragon-shapeshifter. But even as a dragon, he is unmistakably recognizable as Valjean. The world of people and dragons has its history and rules, and they are very well explained. Signature dialogues, good OCs. It really may sound strange as an AU, but it’s worth reading.
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cemeteryangel725 · 8 months
Beyond the Barricade: A Good Omens theater kids AU by CemeteryAngel725
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Special thanks to FourCatsAndCounting for the amazing cover art!
Az Eastgate and AJ Crowley have been best friends and roommates since freshman year, when they met playing minor gangsters in their university theater company's production of Guys and Dolls. Az has been in love with AJ ever since, but he's never quite worked up the courage to tell him. Now it's senior year, and they've been cast as Marius and Enjolras in Les Miserables. Will Az finally work up the courage to tell AJ how he feels? Or will they graduate from college and go their separate ways?
Rated E, 29,853 words (complete work!)
“So, you and me, leading the revolution?” AJ's amber eyes sparkled in the dim light. “What a way to finish out senior year.”
“I know, it's so exciting.” Az let his head tip back against AJ's arm. If AJ was going to let him get this close, he might as well enjoy it.
“I mean, actually, I'm the one leading the revolution. One look at a pretty face, and whoops! Off you go, leaving me behind.”
“But I come back! I'm there when the barricade falls, after all.”
“Only because you think Cosette left your sorry ass. Me and the revolution, your rebound relationship. Or your suicide mission.”
Az sighed. “Hard to believe Marius could look at anyone else with Enjolras onstage. You're going to do him justice, my dear. Marius is dull as dishwater by comparison.”
“Nah, Marius is a romantic. He's quiet, but he has all these beautiful lines to sing, almost as if he's been sitting around thinking them up, waiting to say them to someone. He sort of reminds me of you, actually. You and your head full of poetry.”
Az turned to look at AJ, and was a little shocked at how close their faces had gotten to each other. They locked eyes for a moment, and then AJ's gaze slid down to his lips.
Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53335615/chapters/134984179
Premiering during the @goodomensafterdark Smut War!
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wanderinghedgehog · 7 months
I’m watching this German production of Les Mis (I do not speak nearly enough German to be able to translate) and I think I really like it, so I’ll write down some of my thoughts so far. I’m about halfway through. I’ll watch the rest tomorrow. Anyway, my thoughts on this production in mostly chronological order:
I like this set. The extra staircases and platforms make for interesting visuals.
This Valjean was kinda funny. I don’t think there was anything wrong with his voice, but the high notes sounded strange to me. I like his acting though. He also kinda looks like a magician for some reason.
Fantine! My favorite lady, Fantine! This actress was pretty good I think, but I always love Fantine, so I might not be the best judge.
Have I ever mentioned that I dislike Lovely Ladies? I just don’t like it as a song. That has very little to do with this particular production though.
Some of these ensemble members are doing the most and I love them for it.
I have so many thoughts on this Javert (of course I do). He looks like a mad scientist, he’s kinda bitchy, at some point he wears a really tall hat, his facial expressions are fantastic, he gave one of the best performances of Stars I’ve ever seen. Truly a magnificent performance, but I just can’t quite get past the mad scientist thing.
They didn’t switch the set during Who Am I, so Valjean is just singing the final verse to no one. He then proceeds to SEND A LETTER TO JAVERT?!?!?! This is what leads to the confrontation.
Valjean looked especially magician-y when he met little Cosette.
I think they did a pretty good job with Les Amis in this, but I’m not an expert like some of y’all. They all felt like distinct characters which was nice. I loved this Enjolras.
Eponine! When I first got a clear look at her face, I paused the video because she was so pretty. I love her voice too, especially in Heart Full of Love.
This Cosette is adorable but her voice is so strikingly classical, it’s a little funny.
Marius is alright so far. Not much to say about him.
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headfulloflettuce · 2 months
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
14. Petty Coins
Cosette’s knees gave out once she stepped through the massive portcullis. Ophelia quickly caught her, keeping her upright.
“You did amazing.” she smiled, leading Cosette to the side of the street.
“Thanks…I am sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
“No, no. You did the right thing. I let him get to me and it almost cost us.” Ophelia felt ashamed. She was good at haggling, at debating and handling people; to have messed up so easily…it was pathetic.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Cosette smiled, “Anyone would get offended if someone began insulting their race.”
Ophelia shook her head, “I’ve lived for at least a century. I should have gotten used to it by now.”
Cosette’s expression hardened, “No one. I repeat, no one should ever have to get used to being abused or looked down upon just because of who you were born as.”
Ophelia smiled, gently ruffling her hair.
The capital was more than anything Cosette had dreamed of during their journey. The city was full of warmth and bright lights despite the harsh cold. Large fire pits were placed near half-timbered buildings along the streets where people could warm themselves before continuing their walk. Looking up, Cosette could see the Winter Court palace in the distance; its cold beauty supported by the large towers and side palaces surrounding it.
“Oh my Mother Cosette, look!” Ophelia suddenly dragged Cosette over to a small shop where little polar bear cookies and pastries were on display. 
“They're quite adorable.” Cosette smiled.
And very much not worth the price.
“Oh and look! Little chocolate rabbits! I always wanted to see these!”
Not eat? Just see?
Cosette listened to Ophelia’s ramblings about the sweets of Winter Court, following along as her companion led her from window to window.
“I heard this place has the most delicious cookies! Oh and this one has the best eclairs!”
“Where did you hear all this from?”
“My partner.”
“Ah.” Cosette frowned, “Did you two ever meet up in Winter Court?”
Ophelia shook her head, “No, due to my mother’s possessive nature it was easier for us to meet in Autumn, or on the outskirts.”
“I see.”
The two of them walked deeper into the city, obviously out of place with their mesmerized stares. Cosette was so absorbed in her surroundings, she temporarily forgot about the cold. 
“Over there!” Ophelia exclaimed, pointing to a building, where a sign stating ‘Forrest’s Inn’ in large cursive letters hung above the entrance. The two of them quickly crossed the street, making their way over.
Cosette was visibly shaking from the cold as they entered the inn Aquilo recommended.
“We really need to get you a warmer cloak.” Ophelia pulled off her own, wrapping it around Cosette, “Your lips have turned blue.”
“Is…this abnormal?” Cosette shivered just looking at some of the faes wearing thin cloaks or only one layer of furs.
“Not really.” Ophelia shook her head, “It just depends on how powerful you are as a fae and what your affinity is. The stronger the faerie the easier they'll handle a temperature that works well with their powers. I, as a fae from Autumn, can handle the cold better than most, although not as well as a Winter fae.” she leaned in, whispering into Cosette’s ear, “You’re human so you can’t handle such extreme temperatures, however since you’re pretending to be a Lesser fae immigrant it shouldn’t be questioned too much.”
Cosette nodded, her teeth chattering.
“I'll go check us in.” Ophelia gestured towards the fireplace, “You go warm up.”
Cosette shuffled over to the warmth, nearly toppling into the fireplace as she sat down.
A burly man who was sitting behind the counter, looked up as Ophelia approached him, setting some papers aside to give her his full attention.
Cosette stared at the flames, their beauty and comfort intoxicating, yet dangerous.
‘Sir, please, I am begging you-’
‘Beg? Oh human, begging won’t save you now. You committed an unforgivable sin, and yet I am willing to let you go with a minimal punishment. You should be worshiping me.’
She shivered. Although Eris had never used his flames on her, Beron had been less lenient. She remembered her tears, her pleading, the emotionless expression Eris wore, and the horrified eyes of the Lady of Autumn. 
All because she served Beron the tea Eris had ordered her to make in the first place. All because it wasn’t up to his precious taste buds’ standards. 
All because a human made it.
 Cosette jumped, spinning around as a blanket was placed on her back.
“Oh, hello.” A fae woman smiled at her. 
Wow, Winter fae could do that?
The fae looked like Snow White. Her hair was dark like charcoal, accompanied by perfect rose tinted cheeks. 
“I didn't mean to startle you, your friend mentioned you were cold.” The woman leaned in slightly, pausing as she smelt the unpleasant odor coming from Cosette. However, she made no comment, maintaining her smile.
Cosette glanced back at Ophelia who was still chatting with the man behind the counter. It sounded like they were still negotiating their accommodations.
“That's Forrest, my husband. I am Blanche, what's your name?” 
“Would you like some hot chocolate?”
Cosette paused, “How much for it?”
The woman stared at her, laughing gently, “A good question to ask, but it's free.”
Cosette gazed at her suspiciously,
“It’s included in the price of staying at the inn.” Blanche coaxed.
Cosette conceded.
“Perfect. Here you go then love.” she carefully placed a mug into her hands, Ophelia walking over to them.
“Are you feeling better Cosette?”
“Yeah.” Cosette nodded, sipping the hot chocolate. It was the perfect kind, rich in flavor, yet thick in texture, “Thank you for the hot chocolate, it’s good.”
Blanche smiled, 
“Can I have some?” Ophelia asked tentatively.
“Of course.” Blanche beamed, disappearing into a corridor to the side of the front desk.
Ophelia sat next to Cosette, watching the flames as well.
“Here you go love.” Blanche soon returned carrying another mug.
“Thank you!” Ophelia took the hot chocolate, savoring its taste.
“So, where did you two come from? You don’t look like you’re from around here.” Banche asked.
“We came here from the outskirts.” Ophelia replied, slurping the hot chocolate slightly.
“Well, I do hope the city is living up to your expectations.”
“That and more.” Cosette said softly, “Are you and your husband from here?”
Blanche nodded, “We both grew up in the city, though our relatives live on the outskirts. The two of us met in one of the bars.” she laughed, “We played poker and both lost to some guy. Since then we have worked together as business partners.” Blanche gazed fondly at Forrest who was helping another customer.
Ophelia smiled, “Why did you two decide to start an inn?”
“He was the one who wanted to start one, I was against it actually. Though, everything worked out in the end. Business is doing well so I can't complain.”
Huh, yet he doesn’t seem too excited to talk to people.
“Well, I do hope you two enjoy your stay here.” Blanche stood up, “Please put your mugs into the bin in the corner once you’re done.”
“Will do ma’am!” Ophelia chugged her drink, Cosette slowly sipping hers.
Cosette followed Ophelia up to their room.
“Oh Mother! Cosette, they have a bath! An actual bath!!” Ophelia cried from happiness, grabbing a towel, “I call dibs first!”
Cosette smiled as Ophelia ran into the bathroom, shutting the door. Her sounds of happiness could still be heard from outside.
How little it took to make her happy.
The room was quite nice compared to the first ever inn the two of them stayed at. The walls and furniture were well kept. Rugs were placed perfectly in front of the bed and under the table next to the window. Cosette looked at the bed longingly but shook her head, giving her face a small slap.
I have work to do.
Turning on her heels she left, walking back downstairs. Some faes were hanging out by the fireplace, chatting casually. She approached the counter, where Forrest was looking over paperwork.
“Excuse me?”
He looked up, unlike his wife he didn't smile, his expression remaining neutral.
“Do you know where the nearest antique shop is?”
“Antique shop?”
“Yeah, a place that can appraise items and is willing to exchange money for it.”
Forrest nodded, “There is one down the street to the left.”
“Any others besides that one?”
“Yeah, there are. Another good one is in the opposite direction to the right. There is also one adjacent to the Frozen Boulevard and one directly on Blizzard Street.”
How much are they paying the fae naming these streets?
“Okay, thank you.”
Cosette turned to leave but paused hearing Forrest call her back.
“Wait just a minute.”
Oh fuck, did he notice I was human? Does he know we ran from Autumn? Is he going to report us to the authorities? Did I just break some sort of secret fae law?
“Yes?” She tried to make her voice sound confident but it still shook.
He pulled out a cloak from the back of his desk, “Here, you looked cold when you came in. Don't want you freezing out there.”
“How much?” She asked, not taking it.
“Nothing.” He grunted, turning back to his work, leaving the cloak on the counter as she didn't take it, “Just bring it back in one piece.”
Cosette nodded, taking the cloak and put it on.
Maybe that's why that captain recommended this inn, they certainly seemed much more welcoming than other Winter fae.
Cosette stepped back out into the hustle and bustle of the city. Walking quickly through the streets she followed the inn keeper's instructions, making her way over to the first antique shop on her list, sticking close to the fires maintained by establishments.
Cosette walked inside the appraisal place, a determined expression on her face. During their journey she had begun gauging how much everything costs, from food to housing. However, she expected those prices to rise in the capital, especially considering the economic crisis.
She had to make the most of this, to maximize their possibilities in the city. Cosette confidently walked past all the display cases, and up to the counter where an old fae was looking at some emerald rings. 
“Hello.” Cosette kept her face clear of emotions, “I am here to sell some jewelry.”
“Hm…” the fae looked her up and down, “What do you have to sell?”
“This.” Cosette pulled out a necklace, the same one she had been accused of stealing.
Guess it was true now wasn't it?
Cosette felt a bit bad for stealing it, but she couldn't help being petty. 
Was it really terrible to want a little revenge?
The fae’s eyes widened as he examined the necklace. He quickly schooled his expression to be more calm, “I can give you two hundred gold.”
“I think this is worth more.” 
At least based on your reaction.
“I am willing to go up to three hundred.”
Cosette crossed her arms, Ophelia always did it while haggling, so it seemed appropriate.
“Four hundred and fifty!”
Cosette grabbed the locket, turning towards the door.
“Wait, wait! Five hundred and fifty! Seven hundred!”
Cosette turned the doorknob 
“One thousand is my final offer!”
Cosette stared down at the necklace with a slightly perplexed expression.
What was so special about you anyways?
She smiled though, walking back over to the counter, handing the necklace over. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
“Yeah, yeah. “ The old fae handed her the promised coins, only being allowed to take the necklace after Cosette counted to make sure everything was in proper order.
Perhaps I should have kept it considering how his eyes gleamed when he held it, but I didn’t want to be involved with a potentially valuable artifact. The faster I got rid of it the better, besides, me and Ophelia needed the money.
Cosette went from place to place, selling the little trinkets she had stolen, the money pouch steadily growing heavier. She kept it hidden under her cloak, finding herself enjoying the bustle of the city. 
It felt just like home.
Even though the coldness of winter faes was obvious, as strangers didn’t greet each other, and everyone walked with purpose, one could see friends happily chatting and drinking. Families shopping in stores. Partners sharing a romantic meal in a restaurant.
Cosette’s eyes fell on the little polar bear cookies and rabbit shaped chocolates she saw earlier with Ophelia. The price was certainly not cheap, but she thought about all the money she had in her pouch at the moment.
It was worth it.
It was late evening when Cosette returned to the inn. Despite the time the streets were still full of fae rushing to places. Though shops had mostly closed, late cafés and restaurants were brimming with life.
Cosette shook off the snow before walking inside.
“You’re back early.” Forrest stood up from his chair behind the counter, “Did you find everything you needed to?”
“Haha, I lost track of time.” she nodded sheepishly, “Yeah, my trip was successful.”
“I am glad to hear it. We had dinner, if you want some there’s still some food in the kitchen, just ask Blanche for it.”
“Thank you sir.” Cosette gave a small bow, much to the surprise of the innkeeper as she walked back upstairs to her and Ophelia’s room.
Old habits die hard.
The moment Cosette stepped inside the room she almost fell over.
“Cosette!” a flurry of hazel tackled her in an embrace.
“I was so worried!”
“I am sorry about that.”  Cosette hugged back hesitantly.
“Where were you? You didn't leave a note!” Ophelia pulled away, checking Cosette for injuries.
“I went out to sell some of the jewelry I stole.”
Ophelia’s eyes narrowed, “Cosette that is very dangerous. What if an Autumn fae traces it back to here?”
“I sold all of them at various locations, which should prevent that from being as big of an issue.” Cosette walked over to the desk, pulling out the pouch of money.
Ophelia’s eyes widened, looking at its size, “How much?”
“In total I managed to get 1000 gold and 500 silvers.”
Ophelia’s mouth dropped, “That’s a lot…how much did you steal?”
“A lot clearly.” Cosette smiled, choosing to ignore the pendant that sold for a fortune, “I should have minimal problems opening a business now with such a down payment. By the way, I have a surprise for you.”
Ophelia squealed as Cosette took out a small box of the sweets the fae had been eyeing earlier.
“Oh my gosh, Cosette, you didn’t have to.” Ophelia took the box from her carefully, as if it were the most precious thing in all of Prythian.
“I didn’t, but I wanted to. You deserve to eat them, and not just see them, Ophelia.” Cosette smiled,
“Oh…” Ophelia turned away, wiping her eyes.
No! I wanted to make her happy, not upset!
“Ophelia, I am so sorry, please don’t cry.” Cosette gently tried to console her.
“No, no these are tears of joy.” Ophelia smiled, hugging her friend once more, “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” Cosette’s voice was slightly muffled by the warm embrace.
Cosette carefully washed her body, the scars on her back still aching from her time in Autumn. Despite the months that had passed they had never properly healed. 
Shoot, I left my clothes out there.
Cosette stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, quickly grabbing her clothes and changing into them as Ophelia was getting into bed. 
“Oh…” Ophelia let out a small sound, making Cosette face her.
“You alright?”
“Your back…”
“Ah, that.” Cosette cringed, getting into bed under the blanket, “It’s just like that, nothing much I can do about it.”
“Cosette, it looks serious.”
If I was back home I would have treated using antibiotics and proper skin treatments to minimize scarring. I did the best with what I had.
“It has dried and healed.”
“Cosette the scarring is terrible.”
“Scarring is always terrible.” 
“Not like this. Here, sit up.” Ophelia got out of bed, “I’ll be back okay?”
“Where are you going?”
Ophelia smiled, “Going to do what I do best.”
Cosette was left alone sitting on the bed alone.
Soon Ophelia returned, a basket of towels in hand with some medicine bottles.
“Where did you get those?”
“What did you tell him?” Cosette’s voice turned worried.
Not another man to call master.
“I told him from all our walking we both have injuries that needed treatment. Lesser Fae attacks didn’t help the matter. He told me to take these.”
Cosette nodded, approving of the lie, “Let me guess, ‘included in the payment already?’”
“Yup, now turn around for me.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
“I want to.” Ophelia held her gaze.
Cosette sighed, turning her back to Ophelia who began trying to clean the remaining wounds and scarring. Cosette hissed as she felt some skin get peeled away. 
“Sorry.” Ophelia murmured, continuing to wash her back. 
“While you were gone I got to know Forrest’s wife. She’s such a nice lady. She gave us brownies after dinner, which you missed by the way. I got some food for you though in case you're hungry.” trying to distract Cosette from the discomfort Ophelia continued talking about her day, “I have forgotten how much I love chocolate…you know when my partner was alive he would always bring me a box.”
“What was his name?”
“...Andri.” Ophelia whispered sadly, “He always made baked treats for me, despite the journey we both had to take to meet.” Ophelia laughed, “He wasn’t a very good cook, but he tried nonetheless. Now that I am in Winter Court I am determined to try all the treats he talked about.” Ophelia smiled, her expression determined, “Starting with these little rabbits.” she reached over, putting a chocolate in her mouth, and feeding one to Cosette, closing her eyes as savored the flavor, “You know he tried to replicate them for me one time? I didn’t have the heart to tell him that they turned out poorly.”
How little it took to make this fae happy
Cosette smiled listening to Ophelia ramble about Andri and food.
“Oh! I also want to try Winter Court’s iconic blankets. The fluffy ones specifically! They say they’re really good at maintaining heat.”
Her gratitude for such basic necessities.
Cosette allowed her body to relax as Ophelia treated her. The pain became less severe as the two kept talking.
Yes…I can trust this woman.
“Oh by the way, what business do you want to open with all the money you have now?” Ophelia asked, “You never actually said what exactly you wanted to do.”
Next: Chapter 15 - A Sweet Stench
Back: Chapter 13 - Welcome to Winter Court
Tag list: @rcarbo1
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syrupsyche · 5 months
Hi! I don't know if you've talked about it before, but I have been reading some kid fics and got curious.
Do you have any marisette as parents headcanon? Or if you think they'll have children at all
ooo Marisette headcanons 😍 okay so I have three sets of headcanons here: one for canon, one for my OFEAverse, and one of modern AU bc well....I just think about them too much 😔
Post-canon I do think that Marisette would still be quite the prototypical bourgeois French family and have at least 1-2 children, but not for a while. They would have to settle some shit first (re: Marius' treatment of Valjean) and I'd like to think that Cosette would take this chance to explore and investigate more about her past and her mother. Once they're ready I'd imagine them having a son and a daughter, and Cosette will raise them on stories about their family – her father, her mother etc. while Marius would raise them on stories about his friends. I truly, truly believe Marisette would be at the barricades of 1848, and their children will learn all about it.
In OFEAverse (my fic where Cosette and Enjolras are siblings), they would only have a son because [REDACTED] and once again, he would be raised with so much love and learn a LOT about the uprisings that his family has taken part in. He looks like Marius, but with Cosette's eyes, and he's an absolute Mama's boy lol (but who can blame him; his mother is Cosette!).
Modern AU is a little trickier; I'm not sure if Marisette would wanna be parents. They give me fur parents vibes, so I'm sure their house would be filled with lots of weird pets before they even consider a child. If they do ever decide on kids, it'd be years after their marriage and probably only just one.
As to how they'd be as parents in general: all of their children will have Marius wrapped around their little fingers. He'd take any opportunity to give them little trinkets and presents, and shower them with so much love. He wants to be with them in a way that he'd always wished he could be with his father! His children help him grow to be a better person. Cosette would have a good understanding of the best type of parent to be, emulating Valjean's parenting, but would be a little less protective, knowing how important it is to let them explore the world themselves! Marius, meanwhile, would be an absolute worrywart about them.
I'm so sorry for such a long answer; I just have many thoughts about Marisette <33 tysm for the ask; here is a little doodle of the potential Pontmercy children ^^
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
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Ryouta Watanabe ★ picrew link
gender: male sexuality: bisexual age: 21 height: 6′1″ (186cm) body notes: He’s very built underneath his clothes. He has a giant tattoo of an oni mask with clouds around it on his left pectoral. He also has tattoos of a realistic shibari spiral knot on both his forearms, a giant octopus on his left hip that wraps to his lower back and a bit down his thigh, paw prints of past cats he’s owned on his calf and a spider behind is left ear. He has two ear piercings in each ear. He also has a mole under his eye and on the right side of his mouth and a spattering of them on his shoulders and down his upper arms
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type of yandere: Overprotective Yandere
easiest way to describe this yandere is that everything they do is for the sake of their darling’s safety. they’re not obsessive and selfish; taking their darling away and locking them up is for their own good. these yandere usually think themselves smarter, more knowledgeable or more capable than their darling; this paired with them usually thinking their darling is too innocent or oblivious to be left to themselves. these yandere usually are able to justify anything they do as something that they need to do.
Growing up, Ryouta only had his brother and nobody else. Even now, he could recall his childhood fondly specifically because his brother protected him and made it safe for him. However, eventually, Fujio had to reveal to his little brother exactly what kind of city he’d have to spend the rest of his life in. Ryouta learned quickly that Lovelock was ruthless and that you needed to be strong enough to protect yourself or the city would eat you alive. All of that is to say that, if Ryouta ever found someone he sees as an exact copy of himself when he was younger, he’dtry his best to become for them what his brother was for himself. Especially if they’re stupid enough to think they don’t need something like that.
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likes: cats, vaping, caramel flavoured anything, boba tea, video games, aesthetically pleasing desserts dislikes: anything too bitter (just a little bit is okay), people who abuse children, cops or policemen, most types of alcohol, nosy people
Ryouta is a part-time Kuraokami Dreamy Creamery employee. The store is located along the boardwalk, surrounded by sun, surf and other cheery stores like it. The store’s theme is pastel and cute, with their mascot being an adorable little blue dragon. Despite it’s adorable atmosphere, however, Kuraokami is also one other thing: the headquarters of a drug dealing group that specialises in selling prescription pills and ice.
His underground name is Fujin, named after the god of wind. He gained the name from the fact that he’s always trailing vape smoke behind him like thick clouds. He’s also known to smoke marijuana often. Ryouta basically does the same thing as his brother, just not as frequently. Most often, it’s just guarding shipments, receiving drugs, etc. He’s never had to shake down people who owe them like his brother often does.
Often, when he’s not working, he’s holing himself up in his two story apartment, gaming his heart out. He’s spent a lot of time and effort customising his very own computer set up too so he’s often comfortably playing video games or watching movies. Usually, one or more of his five cats are with him. He has two maine coons named Miette and Cosette, a ginger cat Dubhan, named a siamese cat named Siobhan and a tabby named Tabitha.
Sometimes, Ryouta will actually leave his house and go on what he calls ‘dates with himself’. Basically, he just treats himself to aesthetic cafes, bakeries or pop up shops nearby that he’s interested in. Sometimes, they’re for events related to the video games he plays.
Even rarer than that, Ryouta can be found in the orphanage he grew up in, helping out and volunteering just to give back to the place that gave him a decent childhood. When he’s there, his brother is always there too.
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sexual preference: vers top turn ons: creampie (giving), oral (receiving), praise (giving/receiving), shibari (giving/receiving), bondage (giving), body worship (giving/receiving), sex under the influence, breeding kink, overstimulation (giving/receiving)
dick size: 8.5in
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breadvidence · 11 months
Another day, another adaptation: the 1982 French film, this round. The fact that every adaptation makes at least one lunatic choice really keeps my hyperfixation hyperfixating. Standout points:
This is the dirtiest Les Mis, and I don't mean because there's a nip slip. Streets, clothes, faces, interior walls of buildings: just about everything is dirty at best and caked in filth at worst.
Michel Bouquet's Javert has a parallel with Oyelowo's, which—shockingly—I don't mean as a critique (much): they are depicted as cleaning up their offices with the Paris police, Bouquet very literally (six months into his tenure, he drags his fingers across a painting in his office, streaking through thick dust; eight years later, he repeats the gesture, but this time to remove the barest fleck), and there's a definite career arc subplot for both. In BBC 2018 this is because the narrative thinks Javert is a badass; I'm less clear on what '82 is going for.
Lino Ventura has an interesting, craggy, wrinkly, mobile face, and he utilizes it thoroughly through Valjean's different iterations, from the slack and suffering convict to the dignity of Mayor Madeleine and somewhere in-between as Ultime Fauchelevent.
Award for most bombastic and cheerful Amis ever. The polycule energy is strong. Instead of OFPD, the entire line-up gets the firing squad treatment at once (bewildering and delightful, this sequence includes time pausing for everyone except Grantaire, who grabs a last drink and strolls over to the others, there to take his place for the final shot; someone gimme the fanfic in which he has time-based superpowers, please).
Instead of an intimate moment between her and Marius, Éponine's death includes the Amis standing in a semi-circle around the two of them. Marius proceeds not to grant her dying wish for a kiss. Awkward.
In a change which makes zero sense to me, Valjean survives an additional five years in this adaptation—but this ain't a fix-it fanfic. He severs ties with Cosette utterly the day of her wedding and lives in increasingly filthy solitude (this would not be '82 without filth). For extra pathos, in an irrelevant scene he's depicted collapsing in the street and being robbed. He dies alone, painfully, crying out for Cosette, having suffered a final vision of her and Marius frolicking down a lane (his horrified reaction to this, unlike everything else happening here, is certainly Brick-compliant). Catherine is present and possibly cursed?
Please, the final scene, dwell on it with me. It mirrors the first scene of the film: convicts in chains shuffle bare-footed through mud; one collapses; we see others labor to pull carts full of stone; Javert calls Valjean's name; we see Valjean pulling a cart alone;—in the first scene, Javert then says "You are free", but in the final, "Now you are free". Both are in their old-man wigs and makeup. We have been hit over the head with a point one can certainly derive from the novel, that Valjean's suffering ends only after death (or, in the case of '82, after a little purgatory). But! That it was all Toulon—awful. And that Javert is his final voice of salvation—weird, and AWFUL.
Interesting that '82 is so profoundly grim for Valjean despite clearly, from the Amis, having the capacity for cheerfulness. Not sure what to do with that!
Anyway, my favorite character in this adaptation is Combeferre's beard.
[eta] Forgot: there is the lead-up to the coffin heist and lead-up to Marius lobbing the "les cognes sont là" note into the room during the Gorbeau ambush, but the film does not actually include either of these events—I'd almost wonder if there's a missing scene somewhere for the former, but the latter is simply a dropped thread.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
More Favoritism stuff, cuz… I fucking love this au. Also, the person who sent in the first ask, sent in another one where two gay punks get the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous, so expect to see that soon
Now, let’s just throw around a few incorrect quotes
Marc: *About to go into battle as Mariquita* I know you're a little worried about me. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've never gone into a fight like this, and I don't know what's gonna happen. But you don't have to worry. I will make it back. I love you, man.
*Kiran hugs Marc*
Lila: Aaw.
*Marc then turns around in shock to see Lila, who has heard his every word*
Lila: Are you talking to your baby brother?
Marc: No!… Shut up!
Lila: That's adorable!
Mariquita: And where have you been?
Bomb Shell: Nowhere?
Mariquita: How did you get so hurt?
Bomb Shell: Oh, that. Well, uh, we were...
Vulpix: Hit...
Viperion: By a...
CapriKid: Bus?
Queen Bee: *whispers to CapriKid* Hit by a bus?!
CapriKid: Well, what was I supposed to say, meteor, cow, flying building?!
Lila: *To the student body* Okay, yeah. I've got an apology. So, I have this friend who took pity on me as the new student this year. And I convinced him that it would be fun to mess up Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s life. So I pretended to be friends with Marinette, and then he would come to my house after and we would just laugh about all the dumb stuff Marinette said. And we gave these candy bar things that would make her break out, and then we turned her best friends against her because, oh yeah! She has her crush’s entire schedule in her room, which is creepy. And then... Oh yeah, Marc- you know my friend Marc? The mastermind got Adrien, Marinette’s obsession, to see the light and separate himself from her. Oh, God, and we gave her foot cream instead of face wash! God! I am so sorry Marinette. Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big crush on a guy who’s not even into you! Suck on that! AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!
Marinette: Can I just say that we don't have a clique problem at this school? And some of us shouldn't have to take this workshop because some of us are just victims in this situation.
Mme. Mendeleiev: … Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Marinette Dupain-Cheng? *she watches all students and teachers raise hands*
Marc: Marinette Dupain-Cheng... How do I begin to explain Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Jean: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a blackmailer.
Denise: I hear she’s got dirt on all of her classmates and they don’t know it.
Lacey: I hear she’s stalking Adrien now.
Ismael: Her room is lined with photos of him.
Simon: One time, I caught her kissing a wax statue of him at the museum.
Mireille: And she threatened me not to say anything.
Cosette: One time she punched me in the face... So I kicked her ass. It was awesome.
Marinette: I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm popular.
Marinette: Why were you talking to Marc Anciel?
Nathaniel: Well, I mean-
Marinette: He’s so pathetic. Let me tell you something about Marc Anciel. We super close back in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... Whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend Gerard who was totally gorgeous and obsessed with me, and Marc was like, weirdly jealous. Like, if I would blow him off to hang out with Gerard, he’s be like, "When can we hang out?" And I'd be like, "Why are you so obsessed with us?" So then, for my birthday party, which I invited Gerard to, I was like, "Marc, I can't invite you, because I think you're in love with Gerard." I mean I couldn't have that at my party. There would be so much drama. I mean, right? Of course, everyone caught on, and saw him only as a homewrecker, because, duh, he is. And then he dropped out of school because no one would talk to him after, and he came back in the fall for lycee, his hair was messed up and he was totally weird, and now I guess he's on crack.
Adrien: Marinette seems... sweet!
Marc: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is not sweet! She's a scum-sucking demon queen, she ruined my life!
Okay, now headcanons!
Marc occasionally gets revenge on Marinette by cutting holes into her jeans, leggings, and shorts
After Marinette tarnished Lila’s reputation by claiming she got Akumatized because she was jealous of her liking Adrien, Marc seized the opportunity to adopt her
Marc: Hey, when you’re done crying over the school’s cult leader shunning you, I wanna restyle your hair.
Lila: … Why are you talking to me? Aren’t you worried about her highness sending them after you?
Marc: Honey, we’ve been bitter enemies the minute she was born. She can do or say whatever the hell she wants. Now, let me do your hair. I’m not a fan of the three ponytails.
Lila: Fine, go ahead. *Marc starts undoing her ponytails* … You do know you’re in the girls bathroom, right?
Marc: Screw gender, you needed help.
They spend their days avoiding Marinette and her classmates at all costs, reading under the stairs on in the basement, and doing each others nails
Lila has considered switching classes, but she doesn’t want to give Marinette the satisfaction
Marc’s closed off from his classmates in this au. He doesn’t know if he can trust them or not, and they don’t talk to him
Whenever they try to make conversation, he gives one worded answers and then walks away
Marinette has blackmail on all of her classmates, and they’re none the wiser. One person thinks everyone else loves her and they go along with it because they don’t want to be shunned and harassed like the outcasts by the rest of the school
It’s mob mentality. She popular and supposedly nice, so people go along with everything she says, and becuase she has connections with celebrities
The moment Nathaniel behind hanging out with Marc and Lila after Marc refused to make an Adrinette comic with him, Marinette made sure to let everyone know about his anger issues, causing him to be avoided by almost half the student body while the rest just try to provoke him
Well, that all ends when Marc defends him
Marc: Oh, Louis. Do I need to tell a certain someone I caught you making out with another certain someone in the school basement?
Louis: Y-you wouldn’t!
Marc: … Try me, bitch. *Louis runs away* That’s what I thought.
Nathaniel: … Thanks-
Marc: Don’t talk to me. *Leaves*
For that Carrie au, Marc’s not bullied as badly as 80s Carrie (because it’s not the 80s where teenagers had knives and could shiv you at any moment and slaughtered pigs), but it’s common to find graffiti on his locker and for some people to steal his belongings
Marc discovers his telekinesis when he inadvertently causes a cup of water to spill all over Marinette after she threw a crumpled up napkin at him
He gets his small dose of payback by tripping a few of his tormentors from other classes, making phones short circuit, and tying some shoelaces together
But enough about that, let’s talk about Malice- Marc’s akuma form in the Favoritism au, and the catty name everyone likes to call him at school
Grimm Reaper going through a punk phase, still has a scythe, can teleport similarly to Oni-Chan, and when people are slashed by his scythe, the worst parts of themselves are revealed
Imagine just these glowing hazes emerging from you, taking your form, and blurting out every awful thing you’ve ever done
Malice’s overall look is a hooded asymmetrical black jacket with a chain belt, torn black pants, and fingerless black gloves. The hood covers his face, showing only his narrowed glowing green eyes and wide smile. (That’s all most people ever see Marc as, just this malevolent person who enjoys the misery of others. But when you pull the hood down, there are cracks on his face, his eyes are dull with black streaks running down like tears, and the smile is gone)
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alenaphale · 7 months
gotta say that one recording of les mis on west end from 06/14/2014 is basically my favorite and my comfort watch (i’ve opened it on youtube 14 times this month and actually rewatching it rn) and i feel like we’re not talking about it enough.
jean valjean is perfect there and i mean it in terms of both acting and singing daniel koek is unbelievable (i almost cried when he was singing with tiny cosette when he found her in the woods). javert is extremely angry and hisses all the time and honestly i’m always here for that (also his soliloquy drives me insane every time just. oh my god). fantine is probably the best one i’ve ever seen in my life she portrays the character so beautifully. the thénardiers are literally so funny and their acting in the robbery is impeccable (i’ve rewatched the robbery more than any other part of the musical). enjolras is majestic and grantaire is fucking insanely good like you know how he is right? one moment he’s silly and goofy prankster putting his arms around enj and marius’ shoulders and then he’s literally grasping enjolras during drink with me with tears in his eyes and cracking voice. little cosette’s acting is SO GOOD AND ON POINT IT’S LITERALLY CRAZY??? marius and cosette for once don’t piss me off because they actually suit their roles perfectly and you really believe their acting when you see them. eponine is very edgy and sarcastic and also perfect. gavroche pats javert on a cheek during the barricade and i was speechless about how good his acting is in general. AND ALSO THE ENSEMBLE HELLO???? i always pay close attention to them and here they are doing such an amazing job, all of them (my personal fav is master of the house tbh i’m crazy about this song and scenography in this scene here is hilarious and amazing). i probably missed some details but only because fuuucking hell. fucking hell. please hear me out people this is probably the most important les mis recording in my life.
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dnickels · 1 year
This chapter really got to me-- even the heartwarming moments are devastating, in their own way. Valjean fulling intending to keep a low profile and feel his way through this tricky situation (acquire child, avoid prison) but unable to stop himself from intervening in this awful nightmare playing out in front of him. You KNOW he thinks this is all his fault, and he keeps trying to pour money into the gaping rent in the fabric of La Société at great risk to himself...but he can't buy back all the years of degradation or what its done to anyone involved. It's not even his fault, directly--but he set the rule that ultimately cost Fantine and Cosette everything, and he didn't intervene sooner, and its killer him. Please play with a doll little girl!! Oh my God I'm so sorry please have TEN DOLLIES! PLEASE BE HAPPY ;____;
Meanwhile Cosette is like "this is the best day ever, thank you Hobo Santa"
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phantomtrader19 · 1 year
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So last night was my first time seeing the new 2023/24 cast, I was lucky enough to sit front row too as I wanted to analyse the performances without any obstruction.
Jon was on and was lovely as usual! Great chemistry with Lily as Christine.
As you can see Joe Griffiths Brown wasn’t on so was a little bit gutted. I somehow managed to catch Ralph once again which I can’t believe! He was genuinely really nice though definitely improving each performance!
Lily De La Haye was on for Carlotta! Not seen her since November last year and as always stunning performance, love getting to see her! Love her little touches she adds on to the role and again great chemistry with her on stage partner David as Piangi.
David Kristopher Brown was exceptional as Piangi perfectly timed humour and stellar voice, can’t wait to see him again soon!
Matt & Adam as managers always a guaranteed great show as well as Francesca Ellis as Mme Giry.
Now for the standout of the evening was the utterly sensational Lily Kerhoas as Christine. I will honestly admit when I had heard her voice as Cosette albeit the role is vastly smaller than Christine I didn’t ever imagine her as a Christine so when she was announced I was shocked but intrigued to see how she’d sound as I know Lily could sing beautifully but never really heard her full soprano. Of course after hearing audio I was totally blown away so I was hoping her acting would be nice too. I can confirm after the last 15 or so hours she probably was the best Christine I’ve ever seen, first off she looks exactly how I’d imagine Christine, then we of course hear her ridiculous voice and then on top she gave utterly 100% acting wise which isn’t always the case on a random Thursday evening. I was completely taken aback with just how good she was every detail of her portrayal absolutely fascinated me, (her tears of hate was sublime) I was convinced she was choosing the phantom by the end she was practically dragged out of the lair.
Overall a STUNNING cast, if you can you MUST see them!!!
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cliozaur · 1 year
What the Thénardiers really needed was contraception! There are so many various themes raised in this chapter, but I will be focusing on the topic of young children because it evokes strong emotions in me. Losing children due to epidemics, selling and buying them, children losing their home and caregivers… it’s all so heartbreaking! And it’s also disheartening that this chapter primarily highlights the cynicism of the adults involved in these transactions, rather than the cruel fate of young children.
Paradoxically, being sold to Magnon turned out to be the best thing that has happened to the two little Thénardiers: they were taken care of, and “they were treated almost like “little gentlemen,”—better by their false mother than by their real one.” It seems that buying children from the Thénardiers is a good thing, after all, especially considering that Cosette, in a sense, was also “purchased” by Jean Valjean. It’s such a dubious moral situation, as it is often the case with situations involving M Thénardier! And the Thénardiers have the audacity to compare themselves to Rousseau. Well, of course, he might have been the worst father ever, but at least he did some good things in his life, unlike the Thénardiers.
After Magnon, her roommate Mamselle Miss, and other residents are arrested by the police, no one seems to care about what will happen to children left behind. At least, Magnon, anticipating such a situation, left an address where the boys could seek help (who is M. Barge? Why not M. Gillenormand?), but the cobbler who handed the boys the paper with the address did not seem to care enough to take them there. And, of course, they lost the piece of paper: “his benumbed little fingers could not close very firmly, and they did not keep a very good hold on the paper.” I just can’t… I am not even sure that the boys were able to read what was written on it. It brings us back to the theme from the gamin digression—how poor children are often seen as dispensable.
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