#The ants have one (ants. Not to be confused with the worms)
yeah if any one cares, I made a playlist and am in the process of writing of a Charles centric fic
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kise ryota x gn!reader
in which your cute boyfriend does his skin care routine while you watch him lovingly, the same way you did when he first introduced you to his little routine.
tags: fluff, short fic, high school timeline, kise is a bubbly boy while reader has kind of a cool persona, this is so sweet the ants migrated, no beta im doing my skincare as i write
words: 390
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you with your lovesick grin, all tucked on a fluffy stool chair watching your boyfriend put stuff on his face while wearing a bunny headband.
it was surprising the first time you discovered how deep into skin care kise ryota was but considering his successful career as a model, you felt a little dumb for not expecting that.
every now and then, he would even go home carrying a cute tote bag full of skin care products he got for free.
"you having a sugar baby side hustle i didn't know about??" you peer at him happily unpacking his little bag.
he huffs. "mean! i was at a modeling gig and they gave me stuff!!" you open your mouth to retort but he's faster. "and before you say 'so they think you're ugly?' just so you know, they want me to be their next model! isn't that so cool, y/n-chin?!"
he looks at you with those sparkles in his eyes.
you give him a lopsided grin. "that's great, baby," you compliment as you kiss him on the cheek. "so tell me about this little haul."
he smiles even wider, happy that you're interested. ryota starts explaining them one by one and some confuse you because you don't know if he uses those products everyday and it feels like it will take him an hour and—did he just say that that face mask take five hours to use?!
"actually..." you know that look. he wants something. "i think it'd be super nice if we could share! not that your skin is bad or anything, y/n-chin but i just think it'd be fun... if you wanna be into this kinda stuff..."
you look at him softly, admiring how bashful he looks as if you haven't been dating for 6 months.
"i'd love to, ryo."
"y/n-chin, come on. let's rinse your face now!"
a year later, with the same smiles on both your faces, you walk up to him.
your feet slowly lead you towards him. he steps aside to give you some room to wash your face, watching your reflection in the mirror.
"if i was a worm, i'd wanna be the type that lives under your skin. then i can feel how smooth your face is all the time."
he shudders. "don't be creepy, y/n-chin."
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jhilsara · 7 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 15
She is mortified, Mariana is utterly and fully mortified. Her jaw is dropped and her face is burning from anger and embarrassment.
“Mum! ¿Pensé que hablamos de que llamabas antes de que decidieras venir?” MJ says in a strained voice looking at her mother like she’s insane.
To be fair, her mother was.
“I don’t need to call ahead Mari, I am your mother.” She says sternly, glaring at MJ. She turns to look back at Hobie, eying him skeptically from head to toe.
“Please tell me he is at least your boyfriend.” She demands judgmentally raising a plucked brow.
MJ groans and shakes her head, “Mum we have talked about this, you have to call before you come over. End of discussion. Also, please don’t call me Mari. Adiós.” She replies coldly.
Her mother glares at her, huffs exaggeratedly and throws her hands in the air before she turns on her heels. She mutters under her breath as she shoves past Hobie, slamming the door shut as she leaves.
Hobie stands in front of the bedroom doorway, stunned and confused.
“What the bloody hell was that?” He asks tentatively, looking at her cautiously, as if he’s opening a can of worms.
She sighs and falls on the bed, “Do we have to talk about it?” She mutters pulling a pillow over her face.  
“I think so… I have too many questions.” He says softly and sits on the edge of the bed.
MJ turns away from him, curling into a ball and gripping onto the pillow like a vice, close to her stomach. She squeezes her eyes shut. She doesn’t want to do this, not now.
“That’s my mum… we don’t really talk.” She mutters, she pauses and sighs. “well more like I don’t talk to her. She has plenty to say all the time.” She whispers.
She feels Hobie’s large warm hand press against her back gently, rubbing circles.
It makes her want to vomit. She feels her skin prickle against his soft touch. She doesn’t want to think about her mother. Her mother’s presence always leaves her feeling like she’s drowning, gasping for air.
“There’s a reason yea?” he asks softly.
She groans in irritation, “It doesn’t matter, I don’t want to talk about it… she’s just going to bother me for a few weeks then piss off.” She hisses out in irritation.
Silence sits heavy between them. She feels hot anger just running through her body, but then she feels how heavy Hobie’s hand is on her back.
She immediately feels guilt sitting like a lead weight in her chest and her eyes fly open and she turns to look at him, “Sorry… I don’t mean to be bitchy to you.”
She pushes herself up and leans against him, “My mum, she just wants me to be her perfect Columbian daughter… and I’m…not.” She whispers to him, looking down at her lap.
He presses himself against her, kissing the top of her head. “We don’t have to talk about it.” He tells her.
She just nods and curls herself into his lap. Her moods shifted to one that only lingers when her mother is involved.
She feels like she’s tainted her time with Hobie, her mind whirling over what her mum wants.
She just lays with him until they fall asleep again. His hands softly brushing through her hair. 
MJ’s sitting at a coffee shop, legs shaking in anticipation, waiting for her mother. Her arms are crossed, she’s already defensive and her nerves are on edge. She feels like she’s fifteen again. She grabs her coffee and almost chugs it, just to give her something to do.
It doesn’t make her feel less anxious, in fact coffee probably is the opposite of what she needs, but she doesn’t care. She’s half awake and exhausted.
Her mum texted her what time and what coffee shop she wanted to meet at. So of course, the woman’s late and of course it’s ungodly early when MJ always works the night shift.
Her mum wasn’t ever known to be considerate of others though.
She’s uneasy and has no idea what her mother even wants to talk to her about. She just knows she’s not excited and her mother’s appearance always puts her on edge and jumpy.
“You’re early.” Her mother says as she sits down across from her. Legs crossed raising a brow at MJ. Her gaze always sharp and critical.
“No, you’re late.” She sighs already feeling the argument brewing before it even starts. “What do you want mum?” she says, looking unamused at her mum.
Her mother scoffs, “I just wanted to visit your new place, something wrong with that?”
A waiter comes and places an espresso in front of her mum who couldn’t be bothered to notice.
MJ gives him a tight smile and a small nod of acknowledgement.
Her gaze travels back to her mum, “I’ve lived there for three years now… it’s not new.” She states coldly.
Her mother rolls her eyes, “Well it’s new to me. Besides if I had known you’d had company I would have never come in.” She gives MJ a pointed look. As if she magically would know her mother was going to stop by.
“So, is he your boyfriend? The last time I checked you were with that girl, what was her name?” Her mother takes a sip of her espresso acting like she cares enough about MJ’s life.
Which if she had she would have known MJ’s past relationship ended five years ago and she hasn’t bothered since.
“Her name was Quinta mum, that’s not the point and it’s not what you wanted to talk to me about.” She raises a brow at the woman, already sick of where this conversation was going.
“Oh yes that’s right, Quinta… so you’re not gay then?” She whispers gay to MJ like it’s poisonous.
She huffs and goes to stand, “I’m bi mum. Me liking or dating a man right now does not change that I like women as well. I’ve told you this. If you only have to make comments about my lack of a dating life I am leaving.” MJ reaches down to grab her bag but is stopped by her mothers’ hand.
Her mother’s gaze won’t meet hers but her demeanor changing is enough to halt MJ’s movements.
“It’s your abuela, Mariana…She’s not,” Her mum pauses and it’s the closest thing to sadness she thinks she’s ever seen on her face.
“She’s not well.” She finishes with a whisper.
MJ doesn’t move, her own thoughts stirring and racing a mile a minute. It makes her sit back down in her chair.
“What’s wrong with her? Is she dying?” She asks her voice shaking as she looks at her mum.
Her mother just rolls her eyes, “Oh please, she’s too stubborn to die at this age.” She takes a sip of her espresso.
“She’s requesting we all get together though, for a family dinner.” She tells MJ with a pointed look.
MJ bristles at this. “Mum, you know how I feel about going to events like that…”
Her mother huffs in irritation. “It’s your familia Mari, you know they miss you. They ask about you at every birthday, which you’ve missed the past... I don’t even know how many! Your tía’s upset, you’ve never used to miss them.” 
Her mother’s tone is a mix of anger and disappointment that MJ definitely doesn’t need right now. She stares down MJ with her dark eyes and it makes her feel like she’s a child again, with her angry mother who was always picking at something she didn’t like about her own daughter.
“Mum, I’m not going. You’re just using abulea as an excuse! Is she even sick?” MJ asks in disbelief.
Her mother just shrugs, “Yes, she has a cold.”
MJ stands abruptly and grabs her bag, “I wish I could say I can’t believe this but that would be a lie. I can believe you would lie to get me to go to a family gathering!” She shakes her head and shoots a glare at her mother.
“Oh, please don’t be so dramatic! Always the drama queen with you. Why won’t you just visit your family. Family is everything to us!”
MJ feels the rage boiling to the surface, and she has to remind herself she’s in public but she also doesn’t care anymore.
“I am not dramatic! I don’t go anymore because no one respects my boundaries! They’ve never looked at me the same after I came out and every time I see tía she’s asking if I have a boyfriend or if I’ve gotten over my ‘phase’!” She tells her with a sharp voice.
“They don’t know me mum, they don’t want to. I’m tired of having to dance around them all the time… Dad never does that to me…” She mumbles angerly.
Her mothers face sours at that statement. She scoffs before looking at MJ again. “He’s too soft on you, always coddling you, Mari you’re grown. You have obligations to your family.”
She glares at her mother, “I do not. And he doesn’t coddle me mum. He loves me and his love doesn’t come with unspoken conditions.” She hisses out and turns on her heels to walk away. Trying to not start a full-blown fight with her mother.
“Mari this is why you can’t keep anyone around! All you’ve ever done is push people away, you’re so selfish.” Her mother says to her, tone cold and distant.
This is why I don’t love you, goes unsaid, but it lingers in the air between her and her mother. MJ knows how her mom feels about her. She’s always known.
It still stings and breaks her heart in a way she thought would stop by now.
MJ ignores her and keeps briskly walking. Hot tears burn the corners of her eyes but she refuses to cry over this woman anymore.
Everything with her mother has a fine print she must follow, a condition she has to meet. Her love comes at a price she just refuses to pay anymore.
“That boy will leave you too if you don’t fix your attitude!” Is the last thing she hears her mother shout at her before the door slams shut behind her.
MJ presses the heels of her palm to her eyes and tries to not cry. The last comment hurts in a way she wasn’t prepared for.
It’s never a good day when her mum shows up.
MJ calls out of work that night, instead choosing to sulk in her living room eating junk food. She’s curled up on her couch eating popcorn when she hears a familiar knocking at her balcony door.
She ignores it at first. She doesn’t want to move from her spot on the couch.
Then she hears it again, a little louder and more persistent.
She lazily drags her eyes over to the door and sees Hobie standing there. She can’t see his face too well but she does see he’s holding a bag of take away.
She stands up and drags herself to the door opening it for him.
He looks her over and frowns. She can’t find it in her to care, she knows she looks bad. She knows she’s wallowing in self-pity. It’s just how it goes after her mother visits.
She’s drained and if she’s honest, doesn’t want to see anyone.
Hobie places a gentle hand on the small of her back guiding her back to the couch. He’s saying something, she sees his mouth moving, hears words coming out, but it all sounds garbled.
It makes her prickle uncomfortably. She feels her anger still lingering in her body and she doesn’t want Hobie to see this side of her. It’s the worst of her and she’s ugly when she get’s like this.
He’s being soft and gentle, speaking to her softly in a way that’s chiseling away at her cracked facade.
So, she bites.
“You didn’t have to bring me food. I’m fine.” She tells him, voice sharper than she means to be. Words she doesn’t mean.
He looks at her skeptically for a second, taken a back.
“I know, Andy said ya called out tonight. Wanted to swing by.” He tells her, giving no reaction to her tone. He gets comfortable on the couch, waiting for her to settle back down.
“You don’t have to check on me. I’m not sick.” She says, cringing at her own tone of voice. It’s coated in irritation and she can’t stop.
It didn’t matter that Hobie was being nice, checking on her, bringing her dinner, just being his normal Hobie self.
In a weird act of self-preservation, she does what she’s always done, pushes back. She feels like a kicked dog, biting at anyone regardless on if they’re trying to help.
She suddenly remembers what her mother told her today, and she knows she proving her right, but she can’t stop. It’s like she’s on an autopilot and it’s too keep everyone away.
Hobie raises a brow at her but doesn’t move. “I know. I wanted to.” He says softly not raising his voice.
“Why?” She asks him, tone harsh. She’s still standing, refusing to sit on the couch. She’s been winding up all day in her own head and Hobie’s unfortunately about to be the recipient of her anger.
She hates herself. Hates how she bites back to keep herself safe and secure when she’s been wounded.
He leans forward and looks at her in confusion. “I care about your wellbeing…? ya okay? Did something happen today?” he asks her voice even and calm. Just looking at her in concern.
Yes, she thinks to herself, her mum happened.
“No, I’m fine.” She lies through her teeth. “I just don’t know why your bothering with this.” She says raising her voice. She crosses her arms over her chest and she avoids looking directly at him. She doesn’t know why he bothers with her.  She’s not special, she works at a pub for Christ sake and here’s a man who literally saves the city day and night.
Why does he like her? She doesn’t even like herself.
 She’s spiraling.
“People who are ‘fine’ don’t usually say it aggressively.” He tells her softly. He stands up and walks over to her, she flinches and he stops moving.
She’s clamming up, doesn’t want to move or talk. She’s ready for a fight, an argument, something! Not… whatever Hobie’s doing.
“MJ-” He starts but she cuts him off.
“Just go. Get out, you checked on me and I’m fine alright, I just want to be alone today!” She says looking up to glare at him, her voice raising.
He looks unamused but doesn’t move to leave.
“Mariana ya clearly not alright. Just tell me what happened yea?” he asks her.
He never once raises his voice. It unsettles her.
“Why won’t you fight back? Why aren’t you angry?” She asks voice straining and her façade breaking. She doesn’t know what to do with his reactions.
“A little annoyed yea, but not mad. Something’s clearly wrong. I’m not gonna argue or fight ya.” He tells her calmly. He shoves his hands into his pockets and just shrugs.
She bristles at his words and feels herself dig her nails into her palms.
He tilts his head and gives her a soft look, “I’m not gonna yell at you Mariana. I won’t.”
She instantly deflates. All of her anger washes out and is replaced with an overwhelming sense of relief and sadness.
She covers her face and tries to hold back how much she just wants to cry.
“I’m sorry.” She says her voice cracking, “It’s been a rotten day and I can’t... I can’t understand why you care so much when I’m not special.” She tells him, voice quiet.
She hunches over on herself, and Hobie thinks she’s never looked so small before.
He steps closer to her, gently pulling her into his embrace. “Who told you that?” He asks her, his voice thick. He presses a kiss to the top of her head.
She bristles, feeling the tears burning at the edge of her vision, everything getting blurry. Her senses are overloaded with him, his scent, his touch, his voice…She just wants to be consumed in it. He feels safe, like home.
“No one had to tell me, not when she makes me feel it every time.” She says, her voice watery and her tears falling onto his shoulder. She tries to hold herself together, but she can’t. A broken sob escapes her.
Hobie rubs soothing patterns into her back affectionately. “So, it was your mum.” It’s not a question, but a statement.
She freezes, but she knows there’s no use in hiding it. She’s crying into him already, he didn’t run or get angry at her when she snapped at him… she has nothing to lose.
“Every time I see her it’s like I’m a teenager who just keeps disappointing her and I don’t, I can’t be what she wants me to be.” She cries into him, her bodies shaking and he holds her to him tightly. Listening.
“She wants this perfect daughter, one who’s straight and can give her grandchildren and do whatever she says… she’s never once asked me what I wanted.” She unloads her worries onto him through broken sobs and she doesn’t know if he can understand a word she says. She’s word vomiting. It just keeps coming out.
She’s soaking his shirt, she knows it, but she can’t stop. She doesn’t know how long she stands there sobbing into him, but she eventually calms down enough to breath.
She looks up at him, and she knows she looks a mess, with her red eyes and puffy face. He pulls back enough to gently grab her face, kissing her forehead.
“It’s gonna be okay. Don’t worry about what a tosser your mum is or what she wants. All that matters is you.” He tells her.
She nods, she’s listening, but it’s easier said then done. “I just wish… I wish she was different. That her words don’t hurt, but they do and always have.”
“You don’t have to have her in your life, that’s a choice you get to make. Your boundaries are important Mariana. Regardless of her being your mum.” He reassures her.
She nods and leans into him. “You’re right, I- thank you. For listening and not… not letting me push you away.”
He gives a soft chuckle and presses his forehead against hers. “I don’t give up on people. Besides, I know what lashing out looks like, I’ve done it enough.” He whispers.
“You? You’re so calm, I can’t believe that.” She gives a soft huff of a laugh.
“Wasn’t as a kid, trust me. Teenage years are brutal.” He teases her.
She rolls her eyes but gives a laugh. She wraps her arms around his waist, “I would have loved to see that.” She snickers.
“Nah, was a bloody menace…” he whispers bringing her close to him, nuzzling his face into her neck, “we wouldn’t have gotten along. Woulda ran you off.”
“You couldn’t get rid of me that easily… I’m pretty persistent and I’ve been told I’m quite stubborn.” She says in a light tone.
He snorts, “You are stubborn. Can’t keep you outta danger sometimes.” He teases.
She starts laughing, “Touché.”
They spend a while in silence just holding onto each other. The silence is warm and not awkward.
The food lays forgotten for a while, until she can peel herself away from Hobie. She's too busy enjoying his warmth for the moment. They can always reheat their dinner anyway.
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kereruatbugaria · 2 years
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Here's sketches of my AU what I'm thinking of...Hoaxe joins Team Snakemouth!
I am having a lot of fun thinking about this...
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It begins with Hoaxe's late departure from Wasp Kingdom and his encounter with Kabbu and Neolith in the desert.
Hoaxe got information about the crown in Wasp Kingdom, deciphered the ancient Roach language (he delivered Bugnish so fast, he must have had the ability to learn at least one more word) and found it in the desert.
Once in the desert, Hoaxe happens to find Neolith, who happens to be an archaeologist, and tries to get information from him about the site where the crown lies.
Hoaxe wanted to threaten Neolith to get information from him.
However, Neolith and Kabbu have stepped into the arrow worm's nest and as a result, he ends up helping them.
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The place where they escaped from the arrow worms happens to be the ruins Hoaxe was looking for.
They offer to accompany Hoaxe as he tries to enter the ruins. Hoaxe tried to refuse, but the two men said they did not want the treasure, so he allowed them to follow him...
Kabbu and Neolith decided to accompany him, half out of gratitude for their help and half out of concern. Hoaxe had a knowledge of the ancient Roach language and the observational skills to spot traps and tricks at all costs, but he knew nothing else! He did not know that this area was the land of the Bee Kingdom, or even that explorers existed...
Kabbu's power and Neolith's knowledge (Hoaxe could read Roach's language, but knew as little about the lore of the area) was a great help in progressing through the ruins.
At the deepest part of the ruins, belostoss appears before the three.
Hoaxe's fire did not work on the hard, water-soaked epidermis, Kabbu and Hoaxe were able to defeat them by working together.
However, in the room where the ancient crown was supposed to be, the floor had collapsed and led to an underground water vein, and the crown Hoaxe was looking for had been washed away by water...
This is the prologue of this AU, Hoaxe and Kabbu's first adventure.
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After this, Kabbu and Neolith return to Defiant Root with Hoaxe, who has fainted from the long journey to the desert, the continuous fighting and the despair of not finding the crown.
Doctor Isau tells them that Hoaxe is scarred and malnourished and must have lived in a very bad environment....Kabbu takes a lot of care of Hoaxe when he regains consciousness. This is a new experience for Hoaxe and he is very confused.
Neolith had his suspicions that Hoaxe might be dangerous, but at the same time he had high regard for his talent as an explorer. Above all, he wanted to help this young bug who would have lived in these terrible circumstances.
The underground water vein from which the crown was washed away connects to the river in the Ant Kingdom. The ruins seem to have been destroyed a long time ago and may have been washed up somewhere in the river by now.
Becoming an explorer in the Ant Kingdom will help you find what you are looking for.
Neolith wrote a letter recommending Kabbu and Hoaxe as explorers and handed it to them.
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strixcattus · 4 months
Things I would say to bugs if I could talk to bugs:
Flies/moths/misc. winged things: Please come with me I can show you the way out of the confusing box maze. There is a door here and I can let you through it. Also stop flying into the lights they are not what you think they are Bees: Thank you for your hard work. Do you want water I can get you some water Wasps: YOU'D BETTER KEEP YOUR DISTANCE also thank you for your hard work do you want water I can get you some water Caterpillars: I love you I love you Ilove you I loveyou I love youI love you Ilove youIloveyouIlove Ants: BACK YOUR FREAKING CARAPACE UP, BUSTER, I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU GOT IN HERE NOR DO I WANT TO, BUT I KNOW YOU DO KNOW, SO SKEDADDLE Worms: I'm trying to help you; please crawl into my hands so I can carry you off the sidewalk and into the grass before you become worm paste or a sundried corpse, or at least stop trying to get away I am trying to save your life Mosquitoes: I am exercising a mercy you will not find from most humans. Please extend the same to me. Please. Please. Please Beetles/misc. crawling things: I promise you I'm not going to hurt you just please crawl onto this paper. Yes I am going to fling you out into the night that's not really negotiable. I promise this is better than if you stick around and someone else steps on you. Centipedes/millipedes: OUT. OF MY SIGHT. NOW. That one tiny bug that keeps trying to scale my laptop charger: Stop doing that. We'll both sleep better if I don't have to worry about crushing you into my keyboard by accident. Every bug at least once: Please get out of the sink I am begging you I just want to wash my hands without drowning you Also every bug, many times: Hey did you know that you're significantly more likely to be stepped on and killed if you're on the sidewalk compared to the grass? Just a fun fact for your consideration Spiders: You see this doorway? That leads to my room. Please do not move in past it I'd rather not be jumpscared. Anywhere else and we can be chill. Especially if you eat ants.
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gaystan · 9 hours
most south parky lyrics from every song on my south park playlist
white winter hymnal by fleet foxes: “i was following the pack all swallowed in their coats with scarves of red wound round their throats to keep their little heads from falling in the snow and i turn round and there you go”
we’re going to be friends by the white stripes: “we walk to school all by ourselves / there’s dirt on our uniforms from chasing all the ants and worms” “we don’t notice any time pass, we don’t notice anything / we sit side by side in every class”
peng! 33 by stereolab: “curiosity was far greater than our fear / it felt so simple and so prodigious at the same time/ incredible things are happening in the world / magical things are happening in this world”
signal in the sky (let’s go) by the apples in stereo: “would you like to play a game of hide and seek now? / if you have x-ray eyes please promise not to peak now / first we count to ten and then we’ll have some fun now / or will you fly away before we count to one now?” “you know you got a lot to do / and everything depends on you / hey girls, hey girls, come out and play now! / or do you have to hurry off to save the day now?”
another brick in the wall, pt. 2 by pink floyd: “we don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control / no dark sarcasm in the classroom / teacher leave them kids alone”
only a lad by oingo boingo: “(he’s only a lad) you really can’t blame him / (only a lad) society made him / (only a lad) he’s our responsibility / (only a lad) he really couldn’t help it / (only a lad) he didn't want to do it / (only a lad) he’s underprivileged and abused / perhaps a little bit confused”
cody’s theme by ajj: “when i was a kid my whole reality split / i was living a lie / i was a killing machine, i was a warlord / when i closed my eyes “when i was a kid i was a total dick to inanimate objects / the world beat the hell from me; i took it out on a tree”
best in the class by late of the pier: “you gotta speak your mind / you can always change up / you gotta know what’s real / you gotta hold yourself down / you should be direct / you gotta scream and shout”
back in school by mother mother: “i wanna get it but i got bad brains / i’m what they like to call a special case, i am a coma in a classroom / i got detention cause i made a face / nobody believed me that it’s stuck that way” “run, little boy / back in school, back in place / back in school, back in chains / back in school, back in my cage”
the kids aren’t alright by fall out boy: “and in the end i’d do it all again / i think you’re my best friend / don’t you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren’t alright? / i’ll be yours, when it rains it pours / stay thirsty like before / don’t you know that the kids aren’t al-, kids aren't alright? / i’m not passive but aggressive / take note, it's not impressive”
leviathans get lonely by the weather machine: “remember when we lost that bet that in a year things would make sense? let’s go downtown and fight the government”
no children by the mountain goats: “i hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us / i hope we come up with a fail safe plot to piss off the dumb few that forgave us / i hope the fences we mended fall down beneath their own weight / and i hope we hang on past the last exit / i hope it’s already too late / and i hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down / and i hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and i never come back to this town again”
born in the right country by river whyless: “i am your new king / can’t you see the teeth laid in this crown? / the past now is present / i am the inside and you’re out / i’ll tell you, baby, a secret, manufactured truth is easy to sell / when you own the factory and you own the hearts of the clientele” “but can i truly blame you? / we’re built on the dreams we feed to the poor / so that you can break through if you’ve got the right name, or you’ve got the right god, or you’re born in the right country”
the room is full of people that love you by foresight: “there’s a new park in the middle of town / we can run from the cops, and hide from the clowns / we can do drugs and diss each other’s pipe dreams, learn all about our anatomy / i once was a loyal dog / you gotta love everybody but never the hogs / i didn’t mean to make such a mess of things / i just wanted a coat and something to drink / now i drown, dead stuck in this town / always lost when i’m found / in and out of space, in and out of phase / feeling deep in the heart / it feels like tearing apart / think i’ll slowly fade away”
bite the hand by boygenius: “i can’t love you how you want me to / i can’t love you how you want me to / i can’t love you how you want me to”
ribs by lorde: “you’re the only friend i need / sharing beds like little kids / we laugh until our ribs get tough / but that will never be enough”
baby brothers by will connolly: “we’ve crossed these rivers countless times / left broken bones out on the ice / turnpike signs turned to subway lines / dolittle days, outlandos nights / but we were never done ‘cause this is an extension of more than one love / this was a long, long, long time coming / for when the bar is so high you can’t tell you’re beneath it / when you’ve got archer’s eyes but you can’t even see it / then just look, look out, look out for each other / we gotta look, look out, look out for each other / baby brother”
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ahawkinhallownest · 1 year
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There was once a Wyrm, mighty and wise who slept among the mountains as the worn blue flag she wore upon her horn flapped in the alpine wind. Her coils wound around ancient rocky spires as she dreamed of a land unlike her own, one filled with mortal creatures of all shapes and sizes. She saw a town that sat in the protective shadow of two towers that pierced the sky, where the body of a long deceased Root took on a life of its own and became a sacred tree that purified the ground and air. Bugs of every kind walked through the streets, from Bees to Ants to Beetles, all ignorant of the Void brewing beneath their feet. As the ground cracked open and unleashed a hoard of dark creatures, the bugs fled into their houses, only for their doors to be torn down and for them to be dragged out and killed. Some ran to the tree, and while the sacred aura of the towering arbor kept the dark monsters at bay, it would only be a matter of time before the tree too would wither and die as the ground became polluted with Void.
What started as a pleasant dream about bugs had quickly turned into a nightmare of death and destruction, but there seemed to be a single glimmer of hope. A blonde-maned Moth wearing a crimson scarf his way fought through the horde with a golden Pure Nail in one hand and a magic nailgun in the other. He slaughtered as many as he could until he was able to make his way out of the village, where he was able to spread his wings and take to the sky. Where he intended on going was unknown to the Wyrm, for she woke before she could see where it was.
Something had entered her territory, stirring her from her slumber. Vibrations from feet as her uninvited guest climbing cliffs and mountains and the subtle shift in air currents as wings flapped directed her attention to near the border of the mountain range. The ground lurched as the Wyrm unwound her elongated body from the pinnacles of her mountains, with boulders tumbling down their slopes as she began slithering down, careful not to allow the flag she wore on her horn to catch on any debris. Her tremorsense afforded her an accurate map of every inch of ground in her domain, and she was able to easily locate the intruder.
A blonde-maned Moth wearing a crimson scarf stood before her, eyes wide in both terror and fascination. “I have been waiting for you, Ringo of San Miguel.” She rumbled, her voice shaking the ground below her as she loomed over the insect. “You come seeking my aid.”
“I have, but how did you know?” Ringo replied, jaw dropping at the realization that she had him completely figured out.
“Have you forgotten? I am a Wyrm, dearest golden one.” The Wyrm wormed her tail towards Ringo and placed it behind him, blocking off his ground route to escaping her if she were to attack. In spite of the obvious threat, he remained firm, afraid as he was. “I knew you were coming all along. I had dreamed about you.”
“You did?”
She nodded her huge, horned head. “I had been waiting so long for you.” She leaned in, her mandibles so massive that they could crunch through boulders with ease. “You are brave for coming all the way here to seek my help in saving your homeland.”
“Well,” Ringo started and took a defiant step forward with his hands balled up into fists. “If you know why I’m here, will you help us? My home is being attacked by monsters from underground, and we can’t fight them off by ourselves!” He reached out to her pleadingly. “Please, you have to!”
“Be calm, dearest golden one.” She raised the fan of uropods at the end of her tail to get his attention. “I will agree to join you in your crusade, for I have also dreamed that you will succeed with my help. But I ask for one thing in return.”
Ringo eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed in confusion. “You want something from me?”
“It’s only natural, is it not? No one does anything for free, even you should know that.” The Wyrm leaned down, her colossal mandibles becoming a deadly cage to prevent the Moth from escaping. Though he was afraid, he kept his eyes on her face. “I only ask that you do something very important for me...”
Mani is a wyrm in this alternate world, which is basically the Hollow Knight setting’s equivalent of a dragon. She’s big, she’s purple, and she has lunar markings, and when she turns into a mortal bug later on, she becomes a luna moth, thus continuing her lunar aesthetic. She even has the blue scarf that Sabat would eventually wear on her horn, a small detail I was happy to somehow work into this design, though I describe it as an old flag. I wonder where the flag came from?
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noodleswithsoba-blog · 5 months
ThraggDad AU: The Beginning.
This is what I have so far for my Invincible AU fic, I want to know what everyone thinks! The first half is Jason's introduction and how he feels about his life with his dad, and the second half is Thragg preparing to fulfill his mission.
Life with Dad is weird. Of course, there's the fact that both my Mom and my Dad are superheroes, but even weirder is the fact that Dad just kinda… is. He looks like one, swaggering muscular, taller than other Dads.
"Son?" he asks, "Do you want more?" he gestures to our breakfast. All managed and healthy, meticulously picked because Dad was kind of a health nut. Everything about my life, where I go to school and how I get there, how I eat and when, everything.
Dad looks at me with a worried glint in his eyes, "Jason?"
"Present, sir." I answer.
"Does not seem like it." he sets his hand on my shoulder, massive and heavy. His gaze is soft, trying to be the nurturer, the best friend, the one I can confide in with everything.
But this…?
"It's really nothing, Dad. Just… I uh…"
"Is it a girl?" he asks, "Jason, I want there to be-"
"No, no! It's not a girl!" I yelp, "I'm just wondering when I get my powers, what's my first one?"
"If. Not when, son." he darkens, his voice heavy with warning, "I do not want this life for you."
"Because it took your mother, and it might take you." he states matter-of-factly, "If you even have one power, or several, you must promise to never use them."
"But dad-"
"Promise me, son." he snarls a little, his jaw setting, his hands tremble just a little and I can feel his grip gently tightening.
"I… I promise." I wilt, closing my eyes, "But why are you so scared of if I do have powers?"
"It is not fear my son, it is worry." he softens again, pulling me into his arms, squeezing, "Worry that you will go mad with it. What I do is for our planet, for our continued survival."
"Right…" I look down at my feet, Dad's warmth still so familiar. I close my eyes and bask in it just a little. He's all I have left, and I'm all he has left too. We separate and he touches my cheek.
"You look like her, Jason." he says, "Do not be me."
I get out of Dad's car, he's sitting in the driver's seat watching me walk in. People whisper, looking at me and laughing at the fact that my dad still drops me off. Of course I don't pay them any mind.
Back home, everyone would give me the right of way and everything. But here? Here I'm nothing. Dad thought it'd be best if we just moved on, moved out, and got a new start.
I take out a photo of my Mom, looking at it and taping it onto the inside of my locker door. I touch it and I find myself choked up again. I try not to cry but it's still something that hurt.
"Hey, can you move?" a girl's voice asks, I blink and move back, seeing a girl with long red hair and bright green eyes, like grass standing next to me.
I slam my locker shut, a little harder than I meant it to be and move backward.
"Yes, here." I state, motioning to below me, "Your locker is below mine?"
"Yeah." the girl answers, getting her things and standing up. She brushes a length of her hair behind her ear and reaches out her hand.
"Eve Wilkins."
"Jason Blake." I state, taking it in my own and shaking once. I don't want to talk about how soft it felt, and how she's tilting her head in slight confusion. I turn away and start walking.
It's best not to get too attached to anyone. Otherwise it'd cause a weakness. In class I hear them all whispering and muttering to each other.
"He's weird."
"Who? The new guy?"
"Yeah, he came from New York."
"What's he doing here?"
The teacher, a kindly balding man with middle age pudge, speaks up.
"Now everyone, I know we have a new student."
I loom over them all, ants.
Less than able to space travel, still dealing with their paltry diseases. Cancer, blood diseases, sicknesses of the mind. My son is among them, amongst this cosmic backwater.
But when I close my eyes, I feel her. When I feel the wind upon my face I imagine its her golden hair. The sun is her kiss, the sky is her arms. Her love became the one thing that I have left.
Our son, named after a Greek Hero she enjoyed, and his Viltrumite name, Medeus, my own contribution. Just so if the Empire comes, they will know him as a Viltrumite. In my thousands of years in this universe, in this life, I had never known the love that she made known.
Now that I know my dear son has powers…
Will I be able to finish my mission? Persuade my son to my side? I land and see her gravestone, with her name. Gifts still piled around it from the Guardians that knew her, and the family that raised her.
In the final place she believed in, amongst the fields of Elysium, she said. That one day, she would return to me and to Jason. I slip the ring off my finger, laying it on the stone.
"Reyna… please forgive me. Your love wasn't enough."
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blackjackkent · 6 months
OK, Rakha's immediate next priority is the creche. Lae'zel has been saying from the very beginning that it's the actual correct solution to the worm situation, and Rakha trusts Lae'zel's knowledge of such things implicitly. She's allowed herself to be distracted by other more immediate possible solutions repeatedly - Nettie, Halsin, even Volo briefly - but the truth is that she's always known, deep down, that it would come back to what Lae'zel suggested right at the start.
(Of course, in the back of her mind lingers the knowledge that the Dream Guardian has stated quite certainly that there is no way to remove the worm without going to Moonrise. Halsin has said the same. Both of them are also knowledgeable, and both of them Rakha also trusts. But she is deliberately ignoring this - because her trust in Lae'zel came first.)
Frankly I think Shadowheart and Wyll (and the others in camp) are going along with this quite unwillingly, but trying to dissuade Rakha or Lae'zel from something is already a losing battle, and trying to dissuade both of them from something is impossible.
The intel they got from Zorru said that the githyanki he saw were to the west, which means heading back past Waukeen's Rest. And sure enough, almost as soon as they take a step past the village's wall, a dark, violent shadow passes over the path and a low roar splits the air above them.
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Rakha startles visibly at the passage of the enormous creature. She only has a limited recollection of the dragons attacking the nautiloid; between the beast in her head and her own confusion she actually has only scattered memories of the whole experience before the crash. But they are huge, monstrous things, certainly - nothing they have faced so far compares for sheer scope.
But oh, it would be satisfying to kill... whispers the Dark Urge within her. Such a behemoth... its death would split the world like a thunderbolt and it would taste bittersweet and rich... Wyll has fought one, he knows, he knows, the snapping of such a great brutal neck, how the sound would sing through the air--
She shakes her head sharply, trying to clear it, and peers down towards the bridge ahead where several voices are shouting in evident conflict. Several of the red-and-silver officers from Waukeen's Rest - Flaming Fist, Wyll called them - and several of Lae'zel's people, the githyanki.
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"Drop your weapons!" one of the Fist is shouting.
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"I'll feed your innards to the ants before I do that, istik!" snaps back the leader of the githyanki.
Rakha is fully expecting a battle to break out - and she can feel the beast in her head eager to watch the slaughter that will surely follow. In the end, though, the slaughter happens but not the battle, as the dragon from before comes soaring out of the sky as if on cue.
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The bridge shatters apart in a burst of flame that sends a shockwave of heat far enough to brush against Rakha's face, bringing with it the smell of scorched flesh and boiling blood. The beast hums in her head, drinking in the screams as the Fist officers fall into the crevasse, the soft thumping cracks of them hitting the rocks below.
The githyanki force stands at the edge of the now-broken bridge, watching with an air of satisfaction. The dragon itself circles above for a moment or so before coming in for a landing.
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Its rider is a tall, lithe githyanki man - older, judging by the grey in his hair and the air of authority. He leaps from the dragon's back with an agility that would be admirable in a much younger man and stares down the leader of the squad balefully.
"Stop wasting time, Baretha!" he snaps. His voice carries up to Rakha and the others, sharp and commanding. "You're not here to play with the locals."
"Of course, kith'rak," answers the younger officer. "We merely sought to--"
"No excuses," the man growls. "Question, kill, then move on. Find the weapon. Our queen watches us. Fail her at your peril."
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"A red dragon!" Lae'zel says eagerly at Rakha's side. Her expression has relaxed distinctly, her usual wary tension replaced with excitement. "I envy its knight. Would that I rode such a steed."
A memory comes to Rakha suddenly, unbidden - the night Lae'zel put a blade to her throat. The shared knowledge across the tadpole connection.
Not fear of death, but fear of insignificance. The great warrior Lae'zel, a failure to her kind. She will wield no silver sword, ride no red dragon, forever unknown to the great lich queen Vlaakith.
The man down there, then - he is a representation of what Lae'zel wishes to be. Of what she fears she will not attain. Little wonder she shows such excitement.
"A creche must be near," Lae'zel goes on, already moving towards the slope leading down towards the gith below. "Come. My kin await."
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snugglyporos · 2 years
The Poro Heresy
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Talking about Noxus yesterday and how, in many ways, a poro could be considered the true Noxian ideal of strength, and how poros are therefore a danger to the state by possibly inspiring people to believe there’s a kind of strength beyond military prowess, my mind has now wandered to the idea of poro cults in Noxus. 
Like, consider it. Poros are invulnerable. They are impervious to harm from anyone else. They have no fear of anyone; a tiny rabbit and a giant void worm are equally considered friends to poros, in the minds of poros. You could argue that this is because poros are simpleminded sheep puffs, unable to process the concept of danger. 
Or you could argue that poros are beings of such immense confidence and strength that they consider everyone else the same way a human might consider an ant. That poros, by virtue of their great strength and total confidence, are capable of being kind to everyone, for if you’re truly strong then you have no need to consider anyone else a threat to you. And if no one is a threat, then you have no doubt reached a state of martial enlightenment where you are capable of being kind to everyone, for things like danger do not exist anymore. 
There’s also more practical evidence of poro strength. Demons and void creatures hate and fear them; beings like Fiddlesticks and Reksai consider poros to be terrifying, dangerous foes, even if the poros do not consider them to be anything other than possible friends. Poros are immune to the harrowing; the great power of the Shadow Isles is not enough to change them, and they in turn seem to be able to actually influence the minds of those afflicted, meaning their power is greater than the power of the Ruined King over his subjects. 
A poro then, could be considered a being on par with an Ascended; but whereas there are few Ascended, a poro fluft has almost a hundred poros, and there are lots of poro flufts. In this light, perhaps the only reason poros haven’t conquered the world is because they are so mighty they do not think such a thing is worth doing; they’ve already won in all the ways that matters! 
Keep in mind, all of this would be very confusing to the poros; poros do not think this way, and poros would find such philosophical concepts like ‘strength’ to be a distraction from more important things, like snax and snuggles. This is all meant to be interpreted through the lens of Noxian society, a society that has focused every aspect of its civic life, religion, and culture towards total warfare and domination. 
Okay, back to theories. 
Because of all this, and because poros are fairly good at keeping bad things at bay, one could certainly believe that people might start considering poros to be the true embodiment of Noxian ideals. After all, can Swain or Darius defeat a poro? Can their magic or might kill them? No! 
Thus, the path to true strength lies not through the army but through the emulation of poros, the seeing of the world as being filled with friends rather than enemies, the embracing of love over fear and hatred and wrath. Cloak yourself not in armor, sayeth the Poro Heresy, for the poros have shown us how to cloak ourselves in armor greater than any you could forge. The weapons of Noxus could strike us down, but not in any way that truly matters, for their need and desire to lash out only shows how weak they truly are! To strike down someone who can only see you as a friend out of fear conveys great weakness, not strength, and therefore cannot be considered the true Noxian ideal!
Admittedly, this heresy is not widespread or spoken of openly. It is mostly confined to noble gatherings and whispered among common folk who work the land, making it more akin to a folk religion than a kind of centralized practice. Poros, after all, have little to no concept of religion themselves, and some more esoteric thinkers might then decide that the true demonstration of faith is the total acceptance of all other beliefs, because if you truly believe in something you are not threatened by any outside forces. 
Swain and Darius, obviously, do not like this way of thinking and have moved to try and stamp it out wherever it shows up. This is frustrated by LeBlanc, who finds the heresy very funny, and nurtures it wherever she finds it. More than a few nobles have been converted to this idea through parties with her. 
But more accurately, LeBlanc sees this as an opportunity to perhaps possess greater magical power. Poros, after all, are powerful creatures, even if they don’t consciously realize this. Having power over them and shaping the beliefs of Noxian society both undermines her rivals and empowers her. Beyond that, there is the Lefluft, Leblanc’s personal poro fluft, to consider. Not that they have any real concept of cults or religion; it’s just that Leblanc possesses the ability to win favors from aspiring and needy individuals by allowing them to snuggle and interact with her personal fluft. 
Anyway, that’s my headcanon in regards to Noxus. 
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silverslate221 · 2 years
How many kwami oc do you have and what are they?
Oh anon you have no idea the can of worms you've just unleashed xD
I have 71 kwamis some of which are entirely my own, some of which take elements from my friend @graaythekwami 's original kwamis and I also incorporate many of their kwamis and headcanons into my own.
Alright here's a list of my kwamis in alphabetical order in their various states of completion
Mikka the Ant of War
Torri the Aurochs of Strength
Vammp the Bat of Absorption*
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Baash the Buffalo of Augmentation*
Nabooru the Camel of Transaction
Gemm the Chameleon of Perception
Ranna the Cougar of Passion
Saage the Coyote of Wisdom*
??? the Crab of Emotion
Renn the Crane of Peace
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Livv the Deer of Spring
Equus the Donkey of Preservation 
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression*
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memory
Sorren the Falcon of Truth*
Flikker the Firefly of Light*
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Blles the Gecko of Summer
Parra the Giraffe of Chaos
Honnk the Goose of Confusion
??? the Gorilla of Connection 
??? the Hawk of Vision
??? the Hippo of Gravitation
Sotaa the Honey Badger of Aggression*
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption 
Gloss the Ibex of Friction*
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption 
Kicc the Kangaroo of Vibration*
Fianna the Koi Fish of Pretension
??? the Lemur of Negotiation
Leeo the Lion of Order
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition
Tangg the Mantis of Patience
Bubiic the Mosquito of Disease
??? the Moth of Oblivion
??? the Narwhal of Dedication
Hanne the Nightingale of Hope
??? the Ostrich of Equality
Zibbi the Otter of Love*
??? the Penguin of Dreams
Rivver the Piranha of Cooperation
Prrysm the Platypus of Fusion*
Demiis the Polar Bear of Winter
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice*
Habuu the Rattlesnake of Vengeance*
Shaade the Raven of Darkness
??? the Rhino of Isolation
Sparkk the Salamander of Fire
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Scorro the Scorpion of Beauty
Akwwa the Seahorse of Generosity 
Finn the Shark of Fear
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Luxx the Sloth of Stagnation
Slikki the Snail of Inhibition
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Døddie the Sparrow of Autumn
Oskkr the Squirrel of Jealousy
??? the Stingray of Immersion
??? the Swan of Reflection
??? the Swordfish of Separation
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Lightning*
Flairr the Toucan of Expression*
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice
??? the Wildebeest of Courage
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension
These OC characters belong to me, while the concept of kwamis belong to Miraculous Ladybug and ZAG
*This kwami takes some element from one of @graaythekwami 's original kwamis
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ink-leaf-cafe · 2 years
Cult of the Lamb AU
"Lasting Wounds"
The lamb was doing it's best to dodge the Bishop's attacks, narrowly dodging every time the earth worm threw the glowing blue projectiles. The vessel of the Red Crown noticed the Bishop jumping under the ground, but too late to be able to dodge entirely. As the worm jumped back up the Lamb's left eye was caught on a spike, a yell of pain escaping it as it fell to the ground, the chaotic Bishop using this chance to finish the battle.
When the Lamb returned to its cult using the old stone pentagram it wasn't expecting to continue to have a lack of sight on it's left side. It stumbled down the stairs, moving to the nearest reflextive surface, which was a pond. It stared into the water, breathing shaky as they saw its left eye was still missing. Weren't the wounds supposed to dissapear after a death? It sighed, taking deep breaths as it headed towards the med bay, seeing as that was where the bandages were kept.
The next day the lamb could hear whispers from its followers, most likely due to nervousness from the fact their dear leader was bandaged up. As the lamb stood up behind the stand in the temple, it took a breath before holding a sermon, trying to make sure the followers felt safe. It decided to also hold a vacation day, letting its followers rest until the next day. It collected the devotion from the statue in the middle of the cult before heading to Spore Grotto. Seeing the mushroom loving ant would be a nice break after this.
As Lamb walked into the mushroom covered grotto, it looked around in confusion as the normal mushroom followers that were wandering around were now missing. It shrugged that off, heading to the ant's 'layer'.
"Hello? Sozo?"
Lamb looked around before noticing the ant on the ground, it's breathing becoming shaky as it noticed the mushroom split in half and the flies around Sozo's body. The lamb ran over to the ant, shaking him and trying to get a reply for a few minutes before finally accepting that Sozo was gone. It began to sob, as the ant was one of the only people it knew it could trust.
As the sun began to set, Lamb finally headed back to the cult, still narrowly avoiding things with its newfound lack of depth perception. When it arrived, all the followers were already fast asleep. It sighed, turning and following the arrows past the moss covered pentagram, going around the statue of the crown now on it's head towards the land of the Bishop Leshy. This run it was given a axe and a ice curse to work with, destroying the stone that talked about what would happen to whoever didn't follow the Old Faith.
As the lamb moved past each room, getting used to fighting without its eye, it was thinking about what might have caused this wound to not heal. Maybe it was the fact a bishop caused it, or maybe the crown was weakening? Anything the lamb thought of, it didn't like what the possibility was.
It soon arrived to where the Bishop was waiting, ready to try for a second time to finish off the first bishop to please The One Who Waits. Lamb made the first move, slashing at Leshy with more speed and strength than would be expected with the lamb's size. The bishop was taken aback for a moment before attacking back, going underground and moving in a diagonal line. The lamb first dealt with the enemies littered around the battle field, before turning it's focus to the earth worm. It quickly slashed at the towering being, being careful to quickly dodge any projectiles that came its way, a few still hitting it due to its blind spot.
After a long battle, and quite a few new wounds gained, the lamb had the bishops heart. It headed through the portal, being greeted by the imprisioned god, who laughed at how easily the bishop was defeated before sending the lamb on its way to its cult. The lamb was tired, but glad to see followers around the pentagram when it returned, cheering at the fact that the first bishop was dead. The lamb quickly ordered the trophey for defeating Leshy to be built, having it placed in the top right corner of the cult's land.
The next day, the lamb went into Anura and dealt with the first follower-now-monster created by the frog Bishop. After recruiting the defeated follower the lamb returned home, deciding to rest up before taking on the next boss. It stared at the heart that was taken from the chaotic bishop, wondering what it could possibly do with the somehow still-beating heart before placing it back into the chest where it had been hidden, leaving the area and heading to where the trophey was.
Lamb admired the handy work of its followers, the flowers from Darkwood now attached to the ex-bishop's crown, which blankly stared at the vessel. The lamb sighed, sitting down and just thinking. It didn't want to go back into Darkwood anytime soon, but knew one of its followers would eventually ask for some of the Camilas fresh from the overcrowded forest. It just hoped that it wouldn't be requested of it in the next few days.
After the sun rose and all the cultists woke up, the lamb fed them vegtable dishes and dishes made out of the small bits of meat gained from the pests that visited the cult at night. After doing that and holding yet another sermon, the lamb headed back into Anura, repeating the process of fighting enemies, collecting loot, encountering Bishop Heket, fighting a miniboss, and then heading back to the cult twice, which lead the lamb into the next day. This meant it got a late start on feeding its followers, which was especially important after the frog made two of the followers starve. The lamb was exhausted, using one of the unused beds for followers after indoctrinating the 5 new followers it had gained from the 3 trips to Anura. The lamb was pleasantly surprised to not have died at all throughout that, but knew that its luck had likely run out by now.
As Lamb drifted off, he thought about the god's response to Leshy's death. He didn't seem remorseful at all that his own brother had died. Would he be like this with all the Bishops? Lamb wouldn't be surprised if he was cold to Heket and even Kallamar's death, despite them being siblings, but it was doubtful that The One Who Waits wouldn't be at least a small bit sad for Shamura, who the lamb knew Narinder was quite close with before his imprisionment. With these thoughts, the lamb fell asleep.
The next day the lamb decided to take off from fighting, collecting the devotion from the statue before heading to Pillgram's Passage, visiting the Lighthouse Keeper before going fishing. It had found most of what the Fisherman had asked for, asides from the Squid, so it was hopeful to find that in the waters soon. It kept catching swordfish and salmon, which weren't all that useful aside from the fact that they could be sold to Narinder for a bit of money.
The lamb fished late into the night, finally returning to the cult as the new day broke. It managed to return right before the followers got up, quickly beginning to prepare food using the fish it had gained. It took a bit, but the lamb had soon gotten everyone fed and headed into Anura, not quite ready to face off against Heket after what happened the first time it tried to kill one of the Bishops.
When entering the mushroom ridden place, the lamb decided to take off the bandages covering its eye, too let the frog see what her brother had done to it. Lamb knew she wouldn't care at all, but it still removed the bandages, carelessly discarding them off to the side as it picked up the small dagger and the curse given to it for this attempt.
The lamb got through the first area surprisingly quick, slashing at enemies as fast as it could. The curse was also helpful, as it poisoned enemies which killed them quicker. The next area was one where Ratoo resided, letting the lamb heal up and take a quick break. After that the rest of the areas were battles, the lamb only getting moments of rest after killing off all the enemies in a 'room'. Lamb was glad to get healed occasionally from the chests, as the enemies in Anura were awfully hard to avoid, seeing as they were fast and some were literally armies of bugs which chased around the lamb whereever it went. The lamb was exausted as it reached where Heket was waiting, followers surrounding her as she gave a quick speech. After said speech her followers sacrificed themselves for her, as Leshy's did before he was killed. Thus, the fight began.
I hope you enjoyed this small bit of writing for my AU. I will eventually write more if it is requested, but currently I am trying to make an rp blog for this AU. Once it is done I will write a bit more for the AU.
Currently, I am looking for some feedback about this writing, so if you are willing to give some please do.
And yes, I just named the lamb Lamb instead of anything else. I couldn't exactly come up with any more creative names so..
Oh yeah, if you want to be tagged in the next piece of writing for this AU, do tell me and I will try to remember!
This AU is not fully fleshed out currently, so there may be plot holes and things like that. Please let me know if there are!
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secretgamergirl · 2 years
Can we talk about this sniveling little worm for a moment?
So I’m still locked out of my twitter account (and consequently bleeding followers on Patreon and probably going to freeze or starve to death soon) but people keep posting fresh examples of the new CEO finding new and innovative ways to run the whole thing into the ground, and while I’d love to check the actual ratio, of what I see, something like 80% of the statements people are pointing and laughing at come not just from standard out there posts, but stuff he’s saying in the replies of this particular little worm here. Which is odd for a number of reasons, but the thing is I have a pretty involved history with this particular random nazi loser that makes it feel extra surreal.
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Once upon a time, starting around the summer of 2014, there was a big ol’ nazi uprising on the internet. Which came weirdly close to coinciding with when I started this blog, especially after I nuked some of the earliest posts for safety reasons, and as I certainly hope everyone knows I got pretty heavily involved in countering nazi BS, both independently and networking with other people fighting that particular good fight.
Somewhere in there, I wound up as part of a sort of combination support group/think tank/resource center for major victims of nazi crap, and that’s where I first encountered this particular little worm... and if it wasn’t clear I’m going to continue to refer to him as such for purposes of not coming up if he goes vanity searching. Among other things he has a history of stalking me which I’d like to keep as just history, you know? Anyway, the hell of a thing with it is he DIDN’T first come to my attention as a gross little nazi, but as an anti-fascist activist beyond reproach.
So that angle makes this tricky to talk about because it makes someone else look real real bad and I don’t want to go starting THAT fight, but there was an individual who was a major early target people were aware of and had a lot of faith in, and who frankly was an absolutely terrible judge of character and particularly vulnerable to flattery. So this little worm wrote some messages to that major target, who proceeded to present him to everyone else working to do anything about the whole mess as “one of the few good reporters out there on this” and later because of course this came up, talked him up as a “former nazi” when in reality there was nothing former about it, and he was just using this person’s susceptibility to boot-licking as a way to undermine anti-nazi things and/or make himself feel important by proximity to people who were in headlines.
Anyway, I’d never say anything this cruel about someone who isn’t a literal, wrote a high school essay about how much he loves Hitler nazi, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was as generally worthless and oblivious as this little worm. Like, in the brief period where I interacted with him, I remember him coming to me for advice because he’d boot-licked his way to editor at a very minor game review website (I’ve held such a position) and a woman was complaining about being harassed by a coworker. Totally taken off guard by the only sensible advice anyone could give there, fire the creep. He instead wanted some magical trick to make this woman just somehow be OK with it. Shortly thereafter, there was basically no staff left, he’s trying to hire someone new to write for the site, and is deeply confused that nobody’s interested in committing to writing... I want to say it was 8 thousand-word articles per day, 7 days a week, for a grand total of 80 dollars a month. He was also thoroughly thoroughly convinced that all political unrest in the country would just stop completely the day a video game he was looking forward to was released.
I’d speculate on how he managed basic tasks to get through the day like meals and hygiene, but he’s highly infamous for ranting about his bed, keyboard, and various other things being covered at all times in ants and being at a complete loss as to what to do about it besides just crush them by sleeping/typing right on them. So, there’s that. Look him up and you’ll find plenty of other stories of just how jaw-droppingly bad at just existing and having thoughts this guy is.
This guy who the rich idiot running Twitter into the ground is discussing every single move he makes with. It’s just weird, right? He’s still this generally clueless, still an outright self-applies the term even nazi, still in deep last I checked with outright child sexual exploitation sites, and here he is playing evil vizier. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say he’s playing Brainy Smurf. So far as I can tell he’s just repeating all his bad ideas back to him and trying to rephrase them into something sensible enough to get a “yes, exactly!” back. I’d say bootlicking is the one thing this guy is good at but... no. People who are actually good at that sort of thing get something out of it, materially. This weird little clown just stays in the spotlight with no real benefit.
But the important thing is that yeah, the current head of what’s left of Twitter is actively palling around with a notorious neo--nazi and is enthusiastic about all his feedback. Heck of a thing to see.
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Y’all are F A S T my goodness-
We’ll start off with my pride and joy then<3
Here is my S/O answering the same asks, all of our ocs exist in the same universe and same magical system
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Name: Jaxon
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay (Homoflexible?? Bi with a 98% preference for guys??? He’s very confused sometimes)
General aesthetic: Loverboy with a large serving of sunshine x raincloud and heavy dose of people pleasuring trauma
Became a vegetarian when he was 7 after learning where chicken nuggets come from and he cried for 2 hours
Absolute Mean Girls fanatic. He religiously celebrates October third, his dogs name is Regina
Dating the absolute K i n g of grumpy raincloud and they are V E R Y in love PLS go ask my S/O to talk about him. They get married and have a little girl called Addison 🥺
His dad looks like Tom cruise so Tom cruise cannonically doesn’t exist in our universe-
Type 1 diabetic, he is at a constant rate of hypo or low blood sugar because his energy is absolutely through the roof, his boyfriend is very worried- he wears those adorable Dexcom pattern patches💫
Cries when he sees roadkill
Used to eat strawberry chapstick religiously- now he ~sometimes~ buys strawberry flavoured condoms-
One of his ex boyfriends poisoned him with rat poison. Probably for the best they broke up- -
Afraid of fireworks
Still has a little corner of his childhood blankie he keeps in his pocket
When he goes outside animals are just attracted to him, Rlly bad sometimes cause he fell asleep in a field and woke up covered in ants and worms- they were just chillin on him, the joys of being a teenage wizard
He is absolutely addicted to making friendship brackets, he owns over 1000, adores making friends with younger years. One time him and His lovely lesbian friend calculated the length of all his friendship bracelets combined and they got from the top of the tower all the way down and up the next tower
Think Jackson from Sex education and James potter and you’ve got your guy
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 7 months
The Healer of Shakkara - Book One
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 15 - Friends - Part 1
The boar trails were narrow, so they walked in single file, with Galen and his friends in the middle, Sev and Rea in the lead and Obi, Iksy and Zenir behind.
The three friends spoke quietly as they walked and as Triss and Behn caught Galen up on their own adventures, he felt his spirits rise along with the sun.
"Doesn't your dad need your help with the brewery, this time of year?" he asked Behn, keeping his eyes on the dusty trail at his feet.
The boars chose their paths for efficiency, not for human comfort and the narrow track was steep as a ladder in places, choked with rocks and roots in others.
"Yep," Behn answered breathlessly.
His round face was red with exertion and sweat glistened on his brow.
They'd only been on the trail a little over an hour but the climb was brutal.
"But I've been replaced."
"Replaced?" Galen frowned, worried he might've caused some rift between Behn and his father.
Behn nodded and answered between puffs of breath.
"He wasn't... happy with me going after you but... you saved my life, so... he knew it was the only right thing. Meantime, he figured he'd kill two birds with one stone. Your dad needs a place to stay. My dad needs... an extra pair of hands. With me gone... my dad's got an extra room and Harrald has..." he trailed off, flushing an even brighter shade of red as he realized what he'd been about to say.
"Well, Harrald can help out," he finished.
Galen laughed, as much with pure relief and gratitude as with the memory of his father's sense of humor.
Whenever anyone asked if Harrald needed a hand with something, he'd hold up his stump and say... 'As a matter of fact, I do.'
No one made that mistake twice.
"Harrald will love that," he said.
"He hates the idea of taking charity, so I'm sure he'll do more than his fair share."
He turned his attention to Triss.
"What about your duty to the Guard? Won't you be charged with desertion?"
"If I ever go back, maybe but I doubt it," she shrugged.
"Things were more confused than an ant's nest on fire when I left. I'm not the only one who 'disappeared.' Besides, with the way the temple's been worming its way into our business... I doubt I had much future with the Guard, anyway."
"What do you mean?"
She glanced at him.
"You know the way the temple zealots think. 'Women are supposed to stay home and make babies, not ride horses into battle."
Galen grimaced.
"But you're the best in your class," he said.
"And it's not uncommon for women to be the best archers and the most skilled riders. They can't argue with that."
She rolled her eyes.
"That's the problem. People like Darek think women shouldn't be as good, much less better, than men, so they don't like it when they see evidence to the contrary."
Rea glanced over her shoulder, having overheard.
"It's the same everywhere," she said.
"Though I thought Thryn was different."
Triss sized the other woman up with a keen eye.
"Thryn is different, overall," she said.
"But things are changing and not for the better. After they drive off the foreigners and 'witches' who will they blame for the troubles to come? People who don't follow the temple's lead and stick to 'tradition' that's who."
"But having women in the Guard is tradition," Behn argued.
"Goddess Thrynis herself is a warrior."
Triss rolled her eyes.
"It's not really about tradition. It's about..."
"Power," Rea said, nodding.
"Instability breeds fear and fear is a tool in the hands of those who seek power. Thryn isn't the only province experiencing unrest... it's happening all over the Empire."
"More tremors?" asked Behn.
"Not tremors. No... but other things," Iksy's deep voice came from right behind Behn, making the boy start.
"Unseasonable rains in Edraxis, a drought in Yuthraka, massive sandstorms in Abarra, strange illnesses in Naqqir. So far, Sakkara remains unaffected but for how long?"
"What's causing it?" Behn asked.
They'd come to a halt beneath the shade of a few shrub-like trees with twisted trunks and prickly leaves and took a moment to sip water and catch their breaths.
It was hardly an hour past sunrise but already the air was warm.
"No one knows," Sev answered, his eyes shifting from silver to dark gray in the dappled shade.
"But the people of Thryn aren't alone in their talk of 'imbalances' and the Order at Jana Val agrees. Magic is woven through the fabric of our world and something is disrupting it. They hope the P'Yrha will hold the answers they seek."
"And they think this 'P'Yrha' person is Gale?" Behn asked, brows raised.
"They will test him... yes... but I'm already quite certain that he is. From what I've heard, he healed you through sheer force of will... by channeling raw magic through himself. Only a P'Yrha could do that."
Behn looked at Galen and whistled.
"Guess you're gonna save the world, Gale. No pressure, huh?"
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murdershaped · 11 months
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@cosmikal | asked: there are no words in their head that tell them to act / memories may be gone but there is an affection that has taken route alongside the blood and horror the thing whispers for her to invoke. it is a sharp movement , sudden. not an attack , jhule's weapon remains strapped to their back , and arms opened wide / no chance to reach for a dagger. but those arms wrap around orin's shoulders and pull it into an embrace. tight / afraid of letting go or unable to realize what they have done. any words get stuck in their throat , what could they say any way? were they sorry? maybe this version of jhule with scrambled brains and a lack of self - even then , are they capable of forgiveness? no matter , this was their sister. a loved one. the embrace feels right.
Orin awaited the sweet sting of their blade, a shiver of anticipation rippled over the surface of its skin. TO FINALLY REUNITE and to die by their hand Orin could think of an end MORE FITTING to their blood soaked saga. So much would be unfulfilled, it would not be the changeling leading the charge against Baldur's Grave. The dawn of blood would come, the sunrise of that day soaking the soil in BLOOD RED. It simply would not be them leading it. The realization that all she had done, all she had fought for was to be savagely snatched from its hands. Their sibling was to dig their nails into her fingers and pry her palm open, knowing that Orin held tight the role which it had torn from within Jhule. That sticky viscus which their sibling had cut and chiseled its way to would be STOLEN AWAY.
Her failure would be one Jhule would recount countless times and all Orin would leave behind was its carrion with worms and flies alone to keep it company. Bhaal would be proven right, and Orin's soul would do LITTLE to satiate his ravenous appetite for slaughter. Forgotten, flayed, and decayed. That was all Orin was to be.
Though the cut never came, the EXPECTED PAIN was absent. All that enveloped Orin's fleshbag was the maggot infested husk of her sibling embracing it. Its brow furrowed with confusion though every other muscle froze. This wasn't Jhule, but it WAS. The memories may have been a SACRIFICE TAKEN by the curve of Orin's blade, but the body remained the same. Her sibling who carved and brutalized with them since it was able to hold a knife, their sibling who grew to HAVE A DISTASTE for the art which Orin made of each canvas their blade happened upon. A waste, they said. How can all they have done, some of it with Jhule, be a waste ???
Her jaw clenched and it felt a hot, wet streak run down its cheek as its breathing became unpleasantly heavy. They knew what an embrace was, MANY A TIMES when their victims were alone with loved ones Orin had witnessed it. She could never UNDERSTAND THE PURPOSE, though. To be so close and to have the back completely exposed to the other's hands. All Orin could imagine was taking a blade and PIERCING THE FLESH, a river of crimson leaking as her weapon began to dig dig dig haphazardly to reach the heart. How lovely it would look to see the organ in the light, even moreso lovely to see the SHOCK on the face of the one that heart once belonged to.
But she couldn't do it. Could not guide its own hand to plunge into the flesh of her sibling. All Orin could do was begin to LAUGH HYSTERICALLY, her hands moving betwixt their two bodies and violently shoved Jhule away from her. " How MANGLED YOUR MIND MATTER IS, bloodkin !!! " it shrieked between PEALS of laughter. " How you have DEGRADED YOURSELF, you are amongst the piggies rolling in the mud. You are not fit to slaughter a mere ANT. OH, Father would be oh so disappointed in you. "
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